On some fire, fry meat in a pan. Like a long time to grease pig meat in a frying pan. Yak better lubricate the steak

Who among us does not love to eat with appetizing smeared with a piece of meat, like a tan in the mouth? Khіba scho prikhliniks of the dewy hedgehog. Do you not know how to cook meat in a frying pan? To teach the article, and at the same time to learn from the real nuances of yoga vikonnannya.

Basic bases for oiling meat

Varieties and types of products are already rich. To prepare them for a greased look, it is necessary to know the basics. Todi success for sure.

  1. For cooking meat in a frying pan, the best pidide is such a piece, de there are no veins, bone and cartilage inclusions.
  2. The selected part needs to be thoroughly dried and dried with servettes.
  3. It is necessary to cut into portions only across the later fibers.
  4. In order to pass the hour of lubrication, it will not be possible to grind the meat with the coming rank: - brush the yogo crazy olії, grated with the watchmaker and ground pepper; - pickle for 15 minutes up to 24 years.
  5. frying pan greased meat ideally, it can be chavun and mother tovste bottom.
  6. If you don’t have such a dish under your hand, then pidide and others, but with non-stick coatings.
  7. frying pans must be dry.
  8. It is not necessary to overdo it with spices, and it is necessary to add salt to the meat, since the surface has begun to be fried.
  9. Portions of fillet or virizki should be placed in a frying pan of a sufficient size, in order to avoid the effect of quenching.
  10. In order to understand, grease the meat in a frying pan and if it is ready, pierce the largest piece with a skewer and perekonatisya, so that the blood does not boil out of the new one.
  11. If the dish is already ready, it doesn’t dry out, it’s best for the beast to sip yoga with cibules.

Cooking fresh meat on a frying pan

Svіzhina is a special delicacy. Yogo can be prepared on a dry surface. The quickness of the meal is getting better and the hour for cooking is less.

Axis of kіlka nuances, yakі will help to understand, like lubricate the meat in a frying pan:

  • For cooking, it is better to choose only fresh meat, as it does not smell. For this varto, gently press on the piece, so that the springiness of the meat is preserved, it is important to keep it fresh.
  • Put the saucepan on a strong fire and heat it up.
  • Behind the bajans you can pour some olії. One can reach such a temperature that the bulbs will appear and hiss.
  • The meat is cooked on the cob from one side until that hour, until it is no longer smeared from the sides. Let's wait for the next day, sip on sill and spices to the taste.
  • In order to perekonatisya in readiness to fight, open for help a thin wooden stick. As if from the opening of the vitikaє bezbarvna homeland without a house of blood - the meat is ready.

Rules for greasing meat after defrosting

The meat, which was meant for lubrication, was bought ahead of time and stored in the freezer of the refrigerator, ready to go more in an hour. Before that, how to grease a steak in a frying pan or use another recipe, it is necessary to properly prepare the product.

It is important to follow these rules:

  • M'yaso owe wine for room temperature. Do not fill it with cold water, but even more so with hot water. In such cases, the taste of meat is consumed.
  • Obrobite yogo on a portion of a small rosemary and place in the marinade sumish or native. Tse mozhe buti sauce from soy, sirovatka or lemon juice with spices.

  • We put the prepared product on a baked frying pan. Ready to finish the strong fire. Krishkoy is not recommended to twist, because instead of greased meat, take away the stewed meat.

Greased Meat Cooking Hour

Under the hour of cooking, the gentlemen are wondering how much meat to grease in the pan? Really trivality of preparation to lie down due to certain nuances:

  • Whose meat is planned to be prepared.
  • Young m'yaso chi old.
  • Great, medium and small portions of it are narrated.

