Rituals on the fall month of zvilnennya vіd zlidnіv. Zmova vіd penniless, zlidnіv, zlidnіv i zlidnіv. Ritual "Green Strіchka"

You try to save and spend a lot of months putting pennies under the pillow, but you still have to re-investigate financial failures and pennies to go on unpaid bills?

It’s sing-song, you want to feel like once, like talking about a human being, that pennies stick to her like that.

Explain that good luck with the financial right and understand how to drink a bird happily, not everyone can.

And on the right, here we call it not in the presence of practicality.

Aje dehto all life is smeared, but all of them will end up ending with the stench in the Borg.

It appears that good will can be obtained with the help of special rituals of chi zms.

Correctly conducting the building ritual will not only improve the material setting of the one who asks, but also give him the opportunity to earn a penny energy.

The rest of the situation will become a pledge of successful management of financial rights for the future.

Obviously, you can sit and spend your whole life waiting for a chance, as if you were lucky and penniless, or you can start working.

The first enchanting stusan for you will be magical rituals in vigilance.

How to buy from evil

For the vikonannya rite, you will need the oldest cup at your booth and 7 coins, be it goodness.

Robiti rite is the best in the last month, so that later the falling month will help you to get financial troubles.

As soon as the sun sets, put a cup and throw into it every coin, saying the following words:

“The axis of you, evil ones, see me a fee, have fun evil ones, from the early morning before sunset, walk, evil, drink, hedgehog, but don’t chip me. The axis of you is a vіdkup, the axis of you is Danina, and in the case of me, evil, navіki go.

After finishing the cup with coins, put it in the kitchen behind the stove (near the bottom drawer, shove it up to the wall).

If the month changes a lot, for example, after 3 days, remove the cup with coins and sip the earth in it, or snow, after which you say 3 times:

“You, evil ones, lie under the earth (snow), and me (your name) do not know grief, in the joy of life, be friends with a penny. Let it be so!"

Take a cup of the next one to the empty crossroads and fill it there.

Before the entrance, cross the trich and say once: “I’ve bought myself out of the bad, I said goodbye to the bead, Same!”

The rite of parity in the wake of vigilance, consume that penny expenses

Bake at three pirіzhki, one copy of that zhmenki salt.

Tie a white servlet and go with them to the crossroads to the fox.

Lay on the ground and read the trich zmovu:

“Axis to you, vigilance and needs, spend pennies, a present:
Pennies, bread and strength.
Take your own and get drunk,
Again, torture me, the servant of God (im'ya),
It is necessary to spend money, to create vigilance, to torment penniless people.
I'll go, and you live here. Amen."

Go, don't look back.

Ritual Yak vіdkupitisya vіd penniless

Some people are blocked by the following types of people.

About such people it seems that it is chronic nevdahi.

We have to live from paycheck to paycheck, and before that, take an hour to sleep.

Fatal failure is often accompanied by health problems, which make the situation even worse.

Get lost in bad luck and be penniless, it’s easier to get help for help from a “wadkupu” - a small pack, which people live there, where they go.

Naminate 13 five-ruble coins and burn them at packs of natural fabrics.

Add a twig like a twig to this “bear”, which will help you at home for a small special speech.

You can also buy a ring, a brooch, a personal fountain pen.

To go out to a crowded place, to inadvertently miss it and go quickly, without looking back, and not swaying.

It’s necessary to work in such a rank, so that you don’t give up respect for those who “were so full of handbags” in you.

If you turn your pack raptom, then you need to chime in and drink. And here it happens to carry out the ritual again.

The axis for you is one more small ritual for those, so that you can do what you planned, it went smoothly, and it turned out to be your selfishness.

Take a coin from your hand, lift it with a coin to your lips, with your fingers in front of you, close it to the chin, blow three times and say three times:

"What I earn, I blow, those that are necessary, I get."

Earn so three times on different coins.

Let's throw them at the nearest crossroads and start your business.

Let's take a closer look at how to get a loan for a pennyless self-sufficiency - s report description all the magical events, the ritual of the presence of negative consequences.

Psuvannya for pennies, like a love spell on people, no way to waste popularity. This kind of magic will be occupied by businessmen who want to harm competitors for the rest of the hour. Zvichayni people, scho zadryat financial well-being know tezh induce a penny psuvannya. It is transferred through coins and paper pennies, whatever the denomination. Calling for vigilance is simple magic, for the ritual to be carried out, the help of a magician and especially magical skills is not needed. If you are constantly marrying pennies, you become a victim of evildoers or shakhraiv, whoever tricked you. It is important to find out about the negative program at once, otherwise you can put an end to the financial well-being.

Psuvannya for vigilance is simple magic

What is the essence of psuvannya for pennies

Psuvannya is brought to dark magic, and even її meta - the task of the corporeal, spiritual or material human being. The people used to call it "sickness in the form of magic". To be guided out by an unkind person often behind the help of a chaklun with a path of an unkind look (attack) or a rite of passage. It is possible to intercede, whether it be objects that lie on the object of psuvannya. As a practitioner of that enlightenment magician, no one can lie at the dark matter, it will not end well.

Who would not show, what a penny is worth, what is not a smut, all the same stench is overwhelmed by the subject of zazdrost. Those who make pennies for pennies chi will follow the same meta - to earn those pennies from the enemy, the dedale became less. It is most common to induce psuvannya on coins and pennies in any currency. Pennies ask and give necessary people. If the victim takes them by the hand, he will start practicing. People take a strong blow to the negative. From what hour do all the financial failures begin.

Bring damage to the pennies ordinary people, not koristuyuchis with the help of an experienced magician, not a warehouse of difficulties. To carry out the rite, you don’t need magic skills and habits. Warto remember that the message carried a strong negative energy, a part of which was the transition to the master. It’s rich who takes on the negative from the zazdroshchiv, or the bazhannya to call rahunki with falsehood, without knowing it himself.

How to recognize money for pennies

As a practicing magician, I can say that psuvannia manifests itself for pennies in the skin in a different way. Іsnuyut deyakі zagalnі signs, yakі dopomozhut dіznatisya about conducting a magical rite.

  1. Postiyna not enough pennies. Practice richly, try to achieve financial well-being, but don’t give life to your life.
  2. Often spend money, steal money.
  3. Raptov_ failures in business, zirvani fіnansovі pleasing, bankruptcy.
  4. You start even richly stained in uncommon speeches, and earlier you didn’t mark such a thing for yourself.
  5. Dial Borg, with which it is easy to pay.

Extended characters negative programs- it’s all the time to work and earn money. Apathy is brought to the point that early on you will spend the work of that permanent income.

Expanded signs of negative programs - more and more daily work and earning

How not to become a victim of psuvannya vigilance

Zazdrіsnikіv richly instill in people from the middle status, to that the object of psuvannya can be leather. So we don’t suffer later, it’s better to remember a sprat of simple rules.

  1. Do not pick up coins or banknotes on the street, especially as the stench lies beside your apartment or under the house. You could speak and give a special message for you, otherwise you will become a vicious victim of someone else's spirit.
  2. For such minds, do not give pennies to the borg in the evening, if the sun has set. For one of the rituals of inducing a dream, it is necessary to take pennies from the gate itself after the sun has set. If after sunset they take the sun to the funeral, say that there are no preparations, and you will see tomorrow the next day.
  3. First of all, put it to someone you know, remember the bills. If you turn the borg, you will be surprised, like the same banknotes, the imovirn_n_st of the guidance is increased. Do not stain the borg, which, having turned around, so that the psuvannya does not begin to work. Exchange the pennies in the bank with larger ones or transfer them to a foreign currency.
  4. Do not take pennies from the beneficiary from hand to hand. Ask them to leave them on the table.
  5. Do not put coins and banknotes at the grave of a dead person. In this mood you yourself induce a psuvannya. Financially well-to-do, bury at the ground at once from the dead and deliver it to a new cross, to a direct rozuminn. Do not wait for the prohannya of a third-party that bring a relative, put pennies in the trap, bring like a tearful blessing. You can say that it will be necessary for the deceased to pay the passage to the Kingdom of God, otherwise, do not wait. It’s better not to put anything near the grave, pagan rite and vіn vkray not safe for a living person.

Memorize these rules, vikonati їх awkwardly. Explain to your closest relatives how to behave like a penny, so that the stinks do not become a victim of psuvanya themselves and do not call її on you. To learn that the stench is not zabobonnym, psychology to work out its right, and the stench will be protective.

How to indulge yourself in a penny psuvannya

If you note that for no reason your material state is getting worse, you turn to a magician, negative is pouring on you. Dosvіdcheny practices dopomozhe dіznatisya, chi є pristrіt on you, chi tse really psuvannya for prosperity that wealth. Independently the manifestation of negative programs is folded smoothly, the rites foreshadow the singing magical habits. And also to please you, as if I were spoiling for pennies. The methods of taking care of the prayer are impersonal, you can conduct rituals on your own. The smut rule of the rite of marriage is the vіra u spih.

Prior to the universal rites of consecration, religious rites should be established. Prayer and a church candle - make an effort to relieve negativity.

Specific rituals created for the purpose of collecting a penny fee for the right approach are even more effective. The axis is less than deyakі takі rituals.

In one's own bosoms one should know a freshly trained, pure, fragile sin. Cross over with a black pen all the numbers that indicate the denomination. Fold papriets navpil and put in the middle of the intestines of the beloved robe. Sew on with white threads. When you chant the third verse, pronounce out loud:

“Good luck to success, pennies to pennies, let it be like misfortune about me, a servant of God (your name), by the side. Amen!"

