Traditional English snidanok. How do the English eat? Zvichayny snіdanok, insult that supper of the English

The traditions of England, perhaps, are one of the most inviolable. Such a sight, like the Queen of Great Britain, a double-topped bus, the famous Big Ben and no less famous is that miracle of the Thames known to be rich. All the same calls for a tight associative lance, tying with the country. English snidanok is another unbreakable tradition.

People of tradition

If this ritual was born, then these statutes are known. And so are those who lie on the rank plate of the skin conservative English, which are shaping and unsatisfactorily reaching the tradition of their country. Perhaps, you will say, you are already aware of what the English people respect for better lies. Aja is famous for the phrase: "Vivsyanka, sir!". Tea is that English snidanok, which is made up of Vivsyanka - the axis of which, behind the baptism of wealthy people, respects the tradition of Great Britain. And so it is allowed to appear to be fundamentally unvirtuous.

I lordy

This snidanok appeared during the hours of the reign of the manners and suvora of Queen Victoria. The rich lords and their household did not sit too early at the ranking table. They came to the meal in a decent look: having ordered the hair, the soundness and the clothes. The traditional English snidanok ended closer to the insult and was often supplemented with a bird, a fish and fruits. Then, when the aristocrats fell asleep, they rose at the right, and felt good for themselves during the day, until evening.

І workers with farmers

Potatoes, bacon, bread, krov'yana kovbaska, smeared egg, kvassola and sausages were included in the menu of the English snidanku not only aristocratic nobility, but also the simplest versions of the population of foggy Albion. Workers are such a blue and bright reception of їzhi vrantsі, having helped to cope with chimali physical pretensions, as often they were an invisible part of them labor activity. There was no time to wait, and the next meal began only in the evening at the walls of the native dwelling.

Popularization of tradition

After the end of the First World War, the new English snacks began to be served at inexpensive hotels. Today, it is possible to practice the traditional snidanok of the English at any hotel. For tourists who are fond of English traditions, it’s always possible to practice yoga.

How does the traditional, and then the famous English snidanok, which is one of the business cards of Great Britain, look like today? The tradition of goiter is reminiscent of a plate for snacks with such ingredients:

  • Chicken eggs - two pieces. Most often they are smeared with the egg-fried variant, so that they do not rub the yellow. It is allowed to serve scrambled eggs or boiled eggs.
  • English bangers sausages in natural casings, resolutely fried to a brittle, almost dark streak.
  • Thin bacon wraps - just like sausages, fried to a crisp.
  • Tomatoes - the stench can be on the vibir: canned and fresh. They are smeared on the grill.
  • Kvassola boiled, stewed in tomato sauce.
  • Pecheritsa - smeared at the great number of dewy ole.
  • Bread toast with butter.

The English style of English manners is important for drinking freshly brewed tea more often. Zustrichayutsya, like a creak, lovers of rank cavi and orange juice shakers.

Daily snіdanok

However, such a complete and modern version of the ranking method is found among traditional English symbols of the Dedalé. Approximately one or two hundred meters from the population of foggy Albion, it is hard to follow traditions. Other mesmerizing lands have long since switched to more swedish and simple prepared variations. Plastics, muesli, fruit smoothies and yogurts have become the most famous English snack. The work of the Britons no longer takes away a ton of energy, but even in the same country it becomes less and less caloric in terms of calories. For this reason, the great number of dewy olive products are smeared on a different plane, yielding more healthy and less high-calorie palm feathers.

Even simpler recipe

Do you want to opine at the Victorian epic? Then prepare an English snack on your own. Required ingredients for two servings:

  • chotiri eggs;
  • chotiri skibochki bacon;
  • sausages - tezh chotiri stuff;
  • a large jar of canned kvass in tomato - about a chotirista gram;
  • fresh stoves in a quantity of six pieces;
  • tomato - one piece;
  • Chotiri pieces of toast bread;
  • top oil.

