Mykola Litau Apostle Andrew. Yacht "Apostol Andrew". Record of the most famous sailing of the yacht "Apostol Andriy"

The yacht “Apostol Andriy”… was called to Tver, and in 1996-1999 it sailed around the world on all four oceans. There was no such history in the history of light navigation. Yacht captain Mikoli Litau.

In 1991, the fate of Mykola Litau with the English journalist and yachtsman Michael Clarke, a dream to pass on a yacht around Europe through Russian inland waters. It is true that at that time the camp was bright, that in the internal waterways of the SRSR it was possible to walk less under the radian ensign. Dmytro Shparo, Mykola Litau and yoga assistant Arkady Gershuni helped the English create their own mind. Since the price is more expensive, Mykola Litau and Arkady Gershun have sprung up their yacht. Litau turns to the solid designer Valeriy Konyukhov. On the 7th leaf fall, 1992, the fate of Litau and Gershuni was to sit near Tver in the kitchen of Konyukhov. Here the words “Pivnіchniy river route” sounded more firmly. On the right in that, until the end of the twentieth century, for a long time the world did not pass the line. And the axis of the Pivnichny Ice-White Ocean did not pass under the glass of anyone! Dmytro Shparo's Club supported this project. The yacht is obliged to start from Murmansk or St. Petersburg, go through the Pivnichne Sea and the English Channel, turn the Atlantic into the meridional straight line, round the Miss Dobroya Nadiya, go through the Indian Ocean to the exit near Australia, go to the Pivnich River to the Pacific Ocean, near the Pacific Ocean to Murmansk Pivnichny sea way. For whom the bula is needed is not just a cruising yacht, but a chauvin, a building vitrimati tested by storms, water, sinter, and a brand - by ice.

At that hour, Mikola Litau had already moved to Tver. At the same time, the team was formed from the life of the yacht. Tver yachtsmen have gone before her. All the time, as long as the yacht was there, name it a lot. Different names were promoted, but the same did not fit them. I also turned back for help to the Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Alexiy11. “In support of such an initiative of my own and calling on your prohannya, I respect the fair date of the yacht to be called “Apostle Andriy”. So they did it.

Navkolosvitnya is more expensive "Apostol Andriy" rozpochav near St. Petersburg 14 leaf fall 1996 year. It was impossible to call. The Finnish inflow, the first stage of swimming, was already grimacing with ice. "Apostle Andriy" virushiv literally unbearably. Zbіg at the fact that on the 13th leaf fall of 1996 the first issue of the Tver newspaper "Karavan + I" was born, so I am editing the dossi.

For an hour of sailing, the yacht was covered with icebergs. The yacht was attacked by 20-ton whales. Newspapers wrote about it and films were shown. And the less prominent engineer, designer Valeriy Fedorovich Konyukhov, like before, worked at Tver behind a drawing board and a computer, creating new yachts. Yesterday we chimed in with him. We got home, after that, how the Volga will rise from the ice, we will go on a yacht at a little more expensive, but we can discuss more.

Gennady Klimov

Zamovlennya books Gennady Klimov -

You have made three more expensive prices. What inspired you the most on our planet?
It’s easy to cheer someone up at once, hello to worldless foolishness. You come to the point of the earth, and already you approximately show what is there. From the other side of the world, as I saw, but maybe a hundred lands, the entire continent and the oceans, I was struck, maybe, by Antarctica. You go day after day, day after day, above you the sky is low, low darkness, you don’t bachish anything, for a long time the sire is strong, but on the other hand, on the other hand, the dome rises up and opens the dome - screaming around the curve of Antarctica. The sun is shining, calmness was before you and the Antarctic peaks can be seen for a hundred kilometers ... Such a sight, obviously, do not forget! Ostrіv Velikodnya on me having done more serious damage. A small island, a small population and a thousand stone bovvanivs. Up to 20 m curls! I can’t tell you, why do people need to destroy such a titanic robot?

