The dual model of staff training. Dual training system

1. Insufficient understanding of one’s goals, abilities and minds, as if one could be created for the promotion of dual education

The dual form of education- One of the possible forms of organization of the lighting process practice-oriented professional education. It is necessary to understand that it is not for everyone to go and do not wait. Well, it’s clear that the form has been pardoned - to blame the problems. The Crimea of ​​dual forms of training is based on other forms of training that are victorious both in Russia and beyond the cordon within the framework of practice-oriented professional education. Tse organization of practice at the working place within the framework of the educational program, started at specially owned working places at the structural subdivisions of the lighting organizations (at the workshops, laboratories, primary firms, at the training grounds, resource centers, etc.). As a rule, these forms are combined or mixed together through the specifics of direct training (for example, for the social sphere, the sphere of services, the service is an effective form of training in specially owned working areas at structural subdivisions of lighting organizations). Blindly chasing fashion (and dual education has become a fashionable phrase at once) - it means to change the program from time to time. To begin with the following analysis of the minds of the illuminating process, which are necessary for the college. It’s necessary to analyze the meta, smarten up the robot, use that ability, to organize a dual form of training, or if you want to pass through these elements, it’s not easy, but it doesn’t mean that it’s impossible to improve the quality of a graduate’s professional qualifications.

Have a higher meaning dual education- the same form of organization, implementation of the lighting process, as far as possible theoretically trained in the lighting organization, and practically - in the organization of robotics.

In a wide sense dual lighting- a central infrastructure regional model that ensures the interoperability of systems: forecasting the needs of personnel, professional education, professional self-appointment, assessment of professional qualifications, training and promotion of qualifications of pedagogical personnel, including tutors at work. They are mutually regulated by a consensual, collegiate system of governance.

2. Stupin svіdomostі organіzatsії, yak zaluchaєєєєєє up to dual navčannja, that statutory framework that signifies the rights and obligations of the parties

The dual model of the enlightenment of Nimechchini may have been trained to the system of professional education of organizations of robotics as providers of lighting services(With the right to receive training in free software programs in Russian terminology). In Russia, as in the rich countries of the world, it is impossible to implement a dual model in such a format.

In Russia, in the legislative system and for the singing tradition, which has historically evolved, Law on lighting which absorbs in itself all yoga equal. Since the 90s of the last century, the legislation in our country did not transfer the designation of any goiters for the organization of professional enlightenment from the side of the organizations of robotic workers through those who have ceased to be sovereign from them. For comparison: the law of 1974 clearly defined the functions of the enterprises themselves, for example, together with vocational and technical schools. Narazi spіvrobіtnitstvo is carried out on a voluntary basis.

It is necessary that the robots give the benefit of the training. If the robot supplier does not predict the need for personnel at the nearest 3-5 years, if it is not possible for the employer to pay for the training and income of the trained staff (so that we will give the qualifications of the people to the staff, then we will take the job for the active work), zaluchennya robotodavtsya before the whole process. This is one of the main risks.

The Germans have an idea, which has long been formed, about the dual education of both roboticists and practitioners in the field of professional education. They are mutually appointed by federal legislation. In case of dual training, about 25% of roboticists take the fate. If the acceptance is not the same as the initial one, it may be supported by the singing vimog. Ale, this is a good decision. Nіmechchina, of its kind, is one such country. You can also talk about Austria in a similar way, because there is a dual training system for junior lads from 15-16 years of age. However, in the majority of the krai, all the same, the legislature has not passed such a law. The dual form is effectively chosen for the training of adults (in Russian terminology - in additional professional education for professional training).

3. Working space and training program

Today in Russia, the dual training is called the most promising directly from the trainees of fahivtsiv for the fate of great business. For enterprises of medium and small businesses, it is still difficult to manage (it will require significant personnel and financial resources).

Study plans are formed from the improvement of the propositions of robots. That is why students at the main auditoriums sing, we are in front, those who they need to be in the middle of the field, on the basis of which they have taken the first hour of training at the head office, qualifications in line with the professional standards, who are working on the field. On the basis of their needs, robotic workers can not only provide professional training, but also social and psychological qualities, to form a specific message to educational organizations. Tshomu has the advantage of obmezhennya (rizik) of the dual system.

