Rice salad - five best recipes. How to cook rice salad deliciously. Salad with rice Savory salad with rice

Wherever you go Rice creak the wines to the month. Feel comfortable with any ingredients. Side dishes, soups, meatballs, fillings for pies, casseroles... How about salads? same x "Zi with gusto" categorically vіtaє!

If you trim your figure, - those that are necessary. Here you have a light side dish, fresh vegetables, protein. And with savory meals you can experiment endlessly!

Salads based on rice

Salad with rice, chickpeas and chicken fillet


  • 100 g boiled chickpeas
  • 400 g chicken fillet
  • 5 st. l. lemon juice
  • 2 tooth watchmaker
  • 2 tsp olive oil
  • 1 trisk. crushed black pepper
  • 1 tsp tsukru
  • 0.5 tsp ginger
  • strength for taste


  1. Cut the chicken fillet into cubes and marinate with sumishi from 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice, olive oil, flavored chasnik, black pepper. Leave it for a year, after which you put the chicken pieces in a frying pan.
  2. Prepare dressing from 4 tbsp. l. lemon juice, zucru and ginger. Add strength and black pepper for relish.
  3. Mix all the ingredients in a deep bowl, pour over the dressing, decorate with fresh greens.

Italian tuna salad

  • 200 g rice cooked al dente
  • 1 red cibulin
  • 8 cherry tomatoes
  • 1 stump
  • 300 g canned tuna
  • 0.5 b. canned corn
  • 5–6 sprigs of parsley
  • 10 olives
  • 1 st. l. lemon juice
  • 2 tbsp. l. olive oil
  • strength, pepper for relish
  1. Arrange cibulina with thin pivkiltsy, cherry tomatoes with quarters, ogirok with cubes.
  2. Canned tuna is lightly crushed with a fork.
  3. Mix all the ingredients, salt and pepper, season with lemon juice and olive oil. Garnish with parsley and olives.

Salad with rice, shrimp and red kvassole

  • 300 g cooked rice
  • 300 g shrimp
  • 100 g canned red kvass
  • 2 tsp lemon juice
  • 1 st. l. olive oil
  • 1 tooth watchmaker
  • 1 trisk. sumishi peppers
  • 1 sprig of fresh mint
  • 1-2 feathers of a green cibul
  1. Peeled shrimp trohi fry in a frying pan with adding a small amount of olive oil.
  2. Mix rice with shrimp and kvassole, pour dressing with olive oil, lemon juice and seasoned tea. Salt, pepper, mix salad. Decorate with trimmed mint and green cibulae.

Salad with rice, chickpeas and vegetables.

  • 200 g boiled burgundy rice
  • 2-3 stalks of celery
  • 200 g broccoli
  • 5–6 sprigs of cilantro
  • 5-6 art. l. boiled chickpeas
  • 1 st. l. olive oil
  • 2 tsp lemon juice
  • strength, pepper for relish
  1. Arrange the celery with small bunches, trim the cilantro, cut the broccoli into flower heads, put in the sprinkles.
  2. Make sure you prepare the components lemon juice, salt, pepper, season with olive oil.

Chinese rice salad

  • 300 g cooked rice
  • 12-15 pcs. dried mushrooms in shiitake
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 cibulina
  • 100 g frozen or fresh green beans
  • 1 tooth watchmaker
  • 2 tbsp. l. rice otstu
  • 3 art. l. sesame oil
  • 1 tsp rare honey
  • 1 tsp soy sauce
  1. Soak the mushrooms with the sprinkles until softened. After that, put it on a drushlyak, cut it with plates and smear it at once with chopped cibulia, grated carrots, sourdough and chop the hourglass.
  2. Eat rice with vegetables, season with rice oats, sesame oil, honey and soy sauce.

Come on, you have selected a sprat of recipes for your collection. Crazy, you can easily create your own salad, adding or replacing part of the ingredients with others. Respect, our dear friends

Oskіlki tsey cereal does not vymagaє special insight, krіm postіynoї nayavnostі vologa, and maє impersonal brown elements, yogo popularity can be easily overestimated! Whether you are a culinary expert, you know that this product is universal: with it you can cook any meat or ribs, even salads. Rest swell especially folk kokhannya zavdyaki majestic scope for creativity and voluminous corrosity. New recipes for salads with rice in their own unique environment are less than a cook's imagination. Explore hundreds of ways to prepare a salad, and the skin from them is unique!

