Autumn bouquet with cones and gorobini. Autumn bouquets vlasnoruch. Original tickets from zholudiv

It is a wonderful time for rock, charivna that charivna with its farbs - autumn - is fertile for conducting a spring urochist. Yaskravі vіdtinki leaves, vitіv yagіd sigh on nezvychaynі osinnі bouquets for the betrothed. A choice for the fantasy of majesty: gerberas, chrysanthemums, maple leaves and navit gorobini. Let's take a look at some ideas and options for spring bouquets in the autumn style.

Before tim yak vibrati bouquet

The bouquet of the betrothed and the boutonniere of the betrothed is a part of the concept of the wedding. These important attributes of the Holy Sliding should be picked up by one of the rest, if the main details have already been thought out, the rules of picking have been insured.

  • Autumn bouquet the betrothed is obliged to harmoniously fit into the image of the betrothed and the betrothed. Tse importantly vrakhovuvati, shards in Rest of the Rocks there was a fashion for thematic parties. Autumn style is wonderfully suitable for a party in the style of "Country", "Provence", "Autumn Carnival", "Halloween" and "Retro". With the classic version, the saint is included in the bouquet of autumn gifts, even if the stench becomes a bright rodinka of a spring evening.
  • The rule for the named: for the rich and chic її cloth, for the modest and simple, the spring bouquet is to blame, and navpaki.

  • Think over the shape of the future bouquet in the autumn style. The best and simplest way is to prepare a bouquet of flowers. Vіn іdealno pіdіyde for pishnoї cloth tendіtnoї maiden-named small stature. The bouquet at the sight of the cascade is more beautiful for the string, the high one named at the cloth according to the silhouette. Just create an asymmetric bouquet, which will make you respect your great and other warehouses of flowers, cones, yagid.
  • Having chosen the form, it is necessary to name the components of the composition - flowers, leaves, berries. Їx more often pick up for the season. On the cob of autumn, you can have a bouquet of red flowers, and in the middle and for example, farbies can become brighter - from orange to burgundy-red and crimson-violet. Greenery in such a bouquet is more likely to pass to a minimum. However, yogo should not be overwhelmed with too much beats, otherwise such a composition will win respect for itself, and not for a couple.
  • Kviti not guilty of a mother with a strong smell, otherwise called, like trimatime yogo, you will become uncomfortable all the holy day, your head may ache and your mood will be zipsovano. The bouquet is not guilty of being important for the vaga.
  • Including in the composition unimaginable feats, it’s better to clarify their meaning later, sometimes it can not coincide with such a celebration, like fun.

The flowers of autumn

  • Chrysanthemums, eystri- The largest number of basic apartments. It's time for flowers to fall on autumn, and then why choose! All the color gamut, which can only be revealed, give cute chrysanthemums, saving their beauty for a long time. Aistry, who specializes in lower, virnist, can be like a scarlet chervonih, as well as a lower erysipelas, a buzkovy, a white one, the stench miraculously joins with smaller kvitami.
  • Georgini bring happiness to their vlasniks and podyaku. At the spring bouquet, the buds of georgines of various rich colors look insanely, so noble the flower may not smell. Tse is not the whole list of tickets, roslin, dopovnen, yakі can proponuvat generous autumn for fun.
  • gerbery always look stylish, in a bouquet you can have one or a sprat of colors, which will be combined. Symbolize well-being family life, wealth and success, the stench is not shouted at the named allergy, the whole urochistity is guaranteed to be washed, pleasing the eyes of the restless.
  • Without the queen of tickets - Trojans it’s rare to get by with a classic wedding, a lot of names are vvazhayut for a better lower smell and beauty, which means that it’s not necessary to step into the tradition! A spring bouquet with a whole bunch of trojans can be presented in the autumn style, so you can decorate it with maple leaves, viburnum berries, gorobini, yalin cones or wheat spikelets.
  • Sonyashniki symbolize wealth, kinship, refill the cup to the house of the young. Mini-sleepers in a decorative version can fold a mono-bouquet or join with white and yellow chrysanthemums, asters, daisies.
  • Calendula, blackberry It is one of the symbols of autumn and warm sleepy days. Don't let the young people be bent on their simplicity and innocence, even if the stench symbolizes passion, the fire at the centipedes. Yaskra vagniki chernobrivtsiv become the mother of the autumn wedding in the style of "Boho", "Country", and you can embellish such a bouquet with ferns.

