Can you warm baby puree in a micro-furnace oven? How to prepare mashed potatoes in a micro-furnace?

Microhvilova pich є mayzhe at the skin booth. Mayzhe in the skin booth it will unfreeze and reheat, re-freeze and re-reheat. Obviously, you want to cook potatoes in a micro-furnace oven, bake meat or bake chicken.

Ale soup at the micro-furnace oven, having tasted not leather. Really, it’s easy, it’s not necessary to stand on the stove, stir up those steps, the marvel of technology does everything for you.

Cooking soups in a micro-furnace oven may have some special features:

  1. We select the correct dishes. The kastrulya is hot and not the mother of metal parts, it’s a glass of glass. There is a sign on the bagatioh plastic virobs, which allows cooking in a micro-oven oven, such utensils are used for roasting or defrosting, but it is not recommended to cook in a soup. Also, a selected dish may have a lid with a lid. As if there weren’t any lids, it was curved with a glass plate so that there was not a big gap for the exit of the bet.
  2. About `em. It is not possible to put a saucepan in the low-frequency range, when boiling, the home will splash. More often than not, the pan will be 2/3 full.
  3. Bouillon. Preparing meat broth in a micro-furnace oven is complicated by the need to constantly increase the kick and obov'yazkovo to process the broth. For this reason, it is most often victorious that the broths are prepared in advance, or the broth cubes and the base.

Tim is not smaller, the broth at the microwave oven is getting richer swish, lower on the gas stove. Take 300 UAH. meat with tassels, creamy pulp and cut into cubes. The brushes are filled with 1 liter. cold water, curved with a lid, brought to a boil in a micro-furnace at maximum tension, taking about 5 strands. Dodamo meat and cook 15 hvilin for an average tightness, steadily kicking. Now you can salt the broth, add spices to taste and cook 15 quills at 100% tightness. Strain the finished broth and turn the meat.

  1. Ingredients for the soup, of course, can be beaten differently. It is important to remember that the hour of your preparation is still being revisited. Vegetables, like shvidko, are prepared (cabbage, potatoes), next cut into large pieces. And those that are ready for more (beetroot, parsley root, carrot), now, with small pieces, or brush the troch in a frying pan. Legumes (peas, kvassola) need to be soaked later in cold salted water, you can do it overnight.
  2. Purity. Wipe HFV carefully after skin preparation. So your fear will not wake up to a third-party smell, and the hour of preparation will be shortened to a minimum.

How to cook soup at a micro-hovil oven with a quick swede, without knowing the kicks and not simmering the broth? Є one cіkaviy variant. The peculiarity of this soup is that it is not necessary to boil meat in a micro-furnace oven with vegetables, but then process the broth.


  • 1 chicken okist;
  • 1 medium carrot;
  • parsley root;
  • dry vermicelli, about 100 g;
  • 1 liter of water and 1 bouillon cube or a liter of chicken broth.


  1. Wash the chicken okist in cold water, dry it with a towel, put it in a low-frequency dish in a fried dish for 10 strands at an intensity of 800 watts. Ready to m'yaso vіdokremiti vіd kіstki and narіzati dіbnim shmatochki.
  2. Cut carrots and parsley roots with thin circles, transfer to a glass pan with a volume of 2-3 liters, pour broth or water with a bouillon cube. Add|Add| cooking meat, cook at a pressure of 800 W for 10 minutes | minutes |.
  3. It’s too much to add vermicelli, mix it up. The soup is prepared for 5 more chills per tension of 360 watts.
  4. Ready soup is garnished with minced parsley.

Porada: The relish of the soup will be more rich, like okist in a frying pan with a drop of olive and cibulia.

Soup puree in a micro-oven oven

Recipes for puree soup micro-furnace chimalo, a kind of pea to vegetable cream soup with radish. I also like mushrooms.


