Khustka under a shirt. How to tie a man's shiyna khustka?

Eternal retro, eternal classic, eternal style - this is how you can characterize such an accessory man's robe yak shiyna khustka.

For all the hours of the wines, they overcame the legislators of fashion, which were already up to the 20th century. by no means specially trained models, but simply in the house people, representatives of the royal families and their courtiers.

Khustkas were worn and worn by people in chic, going to the toilet, perfecting the art of drapery.

Navitka crib, pochatka belonging to yourself human costume, to look like a big man's hustka Ale kravatka - this is the same official style, which is easily replaced by a lesser business with a vikoristan khustka.

Being a simple square of cloth on the back, the shiyna khustka recognized some changes. Today there are 3 different varieties:


The largest is close to the cob form of the accessory. With a square or rectangular vein, cut along the slanting. Vikoristovuyut, folded diagonally or parallel to the edges.

Option - trikutnik, ranks with a braid.


Smuzhka fabric, with a proportion of width and length 1: 10. Classic rosemary - 10 x 100 cm. Options: scarf, scarf, stole.


Khustka with the most folding configuration. For a long time weaving of a fabric with wide, often figured kintsy and a sonorous middle - a neck part.

Rating: classic human bed.

Khustki, whether they are configurations, are woven from different ones behind the warehouse, with texture and color of fabrics. There is no room for water, suvori standards, as if you yourself wear a part of the toilet, they went to the nebuttya.

Bavovna, linen, satin, cashmere, viscose and natural seam - a variety of fabrics (plain, rich, smooth, stuffed, jacquard, industrial and handmade) represent the freedom of choice.

Wuzol: Booty chi not booty?

Cholovіcha khustka, including whether it is an obezhennya in the region of shiї. Options for fixing the element of the suit in the commercial zone are faceless, like hairpins and cufflinks to the knot.

The current trends are in vogue about the obov'yazykovogo zakryplennya kintsiv.

Often a khustka is simply wrapped around a large number of wraps, and the last ones are tucked under a shirt, vest, pullover, T-shirt. All the same, tie up the Khustka for the bazhannya.

Methods of tying a difference, traditional options are not intermingled - there is room for creativity.

Classic style

Traditional view of knots:


Ascot is the namesake of the khustka, at the most frequent and zavyazuetsya. Folded with a tricot, the khastka is thrown over the shoulders, the ends are tied in front by one twist, placed one over one and straightened, beautifully draped.

The shape of the knot is fastened under a shirt, a pullover and a vest.

Options: the front outer wrap of the hustka is slightly wide.


Cowboy - show the adventure. The tricot of the diagonally folded khustka is stitched in front, the ends are crossed in the back and tied behind the type of pioneer crib in front of the knitted part, the lower part is tucked under the clothes.

Rating: like a vuzol roztashovuyut over a tricoutnik, do not fill the kіntsi.


Tse chi is not the only type of knot, which is victorious on the plastron. The wide parts of the hustka cross in front, wrap one paddle around a friend, then we climb up the hill through the loop of the shii, then down through the loop of the knot.

There is a wide vuzol, like a pidlashtovuyut at the bazhanni. The cribs lie alone above one, or spread out to the sides and drape under the knot.


Valued for elementary vikonannya and bourgeoisness. The foulard is folded across the middle, thrown over the shoulders, loops are passed through the loop on the breasts, pulled up and tucked into the jacket.

Nutrition, why wear an accessory, is no longer relevant? Shiyny human hustka nadaє sing vyshukuvannya be-yakoy odyazі.

Vіn zdatny transform the everyday style into a vitonco-bohemian style. The creation of new images for the help of victoria and the details - the cіkave is busy.

Video - how to tie a man's shiny khustka

At the wardrobe daily man Shein Khustki rightfully occupy an important place.