The five most common vicarious ingredients in recipes:

You can enter the warehouse whether it be vegetables or fruits, the stench radically changes the taste of that kind of chastuvannya. Licorice peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, pineapples, dried apricots, olives, mushrooms - all of them are culinary like people! It is not uncommon to add seafood to the new one, as if to rob Japan and the lower lands of Asia. In this way, more often than not, we will emphasize micronutrients with vitamins, which are found in all seafood. Similar culinary masterpieces are not only appetizing, but even more delicious. Sprats of zdatnі easily replace richly lubricated and greasy stray, with it, you can put together a menu with turbot about healthy that figure!

rice salad charitable principles cooking

Rice - tse supra-visually Korisna groats. To pamper like a figure of the organism, to give respect to the inhabitants of the Skhod. It is a fact that the Chinese and the Japanese put rice and riba in the basis of their eating, and they look great: they lift those strings, practically do not get sick and live to old age. People pomilkovo vvazhayut, scho eating is only an invisible part of life. Might as well be brown - and even won є faces, mover of life, or we ourselves can mourn the old process of our body, living in fatty licorice.

Rice is an indispensable carbohydrate, which gives long-term energy. 100 grams of rice is enough for a grown-up person, so that you will be able to sit up to the onset of eating and not require a snack.

Rice salads can be used as the main herb, as well as supplementary as meat or rib products. Ale, be respectful - rice is rotten smeared with meat chi bird. The best yoga experience is with seafood taribou.

Rice salad - preparation of products and dishes

Before preparing the rice cereal salad, it is good to clean it. In rich recipes it is said that it is not necessary to wash rice groats, but if you fill it with water, then drink it, it will become white. How to prepare rice for salad? Tse duzhe is simple. Pour the groats with water in proportions of 1 to 2, the shards of rice swell when boiled. Bring rice with water to a boil, start a small fire and cook 13-15 hvilin without stopping. Salt the water. If you cook brown rice, then the hour of yogo cooking becomes 35-38 hvilin and it is also not necessary to stir.

Cook the rice in an enamel pan, prepare bowls for the other ingredients, and a large flat plate for the salad, decorate the front with lettuce leaves.

Rice salad recipes:

Recipe 1: Rice Salad with Squid

Follow the recipes of old people from other nations - cook a wonderful rice salad with seafood. Squid is an invaluable drug for its richness, but the squids of cream of protein do not avenge other nutrients - fat and carbohydrates. Natomist rice is a brown carbohydrate, which will be over-fertilized for at least three years, and you can eat that salad with such a salad, but it is not recommended to live in such a salad for the evening.

Necessary ingredients:

  • 100 grams of rice
  • 300 grams of squid
  • Egg 3-4 pieces
  • Soy sauce 2 tablespoons
  • Olive oil for dressing
  • Fresh parsley

Cooking method:

Open rice. Remember that boiled groats look like more for a bunch.

Breed squid. For whom, clean these types of spit and rinse, and then lower the boiling salted water for 2-3 times, not more. Cool and cut with thin long-haired husbands.

Boil the egg cool and chop it with a knife even less.

Chop greens.

Mix all the ingredients and dress the rice salad with soy sauce and olive oil.

Recipe 2: Korean Rice Salad with Carrots

One more recipe from a similar kitchen. Rice is a brown rich carbohydrate, you can eat it every day. The norm for a person is 200 grams per day of rice in a dry look, and turn, what a lot of money to get you for a full day.

Necessary ingredients:

  • Carrot fresh 2 pieces
  • Rice 200 grams
  • Cibulya ripchasta 1 small cibulina
  • olive oil
  • Dried Italian herbs
  • fresh parsley
  • olive oil

Cooking method:

Boil rice, cool.

Grate the carrots on a dry grate, pour over the olive oil (vitaminate 2-3 tablespoons), salt and sip with cumin and Italian herbs.