Zvichayno, grease in a frying pan meat pork, yalovichina, lamb richly rich, lower chicken, turkey or veal. Cooking hour for meat:

  • Steamed veal is prepared for high temperatures. The skin side is covered with 3-4 coats. In order to make it melodiously ready, you can add 3 more fines under the cover. Small square-shaped pieces of the same grade smeared with quillin 10 from the skin side.
  • Pieces of a middle-aged yalovichina can be well oiled for 20 khvilin.
  • Pork lubricate 30 hvilin. And it is not recommended to prepare more than 10 quills, so that the stench does not become harsh and unsuitable for living.
  • Poultry meat should be smeared with 25-30 quills. All fallow, since a part of the bird was chosen for cooking.
  • Up to mutton okremy pіdhіd. Navіt yakscho won't be torn on dribni shmatki, prepare yoga to happen for about 1 year.

Lubricated pig or yalovich meat with additional cibuli

Іsnuє anonymous recipes for the preparation of lubricated meat. Let's look, yak


  • pіvkilo yalovicho chi pig virіzka;
  • the head of the cybuli is large;
  • a teaspoon of zucru;
  • strong pepper for relish;
  • oliya pistne or melted fat 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking process:

  1. M'yaso remember and cut into small pieces.
  2. Posipati їх tsukr and pepper. Mix it up and leave the whilin for 10-15.
  3. Finished on the middle squares of the cibula to bring it to a golden color on the rose, Oliya or lard, frying pans.
  4. Viklasti on tsibula m'yaso. Lubricate the meat in a frying pan on a medium heat until the appearance of pidrum'yanyuvannya.
  5. Turn the pieces so that they don’t burn and get oiled step by step.
  6. At the same time, do not turn the dishes with a lid, so that the extinguishing effect does not reach.
  7. Salt for 3-4 hours before the end of cooking.
  8. It is recommended to put topsoil on the skin portion. Strava nabude unrepeated vershokovy prismaku.
  9. Serve with rice, pasta or abo for garnish mashed potatoes. Bad harmony with such meat and cooked Greek groats.

Cooking steak in a frying pan

To understand, it is necessary to know the sprat of cooking rules:

  • It’s better to choose a pig’s neck, go out with a juice that is even lower.
  • The steak was cooked with meat, as it warmed up to room temperature. If you take a cold piece of clothing, you may not be able to get oiled up.
  • Filet varto cut across the fibers. This technology allows equal roasting.
  • Before preparing the leather, the meat shreds must be soaked with a paper towel.
  • Meat is put only on a roasted frying pan and greased without a lid.

To cook a steak you need:

  • 500 g of pulp;
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil;
  • Other spices and strength are added to the taste.


  1. Rinse the meat and hang it with servets.
  2. Cut into pieces with a width of 3 div.
  3. Put meat on a well-baked frying pan and brush about 3 quills. At this hour it is not possible to pierce shmatki with a fork or a stick.
  4. Turn the meat over and smear it on the other side for 3 more quills.
  5. Change the heat to medium, turn the meat over again and grease 3-5 more strands.
  6. After the end of the hour, turn off the stove, cover the frying pan with a lid and fill the meat in such a look for 15 quills for complete readiness.

Cooking greased meat in a frying pan with a corrugated bottom

If you grease pork meat in a frying pan or yalovichini on such a surface, then take away the shmatochki with original greases. Ring out such grass to cook in nature, spreading meat on the grills. Ale, you can prepare yoga at home. What is needed:

  • 4-5 pork ribs or 0.5 kg of pulp;
  • pіvsklyanki white dry wine;
  • a tablespoon of apple otstu;
  • black chalking pepper and fresh cilantro;
  • the strength of the great broom;
  • Reagan greens.

How to grease meat in a frying pan with a corrugated bottom:

  1. Prepare the marinade: mix the wine and the ocet.
  2. Rinse the ribs or meat and dry them. Sprinkle with pepper and add cilantro, salt.
  3. Put in a bowl from the warehouse, pour marinade sumish. Neobov'yazkovo, that it swam at the native land.
  4. Through the second year, єmnіst with meat is afraid. Leave for 50 quills. The optimal hour for soaking is 2.5-3 years.
  5. Let's sweat the portions of the shmatki with the marinade and dry it with a servlet with paper. Beat the pulp with a special hammer so that the pieces become thinner. This is necessary for the meat to become lower.
  6. Ribbed the bottom of the pan with a thin ball Olii and heat up to medium temperature.
  7. Place the meat/ribs on a heated dish. The sumarny hour of preparation is warehousing 20-25 minutes.
  8. Skin 3-4 fins of the ribs are turned from one side to the other. As a result, we take away the garnisity of the visor on the skin patch.

