How to choose an original perfume. How to revive the original perfumery in the form of a drink?

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Navit at the great store, unfortunately, it’s risky to buy a replacement for the right perfumes. And not just cover, but not safe for health. Ale, there are special signs, with which you can recognize a letter, make it seem like it’s broken master.

mi in website took away, yakі help to buy good perfumes and don't let yourself be fooled.

Cellophane packaging

The box with the original perfume is covered with tightly stretched cellophane, which does not curl, does not bulge and does not make wrinkles. Polyethylene packaging of fresh perfumes often sit higher.

Seam accuracy

The seam on the polyethylene package is not to be blamed for being wider than 5 mm, for unevenness and revenge follow the glue. In the original, the wines are thin and neat.


Do not economize on cardboard, because inside the boxes they place a special design, and perfumes in such packaging are not used. Vaughn can be crushed from yakіsny cardboard and kindly trim the bottle.

Marvel at the fact that the cardboard was beaten, and not siruvated.

The writing on the packaging

  • On the sign of eco-friendly packaging (arrows that confirm the color), the black arrow is always known to the beast by age to light.
  • Do not go straight to the store and look at the information on perfumes with the information on the website of the perfumer. Even though the detail does not fit, then you have a copy.

First food, like praise of all buyers, " Do you have a perfumery reference? Moreover, the wine is given in different forms: " Do you import perfumes?" "And what about yaka kraina-virobnik?" "And why are the prices lower, lower at the store?" "And why do I care about things, why did I go to the bazaar?" "Do you have Holland and the Emirates?"and so on.

I understood no one wants to buy a pidrobka for a few pennies, and on the move, just in front of you, you can only have a specially trained person (to get a service-rozhukovy dog ​​to smell and smell perfumery - she has a lower scent for someone else).

So how can you recreate a copy of the original?

Before speech, sometimes blame food. what do you care about? Gifts are often sold as mitniy confiscate", "leftovers after closing the store", "promotions perfume company otherwise, there are other, bigger or smaller fantastic versions. Deyakі sellers stverdzhuyut (and sometimes navіt to tell the truth) that they have no money, version", "copy", "license", "analogue and etc. All the truth and є pіdrobki. Tobto pіdrobka-tse those who are trying to be seen for the perfumery of a leading company. original let's cheer up only perfumery prepared according to the original formula(What should a trading house do), at the undertakings of the trading house but on yoga zamovlennya. Everything else - vvazhaemo podrobkoy. If you want to have a drink and aromas on kshtalt " Climate" (Lancome) or " JaiOse" (Guy Laroche) - for those simple reasons, that the company, as it created this fragrance, officially declared that it was a release. I sold the right to develop the fragrance with the name of another company (from JaiOse when changing the design of the box).

Father, you keep a bottle in front of you, I’ll call it, as you know what a chuli is. Why should yoga be recognized as correct.

1. Cellophane bath.

The original perfume packaging is not overly thick cellophane, the seam on the sides (or back) is equal, neat. Shrink the seam with a thermomethod (heating), but not gluing. The cellophane tightly encloses the box, do not wrinkle anywhere, do not vibrate. From above and below cellophane seals with a stamp of a rectangular (and sometimes round) form.

Uvaga! Deyakі companies don't kiss their brands as a matter of principle. For example, Hugo Boss, current positions of Shiseido, Davidoff, Сlinique... Vіdsutnіst tselofanuvannya do not talk about pіdroblenіst product.

2. Cardboard packaging.

Back to look at name. There are no written letters and no stench written. In its own way, the way of firm-viral versions (copies) to vanish in the future for the copy - even the name is vindicated in the original, if you want old look i similar. At one of the perfume exhibitions, we got 18 (!) versions of the name popular at that time " J""adore"(starting with J""opador)

Take a good look at the box. On the back - not knowing the cellophane. On nіy not guilty buti"flowing", fuzzy writing, all other letters and barcodes are due instructed clearly. It's not the fault of the "wrong" color, or the "sprinkled" color (which is not overridden by the design!) The bottom of the box is to blame for the variance (and some printing by the printer) number. Yogo meaning can be seen later.

Potim unpack the cellophane(With the permission of the seller and even more carefully. Goods with damaged cellophane according to the Rules of Radyansk Trade, if no one dared to say, they won’t be accepted back! Try dotik packaging. Solid cutters are cored with special grades of cardboard for skin cut, so you can name a rough tip on the dotik.

3. Inner packing.

In the middle of the box, ring out to be inserted " construction" from cardboard, yak do not give the bottle a "bigati" box. Save money on every cardboard (you can’t see it on the photo of the window!)

