Garden shkidnik kapustyanka how to fight with him. Komaha kapustyanka - came from the other planet. Ultrasonic accessories for ventilation

Vedmedka is recognized as one of the safest schoolchildren in urban cultures. Lie down to the family of napіvzhorstkokrilich. The world has over 100 different types of coma. The photo and description are presented below, as well as effective methods struggle, national welfare, professional preparations.

Getting to know the beetle

What is such a cabbage - to the city dwellers, how to wage a merciless fight against this shkіdnik. A great coma with a wondrous zovnіshnіm look. Yogo is called the masterpiece of evolution. The garden cabbage is alive in the earth, - it rises in a wind at a height of 5 m, it swims - it goes on a kalyuzh, it roars in the air.


Vedmedka marvels with a splendid look. The head, breasts are protected by an armored shell, large massive pimples, round, puffy eyes predict cancer. Among the people, the coma is called an earthen crustacean.

Three pairs of endings win different functions. Front features for digging trenches near the ground. With talons on the tips, the paws of the mole are more guessed. Middle kіntsіvki zabezpechayu komakhі schvidke, spritne peresuvannya. Through qiu power, the cabbage woman is called dzigoya. The back ends are springy, allowing the beetle to stribati at the height. Up to tsgogo vsogo add to the body of the body is close to 8 cm, dodgі vus, tail, krill - a right monster will come out.

Irrespective of the shrill, callous look, earthlings, do not threaten the life of the people. Shkіdnitstvo polygaє at її zhittєdіyalnostі.

An unsafe skipper in the city

Kapustyanka nori go deep into the depths up to 70 cm, as the soil is dry. Roztashovuyutsya on a level of 5 cm from the surface of the black earth with a high level of moisture. Wintering occurs at the nest at a depth of 2 m.

Dig the ground with front tips. Vishikovu labirinth with numerical passages, chotirma exits. Build a nest near the center, where you lay eggs. In one hoard there are up to 500 pieces. A photo of the walks and nir is presented below. You look like a labyrinth entangled from the kilkom entrances at the small holes on the surface of the ground. It is possible to recognize after the wood, it is good to see on the trochs of the rammed soil.

After 2 years of eggs, larvae appear, which are similar to. A bunch of stench is eaten by a mother's slug, a shelled egg. After 7 days pass the first molt. Increases in size up to 5 mm, becoming similar to a mature individual.

The photo of that description of the larvae of the kapustyanka gives the opportunity to admit that the coma is not so unsafe, like a mature beetle. However, the appetite of the larvae is strong. Little careless things overgrow the roots of gardeners, roses, young roslins, and the wrong-doing shkoda. To find a cabbage vicorist, use various methods, all ways.

What is eaten in the city by a shkіdnik, it doesn’t matter to guess the underground part of the roslin, stems. Hanging around in all directions.


Nebezpeka zaznaє be-yak roslin on the city dilyantsі, krіm private house. Dodatkovo eats dry coma, caterpillars, hrobakami, larvae of other underground inhabitants.

Folk recipes

Methods of fighting with cabbage were seen by generations. The shkіdnik bothers the city dwellers, as if everyone is trying to help and її get up. wrestling folk secrets zdіysnyuєtsya for the help of shepherds, vіdlyakuyuchih zasobіv, scho strong smell of roslin. About those, how to fight with the cabbage in the city, go lower.

Chicken last

Once again, the Kapustyanka in the city will allow you to properly resurrect the soil. At the earth, from the rise of nitrogen, the shkіdnik is not alive. To reach the necessary equal, it is necessary to win. Dodatkovo vin vіdlyakuє coma with a strong smell. For the longest growing season, cover the growth of the water with the breeding of the last. For 1 vidro vikoristovuyut a flask of pus. A vedmedka can be built on a dealership, but a nest will not be for sure.

Physical degradation of nests.

You can save cabbage in a physical way. Relatively dig up the earth near the towns, de Bulo marked the trace of the shkіdnik. Nests are carefully picked up from the wind, blamed for the territory of the city, doused with gas, gasoline, be it some kind of combustible madness, scorched.

Milo ta powder

You can take care of the Kapustyanka by the people's cares for the help of a mile driver. To breed a powder in the water, or be a miyuchy zasib. Pour over nori. In some vapades of the coma, I became vilaziti on the surface of the inverted side. You can drive in the cabbage with a shovel, cutting the navpil. In others, they get drunk on pasture, hyena, spit already dead.


The fight against cabbage is going on. The most effective way for planting. Dilute ammonia in a bucket of water. for 10 liters of water 2 tbsp. I'll save the spoons. Water the earth, not reaching the stem of the roslini for 10 divs.


You can buy tomato root by retail. Soak on pіvgodini before landing. For 3 liters of vikoristovuєtsya 1 tbsp. medicine spoon. For the help of birch wood, a struggle is being waged against the cabbage spring. Vykoristovuyut if, as a material for those to serve as an osika. Rub it with a dagger, dig it all over the city to a depth of 20 cm. Stand between them close to 4 m. in rows, white bush.


The best way to wake up is gas. New pisok will leak out. To roam small burrows, to plant, to move in rows, to sip, to lightly cover the earth.


You can overcome the cabbage in the city with roslins. Plant flowerbeds with chrysanthemums, calendula, black-breasted flowers on the garden plot. Vіdlyakuyuchi roslini to plant on country house. Kapustyanka does not like the smells of these flowers, rages in the flow, bypasses the territory. You can grow out of the city with peppermint, parsley, planting bushes in the wild bushes of the delyanka. Also, the watchmaker helps to fight with her, about which to check the numerical evidence.

