Where do you know a good orthopedic traumatologist? Doctors-orthopedists. If you need to go to the traumatologist-orthopedist

Rukh is an invisible part of a person's life, one of the most important functions organism that works for the rahunok of the robot and the musculoskeletal apparatus. Damage to your functioning can be irrevocable, it is so important to turn to a specialized orthopedic doctor, which is a good ailment of the locomotor system, depending on the individual characteristics of the patient.

Orthopedic doctor: what is the purpose of the doctor? The specifics of the activity

Vіdpovіmo on the width of the question: "Orthopedist, what kind of doctor?"

To the structure of the musculoskeletal apparatus enter:

2. Links (fibroznі spoluky, scho zv'yazuyut cystic structure);

3. M'yazi (supply of m'yazhi fibers);

4. Tendon (part of the m'yazіv, scho vіdpovіdaє for їх fixation to the brushes);

5. Fascia

The doctor's competence is to include a consultation, an orthopedist to marvel at the visible ear structures, clinical diagnostics of a patient with advanced referrals to the appendage (MRI, ultrasound, radiography, etc.) or laboratory diagnostics (analysis building).

On the basis of taking reviews of patients and the results of the obstezhennia, the orthopedist develops an individual plan of treatment, accompanying the patient for a long therapeutic period, calling for yoga reviews, and also posterizing the dynamics will become on repeated examinations.

When to make an appointment with an orthopedic doctor? Symptoms of disease of the musculoskeletal system

Symptoms of illness of the musculoskeletal apparatus, as a rule, manifest themselves in:

2. Damaged functions;

3. Damaged sensitivity.

The main symptoms of illness of the musculoskeletal apparatus, if you need to make an appointment with an orthopedic doctor, are:

Bіl near the village of the afflicted village, or rather near it;

Obmezhennya I will oblige ruhu; impaired function;

Deformation of the damaged plot (loam, ridge);

Damage to the axis of the kіntsіvka (for example, a broken hand);

Change of soft fabrics (strings, blues, change of color of shkiri);

Local temperature rise (hot loam);

Names (for example, at the hands, feet);

Damaged sensitivity.

Treaselly bearing specially respect, the apparently calling of the ushjnnya at the icorimanni injuries (not destroyed by Kyntsivka, the smell, the blasphemy Shkіri) not to talk about the inside of the Ushkod. damage to organs or tissues (for example, in case of fracture of the ribs)

If more symptoms appear, it is necessary to choose the shortest orthopedist in Moscow, relying on advice from the Internet resources. They gave me an appointment with a highly qualified orthopedist.

You can get a competent consultation from Moscow both for a fee and without a cost. Zzvichay, tse lie down in the qualification of an orthopedist, and signify a clinic - a medical center, where an orthopedist is admitted. Signing up for a cost-free appointment with a shorter orthopedist will be supplemented by special promotions, which often lead to clinics with high and low prices.

As the consultation is cost-free, the patient is able to pay extra money, for example, on orthopedic linings, so you can bring more crust, lower paid reception of an orthopedist. For the care of patients, the paid admission of a doctor is practically always accompanied by the services of a paid service for a fixed price. The cost-free reception of an orthopedist does not in any way goiter the patient and you can take a consultation of a good doctor without the risk of vitrate.

Reception and consultation of an orthopedic doctor in the center. Why marvel at the orthopedist?

The first appointment with a doctor, consultation of an orthopedist in Moscow is by appointment and includes:

Take an anamnesis, which may be on the examination of Rozmov with the patient.

The doctor should put food about the presence of skarg, early illness and injuries, which may cause mothers to be directly related to health problems in orthopedics.

With which doctor, it is important for the orthopedist to know about ailments, which, at first glance, do not lie down to the lowest ailments. It is connected with this, for example, one of the causes of rheumatoid arthritis is the ingestion of streptococcus in the bed and away from sitting in the swamps, for example, after a sore throat, for example, if a person fell ill.

Coming stages of the first appointment with an orthopedic doctor on the record:

Overview of the function of the tip/ridge;

Carrying out specific tests, directing to appointment characteristic rice that stage of illness (clearness of deep sounds (crepitations), difficulty with vanishing / loosening of the swamp (contracture), swelling, hot swamp on palpation).

After the completion of the primary appointment, after a look at that consultation, the orthopedist can recognize the patient as having a diagnostic disorder, directing on a detailed examination of the eyelids, on how to tell the patient that cause of illness.

