Spring photo shoot in Italian style. Vesilla in the Italian style. Props for the party

Italian wedding- mrіya bagatioh young, because Italy z її picnic nature, landscapes, cultural and historical memos, scho splurge the spirit, is simply created for love and a beautiful, unforgettable cob of sleepy life. Romantic Venice, sleepy Sicily, monumental and fashionable Milan - the choice of true serenity. In Italy, girls themselves can make their children's dreams about the village near the kazkovy middle-class castle, on the terrace of the villa with a gorgeous view of the blue waters of the Mediterranean Sea, or on the green galyavin of the baroque palace on the birch of Lake Garda.

How can your dreams come true, and wedding in Italy Not far off, our article will help you to get ready to go, take care of all the possible nuances, and also give practical information to the guests, who are unknown to the guests in Italian, who are unknown to the guests.

When organizing a party in Italy, our team prepared a unique party package for young people following the "all inclusive" principle.

Wedding in Italy = wedding of your dream for only 2890 €!

  1. Today's Italian wedding - how is it?
  2. Preparatory cooking
  3. Rozsilka request
  4. Select date
  5. Girl's evening and cotton
  6. Number of guests
  7. What to give for a party in Italy
  8. Takeaway for the party
  9. Spring zabobons
  10. Church and community ceremonies
  11. De pass the spring party
  12. Spring menu
  13. Spring toast
  14. Rozwal program
  15. Honeymoon in Italy

1. Modern Italian fun - how is it?

Today's Italian wedding not foreseeing the harsh dormancy of the canons adopted from time immemorial, wanting in Italy, as in the Catholic and patriarchal country, to attach more respect to the routine of the established order and the traditions that have developed. Some of them, ymovirno, already you know - the beginnings of globalization of nationality between the lands and the peoples are progressively erased, and the spring rituals, the standards of which were the tasks of Old Rome, the Daedals are more unified.

Like in Russians (in a broadly understood word - Russian people), in Italians it is customary to come out of the countryside with white cloth, rule cottons and girls' evenings, organize photo shoots for young people, cut a spring cake and throw a bouquet at a banquet. Despite the similarity of the village in Italy, its peculiarity and vіdmіnnostі, knowing some of them will help the future make friends as much as possible to interweave the color and sound of the countryside with the spring urochist, and their guests, unknowingly, feel comfortable, traditional.

Photo shoot in the style of the Sicilian wedding of the 60s for Vanity Fair Italy

It is necessary to lie, what Italian spring traditions resurfaced from region to region, although not so significantly, as in the 19th century, for hours of political and cultural fragmentation. In our article, it’s important to talk about the traditions of pvdenny Italy on the butt of the island of Sicily, even if the very true little piece of paradise gathers a lot of steam for organization of a wedding ceremony in Italy.

2. Pre-preparation

Wesillya for the Italians and especially the Sicilians - they are not the worst thing in life. It is not for nothing that the very beginning of the plot of Mario Puzo's "Bad Father" - on the day of the wedding of the daughter of Constance don Vito Corleone, on the threshold of his mansion, there are numerous guests, and on the sidelines, they receive prohachis, like coming to the "baptized father" for a fair trial.

Before the wedding in Italy, it is customary to get ready for a significant advance - for a river, or even for two, even the organization of a large-scale urological cleansing on the most equal level is due to serious and thorough preparation. Classical Italian wedding vimag, so that everything was honored, so that the wedding ceremony in the style of Las Vegas, you can make friends literally on the same day, if the young people fell asleep on the thought of the idea of ​​\u200b\u200binding themselves with bonds, without the presence of certificates and numerous guests, here you can’t understand and navit sue.

We are happy before the old period of zalitsyan (for those, especially zanedbanih ones, this period can appear over the old one - in Italy, the separation on the right is not easy and bad, so a lot of pairs of yakomoga are more likely to be friends with one another, as a rule, at the same time mіtsnih stosunkіv i prravzhnіh pochutіv). The first crock to sleepy life - hand and heart proposition As a rule, what happens in a romantic setting. The man confirms the seriousness of his names, handing the hearts to the ladies on the hand of the ring (the ring with one great diamond is a symbol of the unique and single kokhanny; the second popular option is the veretta ring with other diamonds, roztashovaniya on the koz, and the symbol of the night). The obityanka obov'yazkovo creaks with a kiss, and if a woman accepts the proposition of her gentleman, then from that moment the couple is respected with a hand.
Cicavo, that the tradition of zaruchin sygaє sche Ancient Rome, if in advance the favor of the wedding was looked upon as a legal procedure and was taken care of by the exchange of coins, if only death could break the agreement about the wedding. At that hour, it was not the maiden herself who made the decision about the marriage, but the father’s guardian on the basis of political financial decisions, with the method of expanding that change in the spit of this. I understood, in to the current world there are no such fringes, and most of the time they seek out for mutual benefit that love without the uninterrupted involvement of the fathers.

After the commissioned couple announces about the upcoming wedding at a special party-zaruchintsy, relatives and friends will ask for it. It is accepted that the fathers of the future friends got to know one by one before the wedding - as a rule, they meet at a family dinner, for which one side asks for more.

3. Rossilka request

According to the rules of etiquette, all guests need to send a request for a few months before the date of the wedding, and not by electronic mail, but in the old way - by regular mail in an envelope with stamps. At the request, the design of which can be specially developed for a particular wedding, the names of the youth are indicated, the date of that place, the important style of the dress, which is more thematic. Tsikavo, it's time for the beginning of the ceremony of appointments a year earlier, so that none of the guests are guaranteed to be late.

After refusing the request, the guests are obliged to give an opinion on what stinks can be on the beach, shards of information that is important for the planning of urochistas and the organization of the banquet.

4. Select date for wedding in Italy

Italians great value give a choice dates of the party. The most important dates in this Catholic country are respected by those that fall on Advent (the hour before the Holy Rizdva of Christ), great pіst in front of the Holy Great Day, that grass (we call it like it is with us: if you see it at the grass, you will be tormented by life). Vvtorok, the planet-patron that ruler of which is Mars, is respected not far off in the afternoon for a wedding ceremony - if young people make friends with vvtorok, then often cook and fight one with one. From these days of the week, the week is most important, if all the saints bestow blessings on the young with their blessings.

Want to make friends in Italy tsiliy rik, the main spring season is three times from the middle of the day (after Great Day) to the end of the month. Vibelyuchi a month for a wedding in Italy, next unique serpen, especially date, starting from 15 serp, if the Italians mark Ferragosto (Ferragosto - Assumption of the Mother of God) and massively violate the holidays, which automatically means re-arrangement of hotels, clogged roads and prices, delays by 20-25%. If you want to spare, then take a closer look at the less popular months - a lot of hotels and restaurants in the off-peak season to show good prices.