4. Bottle.

Vlasne, from the package you can name only a little bit of low quality - so the titles of "handicraft China" or "Emirati". Factory-made professionally finished products are printed on a high printing level. (Guess the classic: "With the current development of the drukovano, do it at the Sunset ...") Kim mi zdebіshogo not є. Ale is not necessary! It's enough to just respectfully look at the bottle.

On the original vials NI sweat, unevenness of the warehouse(like on a beer dance), fork defects, change of color, bulbous! In order to make a fine bottle, it is necessary to place a zamovlennya at the great glass factory, a great party (otherwise, I prepare a leather bottle by hand, which will immediately lift it to an invisible height for a child). I write on the bottle, applied in artisanal minds, ring out "jump". The stench can be slurred, fuzzy, nervous.

4. Bottle cap.

Tsey at first glance is not the most important accessory, I immediately see a drop. In the first place, it’s not the most important yogo to respect like a buyer, and the pickers are a faggot, and they give less respect for the hour of preparation. In another way, when the leather cover is made, the designer will win a special kind of plastic, which sounds like patents and is no less a secret, lower perfume composition. Thirdly, during the production of krishok, technology is created, as the sound is inaccessible to artisanal victors. That’s why the krishka they have seems to be “unsolid”: with unevenness, bullying, nasty stuffing, it’s easy (To fight with the rest, I’m soldered into the krill in the middle behind the help of a soldering iron ... a nut!).

important! Yakshcho Wee brought respect, then they sell it in stores. Tester The stinks of rich vipadkahs go without a lid and in "economical", or "industrial" packaging - white or gray box, with a black and white name. The price for the Tester is twice as low, the price for the perfume of the same one will be in a box. Chi є stink pіdrobkoy? tse normal perfumes. Just stench due to winemaking in stores as a "vitrate material" - to give the buyer the opportunity to get acquainted with the aroma (including yogo stamina) before buying. So, the tester for the appointment cannot be "less stable". And the rocks in the tester are not large boxes and wines are not assigned for retail sale (it says "Tester. Not For Sale"), then they are sold by wholesale companies at a lower price. І tse knowledge for a person, like joking aroma for himself, and not for a gift.

5. Spray.

Spray (spilluvach) at the bottle can be protected, sharply trimmed on the bottles, and buti won’t touch the design. And do not look, like taking it out of the "potryy cologne." With the first change, the first push (sound 2-3) can be without "zilch" - it's normal, it's okay to go out again, which was lost in the spray when the factory was stored. The robot spray is supposed to be distorted (like, before the speech, and assigned by the "Rules of Trade") - even more rarely, but the factory hat is trapped and at the firm's coats. It will be covered, as if you will give perfume, with which it is impossible to make a fuss.

6. Serial number of the batch.

Remember sprat of letter and digits, yakі bli navіshcho put on the box(I'm embossed with a printer), and how did we remember the boxes when looking around? Now turn the bottle upside down. chime in on the day(inode on a white surface) vial applications (farbuvannyam, drukarsky way, embossing, laser notch thinly) same number. Qi two numbers can be increased. Tse sche one zakhist vіd virobіv і at once zasіb vіdstezhiti canal rozpovsyudzhennya svogo merchandise for great companies. From i we can become in good fortune.

7. Aroma.

Well, get it! The axis is those for which we started everything. Aja, zreshtoyu, for the sake of aroma itself, tsієї mayzhe elusive, elusive that invisible substance, and we started buying perfumes! Then why is it that yoga is being converted into the rest of the black? Just the one that appreciates the originality of the aroma in the best way. Here we (non-professionals) can focus less on the criterion of befitting or not befitting. Spriynyattya aroma - on the right dosit іndivіdualna. Zvіsno, є yakіs global rules. And the aroma can be less appreciated for it, which suits you especially. Whether it’s a modern yakіsny aroma (more precisely, a perfume composition) from rich ingredients. Vіd 40 to 1000 and more (Jean Patou, 1000 - stacks itself from 1000 different warehouses). The additive, as a rule, is intermixed with 5-10 components, as if they "imitate" the top note of the fragrance, as you first feel it from the bottle or immediately the field of application. Therefore, it’s better to wear the aroma of 10-15 quills on the body, so that you understand that the wine doesn’t change too much in an hour. Well, I guessed it, you see, you don’t think about what you want to feel. I repeat once again, what suits you.

