Braised zucchini with potatoes and stew. Potatoes lubricated in a frying pan with zucchini - a recipe with sun-dried tomatoes and tsibulei

Potatoes are lubricatedє more savory grass. Deyakі love, schob bula more pozamazhok, іz golden squirrel, schob crunched on the teeth. Inshі, navpaki, vvazhayut for better, so that the potatoes were lubricated with trochs siruvata, white color. Some love to add more oil when lubricated, others less. In the process of cooking, you can add potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, cibula, chasnik, mushrooms, shmatochki kovbasi or meat, water with ketchup, mayonnaise and richly inshim. So it is very well known to you to store the products, as you win in your recipes. at whom you can help the site: It is an encyclopedia of its kind, de vie you will know all the products for the alphabet, which is already handy and practical. For a kіlka khvilin you can find out everything about those products, which win at the given moment.

However, I want to inspire you to be great, incomparable, but no less than savory recipe buttered potatoes with vegetables. Tse potatoes are lubricated with zucchini, or else, for bajanny, eggplant. The preparation of similar potatoes does not affect the special flavors of the preparation, but also adds a unique flavor to the taste of potatoes.

Potato recipe with zucchini: 3-4 small potatoes, 1 small zucchini or eggplant, salt, pepper and other spices for relish. For lubrication, we also need a rose oil. Later, like a bachite, there is nothing unremarkable in the ingredients, and it is already clear that it is one of the simple recipes buttered potatoes.

Cooking potatoes with zucchini

Narizaemo potatoes with small wives. Tse fight for two mirkuvan: so that the grass is small more aesthetically pleasing, and so that it is more prepared. Then we cut the potatoes and put them on the roasting of the olive frying pan.

Potatoes are guilty of sprats of khvilin, fried under a closed lid, and then before it, it is necessary to add zucchini or eggplant, cut in the same way as potatoes. Having salted and added spices, we mix our grass and crook it with a krishko.

Lubricate the best in the middle fire, then our potatoes will not burn, but it will be lubricated more quickly. For example, you can add some lubrication to the dish of pressure, to give it a piquant smell and relish.

Lubricated potatoes with zucchini go out even savory and finish it with sieve grass. Also, you can add a copy of recommendations. Likewise, you love that the grass was more dry and lubricated, prepared with a cracked lid, on the fire a little more than the middle one. Well, I’m sure that the grass is more to blame for being similar to a canned one, and you come out lightly.

In such a mood, it is necessary to prepare from a closed lid, and the fire of trim is not higher than the average. Here, as it seems, there is no taste for that color of comrades. So chi іnakshe, go shvidka and it's easy to prepare, original, savory miracle grass. Savory!

The potatoes are lubricated - tsestrava, it is practically impossible to zip the yak. Potatoes are good for hunger, and, what is important, get ready quickly. Lubricated potatoes with zucchini can be prepared after the end of the working day. And you can eat її with various additives: tomatoes, tea leaves and Bulgarian pepper.

Potatoes smeared with zucchini and dried tomatoes

Tasty and rich supper obov'yazkovo befits all motherland. To prepare one serving of buttered potatoes with zucchini and tomatoes, you need:

  • 4 large maple.
  • 300 g zucchini.
  • Ripchasta cibulya.
  • 1 clove of watchmaker.
  • 5 dried tomatoes.
  • Pepper and paprika.
  • Strength.

report instruction

For cooking buttered potatoes with zucchini and dried tomatoes required:

  1. Thoroughly wash the potatoes and peel them. Nashatkuvat fruits with thin skewers.
  2. Pour oil into the frying pan | oil | and I’ll cut the potatoes. Lubricate on strong fire. It is necessary to stir the potatoes until the ruddy streak has been established.
  3. Add the cut cibul to the potatoes.
  4. Wash the zucchini and clean it. Let's cut yoga with skewers.
  5. Sip the zucchini from the pan to potatoes and cibules.
  6. Coat ten quills.
  7. Cooked in a frying pan, greased potatoes with zucchini, add seasoning with spices and a bowl.
  8. V'yalenі tomatoes dribno narizati and zmіshati z potatoes.
  9. In addition, as I lubricated the potatoes with zucchini and tomatoes, it was thoroughly mixed, it is necessary to add two tablespoons of hot water to the boil. Cover the ready grass with a krishko and clean it up from the fire.
  10. Leave the potatoes to reach the sprat of khvilin, and then transfer them to plates and decorate the greenery.

Potatoes with zucchini and Bulgarian pepper

The skin master has his own recipe for buttered zucchini with potatoes. Ale, in the special kitchen book of obov'yazkovo varto, include potatoes, zucchini and bell pepper.

Vikoristovuvati bell pepper manually. It is not necessary to defrost yogo, lubricate it with wine, and the portions come out larger. For the preparation of buttered potatoes with zucchini, we need the following products:

  • 3 small potatoes.
  • Middle bell pepper.
  • One middle tire.
  • One cibula.
  • Strength.