  • 200 gr. fresh ovens
  • 1 cibulina
  • 1.5 bottles of broth (chicken or yalovichi)
  • 1 st. a spoonful of potato starch
  • 10% tops (100 ml)


  1. 200 gr. freshly baked and 1 cibulin finely crumbled, transferred to a saucepan for HF, poured 1.5 flasks of broth (chicken or yalovichi, you can vicorate a bouillon cube). Mushrooms are prepared at a maximum tension of 10 strands, then they are beaten with a blender (you can rub through a sieve).
  2. 1 st. a spoonful of potato starch is mixed with 10% tops (100 ml). Gently introduce otrimana masa into the soup, salt and pepper. Place in a microfibre bag for 7 strands at 100% tension, or for 15 strands at an average.

When the soup is ready, you can add marinated, boiled fresh baked goods. When serving, decorate the greens to taste.

Porada: Nezvichaynost soup to give the sire of hard varieties (you can beat the melting), rub it on the great third and add at once from the tops.

Pea soup at the micro-furnace

chime in pea soup cook with smoked meats or sausages. It’s also delicious and unusual to come out of a watermelon, and for the minimum hour of cooking in the low frequency, the watermelon takes everything crooks of authority. Zamіst harbuza can vikoristat young zucchini.


  • 300 gr. fresh chi frozen peas (canning canned).
  • 300 gr. pulp of garmelon;
  • 3 medium potatoes;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 head of cybuli;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons inches of butter;
  • strength, black chalking pepper for relish;
  • greens crop and parsley.


  1. Cooking starts with peas. transferable green peas at the pan, filled with water, ready for the pressure of the stove 900 W 8-10 chills.
  2. Potim at the pan is cut into cubes of potatoes and carrots, cut into circles. Vegetables are prepared for tієї and tightness 5 hvilin.
  3. Promitiy and cleansing the garbuz are cut into cubes, the cibula - pivkiltsy, transferred to a saucepan, salt and pepper, add oliya. The soup is prepared for more than 5 minutes for the tightness of the micro-furnace 900 W.
  4. Before serving, you can add small croutons of white bread to the soup. You can also dry them with the help of a micro-furnace.

I'll start far away. Zі school course of physics. The first of the main postulates of the molecular kinetic theory is that all molecules are constantly and chaotically collapsing. Let's think about heating: when speech is heated, be it any of the methods of heat transfer, energy is transferred to speech molecules, as a result of which the speed of speech increases.
So from the way with the dog, the reversal process does not spratsovuє - even richly different systems are blocked, then everything comes out miraculously with the molecules. So that the molecules of the speech bubble will collapse faster, the speech will heat up. Tse and є the principle of dії mikrohvilovoї kilns.