How is a team recruited for more expensive trivalis?
I call all the people, and I can only sing if the people will be in the crew. Some similar decisions had to be praised for the next hour of swimming. In the middle of the ocean, I obviously can’t land on a deserted island like a krizina, but in my practice there were a few drops ... It’s like they asked me for a round-the-world regatta as a captain. That's right buv commercial project. And two lads said that they had paid pennies, then they could behave, as if it were a good thing. They did not realize that the sea has other rules. I have visited one of the islands near Panama. Right on the food birch. It’s not a deserted island, obviously, once every two days, a medical fly arrives there. Also, "heroes" were vryatuly).
If 20 years ago it was before sailing on the yacht "Apostol Andriy", I intuitively saw that the members of the crew were not younger than 30 and not older than 50 years, but they were yachtsmen, physically healthy. For example, at the Tver Medical Academy, the crew went through the sanitation - they all saw their teeth ... The century's qualifications were broken, even though I had read that Amundsen was about such a century and recruiting people from his expedition. But it’s not like a brand for a long time, obviously, but if a person was like me, even with her it’s necessary to spend a lot of days at once ... As if the doctors wrote off one, they endured a lot of things for 6 months, and the rest of the drop was those who got drunk on the crew a dance of alcohol. On some island, they gave us її. My hands were occupied with hand-shaking, and I asked the doctor to take a little dance. We seem to be by the sea. I show the doctors: “Come on, dance, it’s obvious to the right!” You see, there is less than one dance per person for a month, it’s not a drink, it’s less ladies’ perfumes. And here the doctor declares that there will be an important ghost, and they started, that the dance was given especially to you ... You had a chance to say: “Fly, you, comrade, get home!”

Mikola, Andriyovich, you cope with the hostility of a person who is busy with his right. And we are more likely to be fed by self-significance.
I’ll cry for me, my daughter’s shards will turn 14 years, and I don’t want the child to be left out of the right place. Ale, I don’t press on her at the choice way of life way itself virishu. For me, I never thought of becoming a captain. Schoolchildren dream of becoming a pilot and becoming an astronaut. I have good mathematical inclinations. Mіg bi stati vchenim, mabut.
I virіs in the steppes of Kazakhstan, de natural memory no. Viydesh, “step, that step, all around” no river, no lakes, no empty spaces. One ditch, where we swam, that three aspen trees grew ... I sat in me such a romantic worm - I wanted everything to dance on my eyes, Tien Shan yalinki, for example. At the 17th anniversary, after school, I went to the geological exploration expedition ... But the natural birth and nights dictated their own: I went to the radio engineer, then 10 years later I became the head of the auto state. Zagalom up to 38 years, the hobby became the flooring of the robots, and I left the robot. Pishov at mandrivniki, graduating from the marine academy named after. Makarov, Faculty of Shipbuilding… I never thought that I would make three round-the-world voyages, but today it became my profession. I am crowned with riches by international cities, even to the one that we made on the Apostle Andriy, there are no analogues in extreme yachting of the whole world.

And what do you need for happiness?
Happily understood ephemeral and most often flowing in the sphere of special stosunkiv. You are happy, but in five minutes everything has changed. Maybe, well, yogo nafig, good luck? Axis at once, we sit quietly, dovkola birch trees, entrusted to friends: we drank, we talked, we guessed just the past days ... Are you happy? Don't know. I’m kinder ... Happiness - to mite, and life is more important - a routine ...

І tse in the captain?
Do you know the captain's advantage over other professions? - Standing up, lowering your legs from the bed, and you are already on the robot)

What will bring you from Tver?
The stage of my life was connected with the rise in price on the 20th anniversary of the very same near Tver. Everything was sloppy. When we started to take care of yachts, my starp said: “Have you gone to Tver? I have a friend there, yacht designer Valeriy Konyukhov.” Mi th arrived ... That buv 1992 rіk. Here the first team was created, here the first yacht was laid down. At the same time, we know that the Tver Carriage Works created a yacht, and yet the life was roaring at the factory of stamps named after. 1 grass. Our first crew had 7 people - four from Moscow and three from Tver. Axis, for example, at one of our guests at once, came a quarter to our crew ...
With the life of the yacht and the organization of swimming, we were also helped by the local authorities Oleksandr Petrovich Bilousov, Sergiy Pavlovich Polshkov, Ershov Volodymyr Oleksandrovich. Infection is already gone, for me, Tver has become very orphaned with its exit.

