Move the whispers on all aspects of life. Magical whispers for skin day

Dovgі smovi and important rituals do not zavzhd korisnі, shards richly hto not maє at the price nor the hour, nor the strength. Specially for those who want to get good luck, love that success in their lives without special energy gains, make whispers.

It's early - it's an hour, it's kind of rich in what to lie down all day, which is full. How will you spend the morning, so it will be an hour until evening. Previously, we wrote about those, why start the day, sob to work yoga in the distance. Tsya statya will help you to grow a schoranka productive.

Whispers in the morning

Whispers - tse shvidki zmovi, until which it is not necessary to prepare. The stench is easily forgotten and does not take a lot of time to get better. Irrespective of the price, their strength is already obvious. We have prepared for you rank whispers on different occasions of life.

Do not forget to get up on your right foot, and not on your left foot, speaking out loud: “I rub the croc with my right foot. Good luck, you zavzhd zі me ". So you will spare yourself some other problems by stretching the first half of the day. Repeat this whisper of the day, and even success will not deprive you of any sphere of life.

Similar to the front matime effect shvidka zmov belya mirror. Before leaving the house, if you already climbed up again, go to the mirror, bump with your hand and tell yourself You know everything, you know everything in the world. Today I am like this (like) ".

Let me help you with a bowl of clean water in the future. It has been proven that water is the life of a healthy force. Vimovte offensive whispers after you drink water “For me, water to live that energy for the whole day is charged. I can do everything, I can do everything. I will help myself.”

If you swear at a lie, move fast: “Drukuval and sleep, I wriggle myself, I start a new day again”. To say what a lie to go the troubles of the past day. Tsey whispers will help you to inculcate for yourself the necessary whil and the necessary “fighting” mood.

As if you are being harassed by failures and you see that you didn’t ask for an early start, then tell yourself "I hope I'll remember, I'll have fun in case of bad luck." Tse can increase your luck and bring those who are going to get back to normal. Read also ours, so that you can learn how to solve problems for a sneeze. So you can look at the future, transferring different pods.

Throwing yourself out of a kohanoy people, kiss it and tell about yourself "My soul, my thoughts, that heart is with you." So you will be connected with a special energy channel, perebovayuchi on be-yakіy vіdstanі.

At the weekend, you can, getting up from your bed, say Let the whole day be clear and bezkhmarny, otherwise the sky is black. Amin". You can read another whisper “I want to change today, turn my life around”. I will help you to improve in the right way.

Remember that all whispers are due to be read at the singing hour. It is necessary to remember to remember word by word, otherwise nothing can be found. Whispers - the best helper of a be-yakoy people on the way to happiness and success in be-yakіy sphere of life.

We wish you success at the kohanna, on the right and on the financial side. Read ours, so that you can plan effectively, do it well and get ahead of your opponents, enemies and unkind ones. Be happy and don't forget to hit the buttons

12.07.2016 07:03

In certain situations, we need negaine help, and in any case whispers will help you. Having spoken...

Whispers on skin day

whispers - tse especially zmovi, for the help of such a day you can succeed and get it, and in case of inaccuracies you can be protected. Ale, on the vіdmіnu vіd whispers, you can move any day in any place, more precisely, if the situation matters. Tse own magic dopomoga shvidka, so I’ll help you to twist the fluff. Make whispers for the skin of the day, and repeat them regularly;

Do not splash on the back of the one who goes home, otherwise you will be rich in mischief and mischief in the future. It is necessary to cross in the back and say:
Go with God
Be happy beyond the threshold!
In the name of the Father and Sin of the Holy Spirit.

Start fawning over them every Monday.
At Mondays, they make a wish, lying in a bed in the wound, and then get up from the bed with the right leg with such a whisper:
Wake up, I believe, vypovnitsya. Let it be so!

In the second place, it is necessary to call out success, walking beyond the threshold of the booth with the following words:
Secondly on success, I will not cry. Amen! Amen! Amen!

At midday, the hour of the ranking infusion is whispered for spring:
I’m faking it, I’m calling out good luck. Whoop!

At four, it’s necessary to get up from the bed and immediately turn around to the skhid, to whisper to yourself about problems and negativity:
Chetver Chetverovich, grant me no bitterness!

At Friday, while dressing the robe, call out the joy:
Holy Friday has come, my joy has brought me.

Saturday is the day of defense against enemies and the prokhan about the fee for the enemies. Zachіsuyuchi and putting yourself in order in front of the mirror from the wound, whisper all the enemies:
Saturday, Saturday, let your enemies breathe.

