Synopsis of GCD in the senior group of a child nursery on the topic: Vitamins. Synopsis of occupation for painting "productive eating" senior group Malyuvannia healthy senior group

Synopsis of the GCD "Vitamins zmіtsnyuyut organism" (senior preschool age)

Program zmist:
1. Continue to consolidate the knowledge of children about the value of vitamins in our body.
2. Know the concepts of "vitamins A, B, C, D, E" and the products in which stench is to be found.
3. To consolidate the knowledge of children about the need for vitamins for the human body, about the measles of products, how to remove vitamins.
4. Develop language, respect, memory, correct riddles.
5. Vihovuvati bajannya be healthy.

Areas of integration: knowledge, communication, music, art literature, physical development.

Front of the robot: conversation about vegetables and fruits, looking at pictures, describing them; play “4th zayvi”, “Recognize the taste, smell”, “Wonderful little bear”.
Material: lyalka "Vitaminka", pictures of vegetables and fruits and products, in which vitamins are stored, different-colored pellets with groups of vitamins (charitable chamomile), "Sonechko", a cat with vegetables and fruits (you can vicorist models).
Vihovatel: Guys, we know about the best products every year. Do you know what the best products cost? (Vegetables, fruits, berries).
- Boys, why are the vegetables, fruits and berries so brown? (They are rich in vitamins)
Mysterious music sounds, the guest "Vitaminka" is announced.
Vitaminka: Hello lads! My name is Vitaminka.
Do not choke on chocolate
More licorice, salty
Oh, beware.
Only vegetables and fruits -
Even savory products!
So! So! So!
Vihovatel: So, lads, vitamins are necessary, like the sun, again, and water - you can’t compete with winter.
Vitaminka: I do love riddles. How about you guys? (So) If you guess a riddle, then you will tell the truth.
Growing lads fell on the beds,
Mustache lads are young and sound ... (cracks)
Violet kaptan zamoviv his own Ivan,
Better not bulo captan, lower captan at ... (eggplant)
I walked along the ridge of the vzdovzh parkan
Viysko good patrol.
Trim the tops of a hundred hands,
Pіdrostaє hot ... (cibulya)
Chervona girl was born at the v'yaznitsa,
She threw her scythe at the end of the night.
Autumn is coming, sigh... (carrot)
Round little brothers grieve in a budinochka,
It’s not good for the green budinochka.
Boil them with broth and that sound ... (peas)
Vihovatel: How can one name these pictures in one word - vіdpovіdі? (Vegetables) Tsey plaid dovgasty,
Vitamin rich.
Boil yogo, dry yogo.
It's called wine... (pear)
Wine with orange fur,
It looks like a dream.
And under the shkiroy - chastochki,
Did the skils cheer?
Part of the skin damo
All according to share. (orange)
Chervone, rum'yane,
I'm growing up on the hills.
Love me grown up
I, well, children. (apple)
Middle of the leaves of emeralds
See a lot of monsters' crowns.
The stench of yagid is piling up,
They have a wonderful scent.
And cry їх ... (grape)
Hot and sour wine
Let's put some tea... (lemon)
Vihovatel: How can you name all the pictures in one word? (fruit)
Vitaminka: All vegetables and fruits can be smothered with richly brown tongues. If we can, our body will take a great supply of vitamins, so that we were healthy and did not get sick.
Vihovatel: autumn brings a great harvest of vegetables and fruits. Save everything from a fresh looker, don't go into it. In view of the treacherous safety, the stench can sip. Why should you be mature enough to save your birth for the whole winter? (preserve vegetables, fruits, cook jams, make utensils ...)
Vitaminka: And you can also hang fruit. Dried fruits are called dried fruits. Navit in dried looking stench save rich in vitamins. You, singsongly, bachili and kushtuvali rodzinki - dried grapes, dried apricots - dry apricots. From dried fruits, you can prepare even savory and brown compote, which you take for a bite.
Vihovatel: Boys, how do you think, at the time of rock we take the most vitamins? (influence, autumn)
Physical culture:
We stand on the city (sipping - hands killed)
Marvel at nature.
Axis salad, and then krip (with your right hand, push your left foot to the side)
We will fix you
Bur'yanam unanimously beat -
From the roots we will see,
Sit lower (go ahead, sit down)
Mi demmo by the orchard (walking on a mission)
Breathe apple flavor (deep breath)
I want їх from the zirvati tree (according to your will, rightly, then left hand uphill)
Ale, we can't get enough of them (lower the shoulders, raise the hands of the killer)
We go with you take (Imitate by gatherings)
We mustache apples (Imitate picking apples)
Vihovatel: Children, marvel at our charming chamomile, the main vitamins are written on її pelyust, as they are indicated by great Latin letters. On the back of chamomile, products are smeared, in which vitamins are stored.
Vitamin A - ce vitamin growth soru, yogo rich in vershokov oil, liver, vegetables and fruits of red color, for example, carrots and apricots.
Vitamins groups are very important for the work of the brain and the whole organism, for revenge on olives, meat, bread, cereals.
Vitamin C protects the body against various ailments, destroys blood-bearing judges. This vitamin is found in all fruits and vegetables, most of it is in black currant berries, herbs, lemons, oranges, sauerkraut, watchmaker and cibulya.
Vitamin D is necessary for our bones, it is even richer in liver, meat, animal fats.
Vitamin E is also important for the development of the body, it can be found in animal fats, cereals and other products.
Vitaminka: Guys, who is there to jizhit? So tse God's Korivka, as I flew to the enchanting chamomile Let's play with it and with our enchanting chamomile. You will need to guess what vitamins are found in proponated fruits, vegetables and products. (Pictures with little ones are drawn. For the correct appearance, children take chips from a colored paper.
Vitaminka: Children, you played so well, and now guess one more riddle.
Wine of all colors
At the new vitamins
I'm ready to drink yoga,
Adzhe nemaє I will drink better!
Vіn carrots and tomato,
I for the taste and color of receptions.
So we are healthy for you,
Pii schvidshe fruity… (Sik)
V-l: Well done, you correctly guessed the riddle of our vitamin. And you know that the sik is not only savory, but also a brown drink, and you can still be miraculous faces. For example, sіk tsibuli - from undead, with angina, and as if with honey, then for coughing. Sik cabbage helps to remove bіl. Radish sik vzhivayut when coughing.
Vitaminka: Boys, you are so young! You rightly said that there are more vitamins in autumn. Lack of vitamins in the body is called avitaminosis, so it is necessary to take a dose of that added vitamin in a pharmacy. It is necessary to live in singing doses, who knows for you, how? (1-2 tablets per day), and when taking in vitamins, bought in a pharmacy, it is necessary to carefully read the instructions.
Vihovatel: Children, vitamins - these are the same speeches, as our body needs for the correct work and learned, the stench promotes practicality, opirnist to sickness, sprout the growth. As if there are not enough vitamins in it, people start to get sick, become sloppy, weak, and vain.
Vitaminka: Lads, and I came to you not with empty hands and brought you a gift, but you can figure it out yourself, more wine is needed, even if this year you are so richly informed about vitamins. (Vitaminka distributes apples to children. Children discuss with the grower how vitamins are stored in apples, which stink brown).