What are your feelings about our place?
Today I'm in the center of Tver and cross paid parking. Everything is like in Moscow. Paired with other Russian places, Tver looked decently, є, singsongly, where to develop ... Because of that, I arrived at Tver on the right and I had a sprig of good years. I understand that I wouldn’t be near Tver in my own museum. Becoming shukat and ... not revealing anything, pishov at the gallery "Porcupine", it showed up with a start, at the Goat Museum I didn’t want to go ... For me it was a culture shock, there was nowhere to drink. Maybe you want imperial palace soon you will be able to marvel ... and today I came to see exhibitions about more expensive and mandrivniki

First, the yacht circled the Earth in a meridial straight line, first passed the Pivnichny sea path, first turned over the polar stakes under the hour of the circumnavigation, and first passed the route, laying through all the oceans. All these many other feats were created under the care of the permanent captain Mykoli Litau, who himself conceived the design of the ship and especially cherished the process of yoga life.

The Cob of the Way - the Folk of the Legend

Captain Litau, having conceived the life of not a simple, but the most showy ship. Yomu needed a yacht, as if in the minds of the bitter cold and the high water could pass the Pivnichny sea way, passing by the lookout.

Because of this method, the unique design was broken up - the hull was made from steel, so it is not enough to ensure the high vitrivity and durability to the unacceptable infusions of the navkolishny middle.

The ship was laid down near Tver, and the life spanned three years and ended in 1996. The process of launching the yacht dragged on through post-yni technical problems and interruptions in financing. If the windshield was on the way to the launchings in St. Petersburg, another scurry was called - for the hour of life of the future team, it was not possible to know in the distance how good it was for the fearless pidkoryuvach of the ocean.

For the help of the Holy Apostle, they turned to Patriarch Oleksiy II, who blessed and consecrated the ship, and then called him the name of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called, the patron saint of all sailors on the planet and the Russian fleet zokrema.

Vessel power

"Apostol Andriy" is an ocean yacht and is intended for swimming in cold weather. Її warehouse warehouse 16.2 meters with a width of 4.8 meters. The water tonnage of the ship is 25 tons, and the draft is 2.7 meters. The steel case of the glass case is equipped with special faceted contours, and the sheathing is strengthened to ensure its hardness and high strength.

On the yacht, two panniers are installed, so that you can carry 130 sq.m of windows on your own. The ship is built to develop a maximum speed of 12 knots under its sails, in addition, an engine is installed on it, the intensity of which is to become 85 kinsky forces.

The windshields were provided with modern navigational aids, as well as the necessary equipment for full-fledged functioning on board the crew, which adds up to 8 osib. The creators of the ocean yacht did everything to ensure that it could properly see those who found the most safe.

Achieving that record

Three months after the launching of the Apostol Andriy, having disrupted her first great voyage, the year 1999 ended. At the very same time, at the hour of which the ship passed the famously folded Pivnichny sea way, it was recognized by the British Royal Cruising Club as the greatest reach of light. The entire crew of the showcase was awarded an honorary medal with a promotional title "for the mystique of navigation."

After three more years of mandriving by the seas and oceans, the crew of the yacht was awarded the medal of the Cruising Club "Blakitna Voda". It is worth mentioning that the crew of the “Apostol Andriy” celebrated its first seafaring and became a hero of two prestigious cities for one unique feat – an unprecedented feat in the history of seafaring.

2003 Captain Litau deservedly became a cavalier of the Order of Manliness, and his assistants were awarded the ranks of cavaliers of the Order of Poshan. All reshti members of the Apostol Andriy team were awarded medals “For services to the Batkivshchyna”. A friend, no less unsafe, that hoarsely more expensive vitrilnik, rose in 2001 roci. The crew of the ship, having sailed around the wind and visited all four oceans, reached Kamchatka and passed the longest and safest way from the Bellingshausen Sea, which omits Antarctica, to the Bering Sea.

The skin of such swimming caused numerical breakdowns, which often happened in extreme minds. From the other side, suvori testing and post-study thorough constructions made the ship more vitrival and sticking to difficulties. The third circumnavigation of the world is more expensive than the windmill, which took place over the 60th parallel, began in 2004. At the same time, the Apostle Andriy, out of honor, was not easily tested and turned in triumph to the native harbour.