The week is a miraculous day for vikonannya bazhan and the magic of spring. If you lie ahead of time entrance doors, trichi whisper:
Mrs. Tyzhnya is a week, let me spend the whole day on my bazhanya.

Rank whispers :
Get up on your right feet. Having bumped with your foot, wash the whispers:
“I get up on my own happiness!”
Walking out of the house, obov'yazkovo marvel at the mirror and say:
"My vision is good luck" , and laugh.
If you are lying, you are drinking tea or kava, and you want to get drunk and gain strength, then say to your group:
"I drink strength, I drink health, I drink the energy of this day."

Evening whispers :
Vmivayuchis or taking a shower, say, and also with a mitt of hands:
“I bend the negative, I erase the image, I bend the tightness.”
Tse help you to relieve yourself of tension and stress, take away the prolongation of the day and bring your emotional state to harmony.
Rozstele softly, say:
“Kovdra, prostratelo - my axle is zahist, and the pillow is my girlfriend, everything that we don’t know, dream about.”
After these words, you can lie down to sleep peacefully - no sleeplessness, no nightmares will bother you. And if you, lying on your pillow, think about your bazhannya, then the stench will wake up more.
Closing your eyes, wash whispers:
"Let me see your dreams and in reality it will be like I want."
Whispers, so that you can fall asleep quickly and succumb to sleep It’s hard to know a person who didn’t want to wake up terrible dreams forever. Every once in a while the stink will be removed by all people, and far from being so, take off my bachimo to the point of filthy. Old-fashioned cunning, to help you get rid of such dreams, as they can strongly stir up moods. If the stelitimete is new cleanly, whisper on it:
Without nightmares
Usyi two simple words Buildings are less likely to receive dreams.
Useful and special whispers, so that you can fall asleep quickly and get more sleep. Just like they laid their heads on the pillow, whispering:
Pillow-pillow, warm my ear. Send me a warm dream, similar to a fairy tale.
If you are suffering from sleeplessness, before that, like lying in a bed, put home captions in different kuti stones and write on them:
You stand at your cloaks, but I don’t go to sleep until dawn. Amen. Amen. Amen.
I don't want to sleep little kid, write youma on the ear:
Sonyushki-drіmushki, go here, howler-weepers, go get out.

Whispers for skin day

Sob whispers were practiced every day, it is necessary to reach such minds:
to move the words sharply and clearly, without respect to a whisper;
schiro believe in those that you say;
put that energy into whispers.
It’s better to help you with whispers in your vipadka. For the sake of good luck and pennies, think only about light, don’t harm anyone, don’t piss off, don’t quarrel. Promote the skin word.
Whispers and whispers are less effective, if you don’t tell anyone about them. To fight everything is unremarkable, trying not to screw up respect. Don't brag about how much luck has come to you.

They whispered in the face of ailments, whispered in the face of the psuvannya and other misfortunes. Sometimes whispers are called "Swedish word" - wines add up in one short phrases True, it can be repeated a few times. Vіn do not vimage rituals, ceremonies, for an hour they are accompanied by simple actions or gestures: for example, you need to clench your fists, work with your hand, which you lure, or you will blow. You can whisper whispers on some object by charging yogo for good luck. I can't push my strength - everything is asked to win at random quickly. To say that angels smell yoga!

Ale magical whispers - not just quietly spoken words. It is necessary to put into the new one the strength of the bazhannya, the energy - and even the same will give you a boost! Whisperers have a special secret. Whispers, yakі may bring goodness into life, they move under the hour of a good breath. As if the phrase does not fit into one breath, її interrupt, sharply see and continue further into the breath. And if it’s necessary to get up, then whisper whispers for an hour of a long time to see. With a whisper on the skin of the day, you can greet yourself at the end of the day, regardless of the phases of the Month, at the end of the situation - as it seems, out of the blue.

Also read: Whispers for all the ways of life

Whispers for a man's kohannya

To bewitch a kokhan, you can do without cool rituals and making a love spell. You just need to whisper the one who has enchanted your heart. Better tse robiti in the back of your fledgling. Having pumped yoga on the street, on a robot, on a subway, you need to lean a couple of steps behind him. Having looked in the middle at the area of ​​the left shoulder blade, making whispers, showing, like a wine, it penetrates right into the heart of the object of your devotion:

“I’ll whisper, I’ll bewitch, I’ll bind you forever - with a sweet and seductive word: you’re only mine, I’m with you!”

You can whisper for help bottles of water - so you can be able to communicate with this people. Wimove such a whisper over the water:

“I will tie the servant of God with bright water - I will give you a drink with love and that turbot for a long love spell! Amen."