5. Girl's evening and cotton in Italy

An important part of the pre-wedding period is evenings for the future youth, as they say goodbye to the rest of the days of a turboless idle life. In Italy, girls' evenings are organized by the lads like this: friends take the betrothed (or I'll be named) at the same place and power for the new one or її surprise, moreover, for the betrothed, it may be true that the bachelor party was held in the soul more often than not, the most modest is ruled by the most modest in rozva, even if it is a fun supper with friends. And in that, and in another mood, one cannot manage, as it seems to the English, without bittersweet, or “hot joy”, it seems, which is the reason for the fact that life will change without a hitch once and for all.

6. Number of guests

“The majestic garden has already accommodated hundreds of people: some danced on a wooden platform, decorated with flowers, others sat at old tables, stuffed with a mighty hedgehog, in a pivden gostroy and spices, and gliders with dark homemade wine. She was named, Connie Corleone, at all her springtime writings, she took her place at a special table on an open platform at once with her name, her friend, that best man. The stench was a pictorial sight in the old Italian style. Although the betrothed did not want to relish it, Connie was lucky enough to celebrate the party in such a way, as it was done in Italy from long ago, in order to please the father, which she did not reach even by the very choice of the person.

Mario Puzo, "Father of the Cross"

The scene of the wedding of the daughter of Vito Corleone from the first film of the trilogy "Christmas Father"

Although the trend of today's celebrations is the celebration of a celebration with a large number of close friends and relatives, in Italy the "warmth of the lamp" celebration for 25 years is not recognized as a celebration. Vrakhovuyuchi number and grouping of Italian families, especially in Italy, is even more modest for Italian worlds of the world - up to 100 individuals. 200-250 people - a garne of the middle class, on what occasion and distant relatives, work colleagues, and not closest friends. So, as a matter of fact, it’s a goloshennya to the whole world about those that a couple of them officially sang buti “in the mountains, and in joy, and until the end of their days”, then, according to the thought of the Italians, the more .

7. What to give for fun in Italy

Important food for all requests for travel to Italy - what and if it is accepted to give to future friends. The modern Italians vvazhayut for the best gift of pennies or speeches from a special list compiled by young people. By becoming a widespread practice, having become a gift to the sightseeing voyage is more expensive - asking for a voila far in advance transfer pennies from a travel agency, as if organizing a trip.

The main authority in Russia is those who are gifts, no matter what, pennies of speech, can be handed over to the very wedding. For example, in Sicily, a special party is organized a month or two before the urochistas - ricevimento , de vіdbuvaєtsya vruchennya. Obviously, guests from Russia and other lands can give gifts already without delay on the day of fun, for example, at the hour of a vital aperitif before the banquet on the cob, if the young people freely move around the hall and meet with requests.

It's important what tickets for weddings in Italy are not given. For the tradition of naming, you choose to buy a bouquet for your chosen one and take it to your house to the urochisty. The relatives of the wife's status (mother-in-law, mother-in-law, sister-in-law and sister-in-law), as well as the bridesmaids of the bride, are bathed in bouquets, but the guests can come without tickets.
It's amazing how Italian fun is not only a gift for young guests, but also for guests! For example, a wedding banquet is handed to a skin guest bomboniers (bombonière) - Small gifts for the riddle about the podium. What will be the bombers, lie in the fantasy of the betrothed and the betrothed and the theme of the wedding, but not in the mind in the set of gifts for the guests of the language Jordanian almond, or Italian confetti - Almond peas, covered with chocolate icing, in succulent burnt or common little bags. The color of the glaze can be different, and the number of confetti is strictly unpaired (most importantly 5 or 7), which symbolizes good luck and devotion to the named and the named - happiness, health, wealth, longevity and prosperity to the family.

At the wedding of Marini and Ludovico, on whom I had the honor of being a guest, the bombers were thematic and reflected the cultural peculiarities of the country's journey of the betrothed and the betrothed. Guests from Italy took away as a gift a matrioshka with a platter of the national Russian drink - a gorilka - in the middle, and guests from Russia - a traditional Sicilian carriage are rejuvenated from a limoncello platter. And, judging by it, all the guests took 5 zuceroks from glazed almonds as an addition to their souvenirs.

8. Party invitation

Like in rich other countries, in Italy, it is respected by a filthy bastard, as if naming a cloth named to a wedding, that one is called to choose a spring choice herself, and to help her with her older relatives that girlfriend.

If you want to know "that very cloth", in which you will be blind to the wet spring, then our consultant in Italy will help you with the choice and organization of cooperation with spring salons. The consultant will take care of all the organizational nutrition, so you can enjoy the good and the receiving moments of grafting with the ideal cloth for your urochistost.

For a ceremony in a church, it's too classic more pay at the bottom with a long train, like a garno gravitating along the entire aisle, until it is called a crochet until the vіvtarya. A corset with a plunging neckline and a bare back in the church of the Nebazhan, so if you want more cloth, it’s better to save it for a grandiose ceremony or urochisty at the restaurant. For painting in the municipality, cloth should be made up to the knees with a sun-sleeve. The color can be changed in all shades of white - from vanilla and powdery to champagne.

The tradition of supplementing the image of the spring with a veil swears to Ancient Rome, if the veil was more cursing, which would come not only to the guise of the appointed, but also to gorta її s nig to the head. It is accepted in Italy that the veil was such a long time, like a kohannya of young people one to one, to whom they are older, they are more beautiful. Before that, such a veil looks superbly effective.

Most importantly, the classic costume of the crib with a blizzard is on the ball of names. The dress code for guests is written in advance at the request, especially as young people want to show off the singing style and color palette. The guests at the wedding may be dressed in nagoda - urochisto, but not too chimerical, so as not to obscure the right heroes of the saint with their look. Under the fence total black and open the shoulders under the hour of the ceremony at the church.

9. Vesіlnі zaboboni i prikmeti

The Italians are a kind of zabobonny people, especially on the right, there is a lot of fun - it’s an impersonal example that signifies life away from friends. The evening before the eve of the Italian wedding was named obov'yazkovo dressed in green, to that which promises prosperity and good fortune to the future slub. There is one more tradition - it is called guilty to wear the old one, the new one, the later one, the black one and the one that she took away as a gift, but the tradition of vinyl in England is not purely Italian.