Abstract of employment with non-traditional painting in the senior group

Theme: "Hello summer"

Meta Busy: - Familiarize children with a new kind of non-traditional painting technique "Blotograph". Get to know children with the method of painting for the help of a tube and the method of painting for the help of drawing and cotton sticks.Form your own self-selection of the color scheme of the farb, which reflects the radiant summer mood. Develop the color of the spray, improve fine motor skills of the fingers and hands. Call for a positive feedback on the results of your creativity. Atvihovuvati interest, love and dbailive setting up to nature.

Materials:Arch of white paper for painting Watercolor farbi, gouache. Cocktail straw, straw cups, rice, glue, penzliks, servets, plates.

Hid busy. 1. The creation of an emotional mood.

Let's take hands together

I alone smile to one

We are not afraid of crossing

Like we are friendly!

2. Surprise moment.

Vihovatel. Htos throwing us at the end

Marvel leaf

Maybe, tse prominchik sleep

What is more glossy to us

Might as well

Flying let in?

Do you guys want to know who wrote the sheet to us?

"Hello lads!My name is Lisovichok. Listen to my history. Earlier it was too rich. But at the same time, people do not protect nature. To that lisіv become less Daedalus. People cut down trees, nothing was planted. The rivers and lakes dried up, the animals all perished without water. І axis, nareshti, people realized that they had accumulated stench, but it became more painful. Help me and my fox."

