Rocks of acmeism in Russian literature. What is acmeism. Acmeism Briefly





Moscow, 2007


on the milestones XIX And the XX century in the Russian literature blames the naytsіkavіshe phenomenon, then called the “poetry of the silver age”. This is the hour of new ideas and new directives. Even though the 19th century, after all, the world passed under the sign of a stepping-stone to realism, then a new surge of poetic creativity at the turn of the century has already taken a different path. This period was from the beginning of modern times to the renewal of the region, the renewal of literature and various modernist currents, like a legacy that appeared at the same time. The stinks were even more discriminating, both for the form and for the zmist: symbolism, acmeism, futurism, imaginism.

Because of such different directions and currents, Russian poetry has new names, a wealth of which happened to be left behind forever. The great poets of those epochs, beginning in the depths of the modernist current, grew swiftly from it, striking with talent and rich creativity. So it happened with Blok, Yesenin, Mayakovsky, Gumilyov, Akhmatova, Tsvetaeva, Voloshin and others.

Mentally on the cob of “Siberian Doby” it was accepted to honor 1892, if the ideologist and the oldest participant in the movement of the symbolists Dmitro Merezhkovsky read the supplement “About the causes of the snowfall and about the new currents of modern Russian literature.” So the symbolists have declared about themselves.

The beginning of the 1900s began to develop symbolism, but until the 1910s, a crisis of literary directing began. The test of the symbolists of vigolosity of the literary movement and of denigrating the artist's vision of the epoch has recognized bad luck. The food about the vision of the mysticism has been broken down to the point of activity, about the significance of that place of the mysticism in the development of the Russian national history and culture.

Mav z'yavitisya kakiy novy directly, іnakshe nаkshe nаkshe nаbіdnаnja poezії i і dіysnostі. The very same and becoming acmeism.

Acmeism as literary straight

Appearance of acmeism

In 1911, a group of poets began to create new ones directly from literature, vinicating the “Poets' Workshop”, on which Mykola Gumilyov and Sergiy Gorodetsky are standing. The members of the “Workshop” were mostly poets-pochatkіvtsі: A. Akhmatova, N. Burliuk, Vas. Gippius, M. Zenkevich, Georgy Ivanov, Y. Kuzmina-Karavaeva, M. Lozinsky, O. Mandelstam, Vl. Narbut, P. Radimov. At a different hour before the "Workshop of Poets" that Akmeism was close. Kuzmina-Karavaeva, N. Nedobrovo, V. Komarovsky, V. Rizdvyany, S. Neldikhen. The most prominent of the "younger" acmeists were Georgy Ivanov and Georgy Adamovich. Most of the time, the almanac "The Workshop of Poets" was published (1921 - 1923, the first one I called "Dragon", the rest of the sights already in Berlin were part of the "Workshop of Poets", which I emigrated).

About the creation of literary directing under the name "acmeism" it was officially announced on February 11, 1912 at the meeting of the "Academy of Versha", and in No. flows in modern Russian poetry”, as manifested by manifestos new schools.

Philosophical basis of aesthetics

N. Gumilyov wrote in his famous article “The Spadshchina of Symbolism and Acmeism” N. Gumilyov wrote: “To change symbolism, there is a new one, no matter how it was called, chi acmeism (after the word acmh (“acme”), but adamism (male firmness and a clear look at life), in every case, which means greater equal strength and greater exact knowledge of the subject between the subject and the object, lower in symbolism.

The choice of the name directly established the practice of the acmeists themselves to touch the pinnacle of literary mastery. Symbolism is already closely tied to acmeism, which the ideologists constantly and loudly voice, in their ideas they look like symbolism.

In the article "Spadshchina symbolism and acmeism" Gumilyov, knowing that "symbolism was a good father," stating that he had "finished his development and is now falling." Having analyzed how the marriage, and French and German symbolism, and having grown the visnovok: “We are not fit to sacrifice the yoma (symbol) as a sacrifice in other ways, and shukkaєmo їkh completely uzgodzhennosti”, . And one of the principles of the new directly is to always follow the line of the greatest support.

