Home security system. Budinok at security: security systems. Address principle of prompt signalization

Security systems for a private booth - a special complex of outbuildings, which means to change the given parameters (for example, open a window, break a parkan, rush a house of an unknown object, then) and tell a person about the service with a song signal. You can clearly see the functions of security systems (were called OS), as well as the factors that add to the choice of the security needs of your booth itself.

The security system in a private booth is installed with the method of control without being in the middle of the booth, with a few quarters in the middle of the house, with a few guards on the territory of the house, the territory along the perimeter, behind the guards, if necessary, for the staff and children.

Pratsiyuyut stench on the basis of different sensors:

  • temperature,
  • noise
  • vibrations,
  • obligation, etc.

Signaling systems are autonomous and centralized.

When the signals were taken from the first responses of the master, the guard house and the guards, on the signals of others - private security agencies of the state service, marveling at them, a contract was signed.

See the functions of the security systems in a private booth

The systems that are victorious during the protection of the zamіsky booth or dacha, you can see:

  • SOTS - a system of protection and alarm signalization. When the alarm sensors are sent to the service console, for which the agreement is laid down, a signal is received;
  • ACS - control system and access management. This system allows you to use locks and gate drives, control zones, where there are no alarms. (For example, the appearance of a child in a room with respectable papers, or in a room, can you take care of putting on those towels);
  • SOT is a security television system. Tse video warning;
  • MITU - a system of engineering and technical fortification. Fortress steals that vikon, the height of the parkan is everything that protects the mind of a powerful burglar.

Warning system and protection

Technically, the system is composed of several elements:

  • The control panel processes the data from the sensors and activates the signal
  • Control keyboard
  • Signal outbuildings
  • Sensors

Sensors are the most important part of the system. The stench is conductive and undrotov. At the same time, it is most common to install combinations of a set of sensors as the best option.

Sensors are available in a number of types:

  • Vibrations─ to control the walls, to substantiate, to respond to try to break through the break.
  • Volume─ react to the presence of a third-party individual at the booth.
  • facades sensors react to the sound of a broken warehouse (acoustic).
  • Magnetic contact sensors (the stench is about penetration through the doors).

At the same time, you need models, as they do not react to your creatures.

equal security

The system of notification and protection is composed of a number of equal security.

First rіven. This is where perimeter control comes into play. Tse zdіysnyuєtsya video cameras, skin z yakіh maє its area to look around. By choosing a security program, you can create a fixation of unsafe zones. For example, they control the possible movement from the fence to the booth. The program is being installed to evaluate the size of the object. (Those alarms will not react to flying birds and domestic creatures that walk in a caravan). Infrared sensors are installed in the corners of the perimeter on large plots, if you break between the sensors, then the control unit is brutally close to the nearest cameras.

Fakhіvtsі recommend to install like a attached camera, so you can see the sound. Possible villain, having marked the cameras, can turn back, and the professional will try to get them out of the way. Then help attaching cameras.

Another rіven. If all the same, evil spirits penetrate through the parkan and overturn the wooden house, then the doors of that window of the booth appear as a bar. Їx to protect the video cameras, as if to guard the situation for the house. On all windows and doors (especially on the first version) the sensors are to blame, as if they were spratsovuyut at the time of the sound of a broken warehouse.

Third rіven. The whole group of attached cameras and infrared cameras. Here the program is also set, which allows not reacting to the expansion of the object, which does not match the parameters of the human body.

For the protection of especially valuable objects: a safe, paintings, a closet with a security guard, you can install additional sensors that react to the dotik surface.

Crimea stationary systems of protection, you can install an alarm button at the look of the key fobs, which are found in different places of the booth. By pressing such a button, you can tell about penetration. The button is fixed and the call of the fire command, and I will help the guard.

When an unauthorized penetration is detected, the signal from the sensors and cameras goes to the keyboard, I will attach a keruvannya, then the control panel, as if turning on the alarm device. The entire process takes less than a second.