And then let's bring a glass of our pasії. Apple Hop! I wine is yours!

Also read: Whispers from the Radiant

Whispers on the skin day from welding, ailment and bіd

Poryatunok, looking like a filthy one for an additional whisper - tse whispering. This is the most common way to get rid of ailments. It is necessary to hold hands 7 times for an ailment at home, or for someone from home and style and once whisper:

“Sickness - get out, from the sun - in the night! Go, bіl i maєta, beyond our gates! Amen."

Do you often hang out with a person? Do not get along with children and fathers? Vіdshepnіt vsі welding and image. The best thing is to grow, if you grow a garden of fluffy bushes in the country, near the yard, or simply at a cost to work. Treat yourself to a new hvilinka, breathe in the aroma of flowers and send a breath to the sky:

“Like a ticket with a ticket, like a feather with a feather - so we can live without welding, imagine everything - get out!”

If you sensed someone else's words next, seeing an unkind look, then you need to immediately, squeezing your thumbs into your fists, whisper:

"What I sent (sent), then back and took (took)!"

So it is possible to work, as if looking before you, and you could see the negative mood of the people. Help your whispers and then, if you were congratulated, or they praise you graciously. it’s better to say negainally, to the one that the old one will attach, or the help of the borrower is more complicated. To get rid of the negativity, which stuck to you in a day, next night, taking a shower, to move:

“Water takes away blackness without a trace, maєta and vtom - everything is lost from the water!”

And sleep after whom you will definitely be, as if not!

Whispers for skin day for pennies and good luck

If you ask for a helping whisper, then the process is called whispering. You can whisper everything good: pennies, success, happiness, health. Do you want to bring you good luck every day, and you yourself would be badori, the radiance of the balance of strength? For this and it is necessary to whisper everything for a cup of tea or kava (before it, how to drink):

“I drink strength, I drink joy, I drink the energy of the day - do not deprive me of luck!”

To instill more pennies, shorazu, if you take them, three times you will:

“I don’t take a lot - not a little, so I got more!”

One more penny whisper will be at your dacha, or on walks in the forest (repeat yoga 7 times, rolyachi ruhi with your palms to yourself, nibi call someone):

“A bunch of blades of grass under my feet - everything will come to me penniless!”

Before the speech, at the dacha itself is the hour to infuse your own rich harvest. Roblox on the road, periodically repeat the whispers:

“I won’t rest my hands - buti bagatim to give birth!”

You can pochakluvati, taking care of the most important home rights. Axis to show yourself: cook soup for your family. Put sautéed cibulka and carrots, other vegetables, spices into the broth ... Vicorist this hour with sourness! Get in the middle and find health for yourself and all household members:

“In faith I say: I’m making soup - I’ll give everyone a healthy house!”

Repeat this whisper 7 times.

Read also: Whispers for wealth

Protect whispers

As if it were necessary to protect against possible inaccuracies of anyone else, whispering is victorious. It is impossible to whisper the misfortunes - by ourselves we can learn them ourselves. Nothing bad has happened to Aja! Whisper some object, so that you become the main amulet of your booth. Gudzik, keychain, stitch, namisto, pidviska - shorter, everything that can be moved in front of you, after you say whispers, having touched the river on the shoulder:

“Guard the houses, take care of the dashing, don’t let evil on the threshold - there will be light in the house!”

In the first month of summer, our children go to the camps under the sight of the vikhovateli, or at the dachas under the old woman’s eyes. Ale try vstezhiti, as if entrusting rates, river chi lake! It's time for the same child to whisper about problems on the water. The most beautiful thing was the sleep of the sleeping sons and donkas, and even if the stench already violated the repair, then marveled at their photograph. Wimovte three such whispers:

“I protect with a word, I protect it, I guard it with a word - do not be bіdі nі on land, not near water!”

After that, fix a kiss on the forehead of a child, or kiss a photograph.

Whispers - tse especially zmovi, for the help of which you can and succeed in getting, and in the form of inaccuracies you can defend yourself.
Ale, on the vіdmіnu vіd zmov, whispers can be moved whether it be in any place, more precisely, if the situation is important.
This is a kind of magic shvidka to help, as if you were to help me with twisted quills.

Rank whispers:

*Get up with your right foot straight. Having bumped with your foot, wash the whispers: “I get up on the cusp of my happiness!”
*When you are out of the house, look obov'yazkovo in the mirror and say: "My vision is good luck," and laugh.
* If you lie and drink tea or kava and want to get better and gain strength, then say to your group: “I drink strength, I drink health, I drink the energy of this day.”