Rozmirkovuchi about the vision of the world of that human witness, Gumilyov vimagav “keep the memory of the unknown”, but if you don’t, “do not express your thoughts about the new greater or lesser similitudes.” Negatively placed to straightness of the symbolism of knowing the taєmny sens buttya (when he lost the taєmnim and for akmeїzmu), Gumilyov declaring the “unwisdom” of knowing the “unknown”, “to the child wise, painfully licorice of the power of ignorance”, the self-esteem of “wise”. Later, the acme in the sphere of theory was deprived of the soil of philosophical idealism. The program of the acmeist acceptance of the world was also expressed in the article by Sergiy Gorodetsky “Deacid leaks in modern Russian poetry”: “If there were any “unacceptable”, the world is irrevocably accepted by acmeism, in all the totality there is beauty and dissimilarity.”

Vibach, Charivna Vologa

First fog!

The seer wind has more good

For the creations of the life of the country.

Expanse of light and rich sound,

I rich merry wine,

І axis Adamovі vіn assignments,

Vinakhidnik of names.

Name, recognize, twist

I empty mysteries and old houses.

Axis first feat. New feat

Praise the living earth to sleep.

Genre-composition and stylistic features

The main respect of the Akmeistites was focused on poetry. Obviously, they also had prose, but the same verses folded it straight. As a rule, the cebules are small for the sake of creating, sometimes in the genre of the sonnet, elegy.

The most important criterion was respect to the word, to the beauty of the verse, what to sound. There was a sort of a general orientation towards other, lower symbols, traditional Russian and light art. Speaking tse, V.M. Zhirmunsky near 1916 writing: “Respect for artistic life, and now it’s not so important for the melodiousness of lyrical rows, their musical vivacity, like a pictorial, graphic clarity of images; поезія натяків і настроїв замінюється мистецтвом точно виміряних і зважених слів... є можливість зближення молодої поезії вже не з музичною лірикою романтиків, а з чітким і свідомим мистецтвом французького класицизму і з французьким XVIII століттям, що емоційно бідним, завжди розумово володіє, але графічним rich in diversity and vishukanistyu zorovyh vrazhen, line, farb and forms.

It’s easy to talk about global themes and stylistic peculiarities, because in a skin-sighted poet, who, as a rule, early, verse can be brought to acmeism, have their own characteristic rice.

In the poetry of N. Gumilyov, acmeism is realized in the potyaz until the discovery of new worlds, exotic images and plots. The path of the poet in the lyric of Gumilyov - the path of the warrior, conquistador, pershovidkrivach. The Muse that inspires the poet is the Muse of the Distant Mandriva. The renewal of poetic figurativeness, the rise to the “appearance of such a thing” was developed by Gumilyov’s work, looking more expensive to unknown, but a whole lot of real lands. On the road near the peaks of N. Gumilyov, they carried hostility from the specific expeditions of the poet to Africa and, at one time, they chirped with symbolic mandrіvkas at the “other worlds”. Zahmarnym world symbolists Gumilyov opposing persovidkrit їm for the Russian poetry of the continent.

The second character of A. Akhmatova's maw acmeism, relief from tension to exotic plots and line imagery. The originality of Akhmatova's creative manner, like a poet of acmeistic directness, becomes a stimulus for spiritualized objectivity. Through the hostile accuracy of Akhmatov's speech world, he brings out the wholeness of the soul. Akhmatov’s finely crafted details, for Mandelstam’s respect, gave “all the great folding and psychological richness of the Russian novel of the 19th century

O. Mandelstam's tutesh's world was marked for those who are dying of death before the faceless eternity. Mandelstam's acmeism - "the peace is quiet, who is in the spirit against the empty nebuttya." The hem of the empty is untouched in culture, in the eternal works of art: the arrow of the gothic dvіnitsі dorikaє sky tim, that it is empty. Among the acmeisters of Mandelstam, it was seen with an over-the-top poignantly poignantly reminiscent of historicism. Rich is inscribed in yoga poetry in a cultural context, among light, zigrity “with a mysterious teleological warmth”: a person felt not with special objects, but with “stuffing”, all guessing objects filled with biblical subtext. At one time, Mandelstam was overwhelmed by the evil of sacred vocabulary, the “inflation of sacred words” among the symbolists.