Pokrokov's cooking technology

  1. Roast the frying pan Oliya. She has bacon and sausages smothered. The bacon is brought to golden, and the sausages are smeared to a crispy brown.
  2. Lay out on serving plates for two pieces.
  3. Mushrooms are shaky with plates and smeared with hot oil. Strongly strong when necessary.
  4. In this dish, grease two parts of one tomato (view down). Do not varto strongly zahoplyuvatisya yogo smeared. Tomato, yak and pecheritsa, the golden-brown color is to blame for the mother.
  5. Porіvnu razdіlіt product and put to bacon and sausages.
  6. On the same frying pan, on a small kilkost inches of butter smear the eggs. Divide into serving bowls, which are already topped with the previous ingredients. Do not forget to add salt to the fried eggs, if necessary, grease with pepper.
  7. In a saucepan, heat the kvass in the tomato sauce. Divide into bowls.
  8. They gave me a bag of bread toasts. You can smear them: either with a toaster or in a frying pan.
  9. At the skin plate, you have the following options: kvass, egg (2 eggs per serving), bacon and sausages. So do not forget about the ovens and toast.
  10. It is necessary for the duet to serve the traditional meal of the bagmen of the foggy Albion with tea and chi kava.

However, if you still want this option of a snack, you can replace it with toast with jam and orange juice.

Hello, my good!

I continue to share with you with my London hostility. Remember famous:

  • Watson, what do we have for lunch?
  • Vivsyanka, sir!
  • I know?

How, then, was my surprise, if I recognized that the English, they appear, do not accept the Vivsyanka!My teacher in London has revealed and shown those that the British are on the receiving end of. Lively Vivsyanki! Asking me for a wine, did they take your calls? What about Sherlock Holmes from London? Axis we got lost!

Vivsyanka, sir! Tse is not about London. Every other time in the same restaurant they didn’t propagate the wine. Can you smell їїї at home? I want to immediately come to my Instagram with a comment that the mist’s vivsyanka is even more delicious. Ale is called:Scottish porridge oats(These are Snіdanok Scots, not British). Tsikavo!

I have a plot for the lesson on Instagram, wonder what the English are. Truly a traditional snack that is served to the table, it is not so easy and not so easy for the skin, such an important and light snack.

Otzhe, what should be served for English snidanok?

  • Pіdsmazhennya - won't be folded from fried eggs (or poached), bacon or bet sausages, fried to a crisp, white beans, mushrooms and tomatoes - and everything is fried! Oh, my bad slut!
  • Okremo is served with sauces, the ingredients of which change in the fallowness in the season.
  • Khlib- Yogo live mainly in the sight of toast, moreover, they cut the small piece under the hood, and cut the skewer.

And what about a Vivsyanka?

Vivsyanka - all Scottish grass (before the speech, even brown grass). It is not cool to serve bacon and an egg before porridge. The Scots are preparing її іz zadovlennâ and є є, in front of watering the beast tops, or honey.

Axis so axis!

And who would you like to prepare an English meal in order to see the right British spirit?

We see the peculiarity of the English bagmen - a predilection for tradition - to hang out and eat. The traditional cuisine of England is already long-lived for a long time, but there was a lot of criticism from the side of tourists, as well as representatives of the local population, if you want to change something at your traditional English cuisine, do not miss.

On the other hand, it seems that the native inhabitants of England have formed their own cult of hedgehog. Ale, for example, the geographic lands of the English, the French are roasting, that in the heat they are preparing food, including the English cooks, and in order not to die of hunger on the territory of England, it is necessary to ride on the continent for a day.

About those who are English snacks, insults and evenings, why blame the swindler in their understanding, how many meals and snacks allow your English, it will be mentioned below.

Reception: for the first cup of tea until evening

Traditionally, the day of a typical English begins with a filigree woman for tea vranci, which is drunk in the lizhku. The first English harvest falls on the 7th-8th year of the wound, which includes sprats to finish the lives of the wounds.

Another snack or lunch falls on 1-2 years of the day and sounds to take place at small restaurants and pubs. In fact, in our country another English snidanok - tse і є obіd, prote in England is usually called "obіdom" (dinner) evening reception їzhi - supper.

Weekends in England smoothly flow into obid- this stretched by the reception of їzhі, which is three times the day of the day and є, shvidshe, rozvagoyu and the sleeping hour for all the motherland, call brunch (on the cob and end of the word breakfast and lunch).

About the 5th anniversary, all Englishmen invariably drink tea - it is a national tradition to bear the name "five-year tea bath" » .

The evening of the English falls on 7-8 years of the evening and becomes the most lively of all the receptions. If you want to celebrate the evening more formally, to talk about insults, which you call to pass at restaurants and include three or more events.