Cooking process:

  • Potatoes and zucchini should be cleaned, peeled and shredded with skewers.
  • Clean and trim the cibula.
  • Peppers should be washed and cut into rings.
  • In the pan, pour the olive oil close to a second centimeter. Fry the frying pan.
  • At the dishes, oversip the potatoes. Lubricate the ruddy streak until it's settled.
  • Add a cibula. Pomishuvati, the docks of the wines will not become soft.
  • Stop the fire. At the frying pan add | add | oil, and then sipat the Bulgarian pepper into the dishes. Brush three quills close. Don't forget to smile.
  • After the preparation, close the lid and let it die.

The strength and spices add to the savor. Ready potatoes with zucchini can be embellished with greens.

Potato with zucchini and chasnik

You can cook savory lubricated potatoes with zucchini without adding other vegetables. Vishukani relish downtime you can give for help watchmaker. To prepare you need:

  • 2 zucchini.
  • 9 medium maps.
  • 2-3 cloves of the watchmaker.
  • Sil that black pepper.


Recipe for buttered potatoes fit to the taste of rich gentlemen. Preparing grass is easy, and the smut - in the kitchen does not happen to spend a lot of time. Required:

  • Wash and peel the potatoes.
  • Wash the zucchini. Like a young zucchini, and the skin is thin, you can not clean it. Ale, if the zucchini was poshkodzhennya, then clean up the skin better.
  • Shred zucchini and potatoes with thin wedges. So the vegetables are smeared lightly, and the strava is ready for the unexpected sight.
  • Grill the frying pan. Let's pour in the oil.
  • At the utensils, I cut potatoes into slices. Lubricate on a small fire five-six hvilin.
  • Add details to the eggplant, without mixing up the potatoes.
  • Mix the vegetables and brush them close to five quills. Zucchini can become soft.
  • Let's all continue to extinguish on a small fire.
  • Periodically stir the vegetables. It is respectful to follow the olive oil at the frying pan. Add spices to the vlasnyy relish.
  • Dali - trim the cloves of the watchmaker.
  • Add to potatoes with zucchini and thoroughly mix.
  • Let the fear cool. Decorate the greens and serve on the table.

Recipe for a slow cooker: potatoes with zucchini

Product list:

  • 4 potato bulbs.
  • 1 zucchini.
  • 1 cibula.
  • 2-3 cloves of the watchmaker.
  • Specials.

How to cook potatoes and zucchini in a slow cooker?

  1. Promit the potatoes and zucchini, peel and shake into cubes.
  2. Clean the cibula, shake it and grease it in a frying pan.
  3. Add spices to the vegetables. Mix everything relatively.
  4. Vegetables visipati at the multicooker bowl.
  5. Cook in the "Special" mode for about thirty minutes.
  6. Decorate the greens and serve to the table.

The recipe for buttered potatoes and zucchini can be a threat to the ruling court. You can prepare the grass, whether it be the fate of the rock. You can always find potatoes and zucchini at supermarkets or at vegetable markets.

I want to propagate you a simple recipe, but even more tsikavoi for the savor of vegetable spice. Potatoes are lubricated even though they are not too dark, ale, a favorite of my outdoor menu. And in this recipe, potatoes are lubricated in a frying pan greased with zucchini that qibulei.

To give such a simple, prepared strain a note of originality, a proponous urismomania with sun-dried tomatoes and Provence herbs. Trohi to the chapel and fragrant greens to add and so to the cicava smoky composition.

For me, potatoes are lubricated with zucchini - it’s a good drink. It would have been better, nothing extraordinary, but the relish of that texture is subdued!

You will need:

  1. Potato 4 large
  2. Zucchini 300 rub.
  3. Cibulya ripchasta 1 pc.
  4. Watchmaker 1 tooth.
  5. Roslinna Oliya for smearing
  6. Sil, pepper, Provence herbs for relish
  7. Greenery behind the bajan
  8. Dried tomatoes 4-5 pcs.
  9. Gostry chili pepper abo paprika for bazhannyam and relish

Cooking stravia for the recipe "Potatoes with zucchini and tomatoes are greased in a frying pan"

  1. Rinse the potatoes, peel and cut them into cubes or skewers of the same size.
  2. Pour about 3 tbsp at the roasting pan or frying pan. dewy olive, lay the potatoes and smear on the great fire, stirring constantly, until ruddy.
  3. Add a finely wounded cibula to the greased potatoes, coat a couple of quills.
  4. Now add zucchini cut into cubes or skewers, cleansing from the skin and the core.
  5. Coat 7-10 quills, the zucchini is responsible for cooking for the whole hour, but save the integrity.
  6. Add some strength, pepper, paprika, or hot pepper, passing through the teapot, Provence herbs, chopped dried tomatoes.
  7. Stir, pour in a couple of tablespoons of hot water, cover with a lid and boil the dish.
  8. Smear the potatoes with zucchini on a sprat of khvilin, and then arrange them on plates. Savory!
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