Bugaev Oleksiy Prokhorovich Major General. Read the online book "The color suit is the elite of the evil world." Decree on awarding orders

Our order has a floppy disk with a list of high-possibility, even similar to the list for khabarіv. Officially out, it’s true, it’s called the “List for the presentation of souvenirs to representatives of third-party organizations”, dated 2000 and issued by the YUKOS company until seventh. Prote, a lot of osib, how little “souvenirs” are handed over, very specific, which is impossible not to make you think about it.

Although we cannot confirm the validity of the document through the presence of direct evidence, there is little indirect evidence to confirm the reality of the document. In the first place, the security forces of the new succes- sor , who have already gained strength, with which they could not fail to name the most important business structures. In another way, most of the space among the security forces - regionals is occupied by the UVS and the administration of the taxable police of the Tomsk region - the main patrimony of Yukos. So, better for everything, I don’t look repulsive and another place for the security forces of the oil-bearing Khanty-Mansiysk district.

We, unfortunately, do not have information about those who were for souvenirs. Ale, we can admit that the head of the GUBES MVS and other intercessors, as well as the key supporters of the DIBDR MVS, were hardly given souvenir fountain pens and igniters - the stench would have been sprinkled in a straight way. And this time, YUKOS, in the specialty of its kerіvnitstvu, was able to “make-up” for viboins of criminal records much earlier. And tse means that the souvenirs were such that it was important to look at them. Imovirno, under the word, a pack of penny bills began to roam. Ale navіt yakscho tse and not so, be it a similar souvenir є one of the forms of swag. It is characteristic that, for example, the head of the MVS Grizlov and the head of the FSB Patrushev were not given gifts, they did not quarrel with the natomist їх. Not seeming already about the heads of the GUVS and the FSB of Moscow and the region. One more nuance: more important is the silence, who, having accepted gifts, are representatives of the “old team” and do not change their places at once. There is no longer the head of the GUBEZ Gur'ev, the intercessor of Nino, the head daist officer Fedorov, the chief of the GUVS of Moscow and the region Shvidkin and Yukhman, the director of the FSNP Soltaganov ...

Even though this list is a real document, the attempts at YUKOS's slander for political re-examination by the rest of the world look even more hypocritical. I realized that no one was particularly doubtful of the lobbying abilities of the largest Russian oil company. There were bits and pieces about "their" deputies, members of the order. Alas, the company mayzhe vіdkrito bought mayzha of all the security forces - it's already too late. In such a time, a state, even if it is a method of self-saving, is simply goiter and wanting to have a good octopus. What, it seems, is contagious.

for the presentation of souvenirs to representatives of third-party organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

1 Gur'ev V.V., head of GUBEZ

2. Nino N S., intercessor of the head of GUBEZ

3. Mikhalenko A P, intercessor of the head of GUBEZ

4 Kuznetsov V.B., intercessor of the head of GUBEZ

5 Gorelov A.G., intercessor of the head of the operative-rozshuk unit

b. Rodionov A. N., intercessor of the head of the Investigative Committee

7. Kozlov Viktor Ivanovich, head of the GUBEZ department

8. Chekalin Oleksandr Oleksiyovych, head of the GUOOP

9. Pershutkin Mykola Ivanovich, defender of the GUOOP

10 Fedorov Volodymyr Oleksandrovich, Head of DIBDR

11 Timoshin Volodymyr Ulnovich, deputy head of traffic police

12. Radivil Sergiy Fedorovich, head of the Main Department of Defense

13. Oleksiy Ivanovich Donskikh, defender of the GUVO

14 Kozlov Volodymyr Ivanovich, head of the GUBOZ

15.Vanichkin Mikhailo Georgiyovich, deputy head of department of GUBOZ

16. Sovereign Viktor Ivanovich, intercessor of the head of GUBOZ

17.Suntsov Mikhailo Vasilovich

18.Danilov Yuriy Viktorovich, Head of RUBOZ

19. Selivanov Vladislav Veniaminovich, head of UBPSVT

20. Shumilin Boris Tikhonovich, Chairman of Soviet Veterans

21.Maksimov Volodymyr Viktorovich, Deputy Chairman of Soviet Veterans

22. Vlasov Evgen Kostyantinovich, head of the Department of Internal Affairs

GUVS m. Moscow

1.Shvidkin Viktor Andriyovich, about the head of the GUVS

2. Kuptsov Vasil Mikolayovich, intercessor of the head of the GUVS

3. Perova Svitlana Mykolaivna, intercessor of the head of the Main Directorate of Internal Affairs

4.Drozdov Andriy Viktorovich, head of UEP

5 Rizhkin Viktor Mikolayovich, director Poch. UEP

b Yanaeva Larisa Ivanivna, head of the ZIC

7 Cherenkov Oleksandr Mikhailovich Head of JCU

8 Pankratov Mikola Yosipovich, intercessor of the head of the ULRR

9 Kazantsev Sergiy Oleksandrovich, c. about. head of UDIBDR

10 Tyurin Mykola Oleksandrovich, head of the department of the DIBDR CAO

11 Prasolov Volodymyr Ivanovich head of the department of UDDBDR

12. Rabotyazhev Volodymyr Vasilovich, head of MREO VDIBDD SWAD

13 Kazyulin Volodymyr Oleksandrovich, head of the UVO

14. Gorshkov Oleg Viktorovich, head of the 1st division of the UVO

15 Kochergin Anatoliy Yosipovich, head of the TsPRS

16. Sviridovsky Andriy Kostyantinovich, head of the 6th RUVS

17. Stepanov Mikhailo Vasilovich, deputy chief of staff 6 RUVS

18 Khusnetdinov Rinat Zaferovich, head of 7 RUVS

GUVS of the Moscow region

1 Yukhman Yury Ivanovich, head of the Main Directorate of

2.Skurchaev Mikhailo Pavlovich, Deputy postal director of the GUVS

Z.Toropin Yuriy Viktorovich, head of the CID

Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation

1. UF Soltaganov, Director of the Federal Tax Service

2. Avdiyskiy V.I., the first intercessor of the director of the Federal Tax Service

3. V. A. Zaitsev, Head of Operational Documentation Department

4. Skorodelov I.M., first intercessor of the head of the department

operational documentation

5. Stepanov O.P., first intercessor of the head of the head operational


6. Grigor'ev A.A., intercessor of the head of the investigative department

7. Korotkov V I., intercessor of the head of the UFSNP near the Moscow metro

8. Vakhrushev A.V.

Administrative district

1 Duhonin S.K., Head of the regional department of the FSB of the Russian Federation for the Khanto-Mansiysk administrative district