The traditional English snidanok originates from the Vivsyanka (we remember the famous Vyslav “Vivsyanka, sir!”), Batkivshchyna, which vows to Scotland.

In Scotland itself, you can eat wheat without any additives. An English vine is served with milk or tops, and you can also add tsukor to it for relish.

Snіdanok is served with egg with bacon, in yak you can also add mushrooms, smeared tomatoes, sedentary chi kovbas, toasts with jam and tea and kavoi. Jam vzagalі okrema warehouse chastina rankovoї їzhі - without any unacceptable traditional English snidanok. Alone, yoga can be replaced with marmalade, which can be imagined in different countries - a hard, rose-like chi jelly-like.

Also, English snacks are rich in large quantities of vegetables and fruits and fruit juices. Vranci is also acceptable popular with the whole world corn plastics or muesli with milk.

Another dream, a lunch and a lot of English to spend at restaurants, it is not accepted to go home for a lunch break. Wines can include meat abo riba, salads, potatoes, fruit pudding for dessert.

Like the first stravi, like the first ones in England, they are not wider, you can see soup-puree and broth, prote, often they are still transferred to the evening reception.

Closed sandwiches and sandwiches with pate, boiled pork, shank, fish and other ingredients are also popular at lunchtime.

Drinking for an hour of obidu can buti traditional tea chi juices. Navitat at weekdays at lunchtime, Englishmen drink draft beer - porter and black spruce.

After the five-day tea bath, as if to go through the usual formalities, it's time to finish the late evening. For deyaky English families, the very same reception is a smut for the day.

The evening before, it is customary to serve an aperitif - ring out the wine. Then, like a first grass, you can serve soup, or you can just prepare a sprat of fresh hot herbs.

In the evening, call for roast beef or beef steak, as an addition to another vegetable snack (beans, corn, pickled vegetables, cauliflower, etc.). The sauces are pierced to the skin. For example, the meal should be served with licorice until the lover will drink the English - tea.

Korisno for tourists

It is customary for the national community in England to respect a little bit of suffering, as it is recommended to squash all those who see this wonderful country. Having found out what the English are and what they are crowned with, you can also taste that other culinary masterpiece yourself.

So, obov'yazkovo varto skushtuvati famous English pies. Might as well have a meat pie, which is traditionally served on the table at the hour of the evening offense, or apple pie, which takes root like a dessert at any hour of the day.

Varto try korisna scottish porridge yak zdebіlshoy and warehousing English snіdanok.

Like the first grass, the Irish-style yushka with tomatoes and finely chopped potatoes, like dressing with sour cream and nutmeg peas, is more savory.

The favorite side dish of the English is rice with tomato seasoning or potatoes.. Bread is not more popular among the meshkans in Great Britain - more than a pack, and so on the table there is a great quantity of hedgehogs!

The famous fish-and-chips herb is popular in England. So there is a wider crooked cowbass, Yorkshire pie and pudding, names in honor of the song of the masses, a sand oven and other popular original stravia.

The famous herb zі shmatochkіv ribi z kartoplei - "fish-and-chips"

English sauces do not live very often, the shards vvazhayut relish of the strains will be perfected without them. If you try roast beef, blood steak or rump steak in England, you can say for sure that their taste is freshened up in the quiet, that they are drunk in other lands.

It is important to reveal your own national cuisine of the English, reading and marveling at films about it. You can try to prepare a typical English pudding or roast beef according to the English recipe, or you can buy a ticket and learn the culinary talents of English cooks. Have a great appetite!

English tomorrowto - the pride of foggy Albion

To feed the English, which is the most loved and valued in England, then it is not uncommon to replace the judged opinions about the Queen, the Beatles or Stonehenge, you will feel the wondrous recognition of love to the English snidan. "English snidanok?" - you are chiming, - "What else is it like? Isn't it "Vivsyanka, sir"? No, not Vivsyanka, but more succulent, more savory that even more caloric.