Carry out the ritual for a month, as it grows.

There is one more similar rite, only to be held on the fall month and with black threads. On the new banknotes, whether it's worth it, also put numbers on it, fold it four times and just sew along the edges. Stitching up, read the words zmovi:

“I sew up bad luck, I sew up penniless, I sew up borg and problems. Good luck, turn around to me. Let it be so."

Zyattya damage to the village

Sil is often a magical tool for conducting rituals. The call for help is also needed for help.

The ritual is carried out during the period of the change of month in the dark hour of dobi. A small cloth bag has a collection of coins for gamans or treasuries. Sip the coins and sprinkle them with consecrated water. Tie the bear with a skein and see the nadvir. Under the first tree that was trapilos, dig a hole, put it in a bag with coins and say, adding:

“How strong is Zijde, damage is gone, how damage is gone, so the pennies will come. Amen!

After another six days, after the sunset, you are guilty, come to the tree, under the burying of a small, and water the earth with water (hang the beer flasks). Shorazu read the words of the previous spell. For the whole hour, I will be able to make up my mind. On the eve of the eighth day, remove the little teddy bear from the earth, store the coins with the hamanets. Burn the little bear himself. It is a negative program to infuse strength, it will increase the chi psuvannya will no longer bother you shkodi.

Zyattya damage for the help of holy water

Consecrated water is a universal magical attribute. She helps to get rid of any negative, to protect yourself from some magical infusions. Consecrated water obov'yazkovo may buti at the skin booth.

Consecrated water - a universal magical attribute

In order to take a penny from yourself, take a couple of big bills in the evening, put it on a pickup. Put a flask with holy water on top of the bill and quietly cast the spell:

“The water of the well, the water is pure, the water of God, was the water of death, became the water of life. Lord God, I put hope on you, sanctify the water qiu, the serpent from the servants of God (im'ya) lessons and damnation, the eye of the filthy and the prisoner, all the words are black, all the hell is fierce, the merriment is dashing, the wine city, hostility and hatred, be - like discord, all sorts of psuvannya. that shkodi. Pide evil all to his father, his ruler, his dzherel. So wake up, what is said. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Go to sleep, and fill the bottle with water for days all night. As soon as you stand up lie, pour water at the windows. Spend the ritual after three evenings. Bazhano ahead of everyone at the booth, so that the stench did not drink the water out of the water, but in the taєmnitsі rite they were not varto.

An old rite for removing damage to pennies

Stay at home on your own and check out three years early. For the ritual to be carried out, three candles are needed; Sit down on the platform with your hands. Right-handed, open the icon for yourself, left-handed - hamanets, and on the other hand - put candles. Light the candles to the right. Doloni put that icon on the hamanets. Read the words move trichi:

Hello, dark nothing,

I am your adopted daughter.

Hamanets my - city,

You won't take away my fruits.

Who took my success,

Who took my wealth,

Passed back through the candles.

I took a shovel from Monday.

At the vіtorok the earth was roaring,

I bought grain from the middle,

Four have planted grain,

I watered Friday

I picked up Saturday.

I don’t take them at once,

Amen. Amen. Amen.

After all the attributes of the rite, shove for three days, so you don’t know anything special. In three days I will light the candles again and give them more vigor. You can fawn as a hamanian like a fiend. First, throw away the leftover candles, I will say the prayer again.

In the event of a penny, you can easily find yourself, as if it were an hourly її to reveal. Forgive the rituals to help you with tsomu. You will turn your financial well-being. That person, yak navіla psuvannya chi pristrіt obov'yazkovo naughty about tse. Negativity always turns into negativity.

How to take money without a penny for the help of White magic: speak, prayers, ceremonies, rituals. How to learn to earn more?

Take away the damage to the pennyless help Bila magic. Prayers, call that simple beast to God to help you get away evil and bad luck.

Wealthy people don’t always get pennies, it’s not enough for reparations that like roses, but you can live until your paycheck. Such turbulence for penniless people and tomorrow does not allow life to be filled with joy again. Why so vіdbuvaetsya?

Causes penniless

From the children of the skin people accumulate different mental smіttya, as if they deserve to live to their fullest strength, earning great pennies. People not only do not mind, but they lament knowing how to get out of a tricky situation.

Reasons penniless kriyutsya in such factors:

  1. Reconstruction and installation, as it is known in our head, pledged by vihovators, teachers and fathers. With whom, everything was crushed shortly after to the skin of a child
  2. First failures impose their own vibe on the psyche of a person. You are afraid of children, as if having recognized failures, you try not to change the work, otrimuyuchi a small salary, or to be ashamed to ask the authorities for more
  3. Line and fear do not get in the way of tasks. Vidsutnіst motivatsії іnіtsiаtivi in ​​the future to bring a person to unbearable naslіdkіv: don't take responsibility for yourself, work on a robot early in the evening, don't hesitate to move to a new settlement
  4. Wrong time- This is one of the reasons for yoga failure. Lyudina is able to gradually take up routine tasks in a second hour. The labor potential is not eternal, that’s why it’s blamed on the head as a hobby on the right, expending the ability to know a new place of work with a high salary
  5. Trivia. A lot of people spend pennies on speech and services, so that they don’t need to eat. But you can pamper yourself, as it seems among the people. "Patched dirk". Invest in loans, make repairs at the apartment, and then you can buy your own road, but you don’t need to get rich
  6. Savings, which do not exist. Promotions, discounts, sales - all tse zombuvannya advertising. Really, this is pseudo-economy. People try to buy goods at a cost, and spend pennies, as if they were deposited on a “black day”. At the same time, food is eaten, and clothes come out of fashion
  7. Borg. Take loans less on the cheap. The post-Borgs leave such a mark on the energy of the people that they transform into a chronic borzhnik every year.

Important: Children are afraid of inconsistency in accepted patterns and inaccurate spodіvannyam. That is why the child develops a complex of nevdahi, which may be his own, but he cannot be vikonati.

Remember: It is necessary to praise a child not for a good mark, but for work, having gained wine like a wine, to take that badge. So you can vihovat pratselyubnu and imbued in your own people.

Psuvannya on penniless

Psuvannya on penniless - tse not virok, and yogo can be messed up.

Important: Clean up your energy: turn the Borg back, ask for forgiveness for the deceit and financially compensate your vchinok to the injured person.

If there is no sin for you, then just be engaged in beneficence or work as a good right.

How to get penniless for help of White magic: savage rules

There was magic to help the skin of a person, as it is to be turned to it, but it is necessary to reach the existing rules. The magic of pennies allows you to stabilize the financial state and significantly increase the prosperity of your family.

How can I take money without a penny for the help of White magic? General rules:

  1. Buy the great icon of the Guardian Angel
  2. Wait until Wednesday after I get to the temple and buy 3 great church candles
  3. Light the candles only for help of sirniks - it's important
  4. The ritual for the day of marriage without a penny is carried out about the 3rd year of the night. Women perform the ceremony at women's days (Friday and Wednesday), people at people's days (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday)
  5. Cover the table with a new tablecloth, bought in advance. Won maє buti green color
  6. Put candles in the middle of the table, left hand - an icon, and right hand put hamanets

How to get penniless: rite, ritual

If you have prepared everything, you can start the rite from the received pennies.

Important: The gamants have only paper bills - not a rubbish!

Light the candles in the siren with the left hand. Put on the icon left hand and do not let your right hand lie on the hamants. Read these words (12 times):

You won't take any of my fruits!

Who took my wealth, who took my wealth,

In the name of the Father and Sin and the Holy Spirit

Passed back through the candles.

Like a lot of grains in the field, and don’t slander them

So it would be rich and impersonal for my gamantsi pennies.

Now you know how to get penniless. Іsnuyut sche raznі rites and rituals. Don't beat everything up as soon as possible. Come on pass an hour that rite of obov'yazkovo podіє. If you see that there is no effect, then you should read your prayers.

Zmova vіd pennyless

Zmovi vvazhayutsya strong zaobom vіd psuvannya chi zaluchennya pennies. Zmova vіd pennyless is read when church candles are lit, like they can stand on a table covered with a tablecloth (how to grow up, marvel more).

Zmova from chronic penniless

You can remove damage to penniless with these words:

Strong zmova from penniless

Remember: Church candles and prayers are the best amulet for penniless. Read prayers more often and light the candles, as they brought home from the temple.

Prayer for penniless

Whether it’s necessary to pray while standing in front of the icon, or thoughts turn to God, turning their gaze to heaven. Prayer for the penniless protects against evil.

“To you, the angel of Christ, I call. As soon as I protected and protected and saved, if I didn’t fail earlier, I won’t save against future opposition. So I’ll take it at once, come on me and help me. I have worked harder, and at the same time you bachish honest my hands, as I have practiced. So let it be, how to learn Pisannya, what to pay for the practice. See me for my work, holy one, so that my hand is exhausted with practice, and in a moment I can live comfortably, serve God. Vikonay the will of the Almighty and bless me with earthly bounties according to my practice. Amen."

