What to write a person's text. SMS receive

The swedish development of the Internet and mobile communications became a post office for the development of various communications. For their meaning, the stench is beautiful, romantic, lower, dbaylivy and sms reception. Such reminders are welcome to take away whether you are a person. Vin feels necessary and stolen. SMS messages can be both friendly, affectionate, hearty, lower, mriylivy, and not blame can be amorous and important. Promoted on our portal, receiving your own sms is distributed compactly in one or two standard messages, which are transmitted by mobile operators. The stench does not succumb to the additions of works that are corrected by the greater or lesser side. SMS ready to overpower. You only have to choose a choice. For their obsyagog stink rozmіshchuyusya less than 140 characters. Tse borrows two standard mobile phone calls. Please your loved ones with respect and turbota. Your warmth will rush to the addressee for the treatment of illness.

Receive sms from a girl

The world has a lot of miracles, a lot of receiving mittevs. Ale, the most beautiful wonder - tse ti - the instillation of goodness that beauty!

Receive SMS to Kohanom lads

Life is more important than the mother's friend of the soul. For me!

Receive SMS to Nich Kohanoma

Even though I’m not with you at once, but I’m sending SMS my warmth, that hot kiss. Tse all you, my love!

Receive SMS

I'm just writing to you, to indulge a great day, my love, my love.

Receive SMS for dobranich

Tsієї nights let's go licorice dream come before you and take you to the garna of the country, where I will pierce you and lower the volume.

Receive SMS

With you, make it fun to be friends with you. I want to come visit more often. And sometimes - kiss and hug, lower words whisper in your ear.

Receive SMS boy

The warmth of your soul is not equal to anything. It is worldless and miraculous. And I can’t be with others, even if my sun is clearer!

Receive girl's words by SMS

Naycharіvnіsha i nayprivablivisha, naynizhnіsha, charіvna. You ask: "Who's out?". Tsya that girl, I love crazy. See the whole world at her, she reads sms at once.

Receive SMS girl on night

At your dream, a handsome boy will come, hug, kiss. Tse will be only me, adje ti my kohannya!

Receive words to Kohanom SMS

Your glance is beyond the sky, so beautiful and boundless. I marvel at your eyes and I think that everything will be wonderful with us!

Receive SMS kohaniy people

The warmth of my soul warms me up, I’m good with you, I love you!

Receive the words of the girl SMS

You promise the sun at my share!

Receive SMS boy

I send sms to Kokhan with good feelings, but I also send a licorice kiss and a warm hug. I love you - you are my happiness.

Receive SMS to Kohanom

If the order is so calm and warm ... come soon, it’s hard without you.

Receive SMS girls

Let your eyes shine in the light of your happiness, let your heart not be evil. I want you to be mine and always love me!

Receive SMS lad for nothing

My lagidne mowing, my sonechko, I pray for the nights of you calm and receiving dreams. My lower kiss to fly to you on the wings of a cohan, as if you read SMS, please call me.

Always receive SMS girls

Ty yak krinitsya with crystal water! I can't get drunk!

SMS receive the words of the boy

My dear little man, my cohan. I check with impatience, if the evening comes, I'll chat with you.

Receive SMS to a friend of a person

If you are in order, the light will be for me, I don’t need anything more, I love you more!

About the rules and the nuances povіdomlen.

Spravzhnє happy people and small happy joys. More importantly, as if giving joy to you, the most beloved person. You don’t need any golden weights, that one get out of the shkiri doesn’t need vilazit. Just a drop of respect and a trifle of fantasy - get it from the SMS receivers. Tse is not so important, but the charge of goodness will appear already from the wound. That one is light, unobtrusive "rosemarashka" during the day, looking at the phone calls will be nice surprises. How do you grow for a kohan man?