What else is the cabbage girl afraid of, so the smell of pine, ili. Gіlki dig on be-yakіy dilyantsі for different cultures. Tomatoes can be used as clubs for pіdv'yazuvannya.

You can reshape the green part of the growth ethereal olias. Drops from cabbage - mint, blackberry, chrysanthemum. For 400 ml of water, 20 drops of skin. You can vikoristovuvatsya zasіb at the garden.


They fight with a cabbage girl on a garden dilyantsi. The simplest, most effective option to rob the city dwellers with your own hands. Dig up a bold dance, pour a small amount of beer. To cover with linoleum There are close to 12 individuals in one dance. The struggle with cabbage is carried out all season.

egg shell

Vedmedka in the city zavdaє more shkodi digging walks. To pripinit tsyu diyalnist, treba prikopati. Having eaten on the hot edge, the cabbage or the cabbage go around. Nezabar zovsіm leaving the territory.


To clean up the beds of carrots, beetroots, it is necessary to water the earth before planting with iodine. Zasіb prepare for such a method. Add iodine at the water's edge - 15 drops.

The fight against shkіdniki begins once, as only the signs of cabbage, її zhittєdіyalnostі. Vіdlyakati z dilyanki kapustyanka can be a windmill. Vin makes a noise, which the comachs are afraid of. And save the wine from the rodents.

Professional methods

As if to blame the military shkіdniks with the people's orders, they don't dare to proceed to the important artillery. Insecticidal preparations are stored in the warehouse of active components that penetrate the inside through the fold, mouth. In order to make it possible to fight against the coma, they have risen, it is necessary to reach them.

Otruta like cabbage diє on nervous system blocks impulses, causes paralysis, death. Power does not spend a month, it splits again in 45 days. For a person, it is not unsafe under the old rules of safety, instructions for stopping.

  • The bait for cabbage is prepared with grits,. Vіdvaryuyut, zmіshuyut іz otrutoyu. Good help creolin like cabbage. Breed zgidno s іnstruktsiєyu. At the porridge, mix in ready-made roses, add sprats of spoons of oiled olives. Lay out near the minks, dig up the white roslin between rows. Such a zasіb will help to blame the protracted months of all the shkіdnikіv.
  • The actors of the type of cabbage vikoristovuetsya in a similar way. It is possible to zastosovuvat for obraskuvannya roslin, shards of clods grize their stalks, green parts. The harvest of roslin also helps to fight with the larvae of the cabbage, which is superbly careless. The drug is a dіє be-yak zhivnіst, one hour vryatuє vіd Colorado potato beetle.

Vedmedka is respected by the safest schoolboy in the city. Komaha may have a tight wing that hard shell, through which yogo was nicknamed earthen cancer. With the appearance of this shkіdnik, all the masters put their right in the background and start a struggle with him.

It’s not so easy to get past the Kapustyanka, but if you go to the solution of the problem in a complex way, then you won’t get a positive result for yourself for a long time. Іsnuє a number of subtleties in the fight against tsієyu to finish with a careless lump, about yakі y timetsya at tsіy statti.

Tsya careless komakha adds a great number of hedgehogs. As a rule, different villagers suffer, including those who catch sight of the diversity of urban cultures. Vedmedka eats young greens, bulbs and roots. What doglyanutisha a garden plot and, what a brighter harvest, then a greater risk of the appearance of a schoolboy.

Another factor that adds earthen cancer is the puffy, fertilizer soil, which is easy to walk in. With this, the cabbage plant does not live in the weeds, but rather outweighs the cultural plantings. That is why they don’t look at the overlooked or zanedbanih garden plots.

Like looking: photo and description

Among the people of this schoolboy, the towns are called cabbage, shards of wine from satisfaction are eaten, like leaves, so cabbage is sown. It is not included what else is called.

Characteristic signs of cabbage:

  • The body of the shkіdnik has a thick shell of a brown color, which suggests the shell of crustaceans.
  • The comaha has grown up, it is practically impossible to crush it, it is torn apart from the other schoolchildren.
  • The coma shakes with a shriveled look through the front paws with growths, wisps, vines on the tip of the worm, like a bee stag and a great head.
  • Even if it is enough, then some copies reach 6 cm of the headdress, or even more.
  • The larvae of the earthen crayfish are large. The body of them is wafted by a milky-white breeze with flames from both sides. The outward look is bright, the shards of the body are tovste, and the paws are short, the slits are tight, and the head has a brown color.
  • The shkіdnik may strain his krill, which allows him to fly on the great vіdstanі in search of food.
  • The female can lay up to a hundred eggs at a time. It is important for him to bring it to light, as it is not safe for him to become a cabbage for the city. Oskіlki komakh is all-pervading, then about a good harvest it’s not possible to dream of a dream: the cabbage plant grows and psuє bulbi, the roots of various chagars, as well as greenery.

The problem lies in the fact that the poor child survives everything that grows in the city. Particularly in the form of yogo life suffer on the underground parts of cultural roslins.

Before the diet of eating earthen cancer, enter:

  • Potato.
  • Root of chagarniks.
  • Morkivka.
  • Eggplant.
  • Radish.
  • Buryak.
  • Cabbage.
  • Radish.
  • Hemp.
  • Tomati.
  • Pepper.
  • Parsley root.
  • Different tickets.