In view of the acmeism of Gumilyov, Akhmatova and Mandelstam, the adamism of S. Gorodetsky, M. Zenkevich, V. Narbut was swayed, like a naturalistic wing. The recognition of the adamists with the triad of Gumilov - Akhmatova - Mandelstam was repeatedly mentioned by critics. In 1913, Narbut's roci, having proponuvat Zenkevich to fall asleep an independent group, or go "from Gumilyov" to cubo-futurists. The most Adamic light was revealed in the work of S. Gorodetsky. Roman Gorodetsky Adam describing the life of the hero and the heroine - "two intelligent animals" - near the earthly paradise. Gorodetsky reminisced in the poetry of the pagan, reminiscent of the light of our ancestors: richly yogo virshіv small the form of a spell, voice, which avenged bursts of emotional figurativeness, drawn from a distant past scene. Naїvny adamіzm Gorodetsky, yogo try to turn a human being into a shawl in the embrace of nature, could not help calling out irony from the enlightened modernists, as if they had kindly twisted the soul of a co-worker. Block at the front until the sing of the fee, which was extinguished by Gorodetsky and the adamists “was a person, but as already another person, we are without people, like a primordial Adam.”

In 1911 in St. Petersburg winery "The Workshop of Poets" - a literary association of young authors, close to symbolism, but they were looking for new ways in literature. The name "workshop" seemed to give their opinion on poetry. on the craft, which means high technology of the world. N. Gumilov and S. Gorodetsky, the secretary of the Bula A. Akhmatova, were at the choir of the "Workshop of Poets" (1911-1914), G. Adamovich, Vas. Gippius, M. Zenkevich, G. Ivanov, O. Mandelstam, V. Narbut and other poets. Viniknennya "Workshop" was blown away by the creation by the symbolists of the "Academy of Virsh", at the training camps of some young poets they heard speeches from the knowledge of the masters and they were engaged in the analysis of the rhythm of the verse.

Literary organ of the "Workshop of Poetiv" became a thin "common book of verses and criticism" under the name "Hyperborea" (St. Petersburg, 1912-1913), M. L. Lozinsky sings as an editor who has seen such a letter. The magazine, having respected for its task of continuing “all the main victories of the era, in the name of decadence and modernism”, and in this way appeared to be closed to a narrow number of daily aesthetic nutrition. great value for the disclosure of the creative position of the new literary group of mav and the artistic and literary magazine "Apollo" (St. In 1910 a new one had an article by M. A. Kuzmin “About beautiful clarity”.

At the sight of the symbolists, Kuzmin came up with the idea that the artist needs to reconcile himself to real life - “to shuk and know in oneself the world with oneself and with the world”. The head of the literature voted “beautiful clarity”, or “clarism” (from the Latin word Clarus - clear).

I know de warehouse, to describe a walk,

Chablis by the ice, smeared bun

I stiglih licorice agate?

The rows, which are often quoted, like the cycle “Kokhannya tsgogo lita”, sounded like glorification of the “merry lightness of a thoughtless life” on aphrodisiac poetry. The stench was new and understated, “homely”, behind A. Blok's Vistula, intonation. Kuzmin marveled at the light of light irony. Life was a theater for you, and art - a kind of masquerade. Tse came from the very same collection from the cycle "Rockets". At the top of the "Masquerade", which shows, blames the vision of the Vishuka saint with masks of characters from the Italian commedia dell'arte. Here everything is clever, deceptive, swishy-clear and at the same time enchanting with its tendentious subtlety. In the rest of the cycle - "Epitaph", the tragic zabarvlennya words about the death of a young friend, who remembers his easy tasks until life ("Who will change the strings in the figures? Who better knowing the color of the shovki in the breeze?") will sound.

Three years after the publication of Kuzmin's articles. “About beautiful clarity” in the same “Apollo” (1913, No. 1) two articles appeared, in which the program of a new literary trend was formulated: “Spadism symbolism and acmeism” by N. Gumilova cost "Zavіti") and "Acts of the current in modern Russian poetry" by S. Gorodetsky.

Spadkoєmnі z symbolіzm (“symbolіzm bv dіnіm dаtkom”, - write Gumilyov), the acmeїsti wanted to redefine the value of the foundation, and as for the given symbolists of the world of object phenomena, but in the light of the visch butt, then the acmeїsti accepted the right one.