Our tradition is to give enough wide professional training, we have a high number of high-profile disciplines: with a holy light. For a dual training, it is important to concentrate on professional qualifications, which is guaranteed to work with a song wages. A person is advised to choose a simple way of life, a simple profession, but, if necessary, go out, spend in a “wide” training, wanting, in principle, to continue studying for programs of higher education. At Nіmechchinі zv'yazok mіzh qualіfіkatsієyu and working place people are absolutely obvious. In Ukraine, the qualification system is being modernized at the same time. Don’t start a suspense - students, fathers, pіdpriєmtsі - clearly razumіє, like a working place to spend that chi іnshiy graduate. Mabut, as long as you know diploma market, but not qualification market.

Dual system professional education as a complex model of education. Theoretical preparation is carried out at the initial mortgage. A practical part is organized without intermediary at the work place. Within the framework of such a program of undertakings, applications for a specific number of fahivtsiv are to be submitted. Start by laying down the training programs for the participation of roboticists. Practice for students is organized for undertaking without input into the process of taking away theoretical knowledge.

Foreign dosvid

Formerly, dual illumination was provided in Nimechchyna. Її dosvіd sogodnі vvazhaєtsya vzirtsem for the entire ЄС. The dual education in the city of Germany includes asking for excuses from the institute of mentoring, which is characterized by the active participation of entrepreneurs in the training of personnel. Tsya model navchannya maє kraїni zhorstkі zakonodavchi framework. Dual enlightenment is realized with the participation of the craftsmen and chambers of commerce and industry.

Model values

The dual system of illumination is a miraculous possibility for the enterprise to prepare personnel for improving the features of one's activity. Within the framework of the program, the training reaches the maximum capacity to the needs of the organization. Krym tsgogo, pridprijemstvo zaoschadzhuє koshta for search and prіdbіr personnel, їх retraining and adaptation. The duality of enlightenment allows you to choose the best teachings. The future specialists themselves will have a good motivation. After the completion of the training, the stench will be guaranteed to be processed at the enterprise. Next name, what is the name dual illumination a positive rank on the reputation of companies, their image on the market of working resources. For small companies, yakі bazhayut take part in the programs, but do not think it's possible to organize high-ranking masters, form international chiefs for the support of the chambers of commerce and industry.

Colors of the model

The dual enlightenment is aimed at accepting the development of self-reliance and pain-free adaptation of young specialists to an adult life. The programs are broken up in such a way that already at the beginning of the hour, the stench will begin to take the wine city for its own work. The dual enlightenment ensures a smooth entry into the working environment, including various stresses, associated with lack of knowledge of that theoretical knowledge. Metoyu program є navchannya novice vykonannya specific obov'yazkіv, and th formation vmіnnya pratsyuvati kolektivі, social competence and vidpovіdalnostі.

Injection into the car

Practice for students without a break in the field of work ensures the constant progress of training within the framework of the programs without interruption. More recently, 14-year-old students have become students. In the present hour, among them, more and more often, they are full of mature young people, like a solid base of knowledge. The skin of a student can have a certificate of education. However, many of them do not hasten to enter the university, voluntarily pursuing a profession. The whole is primed. Aja, the city of enlightenment does not give such knowledge about the cultivation as a dual education. This fact is given to programs of special significance at the reach of career heights.

Significance for the state

The order, which provides dual education, effectively solves the problem of training qualified practitioners. In the German economy, the priority in the sphere of education is to lie more importantly on enterprises. For the data of statistics, the companies carefully spend more than 40 billion euros on the advancement of the qualifications of spokesmen. Tsya suma signifi- cantly shift the display to morning cherries. The State shall ensure the training of specialists in enterprises, and finance the development of the vocational school system. The main function of the order is the coordination of the legislative base.

Regulatory security

Nіmechchina adopted a law that regulates professional education, that "Remіsniche ukladennia". Qi normative acts are regulated by the interplay of young people with enterprises and initial mortgages. Companies have been appointed by law, so they can take a part in dual enlightenment. Іz 3.6 million organizations zadіyano pіvmіlyon. Regulations on the training of personnel are accepted by participants in tariff negotiations - business structures and hiring workers. Introduction to the warehouse of the ministerial district. Minpratsi, at his desk, fold the Regulations on education. It regulates the exams.

