Karlin Igor Petrovich Lieutenant General. Karlin, Igor Petrovich - An expert on the study of the microkilosity of oily materials: Method. recommendations. Volodimirov Igor Petrovich

Karlin, Igor Petrovich

doctor of chemical sciences, senior scientific researcher, proving fahivets at the Galusian vikoristannya methods of chromatography in forensic science and judicial expertise; Head of the Expert Criminalistic Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. The area of ​​scientific research and development of natural methods in case of researched speech evidence.

basics. practice: Expert studies of artistic and polygraphic farb. M., 1988 (at spivt.); Methodological foundations of the derivation of methods in chromatography in forensic science. M., 1991; Fundamentals of forensic examination of materials, speeches and experiments. M., 1993 (at spivt.).

Criminal Encyclopedia. - M: Megatron XXI. Belkin R. S. . 2000 .

Marvel at the same "Karlin, Igor Petrovich" in other dictionaries:

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    Deputies of the Derzhdumi of the fifth call. New list- The Central Vibor Committee of Russia confirmed the personal warehouse of the State Council of the Fifth Call. For subbags of choice, "United Russia" got 315 deputy mandates, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation 57, the Liberal Democratic Party 40, "Fair Russia" 38. Through those who elected the deputies ... ... Encyclopedia of newsmakers

    Military Sovereign Radicals of the Russian Federation, Class 1 (since 2000)- The date of assigning the class rank (until 2005 to the qualification rank) of the Contracting Sovereign Radin of the Russian Federation to class 1, the number of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, which was assigned the rank (rank) and landing on ... ... Wikipedia

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follow-up OR distribution

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Don't go after a search without morphology, a search for a prefix or a search for a phrase.

# follow-up


In order to group search phrases, it is necessary to use arches. Tse allows keruvati boolean logic zapitu.
For example, it is necessary to file a request: to know the documents from which the author is Ivanov and Petrov, and to name the words of the investigation and the distribution:

Approximate word search

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bromine ~

In an hour of searching, such words as "bromine", "rum", "prom", etc. will be found.
You can additionally indicate the maximum number of possible edits: 0, 1 or 2. For example:

bromine ~1

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For a joke, for the criterion of proximity, it is necessary to put a tilde. ~ "in a short phrase. For example, in order to know the documents with the words followed by that expansion in between 2 words, use the offensive letter:

" follow-up delivery "~2

Virase relevance

To change the relevancy of the okremikh virazіv, please use the sign " ^ "For example, it's a matter of opinion, after which it is necessary to show the relevance of this virus to others.
Which is more rіven, tim is more relevant є tsey viraz.
For example, in this case, the word "delivery" is four times more relevant than the word "development":

follow-up ^4 distribution

For abbreviations, the rіven is more expensive 1. The admissible value is a positive speech number.

Poshuk in the interval

To specify the interval in which the value of this field can be, enter in the arcs of the boundary value, separated by the operator TO.
A lexicographic sorting will be carried out.

Such a request, in turn, is the result of the author, starting with Ivanov and finishing with Petrovim, and Ivanov and Petrov, nothing is included in the result.
In order to increase the value in the interval, beat the square arches. To turn off the value, vicost the curly arches.

On the 11th leaf fall, the guards of the TFR jointly with colleagues from the MVS carried out surveys in the Control Service and at a glance near the protection of the Ugri’s natural middle ground (Prirodnaglyad). The duty of the ceremonial worker of the department Sergiy Pikunov became especially important for the security forces. Claims may be due to the possible accountability of an official before he creates an "environmental business" in the public service.

On the 7th of spring, the protector of the guardian of the Nature Watcher in the Radyansky district, Valentina Pimenova, was violated by the criminal right for the sixth article of 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, as a way to extort 20 million rubles from power engineers. It is not obvious that a part of the sum was assigned to the department of the regional administration.

This scandal for the oil-bearing region in the field of natural resources is far from the first. Back in 2014, workers in Ugra collected wrappers for the drilling cuttings processing market, to which extent the presidential mission in Urals was received. So, for example, in 2013, the control department of the representative office revealed a number of violations of environmental legislation at the time of the placement, and that the emergency exit was drilled.

