I want to tell a short garni dream of a girl. What to write girls for nothing

Tsya nothing takes you in me.
Without you I do not live neither night nor day,
Without you, my dream is like a heavy anesthesia.
I'm dying. I, in my opinion, seriously.
Tomorrow is a lie for the hour of fasting, I will repeat everything -
Word for word - I will give you trojans.
What are the Trojans! I will remove the stars from the sky!
Until the wound! I climbed into the sky!

I can't fall asleep right now
I want to look into your eyes
I want your lips to stick
I lie with you.

Beautiful girls in the night

I wish you sweet dreams
Nemov tsukor at a cup of tea.
Let me give you Joy,
no salting,
An hour of confusion and suffering
Let's go get get get get!

Nothing has come - dovkola silence!
I need you in the world!
I want to keep order with you,
I wish you a good sleep!

Beautiful girls in the night

I thank you Nadobranich!
Lie down soon at your bed.
Close your miracle eyes
I’m less likely to start shukati.
Yakshcho me raptom zustrіnesh uvі snі?
Don't you dare let me in.
And then I'll start again nudguvati for you,
And so, forever love!
Dream me today, I want to bachiti
To you, to you, not to you
I say at once - "I love you"
- I love, hug, kiss!

Nastane nothing and silence,
If you fall asleep without a turbo,
Come to you my soul
I kiss lower lower!

Beautiful girls in the night

Quiet, quiet heart beat
Nothing to steal
Taking away the sun is light
Days to go at the window.
Sleep and kick baby
I will change how you sleep
I'll come to you
I will go after the kazka!

And in the sky the stars shine brightly,
Less than boring month like me,
Thoughts I kiss you licorice,
Good night my girl!

"Let's go spatimesh liquorice..."

For now, you will sleep like a licorice,
I will take care of you
I will think about you
I, maybe, I’ll dream about it.

I will be with you together
Marvel at the stellar sky,
Zbentezheny and zakohany I
You, my love!

"The most beautiful girl"

Today is the most beautiful girl on the planet to have a wonderful dream with my fate! Ale, you will read the message half-heartedly, lie down in a warm, cozy bed, curl up with a carpet, close your eyes and laugh at sleep! I love you, dear.

"I'll hit the lighter for your window"

I will kill the lighters for your vikno - I can marvel at you, pests of the lower skin. I want to become yoga with light, to go through the crisis with a kiss and bump your lips, giving you the most beautiful dreams! Nothing without you is eternity, and, yes, you won’t be able to leave.

"So that your dreams were easy"

Peaceful sleep and charming laughter
I want you, sleep without a turbo.
Let the dream, like a mirage, unreal and cunning,
Ale nіchka come to you with a lower caress.

With a warm welcome, welcome with love,
Sing you a song in a wonderful silence.
And the angel will be at the heads,
Sob your dreams were easy, garni!

"Sweet dreams, my beloved!"

You are not a fish, but you are so appetizing! You are not a gorilka, but you turn your head like that! You are not the sun, but you are so blind! You are not a million, but such a bazhana herself! I want to hit you like America, start like a Lexus, lick like frosty, and go to you like by the sea. Sweet dreams, my beloved!

"My soul is only with you at once"

Through this reminder, I send you the vibes to warm your little one! Do not believe? Read tsyu SMS to the end, lie down at the bed, and you see, it’s warm! Tse I zigriv її for you, kohana! Aja, my soul is now only with you, and I wish you good luck.

“I’m in love, do you want to pamper the swedish?”

Kohana, do you want to have some shvidshe? Then read my simple instructions. Lying at the bedside, think about me for a trivial hour, guess well, what happened to us, close your eyes and sleep. Oops, I’ll come to you obov’yazkovo and once again I’ll tell you how much I love you.

"Tsya nothing takes you in me"

Tsya nothing takes you in me.
Without you I do not live neither night nor day,
Without you, my dream is like a heavy anesthesia.
I'm dying. I, in my opinion, seriously.

Tomorrow is a lie for the hour of fasting, I will repeat everything -
Word for word - I will give you trojans.
What are the Trojans! I will remove the stars from the sky!
Until the wound! I climbed into the sky!

"Sleep beauty"

Why, while sleeping, did the beautiful woman sleep through the centuries, but all the same she lost her beauty? To that a healthy sleep is a charge of beauty! You, well, you know without me. You yourself garna girl on our planet! I am already happy seeing what you have in me. Dobranich Kohana!

"Goodbye, my angel"

Goodbye, my beautiful angel,
I am writing to you with love.
Let it shine the moon of lagidny and clear,
Let the day be quiet and vanity, and halas.

Hay mustache with a charming sickle coat
Nich-enchantress, rozіgnavshi turmoil.
І let charіvnim povіlny calm
You vkryut heaven, like a shawl.