Narіzhte tsibulya yakomoga thinner, more beautiful pіvkiltsami.

Chop the parsley.

Mix all the ingredients, dress the salad with olive oil and sill.

Recipe 3: Warm Rice Salad with Eggplant and Olives

Rice salads are savory not only in a cold look, but also in a warm one. You can live them as supplements to meat and fish herbs, as well as the main herb. Try a savory warm salad with buttered eggplant and olives. You can vikoristovuvaty like green canned olives, and black tassels, which are ripe, but for the sake of splendor, it is recommended to bathe olives without tassels of additives.

Necessary ingredients:

  • Rice 200 grams
  • Eggplant 2 pieces medium size
  • 100 grams of olives or olives without a brush
  • Tomatoes 2 pieces medium size
  • Lettuce violet cibula 1 piece of medium size.
  • Oliya Sonyashnikova
  • Soy sauce

Cooking method:

Cook rice by the salty water.

Pour the eggplants with square slices, tomatoes with thin pivcols.

Chop up the greens.

Finely cut the cibulina.

Pour 1 tablespoon of olive oil into a roasted frying pan, heat it up, sauté the cibula with a stretch of 2-3 strands. Add|Add| to the cibula of eggplant. Extinguish them with a stretch of 10-13 strands, shifting. Add tomatoes to the blue ones and cibules, stirring, simmer another 5-7 quills. Add rice to the vegetables, mix it well and close it with a lid. Extinguish on a povіlny fire with a stretch of 7-8 strands. Two minutes before readiness, add parsley to the rice salad and drizzle with soy sauce. Serve the salad before the table as soon as the fire is out.

Recipe 4: Rice salad with mushrooms

Another warm salad recipe is cere rice salad with mushrooms. Even more savory, succulent salad is not similar to any of the garnishes you know with cereals. Mushrooms can vikoristovuvat be-yaki have a fresh look. Mostly vicorist stoves are available through their availability, but you can also add white mushrooms, butternut squash, and fox to the salad.

Necessary ingredients:

  • Rice 200 grams
  • Mushrooms 400 grams
  • Cibulya bіla ripchasta 2-3 pieces of medium size
  • Oliya Sonyashnikova
  • Strong pepper
  • Clockmaker 3-4 prongs
  • Creep fresh
  • Sour cream 200 grams

Cooking method:

Open rice.

Draw the qibule yaknamenshe.

Mushrooms should be finished coarsely, the mushroom into three-chotiri parts.

Pour into the roasted pan Sonyashnikova Oliya and lay a qibuly. Saute yogo with 3-4 strands, add mushrooms to the cibul. Simmer the mushrooms for 10-12 strands on the fire, mixing them, salt and pepper. Add rice to the mushrooms, mix, cover with a lid and let the sum infuse for 5-6 strands.

Poki rice salad to reach, increase to a new sauce. Chop the crepe, let the bowl pass through the bowl and mix the ingredients with sour cream.

If you burn the fire, you can serve the salad to the table. Chi do not mix yogo with sour cream sauce, but rather pour yogo into an okrema bowl and put a bowl of rice salad on it.

Recipe 5: Rice Salad with Shank and Ogirkom

If you want to work rice salad with meat products, then obov'yazkovo vikoristovyte low-fat meat and offal. Tse mozhe buti chicken fillet, shank, pig or yalovich mova, offal. Such a salad will not only be savory, but it will not harm the waist.

Necessary ingredients:

  • Rice 200 grams
  • Low-fat meat meat shank 200 grams
  • Ogorok 2-3 pieces
  • Tomatoes 2-3 pieces
  • Fresh parsley
  • Sour cream for dressing

Cooking method:

Boil rice, cool.

Cut the shank into thin straws.

Wash the ogirok and tomato, clean it from the tails.

Peel the ogirki with thin pivcols, tomato tomatoes in pieces or cubes.

Chop the parsley.

Mix the ingredients. Such a rice salad will be savory, if you season it with sour cream or olive oil, soy sauce - choose your favorite dressing.