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Stylish image - the capsule is harmoniously chosen, taking on colors and accessories. In the midst of the remaining popularity, belts, handbags, embellishments, scarves, and, of course, shiny khasts are being worn. Vikonani from a thin seam, satin, crepe de chine or vyshukany expensive cashmere, the stench transforms women, roblyachi їs mysterious, elegant and stylish. It appears, there are more than a hundred ways, how to tie shiina khustka that gives space for bold experiments and solutions.

Sheen hustki: how they are used and why they are needed

Even though the shiyna khustka has not yet been victorious with the folding of a stylish cibul, the varto rose in front of the species, zabarvlennyah and vimog to the second accessory. And having already been appointed with the choice, find out how to tie a little tie and how you can work with її big sworn brothers.

  • 40 to 40;
  • 80 to 80;
  • 90 by 90.

The very same dimensions are looked at when creating fashionable schemes and about such accessories they know “how to tie a wife’s wife” video. For beginners, it is recommended to choose a variety of medium roses - stench is easy to tie and suitable for large knots.

If there are colors, then their ornament and tone should lie in the middle of the style, which shows the prestige of the fashionista.

The skin image dictates the rules of power:

  • Suvoriy businesslike or office dress code - a variety of calm and bright colors from the smallest little ones or monotonous. You can choose from silvery-blue, black, erysipelas, white and beige colors.
  • or preppy style. As the image is free, casual and not too jasperous, then the accessories are up to the mark in contrast to the chi tone. It is allowed whether or not ornaments and viseruns that fit into the overall concept of style.
  • Molodіzhnі аbo yaskravі (, hіpі аnd іnshі). Allows you to win all your creativity and fantasy and choose when creating solution capsules with original and unusual prints. Zagalna kolіrna gama reflects the image of chi opposes you.

Rozumіyuchi your style and help you to make it, it’s easier to sort it out, like tying a little shawl for a wife, and choose the right solution for a particular cubula.

How to tie a Shiny Khustka: the most beautiful solution

Shiyna Khustka in no way captures the creations of the image. Navpaki, to give you your own charm and elegance. To create more than one variant of a viscose lace stitch, you can create new images today, changing the mystery to coquetry, the business style to romantic, casual to hip.

For whom it is necessary only to understand, how to properly tie a wife's wife, and choose a sprat of optimal solutions.

The most beautiful options are:

  1. French vuzol. It is necessary to fold the hustka from the axis until the widow is removed with a width of 5 centimeters. A single vuzol is tied up. Then the hustka is misplaced by the trochs killed and fixed by another node. The image of going out is flirtatious, but not light-hearted, and it is suitable to go for a business style.
  2. Kіltse-dzhgut. Decision pidide, as if you want to be bred, how beautifully to tie a sheen khustka. Having burnt the virib to a wide and long marriage, tie the khustka on the neck with a single knot, overlaying one end, which significantly fell behind the other. For a long time, wrap the base of the khustka, and when finished, tie it with a small knot, which is easy to catch. The twists are evenly rozpodіlyayut on hustzі to reach the aesthetic effect.

  1. Foldable harness. Suitable for extravagant women. The hustka, folded into a husband, is dressed on a neck with kintsy forward. Kіntsi zakruchuyuyut one hour and one beat until the end of a tight jig. After finishing, tidy up behind the back and tie it with a small knot. An effective twist is ready.
  2. Ascot. Like a little shiyna hustka - how to tie її to teach the same vuzol. Khustka is folded at the tricoutnik and placed in a hood in front, curling back. Behind their backs, cross and again lead forward, tying at the vuzol. Going out is a strictly elegant solution for a business-like style.

The original solution for experiments is possible for the presence of special fittings. Tse mozhe buti "vіsіmka", a special buckle or a narrow ring. To learn how to tie a knot with a loop, you should understand one principle - the ends of the rope are passed through the fittings, fixed on it, and the knots and windings are given great strictness, neatness and elegance.

Shiny Khustki do not intersect vikoristannyam for direct confession. Zhіnocha Fantasy has expanded the range of variations and propagated trend solutions for hosts in all placements:

  • on the head;
  • on the waist;
  • on the studs.

Particularly smiling women swear by the swamps and sleeping quarters, working for the names of fashion models.