Let's start learning how to write SMS messages correctly. No, zrozumilo, zvichayno, scho push buttons vmіyut usі, ale іnоdі nіt і innocent SMS for the subscriber turn the hour of reading on the right inferno. That's why it's necessary to kіlkom rules:

  1. SMS cannot convey the intonation, the very one, as I understood the one who wrote it. To that, emoticons like propositions of obov'yazkovo will help you to say everything: you laugh at once, you can't.
  2. Bazhano is not corrected by the "auto-correct" function. Sometimes you go home curiosity, if through disrespect you hang like a fool, through a chitach you come to a stupor. If you are using "auto-correct", then double-check the text again.
  3. Have friendship with spelling and punctuation. And it’s not for the one that your person is quick to write, but for the one that the texts, written in a blunder, are easy to read. That one, honestly seems to be, does not farbue the lack of writing of a girl.
  4. Well, I know - folding when reading calls out for a long time. SMS messages are needed more than a dialogue, lower than an epistolary monologue. Navit that your boyfriend is not in a hurry to ask for your food, wait for an hour - it’s possible, if you’re busy.
  5. Don't laugh receive a message s z'yasuvannyam vіdnosin pіd hour of listing. If you really want to bring joy to your person, and not to snuggle with him, then rather get yourself like a mit, as if it’s going wrong.
  6. Small surprises, like SMS messages, are due to light ones, like repeated kisses, short ones, like shots, and often do not seem to change. Vіdravlyuchichi SMS, just think about those, like your kohaniy just laugh at once, after reading yogo.
  7. Revisit the text once again, addressing people, in whatever mood, and reveal: it would be worthy of you to receive such a loving message yourself.
  8. Don’t try to make a “surprise”, like a person is ahead of you, that at some hour you will be more busy (joy for kerm), but you, so mysteriously, still wanted to send SMS of a sexual nature. Tse will be out of topic, and it’s better to anger your young (or not more) people.

At to the current world it became difficult love notes. Grandmothers-tiles on the benches of the bіla pіd'їzdu no longer "mayut vaga": now the cameras creak and see "eyes", and even SMS messages, calls to the mobile phone and listing in social media - the bombs of the sovіlnenoї dії started.

If in you there is a friend of friendship with another woman, and if you really don’t want to “shine”, then if you speak at all these services, be careful - it’s less than an hour for appointments by a Kokhan. Tai ti, better for everything, in the new one’s phone is written not to his own names, but as Ivan Ivanovich and his robots.

And now you see the axis, as if you were wrong in the morning to pamper your wrong person with a SMS, and raptly vipadkovo, your squad is attacking the phone. And SMS such a message:

Kitty, good morning! I love and kiss!

There are three options here:

  • Tse 100% Kokhanka!
  • My man is a homosexual homosexual!
  • Yakys Ivan Ivanovich is clearly a hangover, and having confused the phone number!

Don’t think about writing to someone else’s soul. Perekonana, what is your friend’s position in the zone of this - you can murmur to me a couple of words from SMSku - what you love, what you sum, what you check for swearing. Ale better do not choke. I, the golden rule: I sang a zayvogo with my friends - turn on the phone, turn off the phone, otherwise you’ll make such speeches, don’t tell a lie if you want.

A message to a dear person

SMS native people guilty "smell the aromas of the day" (in a figurative sense, zvichayno). Rank SMS is due to "smell" badiory, freshness and positive, daytime - support and optimism, evening - mystery and erotica. For the most part of the stretch of the last day, you can be “charged” with reinforcements.

Cholovik - tse mayzhe your "blood". And if you have long been with the girl, and you have “settled down” the girls, the addiction has gone one to one, then the very short message of the building will destroy a little, that they have gone cold. Let's troch rozpodіli SMS on other parts and imagine the srazkovy mode of sim'ї.


You went first to work. Cholovik was left to sleep till his hour. You know, what a sleepyhead, and call you on the mobile phone with a ringing voice to rise. Win a sound and do not check anything else for you. And then raptom: dolin - the sound of SMS. And there is the text: “Get over, sonechko! Good early!" Well, there are more control times. Wouldn't it be nice for Yomu to wander around in the sight of such lagid words?