- tse one of the largest hacks of the rest of the decade. Go about those swags, information about yaks went through official channels. According to the version of the security forces, part of the pennies, according to the thought of the dzherel, close to law enforcement agencies, was assigned to the vidkat for the protection of approximately one of the high-ranking residents of the Nature Watch of Yugra.

For the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, which literally "live" with naphtha, environmental nutrition is as relevant as ever. Rosneft Oil Company, as it dominates the territory, in 2014 itself began to invest a lot of money in the recultivation of oily lands. Standing among them, who mastered hundreds of millions of rubles, only went on a visit.

As part of this review, there is a conflict between two great enterprises that are engaged in the processing of drilling inputs - TOV "MDM-Transservis" and TOV "Sibprombud" Kostyantina Lopatina. In the opinion of the participants in the market, Pan Lopatin himself tried to see his competitor in the disposal of sludge, vicorist ties in state structures. At the link with the cim Sergiy Pikunov was called that voluminous figure, without such a business, Lopatin could not be found.

For the rest of the year, the turnover of TOV "SPS" (Sibprombud), which Lopatin lay on, grew up in a sprat of times and became billions of rubles. It appeared that a businessman and an official will be bound by the fates of a sleepy job. Less than his hour, Pikunov continued his career as an "environmental" official, and Lopatin, having fallen asleep his first company - ZAT "SibNIPIRP", as if he began to see the visnovkas for naturalists to give to the Committee for the protection of the natural environment. “Then the scheme was relaunched and for a long time it worked without failures,” the official said, “dzherelo in the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation,” the official, after an hour of re-verification, showed weaknesses in the supercriminals, squeezing them through the court, and immediately pronouncing to put the contract out of TOV “Sibprombud”.”

For the information of the dzherel, the following, roaming the corrupt links of Lopatin (with yogo "Sibprombud") and Pikunova were sent to the TV station. "dakh" of local businessmen and officials from among the top managers of Rosneft Oil Company. Two regions moved up to their orbit, similar firms and schemes were victorious – Krasnodar and Sakhalin. Dzherelo, in the law enforcement agency, clarified that it is about those that the top managers of NK Rosneft strongly lobby for the interests of a group of companies in several regions of Russia (divine scheme, which can be explained). And the situation in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug is like two spots similar to those that occur on other terens.

Table "Rosnaft Scheme"

(de Igor Karlin - director of the industrial safety department of the vidobotku block of PJSC NK Rosneft, Georgy Maynov - intercessor of the director of this department, Almaz Shirafgaliev - head of the department).

According to the scheme, top-managers could protect the informed, otherwise there were no significant contracts for the processing of sludge.

Swavilla on Sakhalin.

In Sakhalin, for days, the security forces also carried out a series of documents. So far, not in the regional Nature Watch, but in TOV "IGL" with patronage, which is shown as officials and managers of Rosneft.

Not long ago Pan Sharafgaliev went to work with the service crew on Sakhalin Island to re-check RN-Sakhalinmornaftogaz. Residents commemorated yoga at the base of Rosneft oil company support near the villages. Ozersky, with the company of Pan Pavlov (one of the founders of the BAT "Promintech"). Pavlov himself, nibito stating on the sidelines that Sharafgaliyev was speaking in the role of a liaison officer with the PC, and vin nibito bringing to the rest the information about the stalemate of the near-universal contracts, provisions of Rosneft Oil Company.

Moreover, the problems were created by Rosnafta’s own specialists, who initiated the reformatting of the market. Turning yoga from competitive to intestinal. In Sakhalin, 90% of tenders for 2016 were given to newcomers on the local market by TOV IGL and the parent company BAT Promintech (founder Pavlov). Offenses of the company at that time were not small enough for such commitments. Andriy Bardin, General Director of RN-Sakhalinmornaftogaz, judging from the bottom line, does not expect the intercession of IGL LLC to be free. How else can one explain such a roztashuvannya?