Vihovatel: Lads, can we help Lisovich? Namalyuemo fox?

And what helps us to paint with us with these other objects? (For the help of the best food, because the children will not give you the right answer, to get the right answer - the hand and the finger).

Tell me, are you ready to cook until the long, happy day, feel badyorimi and cheerful, why are you lying? What are we doing? (Charging).

Correctly! Axis i in order to make us more small, it is necessary to prepare our fingers to work. Let's play with them.

Finger graDaisies"

My beautiful quotes

(Squeeze and squeeze fingers)

We are so loved by a snowstorm,

(Bending over your fingers)

They love blizzards, commas.

Children call us "daisies"

(Squeeze and squeeze fingers)

At the skin mommy babies -

(scrape fingers along the cheeks)

Mustache garni, garni.

Vihovatel: -Boys, do you want to paint? Then take a seat at the tables.

And what else can you do? (felt-tip pens, cradles, penzliks and farbs)


Let's all think at once and pererahuemo pore rock.

And now it's time for fate?

Boys, what color is it? (Children are rehabilitated by the yaskra farbi, the authorities in the warm sleepy summer)

And what kind of coma do you know, what kind of fly is it less like a wind, and even more similar to a life? (Meteliki)

Practical part:

Vihovatel: They planted us, blew through the charm stick, and it began to grow more and more. And a tree grew high on a rose.

The cheater explains.

Put a drop of farbi on the lower part of the sheet, put a throw of straws, directing at the top of the mountain, changing straight ahead - robimo gils.

Vihovatel: And what else needs to be painted. How do you think?

Children: sun

Vihovatel: That's right, but the sun is tiny with rice! Ah yes! With it, it’s not better to cook porridge, but also paint it. Smear glue on the back of the head with a penzlik, let it dry, then let's see the little farboi sun, change it. Bachite, like a garno weishlo. The sun began to fill me up and warmly, warmly. And you can, for the help of cotton sticks, paint kviti.

And now the time has come to get down to work.

What do you need to grow, so that the little ones will be garnied?

It is necessary to try hard that viconate of little ones with love. Children are painting.

Self-support activity of children. The skin of a child with a path looking out of the bloopers draws a tree and a tree.

These days they painted and singsongly wearyed

let's do physical culture.

Fizkulthvilinka "The tree hits"

1. The tree is going down

Here in the dark, (Kidnapping with a tulub to the left and right)

Hmari hitayutsya

On yoga hands. (Hands lift up the mountain)

Qi hands are strong

Rip at the height

Trim the sky blue

Stars of that month.

2. Wind dme us in disguise,

The tree withered. (Kidnapped by a tulub to the left and right)

The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter, (Prisіdannya)

The tree is more and more. (Stand on the scarpets, stretch)

3. The wind quietly hits the maple,

To the right, to the left nahlyaє: (Kidnapped by a tulub to the left-to the right)

Once screwed up and two screwed up, (Springly screwed up)

Noisy maple leaves. (Hands are raised uphill, swing them)

Analysis of child robots.

    Children look at robots.

    Give names to your paintings.

    Rozpovidat, in what ways they painted.

    What materials were used

    What a mood cry little children.

Lads, we put a cap on our little Lisovichka. I am convinced that they helped me.

Olga Pilipenko
Synopsis of OOD with valeology and painting in the senior group "To the Land of Healthy Teeth"


Refine children's knowledge about products, color for teeth and quiet, sho priyat rozvitku їhnіh zahvoryuvan;

Give elementary information about vitamins and their value for I'm healthy people;

Vihovuvati bajannya dbati about your I'm healthy

Continue to know children with non-traditional techniques painting(through stencil solicitations: apply farba with a foam sponge);

To develop a little beauty in a child, I create with my eyes, fantasy, watchfulness, respect, aesthetic relish, understanding the color;

Be careful with the robot.

Glossary: caries, flux, dental white, vitamins.


Ribbed board, rope, cardboard tracks; pictures of metelikiv, kvitiv; models of vegetables, fruits, confectionery varieties; toothbrush, cats, vedmezh's toys and bunnies.

1. Intellectual warm-up.

What do people need?

What are vitamins?

Which sik do you like?

- Name it in one word: orange, apple, banana, pear.