8. The price is obligatory.

What is the price of a guarantee of capacity? Think for yourself here. According to the criterion of quality, the price was determined, then the supplements would simply be sold more expensively than the originals. I all. Oskіlki tsіnu original produktsіyu rozrohovat z sobіvartostі, vitrat for transportation, mitne cleaning, payment of licenses and certificates, warehousing, savings, rent of commercial premises, salaries of spіvrobіtnikіv, etc.

That price for delivery is cumulative from the input price (minorly small, close to $5 after transportation in Ukraine) and the cost of earning. As a result, one and the same Chanel Chance volume 100 ml can cost from 80 to 450 UAH. I more.

Ale tse all harazd, you say Vee. Ale go about buying in the online store . How to mark all the signs there yakі vie here pererahuvali?
There are two typical signs for an online store.

9. The presence of different obsyagiv one flavor!

Look respectfully at assortment for online store. If it’s normally delivered, then in the assortment there will be bottles of different obsyagiv- Call out 30 (better 25 or 35) milliliters and up to great - 100, 150, 200 ml. As in the assortment, there are only "nayvigidnish" 100, 90, 80 - milliliters - may you sing-alongly sing along to you, like nothing sleepy (Crimea name) can not be washed with a right aroma. Moreover, give respect to proportionality of prices- 30 ml is cheaper, lower than 50, and 50 - lower than 100. Testers, for example, usually 100 ml will sound approximately like 50 ml of the composition in a standard package. (Before the speech, tse rule diyatme i when buying at a metro kiosk, and at the market, and at any small shop, or when buying "out of hand" from a "representative of a wholesaler").

10. The price for the composition of different brands can be changed!

Adjust the prices on the compositions of different brands. Yakshcho prices for goods of different firms (for example, Chanelі Azzaro) approximately the same, then, svidshe for everything, Vee on " cheap sale left bottling".

Otzhe, zagalnyuyuchi written here, yak varto diyati when buying perfumes in an online store? It’s wonderful, my special thought, but I’m in such a sequence:

1 . It is important to take a look at how much more (the cream you have chosen) the fragrance is sold in stores, how much it is sold and at what prices. Even if it’s more than a big bag (80-100 ml) and everything is about the same (for example, “All for 160!” or all for 254 to 365 UAH) - that’s the “Chinese-Arab invasion” and you can calmly break up to another store. Dey same assortment, for example, $ 10 with delivery. It won't be so close. Yakshcho, zvіsno, you need a cheap gift for a present. (Before the speech, on the phrase "Only Originals!" "100% (150%) guarantee of quality!" "All goods are certified!" Special respect for the animal is not varto. Not small, tea.

2 . Having made a promise, look at the box at the presence of the courier. To sum up the authenticity of the goods (div. paragraphs 1 and 2) - turn the goods without opening the cellophane packaging.

3 . Ask at the courier, so that you can carefully open the package and look at the bottle. If you take away the commandment - it’s worthy to be thoughtful. Before the speech, it’s better to recognize here in a more quiet city, lower “the third car in the tail at the Barabashovo metro station”, where you can look back at the purchase without zavoi metushni and shtovkhanini.

4 . Open the packaging carefully. Let it be better to spawn the courier of the online store, at the new one you can have a sing-song note and, as it is necessary, a tool. Take a look at the inner packaging (item 3), bottle (item 4), lid (item 5). If there were sumniv - ask for clarification. A skin brand has its own subtleties, like a professional can know. Correct the serial number on the box and bottle (item 6). Only after that you can spray the robot with a spray, apply the composition on the skin and evaluate the flavor of the fragrance. Like everything is sovereign - you can, out of satisfaction, greet yourself with a calm conscience. You brought the original.

I for completion. Why don't you take a drink, like you deserved the aroma?

There are a few reasons here.

Perche I just don't want to buti oshukanim.

In a different way, stamina of arable land. More pіdrobok povnіstyu vyvіtryuyutsya stretching years.

third, change the smell Not all powders have a weak stamina. On the right, in the fact that, when they are prepared, the same ingredients are used, as in the "great" perfumery. Just in different proportions. And so the titles of "sounding" speech, like obov'yazkovo vikorivuyutsya in a perfume composition, if not properly dosed, they can be left on the top of the richly richer components of the "top note" that are swirling. As a result, after spending a short time on you, the smell of the perfume composition is overwhelmed, which strongly reminds the cat of the slaughter. It's a pity that such a smell is given by ambergris (natural or synthetic - it's all the same), but it can be obov'yazkovo to enter into the warehouse of any kind of aroma. And how else to lie, that the scent of a person does not catch (more precisely, a person stops smelling) the smell that you smell for a long time, then let me know how you will be received! Let's go to the right place! Do you need it? Why did you buy a bottle for whom?