Marine use and testing

Members of the crew of the yacht had a chance to go through a few serious trials for an hour or three of the most expensive. Їm regularly happened to be handcuffs to the suvorih polar minds. For example, at the first navigation, a windmill of turmoil for five times stands on the Schmidt's missus through those that were ice-bound from the sides.

The vessel could only rise from the fullness with the arrival of an intrusive cyclone, which brought with it a stormy wind. The krizhans shaved off the shores, and went deep into the ocean, having made a narrow polyne, like the “Apostle Andriy”, having spent their price on the pivnich.

A lot of times the yacht was already rebounding but crushed by majestic krizhins, the protege crew did not give up and lifted the windows with the least wind, so that a little more could get close to their mark.

As the members of the team themselves guessed, they often had to rely not only on the authority's knowledge of that knowledge, but also on the great spring. Sometimes the ship literally broke through the ice, as if they were blaming it, de їх it is not enough to be true to all forecasts.

So, like "Apostle Andriy", they continue their way of the middle wind, while they could carry the windows of the buildings. The members of the crew of the vessel are periodically changed - there are less than 20 individuals, although at most 8 “apostles” will take part in skin diving.

With the fates of this marvelous window pane, it becomes less ostentatious, maneuverable and swishing. At the ocean yacht, that yogo glorious team has a lot of records in front, reach, vidkrittiv and suvorih viprobuvan, vitrimati like building heroes.

The strings were shuffling, the white windows, the salty breeze... The heat of goodness beckoned in distant lands and unknown places. The works of Jules Verne, Daniel Defoe, and Jonathan Swift were inspired by reality. Andzhe vitrilniks, scho zdіysnyuyut circumnavigation, іsnuyut і doninі. One of them is the yacht Apostol Andriy.

Showcase people

Mykola Andriyovich Litau organized for his life by taking the fate of the more expensive ones. From the children of the worlds of the seas, oceans and windmills. The idea of ​​getting more expensive through the chotiri oceans has become a head-scratcher. For її zdіysnennya bula needed the most vitrival ocean yacht. It is small to successfully overcome the crisis of crisis and congestion and indignation. The price of a yacht of a similar kind is too high, but there is more than that.

Under the curiosity of that at the prayer of Litau, the project of a showcase was broken up, which would satisfy all the necessary minds. Yoga was sung near Tver, and the cob was laid in 1993. Budіvnitstvo dragged on for three years, then technical, then financial problems.

Nabutya name

The building was already finished, and the window pane still did not know its name. We must remember the words of Captain Vrungel from a cartoon of the same name:

“Im'ya don't give a gift,
I will tell you in advance:
Yak you name the yacht
So get out and popliv.
Yak you name the yacht
So get out and poplive!

At its first voyage, the boat breaks down without a hitch. Safely vin dopliv to Moscow for the blessings and the sightings to Patriarch Alexy II. Himself in the sight of a new wine and otrimav his own. The yacht "Apostol Andriy" is named after the patron saint of sailors.

Technical characteristics and equipment

This is an ocean yacht, that was motivated by the success of our successes, it was able to showcase its superiority and vibrancy. Її the body is welded, and the outline is faceted. Like sheathing vikoristan steel sheets. Near the bottom of the її tovshchina syagaє two centimeters.

The length of the boat is 16.2 m, the width is 4.8 m. m vitril. The yacht can not only go under the sails, but it can move on a non-permanent fall. The price of the Iveco device is 85 cognac. The fall of the vitrilnik is 2.7 m, and the water tonnage is 25 tons.

The maximum speed, on which yacht you can fly under the usual windows, is 12 knots. There are more than 22 km/year. Cruising wind speed - about 7 nodes, or about 13 km / year.

Serving the yacht "Apostol Andriy" for one hour of sailing can have a crew of 5-7 persons. Everything you need is on board - modern navigation systems and communications, bedrooms and a galley.