The new flow, as it came to change symbolism, Gumilyov called acmeism (from the old Greek word “acme”, which means a flurry of strength, a greater foot, a rose) or adamism, like a mav on uvazi “a man’s firm and clear look at life”. Like Kuzmin, Gumilyov yearned for literature to accept real action: “Keep the memory of the unknown, but do not express your thoughts about the new greater or lesser simovirnym zdogady - the axis is the principle of acmeism.”

Gorodetsky wrote about the full praise of the real world: “The struggle between acmeism and symbolism, as a struggle, and not the occupation of an abandoned fortress, є, for us, the struggle for the entire world, which to sound, barvisty, which can form, vaga and hour, for our planet earth<…>After all sorts of "non-acceptance" light irrevocably accepted by acmeism, all beauty and inconsistencies have beauty. Gumilov wrote: “Like adamisti, my troch fox animals”; Gorodetsky, at his side, having made sure to sing, like Adam, he is guilty of anew seeing all the beauty of the earthly butt. These provisions were illustrated by Gorodetsky's "Adam", published in the third issue of "Apollo" for the same river (p. 32):

Expanse of light and rich sound,

I rich merry wine,

І axis Adamovі vіn assignments,

Vinakhidnik of names.

Name, recognize, twist

І empty taєmnits і old іmli -

Axis first feat. New feat -

Praise the living earth to sleep.

A call to the poetization of primordial emotions, the elemental power of the primordial people know in low acmeistivs, the zokrema - in M. Zenkevich ("Dika Porfira", 1912), the rise to the natural-biological cob of a person. At the head of the sing "Vidplata" Blok ironically pointed out that the person in the acmeist was given a sign of humanism, which is "primordial Adam".

Sing, as if they acted under the ensign of acmeism, bullies are not similar one to one, the flow is small of its kind.

Revealing the aesthetics of symbolism and the religious and mystical suffocation of its representatives, the acme has allowed a wide acceptance of the current world. Akmeist’s long life did not touch the right predilections of the era, the right examples and conflicts.

At 10 rocky. symbolism was "overcome" not only by acme, but by the significant world and the symbolism itself, as if they were already inspired in the extreme conditions of life of their front speeches. The akmesti did not commemorate whom. The narrowing of the problems, the affirmation of the self -prisoners of the same side, the call of the Zhitty, the sowl of the fіksovani, the nastilka is characteristic of travel of acmeasm, ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ourselves the souverian nuclear narms, no more pupils of the mucosa. I do not like myself in the circle M. Gorky wrote: “Russia will require a great poet<…>the democrat and romantic sings are needed, more, Russia, the country is democratic and young.”

Rising against the nebulae of the "fox of symbols", the poetry of the acmeists was heavy until the creation of a trivi- mer world, of objectivity. Її priblyuvav zvnіshnіshnіshnі, importantly estetizirovaniya pobut, "the spirit of dribnits charіvnіh and povіtryanyh" (M. Kuzmin) or podkrestleniya prozaїzm zhittєvih realіy. So, for example, O. Mandelshtam's pobutov_ painting (1913):

At calm frontiers of snow

Doors are raking with shovels,

I am with bearded men

I'm going, people are crossing.

Wink women in hoods,

And the doors of the shalens are barking,

I samovar trojandi red

Burn at the taverns and budinkas.

The hoarding of objectivity, object detail was great on the pavement, which instilled the world of spiritual experiences, often figuratively being drawn into poetic acmeistivs in speech. Abandoned on the shore of an empty sea shell, Mandelstam has a metaphor for spiritual emptiness (“The Shell”). In Gumilyov's verse, "I believe, I thought ..." the metaphor of a vague heart is the very objective metaphor of a vague heart - a little trinket.

The hoarding of the miluvannya by "drіbnitsami", the aestheticization of them venerated the poets to inspire the world of great feelings and real life proportions. The light of this often looked at the acmeistists as playful, apolitical, calling out the hostility of the piece and the ephemerality of human suffering. The deliberate objectivity of the singing world was true to itself, if the acmeisti turned up to the architectural and sculptural reminders of the past, they created the painting of the pictures of life.