Appetizing smeared ribs/m'yaso can be poured over melted vershkov oil and sip the dribbling greenery of the basil (reagan). Ideally, before tsієї stravy, you should be smeared in the same frying pan with fresh or frozen vegetables: kvass, bell pepper, eggplant.

Lubricated meat cubes with tomato sauce

If this recipe is not a culinary masterpiece, its relish will be remembered forever.


  • 500 g pork fillet chi yalovichini;
  • 2 medium carrots, grated on the great third;
  • a tablespoon is borosna;
  • 2 details of cibulini;
  • 4 tbsp. l. tomato (can be troch less);
  • 1 faceted vial of water;
  • pepper that strength for savory likenesses.
  1. Wash the m'yakush, dry it, cut it into cubes.
  2. I will smear the surface with olive oil, heat it on a medium fire.
  3. Weaklasti there m'yaso, having salted and peppered naprikintsi.
  4. Visipaemo in a frying pan a carrot and a cibula. We cover all 5-7 quills, mix it up.
  5. Dali put tomato sauce and borosno (through a strainer, so that there is no breast).
  6. Add water, add salt for relish.
  7. Bring readiness under the lid with a stretch of 7 strands on a weak flame.

Chicken legs with a crispy twist

Chicken meat is one of the simplest in cooking. For yoga frying, you don’t need special skills and the process will not take a lot of time.

To prepare you need:

  • chicken stegens - 6 pieces;
  • water flasks;
  • bloody pisok- 2 tbsp. l.;
  • a tablespoon of salt.

How to grease chicken meat in a frying pan:

  1. Sip on the frying pan with salt | salt |, tsukor. Peremishyuyuchi, smear, doki tsukor does not melt anymore.
  2. Add water and stir to a viscous consistency.
  3. Roll the chicken legs in preparation for this syrup.
  4. Smear them with a stretch of 20 quills on a heated frying pan with the addition of a small amount of olive oil.

Korisnі set the time for cooking meat in a frying pan

With secrets, you can learn how to properly grease meat in a frying pan, you want to share homemade gifts:

  • So that the filet was chewed well after smearing, it is necessary to beat it in front with a hammer. Place the meat bag in front of a large plastic bag.
  • Also, for cієї meti, you can smear the layers of yalovichini or pork with mustard for 2 years.
  • Yakshcho m'yaso old zhorstka, you need to put yoga in the otstu (6%), drive (1: 1) that orphan egg. After 30 minutes, it's ready to be lubricated. For consumption, you can get rid of yoga in the sum of 2 days.
  • At the process of lubrication, it is impossible to pass meat with a knife or a fork. So from the new one the whole sіk is vibrating, and it will be dry and unsweetened.
  • To remove the rouge on the surface of the shank, it is necessary to lubricate it on a strong fire, and then bring it to readiness on a weak heat.

Otzhe, at the article, it was looked at, how to grease the meat in a frying pan with small pieces of chi. Such a method of preparation cannot be folded, but it will require singing knowledge. If you follow the description of the recommendations, then the meat will be juiced and savory.

Millions of variant recipes for lubricated meat are rebranded on the Internet. Strava is properly prepared on the basis of lubricated meat - just divinely malted.

How many lubricate m'yaso for an hour? On what frying pan to cook meat? How long can you lubricate meat without oil? Irrelevant retelling of food, on the way you will know the evidence of this article.

How to properly grease meat in a frying pan

How to roast meat correctly and juicy without spending expensive hours and the cost of expensive inventory?

To create a truly savory, juicy calorie sauce in the world, it is necessary to coat the meat with up to 10 quills in a frying pan with a thick, non-stick bottom.

The main task is to choose a frying pan. For the creation of the miraculous meat sauce vikoristovuyut including inventory from teflon coatings. Tightness and control - there are no warehouses for an hour of work with meat.