Oskelki kapustyanka spend most of his life near the earth, then go out into it to break through riches. Right there, the lands are roamed її nіzdo, de vіdkladaє eggs.

At the shkіdnik to finish the slits, which allows you to eat the root of the chagarniks. As soon as the sprat of cabbages ruled on the dilyantsi and the larvae appeared, then this is a serious supra-primary podia. It is necessary to get accustomed to the terms when you come to allow such a state in the city.

Vedmedka reproduces quickly and massively. The larvae, as well as grown-up individuals begin to subside and subterranean parts of the roslin.

Important to know! Kapustyanka winters in the ground, yakomoga is closer to the root of the roslin. With the arrival of heat, the shkіdniki immediately begin to eat the roots of the cich roslins. Tsikh shkіdnikіv more beautifully roam the springs of autumn, if the stench has not yet begun to multiply.

How to fight: effective methods

It’s safe to finish the cabbages smoothly, so that you need special respect for the city. If you take up the problem seriously, then you can take care of the cabbage once and for all. It is necessary not only to deal with the fight against the poor, but also to get used to preventive approaches, in order of proper agricultural technology.

As soon as a cabbage woman appeared on the dilyantsi, then you can forget about a calm, turbo-free life, otherwise you can be left without a large part of the birth. Proper processing of the soil reduces the risk of infection of the plot with unsafe shkidnik.

If you know the peculiarities of the life of the earthen cancer, the fight against it will definitely be easy. By stretching rich fates, a person could come up with a lot of ways to fight effectively.

Diysni pasta for cabbage:

  • Gnojovі buy. Tsі shkіdniki do not mind overwintering in the middle of objects, yakі represent zones of organic fertilizers. As a rule, gentlemen fold up different leaves, leafing, green mass so that the stench rots and the advancing rock turns into kindness. In order to evil the shkіdnik, it is necessary to make a hole, with a depth, a width and a length of 50 cm. In such minds with yami, the whole place is scattered and spread out by the city. As a rule, comaches die, more often, that the stinks perebuvayut at the sleeping station. In the coming spring, in purulent pastes, you can show impersonal eggs, as if they are immediately reduced.
  • Pasta with beer. Vedmedka, out of satisfaction, climbs into the room, as if filled with beer. The pasta fights in this way: take a jar of jar, fill it with 0.5 liters and dig into the ground for a deep hole, so that you can see the troch of the jar. On the tretina її it is necessary to fill it with beer and cover it with an object, filling up a small gap, sufficient for the kapustyanka to climb into the middle. It takes an hour to check the pasta for the presence of shkidniks. The more pastes are inserted, the more effect they have.
  • Thermal pastes. Vedmedka to love warm places, to love bask in the sun, so love to such places can be beaten against her. To finish the piece for the shkіdnik takі d_lyanki. For whom do you need black materials that attract warmth. Pіdіyde teknina or politіlenova pіvka (black). Under them you can put the bait near the parts of the cut potato. This way of fighting allows you to quickly change the population of cabbages in the city.

Vedmedka is not a safe shkidnik, which is very annoying to the rulers. If you don’t work for anything, then you can be left without a harvest. Irrespective of the price, there is a low distortion, folk methods of fighting, as if helping the cabbages to help. It is enough to stock up on patience, bazhanny and deaky, hourly materials that are not needed.

For example:

  • Install a jumper from plastic bottles. Respect efficient way If you don’t need any extra costs, just wait until the hour. For whom it is suitable to be like old plastic plates, which are cut with rings. The ringlets are installed near the young growth so that the stench hung 5 cm above the level ground here. Zavdyaki plastic kіltsyam vdastsya zahistiti the lower part of the roslin.
  • Milny Rozchin. An effective way to fight, which means great financial gains. Take 50 g cleaning powder or 20 g of sweet and dissolve them in 1 bucket of water. Tsey zasіb is filled with nori, after which the shkidniks choose names, de їх i to catch. Not a trace to work a greater concentration, the shards can harm the roslins.
  • Zastosuvannya dewy olії. Oil is poured like this: half a teaspoon of oil is poured at the hole, after which water is supplied to the hole from a hose. After such a procedure, the cabbages either die, or they try to choose names. Get rid of their evil and evil.
  • Zastosuvannya of kapron panchikh. For the help of such a wonderful way of fighting, they simply steal the root system of roslyns. Panchokha pulls on the roots of young roslins before planting. When the roots are grown, they grow in rosemary and kapron panchih, protecting them from all kinds of shkіdniks. Like a kapustyanka and undergrown a small part of the root, like a panchokha sprouted, then you won’t bring a special shoddy growth.

Zastosuvannya khіmіchnіh zabіv bortіv vpravdanі vpravdanі vpadku, if narodnі methods do not allow vporatisі s bulk cabbages. As soon as the kapustyanka breeds to finish the shvidko, then it is practically unrealistic to slander them.

At this time, modern pesticides and insecticides come to the rescue. As soon as you start fighting, then you can get away with up to 90% of shkіdnikіv, zokrema eggs and larvae. Vedmedki eat the trash components and die. Similar coins are sold at the state stores and other outlets of higher education.

Before effective preparations, one can name:

  • Grim.
  • Phenaksin plus.
  • Medvegon.
  • Grizzly.
  • Medvedox.
  • Rembek.

Efficiency inflow to lie in the correct zastosuvannya. Until then, it is necessary to think about those, how not to harm the domestic creatures.