It's a pity, our hour of perfumery is not rare, but to make a wider appearance. However, the smell of non-acidic perfumery is not only unacceptable, even more smut - the aroma is overwhelmed by the best, but it is not safe, oscilki її akіst can cause teasing, allergy and damage to your health. Luckily, it’s a low sign, you just need to finish the zavdyaks like the original. Golovne - tse when buying show respect.


Let's look at the most absurd versions: Russia has no right perfumes! The phrase is often heard: "I buy perfume only over the cordon, but at the same time I don’t have the opportunity to go there. Where can I buy from us if I want a garn similar to the original?" And, buying original products in Russia, people have already formed a strong idea in themselves and widely believe in those who are just like a good friend, rozpovidaya with whom we know: "So, tse, obviously, not France, ale pide!" Without a doubt, there is a lot of reason why the wines and the numerical sellers of the shots are here, as they sing that they are original products. A lot of buyers, having bought a "fake" once, stop trusting the sum sellers.

Let's take a look at the correct version about those that, especially for us, from you (that's for Russia) bottle original products, but also with changed concentrations of aromatic components. The Russian slow market at the moment is the largest in Europe and one of the largest in the world. There is no such thing as a desirable sensation to bring to our country obviously the best goods, but in other countries, and even on the perfume market - there is already serious competition, so you can beat your competitor. It is also possible to imagine the numerical stages and the most complex processes of preparing such a delicious and tasty aroma for us. The leather component undergoes a relay review for harmony and interplay with others, in which process a large number of people and workers are involved, even if it is not frosty, proportionally changing the amount of fat and zukrіv we take less top and less licorice. If you want to sing along here your own subtleties, then there are problems for the builder of addenda with quality, steadiness, vitrates and prestige?

Surely, there are no more people left, how to believe in those who have the Internet - shops or sellers, who walk around the offices with the so-called "mite confiscation" to sell the originals? Such a quantity of confiscation cannot be found in nature. In truth, the so-called "Mitnaya perfumery" is not based on principle. So there is nothing and perfumery, prepared "for a license". Sellers pretend to be such concepts, as if they try to sell inaccurate perfumery, as, as a rule, they are used in the United Arab Emirates, Turkey, Poland and Holland. The price of such "princes" is in the region of 700 - 1200 rubles, at which practically all similar perfumes are exhibited, as a rule, for one price - "everything for 750 rubles!" You can't beat Chanel in a 100 ml bottle. 750 rub. for any situation. The designated notes are the number of real testers, on the head bottle of which the farboy sounds information about the nature of the perfume, cobs and notes of the “heart”, the relic of oil essences that enter the warehouse, the number of the “bann” series, deodorant, deo-sticks and etc.

Store assortment

Varto give respect to the assortment of the store-seller. Refine, mainly popular brandy (Giorgio Armani, Hugo Boss, Christian Dior, Chanel, Givenchy, Dolce&Gabbana, Kenzo, Lancome, Versace, etc.) Perfumery brands (Chopard, Cartier, Hermes, Narciso Rodriguez, Sisley, Victoria's Secret, Juicy Couture, Lalique, Montale, Odin, etc.) add more richly, so that it’s not a great drink on them, and, as a rule, the drops are presented only in bottles of large volumes - 100 ml, smaller volumes - 30 ml and non-standard volumes 40 ml, 60 ml, 65 ml, as well as miniatures, it is unprofitable to add.

Elite perfumery practically does not vibrate with the so-called “handles” with a spray bottle or a bag with a capacity of up to 25 ml (vinyatki make miniatures of Salvador Dali and Morgan). Obviously, the store, which can in the assortment and sell such products, better for everything, is engaged in counterfeit goods.

Check all your sums, buying testers-drops on them is practically not used.


Carefully look at the packaging of the perfume. The most rude additions are those, in which є pardons would be used in the name (replacement of letters or letters rearranged by mists). Reporting to whom you don’t sing, you won’t fool anyone.

As a packaging product for a cellophane sleeve, the sleeve must be thin, neat, branded, and the sleeve may be fused strictly in the center. But not all brands cellophane their products (for example, Clinique, Hugo Boss (decent positions), Davidoff, Lacoste (detailed positions) and other low brands that do not shy away). The box may be made from solid cardboard or high quality paper. Packing to the original - smooth without wrinkling.