A great alternative to the traditional frying pan is the multicooker kitchen utensil. For rahunok vbudovanih funktsіy pratsyuvati z suchasnym obladannyam sutsilne satiation, and the result outweighs all ochіkuvannya.

Zavdyaks of innovative technology, to cook miracle pork, vishukan yalovichina, or you can savor the chick of the lower chicken, you can make an unfortunate gentleman.

How to grease meat in a frying pan with small pieces

Smeared pork with small pieces in a frying pan "English Roast pork"

A favorite of the English aristocrats is lubricated pork, cooked in small pieces in a frying pan, in tandem with young potato bulbs. The national recipe from the hands of an English chef is undeniably appreciated by gourmands, lovers of viscous, author's cuisine.

Warehouse product

  • Pork virizka - 700 g
  • Cibulya ripchasta - 3.4 pcs.
  • Soy sauce - 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • Force for taste
  • pepper - 2 pinches
  • olive oil - 3 tbsp.
  • Ginger, thyme, cilantro - to taste
  • Honey - 1 tbsp. l.
  • French mustard grains - 2 tbsp.
  • Greens - for decoration

Pokrokov's instruction

  1. Wimity the pig's visor, hang it with a paper towel. Vіd zagalny shmatka vіdrіzati 6 vіdbivnyh zavtovki 2-3 cm.
  2. Cut the skin into slices on equal parts, then cut into cubes. Porada: Vikoristovyte vyklyuchenno gostry, vysokoyakіsny tool for working with meat. Oblyuvalny nizh, sokira-cleaver, Butcher knife - not a new version of good options for working with meat.
  3. Have a deep taste of meat, season it with spices, herbs, add salt to the troch. Thyme is the main component in the warehouse of spices;
  4. Clean the cibula, cut it enough, straighten it to the meat.
  5. Pour the warehouse with soy sauce, add honey, mustard, mix, cover with grub plіvkoy, add 30 quills in a full chamber.
  6. Grill Olya in a Teflon frying pan, brush the marinated meat shreds on a dead fire. Zmіshati, smear from the other side.
  7. Reduce the fire to a minimum, continue cooking 10-12 quills, periodically mixing the cubes with a culinary spatula. Enjoy your mea! Lubricate the meat with small pieces according to the English recipe - ready.

Smazhene m'yaso with tsibuleya in a frying pan

The choice of meat is one of the most important stages. This recipe is characterized by fresh pork breast, obov'yazkovo without spitting.


  • Pork belly - 700 g
  • Salo - 100 g
  • Cibulya ripchasta chervona - 230 g
  • Shavliya - for gusto
  • Roslinna unrefined oliya - for smearing
  • Meat seasoning with natural ingredients - 2 tbsp.
  • Clockmaker - 4 cloves

Pokrokov's instruction

  1. Rinse the pork fat in salt, dry it with a paper servlet, chop the meatballs into 2-3 cm cubes.
  2. Lubricate the bacon on the olive, stir without interruption. Lubricate up to 5 quills.
  3. Decorate the pork with beautiful, even 4-5 cm steaks.
  4. At the skin of the shmatok, press the shawl into the part.
  5. The deep container has all the spices.
  6. Roll the leather shmatochok with spices, the amount of salt to the minimum.
  7. Smear the steaks in a frying pan from two sides on a strong fire until ruddy appears.
  8. After obsmazhuvannya m'yaso transfer to okremium, before preparing dishes.
  9. Shake the tsibulya with great, world-wide calves.
  10. After the process is completed, put the steaks in the frying pan, sizzle the cubule, add spices, cover with a lid.
  11. Tomiti pork 20 hvilin on the right fire.
  12. I'm ready to apply the law on the sheets fresh salad have a meal with homemade salts, seasonal salads.

How to grease meat without olives in a frying pan

For the treatment of carcinogens, potions healthy hedgehogі proper eating, this country will surely become indispensable in the culinary arsenal.