Spiraling on the poetic meaning of the symbolists, the acmeists often turned to a paused and free verse, to a dolnik. Vіdminnіst mіzh vіrshovoї practice of akmeїstіv and simvolіstіv vyyavlyalis and not so in rhythmic, as in others in the word in vіrshy. “For acmeist svіdomy zmіst words, the Logos, is such a miraculous form, like music for symbolists,” Mandelstam affirmed at the article “The wound of acmeism”, written in the literary superechok. As symbolists of the sense of the spoken word, there are no mutings and suborders to the infamous musical sound, then acmeistiv verses are closer to the rose mode of the movement and suborders more importantly to the sense. In general, the poetic intonation in the acmeists is three times elevated and pathetic. Ale instructed her to often sound a reduced turnover of the everyday prayer on the kshtalt of the row “Be so loving, remembrance” (Mandelstam’s “Golden” verse). Particularly often and variously similar passages at Akhmatova. The very Akhmativsky verse, enriched by the rhythm of the lively movement, being the most important contribution to acmeism in the culture of the Russian poetic movement.

”, the central positions of which were the founders of acmeism N. S. Gumilyov, A. Akhmatova (as a former secretary and active participant) and S. M. Gorodetsky.

Participants gave the term that іnshi tlumachennya: Volodymyr Piast bachiv yoga turns in the pseudonym of Anna Akhmatova, in Latin, which sounds like “akmatus”, the deyaks pointed out in yoga the sound with the Greek “akme” - “wistry”.

The term "acmeism" was propagated in N. Gumilyov and S. M. Gorodetsky: to change your mind, to change symbolism, which is going through a crisis, go straight ahead, which will increase the knowledge of the pioneers and lead the poet to new heights of creative achievement.

The name for the literary trend, according to A. Bely, was taken in the heat of controversy and was not fully primed: V'yacheslav Ivanov, Mikola Gumilyov spoke about "acmeism" and "adamism" in jartom .

At the heart of acmeism was the paradox to the description of real, earthly life, proteo yogo was taken socially and historically. Descriptions of everyday life, subject matter were described. Talented and ambitious organizer of the acmeism of dreams about the creation of "directly directly" - literary movement, which inspires the current state of modern Russian poetry.

Acmeism in the work of writers


  • Kozak St. Lexicon of Russian literature of the XX century = Lexikon der russischen Literatur ab 1917. - M.: RIK "Culture", 1996. - 492 p. - 5000 copies. - ISBN 5-8334-0019-8
  • Kikhney L. G. Acmeism: The worldly understanding of that poetics. - M: Planeta, 2005. Ed. 2nd. 184 p. ISBN 5-88547-097-X.


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

Marvel at such "Akmeїzm" in other dictionaries:

    - (From the Greek. Rozkvit, peak, wind) literary current, which represented the new aesthetic. trends in the science of soil. 1910s, which engulfed not only literature, but also painting (K. Korovin, F. Malyavin, B. Kustodiev), and music (A. Lyadov ... Encyclopedia of Cultural Studies

    Acmeism, pl. nі, m. [in Greek. akme - peak] (lit.). One of the direct lines in Russian poetry in the tenth anniversary of the 20th century, which stood in opposition to symbolism. Great vocabulary foreign words. Vidavnitstvo "IDDK", 2007. Acmeism, pl. nі, m. (… Dictionary of foreign words of Russian language

    acmeism- a, m. acmé f. gr. tops. In the edge of the reactionary bourgeois noble protyazh in Russian literature, which in 1912-1913. The poetry of acmeistists was characterized by individualism, naturalism, formalism, and the preaching of the art of art. SIS… … Historical Dictionary of Russian Galicisms

    - (In the form of a Greek akme the great foot of a chogos, a flurry of strength), flows in Russian poetry of the 1910s. (S.M. Gorodetsky, M.A. Kuzmin, early N.S. Gumilov, A.A. Akhmatova, O.E. Mandelstam). Podolayu addicted symbolism to the suprareal, ... Modern Encyclopedia

    - (From the Greek. Akme the highest step of the chogos kvitycha force), flows in the Russian poetry of the 1910s. (S. M. Gorodetsky, M. A. Kuzmin, early N. S. Gumilov, A. A. Akhmatova, O. E. Mandelstam); having voted the sound of poetry in the symbolic spirits before ... Great Encyclopedic Dictionary