On the skin icon of the Holy One, bought in the church, there is a prayer. The words are fluently and indistinctly. For a defense against a penny, you can read the following prayers:

  • Prayer to St. John the Merciful, Patriarch of Alexandria
  • Prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker
  • Prayer to St. Spyridon of Trimifuntsky, who helps to know without a turbot that without a trouble
  • Prayer to St. Tikhonov of Zadonsk for the messenger of a rich life and the relief of life

Rituals for the Falling Moon in the Penteless

In the phase of the recession of the Moon in magic, it is customary to indulge in negativity and all that is nasty. Rituals for the month without a penny will help you improve your financial position and accumulate pennies.

The ritual begins with the fact that you are guilty of these days after collecting coins of the lowest denomination. Tse shy before the date of the magical ritual. If the coin has been taken and it is appointed, it has come, write the following lines:

  1. You will see at night on a deserted crossroads. It's not your fault to be afraid - go boldly
  2. Get up to the center and start spreading coins in different parts of the world according to your needs, adding the words: “I don’t throw away rubbish, but I waste my pennyless ones. Let them climb into the foxes, that deep sea depth was given to me, to my homeland, to my house. Go, penniless, far away, far away, there, the stars of you will never turn back. Amen"
  3. Pіslya tsgogo shvidko go home. Do not speak with vipadkovy zustrіchnymi. If everything is correct, you will remember the first results in 30 days

How to learn to earn more?

A skin person has strengths and weaknesses. Sound the weakest side, as we like the sight of people from a third-party look, helping us to achieve success. You don't have to be afraid of changes in life.

Important: If you think outside the box, it will help you achieve high results. Ale learn how to earn a lot of pennies on your own, roblyachi pardons and gaining your unique fortune.

How to ask a lot of people how to learn how to earn more? It is important to take satisfaction from employment, as to bring income.

Porada: Learn to think for yourself, and then work as a solution. Zavdyaks of this you will learn to earn more and learn how to help people with their worst problems, and the stench, in their line, will do you for the sake of it.

Ways to earn more

As it was said above, earn big money and respect the Borg. The stench attracts the energy of a person to a less successful past, and it turns out that you won’t vibrate from the same mountain stake.

Important: Spare the borgіv and do not allow me to collect new ones!

Ways to earn more:

  1. Learn to accumulate bones. Contribute 10% to your budget with a thought that you’re taking away the trochs today, you will improve your goodwill from the future
  2. Joke extraordinary ways to earn money. Often, for this purpose, illumination of the feet is not necessary
  3. More people zaroblyayut on the building of sperm and blood. It is also possible take the fate of a medical officer. If it is an illness, then professors can ask to try a new method of treatment with side effects or physically right and check the effectiveness of such a method of exuberance
  4. Focus group registration. Such an additional income can be found on the Internet
  5. Earnings on photostock X. If you can take pictures and if you have a good digital camera, then the same thing is for you to do. Try to understand not just the nature, but the walls of the place where the fire extinguisher is used, which is used on them. Photographs are drunk with people's emotions, as if they are moving and laughing
  6. How do you know asi programming Then learn how to create websites with beautiful artistic design. Zavdyaki tsomu you can create sites for prayer, nasty work
  7. Marketing follow-up. A leather person can become a secret buyer or write reviews about goods

Ways to earn more money

Іsnuє rich ways of supplementary income. Fantasize, guess your own. But beware of the propositions of a mitt's wealth - so you can spend on tricky shakhraiv.

A lot of money can be saved for a person, but don't forget about your health, even if it's priceless. Correctly do the practice and repair, so that you can enjoy your life in a right way.

How to make money for pennies and turn your own good?

Are you wondering about those, how to make money for pennies? It’s not easy to get it straight, so it’s easy to get such negativity often. Below, you will know the methods of diagnosing this psuvannya, as well as rituals for relieving such negativity.

Psuvannya signs on pennies

Such a chaklunsky infusion should not be simply recognized, and sometimes it is often strayed from banal bad luck. Not ready to believe in the foundation of such a foe, who has turned to the Dark Forces for the sake of revenge. Until then, it is manifested in the presence of evil, but it’s not the same - it’s too rich to lie here in the situation, as it was before the appearance of negativity in the life of a person. Ale є postіyni signs, yakі can signify the presence of a running negative program. Tse:

  • a serious decline behind the main source of income, otherwise, the cost is an increase, the loss of business income, a significant decrease in the number of customers, in the most important cases, bankrupting;
  • the impossibility of power to practice with a trivial term, to know the word;
  • zіpsovaniy is permanently guilty of someone with pennies, vibratisya from borgіv not to go out of low reasons, to earn as income is allowed;
  • chastі vpadkovі vtrati - zabutiy gamanets or building in shops, zustrich with intestinal evil and іn.;
  • to learn how people are going to work in a bad way, they are constantly humiliated to the terms of vitrates, in such cases it is not possible to act - breakdowns of the machine or by-button technology, expensive faces for relatives, fines and іn;
  • money-spending, to build even earlier zapsovaniya not skhilny to new - pennies literally twist krіz fingers, incomes are spent on uncommon speech;
  • failure in new initiatives - the projects of the signed one will end in failure, Nova robot not to bring a fixed income, "penny" hobi to produce up to new vitrates;
  • there is no lack of motivation, lack of practice.

Yakshcho You remembered 3-4 signs of a penny penny, you can be sure - won є. In order to reconsider in the end, to carry out diagnostics, as described below.

How to make money on pennies independently?

Yakshcho You commemorated the signs of psuvannya zlidniv, to conduct a ceremony, which will give an accurate conclusion. This is how you diagnose the negative of a strong chaklunka.

Carry out diagnostics ahead of the day after church saints. The shortest hour for the ceremony:

  • the period between Christmas and Khreshchennyam;
  • 7 days after Trinity;
  • an hour from 22 worms to 7 limes;
  • period from 14 to 28 days;
  • between the 21st and 28th of spring.

Diagnostics, carried out in the next hour, is less accurate, but be careful - it’s not easy to miss a serious negativity independently in the future, give a few days until the coming Orthodox saint.

Carrying out the ritual

In advance, buy a wax candle at the temple, and you can proceed to the rite. Spend yoga next after the night, on your own. Close the doors and windows. Put a candle on the surface so that the order would be manually placed. Best of all, sit on the bench of your twisted hand in half-light.

Now it’s necessary to put that candle between you, whether it’s an object, to bind you to your income - a notebook with important notes, calls, documents, resumes, put on a bag, for which you go to work, or a work uniform. Before the speech, in the remaining two speeches, you can find a treasure trove - mark, de same copy or else give the signs of a candle.

Sitting in front of a lighted candle, read the trich prayer "Our Father". Relax, do not prepare yourself until the end of the song. Be ready to find out about any information. After reading the prayer, hold a candle over the subject for diagnosis. Admire the candles until half-light, boiling that other non-violent behavior to see the presence of the dream.

Deciphering the meaning

  • Half my mind is overflowing equal and calm - there is no pressure on you.
  • Yakshcho We commemorated Yaskrav sparks for about half a day, so also to tell about the day of the psuvannya and about the positive change in the future.
  • half-light extinguished, it became significantly less - You were robbed of money for penniless.
  • Yakshcho half-witted temple, ale postiyno vagaєtsya, a candle to dim and crack - it’s not enough to talk about those who are spoiling you for evil, but you haven’t begun to show yourself to the fullest strength yet.
  • Rizko sleeping half a mind to talk about a stronger psuvannya for pennies. It is right to show up, but on a global scale.
  • Yakshcho vіd candles ide rich dima And keep, tell me about the actively working negative program. Take psuvannya treba usuvati negaino.

The color of the fire can be told about those on which you can pay for the next hour in the financial plan.

  • Yakshcho fire yellow color, then the situation will be lost without change.
  • Chervone- strong financial spenders.
  • Zhovto-chervone- check the excess of pennies.

The presence of a dream for pennies is judged by the way that glass of candles melts.

  • Yakshcho vin stikaє zі all side - then the chaklunsky injection does not rely on you.
  • Growths from your side - pennies will come to you in no time.
  • Like a lot of wax dripping protilege sides - the sign of the fact that you were robbed stronger psuvannya on evil.
  • There will be witnesses about the sale of pennies and wax onsets livy side of the candle.

Although the results of the diagnostics turned out to be unfortunate, below you will know the working rituals for reducing penny negativity. Before the speech, don’t go far yourself about getting paid for pennies, you can do good and good luck, and it’s often a self-lesson.

How do you get stuck on evil?

You can take a few pennies yourself. For whom neobov'yazkovo go to dosvіdchenih magi. Ale before the ceremony in power and in those who are ready to fight with black magic.

To carry out a simple and wild ritual for a month, while growing, take one bill, no matter what the denomination. Now, with a black pen or a marker, cross these numbers, which indicate the denomination on this banknote.

Fold the banknote 4 times and sew it to the lining of your upper garment. Best choose the one you wear most often. The banknote is sewn on with light threads. Zdіysnyuyuchi tsyu dіyu, apply:

Happiness for happiness, pennies to pennies, forgive me, servant of God (im'ya), be unhappy. Amen.

Such a rite can only be one rіznovid. Only in this variant you should be embroidered not with white, but with black threads. So, on the reverse banknotes, there are numbers, which mean that they are good, and they add up like that 4 times. However, this ritual is carried out not on a growing, but on a monthly month.

Only now it is necessary not to sew pennies to upper dress but just stitch around the edges. It’s better to fight with a black thread. Pokey Wee Shitimete, repeat:

I sew up bad luck, I sew up penniless, I sew up borgs and problems. Good luck, turn around to me. Let it be so.