  • Zinnia. Yaskravі kuli tsієї votives of autumn are monotonous and stringy, they can be manually combined with other votives and inscribed at the votive composition for the chosen one.
  • Pishna hydrangea bloom for a long time, right up to the autumn cold, її a different color palette of the sovereignty I will name. The white hydrangea itself is similar to the name, which symbolizes vіddanіst, honor, purity of thoughts. The only minus is the bright aroma of fresh hydrangeas, which is necessary to take to respect, choosing.

From the unusual autumn flowers, which are suitable for a spring composition, one can name protea, ranunculus, crocosm, celosia, amaranth. Crocosmia, amaranth and celosia create a palette of orange-red and burgundy colors. Mustaches are good for folding compositions. Crocosmia resounds with warm ore, noble amaranth descends in a burgundy waterfall, and celosia is different in color and shape (from fuchsia to yellow-red-burgundy cone-shaped colors).

Protea and ranunculus are even more wonderful for the shape of the flower. Ranunculus - all the more zhovtets comes from Asia, but how to enchant yogo rich balls of hostile lower quarters! Protea is also a varta of praise, through its non-primary form, protea is more likely to eat with simpler quotes.

Fruits of autumn

Crimium flowers in the autumn spring bouquet, berries, peas, fruits and mini-vegetables, autumn shards and a rich harvest can be associated one with one. Autumn fruits can be planted in a bouquet as a decor, or as a head hero of a bouquet. So, spring bouquets with gorobina, viburnum, herbs, supplemented with trojans and other flowers from white to burgundy, look beautifully and inconspicuously.

You can not miss the opportunity to bring to the bouquet the beauty of the leaves of trees, which are yellow, vicarious maple leaves, oak stalks with acorns. Trees of fizalisu, leafing chestnut trees with great fruits, recreate autumn sacredly, young guests and guests will be remembered for a long time. Yalinovі, pine cones - vіdmіnniy decor near the bouquet, it's especially sacred to pass near the forest zone of the park. Stigli spikelets of cereals - a symbol of goodwill among wealthy peoples, miraculously fit into the autumn theme of the wedding, the stench will join with gerberas, dormouse, noble trojans.

Small fruits, such as an apple, small pears, grapes, decoratively add to the autumn. If you want more extravagance, you can victorious in a bouquet of vegetables: min-pump corn, min-carrot, min-tikvannya go to the party in the style of "Halloween".


For the creation of the autumn bouquet of the newly-born, it is necessary to win the expensive services of a florist. You can make yoga on your own, by choosing the suits and additional decor. Think over all the tricks. You may need satin stitches of different widths, namistini, rhinestones, the frame of a future bouquet, knives, twine and other tools. Remember that the bouquet is not to blame for the great ones. Yogo needs to be easily trimmed with one hand.

Autumn... Zhovti tree. Opal leaf roam underfoot. So you want to save those warm autumn days. And let's find out, how to grow an autumn bouquet, dry it and all winter we love a piece of autumn. Our foxes have already picked up a bunch of autumn leaves...

What is needed for making a bouquet:

Maple leaves - different colors
- poplar leaves
- Gorobina

How to grow an autumn bouquet

For trojandok, we pick up all the leaves in tone. So it looks more effective.

Dry and poor leafing is not suitable for us. Aje mi wanto the best bouquet! Beremo fresh, shoyno opal leaves.

Trojandi will be with us from a greenish leaf. Let's get started: take the middle sheet and fold it up. Front side to us.

Now, from this sheet, a twisted roll is going to be the core of the trojand.

We need one more maple leaf for the pellet. On the new one in the center we place the core.

The future leaf is folded navpil - so, so that the line would be a fold over the core.

Now we can see a part of the name called a straight kut - all the work is done for the preparation for the trojand's pellet.