- Find Zayve: carrot, cibulya, mandarin, chips.

2. Surprise moment:

Boys, who are crying? Cevedmedic,

Ah ah ah. The Vedmedic has a flux.

Don't go to the doctor: wine boyaguz.

The doctor’s cheek was blown up, everything was swollen, swollen.

Whole day walking and groaning, It became bad for the vedmedic.

Vіn shvidshe bіzhit to the doctor: "I want to polish my tooth".

Having drilled the drill, having taken the doctor’s hand, polished the medical officer.

What happened to the vedmedic?

How do you care why Yogo's tooth fell ill?

And why do we work so that our teeth do not get sick?

3. - And now I will ask you to « Land of healthy teeth» .

To get there, it’s necessary to go, without turning around "enchanting" paths".

(walking with a ribbed board, rope, footprints).

And the axis and the gate, yakі lead to « Land of healthy teeth» . Let's look at the map on the wall.

Okorukhova gymnastics: swipe a glance behind the laser prominence, along the blizzards, quitas

And the axis is a budinochok. Let's knock,.,

So the houses of the Toothbrush are queens. « Edges of healthy teeth» . Vaughn was a little happy about our visit, but even more so, what we thought about our I'm healthy. I ask more, so that we could heal in її city and garden, in yakі climbed shkіdlivі teeth products, products are enemies.

Didactic game What's up?.

(viklikanі children tidy up models of confectionery from the cat).

Do you like to eat all the products?

Mami give you a glass of rich zukerok?

Do you know why not give?

Let's show the Queen of the Toothbrush, which we can always designate, which products are painted, and which are not.

Didactic game "Korysnі and shkіdlі produkt"

(on the title colorful products- children caress, and on shkіdlі - stupid).

Shkіdlі produkt - your enemies teeth. The quiet ones, who have a lot of malt, have black chickens on their teeth, terrible enemy of teeth - caries. On the spot, de caries appeared, step by step, a little girl appeared and the tooth was very sick. If you don’t want to, if your teeth are sick, eat less malt: tsukerok, cakes, tіstechok, varennya and drink less licorice water.

Look at the hare any: brush your teeth about carrots

І in the new all the teeth of the cіlі - gostrі-gostrі, bіlі-bіlі.

I remember the truth is simple -

It’s better to drink only the one who chews carrots

Abo p'є carrot sik.

Well, in the city of Toothbrushes, there were no more products - friends.

4. - And now the Queen of the Toothbrush asks us "Charming master" de vie you can grow up for the bagmen of the charming vegetables and fruits. (Children sit at the tables)

Finger gymnastics.

We just need to get up, we’ll tear our fingers apart,

Mi wider їх rozsunemo, stronger tensile.

(Children pull their hands forward, open their fingers, stretch them as much as possible, and then relax, lower their hands and shake them slightly)

Farbami painting"Chi in the garden, in the city"(for a skin child, a stencil of vegetables or fruits, stench is enticed with a foam rubber sponge)

Memorize the rule Toothy Sche tki:

Children need to eat more products, like vitamins. Even though there are not enough vitamins, a child cannot grow and develop well, we often get sick.

Well, it’s time for us to say goodbye to the Queen Tooth Shield and turn around home « Edges of healthy teeth» . Good bye.

Publications on the topic:

"Come up to the edge of the Neboliya". Knowledge of valeology for children of the middle group The main meta of proponated rozvagi was supposed to teach children to take care of their own health on their own, to know the simplest.

Synopsis of GCD of valeology "Move up to the edge of health" by Versh Umanskaya Meta: to form in children the importance of turbot about one's health, to develop a knowledgeable interest, to wake up, to understand. Help.

Synopsis of the GCD with valeology with elements of experimental activity in the senior group "How healthy are you?" Synopsis of a lesson in valeology with the elements of the experiment “Is your health not good?” (Senior group) Program tasks: 1. Education.

Synopsis of GCD of valeology in the senior group "Divo-nis" Synopsis of non-intermediate enlightenment of activities in valeology in the senior group Sklala: Teaching assistant of the MBDOU “Zubovo-Polyansky child.

Synopsis of GCD of valeology in the senior group “Who is the smartest?” Synopsis of a lesson in valeology at the senior group "Ivushka" Topic: "Who is the headiest" Objectives: To continue to know children from the main organs.

