Magic squares of abramelin. The story of Abramelin: the work of the Holy Guardian Angel. Father, you didn't beat your angel. What are you doing now

"Any time, do not try to beat the square, given in the "Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin", until you complete the operation. In addition, until you complete the square, and do not begin to prepare for it, mother this book will be full of foolishness. may shillnіst vіlnyatisі and work speech for vlasnoy іnіtsiаtivu, їхні results are not worthy of you.

Nebizhchik Philip Hazeltine, a brilliant young composer, won one of these squares, so that his team turned to the new one. Vіn neatly virіzav yogo on the hands. I don’t know how Vіn was getting ready to go to work, but then the squad turned around safely, after which Vіn suddenly put his hands on himself. I changed the translation of the rest of the paragraph through the sources, in my opinion, creating the text by translating the original - approx. hipparion)*.

A. Crowley "Magic without tears", ch.20 "Talismany. Lamen. Pentacle"

*The rest of Philip Haseltine, a young computer genius, beat one of these squares to take his wife to turn to the next. He engraved it neatly on his arm. I don't know how those that I'm timid to put on the job; alé yogo wife came back all right, and a very short time afterwards he killed himself.

Who is Heseltine?

"For history buffs: Philip Arnold Heseltine was born at the Savoy Hotel in London for the year 1894. He is an English composer, critical, and editor renowned for his songs and for his editions of Elizabethan music. Vіn vikoristovuvav yoga real name, first for everything, if literature & editorial works are selected, with the inspiration of his own name Peter Warlock for yoga musical work. As many are numbered among Aleister Crowley's circle of friends, we don't know what Heseltine's involvement is. However, magick's interest is believed by many to have been his downfall. The catalyst began when his wife left him. Vіn bv the great world in love with him and romances, which are known among their number of people, like victorious black magick in order to take yoga. Although he boasted that he had succeeded in getting her back, in the other world he failed, losing both his mind and his soul. Under the hour of the remaining twenty, it became obvious that Heselina was under a serious thought and life in general, to become unrepentant in the 1930s. Dark moods of depression over-took him more frequently than not. For example, on a birch chest 17th 1930, man, as if alive above Heseltine in Yogo Chelsea byt woke to sounds Heseltine logically closing all windows and locking the doors. I don’t think that the third side, but continue the struggle, won’t live. Stop, vin zm'yazavsya strong sheep gas, scho go z pіd yogo doshkoy і in the zone. She immediately summoned the Police who broke open the door and found Heseltine lying fully dressed on the couch. He was dead of coal-gas poisoning. For the rest of the rock, if Aleister Crowley wrote about classic talismans, he won Heseltine like a butt of magického being applied wrong". Rules for folding the Great Square of Abramelin. Tsey square of appointments for the will of the subject, naturally you yourself will understand this infusion to get your karma. More precisely, this square serves for the construction of such an action, only as it is really necessary, the frames for doing it vary at great boundaries. For example, you can beat it like a lucky break, so bad luck like love, like hate, the resultlie in the sight of your bazhanya, the strength of the result is in the depths of the bajannya (tobto an emotional charge). And so it is clear that for the beginning of this magical operation, there is a need for a reason that is supported by your emotions. More precisely, emotion for charging the square, and a thought (the reason is clearly formulated), as if there will be a potential action. For the creation of the square, papyrus is used, for a thin one, papyrus papyrus (shards of papyrus can be used for energy-conducting properties). The expansion of the square has no particular meaning. Naturally, oskіlki tse SQUARE usі sides can be equal. Now let's get down to writing. We write whether it is a well-written letter, backwards along the horizontal of the square, then, starting from the first letter, we write the same word vertically (Reporting to the little one), the number of letters - at your discretion, depending on how to lay only the size of the square, but not strength. A square, indications for a little one, creations for a successful kohanny, and the main warehouse word for a square is “HAGIT” (Spirit of Venus).