Khostka on the head: shocking chi thinness?

If you come up with traditional solutions, you want to understand the charm of other options. І vinikaє nutrition: chi є shiyna khustka - how to tie її tsіkavo that unbanal? As an alternative to varto, look at a bandage on your head. The middle one is different - and three less, lower for the "greatest" variations - for special respect merit three:

  1. Bandage c. Looks practical like an old man's head, miraculously lifts his hair, and rejoices with his strictness. Understanding how to tie a shiny hustka for a night in this style is simple: you need folds in a swarm of shovkovy virib and a buckle-vіsіmka. Khustka is put on the neck with kintsy forward, like a vіdrazu it slips into the buckle. The bandage is lifted on the hair, the ends are tightened and tied under the hair. That's it - the dressing for the "preppy" style is ready!

  1. Classic solution. Come, if you doubt, how to tie a shiny hustka of a woman no older than a young age. If you want to varto designate that juveniles also value such options. Khustka is folded with a tricot. Mayut virib with a wide part in the cut over the eyebrows, and tie the ends in the back over the “tail” of the khustka. Go out stylishly, neatly and smartly.
  2. Youth style. Another solution from the series, how to beautifully tie a collar on your head. Vikoristovuvaty is recommended to be small for the size of the virib, the shards of the result are to be deposited in the first place. Khustka is folded diagonally, moreover, one cut of the troch can be seen from the other side. Then the coats should be placed with a wide part over the eyebrows and tied in the back with a neat knot. It's nice to go out already vishukano.

The solution, how to beautifully tie a little sheen hustka, in the arsenal of a fashionista is already enough, so you can switch to other options and from the satisfaction of experimenting and feeling it.

How to tie a Shiina khustka: practice over a stylish rank

How to marvel at different things, how to show “how to tie a wife’s wife” video, you can know different creative solutions. The trendiest option was the vikoristannya khustka like a belt or a belt.

For those girls who are struggling to be original, varto come up with better solutions and try:

  • promyknut khustka krіz loops, zgornuvshi virib jgut;
  • get wet in your pants with a wide smog and tie on the quilts;
  • just tie on the quilts in a lightweight style;
  • tie the trochi below the waist over the jumper and pants;
  • try your options.

We picked the stats, like you will be cicaves


Reconcile the blessings Khustka with colorful shirts. It can be monophonic, dark-skinned or kartatoy, worn with a navypusk or tucked under a belt. Pіdberіt Khustka cіkavogo vіdtinku - plain or with dribny stuffings. Take your offending hands by the fingers, clapping them diagonally. Shvidko twist Khustka schob vin folded into a tight jug. Tie yoga on the neck, leaving the vuzol under the pidboriddyam or on the side.

Gornuty such a rank Khustka to embellish and a plain sweater chi pullover. Wrap the folds around the neck, cross the ends in the back and tie with a small hanging knot. For more uroclean vipadkіv add shiny Khustka cufflinks of an unusual shape. Turn the sleeves of a pullover or a cardigan to demonstrate the cuffs of a shirt in all beauty and give notes of light irony. Inappropriately shove a breastplate into the gut Khustka, showing off at the vіdtinkah avtomobilіya, pov'yazanogo shiї.

Calm casual style - jeans, suede leotards, a tweed jacket or a soft cardigan - add no less than a handy wide frill with a fringe. Tie Yogo with a non-balance knot, pulling Yogo under, or lowering it lower, to the breasts. Like a Khustka pіdіyde Arafatka, or a straight cut with tassels. Add horn-rimmed eyepieces and perfume with rustic notes - an image of a prosperous intellectual for the preparation of preparations.

volume Khustka from the outside or viscose to replace the traditional warm scarf, which is to be worn from a coat. Take the soft fabric of dark, deep colors, cardstock or with a little paisley. Store Khustka diagonally, turn the kerchief vdvіchі along the dovzhin. Wrap її around the neck, throwing one point over your shoulder. A cigar and a cane parasol can be added to such a suit in the English style.