Synopsis of a lesson in valeology “Move to the edge of Lyudina” Zavdannya: cognize the children from the zvnіshny budovaya, the possibilities of the body; scent, gazing sprynyattyam, hearing aid; .

Integration: Communication, Physical culture, Music, Socialization

See childish activity: productive, communicative.

Meta: to correct children in painted figures of people in Russia.


Close up the method of vicking the little ones with a great olive and stepping on the farbow with colorful olives;

Viklikati interest in sports;

Develop fine motor skills;

Formuvaty in children with a vіkom pragnennya bring rozpochatu to the right is enough.

Materials: Cheburashka toy or overgrown, lichilnі sticks, album leaves, simple olives, gumka, colorful olives, audio recording of the group "Neposidi" - "Gymnastics"; classical composition for accompanying painting.

Head of organized lighting activities:

Children, be amazed, we have an unusual guest today. Do you know wine? (so, tse Cheburashka)

Cheb: So, lads, I am Cheburashka, I am the Olympic symbol of the chosen Russia. And at once, if the whole country is getting ready for the Olympics in Sochi, I will also raise the price of the country at the expense of young athletes.

Do you know what the Olympiad is?


Tse chesny sports biy

Take fate from him - cities

You might be able to win.

And for sports first booty

You need to love sports.

And how can you be a strong athlete(Buti vitrivalim, strong, merciful, easy-going)

Cheburashka, and our lads should love sports, and take a lot of part in our sports magicians

Cheb: I found out about it and immediately after hastening to the d / s, tell me, but how are you getting ready to zmagan?

(engaged on the physical education occupation, schoran robimo ranking gymnastics)

Cheb: Healthy, can you show me now?

Well, a help out us at tsomu"palichni cholovіchki"

Exercise "Palichni cholovіchki" (Children on the tables lay cholovіchkіv with medical sticks: The head is a cardboard circle with painted parts of the face, the shoulders are one personal stick, the coat, arms, legs are made of two sticks. Behind the text, the lads change the position of the hands and nig of the cholovichkiv)

Anu in order, get up for exercise

(Accept outside positions)

We start a warm-up:

Legs wider pinkish

Hands killed

And then we will sigh at the faces.

Arm up, arm down

We sit already an hour

We complete the warm-up:

Arms, legs straighten!

Cheb: I was so honored and right, I also want to learn how to win them over, only if I didn’t forget them.

Guys, how can we help Cheburashtsi?

(It’s necessary to paint, as we win the right)

Let's marvel, as we look at a man on a little one

What do you need to know in order to paint a person? (It is necessary to know the parts of the body)

Name them (head, tulub, neck, 2 arms, 2 legs)

Why do we need to draw? (from the head) Come on out ... (the child calls to the easel)

What do we think we will sweat (shyu ta tulub)

What is necessary to know when painting these parts of the body (the shoulders of a frail person, the back of the head and the toelub).

What do you think is possible at the next stage? (legs and arms)

What do you need to remember about, so that the image looks right? (the legs are so long, like a body. Arms and legs are thinner for the toelub. Arms reach the middle of the stegon and end with the little ones of Lkti on the equal belt. On the legs - Czechs) Walk ...

Boys, what did they give you respect for, if the chickens were right? (Hands and legs are folded in 2 parts, so the stench is easily destroyed: hands in elbows, legs in knees)

Chi right, how do you know the image is finished? (nі, we didn’t paint our eyes, nіs, wuha. Hair) Vihod.

Well done, you remembered everything correctly, well, let's not waste your time and let's get down to painting, let me paint your skin for Cheburashka, I'm in love with the right.

2 Main body

Self-support activity of children (musical support of activity)

Care for the activities of children (statements, explanations, individual assistance)

3. The final part (Analysis)

Which athlete is worthy of you? Explain, I have the right to win vikonu.

Chi right stink roztashovani parts of the body? And how do you think, vykonuyuchi tsyu right, how part of the body strengthens the athlete?

Cheb: Oh, what a boy, now I can prepare for the Olympics.

And now, Cheburashko, we will ask you for fun rhythmic gymnastics. (Group Neposidi "Gymnastics")

Synopsis of the GCD for the senior group on the topic: healthy image life

Author: Bikova Natalia Ivanivna, breeder.
Place of work: MDOU "Center for the Development of Children-Children's Kindergarten No. 110", Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia

Synopsis of employment with the senior group. Topic: "If you want to be healthy."

