Taras Shevchenko is special in life. Taras Shevchenko's beloved wife. Perebuvannya in Orenburz region

On January 9, 1814, Taras Grigorovich Shevchenko was born near the Zvenigorod district (Kiev province), near the small village of Morintsi. His fathers were peasant villagers with P.V. Engelhardt, a local landowner. When the boy turned two, his homeland moved to another village - Kirilivka, where Taras passed his childhood. In 1823, his mother died and his father, Grigory Ivanovich Shevchenko, became friends with a widow and three children. The mother-in-law was very rude and did not do much of her training. The only inspiration in the boy’s life was his friendship with his older sister Katerina, who he believed all his children in the prison to be. But Taras’s fate did not spoil him anywhere - his beloved sister got married, and in 1825 his father died.

Having shown up, the boy will not just be abandoned, but will be abandoned from the important life, turning into a child without a seat. At first he worked his way up to being a teacher, then spent time with his fellow artists (they were called “painters”) and then learned the basic techniques of painting from them. For such an hour Taras tended the sheep, serving as a driver. The guy learned to read and write at school. When the boy turned sixteen, he received Engelhardt’s ceramic brush and was appointed as a cook to the kitchen, and then transferred to a Cossack woman. It’s not surprising that Taras always found an hour for painting, which was noted by the landowner himself. Engelhardt gave his honor to Jan Rüstem, a graduate of the University of Vilnius.

Shevchenko lived in Vilna for a second time, and if the landowner destroyed his family in St. Petersburg in 1831, then he took a good lad and made money from the new powerful painter. In 1832, Taras began working with the leading guild master of the fray-growing department, V. Shiryaev. In 1836, around the time of painting the statues of the Summer Garden, Shevchenko met with her fellow countryman I. M. Soshenko. This artist, delighted with his friends, called Taras from V.I. Grigorovich, conference secretary of the Academy of Mystery and learned from artists K. Bryullov, A. Venetsianov and poet V. Zhukovsky. They immediately brought out a remarkable talent in the young man and told everyone to try to buy a cracker and make him free. It was not easy for Ale Engelhardt to find a job. It is not enough to appeal to the humanism of the landowner, and the work of the famous academician and painter, such as Karl Bryullov, has overturned the landowner, which is too expensive for his craftsmen. Bryullov among his friends called Engelhardt “the biggest pig” of all time. Then he asked Soshenko to get in touch with the landowner and negotiate the price of the purchase. Soshenko, in his own right, decided to entrust such a delicate matter to Professor Venetsianov, relying on the fact that the professor’s closeness to the imperial court would play a role. Ale didn't help.

Shevchenko was already afraid of the destruction and the turbocharges about such shady people, but the negotiations about the ransom dragged on for so long that they embarrassed Taras. The young men’s nerves did not fade, and their relationship with the artist Soshenko grew so rich that they vowed to take cruel revenge on their master. Without the heat of the haircuts, Soshenko urged Taras’s friends to hurry up to the right, and Engelhardt was named a sum that was absolutely incredible at that hour for the purchase of a strong soul. In order to get some money, Zhukovsky contacted the landowner and went to Bryullov with a proposal to paint a portrait, and then, organizing a lottery, sell the painting. Bryullov had a bad time and painted a portrait in the shortest term. The lottery was organized with the help of Count Vielgorsky, and the picture sold for two and a half thousand karbovantsi. On April 22, 1838, Taras Shevchenko became a free person. Until my death, I never forgot about the blessings that my friends did to me. He dedicated one of his greatest works, “Katerina,” to Zhukovsky, without losing himself to the Borg or to others.

It was also in 1838 that Shevchenko began his studies at the St. Petersburg Academy of Mysteries, where the artist Karl Bryullov became his mentor and friend. Taras Grigorovich is considered to have the greatest moments in his life in the forties of the century. At that very hour, the bright flower of this poetic gift blossomed. In 1840, after the collection of his masters “Kobzar” began, it was warmly received by the intelligentsia of St. Petersburg. “Haydamaky,” Shevchenko’s most poetic work, was published in 1842. And in the coming year, 1843, Shevchenko revoked the diploma of a distinguished artist and went down the drain in Ukraine. It’s very expensive to get to know an extremely kind and sensible woman - Princess V.N. Repnina. The result of Taras Shevchenko’s trips to the native land were such great works as “Topol”, “Naymichka”, “Perebendya”, “Hustik” and “Katerina”.