For the pelustka, we take the right tip of the leaf, twisting behind the year's arrow, we lay the pelyustok.

On the left side of the leaf, we work the same as on the right side. Twisted in a jgut and krіpimo whitened the foundation. Come out persha pelyustka.

In this order, robimo and all the advances of the trojans. Until the beautiful bud of trojandi is settled.

At the base of the Trojan, we fasten it behind an additional thread.

For the creation of a bouquet, we needed this trojan.

Let's get down to the most important - until the creation of that decorating bouquet. We see, as we see our bouquet, and we begin to create. At the center we place a little gorobini, and a dowkola troyand bud.

Now let's decorate the bouquet with poplar leaves. We put them in by the stake. The stench is guilty of overlapping.

I want the bouquet to be completed, embellished with maple leaves. Less contrasting color. Tobto, as you have green trojandochki, then leafing for the decor of the bouquet, take a yellow and navpak.

The bouquet is fixed with a thread.

From i all. Our bouquet is ready! You can dry it, lowering it down with buds, and then throughout the winter, enjoy it with warm farbs!

Do you know what other bouquets you can pick up? Mi rozpovimo: until Great Day chi.

It's time to freak out! Oh enchantment!
Receive me your farewell beauty -
I love writing in the nature,
At crimson and gold dressed foxes,
In their blues, the wind has noise and fresh breath,
I with a shaggy haze open the skies,
I early sun promise, and first frost,
And in the distant gray winter threats.

Pushkin A.S.

Not without reason have we guessed this miraculous and even actual verse of the classics of Russian literature - even the cob of calendar autumn and the beginning of fate! Summer farewell promises of a warm son to rest and cherish us, the rest of the nights become cold and dry. The "oxamite season" is upon us.

It is called wine so that in the past century at the popular seaside resorts, fashionistas on the evening promenade, strolling along the coast, gave priority to light summer dresses wearing oxamite. There is another thought that the autumn season is called “oxamite” through those that the peach season begins, and that the fruit, as it seems, is famous for its smelly captans.

As long as the rest are still trying to grab the last little piece of the unforgettable release, even if the trochs continue the summer, which is drooping, the greater part has already blown into the clod from the drive the cob of the shkilnoї pori.

Schob Zibraiti of the middle school for Borotbus by the same as a fearful, Ale by the napoleglivim of the Zmusiti Die Gristy Grandi Science - Necokhiky is not a muddy gaman, the Human hour of the same, but the activity of the same is not being tuned to be tasted. .

Aja skin father wants that his own child would be the most beautiful, the most intelligent and absolutely not similar to others! However, for the standard assortment and school regulations, it is important to see among the masses of such charming little schoolchildren.

Let's try to cheer up those who are absent from the first day of the first day - from the urochist line! This is the most important and quivering moment of school life, especially for first-graders.

And what kind of brand do you come in to? Nі, not a buffet in the teacher’s room, and not those who have Lucy z 8-“A” has a short bed at the river, and not those who didn’t get far away from being a member of the Batkiv committee - but, of course, a Christmas bouquet!

Holy 1st Spring with trepidation, that greedy check is not only learned from those fathers, but also sellers of tickets. The 31st sickle can rightly be called the “day of the flower bogeville” - not only for the swishiness of buying bouquets, but also for the wide range of varieties and the variety of flower compositions propagated, their juicy autumn colors. Adzhe osin - it's time to go farbi! A little sleepy, at a stop before the black-and-white winter, rozfarbovuє in najaskravishi tone all the growths, not intermingling fantasy and creating neimovіrnі poddnannya.

Let's not rush to buy a standard bouquet, but try to create our own, unique and original. For whom, fantasy is included and stocked with everything necessary. And we give a sprinkling of creative ideas.

Otzhe, let's be creative for the help of helpers. If it is specifically sacred, then the bouquet will be viable.

For example, tsіkava thought to create a bouquet in the form of a globe. For this, you need a special sponge of a round shape, as my florist is called “piaflor”. Before the speech, I’ll build the additional function of which I’ll build - out of the water and don’t let the flowers wither. Її you can come to shops for flower decor.