Lighting galleys: cognitive development, current development, social and communicative development, artistic and aesthetic development
Target: to bring to the notice of the children the need for a dbayly setting for oneself and others.
1. Educational development: Give notice to children about the power and functioning of the human body; to continue to learn independently to take care of your health, to know the simplest way to take self-healing (gymnastics for the eyes), to consolidate knowledge about the rules for looking after your body, to take care of your food.
2. Social and communicative development: Develop the mind of children; activate the words in the vocabulary of children: health, organ, organism, dentist, ENT, oculist. Read the children to be kind, respect one to one, fasten in the air and hang on and rob the simplest hangers.
3. Artistic and aesthetic development: Close up the little ones in the guise of a people with an olive.
Materials and possessions: chastochki to a mandarin and a watchmaker in jars, audio recordings: "Sounds of Nature", song "Laugh", lyrics. M. Plyatskovsky. music V. Shainsky; pictures of brown and brown products for didactic gry, a bag of Wise Owl with special hygiene items (nice toilette, toothpaste, washcloth, cloth, towel, toothbrush, brush for clothes, comb, mirror, packing with cotton buds, packing vologia servettes, packaging of paper husks, mirror stencils made from paper, colorful olives.
Front of the robot: talk about cultural and hygienic beginners, didactic games “Guess the mood”, “Name the objects”, “What do you need doctors?” .
Heading: I. Organizational moment: Sound the first verse of the song by B. Okudzhavi "Let's say one compliment to one."
Vihovatel: Guys, what's a compliment? Need more compliments from people talking? Say one compliment to one, that a little changeling sun settled at the heart of the skin that warmed the soul with its warmth.
Children pass one to one a toy-sonechko and speak at each compliment.
Vihovatel: And to you, my beloved children, I also want to say a compliment. You have such garni and grins. In your eyes there is warmth and light, so when I stare at you, I forget about the bag, I smile for the sake of it. I have a side mood, and a side mood is a guarantee of health. How do you care, what are we going to talk about today? (About health).
II. Main part.
one). Vihovatel: We already spoke with you about those who are all different for their character, ovnistyu. And what do we have the same? Tell me, what is sleeping for all people? (All people are the same in physical life: in the skin є head, toelub, arms, legs, etc.) Let's get dirty.
Graz rukami: "Parts of the body".
We name words: (3 bavovni)
Forehead, sweating, head (children show parts of the body).
Neck, shoulders, fingers, nails,
Fists, doloni, likti,
Nіs, live, kolіna, p'yati,
Gubi, that shoulder blades are quilted.
Parts of the body vivechaemo,
Parts of the body are called.
Vihovatel: Boys, how do you care, what part of the body is most important?
At the process of roaming, children come to the visnovka, so that all parts of the body of a person are important.
2). Vihovatel: Tell me, do people need more eyes? (schob bachiti). The eyes are a more important and lower organ, so the organism itself protects yoga. Yaki at the eyes є pomіchniki? (eyebrows, povki, vії).
Vihovatel: So, potiche pіt z chola - yogo raise eyebrows. And vії zahistat vіd saw. Eyes practice a whole day: we read, we see, we marvel at the TV. Our eyes are drawn! To that we may remember, what is sloppy, and what is ugly for our eyes. What is hard for the eyes, how do you care? (read lying down, in transport; for a long time and close to marvel at the TV; for a long time sit at the computer; rub your eyes with your hands).
Vihovatel: It’s hard to do gymnastics for the eyes.
Gymnastics for the eyes
Rozlivoruch, two to the right,
Three-up, chotiri-down.
And now we marvel at the stake,
Shchob better bachiti light.
Vihovatel: Children, if you need to cross your mind, what kind of doctor can you go to? (to the ophthalmologist) How can a doctor help people, how bad is it to drink? (Fix eyepieces).
Return the respect of children to a child in a group, like wearing eyepieces, to propagate the children of recognition, which is why we need to protect them according to the age of a child.
3).Vikhovanets: Axis is mountain, but white is on fire
Two deep nori.
At these minks, it’s time to roam,
To come in, then to go out. What is it? (His).
Vihovatel: Navіscho people nіs? (Through nіs people go wild).
