How to revive natural perfumes in the form of drops. How to revive the original perfumery in the form of a drink?

Copywriters often write on the topic "how to recreate the original perfumes in the form of subscribing," as they have covered the article on the topic. Practically koristі in this article would be about the style well, yakbi man, yak not maє cars, wrote an article about the collection of winter gumi for a car.

It is possible to know information from those found on the Internet and write on the basis of an article, but it is unlikely that it will be corny, because in it there will be absolutely unverified information of the same facts that are based on special certificate. That is why we want to develop a sprig of pardons, like walking on the Internet.

Pardon first. Behind the barcode of a perfume, you can identify the edge of the perfumer, and also, the parity of perfumes.

E thought, which has expanded widely in the border, which is right french perfumes make a barcode, which is based on the number 3. The very fans of perfumery, squeezed at the chests, buy cheap goods of an unknown way from the sumnivnih shops.

For example, in the perfumes of the company Gucci or Dolce & Gabbana, France (Gucci Rush, Gucci Flora) or Great Britain (Dolce & Gabbana Imperatrice) can be indicated on the packaging with a barcode, and the barcode of these perfumes can be Swedish. What is wrong here? No, it's all right.

Really a lot of barcodes are the same as the originals. Don't buy pidrobok elite perfumery with Turkish and Chinese barcodes. Therefore, the barcode is not a helper in the designation of originality.

On the products of Dolce & Gabbana, Gucci, Lacoste, a Swedish barcode is indicated to the fact that this brandy belongs to Procter & Gamble and is officially registered in Sweden. Kraїna-virobnik, shown on the packaging of the product, which is the name of the vіdpovіdaє kraїnі according to the barcode, there is no reason, for example, as the trademark is registered in the іnshіy kraїnі.

Pardon a friend. Є sites, on which you can check the correctness of the perfume and find a copy for a barcode.

Qiu is often pleased to be followed by clients of perfume shops and pereveriruyut by such a rank the original product before buying from the presence of kur'єra. However, as we have already said more, in most cases, the barcode of the letter is identical to the original one, and in case of a similar reversal, it obviously takes a positive positive effect. I repeat once again - the barcode does not help accurately identify the originality of perfumery.

Third pardon. According to the photograph of the bottle and the writing on the new one, you can identify the original. It is only necessary to ask people on the forums, like "know".

The situation is even wider, if the truth is joking on the forums, where people are absolutely incompetent to spend an hour, but always ready to give for the sake of everyone and for all reason, stverdzhuyuchi, that the stench miraculously rozumіyutsya on those.

So, on one of the forums they discussed the situation of a girl who wanted to buy Miss Dior Cherie perfumes from another forum member. She hung up a photo of the bottle, and there the bow appeared in the wrong color, because the numbers on the bottle were not the same as they were at the store. The girl-buyer found out that they propagated the letter and all the members of the forum supported it. But the girl, who wanted to buy perfumes, did not know about those that Miss Dior Cherie fragrances already have more than a dozen and they have different bows. І її the guards did not know what, but they made an unambiguous visnovok. And about those who really think but the numbers on the bottom of the bottle and zovsim, cream of the virobnik, hardly anyone knows in a sing-song.

On another occasion, a woman bought Versace Crystal Noir perfumes in a store and confirmed that there was no drop, that there is no code on the box on the bottle. When looking closely at the product, it turned out that the code was nevertheless є, but it was confirmed that it was not a code but an article (!) that the code was to blame, but 4-digit and here 5-digit (4 digits і letter). Zhіnka competed with the seller of the store, stverzhuyuchi, that she was a great connoisseur of perfumery, and the forums suggested the correctness of her thoughts. And in those that on the original Versace codes are і 5, і 7-digit, like і on other perfumes, she didn't believe it. Aje on the forums write іnakshe!

Fourth pardon. I use perfumery under license, as it is even closer to the original.