The fonts on the packaging should be clear and readable. Sometimes a typeface can be a bunch of pressures, and then flooded with a tone, in case of a fluff, the farba is not guilty of smearing. On the package may be the sign of the return container (two arrows on the stake).

Packing is the fault of the mother so write: name; category (parfum, eau de parfum, eau de toilette, tobto perfume, perfumed water, toilet water, etc.); mileage (ml); obsyag fl.oz (1 fl.oz is the American unit of the world, in translation it means "an ounce of redine", so 30 ml is equal to 1 fl.oz.); warehouse (if not obov'yazkovo can be shown warehouse perfume compositions), country-variety (not obov'yazkovo France, so deyakі Modnі Budinki - italіyskі, nіmetski, english chi americans, if you look at your country-virobnik in I will write: "Made in ..." or the French equivalent of "Realises dans ...".

Obov'yazkovo on the skin packaging the code of the maker is put down. The price of typing from a number of digits or by combining letters with digits, in which the date of selection, the batch number and other outputs is encrypted, the leather picker has its own coding system, including for fighting with supplies. This code is always entered on the box and on the bottle itself.

All perfume products can be accompanied by Russian stickers. With this sticker, you can stick on both glossy and matte or transparent paper or swimmers.

If there are barcodes, then food should be taken seriously. Bagato who cares, for example, the number 3 on the cob of the code means that the picker is France, that is. tse original. Ale varto zamyslitsya, even if the packaging, the bottle are updated, and if you try to repeat the aroma itself, then why bother to stink to add the barcode? Zagal programs from "re-verification" of barcodes do not give 100% correct results, barcodes are easily updated, or simply steal their bases. Also, a barcode can mean not the country of the virobnik, but the place of distribution of the headquarters of the virobnik company, for example, Sweden or Switzerland.

The Arabic texts on the packaging do not mean that the product has been shipped. Tse means less of those that the party of which product was broken up in the kіlkoh kraїn, zokrema y in the Arab region. Parties with such inscriptions are, for example, at Duty-Free stores in rich countries.


One of the criteria for a non-original non-original perfumery will be the bottle itself. In the bottle, as a rule, it has a low density (coarsely cheaper, the appearance of irregularities, chips, bulbs in the tovshchі skla or the filthy stuff - the original flasks are sparsely colored, in cheap pods it is farbuetsya; cheap plastic, crooked virgin, filthy material) . Even though the vial was carefully unpacked, the first two “puffs” may be unfriendly. Take a look at the atomizer: it’s like a tube dowsha for a bottle (it bends along the bottom of the container), don’t hesitate - it’s a drink.

Give respect to color together. Motherland can be clear, not kalamut and without a siege. Sometimes, for the help of barns, greenery, erysipelas, or buzkovі vіdtinki reach. And the axis of the yaskravy "chemical" colors can be alert.


Perevirte aroma perfume. The main sign of the buv and the smell is that st_yk_st! However, even here you can use your own underwater stones: the smell may not be the same for you, as you remember it, but it doesn’t mean that you brought the drink. The smell can change in staleness depending on the temperature dovkilla and body, so the smell on the skin can change, for example, you live high-calorie, gostry products, smoke. There are also situations where, after a few hours after applying the perfume, you stopped smelling the fragrance. The reason for this may be those that your scent has improved the smell, which is characteristic of a person.

In some cases, virobniks change the formula of the aroma. Also, the European Union often changes the norms, which can take away the victoriousness of that other ingredient, which strongly influences the stability and smell, and the client can take the new flavor like a drink. I’m less likely to buy after all, go to the official website of the virobnik and read about the change in the base notes, otherwise - let out a filthy voice about the shop.

The structure of any original fragrance is threefold: top notes, heart notes and base notes. The top notes are the first to comment on the fragrance. The stench trembles more than 2 whilins, followed by heart notes, yak trevay 2-3 years. The final note is the base note, it lasts for about 4 years and more. If there is a need for non-original perfumery, then it has more than one note, and the axis of the Shakhra aroma simply cannot repeat the same structure through the technical and financial impossibility of working. Axis and go, that only one base note is taken for mixing, all syrovina is cheap and non-acidic in the best way, and in the worst case, you will inflict on yourself chemically active and unsafe components for health, which can cause allergic reactions.

However, it is necessary to note that the smells of the original products are not too persistent and must be applied 2-3 times a day. It is mainly light summer aromas with fruity and floral notes, green tea aromas, fresh sea aromas and others.


Deyakі shops put together myths about the presence of a contract with them from a virobnik plant, for example, France and Italy. 99% of these hardheads are bullshit. More importantly, the majority of stores in Russia are processed through distributors.