“Goodbye, my zukerka!”

Ridna, dear and just mine! I will help you for good, tsukerko! I dream of licorice dreams, why am I in order with you! Let me warm you up my kohannya! Close your eyes soon! Goodbye, bunny, sleep!

"Sleep my beauty"

You sleep my beauty
From enchanted princesses.
I’ll help you to get back to me with chaklunstvo
Super SMS service.

And we’ll twist the lies in a way
Let's fix the first result:
Kiss, and why - vpevenno,
So long as the princesses licorice sleep.

"I want to get in touch with you"

I want to entrust you with an order,
And kiss me hard on nothing.
I order to lie down, and what strength to squeeze,
І at once to the wound do not shinati.

It's a pity, we are being supported,
Toby I correct SMS.
І in the new my kochanіy povazhannya:
Goodbye, and see the dream of miracles!

"Received dreams! Goodbye!"

Having solved all the problems of the day,
You enter the kingdom of hell, licorice,
"I love you more for all" -
I'll tell you uvі snі tobi kradkom.

Let me dream of heavenly dreams
A beautiful dream you prophesy,
And I will love you.
Receive dreams! Goodbye!

"Good luck, love!"

Goodbye, love,
Ridna, my licorice.
With a wide heart I thank you
Dream more about me.

Wrap yourself in a carpet,
Close your eyes soon.
Aje, dear, sun, you are tired,
Goodbye, bye-bye!

“I want you to sleep well!”

I wish you to sleep well! Wrap yourself up in a carpet. Curl your beautiful eyes, and lay your hands thin under your head, like a child. Put you to sleep, like a fairy tale! Just remember you are forever guilty, that in the world you are the most beautiful for all! My love, I love you! Goodbye!

"Kohannya beautiful motives"

Love miracle motives
Have an opіvnіchnіy silence to sound.
Let your garno be nothing,
Let your soul enjoy.

Kohana, hai beautiful dream
Bring you bliss far away.
I light of a high clear sky
Rise of darkness and turmoil!

"Do not forget - you are alone in me!"

I send my SMS
So that you quickly closed your eyes.
May God send you a wonderful dream,
Really sink into the wine without a bar.

I write the lower words to you,
Don't forget: you are the only one in me.
Let me help the stars that month
You fall asleep right up to the wound!

"It seems that kohannya is like a dream"

It seems that kohannya is like a dream. And I tell you that this year at night you had a dream, similar to a kohannya. On our kokhannya with you! Let him be so self-critical and deep, lower and prejudiced, and let me be the one with the tongue! Dobranich Kohana!

"You are my people"

Ti is my people, kohana. I constantly think about you - lies, in the day, evenings and nights! And at once, going to sleep, closing my eyes, I kick you, I feel your voice, I watch your breath. And my hand stretches to the phone, so that the SMS will tell you about it and help you get it.

"The stars lit up again at the window"

The stars lit up again for a window,
Ale ti dear for them, dear.
Come sleep already before your hati,
Your eyes close again.

Lie down at the bedside, sleep in,
I love you more.
Don't forget about me
Kohana, goodbye!

"In the sky, stars have already begun to sparkle"

Stars were already shining in the sky, and it’s a joyful month to marvel at your window. The hour has come to lie down in the warmth and close your eyes, even if in a liech you will have the best dreams. The stench will fly to you specially for my promise, so that you know how much I love you!

"The cries of the birds were castled near the garden"

At the garden, the cries of birds were castled,
At the end of the month I smiled
I depend on your vіy
Quietly, quietly closed.

Come to your dreams
All your bazhanya is here,
De all mri for us two
At the enchanting kingdom of the all-world.

"See you tomorrow, kohana!"

My lower self sits on a Swedish train, comes before you, indistinctly sees your bed to the stone and sighs. And if you lie down baenki, hoarse you with kisses and quietly sleep in the colisco. And then, having thrown yourself, call me obov'azkovo, to indulge a good wound! See you tomorrow, dude! I check the call.

Too many people who look grown up in their souls are filled with children. Write a fairy tale of your girl. Of course, if there is a retelling of a story that you love, it will be a fairy tale, as you have come up with a special idea. The plot can buti be someone. Describe the princess come in handy, as she went for a walk to the fox. As always and buvay in such situations, robbers can attack her, otherwise the evil chaklunka lays her spell, prote in the kintsi can always be a miraculous poryatunok. However, they do not obov'yazkovo zupinyatsya on the classics. Your heroine can easily mother a dodatkov pair of hands green colors shkiri, mandruvaty on a spaceship and ryatuvati tsili planet. When shaping your history, do not forget to protect and literary likeness of a girl.

How can you see us? serious stoks with a maiden, vminnya tell fairy tales, you can become a plus for you, even if you can, you can tell children with a similar rank.