Diagnosis of diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Diagnosis of ailment of the musculoskeletal apparatus is an indispensable stage in the process of being treated by a doctor, as it allows the orthopedist to identify ailments and її causes, steps of ushkodzhennya, and also fold. report plan jubilation on the basis of the obtained results of the obstezhennia, and not only the patient's opinion about the camp of the body.

In the fallow, in the doslidzhuvano region, the orthopedist at the diagnostic center in Moscow prescribes the following diagnostic methods:

1. Radiography (visualization of bone tissue and articulation);

2. MRI, magnetic resonance imaging (research of soft tissue ulcers, ligaments, tendons, ridges);

3. CT, computed tomography (look at the cystic structures in large sections, flats);

4. Scintigraphy (shows the accumulation of radioisotope materials that are collected from the changed tissues);

5. Ultrasound (visible superficial ear structure of the tip);

6. Arthrophonography (recording the sounds of the parts of the knee nodule, what to rub, what indicates inflammation (arthritis, synovitis), arthrosis and in);

7. Biomechanical follow-up (verification of the rhythmicity of the movement, the determination of the dynamics).

Shards, as a rule, with a detailed obstezhennі likar do not rely on one method of diagnostics, with the specified specifics of disease of the musculoskeletal apparatus, the orthopedist can recognize laboratory diagnostics: the building of analyzes (with the examination of patients for the past 40 years).

It is necessary to note that magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the most requested diagnostic method through absolute safety, affordable price and accuracy in the diagnosis of ailments of the musculoskeletal apparatus, which can be changed by reading the opinions of patients from Moscow. So, for example, the results of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the doctor orthopedist identified non-epithelial post-skeletal tissues of m'ulcers, tendons, fibrous plates, features of the skeleton.

What is the best orthopedic doctor?

The results of the investigation, which the orthopedic doctor can marvel at, allow him to put together the first recommendations, designate a plan and a complex algorithm of treatment, which the patient is guilty of taking.

In general, if the ailment of the cystic-malignant system, as a good doctor, the orthopedist can be divided into:

The most wide-spread ailments of the skeletal-mucosal apparatus, like an excellent orthopedist, є:

spondylosis (changes in the structures of the ridges near the ridge);

Grizhі (change of the disk of the ridge, removal of one part of the ridge);

Rheumatoid arthritis (inflammation of globules);

Enthesopathy (inflammation of tissues on the surface of the loam, capsular-binding device);

Gouty arthritis

A good orthopedist, for the guidance of patients, does not only treat the disease of the musculoskeletal apparatus, but if necessary, directs the patient to the shortest specialized doctors in Moscow - a neurologist, traumatologist, rheumatologist, endocrinologist

Comprehensive treatment, stored by an orthopedic doctor, including:

Invasive procedures: intra-coagulant and non-colocoagulant injections (corticosteroids, hyaluronic acid preparations, platelet-rich plasma). Їhnya main diya - znyattya inflamed, pain syndrome;

Physiotherapy: manual, ultrasound and strum therapy;

Massage (spraying blood circulation);

Exquisite physical culture, arranged according to an individual plan, it is directed to the change of mind;

The DIAGNITION OF THE DIAGE OF KISTKOVO-M'YAZ systems can also be called up to SERYOZNIKH, non-charity Namyldkiv, who are pleasing zy zbum at the rukhi function organism, and the meaning of the duplicity of the Likari orthopedum, and the bucket of the same.

If the receiving patient needs to take into account the recommendations of the orthopedic doctor: conduct healthy image life, eat properly, engage in stimulating physical education - swimming, fitness, jubilant gymnastics, and also take a preventive look around and sign up for an orthopedic doctor in your own time, as if you were the least ill.

The best doctors of orthopedics in Moscow.

Orthopedist– a doctor of the surgical profile, which specializes in the diagnosis of those anatomical and functional damage from the side of the cystic-m'ulcerous system, which are blamed for the development of diseases, diseases and injuries. Orthopedists actively use arthroscopic techniques, often undergo advanced specialization in arthroscopy. Іsnuyut uzky directing orthopedics, such as surgery of the cyst and the ridge. Tsya discipline is closely related to traumatology, rich fahіvtsіv one hour mayut qualification of a traumatologist. On the other hand, orthopedics between rheumatology, in the past, there is also a disease of the musculoskeletal apparatus, but also within the framework of the therapeutic approach.

If it is necessary to turn to an orthopedist?