Rice salad - secrets ta fawn over the best culinary

For rice salad, you can vicorate like white rice, so white rice with rice. Wild, unrefined rice is superbly brown, but it is necessary to cook yogo okremo in the form of white, at least 35 khvilin. After that, as the rice is boiled, mix yoga with white.

Rice salads can be seasoned with your favorite dressings, and not only with recipes. Mix mayonnaise and sour cream, chasnik, peas, herbs, spices, add balsamic, soy sauce, lemon juice.

Rice already seeps through the dressing, so season the rice salad just before serving it to guests, and even better, don’t season it right away - the rice will be properly cooked and so succulent will be succulent. It is better to serve dressing before rice salad in bowls and put white salad.

Rice salad before serving, decorate with chopped greens, peas, linseed, sesame seeds.

Krok 1: Cooking rice.

For this salad, it is necessary to cook rice in such a way that we can mix it up. For this first, wash the groats, then transfer them to a saucepan, pour a bottle of water over it, put it on the fire, bring it to a boil. Add to rice 1/2 spoon dewy olives, mix, change the fire and continue to cook the grains doti, do not boil the water. It is not necessary to remix.
Put the cooked rice on the drushlyak and, after fixing the yogo, pour it in this way until you reach it.

Krok 2: Cooking eggs.

At once, with the cob of rice cooked, I begin to boil and eggs. For whom I lower them in a saucepan, fill it with water and put it on the stove. Sob the eggs were boiled cool, I cook them in a stretch 15 whilin after boiling. If you want to, start writing, that you need only 10 quills, but if you increase the cooking time, you will make the difference yourself, the eggs will come out savory.
After cooking the ingredients, place them under running cold water until it is fully reached. Let's clean the eggs in the shape of a shell and cut them into small cubes.

Krok 3: Ready to ogіrok.

Like all the vegetables, the ogirok needs to be miti before it, like a cut, and then turn the obov'yazkovo into relish, so that the other ingredient and sometimes the wine can give hot water. Vtіm, tsієї inacceptability is easy to get around, it's enough to clean the vegetable skin.
For preparations for all the rules, the ingredient is filled with small cubes.

Krok 4: Ready for the qibule.

Half of the cibula, cleaned in the form of husks, cut into cubes and placed in a small bowl, sprinkle with dill. Like only water, the troch okholone will viimit the cibulus and the troch will see the її, so that you can see the zayva of the vologer.

Krok 5: Cooking green peas.

It is necessary to make a salad a small amount of green peas from a jar and add some water.

Krok 6: Ready to refuel.

At a clean bowl, add a quantity of sour cream and mustard, turning everything into a single sauce - a dressing for our salad.

Krok 7: Zmіshuєmo salad from rice and eggs.

Just like okholone rice jams, and all other ingredients will be prepared, place them on a deep plate, add salt and black pepper, pour in sour cream-rice dressing. Stir the salad thoroughly, and then put the yogo in the refrigerator for 20-30 whilin. For the whole hour, the wine will infuse and become savory, and for that we will cook it whole before serving.

Krok 8: Serve salad with rice and eggs.

Serve salad with rice and eggs as an independent herb, so as a side dish. With such simplicity and lightness, you can not only wisely beat the rice that is left out, but also prepare the original grass, so that you, your family and your guests will fall in love with it.

In order to keep the cibula from roaring, you can marinate it yourself in ots on a sprat of khvilin, but I don’t recommend picking the otset for people who may have problems with pickling.

For a taste of your salad, you can also add some canned corn.

Vzagali tsey salad is a miracle base. So before the new one, you can add canned fish or a shank in order to cook another dish.

Irina Kamshilina

Prepare for someone richly accept, lower for yourself))


Groats are often added to, whether it be stravi, shards of stink to slacken even more sieve. Often you can learn recipes for salads with rice: it’s good to eat with various meats, birds, vegetables, fish, seafood, something to love to eat fruits. In an extreme mood, it’s easy to blame the sum of greased cibules with carrots, as if adding relish to salad with rice.

How to make salad with rice?

Use the impersonal version of how to cook rice salad. Wine can be served today, or decorate the Christmas stele, serve snacks on robots or live food for the family. Preparing yogo is simple: cook the cereal, cut the other ingredients of the grass, eat them with rice, season.