Ukraine appreciated Shevchenko’s poetry, and, having become a cherished guest at everyone’s booth, they declared it Ukrainian. At the same time, most Russian critics, along with Belinsky, condemned Shevchenko’s collegiate directness of national creativity and called his poetry “collegiate provincialism.” Having learned about this, Taras Grigorovich declared: “Let me be a peasant singer, I don’t need anything else.”

1946 in Kiev Shevchenko gets closer to M.I. It is important for Kostomarov to crow about the rights of the Cyril and Methodius Partnership that is being created. It was important for the marriage to include young people, who had close problems with the development of Slovenian nationalities, including the Ukrainian. Most of the participants were arrested and accused of organizing a secret political marriage. The punitive stench was removed from the massacre, but Shevchenko suffered the most. For writing illegal documents, they were taken to the army and sent to the Orenburz region by ordinary people. When this happened, they stopped painting and wanting to write. A particularly important role for Shevchenko’s share was played by his epigram “Dream”, written for the empress. The third branch gave Emperor Mikola a copy of the poem, and, according to the testimony of Belinsky, reading it, the sovereign recited - and then, having reached the rows dedicated to his squad, became angry.

Shevchenko's ridge was identified as far as the Orsk Fort. All the unnecessary activity oppressed the poet with its flatness and tediousness, and the mountains did not bother the Kyrgyz steppe anymore. And yet, Taras Grigorovich was especially depressed by the fence on painting and the writing of the masters. It’s good that you were allowed to write on the leaves. Shevchenko leafed out from Zhukovsky and turned towards the unknown especially Gogol, relying on his sympathy for Ukraine. Zhukovsky Shevchenko asked only one thing from the sheets: to ask the Emperor for mercy - the ability to paint. Ale Mikola I, whose food turned out to be invincible - the fuss of Counts O. Tolstoy and Gudovich did not help. Shevchenko’s chant did not help the letter to General Dubelt, the head of the Third Division, about the fact that his brush is not a sin for any citizen, including a politician.

Alas, the absentee officers lay in disarray until the end of the day. The mission was especially humane by Lieutenant Butakov and General Obruchov. The last one included Shevchenko in the expedition for the exploration of the Aral Sea (1848 - 1849), which gave the souls of the city the opportunity to sing quietly. There was an attempt to paint Shevchenko during the expedition as an artist - he was entrusted with painting the Aral coast and the local merchants. It reached St. Petersburg, and Lieutenant Butakov and General Obruchov took the dogs, and Shevchenko was sent even further - to Novopetrovsky, repeating the same defense for painting.

Shevchenko lived with Novopetrovsky for almost seven years (Zhovten 1850 - mid 1857), and until his release he was not given any farbi, penzli, or olives. I guess I managed to be cunning - I bypassed the fence for painting, was engaged in molding, and finally tried to master photography, and the reagents and scarves, not to mention the device itself, were extremely expensive. At the hour of sending to Novopetrovsky, you know and new friends among the exiles. Mainly in collaboration with E. Zhelikhovsky, Br. Zaleski and Z. Sierakovski. Long conversations with you sanctified people Shevchenko was encouraged to understand the idea of ​​“brothers of the same tribe coming together.” By destroying the fence, Shevchenko will write in the sent message of the Russian language. “Twins”, “Artist”, “Princess” - this is how you create anonymous details of an autobiographical story. The stories we saw were much later.

It is unknown how many more fateful events the exiled Shevchenko had, and despite the troubles of the people cheated by the emperor, they still earned their right. The vice-president of the Academy of Mystery, Count F.P. Tolstoy, and his squad, Countess A.I. Tolsta. Shevchenko was liberated in 1857, 2 sickles, and left the place of exile. On the way, I lived in Astrakhan for two years, and then stayed forever in Nizhny Novgorod, because I could not hesitate in the capital’s places. At the hour of his stay in Nizhny Novgorod, Taras Grigorovich was captivated by the beauty of the young actress Piunova, regardless of the significant difference between the woman, and wanted to become friends with her. But the matchmaking did not bring the poet joy - he was relieved.