For the improvement of the purpose of receiving an orthopedic consultation, it can be literal-diagnostic and prophylactic, for the improvement of the multiplicity of examinations - primary and repeated. It is possible as an independent record before fahіvtsya, so I follow the referrals of a doctor of a different profile (traumatologist, rheumatologist, neurologist, etc.) to clarify the diagnosis, confirm or exclude orthopedic pathology, certify nutrition about the operation or recognition of admission. Call the first visit to the orthopedist in a planned manner, if necessary, an extra glance is needed:

  • Planned consultation. It is indicated in case of previous symptoms of damage to the function of the musculoskeletal system, or progression of manifestations of earlier revealed orthopedic disease. The cause of the malignancy may be shortness or deformation of the tip, curvature of the ridge, or worsening of the pain syndrome, dehydration of the function, swollenness of the swelling of the snow.
  • Emergency consultation. Necessary in the event of a rapid onset of severe symptoms. Most often, it is necessary in cases of intense pain syndrome, difficulty in supporting and ruhіv chi accumulated rіdini in arthroplasty and natomіst arthrosis of various genesis.

Repeated admission is carried out according to plan, the results of laboratory and instrumental investigations, and the establishment of a residual diagnosis, the appointment of a transfer of medical visits, control over the passage of illness on the dynamics, correction of the treatment plan, a decision on the necessary methods of hospitalization are assigned.

What is an orthopedist?

Orthopedists treat anomalies of development, swollen ailments of non-traumatic etiology and further traumatic ear infections of the bones, slush, m'yazyv and tendon-ligamentous apparatus. Sometimes the sphere of activity overlaps with the area of ​​competence of other fahivtsiv. For example, post-traumatic deformities in the order of orthopedists are rejoiced by traumatologists, ailment of the ridge by neurologists and neurosurgeons, orthopedists and rheumatologists can treat ailments from deyakim subarachnoid pathologies. There are such groups of pathological states that require consultations with an orthopedist:

  • Congenital anomalies of kіntsіvok. Variations in development (due to failure or underdevelopment of the end segment), congenital contractures, dysplasia hip joint, spawning wih stegna, etc.
  • Foot deformities. There is a wide variety of pathologies of congenital and inflated genesis, which include clichon-leggedness, various forms of flat feet (including hallux valgus deformity of the first toe), deformities, and anterior foot injuries, paresis and paralysis.
  • Curvature of the ridge. Damage, scoliosis, pathological kyphosis and lordosis, mixed forms of spinal column deformities (kyphoscoliosis).
  • Degenerative disease. Osteoarthritis of various etiology (post-traumatic, which developed on the aphids of congenital waters and swollen ailments), osteochondrosis, spondylosis, spondyloarthrosis, spine instability.
  • Pathology of soft tissue structures. Injured tendon, attachment and tendon bags (tendinitis, enthesopathy, bursitis), due to the peculiarities of professional activity, or vinickly for the obviousness of other orthopedic ailments.

Due to the non-specificity of symptoms and the availability of orthopedic assistance in the capital, orthopedists most often first reveal rheumatic ailments (rheumatoid arthritis, Bechterew's disease), benign and evil newborn cysts and soft tissues, yakі in the farther away, they are drunk. An important branch of orthopedics is sports medicine.

How to get ready for admission?

It is necessary to take a hygienic shower, pick up that comfortable robe, which allows you to look around and, if necessary, easily take it off. For the obviousness of the already diagnosed orthopedic pathology, follow the preparation of medical documents, which are necessary for sickness: records of the history of illness, x-ray signs with descriptions, visnovka of doctors for the results of ultrasound, MRI, CT and other mental instruments

How do you go to see an orthopedist?

The standard consultation of an orthopedist includes a number of steps that allow you to add up the evidence about the circumstances of the blame and the dynamics of the development of ailments, scars, and objective changes that appear during physical examination and vicissitude of additional methods. The final step in the process of acceptance is to make a diagnosis and designate judicious tactics, as you can transfer judicious approaches within the framework of a consultation or a positional framework. The first appointment is carried out according to such a plan:

  • Z'yasuvannya skarg ta anamnesis. The healer experiences a sick person, clarifying the age of the disease, possibly provocative officials (injuries, supernatural physical distress, however, ruhi) and nayavnі skargi. For the presence of relevant documents, the orthopedist received radiographs, transcripts, visnovki of other facivists and other medical documentation.
  • Zovnishhnіy glance.У ході фізикального обстеження лікар оцінює особливості постави та ходи хворого, проводить вимірювання для визначення обсягу рухів у суглобах та різниці в довжині кінцівок, іноді застосовує спеціальні методики (наприклад, плантографію), оглядає зону ураження для виявлення набряку, гіперемії та інших симптомів, здійснює пальпацію .
  • Appointment of diagnostic tests. Diagnostic technique of the "first equal" in orthopedics - radiography. Fahivets can recognize standard signs in the main or main and additional projections, functional radiographs with focussing and other. For obviousness, the indication of the drug is directed to MRI, CT, ultrasound and other equipment studies, laboratory analyses.
  • Come in jubilantly. The treatment plan is formed after the results are obtained, it can include medical therapy, physiotherapy techniques, critical operations and manipulations. Small procedures (for example, puncture of the snow) are counted for the first hour of the first and second consultation. If you need surgical treatment, the ailing person can be seen directed to the orthopedic hospital.

Triviality of orthopedic consultation may be dependent on the nature of the pathology and the obligatory need for judicious visits. Repeated reception sounds short for the first one and follows a simple scheme, the shards do not affect the anamnesis of life and illness, the detailed assessment of the status of the infected is low.

Give the opportunity to hold the ceremony of the most important tasks. The medical staff of the capital are highly qualified doctors of all categories, so without a little bit of modesty we can say that the reception of patients is made up of the best fahivtsy.

Qualified personnel

The name of the candidate is the associate professor and professor, as well as various assistants with a great certificate of scientific and clinical practice. At the moment, Moscow clinics are laying the foundation for the protection of health, which are developing, so that they can accumulate at their walls all the rest of the reach of medical science, actively promoting them in a splendid and diagnostic practice. The capacity of the building for traumatology at the rich clinics of the capital allows to serve approximately two thousand patients on a daily basis.

About those who are surgeons-orthopedists have deserved the honorable recognition and the most popular rankings with Internet ratings, it will be mentioned below.

Savchenko Sergiy Volodymyrovich

For over ten years, this doctor had changed at the plantation of a senior doctor-traumatologist, after which he became the head of the department of surgery special recognition at the hospital of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. This specialist may need skills for both term and planned medical assistance in case of any injuries and ailments of the cystic-loam system. On the expanses of the All-World's Web of Wines, having earned a rating of 5 ++.

What do people say?

Consultation of an orthopedic surgeon should be done frequently. Here and vipadkovі injuries, and sickness of the organs of the apparatus of the rush, and aggravation of other ailments, which led to problems with brushes or snowdrifts.

People tell that, having worked for their lives like charlatans, they are good fahivtsiv, they are equal to modern medical services. Speaking about Sergiy Volodymyrovich, patients call this orthopedist a kind doctor, a professional with great letters. Ailments remind you that the wines of the building are laid out on the shelves, always carry out the investigation and give the necessary recommendations.

As a rule, when looking at the doctor, the patients will take everything they can see. Adzhe vіn zdatny vіdpovisti on all the hvilyuyuchi food and prescribe the necessary likuvannya vidpovіdno until I become healthy patients who have returned.

Many people tell that the appointment of an orthopedic surgeon is miraculous, and the patients are again filled with satisfaction. Illnesses call Savchenko competent and remind you that you should be familiar with the dues, like you give it to you, it is accessible that you understand everything to your patients.

Negative feedback

Deyakі z people, yakі turned back to Sergіy Volodymyrovich, evaluate this doctor on “Thursday” and explain to them that in some cases they just drink their faces, and then after that, they will be appointed to them, if it is necessary, you will be given, without such a rank, yakі suffer. The authors of such opinions vvazhayut that fahіvets skhіlny to kolivánі sumnіvіv, and soznayut, scho vіn just іnоdі bає not іn mood, wanting yogo dosvіd yоk іrurgik-orthopedist, yomu sіd prаciuvati s more vіddachey.

Dubinsky Artem Igorovich

This surgeon has a rating of 5++. Dubinsky is a miracle surgeon, a traumatologist and an orthopedist who specializes in reconstruction, rehabilitation and plastic surgery of his patients from all kinds of traumatic defects. In your practice, the stagnant methods of renewal of the physical form are quiet, who is engaged. Tsey fahіvets on high eve volodіє tekhnіkoi shock-kvilovoї therapy ear and injuries.