  • We are next appointed to the missions, where the shkidniks linger.
  • In skins from underground passages, put close to 4 granules.
  • Zasіb so itself rassipaєtsya at mіstsyah, de zavlyaєtsya kapustyanka.
  • It is even more important that the granules were stuck with a ball of the earth, so that they could not be eaten by domestic creatures and birds.

Note! The chemical characteristics of the fight against Kapustyanka are characterized as highly or moderately toxic, so the robot with these words should be careful. For whom it is better to speed up by individual means of defense. Pіdіyde neprіbnіbny odjag, vzuttya, headdress, mittens, eyepieces and respirator.

Ultrasonic accessories for ventilation

Such attachments are based on the principle of generating and viprominating ultrasonic waves. It was established by the vcheniy that these diseases negatively affect some creatures, as well as clods, including cabbage. Under the influence of ultrasonic wheezes, children experience discomfort, try orientation, stop eating and multiplying. In case of any kind of stink, the stench is trying to deprive the territory, on which a winder is installed. Here for tyzhdeny, the shkіdnikіv do not lose track.

It is permissible to vikoristovuvat such a fit:

  • Grad.
  • Riddex.
  • Typhoon.
  • Post redekt.

The maximum effect can be achieved only if the fight against shkidniks is carried out together with the succes. As soon as the attachments stop working, the shkіdniki reappear, lay eggs and start the process of poverty.

It is better to consult with the seller before using such outbuildings, the shards of ultrasonic devices can be found on their own creatures. It is necessary for him to think well, so as not to hurt the insecurity of his vikhovants.


Order dіy:

  • After picking, I give birth to the following, clean up the leaves, bushes, smittya from the city, and also give birth to leftovers. The order on the territory and the daytime will decrease the increase in the population of schoolchildren.
  • It is better to dig up the soil for the need for clay, so that the shkidniks could die in the cold. If the soil is processed on the surface, then it will not be allowed to undermine the nori and the distance of their nests.
  • The process of fluffing up the ground zmushuє bagatioh shkіdnikіv shukati sobі novy priulok. Until this moment, it is better to prepare sprats of pasta, prepared from pus pits. Vedmedka obov'yazkovo climb into the rot, to overwinter in comfort. In the present day, right cold, rotten, it is necessary to spread the litter. During this period, the stench cannot survive, the shards cannot dig into the ground and perish all the way to one.
  • After that pasta, it is necessary to fill in a new portion of pus, but do not chop them until spring. Vedmedki, like a long way away, overwinter near the soil, move to the pastures, to lay eggs. In warm weather, the pastas are watered with a combustible motherland and are burned at once with shkіdniks.
  • Visajuyuchi on the lot cultural roslini otherwise, it’s better to use such preparations as “Aktara”, “Masterpiece” and “Prestige”. Hanging a rose garden in the soil, soak the roots better, and better dry the potatoes before planting. If you have a temper, you need to work as it is indicated in the instructions.
  • Before planting potatoes, in the holes you can add bags with trash. In order to prepare zasіb against cabbages, it is necessary to brew pshhono and zmіshati yogo with speech BI-58, in spіvіdnoshnіnі 1 to 1. Sumіsh is infused for about 12 years, after which її can win for recognition.

The appearance of a shkidnik in the city is a signal before that, so that everyone can do it and fight against these unimpressed clods. If you know how to behave as a vedmedka, then it will be easier. We must go if there are available methods, among them there are national ones, and if it is necessary, then you should be able to fight. Do not forget about the correct agricultural technology. A comprehensive approach to the solution of any problem always gives a positive result.

The story is richly known: for no apparent reason, in the beds of rose gardens, young people go down, die seedlings of fruit trees, and root crops are buried near the ground. The most important reason is dashing - a kapustyanka started up in the city - an underground resident and an evil shkіdnik of illustrative-ostentatious villages.

Ignore the rich, important soil of the cabbage, then miraculously feel on the lands rich in humus, actively multiply and do not deprive the new place of living without third-party help. It is important to indicate how unsafe and how the Kapustian looks like: the photo is described, how to fight and conduct it correctly preventive visits it is necessary for the skin gardener and city dweller to know.

Like looking cabbage

On vedmedіv tsі komakhi are not similar, but they took away their name for brown zabarvlennya that deaku nezgrabnіst ruhіv. Weeds can be seen up to the corral of straight-winged ones, their closest relatives - tsvirkuni, horses and saran, the most tsikh coma of vedmediki and guess. Rozpovіdі gorodnikіv pro shkіdnіv, dovzhina 10 and navіt 15 cm strongly overbіlshеnі, sing kapustyanka grow no more than 5 - 8 cm at the dovzhin together with wings.

The strong body of the clod is made up of cephalothorax, cherevtsya, two pairs of nig, as well as long wings and well-groomed wings. Wrinkle-free specimens are rarely sharpened. The soft, spindle-like cuticle is 3 times larger than the cephalothorax, and the torso is close to 1 cm.

The folds of the krill are similar to the thin, translucent luska that goes beyond the borders of the cuticle. Krykhki at a glance, the stench allows the coma to move at a height of no more than 5 m. At the back of the tunic, you can clearly see the guys of thread-like virosity - churches, the length of which is about 1 cm.

The head of a cabbage girl is decorated with a pair of great faceted eyes and long ears - antennas. Mouth apparatus of fungus-like type of equipment with a stingy appearance of tentacles, for which the people often call a comacha an earthen cancer.