On the day of the wedding, the name is not dressed with gold, for the wine of the hoop, but in the swarms of the named one there will be the attachments of the little things of the hall, to bring in evil spirits and protect yourself from the ghost. For a couple, when they leave the church, the guests throw troyand pellets (it’s not allowed to sound like that at the church itself), paper confetti and rice rice - washed, so as not to confuse the suit of the betrothed. Spravzhnіy boards of pelyustok, confetti and rice, which promise that prosperity of the future friendly life, fall upon the young.

For example, the holy couple is guilty of breaking a vase, or kelih and protecting a lot of ulamkiv, as symbolizes a lot of rocks, with the help of which the stench will be happy friends.

Prikmet and zabobonіv richly, today far from all of them are taken to respect before or after the hour of the Italian wedding, ale, if you make friends in Italy, a couple of them all the same, take a note of them - about every fluctuation and good luck.

10. Church ceremonies

In Italy, there is no such understanding, like a maid of honor (which even in Russia is far from being included in the program of a spring day), and it is holy to begin with the ceremony of friendship. In the sights of other countries, in Italy, over 75% of lovers are found in the church, and the church ceremony is officially compared to a civil painting. Obviously, young people can sign up in the city municipality (Italian municipalities are roaming for an hour in the garni of the garni historical days), call the ceremony to carry out measures for the registrar of civil status.

But all the same, in Italy, the country with strong religious traditions, it is accepted that the couple officially became friends and swore friendly oaths in the temple, in the eyes of people and God. This is especially true for the patriarchal Italian Pivdnya.

order church ceremonies in Italy approximately like this. Namings come to the church 20-30 minutes before the beginning of the ceremony and I will call you more patiently, as a number of guests, and they are punished to take up their jobs, and not checks on the streets. At the church ceremony, the right part of the church is occupied by the friends of the named one, and the left, apparently, by the named one. The first rows are designated for fathers and close relatives. With Sicilians, most of the time, at a ceremony in a church, you can have the whole village or a good part of the place: take care that fun is sacred to everyone.

The name is called, come to the church with a slight delay - about її shvidka, the church bells will appear. As it happened from the Middle Ages, you can arrive even more romantically and extravagantly - top on a horse or in a carriage, but most of all still on a car. Following the tradition, under the sounds of Mendelssohn’s march, I’ll name my father until tomorrow, and in front of them go the boy and the girl - the children of relatives and close friends, like carrying a pillow from the kiltsy of that kvity. Delay until tomorrow, the father lifts the veil and forever passes his daughter to the future man.

If the heroes of the urochistas are at the picket, the ceremony begins, as if the year is near. The priest prays for the young and asks them to take traditional wedding oaths, the text of such vows to all: in the mountains, and in joy, the docks of death do not separate us. It is very important for this savage and squishy moment to fade into tears.

Tsіkavo, which in Italy is even more important certificates, and the hour of the official part in the church and the municipalities of their right to ask for a wedding, the same as in Russia, the role of the certificates is purely nominal, and in the absence of the reality of the day

After the ceremonies in some villages, especially in Italy, it is customary that young people with accompanying relatives of those other guests passed through the tract of the streets, taking the wind and clasping their hands. Most of today's couples will then go to the photo session, at the same time the guests will get in order and independently get to the restaurant before the appointed year.

11. De pass the spring party

A large-scale spring party in Italy can be organized in a luxurious palazzo with a large number of halls that can accommodate hundreds of people, an average castle with a Disney fairy tale, in a chic villa with wind terraces, or you can drive on a sailboat or a boat.

Dehto vlastovuє vesіlny banquet at home: ask all the guests for the ceremony before the church, and at the table - only a few relatives and friends. But all the same, such a homely format, rather, vinyatok - in Italy it is customary to treat guests with a savory meal or an evening at a barbecue restaurant. Call young people ahead of time, as if to upset the guests, so that they don’t blame the swindler, and if Giuseppe didn’t show up in order from young friends, we’ll ask you to remind us in advance, to sit at some table, and it’s customary to place banquet cards with names on the tables.

12. Spring menu

The Italians are the biggest fans of life in the world, because of the wedding feast, because of the large number of people and diversity, rich in what lies the success of the fun itself. Spring Banquet in Italy you can include up to 10-15 changes of money, so that non-Italian guests need to be prepared ahead of time to have a rich rich savory and high-calorie meal.

Є two views of the Christmas feast - a spring obid (which is three years old until 6 pm) and a spring supper (from 6 pm to pivnochi). Before the festivities, the guests, who want to see the arrival of a new friend (as, as a rule, they take on a spring photo session), are offered an aperitif to improve their appetite and light snacks. On the cob of obov'yazkovo served antipasti (vіd anti - "to" and pasto - "їzha") - snacks from vegetables, syrah, meat or seafood, also can be a bag of aranci, mini-pies or bruschetta.

First grass (primo piatto) in the Italian wedding, traditionally, it’s not a salad, like ours, but pasta, like the Italians just adore and eat every day, and the day of the wedding is not blaming from their favorite rule. Pasta can be prepared just before the season of that month (seafood pasta in Sicily, carbonara pasta in Rome, truffle pasta in Tuscany). Before primo piatto, as it is customary to treat in the Italian countryside, you can see risotto, lazinnya, ravioli and tortellini (Italian dumplings with fresh dough).

Main stravi (secondo piatto) include a good shmatok m'yasa abo ribi s garnish (contorno) from grilled vegetables and potatoes. Submit for completion sorbet other mixes with liquor or prosіk. Spring cake (torta nuziale) As it is accepted in the rich countries of the world, young people celebrate the end of the evening: the first coats are recognized by the girlfriends themselves, the other - for the mother-in-law, the third - for the mother-in-law, the steps - the father-in-law, then the other guests.

Zrozumіlo, spring festivities cannot do without Bacchus and yoga gifts. Whereas among Russians on the beach it is practical in the general language order to have alcoholic drinks, then in Italy they drink, which is easier: prosecco (analogous to champagne), wine and liquor, which sound is served at the same time. dolce - malt (In Sicily you can buti cannoli – waffle rolls licorice filling) and a piece of spring cake.

“Tverezy on the fun spy!”, it seems that we respect that the fun didn’t go away, as if no one had fun and didn’t bite, like a trace, on the star of the heroes of the film “Girko!”. In Italy, they practically didn’t drink champagne, they didn’t drink champagne from the shoes they were named, and they didn’t dry the cups for swedishness, then, maybe, and the fun itself is more like a ceremonial evening, lower on a fun spring party.