Mіzhvіdomcha vzaєmodіya

The fundamental ideology of partnership was designated by the Federal Institute of Vocational Education. On the basis of the new Minosity of the FRN in cooperation with other institutionalized departments and ministries. In the federal lands there is a Post-Iyna Conference. From her take the fate of the minister of illuminating the skin administrative unit. On the skin territory, control over the activities of all professional schools is carried out, development of typical provisions is being developed, the security of the warehouse and the installation of programs are being coordinated. The competence of the land ministries also includes a legal review and interaction with the regional chambers for the nutrition of professional education. Until the last day, the control of the presence in the organizations of the necessary minds for students, as well as the formation of examination commissions, will be included. As a result, the country is provided with a single head office for the possibility of territorial units to carry out specific tasks in the field of vocational training of personnel.

Sanctification from Russia

Do not do so well in the vіtchiznіy sphere. Prote on the rank-and-file level, a post-robot is being carried out to improve the situation. Zakrema, already signed for cooperation with the regions, they won the competition of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ACI). Dual lighting in our country will be introduced in 10 regions: Yaroslavl, Kaluz, Sverdlovsk, Ulyanovsk, Volgograd, Nizhny Novgorod and Moscow regions, Krasnoyarsk and Perm regions in the Republic of Tatarstan. The signatories took the fate of both the region and the Agency, and the Ministry of Economic Development, Industrial Trade, Pratsi. Crimea, the parties were the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the Russian-German Chamber of Commerce. Director of the Agency D. Peskov announced that the program was supported by the president of the country V. V. Putin. At his envoy to the Federal Assembly, the head of state spoke out on the promotion of models of training, effective for the formation of a highly qualified cadre of personnel. The President spoke of the inspiration that the Russians were illuminating the way to a new course. Programs navchannya, his chergoyu, mayut became zagalnopriynyatimi models.

Project "Dualna osvita": characteristics

Broken transmission model initial mortgages that regional power. Spіlne finansuvannya podgotovki spіvrobіtnikіv pіd konkretіnі robochі mіstsya zdіysnyuєtsya by kompanіy, yakі zamovlyаyat cadres for themselves, thаt by the bodies of subjects. Varto designate that dosvіd dual osvіti near the kraїnі vzhe buv. Proto-year programs are being promoted in the minds of the unplanned economy. Undertakings, like zatsіkavlenі otrimani vysokokalіfikovannyh cadres, to pragmatic virіshuvati problems and razdіlyatі vіdpovіdalіnіst іnіdgotovka fahivtsіv.

Program manager

The development and implementation of the dual education project is aimed at ensuring the daily level of professional training and retraining of personnel for priority schools of advanced high-tech manufacturing within the framework of state-private partnership. The main tasks of the program are:


This effect of a fully qualified system for training qualified personnel can be taken for granted, that part of the efficiency will be taken by representatives of the business community. At the same time, a joint zone was created between the state, robots and primary mortgages. How to designate fakhіvtsі, dosvіd provodzhennya dual ї osviti beyond the cordon can successfully zastosovuvatsya in the Russian Federation. Today's legislation allows the implementation of this model for the improvement of modern minds. Prote, posture doubtful, dosvіd foreign partners require adaptation from Russia.

The dual system of training is the widest, most popular in the midst of young people, the trajectory of professional development of FRN.

Over 50% of graduates in the middle schools of the Nimetchchini, for the sake of the national advanced state of the country for the development of professional education in 2012, rob the trajectory itself. The system is on the verge of practical apprenticeship for a profession in the undertaking of a theoretical one at a vocational technical school.

Russia is not particularly interested in the dual system of education. Professіyne osvіtu be-if it was thought without vzaimozv'yazku z virobnichoy sphere, without proper rank of organized practice.

In the Radian period of our history, the principle of spіvpratsі osvіtnіh organіzіtsіy іz hromаdskі and labor collectives, patronage of pripriєmstv over illuminating installations, development of the system of mentoring on virobnіstvі, support of young specialists were appointed by the legislator. So, in article 64 of the law of the RRFSR "On People's Education" of 1974, the fate was about those who "enterprises, establish that organizations create necessary mind that initial-virobnichu base for carrying out professional training workers in the field of production and control over their training”.

At the twisting hour of the 90s of the 20th century, the tax was paid on the basis of a centralized state power mutual relations collapsed, but the need for the new one, wisely, could not arise. They just needed new mechanisms that would give new minds a social and economic development. The dual system of learning in the present began to be seen as one of the possible mechanisms.