Tsya already widened the thought and won the pardon. Perfume companies don't see the licenses for their products. Tse clue of sellers of pidrobok. When you buy an original perfume, if you smell a riddle about a license, go to another store.

Pardon p'yata. Sales through shops include perfume, confiscated on mittens.

One more method of negligent sellers, which I call "mitny confiscate", try to sell goods that do not match the original. It’s impossible to visually resurrect yoga through a slightly broken copy of the packaging. The invisibility of the original is revealed even when the parfum is victorious, which, when worn, should be done otherwise, lower is to blame.

Pardon Shosta. In the Internet shops, only the gifts are sold.

Buvaє, scho for sale. Ale, a store with a strong reputation and long-standing connections with superior post-employees, as, for example, not risky to its good names, not to a targeted clientele, connecting with copies and copies. Tim more, that among the schemes of supplying the right perfume from the maker to the counter is necessary and so, that allow you to take the original product for a relatively low price in compliance with the official rules. At the lansy in the middle in the form of a maker of original perfumery to її buying a little money, you can earn more money, and it’s easier for them to make a safe job, having a home among themselves, and not connecting with other products, you can do more of them.

Pardon soma. As for the sticker on the product, it’s important to check it out, which can be learned from the great stores, the supply chain.

Don't worry like that. If it is not delivered by an official channel, then the distributor's sticker on the goods will be delivered daily. Tse zovsіm does not mean that the product is a product, it's just a series. Such are other original goods, for example, mobile phones.

Pardon eight. You can check the original copy for the quality of the packaging. Blame buti yakіsna zvaryuvannya, thin cellophane, smooth bottle and engraving on the bottom, not a sticker.

So, for the same old look, you can easily recreate a copy of the original, but for this you need to know how to look at the original of a particular perfume.

For example, Versace Bright Crystal has an erysipelas box in the light box. Knowing a person, it’s less likely to add a copy of the color of the box, but to the fact that you remember exactly what color and color the box was to the original. So it is possible to infuse a drink by sealing cellophane in your own perfume. Ale tse can only rob a person, as if he could "sweep an eye." Buvaє and so, that on the original cellophane is not like soldering, but good on the part. But if the glue is not guilty, then the cellophane is sealed by heating.

Why is it so obvious that a person is not aware of the possibility of revisiting the original in the form of a drink, singly, only floating in the hands of offending bottles. For example, Escada's bottles in the original are smooth, even, one might say glossy, but in the description they stink matte. But in order to signify originality or refinement of the perfume, which you hold in your hands, it is necessary to know, as if looking at the original of the bottle itself.

Are there no other ways to see the original in the form of a drink, not knowing how the bottle looks like the original? You can try.

Look at the bottom of the package. There may be some production or pressure on the cardboard, a code of 4 or more digits. This very code can be found on the bottom of the sticker or engraved on the bottom of the vial. If there is no such code, then a chain of command.

It’s clearly not sloppy, tattered, the bottom is tovste and uneven, at the fold there are more bulbs (at least two), then there’s a drop. But it is necessary to pay attention to the offensive nuance - there are often obvious adhesions on the original bottles. For example, on bottles of Nina Ricci. І on the bottles of expensive Amouage, there are also solderings. Therefore, when the quality was determined, the bottle should be well protected.

It is best to drink at a great perfume shop and buy a fresh bottle and a fragrance for it, which is sold there. As a rule, everything becomes obvious.

Or go to the website of the shopkeeper and marvel, as if looking at a bottle of perfume, which we choose to buy. Well, the fake bottle looks like the original one, not only for the color, but also for the binding.

We tried to spread the word about pardons, which are most often heard when perfumery is right. At the end of the day, to get rid of inaccuracies, buy perfume at stores with a good reputation and do not worry about cheapness. We hope that our team will help you to win over when buying your favorite fragrances.

Leather woman pragne to voice her individuality for the help of the hot aroma of the home brand. But how can you not have mercy on the choice and buy the right perfumes, and not the imitation?