Anti-burn signaling

A warning signal is being installed to alert you to any signs of borrowing.

The signalization that is installed in the booth or at the dacha, it is different, it should be deposited depending on how the sensors vicorist:

  • Sensors thermal, which react to temperature changes. Here the Vlasnik can also install the program, where the maximum possible temperature is set, moreover, it is the fault of the alarm system.
  • Sensors dimov react to the suffocation of the place. Here you can also set the program to set the level of the maximum possible smoke.
  • Together with the sensors of the anti-burn alarm, sensors are installed gas content for the availability of butyl gas in the booth, water leakage sensors.

Service sensors

Крім перелічених вище датчиків, існують і так звані сервісні датчики, які дозволяють контролювати рівень снігового покриву, наявність або відсутність дощу, а також реєструвати рівень пориву вітру, що дозволяє системі проаналізувати всі дані і визначити рівень небезпеки природного катаклізму (наприклад, урагану).

Video warning

The security television system is an invisible part of the guard house. As it has already been said, the video cameras beat the buget on all equals.

─ ce postіyny control and recording of everything that is seen on the territory, video warning allows you to review all the information and rewrite it on another nose.

─ tse "an eye that is empty at home." The system gives the possibility not only to catch the villain without intermediary at the time of the theft, but also to recognize yoga for the need.

tipi chambers

At once there is a large number other options cameras:

  • The dome is fixed on horizontal surfaces.
  • The cabinet is fastened to a vertical surface.
  • Cylinders are so named through the form.
  • Rotary controlled remotely and give the possibility of approaching the plot, to click, for a more respectful її look.

All cameras can be installed in the middle of the booth, and ringing. Outdoor variant of accommodation with a special protection for cameras with boards and snow.

Most often in one booth there are different types of cameras. The cameras have an important image garne.

The technical passport indicates that the number of cameras has TVL (the number of television lines). Chim more number, Tim image yakіsnіshe. For example, like a camera with a TVL 700, you can find out what color the eyes of someone who has spent a zone of visibility near.

Іnfrachervone podsvіchuvannya

In order to effectively record video warnings at night, it is necessary to install cameras with the function of infrared illumination. Then you can fix the object and at the dark hour dobi from afar. Іnfrachervone pіdsvіchuvannya rob the cameras unremarkable at night. Ale, so the cameras mayut short: stink dekilka create an image to the fact that the objects are not the same to reflect infrachervone light. Tom a day better vikoristovvat simple black and white cameras.


Even an important detail is the objective. With this choice of varto, pay attention to the fact that yoga is focussed in millimeters. Chim is the greatest showcase, I’ll look at the smaller kut, and if it’s lower, then such a kut is bigger.

In addition, the camera is masquerading, but on the other hand, it can be clearly seen, lie down, as it will be: without a dart or with wires to go to the registrar.


The recorder is a registrar, which is controlled by two parameters: the presence of channels for connecting cameras and the quality of video recording.

Number of channels on video recorder lie in the area of ​​the territory at home.

With a small territory, one or two cameras and a double registrar will suffice, and for a large territory, a 16-channel registrar will be the best option.

The registrars are responsible for the separate building record. Ale, the Vlasnik is guilty of the nobility, that all the registrars create images.

When choosing a registrar, ensure the hard disk capacity, recording speed, audio recording capability, registrar control.


The image from the video recorder is on the monitor, which allows you to watch for what is happening in real time. The monitor can be a computer screen or a TV set. It is possible to send a notification to a mobile phone or to a remote computer.

Access control system

The access control system is a complex of technical zasobіv and organizatsionnyh zakhodіv, poklikanih secure control vіdvіduvannya.

She will be installed on a kilka kіmnat near the booth and budіvel on the territory.