He allowed Shevchenko to enter Moscow, denying him the fate of 1858. In Moscow, I was worried about my health, which was stolen, although hanging out with friends and old acquaintances brought diversity into my life. On his honor, Maksimovich ruled the evening, on which he sings with the Aksakovs, Princess Repnina, and Shepkin. How healthy I felt, Taras Grigorovich zaliznytsia flying to St. Petersburg. Meetings with friends in the capital again surrounded him, but soon after he began to work on the works created by Novopetrovsky. At this hour, the engravings began to click. Most of the friends indicated that the singer was addicted to alcoholic drinks, which he probably lost within hours of being sent.

Shevchenko blames the birth of 1859 on Fatherlandism - having not been there for over a decade. There is an idea to acquire land on the birch of the Dnieper, and now he is looking for a suitable plot, but in the hour of negotiations about the purchase, Taras Grigorovich manages to seal the honor of the nobleman Kozlovsky. Kozlovskiy Shvidko cleared up the denunciation, and then Shevchenko was arrested and sent to Kiev. Fortunately, the Governor-General, Prince Vasilchikov, ordered the “empty right” and gave Shevchenko permission to live in Kiev - however, under the supervision of the gendarmerie.

After being sent, Shevchenko wrote little. Much of their interest was focused on engraving and trying to make friends... If the first one achieved success, then the other gradually lost sight of them. It would have seemed that things would have turned out quite positively with the young fortress girl Lukeria Polusmakova, and she finally accepted the proposition, and then Shevchenka felt disappointed - they parted. What caused this person was lost in prison.

1860 rock, near the breast, Shevchenko’s camp was immersed. The doctor Barii, who cheered him, diagnosed him with dropsy, but admitted the truth to his patient. You tried to save Taras Grigorovich from the evil of alcoholic drinks, but perhaps you won’t succeed. During the winter of 1961 he sings to fate, forcibly shuffling around the room, and when he got off, he became an inescapable mess. But Shevchenko, who is terminally ill, is constantly dreaming about his trip to Ukraine, holyly believing that we can protect him from any misfortunes.

Friends confirm that Shevchenko, like manna from heaven, followed the tsar’s manifesto about the abolition of serfdom. On the 19th of February, when the manifesto was widely publicized, it happened at Masnitsa, and the signatures were given through the fear of popular praise. Once the manifesto was announced, Taras Grigorovich was no longer alive. On the last day of the day, the people sing in their thirsty torments. The next day, he knew he had the strength to go down to the mine, otherwise he would fall and die immediately.

They buried him in St. Petersburg, and his friends, following the poet’s will, brought his gunpowder to Ukraine. Taras Grigorovich Shevchenko rests on the birch of the Dnieper, on a high hill near the town of Kanev. It was only death that once again tied the great Ukrainian poet to his beloved Dnieper.

Ukrainians celebrate Shevchenko days. Without a doubt, Taras Shevchenko was a genius in many ways! However, his specialness is often to deify, selecting everything human. We have prepared a text for you about Shevchenko the people. People who love so much.

To your respects, all the beloved women sing from the caps to the princes: who stinks, what they looked like and why the hundredfolds did not fold.

Oksana Kovalenko

The descendants respect the first burials of Shevchenko Bula Oksana Kovalenko. At three rocks, a young, strong-willed woman sings at the top, “The thirteenth day has passed...”. Taras and Oksana grew up in friendship. The grown-ups joked that children would soon become friends. Kobzar remembers about this in his sheets. However, at his 15, Shevchenko left Pan Engelhardt before Vidnya. Turning back to the next village after 14 roki, if the first farmer already had two children. Oksana is also dedicated to the song "Mar'yana - chernitsa".

Amalia Kloberg

Shevchenko’s friend was completely young. It was still before the beginning of the Academy of Mysteries in St. Petersburg. Yuniy Shevchenko “won” the 15-year-old German native Amalia Kloberg from his teacher Ivan Soshenko. Taras signed this naked portrait with her hair down and “Chevchenko”. In the opinion of the descendants, the girl herself took the artist’s nickname. In the story “The Artist” by Shevchenko, Amalia is depicted under the name Pasha. On the 30th day, you’ll go to Kobzar’s master once again. However, the bet did not work out for them.