People's thoughts about whom fakhivtsya, prote, are ambiguous. The deeds of the patients signify that their visit to Artem Igorovich is formal. In addition, it is necessary to indicate that consultations have already been carried out and that it is necessary to confirm that this doctor gives reports and precise recommendations. Patients especially value yoga for their respect and respect for them.

Negative feedback

A number of people say that Dubinsky, having reportedly learned the history of his illness, that he turned back to the new one, said that the operation was necessary, that he did not always show the correct decisions. And also apply consultations, within the framework of some of those, who, having turned around, exchanged thoughts, what they, used to, did not go into taking away the final information from their food. In this rank, the doctor does not start the building to give new vіdomosti, which are worthy of that hour. Patients are overwhelmed with satisfaction, as Artem Igorovich accepts them.

Simonov Anton Borisovich

He is an orthopedic surgeon, who can confirm conservative treatment of deforming arthrosis of great humps, various pathologies, fractures of the bones, as well as the diagnosis of subacromial decompression. Vіn to carry out plastic surgery, directing to reinstate the great loams, tendons, ligaments and osteosynthesis of the bones. The surgeon knows the methods of chondroplasty and arthroscopy. In addition, I am a member of the arthroscopic council of Russia. The global rating on the website of reviews about Anton Borisovich is 5++.


Seeing from the observations of the patients of Simonov, we can say that we are satisfied with the illness, like a new one to pass by. The doctor serves constructively and immediately after looking around, he clearly establishes the diagnosis. Also, the reporter rozpovidaє sledovnіst podіdovnіst dіy dіy komentuє nebhіdnіst nіstіvnіnіnі opіlіnіy, if without іt improvement іn іt zdorov'ya і quiet, khto zvіdnіvі, immozhlivі.

Patients mean that Anton Borisovich is respectfully placed before the sick, vislukhovuuchi їх. Vin does not know the problem of the person and expresses his own thought. In their comments, ailments are blatant that they want to go through the exuberance of the new one. Simonov is considered to be the best orthopedic surgeon.

It is important that this medicine has a high practical and theoretical base, as well as viviren methods, such as exacerbation, and consultations, in the course of which patients show symptoms, which previously could not have been marked by other doctors. We are ill with the efficiency and conciseness of the procedures carried out by our fahivtsya. Yogo is often recommended to other patients.

Until the minus, the passage of caution at Anton Borisovich’s ailments brings on depressions, if some consultations were held with the doctor to finish the winter and over it. Buvay, scho the surgeon nadto hastened to recompense for food, moreover, it is short and not understandable for his patients.

Golubev Volodymyr Valeriyovich

Orthopedic surgeon at the clinic "Simeyna".

He is a candidate of medical sciences, a doctor of the highest qualification category and a neurosurgeon, who uses the technique of spinal surgery, as well as laser reconstruction of the intervertebral discs, operations for fractures of the spines, as well as stabilizing spines.

During their lives, within the framework of the treatment of orthopedic problems, patients see anonymous doctors: neurologists, chiropractors, surgeons, and they are left with little knowledge, and Volodymyr Valeriyovich is one of them. How to tell ailments in one's own minds, no one had previously described to them a clear picture of ailments in such a way as to rob the very same doctor. Vіn zavzhdly establish the true cause of the illness of your patients, which is the most important disease.

Yogo is called which is promptly given the necessary medical attention, in detail everything is explained and explained before forgive people with due respect. Those who at least once were taken to the reception to Volodymyr Valeriyovich, may be namir and far away, pass by his new glory.

In this rank, to finish a lot of patients means that they knew their doctor. People, who have turned back to Golubev, are convinced that the wines are widely encouraged to help them. Illnesses will be paid for the exact result of your treatment with the doctor and highly appreciated yoga on the website of reviews. An orthopedic surgeon may be highly qualified. So i є Volodymyr Valeriyovich.

Samiev Said Davlatovich

This miraculous diagnostician, consultant and practitioner thoroughly completed the Volodya with methods of metal osteosynthesis and arthroscopic achievements. In his activity of wines, professionally vikonu such manipulations, like taking the puncture of the snow, adjusting the vivihiv of the great snow, that skeletal twisting. For this purpose, osteosynthesis of tubular brushes of the hand is being established and the method of placing sutures on the tendon of the m'yaziv rozginachiv and zginachiv is established.