On the SPILELA OSKAINNI, for the sake of such, the president with Montering, the duski tsilovikh firing is a social-tender socket of the Russian Age 23, 2013 Roku Vitetir Putin Zatin, the Necokhokhny Nabir Mechanism, “so that the future fahіvtsі could get the necessary newcomers without intermediary in the undertakings, and the one who is already working, instantly improve their qualifications, change their profession, as appropriate, and the sphere of activity.”

“I respect the need to think about how we can revive the institution of mentoring. It’s rich who is quiet, who today successfully works on the field, has already gone through this school, and today we need contemporary forms transferring the certificate to the enterprises,” the President of Russia said.

“Training of highly qualified workers, engineering personnel for the real economy is not a corporate, private task, a central national necessity, one of the main minds of the day-to-day improvement of the productivity of practice, but, as you know, one of the keys head of the development, "- voicing wine.

From the initiative of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives from March 2013, the system project "" was launched, for which 13 subjects will take part in the competitive selection Russian Federation. Depending on the appointment on the ACI website, “dual education is a type of professional education, for which the practical part of the training takes place at the work station, and the theoretical part - on the basis of the lighting organization. The system of dual coverage of the transfer of cooperative financial programs for the training of personnel for the specific work of commercial enterprises, the approval of qualified personnel, and the regional authorities, the development of the economy and the development of the country.

And it's not a secret that in this country's world it was not possible to repeat the German dual system. Might not be worth such a task from Russia. To deserve respect and understanding, adaptation to the vocational system of professional education of the surroundings.

It is important to think about how you defy the system, to work with a unique one for other lands. It is important, the oskilki of Russia can have sufficient potential, to know your own ideas for your own uniqueness, choosing the best evidence.

Translation of materials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the FRN, specially prepared for the Russian audience by the specialists of the Federal Institute of Professional Education of Germany (BIBB).

The German system of dual vocational education was molded by the stretch of the century. With what understanding "dual" describes vocational education, organized and organized by undertakings according to the principle "on the job", to which the theoretical education in the state professional schools is added. In Nіmechchinі zmіst program navchannya appoint the state and business association for the participation of social partners. Under the TSOMU, the Practical Khimogi is in vimony, the power of the spiral is the theoretical knowledge, according to the zyal -strip system of the Minimalnu Yak Udov. A number of daily professional achievements within the framework of professional education are given respect for social competence, competence, for example, for self-reliance, discipline in the field of work, practicality and building capacity to bear the responsibility. At the moment, in Nіmechchinі you can get enlightenment for the dual system for 344 professions.

At the borders of the dual system of organization of robots, they invest significant sums of money for training in enterprises. They send materials and a working form for students, finance a warehouse for recruiters (mentors) and pay for the training of students during the training period. However, these investments must be true to oneself: by propagating the education without any intermediary in oneself, undertakings can be carried out systematically and long-term personnel policy. In addition, during the course of the training, you learn how to work the chimali deposit at the factory without interruption in the business, and for certain specialties, the “return on investment” is already on the third stage of the training.

From the system of duality, everything is enlightened: enterprises take personnel, as if they are more likely to support their recruiting workers. It's a shame for practitioners that the zavdyaks of otrimanoi stink stably take away their payment for their work. Seeing him by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry with a certificate of professional education confirms the fact that they are recognized by the entire country of professional qualifications. The power, as it invests great sums like in the creation of professional schools, and in the preparation of recruits for these schools, otrimu qualification of personnel - the most important official of a successful economic development for a three-valued future. And yet, we have a solid professional training that gives young people a long-term professional future and their own and life prospects. Professional training laying the foundation for successful independent entrepreneurial activity. German order seems to be: "Craft is a bottom of gold." About the important role of this suspіlno-political aspect to note the "Arab Spring", in the course of which there are prospects for young generation, including the unemployed with great illumination, prepared without urakhuvannya suspіlnyh needs, has become a catalyst for turning points.

It is an obvious fact that such a collapsible system cannot, in the shortest term, be transferred to other countries. Forte, already carried out about 100 visits, which are spiraling on the main ambush of the dual lighting system, and for the preparation itself with an orientation towards practical robot, you can basically improve the qualifications of the work force. Before such visits one can see, for example, the integration of probation in the process of training, interdependence of the state-run primary centers and enterprises, or orientated on practical needs, come in to improve the qualifications of employees in professional schools.

Presentation to the Federal Institute of Professional Education of Nimechi for the international education

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