5 spіvrobіtnikіv (via Shelukhіna Yu P)

36 souvenir sets for the heads of the Department of Internal Affairs. right, FSB,

tax police

UFSB for Moscow and Moscow region

1 1Yaarenko Oleksandr Vasylovych, Head

2 Sharapov Farit Goriyovich, 1st intercessor of the chief

3 Shah Volodymyr Ivanovich, deputy post

4 Starodubtsev 1Oriy Arkadiyovich, honorary

5. Efimov Mikhailo Mikolayovich, defender of honor

6. Kostrov Mykola Oleksiyovich, defender of honor

7. Vlasov Valentin Oleksandrovich

1. Garbarchuk Dmytro Ananyevich -

2. Ilchenko Anatoly Valentinovich -

3. Fedorov Viktor Mikolayovich -

4. Mirikov Mikola Stepanovich-

5. Bogdanov Petro Stepanovich -

6. Shilov Ivan Fedorovich-

7. Kondrashov Boris Petrovich-

8. Bugaev Oleksiy Prokhorovich-

1. Lintser Yosip Borisovich, Gen. director of the ICTA

2 Laktionova Olena Viktorivna-

Territorial upovnovazheni bodies

1. Grechman V O, head of the UVS of the Tomsk region

2. Konovalov Yu.I, head of the Federal Security Service of the Tomsk region

3. Anokhin V.A., head of the UFSNP in the Tomsk region

4. Sukhoplyuev Yu.K., prosecutor of the Tomsk region

5. Lobanov A F., intercessor of the head of the UFSNP in the Tomsk region

6. Proschalikin Yu M, head of the Zakhidno-Siberian RUBOZ

7. Bulke A.M., Head of the UVO under the UVS of the Tomsk region.

8. Shmitkov S.A., head of the KhMAO UVS

9. Anufriev A.V., Naftoyugan inter-district prosecutor

10.Zimina R.B., senior field inspector of the Poikovsky PZM UVS m.R.

Naftoyugansk and district

11. Gorga V S

G.Nafteyugansk and district

12. Makarov V O., intercessor of the head of the SCM GUVS Administration

Samara region

13. Egorov G.M., intercessor of the head of the UVS of Samara

14.Levkov A, head of the UBEZ GUVS Administration of the Samara region

15. Levshun NV, intercessor of the head of the UVS of the Penza region

16. Ryazanskiy A S, head of the united police department of the UVS of the Lipetsk region

17. Druzhinin S M, intercessor of the head of the SU UVS of the Bryansk region

18. Suponov Yu.A., intercessor of the head of the UVS of the Samara region

19. Aleksanin N P, Head of the UVS of Sizran

To the point, we are by no means convinced that all transferred individuals are transferred to the service of Yukos. Prote, є in the middle of them instances, yakі exactly drank to the list not vipadkovo. For example, the intercessor of the head of the GUBES MVS Mikhailenko. Vin became famous for being engaged in criminal law on the bank "Menatep", destroyed in the wake of the default. And at the same time, it became a unique turn, if the car was out of bank documents, confiscated for an hour of inspection, obviously, suddenly, falling from the bridge into the river, because of which, naturally, the most important documents were not completed properly. Buv todi Mikhailenko is no more than an intercessor for the head of the operational department of the capital's UBEZ. But from that hour, sharply pishov near the mountain and even less lower through the river, becoming the intercessor of the head of the GUBEZ. It’s not clear what happened to Yukos’s fate, but it’s clear that they didn’t forget their guardian angel in the company and a souvenir for the new one, obviously, even more vagomies. Every year we will try to tell you about other features from the list.

Comrade Captain


In the wake of 1983, the fate of the Moscow crime scene literally gave rise to an announcement: near the Lyublinsky district of the great store, there were no robbers who shot two collectors and stole a car with a great sum of pennies, and ran into it.

What a gangster not to love a mountainous life

To uncover the malice, the headquarters was created, having chosen the intercessor of the head of the GUVS, Major General Oleksiy Bugaev. Required to be recognized that the bandit's charge to the collectors was done zhorstok, professionally, and without any reason. Without a doubt, I was relatively prepared. The gangsters did not deprive the evil of the day of the week, and they did not manage to set up the next suspect. For the main version, the headquarters was allowed to go, that the pour was poured out equally by young people. І shukati їх treba for inadequately large witrats.

To that, the operatives took control of the expensive restaurants and installed trusted waiters, so that they gave information, who squandered pennies. Aje young zlochintsі, mabut, want to rozpochat garne of life, go to the wicked places. During the Radian hours, such people always stumbled.

More detectives paid special respect to the quiet people, like buying cars, earning minimal income.

And here for this day, - Oleksiy Bugaev, - if I've been at the operational headquarters, I get information from the DAI, that the inspector caught a young lad, like Stepanov, at the picket of the Volgograd Highway (nickname changed). It was clear that he had bought a car after the fact that the collectors were robbed. I asked you to deliver Yogo to the headquarters, sobe here to pick him up.

For an hour I looked around at the gut of the lad, three hundred karbovents were revealed. It was too much to suspect, at that time young lads definitely could not carry such a large sumi with them. On top of that, Cei Stepanov hasn't worked anywhere. In order to grow up with this prosperous hulk, they vied for three dobi.

But in front of him, like Yogo was appointed to the camera, there they placed an operative spivrobitnik. Vіn is guilty of playing the role of a man, who drunk mіtsno and slept soundly. If the detective, timidly looking at what you are about to come to you, then immediately after asking Stepanov, de, having moved, I change my mind. Toy vіdpovіv: "At the militia, brother." Then we got to know each other, the operational "cellmate" trustingly reassured Stepanov: "If you don't have anything, then let you go!" And then let’s go to hell: having written down the phone number, as if it were necessary to remember, in which police department they “shut down” the stranded Stepanov. The telephone number of registration was at Balashikha, and the car of the collectors was revealed once and for all at the Elektrozavodska metro station, on the road to this place. This is how the detectives looked at another possible sleeper.