Zagal TOV "IGL" at once from "Prointech" laid contracts from RN-SMNG for 400 million rubles. Just like having shown the river, that they are passing - the vikonati are not in the wake. Recently re-verification Naturally, that prosecutor's office revealed serious damage. Through the war, IHL was fined 150 million rubles. On the right, about the fine for the owners of the eco-batteries are still going to court. But the fact itself is evidence.

On this aphids, the power supply of the IGLOm of UZG installations (for 6 and 8 tons / year) without a valid GEE (environmental expertise) is left. Rich in time, one of the main ones could be admitted to participate in the procurement of the presence of a wild GEE.

In fact, IGL presented Rosnafta with a foreign GEE (TOV "Adriatik") for a better ultrasonography and with less pressure (by 4t/year). In fact, they falsified documents on their real ability. In your opinion, you should put the food before Rosprirodnaglyad about the IGL robot without expertise! And before Rosneft-SMNG - about the illegality of admitting IGLU to purchasers and tenders. At the RPN, they began to sort things out, at Rosnafta, they started talking for the time being.

I one more moment. At the Otromynny -LICCONSIA in the RPN Buli Yak Obtheuvannya, the rosemannika of the stroke for the tsnishkogennya NSO Prevaleni Documents SMGN ​​to the contract for the zahmny єmnista (Lіkvidatsiye naphthoshavs for Utilizhavs). 2 transfers of business owners to Odopta and Mirzoev for rent.

Vіdpovіdno to dodatkovoї land about the lease of objects for the accumulation of hours and liquidation of 7 capacities of the NPS "Zakhidna єmnist" TOV RN-SMND leased a land plot 40 km away. see smt. Nogliki (m / r Mirzoevo).

In fact, the RMND did not go through the necessary accommodating procedures. They asked PN-SMNG for information about this agreement from Prirodnaglyadia, and the base of the oil company simply did not know. Vidpovіd ignored her intransigence - talking, there is no information, maybe the warto ask in the PC Department. It’s more possible to do it at a vapadka, as if they were allowed to be right, they prepared themselves in obhіd usіh rules that weather. Smallly, what could have happened to the director general of SMNG, Andriy Bardin, or his protector for the security of Volodymyr Titov and Turchin.

TOV "IGL" in the scope of the license (No. (65)-689-STOURB, dated April 13, 2016) carried out the duty due to the exemption in the framework of the contract No. . І at the time of the post-planned re-checking, the duty of the zneshkodzhennya of the entrance was burnt out. Tim himself found out the fact of the illegal inclusion of the dealership before the license. The installation was taken directly from an unknown person, and the sludge began to be transported to Odopta on the territory rented from TOV "Adriatik". They also knew damage there. We see practically buried 20 tons of sludge, moreover, unrefined.

Until then, Rosnafta has a specific system for organizing tenders. Bidding is carried out on paper noses, electronic platforms are not vicarious. Otherwise, it would seem, to know all the goodness, you can only stay in the middle of Rosneft itself, and, without a woeful dash from that side, neither IGLU nor Sibpromstroy can manage. Ale cei "dah" can be not on the equal of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and Sakhalin, but on Moscow itself.

It was not clear where to marvel at what they supervise in Rosnafta. If you want in the person of the director of the department of industrial safety, protect the work of the navkolyshny middle ground at the distribution and vidobutku PAT "NK" Rosneft "Igor Karlin (General of the FSB - how do they call yoga spіvrobіtniki, perebuvayuchi with service teams, and really the lieutenant general of the street) If you take the scheme as a basis, you understand it in full - go ahead!

On the sidelines, however, they sing “yes” that, regardless of the problems, which are blamed for the arrival of the new head of the Security Service of Rosnaft, there will be positive changes for them in 2 months.

I to the stop ...

All of this wonderful history has one more moment. Zgidno with the sheet of Rosprirodnaglyad dated 29.03.2016 No. АА-06-01-36/5099 “About the fee for the negative impact on in the middle for accommodation of inputs”.

The fee for the negative contribution to the current median for the placement of income, which is due on September 1, 2016, for the calculation and payment by persons, as a goiter, pay a fee for the negative contribution to the necessary medium, regardless of the fact of transferring the rights to the persons to the persons.