Otzhe, for which it is necessary to animate respect, to increase the mind original perfumery in the form of inaccurate letters


It’s more important to understand, de varto to bathe perfume, and it’s better to pass through the place. Imovirnіst zatknutissya with vague perfumery is significantly lower, as you buy it at a great store, about which the suspіlstva had a positive reaction. Finding advice is even simple - you need to ask your friends or go to any forum on the Internet with the same topics.

If you get information about post-employees in the store, then you need to know more about them. Also, you can go to the official website of the perfumer and look at the addresses of the stores, for example, you may have the right to sell perfumes of this brand. In addition, in the store you can always have a boot tester and you can listen to the aroma, having put it on a yoga blotter or smell it, and also on yourself.

Purchase in the online store with the same lottery. No one knows what to deliver to you. And then we can blame the hardships for the return of pennies, for those who are much easier to get on the Internet.


Once and for all, remember that perfumery cannot be cheap, that in brandy you value the quality of your products, that the stench of vicorist only needs more, and sometimes even more expensive ingredients, expensive packaging. The design of the flacons is often acquired by jewelers, and not just famous masters.

Bottles of the same capacity, ale different varieties cannot be mixed however, because in the skin fragrance there are different vicarious essential oils the variability of these depends on the richness of factors: crop yield, foldability of cultivation, rarity of growth, stained glass and so on. The mass fraction of oils in toilet waters is so refreshing. I don’t recommend that you believe in such “promotions”, all for the same price.

Kraina virobnik.

Obviously, the best eau de toilette is pure water, made in France. You can get this perfume either in France or in Duty Free. What is being sold for other merchants in Russia?

And products are delivered there, prepared for a license in other countries. If you take perfumes from France for the first grade, then the products that are supplied from Europe (Poland, Belgium and so on) are a different sort of perfume, that is, in the same way as the original. Some perfumes from the OAU, Turechchini, but one can say that the product is even of a low quality. Come out, scho is not a pidrobka, but vіdminnіst buvaє razyucha.

In the upcoming articles, you will know how to designate a package according to the package, and so you will understand how the signs may be a bottle of a right perfume. I am convinced that just please to help you delight yourself with those otochuyuchy ones with original aromas, and not with additives.

For the quiet, who want to smell the fragrance, not the smoke For the quiet, who want to smell the aroma, not the smoke For those who want to taste the aroma, not the smorid!}!}">

Wait a minute, cover yourself up as a hairdresser, or, tim more, hand over perfumes to the gifts of the kohaniy people? And for others, for deaky tributes, 2/3 of perfumes are sold in our stores for sale. Moreover, it is possible to use them in rich perfumes, but in the case of the original it is sometimes even more difficult. So that you don’t become a victim of “dirty” perfumers, the editors of Babra chose the best kind of joys, like to irritate original perfumes in the form of details

1. Preparation before purchase

If you have already chosen a perfume, before buying a varto stock up on information about the choice of perfumes. Go to the website of the perfumer, or read it on the Internet, to know exactly what kind of bottle the original perfumes have, how to use logos, holograms, notes and lines, embossing, what can be written on labels.

I respectfully read all the signs of this perfume bottle, which you plan to buy. Not with a probe, but with it yourself, to lean on your hands is already a kasi.

Korisn_ message with glances p_drobok: ,


2. Cellophane packaging

The original perfume packaging is not overly thick cellophane. Vіn shіlno obljagaє box, nowhere do not wrinkle and do not vipiraє. Cellophane is guilty of being stretched in such a way that the wine does not walk on cardboard boxes, creating folds or deformations.

For original perfumes, the seam of the cellophane packaging on the barrels or behind the cardboard box is equal. It is sealed with a thermal method (heating), and not by gluing, so in the original wines it can be more accurate and thin. Just make a seam with a width of over 5 mm, with traces of glue and irregularities - cestovidstovka pidrobka.