Zvernіt respect for the price of the goods. Elite perfumery cannot be cheap. Prices in Internet-shops can be adjusted according to the prices of traditional lace perfume supermarkets. Retail to become savings of online stores on the rent of a trading floor and the salary of sales consultants. As if the price was proponated a lot lower, it’s time to think about the purchase. As much as possible, you want to promote a non-standard product.

Clarify about the presence of the Seller of the document, yakі b pіdverdzhuvali yakіst of the goods. Even though you still have the guilt of the sumn_v at the cost of the product, you can ask the seller to show suprov_dn_ documents (Certificate of vіdpovіdnostі or Declaration of vіdpovіdnіst). Documents - a guarantee that the goods have passed control for safety and that they are allowed to pass to perfumery products on the territory Russian Federation. A lot of stores do not allow packaging to be opened before purchase, relying on the law about those that perfume and cosmetic products do not return to exchange. To that perfumery varto buy in quiet shops, as it has been practiced for a long time and value your reputation, give us documents for products, write checks and give you the opportunity to reconsider before buying.

We value our client's skin and guarantee that our products comply with us, may provide supporting documents (certificates). Purchases of goods from us You can check when otrimanna reverify rozpilyuvach on pratsesdatn_st.

We hope that purchases from our Internet store will bring you even more joy!