The upper side of the kapustyanka's trunk, including the cephalothorax, is puffed in a dark brown patronizing color, which shines from the sides and passes from the pale olive to the lower part of the body and kintsivkah.

Most of the life of the cabbage woman is spent under the ground, to which, gardeners know it, they rarely see clods all the time, and show their presence behind other characteristic signs.

way of life

Vedmedki - the most recent inhabitants of the planet, digging up the remains of some species that lingered on the territory of modern Europe, for about 30 million years. Tsі komakhi are already tenacious and easily attach themselves to any minds of living, to which they speak everywhere.

Today, the cabbage family includes about 110 species; Pivnіchnoy Africa. Loved by the place of residence of the cabbage - relatives of the river, which are warmed up by the sun, the soil is nourished and the gardens are well fertilized with pus. Deserted, dry places and comakhs are unique and dry rocks are found in the trimatis of the coastal areas.

All of their lives, Kapustian women are engaged in active laying of underground tunnels, where they live and multiply, so among the city dwellers one can almost feel one comakhi - tsvirkun - crit. Underground walks roztashovutsya on a depth of 10 - 15 cm and add up from nir and numerical walks - vіdgaluzhen, yakі can go along the fence along all the distances. From one side, in its own way, expanding the aeration of the ground, but piercing the walk, the cabbages are strongly poshkodzhuyut and grow the roots of the growth, to which the spivvіdnoshenie koristі and shkodі vіd tsikh komakh is marked by їх kіlkіstu on the singing dilyantsі.

Life cycle

The nests of the kapustyanka guess the earthen breast, grow under the very surface of the earth, their tops may be characteristic of the day, so that the masonry was more quickly warmed up by the sleepy heat. In the coming spring, the clods begin a slutty period and continue until the cob of lime. The female lays hundreds of yellow or brown eggs at her nest, round in shape, about 3.5 mm in diameter.

Nest with eggs of the great cabbage.

After 3 - 4 days, larvae appear on the world, they look like grown-up individuals, but they light-brown in color and develop rudiments of krill. At the larval stage of the kapustyanka, they change from 2 to 4 rokiv, fallow in the region and forage base, knowing 4 molts in an hour. In winter, coma is spent at a depth of over 2 m, as well as with pus or compost. Vedmedki are rarely careless and all-round, the diet of larvae and mature individuals is composed of root crops, various coma, their eggs and larvae, as well as woodworms.

A large number of cabbages in any city can lie down in the middle due to the presence of other creatures, building a population of unforgiving guests.

Natural enemies of cabbage

The vgodovani povіlnі komakhi is a light booty of rich feathered myslivtsіv: rooks, shpaks and navit ravens do not mind launching their old dzhob near the ground and making yourself a couple of cabbages for snіdanok.

White-breasted kingfisher having eaten cabbage.

Other subterranean inhabitants are meek, because they are pleased to eat larvae and mature individuals, not to be inspired by cabbages, hedgehogs and lizards. Garden ants take cabbage eggs from their nests, beetles without winged larvae.

It’s a pity, because of the colony of shkіdniki, which has grown, the orderlies of the cities can’t get in force, and even then it’s time for the rulers of the delyanka to take the initiative in their own hands and start to get away from the cabbages on their own.

Vedmedka on the city: the main signs

The presence of a kapustianka on a dilyantsi can not be noticed, then we can see a number of characteristic signs:

  • swollen landscaping over the nests;
  • roads - furrows in the beds, kindly remember after the board and watering;
  • vіdkrі come in - open the hole;
  • unreasonable v'yanennya rozsady that descent;
  • death of young gardeners;
  • ushkodzhenі root crops.

For prey, the larva of the cabbage can eat up to 15 young roslins, and even famously grow on a threatening scale.

Methods of fighting

Today, gardeners and city dwellers have at their disposal an arsenal of old folk methods for preventing and fighting earthen cancer, as well as a lot of chemical preparations and outbuildings that allow uninvited guests to come in:

  • pus pastes;
  • beer bait;
  • miles and gas "baths";
  • aromatherapy;
  • "tsibulevy shower";
  • installed windmills;
  • sound waves;
  • insecticidal preparations

Fighting with coma, yak survived mammoths and dinosaurs, not so easy. Adherents of eco-friendly farming are recommended to quickly turn over the hour with folk methods, and only at the last time go over to chemical preparations.


The meta of this method is creation on the dilyantsi of local areas, which are accommodating for stingy, reproducing and wintering comas, their further selection and subsistence. The method is relevant on the cob of the summer season, and in advance of the first frosts.

Pasta for cabbage is a pit, deep and not more than 50 cm wide. Until such a time of living, the clods do not become bogged down: the females pay for the hangings and lay eggs there, in the autumn the cabbages climb into the traps for the winter.

After a month, the rot is re-verified for the presence of mature individuals, their eggs and larvae. Hinged polyethylene from in the mist weave and scorch, with the current frosts of rot and nests, they simply spread out in the woods: before the winter, the cabbages melt away, they can’t hide anymore and die at sub-zero temperatures again.

Delicious baits

The most humane method of relieving cabbage is savory baits, an old effective method that allows at the same time to speed up the number of people and slims.

Plastic plates, plaques or glass jars dilute by 2/3 dilute it with water with beer or brews that have fermented, and dig into the ground to the very edges. Enlightened by the aroma of the weasel, the coma penetrates into the chamber and does not hurry back. Vrantsі vmіstu baits of the Lord without any problems pozbavlyayutsya.