"Svitska" conversation at the ITT camera

The operatives continued pratsyuvati zі Stepanovym, but did not reveal anything ale. Three dobi splits, and it was required to take a sanction on yoga arrest. Ale, the district prosecutor said: movlyav, nemaє pidstav. What work, let me in? So let's do some jogging on all the terens of the Radian Union. Todi Bugaev phoned the prosecutor and explained the situation. The prosecutor gave no hesitation, giving the go-ahead, saying, come on, come to me, take away the sanction. Stepanov was arrested for ten more. And after passing this term, and the operatives, who were busy with him, added: “Oleksii Prokhorovich, let him go!”

Bugaev virishiv himself connects to the right. It was clear that Stepanov until recently worked as the personal director of the head director of one of the Moscow theaters. Oskіlki Oleksiy Prokhorovich zavzhd tsіkavivsya creative middle ground in Moscow, then virіshiv talk to him culturally. Asking until the middle of the evening to prepare sandwiches with tea. In the course of the “svitsky” conversation of Stepanov, there was a lot of cicada and various information. Bugaev only grasped what to put on the food. And about the most important - rozstrіl іnkasatorіv - movchok. Oleksiy Prokhorovich having reconsidered that Stepanov is better known for evil, and even then he can have a chance not to take a “chip” for this evil. Ale, the prisoner, like before, having recounted everything.

And then I marveled at the birthday, - having continued the rozpovіd of Bugaev. - Bula already twelve years of the night! And every day today, I feed yoga. Like, second. What about the yake number? Well, 20th breast is confirmed. What is a day, you know? Vіdpovіdaє, it's like a day. And I say: for you it's a day like a day, but for me it's sacred, Chekist's Day. So the axis, I’ve been with my friends in restaurants, and I’ve been drinking tea with you for five years now! Are you not ashamed?

Stepanov glared his eyes, asking: “What about you, KDB spivrobitnik?” Bugaev vidpoviv: "So, I'm a KDB spivrobitnik!" І on confirmation by showing the testimony of an officer of the state security. Here Stepanov had tears in his eyes. So the authority of the KDB spratsyuvav.

And the pennies were buried in the barn.

I Stepanov "sprinkled". Vіn rozpovіv, scho yogo sleeper Sidoriv hovaєtsya at Balashikha, they stole a sum of pennies stench buried near the shed near Kratovo. Three nights, together with the police, they went for the addresses: to arrest a penny in Balashichi, and together with Stepanov for the burial of a penny from the barn.

The operation was successful. Sidorov, who did not suspect anything, was arrested, they knew about burying belongings with a penny there, de and having shown Stepanov ...

Decree on awarding orders

Zvіlnivsya Oleksiy Prokhorovich, having finished all the bindings, about the third night. And early on, feeling, as if on the radio, a TARS announcement was transmitted: “Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council for the sake of the SRSR on awarding orders” Bugaev A.P., intercessor of the prosecutor of Moscow Vankovich B.P. MUR Egorova O.M. Ale was so highly appreciated by the work of the headquarters for rozkrittya іnshoy ї do - vbivvaniya Hero Radyansky Union Vice-Admiral Kholostyakov and yoga squad.

Shoino Bugaev, having arrived at Petrivka, called out the head of the GUVS, Vasil Trushin. Vіn warmly welcomed him from the sovereign city, at the vidpovіd Oleksiy Prokhorovich acquiesced to the chiefs for the high recognition of his praci. Trushin respecting what the first secretary of the CMK CPRS Viktor Grishin needed to say. I explained: for an hour, the sound of the wines poked, as if they wanted the spivrobitniks for robbing Kholostyakov and his yogo squads. Vasil Petrovich vіdpovіv: “They handed honorable letters and voted podyaks.” I Grishin ordered: "Stink merit in the sovereign city, prepare documents." What was broken.

And for robbing a robbery attack on the Bugaev collectors, having taken the name of the head of the head office.

Yak uncovered the mystery of driving in a cashier

On the right, the collectors, before the speech, helped to uncover, as it seems, detectives, a long-standing hanger. Showing something new by Sidorov, who previously worked as a guardian at Gorky's film studio. Behind the visnovki of the investigation, from this criminal record, the cashier of the film studio took away the salary from the bank and it is small to see the next day. Ale didn’t go to work, but if they started її shukati, they showed him driven in near the government’s apartment. The safe appeared empty. To this, the main version of the evil was suggested: the cashier herself took the pennies and that the bula was beaten by the sleeper. In fact, Stepanov and Sidorov were fooled by trickery to get into the apartment of the cashier of the film studio, they beat him in, took the keys and turned to the film studio. Potim turned on security alarm And, having opened the safe, they took the stars pennies. After that, the safe was sealed, the security alarm was added, and the keys were taken to the cashier's apartment. Thus, the truth was established and posthumously turned to good in the name of the woman.

The bandits, like they committed an assault on the collectors, the vbivvaniya of the cashier and theft of a large sum of pennies, for the decisions of the court they sued the vinyatkov world of punishment - the shooting.

Oleksiy Prokhorovich BUGAEV

In 1959-1983 pp. having served in the bodies of the KDB SRSR. Awarded with the Order of the Chervonoy Zirka and the Order of the Red Prapor of Labor, the breastplate "Honorary Spіvrobіtnik of the State Security".

In 1983-1992 years - service in the bodies of the MVS. Awarded with the Order of the Red Prapor of Labor and the badge of “Merit of the MVS Worker”, as well as 16 medals, including “For the Undogan Service” of all three levels and “For the Military Honor”.

Behind him once the share already called Brodsky. It was a night earlier. In the toilets of the Saltikivka restaurant, yoga was squeezed in by the unknown, leaning against the Bik Stovbur, and screaming 30,000. One of the leaders was the leader of the new "Lyubertsy" grouping of Kampui. In order to please the right, Brodsky had a chance to seek help from the bandit Valulin. Vіn at once from Popovym, having calmed the krivdnikіv.

Oh, how this light is. Znovu Zustrich. They slammed it with cognac, instead of old friends. Here Oleg guessed about Igor's borg.

Amiran having said that I will practice yoga… - spitting out Brodsky.

It's time to come, - Oleg pointed a heavy boxer's hand at his partner. - Axis of faults of all details and description.

On the right, it’s zvichna, - Popov laughed. - Help the “loin” to shake one, the Baltic one ...