An evening costume can be supplemented with a wide seam scarf, tied on a bed crib. Fold yogo navpil at the dovzhin, put it on the neck and tie it with a wide knot, stretching one end of the scarf into a loop, adorned with another knot. Respravte Khustka schob vin looking more ob'emnym.

Even elegantly looking crib, scho walk along the dress with a shirt, a vest and a suit. Show off the image in cream-beige or gray-steel shades. To the swarming of the jacket, add a little gornuty Khustka- why make your suit more stylish.

Khustka- not only a miraculous zahist in the cold, but a sly accessory. Today more and more people add their outer garment for help Khustka. Shiyna Khustka allows representatives of the strong half of the people to look elegant and stylish.

you need

  • - a hairpin for a man's hustka;
  • - sheina khustka.


Cholovіcha shyna khustka is a miraculous alternative to kravatsі. A smart suit of wines is bestowed with vishukanosti and elegance, and casual clothes - a quick glance. Shiina Khustka miraculously looks with a cardigan or a jacket. In the XVIII century, the French began to wear khustki on shii. Until this day, the stench retains its relevance. Ascot is a classic knot. Learning to tie yoga is not so easy. For the cob, you need to ruffle the top gudzik on the shirt. Let's put on a hoodie around the neck, and stitch it on the breasts. Stretch the right hand through Levi, then we will straighten it to the beast. Let go of the insults of the kіntsi and refuel them under the shirt.

An offensive way of tying a khustka sings the vicorist on the veils, but on the way out and for other tracts. Wrap the khustka around the neck, then cross the ends on the breasts. The upper knot of the hustka was smeared under the lower one, and then it was pulled through the loop, which was again tucked away. Pioneer cribs were tied up in this way. If so, resolutely open the vuzol. Kіntsi Khustka cross and fix with a special hairpin. After that, refuel your vest. It is recommended to lower the commissar of the shirt.

Kindly pass the hustka, put it on a clean surface. To fold yoga with one kut, fold the hustka navpil obliquely. You can have a great trikutnik. Now one kut fold half the center of the tricutnik. Another kut zіgnіt so very straight to the first. Khustka with one kutom ready. Gently insert the yogo into the chest.

Sob to fold the hustka with two kuts, turn it into a square, turn it to yourself in such a rank, so that you make a rhombus shape. Lines of bending may opine at the bottom. Right kut trohi shove to the left. Follow, shob kut, scho to know under him, it was also visible. Leviy, right and lower kuti to open the middle of the square. Put the khustka in the chest with folds up the hill.

Use a variety of different ways to fold breastplates. You can fold the khustka in the “presidential” way, “gloomy” or in other larger forms. Experiment with your cool look. Possibly, I will become your motherland and make you look like other colleagues. You can bring your own clothes to the office style, but don't be afraid to try something new.


  • jacket from hoods

The presence of a breastplate in a person's wardrobe is not respected by the clothes. Ale wine can be more of an accessory that enhances elegance and individuality. In addition, for different types of outfits and costumes, you can choose your own way of folding the breastplate.


Try pov'yazati Khustka with a fringe over a jacket or a coat. For this pіdіyde arafatka chi kare with fringe z bavovni chi thin lint. Fold the yogo diagonally, throw it over the neck, cross the ends and tie it in front with a small knot. Do not need to straighten and lay Khustka- The image is not guilty of looking too much thought out.

Another option is the classic cowboy. Cutting material for such a hustka - thin bavovna. Vіn can be painted richly, embellished with abstract little ones, females with a cell. Pull the yogo on the neck and tie it in the back with an underwire knot, lightly lowering the white kut in front. Wear yoga with a fluffy jacket, a raincoat or a jumper without a coat.

The evening costume conveys the presence of a seam plastron - a narrow cloak, which makes a scarf with beveled tufts. Let's tie it with a knot and tie it with a hairpin, embellished with gold zlivka or pearl. Plastron vіdmіnno to add a white shirt and an oxamite or vvnyany jacket to a free silhouette. Don't forget to put in the chest Khustka of a clear notice.