13. Spring toast

In Russia and other lands of the colossal SRSR, there is no visible part of the wall, as if deyak equals mayzhe with mysticism. At the hour of the first toasts, if the host - the toastmaster - let all the guests say goodbye, at the same time from the hospitality and blessings ring out and gifts are given to the young (pennies, words are thin). In Italy, gifts are bestowed far ahead of time, toastmasters at spring parties do not become like a class, but say toasts in rosy old and quarterly honors and parables are not accepted (to show that all 200-300 people start early in the youth - so fun is coming)

If you were requested in the Italian language, I recommend only one short word"auguri" (aguri) , which is approximately shifted like "with the best prayers! The very "aguri!" the guests shout to the young after the ceremony, flying them out of friendship. At the hour of the wedding banquet, the Italians, like me, do not chant “warmly”, making a lot of happy fates friends for the trivality of the party. The maximum that the Italians can say - "un bacio per la sposa", or "a kiss for the betrothed" When it’s too late, a long-term kiss in the eyes of the numerical relatives of the older generation is not considered decent.

However, we still cannot do without toasts of the Italian party. A new girlfriend of a couple can go to the guests for a long evening, listening to the personal welcome that "agur". For example, urochistnosti young people celebrate the final cell and win tribute to their relatives and friends.

14. Holiday program

With the phrase " wedding in Italy"(and the temperament and predilection of the Italians are in vrakhovuyuchi) at the head are the images of cheerful girls, who speak, and lads, who dance, who є sich, tarantula and accompaniment of the guitar and tambourine. Well, it was my zdivuvannya, if I recognized that in the Italian wedding the most banquet was, and the celebrations were contests, auctions, the music and dances were alive, sooner the blame, the lower rule.

Fun in the Russian style is simply impossible to show without a roaring program, guests will not be bored by the same toastmaster that blows their tables and frightens the great fun at the hour of dancing or roaring competitions. Leaning on the Italian veil, get ready to eat richly, already richly. If deyakі rozvagi can be present - young people with their first dance sing sacredly, then fathers come to them, and bets change. The dances and the live music can be but, but still the stinks serve as ashes and additions, even as the main respect is added to the banquet that savory Italian hedgehog.

It's wonderful that the wedding of Marini and Ludoviko took away the traditions of both Russian and Italian fun. The whole evening was played by music - a specially requested jazz band played popular Italian melodies, and a Russian folk dance a couple of times set the dance floor on fire, and hateful and not vulgar competitions cheered up the guests. Vrakhovyvayuschie, that the profession of the betrothed and the beneficiary inspire creativity in the field of photography, video and advertising, the banquet was embellished with creative videos in the style of the "Great Getsby", as well as a clip on the favorite song of the Italians and Russians Felicita, which became a hit, which became a hit guests from different places of the country.

15. Honeymoon in Italy

What's next for fun? Most of the couples enjoy the hour of evening-to-night - "honeymoon". This is a tradition and a word to go to Ancient Rome, if the name is to spend one month cycle (29-30 days) after the wedding, living in the skin with a portion of honey, so that the family life will be sweet and prosperous.

Best of all, having marked the fun in Italy, you can, without looking beyond the borders, break into some of the most dazzling and special places and spend the whole hour alone, one with one, at the bottom, love and romance.

Our team prepared a unique spring package for young people.

Wedding for two at Rome according to the principle of "all inclusive" = 2890 €!

The price includes all the main services to hold an unforgettable spring ceremony near the capital of Italy without overpayments, including options and a comprehensive program.

The basic package (€2,890) includes:

  • preparation of documents for the registration of the ship (Nulla Osta),
  • servants of a perukarya and a make-up artist,
  • a bouquet of the betrothed and a boutonniere for the betrothed from our catalog,
  • official registration of the ship in the hall of the 18th century with original frescoes and robots of famous artists,
  • carrying out the urochist ceremony and the services of translation,
  • photo session in Rome for a night out or sundown (2 years) and transfer to Rome (2 years),
  • services for organizing and accompanying the holy day.

You can read all the details about organizing a party in Italy and notes here Wedding in Italy: dream wedding for only 2890 €!

Text: Anna Strukova

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Start organizing a party in Italy:

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What can be better than the lower wedding in the Italian style? Sonyachnaya Italy has always been famous not only for its color and fun, but also for its rich history. The power itself is the great-grandmother of the Sicilian mafia and the famous mafia. Also, this fabulously beautiful and yaskravy pіvostrіv is vvazhaetsya by the land of fun, joy, happiness and, obviously, kohannya. As you have played the power of the wedding in the style of Italy, then obov'yazkovo take away not only the fuse and pompous tract, but also get to know the traditions of the Italian wedding.

From this article you know everything about the Italian wedding:

  • decoration of the hall;
  • decor;
  • spring cake;
  • clothes for young guests;
  • a photo;
  • original gifts;
  • ideas for the script;
  • Thematic competitions.

Decorating the Italian wedding: ideas and photos

wonder so

So, as a symbol of Italy, the olive - all shades of green, from the brightest to the darkest, are taken as the basis in the design of the Italian wedding. Oskilki Italy is famous for its grandiose carnivals, fiery dances, hot temperament of its hulks in jaskravih brides, then the fun can be in the same soul. Naygolovnіshe, shob the color palette of the іtalіyskogo vіsіllya povnіstu vіdnuvaly among themselves.

The first thing that is necessary for the decoration of the Italian wedding is to designate the holy day of the urochistas (carnival, the Sicilian mafia too). If you are planning a spring party in the spring or in the summer, then the next option for spending a party in the Italian style is a pristine garden with Italian motifs or a park. On the territory of the park or garden, you can place white marks, decorate them with brightly colored flowers, green olives, all sorts of garlands and light bulbs.

If you don’t have the ability to control the wedding in the style of Italy in the bosom of nature, then you can easily decorate the terrace of a cafe or a restaurant with green flowers and floral compositions. Vidpovіdno to the traditional Іtalії kvіti that greenery, on vesіllі in іtаlіyskomu stilі, present literally skrіz. Flower compositions adorn arches, tables, garlands, arrange them on special stands throughout the hall.

If you are planning an Italian party in the style of the Venetian carnival, then it is recommended to decorate the banquet hall with a large number of ivory farbs, faceless masks, embroidered and lined natural fabrics, glittering accessories, pir'yam, expensive floral creations.

For example, if you want to lower that elegant Italian wedding, then you would rather win over the provincial theme. At to this particular type decorate the hall of the varto with lower shades of green color, decorate the varto’s place with living olive trees, lovely floor quilts, lower warm colors, paintings from images of the regions of Italy. It’s also more beautiful and beautifully seen in the hall, as if you were decorating victorious reproductions of such famous Italian artists and sculptors as:

  • Leonardo Da Vinci;
  • Sandro Botticelli;
  • Michelangelo Buanarotti;
  • Raphael Santi;
  • Titian.