In other words, if you want to get out of the territory of Rosneft-SMNG or the enterprises of the oil giant in Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, the stench still lies with Rosnafta. Later, if the whole scheme is left to be revealed, with burying and not overturning sludge, with fictitious permissions and fake tenders, then the state-owned company will have to pay again. And not Bardin, Karlin chi Pikunov.

So far, despite the apparent failure in the work of TOV "IGL" and "Prominteha", the hands of SMNG (Bardin and Titov) began to literally fill the Moscow office of Rosnafta with scargs on all contractors, as they are still trying to work on the farm. Naturally, all the dispatches are sent to the stele of Mr. Karlin. The rest, having already said about the situation that has developed, is to add all objectionable companies to the black list through the Security Service of Rosnafta.

There is one more region, Krasnodar, and a company, Ecobio, has been assigned to the higher scheme of assignments. So there's 100% to lie on "Promintech".

The security bloc at Rosnafta has recently lost Chekist Oleg Feoktistiv, and it can be said that the decline of the IOM in front of the front was even more restless.

Axis to speech here you can read on the right

Yugorsk subsidiaries of BAT Rosneft, which account for 80% of emergency oil spills in the surrounding area, increase the investment in the repair of pipeline systems in 2015-2019. Come in to reduce the number of accidents reported by the environmental programs of companies, about how the core workers of their daughter enterprises have been added to the order of the KhMAO. The government of the oil and footwear region, however, was not satisfied with the announced plans, despite the fact that the vertically integrated oil company (VINK) shortened the terms for the reclamation of the naphtha-fermented lands. In the opinion of Rosprirodnaglyad in the vicinity, the increase in the contribution to the repair of pipelines is meagerly small and does not contribute to the general picture of the decrease in the number of bottlings. The oil companies are reacting to the authorities and are getting ready to change their environmental plans.

Representatives of subsidiaries of the Rosneft oil company, which were planted on the territory of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, presented their plans for environmental protection work for 2015-2019 at the ceremony under the honorary ceremony of the first intercessor of the Governor of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugria Gennadiya Bukhtina.The directors and intercessors of TOV "RN-Yugansknaftogaz", VAT "Samotlornaftogaz", VAT "Nizhnyovartivsknaftogaz", VAT "Var'eganneftegaz", VAT "RN-Nyaganneftegaz", director of the department of industrial and environmental safety " Igor Karlin.

First intercessor of the governor of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug Gennady Bukhtin

Behind the words Gennadiya Bukhtina The oil and gas companies presented their plans for environmental protection, including land reclamation, liquidation of sludge cohorts and a change in the salvage of associated naphtha gas. The intercessor of the governor, having specified that 12 oil companies, which account for 40% of all oil that is produced in Russia, announced about the increase in the replacement of pipelines. Only one of the subprojects of the Rosneft oil company made a contribution to environmental protection near Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugria 67 billion rubles. The protesters asked to vote on oil companies and to neutralize the legacy of pipeline breaks.

“Earlier, Rosneft changed 300 km of pipes for all companies, programs until 2019 are expected to increase up to 1 thousand. km wide. A number of wants to shorten the term for the completion of the reclamation of naphtho-fermented lands - for some companies you can work earlier - in 2015-2016, and not until 2019. We asked for short terms for reclamation. The order wants to close the problem of historical recession. In addition, the companies, like 20-30 hectares of zabrudnenyh lands - you can reap them for a river or two or three", - stating Gennady Bukhtin.

Head of Nature Watch KhMAO-Ugri Sergiy Pikunov voicing on the turbulence of the district power in terms of the liquidation of naphtho-fermented lands. “At the working order, the programs will be supplemented. I think we'll come to a consensus. The under-exploitation of the previous periods was due to high accidents, the great obligation of oil-enriched lands and, in our opinion, the low rate of reclamation, the reason for the exits, "- pererahuvav Sergiy Pikunov.

Representatives of the Rosneft oil company, the company, have set the date for the first meeting, the company is ready to follow the fast-paced terms for the liquidation of naphtho-fermented lands, but “everything is to be deposited due to financial losses.”