Dali pіdbiraєmo kvіti vіdpovіdno to kolorovoї gamma: yellow buds - earth, black - water. Gerberas look good in this composition. I think the geography teacher will be there! Until then, such a bouquet does not require a vase, it can be placed on a row on a doshka or on a lambrequin in a class.

The second no less effective option will be the addition of a flower composition to school accessories. Try the ready vase abo kvіtkovy miner pasted with colored olives: it is wise to sing on the character of the saint and succinctly complete the main idea of ​​the composition.

If there is no bazhannya chi navychok to lіplenya, then the bouquet of purchases can be revived with a hіlochkoy gorobini or autumn fruit. Before speech, "fruit" bouquets are gaining popularity, and more often such "dietary" presentations become the head color of the autumn saint.

Apples, lemons, oranges are added to the bouquet, and they are first treated with a special varnish to preserve the “commodity” appearance of the living product. However, it’s safe to say that such a unique bouquet, obviously, is important as a kilogram of fruit.

The second kind of a bouquet of autumnal fruits is more natural: with special figured knives they cut flowers from dyne, kavuna, apples, peaches and fold a composition from it, stringing wooden sticks with a sharply sharpened knife on thin skewers. Follow to respect that knives for the cієї can be done more hospitably.

Tsey bouquet will be relevant until the Christmas buffet as an appetizer. Such beauty can be created from vegetables - good, autumn generously gives us material for creativity.

Viewing from fruits is called "carving". Kavun will be an unimaginable basis for artistic carving! You wanted to zastosuvat your unrealized creative work, but you didn’t know how? "Karving" - the price of a new trend in creatively decorated vegetables and fruits, check on your masterpieces!

One more vegetable syrovina for the creation of an autumn gift bouquet is a watermelon. As a rule, it won't serve as an alternative to vases and cats.

Vіdrіzaєmo topіvku with live bait and viymaєmo guts, from which we cook korisnu і savory porridge- and from the shkіri, which is left out, robim the flower arrangement. And why don’t you mix up simple components on the kshtalt spikelets of wheat, chestnuts, or the first autumn leaves - you can all stick to the right!

In the pulp, which was left behind, on the walls of the garmelon, we build bazhany kviti and roslin. You can cover everything with a lid with live bait, or you can leave out the elements to wash. Such a bouquet, though not long-lasting, but unambiguously original and unforgettable. In order to protect the swedish psuvannya of a seamelon and continue the life of that masterpiece, you can cover the seamelon with varnish or make it for a new stand.

The leader of the autumn bouquets is the composition with different color leaves. Truthfully, for this creation, it’s possible to check for leaf fall, which sounds like it’s after the first frost.

From the fires, and yet, not yet scorched, you can grow Trojans, as if you do not compromise on the beauty of your real brothers. Leafing varto vibiraty fresh, they didn’t dry up, then in the process of creating a bouquet the stench will not lamatize and crish, but after that it will dry up at the necessary sight. You can be sure that a naturalist from the natural sciences of obov'yazkovo put up a hall for such a herbarium!

I trochs brown colors about choosing flowers and bouquets for the saint.

On such a special day, if the emotional stress reaches its maximum, the lives will be less than a burden. Especially, if out of negligence tenditnіtnі kvіti break - and even give the teacher nothing, and the dodatkova irritability is not only for children, but also for fathers.

Also, when choosing buds, varto vrakhovuvat the smell of autumn flowers. A persistent and lingering smell can cause headaches and induce an unattractive camp, especially on the aphids of the nervous situation on the first day of the beginning.

If it costs to choose between a bouquet, or we prepare a flowerpot from the bouquets, then do not hesitate to overwhelm the flowerpot. The pluses are obvious: the teacher does not need a shukaty єmnіst, at the yak place a bouquet of sight - and the vouchers, as it seems, that day is not a big day for everyone. Until then, the flowerpot did not see an additional gift (as it is customary for teachers to give to teachers at your school), and the miner with living books, with diligent watchfulness, makes the eye of the Celestial River happy and makes children look after the roses.