    AKMEIZM, akmeism, pl. no, man. (From the Greek. Akme peak) (Lit.). One of the direct lines in Russian poetry in the tenth anniversary of the 20th century, which stood in opposition to symbolism. Tlumachny dictionary of Ushakov. D.M. Ushakiv. 1935 1940 ... Tlumachny dictionary of Ushakov

    AKMEISM, a man. In Russian literature of the 20th century: Techniques that voted for symbolism. | dod. Akmeistsky, oh, oh. Tlumachny dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Tlumachny dictionary of Ozhegov

    Acmeism- (In the form of a Greek akme the great foot of a chogos, a flurry of strength), flows in Russian poetry of the 1910s. (S.M. Gorodetsky, M.A. Kuzmin, early N.S. Gumilov, A.A. Akhmatova, O.E. Mandelstam). Podolayuy predilection symmetrists to the "superreal", ... illustrations encyclopedic vocabulary

    - (From the Greek. Akme - the highest step of the chogos, the power of strength), flows in the Russian poetry of the 1910s. Acmeism vinik from the literary school "Workshop of poets" (1911-14), yak was stunned by N. S. Gumilyov and S. M. Gorodetsky, the secretary of the bula A. A. Akhmatova, in ... Literary encyclopedia

    acmeism- a, only one, m. Modernist current in Russian poetry on the cob of the XX century. (Div. also modernism). If acmeism was born and closer to Mikhail Leonidovich [Lozinsky] we didn’t have anyone, we still didn’t want to conceive of symbolism (Akhmatov). Sporidnenі … Popular dictionary of Russian


  • History of Russian literature of the silver age (1890s on the ear of the 1920s) in 3 parts. Part 3. Acmeism, futurism and others. Assistant for undergraduate and graduate students, Mikhailova M.V.

Acmeism in literature is a flow that vinified on the very cob of the 20th century and nabula of great expansion among the poets, as if they created their masterpieces in this period of time. It is important to win over the Russian literature, as well as becoming its own move in the wake of the ancient symbolism. Denmark is directly characterized by clarity, borderline clarity and earthliness, but at the same time there is no time for other problems.

A small description of the style

The acmeism of the literature is constantly awakening to sensitivity, to the analysis of human feelings that experience. Sing, as if they wrote their own practice in this style, were specific, did not sing metaphor and hyperbole. As if vvazhayut modern writers, similar characteristics appeared as if they were in opposition earlier, having used symbolism, who, in his line, was famous for the obscurity of images, the new emphasis on specificity and accuracy. At one time, the acmeists gave meaning to the most basic human needs, which they described spiritual light. It was a foreign political and social theme, aggressiveness too. The very same verses are so easy to accept, and it’s even easier to write about folded speeches.

What is acmeism based on

Russian literature did not have such a philosophy, as it would signify at that time, acmeism. A similar point of support was formed only in the process of developing the style, if the first top representatives began to appear in the world, from which it was possible to signify the whole essence of what was written. In this rank, acmeism in literature is distinguished by a realistic look, like at a wild picture of life, and to solve “unearthly” problems, connected with feelings and emotional experiences. The key role to be created, in the opinion of the authors, is not enough to say a word. With the help of itself, with the utmost accuracy, all thoughts and ideas can be expressed, as they were described.

Nathnennya, yak scooped up the songs tsієї doby

Most often, symbolism, which is the champion of acmeism, is equal to music. Vіn is so mysterious, rich in meaning, it can be interpreted in simple ways. The very zavdyaki such artistic tricks whose style became the concept of contemporary art. Acmeism, like a flow in literature, has become a great significance for its successor to its successor. Poet-representatives of which directly commensurate their creativity more with architecture and sculpture, and also with music. These lines are namingly beautiful, but at the same time accurate, foldable, and borderline wise for any audience. The skin word is passed on to the very same zmist, like a scatter in the new pledges, without any efforts to change the numbers. It is so easy for the Akmeist verses to be read as a riddle to all schoolchildren, and it is so easy to understand the essence of it.