  • Current Orthopedics: Metal from the memory of the form in the treatment of hallux valgus deformity of the foot (revealing a traumatologist-orthopedist) – video
  • Recommendations of an orthopedist: how to reveal a flat-valgus deformity of the feet in a child, likuvannya, vibir vzuttya, massage - video
  • One of the best child orthopedists in Russia: the main orthopedic diseases in children, recommendations for early detection and treatment - video

  • The site provides additional information, including for information. It is necessary to go through the diagnosis of that likuvannya ill under the supervision of a fahіvtsya. Usі drugs and mayut contraindications. Consultation fahіvtsya є obov'yazkovaya!

    Book an orthopedic appointment

    To make an appointment with a doctor or for diagnostics, you just need to call for a single phone number
    +7 495 488-20-52 near Moscow

    +7 812 416-38-96 near St. Petersburg

    The operator will listen to you and redirect the call to the clinic, or I will accept an appointment for an appointment until you need it.

    Or you can press the green button "Register Online" and leave your phone. The operator will call you back with a stretch of 15 minutes and give you a specialist who will answer your request.

    At the moment, the appointment is being made to fakhivtsiv and to the clinic in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

    Who is an orthopedist, orthopedic traumatologist and orthopedic surgeon?

    Orthopedist- The doctor, who specializes in the field of orthopedics, as he is a medical field, who is engaged in prevention, diagnostics, healing and rehabilitation of people, as they suffer from various deformations of the bones, m'yazv'yaz. That is why, for some reason, a person has a deformation of the bones, lumps, ligaments, or m'yazyv, then he corrects the same defects and the orthopedic doctor himself.

    Various deformations of the cystic-loamy-myazovoi system can be caused by various causes, such as trauma, congenital vadi development, tribal fuses and illnesses. However, regardless of the cause of the appearance of deformation of the cystic-m'yazovo-global system, an orthopedist is engaged in correcting them.

    Orthopedics is closely related to another medical field - traumatology, as it is engaged in the diagnosis of various various diseases of m'yazyv, cysts, suglobiv and zv'yazok. However, traumatologists see and rejoice at the "fresh", not long ago ushkodzhennya of the cystic-global-mucosal system, such as fractures, stretching, tearing of the m'ulcer and tendon, and so on. And the axis of orthopedics shows that exultant deformities of the bones, m'yazіv and suglobіv, yakі became perceptibly long ago, and they managed to heal and fix themselves in the wrong position.

    As a result of close links in traumatology and orthopedics, these medical disciplines are combined into one specialty. Tse means that after graduating from the institute of a doctor, some kind of internship or residency for the specialty "orthopedics and traumatology", taking the qualification of "medical traumatologist-orthopedist". After completing the internship and residency, the doctor can work at the department of orthopedics and traumatology. It is not possible to pass an internship or residency for a fach or orthopedics or traumatology, and, obviously, to get the qualification of "orthopedist" or "traumatologist". These disciplines are one specialty, like "obstetrics and gynecology".

    Obviously, the term "orthopedist-traumatologist" is the correct name for the specialty of the doctor, who is involved in the manifestation and treatment of injuries and deformations of the bone-clay-m'yazovoy system. Ale, krіm tsgogo, term "orthopedist-traumatologist" in addition, one invests and іnshiy zmіst - that the doctor can at once, like a traumatologist, take care of the pain, and like an orthopedist, he can treat the deformities of the cystic-m'yazovo-suglobovoy system. The name is simple "orthopedist" To clarify, there is a sense in the new one that this doctor is directly involved in orthopedics, and traumatology is on a different plane.

    Due to such peculiarities of terminology, as in humans, it is more foldable to have bones, loamy, m'yazіv or zv'yazok, if it is possible to give deformation to the bone-loam-m'yazovogo apparatus, then it is necessary to go to the orthopedist-traumatologist and use the shortcomings, and then carry out a correction of the deformities that have been caused. Well, if a person has a deformity of the bones, suglobiv chi m'yazіv without acute ushkodzhennya, then її usunennya next to an orthopedist, who is purposefully engaged in tsієyu galuzzi and is admitted to traumatology.

    term "orthopedic surgeon" transfer of a specialist, which can be carried out not only conservatively, but also surgical treatment (operation) of various deformities of the bones, swollen, m'yazyv and zv'yazok. In principle, traumatology and orthopedics are the same surgical specialty, as a volodinnya may be on the verge of performing operations. But in practice, not all traumatologists-orthopedists perform surgical interventions, some doctors specialize only in conservative therapy. To that, if it seems to be an "orthopedic surgeon", to be on the verge, that the doctor is happy with the deformation of the bones, and the m'yazyv is not only conservative methods, but for help surgical operations. Obviously, if a person has a deformity of the bones, lumps, m'yazіv or ligament, which requires prompt treatment, then he should turn himself into an "orthopedic surgeon".