Nich is a truly romantic hour of dobi. Silence descends on the place that is falling asleep, people no longer scurry about in the streets, to hurry up, it’s not enough time to pass the crossroads, the place is filled with millions of fires, and you can see the stars in the sky. The time has come to speak one to one accept words. Write the girls, as if they are calling out to you, what suits you especially. The more details, the better. Feel free to write in more detail. Tell me, how beautiful your eyes are, how you need to breathe until you start and sigh in the meantime to save optimism from the twisted tail. Navit after that, like you with a pannochka, you help one to one to get home and lie down in a bed, the girl will re-read the rows more than once, like you wrote. І sni їy singly bachitimutsya priєmnі.

Don't go down to the woodlands - wideness is important in the windows, and you will know chimalo rice, like you are like a girl.

Dehto love hotter

Nich - this is the hour of passion. And don’t lie down at once, embracing, don’t care about showing you. Tell the girls about those, as if you wanted to walk in order with her, run your hand through her hair, kiss her, squeeze her to yourself. Or describe what you plan to work with a kokhana, if you run out of two. Better for everything, for your panna, they check to make a hoarse dream.

Hello everyone! At this article you know. I will describe beautiful receive sms girls for nothing, so you can win already today. It doesn’t matter, you only had one, but you see it all at the same time. Tsі pіdomlennya pіdіdіdut nezalezhno vіd obstavin. Just don’t tell anyone about this article, so that everyone will correct those themselves: smile:.

As if you already have old lines with beauty, it has nefariously attached itself to you and succumbed to death, then there is no great difference that I can write. You can’t think of something that you can’t think of, a garne of remembrance, a lady won’t grow up with you through someone else, it’s like it’s real to love.

But if you, for example, just spent the first day today, then it’s important that you write this evening, the shards out there can, in their thoughts, chat with you again and again? To go on a friend, why is it better to poke around for another lad? And in order to give emotions to the lady, to attach more to yourself, I will give you a little bit of receiving advice.

Otzhe, for example, you had one zustrich, but there was no sex yet. I recommend to write the next sms on the night:

“Solodkih dreams, small; :smile:. Kolya
Have a nice night spent: smile: »

Axis, one more garne sms girls for nothing, how can you write, like, for example, planning the day ahead:

“Solodkih dreams, Curly. Hang in there, look good tomorrow: smile: »

It is also necessary not to forget that all women love emotional reminders. And if you write a garne SMS to a girl at night, if you want to cheer up, then you will be more welcome. The І axis is one of the following:

“Let you dream of a bear in horny pajamas, honey from a bjolin’s nest, which pulls, on an old oak tree: smile:”

For example, you had a great evening, you were able to calm down the beauty, but there was no sex. At this time, I recommend the following advice:

“Let me dream about you, that I’m concluding your most important message: smile:”

If you type in Yandex or Google search, for example: “what to write girls on nothing” or “sms girls on nothing”, then you will know a lot of sites from different sources and vouchers in kokhanny. Ale, I do not recommend that you beat them, accept them, until the lady suffocates in you, and you will not have a serious suck.

First, and so wise, that you didn’t put them together. In a different way, if you look like this, you don’t help yourself. Such speeches are now, even more to give you more beauty. The best pardon, after such a woman, it seems: ““.

If you still want to correct some kind of virshik, then wonder if there were no good knowledge there, as well as phrases like: “you are the best”, “you are my belongings” and so on. You can talk about yak kokhannya, why do you not know one thing well? Robi bet on emotions. Nadsilai remind, if they could just raise the mood of the panel.

The axis is one of such SMS:

"Sleep little licorice-licorice,
I encourage you briefly:
so that I see dreams come to you,
kissed, pishov to the wound! :smile:"

There is nothing nasty in this verse. You just dream of licorice dreams. You can write something, even if you want to send sex a little more. More than that, after such a reminder, the girl thinks about you.

Axis, let’s take a text message, it’s impossible to write to Mrs. Until you don’t cry, that you won’t love you:

“Goodbye, my angel,
I love you with all my soul,
, mіtsno hug,
and know that I will manage for you! :smile:"

The information is well-organized, you won’t say anything. Ale, if you’re happy yogo maiden in the evening after the sack, then you’ll be better off for everything on the other zustrich, you just won’t come. You will be examined at the door of the kohanna and say that you are very confused. In this rank, you show your need for it, but it’s already bad.

First of all, what is practically all the same information on the Internet. Therefore, I recommend that you still write SMS not in verses, but in prose. It will be more efficient, plus the girl knows what you invented yourself.

You can create templates as described elsewhere, or you can fold it yourself. I think it's not so important anymore.

On whom everything is good. Now you know what to write girls in the night. Yakshto you far away to fold funny sms girls for nothing most, then shared in the comments.

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