As soon as you look at your micro-wave oven, you dance on the wall of the wall at the end - you’ll get a “harmata” - a magnetron, which transforms electrical energy from a network into an electromagnetic wave high frequency. If someone strongly lakayut "electro-magnetic whil", then you need to throw a TV set out of the house, a computer at once with an upsom, a style phone, a DVD, a mixer, an electric meat grinder, well, with a blast, you have an electric appliance, another electric kettle for supplementation. Wind up the electric cord of the dust with a cord of electromagnetic winds, charged particles crumble with it, as if creating a field around themselves.
Until the speech, for the purity of that very end in the micro-furnace, it is necessary to stitch - be it a crichta, which has stuck to the new one, you can bring it to the weeding of the zahisnoy plate, and it is expensive to replace the cost. From the vlasnogo dosvіdu I tell - dvіchі spit out.
So let's turn to physics. The water molecule is a dipole - a system of divisions of positive and negative charges. The electromagnetic field polarizes the molecule-dipole, turning it around its lines of force. And the shards of the magnetron directly change the field with a great frequency (this frequency characterizes the tightness of the micro-furnace), then the molecule begins to wrap around, more taking energy from that same field. And as the molecules of speech begin to crumble more quickly, it seems that they become warmer. In this case, the structures of speech change chemically, change only the speed of the molecules. And to that, defrosting and heating in a micro-furnace is absolutely natural.
Otzhe, mikrokhvilova pіch not dіє on speech in a hard camp, only on rіdkі - sіk vegetal or fruit, broth, scorched all those in which water is hidden.
Also, dry bread is not recommended to be placed there, and fresh bread - as a whole.
In the case of micro-oven stoves, vitamins are saved more richly, lower when traditionally cooked on a stove. The Institute of Eating at the Academy of Sciences of the Russian Federation conducted an examination of food prepared in a micro-furnace. Pereviryavsya rіven sberezhennja vitamіnіv pіd o'clock pogotuvannya veg ta m'yasnih fears. The result, having turned over all the tests: the most important vitamin C was saved after the treatment of the oven by 75-98% (the skin type of the product has its own figures). And with traditional methods of preparation, the safety of vitamins does not exceed 38-60%.
Micro-hvilovkoy is now crusty from 1995 rock. Not to the one that is prepared in it better for the better, on the stove. Call me. I don’t cook in a micro-oven, I only process products in it. Tse just speed up that easier cooking, which is important for a working woman.
Mayuchi mikrokhvilyovu pich, I am preparing my favorite beetroot salad for 10 khvilin, to the one who is relieved of the need for three hours to cook a couple of beetroots to prepare a cup of salad.
And to that, vibirayuchi for the chergovy time a new micro-hibernation pich, vykhodzhu z advancing parameters:
- Permanently vicorist mode of defrosting, also there may be less than three - for meat, poultry, fruits. More often than not, it is better to use micro-fine food and freshen the defrosting of meat with shmat in the form of defrosting minced meat.
- Obsyag is guilty of buti such that Tudi can easily put a standard lyagan
- Great pressure. In a weak micro-furnace, there is no suitable sensation.
- Touch panel. I won't turn the knobs.
- Naygolovnіshe! Since there is no special regime for potatoes in their uniforms in the micro-furnace oven, I won’t look at the micro-furnace oven. In any salads, I see the dryness of potatoes cooked in a micro-oven oven. And I’ll change the mode for potatoes, it’s important. I didn't have it.
- Convection, modes for soft and fresh vegetables are hovering, although you can manage without them with the greatest regulation of the hour and equal tension.
My ninishnya mikrohvilova pich outdid all the previous versions - in niy krim uhogo pererahovanoy є double boiler, grill, mode for steaming і yeast test. I still have a bunch of functions, which I don’t cory.
- The “autocook” mode at the micro-furnace has started to burn river bad and marne.

Vooot ... Tse enter.
Not long ago, while staying in the regime of a catastrophic marriage, I took off the dressing of children on mashed potatoes. Right now and right away. Cooked yogo for 10 quilin. She washed a couple of small potatoes at the shkirtsі, and put them on a saucer in a micro-furnace. Vaughn cooked them for 4 hvilini. Potatoes under cold water, so that they were not covered, cleared from the skin. She broke it into shmatki, shifted it at the cup, salted it. Filled with milk - and back at the microhvilovu pich for 3 hvilin. Rozim'yala as a tovka, added a pinch of butter, mixed it up. All. Ditina asked for more, and said, scho is tastier, lower sound. Well, it's awesome! Just boil all the water and replace it with milk. It'll be delicious here.

As if your household is already alive with starvation, and you forgot to put the potatoes on the fire in an hour, - I’ll tell you, how to make mashed potatoes in a micro-furnace oven, it’s richer, and it’s not hotter to go out!

Such a simple recipe for mashed potatoes in a micro-oven oven is perfectly suitable for holidays, if, say, all the burners on the stove are occupied, or if you really forgot about those who are already having lunch or having dinner. Aje so tezh buvaє, right? So, here is my force majeure recipe for preparing mashed potatoes in a micro-furnace oven, try it!

Number of servings: 1-2

Even a simple recipe for mashed potatoes in a micro-oven oven of Russian cuisine Pokrokovo from the photo. It is easy to prepare budinki for 20 minutes. Save less than 132 kilocalories.