From above and below, cellophane is sealed with a stamp of a rectangular (and sometimes round) shape.

The upper part shows a broken box of Chanel Allure Home Sport. Give respect to those who are broken like a soldering cellophane: its width and unevenness point to a fake

Vinyatok! Deyakі companies don't kiss their brands as a matter of principle. For example, Hugo Boss, the current positions of Shiseido, Davidoff, Clinique and others.


3. Carton packaging

The cardboard of the box for perfumes is guilty of buti schіlnym, in the middle of the clothes it's white, without a gray tint, type marks of the drink. There are no stickers on the branded boxes, the logo is right on the cardboard.

Try dotik packaging. Solid cutters are cored with special grades of cardboard for leather cut, so you can call a rough tip on the dotik.

Please! If you have bought perfume with zakordon or duty free, do not forget the packaging. You can order the correct perfume from the Russian shop later.

4. Write on the packaging and design

The information on the packaging is due to the information on the manufacturer's website, so don't hesitate to go directly to the store. It is necessary to take time to prepare a perfume, a warehouse, an obligation. Like on the website of the collection of performances, the fragrance is in small bottles of 50 and 100 ml, and you should try another bottle, get your feet out of this filthy shop sooner.

Read the title carefully! There are no written letters and no stench written. In its own way, the way of firm-virbnik versions (copies) to vanish in the future for a copy - even the name is vindicated in the original, if you want old look i similar.

It is not to blame for flowing, fuzzy writing, all frivolous letters and barcodes are to blame, but they are clearly overruled. It’s not to blame for the “wrong” color or the “sprinkled” color (as it was not overdesigned!)

Respect! Often on the box there is a row like "Paris-London-New York" - it also means a little, brandy is not written like that. When you talk about the country, you say Made in Italy, and not just Italy.

The inscriptions on the original box are enlarged in a significantly smaller font. The round "recycling" logo of the face is broken to the outside. To give respect, black arrow may be to the beast.

Dumki, which are officially delivered to Russia, undergo certification, and on them, according to the law, they must be labeled with a Russian language from the assigned address of the virobnik, the term of applicability, regulatory GOST and the barcode

barcode different lands: France - 30-37, Great Britain - 50, Germany - 400-440, Spain - 84, Italy - 80-83, USA, Canada - 00-09.

5. Inner packing

In the middle of the box, you should hear that a “construction” is inserted from the cardboard, as you do not give the bottle a “bigati” on the box. Save money on every cardboard (you can’t see it on the photo of the window!)

Important! Ask the seller for a box of perfumes and shake it up. The bottle of the middle is not more "bowtatisya" and make-up.

6. Bottle

Vlasne, behind the packaging, you can most often assign a little more than a little bit of low quality - so the titles of "handicraft China" or "Emirati". The factory professionally finished products are printed on a high printing level. And at a glance, it’s possible for a professional to be less than a professional. Kim mi zdebіshogo not є.

Please! To that, if the packaging did not call suspicion, thoroughly examine the bottle. For whom, ask the seller to unpack the packaging, if possible, carefully, without damaging your good looks.

On the original bottle, there are no leaks, unevenness of the fold (like on a beer dance), defects in the fork, change in color, bulbs at the fold! In order to make a fine bottle, it is necessary to place a zamovlennya at the great glass factory, a great party (otherwise, I prepare a leather bottle by hand, which will immediately lift it to an invisible height for a child).

І write on the bottle, applied in handicraft minds, ring out “jump”. The stench can be slurred, fuzzy, nervous.

Please! Whatever the shape of the bottle is, it is more important than yogo to crush it. To change your mind, align the perfume bottle, if you want to buy directly with the tester bottle or the image from the official site.

7. The color of the perfumes themselves

Estimate the color of the motherland itself. Basically, the color of perfumes varies from fawn to dark yellow. Sometimes, for the help of barns, greenery, erysipelas, or buzkovі vіdtinki reach. And the axis of the yaskravy "chemical" colors can be alert. If you want to buy perfumes of a different brand, ale, a bright blue and a scarlet color, in front of you there is a flawless drink.