Aromatic pork with rosemary and thyme in a frying pan


  • Pork steaks - 2 pieces, 400 g
  • rosemary
  • Watchmaker - 3 cloves
  • Strength - pinch
  • Pepper - 2 g

Pokrokov's instruction

  1. M'yaso vimiti, dry.
  2. A leather steak is beaten, a vicarious kharchov plіvka and a kitchen hammer.
  3. Divide rosemary into parts, add the hourly cut into parts.
  4. Roast the frying pan, so that the meat is smeared until the meat is cooked, and the middle is baked to readiness.
  5. Smear a piece of rosemary with a teaspoon of troch more than 2 khvilin.
  6. Put the meat steak on top, cover up the sum that is gone, pepper it, add the kitchen power.
  7. When the first aromas appear, that is a sign of ruddy, for the help of the shoulder blades, turn the meat over to another side, pepper, salt. It is important to cook on a strong fire, without curling the lid. Ready for the meat to come out juiced, lower, well greased!

How to grease meat on a grill pan.

Those who like to indulge in meat on the grill unambiguously write down the recipe and try to put yoga into practice. Zavdyaki grill, products save taste, color, do not avenge olії. Yaskravі, uniqalnі stravi vyhodіt podsakovymі sіstoі, vіnіmalnі vіtrati!

Grilled pork "Delicious meal"


  • Pig's nashiyok - 900 g
  • Girchitsya - 3 tbsp.
  • Watchmaker - 4-5 teeth.
  • Teriyaki sauce - 1 tbsp.
  • Provence herbs, spices - to the taste
  • M'yakush lime - for relish


  1. Cut the pork into thin skewers 1 div wide.
  2. At the deep pier, the place is filled with: tea leaves, lime zest, assorted peppers, teriyaki sauce, silt, mustard, herbs to taste.
  3. Mix all the components to a uniform consistency, rub the meat generously on both sides.
  4. Remove pork for marinating for 10 chills|minutes| at room temperature, cover with hot water.
  5. For the help of a culinary, silicone brush, grease the grill pan with olive oil, ideally spray it with olive oil.
  6. Set the maximum temperature, the dish is cooked on high heat.
  7. Just like a frying pan repair dimity, lay the meat.
  8. Lubricate 3-4 quills on the skin side.
  9. Zrobiti nadrіz gostrim with a knife, reverify readiness. If the meat is rozhev, it is necessary to turn the meat over and repeat the process on medium heat. The grill ensures the roasting side, saving the juice, aroma, and vital microelements.

Culinary secrets

“How long to smear with m'yaso shmatki?” - Ask you. The trivality of the preparation of meat is left to fall in the form of a front cut. Pickling is quick to cover. Zavdyaki marinated in front of spices, herbs, seasonings and vegetables, meat comes out juicy, lower, as it were in the mouth.

Garniy mood, culinary novices, cover instruction- Zaporuka successful result of the finished masterpiece.

Vzhivannya m'yasa sprya saturate with fats, as if hunger is much lower, it's better to eat some low-fat and low-calorie products. Fresh pork meat can be of equal erysipelas color, without rainbow blotches. If the meat is darker, then the creature was old, which means that it will be ready to get out more by the hour.

For food, butter the pork, naivirnisha vіdpovіd - until it's ready. Oskіlki pig is healthy to the point of being infected with helminths, cooking pork - obsmazhuvat, boil, stew - it is necessary relatively. Dosvіdchenі misters, culinary specialists do not stew, skilki lubricate pork in a frying pan for an hour, the readiness of the stench is signified by an evenly lubricated scorch, aroma. As soon as you pierce a piece of greased meat with a fork, and from the new opening the light or erysipelas-like opening will come out, then savory juice the meat is ready.

Ale, there is a problem before the unsatisfied culinary specialists, how long to lubricate the pork, so that from one side it gets succulent, it doesn’t dry out, and moreover, you need to be inspired that the meat will be ready. Rozkriёmo deyaki secrets.

The hour of cooking the pork is to lie down, since part of the body has been torn. For example, meat like shii, it is necessary to lubricate it significantly more, lower, for example, shmatok like loin. If the neck meat is not cut, it should be smeared with approximately 5 strands from the skin side. Lubricate better on a strong fire.