  • Preparation hour: 11 minutes
  • Cooking hour: 20 whilin
  • Number of calories: 132 kilocalories
  • Number of servings: 11 servings
  • Presentation: On obid
  • Foldability: Even simpler recipe
  • National cuisine: Russian cuisine
  • Stray type: Garnish, Puree

Ingredients in bulk portions

  • Potatoes - 5-6 Pieces
  • Creep - 0.5 Pieces (half of a bunch)
  • Spices - For gusto
  • Oliya Vershkove - 50 Grams

Pokrokove cooking

  1. Potatoes are miєmo, clean, rіzhemo on shmatochki, and put into dishes, accessory for a micro-furnace. Fill with water and cook for 15 chills | minutes | at 850 W
  2. Water is poured, dodamo strong, olive, pepper, spices. Rozminaemo mashed potatoes with a fork or fork.
  3. We'll mix it up. If you want something, add more sour cream and milk.
  4. Embellished with a crop and served! Savory!

Potatoes in a micro-oven oven recipe

Є kіlka receptіv kartoplі in mikrohvilovіy oven. The easiest option would be to cook potatoes in uniform. For cooking potatoes in their uniforms, you need about 5-10 quills. Tue, this hour is practically expanding on all recipes for potatoes in a micro-furnace oven. Mashed potatoes, buttered potatoes, potatoes with cheese, potatoes with vegetables and fries, everything can be cooked in a micro-oven.

At the uniform

Potatoes in their uniforms are far from new. Call yogo to cook at the pan. Ale potatoes in their uniforms can be cooked in a micro-furnace oven. I will join you in my heart in a simple way cooking potatoes in their uniforms in a micro-furnace oven.

Potatoes in their uniforms in a micro-furnace oven

Wimite and dry the potatoes. Let's pierce yoga in a few places with a fork. Salt. If you want, you can add a few spices. Now put the potatoes in the micro-hvilyova pich and check the khvilin ten. The next day your potatoes in their uniforms are ready! Serve yogo to the table with sour cream and greens! Savory!

Potatoes in a micro-oven oven in a bag

In order to cook potatoes in bags, you need potatoes, salt, spices and a plastic bag. You will need to peel the potatoes. Sip sill and spices. І place at the package. Tie up the package. Do not forget to rob a dirochka. Dirochka is necessary for the exit of the bet. Well, okay, that's all. You are left with less to put potatoes in micro-hvilyovu pich and deprive for fifteen hvilin. Potatoes are supposed to be half baked, half boiled. If you want more boiled potatoes, then you need to pass an hour to ten minutes.

  • Potato gram 400
  • Milk 150 ml
  • Olive oil gram 50
  • Force for taste
  • Specials for bajans
  1. Having closed the dishes with a lid, put the potatoes in a micro-hvilov oven. The lid can be buti with a lapel. Opening at the krishtsi is necessary for the exit of the bet.
  2. It is necessary to cut Oliya, and then add it to potatoes.
  3. Milk is required to be a little bit more. Increase the strong fire on the whilina. And then add yogo to potatoes.
  4. Peel potatoes. If you want to call it її with small slips. Then, after putting the potatoes in the dishes, add some salt and pomegranate, add the spices.
  5. Check for ten quills. And then let's break down the potato wedges in mashed potatoes. We add greens for bazhann and enjoy the most delicious puree!

Mashed potatoes in a micro-oven oven, you can cook with vegetables. For whom to take:

  • Potato gram 400
  • Drive 250 ml
  • Olive oil gram 50
  • Tomatoes 2 pcs
  • Qibulya 1 pc
  • Carrot is small 1 piece
  • Force for taste
  • Specials for bajans

Then proceed:

  1. Mash potatoes, peel and cut into thin circles
  2. Grate carrots
  3. Cut tomatoes into thin slices
  4. Tsibula pierce with kiltsy
  5. Drink water at the pot
  6. Put the prepared vegetables near the water (the vegetables can be washed but mixed)
  7. Please add strength and spices
  8. And then add butter, cut into bars
  9. Now put the saucepan in a micro-hvilov oven for 12 fibers, closing the lid with a lapel
  10. After the end of the hour, serve the potatoes to the table, embellishing the greens. Savory!