Milo, gas, oliya

As soon as it was possible to reveal the entrance to the underground labyrinth, it can be filled with specially prepared rosemary. For this, take 10 liters of water and add the following components to your choice:
10 g of gospodarsky mil + 50 g of powder;

  • 100 ml gasu;
  • 3 art. l. dewy olії.

The roses are poured at the entrance, open step by step with such a rose, so that the homeland could penetrate all the underground passages. If you cook sumishes, you will become fatal for the cabbage girl and that її offspring.

Aromatherapy and Lushpinnya Cibuli

It's amazing, but it's a fact: the cabbage girl can't stand the smells, but when she feels it, she tries to climb into a safe place. In the number of shkіdnik, scho vyganyat, "plowed" it is recommended to vykoristovuvat priyomy aromatherapy:

  • landing between roslins and along the perimeter of the beds of chornobrivtsiv and calendula;
  • arranging in the inter-rows and lightly sticking the earth with rib'yachi spoils (the method is extreme, but effective);
  • rozkidani dilyankoy yalinovі gіlochki;
  • pagons of the wilkha, stromlenі in the beds with a windrow of 1.5 m from each other;
  • sippannya gruntu sumishshyu from a bucket of river pisku and 1 bottle of gas;
  • watering roslin mіtsnim infusion of lushpinnya tsibuli.

As the gardeners say, all the smells of cabbage are no better than professional ones.

Windmills and windmills

Self-propelled windmills are an old, distorted method of fighting against underground shkidniks. Stand, height up to 3 m, be equipped with propellers made of thin-sheet stainless steel and roztashovuyutsya in dekilkoh points in the city. Vedmedki do not endure specific sounds and vibrations from windmills and hurry to climb ... on the land yard. Therefore, before the installation of the outbuildings, you can sensitize the succes, and also feed your thoughts about possible discomfort from the sounds that are seen as windmills.

An ultrasonic fan is a good alternative to windmills, as well as a noiseless and efficient way to drive cabbage from your own farm.

It is important to understand that the pastas, baits and windmills do not have a lot of vigor, as the number of cabbages on the lot is not critical. If all the people's methods of fighting are exhausted, and the cabbage woman continues to eat the harvest, the school of shkids will seek help with insecticides with a single opportunity.

Chemical and biological preparations of preparations from cabbage

The urgency of the problem of combating kapustyanka is eloquently characterized by the diversity of special preparations, which are produced by veterinarians and imported drugs. Powdered and granulated insecticides are ready to be ready before zastosuvannya and allow cabbage sprouts to pop up again and again.

Among the lines of chemical treatments, the most popular may be such stable demand for drugs:

  • Antimedvedka: an effective bait for looking microgranules, which are known for shkidnik at any stage of development;
  • Medvetoks: a drug that is safe for the soil and woodworms, cabbage worms, and at the same time garden ants;
  • Medvecid: granulation zasib, which is detrimental to kapustyanka already 3 years after the bait was used;
  • Rembek: a drug that has proven itself trivalo dії, also effective in the fight against garden ants and grass beetle;
  • Boverin: a powdered biological preparation, an ailment of ailment caused by a muscardine fungus, which penetrates into the body, causing death.

The cream of ready-made preparations, in the fight against cabbage, helps the good old carbide. In the opening of nori, it is sufficient to lower 5 g of calcium carbide, schob acetylene, which, having settled in the result of a reaction with water, filling the entire underground labyrinth of walks, pierced by skids.

If it were easier for an attack to be ahead, then later we would call you, then it’s not easy to prophylactically come in to protect the city from the appearance of a cabbage girl and її careless offspring.


As practice shows, deep digging of the soil on the ground and the ruins of the ruins and the nests of the cabbages in the autumn, not giving the shkіdniks a chance to breed and obshtuvatsya for winter.

One of the ways to prevent the kapustyanka from entering the lot is to look at the cow's and kinsky pus, replacing them with a chicken aftertaste.

A rose garden with a compact root system can be secured from a shkіdnik for an additional trimmed plastic plate, as I create my own root “armor”.

The hanging of chrysanthemums, calendula and black-browns in the middle rows is a superb sight of the cabbage. Komakhs do not like the smell of parsley, cilantro, cibuli and chasnik.

Before the visage, the roots of the planting are treated with Aktara and Prestige preparations, which protect the growth of the vegetative mass.

The study of biological agents - birds and comatose creatures - is the best way to prevent infection of the village with shkіdniki and a miraculous chance of not being recognized, as if looking at the unsafe cabbage.

You prepared the beds according to all the rules, fertilized with pus, planted a rose garden in a proper term, carefully watched and watered every hour. Harvest can be perfect! Ale, it’s unbearable that you remember that you will grow up one after another for unreasonable reasons.

If you want to admire the beds, you can hit small dirks. Dig them up and you hatch little eggs. No sumniviv - settled in your city Vedmedka, shkіdnik, scho the head of the city dwellers is a lot of trouble. The fight against the cabbage in the city requires patience, so that you can instill chemicals in yourself, don’t start the building with it.

The fight against cabbage in the city requires patience, so that you can instill chemicals in yourself, don’t start buildings with it

Obviously, you can add 30 g of chlorophos to 10 liters of water and pour sumish in fresh mink shkіdnik. Then we’ll get enough of those vedmediev’s brothers, who were named the most, and vanish, and those who are lost in minks will perish themselves.