    An orthopedic doctor can use both conservative and operative methods to treat deformities of the bone-loam-mud system. So, for example, contractures, klishonogіst, congenital vivi stegna rejoice with conservative methods for the help of plaster casts, scoliosis - for the help of corsets and a specially broken complex physical rights, etc. And the axis of the curvature of the bones, paralysis, rupture the tendon is rejoiced by operative methods, repairing operations to restore the normal position of the bones, tendon transplantation, etc. Independently in addition, it is necessary to quickly or conservatively treat deformities of suglobs, cysts or m'yaziv, doctors-orthopedists widely vicorist various orthopedic extensions, such as linings for the braces, corsets, prostheses, and shinogiolziv devices.

    A trace of memory, that orthopedics is more like a great medical eyeball, which is the legacy of which it has straight lines: surgery of the ridge, internal joint operations, prosthetics of the joint. Obviously, different doctors traumatologists-orthopedists can specialize in the same direction of orthopedics and traumatology, in connection with which not all doctors will take care of any orthopedic or traumatological pathology.

    Child orthopedist

    A child orthopedist is a goal, who specializes in the field of diagnostics, prevention and treatment of deformities of the bone-m'yazovo-suglobovoy system in children of any age (from people up to 18 years of age). A child orthopedist does not look like a mature person in any way, for the blame of the fact that his patient is a child, not a mature person.

    The sight of a child orthopedist in the field of specialty is broken by the fact that doctors need to know the peculiarities of bones, suglobivs and m'yazyv in small children of a different age, as well as the shortness of their growth, and to be safe during additional therapy. Through the power of the children, the peculiarities of the growth of bones, suglobiv and m'yaziv, the children of orthopedists - the whole medical specialty.

    What is an orthopedist?

    The orthopedist is engaged in the manifestations, prevention and treatment of offensive deformities of the bones, lumps, m'yazyv and ligaments:
    • Congenital vadi development of kintsivok (for example, congenital varicose veins), deformities of the neck, chest and ridge;
    • clubfoot;
    • Scoliosis and other damage put;
    • Krivoshia;
    • Deformation of suglobiev after trauma or after chronic illness (for example, deforming osteoarthritis, aseptic necrosis of the head of the stenocyst);
    • Osteochondrosis of the ridge;
    • Deformations of the hands chi nig, scho blamed on the aftermath of injuries or whether they had suffered illnesses;
    • Arthrogryposis (congenital disease, which is characterized by deformities and undiagnosed cysts, swollen and m'yazyv);
    • Brushes or good-natured plumes of brushes;
    For the treatment of re-treatment of people who are already ill and becoming an orthopedic doctor, one can use both conservative and operative methods. Conservative methods - the combination of likuvalny physical culture, massage and special outbuildings (orthopedic pads, braces, corsets, plaster casts on top of that), as they are superimposed on the deformed pads of the bone-loam-m'azovoy system. Trivale by conservative methods, which will require participation in the process of therapy of the patient himself.

    Operative methods of treatment - the sequence of various operations, which are carried out with the method of usunennya deformation and restoration of the normal state of bones, elements of suglobiv, zv'yazok and m'yazyv. Operative treatment in orthopedics is carried out, as the deformation of the bone-loam-mud apparatus cannot be corrected by conservative methods. In the course of operative treatment, strictures can appear, mucus and ligaments are sewn up, and prostheses are introduced.

    In his work for diagnostics and control over the effectiveness of the treatment, the orthopedic doctor zastosovuє only instrumental methods of obstezhennia, for example:

    • CT and MRI (computer tomography and magnetic resonance imaging).
    Different blood tests and other biological roots for an orthopedist do not give a diagnostic value, the scales do not allow specifying the nature and localization of deformities, as well as the stage of ushkodzhennya of the cystic-m'yazovo-clay structures. Therefore, for the primary diagnosis, the orthopedic doctor does not give direction to various analyses. However, before the beginning of therapy, and especially before the surgical treatment of deformities of the cystic-clay-mud-malignant structures, the orthopedic doctor prescribes different blood tests, cross-sections and feces, in order to evaluate the human body and the level of readiness for the body before delivery.

    What types of behaviors lead to the appointment of an orthopedist?