After spending the day preparing for the preparation, the team at the warehouse of Valіulіna, Babayev, Popov, Brodsky, Ovchinnikov, Andrєєva, Shepelєva and Meєrovicha flew to Latvia. At midnight against the 16th lime, the bandits evaded to the booth of Samovich the hulk. With a pistol and knives, the robbers beat the ruler of that son-in-law, after which Shepelev had suffered paralyzing injections. Having taken 114 thousand rubles and gold, the robbers entered.

It was only for the sake of the police that the militia fared away to attack the trail of evil-doers. Spivrobityniki DAI zupiny on Sevastopolsky Prospect near Moscow car for the transportation of speed. Behind the kerm sit Gennady Babaev. At the unbelievable stand, with the Italian revolver "Olіmpіk" behind the belt, the wine is more like a hero of an American action movie. Ale yoga bravado passed quickly. At the Sevastopol RUVS, for this fact, they destroyed the criminal right. Dali everything went its own way. In the course of the investigation, the low evils, who were beaten by them and by people, were revealed.

At the old weddings, time and time again they flashed their names: Cherkas, Amiran, Otari. Ale no more. Usim was clear that left part vodsotkіv іz podіbіh prіvіv vyplachuvalis komu іz іm. But it’s unlikely that it’s possible if you manage to name them approximately. Everything was bulo and covered with haze, like the greater part of the undergrowth and the very figure of the Black Cardinal.


"Vin viklikav kokhannya and instilling fear," - so they wrote about Otar Vitaliyovich behind the scenes of mass information. Few people thought about the journey of this great capital, most of them profited from the method: "I asked and they brought me." For yogo, vlady, that infusion was already sufficient. Well, it was not safe to flirt with yoga “guards”. Who spoke to him on the right knew little about him. Axis of yoga specialties: "I only asked, and twenty, thirty people paid me with such a rank." Bagatioh was crying out for his generosity, that is the name of “charity”. Vaughn, it was given, is not small between. Ale, few people knowing that she was straightened out only at one gate, at her own. At that time, Otari Vitaliyovich didn’t work for an uncle any more. Only on oneself, less for the prosperity of the “evil” world, expanding the spheres of infusion.

On the advice of the MVS of Russia: On the cob of rebudding Kvantrishvili O.V. having become actively involved in the acquisition, the meta of such a thing - "receiving" pennies, otrimanih wicked way. One hour, vikoristovuyuchi yogo links and yogo recommendations, to various structures: economic, trade, cultural and other. representatives of evil groups come to the fore. The stink of controlling the transfer of pennies from these organizations to fictitious accounts and the deduction of income by way of depositing pennies, gained by a malicious way.

In 1992, at the Soviet Center, the Red Star agency held an international competition called "Face of the Rock". The helper took away the contract for 30 thousand dollars. Reshti krasun, who flew from the usa of the country, mute blizzards on the vagnik, young, garnished, fresh, only tears were smeared on the eyes. Other, third, and other prizes were not awarded.

Ale vtishnik know. From the jury, it was reconciled to post a black-haired man, a benefactor and a benefactor of young people, a prominent patron of sports Kvantrishvili. Vin named six names of the participants in the competition, as a way to get closer to the first month.

"We give you a prize," Otari Vitalyovich said magnanimously.

Tse sounded like a fairy tale about a golden little lace for Popelyushka. Only the Spanish and the garni of Barcelona and the girls did not flirt. The stench is small, I’m planning a delay, as long as I don’t have a program with them, a program to relieve stress from athletes. They didn’t let them out of the hotel room. Natomist before them let the whole team in, as if accompanying a patron of the arts. The boys are all strong, soft, trained. When I got home, the contestants turned to me with kalikami, as if not physically, then mentally.

Such "charity" became more of a rule, less of a blame. Here, perhaps, signs of special weakness were given to beautiful stati. As you can see, the Black Cardinal stumbled right there on the cob of his pocket. Tse seemed to you to be worse. It's a pity, behind the unwritten laws of the criminal world, the one who zazіhnuv zavaltuvati zhіnku, can't lay claim to the dignity of "villain in law". Just for the sake of reasons, Otar appeared obiydenim.


"Organized sports" naming one of the mafia's mafia phenomena in our life appeared in our life of new law enforcement agencies, similar to quiet, who yelled and spit Otar Vitaliyovych. Today it is not a secret that someone is rich sports clubsє "offices" of malicious groups, a place for their regular meetings. Love for sports has become a sign of belonging to similar activity. Maizhe vouched for patrons of sports, similar to Kvantrishvili, and in the present hour they continue yoga on the right. Behind him, behind the Black Cardinal, the right of the Kermanich to take this path is lost.

Let's guess the popular hit of the 80s about athletes-reketmen Volodymyr Asmolov. The bard at the top, to the cry of the soul, clearly saw the situation: our heroes of sports were taken to the street, at the shortest time they were sold for free from foreign clubs by dealers-bureaucrats of the sports industry, at the top - they were picked up, bought by new phenomena, home-grown patrons.

Moreover, for the sake of personnel, the mafiosi told sports schools and sports commodities that were lost, lacking generous financial support, organized charitable funds to support sportsmen. The first step here was the work of Otari Kvantrishvili, who organized the Lev Yashin Foundation for the Social Protection of Athletes. From the beginning of the year, the association of professional boxers "Fighting gloves", the association of kickboxing "Kitek", the association of professional wrestlers appeared.

From і pіshov, gaining speed, the process of legalization of criminal capital. How fahivts are being strengthened, through the creation of powerful commercial structures and the mafia is being hardened by the power of the mafia. Vaughn, mov octopus, stretch to everything. We are looking forward to seeing where the greatest income is possible: the export of oil and metals, the import of food. Most of the right authorities of that other business are heavily confiscated, they know only a little about it.

In the spring of 1994, when a sniper shot at the Krasnopresnensk Lane, they cut off the life of a patron of arts in Kvantrishvil, he had the reach of an unbelievable height at his wealth, power, glory. Zavdyaki to his abilities and connections Otari Vitaliyovych having created a powerful financial empire. Vaughn rose from the establishment of the "Association of the XXI century", as it was engaged in the export of oil, wood, color metals, and the import of gas flares.