However, it is necessary to cook the cereal carefully, so as not to sip the relish of the finished strain. There are two options: either soak the groats in boiling water, dipped in olive oil, or boil the groats and water in such a way that the water gradually boils, leaving only the rose parts of the rice grain. When cooking, you can add a bouillon cube of that relish, which suits you for the recipe.

Yak cook rice

Not all lords know how to cook rice for salad. The cereal is guilty of becoming rozsipchasti and not like sticky masu. The standard code algorithm looks like this:

  1. It is necessary to thoroughly rinse the white cereal with cold water. It’s better to grow a sprat of razіv (until the water becomes clear).
  2. Pour water into a saucepan, salt, visipati rice (spіvvіdnoshennia rіdini and grits 2:1).
  3. After boiling, change the fire to a minimum. Varity 20 quilin.
  4. Let's turn off the burner (don't cut the lid!).
  5. Grain on the stove for 15 hvilin|minutes|.
  6. Cool the rice, add a tablespoon of olive oil. As for vykoristovuєte steaming, vin varitimes not less than 1 year, and brown - 40-60 quills are prepared.

rice salad recipe

If it is necessary to savage the guests with chi sim'yu, then varto vivchiti would like one recipe for preparing a salad with rice. An appetizer with a sim cereal product may have few interpretations: you can add vegetables (cibula, cibula, tomatoes), greens, meat, mushrooms, rib and seafood (pollock, pink salmon, saury, salmon, shrimp, crabs). As you have little time for those products in the refrigerator, put everything that was left over from a great evening in a bowl, sip on spices and season with mayonnaise.


The popular Christmas rice salad with crab sticks is a meal, appetizing, simple appetizer. Sitnіst yoma zabezpechayu varіnі chicken eggs and groats, and ogirok, corn and greens to make the salad fresh, fragrant. Crab sticks can be replaced with crab meat, so it looks even tastier. If you can afford to cherish the grass, vikoristovyte crayfish necks or shrimp.


  • crab sticks- 250 grams;
  • ogirok - 2 pieces;
  • cooked rice - 1 bottle;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • red cibula - 1 head;
  • mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • strength, greenery.

Cooking method:

  1. Rice is cooked, cooled.
  2. Eggs, cooked cool, cut into cubes.
  3. The ogirok is cleaned from the skin, cut into strips, crab sticks - into cubes.
  4. Tsibulina shaky shaky, greenery tezh.
  5. Corn looks like a crusher.
  6. All products are mixed in one dish, dressed with mayonnaise, salted, thoroughly mixed.

For the winter

An appetizer with bark grits is often prepared in reserve. For example, a rice salad for the winter with vegetables is savory, savory, preserved, so that you can create a culinary-cob. The classic winter recipe is made up of Bulgarian pepper, carrots, tomatoes, cibules. Sitna, winter juice can be prepared in soups, or as an okremy garnish.


  • rice - 3 tbsp.;
  • fresh tomatoes - 4 kilos;
  • salad pepper (various colors) - 1 kg;
  • qibulya - 1 kg;
  • zukor - 200 g;
  • sil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • carrot - 1 kg;
  • roslinna oliya - 1 tbsp.;
  • apple ocet - ½ bottle.

Cooking method:

  1. From the tomatoes, the peel is taken, then we refine it for the help of a meat grinder or a blender to a homogeneous mass.
  2. Morquin is rubbed on the great third, bell pepper and cibula are cut into cubes.
  3. The groats are filled with water, the year is infused.
  4. Vegetables are smeared in olive oil. Potim water is poured up to them (tretina bottles). Mix, quench 20 chills.
  5. Tomato masa, zukor, sil are laid before the vegetables. Ingredients to quench another 20 quills.
  6. Rice groats sizzle. Preparing to cook pivgodini. For 10 minutes before readiness, an estimate is added.
  7. It was left to spread the straw on the banks, roll it up, cool it, putting it uphill with the bottom.


offensive savory recipe- Mimosa salad with rice and canned food. Tsya strava has long been rooted in popularity, even if it’s easy, it’s easy to shy away, it’s perfectly suitable for the everyday menu of holy. The classic version of Mimozi has potatoes, which are successfully replaced with round rice. It is recommended to take red fish (for example, canned pink salmon), but you can choose sprat or sardini.