Snіdanok for a whole day

A lot of foreigners are aware that the English cuisine is fresh, boring and unsavory. Tse not so. Mustaches of the English love goodness and goodness. Moreover, it’s better to start with a light-colored lunch, nicknamed by the people "all day breakfast" ("snіdanok for the whole day"). In principle, it’s more like a classic English snack, but it’s not a rare, unsavory burger, like serving Berrymer’s sulfur to Henry at Baskerville Holly, but the grass that is made up of buttered bacon, scrambled eggs and fried eggs. smeared tomatoes and mushrooms, sausages, greased kvassoli in tomato sauce and a piece of greased bread. The English diet is about 1000 calories and enough energy for the whole day. Name the snidanka twice: "the latest English snіdanok" and "English snіdanok". "Full English Breakfast" began to be added to the name in order to distinguish between the continental European meal and the classic English meal, so if you drink "Full English Breakfast" at the cafe, check that you will be served the classic version of the English meal.

History of the English language

The tradition of blue and savory snacks began in England in the Victorian Doby (XIX century) in aristocratic and rich families. The same idea of ​​a smart fundraiser became popular and nabula mass character. Snіdanok, which is accumulated at that hour from more delicious products, such as lubrication with honey, bacon, delicacy tavern, sausages from different counties of the country, as well as marmalade, jelly and fruit, like a dessert, becoming a ritual, when all the members of this family were taken . were discussed on the next day, and the head of the family was instantly recognized with fresh press. Ryasny snіdanok fell to like the other versions of the population. After a sieve meal, the worker immediately went to the factory, and the farmer took up the land, not thinking about the grumbling belly and growing hunger. The version of the English language of the middle and lower classes of that epoch did not deviate from guilt and richness closer to the current version of the passion. After two svіtovyh voіn english snіdanok gained such popularity that they began to serve it at all hotels, cafes and restaurants of the country. In the middle of the 20th century, English money became a visitor to Great Britain and won the hearts not only of the inhabitants of the country, but also of foreigners.

English text and present

According to statistics, in the 50s of the last century, 50% of the population of Great Britain started the day from the classic English snidanka. On this day, the number has shrunk to 1%. І on the right, not only in the calorie content of the snack and in the English news healthy image life, and at the elementary bad hour. Most of the families, de pratsyut offended partners, don’t have time to prepare a snack, so that they should be surrounded by a cup of kavit and a dry sandwich. Luckily, the tradition of getting together at the table and eating heavily has not sunk into oblivion, and in rich sims the English food is prepared at the weekend.

Such a differenceEnglish snidanok

Rising in price with Great Britain, sticking with different options English snidanki. So, in Scotland, they serve "Scottish snack": to the main ingredients of the English snack, they add blood cowbass, potato pancakes, and biscuit shortcakes. In the Irish version of the classic warehouse stock, add "white pudding" - cowbass pork and groats. For the gusto of won, little chimney looks like bloody cowbass, but after a few days the white blood pudding has a white color. In Wales, before the traditional English snack, they serve "bread from algae" ("laverbread boil the algae until I become mashed, after which I add eggs, bacon, mollusks. and sunbathe otrimanu sumishat the vine shortbread. In the middle part of England, Cornwall is given priority to Cornish food, which includes bacon, sausage, tomatoes, mushrooms, eggs, bread, and also Hog's Pudding ) that potato pancakes, yaki other replace with greased potatoes. Till tomorrow serve kava chi tea. In Great Britain they only drink tea with milk, Ale, the oscalls of a lot of tourists from Europe did not call to such a drink, at all mortgages they bring milk to a creamy milkman. Add milk to tea chi, drink to the client, prote, if you want to get over Britain in a fair way, try the traditional English drink.

Snіdanok tourist

Possibility to evaluate the classic English snack for all tourists, even if such a snack is served at the skin hotel of the country. Call the guests to give two tickets for choice: English and continental. Continental snidanok most often means a variant of the "buffet" buffet. Shinka, cheese, bread, cereals, plastics and muesli are the main products of such a meal. If you have chosen the English option, then you can ask to turn on some storage (for example, bacon, as you worry about calories), and also you will be left with the choice of cooking eggs (omelet or fried eggs). At the hotels, snacks are served around 8:00-9:00, if the rich people have an appetite without breaking through. It is especially worthwhile for tourists who are tired after the flight, walking around the place or having fun at the night clubs. At this time of early lunch in a hotel, you can skip and later have a bite to eat to a cafe or a restaurant.