From documents of the MVS SRSR: In the other half of 1989 rіznih dzherelстала надходити інформація про те, що "Асоціація XXI століття", що об'єднала близько 40 державних та кооперативних організацій, використовуючи відсутність та недосконалість правової регламентації економічної та фінансової діяльності подібних об'єднань, займається різноманітними незаконними операціями, які приносять значний дохід. Її members є individuals, yakі earlier were convicted for different criminal mischief. The stench draws in the sphere of their activities spivrobitnikiv radyansky, sovereign and law enforcement agencies.

Її organizers - the largest party practitioner A. Kikalishvili, the largest sportsman O. Kvantrishvili, spivak I. Kobzon… Office of "Association" of cashing at the hotel "Intourist".

The conclusion of such a change was prepared at 38, Petrivtsi. Possibly, on the platform for yoga, the individuals attached to the malicious business have been slandered and pushed to the level of mass information disinformation, moving, wine and occupying one of the key posts in the "Association of the XXI century". Why not a classy “dakh” - major general of militia ?!

The terrible "pitching" was immediately replicated. We have achieved success in this way to inspire such a new generation, such as Izvestia, Pravda, Russian Newspaper. Really, to the woeful company, a high police rank, as if it were a milestone, then we call it a different order.


"In the past, I felt about Kvantrishvili in 1984, - rozpoviv Oleksiy Prokhorovich Bugaev, a major general in reserve. - I worked as an intercessor for the head of the GUVS already more than a year. priymalnі znahoditsya spіvrobіtnik MURU, which you want to know me with important operative materials ... "We ate the materials before the general buli pov'yazanі so chi іnakshe with the special rights of the Black Cardinal. Tse buli svіdchennya low osіb z rіznyh criminal inquiries, povіdomlennya agents. From them it was squealing that Kvantrishvili took the fate of various law enforcement officers. Most of the time, he acted as an organizer of any day, if he falls under the punishment of the law. Nothing specific that would allow you to once get yoga to criminal liability, Nadani had no papers. However, it became a drive for ordering Bugaev to the head of one of the departments of the MUR to see everything in the environment of business. To put it simply, a dossier was filed against Otar Vitaliyovych, taking him to the point of active operational investigation. Tim himself criminal investigation rozpochav zbirannya on new materials, yakі little force in court.

Approximately two or three months later, they went to General Bugaev by telephone, one of the intercessors of the head of the Head Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the SRSR. Oleksiy Prokhorovich commented on this call:

“I didn’t want to name this person. He was a respectable practitioner, discipline, vikonavchiy. I at that moment vikonuvat someone else’s will.”

Vіn potsіkavitsya "right" Kvantrіshvili and asked yoga for knowledge. Bugaev vіdmoviv. For the militia subordination of the wines, I didn’t give a damn. It's an hour, if the capital's police flickered once at the construction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the SRSR, passing the construction of the main buildings. Tsim general and vvazhav for better speed.

However, they did not allow wine, like vplivov patrons of the Black Cardinal. Nevdovzі z these very prokhannyam to Bugaev turned the intercessor of the minister of internal affairs. It is no longer possible to commend youmu bulo. A dekilka of folders with information, selected with such a pratice on crichts, was sent to the MVS SRSR. Zvіdti in a deaky hour, a letter of notice was taken away: MVS SRSR took "right Kvantrishvili" from its provadzhennya. From the quiet fir of the GUVS of Moscow, it’s not enough for a hundred days before the first operational investigation, oskolki for the instruction, which was based, only one law enforcement agency will take care of the right moment.

For a while it was clear that the MVS did not have documents for a long time. The stench was immediately redirected to the KDB SRSR. The second version is that there Otar Vitaliyovych was "decomposed" more seriously. 17 volumes were selected for yoga. Only a few of them live out of the operational department, but do not reprise the crime. Behind some evidence, the reason here was believed to be that Otari Vitaliyovich had come in handy as an agent of the Lubyanka.

"Yakbi" right Kvantrishvili "was not taken from Petrivka, - the general in reserve shared his many experiences, - who knows, it is possible, Otari Vitaliyovich witav bi and donin. The axis of only one more conviction appeared in his biography not the beds of the distance ... "The more intercessor of the head of the GUVS of Moscow shared the information that the Chorniy cardinal actually had a moment of knowledge about whether or not the plans and ideas of the right-protective bodies, if only they could see at the top.

“I know for sure,” Oleksiy Prokhorovich said as if. on someone from a lot of their comrades in the service, ale okremі moments and ієї pori priymayutsya and at once, it’s wonderfully wonderful, for example, first try to know me and Kvantrіshvіlі having done his hour, the first intercessor of the head of our main office Sergiy Kuprіyin, a functional friend, I don’t know, if (before joining the Kuprezhev organization, he was the first secretary of the Baumansky District Party Committee) and the “baptized father.” But the fact remains a fact - Kuprєev repeatedly started a rozmov with me because of the fact that Kvantrishvili was being investigated in depth, which was specifically for him. phoned me and asked for a term. du i was escorted into the ward. On my question, what kind of people are Sergiy Oleksandrovich Vidpov - brothers Kvantrishvili, Otari and Amiran. Tse bula persha that one zustrіch іz tsimi people. Insanely, Otari Vitaliyovich, a person not without zdіbnosti, if she could form a command, she served him with faith and truth. Obviously, behind everything there were pennies and ties, great ties. For example, in my service, I was given the opportunity to change into someone special. On the right, the Minister of Internal Affairs of the SRSR, Viktor Barannikov, who was the largest at that time, asked to prepare an operational report on Kvantrishvili. Vidpovіdniy vіddіl MUR, who prepared this document, bewildered Volodymyr Rushaylo. Vіn podpisav dovidku. So the axis, since this document was only for the official coronation of letters to the ministry, its copy was put on the hands of Otari Vitaliyovich. Vіn, rozdratovaniya such nevshnoyu characteristic, priyomu at the very top and more, in 1992 rotsi, repeatedly natyak Rushaylo, scho maє children. Vyslovluvavsya wine, what Bugaev should be afraid of and what to worry about. Later, in 1994, the “tensions” were already rolling out of the television screens. I had a chance to talk a little about Kvantrishvili and todi, if I already came from GUVS. Vіn not only going to Petrivka, 38, but also performing at concerts, dedicated day militia, navit handing over gifts to the spivrobitniks who were appointed. In my opinion, people are angry because of the founding rank of these changes, as they were in our country, beginning in 1985. Vin is a product of the new hour. Vіn nіkoli earlier without becoming a philanthropist, a philanthropist and a hromаdsky playboy. No matter what they say, but in the dark factories of the lowest legal and economic swaville, the pennies are “seen” with marvelous ease. "militia, the committee of that criminal world" The two first robbed everything they could, so that everything was up to the law, but they didn't bring it to the end of the right.