Obov'yazkovo lure to sleep, help the children who are approaching you.

Have a mood, a bouquet, creations with a soul in the company of a child, bring a majestic amount of positive emotions, as well as trochs to expand the horizons and deaks of the cob of the floristry, which is more beautifully accepted!

Adzhe the head of the river - good hour for the cob vchennya chogos new and creative not only for children, but also grown up, independently of the main kind of activity! Why not try for yourself carving chi folded compositions from handy materials? It’s even more fun and hoarsely, and it’s like a tongue-in-cheek doorway when you think that summer has passed ... And the autumn will pass with the best ball!

We wish you a bright and warm autumn!

Autumn - it's time for rock, as it exudes a special charm. It will associate with the harvest, with juice farbs, leafing that flowers. It’s good to create autumn bouquets of shvidko and simply with your own hands, so that you could transfer a piece of this spring to your donkey.

Flower composition - the whole bouquet, chosen by the song rank. A wide range of colors, in the composition you can include lines, namistini, cools and other embellishments. With the design of such a bouquet, you should vrakhovuvati, de vin will stand in a vessel. In order to survive for a long time, they didn’t bring in a large amount of vikorista, a special floristic sponge of dark color. Basic compositions can be made from flowers, yellow leaves, dried flowers, cereals and various fruits. We suggest to you report photo master class.

We choose garni autumn bouquets with our own hands in the cover room

  • flowers: gerbera, daisy, georgina;
  • decorative elements: small apples, leaves of pittosporum and eucalyptus;
  • sponge Oasis;
  • wooden box;
  • pakuvalny papir and prozor plіvka;
  • pruner knives, floristic lower.
How to create an incredible bouquet:
  1. Prepare the basis for the future composition. Wist the bottom of the drawer with paper, cut the edges to wash.
  2. We put a gap on the bottom of the box, so that the water from the sponge does not leak into the box itself. Trim the edges of the plait with the edge of the box.
  3. We lower the Oasi bar into a container with water, then we remove yoga and put it on the bottom of our foundation.
  4. We insert the greenery into the sponge so that it completely nails the edges of the screen.
  5. There are white georgina in the center of the composition near the tricot tree.
  6. We insert the tickets that are left out, along the edges.
  7. We decorate the composition with apples.

Such a unique bouquet is a wonderful gift for the school as a present for the teacher on the 1st spring. Behind the towers, you can add the composition to school accessories.

For an original embellishment of a wet life, you can vicorist compositions with natural material. Leafing, which has turned into a bright color, serve as a basis for that.

  • fresh maple leaf of various rosemary. It’s necessary, so that the stench of the troch has dried up;
  • rods for stems;
  • teip stitch of dark green color;
  • scissors and thread.
Choosing a bouquet:
  1. Take the smallest arkush, turn it face down and bend the tips in the middle.
  1. Burn a roll from a folded sheet. The core of the future flower is ready.
  2. On the other leaf, beyond the rims, there are more trochs behind the first bend of the central tip. Lay a pseudo-bud on top of the new one. Wrap the bichni edges around the bud.
  1. Prodovzhuvati wrapping around the base, from the smallest to the largest.
  2. After that, as soon as necessary, you need to rewind the stems with a teip-string.
  1. Wind up the stems to the lozini for help green lines. The ticket is ready.

We try to pick a garniy and a yaskravy topiary from an autumn leaf

Another beautiful decor for the room is a piece of wood - a topiary. It is a good example, through a yak such a tree to bring happiness at the booths.

We need:
  • clay miner;
  • wooden stick;
  • ball-preparation with polystyrene;
  • autumn leaves, berries, moss;
  • alabaster, thermo gun, spray farba.
Robimo topiary:
  1. Cast a club in the miner, and then hang out to find offensive details in black colors.
  2. Put the sack on the club. For the help of the pistol, smear the base of the leaf with glue and insert it at the sack. Periodically dilute the leaves with gorobini berries or other other fruits on the roll.
  3. Decorate the leaves with stovbur.
  4. Disguise the gypsum at the miner's under a ball of gіlok, moss and yagіd.