Representatives of acmeism in Russian literature

I honor all the representatives of this boulder not just to gather, but to instill friendship. They practiced the stench in one harness, and on the cob of their creative way they loudly declared themselves, having fallen asleep in Leningrad with the titles of the “Poets' Workshop”. The stench is not small sing literary platform, standards, with which it was necessary to write verses, and other typical details. You can say that you know the skin of the poets, that you can buti yogo tver, and that you know how to give the skin a word in such a way that it would be borderline understandable for others. Among such geniuses, in clarity, famous names can be named: Ganna Akhmatova, її man Mikola Gumilyov, Osip Mandelstam, Volodymyr Narbut, Mikhailo Kuzmin and others. The authors of the dermal author consider one type of one and for their structure, for their character, and for their mood. However, we will understand the skin, and we will not blame the people for their food after reading it.

Glory to the acmeist in the period of their foundation

If there was an acmeism in literature, the first article about it was read by people in the journal Hyperborea, which was published by the editors of poets known to us. Before the speech, through a series of acmeists, they were also called Hyperboreans, as they fought for the novelty and beauty of the art of art. Then let us see a number of articles written by a practically skin participant in the "Workshop of Poets", in which the essence of this serpent was revealed and richly different. Ale, not caring about the work of work and inspiring the friendship of all poets, they became the founders of a new trend in art, acmeism in Russian literature became extinct. Until 1922, the Poets' Workshop, having already pinned its foundation, tried yoga inspiration, appeared to be marnimi. As the critics of that time respected, the reason for the failure was those who did not stray from the theory of acmeistism with practical ideas, and still did not get away from symbolism.

It is often trapped by pershoprokhіdniki so that the replacement of the planned opening of the short road to India does not seem to be the New World, and the deputy of Eldorado is the empire of the Inkivs. It was similarly trapilos and on the cob of the XX century with acmeists. Directly akmeїzm vinik to oppose its supporters, but, as if it were more pronounced, it didn’t last longer and became its own crown of symbolism. However, it is important to remember that the difference between two poetic groups was richly glibshoy, lower it was given on the cob of the past century. Speaking about those who are such an acmeism, varto razpovіst not only about the peculiarities of the literary creativity of his representatives, but also about their life way.

Viniknennya Ruhu

The history of the revolution began in 1911, when in St. Petersburg the first time they chose to sing under the ceramics of Gorodetsky and Mikoli Gumilyov. Practicing the importance of the craft and learning from poetic creativity, the organizers called the new school "Poets' Workshop". Later, in support of what is such an acmeism, one can tell that, in a whole literary way, two Petersburg poets became the founders of this, and the least significant heroes of the literary scene came to them later.

The first akmeisti manifested their principle of primacy in the form of symbolists, stverdzhuyuchi, scho prag, on the primordial, to the maximum reality, reliability and plasticity of images, just as the symbolism tried to move away from the "overreal" sphere.

Poetry Club Member

The official opinion of the poetic club was in 1912 at the meeting of the so-called Academy of Versha. Through the river in the almanac "Apollo" two articles were entrusted, which became fundamental for the new literary trend. One article, written by Mykola Gumilyov, was called "Spadshchina symbolism and acmeism." Gorodetsky wrote the second, and it was called "Deyakі techії u suchasnіy rosіyskiy poezії".

In his program articles, dedicated to acmeism, Gumilyov points to the exercise of his comrades-in-arms to reach the heights of literary mastery. At one's own hand, mastery of the bula was reached only for washing the work of a grouped group. The very representatives of acmeism were arrogant among such a group of prac- tices and organizational groupings.

According to Andriy the Bily, the name itself appeared in the heat of the super-girl of friends. That glorious evening V'yacheslav Ivanov started talking about adamism and acmeism, Prote Gumil'ova was honored with these terms, and from that hour he began to call himself and his comrades acmeist. The term "adamism" was less popular, shards of association with brutality and brutality, with a kind of acmeism, did not bring anything to sleep.

Basic principles of acmeism

As a reminder of the food about those who are such acmeism, we should name the main drawings that teased some of the other artistic currents of the Siberian century. These are seen as:

  • romanticization of the first person's feelings;
  • Rozmov about earthly primeval beauty;
  • clarity and clarity of images;
  • rozuminnya mystetstva as a tool for the improvement of human nature;
  • spit out the imperfection of life with artistic images.