The potatoes are oiled


  • 300 grams of potatoes
  • Drive 100 ml
  • 1 tablespoon of melted olives (or tops)
  • Specialties

Now get started:

  1. Take potatoes and clean them
  2. Then fill Yogo with water
  3. Add strength
  4. Cover the potato with a lid and place it in a micro-hvily oven on chotiri hvilin.
  5. Then pour out the water
  6. Dry potatoes
  7. Take dishes for obsmazhuvannya and heat yogo until chotiriokh whvilin
  8. After, at the dishes for smearing, melt the olive
  9. Add potatoes, seasoned with її sill and spices and put on five khvilin. (For the completion of 2, 5 quills, potatoes need to be turned over)

French fries

French fries, the country is loved by a great number of people. French fries in a micro-oven oven can be prepared with dekilcoma in the following ways. Let's take a look at one of them.

French fries in a micro-furnace oven

Potatoes need to be cleaned, and then cut into cubes. Let's add dewy olive. One tablespoon per kilogram of potatoes. Let's salt it and add a few spices. Mix it up. Potatoes may be buti evenly deboned. Now fill the potatoes with such a station for ten khvilin. Then take the parchment and spread the potatoes on the new one. Zapіkati khvilin p'yat is necessary. Then turn the potato bars over. I am re-baking. Tsya straw is served to the table immediately after preparation. If you want to have a meal, then get a great pardon. So like potato fries in a day's time, it won't be so savory and crunchy.

Chips in a micro-furnace

Potatoes in a micro-furnace

  • “I cook potatoes in a micro-furnace oven already. I peel, cut potatoes and put them in a saucepan. After that I warm milk and I will add potatoes to it. So I’ll add the greens to the potatoes, cut with kilts, and greens. I put salt and put it in a micro-hibernation bag. It’s delicious to go out, but it’s even more savory. Try it. If you love mashed potatoes, you'll be fine."
  • “I tried to grease potatoes in a micro-furnace. At the principle, it was good, tasty. Ale, to be honest, I tried it only once. For me, on a frying pan, in a simpler way, it’s easier to cook savory greased potatoes, lower in a micro-furnace oven. ”
  • “I already love potatoes, no matter how you look. I cook yoga in a standard rank and in a micro-furnace oven. For the mood. I will still cook the potatoes on the stove. And mashed potatoes in uniforms, most often cooked in a micro-furnace. It's easy to get out. And what is the most delicious, delicious.

    • “I recently learned how to cook in a micro-furnace. Cook in a micro-furnace, it's easy. I'll need the temperature for that hour. I then all see.

Potatoes in a micro-furnace

It’s easy to get rich, which is easy to cook in a micro-furnace. There is really nothing collapsible. Try it yourself and change your mind.

Є kіlka receptіv kartoplі in mikrohvilovіy oven. The easiest option would be to cook potatoes in uniform. For cooking potatoes in their uniforms, you need about 5-10 quills. Tue, this hour is practically expanding on all recipes for potatoes in a micro-furnace oven. Mashed potatoes, buttered potatoes, potatoes with cheese, potatoes with vegetables and fries, everything can be cooked in a micro-oven.

Potatoes in their uniforms are far from new. Call yogo to cook at the pan. Ale potatoes in their uniforms can be cooked in a micro-furnace oven. And I, in my honor, will share with you a simple way of cooking potatoes in their uniforms in a micro-furnace oven.

Wimite and dry the potatoes. Let's pierce yoga in a few places with a fork. Salt. If you want, you can add a few spices. Now put the potatoes in the micro-hvilyova pich and check the khvilin ten. The next day your potatoes in their uniforms are ready! Serve yogo to the table with sour cream and greens! Savory!

In order to cook potatoes in bags, you need potatoes, salt, spices and a plastic bag. You will need to peel the potatoes. Sip sill and spices. І place at the package. Tie up the package. Do not forget to rob a dirochka. Dirochka is necessary for the exit of the bet. Well, okay, that's all. You are left with less to put potatoes in micro-hvilyovu pich and deprive for fifteen hvilin. Potatoes are supposed to be half baked, half boiled. If you want more boiled potatoes, then you need to pass an hour to ten minutes.