The main word of the square can be like a double letter, just with a variety of names (more precisely, pseudo-names) of entities, which can be directly related to the implementation of what was conceived,the power of the square grows. Otzhe, having turned the smut word, we continue to fill in the square. Mustache words are not cyclical, like there is no sense. A charge from the basis of the butt of a distant filling of the square Now, more headily, under the hour of writing the skin word, you are guilty of charging the square with new emotions. Love, hatred, anger, spontaneity, ... those emotions, like you call out a potential subject, - for whom you are planning a further injection of the square, - you are guilty of helping and charging the square more strongly, when writing a skin letter, visualize it a little and feel a charge at the square (You can for help visualization). Mustache? But don’t relax, you’ve loaded the square, - you can pass your hand over it, as if the sensitivity of the hands and palms has been wounded by a sufficient world, then you see a strong charge of energy, but you didn’t put a yoma met. Again, the other stage involves the creation of the methi. Clearly formulate why you created this square. Now know the approximate center of the square, and, concentrating, send your idea to the central point. All Great Square to Abramelin is ready to win. Dіє vin at zіtknennі z subject, on what may be added. For example, you can inadvertently put the square into a pack with us, people get behind us, reach the square and that’s it, or you can put the square in your hand and take care of the subject, with the energy of the square being handed over, it will close with the subject, and that is already enough for zdіysnennya. The term “deposit” is your own name, and then sound “dee remember” in 7 - 20 days

HAGIT - the spirit of Anael, led by the planet Venus.
FIL - the spirit of Gabriel, guarded by the planet Moon.
Phalen is the spirit of Samael, guarded by the planet Mars.
DARKHUL - a platform for the devils, roaring the devils.
BETAEL - miracles performed by Jesus Navvin.
VOAEL - spirit primar, bring.
ZAIMEL - the spirit of the thunder wand.
Getatia - the spirit of prophecies.
TETATIA - the spirit of knowledge.
ALEPTA - the spirit of ancestors.
BETEL - the spirit of knowledge.
GIMEL is the spirit of the Primars of Adam.
DALETE - the spirit of the earthly paradise.
FALET - the spirit of masculinity.
KAMAEL - the spirit of courage, victory, light of the Son.
TGAAANTHEL - the spirit-spirit.
GANIEL - the spirit of a precious stone.
OFIL - the spirit of piety.
VERALIAN spirit of love and passion.
BOSUM - the spirit of the world of the dead.
KRAM - the spirit of the earth cowards.
FAGOTT - the spirit of the scoundrel, the Punishment of God.
SHIRKH - the spirit of thunder and bliskavki.
BARAEL - the spirit of wealth, maє the form of a deer.
GURAM - the supreme King of the mental world, knows all the information of the All-world.
NETONIEL - the spirit of good luck.
DIVACHI - the patron saint of princes.
Beliabel - the spirit of life force.
GRIZL and DROKHLO - the spirit of the informer.
GETANIEL - patron and helper of magic.
OVCHIEL, OESHIEL, OSEKHTEL - lead through the dark worlds

Holy magic of Abra-Melin
The structure of this practice can be described as follows:
The first book is an autobiography, addressed to the author's son, Lamech. Another book - outside Zagalny description ways of awakening magical powers.
The third book is the means of reporting these forces for the recovery of impersonal magical results.
Abraham witnessed that, having taken away the system of sacred magic from the magician Abra-Melin, he affirmed that he had especially and thoroughly attained the greater part of the miraculous results described in the third book, as well as riches of others, not known in them.
The meta in this practice is formulated in an offensive rank: for the help of purity, that self-proclaiming, reach recognition and spiving with your guardian angel, so that you can gain the right to victorious evil spirits like servants in all material rights.
Such is the system of the Mystical Magic of the magician Abra-Melin, vikladen and divided right up to the most important details, we will teach Abraham the Hebrew.
The third book is given to the practice of clarifying the Kabbalistic letter squares, like pantacles, and the value of which is given by victorious names in them.
Avraham the Jew repeatedly repeats that this system is sacred to the magic of Abra-Melin and is based on bondage. Pentacles and symbols of value as a leveled and stable basis for gaining magical power; But if the operator is not able to get to them by strength, the stench is filled with more inanimate and miraculous schemes. Prote in the hands of the dedicated, who truly spitted their zmist, the stench becomes a mighty defender and helper, who supports and cherishes the will of yoga.
David and Tsar Solomon could trespass their enemies in mittevo, but the stench did not hurt like that; in the inheritance of God himself, who does not punish, as if there are no evils. As soon as you follow these rules, you will be given by your holy guardian angel these symbols, as if you go lower and impersonal others. Let the fear of God be in front of the eyes and in the heart of the one who has the divine wisdom and Holy Magic.
magic squares Abra Melina