Varvara Repnina

If Shevchenko was already a capital artist and in front of my people, the new farmer burned down, whose wife was with the princess! He graduated from the art academy at St. Petersburg and arrived on a visit to Ukraine. Together with Princess Varvara Repnina. Shevchenko lived for a whole river in the homeland of Prince and General Mikoli Repnin-Volkonsky. Varvara was his daughter. At that hour she was already 35 years old! The woman started shaking at Shevchenko and did everything she could to help her.

About her business, she revealed everything to Charles Einard. However, the different breeding grounds did not allow the hundred-year-olds to develop. That's why Taras and Varvara lost their friends, who supported the hundred-year-olds with a long life. And after the death of the singer, Varvara saw part of the pennies for the monument to Shevchenko from the authorities. Before the speech, the Russian princess was also a scribe.

Ganna Zakrevska

Buli near Shevchenko and fenced hundred. Around midnight I visited the landowner Platon Zakrevsky. His squad Ganni was less than 21 years old. Shevchenko had gotten to know her earlier, at the hour of the ball, and was gushing over her beauty. And if there was a delay in the homeland of the Zakrevskys, between Taras and Ganna there was a war... The newspapers were torn apart quickly, the fragments of Shevchenko deprived the life of the Zakrevskys through the terms of reference. Anna can be guessed in more than one verse. However, more of their shares were not intertwined, and in 35 years Zakrevska retired from life...

Feodosia Koshitsya

It is a testimony that at the hour of Kyrylivka’s marriage, Shevchenko was honored with the daughter of the priest Grigory Koshytsia, Feodosiya. Having lost his position at the Kiev University, he never planned family life. He sings having gone to get married to Feodosia, having rejected Vidma’s father’s betrothed. And the girl herself, after confessions, fell ill and died young.

Ganna Usakova

And one more is just around the corner married wife. At the hour of the tenth exile, Shevchenko killed the squad of the commandant of the Novopetrovsk fort, Ganna Omelyanivna Usakova. They were scolded and sued about them, and hundreds were lost. However, the sheet before Zalewski sings that he loved Anna with “innocent love.”

Katya Puunova

Zakohana, before the rest of Varvara Repnina, managed to get the emperor to pardon Shevchenko. At that time, youmu was 44 years old. Ale from torment and oppression. In order to make good on the wasted fates, we are thinking about the young squad “for nothing.” Every hour he sings alive in Nizhny Novgorod. Here, in a new world, you can renew yourself, and even women from the city elite were looking forward to his portraits. One of them was 16-year-old actress Katya Puunova.

Shevchenko, having had enough of the human being, also helped Katya take her place from the corpse. Ale devchina, who married Shevchenko, went to Kazan with a 25-year-old actor, after which she married. Later, she guessed what this pardon was all about, saying, her mind couldn’t stop appreciating the genius of Shevchenko.

Maria Maksimovich

Then there was some friendship, some love, and a relationship with the squad of Mikhail Maksimovich’s close friend Maria. It seems that the child of Mikhail and Maria really looks like Shevchenko. However, biographers sing that Shevchenko, without giving free rein to the feelings and friendship between them, was deprived of Maria.

Looker'ya Polusmak

Shevchenko’s remaining love was a simple girl, as always. Luker was a servant of his St. Petersburg friends. When the girl sang, she became free. He hired a tutor for her. However, Luker did not appreciate what Shevchenko had won for her.

The girl, already enlisted, began to flirt indecently with the singer’s acquaintances. For one version, I delighted the betrothed with a repeater. So, no matter what, Shevchenko broke up with her. And after 3 months he died... Looker married a perukar, and after her death she spent more than one day at the grave of a great warrior, repenting at the mercy.

Respect! The material does not claim to be scientific research or writing based on previously published materials.

Taras Grigorovich Shevchenko is a talented singer, a fashionable artist, a lover of rum and cigars, a price watcher at the theatre, a favorite guest at balls and in aristocratic salons and a passionate sex worker. And all the famous and gorgeous women simply could not help but reciprocate his feelings - they loved him, worshiped him, adored him and became his muses...