For the tribute of the Administration of Rosprirodnaglyad for Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, the Rosneft company, to work out the “largest contribution” from the pollution for the number of accidents that occur in the vicinity of the urakhuvannya of the BAT “TNK-BP”. For podbags to rock, the county got 2.8 thousand. accidents, їх – 80% attending BAT “NK “Rosneft”. At the thought of the head of Rosprirodnaglyad from Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugri Roman Mishenina to change the situation with an accident in the vicinity of a yard swell, it is not enough to repair pipelines.

“I will order and us, like federal body, I wanted to improve the contribution to nature protection activities in the enterprises. Management advocates fighting with the cause, not with the effect. The costs for the liquidation of bottling and the payment of fines can be commensurate with the work carried out for the repair and replacement of pipelines. Navіt dvorazové zbіlshennya bude on the level of pohibki in the gornoї dolzhina piping. The growth of the obligatory work and the help of the insufficient and essential change of the situation will not give. Good, I want to work in the minds of the crisis, the company to carry out the robot in the closet of the protection of the insane middle, do not swallow yoga, "- voicing Roman Mishenin.

The problem of oil spills is the most important for the oil and footwear region. So, in the course of the re-examination, initiated by Greenpeace Russia in the autumn of the year, over 40 naphtha muds were discovered near Yugri and 60 in Yamal, identified by ecologists for the results of the analysis of space exploration. For subbags, a cross-sectional survey was carried out from Greenpeace with a view to the genera, the exact coordinates of 48 naphtha-fermented plots were established, samples of the soil from these plots were selected with the method of establishing a negative level in line with background indicators. The fact that land plots are wandering on the territory of oil genera is confirmed by the results of laboratory studies of selected samples of the components of the natural environment. The transposition of straying speeches in the pairs with background indicators was established.

In the course of the planned re-verification, it was revealed that there was a decrease in the soil that was born to the ball, the use of lands was damaged by the rules of pesticides and agrochemicals, which were not safe for people's health, and the law enforcement agencies. For all the confirmed facts, the head of the office of Rosprirodnaglyad for the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugria violated 18 administrative certificates. According to the skin type of naphthal congestion, a rozrahunok is carried out to the rosemary of shkodi, sunflower soils. The coming of the environmental plans of oil companies will be announced in September 2015 near Nyagan.

On the 11th leaf fall, the guards of the TFR jointly with colleagues from the MVS carried out surveys in the Control Service and at a glance near the protection of the Ugri’s natural middle ground (Prirodnaglyad). The duty of the ceremonial worker of the department Sergiy Pikunov became especially important for the security forces. Claims may be due to the possible accountability of an official before he creates an "environmental business" in the public service.

On the 7th of spring, the protector of the guardian of the Nature Watcher in the Radyansky district, Valentina Pimenova, was violated by the criminal right for the sixth article of 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, as a way to extort 20 million rubles from power engineers. It is not obvious that a part of the sum was assigned to the department of the regional administration.

This scandal for the oil-bearing region in the field of natural resources is far from the first. Back in 2014, workers in Ugra collected wrappers for the drilling cuttings processing market, to which extent the presidential mission in Urals was received. So, for example, in 2013, the control department of the representative office revealed a number of violations of environmental legislation at the time of the placement, and that the emergency exit was drilled.

- tse one of the largest hacks of the rest of the decade. Go about those swags, information about yaks went through official channels. According to the version of the security forces, part of the pennies, according to the thought of the dzherel, close to law enforcement agencies, was assigned to the vidkat for the protection of approximately one of the high-ranking residents of the Nature Watch of Yugra.

For the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, which literally "live" with naphtha, environmental nutrition is as relevant as ever. Rosneft Oil Company, as it dominates the territory, in 2014 itself began to invest a lot of money in the recultivation of oily lands. Standing among them, who mastered hundreds of millions of rubles, only went on a visit.

As part of this review, there is a conflict between two great enterprises that are engaged in the processing of drilling inputs - TOV "MDM-Transservis" and TOV "Sibprombud" Kostyantina Lopatina. In the opinion of the participants in the market, Pan Lopatin himself tried to see his competitor in the disposal of sludge, vicorist ties in state structures. At the link with the cim Sergiy Pikunov was called that voluminous figure, without such a business, Lopatin could not be found.