  • cereal product - 100 g;
  • sprat - 1 bank;
  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • cibulya ripchasta - head;
  • mayonnaise - 200 g;
  • greens for healing;
  • sil.

Cooking method:

  1. Rice groats, eggs are boiled in front.
  2. Cibulina staggers groggily.
  3. The fish is laid out in a bowl of salad, rozminaetsya.
  4. The protein is water-creamed like a chewing gum. Grate the offending parts of the egg.
  5. Vikladaetsya balls: sprat, potim tsibulya, squirrel, groats, zhovtok. The leather ball needs to be smeared with mayonnaise.
  6. Decorate with greenery (like in the photo). Before serving, refrigerate Mimosa for a year.

Three ribs canned food

The next version of the preparation of the stew also includes fish (saury or sardini). Tsey rice salad with canned ribs comes out piquant, unseen, even savory. The “secret” components of the appetizing appetizer are syrah and marinated cibula. As a vikoristovuvaty zazdalegіd zvarenі components, you can pick up the part for a sprat of whilin.


  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • cibulya - head;
  • solid sir - 150 g;
  • jam rice - 2 tbsp.;
  • mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sardini - 1 bank;
  • otset - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • spices.

Cooking method:

  1. Riba is put into a deep plate, minced with a fork (at once from oil).
  2. Eggs are cleaned, cut into cubes.
  3. The sire is rubbed on the ground.
  4. Products are packed in one dish.
  5. The tsibulya staggers groggily, marinade is poured with water + ocet (1:1). Infuse 20 whilin. After yoga, it’s necessary to look at the drushlyak, pokakat until the motherland is stronger.
  6. Cibulya is added to other components.
  7. Strava is seasoned with mayonnaise, salted, peppered, mixed.

3 tuna

White salad with canned tuna and rice is an indescribable snack, as if wiping out the rich of hungry students and bachelors, and also making life easier for the exhausted gentlemen. However, you can give such a blessing and to the sacred, especially beautifully embellish її (as in the photo) and choose a non-primary dressing: for example, with a chasnik, mustard and lemon juice. If you add oil from canned tuna, you will see more piquant grass.


  • rice groats - 150 g;
  • tuna (canned) - 300 g;
  • tomatoes - 2 pieces;
  • mayonnaise - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • salad pepper - 1 pc.;
  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • chasnik - 1 chastochka;
  • gіrchitsya - 1 teaspoon;
  • olive oil - 1 tsp;
  • strength, chalking white pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Zvarena groats cool down.
  2. Riba is taken out of a jar, put into a deep plate, divided into pieces. As you canned vicorist with olive oil, it is not necessary to irritate (apply for dressing).
  3. Bell peppers are cut into pivkiltsy, tsibula - kiltsy, tomatoes are divided into 4 parts.
  4. Fight dressing: z'ednati sik lemon, olive oil, silt, pepper, mustard, chasny and mayonnaise. All good smile.
  5. The components of the strain are poured with a possessed mass, they mix. After that, the snack is infused for the first time in the refrigerator.


Delicious rice salad with squid and eggs to help you get rid of the holiday menu, proteo yogo can be prepared on great offense chi supper. Frozen squid carcasses are used in the recipes, and it’s better to bathe the gusseted ones at the end, so you don’t have to mess around, looking at the fillings and fillings.


  • white rice - ½ bottle;
  • squid - 400 g;
  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • cibula - 2 heads;
  • mayonnaise, sour cream - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Frozen squid put in boiling water and cook 3-5 quills. Let's sweat it with cold water, so that we can easily take off the swimmers.
  2. Cut into cubes.
  3. Rice groats, rinse, dry.
  4. Eggs are pierced with large pieces, cybula with thin pivkilts.
  5. Mix sour cream with mayonnaise, add strength, pepper, favorite spices. Season the rice salad and chill with a cold drink.