At the same time, the price of a yacht, to name a small progulyankovo, becomes close to the second million rubles. But the ship is not so easy to evaluate. Vono now has a great historical value, although it was created recently. In an hour of its existence, it has set more than one record and waterways which were previously inaccessible to ships of this class.


I lost my most famous yacht "Apostol Andriy" in 1996. Vaughn was able to successfully bypass Skhidna pivkulya, reaching three record highs:

  • the first circumnavigation at the meridional direction;
  • the first circumnavigation of the world through all the oceans, Pivnichniy Lodovitiy - no blame;
  • first pass Pivnіchny sea way.

Having turned the ship at the start of 1999, and in 2001 I again broke at the road. Now it’s already the end of the Zakhidnoy pivkul. The third circumnavigation was launched in 2004. The yacht happened to go around Antarctica in the middle of the 60th parallel.

The leather was more expensive to reveal the incompleteness of the design, and the hour was due to the circumnavigation of the circumnavigation of modernizing and improving the vessel. On this day, it showed, that swedish yacht is maneuverable, ready at once with its team to throw a cry to some extreme minds.

Get expensive today

Do not think that everything in the world is over. Maizhe shroku "Apostol Andriy" destroys the new expedition.

  • 2007 river - Solovetsky Islands.
  • 2010 rec. The plans were to advance the New Earth. Departure of destruction from Tver. After they reached the Solovetsky archipelago, they landed a group of passengers - ecologists. They gave a course of boats at a higher price, the yachts went around the whole archipelago as a whole.
  • 2011 rec. The yacht has reached pivnichny island Archipelago Franz Josip Land.
  • 2012 rec. The yacht destroyed the traces of Rusanov's expedition and the schooner "Hercules".
  • 2013 rec. The team repeated the path of the Hydrographic Expedition of a century ago. In addition, the ship was able to cross the 83rd parallel, and one more degree in the arctic reach of the yacht.
  • 2014. G. Brusilov's tracks and the schooner "St. Hanna" are more expensive.
  • 2015 r_k - r_k, rich on the anniversary. The captain of the yacht is 60, the ship itself is 19 on the same day. And a month later, the ship veered to Dikson at 100 o'clock, when the first krigols "Taimir" and "Vaigach" came to Arkhangelsk, they completed the crossing with Pivnichny sea way.
  • 2017 rec. Eleven is more expensive to the Arctic, again dedicated to Rusanov and Hercules.

Mandry yachts do not end with this. The captain may have few plans for the future.

"Apostol Andriy" - an ocean yacht, created specifically for swimming in the polar seas.

Dovzhina - 16.2 m
Width - 4.8 m
Fall - 2.7 m
Water tonnage – 25 t

The hull of the yacht, made of steel sheets, may be cut around. Mitsnist and hardness are taken care of for the rahunok of the increased sheathing (20 mm on the bottom) and the hardness of bulkheads.

Two schogli - a grotto (19 m) and a bean (14 m) - carry 130 sq.m. vitril. Ozbroennya - Bermudian ketch. The maximum speed under the windshields is up to 12 knots. Cruising speed under vitrils 5-7 knots. Additional dvigun Iveco may have a pressure of 85 k.s.

Choven equipping with modern navigational aids, radio telephone connection, all necessary for life and work crew 5-7 os.

At the proposition of Patriarch Alexy II, the yacht was named in honor of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called, who was the patron of the Russian fleet and sailors of the world.

"Apostol Andriy", a yacht that has lost more than one thousand nautical miles behind the stern, has its own terrestrial biography.

In order to create a project, the ideas of captain Litau, and to pass on a glass ship Pivnichny sea way, you need a bula not just a cruising yacht, but a chauvin, a building vitrimati tested by cold, wet, and smut by ice. Such a project was broken up. Vіn principle vіdіznyavsya vіd zvichnyh design decisions: the body was proponated with steel and faceted outlines without frames.

On July 1, 1993, the yacht was laid down near Tver. Those who will be dragged on for the next three years, let nothing go. Financial and organizational problems, technological and technical complexities were seen by all terms and plans of the organizers of the expedition. The start went well, but the preparation before the campaign did not start.

