How to understand original perfumes. How to recreate a parfum like the original

toilet water popular brands cost is not cheap. And I don’t want to, that these pennies went to the vulgar shahrai, that they learned how to cleanly crush boxes and bottles. Rozpovidaemo, for which it is necessary to give respect when buying a perfume, so as not to take away the fake.

Reverse the certificate

The best way to recognize, if you hold the original or the copy in your hands, is to ask the seller for a certificate, or rather a declaration of conformity, in which the manufacturer, distributor, country of manufacture is indicated. Before speech, the declaration of evidence can be known from a single military register.

Dodatkovo the seller can pass voluntary certification for any kind of cosmetics and perfumes.

Buy from trusted stores

Once you bought the original eau de toilette in one store once, varto dotrimuvatsya tsієї traditsії і for a new bottle again virushati there. Imovirno, you will be attracted by wonderful discounts and other offline and online stores, but the bazhannia can save you until you are disappointed with a non-standard product.

However, you still lied about why the seller is demonstrating an attraction of unbottled generosity, selling perfume at 2-3 times cheaper, lower at the overwhelmed store, in no case license in Holland" and so on.

Should it be confiscated: don't you think that luxury cosmetics manufacturers allowed their product not to go through the mitt? Well, "production in Holland" and "not in the middle of the warehouse" are the main tales of sellers of fake cosmetics.

And also in brandy, they rarely produce samples for sale, "road formats" and other miniatures. Therefore, the purchase of a microflacon for 10-15 ml - it’s a risk that you will run into a drink.

One s Vіdomih brandіv, which small bottles-pens are produced - Salvador Dali. Also in the "handles" you can use Escada, Masaki Matsushima and even some brandy, but it is necessary to be a connoisseur of the specific eau de toilette and the brewer, so that you know what the drink is in front of you.

If you still can’t muster up the courage to ask for a certificate from the store, or perfumes were given to you, then you have to focus on other signs. Let's start from the old cardboard packaging. Vaughn can look expensive and pleasant. You can buti acceptably trim її in your hands.

The cardboard is to be filled with bold, color-receiving, writing - clear, easy to read. The bottle is not guilty of being in the middle of the box.

Even though the packaging is rolled up in polyethylene, the wine is also responsible for bringing tactile satisfaction: be thin, tightly fit to the box. The edges of the slab can be soldered, not roughly glued. Such packaging, obviously, is ideal:

More often than not, the box looks something like this, like an attacking little one. It was neatly packed, although the bottom was torn at the bottom and the box was deformed, the shards of it put in a sticker with a barcode.

Deyakі virobniki do not vikoristovuyut polyethylene, prote distributors and spіvrobіtniki shop independently wrap the boxes, so that the stench does not waste the commodity look. Such packaging may not look very presentable. If you want to beneficiate, check with the seller, de and if the goods are already packaged at the pl_vku.

It's bad on the site of the virobnik z'yasuvati, how the bottle looks like that box. However, there may be ambiguous situations. For example, in the official Gucci store there is no Flora by Gucci Gorgeous Gardenia eau de toilette in 30 ml, but in stores it is not available. With the help of many roses, I showed that a bottle of such a promise was released earlier, only in a different box, and that time all toilet waters of the series appeared in boxes with a flower print. Imovirno, purposely limited sighting, dedicated to the jubilee: 50 years are celebrated for the famous Flora vіd Gucci.

On the box, the names of the batch code are to blame: digits or letters and digits, nibi pressed into the cardboard. This very code is to blame buti on the bottle! Vin may be written directly on the bottle or on the sticker. Having deciphered the batch code for the help of a special service, you will know about the date of preparation of toilet water.

The batch code can be decrypted at

Butch must not be found on the day of the vial.

Read the barcode and information about the virobnik

Really, it’s even more confusing and an ambiguous method - to follow the barcode to find out what the value is. It would have been better, everything is simpler: it says Made in France, after all, and that country itself can be identified with a barcode. And no, the barcode often doesn't match what it says on the box, for example, if the factory is in one country and the picker's headquarters is in another. І in the barcode, the country of distribution of the headquarters itself is indicated.

The slope of the bottle can be removed, without the bulbs in the middle and other waters. Like a colorful bottle, then it’s not the fault of the brewing of the ring, so the farba is not guilty of sagging or being erased. Krishechka is obliged to fill it with an important and tightly closed bottle so that you can lift it up for the lid.