As soon as all the edges of the banknotes will be robbed, take it and bring it out of the house. Її you can bury it under a tree, or you can bury it near a pond.

Holy water from penniless

Water helps to overcome any kind of negativity and helps good when you are drunk. If you were spoiled for pennies, then late in the evening prepare a sprat of large banknotes, place them on the windows, give the beast a memory with holy water and whisper:

The water of the well, the water is pure, the water of God, was the water of death, become the water of life. Lord God, I put hope on you, sanctify the water qiu, the serpent from the servants of God (im'ya) lessons and damnation, the eye of the filthy and the prisoner, all the words are black, all the hell is fierce, the merriment is dashing, the wine city, hostility and hatred, be - like discord, all sorts of psuvannya. that shkodi. Pide evil all to his father, his ruler, his dzherel. So wake up, what is said. Amen. Amen. Amen.

After that, fill the vessel with your homeland, stand on pennies, and go to sleep. Lies, as if you were going to, take a place from your homeland and leave it at the window. The rite is held for three evenings after. The next one will be taken to hell.

How can you take a penny for yourself, shvidko that yakіsno?

For this rite, prepare a small teddy bear made of thin coarse fabric. New nasipte doesn't have a lot of coins. Vityagti їх it is necessary zі svogo gamantsya with the right hand and one by one sip into the little bag. Tse will be your new house.

There is a ritual for 16-19 months of harvest. Rest in the evening, sit down in front of the wedding ceremony, take the head attribute to your hands and sprinkle it with holy water trichi, saying:

Holy water, cleanse the Servant of God (im'ya) from the black eye, from the evil spirits, from the evil ones, from the evil ones.

Now you can break with a bear overhead. Reach the first stitch, dig a deep hole, shove a small bag there for a penny and wash:

Like water goes, damage to the zіyde, like damage to the place, so come pennies. Amen!

The next day you can go home. But now, tomorrow, with a stretch of 6 deb, come to the next stitch, waddle the holy water on the new bottle and repeat the call again.

On the eighth day of the rite, come to the appointed place before the candle, dig a hole and remove the little bear. Let him transfer all the coins from his hamanets, and burn the little teddy bear on any wasteland.

Ritual "Green Strіchka"

In order to indulge yourself forever with the influx of negative programs in your home minds, perform this ritual. Vіn the old and more languid, the building zruynuvati navіt the strongest tangle of chaklunstvo. In order to conduct a ceremony, be equipped with the following attributes:

  • ground cinnamon;
  • sirniki;
  • a wax candle of green color;
  • green line;
  • black bread.

Kind of bread You need the very sour cream, as before the ritual rub the sill and the hourglass. Stay in the apartment on its own, carefully close all the doors of that window, so that nothing can cross you.

On the pіdlozі razmіstіt іt а line аnd fold її її її її schob іz neї vyyshov symbol inconsistencies. Place a green candle on top of it (on the cross-bar for two smugs). Take cinnamon and sip a line with a candle with this product. Do not be afraid to sip too much. Stand over the attributes, holding bread in your hands, and whisper the words:

The Lord is my intercessor, my God. I'm rooting for you. Let it be stricken and the damage of evil will be wiped out by the watchman, let it be beaten, let it be beaten. For me, a servant of God (im'ya), like from a bush all zіyde, at gnіy pіde, that there i will be lost. Let it be so. In the name of the Father, and Sin, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen.

The text is moved until the hour when the candle is not completely extinguished. If it becomes possible, shove a cinder with it and a line like that, so that you don’t know anyone, give bread to the needy, and it’s early to go to the temple and put candles there for the health of all members of your family, friends and brand - vorogiv.

Psuvannya on zlidnі - how do you suck in a mouthful infusion?

You can take a ticket for vigilance in a different way. For whom it is not necessary to go to the professional level. For which ancient rite you need a few speeches:

  • 3 wax candles;
  • hamanets (bazhan to put all your pennies at the new one);
  • badge of his holy zahisnik.

In order not to disturb you and not to respect the rite of passage, stay at home yourself, or simply close the door with a key. Dock the approach of the 3rd year of the night, sit on the bed, the left-hander will spread the hamanets for himself, and the right-hander - the image of the saint. Now, vibe yourself three candles in a row and fire them to the right. Lay the palms on the attributes that lie on different sides, and whisper the words:

Hello, dark nothing,

I am your adopted daughter.

Hamanets my - city,

You won't take away my fruits.

Who took my success,

Who took my wealth,

In the name of the Father and Sin and the Holy Spirit

Passed back through the candles.

I took a shovel from Monday.

At the vіtorok the earth was roaring,

I bought grain from the middle,

Four have planted grain,

I watered Friday

I picked up Saturday.

In the name of the Father and Sin and the Holy Spirit,

Like a lot of grains in the field, and yak їx do not zlіchit,

І yak їх at a time do not take,

So it would be rich and impersonal for my gamantsi pennies. Key, lock, language.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

If it’s a trivatime, pick up all the attributes and place them there, you won’t be fooled by anyone, for 3 days. After the appointed hour, wink the hamanets like a fire, and light the candles anew and let them burn again.

Do not be surprised if the candles dim. There is nothing terrible for anyone. Just take them to the balcony and watch them in such a way that the whole dime is named. First, throw away the leftover candles, repeat the text of the prayer.

All material should be vinnyatkovo oznayulyuvalny character given by our contributors! The administration does not check phone numbers and email addresses, be respectful and don't waste your money on scammers.


A penny rite, which attracts pennies from Vanga, to fight independently for earning pennies for the falling month, it is necessary to read the strongest zmovu in the case, evil and penniless, so that the pennies were spent and never ended.. Zmova for money for pennies read on the money for a paper banknote in a booth for the falling month read zmova on the pennies, and early on, it’s necessary to spend a banknote in the church after buying candles, stitching the insoles on the slips and putting them for the remembrance of those relatives who are already pishov in the other world. After that, as the candles are set, you close yourself and your relatives live forty for health. For this reason, the ritual for the falling month of penniless and vigilance is over.

Zmova vіd pennyless on a falling month, which is to read for pennies:

Good day, dark night, I am your adopted daughter.
Month away, without a penny, I'll take it with me.

Month in the sky it's moving - my wickedness is creeping up.

I’ll spoil my sin, I’ll take it to the church vrantsі vіdnesu.

Who took my wealth, who took my wealth,
In the name of the Father and Sin of the Holy Spirit.
I’ll pass it back through the candles, I’ll see you for sure.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

© Copyright: Maginya

  • Best i strong zmova For good luck in the Torgivi Shchobi Zaluchiti, I Great Groshi Vanga Rozkril Groshova Zmova for the Vodlov Torgіvli Tuznnya, on honey, the water is a kind of self -read on the trade, the number of it is not the same. pratsyuvati, you can’t miss a penny rite! Pay for it, first read it for good luck in trading, earning big pennies and rich clients. Ready to conduct a ritual from getting a penny flow to your business and boost sales from the greatest profit for yourself, buy natural honey and pour a holy water dance in the church. Nagaduyemo, Vanga told me to read the spell for good luck in trading and great pennies strictly on the 3rd of the day! Vranci to come to the work place de trade, so that without a drink, pour into a cup of holy water, having made a spoonful of honey in it, read over the cup a penny zmov:

  • You don’t know what it is necessary to earn a penny in a booth, but it’s necessary to read the zmovu to get a penny of destruction with your hands, a penny magnet to attract a large amount of pennies. Tsіy penny zmovі ponad 100 rokіv i won zavzhdi spratsovuvaly on the attraction of pennies to someone who read. You need a coin of yellow color and a church candle. The best qiu zmovu robiti on new river otherwise, Christmas time, but read zmovu for pennies, so that the stink of the zavzhd in the hamanz was possible and on any day independently from the monthly cycle, just remember the number, if you robbed the rite for zaluchennya zі your life of great pennies - through the river of this day of yoga it is necessary to repeat and work fast. Light a candle and heal it like that, so that you put a drop on a coin from it, as if in storage at the four-nosed khustsa lay on your right hand. As soon as the water is dripping, start reading a zmovu for getting pennies, so that the pennies you had were not retelling:

  • Speak and prayers that earn pennies, Vanga said. The rite helps to create wealth on the right and turn luck into a strong life Swedish way taking away pennies from the share At the sight of quiet, who happened to read the words of Vanga on the swede attracting pennies, stverdzhuyut, what is the strongest shvidki zmovi for pennies, they help penniless and after such successes in all rights and initiatives. Independently read the sound of Vanga for pennies, maybe it’s a human and for them it’s not necessary to go anywhere, it’s necessary to read Vanga’s penny in your home minds right there, you live. Tempting? Do not waste your time and think of money for pennies "to roll on you the financial flow, inexhaustible luck and self-sufficiency." For zmovi Vanga, who added pennies, recommended vicoryisting shmatkovy tsukr - just one shmatkovy tsukra and the text could be smashed from malt with a right penny magnet - a charm of pennies and good luck.

  • Souvenir spoon for a penny, snared for a penny, to crush your hairdresser with a rich spitting man. How to independently raise a spoon for pennies, and if you need to read it, read further, a simple rite of winning luck and trying to earn a penny with a spoon. In all times and in all religions, the world respects the spoon as a symbol of prosperity and a rich table, as if independently reading a penny stone on a spoon, you will see a penny talisman that attracts pennies and prosperity to a budinok. The very same spoons-grabbers were used by the old people for the acquisition of material goods and the energy of pennies. An old magical souvenir for pennies - a silver spoon of a comb helps to improve finances, help the borg and increase the income of your master. It is so important to protect people from the life of a person, it’s so important that a spoon for a penny bula vikonana srіbla, and the axis of the spread of a spoon is not important.