Talisman clairvoyance , helping to bachiti the past and the future. Take the Symbol by your hand, put yoga on the top of your head, and the Spirit will help you secretly to all those who care about you.

Talisman of Friendship helping to gain friendship, be it a human being, and make a pardoning friend look like a true one.

Talisman knowledge , allowing you to easily take away knowledge in a be-yak_y gallery. Take the Symbol in your hand and say what information you require.

A talisman for the transfer of a future looking-glass for help , put the symbol in front of the mirror and ask what you want to know.

A talisman for the transfer of the future for help to the fire , put the symbol under the candle and ask about those who want to know.

A talisman that protects against black magic

A talisman that helps to find out about be-yaki secrets. Stick to the Symbol, loudly name the people whose secret you want to know, and the Spirit will whisper in your ear.

A talisman for treasures. Carry a symbol with you, and the Spirit will show you your belongings. If you put a symbol on your belongings, then the wine will not go into the ground and you cannot be blamed. Be some kind of spirit, some kind of yogo to protect, enter, and you can pick up the belongings, like zabazhaet.

A talisman that relieves physical pain. On a sick place, put the Symbol and deprive it of yoga for about a quarter of a year, then tidy up and save it in order to beat it for another time. If you go about the inner ailment, then you are guilty of laying the Symbol (down on your side, de smashed the writing). There is no need for trouble, for example, the Symbols will be better and better, but all the same, make them better, so that they don’t succumb to them, and nothing, the Crimea doesn’t take them to the hands.

A talisman that relieves the headache and confusion. Put the symbol side down, dezroblenі write on the bare head of the patient. There is no need for trouble, for example, the Symbols will be better and better, but all the same, make them better, so that they don’t succumb to them, and nothing, the Crimea doesn’t take them to the hands.

Talisman for the sight of wounds. On the bandages of a sick person, the bandages are cleansed, on ointments, compresses and bandages are put on the bandages. There is no need for trouble, for example, the Symbols will be better and better, but all the same, make them better, so that they don’t succumb to them, and nothing, the Crimea doesn’t take them to the hands.

Talisman of a kokhannya. Helping buti cohanim.

Talisman of passion. Helps to achieve physical closeness.

A talisman that helps to reach a specific person's talent. Vimovte in the voice of my people, whose love you are at home. As well as possible, kindly put this symbol directly to the body of a human being.

A talisman that fires a witch.

The talisman calls out to the fortuneteller among women.

A talisman that helps to greet the elders for their lives.

A talisman that helps to look young. Take symbol left hand and lead them in the face.

Charm Talisman, help to enchant people and subdue your will. Symbol next bury or hide there, de imovirno pass needed people yakscho it is possible, it is required to get to the new symbol.

The talisman helps to open the doors. Hit the castle, whichever you want to mark with a symbol (on the other side, on the wrong side of the ink), and the wines are silently opened silently or without stumbling. If you want to close yoga, stick to that side of the symbol, nothing has been painted on, and you will close again, without leaving the traces of the day that you shouted it.

Talisman of wealth. Dopomogaє shvidko reach dobrobutu. Put a symbol at your hamanets, fill in yoga there.

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