Garage. If the car of the master goes to the gate of the dealership, the video control system learns about the car numbers, and automatically checks the gate. If the system did not recognize the number (ford, strong rain, thin fog), then the gate is controlled by the sergeant himself for the help of a special remote control.

This system can include radio sensors to turn on lighting.

Entrance to the booth. You can get to the booth, where the access control system is installed, only if the booth is guarded at the central point. Tse can be robiti in such ways:

  1. Enter the code on the special extension.
  2. Vykoristovuvaty programming chip.
  3. Victory magnetic card.
  4. Vikoristovuvaty system of recognition of the recognition of the sounds of the fingers thinly.

Use the middle booth. The system in the middle of the booth works in the fall of the program.

Navіt yakscho lords stay in the booth, the access control system works, between the entrance to the premises, where the most valuable or unsafe items are found. For example, for such a system, a child cannot enter the minestern and get hurt.

intercom. The panel for the intercom at the private booth is installed on the outside gates. The signal from the call panel is transmitted to the internal annex, which signals the Lord about the appearance of the guest. Sound at once from the intercom to install a system of automatic door opening, which is additional security for the sergeant. For example, the Lord has a lot of time to spend at the computer and TV, you can connect to them.

One of the functions of the intercom is an add-on that remembers, which can automatically take pictures in the automatic mode and save the photo in memory. ale when the electricity is turned on, the memory is erased. If this function is important for the vlasnik, then it is necessary to install a system of uninterrupted living.

Selection of possible security measures

Vybіr zasobіv zasobіv bezpeki to deposit due to kіlkoh factors.

  • Missing a private booth. (For example, if a wine is found in a village, which is being protected, then there is no need to establish a rich guardian).
  • Warehouse of family members. Looks like there is an access control system in the middle of the booth.
  • The presence of chi in the booth of especially valuable chi of unsafe objects, which is in the case of an okremy occupant.
  • The presence of guardians on the territory of the Budinka.
  • Riven MITU - engineering fortification of the house and the cottage.
  • Financial capacity of the Vlasnik

"Reasonable house" that protection

Reasonable house ─ ce houses, where it is more comfortable and safe for people to live for the help of automation and high-tech outbuildings.

The systems are able to recognize specific situations as far as possible, or they can tell you about the masters.

The security system and monitoring of the "intelligent booth" includes:

  • video warning,
  • access control to the destination,
  • anti-burn care system and gas flow control
  • telemetry
  • system
  • remote information system about the entrance to the booth
  • IP - object monitoring

In this rank, the understanding of the “reasonable house” includes all systems that are used to protect a private booth.
A private booth needs a well-thought-out defense. Modern different security attachments allow the sergeant to choose the most convenient option.

Do you need an alarm for a private locker house? Replace the installation of an autonomous or console security alarm system for your home in the ACIS company! From us you can buy a set of alarm systems for a private locker house for a bargain price.

The skin of a person, if you want to, is instilled in the safety of your lane, but how to protect the houses and do not zip yoga old look? The clue is simple. Mechanical locks, bars on windows and massive doors near the past. Best zasib zahistu sogodnі - security signalization. Tsya is foldable, that sensitive system to secure you and your loved ones with a 24-year-old zahist.

Today, it is even easier to secure the protection of a living house by installing (installing) an inexpensive dart alarm system with a rudder sensor. In addition, for a reasonable price, it doesn’t matter to secure a security booth with a professional signalization, as I can fold the structure.

How does the security signalization work at the booth?

The attachment of signalization is composed of at least three parts, the skin of which may well recognize that specificity. In this row:
  • Supporters
    The stench is subdivided into a sprat of species, a fallow type of parameter, which stink is controlled. Tse mozhe buti ruh object, vіdkrittya doors or razbittya warehouse. If it responds, it forms a signal that it is sent to the foot of the lancer's foot - a primal-control attachment.
  • Receiver-control attachment
    It is recognized for the permanent control of robotic skin sensors. When one of them is activated, the attachment converts the signal and sends it to the other attachment.
  • Vikonavchii annex
    If the alarm signal is attached, the notification is sent to the cell phone of the sergeant or the security control panel.