The tubule is guilty of being practically unremarkable, it is guilty of appearing only once, if the motherland is gone. The pistava of the atomizer is not guilty of scrolling.

Shake the bottle. Bulbashki in the yakіsnіy eau de toilette differ for 10-15 seconds;

The color of perfumes is not to blame, but we are overthinking. Yogo, before the speech, you can also marvel at the site of the virobnik. And yet you are constantly koristuetsya tsієyu toilet water, then you show what kind of color it is. Perfumery water and eau de toilette of one series can vary by color.

Assess the aroma

The correct perfumes and toilet waters are broken step by step. The top notes - with a stretch of 15 strands, then the middle notes, and after a sprat of years - a plume. Pіrodki not mayut povnotsіny rozkrittya flavor.

Another important indicator is the persistence of the aroma. For perfumes, 5-10 years, for perfumed water - 4-8 years, for toilet water - 2-4 years.

Otzhe, let's put everything on the shelf.

Like a child, like a child, you tried to buy eau de toilette

Destroy the misunderstandings of your great store. Small shops and online stores can sacrifice their reputation for the sake of profit, or through marriage they will get stuck with an unclean postal worker.

Vibravshi eau de toilette, carefully look around the packaging. You don’t have any troubles, you see that you are holding the right product in your hands.

Take a picture of the box, so that you can read the barcode, batch code and information about the picker at home. Ask the store to show a declaration of integrity.

Apply fragrance to tester wife and wrist. Evaluate the top notes, after 15 whilins - the middle ones, for a sprat of years - a train of aroma. On your skin, the aroma does not grow out like it does on paper, so it’s obligatory to vilify the same year on your own, in order to understand, how much wine is steady and it’s right for you.

Take a look at the website of the brand, wonder how the box looks like the bottle.

After buying perfumes, please arrange for them. Take a look at the bottle: it may be without defects, the letters and writings must be clear, easy to read, the farba is not guilty of being erased. Take a look at the little cap, it's the fault of the buti, which is rubbed down to the neck of the bottle. Check that the same batch code is indicated on the box and bottle, read all the labels on the bottle.

Motherland can be without a siege, there is no need for a bright color. The bottle is not guilty of buti infusions to the brim! In bottles with "plains" the mother is poured to the "plains", in bottles of other forms it is guilty of overfilling the volume of the bottle no more than 4% of the volume of the bottle.

The lower part of the atomizer is not guilty of wrapping, the tube may be more unfavorable. Pshiknіt kіlka razіv, schob vіriti, chi pratsyuє atomizer. Before the speech, the first sprig of pshikiv can be "bachelor", that's fine. Change your mind about the same scent you got from the tester bottle.

It’s all about talking about those who have right perfumes and toilet water in front of you, but all the same, I don’t let you in, you feel distrustful, you can definitely take them for an examination and confirm that you ask for your permission.

What a sensible, beautiful woman would not have been, the smell all the same played a great role.

But buying new perfumes / toilet water (otherwise, etc.) is so easy to run into a treat. And you can threaten it not only by throwing a penny into the wind, but also by health problems (allergy), who knows why the stench is broken.

Go to the site of the maker of that product, which you would like to get. There you can marvel:

  • how can I see the vial;
  • drink in the vial (colir, rozpilyuvach's tube), like a wine prozory;
  • packing design;
  • packaging form;
  • Approximately reveal the aroma (on the website may be described).

Depend on the choice of the place, do you want to buy a perfume:

  • Professional cosmetics store. The best way. Whenever possible, take a close look at the packaging, ask for help from a consultant and smell the aroma itself.
  • It will be problematic to finish the market, the market, and it will be problematic to know the original;
  • Internet shop. The online store that represents the company on the site is entirely the responsibility of the head office. If the address and contact information of the Crimea, the address of which site is unknown, then it will be more convenient to know for all the other products there. Verify the information shown about the product (series, number, barcode, etc.), place of manufacture, company, etc. Obov'yazkovo read the notes about this seller. Find out if it is possible to return (non-existent goods, delivery, or if it suffers during delivery), if not, then take note.

D'yuti Fri. Buying there may give you a 100% guarantee of quality.

Having appointed yourself as a seller, the hour has come to beg/buy. First, what mi bachimo - tse price. Take a look at the site of the maker, now you understand, what price category the product is. Otzhe, as the price is too low, the quality of the drink is great (the variety of ingredients is like perfumery, to reach the temple). The truth is that the price is high, but it does not give a 100% guarantee.