The world widely knows the name of Taras Shevchenko (1814-1861) - the great Ukrainian poet, artist, educator, who rose above the common people and rose to the heights of world recognition. No matter how many labels would be hung on a genius, he was already human with his weaknesses and similarities. Over the course of this life, he became passionately and selflessly, painting portraits, devoting food and poetry, dying, suffering, losing his faith in the law and becoming obsessed again. Female images occupied a special place in Shevchenko’s work both in literature and
in image-creating mysticism.

https://static.kulturologia.ru/files/u21941/shevchenkojpg-001.jpg" alt="Oksana Kovalenko.

Taras met Polish wife Yadvya Gusikovskaya near Vilno in 1830. Yunak fell in love with Venom with her whole stick, and she reciprocated. Their couples were far from platonic. The girl taught Taras the Polish language, learned from the creativity of Adam Mickiewicz, and sewed shirts for the farmer with her hand.

“Kohanna until the end of the polka, which lay until the next middle, with an independent order of thoughts, is a small strong influx on this downtrodden, driven, or even deeply inundated nature. This first sweetness, behind the singer himself, snatched his soul, lifting it before his powerful eyes.” Ale Jadwiga and his brother left Wilno before the Polish uprisings of 1830-1831 near Warsaw.

https://static.kulturologia.ru/files/u21941/219419290.jpg" alt="Natural model Amalia Kloberg.

In 1843, Shevchenko graduated from the Academy of Mysteries and turned to Ukraine. At that time, he was already in demand as a portrait painter and a popular poet, and was similar to many Budyn provincial aristocrats. So at one of the receptions with the landowner Volkhonskaya, Taras met the squad of Colonel Ganna Zakrevskaya and the Governor General’s daughter Varvara Repnina. Both were honored with a talented and famous young man, but Taras gave his heart to the young coquet of the 21-river Ganni. Their mutual romance behind the back of the old man Annie was going to last for a long time. They believed that the result of these secret affairs was the birth of Donka. The man inflicts jealousy and suspicion on Hanna.

And Taras sings for sending seditious creativity to the slain. There's a wine and a kilka dedicated to Anna, leaked love'ю і ніжністю. А повернувшись із заслання дізнається, що Ганна померла, не доживши до 35 років.!}

beautiful soul." And Repnina, having suppressed despair and extinguished the passionate fire, decided to become a guardian angel for her beloved. She was the only woman who was not afraid to write to the exile in exile. And with her connections she tried to ease the fate of the poet.!}

https://static.kulturologia.ru/files/u21941/shevchenkojpg-006.jpg" alt="Agatha Uskova. (1854).

After the decadal exile, the 45-river Tarasov had the opportunity to live near Novgorod, once again becoming at the center of respect for the local women. There was only one person who subdued the subtle and sensitive soul of the singer - Katenka Piunova, a 15-year-old provincial actress, for the sake of which Shevchenko was ready to do anything. Like Pygmalion, he created his Galatea: by taking up its illumination, learning Ukrainian language, and in every way taking its interest from theatrical activity. And then, how should I go about asking for my father’s hand in marriage? The girl wanted to accept the smile, but gave the decision to Vidmov. We are already getting old and tired of it. And Tarasov had the chance to give birth to another woman during his life.

May 13, 1905 your Looker arrived'я, кохана твоя, мій друже... подивися на мене як я каюся". !} !}

The talented artist and singer had many more songs than those whose names are known. Having looked at his creativity, it is obvious that everything is permeated with female images both in literature and in painting.
“I don’t know any poet in the world’s literature,- said Ivan Franko (1856-1916), - who would so selflessly, so cruelly and completely knowingly act as the defender of women’s rights, the defender of women’s rights in everyday human life.”


Shevchenko Taras Grigorovich (1814-1861) - Ukrainian prose writer and singer, artist and thinker, revolutionary democrat.

Children's rocks

Taras was born on Bereznya 9, 1814. Near the Zvenigorod district of the Kiev province at that time there was a small village of Morintsi. The landowner V.V. was in charge there. Engelhardt, who became the nephew of Prince Potyomkin and lost most of his Little Russian lands. The landowner of whose ancestor was the village-kripak Shevchenko, Grigory Ivanovich, the father of the mighty poet.