However, this method can seriously affect your health, even though it is important to call greens brown with toxic chemicals. Fastest speed folk methods Wrestling, but first for everything you need to grow up, what a cabbage girl is, and what a rank to misbehave the roslins.

Video about the fight against cabbage

Earth cancer - a threat to the beds

Among the people, it is customary to call a kapustyanka an earthen cancer, a kapustyanka or a dziga. She loves to live in the soil with advanced water, rich in humus and fertilized with pus. Zhorstke body clods up to 6 cm long can be small krill and make tight horny slits.

For the help of the rozvinenyh front legs, the shkіdnik rіє podzemnі go near the grunti. The main vertical burrow can reach a depth of 120 cm and end with horizontal burrows, in which mature individuals hibernate. For the larvae of the first rock, they walk vertically with a depth of 65-75 cm. In addition, the cabbage plant lays walks along all the beds at a depth of 2 cm to 8 cm, feeding on young frogs, gently growing roots and falling down.

Among the people, it is customary to call a kapustyanka an earthen cancer, a kapustyanka or a jigoy

Under the hour of reproduction (the end of the day - a worm), earthen crayfish begin to emerge on the surface of the earth, and then the power in the order of its main course nest-oven on a depth of 15-25 cm are larvae. . On the cob of lime, the sir larvae fill the nest and actively spread out in the city, swarming new ways. per old-fashioned look the larvae are similar to mature individuals, but smaller in size and do not grow krill - only until the onset of summer, their development will be completed again.

The coma has matured even more: during the summer, the female lays 100-500 eggs. The axis of why fighting with the cabbage is not less troublesome, lower with the Colorado potato beetle. And how to lie, that the skipper is easily carried over by water and can fly over to the great winds, fighting with it for the wealthy city dwellers becomes a headache.

Ways of the people's fight against cabbage in the city

As your village has recognized the invasion of cabbage, in the first black, it is necessary to transfer the early spring orange with deep fluffy soil (up to 15 cm), as well as deep autumn orange to the city. So you roam the shkіdnik, pack it up for you to get it and find the larvae.

The coma has matured even more: during the summer, the female lays 100-500 eggs.

Guaranteed method of ryatuvannya in earthen cancer dosі nemaє, but іsnuіє impersonal folk recipes dopomagayut significantly change the number of comakhs or inspect them in your city.

Axis of the widest methods of fighting cabbage:

  • Otruyny chlorophos can be replaced with a regular powder (2 tbsp. per 10 l of water) or a gas ointment (1 tbsp. per 10 l of water). Fill the gaps at the mink, and chop up the lumps, which you whimpered, with a shovel.
  • Blaming shkіdnikіv i okremo, digging on the stitches between the banks of the banks. For bait, you can add trohi of zipped jam, beer, compote and honey to jars. Vedmedki, who call stitches at night, fall at the jar, and in the daytime they are easy to fall into poverty.
  • Leaves of plywood or planks are laid out on empty beds, commas are ordered to warm under them - here you can also pick up cabbages from the wind with a gas rozchin. Vletku doshki rozkladayutsya pomіzh beds.
  • In the autumn, dig a shallow hole, put it in an old polyethylene slab and fill it with pus, step by step pick up a lot of earthen crayfish in it for the winter. They gave two options - either in the current frosts, spread the rotten city, so that the clods froze, or in the spring of the rotten distance and burn at once with the cabbages.
  • You can dig in shallow pits in the middle of the grass, so that the shkіdniks have asked to lay eggs there. A month later, they burn the larvae at once.
  • With a stretch of rock, they pick up the egg shell, dribly stubbornly її і, prima Oliya, they sip at the nirka of earthen crayfish, otherwise they sip thickly at the visagen rose garden, crouching the beast on the ground. Vedmedki don't like the hotter shmatochki skaralupi and bypass the fresh rose garden, and perish in the sight of the z'idenoi skaralupi.

Video about those, how the cabbages

The fight against cabbage in the city will not be necessary, as if planting along the borders of the garden plot of chornobrivtsi - shkіdniki will be unique in the smell of these flowers, in such a rank, access to coma from the dry territories will be closed. Also, the kapustyanka is blown by the noise from the windmills installed in the city (trumpets from fastened propellers), the smell of the chapel, parsley, calendula, fresh leaves of the willow.

Vedmedka - tse komakh, yak grows up to a length of 5-8 cm and is brought up to the family of great coma, so roar, corral straight-winged. Among the people її names - cabbage, earthen crayfish, dziga. The stinks live under the earth (to love the plump, watery soil).

This shkidnik looks like this:

  1. Її cephalothorax is smaller than the cuticle, as soft and may have a spindle-like shape, and on the yogo ends there are cerci (family thread-like appendages, the length of which is close to 1 cm).
  2. On the head of the Kapustianka there are two vus-antennae., two faceted eyes, tentacles, like framing the fungal mouthparts.
  3. cephalothorax - armored type, which allows you to steal your head.
  4. The front ends are vented into others, shards are attached for digging tunnels and nir near the ground.
  5. Volodya with lust-like wings and overwings which allows flying above the ground from 50 cm to 5 m.
  6. The infestation of the body: to the beast - dark brown color, below - olive, tinctures - similar. Zabarvlennya domineering to these persons, who zestrichayutsya bіla central Russia.
  7. There are close to 100 types of these features in the world varying colors (green, gray, brown, ruddy and others). Juvenile "Vedmezhat" light brown color.
  8. The stench breeds in the nest, eggs at the nest, which is located on the surface of the soil in order to let the sleepy people play yoga. The number of sprats is up to 500 individuals in one season, and the larvae of sprats grow.
  9. The male calls the smaller one for the female.
  10. Vedmedki dozhe dbaylivі dads. The stench resolutely protect and protect their nests in every way. The larvae appear for two tyzhnі after laying.
  11. Kapustyanka is more sensitive to temperatures That is why, when it is cold, you want to go to a depth of more than 2 m, and just as soon as spring comes, you rise to the surface to replenish your stock.