English snidanok near London

Snidanok at London cafes and restaurants is served until 11:00-12:00. Ring on the doors of the cafe, or bіlya them є poster, scho remind the hungry passerby about the presence of an English loan that yogo vartist. At the average, snacks with tea near the center of the city cost 7 pounds sterling (8.24 euros) zayvy fat and sausages are served low-calorie Tripadvisor: Regency CafeІ- the cafe is located in the very center of Westminster and offers inexpensive, but savory snacks to people. The price of one serving is about 6 pounds (7.07 euros), which is even cheaper for Westminster and central London. The cafe serves classic English snacks, as well as other English dishes, such as fish and chips and meat pies. Addresses: Westminster, 17-19 Regency Street, London SW1P 4BY. Cafe Bill" s( - a chain of cafes, roztashovannyh in different parts of London and famous for their miraculous snacks. An English snack costs 7.95 pounds (9.37 euros), and there is also a vegetarian version of the snack on the menu. You can add vegetable pancakes ("Bubble-and-squeak") to the bazhanni. The bills from Bill's are good, which they took off in the city at the competition among restaurants in London. Joe" s Kitchen( - take a meal, serve not only savory zhu, ale and miraculous cava. Snіdanok at the cafe costs 7.75 pounds (9.13 euros), є vegetarian option. Crimean English snidanku, at the cafe to drink porridge, croissants, buns and pasta. For pickups, you lose your choice: in a cafe or take food with you and have a bite to eat in the park or in apartments. Terry" s Cafe( - a small family mortgage with a great reputation. At the cafe, you can ask for some options for snacks, starting at 6.40 pounds (7.54 euros) per serving (portions vary by size and actual ingredients). So, at the cafe, they prepare snacks on toast: in the warehouse of the English snack, they put bread on rum and serve it with a sandwich. The Delaunay( - an elegant restaurant where you can enjoy a delicious English snack. Strava is sold for 15.25 pounds (17.97 euros), and the restaurant workers, like and more yoga, zapevnyayut, scho snidanok varty stained leather penny. Freshly baked porridge, freshly baked buns, mlints, waffles, pretzels, croissants and sandwiches in the menu. In a word, why choose, how would you like to cook the classics of English cuisine. Due to the great popularity of the restaurant, a table is more likely to be reserved ahead of time. Trying the latest classic English snack is necessary for a skin tourist, especially if you go ahead to museums, galleries and other important monuments of London, even this one will give you strength for the whole day. Before speech, many young Englishmen know that the English snidanok - the best zasib after a big hangover. So after a boisterous night in a club or a pub, replace a chergovoi aspirin in the morning, hurry up at the cafe and ask for an English snack, and in a day you will be able to get bored again with your head in the hall of that dynamic life of the capital of Great Britain. Material for the portal

Having arrived in the country, try to see the beauty of the English snidan. Navit the one who is categorically advised to skustuvati vіvsyanka (and darma!), not to become hungry.

Variants of the English snidanka є kіlka. Moreover, the English are respected with their snacks and milk, as if they stink not with sour cream and definitely not with caviar, and not with wedge syrup. The English water the milk with treacle (treacle) - molasses (molasses). Days start the day from a large plate of corn plastics with milk. Everything is sippy with a white bloody squeak.

English tea is drunk with milk. Milk is poured first at the kitchen, and then tea. Such a sequence, in the mind of the English, is obov'yazkovaya. If you ask for tea, obov'yazkovo give some kind of tea to you (black, green, herbal or white, tobto with milk). Whoever likes tea with lemon, you need to talk about it.

Vivsyanka, sir!

What can we have for a snack?

Vivsyanka, sir!

This dialogue from the film about Sherlock Holmes by the cult Russian director Igor Maslennikov fell in love with the richness of the sparkle of Mikita Mikhalkov. Glyadach, having guessed his kindergarten childishness, if literally the whole group was sitting at the table itself with such a viraz, look at the faces, and from behind, marveled at the lucky ones, who already “could go to grati”. I spoke to Ser Henry, to whom the abominations of Barrymore prepared anew the porridge - porridge, sang their hearts: how do you understand me!

Until the vіvsyanka іnоdі podavlyat nekruto egg and bacon. Tse, as it seems, morish: for those who do not want to think about it until the evening, enjoying the architectural memoirs and views of Great Britain.