Shevchenko's family was wealthy. Along Father's line, the roots went to the Zaporizk Cossacks. Mother, Boyko Katerina Yakimivna, was from a Carpathian family. In 1816, the homeland moved to another village in Zvenigorod district, Kyrylivka, where Taras passed his childhood.

When Tarasov was 9 years old, his mother died. It was not easy for the father of a wealthy family, and as a result, he became friends with a widow with three children. The mother-in-law was a suvor, so little Taras spent most of his time under the care of his sister Katya. Suddenly she got married, and the boy again lost his tenderness and kindness. Tarasov was less than 11 years old when his father died. The child became homeless, one of the most important periods of life began.

Uni rocks

You happened to lead a nomadic way of life. I had the opportunity to serve under a gentleman-teacher, and Taras learned to read and write letters in just a little while. Painters took him to work in neighboring villages, as the icons wrote. Here Taras learned a lot about painting, although painting began to appear from his early childhood. I had to shepherd sheep and serve with the local priest.

In 1829, when young Taras was already 16 years old, having spent time in the service until the landowner, he was hired as a cook in the kitchen. At that time, the district passed from Volodin to Engelhardt’s son, Pavel Vasilyovich. Vin, carrying young Shevchenko with him. During his stay with Vilna, the landowner showed respect for the boy’s nasty paintings and gave him the opportunity to become a portrait painter, Jan Rustem, who contributed paintings to the University of Vilna. During his repeated adventures with Vilna, Taras learned a lot from the artist. І Engelhardt plans to transfer the painter to the position of a home painter.

St. Petersburg period

In 1831 the stinks moved to St. Petersburg. Here Shevchenko continued his apprenticeship with the famous painter Vasil Shiryaev. Together with the artist Taras Navit took part in the painting of St. Petersburg Great Theater.

1836 fate in the life of Shevchenko became significant acquaintance. He painted statues at the Summer Garden, and got together with the artist Soshenko, who appeared to be his fellow countryman. Nezabar Taras presented to famous painters Venetsianov A. and Bryullov K., poet Zhukovsky V. and secretary of the Art Academy Grigorovich V. I.

The new acquaintances sympathized with the young men, recognized his value in painting and decided to buy it from the landowner. Engelhardt, having realized such a backwardness of famous painters, tried not to sell himself cheap, and raised the price for Shevchenko all the time. There were moments, when Taras was at the receiving end, that nothing would come of it, threatening to take revenge on the ruler. And then the Mitzi ventured on an unprecedented scale. In the spring of 1938, a lottery was held in the Anichkov Palace, the winner of which was Karl Bryullov’s painting “V. I. Zhukovsky." Taking 2,500 rubles from the lottery bought the freedom of Taras Shevchenko. A young man whose fate has begun to begin his career at the Academy of Mysteries.

Get started the most beautiful rocks at the life of Taras. Although I had the opportunity to live in the outbuildings of the Art Academy, I spent time with the St. Petersburg bohemia and spent evenings in the noble salons. That will truly reveal both my artistic talent and my poetic gift. In 1840, there was a collection of Shevchenko vertices under the name “Kobzar”.

And in 1842 the greatest poetic work “Haydamaky” came to light. Nezabar, one by one, eat yogo:

  • "Caucasus",
  • "Overbend",
  • "Just a joke"
  • "Poplar",
  • "Naimichka"
  • "Katerina."

At the heart of almost all plots lies a tragically doomed, unhappy love. In the skin of the hero of Shevchenko's poems, one can discern an in-depth sense of true suffering.

1844 was marked in Shevchenko’s life by the fact that he was awarded the title of a free artist. Taras crashed along the roads of Ukraine. While traveling through the Volynsk, Kiev, Chernigov and Poltava provinces, we steadily painted the Ukrainian nature and ancient monuments. He really wanted to convey to future generations how beautiful the nature of his native land is and how great the ancient monuments are. When Shevchenko planned to publish an album of etchings “Picturesque Ukraine” together with Princess Repnina Varvara, all the material was in preparation, but the video never came to fruition.