Signs of the appearance of cabbage

The fruit of the activity of komakhi is even easier to reveal:

  1. Winding fluffy earth rollers.
  2. Mink.
  3. Tunels at the dealership.
  4. Eat root crops.
  5. V'yanuchі grow.
  6. Dark storm beetles are flying over the city.

Skoda looking like cabbage

Tsya comaha for nature to bring melancholy - out of the way ґrunt, ale for your business - tse povna vtrata vrozhda. Starting from the spring, there are plantings of us, roots of young gardeners, root crops.

For the benefit of the won zdatna zіpsuvati 10-15 sadzhantsіv. Vedmedka is not shy in їzhі, to that її resentment is everything that grows in the city to bring up a place.

Reasons for appearing:

  1. Shkіdliva coma z'yavlyaєtsya mainly in purulent kupa.
  2. You can bring it all at once from black soil.
  3. Resettle from the suidnіh cities.
  4. Bazhane place of residence - on the plots there was water and water pipes.

Methods of fighting cabbage

Chemical methods:


Method number 1: "Egg shell + oliya":

  1. Beremo, hanging in front, egg shell.
  2. Retelno її podrіbnyuєmo.
  3. Dodaemo oliyu so that we wet the whole mass.
  4. Before the visage, plant for a few days, dig a sum on a small clay.
  5. The bottom line is that the shkіdnik is guilty of її z'їsti and otruїtisya.

Method number 2: "Olіyny rozchin":

  1. We breed from 1 tablespoon sonyashnikova olії and 4 liters of water.
  2. We know the burrow and the sapkoy rozryvaєmo її glibshe.
  3. Slowly pour sumish at the trench.
  4. The essence is the oiled body, which cuts the lungs of the cabbage, oh, the guinea.
  5. You can win a technical ole.

Method number 3: "Rotten riba":

  1. Be taken with the smell of fish.
  2. At the hole, if the sadzhants are hanging out, throw a sprat of shmatkiv.
  3. The bottom line is the unacceptable smell of a Vidzhen shkidnik.
  4. Tsey zasib badly fertilize the growth.

Method number 4: "Pivna pasta":

  1. Rozkopati zaglyblennya near the beds, de є go kapustyanki.
  2. Drop the dance under the hood 45 degrees (the neck is small outside the hole).
  3. Pour 50-100 ml of beer at the dance.
  4. Leave the pasta for one hour.
  5. Minify the pastes of the skin for a few days, the shards of the aroma of beer may be fresh.
  6. The bottom line is - sipping to the dance, the shkіdnik can not vibrate.

Method number 5: "Chemical analysis":

  1. Explore the difference between water and powder or miyugogo sobu(4 tablespoons per 10 liters).
  2. Pour the motherland into the minks by pivlitra.
  3. The essence is a cabbage zagine in the form of chemistry.

Method number 6: "Fantik":

  1. Take a candy wrapper from zukerki, eggplant from foil.
  2. Wind up the white of the root of the sage at once from the stick.
  3. Wiim the stick, and close the foil behind the additional adhesive tape.
  4. The bottom line is to steal roslina.

Method number 7: "Bread with sirniki":

  1. Soak black bread with water.
  2. Download from them bags rosemary from a pigeon egg.
  3. Insert a head of sirnikova into the bread breast.
  4. After an hour, remove the siren.
  5. Form on dribnishi (with namistini) shmatochki.
  6. Rozsipte will be torn into minks.
  7. The essence is the destruction of the shkidnik.

Method number 8: "Ammonia":

  1. Add 3-4 tablespoons of ammonia to 10 liters of water.
  2. Mix it up resolutely.
  3. Water the rose garden under the root.
  4. The bottom line - the smell of ammonia in vіdlyakuє kapustyanka.

Method number 9: "Pastes with pus":

  1. On the cob grass spread around the city fresh kupki cows.
  2. Check for 14 days of settling the Meshkants (and for that hour there will be more nests with eggs).
  3. After the end of the hour, there are no schoolchildren.
  4. The essence is fresh rotten cabbage yak best place for life, that reproduction, to that all the clods will be taken from your pastures, to be deprived of them less to isolate.

Method number 10: "Honey":

  1. Take plastic bowl chi bottle.
  2. Drop honey on the bottom.
  3. Cover with gauze.
  4. Dig in the handrail with the “lasuna” moves so that the neck is on the surface.
  5. Check for an hour and turn the pasta over.
  6. The bottom line is dobuvach pripoveze behind hedgehog, but you can’t turn back.

Method number 11: "Tsibuleva lushpinnya":

  1. Take 10 liters of clean water.
  2. Repair in niy 1 kg of cibulin.
  3. Wait 4-6 days for stretching.
  4. Dilute infusions 1 to 5 with water.
  5. Irrigate once a day the seedlings of the native land.
  6. The essence is the smell of the cibuli, which makes the shkіdnik, and the wines to deprive your lot.


Dig along the perimeter of the plot of the furrow and remind it of a squeak from the smell of fumes.

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