For the rest of the year, the turnover of TOV "SPS" (Sibprombud), which Lopatin lay on, grew up in a sprat of times and became billions of rubles. It appeared that a businessman and an official will be bound by the fates of a sleepy job. Less than his hour, Pikunov continued his career as an "environmental" official, and Lopatin, having fallen asleep his first company - ZAT "SibNIPIRP", as if he began to see the visnovkas for naturalists to give to the Committee for the protection of the natural environment. “Then the scheme was relaunched and for a long time it worked without failures,” the official said, “dzherelo in the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation,” the official, after an hour of re-verification, showed weaknesses in the supercriminals, squeezing them through the court, and immediately pronouncing to put the contract out of TOV “Sibprombud”.”

For the information of the dzherel, the following, roaming the corrupt links of Lopatin (with yogo "Sibprombud") and Pikunova were sent to the TV station. "dakh" of local businessmen and officials from among the top managers of Rosneft Oil Company. Two regions moved up to their orbit, similar firms and schemes were victorious – Krasnodar and Sakhalin. Dzherelo, in the law enforcement agency, clarified that it is about those that the top managers of NK Rosneft strongly lobby for the interests of a group of companies in several regions of Russia (divine scheme, which can be explained). And the situation in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug is like two spots similar to those that occur on other terens.

Table "Rosnaft Scheme"

(de Igor Karlin - director of the industrial safety department of the vidobotku block of PJSC NK Rosneft, Georgy Maynov - intercessor of the director of this department, Almaz Shirafgaliev - head of the department).

According to the scheme, top-managers could protect the informed, otherwise there were no significant contracts for the processing of sludge.

Swavilla on Sakhalin.

In Sakhalin, for days, the security forces also carried out a series of documents. So far, not in the regional Nature Watch, but in TOV "IGL" with patronage, which is shown as officials and managers of Rosneft.

Not long ago Pan Sharafgaliev went to work with the service crew on Sakhalin Island to re-check RN-Sakhalinmornaftogaz. Residents commemorated yoga at the base of Rosneft oil company support near the villages. Ozersky, with the company of Pan Pavlov (one of the founders of the BAT "Promintech"). Pavlov himself, nibito stating on the sidelines that Sharafgaliyev was speaking in the role of a liaison officer with the PC, and vin nibito bringing to the rest the information about the stalemate of the near-universal contracts, provisions of Rosneft Oil Company.

Moreover, the problems were created by Rosnafta’s own specialists, who initiated the reformatting of the market. Turning yoga from competitive to intestinal. In Sakhalin, 90% of tenders for 2016 were given to newcomers on the local market by TOV IGL and the parent company BAT Promintech (founder Pavlov). Offenses of the company at that time were not small enough for such commitments. Andriy Bardin, General Director of RN-Sakhalinmornaftogaz, judging from the bottom line, does not expect the intercession of IGL LLC to be free. How else can one explain such a roztashuvannya?

Zagal TOV "IGL" at once from "Prointech" laid contracts from RN-SMNG for 400 million rubles. Just like having shown the river, that they are passing - the vikonati are not in the wake. Recently re-verification Naturally, that prosecutor's office revealed serious damage. Through the war, IHL was fined 150 million rubles. On the right, about the fine for the owners of the eco-batteries are still going to court. But the fact itself is evidence.

On this aphids, the power supply of the IGLOm of UZG installations (for 6 and 8 tons / year) without a valid GEE (environmental expertise) is left. Rich in time, one of the main ones could be admitted to participate in the procurement of the presence of a wild GEE.

In fact, IGL presented Rosnafta with a foreign GEE (TOV "Adriatik") for a better ultrasonography and with less pressure (by 4t/year). In fact, they falsified documents on their real ability. In your opinion, you should put the food before Rosprirodnaglyad about the IGL robot without expertise! And before Rosneft-SMNG - about the illegality of admitting IGLU to purchasers and tenders. At the RPN, they began to sort things out, at Rosnafta, they started talking for the time being.