If you want to juice the meat, you need to salt it without intermission, right in the bowl, or in the cinnamon, if the rouge is smeared. In another turn, as if salting the meat from afar, from the new twist, the whole sik and juice dish is no longer seen.

The middle hour of smearing, not far from the part of the body: small lacerations of the shank, approximately 2x2 cm, smeared along five or three strands from the skin side. Pork, cut into thin sticks - more than 3-5 strands from the side.

At the barbeque, the pork meat is roasted on a strong fire, you need to turn it over at least three times. Pigs' ribs are covered in shashlik approximately 20-25 min.

Grease on a frying pan until you have a ruddy streak. At the hot rose of olives, place meat, rolled in batter, smeared on a medium fire 10 min. on one and 7-8 - on the other side.

If the meat has been stored for a long time in a frozen camp, then it takes more than an hour to prepare it for more than an hour, and less for fresh meat - about 5 khvilin. Put the meat in the dish for obsmazhuvannya so that the pieces do not kick sharply, otherwise it will not be lubricated, but stewed meat.

If you lubricate the pork with juicy vegetables, then it will be all the more juicy and fragrant. Lubricated meat is called liver. Lubricate the veggies - eggplants, tomatoes, cibula, after the bazhany you can add mushrooms - for 2-3 hvilini. After the vegetables are placed in the frying pan, place small pieces, everything is smeared without a crooked lid for about 3 hvilin. After greasing the dishes with meat and vegetables, pour water, cover with a lid and bring to a boil, after which add greens, spices and cook khvilin 10.

Skilki lubricate pork in a frying pan for an hour

How much do you need to lubricate the pork, so as not to be afraid for your health? And the food should stand on its own. Pork is one of our favorite types of meat. And if you want to talk about those who can eat worse, just like about those who can eat carrots on a diet, for riches, meat was the main product of eating.

Nutrition about those, skilki lubricate the pork, do not set up the cookery and the axis of what. The stages of roasting meat, as if it were possible to roast a steak, could not be expected to roast pork. Tse m'yaso often take revenge on helminths, to that I need food, more time to grease the pork, it is only necessary to say this: until it's ready.

Yak vibrati m'yaso for pork?

To prepare a savory and juicey pork steak in homemade minds, it is better to choose meat from the neck part of the carcass of a pig, pork virizka or meat from a stem with a small amount of veins.

M'yaso is cut into zavtovshki shmatochki in the average 2.5 - 3.5 cm across the fibers.

How to cook pork?

Pork is reminiscent of fatty prosharkiv, which is rich enough for someone to love. Ale, don’t start the axis of the prosharks enough, so that the meat becomes sapless, if you lubricate Viogo, finish it. Also marinate її appropriately obov'yazkovo. So you can soften the pork, and as a result, you will get richer and less juice. Apply the first marinade on the pork shredder, beat it with ob'yazkovo yogo trohi. Krym tsgogo, the edges of the pork and the whole surface of the shmaka troch nadrizhte.

It is your fault to see the incisions that are tinted, as a result you will be given small rhombuses. So the marinade is more penetrating into the pork shreds, and the crimson of this, the shredder itself is practically not deformed during frying, even if the tissue is good. With this sіk, you will be left in the middle of the shmatka, and there will be no winding.

How to lubricate a pork steak, so we will juicy wine and savour?

After you have chosen the meat for the steak, you can proceed before cooking. Look at garnish recipe pork steak, with a vicarious taste You can cook savory fried and juice meat:

  • If the meat is frozen, it must be thawed ahead of time, moved from the freezer at the refrigerator compartment 10-12 years before cooking.
  • Cut the pieces of meat into blanks for steak across the fibers into pieces of 2.5 - 3.5 cm.
  • On a great fire, a frying pan is fired (you can vicorate whether it’s a good idea, a grill pan, or with non-stick coatings). At the frying pan, add oil and kindly heat it up (it is important to start greasing the steak in a well-heated frying pan).
  • Put the meat into the pan and smear it with a stretch of 5 strands from one side (meat may well be smeared until the garnish is done), after which we turn it over to the other side and also smear 5 strands.
  • After that, they turned the meat over, salted yogo and pepper. It is not necessary to cover the pan with a lid!
  • If the steak is lubricated from both sides, marveling at its edge (like the pieces of meat were toasty, then along the edges of the steak you can not slather a troch, in such a way we smear the edges, placing the pieces of meat on the edge, pushing them to the edge of the pan). A frying pan with cooked steaks is fired and covered with a lid, and it looks like 5-10 quills, so the steaks are “dijshli”.
  • From i all! Tasty and juicy pork steaks are ready! Have a great appetite!

Skilki lubricate pork in a frying pan

Here it is necessary to express yourself obov'yazkovo, how to lubricate the pork correctly, and skilki, otherwise, better for everything, the very result of pork shreds you have and weide. To prepare such a stew, as if pork is lubricated with a cibulka, it is necessary to take a virizka, or be it else meat, obov'yazkovo fresh and not frosty before cym. Pour trochs of olive oil into the frying pan, cut the meat into small pieces of about 3 centimeters.

M'yaso lubricate to a ruddy brilliance from the sides, and if it becomes more ruddy - salt and pepper. If you grow up earlier, then the pork will release juices that will not be tasty. Approximately at this hour, add to the meat richly sliced ​​with pivkiltsy tsibuli. Skilki need to grease the pork in a frying pan for an hour, marvel at the meat. Approximately after 10-15 hvilin, the cibula will become clear, and the meat will be a beautiful equal golden color.

For a while longer, grease the pork until cooked, turn it over with a fork, the meat is already ready, and you can cover it with a lid and boil it after 5 whips. The whole process, you will simmer the pork in a frying pan until ready, you will borrow 30-45 khvilin.

And if you want to cook biscuits, you should smear the meat with 5 quills from the skin side.

Special attention should be paid to the choice of meat. It’s better to bathe not frozen pork, but chilled, to that in which case you will realize how fresh and sour product you can buy. Ideally, the pork is to blame for the low erysipelas or red color, without a strong smell.

How many hours?

You yourself, at this temperature, will slather the pork, so you can do it without a fight. Ale, if you are not convinced, if the shredders reach the middle of such a temperature, then after greasing the pork on the cob in the pan, rightly put it in the oven. There, try її 10 hvilin, you can 15. Here everything depends on the size of the coat and the features of the oven itself.

Pork can be cooked at the oven. For this shmatki, the meat is beaten, rubbed with silla and pepper, rolled at the boroshni and placed on the deco, fronted with melted pork fat. They sip on top of the cheese on the third and place the oven by the fire. M'yaso will be ready for 20 - 30 hwilin.

Pork should be lubricated in a frying pan over medium heat with a stretch of 15 quills.


Pork can also be baked in folzy. For this next, take a large piece of meat, rub it with pepper, smear with mayonnaise, burn it with foil, place a pichka near the rose. Khvilin for 30-40 m'yaso will be ready.

Pork is the most important leader in the place of brown speeches, for example, it has all the vitamins of group B. The studies show that pork is more important, less visible meat. The additional norm for a mature person is not guilty of overeating 200 g of pork. The most delicious is meat cooked at the oven.

Skіlki smash the pork shashlik

  • rib - 20-25 quills;
  • virizku - 25-30 khvilin.

With all the meat on the skewers, it is necessary to turn it over, so that it was evenly poked on the sides of the mouth. Also, remember to cook the pork on the grill - turn it over at least 3 times, the hour of cooking will be about 25-30 quills for great shmatochkiv, steak - 15-20 quills.

Skilki lubricate pork tusks

To prepare the meatballs, you need to make a batter, after which you grease the meatballs until ready from two sides to a ruddy crackle. For a while, lubricate the pork tusks - until a ruddy streak appears. For whom it is necessary to pour olive oil on the pan and good її roses. After that, roll the cue balls in batter, and put them in a frying pan. If fried from one side, turn over and lubricate until ready.