The axis of the bajan is a box in the hands, but it’s too early to be happy. Dekіlka details on yakі varto zvernuti uvagu:

  • cellophane packaging - is guilty of both schіlnoy and yakіsnoy. Do not stoubichitis and support the world. Neatly soldered to the bottom of that animal. I’ll use the same glue, adhesive tape, or else there won’t be anything like it for yakіsnu products;
  • cardboard box - we are guilty of buti mіtsnim, we clean. white color(without interspersed ta wad). Brood, smittya, a piece of cardboard under a cellophane package can’t be;
  • records on the packaging - pardons, other pardons, embellished letters, or similar ones, are a sign of a letter. Buying French perfume, bottling and bottling may be more than France (so it is with other lands). The statement of the country of the virobnik can be changed again “It is broken in Italy / France too soon”, the country “Italy / Spain / France” is simply spelled out - a sign of the drink. Perfume, as it is delivered to Russia officially, to pass obov'yazkovu certification. It will be visible on the box, but there will be a Russian language sticker with information about the term of attachment, GOST, the address of the picker and a barcode.

The first digits of the barcode indicate on the edge of the picker

Great Britain - 50; Japan 49; Nimechchina - 400-440; Switzerland - 76; Spain - 84; Italy - 80-83; USA and Canada - 00-09; France - 30-37; Russia - 460-469.

On the Internet, a number of programs, in which you can find out all the information about the product using barcodes. From the date of issue, series and number, to the picker.

Zovnishni signs

Before you throw yourself at the vіchі, you need a special frame for the vial. Just look at wine, wine is guilty of crushing from mіtsnogo, thick cardboard. Clean, without any blotches. It is possible to change it without breaking it, just shaking the packaging, like a bottle of “jumping”, then it’s better for everything.

Bottle . Looking around the bottle, we may have noticed that we may be able to see (after looking at the site of the virobnik). Admire the color, shape, design - everything can

acknowledgment to the bastard on the official website of the virobnik. Everyday streams, irregularities, bulbs, kalamut are not guilty of buti on the slope. Sklo can be mіtsnim, good quality, without chips and water. The letters may be well-produced (smeared, pardons are not guilty buti). The serial number is to blame buti vibitiy on the fold, and if it is paired with the number from the box, it is to blame.

krishka . Even more often, pickers do not pay special attention to this detail. Dear darma, for that, ring out the vibrancy of krishok maє great value for perfumers. The original lids should sound important, cut neatly (without sticks, irregularities and frills in commodities), and symmetrical (so the design does not imply a twist).

Rozpilyuvach . Overturning the bottle, Motherland is not guilty of piddling, the metal button is guilty of sharply trimming. The tubule in the middle of the vial is responsible for the release of yogo rosemaries.

Motherland . Ring out bright colors, sometimes you can shine light greens, erysipelas or buzkovy colors. Ale, yakshcho vy bachite nadto skarvі or zagalі acidic colors, tse may alert. Also, the natural ingredients, which are victorious in the original perfumes, are replaced by chemistry.


If everything didn’t break you, go to the seller and ask for a quality certificate. Behind the law, you have the right to do it. Read it and take a look at the druk (water sign), it’s guilty, but it’s not just producible, but when you look at it, it looks like a swollen troch.

But all the same, buy perfume more often in specialized or branded stores. Imovirnіst zustrіti there pіdrobku richly lower, lower at the sizable or online store.

Well, well, a sprat is a sign for which you can recognize originality without risking trying it on your own. Garnoy shopping!

It's just amazing, on such a scale they update cosmetic products! And perfumery is on the list in the first place, which is not surprising, even if a good perfume is a weakness, not a skin representative of a beautiful state.

It is not for you, varto nobility, how to bring a gentry original in the form of a replica, even if you get stuck with a drink, you can wind it up at the great stores, not seeming already about the spell on the Internet.

Yakisni perfumes

1. Cellophane trim
Cellophane, like a burnt box of perfumes, can be tightly stretched, do not stand out and do not wrinkle at the seams. Before speech, the seams of the package are not responsible for the glue and should be wider than 5 mm.

2. Cardboard in the middle of the package
Virobniki original perfumery do not save on packaging: as a rule, they place an additional cardboard construction near the box, as it is their responsibility to protect the bottle from the distribution of that poshkodzhen.