As I spoke about perfumes, it is necessary to tell about those, how to invigorate the right perfumes in the form of drinks.
Seeing food, I searched through anonymous sites on the Internet and realized that everything that is written there is just one article and a few rewrites.
Why not far? To that, with a detailed diet, it becomes clear that some of the joys of these articles can lead you to catastrophic consequences - spend a penny, and don’t come with perfumes.
There are a lot of sites, and there are more glamorous magazines to choose an elite perfume in the "expensive", "visible store".
It’s a pity, everything doesn’t look so bright for re-verification. You can take half salary in the Riv Gaucher, but I don’t lie to you for buying the wrong perfume.
Most of the people who are small enough to be the great distributors of cosmetics in the Russian market, are happy not to show off in this market. That's why the stench doesn't just stingy gifts in unacceptable numbers, not expecting annual certificates for their sales, but to stock them with bad, bad, tormented by glamorous magazines to ladies for name-calling prices.
Insanely, good mother can buy Dior from France, Versace in Spain, and Chervona Moscow from Moscow.
Ale scho robiti, yakshcho tsієї mozhlivostі not?
Chergov's instruction for survival is hovaєtsya under the cut.
1. Do not waste your certificate!
You may be hated by the saleswomen of Letuals, Riv Goshey too. Ale, if you don’t want to run into a product, or if you doubt it as a product, feel free to issue a certificate of validity, it’s your right.
Remember that if the seller is zam'yavsya or zyuliv - it means that the fault is not enough competent, or else the store should take it. Also, do not forget that this certificate is only available for one type of product. Krym tsgogo, on the certificate may stand "alive", and not copies of others.
As you can see, to the most perfumery products, there are instructions. You also have the right to vimagati їх. Although there is no abstract, all the powers of this perfume can be described in the certificate.
However, a certificate is also not a complete guarantee that your perfume is correct.
To that...
2. Appreciate the good looks of sorrow.
Many people respect polyethylene packaging as a sign of high quality products. However, the next thing to remember is that low aromas vipsue without it.
In addition, the creators of numerical products can also pack their "masterpieces" in polyethylene. Pay attention to the quality of the polyethylene packaging - it can be thin, scarlet and absolutely transparent. It is her fault, like a friend's shkir, to bind the box, and the seams may be neat and even, without traces of glue irregularities.
Then the next important step was to look at the box in the middle. Here it is necessary to be a yakomoga with a whim and to follow the following rules:
- Name it carefully. You can spy on the police of stores with such a name perfume variations . These perfumes imitate a box, a bottle, a polyethylene package, it is important to recreate them like the original ... Until you respect the name.
For example, one beautician woman tried to brag about her new clothes. Everything would be nothing, but on a "chic" bottle, like a bov, for її words, purchases from an "expensive" store, beautifully proudly wrote "Gerlen". Zhіntsi pulled on, and the post won without a hitch. Aje in the new boulo style of pathos with the drive of її perfumery subtlety!
- Crimea spirits-variations explore perfume versions . Tse perfumes created for the enemies of one drunken Arab by another drunken Arab. I don’t spit on any national witches - as a rule, the post-leaders of such spirits are the OAU and, not surprisingly, the ex-union of the republic.
Qi perfumes can be compared with a different, perhaps unfamiliar word "version". Do not forget that Arabs are smart ass and can write a word in an inconspicuous corner of the box. Invisible ink, so that we can and do not use the commanding word "Versiya".
As sumnivy crept in, marveling respectfully at the packaging. Versions, depending on the variations, do not repeat the packaging of the original.
- And the axis is better known copies. As a rule, as a rule, as a rule, copies are not only completely imitating the box and vial, but also do not carry on their own direct recognition signs of what, in good faith, stinks. Zvichayno, you can see yourself with a healthy inscription "parfume" (In France, the rest of the "e" is respected), or with the inscription "France" instead of the proper "Made in France", or with a provocative inscription "Paris-London-New York", which more often than not, my mothers take care of the sign at the door, but ... You may not see it.
To that we should forgive Rules for Looking Around the Boxes:
- Cardboard can be buti white. Tobto itself is snow-white, and not gray, not green, not brudno-zhovtim, but white, like the first snow.
- The logotype of the company can be applied directly on the cardboard. As a logotype for applying to polyethylene, put a bottle of kill, before you a drink.
- Respectfully read the warehouse of perfumes! Whereas earlier it was considered a norm to have only alcohol and a perfume composition in the warehouse, then recently a list of 26 potential allergens was compiled, the presence of which is necessary for the warehouse. Of course, the brewers ignore this rule, and if you have more than alcohol and a perfume composition at the warehouse, they try to fool you. Warehouse can have 5 representations and more warehouses. However, the rule does not extend to vintage perfumes, created and packed to the point of respecting the law.
- There is a barcode on the shoe box.
Remember that the barcode of French perfumes begins with the number "3". Barcodes for other countries: Great Britain 50, Germany 400-440, Spain 84, Italy 80-83, France 30-37, USA, Canada 00-09. Below the code is also a serial number - a cipher of letters and digits, which can be combined with a cipher on a bottle.
You can change the correctness of the barcode and designate the edge of the product for a reason.
The correctness of the barcode can be checked independently: To read the barcode, it is necessary to add up all the numbers on the paired spaces (forward to the right). Multiply the sum by 3. Let's add up all the numbers that stand on unpaired spaces (without the control, the remaining digit). Add a number to the sumi sumi, I’ll take off the multiplication by 3 sumi figures, which should stand on the guys’ places. Vіd otrimanoї sumi deprive the rest of the figure. Її check from the number 10. If the product is correct, then the result, which you will see, will be confirmed by the remaining, control, numbers in the barcode
- Krym tsgogo, on the box may be indicated the country-virobnik, the term of applicability and the date of preparation of the product
- Remember that the creators of the product often reward printing. So the inscriptions can be overdone, or overdone, the letters can be roaring, and the rows - uneven. Tse sign of rude podrobki. The inscriptions on the original spirits are designed evenly, clearly and neatly.
3. Look around the vial.
You can get stuck in the situation, if the tester is the same, but if you lie near the box, it’s different. You don’t need to break the box and twist the quality of the vial, “do not come out of the bag.” However, before that, how to open expensive packaging, cut a box of sprat once. Cheap, filthy fastened in a box, you can see yourself with a quiet thud. Expensive aroma in the shaking you can’t see the usual sounds, shards of good fastenings at your cardboard “boudinochka”.
Ale, the axis of the bottle is in your hands ...
- Write on the bottles of guilt, I will write on the boxes. Of course, the terms of appurtenance and the date of preparation, redolence, font and design are not indicated on the bottles just goitre.
- The krishka is guilty of lying flat to the ground, the ring under the spray gun is not guilty of "walking" sideways on the beak, and the spray gun itself is not guilty of scrolling. A lot of perfume bottles vikoristovuyut prietru cork, for example, Lancome.
- Sign of the letter - stickers on the bottom of the bottle: the serial number of perfumes, their name and brand may be applied on the side of the bottle.
- The bottle can be akіsnim! It’s owing to blame, but we are equal and we see through, without bulbs, we see unevenness. If you remember something like this - boldly remember to change the duck. In front of you is either a slub or a pidrobka. A bottle of right perfumes is just a small piece of art, an embellishment of a dressing table, and not the crude work of a Koliva chagar grower.
4. Marvel at the price!
Fairly expensive perfumes cannot be cheap.
Axis of clear distribution of price categories in fallow land according to the popularity of the virobnik company:
- The price range of the first group for a bottle is about 40 dollars and more. Before her one can see the perfumes of fashionable houses in the light of their names, such as: Chanel, Cristian Dior, Dolce Gabbana, Boucheron, and others;
- to another group, with a price range of twenty to fifty dollars per sim mil, include the names of famous fashion artists and designers: "Fendi", "Salvador Dali", "Krizia", ​​"Calvin Klein" .
- the third group, with a price of up to twenty-five dollars for a single million, to create perfumes of smaller brands: Nautilus, Cafe - Cafe, Via Paris and others.
"Sira" perfumery, which passed through the cordon illegally, can be cheaper. Prote, її I’m a raja, I’ll turn it over from even more relatability.
5. Vlasny nіs: trust, but mistrust!
If you know how to smell like Bobby Tonka in the train of So Elixir and you can smell it at the NATO - then you can trust your nose without guarding. It’s not like the hour has come to think ...
How do you know that the aroma is changing and it smells like "not tim", maybe you just smell yoga in other minds? Adzhe on the smell and yogo spriynyattya vplivayut impersonal factors - in the temperature of the window to your mood. In addition, the smells change with the hour - if you have a vintage bottle, then you can clearly see the new smell will be different for you. Or maybe the smell just got better for you and the time has come to try it again?
In short, if you are not a perfumer with experience, take the arguments of a wet nose with a singing care. You can tell me wine!
6. Cold test.
As if the bottle is already in your house, but you couldn’t make it, you don’t have a drink, put the bottle in the fridge for 15 minutes. Yakshcho nі - vіtayu, you are a happy volodar of right perfumes! True, the whole rule does not expand on oily perfumes and perfumes with pheromones, but, as it is right, no one does not overestimate the naturalness of such a wild way.
7. Check the terms of applicability and the date of preparation!
The term of applicability of non-fermented spirits - 1 rec. In principle, yoga can be stretched by three, but only as far as possible to reach the singing minds of saving, which Russia does not have.
By the way, Russian dealers love to buy up perfumes with the critical term of appurtenance at perfume sales - and then sell them for the price of a full bottle. Be respectful, note the date of preparation and the term of attachment, and remember that stinks may be indicated on the box.
Away shopping!