Let's make a bouquet of zucerok for relatives and friends

Tse duzhe efektny that inexpensive gift. Vіn fit to the relish of rich lasuns. Let's find out how to vikonate a composition of zucerok in the autumn style.

  • autumn leaves, small apples or cones;
  • wooden skewers;
  • zukerki;
  • colorful corrugated paper;
  • teip stitch;
  • cat;
  • polystyrene;
  • knives, line, thread, mesh.
Let's make a bouquet:
  1. Place the pieces of polystyrene in a cat and shovat yoga under a net.
  2. Viklasti opal leafing along the edge of the cat.
  3. On wooden skewers, attach zukerki for additional thread.
  4. From the paper you can see the future leaves. Give them a form for the help of your fingers: twist the blank across the paper.
  5. Іz green paper virіzati leaf blanks.
  6. Wrap around the zipper leaves, fastening them with threads on the base.
  7. Attach green blanks and wrap the skewer with a teip-stitch.
  8. Insert the skewers into the sponge, decorate the cat with apples. You can tie a puffy bow on the handle itself.

Video-master-class on the topic of articles

We want to show a dekіlka video. With their help, you can create a unique flower composition.

Axis and autumn has come - it's time for rock!

Let's embellish our houses with beautiful "gifts of autumn": let's paint leaves, flowers, peas, berries, cones and acorns!

We selected 50 autumn projects for you to decorate the house and the garden.

1. Composition "Under Kovpak"

Small ticks, chick with leaves, moss.

2. Quiet candles

Wrap glass bottles with dried corn leaves, decorate candlesticks with a cord of raffia and pir'yak

3. Autumn bouquet

Such a warm autumn bouquet can be made from autumn flowers, herbs, cabbage sprouts, small watermelons and fruits.

4. Garland from leaflets from leaves

Decorate with bouquets of cereals

29. Embellish a gank

See the harbuzivs, vines from the vines and put orange garbuzi on gatherings

30. Autumn picture

Take a garn from an empty frame and pull a garland from a leaf

31. Decorate the corridor

Decorate the corridor of the composition with a lighter with a candle and a watermelon.

31. Corn wine

Create an original wreath from dried corn leaves at once

32. Decorate the booths

Put on the table a great bouquet of flowers, leaves, watermelon. Move the garbuzi under the stele

33. Garbuzovі candles

Grow candlesticks from garbuziv

34. Trimachi for photos from the mountains

Raise for the drota and the hairy gorіkhіv utrimuvachі for the autumn photos

35. Autumn path for table decoration

Take a one-ton servette for the table and put little leaves on it.

Victory for this farby or fabric markers

36. Autumn bouquet

Fold an unusual autumn bouquet of mules with laces.

And I’ll glass a vase, in which there is your bouquet, put lemons

37. Tree in a bear

Sew a small bag out of a burlap bag, remind it of stones, fill it with pine and put it in a new big bottle with leaves.

Such a tree will become a miraculous color of the dinner table.

38. Grain wine

Attach the spikelet to the basis for the wreath, decorate the wreath with the leaves

40. Vase for autumn bouquet with corn

Create a vase for a bouquet of squash corn

41. Garland of corn

Make a garland of corn sprouts and that leaf

42. Wine from natural materials

Take the old frame square shape and grow wine

43. Koshik іz harmelon

Grow a cat for a bouquet from a garbuza

44. Vase from an old baril

Vicorist the old barilo like a vase for an autumn bouquet

45. Paper leaf wine

Virіzhte leaves from old notes or an old book, make a wreath from them

46. ​​Golden garbuzi

Spray small garbuzi with golden spray, put them in a large vase

47. Vase with watermelon

Open the top of the seamelon, turn it down and put a jar of water in the middle.

48. Different colors of laces

Rozfarbuy acorns and put them in a vase or vicarious for compositions and virobiv

49. Laminated leaves

Hang the autumn leaves and laminate them. Let's change the leaves along the contour and put a garland from them or decorate the chandelier

50. Composition near a vase with a lid

Remind me of such a vase with a cover of autumn gifts, put it on a table

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