A robotic duster for everyone. My head is filled with thoughts about the right, get out-purely forget what is in you. Ale, the axis of the break, ty p’esh I’ll meet the filizhanka kawi and wake up like a robot. I think - well, how vin there, my head man, maybe you are tired, twisted, nervous. Zrobi so, schobi vin hoch smiled. Write at least one word: "I love you!" Do not take a lot of time, as a kind of balm for the soul, the word will be for your man!


It's an hour, if the skin wants to just stretch out on the sofa, so don't chip anything. Ale, your dear, on the way home, far behind the lashings for the sound of Suvoro: at once from the threshold it will be wrong, prichipki, food. And then you take it and come to you and see you SMS: “My dear, I can do it without you! I prepared a delicious evening, I check, I can’t! I'm in a different mood!

Maizhe Nich

You are still spinning in the kitchen, but you are already lying down. It's like sex hasn't been bulo for a long time, but you want to. Well, why don't you throw youma through the wall of the messenger: “Money! I want for you! I'm in the shower and soon you'll be in the lizhko! Vin, obviously, we can pretend to be sleeping, but it’s better to destroy yoga for everything in the face of incompetence. Little tricks, but what an effect they have!

Message for the betrothed

Your person is a future person. Then you need to especially try with your imagination and literacy, even if you still need to be serious about your life, calling you. More affection in words, without intrusive behavior - just be kind.

The world practically did not have an hour for romance. It would have been better if it was foldable in order to learn how to write a kіlka receiving lines lad, which one do you like? However, it's not that simple. If you were called upon to write a sheet or a reminder, read up on the rules that will help you fold it correctly. What should youmu write?

First, start writing the text, decorate the paper with a frame with a drop of spirits. Give people an understanding that writing is fine and romantic nature. Obviously, the topmost of the leaves are the rows themselves.

If you write people, as you know, then put your thoughts on the sheet. Papir endure everything. Do not try to embellish the picture, so that the lad can believe in one thing, but when you paint, you will happen to really understand why everything is different. Vіdnosini are not guilty of deceit.

Well, if you write a young person, in a yak you have died for a long time, then describe your feelings. Do not varto dryly hang out your emotions for the good. Be generous, be yourself! As if you are familiar with your feelings, then it is easier for you to grow rich with a leaf. Begin the first rows with a statement to yourself. Tell me who you want to describe to yourself. You are guilty of intriguing yoga, but do not push. In such situations, it is even more important є gra.

The sheet can be taєmno podkinut in the swirl of the jacket and the robotic steel. Another option is to correct the post.

How to write what I want yoga

If you want intimacy, you may as well tell about the lad, write him a note or a sheet. Do not start a conversation from phrases about kohannya chi tugu. Here your task is for the one to zatsikaviti lad. Thinly pull the yoma, it's evening on the street, you're alone at home. Usі natyaki mayut but thin and hateful. Not to love a man, if the woman is thin and straight forward. There is an important trick here. Write the lower words, tell you that you want to stick your lap lips. With stretches, you can pidshtovkhnut lad to diy. Remember that men check for a woman's signal before the onset. You should be so afraid that your respect will be misjudged.

What to write youmu in sms

Banal reminders, like you often write one to one, do not cry out everyday emotions. Varto urіznomanіtnіti listuvannya. Unseen SMS vrantsі chi nіch zdatne deliver great joy to the people.

In the depths of the soul, all the lads love the lower and caress. Read more about non-standard training before the new one. Guess what you call yoga most often. It is important to know that you want to continue in the future, you need to choose the right words for the reminder.

If a person sees your trouble about something, he himself would like to silence you with receiving electronic sheets. Vіn nadsilatíme you comedy laughs, virtual kvіti. So I will show you that you have lost yourself in a riddle, but have appeared as a strong girl. Insanely, modesty embellishes a woman, but she is strong enough to become eternally quiet, who is ready for the first time. The hours are changing, not varto get over them, like a boy, but say at the hour of a special morning about not going out. Є Internet, telephone, paper and pens. All thoughts that almost can be called out in such a rank. So cheer up the lads and give them a chance to look at you from both sides, even if they help people to better recognize one about one.

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