  • At the moment of penny consumption in Russia they read a strong penny zmovu, as it helps to increase wealth and give a hard magical blow to the pennyless. After a penny's breath, as if it were necessary to read independently in home minds, light and great pennies and prosperity came to the family. First, you will choose to read the sound, put the medni coins on a white saucer without a little saucer, sip wheat grains on top of the coins and cover them with a green thorn to the beast. At home, for three days, lightly water the saucer with holy water, do not pick up the bite (do not hang around!). As soon as I water the wheat seedlings, I should read the call for pennies:

Awake for the falling month to gain special strength. At the same time, read for wealth, good luck, that cleansing, and also for ordering from shkіdlivih zvichok. The two remaining days of the monthly cycle are considered the strongest for manifesting the dark forces.

However, you can turn back to light forces in an hour. This moment is favorable for redirecting energy in a positive direction. Ale, we need to respect, so that qi is strong magical days don't call on yourself

We will talk about those who are really so strong on the falling month, and also the stench of the unsafe, we will talk in this article. So we brought impersonal examples of signs, which were recognized for vimovi itself at the right hour of the monthly cycle.

Zmova on towel

For which ritual you need to buy a towel white color. Opivnochі vіdkryte vіkno, in which you can see the moon light. Stand in front of him and three times read the magical sound:

“Like a servant of God (im'ya) with a towel, wiping it with a towel, so someone has a craving for alcohol. Pain in the form of a servant of God (im'ya) go, go through all the rubbish at the towel. As these days have passed, so will the servant of God (im'ya) be completely clean and healthy. My will is strong, the word is true, as I said, the servant of God (im'ya). So it will become. Amen."

You need a prayer towel to help people, for yak zmova strove. For a stretch of seven days, I can sleep with a towel. After the necessary hour, bury this towel in any deserted place. As you don’t have such a possibility, burn down the towel of conspiracies.

Zmova on holy water

In order to help people from alcoholism, you need to take holy water in the church. Її zamovlyayut special magic words. Їх vimovlyayut thirty three times after:

“Holy water, you, healing water, help you God's servant (im'ya) to get out of the ailment of yogo, from the heavy fallow, from the deadly zvichkoy. Don’t take the body of this vodka, don’t let it be some kind of alcohol you drink from this day and for all your life. As these days have passed, so sipped to alcohol from the servant of God (im'ya) for a while. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Pour holy water with alcohol, like an alcoholic lives. Postupovo at the new vineyard stіyke vіdchuttya vіdrazi vіd alcoholic drinks.

Rites for the falling month

There is one more rite for the order of the type of alcoholic fallow, in which the water is vicarious. Її you can collect in any clean water, a glass or a dzherel. Speak for the help of a special language:

“Just as water is consumed by God’s servant (im’ya), so the drinking of yoga is gone, all the fallowness is gone, it’s not turning around anymore. Amen. Amen. Amen."

I’ll put the sealed water on the pіdvіkonnya. Curve the vessel not varto, it can be opened. Today, add water to drink in the water, as if a person is living, as if they are suffering from alcohol addiction. It is not recommended to add water to alcohol.

Rite on hoops

Like in this case it's a person, like suffering from alcoholism, it's important. Most often, such a person is encouraged to voluntarily indulge in staleness. Sims are often blamed for scandals and welding. The offensive rite can be performed only by a squad (person) of people, as they are suffering from staleness.

Take the hoop of a sick person and put it into a flask with holy water. Speak a ring of magic spells:

“You are holy water, fork my man, the servant of God (im'ya), forge the drink, the sickness of life, sob went and did not turn around. As long as a person wears my kіltse, doti vono yoga will be protected from alcohol and drinking. As it is said, so shall it be. Amen."

After that, as you have spoken a hoop to alcoholism, turn it around unfailingly to your man.

Ritual that ryatuє vіd vіd vaga

Zayva vaga for more current girls is a great problem. For this very reason, rituals aimed at losing weight are even more popular.

Ritual for weight loss for a falling month

Slimming for extra tea. You need to brew and cool some tea. Yogo can be taken with a handful of medicinal herbs, you can drink tea for weight loss, or take the best one. green tea. Cool the tea in such a way that we keep it warm and speak yoga for a special magical scent:

“Water, you cleanse the root, you wash the earth, wash it with fat, take it from the brushes of my vow, give that string and health.”

Read the spell sim once again (you can do more, but at the same time, no less). Obov'yazkovo vykonyte the ritual on the fall month and you will be safe for losing weight.

Rite to bring good luck

Month, as it falls, it is not possible for the building to earn pennies and material wealth for you. Won zdatna relieve you of your misfortunes, as if they accompany you through life. The effectiveness of these rites does not depend on anything in the rites, as they win for a month, as they grow.

To carry out the ritual, you need to go to the street before the moonlight. If you don’t have such a possibility - look at the window. Raise your hands uphill, wildly up to the moonlight. Tell the month about your problems and failures, and then read the coming prayer:

“The month is bright, the month is pure srible, the month is waning, the month is all my negativity and difficulties, taking away with you. As the moon breaks at the dark night, so in me there is new hope and new luck to be born. Amen."

Then turn back home and sleep. See your future life - without problems, without complications, without ailments and failures. In a row from the order of the most uncommon, you will get to yourself material wealth, success, good luck, pennies, health and well-being.

A rite that heals and charges energy

This ritual is necessary for these people who want to:

  • Healing from a serious illness.
  • Cleanse your body from toxins, slags and negativity.
  • Polipshiti moods and pidbadioritsya.
  • Charge your body with cosmic energy.

In order to conduct the ritual, you will need to obov'yazkovo usamіtnitisya. Find a quiet quiet place, no one is turbulent for you. Rite vykonuyut at the Garni mood. At any time, do not start the ritual in a hushed or hushed mood until the end of the ritual. To lay a bed like a cover on the ground. Tse to lay in the chosen place. Silently cast the spell:

“As the earth is forever strong, young and healthy, so I, the servant of God (im'ya), will be healthy and strong. As the earth gives strength to all living things, as in the sight of the earth all the creatures grow and grow, so I will gain strength, I will cleanse myself of all the indecent things. My words are strong, how strong is the mother earth, as I said, so it will be broken. Amen."

With the help of a spell, manifest, as if you are reminded of energy, cleansed in the form of a mustache indecent, young and healed in the form of sickness.

This rite is the best way to hang on your body on the cob of lettuce. During this period, the main growth of all living things is observed, the earth is filled with sony energy and warmed up with warmth.

Rites for earning pennies

Take a handy camp, take a sire by the hand chicken egg and roll yoga all over the body. This is how the process of self-purification of the body is observed. If you have a specific place, where you know where - roll the egg yourself in that place.

Take a felt-tip pen and write the following words on the eggs:

“Healthy to come, sickness to go. I am well".

They gave you the need to put the egg in a bag and put it in a container for smite. Try to throw yogo so that it breaks out.

The rite of the “smugi of bad luck”, which adds pennies

Tse strong magical rite. Such a ritual is necessary for a person to be inspired to achieve the goals set. Yoga is carried out once on the river and not more often at the same time.

For the ritual, you need pure water, collected from dzherel chi dzherela. Put a vessel with water before the opening night of the night. Vrantsі for the help of a small part of the lead vmite. Dry it up in a natural way without putting up a towel, and then read the spell:

Such a ritual will bring good luck to you, success, dobrobut, pennies, health and all those that you yourself care about.

Rituals in daily life more important. Whoever cares about illness, whoever becomes successful, earns big money, whoever needs to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, and whoever gets sick - lose weight. Our bajannya is different. Ale all їх one by one - the recession phase of the month.



If the gleaming disk gradually changes, the healing energy leaves the planet. Tse hour "see" the earth. You know, you can equalize yourself with the process of breathing, but energetic. So earlier the healing force came to the planet, bringing with them those that are necessary for development. All the korisne z tsієї "whili" already vikoristano and reworked. The hour has come for the "exit" of the zayvogo (like carbon dioxide gas from legen).

  1. There is such a planetary rush of energy. Do you see how tight your sweat is? The land is smoky, it’s already zayve, it’s shkidly, it’s no longer needed, it’s been practiced.
  2. A small person varto is less likely to "pitch" his problems to the majestic current, like a wind blowing.
  3. To that, call on a falling month to mourn on the spot a person in the form of negativity, bring those who deserve happiness into the planetary cleansing flow.

Zrobite correctly - life will be richer easier. And if you have mercy on something, then you win all the same, only to get better at the result. The whole planet is with you at the height of your problems, remember about it.


Having begun to engage in magic, a person can learn the phases of the monthly cycle. Tse is important. Confuse - you will become a dzherel of your own problems. Tim, who is not yet particularly knowledgeable on the subject, is advised to consult a trustworthy gerel about it. If you think you are guilty of being on the slump of the Moon, then carefully follow this rule. Aje words can wake up singing forces, yakі can help more at the moment.