Before rest of the day Kvantrishvili postiyno perebuvav at the center of the respect of the capital's life. Іz enviable postiynistyu vin z'yavlyavsya mayzha at all tracts. Especially considering the importance of the fact that the Russian police or the security service carried out. In the middle of the general's honour, Otari Vitaliyovich, reined in the chair unmoved, impressed. How else? Adzhe vin taking the nayzhvavisha fate of the activity beneficial fund"Shield that lyre", focused on the social support of the supporters of the capital's police and their families.

Obviously, the rank and file operatives, as well as the criminal elements and signs, took the same signs. Ale is not better for whom, having played his devil's role, Black Cardinal. Zayvih krokiv vin is no longer timid. Everything was cleared up, analysed, tampered with under one method - the flourishing of a rose-colored right. And having transferred the wines, having already created a political team for the establishment of a daring kid to rule.

From the conclusions of the GUVS of Moscow: "Association of the XXI century" was created in 1988. The Moscow cooperatives "Klaxon", "Domus", "Zustrich" were included in the beginning. In 1992, this organization already organized close to hundreds of commercial and community firms. The space was occupied by AT "Moskovit", and then its daughter enterprises: "Moskovit-show", "Moskovit-metal", "Moskovitoil", "Moskovit-sugar". At the hotel "Intourist", de roztashovuvavsya head office Kvantrishvili, casino "Gabriela". In order to finance the programs that everyone is expanding, within the framework of the same holding, the Presnya-bank and Moskoviya bank began.

In the name of MVS Russia:

A sprinkling of thousands of evil groups that live near the country have united in 150 associations and have actually divided the country into spheres. Behind Danami Analite to the Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 35 vidsotkiv captalo ib to 80 vidsotkiv “Akziy Privatizovs of Pidprimani, Shcho Voosyut”, went to the hands of the criminal business “Danini” at the Komtskiy, the CHOMMISITAS OF THE KERTIVITA, the delegate

However, the Black Cardinal did not succeed in throwing himself to power. On April 5, 1994, fate was for those who did not dare to transfer anything from the nearest sharpening. The team found out important expenses. There was no YOGO ITSELF. The press, from the drive of the enigmatic carding, splashed out a sprinkling of versions. Ale in the same day of them, until today, a speck has not been delivered. Therefore, with the same imovirnistyu, be it from them, you can take it as the main one. I'll be the judge here for an hour.

Perhaps, having found the version, it was brought to the point that the driving in was organized by the method of provoking the sealing of the words and the Caucasian groupings from Moscow. Aje, about a pіvroku before, like the beating of Krasnopresnensky lazen, a sprig of shoots cut off the life of Otari Kvantrishvili, at the hour of “separation” at the small enterprise “Vodoliy”, yoga brother Amiran was shot. At the same time, the authority of Samara's malicious grouping Fedya Skazheny has perished with him. Todi Otari Vitaliyovych had a chance to hear a few imaginative words addressed to his address, saying, why didn’t he “save the return line”, without avenging his brother ?! Vіn mustache, pulling and not shying of the annual specific krokіv. Why? That's the way to get rid of the mystery.

In this version, all “for” and “against” mayzhe, however, were equally juxtaposed. For example, among Otari the best ones were formed together with the leaders of the very wordy evil-minded groupings. At one hour there were a few people walking around, who were coolly trying to figure out the interests and interests of the sun’s authorities. The rest tried to invade those territories, as if they were defending themselves with the intercession of the Black Cardinal. Such an incomprehensible truth was, but only after a few zustrіches "on the greater level" the greater number of other food was wrought for the satisfaction of both sides. Zokrema, Kvantrishvili did a great job of helping the brothers of the sons in the crisis situation with the police.

"It's been over-converted to the new version," Igor Baranovsky, an observer of the "Moskovskiye novini" newspaper, said. Movlyav, Otar reevaluating his rightful ability, having to prove his inaccessibility for competitors, unkind people. Unstoppable blinking on TV, the slander of businessmen, officials, military positions in the police, perhaps, confused his head. Yoga behavior has become inadequate. Guessing an episode from the TV show "Karaul", for a yakіy vin he was a permanent promoter. Otar Kvantrishvili, right through the air, having pleased the head of the RUOP, Volodymyr Rushailo, to think about his children. What is it? An undisguised threat? Abandoned, so bimoviti, a mitten before a duel? Or maybe, the most obvious bluff of a gravel driven into a coot, what kind of a right to save the astonishment?

The closer you get to the odious figure of a human being, the more you stick with super-intelligent guesses and speculations. The stench pines for the death of my brother Amiran. Yogo driving was attributed to the Chechen grouping. Chi tse so true, today is not the case for anyone. And the reasons here could be more or less sufficient. I’ll name just one: Amiran Kvantrishvili was a paid secret agent by the card indexes of the GUVS. Like a professional engraver in a picture, wine and in life in a subway group. Few people could be worthy of such a thing, especially among the "villains of the law." Such an "entry" stench is not forgiven and their own. I'm more alert here, more, that no one was drunk for the death of my brother. Tse, with the hot temperament of Caucasians, theirs sounds like blood vengeance. It seemed that Otari simply put up with the other close people i all. How does it not look like a new one? I’d sooner get in touch with the image of the Black Cardinal, the next step: having cleaned up the indecent position, if it has become infatuated.

I have one more version, which deserves respect. Literally ahead of the day, the Krasnopresnensky Lazne was beaten to Moscow by the arrival of the Minister of Internal Affairs of Georgia. The official meta-visit was to facilitate mutual cooperation between the law enforcement agencies of sovereign powers. One of the points here was the fight against the Georgian evil groups in Russia. And at the top, at the bottom, a series of battles of great criminal authorities and entrepreneurs, Georgians for nationality rolled out at the rosettes of roses at the top and at the bottom. Vipadkovist? Shvidshe for everything. But the analysts affirm that there are differences, that they establish a consistent sequence, that they are regularities. And in the Russian-Georgian exchanges, until the last hour, make a lot of folds, which do not follow the daily comments.