Well, if you have lied to rule your Italian urochist in the style of the Sicilian mafia, then for which you need to rent a restaurant. Himself best option the hall with a romantic darkened atmosphere, with a deakim napіvtemyav, scho reminds the casino or a stylish Italian bar. If you want to have fun in the style of Sicilian gangsters, or if you don’t want to sit in a dark, gloomy place, you can design a banquet hall in a bright, vibrant green color scheme. Have any kind of vipadku, which is directly from Italy, you did not take away for spending your party, you take away the original, but the brand, holy, that is remembered.

Scenario of the wedding in the Italian style

If you organize a party in the Italian style, then you will hold the yoga varto for the sake of the traditions of the people of Italy. According to the old Italian traditions, the varto conducts an early weekly morning, but not at the second, Friday or Saturday. According to tradition, she was called early-vranci to say goodbye to her vette's house and star straight at the wedding to the church. Spring traditions of Italy are on the verge of being young. At the hour of their walk, all the bands are placed on the way. Ale, following the laws of the old traditions, everything can be changed, making friends at once, and not arbitrarily chi naming yourself. Zgіdno s vichaєm, with such methods before the veil of names, she is called to fight for the well-being of her future sleeping life.

Most of the wedding in the Italian wedding takes place either in the church, or in the bosom of nature, so let’s say the wedding ceremony. Even if the ceremony will look original in Russian and Italian language, so will the Russian-Italian party move. And even better, as a friendship ceremony at the Russian-Italian wedding, the girlfriends of the betrothed will lead. After that, as the wedding or the registration of the slub will be completed, young friends, joining the Italian zvichaєm, smashing the vase or krishtalevy kelih for good luck. The Italian people have one more tradition, tied with the symbol of their country. Shards of an olive are considered a symbol of well-being, then young people are recommended to plant a sapling tree at once with the help of an experienced gardener.

To dorimuvatissya vsіh povіr'їv not varto, but the sprat is quiet, who, having been vouchsafed, varto do it. You can get acquainted with the proponated traditions of this energetically strong people and choose those that suit you, and speed them up in your urochist.

As soon as the wedding part of the sunset, the following contests can be held on the Italian wedding:

  • "Preparing to feed." For the competition, you need: cocktail tubes and kіlka participants. The task of the contestants for the song hour is to add macaroni to the path of their day. Whose macaroni after the end of the hour will be yours, that i will overcome.
  • "Suppress the mafia in the cards." To conduct this competition, you need: a few decks of cards and a couple of contestants. The essence of the game: the participants are mooning on a deck of cards, their task is to hide the cards so that no one can know them. It is necessary to take the cards on your own, with which in one place the cards are taken away. The task of the competition: after the command of the toastmaster, a card is assigned as soon as possible (Jack of Piku or, for example, the lady of the worm, etc.). That participant, which is the best way to get out of the zavdannya, having won.
  • "Pantomime of the Italian". For the competition, you will need: cards from images of Italian children of culture and art, sprats of couples of participants (young people can also take part). The essence of the competition: to one of the participants in the varto, explain with the gestures of your partner what is shown on the map. That partner, who knows better what is shown on the card, is a helper.

At the end of the competition, do not forget to give prizes to the hard-working participants. As a present prize and bonbonnieres, guests can be presented with expensive Italian wines, sets of savory Italian sirіv, for a great package of Italian pasta, a certificate for a cost-free risotto, pizza or pasture in a chic restaurant. The Crimean competition in the Russian-Italian festival may be held at the festival and the presence of live music. It’s even more beautiful and plus add your urochistity to the additional surroundings, look like musicians in traditional national costumes of Italy. Don't forget to ask for professional dancers at carnival Venetian masks and stringy costumes for your Italian heritage. For the help of fiery dances, give your holy enchantment, enchantment and forgetfulness. You can complete the visit with a grandiose salute or a hot vistava with fire.

Request for a wedding in Italian style

It is also not an important role in the design of the wedding in the style of Italy to play and request. Don't just tell your guests that you are going to make friends, and your friends will become witnesses of this grandiose future, and let you know about the thematic orientation of the upcoming family celebration. It’s even more beautiful and at the same time, the style of Italy looks like it’s requested from images of Italian monuments of architecture such as, for example, the Colosseum or the Pizanska Vezha. More information about the design of the request for the style of the Italian wedding can be read in the next article.

Spring cake in Italian style

Spring cake in Italian style is recommended to choose biscuit with light cream. You can embellish a confectionery vitver with olives, quilts, monograms, or, for example, licorice of Pisan vezha and a carnival mask. Even more original is the cake at the sight of architectural monuments of Italy, such as: the Colosseum, the Pantheon, the Temple of the News, the Pizanskaya Vezha toshcho. you can also dream up a little and around the standard licorice part and make a spring cake at the sight of faceless birds. Such a cake is more appropriate for your guests, especially for non-licorice lovers.

Clothes are young in Italian style

At stay rocky young people choose their own choice of classical style. Named for a white dress, and named for a strict black suit. The only thing that has been left without change is so veil, it can be present on the name permanently. Just like you have a traditional Italian wedding, then varto vrakhovuvaty, that behind the sounds of Tuscany, the spring cloth of the named zavzhda will be of black color, and the axis of the head will be removed - white. For example, the sacks of the pivdenny part of Italy robbed their own springs of green flowers. Such color spring cloth from long ago, vvazhavshis a symbol of kinship, wealth and love to the native land. Everything is much simpler for Nina: she was named Vilna at the choice of her own wedding choice. Named can choose your own absolutely be a cloth, which was worthy of cut. Tse can be worn with a great neckline and a faceless back, or a streamer cut. You can embellish your choice with leaves, quotations, pink needles and lines of olive color. Yakshcho vi picked cloth white color You can choose up to a new non-primary veil with a veil of green, raspberry or purple colors, etc. Even more elegantly and appropriately to the theme, you will look at the name of the Venetian mask.

But what about the image of the betrothed? Everything here is easy to do. More than the head of the created image of the newly-baked betrothed - sob wines harmoniously poddnuvavsya with the betrothed. As if, for example, the other half will be in a white cloth, then the chosen varto choose a classic black suit from a white shirt and a white crib. In order to give an image like a “rodzinka”, the upper two gudziks on a shirt can be left out. Such an accent is given to the style of the chosen motifs of the gangster's choice.