  • Understand that you can get them to your life in another hour, the stench can not only help, but also mischief. Like a person, on the third night, the road to the library of sleep.
  • What wine to grind? If you are far away, then you can beat. Why are you up in the middle of the night? So and magic dzherela. Call them not at once, you can earn money “in the face”.
  • Move on Moon, unless otherwise ordered, to be read to the heavenly disk itself. Tobto, obov'yazkovo on the new marvel, or dine in the darkness of yoga light.

Sounds due to leak out energy, as if like a satellite. Then the effectiveness of the rite will increase at times. Give respect to those who may appear in heaven not only at night. Sometimes you can see before sunset. So, the zmov is read by the light of the day. Obov'yazkovo call z monthly calendar So, without special training, it is important to visually mark the phase of the month.


For everyone: a ritual that cleanses

Try to plan the general cleaning yourself during the fall month. While you stand, remembering the house of vigribati, move these words:

“The whole motloch, I drank and I run the bullshit from the house, I greet cleanliness! Mіsyats, sho go, take away those who mischief me! See you until dawn, clean up the earth!

Move the words enough, sprat once. And if the light appears in the sky, read it to you tsyu zmovu this time. It is important to rob just the sky (without a shift at the sight of the warehouse). Slow down yourselves, it's easier to shy away. Those who practice this ritual, it seems that life becomes richly “clean”, not only for a physical sense. Negative emotions, deceitful friends, and even more so, enemies go out of people.

Zmova on the decline of the month of alcoholism

For the ceremony, a new towel is needed. Yogo vyvіshuyut pіd mіsyats protyag usgogo nіch. It is obov'yazkovo to make sure that the month of the month lightly squandered the cloth on the klapot. Listen and read three times:

“The servant of God (im'ya) rubs himself with a towel, pulls up to the burner from the new one, climbs into the ganchirtsi, she does not go. We must sit here, stingy. This day rubbed, that shorazu vіd dashingly vibrates. Pass the week, become healthy, like holy water. Amen!"

Give the alcoholic a towel early. Just wiggle with him. And for this day you need to burn. The efficiency of the mind is already great. Try to conduct the ceremony on the first day of the recession, so that the whole day you fall down on the qiu phase.

Zmova on the decline of the moon in the grumpy squad

To carry out this ritual, so that the people, as if order is alive with you, have stopped barking and grumbling for the whole hour. I realized that this ritual is not only for women. It's just that wine is called that. Prepare a jar of dzherelnoy water (you can get it from the tap, only you won’t be so strong). Put її so, schob the month having fallen from the motherland. wimowte:

“Droplet droplets of water in the body of the Slave (im'ya) are drinking, driving in all the anger, rejoicing. Whoever drinks water, with that caress and kindness, the whole world will follow you! A drop of water - a lot of kindness, welding that images is not much more visible! Amen!"

Fill the jar for a month before the wound. And then let's add a couple drops of tea (be it a drink) of a grumpy member of this family. It is necessary that all the water was sampled by him. Don't stop drinking for a day, until the stench ends.


Іsnuyut rituals, yakі, so be it, do not lose the virtuous power. You will spend it, it will be impossible to overdo it.

  1. Most often, there are rituals of black magic, directed at ruining. For example, during the recession of the month, you can pick up someone else's stosunki.
  2. Cheer if you take on such a thing as a great sin. Zipsuete people's lives, you will bring serious dissonance in your own.
  3. Most often, read the old ones like that, people sound like witches among themselves.

Rozsiyuvannya on the falling month

It is necessary to take a little bit of salt, sip in your (not new) hut, put light in the month and read once these words:

“I’ll cook the witch’s village (names)! I will make friendship (we choose love for money, what is necessary), I will make a fortune. I'll throw a strong mіzh (im'ya), so friendship will die!

Tie up the Khustka immediately, and then fill it up before the month. On the next day, it is necessary to have a fair rozsipati between these people. Not all obov'yazkovo, a few grains are enough, so that the black gut between them has settled down.


Pennies - the basis of the mind

Chi you know what life situations, physiological and psychological health, financial well-being, emotional state and make the moon look like. And on the right, not in mysticism, the abundance of power of the earthly satellite is explained by physics: the monthly gravitational and magnetoelectric influx on the planet and people.

Monthly time is composed of several phases:

  • young man;
  • growing;
  • last month;
  • falling.

The skin of the camp of the heavenly body is poured into our lives, the camps of the body and the soul, the ingredients of those heritages. However, it is important that the Month passes through which sign of the Zodiac.

The strength of that efficiency of victorious magic lies in the presence of vineyard factors. Knowing people coordinate their plans with a monthly calendar. And dosvedcheni magicians know how internal energy flows lie in the position of the Moon in the sky, and can competently decompose them.

Monthly phases: both positive and negative inflow

In my practice, there have already been fluctuations more than once, if the magician is an intern, not having learned the subject reliably, starting to read the language for pennies, chasing that luck in an unexpected monthly phase. As a result, clients, especially happy, finances and successes did not come into life, but there were still those who were.

It is important, that a magical influx, let's say, on the air was not only right, but at the same time. Dostemenno vіdomo, scho:

The juvenile is characterized by a minimal energy splash. At this hour it is not customary to perform magic rituals to read and speak. The hour is faster than vicoristovuvatime vibudovuvannya plans;

  1. Month, scho growth, spryaє increase, lure, increase, increase. This hour is the best time to prepare ritual and magical instruments, amulets, amulets. For a young month, it is necessary to read a lure of clients, to trade far away, a rush of pennies, a health boost, to a kohannya. If there are no plans to hold a magical day during this period, it is recommended to accumulate energy in the future.
  2. The last month is a good period for the creation of rituals. Energy flows from the satellite are the most intense, and magical flows are the most effective. Positive or negative injection (fallow in the same orderly magic) will be the strongest and most complete.
  3. On a falling month, read the words on the vіdsіkannya, znischennya, order from the obscene, negative, filthy. At this hour, the sickness, the enemies, the unfortunate kohannya, the vigilance and the failures, will come out more quickly. It is important to remember that on the Moon you cannot give pennies to the borg or take a job, arrange loans, invest in business projects or start new things.

Month, scho growth, sprya multiply, radiate, increase, increase

As you can see, there is a program for catching clients in the program, as if the ritual was held for the Month, which falls, does not work. Abo spratsyuє, ale navpaki - vіdvadit dzherelo income and business development.

Zmova for pennies

In order to earn a penny in life, it is necessary not only to work hard, but also to competently set up a magical day in the world of need. Vsesvit not able to speak, for all and skin it has a clue to the bazhanya. How to correctly conduct a magical ritual that will help you to understand, dodatkovo financial help, the stars will not ring for you: promotion, bonus, winning from the lottery, a solid success, an idea for writing a bestseller is too thin.

  • As you have already realized, for the month rituals are being prepared not for the reception of everything positive, but for the observation of the indecent. Such a rank will be directed at the attention of unfavorable clients and partners, at the order of the vigilance, borg and financial failures.
  • As a rule, the zmova for the fall of the month does not depend on the number of special ritual attachments. At the extreme point of vicarious water, a candle of chi meads.
  • Zmov for pennies to fight for dribnitsa from gamants. Wiymіt all coins, yakі є in gamantsi, purse or just in guts. Stamp at the right hand. Marvel at the falling Moon and promote

“It’s good to go to that copper to the marriage, take my life with you. Zhebrak will drink and go for a walk; I give money from the pansky gamantsya, I carry wealth to myself back at the booths. Now I don't know why I live in wealth. My word is mіtsne, that one is better than me. Key. Mova. Lock. Amen."

In the morning, obov'yazkovo go to the church and give out coppers to those who ask for mercy. Give more coins with your right hand. The result is already on the Month, scho growth.

Zmova in the light of misfortunes - add pennies

It is better to carry out the magical ritual in the heat of the time of fate, and you will understand why. For a zmovi, you need a lot of water. It is necessary for the vessel to be deprived of the finished window for the whole nothing. For the whole hour, it is filled with monthly energy and magical powers. You can’t drink water, but in the morning you need to take it in. Vitirati the vologer for the denunciation of that breasts are not varto - let them dry in a natural way. Then read the sermon:

“Matukhne, ty, water, pure and cold, like gold, ti tsіnna, like a road. As the water burns, spills over a wide expanse, so in the place of the servant of God (im'ya) all the bad luck of the snake, all the bad luck that evil slander. From the pure body of impurity of the serpent, from the white body, from all one hundred swamps, from the evil of the zustric-transverse, from the black chaklon, from the dark, from the old white and from the old, from the evil eyes, that from the dark promos. Velika Bіluga, you are a pure friend, you sharpened your teeth on a stone, you took care of your eyes, you swam in all the waters of seas-oceans, help me, live all evil, bring the servant of God (im'ya) to life good. Let it be so. In the name of the Father, and Sin, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen."

On the morning it is necessary to wash with sweat water

Important! The ritual will help you reach your goals, in case of failure in business and work, to give strength and strength for new animals. But you can read a zmov not often once on a river.

Ritual for penniless

Vidnist is not a vice, vada is a negligence to change the situation. If you see that the existence of pennies in your homeland is like an evil lot, you won’t worry about it, if you didn’t practice, then try to read the zmovu in the pennyless.