With cod liver

Trіsk's liver is already corny, to avenge the great quantity of vitamins. Therefore, vishukan rib salad with cod liver and rice is traditionally greeted with success and yak Christmas Eve, and like a constant hedgehog. The appetizer will come out as a sieve, I’ll take it for relish, just get ready. To speed up the process, to cook cereals and eggs farther ahead.


  • double rice - 1 tbsp.;
  • carrot - 1 pc.;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • cod liver - one can;
  • red cibula - head;
  • parsley leaves;
  • mayonnaise - 1 tsp;
  • sil.

Cooking method:

  1. Rice groats are cooked, cooled.
  2. Eggs, cibula stagger shatteringly, boiled carrots cut into cubes.
  3. Trіsk's liver is laid out on paper's servlet, for a stack of fat. Minced with a fork.
  4. Components refuel, dress with mayonnaise, mix. The appetizer is garnished with parsley.

With corn

The original warm rice salad made from corn is welcoming guests. Add piquancy to the country with chili peppers, and the exotic taste of the vinictine avocado, fresh oyster, corn. Like dressing vikoristovuєtsya sumish olive oil with lemon juice. You can embellish the appetizer with additional greenery, urination with your favorite spices and seasonings.


  • rice groats - 1 tbsp.;
  • canned corn - ½ cans;
  • avocado and ogirok - 1 pc.;
  • lemon juice - ¼ bottle;
  • salad pepper - 1 piece;
  • olive oil - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • pіr'ya green tsibuli, parsley;
  • chili pepper, sil - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Rice groats are welcome. Rinse and cool down.
  2. At a deep container, oliya (leave 1 tbsp), lemon juice, rubana parsley are mixed.
  3. On reshti growing olive chili and bell peppers are smeared, after a couple of whilins, corn is added to the dryer.
  4. The heat of vegetable sumish will be eaten with rice.
  5. Ogirok, avocados are cut into squares, added to other products.
  6. Salad is dressed, salted, mixed.


If you want to cook a buffet and savory cold grass with seafood, then a salad with shrimp and rice will become a great choice. The appetizer has become popular for its lightness, richness and sublime taste. It is recommended to add fresh tomatoes and canned corn to it, as well as cistern. If you prefer canned shrimp in rose salt, try adding white kvass.


  • shrimp - 400 g;
  • round-shaped rice cereal - ½ bottle;
  • canned corn - jar;
  • tomatoes - 3 pieces;
  • crisp fresh - 1 bunch;
  • mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon juice, salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. The groats are growing.
  2. The shrimp are placed in boiling water, boiled for 5 khvilin, put on a drushlyak.
  3. The homeland is angry with corn.
  4. Cibulya and tomati stagger in small cubes, the krip is shattered with a knife.
  5. Mayonnaise is mixed with pepper, silla, lemon juice. The products are placed in one dish, refueled and carefully mixed.

3 trigger

Another unusual recipe is rice salad with chicken, in which Korean carrot (more than home-cooked) and mushrooms (lubricated with marinated) are added. Ostrunka, fragrant grass is ready to be cooked, to come out more savory. In the classic version, smoked cock is baked, prote for bazhanya can be replaced with cooked or baked fillets.


  • pіvsklyanki groats;
  • smoked cock - 300 g;
  • carrot in Korean - 200 g;
  • marinated ovens - 150 grams;
  • mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Smoked fillets are narrated with great pieces.
  2. M'yaso will be eaten with a boil, we will overtake rice.
  3. Furnaces are added, pierced with plates, gostra morkvina.
  4. The components of the strain are dressed with mayonnaise, salted.
  5. Everything shifts, cools down.

On the thought of informed cooks, for preparing appetizers, it is better to outweigh advancing types of cereals:

  1. Arborio. The medium-grained variety grows in Italy. In the process of seepage of salads in wines, the flavors and smells of other warehouse components are taken in.
  2. Index. One of the most popular varieties of the old form. This type of cereals does not stick, does not burst when cooked.
  3. Basmati. A variety of rice with a unique fragrant, specific flavor. Ideally suitable for seafood ta riboi.


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Salad with rice: recipes for savory herbs

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