How can a security alarm for a booth be able to resist an intruder?

If you try to penetrate the object of the vikonavchiy, tell the lord, privately protect the enterprise, or take care of the protection of the evildoers. Would you like to put a booth on an alarm, but you don’t know how to choose the best security alarm for a new one? - Let's figure it out.

Also, after unauthorized penetration of the object, the alarm signal is canceled:

  • Vlasnik object
    The signal, which is overpowered by the security alarm system, looks like an SMS alert, as if you had come to the number, connected from the SIM card to the master's house. If this situation is in the hands of the Lord: you can call the police, ask the judge to assess the situation, walk behind the booth through the watchdog chamber, or destroy the object on your own. As the statistics show, there is no dart or dart alarm for home with mobile phone alerts shortest choice for those who want to control those who go to the booth, but cannot afford to pay for the response of the defense structures.
  • Private security business
    As soon as a signal is sent to the control panel of the private security company, then for a sprat of khvilin (deposit in the form of roztashuvannya) a group of trained guards arrives at the facility, as if the villain cannot be blamed.
  • Call for protection
    Signalization for the house with response to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation may be a great success. It is wrong that you can be fooled: you are being protected by a team of qualified policemen with the shortest equipment. In addition, after the defense, I can still have the right to zastosuvannya incendiary armor for zatrimannya malefactor and zakhistu zamovnik. Mostly, the services of the variability of the security signalization and the response to the response of the guards are lower, the lower variability of the response of the private security company, the protests of the police are obvious: the sovereign structures carry the damage for the skin mass and may be taken on the spot.

If you still doubt that a security alarm is better for your home - contact our fahivtsiv for advice.

Where do you go to install an alarm system for your home?

Keep mothers right with professionals, how do you know your right? Would you like to buy and install a simple security alarm without a dart at a private booth for a bargain price? We will be glad to welcome you at the ASIS company! Let's try and install the system in order to ensure maximum efficiency and protection.

How much money to install a security alarm at the booth?

The variability of the signaling can be changed in the fallow, according to the planning of a private house, the physical characteristics of the object, your preferences for the choice of the system. For whatever it is, we will put a security alarm at your booths, more, more, lower, and for a reasonable price, so you don’t have to surf the Internet in a joke, stunned by kshtalt: “I’ll sell an alarm for a house inexpensively.” Just call or write to us!

The protection of the dwelling in the form of unauthorized penetration with the method of flooding was always given great respect. And at the same time, from the growth of goodwill, it became even more relevant. Apartment burglaries and stolen lanes from zamіsk cottages are the most widespread evils in the world today.

Let's talk in a report about the nuances of installing the most modern security systems for the zamіsky booth.

Security of the zamіskogo booth and the specifics of the protection

Zamіskiy budinok vіdіznyаєєі vіd miskoї apartment not only for the obvious sign - roztashuvannya for mist. As a rule, try an evil man's apartment in a richly overhead place on your own to turn the respect of the court with your noise (as only the evildoer did not give a copy of the key), and they can call in.

In addition, at the pіd'їzd, which will be installed already at the hour of the commissioning of the budіvlі in operation, they will already provide an acceptable level of safety at the richly topped booth with a zagal. It means that a security alarm has been installed in a Moscow apartment, that it is in a new, modern booth, not such an actual right.

Varto look at the security signalization not as a water-powered control unit, etc., but as a part of a complex of a security alarm system. This complex is responsible for turning on the video warning and fire alarm. Vіn is responsible for controlling the viniknennya flow of water and a round of butyl gas and much more.