Vihovatel: Well, you can go wild and mouth! Ale tse is not handy, that is not korisno. And the axis of nіs miraculously pristosovaniya for dihannya. Let's see, as we breathe in, let the first drink into our body, rise in price with long corridors in the nose. All the walls of these corridors are covered with small winds, which seem to shake all the time. Powders stick to them, which they drank at once from repetitions. And when you see the powder, the names flutter. Yakshto in nіs drank more importantly - mi chhaymo. Show me what you need to work, if you want? (Children close their mouths with their hands) Why? (Vіdpovidіdі children).
Vihovatel: Guys, what else do you need? (to smell the smells).
The facilitator tells the children to stand on the table, flatten their eyes, sniff and guess what it is. Vihovatel bring a tangerine on the cob, potim-chassist. Children guess.
4). Set the sound of the sounds of nature.
Vihovatel: What did you feel? What do we hear sounds? (wuhs) Those that we call "wuhs" are all shells. They themselves do not smell the stench, but rather catch the sound. And the most sensitive and the lowest part of our ear is known as the ear canal. Why can't you swipe at the wuhah with gostry items? (You can mess up wuho, people start nastily a little or become deaf) (The music is already loud, screams). Seeing which person ceases to sound a little quiet.
Vihovatel: And what kind of doctor is elated? (ear-throat-nіs, ENT)
5). Vihovatel: Guys, Arina recently told me that she lost a tooth. And our Veronica lost two teeth. What does it mean? Why did our children's teeth begin to fall out? (Milk teeth fall off, and root teeth begin to grow on them) That's right, our lads have new, white, beautiful teeth to grow! Teeth are the most important details of our body. The stench is covered with a ball of white enamel, so hard, like an elephant's brush, that the billiard balls are shaking. Aje stinks do not break apart at an arc strong blows! And if the teeth were forever left with the same teeth, healthy and beautiful, let's guess, what do we need to work?
(Brush your teeth at the booth: early after sleep, evening before going to bed. After a skin remedy, rinse your mouth with warm water. Never eat hot and cold cold at once. Do not eat malt before going to bed, and go to the dentist).
Vihovatel: What kind of doctor exultant teeth? (dentist)
Vihovatel: Guys, what's better for teeth? (grind the brushes, grate the peas, bite the thread, pick in the teeth with cold objects). Why? (You can damage the tooth enamel). Help me, be affectionate, rose, like products for teeth, and like - no.
6). Didactic gra "Choose colorful products". On the table are pictures of various products. Children divide pictures into two groups: colored and not colored products for teeth. (Colors: milk, cheese, eggs, cheese, cheese and boiled vegetables, fresh fruits; not colors: zukerki, cake, chocolate for a great number). Difficulty: up to which group to bring hairy peas, hard drying and crackers. Children independently come to the visnovka: those that are in the middle of the shells of peas are brown, but it is not possible to grind with the teeth of peas, it is necessary to cut them with special tongs, dry them with crackers and brown, and lamati them more beautifully with your hands, or soak them with warm tea.
7). Vihovatel zvertaє respect for children on the box.
Vihovatel: The lads of this year's rancie, a wise owl flew in and left you with a box and a sheet. “Dear children! This miracle box has different items for health. Guess them on the dotik and tell them, you need the stench.” Let's see what she has?
Didactic gra "Miracle Box".
Children, according to their wishes, designate objects, name them, remove them from the parcel and explain, now they are recognized and like them to be curry, to give respect, that these objects are for special currying.
III. Closing part. Vihovatel: Guys, how do you care, there is a mirror here and how can it help our health? (Vіdpovidіdі children).
On the mirror, the vikhovator wrote:
Vin is your portrait, everything is similar to you.
Smієtesya vy - vіn zamієtsya tezh.
You are jumping - you are nazustrich jumping.
Weep - weep at the same time.
Vihovatel: But it’s true, lads, if you marvel at the looking-glass and hesitate, your mood gets worse, and if you laugh, you brighten up. And that garbled mood is a smile - like a defender in the face of ailment. Let's indulge in our miraculous mood at these "mirrors", share a laugh with lonely people, so that we are healthy.
At the beginning of the hour, the children will put on an audio recording of the song "Smile". Take a look at the children's robots, ask them to embellish a little mood with them.
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