Rebellious spirit and long military service

By the time of the visit to Kiev, we came to the Cyril and Methodius Partnership. This was a kind of group that formed from the youth, as a result of the history of the development of the Slovenian peoples. Shevchenko wrote verses, in which, like a thin thread, a lament about the hard and evil state of Ukraine passed through. Nearly ten members of the group were arrested, and Shevchenko’s leaders were found to be mischievous and careless, especially his “Dream,” which was a satire about the emperor and empress.

In the spring of 1847, according to the decisions signed by the emperor, Taras Shevchenko was named military service in the Orenburz region, paint and write from the thick fence. Such restrictions turned out to be unbearably difficult for the poet and artist, especially Taras could not live without a pencil. So that he was allowed to paint, and wrote sheets of letters to help with the supreme nourisher M.V. Gogol and V.I. Zhukovsky. Count Gudovich A. I. and Count Tolstoy A.K. also fussed over Shevchenko’s food, but everything turned out to be fruitless.

I spent a little time in 1848-1849, when I received directions for service on the Aral Sea expedition. General Obruchov and Lieutenant Butakov were placed leniently in Taras and, in order to smooth the reputation of the expedition, entrusted him with the task of preserving the local types of nationalities. They found out about this at St. Petersburg, the general and the lieutenant were informed of the dog, and Shevchenko was sent to a new place of service from the continued defense for painting.

So he went to the Caspian near Novopetrovsk, and lived from 1850 to 1857. It was really hard at first, but after three years it became a little easier. Commandant Uskov loved Taras with all his soul and his squad for his gentle and kind character, as well as for those that Shevchenko was already attached to their details. Since it was impossible for him to make small ones, Taras took up sculptures, tried his hand at photography, but this turned out to be expensive for that time.

During this period, he wrote stories with a lot of autobiographical insights:

  • "Twins"
  • "Unfortunate"
  • "Princess"
  • "Captain"
  • Artist.

The remaining fates of life

In St. Petersburg, Count F.P. Tolstoy and his retinue continued to work hard. Zrestha, 1857 Shevchenko's fate was called and allowed to turn around. Turning back to the Volga, forever settling in Nizhny Novgorod and Astrakhan, having sensed the spirit of freedom, fully infused with mysticism and poetry.

Shevchenko returned to St. Petersburg, living there until the summer of 1859. He was very well received by the family of Count Tolstoy, who was a frequent guest at dinners and parties, having formed acquaintances with literary and artistic figures. He had a new treasure - engraving, and in 1860 he was awarded the rank of academician of engraving.

Taras Shevchenko tried to improve his family life. Having tried to become friends with the artist Piunova, a happy friend did not emerge.

Having wooed Kharity Dovgopolenkov before the fortress, the prote girl was still very young. Through great strife, the woman did not make any friendships. Kharitya gave precedence to the young clerk, whom she soon married.

In the summer of 1860, all friends left St. Petersburg, Shevchenko got together again, was on his own, trying to make friends. Once again my choice fell on the young girl of the strong man Lukerya Polusmakova. Vaughn showed up cunningly for Kharity and realized that Shevchenko’s names are enviable. Lukerya accepted the proposal about marriage, the stench was in the name for a long time, but for unknown reasons the fun never came.

At the beginning of the winter of 1860, fate became obsessed with the health of the singer, and felt so bad that he turned to doctors. Doctor Bari told Shevchenko that he was seriously ill, to be careful, lest the whole truth be revealed to him. Taras developed dropsy. He didn’t need to worry about his health, he didn’t stop drinking alcohol, and after two months he couldn’t go to gatherings anymore.

Before his death, he carefully read the manifesto about the suppression of serfdom. Before he had finished, the 10th birch tree sings, having fallen and died at its master. You were welcomed at Peter's on the Smolensk District.

Trohi yogo yogo friends vikonali I will remain free Taras Shevchenko, writing about him in his verses:

“When I die, bury me on a grave, in the middle of the wide steppe, in the lovely Ukraine. The wide-field fallow deer, the Dnieper, and the steep slopes were visible, almost like a roaring roar.”

The poet’s ashes were transferred to Ukraine, the place of his burial - near the town of Kanev, at the highest point above the wide roaring Dnieper.

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