On the vіdmіnu vіd miskogo booth, the zamіsky cottage has its own peculiarities, if it is necessary to protect when choosing and installing security systems, it’s more difficult to manage without such an hour:

  • the booth itself;
  • presence number of entries;
  • deyak in remoteness in the nearest susides;
  • concierge service, substandard video intercom and other basic security systems for a city dweller;
  • can be folded configuration cottage, presence of terraces, verandas, balconies, loggias;
  • presence plots with a garden that spores.

All these features make it easier to create a mindset for a carefree living in a cottage, which at once facilitates the penetration of that flood of the lane. Also, the choice of a security system and the correctness and installation should be given the most serious respect.

Types of security alarm systems and their functionality

A comprehensive system for the security of a zam_sky booth includes a sprat of various subsystems:

  • watch out for the steps to wake up;
  • protection of internal premises at home.

Practice shows that just install video surveillance cameras (or put them on dummies) around the perimeter of the home and already give an effect.- people, who seem to be smart to the point of stealing from private booths, sometimes just change their minds. However, if the guardianship of the perimeter is only effective in that case, then video warning cameras are installed along the entire perimeter and in sufficient quantity to eliminate the so-called blind zones.

The system of guarding the entrances to the wake also includes a video warning, and the axis for the security of the security in the middle of the room can be a lot of other elements, including sensors for movement, sensors for opening windows and doors, damage to the glass at the windows. I can do everything supplemented by the organization of fire extinguishing systems and fire alarms.

What to choose - GSM or remote control system?

Among the security systems you can see the following:

  • autonomous so that, if only, they give sound and light signals in case of intrusions with the possibility of video fixing the fact of damage;
  • consoles;
  • system, prompted based on GSM technology.

The systems of the first type are of little functionality, as they do not have additional abilities to protect against xtalt by changing the laser in the invisible spectrum;

Connecting to the security console gives a miraculous effect.- when the alarm signal is on the remote control, the group is negligently vigilant, avoiding the wrong actions or conducting investigations on hot tracks.

Block at 50% on the cob statti statti

The modern GSM-systems are the last word of the defense technology and give the coristuvachas additional opportunities to ensure the safety of the foreigner's life.

Why should the vartist of the security system of the cottage be deposited?

Variety of systems for the protection of the zam_sky booth to lie in the warehouse. The greater the functionality of the system and the expanded її warehouse, it is more expensive to manage. For example, if it is necessary to provide only security in the middle of the booth, or only a video guard outside the perimeter, the variability of such a system will be minimal.

The most expensive option would be a complex of possession, which includes security, which will secure all three lines of protection, cameras of the most important quality and increased security, video recorder, monitors, two-way audio and video communication and rich. Vybіr tієї chi іnshої systems, zokrema, for її vartіstyu lie in specific zavdan, as if she is guilty of viconuvat.

Vibir signalization for home and її installation

The choice of a security system for a zamіsky boudinka to lie down in the form of specific minds, and it was possible for the owner of the object, which is responsible for the protection. GSM-systems are selected mainly, which are independent, at any time to control the situation in the house and at a distance, from any point of the world, promptly intervening in the situation in case of problems.

The choice of a particular system can be based on the popularity of the brand and the approval of the contract for installation, maintenance and operation.

Block in 75% on the cob stati statti

Console systems are installed there, where it is possible to lay down an agreement with defense enterprises, and the booth itself is located in a small remote area.

Installation of any system necessary entrust only qualified fakhivtsy . As a rule, all people from those companies, such as supplying their own security systems. It is not recommended to independently mount a security system for a zamіsky booth.

Do not base your choice solely on prices. Try to spare in to this particular type you can call before spending the lane, and later, to dodatkovyh vitrates. It’s better to bathe the systems from the most common culinary makers, feeding them in front of the independent fahivtsya.

Zamisky budinok - not just chergovy fashion trend, Wanting the prestige of the Volodinnya of this kind of unruliness is not the only factor that determines the decision to buy a cottage. The smut here is that comfort, that almost freedom, maximum protection, yakі neznayomi vlasnik apartments near mіsk rich-surface complexes, that closeness to nature.