Chronicle of the fatal quarter of 1994:

4.04. Tomaz Topade, the director of the Varus-video company, and his nephew Georgiy Ilnadze, have been hammered in the door of their apartment.

5.04. Bylya Krasnopresnensky Lazen was mortally wounded by Otar Kvantrishvili.

12.04. At his apartment, the villain in law Avtandil Chikvadze (Kvezho) was shot at once by the retinue. The child is badly injured.

18.04. Zurab Natsvilishvili, vice-president of the JSC "Bili wind" was shot down on the street with gunshots from the "TT" pistol.

19.04. Gog of Yerevan (Hayk Gevorkyan) was shot dead near his booth.

Tbilisi has "evil in the law" Jamal Mikeladze (Arsen). The sign of the Georgian villain Givi Beradze (Rizaniy), one of the mentors of Otar. In Zelenograd, with a shot in the head at his car, a villain in the law of Gog Pipiya (Gog) was found.

In all types, like Otari Kvantrishvili, professionals worked. Abandoned on the mischief of the zbroy vbivstva. Obov'yazykovy control postril - a sign of the fidelity of the vikonan roboti. Anniversary svids, svіdkіv, svіdchennya yah shed bіtlo. Everything is tacked on by the haze of mystery. How and those, skilki bulo postriliv, skilki shot shells for the hour of shooting the Black Cardinal?

Є version, for which postil bulo chotiri, hoch sleeves knew only three. Shooting another killer, a kind of insurance. After a miss of the main number (coolers ate that shiya in the chest), I shot at the head. Ballistic expertise of which is not easy. The victim turned around at the hour of the fall. Posted a moment of buti vikonaniya and z іnshoy directly.

Mozhlivo, it was so out of whack. If, every year, the mystery of driving in Quantrishvili is revealed and become new details. But whoever knows, it is possible, but not. Guidance retelling the victims of the 94th quarter does not claim to be complete. Ale y vin navіyuє sumnі think. It seems that in our eyes, the powers of the dumb, behind the wave of an enchanting wand, can unleash such a crooked battle.


De b did not know "evil in the law", their main criminal ob'yazok - pіdtremuvati and zmіtsnyuvati vzhe іsnuyuchu "zloіyskі sіm" аbo utvoryuvat new. Tse vіdbuvaєtsya, if there are no criminal formations in the region necessary for these leaders. For whom are all good ways. In the event of the creation of absolutely new malicious formations to the point of overtightening, re-recruitment or acceptance of the “evil” infusion, and then control of the already obvious malicious incompatibilities, for example, youth groupings, criminal formations of athletes, ethnic and other malicious organizations that cannot be grouped, villainous” zvichaїv and traditions.

In fact, on the cob of the 90s, the expansion of the soviet evil molding began by itself. And yet, just like that, it declared itself to dosit vagomo, yogo taking the opium "evil by the law" on Jamal's prize. Vatazki spilnoti regularly “receive” significant amounts of pennies from the “villainous common fund”, give extra help to deakim criminals, as if they are going to an illegal camp in the places of freeing their will.

The unwritten rules of evil clans are such that "evil at the law" can be considered a gang of structures, that "watch" for a specific territory, for example, for an administrative district near a city, region, region, republic, or for a specific object - a restaurant, a casino, a hotel , in the correct setting. However, we cannot confirm that the “villainous” will always be able to overcome the problem positively for themselves. It is not uncommon for the leaders of the “nevirivsky” groups to make an active opir, it cannot be ruled out that the gang of such a grouping will be neutralized (arrested, compromised, beaten in) and to deprive the other villainous old “evil homeland” protégé. It may be worthwhile, but it may be possible and step-by-step process of sizing a new candidate for given grouping. From the other side, you can spend it with the "evil" clan. Someone to "impose a body", someone to physically exalt, as it happened, for example, in Yekaterinburg, if the "villain" was driven into Zaostrovsky, or in Moscow, de bouve the murders of the "evil at the law" Globus. And someone is simply compromised, as it was from Semerik.

A representative of the "evil family", a particularly troubled leader, arriving in a new place of living, or in another region, where one knows the necessary number of crimes, thus promoting socially negative traditions. Some wines behind the line of orientations to the gangs of "villainous" groups, yak to control the administrative territory, the object of a malicious type of mischief. One of the first goals of "evilness" is to reconcile, as the leader of the evil molding, the "position" or the "divine" in the form of the "evil" clan, to follow the traditions of the evil world, as a way to promote the "evil" spivtovaristvo.

Characterizing the behavior of "evil" during the first hour of rebuking at the settlement of chi regions as a kind of inspection, I would like to say that wines are less likely to be engaged in various revisions. Really, it sounds like it’s happening in passing, within the framework of the criminal way of life and malicious activity. In view of the commercial structures, the "inspector" can really change, as they choose, save and build up scorched koshtіv. Vіdpochivayuchi in restaurants, casinos, saunas, wines to splurge "evil" authorities from the song of merchants, landlords and other osіb and signify the stench of "evil" zvichaї and traditions. Zustrichayuchis іz earlier condemned, zvіlnenimi z mіsts prébavlennya volі, "zlodіy" otrimuє іnformatsiyu, how to opіkuyutsya "Chesni Areshtanti" and "tramps" in the zones and sledchih іzolyatory, chi to be ordered against law enforcement agencies. Watching the criminal "dealing" with competing groups, as well as sorting out the facts of arrest, driving in and cracking down on "villains in the law", "funny", "regulations", simple members of the "evil" groups, especially the troubled leader is appointed, how to be safe "evil" moldings. Withdrawn by him, the information is evaluated by looking at the negative rules and norms. On the basis of the warnings, you can take a decision about the punishment of that other gang, or the support of this malicious activity.

"In the past, I felt about Kvantrishvili in 1984, - rozpoviv Oleksiy Prokhorovich Bugaev, a major general in reserve. - I worked as an intercessor for the head of the GUVS already more than a year. priymalnі znahoditsya spіvrobіtnik MURU, which you want to know me with important operative materials ... "We ate the materials before the general buli pov'yazanі so chi іnakshe with the special rights of the Black Cardinal. Tse buli svіdchennya low osіb z rіznyh criminal inquiries, povіdomlennya agents. From them it was squealing that Kvantrishvili took the fate of various law enforcement officers. Most of the time, he acted as an organizer of any day, if he falls under the punishment of the law. There was nothing concrete, which would allow one to immediately attract him to a criminal conviction, on these papers there was not. However, it became a drive for ordering Bugaev to the head of one of the departments of the MUR to see everything in the environment of business. To put it simply, a dossier was filed against Otar Vitaliyovych, taking him to the point of active operational investigation. Tim himself criminal investigation rozpochav zbirannya on new materials, yakі little force in court.