The right-handed hand saw a bright chemical color of the right hand and a tovst pulverizer tube.


8. Bottle cap

Tsey at first glance is not the most important accessory, I immediately see a drop. In the first place, it’s not the most important yogo that they care about as buyers, and the pickers are pickers, and they give less respect for the hour of preparation.


In another way, when the leather cover is made, the designer will win a special kind of plastic, which sounds like patents and is no less a secret, lower perfume composition. Thirdly, during the production of krishok, technology is created, as the sound is inaccessible to artisanal victors. That’s why their krishechka seems to be “unsolid”: with inconsistencies, bullies, filthy stuffed, that is light.


9. Atomizer

The spray at the bottle can be neat, sharply trimmed on the bottle, but it can also be a hit on the wild design. And do not look, like taking it out of the "potry cologne." The metal edge under the sawing is not guilty of scrolling freely. With the first change, the first push (sound 2-3) can be without a "zilch" - it's fine, it's okay to go out again, which was lost in the spray when the factory folded.

Please! The robot spray is supposed to be distorted (like, before the speech, and assigned by the "Rules of Trade") - even more rarely, but the factory hat is trapped and at the firm's coats. You will be covered, if you will give perfume, with which it is impossible to swell.


10. Serial number of the batch

At the bottom of the cardboard box, there can be embossings (and some printing by the printer) serial number - the same cipher from numbers and letters, which obov'yazkovo can be printed from the cipher on the bottles.

Important! The entire branded perfume is due to the mother's license plate on the bottom of the bottle. Moreover, I do not glue the label to the bottom, but simply on the slope.


11. Quality certificate

If you still have a doubt about the correctness of the perfume, you can ask for a quality certificate in the store. Follow the law of yoga goiter. If you take away the written document before hand, rewrite the originality to another. Vaughn can be “wet”, but not copied.

Note! The right friend is clumsy to look at the copied one, it is only necessary to be surprised at the new one. The inflictions on the printer's druk are not seen in the archway, but the right trochhi is visible on the archway.


Don't lie, yakscho

Just a few more moments, to allow you to freshen up with fresh perfumes and drinks.

  • As if the seller told you that instead of the bottle it was crushed and bottled for a license - it’s not true. French perfumes cannot be grown in Poland, and even more so in China. Perfumery brandies do not see licenses to make what they produce themselves.
  • Great brands of brandy rarely produce for sale bottles of small size, as we call them “probes”. Spray pens have 8, 9 and 15 ml of fresh perfumes, and there are no vines - Salvador Dali brand.
  • You can also use the right French perfumes for writing: often you can use parfume, if you want to do without the rest of France and write parfum.

Modern society is not challenged by moral stumbling blocks, so there are a lot of manufacturing companies that produce non-standard products. So the name of falsification can be caught on the police with cosmetics and perfumery Vіdomih brandіv. With whom, the sellers unanimously affirm that you are holding original products in your hands. Oscilki variety of similar specimens to make high, it is important to show the stylization at the hour. How to renew spirits from the right ones? Let's try to get together.

Krok No. 1. Information about the perfume

First of all, check for a purchase, learn information about the perfume you want to buy. For whom, you can get acquainted with the information on the website of the virobnik. As a rule, firms give exact data about their products (whether a barcode is found, or a batch number).

If possible, send a print-screen to your phone or arrange it. It is important that at the next hour of purchase you could see the bottle, which is in your hands, according to what you know on the Internet. When you visit, you need not a sampler, but a bottle, which you are going to buy.

Krok No. 2. Polyethylene slinky

Perfumes produced in Italy, France and other leading countries for the production of luxurious fragrances, packed in cellophane. Vaughn is not guilty of being overly strong or, on the contrary, thin. The polyethylene is firmly attached to the cardboard box, does not change with folds, does not curl. The cellophane is stretched in such a way that the cracked veins do not appear on the packaging, deforming at the folds and the lower part.