All the voices were reflexed by the participants of the informal sing-along and reshaped into specific versions, such as Mykola Gumilyov, Osip Mandelstam, Mikhailo Zinkevich, Georgy Ivanov, Elizaveta Kuzmina-Karavaeva Ganna and navіt.

Mykola Gumilyov in acmeism

If you want to richly influence the successors, that acmeism is one of the largest churning flows of the cob of the twentieth century, then, on the contrary, it is hard, that you speak more about the friendliness of different and talented poets in their own way. However, there is one thing that remains unrepeatable: most of the competitions took place at Vyacheslav Ivanov's "Vezha", and the literary magazine "Hyperborea" saw a stretch of five years - from 1913 to 1918. In literature, acmeism occupies a special place, being water-reinforcing both symbolism and futurism.

You will be able to look at all the internal diversity of the flow with your hands on the butt of such key figures, like Akhmatova and Gumilyov, like they were friends from 1910 to 1918. Number two poets weighed up to two fundamentally different types of poetic expression.

Mykola Gumilyov, from the very beginning of his creativity, has formed the path of a warrior, a pershovidkrivach, a conquistador and an inquisitor, who was not only in his creative work, but also in the path of life.

In their texts, the victors have vividly portrayed distant lands and foreshadowed worlds, idealizing richly in the insane world and beyond the borders, and paying the wrong price. 1921 Gumilyov's fate was shot for ringing in espionage.

Anna Akhmatova and acmeism

Directly played a significant role in the life of Russian literature to inspire by the fact that the "Poets' Workshop" attached its foundation. Most of the members of the poetic community lived important lives. However, Ganna Andriivna Akhmatova lived a better life, as she became a true star of Russian poetry.

Akhmatova herself was able to take in a lot of people, as if they had taken away, like her own power, and even on her share of a terrible age, having seen her shadow. Prote not respecting all the hardships of life, Hanna Andriivna, by stretching the strength of her creativity, kept faithfulness to acmeist principles: dbailive setting to the word, slowness of hours, povaga to culture and history. One of the main culprits influencing acmeism was those who, in Akhmatova’s specialty, were always angry with the suspicious and historical.

It turns out that everyday life itself did not deprive the space for mysticism and romantic thoughts about lyricism. Akhmatov’s bula stood in the halls with a stretch of bagatioh rokіv, to hand over the parcels to the tomb of her son, she suffered from the loss of that nevlashtovannosti. In such a manner, schodennіst zmushuvala great poetess dorimuvatisya to the principle of clarity of speech and honesty vyslovlyuvannya.

Osip Mandelstam highly valued the creativity of Akhmatova, who commended the richness and imagery of її literary movie with the richness of the Russian classic novel. Hanna Andriivna also reached international recognition, but Nobel Prize, I was nominated for a girl, so I was not awarded.

The lyrical acmeism of Akhmatova sharply contrasted with the temperament of another poet of the 1st century - Osip Mandelstam.

Mandelstam at the number of acmeists

Especially among the young poets standing Osip Mandelshtam, who cheered up in the presence of his fellow tribesmen, was especially sensitive to the historical moment, for which he paid, having perished in far-off camps.

The downfall of the great poet has gone down to our days only to the true heroic susillas of the heroic warrior Nadiya Yakivna Mandelstam, as she saved her man’s manuscripts for a decade after his death.

Varto signify that such a behavior could destroy Nadiya Yakivnі freedom, and even cause serious punishment for saving the manuscript of the enemy of the people, and the yogo squad did not save, but copied, and also expanded the verses of Mandelstam.

Poetics of Mandelstam is regarded as a subject, which is a kind of inscription in the context of European culture. Yogo lyrical hero is still alive in the important hour of Stalin's repressions, and in the world of Greek heroes, mandriving seas. Possibly, the inspiration for the poet's creativity was laid by the education at the Faculty of History and Philology of the University.

Rozmov about those who are such an acmeism for Russian culture, one cannot do without a riddle about the tragic share of the head representatives. As it has already been said, Osip Mandelstam sent messages from the administration to the GULAG, a deznik of obscurity, and for a long time the yogo team spring places without a stable dwelling. The first man and the son of Akhmatova tezh spent long years of recognition, which became an important topic in the texts of poetry.

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