Ale schob zamіskom booth if they were fully implemented, it is necessary to ensure a high level of security. The best zasіb for this is the installation of systems for the security of a zamіsky booth.

І at the end, we recommend your attention to a short video lesson about the principles of the robot and the rules for installing a home alarm system.

As a testament to the statistics, video warning cameras installed at private booths allow for an 83% reduction in the risks of robbery, evil and other illegal activities. In the other 17% of the cases, the systems provide the ability to accurately identify the evildoers or to take them to the mischief.

Installation of video surveillance equipment in zamіsk cottages at dachas has become an obov'yazkovy entry. More than 60% of homeowners were stunned to turn to our company after they stumbled on the theft of an expensive lane: various electronics, garden equipment and building cars. The varity of the stolen goods practically overestimated the cost of installing a security system.

Ale, the main cause of the beast is the defender of his relatives and loved ones. The security system for the zamіsky boudinka allows only the fact of its presence in the presence of various evil-doers.

Security systems for a private booth, which can be installed

Security systems to help you

Security systems will help to save and protect the value of mine from shakhraiv and vandals.

Security systems will fix and protect more threats to the health and peace of your relatives and loved ones.

Possibility of security systems

Zakhist lane vіd encroachment and video control

Security alarm allows you to record at a high level all the signs that are found on the yard territory and near the accommodation houses. The installation of video cameras helps to successfully investigate and fend off illegal activities.

The setting can be connected to any provider and allows you to organize effective control over an additional mobile device or a 3G / 4G modem.

Recordings from the cameras for the rest of 7/14/30/60 deb can be looked over at any hour.

The video cameras react to any movement of the object that is in the field, and automatically overlay the sheet with a screenshot of the recorded image to the e-mail of the deputy.

Current models of video cameras are equipped with IC-illumination, which allows you to easily identify a person for full coverage.

A security system was installed in the zamіskom booth, which instantly alerts about an emergency situation and sends a signal to the response group.

Yake the possession of victorious

Why start?

1. Contact our company

Mi zavzhdi on zv'azku. Our interviewers are available every day of the week, from 9:00 to 19:00. From them you can insert a link by electronic mail or through a special online form on the site.

You otrimuєte optimal rozvyazannya tasks. The specialists of our company constantly develop the conjuncture of the market and, on this basis, develop the best propositions about the characteristics and vartosti. The deputy obsessed us with the optimal solution of the problem.

3. Rozrahunok koshtorisu and demonstration of work

Proposal of the security system for the zamіsky booth is being built qualified fahivets on the the basis of the relay wedding characteristics of the object. We also rozrahuymo koshtoris the project and we will conduct a demonstration of the possession.

4. Complete set of systems of protection and security

Operative preparation before installation. Installation for the installation of a security system at a foreign house is completed from our warehouse in three days.

5. Installation of security systems, protection and signalization

Accurate installation exactly on the hour. We are professionally equipped for video warning. All the robots are counted with additional facsimiles with additional new technological tools at the terms established by the contract.

Extended warranties. Our company offers an extended warranty for all security systems installed at the castle booths. Won transfer 30 days of cost-free service (under the contract), I will provide a guarantee for all types of service work and line-free technical support.

When blamed for any food for the operation of security systems, video surveillance in the castle houses, we need prompt and qualified service to help.

8. Control of the robotic system

Be aware of the quality of your system. Security systems go through several stages of control at the stages of completion, installation, adjustment and launch.

Video warning at the zamіsky booth

The current system of protection for the zamіskogo booth allows high-quality video recording in digital format. Video intercoms, which are used in security systems, allow you to record and record individuals.

The remote security system fixes the middle of the house and on the territory, instantly sends a signal about a random situation, giving you the opportunity to protect your relatives and your mine.

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