3. Write on the packaging
For example, a sign of environmental friendliness of packaging (two arrows, which make the colo) look right: the arrow is dark to the beast. All polygraphy can also be vikonana likewise.

Product makers try to make their product sound similar to the original, but in order to avoid the ship’s eyes, they can change the lettering areas, easily modify the logo just a bit… Be respectful!

5. Kryshka
krishka original perfume absolutely symmetrical (as the design cannot be otherwise) with a finely applied little. It is her fault to sit well on the bench and not bovtatisya.

6. Serial number
The serial number of the application (not sticking!) on the bottle is due to the number on the cardboard box.

Tse, as it seems, the best aerobatics. The one who, at least once, holds a bottle of yakіsnih perfumes in his hands, will understand me! It is not guilty to take revenge on the bulbs and the bumps and irregularities on the surface. Shvi owed but be accurate and the same tory.

And one more pleasure, how to allow the correctness of perfumes to be determined, and yet you can make a re-verification even at home. Put a bottle of perfumes for a deaky hour by the refrigerator: it’s like a cloudy homeland, unfortunately, you keep a bottle in your hands.

Be respectful with purchases and think about those that your friends don't get fooled - share this article with them!

Without a doubt, nobody wants to buy a drink for a big penny. The market of "reminiscences" of sumnivny perfumery, toilet water has become a phenomenal phenomenon. Ale in the big, it costs less to buy brand names and advertised perfumes. In the middle of a wide range of branded perfumes like fakes, it’s easy to make them dry, but it’s possible to make them respectful and obvious falsifications for yourself.

There are three types of supplements: copy, version and variation:

1) A copy has the greatest similarity with the original - the name, packaging, bottle and smell are similar, but it is filled with a fake and can be recognized;

2) The building version is less likely to imitate the smell of toilet water. Most of the bottling of such cosmetic products is vibrated over branded bottles. The warehouse may include expensive components, so the smell is sometimes important to remember with the original version. Ale buvay, scho aroma wakes up and does not start on the big bik;

3) Imitation of the same may be similar - from the smell, the design of the bottle and the packaging of the branded Ale, with the help of which it is clear, so you don’t fall into the eye, that’s a little trick of the “practice” and may even be very popular. To avoid imitation, just read the name on the package, one or two letters will be recognized. For example, under the brand "Lacoste" hovaetsya toilet water, is practically called the same - Lakoste.

Toilet water supply, signs of supply

It is recommended to buy perfumes at selected stores and boutiques . Whenever you buy perfume from your nearest street store, you don't have to worry about the original fragrance. The main reason for the prosperous foundation of the child is the post-mortem to protect. To that, for the cob, find out the price, which is 50% lower, you will be fooled.

Vynyatkom can but only online stores, de no other additions expenses for renting trading bays, sellers, etc., but you can save up to 25-30% in any way. Another variant of "outdoor sales" - ce nibito "mitny confiscate or releases without a license". These sellers are trying to explain the identity on the packaging of the main signs of the company's promotion of their products. There is no such category - the most widespread counterfeit.

Manufacturers of branded perfumes do not qualify for packaging. Tse is one of the first sign, how to freshen up a bottle of toilet water. A self-respecting brand is not to sell an expensive perfume in a cheap box. Sound for this vicorist high-yield paper from thin, even and smooth cardboard. The text is good and clearly instructed, without blots, inconsistencies and slurs.

Write about obov'yazkovoy maє buti nayavnist:

  • the symbol of the return container (surprise, on the box there are two arrows on the stake);

  • barcode, first 2-3 digits means the edge of the picker;
  • batch number, pay special attention to the quality of the money. Vіn is guilty of buti clearly depressing or breaking through in italics the black color on the box and zbіgatisya with the number on the vial (from the back side). Yakshcho vіn rozlivchaty chi yogo zovsіm nemaє, tsep_drobka;
  • specified warehouse for the product;
  • the logo of the company vikonaniya clearly, clearly and neatly marked all the lines. sound pasted with different stickers, there is no such thing on the branded perfume, the logo of the charges on the packaging.

Toilet water supply, packaging

Name. A copy is easily recognizable after writing, for example, in France parfume, it sounds like it is written without the rest of the letters"e". For some kind of fluctuation on the skin box, the buti is written in French abo English language: “Made in France” Ale, I’ll write instead: “Made in France” if you write a simple letter - “France”, then the similarity of such a perfume is even more difficult. Itself in similar confiscated goods can name the trade mark, the logo or the name of the product - to be surprised (the logo can be inverted, or the other color can be different). For a wild development, read ”.