For a while, grease the pork chops - 10 strands from one side on the middle flame, and 7-8 strands on the other side.

What is the best piece of meat to grease in a frying pan?

Hanging pork for lubrication pidide don’t be someone. Shorter version choose the loin. The most delicious biscuits come out of it, prepared with a slab of lubrication in a frying pan. Shiyka will also be a good option for a frying pan. The same can be seen up to the shoulder blade, stegensya or the brisket. Other parts of the carcass are better not to take. The option is ideal, as you take the pork fresh, as it has not been frozen yet.

What better way to lubricate a steak?

It is necessary to fry the frying pan for the pig in a good way, so that the oil in it warms up sufficiently. Do not lubricate the pork for a long time, hvilini 4-5 from the skin side of the shmatka. For the whole hour, a golden streak will appear on the new one. After that, take the tongs, and smear it just like the white parts of the piece.

Which marinade is savory?

You can take your favorite meat spices and mix them with olive oil. The second option is to vicorate sour-milk products. A quarter of a bottle of marinade is enough for a good marinade of a kilo of pork meat. But until the hour of pickling, then the rosemary shmatka plays a primary role.

Vidbivni standard sizes 2. So that the meat does not ruin its sik, salt it without intermediary before putting it into the pan. Salt on the back of that beak, which you will put on the frying pan. If you turn over the pork shredder, then salt it on the other side.

Pork with vegetables in a frying pan


  • 2 pcs. potatoes,
  • 350 g pork
  • 1 zucchini,
  • 1 licorice,
  • season for savor
  • 3 cloves of the watchmaker.
  1. Cooking method: if you want to cook savory blue offense for members of your own family, it is also recommended to your respect the recipe for cooking pork with vegetables.
  2. Heat the frying pan with additional sonyashnikova olії and put pork on her.
  3. Rinse the potatoes, peel the skins and cut them into cubes.
  4. Approximately in fifteen minutes add mashed potatoes to the greased pork.
  5. Rinse the licorice pepper, clean it from the inside, finish it finely and add it to the frying pan with meat and potatoes. Now it's time for zucchini.
  6. Rinse the yogo and clean it from the skin, cut it with a coarse cube and add it to the pan. If you need to add something, season it to taste, mix it all together.
  7. Cover the frying pan with meat and vegetables with a lid, reduce the fire to a minimum and continue to extinguish the grass until it is ready with a stretch of twenty-five hvilin.

Lubricate the barbecue in a frying pan

Cooking method:

  1. If the meat is completely marinated, I poured a frying pan with rosemary and top oil.
  2. Rozіvaєmo even better, sob olіya squealed.
  3. We put on a frying pan a piece of marinated meat and brush it to a golden crisp from the sides.
  4. Then we pour the meat with mineral water and quench it under the lid until the root is fully evaporated. Minerals need stilki, so that the m'yaso would be open on the surface.
  5. Since all the water evaporates, sprats of khvilin are smeared with meat, stirring constantly.
  6. You can add some cibules. The barbecue is ready in the pan.

Pig jacket

  1. Method of preparation: for preparation of roasted good shovel part of pork.
  2. It is necessary to remember, dry and pore with medium bars.
  3. It is necessary to cook the meat on the frying pan, and cover the frying pan with a lid, so that undesirable water comes out of the meat. Let's add oil to the pan and grease the pork until crispy.
  4. Okremo prepare the dressing to the point of strain - smear the cibula, carrots and tomato paste.
  5. Sumish from vegetables and tomatoes is added to the meat and trimmed more sprats of quills on the fire.
  6. After adding spices, meat can be removed from the stove and served on the table at once with a side dish of potatoes, rice and pasta.

At the end of the article, you can know, knowing how to cook a pork steak in a frying pan at home, You can independently work tasty steaks at home, like before the Christmas table, so just at any moment for yourself and your loved ones. Your opinions fawn over, skilki by the hour and how to lubricate the pork steak, fill in the comments to the article and share it in social measures yakscho won bula you korisna.

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