As soon as the future squad made their choice on a scarlet cloth of green or red color, then these samples of varto made a similar accent in their image. You can put on a suit of a bright color, and a green, red and purple shirt. All lie down in the chosen cloth named. For a photo session of names, you can add a carnival mask to your image - such thematic signs from the wedding will be simply gorgeous.

Dress code for guests

Even if you want your guests to be dressed in the Italian style, you can get ahead of them about it. For whom you can tell the style of the urochistas and honor the honor of honored guests according to the dress code. Make a request for a wedding in the Italian style with elegant cards with intricate inscriptions. Vіdmіnnim rіshennyam will place on the lining the drukar little one at the looking olive tree.

It is even more beautiful to look at the strong half of the people in light shirts and tuxedos. Moreover, instead of a jacket, you can smartly dress a vest. People can also not catch the rest of the gudziki on the shirt and add their image with a stylish expensive year old, a cape and a cane.

A beautiful half of the people from the requested guests can get into the beautiful bright cloth of carnival colors. So, carnival masks can be added to the image of the requested women - they can be vindicated like a transfer to the spring tract. And then the mask is recommended to be taken as an attribute of the photozone for the fun.

Bouquet of the betrothed

A spring bouquet in the Italian style is the only beauty and subtlety. Aje main task kvіtіv narechenoї - tse convey the writing and the diversity of the nature of Italy. A spring bouquet can be folded from different roses of trojans, barvy pivonies, lower lilies, winter orchids, strings of aster, or take some white flowers and decorate such a composition with green olives.

Original gifts for young people at the Italian wedding

In keeping with the tradition of Italy, it is customary for young people to give pennies at the party. But if we don’t live in our European country, and if we have less fun in the style of Italy, then we can give the young people those other gifts, like stench, we can vikoristat at a sleeping friend. You can bring a lot of brown gifts to young people and romantic gifts. For example, a trip to the spring is more expensive to Italy, romantic supper for two at a restaurant with Italian cuisine and a special atmosphere. If you know that you may be friends to love Italian wine, then you can present to them a sprat of hot collection Italian wine.

Beautiful accessories can also be a creative gift in the Italian wedding:

  • How do you like a reed, in which a parasol is buried? Ale schob tsyu parasolku vіdkriti - it is necessary to know the secret button. Golovnya, do not forget to tell the young people that such a function has been transferred there, otherwise, a young person can find out about it in 50 years, as if you need a reed, otherwise you won’t guess.
  • A garniy year-old with an inscription on the back of the clock face is a miraculous memorial gift.
  • Wicker speeches for the home, including goydal chairs and decor.

Show a little fantasy and your gift, insanely, is worthy of blame, the holy one will be remembered by everyone for a long time.

Dreamed of having a party in Italy, but for some reason it is impossible? Don't be embarrassed, Italy will come to you! Let us help you in the decoration of the holy, as I will be more consistent with this beautiful style. Here you will know how to choose the venue, colors, decor. This article will give advice on meals, how to decorate the requested boarding card, how to make an Italian menu, how to spend an unforgettable photo session.

Rozkvit іtalіyskogo style falling on the era of Renaissance, XVI-XVII century. Vіn sche vіdomiy yak mediterranean i maє kіlka directly - Venetian and Tuscan. It is characterized by naturalness, elegance, vitrimanity, light non-balance.

The leading figures of science and art – Raphael, Leonardo da Vinci, Stradivarius, Galileo Galilei, Michelangelo Buonarroti – were thrown into this theme.

To the name of that name, remember that Italy (Sicily, especially) is the fatherland of the number of gangsters, then you will take it as a basis. So it's important not to forget about the Romeo and Juliet p'esu, adding more about the happy end.

Choose a city

Vrakhovuyuchi marvelous regions of Italy, green onions and fields, spend the best fun in nature. Tse mozhe buti lіs, park chi garden. Naturally, plan її wisely for the heat of the time of rock, ideally fit mid-spring and spring. Even though there is no possibility of vibrating for a place, you can sacredly transfer it to a restaurant with a summer terrace. It will be simply miraculous, as if a sculptural fountain will lean on this territory.

Color scale

As the main color is the most victorious olive, even Italy is one of the world's largest exporters of olives. More chilka of other options - greens, brown, blue and beige. For respect, meritorious and white, which will be beautiful, as an addition to others. Vrahovyuchi, which in the country of the country is practical for sleepy, lively notes will be relevant.

How to decorate sacredly in style

The whole decor can be told to the guests and the guilt of the urochistas about Italy. For whom you can vikoristovuvati:

  • reproductions of sculptures by the legendary Michelangelo, Luigi Aquisti, Lorenzo Bartholin;
  • paintings (naturally, unoriginal) by Raphael Santi, Michelangelo Buonarroti, Giuseppe Arcimboldo;
  • bagato krishtalyu - dishes, chandeliers, figurines, candlesticks, vases;
  • embellish from the Murano rock;
  • live that piece of flowers that grows on the bows of Italy - tirlich, quarry, breakwater, tulips, daisies;
  • different fabrics for drapery - bavovnyana from the images of roslin, staple, shovkov, pleated, chiffon.

On the walls the next variety of Venetian masks, which guests can call for a photo session. On the tables you can lay out gradient maps, malt, smoking pipes - everything is a symbol of Italy.

For the celebration of the Venetian style, the banquet hall is guilty of brightening with different-coloured fabrics, bright quilts, expensive fabrics.

Tim, who is planning to get a quiet straightaway (Tuscan), varto turn respect on olive trees. You can fix them on the walls or put them near a large vase. And it’s even more beautiful to see small trees by the wind.

Styles drape with light fabric and decorate with bows.

For vikna hang red and blue curtains.

In the middle of the hall, it will be beautiful to put a large vase on a high bottom with flowers. Obov'yazkovo necessery votives and paper garlands, which are necessary to move up to the stele.

spring arch can be made from a dummy fireplace, ashes for which a wooden wall can serve, pasted over with trellises in the Italian style. In the center, you can close a sprat of years, and from the sides - laurel needles and open books. It is necessary not to forget about the sprinkling of Venetian masks, which will beautifully hang left handed and right handed. The second option is to make it from transparent fabric and decorate it with floral compositions.

At the entrance to the hall or you will have to attach a map of Italy to the wall with a plan for seating guests. Immediately, it is necessary to put a style for gifts from private parties. Decorate Yogo varto with candles, flower garlands, olive needles.