Evening whispers:

* Vmivayuchis or taking a shower, say: "I'm moving the negative, I'm erasing the image, I'm bending the tightness." Tse help you to relieve yourself of tension and stress, take away the prolongation of the day and bring your emotional state to harmony.
* Rozstele softly, say: "Kovdra, prostrate - my axle is zahist, and the pillow is my girlfriend, everything that we don’t spread will wake up." After these words, you can lie down to sleep peacefully - no sleeplessness, no nightmares will bother you. And if you, lying on your pillow, think about your bazhannya, then the stench will wake up more.
* Closing your eyes, wash your whispers: "Let's dream, and in reality it will be like I want."

Whispers for good luck:

If you want to succeed, then, stepping over the threshold of the booth, whisper: "The truth is that beyond this threshold is my strength."
If you want to save yourself from the wrath of the boss: “I am on the left birch, you are on the right. Shout - don't shout, all the same you won't finish shouting. Tsey whispers need to be moved in front of the rose boss, as a result of dissatisfaction.
If you want the day to pass away, stand up on your right foot and say: “Where the right foot is, go there. Where am I, where is my luck.

Whispers for pennies:

Taking away pennies, whisper: "A penny is in the gut, soon there will be a whole bag."
Whisper to the hamanets: “My hamanets ring, in the sight of pennies smooth. With a skin day, my success is green.
How do you pay pennies: “I pay pennies, but I check back on them.”
* If you ask for a wife, then do not miss the chance to whisper a whisper for a penny: “You make people, and multiply goodness for me.” Zustrich from the vagitis is vvazhaetsya with a garne prikmetoy.

Whispers in the back:

Whispers at the back are whistling at the one who punishes the hoaxer and defends himself against this evil namir.
If they helped you something nasty, then say: Why do you want me, take your own.
As if they were rude to you in the big city: “Your negativity, you live with it, but I don’t need someone else.”
Whisper at the back of the enemy: "Your move you at the shoulder."

Whispers on kokhannya:

If you want to turn back the respect of a person, tell her the condition of a loving whisper: “As spring grass spreads, so you spread before me.”
If you want to see your wife’s kohan, put the head of the watchmaker into the swarm and say: “You’ve left the watchmaker, you’ve taken it from the heart of that (im’ya supernitsa).” Zvichayno, having revealed a watchmaker in his gut, a man viyme yoga and vikin.
If a person goes, then he should say: “Just as the water from the earth turns to the sky, so you were destined to turn before me.”

Vіd penny spending, steal and zbitkіv:Prodovzhennya on the next side

On the vіdmіnu vіd zmov, whispers can be moved whether it be in any place, more precisely, if the situation is important. This is a kind of magic shvidka to help, as if you were to help me with twisted quills.

Whispers for good luck

If you want to get lucky, then, stepping over the booth, whisper: "The truth is that beyond this threshold is my strength."
If you want to save yourself from the wrath of the boss: “I am on the left birch, you are on the right. Shout - don't shout, all the same you won't finish shouting. Tsey whispers need to be moved in front of the rose boss, as a result of dissatisfaction.
If you want the day to pass away, stand up on your right foot and say: “Where the right leg is, go there and left. Where am I, where is my luck.

Whispers for pennies

Taking away pennies, whisper: "A penny is in the gut, soon there will be a whole bag."
Whisper to the hamanets: “My hamanets ring, in the sight of pennies smooth. With a skin day, my success is green.
How do you pay pennies: “I pay pennies, but I check back on them.”

Whispers at the back

Whispers at the back are whistling at the one who punishes the hoaxer and defends himself against this evil namir. If they helped you something nasty, then say: Why do you want me, take your own.
As if they were rude to you in the big city: “Your negativity, you live with it, but I don’t need someone else.”
Whisper at the back of the enemy: "Your move you at the shoulder."

Whispers on a kohanny

If you want to turn back the respect of a person, tell her the condition of a loving whisper: “As spring grass spreads, so you spread before me.”
If you want to see your wife’s kohan, put the head of the watchmaker into the swarm and say: “You’ve left the watchmaker, you’ve taken it from the heart of that (im’ya supernitsa).” Zvichayno, having revealed a watchmaker in his gut, a man viyme yoga and vikin.
If a person goes, then he should say: “Just as the water from the earth turns to the sky, so you were destined to turn before me.”
Help me to help you in difficult situations, adjust in the right way and get success. Remember that if you are whispering to me, it is important to put all the energy and strength into your word.
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