Cellophane. The sound of the box is protected by an outer cellophane lining, as if it is tightly bound, and the edges are neatly fastened in a factory way. Who knows a lot, how to designate a bottle of toilet water without opening the bottle. As if the packaging is sloppy and visibly traced by glue - chain of drops. And the axis of the presence of cellophane is not yet a sign of falsification - branded packaging can be like that.

Cardboard. The case of the box may be guilty of being prepared from yak_sny cardboard, using the middle of all vir_zi, inserts and other details are high-technologically polished, writing is clearly overcharged. Go to the shops, de є demonstrative packaging, tse means that you can look at the inside and the bottle itself. If a spray bottle is transferred in perfume, then it is possible to evaluate this work. Sound the wine is protected by the metal ring. To give respect, as in the middle of the bottle, the tube has fallen and is clearly marked by a "rough dip" along the bottom of the container - this is another reason why you keep a bottle in your hands. Cardboard is guilty of buti ideally fitting the branded bottle and fixing it well on the stand, so when the wine is crushed, you don’t need to make up, like a Yalinka toy.

Bottle. Evaluate the purity and clarity of the fold - it is not the fault of the mother of defects in looking irregularities, bulbs or cloudy ones. Clarity - the mind is important not only for the warehouse, but also for the middle of the bottle, it’s not the fault of the calamute but the siege.

Now, how to designate a little eau de toilette for the color solutions of perfumes - the middle of the bottle can mainly be in pale yellow to dark yellow colors. Farbuvalny pigments are added for an hour, which allow reaching erysipelatous, buzkovyh or green colors, but also plant softness, take colors. That's why your eyes should be silently "chemically" zabarvlennya - so I can alert you, the shards of perfumery booths do not choose for their masterpieces, cheap, brightly colored.

A bottle of toilet water, a bottle of that

W The simplest way to see the toilet water in the original is to put it in the refrigerator upper sign detailed products. You can safely carry the purchase back. On the bottles and boxes, there may be a sign of yoga capacity (in milliliters). There is one more sign, as you can see for yourself - if the original products are thought out in colors, then they are already prepared in colors and do not need to be stuffed on top of the warehouse. Yakshcho on skli bachite farbu - tse 100% counterfeit.

The foldable design of the bottle is developed by the best practitioners of perfumery booths, so as not to overestimate the client. The most important priority is those that are so costly and important to do so. The leather bottle of the perfume has its own license plate, which is applied wrong on the label, but in a bad way.

Smell. Tse first on scho varto turn respect - the original perfumed water cannot be covered with a metal cap, shards when sealed with metal can be zipsuvatisya.

friend- the first two "zilch" are always unfriendly. The process of preparing perfume products is more complicated, it will require great financial investment, the presence of a special possession and additional knowledge of spivrobitnikov. At the basement miltsiv, there is nothing, it is not visible to them to spend hours and hours of strength to purify alcohol, not to check if the aroma of that alcohol is too thin. Therefore, such a treat will save your smell for a long time. From the first hairs applied to such a toilet water, it’s more likely to be treated with alcohol, which is added to itself.

Not everyone knows how to designate a piece of toilet water, that is warmly pardoned, but the smell of love can be practically recognized. For us, wines are charming, feelings are felt, to which positive emotions call. The result is a path of inspired creativity, scientific regularity and high-tech process.

Whether it be an original fragrance, it may have a three-dimensional structure: the upper notes go first, then the “heart” and only a little later - the base notes. The upper ones aggravate our scent of the first two whilins, then the “heart notes” crackle, the stench lasts for two or three years. This miraculous accompaniment is completed by the base notes, yakі zberіgayut the smell of the chotiri year.

Fake things are less likely to be forgiven for the upper notes, which are easily seen. If you appreciate the originality of aromas, then your skin can change the smell of perfume, if you smoke, if you smoke, if you live hot or calorie every day. The smell can change if you take care of toilet water. To that you can’t fall in love with the aroma, to that a box of perfumes standing not far from the battery, the tester was on the window, as if it was warmed up by lamps or by sony lamps. Recognition of your smell can still lie in the sight of health, for example, the hormonal background.

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