    Before an orthopedist, it is necessary to go to the hips, if a person has some kind of age, or there are visible deformations of the bone-clay-mud-mucosal system, or periodically blame symptoms that indicate the presence of such deformations. Tse means that it is necessary to go to the orthopedist, as if a person is turbulent, whether it is lower education, or symptoms:
    • Krivoshia (he was sick and killed and down with the impossibility to put his head straight);
    • Be-like deformations in the swamps (for example, crookedness, impossibility to bend or break the swamps too thinly);
    • Whether or not deformities of the bones (for example, distortion of the pelvis, curvature of the bones of the chest, legs, arms lean);
    • Be-yakі porushennya put;
    • flat feet;
    • clubfoot;
    • Zvichni vyvihi stegna chi shoulder;
    • Osteochondrosis;
    • Zalishkovi appearances after the postponed poliomyelitis;
    • Difficult, painful, or obmezhenіst in ruhs in any kind of swamps;
    • Zazyatі, persistent pain in the swamps, arms, legs and ridges;
    • The need for rehabilitation after injuries;
    • The need for selection of prostheses and orthoses.

    Appointment (consultation) of an orthopedist - how to prepare?

    To take the most effective and informative consultation of an orthopedic doctor, it is necessary to prepare before admission. For whom should I guess, if I have a problem myself and I have a problem with the link, then the drive of such a person is turned to an orthopedist. It’s also important to guess how the illness developed - if it started, it progressed with some kind of rapidity, which led to a stronger degree of deformation and other nuances. In addition, it is important to tell the doctors about the whole range of symptoms (pain, stretching, stretching thinly), which are blamed for the sloping rukhіv or in the calm deformed village of the stone-m'yazovo-loam apparatus. All the information is given in the best possible way in a concise way to write it down on paper, and at the reception of the doctor, or just read it, or tell it, looking through the summary, so that you don’t miss anything and don’t forget.

    Oskіlki likar-orthopedist obov'yazkovo conduct a physical examination, then deformed the board next to it, remove from it the bandages and other attachments that vikoristovuyutsya with the method of polypshenya will become independent. It is also necessary to dress yourself in such a rank, so as not to slander the litter, or handlessness in the process of arranging before the doctor.

    In order for an orthopedist to make a diagnosis and sign of healing literally in one go, before consulting a doctor, you can perform an X-ray or tomography of the deformed area of ​​the cystic-loam-m'ulcer system. For each person, the prints and visnovkas should be taken from you for reception.

    In addition, at the appointment with the orthopedist, it is necessary to take all the obvious x-ray signs, tomograms, ultrasound records and other reports, as they were broken earlier on the deformation of the bone-loam-m'ulcer system (yakshcho, obviously, so).

    Where do you get an orthopedist?

    Zagalni vіdomostі

    An orthopedic doctor can practice both on the basis of a medical institution, as well as in outpatient clinics. Prote orthopedist zavzhdi vede priyom s urakhuvannyam outpatient clinics. At this time, orthopedists can accept patients at municipal polyclinics, rehabilitation centers, orthopedic sanatoriums directly or in private medical clinics. Apparently, you need to go to the orthopedist for an appointment, you need to go either to the polyclinic for accommodation, or work, or to the rehabilitation center for people with damage to the musculoskeletal apparatus, or to a private clinic, or directly to an orthopedic sanatorium.

    Orthopedist at the clinic

    At municipal polyclinics, at the regular office, there is a settlement of a traumatologist-orthopedist. Because the doctor’s rate is occupied, then you can go to the orthopedist, signing up for an appointment and taking off the forward direction of the ticket from a long-term therapist. If the polyclinic actually does not occupy the position of an orthopedist, then it is necessary to turn to the head of the polyclinic and take it from a new referral for a consultation to an orthopedist in another outpatient-polyclinic deposit.

    Orthopedist at the rehabilitation center

    You can go to an appointment with an orthopedist in a rehabilitation center without a referral from a long-term therapist. Enough to know the schedule to accept and sign up for a consultation at a free hour.

    Current Orthopedics: Metal from the memory of the form in the treatment of hallux valgus deformity of the foot (revealing a traumatologist-orthopedist) – video

    Recommendations of an orthopedist: how to reveal a flat-valgus deformity of the feet in a child, likuvannya, vibir vzuttya, massage - video

    One of the best child orthopedists in Russia: the main orthopedic diseases in children, recommendations for early detection and treatment - video

    Before zastosuvannyam, you should consult with a faculty member.
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