  • Here you need a church candle, be it an old rіch, as you are especially associated with evil spirits. You can also wear a shabby dirka, trousers with patches, a shabby bag, or a lot of times repairing your shoes.
  • Having acquired the instrument necessary for the ritual, check whether there is a week-long day for the falling month (symbolizes the end, completion) and start chakluvati.
  • Carry out the ritual at your own self - no one and no one is guilty of making a home, like a dog. Light a candle, instruct to put it in, or put in an old object, which you have chosen.
  • For the cob, read the prayer prayer, as it should be, and then go on to the ritual of calling out penniless. Change the words:

“My whole vigilance and wickedness, all my vchinki that thought to lead to penniless, to go as a whole with her subject. I cleanse myself of the filthy mustache, spare the one that I care about being rich, and put a cross on the old life without prosperity. My word is mitzne. Key. Lock. Mova".

Reading the call, call the ganchir. If for a certain hour, take a look at the half-light of the candles and see how new, expensive items, clothes, like bills kick, tickets in the resort town and other items from a prosperous life. Extinguish the candle with water, or with your fingers, but do not blow it out.

It is necessary to rekindle the old ganchir after the completion of the ritual. Vinesіt yogo to the smitten baku and put order. Go without turning around.

Vikinuti the old ganchir'ya is necessary in the morning after the completion of the ritual

Zvіlnennya vіd borgіv

Borg and credits deprive the gamanets forever empty, they are morally exhausted, they are exhausting all their energy. In order to get rid of the misfortune, the smut to see the energy flows in your own and allow the pennies to weave up to you with a fresh water river. Aje itself through the fear of pennies, someone is deprived of daily life. Paradox, ale so i є.

For the relief of the Borgіv, a sprinkling of wild rituals is used. For the first time, you need to brush with leaves and a pen. Write the name of a person or a jar on a leather arch paper, to whom you are guilty. Please state the exact amount to the penny. It is necessary to read the zmovu okremo over the skin paper:

“Dear ... (I'll blame someone). I'll help you with a twist of wool and pay for my bindings in full. Now I am calm, because at once I am in abundance, and my income is growing, so that I can live in wealth and pay you back for kindness. My word is mitzne. Key. Lock. Mova".

After all the notes with the Borg, it is necessary to burn. In this way, you morally and psychologically improve yourself in a positive way and throw off the burden of goiter from your shoulders. Pennies flow like a stream from such dzherel, they didn’t allow about how you can see.

Another way to use coins. For the ritual, prepare 32 coins of a fractional denomination. On the Moon that you drive in, you will come out at night at the crossroads of two roads. Bachiti is not to blame for you. Standing in the center, throw a pair of coins into the skin from both sides and promote:

“I don’t cheat, but I waste my penniless. Let them climb into the foxes, that deep sea depth was given to me, to my homeland, to my house. Go, penniless, far away, far away, there, the stars of you will never turn back. Amen."

It is necessary to raise a chotiri stake for prayer on the skin. If the dribnitsa ends, turn around and go home. Do not marvel at the back and do not speak out of kim. You can see the result for yourself already with a growing month.

And remember, you can not put up to pennies as the greatest value. It's more of a tool for vikonannya conceived. Let them in easily (albeit thoughtfully) and the bills will flow to you more easily.


The fight against alcoholism in the fall of the month

Іsnuє impersonal snakes that allow you to fight with green snakes. With the aid of bagatioh, the healers will perform a special ritual with a white towel.

For yoga vikonannya you need a new towel. At night, following the opening of the window and trichі vimoviti:

Lyudina, as she suffers from alcoholism, is guilty of squirming with a conspiracy towel all day long. Reshti members of this family cannot reach the towel. After a day, they bury the towel at the deaf place (there, where people don’t go) and scorch. You can also try other remedies for alcoholism, to help improve the effect. magical infusion.

Type of failure

In order to get good luck, it is necessary to read a dream on M_syats, scho growth. As you can see, the young month is a symbol of the most new in human life. And the axis of the ritual in the phase of the recessionary month is carried out not for the sake of success, but for the resolution of the underlying problem.

  1. Is it necessary to get rid of chronic failure? At such a time, with the appearance
  2. Month to see from your booth, or get excited for the wedding day.
  3. Stretch out your hands to the night light, and tell you about the negativity that you are being praised.
  4. Let's read the message for the month:

When you have finished reading, turn around at home and get ready for bed, thinking about those who are already done with your problems, and now you are counting on great success!

How black smuga has come

Іsnuyet magical spells, like a hard infusion. Such a sound can be read only once in a stretch of rock.

Take a bowl, fill it with water (bazhan with a string or melt), and put a silver river on the bottom. The city is guilty of standing for a long night. Let's read the sound of the sound on the water:

“Great mother moon! Send me success for the whole day and for the night, for the whole month and for the coming river! Schob do not know me bid, hide that turbot! I conjure you with the power of the wind and the wisdom of the earth!

Ale better try to read the spell in the original. It is necessary to rush in with the flooded water, and pour the excess of the motherland onto the ground. Do not drink this water at any other time! Vaughn takes all the energy negativity away from her. In this rank, you can call for yourself a psuvannya.

Ritual for weight loss

This ritual is also carried out in the phase of the recession of the Moon. Prepare one potato and a sprat of anise. Take a new bottom and clean the sheepskin. Then, on the yoga surface, trace the figure, as the number of kilograms, which you want to know, is significant. In the distance, a human figure looms from the vegetables, a curl of hairy hair is glued to the head. The rest of the day is straightened out on the installation of a magical link between the figurine and you.

  • For the help of a knife on the figurines, there is a place of fat loss. Then we open our mouths at the blanks, in which we put a sprat of anise filling.
  • Vibir roslini is not vipadkovy, adzhe anis, as it seems, vіdmіnno suppresses appetite. The figurine hovaetsya at the taєmne place. Just remember that you can’t dig it into the ground!
  • There is one more good idea for losing weight on M_syats.

Robiti yoga is neobov'yazkovo at night, smut in the period, if the month changes. You need a sheet of paper and a pen, three pennies bills (neobov'yazkovo great value, can be 10 rubles each), a new envelope. Write the following phrase in Arkush:

Let's put the note in an envelope, seal it up and bring it a week before church. Lower your message to the postal screen. Approximately in a month, on the approach of the month, as it falls, your vaga will gradually sink in steps. Tse repeatedly overturned bagatma with people, star of show business and politicians. Magic to create an ignorant diva!

Water is a magical zasib for weight loss

Zayva vaga - tse bida rich people. Proponuёmo dієvu zmovu on a falling month on shudnennya (read yogo next on yourself). You need water. The ritual is created from the stagnation of not ordinary water supply, but store water, but taken from natural water. If you have no rivers or lakes in your area, then check the wood and collect a bottle of wood water. The best thing is that your order has a bottle of water.

Otzhe, I’m directing my mind to the falling Moon for weight loss, you need to read it three times, by the bathroom or by your bedroom:

Spell to read in a garni mood. Under the hour of the rite, show your body in such a way that you pray yoga bachiti. Wipe the body with water in problematic areas (it is quiet, as it is necessary to lose weight). Golovne - vіriti by virtue of natural water, what will be the strongest bazhannya zavoi vaga Tim vernishe spratsyuє zmov.

Rite of rejuvenation

This rite is to be celebrated at a quiet deserted place, for example, behind the place. When you get to the bag, lay the fabric buried with you right on the ground and lie down. Lie unhurriedly, marveling at the sky, and then turn around a little.

If you roll over on a living, you will need to die on a sprat of whilin. Then it is necessary to turn around at the exit position and read the call:

Vikonuyuchi rite, next to show that the planet gives you its strength, and you yourself get rid of everything, and at the same time you are young. As a rule, the ceremony is carried out in the period from the end of spring to the middle of summer. Tsієї pore the earth to bring warmth and easily see the people of their accumulated strength during the winter.

Zmova for successful trading

Few people know that the falling Mіsyats dopomagaє posbutis financial problems and penny difficulties, as well as spriyaє successful sale of goods. The ritual is carried out at mid-Saturday. All day long, come early to the place of trade (shop, office, trade name) and read the call for pennies on Month:

Ritual for likuvannya

Prepare a blue marker, a paper bag, a plastic bag, and a fresh chicken egg.

For a long time, the eggs lie at the mercy of the darkened room. Then let's go to the place of arrival, loosen up and lie down on the bed. At the offensive stage, an egg is taken and rolled all over the body. I would like to pay special respect to the next sick people. In this way, you can get papilloma, warts and pigment patches. Vikonuyuchi ritual, it is necessary to think that the ailment overwhelms you.

Then you need to take a marker, and put on the egg offensive write:

"Purgo Sordes, Non Renuntiat Omnibus Malis"

This row can be translated into Russian, like "I cleanse the filth, I repent of all evil." Behind the legend, such a writing has embellished the club of the first papi of Rome.

At the end of the ritual, it is necessary to put the egg in a bag and bring it to your house. Throw the package on the ground in such a manner that the egg will be broken in an obov'yazkovo way.

Lyubovne vіdshuvannya vіd induced love spell

There were few people to chirp, for which month you should work to exfoliate - what comes and goes? It is believed that the gate rituals for the fall of the month are carried out especially far away. This period is ideally suited for rozryv zvyazkіv, to that vіdvoti and other rituals for welding are incredibly strong.

  • If necessary, at the ritual of the enchantment of the kokhannya, the offensive rite is consummated. Prepare sirniki, a church candle and new heads.
  • Dig a hole in a deserted place and build 9 heads in it. By embedding the skin of the head, show that the person, how to tease you, is freed from love charms.
  • Then it is necessary to dig a hole, to prostate to the fullest extent and remembrance:

Go without looking back, don’t open your mouth for the price. Lyudina, a love spell was cast on the yak, to sing like a magical infusion for a long month. Ring out this sound to help you get supergirls in the kohanna.