The original perfume has a smooth seam, which can be rolled out at the back or on the side of the carton package. In order to increase the zagin, it is necessary to use a method of heating similar to the one used in hypermarkets to seal packages. Therefore, the seam is thin and neat, no more than 0.5 cm wide. Yakshcho vy patted, scho kіntsі cellophane gluing, in front of you p_drobka.

A round paper stamp is glued to the seam square shape. It is important to remember that there are famous perfume makers such as Hugo Boss, Сlinique, Shiseido and others. do not seal the cardboard box with cellophane in principle.

Krok No. 3. Cardboard box

Type-mark of fresh perfumes - cardboard box gray color. Give respect to us in front of you. The original perfume is packaged in white and white, low erysipelas or low black cardboard. Firm boxes do not make stickers, the logo is pressed into the empty cardboard.

After a visual inspection to get to the packaging, it is the fault of the buti. Lower oxamite is cast on the dotik, like oxamite, shards of vicarious pickers are made of elіtny cardboard. At the drop of a bag, the packaging has uneven edges, it’s more like literally sharudit under your fingers.

If you often fly abroad, de-buy your own perfume, do not leave any visible packaging. Nadalі you can order a shipment, so you can order the goods from the Russian boutique. Those are the same with the products from "Duty-free".

Krok No. 4. Packaging design and writing

If you looked at the site of the collection of your own perfumes, they singsongly clarified that the inscriptions are due to be written, as the letters are seen in bold type and in. So you made print screens, for help they bought products. Do not look at the information from the site with the instructions on the packaging, being directly in the store.

The information is due to the contraction of the vial, warehouse, place of preparation of the packaging. As the website of the maker says, this product is produced in less than 30 ml. і 100 ml, and you will be asked to "suck in" the goods with a volume of 50 ml, the rest option is a drop.

Give respect to the name of the perfume. Often, on additional packages, sing drukarian pardons, insert a letter into a letter, or change the meaning of a word. Such a move helps the shakhrays to get away with the evidence for counterfeiting a perfume. It’s called nothing, it’s not respectful of such an outward look.

The original packaging may be written clearly, the contours are well visible. Pіdrobka often zabezpechena pіdtіkami, filthy to read the words. With this, the transfer of the color to the original as a copy is significantly disturbed. In the first vipad, it is full, yaskrava, in the other it is blakla with floating transitions.

There is a line with the names of the places "Paris-Madrid-London" on the copies. It is important to remember that the original writing is written only for the "Made in France" or "Made in Italy", and not the banal "France" or "Italy".

The original packaging is engraved in a different font, lower text. A round badge with an arrow on the copy of the inscriptions on the reverse side (arrow down), and may be up with an arrow.

How perfumes are shipped in Russian federation official stink to go through a retelling review. On the etiquette there is a GOST certificate, a barcode, a term of applicability, addresses of the picker. With this, the barcode can be marked differently. For example, Italy is numbered from 80 to 83, Spain - 84, France - 30-37.

Krok No. 5. Inner carton box

An empty box can be made of white cardboard construction. Such a "spora" does not allow the vial to spin from side to side during transportation, storage. The details of the packaging are crushed from gray cheap cardboard, the shards of them all the same are not visible on the showcase and at the same time I look around.

There is no way to evaluate the inner part of the vial, to break the sealed package. The bottle, which is in the middle, is not guilty of bovtatisya from side to side. The noise will be minimal, without gurkot.

Krok No. 6. Bottle

According to the packaging, you can name less than a fraction of a broken perfume, as it is most commonly found in the United Arab Emirates and China. Even though the cardboard box did not call out suspicions, you can sensibly look at the vial in the middle. Sob tse robiti, go back to the sales consultant, schob vіn unpacking the cardboard box. Without messing up, the procedure can be carried out without destroying the aesthetic appearance of the packaging.