Approximately two or three months later, they went to General Bugaev by telephone, one of the intercessors of the head of the Head Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the SRSR. Oleksiy Prokhorovich commented on this call:

“I didn’t want to name this person. He was a respectable practitioner, discipline, vikonavchiy. I at that moment vikonuvat someone else’s will.”

Vіn potsіkavitsya "right" Kvantrіshvili and asked yoga for knowledge. Bugaev vіdmoviv. For the militia subordination of the wines, I didn’t give a damn. It's an hour, if the capital's police flickered once at the construction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the SRSR, passing the construction of the main buildings. Tsim general and vvazhav for better speed.

However, they did not allow wine, like vplivov patrons of the Black Cardinal. Nevdovzі z these very prokhannyam to Bugaev turned the intercessor of the minister of internal affairs. It is no longer possible to commend youmu bulo. A dekilka of folders with information, selected with such a pratice on crichts, was sent to the MVS SRSR. Zvіdti in a deaky hour, a letter of notice was taken away: MVS SRSR took "right Kvantrishvili" from its provadzhennya. From the quiet fir of the GUVS of Moscow, it’s not enough for a hundred days before the first operational investigation, oskolki for the instruction, which was based, only one law enforcement agency will take care of the right moment.

For a while it was clear that the MVS did not have documents for a long time. The stench was immediately redirected to the KDB SRSR. The second version is that there Otar Vitaliyovych was "decomposed" more seriously. 17 volumes were selected for yoga. Only a few of them live out of the operational department, but do not reprise the crime. Behind some evidence, the reason here was believed to be that Otari Vitaliyovich had come in handy as an agent of the Lubyanka.

"Yakbi" right Kvantrishvili "was not taken from Petrivka, - the general in reserve shared his many experiences, - who knows, it is possible, Otari Vitaliyovich witav bi and donin. The axis of only one more conviction appeared in his biography not the beds of the distance ... "The more intercessor of the head of the GUVS of Moscow shared the information that the Chorniy cardinal actually had a moment of knowledge about whether or not the plans and ideas of the right-protective bodies, if only they could see at the top.

“I know for sure,” Oleksiy Prokhorovich said as if. on someone from a lot of their comrades in the service, ale okremі moments and ієї pori priymayutsya and at once, it’s wonderfully wonderful, for example, first try to know me and Kvantrіshvіlі having done his hour, the first intercessor of the head of our main office Sergiy Kuprіyin, a functional friend, I don’t know, if (before joining the Kuprezhev organization, he was the first secretary of the Baumansky District Party Committee) and the “baptized father.” But the fact remains a fact - Kuprєev repeatedly started a rozmov with me because of the fact that Kvantrishvili was being investigated in depth, which was specifically for him. phoned me and asked for a term. du i was escorted into the ward. On my question, what kind of people are Sergiy Oleksandrovich Vidpov - brothers Kvantrishvili, Otari and Amiran. Tse bula persha that one zustrіch іz tsimi people. Insanely, Otari Vitaliyovich, a person not without zdіbnosti, if she could form a command, she served him with faith and truth. Obviously, behind everything there were pennies and ties, great ties. For example, in my service, I was given the opportunity to change into someone special. On the right, the Minister of Internal Affairs of the SRSR, Viktor Barannikov, who was the largest at that time, asked to prepare an operational report on Kvantrishvili. Vidpovіdniy vіddіl MUR, who prepared this document, bewildered Volodymyr Rushaylo. Vіn podpisav dovidku. So the axis, since this document was only for the official coronation of letters to the ministry, its copy was put on the hands of Otari Vitaliyovich. Vіn, rozdratovaniya such nevshnoyu characteristic, priyomu at the very top and more, in 1992 rotsi, repeatedly natyak Rushaylo, scho maє children. Vyslovluvavsya wine, what Bugaev should be afraid of and what to worry about. Later, in 1994, the “tensions” were already rolling out of the television screens. I had a chance to talk a little about Kvantrishvili and todi, if I already came from GUVS. Vіn not only going to Petrivka, 38, but also performing at a concert dedicated to the Day of the Militia, handing over gifts to the volunteers who were appointed. In my opinion, people are angry because of the founding rank of these changes, as they were in our country, beginning in 1985. Vin is a product of the new hour. Vіn nіkoli earlier without becoming a philanthropist, a philanthropist and a hromаdsky playboy. No matter what they say, but in the dark factories of the lowest legal and economic swaville, the pennies are “seen” with marvelous ease. "militia, the committee of that criminal world" The two first robbed everything they could, so that everything was up to the law, but they didn't bring it to the end of the right.


Until the rest of the day, Kvantrishvili rested steadily at the center of the respect of the capital's life. Іz enviable postiynistyu vin z'yavlyavsya mayzha at all tracts. Especially considering the importance of the fact that the Russian police or the security service carried out. In the middle of the general's honour, Otari Vitaliyovich, reined in the chair unmoved, impressed. How else? Adzhe vin took the most important part in the activities of the charitable foundation "Shield and Lira", focused on the social support of the supporters of the capital's militia and their families.

Obviously, the rank and file operatives, as well as the criminal elements and signs, took the same signs. Ale is not better for whom, having played his devil's role, Black Cardinal. Zayvih krokiv vin is no longer timid. Everything was cleared up, analysed, tampered with under one method - the flourishing of a rose-colored right. And having transferred the wines, having already created a political team for the establishment of a daring kid to rule.

From the conclusions of the GUVS of Moscow: "Association of the XXI century" was created in 1988. The Moscow cooperatives "Klaxon", "Domus", "Zustrich" were included in the beginning. In 1992, this organization already organized close to hundreds of commercial and community firms. The space was occupied by AT "Moskovit", and then its daughter enterprises: "Moskovit-show", "Moskovit-metal", "Moskovitoil", "Moskovit-sugar". At the hotel "Intourist", de roztashovuvavsya head office Kvantrishvili, casino "Gabriela". In order to finance the programs that everyone is expanding, within the framework of the same holding, the Presnya-bank and Moskoviya bank began.

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