Video on the topic


  • Why wear a hat


Let's take a look at the main ways of tying human knots. There is only one important thing to respect: setting up a tying scheme - the only thing you can do is to show your individual style of wearing this accessory. Get creative before the process and think about what image you want to create at once.

  • A good image is characterized by a minimum of elements to embellish. That is the edges of the Khustka zahovani in the middle, flat even surfaces, conciseness of colors and small ones.
  • For indifferent style come, be it, ways of tying a man's khastka, various colors and prints.
  • The folds and drapery, the unique ways of knitting a scarf and a scarf, as well as the unusual manner of wearing it, become creative solutions.

And don't forget that this year, don't wear a scarf with a colorful accent in your suit. Most of the wines are just adding to the ensemble, we will complete the roblochi of yoga.

First, put a khustka on a neck, її it is necessary to fold it. Call the edges of the middle - choose for you. Try different ways and align the bows that you have seen.

Addendum A:

Addendum U:

Addendum Z:

Addendum A-la Scouts:


Straight scarf with zipper-woggle in Versace fall-winter 2013-2014:

The classic option is to simply throw a scarf over your neck or fold a chiffon. There are impersonal options presented, as a result: a folded bridle one or a sprat of a scarf or a hustka; just picking a scarf from the fold.

If you want, so that the cloaks do not disperse at the bottom, wink a clasp-woggle (Clasp woggle), like in the Versace autumn-winter 2013-2014 collection. Scouts wear similar fasteners. So, just like a stench, you can burn a khustka, starting from a death and to the end of a khustka, having folded your back, navpil along the diagonal. This way of wearing can be used on Bottega Veneta autumn-winter 2013-2014 models.

You can wear a hoodie for a classic shirt or a knitted polo shirt, like at Gucci fall-winter 2013-2014. You can also tie a khastka over a shirt, tucking in її kints_ under the lapel of a jacket.


There are two options for tying the Ascot bow. The first polygaє at the tying of one simple knot. Another predictable way of tying the crib of the Fourth, but at the rest of the stage, the upper end of the hustka should not be pushed into the loop, but simply put on the beast of the knot, which is wiyshov.

I will tie a hustka in this way or wear a scarf under a shirt. similar old look to go out at the vikoristanni cribs-porridge.


This is how the pioneer and scout cribs were tied up. Khustka can be more folded diagonally, and then it can be burnt, starting from the bend and to the kutiv. Before tying, you can twist the yoga in a spiral, so that all the edges of the knot are in the middle.

Such a Bandana can be worn as a casual outfit. Pіd shirts, t-shirts, jumpers, cardigans. Abo is on top of them. Kіntsi cribs can be refueled for clothes, and the vuzol can be moved to the center.

2014-12-15 Maria Novikova

How can you embellish the everyday image of a person, a crimson crib? I will give you a small hint, which accessory can be used instead of a bed. Zvichayno, tse shiyna cholovіcha Khustka! Alas, it’s a pity not all people can do yoga in their wardrobe, to that they care that such a speech is too pretentious. Otherwise, you don’t know what to wear yoga, and also how to tie it correctly. In my article, I will recognize you different options shiynyh cholovіchih hustok. Which option is better for your image to show you.

  • Arabic Khustka
  • What is an ascot?
  • French foulard (do not stray with the case)
  • Bolo - crib chi guarded?

Arabic Khustka

At different lands yoga is called in a different way - kefiya, gutra, mashada, but in Russia yoga is called "arofatka". At times, more and more often you can see people on the streets in Arab husts, wrapped in dovkol shii. Tsya fashion for such a stylish accessory came to us from the very beginning and took root in Russia. Arab khustka є square piece of cloth with a size of approximately 1m. at 1m. with fringe at the edges. We prepare wines from natural fabrics, which allow you to turn in the bake in the cake, but not to freeze in the cold.

Traditional Arabic khusts are mostly in black and white and black and black squares. For the sake of the abundance of water among the Europeans for this accessory, those little ones have grown larger. Now people can come, like a national Arab khustka, so be it for other people.