The original vial was filled with a transparent fold without cracks, irregularities, pardons at fork, change at the eyelid, cracked bulbs at the empty bottle. The high quality perfume is poured into bottles prepared by hand. Often, a metal plate is attached to the bottom of the container with engraved information about the edge of the picker, the batch number, the term of applicability and in.

Take a look at the inscriptions, on the copies of the letters they are not on the same level, the stench can be vague or fuzzy. At that hour, as the original may be clearly written, you won’t stick to it. It is important to remember for good: since the shape of the bottle is not unique, it is easy to finish it. Checking the correct product, check the bottle of perfume from the images on the site or with a tester at the perfume boutique.

Krok No. 7. Perfume color

After a visual inspection of the vial, evaluate the color of the radii. As a rule, spirits can be dark yellow and pale. In some cases, the vineyards vary the number of natives for the help of the barbers. As a result, erysipelas, blakytny, greenish or buzzy vіdtinok come out. However, you remember that the perfume has many colors, in the presence of chemical houses. A little too bright tone is typical for pidrobok.

Krok No. 8. bottle cap

You can inspire no respect for the cap, but it is the best way to characterize the pet. Designers of perfume bottles are trying to patent the plastic that the cap is made of. Therefore, the accessory is ideally equal, without burrs and undesirable swelling. Well, navpaki, maybe not enough. Creases, unevenness can grow on it, behind the vag the production is even lighter, looking cheap.

Krok No. 9. Rozpilyuvach

At original perfume The atomizer is firmly attached to the bottle, does not scroll, and wins over to the original design. Give respect to metal insults, who are known to be ripped off. Follow along, so that the element does not scroll on its own axis, not walking from side to side. It is ideal to finish the final element by sitting hard on the bottle. It seems that the first 2-3 onslaughts do not spread the warehouse. Tse vіdbuvaєtsya z єєї reasons, scho motherland goydaetsya pipe. As soon as I go out again, as if it was picked up in an empty hour of storage, the spirits are free to be powdered.

Krok No. 10. Series and part number

A branded perfume can be engraved with a series and a batch number, so it sounds like a combination of numbers and letters. When you write it, it will swell both on a cardboard box and on a bottle. It is important that the inserts were not on the glued labels, but on the rolls (glue, cardboard). The ciphers on the bottles and the packaging of the wines are mixed together.

If you doubt the correctness of the products, ask the sellers for a quality certificate. Zgіdno іz law, stores goitre yazanі yogo nadat without explanation. If the original certificate is in your hands, take a good look at your friend. Vaughn may be wet, trochs smeared, and not copied, but painted.

To restore the original friend of the letter, rotate the certificate under a blunt cut. Yakshcho її will be instructed on the printer (“Photoshop”), which means that the certificate is in the hands of the details of the certificate. The original druk can be seen on the paper, the trochs are bulging.

It is easy to finish the original perfume as a copy, without regard for the original information. Let's bring some more joy, yakі will help to turn yakіsnu produktsіyu.

  1. Do not listen to the sales consultants who say that the perfume was bottled under license from Poland, India and China. French and Italian brewers never see licenses, stench creates perfumes only in their own country. The technology of vibration does not speak out.
  2. Virobnik firms, which have proven themselves well, only in a few cases produce so-called samplers of 10-15 ml. With this perfumery, brandy is not delivered to the police of shops in the bottles of "pen-spray", cream "Salvador Dali".
  3. Like talking about French perfume, world leaders attach great respect to the word "parfum". Itself so stink to write, without the letter "e" for example words (parfume). If you want a drukarian pardon, don't buy the goods, don't buy additional items.

It is easy to finish the original perfume in a well-cut copy. Take a look at the polyethylene lining, the box, the internal structure. Give due respect to the bottle, krishtsi, sprayer. Vivchit write and certificates, evaluate vіdtinok rіdini.

Video: how to freshen up a yakish perfume

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