Works on the hull of the hull were completed, in parallel, the Moscow company "Electra" repaid and clarified the project of the yacht electrical installation, at St. Petersburg in the design bureau of Oleksandr Struzhilin, the project of deck equipment, spars and rigging was completed. There, in pіvnіchnіy capital Vitrilas were sewn at Prokhorov's maisterna.

Nareshti, 31 lipnya 1996 the fate of the three fates of labor, one of the sumnіvіv the yacht, still without money, at the escort of police cars, it is enough to take it out of the gates of the Tverskoy Carriage Works. This day was remembered with riches: to the alarm workers, and to the future members of the team and the townspeople. Such an anger in Tver, the old-timers do not guess dosі. It seemed that the ocean was flowing from the sky, and under the streams a road to the ocean began. On September 9, 1996, the yacht was launched, and, for example, in the spring, it was ferried to the home port to Moscow.

Usі three fates of everyday life the chauvin lived without a name. To know how, sonorously im'ya, how to show that idea, for the sake of what was lived and experienced chimalo, it was not easy to right. The newspaper "Moskovska Pravda" had an open competition. Name it, send it as a reader to the editor, be harmonious, romantic, realistic: from Vitus Bering to Maistra and Margarita. Alas, it didn’t become single exact.

So, remembering the traditions of the Russian fleet, the Prigoda Club turned back to the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexius II to bless those who go to sea and help choose a name for the yacht.Vidpovіd came unsatisfied:

“Dakoy to you for the sheet of the 27 sickle of the ts.r. and information about those that, on the commemoration of the 300th anniversary of the Russian fleet, a yacht was summoned in Tver without a hitch to the road near the world. Supporting such an initiative of my own and calling on your prohannya, I respect the fair date of the yacht to be called “Apostle Andriy”. At my glance, I see the historical connection of the Russian fleet with the names of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called, whose white-and-white cross-like banner is possible to majors on Russian ships. I am happy that, while sailing around the world, the crew can correctly assign a name to the yacht, with honor and honor before the world, witnessing about the spiritual formation of our Motherland, which is born of our own, and the glorious traditions of the Russian fleet. Help God and accompany you in your future swimming.

The rite of consecration was held at Moscow. Blessed by Patriarch Yogo, hieromonk Ironim, rector of the church of St. Gregory of Neokessary on Velikiy Polyana.

Conclusion: Andrew the First Call one of the twelve apostles. Sin Ioni, fishermen from Lake Galilei, together with brother Peter, we learn John the Baptist. If the reader once pointed to Jesus Christ, why go later, saying: “Behold, the Lamb of God, take away the sins of the world,” Andriy pishov for Christ, the first witness about the new one, like about the Messiah.

That is why yoga is called the First Called. Saint Andrew, together with the other apostles, listened to the prayers of the divine teacher, stumbled upon the incomparable miracles, as a witness to suffering, death and the resurrection of the Savior. After the ascension of Christ to heaven, having showered the grace of giving the Holy Spirit, which zіyshov on the apostles, Andriy pishov preached the Gospel, calling out "to repent and be Christ."

Zgіdno with a foal, the Apostle Andriy straightened up to the edge of the Black Sea and entered the Word of Life in Thrace, Scіfії, plunged into the region of Novorosії, the Caucasus, turning to the “great city of Sevast (Sevastopol)” and, nareshti, Dnipro rising to the Kiev mountains. Blessing them, placing a cross and saying to the teachings: “On these mountains the grace of God is planted and there will be a great city and a rich church.” Let's sweat, pursuing our way, the reach of Veliky Novgorod and the Varangians.

Apostle Andriy accepted the martyr’s death at the Greek city of Patri (Patros) at 62 roci. Behind the commandments, a cross, on which the apostle rose, having a special form - at the sight of the Latin numeral X (in iconography - Andriivsky cross).

The Holy Apostle Andrey is especially honored by the Russians and is respected as the patron of the Russian state. In 1699, the first and oldest Russian Order of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called was founded. Since 1998, this order has become the greatest city of the Russian Federation.

Until 1917, the Andriyivsky cross was depicted on the stern ensigns of military ships of the Russian fleet. 1994 Andriyivska prapori resurrected the fate of battleships of Russia. Commemoration of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called orthodox church Shanuє 30 leaf fall.

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