1. Revіr cellophane packaging

Cellophane packaging is the most common type of packaging, so you need to start the revision yourself. The original fragrances will never glue the cellophane behind the additional glue, you will have to work with the thermomethod (heating), and then the seam will be perfectly even. At the top or at the bottom of the box, there is a straight-cut or a round stamp near the sticker.

2. Barcode

Then marvel at the barcode: wine is guilty of zbіgatisya zі barcode kraїnі, dezrobleni perfume. To show respect that the right French perfume is by no means bottled “for a license” here in China and Bangladesh. If it’s natural to buy clothes as a whole, then you don’t buy perfume like that: French aromas pour France.

Also, it’s worth knowing the first digits of the barcodes of the main country-countries: France - 30-37, Italy 80-83, Great Britain - 50, Germany - 400-440, Spain - 84, USA and Canada - 00-09.

3. Serial number of the batch

How to resurrect original perfumes? On the bottom of the right bottle, there is a thin sticker, which says "Say for the Eau de Toilette, 50 ml" box, and in the same place - the serial number of the batch. A fallow brand can be composed of a number of digits, digits, and letters. This very number is to blame for standing on the cardboard packaging. For original perfumes, the numbers are constantly changing.

4. Cardboard in the middle of the box

Pіdroblenі perfumes can also be seen in a cardboard box. Sound the right perfumery can be a “framework”, something like cardboard or plastic, so that the little plyashechka did not make up and was not bovtalas in a box. On this "dribnitsa" brewers often save money, so that the troch shook the packaging: if the bottle is kept, then it's better for everything "fake".

5. Krajina-virobnik

On the right perfume, just write "Made in France" or "Made in Italy" in bold type on the cardboard box. There are no such writings, otherwise it is written wonderfully on the “Paris-London-New-York” booklet - you should already think about the correctness of the product.

6. Read the information on the package

I'm turning back to boring letters and numbers on the packaging of perfumes. On the originals, in a bold font, the date of preparation of the fragrance, the term of attachment and storage of the product are indicated. And the axis of distribution is most likely to take such information into account.

7. Price

This, obviously, is not the best way to change the quality of the product, but it’s impossible to throw it away from the rachunks, you sing along approximately, how much the smell of the aroma. And from the said discount, or “super-duper action” in the store, you can already be alert: the right perfume cannot be 2-3 times cheaper for its real price, just to the one that the new one has such a high affinity.

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