Important dribnitsy

You need:

  • Request. It is the best way to design your leaflets from the card of Italy or from the photo of the reminders (Venice, Rome, Milan). You can add a request with a bow and a little olive.
  • Guest seating cards. You can design it as a sign with the names of other Italian places - Rome, Milan, Florence, Turin, Genoa, Verona, Turin, Naples, Bologna, Pisa. You can write the name of the requested person below. The second option is to charge the table numbers on the cards (they will be indicated at the seating plan) and add them to the dance for the wine. As Vlasniki can also serve as wine corks.
  • book. The classic version is a book with a fabric lining, embroidered with golden threads. For decor, you can vikoristovuvat pearls and whether or not a stone. Another solution is to buy a piece of an olive tree and ask the guests to send leaflets with benefits up to the neck.
  • Cushion for hoops. You can work like this - take a wooden frame for a rear photograph, fix it in a fabric and glue a sprat of turtles in the middle. Also, you will bring a ring in an original way to a small cat with olives.

Haven't you got your pick yet? Axis of the moon, . Here you will find the names of the popular online stores, and you will be stunned with approximate prices.

And in other articles you can find some original ones. You know what you see in the wild, de її best and if you spend what you need.

Spring image of the betrothed

In order to look clearly, it is necessary to look at the brightly colored selection with effective decorations. You can win the image of Sophia Loren and Monika Belluchi.

The maidens slid respect for the white cloth with a train and a long veil. Best of all, it will be sewn from tulle, seam, chiffon or organzi. It is allowed to have a trio of tassels in the chosen one, which is more important for finishing the bodice and the back. The style can be a be-yakim, pіdіyde і rozkіshna model, і straight. The “mermaid” appears to be actual and thinned, and the axis of short outfits varto appears, the stench looks unremarkable. The minimum length is up to the knee.

Like the decor of the cloth, you can wink a golden embroidery, a stone, a thin satin belt.

Complement the image of the named additional wine from laurel spears.

vzuttya obov'yazkovo can be worn on pidborah, bazhano on a low one with a bow (up to 5-7 cm).

embellish can be different - large rings at the vukh, metal bracelets on the hand, namisto from the Muransk warehouse.

In the cold season of rock, a fur coat or a bolero will be necessary. Best of all, that the stench was smashed from the stink, as it is highly valued in Italy. Even before the speech, there were white tights in the mesh.

Complement the image of the bridegroom to help the bouquet, folds from meadow flowers - tirlich, lomikamen, breakstone, tulips, daisies. You can and need to eat them, but not varto vikoristovuvat more than three options at once. The composition of obov'yazkovo may have enough space for olive greens with fruits of that greenery. If you think of making a composition with daisies, the axis of the name.

Z zachisok next to choose women - big curls, zigzag back, French braid or high tail. It will be beautiful to weave a flower around the hair, you can also have a camomile.

Makeup varto robiti is as simple as possible - it is enough to vicorate a trio of pale erysipelas lipstick, black mascara, brown shades and powder.

The chord that you put is a carnival mask.

Clothes for the betrothed

If the girl is wearing a white dress, then I will wear a black classic suit (pants with arrows + a jacket). For yoga, you need a crib-panicle and a shirt with cufflinks. More modern young people should pay more attention to the vest, it is especially comfortable in the heat of the year.

If you want to hang out, then the ideal option is patent leather shoes with a warm toe on the lock, without lacing. Golovnya, so that the stench didn’t get angry over the color of the suit, it’s better to choose them one tone lighter.

3 accessories sledbachit hustka on a neck of blue, dark red chi brown color. For each person, the best decisions should be made in the form of a crib.

Boutonniere maybe crushed with white trojans and hairs. Її you can embellish with kіlkom fir'yam and namistins.

Dress code on the beach for guests

To create a special atmosphere, it is necessary for the girls to ask them to come to long straight cloths of black and any other color. On top of the cold stink, you can put on a fur coat or a fur coat. Do not get along here without tights at a thin mesh. Three bags of varto help the little bear. Vzuttya the best vibrate at the sight of closed shoes on a low-top selection with a great number of decor - bows, rhinestones, stone.

Do not forget about masquerade masks, like adding a rodinka to the celebration.

Single guests can request the following dress code:

  • olive color shirt;
  • wide pants with a high waist;
  • vest or jacket;
  • felt droplets;
  • polished shoes;
  • shortened crib.

Menu following the traditions of Italy

Italian vesіllya vіdіznyаєєєє іnshih usamervami, scho served to guests. On the table, obov'yazkovo may buti take:

  • pizza, which can replace the traditional cow or bake the cake itself;
  • spaghetti;
  • siri;
  • seafood (shrimp, mussels, squid, crabs);
  • all sorts of desserts, in the midst of which, more often than not, they are occupied by candied peas, tiramisu, biscotto and sabayon;
  • fresh fruits, vegetables, berries (especially olives);
  • lazinnya;
  • risotto;
  • minestroni;
  • ciabatta.

3 alcoholic drinks it is necessary to see sambuca, grapa, amaretto, different wines.

If you are not talking about alcoholic drinks, you should also mention cappuccino, espreso, grape juice and limoncello.

The Christmas banquet ends with the serving of a spring cake. Tsіkaviy variant - arrange yogo at the sight of the Colosseum and Pizanskaya Vezha. For yoga, embellish even more relevant will be the olives and laurel. You can go to the Chateau hall both on a vіzka and on goydalkas.

Bagato tiered cake

Thematic photo session

The best place for photography will be a green meadow, a field or a garden. Tse vltku, and in the cold you can rule in the accommodation, stylized for the life of gangsters. Suffocate with great ideas to help rewatch the film "Batko's Baptism". Yogo di ї rozgortayutsya in New York, but the picture rozpovidaє about the life of one spitting sim in the Sicilian mafia. To be sure, you may need:

  • piano;
  • wind instruments;
  • impersonal colors;
  • smoking pipes;
  • chic armchairs;
  • old telephones;
  • retro curry;
  • a garland from black and white photographs;
  • floor lamps.

Axis of a video of a beautiful party in the Italian style, organized on the most important river! Tsіkavim vyyshlo and design of urochistas, and images of the named, named, friends.

Were our ideas of decorating a party according to Italian traditions worthy? Then the hour has come to bring your dream into reality!

The unique spring traditions of Italy were taken from our front article, and now let's move on to the most delicious and most cheerful parts of the Italian wedding- unofficial - to get a banquet and a spring photo session.