Rituals for a falling month for a kokhannya

You can work and love spell on falling Moon. If it is necessary to bewitch a person who does not give you respect, then do so. If Month turns into a month, prepare a potion with herbs.

  1. Take trochs of dry flowers of chamomile, thyme, erysipelas, trochs of orange peel. You can get out of it alone, I’m mad.
  2. Before sunset, brew її in an earthenware bowl with dip, let it brew until completely cooled.
  3. You can add one teaspoon of honey to tea. It is important that a cup with a vent stood on the podium until the appearance of the Moon.

Sweat, when evening comes, drink three bowls of tea, that's it. With a leather shoe, repeat to yourself the name of Kokhanoy. The energy of the falling night luminary will give you confidence in your own strength, and will help to turn the respect of the kokhan.

For vikonannya tsgogo simple, ale wild ritual (converted more than once!), It is not obligatory to read prayers and call for love. Golovna - trust the magical power of natural phenomena. Remember that the Moon is not only a heavenly body, but a faithful memorial at the love's right!

Tim, who thinks about financial well-being, will help you to say “how to get angry and penniless”. Varto to improve and over your light-gazer and less then to zastosovuvat magic.

Financial well-being

Today's light is zhorstok. As a result of this, the person believed in the light of the future and could afford to take away the apartment from the power of that indecent salary, then at once the situation is richly folded. It was not only professional women who showed up, but also people who did not get a penny to live on.

To become a practical person, and not live on a meager old-age pension and disability, is not a guarantee that the motherland will not have financial difficulties. You can spend days and nights on robots, fighting like fish on ice, but there were no pennies like that. In this twisted situation, varto vdatisya to the aid of magic. Іsnuє impersonal zmov vіd pennyless.

Psychology of vigilance

Before that, proceed to the vikonannya rituals, think about your life, look at your deeds. This term is like “psychology of vigilance”. Even more often a person does not believe in himself, in his own strength, he cannot achieve financial well-being. Let's look at the points that make you become a successful person.

Smovi vіd pennyless

It’s like everything that has been written cannot be seen before you, but there’s still no pennies for this one, just think about it, if someone didn’t write on penniless. Її require obov'yazkovo take. Well, there wasn’t any magical influx, you can read the verses, so that you can help if you are evil and penniless.

Forgive me

If a person wants to be chogos (bitter sounds, zavoi vags, then), she is guilty of reading a spell for a falling month. Among them are є th tі, yakі help help without a penny.

Actions for the falling month are even simpler, do not require special preparation, moreover, they are called mittevim. It’s necessary to see you less than a hour, you’ll get used to it, so that you forget about the problems forever.

“As the month changes, so the pennies add up to me. I respect vigilance, I respect generosity - a bonus for people, a bonus for a boss. Let it be so. Amen!

Abo іnsha zmova for the falling month, which is respected by the strong:

“I call on wealth, I’m in the past, let me go without a penny, I’m in the past. I know wealth from wages, from lotteries and devilish pay. Let it be so. Amen!

Zmova with coins

7 days before the ceremony, it is necessary to make preparations - start collecting more coins. The ritual is celebrated at night, obov'yazkovo for the fall month. Spend yoga at the crossroads, there is no one. It’s necessary to stand on a new one and throw coins on the skin from the sides, after saying the words move:

Zmova with coins

“I’m not throwing away rubbish, but my pennyless, It’s gone out into the day, in the fox, by the sea, in front of me, in front of my house, in the sight of my homeland! Far, far, far, the stars won't turn. Amen!"

If so, you can go home. It's important not to wrap yourself up and don't talk to them on the way. As soon as a month after the ceremony, you can improve your financial situation.

Ritual with mirror

If you want to get penniless, you need to check in on the 15th month of the month. It is necessary to stand in such a way that the night light was visible, it is not the fault of yoga to take the gloomy wake up. Then, it is necessary to turn your back until the moon, and holding a mirror in your hands, so that it would blow out the light, say three times:

"Mother Moon, I beg you, take away my evil and pennyless ones."

If you can find some propositions, you can earn the amount you need. Ale, wait a minute pratsyuvati chi nі - tse your choice, pennies will not fall from the sky.

This rite, like all others, fight for the fall month. Wine is suitable for those who have a misfortune, without a penny in their lives. It is necessary to take a mirror, as it was in your home to milk it for a long time. As soon as the sun came in, it was necessary to drink at the crossroads and break yoga, saying:

Break the mirror

"Turn around, the stars have come!"

Then we can go home without looking back. The mirror sings well, picking up all the emotions and feelings, then at the same time all the trash can come out of it from life.

Ritual for old vzuttyam

This rite is also necessary to be carried out on the fall month. Vіn dopomozhe pozbutis zlidnіv.

Preparation and Reading

For yoga to be carried out, it is necessary to know the oldest and the most familiar. Also, you need a large church candle (it can go out before the completion of the ritual). In preparation, you need to put paper on the white arkush and light a candle. Then it is necessary to read the prayers: “Our Father”, “Let God be on Sunday”, the 90th psalm.

Then, take the kitchen bottom in your hands and start christing it out loud: I’ll go to the left, then to the right, from the scabbard to five. At the same time, it is necessary to say three words:

"Our Father! Poverty was joking, the devil's friend, blatantly, and all the bison's nakedness followed her. reconcile evil, take it and go away again. Until the Master of his service.

Then let's say:

"God! Our Father! Do not judge me, Your servant (y) (your name), suvoro. Show the wretchedness, all the bisivsky naked way-road. In the name of the Father, and Sin, and the Holy Spirit. Let it be so."

Continue the rite

It is necessary to drop 3 drops of wax in the middle of the mouth. Let's take that lower one, as we were koristuvalis earlier, and take a bite on the shmatki. The leftovers must be taken into a black bag, putting it there and zim'yatiy papyr z-pіd vzuttya. For the help of a knife, it is necessary to extinguish the candle and throw the cinder into the bag.

Zvіlnennya vіd zalishkіv vzuttya

Let's just pick up the whole package. It is best to work late in the evening, it’s better, as if you were to go out of the house in the night. The package must be prepared at the crossroads of the roads. On the way there and back, they are fenced with a kimos to move, at home also.

As for the cost, it’s worth it to yourself, it’s necessary to show the muzzle in the intestines and continue the way. Even though you are still the best of other people, the camp will become older, the evil ones will become newer. And the rite cannot be repeated for more than 3 months.

Turning back to the house, it is necessary to take a shower, or just swipe your hands together with your sweetheart. Then we need to go to sleep. Three days after that, it is not possible to give water to drink. Varto vіdmoviti, and like a man brought an old shoelace. It is necessary to ask Yogo to come the next day.

If you don’t comply with this rule, then you will lose your marriage for the rest of your life. As if the fall is folded, it expands not so for three days, but on the day. That person, who will come in three days, if you ask, may appear as your enemy. The very vin of the moment sent a psuvannya on you. Remember these people, these people, and especially do not trust them in the future.

Zmova with a cow's horn and brush

Bagato, but not all zmovi vіd zlidnіv be read on the falling month. Є y іnshі rituals, not less than dієvi and tsіkavі. It is necessary to bring a cow's rig and save or a brush from the creature's legs. Tassels can be bought in shops, but before the ritual, cleanse the meat.

After that, it is necessary to put this brush in cold water and soak it up. Let's anger all the water, dry the brush, soaking it in the sun. If I’ll be dry, I can say the commanding words:

Zmova with a cow's horn

“We were on the holy mountains, we drove a white ox, the big one was white through the mountains, we were going beyond the sea. I came across the sea, there stood the white stone Alatir. Throwing the vil that bidu-zlidni on Alatir-stone, becoming її horns to body, trample with feet. After scoring, trampling it, throwing it to the bottom of the sea, on the yellow peeps, de wind does not blow, the sun does not shine, the rain does not go. Lie down, bad-mouthed, don’t get up either yesterday or tomorrow, but the next day I closed the key to you, and drowned the key at the well. My word is mitzne, like God's truth. Amen."

After the moment, move that brush (or save it) at once from the horn, it is necessary to light up in a white color and hide the threshold. After this rite, the sinners may forever deprive the booths.

Zmova vіd zlidnіv

To do it is strong zmov, like a building to spare a person from evil. To conduct the ceremony, it is necessary to see the temple. It is not possible to be baptized and marvel at icons there. It would take more than 13 candles. Vikhodyachi from the church, you need to say:

Zmova vіd zlidnіv

“Lord, vibach, give me enough to know. Amen."

As soon as you get up again, you need to lock yourself in the room alone and light all the candles. Speak out the words, you need to be sung by them, that everything is visible. You need to repeat a lot of times.

“I call on the powers of the All-World, do not stir evil more than corruptible. If for the family I have gone far away, I want them to get out. Behind the human mandate, let's chat, I'm rich. Monthly light, at the same time beautiful, in occultism forever safe. Help me to be vigilant, for I will perish in vigilance. Hai be so vikonano! Amen! Amen! Amen!

Then it is necessary to put out all the candles, and throw out the underdarkness by the wind for a sigh. Zmova for 13 days. If the stench passes, and the day of the new calendar month will come again, you can repeat the call.

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