I one more moment. At the Otromynny -LICCONSIA in the RPN Buli Yak Obtheuvannya, the rosemannika of the stroke for the tsnishkogennya NSO Prevaleni Documents SMGN ​​to the contract for the zahmny єmnista (Lіkvidatsiye naphthoshavs for Utilizhavs). 2 transfers of business owners to Odopta and Mirzoev for rent.

Vіdpovіdno to dodatkovoї land about the lease of objects for the accumulation of hours and liquidation of 7 capacities of the NPS "Zakhidna єmnist" TOV RN-SMND leased a land plot 40 km away. see smt. Nogliki (m / r Mirzoevo).

In fact, the RMND did not go through the necessary accommodating procedures. They asked PN-SMNG for information about this agreement from Prirodnaglyadia, and the base of the oil company simply did not know. Vidpovіd ignored her intransigence - talking, there is no information, maybe the warto ask in the PC Department. It’s more possible to do it at a vapadka, as if they were allowed to be right, they prepared themselves in obhіd usіh rules that weather. Smallly, what could have happened to the director general of SMNG, Andriy Bardin, or his protector for the security of Volodymyr Titov and Turchin.

TOV "IGL" in the scope of the license (No. (65)-689-STOURB, dated April 13, 2016) carried out the duty due to the exemption in the framework of the contract No. . І at the time of the post-planned re-checking, the duty of the zneshkodzhennya of the entrance was burnt out. Tim himself found out the fact of the illegal inclusion of the dealership before the license. The installation was taken directly from an unknown person, and the sludge began to be transported to Odopta on the territory rented from TOV "Adriatik". They also knew damage there. We see practically buried 20 tons of sludge, moreover, unrefined.

Until then, Rosnafta has a specific system for organizing tenders. Bidding is carried out on paper noses, electronic platforms are not vicarious. Otherwise, it would seem, to know all the goodness, you can only stay in the middle of Rosneft itself, and, without a woeful dash from that side, neither IGLU nor Sibpromstroy can manage. Ale cei "dah" can be not on the equal of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and Sakhalin, but on Moscow itself.

It was not clear where to marvel at what they supervise in Rosnafta. If you want in the person of the director of the department of industrial safety, protect the work of the navkolyshny middle ground at the distribution and vidobutku PAT "NK" Rosneft "Igor Karlin (General of the FSB - how do they call yoga spіvrobіtniki, perebuvayuchi with service teams, and really the lieutenant general of the street) If you take the scheme as a basis, you understand it in full - go ahead!

On the sidelines, however, they sing “yes” that, regardless of the problems, which are blamed for the arrival of the new head of the Security Service of Rosnaft, there will be positive changes for them in 2 months.

I to the stop ...

All of this wonderful history has one more moment. Seen from the sheet of Rosprirodnaglyad dated 29.03.2016 No. АА-06-01-36/5099 “About the fee for the negative contribution to the income tax for the placement of inputs”.

The fee for the negative contribution to the current median for the placement of income, which is due on September 1, 2016, for the calculation and payment by persons, as a goiter, pay a fee for the negative contribution to the necessary medium, regardless of the fact of transferring the rights to the persons to the persons.

In other words, if you want to get out of the territory of Rosneft-SMNG or the enterprises of the oil giant in Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, the stench still lies with Rosnafta. Later, if the whole scheme is left to be revealed, with burying and not overturning sludge, with fictitious permissions and fake tenders, then the state-owned company will have to pay again. And not Bardin, Karlin chi Pikunov.

So far, despite the apparent failure in the work of TOV "IGL" and "Prominteha", the hands of SMNG (Bardin and Titov) began to literally fill the Moscow office of Rosnafta with scargs on all contractors, as they are still trying to work on the farm. Naturally, all the dispatches are sent to the stele of Mr. Karlin. The rest, having already said about the situation that has developed, is to add all objectionable companies to the black list through the Security Service of Rosnafta.

There is one more region, Krasnodar, and a company, Ecobio, has been assigned to the higher scheme of assignments. So there's 100% to lie on "Promintech".

The security bloc at Rosnafta has recently lost Chekist Oleg Feoktistiv, and it can be said that the decline of the IOM in front of the front was even more restless.

Axis to speech here you can read on the right

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