  • Potato gram 400
  • Milk 150 ml
  • Olive oil gram 50
  • Force for taste
  • Specials for bajans
  1. Having closed the dishes with a lid, put the potatoes in a micro-hvilov oven. The lid can be buti with a lapel. Opening at the krishtsi is necessary for the exit of the bet.
  2. It is necessary to cut Oliya, and then add it to potatoes.
  3. Milk is required to be a little bit more. Increase the strong fire on the whilina. And then add yogo to potatoes.
  4. Peel potatoes. If you want to call it її with small slips. Then, after putting the potatoes in the dishes, add some salt and pomegranate, add the spices.
  5. Check for ten quills. And then let's break down the potato wedges in mashed potatoes. We add greens for bazhann and enjoy the most delicious puree!

Mashed potatoes in a micro-oven oven, you can cook with vegetables. For whom to take:

  • Potato gram 400
  • Drive 250 ml
  • Olive oil gram 50
  • Tomatoes 2 pcs
  • Qibulya 1 pc
  • Carrot is small 1 piece
  • Force for taste
  • Specials for bajans
  1. Mash potatoes, peel and cut into thin circles
  2. Grate carrots
  3. Cut tomatoes into thin slices
  4. Tsibula pierce with kiltsy
  5. Drink water at the pot
  6. Put the prepared vegetables near the water (the vegetables can be washed but mixed)
  7. Please add strength and spices
  8. And then add butter, cut into bars
  9. Now put the saucepan in a micro-hvilov oven for 12 fibers, closing the lid with a lapel
  10. After the end of the hour, serve the potatoes to the table, embellishing the greens. Savory!

It didn’t sound wonderful, but in a micro-furnace you can cook potatoes from a greased looking potato!

  • 300 grams of potatoes
  • Drive 100 ml
  • 1 tablespoon of melted olives (or tops)
  • Specialties
  1. Take potatoes and clean them
  2. Then fill Yogo with water
  3. Add strength
  4. Cover the potato with a lid and place it in a micro-hvily oven on chotiri hvilin.
  5. Then pour out the water
  6. Dry potatoes
  7. Take dishes for obsmazhuvannya and heat yogo until chotiriokh whvilin
  8. After, at the dishes for smearing, melt the olive
  9. Add potatoes, seasoned with її sill and spices and put on five khvilin. (For the completion of 2, 5 quills, potatoes need to be turned over)

French fries, the country is loved by a great number of people. French fries in a micro-oven oven can be prepared with dekilcoma in the following ways. Let's take a look at one of them.

Potatoes need to be cleaned, and then cut into cubes. Let's add some olis later. One tablespoon per kilogram of potatoes. Let's salt it and add a few spices. Mix it up. Potatoes may be buti evenly deboned. Now fill the potatoes with such a station for ten khvilin. Then take the parchment and spread the potatoes on the new one. Zapіkati khvilin p'yat is necessary. Then turn the potato bars over. I am re-baking. Tsya straw is served to the table immediately after preparation. If you want to have a meal, then get a great pardon. So like potato fries in a day's time, it won't be so savory and crunchy.

  • “I cook potatoes in a micro-furnace oven already. I peel, cut potatoes and put them in a saucepan. After that I warm milk and I will add potatoes to it. So I’ll add the greens to the potatoes, cut with kilts, and greens. I put salt and put it in a micro-hibernation bag. It’s delicious to go out, but it’s even more savory. Try it. If you love mashed potatoes, you'll be fine."
  • “I tried to grease potatoes in a micro-furnace. At the principle, it was good, tasty. Ale, to be honest, I tried it only once. For me, on a frying pan, in a simpler way, it’s easier to cook savory greased potatoes, lower in a micro-furnace oven. ”
  • “I already love potatoes, no matter how you look. I cook yoga in a standard rank and in a micro-furnace oven. For the mood. I will still cook the potatoes on the stove. And mashed potatoes in uniforms, most often cooked in a micro-furnace. It's easy to get out. And what is the most delicious, delicious.

    • “I recently learned how to cook in a micro-furnace. Cook in a micro-furnace, it's easy. I'll need the temperature for that hour. I then all see.

It’s easy to get rich, which is easy to cook in a micro-furnace. There is really nothing collapsible. Try it yourself and change your mind.

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