Wesilla in Italian

  • On a wedding in the Italian style with an obov'yazkovy element є pishne festivities with a great amount of wine and savory їzhi. The spring banquet begins with a small buffet. It's almost three years old, while the young people have yet to go to the restaurant. As a rule, there are cocktails, miniature kebabs, carpaccio, bruschetta, caprese, grissini and other snacks on the tables. The arrival of young people from a fun walk, the guests are filled with loud cries, confetti and rice. Dali couple dance their first spring dance. After a lot of dances take up their job, they begin to receive hospitality from their relatives and relatives and present gifts to young people. In the Italian wine, before the skin dish, women are poured licorice and wine, and men are served with a drink. The youngsters, as a rule, drink champagne, for those who check their Crimean dances and evening staging photo shoots, love nothing).
  • Delicious snacks are served on the Italian-Italian scale, so stuffed mushrooms, olives, salami, marinated peppers, seafood and shank. Italian priyomi, as a rule, include impersonal changes of insurance - not less than 12. On the banquet tables you can taste the grandeur of dressings to the spices - Italian cuisine includes more than three hundred (!) Unique sauces. Every day, a party in the Italian style cannot be complete without serving various types of pasta, pizza, risotto, lasagne, polenta, a variety of Mediterranean salads, meat herbs (mainly lamb, goat meat, for example, - carpaccio, tripe, pancetta), famous soups (gazpacho, minestrone), great amount of fruit, and a great amount of seeing syrah. Nobody goes hungry from the Italian veil!
  • Italian wedding

  • Italians - more lasuna. That's why it's impossible to have fun in Italy without a light bar. Yogo zrazkovy vmist: frosty, tiramisu, panna cotta, biscotto, as well as fruits, licorice liqueurs, cava (cappuccino and espreso). Also, obov's tongue is due to the presence of malt, yakі є obov's tongue part of the skin of the Italian urochist, to that it is important that the stench bring good luck and happiness to the house of the names - tse virobi z lubricated dough, pissed with tsukr, called pancakes (vanda) and Italian spring tsukerki. Among the Sicilian zvichaїv navit є so-called "the year of the Day", if it is customary to eat malt, then it's time for desserts.
  • After a skin toast in honor of the young guests, they traditionally shout "Evviva gli sposi", which literally means "Hurrah for the young!" . Screams are accompanied by splashes and merriment. Young people are kissing at the same time. Such an ovation for the honor of the young can be felt as a stretch of the Italian festival of rich times.
  • Photo session in Italian style

  • There are no special ideas for a photo shoot and decoration for a party in Italian style, okrim, mabut, green and white colors in decor, faceless fruits and koshikiv from splashes of wine. For svyatkuvannya pidide yak deputy house with catering, as well as a spring baptism on the birches of a beautiful lake, as well as a restaurant with an open terrace. Significant idea for holding the Italian wedding will be the signing of the registration ceremony beautiful place. Vespa retro scooter is perfect for a fun photo session in Italian style. These motorcycles began to triumph in Italy in the 50s of the 20th century, through their durability and inexpensive price, they gained great popularity in the last hour of the war. A lot of models have become star-studded - that's why they were awarded for an hour when they took pictures like "An American in Paris", "Roman Holiday", "Dolce Vita", "Three Meters Above the Level of the Sky" and "Larry Crown". Such a calmly Italian element of culture will bring a romantic note to your spring photo session.

A lot of Italian fun... A lot of guests, a rich banquet, a lot of guests to break into the countryside, unique spring traditions, a romantic fun walk along the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, or on the green hills of Tuscany, or on the walls of enchanting Venice. We didn’t take away some kind of script for a wedding in the Italian style, we’ll have fun at the triumph, we’ll make it unforgettable.

With the special features of the wedding in Italy, you were introduced to the wedding photographer (Moscow) Leila Perel.

Italy is a beautiful country, where everything is soaked with a sleepy light and aroma ancient culture. Italians are more emotional, temperamental, zakohani. Whose people love fiery dances, and the boiling of passions is an invisible part of the Italian nation.

If you like a carnival atmosphere, full of music, dances, and splendid brunch at the traditional Italian cuisine, then the fun in the Italian style is for you.

Spring request in Italian style

efficient spring request

Requests in the Italian wedding can be decorated simply luxuriously - the betrothed and the betrothed can symbolically represent Venetian masks on aphids as the all-world's monuments of architecture - the Colosseum, the Pisan Tower, the Forum and beautiful Italian sculptures.

If requested, you can decorate a vignette that depicts olive trees, so guests will immediately guess about those who check on them unexpectedly.

Spring palette of the Italian wedding

The nature of Italy is generous on the jaskra farbi, the olive is a symbol of Italy, so the main colors of the Italian wedding are green, from the brightest and the lowest to the thickest and darkest.

Farbee of nature is guilty of joining with carnival quilts - orange, blue, raspberry, erysipelas. In the design of the Italian village, floral decor is widely embroidered at the arches, compositions, vinks from olive trees.

Image the betrothed of the Italian

Named in Italian style

- classically white, maybe embellished with decor from green leaves along the decollete line and on the belt. It is possible to win the original veil in the Italian style, the special charm of the name to bring back the chic Venetian mask, the roblox girl is even more beautiful and mysterious.

The named cloth can be of red and green colors.

Adverbs in Italian style

The names miraculously look in a white suit with a red or green shirt, the substitute for the jacket will be a tuxedo. Classically wearing a black suit with a white shirt and a white crib will also be more appropriate for such a party. І naming, і named can be given to brushes at carnival masks.

Spring bouquet of the bride in the Italian style

Italy is a country with a rich and beautiful nature, so a bouquet can show off its enchantment and versatility. Wines can be made up of not only trojands, but also orchids, lilies, hairs, aster, puffins and a combination of these colors.

Even lower looking at the sun with olive green leaves.

Venue and decoration of the wedding hall in the Italian style

The best place for a party in the Italian style - in the bosom of nature, in the wind or in the spring, if the farby of nature is more beautiful and more rich. For example, in such a wonderful garden with a classic Italian style.

Obviously, such a possibility will not be at all, but the terrace of a summer cafe and a restaurant can be easily embellished with additional flower decor and green twigs, like on the Italian riverside river sparkles - on tables, arches, garlands, special stands.

Musicians in national costumes, dancers in ashlar costumes and the masks of the Venetian carnival will take you to Italy, the roblyachs are sacredly charmed and unforgettable.

Decorating the weighing table with Italian language

Italian cuisine - wonderful wines, pizza, seafood, spaghetti. With spaghetti, you can cook right masterpieces.

Delight your guests with delicious pizzas and fresh vegetables.

Vzhe tsі stravi є marvelous decor for the merry table.

before such a choice it is impossible to get rid of baidujim

You can make candles near different-coloured masks and lights, put olive trees near the vase, decorate the tables and tablecloths with vines.

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