Eat Englishmen and rice porridge (pudding), and don’t recognize buckwheat, regardless of its stoutness.

Like the English are preparing a poridzh

In Great Britain, the process of eating wine is not accompanied by negative emotions. Maybe rich in ingredients? What can you cook? Vіvsyanі plastіvtsі dipped in cold milk (water) and, stirring, brought to a boil. Having boiled the quill-two porridge, take it, let the trochs stand and arrange on plates.

A lot of English people don’t give a lot of strength in front of me. And tsukor (it’s already deliciously vicory brown (light brown soft sugar) - sip on porridge, in front of the beast in the soul watered tops (cream).

Deyakі for the preparation of the vicarious season, micro-hvilyovu pich, in the yak place the grass with the vіvsyanka in the milk for 3.5 hvilini.

Thought of English vchenih about Vivsyanka.

Vіvsyanka - dzherelo vіtaminіv group B, yakі vіdpovіdat for the health of your nerves. Is it possible for the English to have an indestructible calm? According to the opinion of the students of Cardiff University (Cardiff University, UK), the regular use of the virus for scholarships can make you smarter.

The experiment was carried out by a group of volunteers for 30 to 80 years, which lasted for a month or a month for lunch. It was established that during the whole period of time in the experiment, the robot's brain improved, and as a side effect of testing, they eliminated badness and garniness.

Zvіvsyanki prepare not only porridge, but also soup, desserts, pirіzhki and jelly. The traditional Welsh snack, for example, is made up of pastries prepared from different seaweeds, mixed with spring plastics. Sumish is covered in fat and served with clams and other seafood.

English vcheni vіdomі tim, scho think their authoritative thought literally about everything in the world. It appears, sound to pour milk into a cup with the first milk, tezh may be a science fool. The fat of the milk is stored in bags, which burst when added to a cup of dill, thus adding to the taste of tea.

New English reference

Smeared or a new English meal - smeared eggs, bacon, sausages, mushrooms and tomatoes. Great respect is attached to the appetizing arrangement of simple at first glance ingredients on the plate: egg-fried eggs (or egg-boiled eggs), sausage, 2 pieces of bacon, half a tomato and 2-3 ovens.

Sauces, which are different on the island of the faceless, are served okremo. Fallow in terms of oil, ingredients can change, but not significantly. For an amateur, some details can be added.

The bread of the English is important to eat at the sight of toast, roaring shmak under the hood, moreover, the crackles are formed. Nobody hasten to make a hot toast for Olya. Any kind of nonsense, about how to love to write Russian journalism, is not allowed. The Englishmen wield a knife and a fork not thicker, lower the Chinese with sticks, guiding in succession to a company of small things, tearing through various warehouses.

Brunch - breakfast & lunch

As if it sounded like this, it was unreasonable: what a late lunch, what an early insult, from 11.00 to 16.00 you can have a brunch. The word brunch is greeted with breakfast & lunch. Even more often, the brunch menu for cream tea (kawi) includes sik or navit wine, and on the grand platter are all the warehouses of fried potatoes (often podvoeni) + one or a sprat of various pudding or lubricate potatoes. Okremo pies chi pechivo are served.

Often, the whole homeland gathers for brunch at the weekend, even though the main role here is played by splintering. The daily rhythm of life does not allow the rich British to enjoy themselves with all the snidanka of the day, to be brought to the weekend.

The authorship of the word brunch belongs to Charles Dodgson, better known under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll. Being a student of Oxford University, he propagated a new tradition: students and graduates get together at the same time and in an undisturbed atmosphere, not only to eat, but also to talk about it with others.

The rector of the University praised the idea. The initiative was taken aback at Cambridge, and then at other universities. All over the country, gentlemen's clubs began to form, in which brunches ruled, and they shouted: "Stop it, you're not on a job." At the hour of the golden fever, the brunch moved to America ... and from the cob of the 1st light war it expanded to Europe.


The famous English dotepnik Oscar Wilde is radiant: "If you want to eat well in England, take three for a day." Well, if you care that an English meal is not for you, ask the waiter to bring you a continental meal. Here wines are made up of tea (abo cavi), juice, toast, olives, jams, muesli and fruits (apples and oranges). Mayte on the spot, sir or boiled eggs, you can serve it, but from cowbass, tavern and other meats, do not enter the continental menu.

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