Arab people wear a khustka, mainly for zakhist in the form of a dog and wear її on their heads, and cover up the guise with khustki. European people wear Arabic khasts on their scarves, in this way the khastka performs two functions: keeping warm and serving as a stylish embellishment. To be honest, I haven’t yet had a man in Russia, who was wearing an Arabic khastka on his head. And you?!

What is an ascot?

Ascot - tse English, classic human hustka, like tying up on the shiї and serving as a decorative embellishment. Vіn mozhe mother looked trikutnik or square, folded udvіchі at the oblique straight. Ascot is prepared mainly from natural suture fabric, but also can be made from oxamite and brocade.

Wear it over a shirt under a comir, and also under a shirt, and with this, the upper gudzik on the shirt is to blame for the rozzle. Pro fashionable shirts I wrote in the front. Let's make a kіntsi hovayut under the tricot of a khustka and fasten it from the front side with a decorative pearl, a brooch or a gold hairpin.

I’m going to look more stylish and elegant, more such an option for casual wear with a shirt, as well as for public speeches. You can read the report about it in this article. It is better to choose the right colors and your new image to create the impression of a sophisticated and intelligent person.

Khustka cholovіcha - what do you need out of the fire ?!

French foulard (do not stray with the case)

The foulard is a unique type of a human neck coat, which is a female fabric with a width of 10 cm and a length of 1 m. Zabarvlennya nayrіznomanіtnіshі, most importantly yaskravі with little peas, turkish chickpeas and wife.

The foulard can be worn with a suit, a shirt, a club jacket, knitted with a cardigan, and without strict rules, it can be tied in different ways. You can learn more about fashionable youth jackets. How important it is to wear yoga: wrap the foulard around the neck once, and tie the front under the shirt, or tie it at the vuzol and fasten it with a hairpin.

Looking even more stylish, more foulard will add a unique charm and charm to your casual style. It suits me, it's cool!

Spring plastron - not music

This type of neckline is vicorous for urochist entrances: weddings, holy days and official corporate receptions. Vіn є wide female fabric, the edges of which sound to the ends of the hustka. The plastron is made from natural seam fabrics and may be rich in colors.

The plastron covers the entire area of ​​the breasts. Wear it over a shirt under a comir, tie a vuzol in the front and fix it with a jewelry brooch under the vzlom or on the vuzl itself, and end up with a vest or a jacket.

I think it's a miracle idea for urochist vipadkіv, more zvichaynі crib already already "had". You don't get it?

And if you don't like shii khustki, then you can choose a bed. How to read correctly.

Bolo - crib chi guarded?

Kravatka is made from metal, wood, expensive stone and is decorated with different decorative glassware. Especially popular with Pivdenny America You can also mix yoga in your wardrobe. Dress up a plaid shirt, jeans and a bolo bed, the western style is ready for you! How do you like this option?

Be sure to dance on the streets creatively and neatly dressed man. For whom it is not obov'yazkovo robit expensive purchases and upgrade your wardrobe. You can simply add such a small detail to your image, like a human being. Such a richness will not require great stains and add a "rodzinka" to your image. You can buy different shirts: for a color, for a model, for recognition and create a stylish image for any occasion.

What do you know?

The first, who introduced the fashion to a man's hustka, was Louis XIV, King of France, who took the khustka as a decorative accessory from the Croatian ambassadors. Khustka impressed the king so much that he not only dressed up his honor at the shiyny khustka, but all over the country, the dress code for the presence of a man’s dress accessory.

Obov'yazkovo marvel at the video:

P.S. I'm guessing, why are you joking?

I will be glad to receive your comments!

With respect, Mary Novikovsky!

Vitannia! My name is Maria and I am the author of this article.

To finish off with a gray bear, join the fashionable and stylish lava! You don't know, how? I will help you!
Right now, apply for a personal form or a consultation for sewing and cutting clothes. In addition, consultation on the choice of fabric, style and wet image.

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