Collective robotic style. Styles of personnel management: how to choose the best ones. Liberal and family style of personnel management

Photo by Vasil Smirny, Kublog

The style of management is the way that the clerk manages the employees who are suitable for him, as well as the independent view of the specific situation of the clerk’s behavior. For the help of the established style of management, one can reach the satisfaction with the robot and the productivity of the workers. At the same time, there is nothing to say about the optimal style of management, and it is impossible to say about the success of the other style of management.

Different styles of management are distinguished.

Management style of plant orientation

Zusilla ker_vnik concentrated on the head, as it is necessary to vikonate, at the same time, as if stverdzhuє Bizan, ker_vnik:

    sue the lack of work;

    sponkaє spіvrobіtnikіv, scho povіlno practice, report more zusil;

give a special meaning to the obligation to work;

cherue with a saline hand;

give respect, that yoga spivrobitniki practice with full responsibility;

sponukaє spіvrobіtnikіv for additional onslaught that manipulation to even greater zusil;

Vymagaє in the case of ineffective practitioners in greater work.

The investigations of Khalpin-Viner and Pelets show what kind of stoners are:

    are often positively characterized by their superiors, low-specially-oriented kerivniki;

    are positively assessed by their spivrobitniks, as if the cherivniks pour in “mountains”.

Special-orientation management style

For such a style of management, in the center of respect, there are guards with their needs and honours. For Bizani, kerivnik:

    give respect to the health of workers; pikluєtsya about good stosunki zі svoїmi pіdleglimi; behave with your own rights as equals;

    pіdtremuє svoїh spіvrobіtnikіv y scho stink shy chi máyut zrobity;

    stand up for your ancestors.

Kerіvnik, like a keruє, focusing on specialness, can not, however, once rozrakhovuvat on the outside of the satisfaction of practitioners. For whom it is important to pour in and povaga the kerivnik "on the mountains", on the basis of which the building will protect the interests of the spivrobitniks.

There are three problems with management style:

  1. The results, if you can reach for an additional style of carving, revenge a few components, if you can’t buy more.
  2. The absolutization of the style of management is accepted as zasib, with the help of which the productivity of work is promoted.
  3. The situation of management is accepted as inevitable, even though it may change from time to time and the clerk is guilty of apparently changing his appointment to the last word.
Management styles can be one and the same. The style of management is one-dimensional, as one evaluation criterion is considered. Univariate - authoritarian, corporate and other styles of management, moreover, the first and the other styles are polarized one kind of one.

Authoritarian management style

For such a style of management, all activities are organized by the ceramics worker without the participation of supporters. This style of management can zastosovuvatisya at the hour of the day of the day of the day’s work and conveying a great distance to enlighten between the kerivnik and the supporter, and instill material motivation for the spivrobitnikiv.

Kerivnik, through his legal authority, cherishes them and checks them in obedience. Vіn accept a decision without obґruntuvannya їх in front of them, with whom to go out of the fact that the wine on vіdminu vіd podleglih may be very clear about that knowledge, which, as you understand, is not guilty. The decisions of the ker_vnik may be the nature of the order, if they may be unguardedly vikonuvatysya pіdleglimi, іnakshe can chіkuvati sanktsіy stosovno to themselves;

Kerіvnik dotrimuєєєєєєєєєєєє distances at vіdnosinah z pіdleglimi, іх їх about the facts, yakі stink obov'yazkovo nobility for vikonannya their zavdan. Vіn kontrolє» chi follow yogo orders and skills. Signs that support the camp of a person in the eyes of ostentatious people (for example, a car), support the reputation of a kerivnik, who has power.

    high svіdomіst;

    high self-control;


    garna promozhnіst before accepting a decision;

    punchy building.

Pіdlegli - addressees of orders. For "theory x and xy:

    the average person is lazy and, as far as possible, shirks like a robot;

    practitioners are unambitious, to be afraid of the future and to be fearful;

    pressure on the subject and sanctions before them are necessary to achieve the goals of business;

    Suvore upravіnnya podleglimi that private control over them inevitably.

In this style of management, the motivation is often subdued, the shards of the worker are socially strengthened, pass on, sound, less work is supported and supported by those who are afraid of intimidating sanctions. Podlegli become baiduzhims as much as a kerivnik, and navit until priprijemstva. The stench information is obtained through information bars and informal routes set up by a stone worker.

    recognition of the worker by a single authority;

    vyznannya that vykonannya rozpriazzhen ker_vnika;

    the exercise of the right to control.

Advantages of the authoritarian style of management - it is possible to make great decisions, success in everyday, outstanding robots.

The shortcomings of the authoritarian style lie in the weak motivation of self-reliance and the development of the underdeveloped, as well as in the unsafe pardon solutions for the help of the supra-worldly, the kerivniki could be rich and (or) the quality of the work.

Corporate management style

With the corporate style of management, the work is organized by the mutual cooperation of the kerіvnik and the right one. This style of management can be stagnant with the prevailing creative change of robots and the transmission of an approximately equal level of enlightenment of the stone worker and the support, as well as the intangible interest of the spivrobitnik.

Typical signs of corporate management style:

The clerk manages the subcontracts, including in the process of making a decision, yakі vіn vіdpovіdaє. Vіn ochіkuє vіd svoїh pіdlіh podleglih ї podpomoga, priymaє s urakhuvannyam їkh propozitіy ta zaperecheniya. You delegate your duties, as much as you can, and you are ordered only as needed. With all the faults, the vizna zdіbnostі pіdleglіh i svіdomlyuє scho can not know everything and all the transfers. The result is less controlled, self-control is allowed.

Kerivnik not less reportedly informs about the actual camp of the right, which can be used for the vikonannya zavdan, and also provides information about the enterprise. Information is a separate management. The kerivnik will not require signs that the yogi camp is supported in the eyes of people, that yogi will be abandoned.

Wimogi to the corporately ceremonial cerivnik shchodo Shtopp:


    dovira to practitioners;

    allowance for individual privileges;

    zdatnіst that bajannya deleguvati ponovazhennya;

    service look;

    Results control.

Podlegli look like partners, like builders how to independently win “schodny robots”. Assessing the suitability of one’s style of ceramics, one can most often go from the “theory in the theory xu”, according to which:

    the needless work is not inborn in nature, but the legacy of the filthy minds of the workers, as if it changes the natural work force;

    spіvrobіtniki to take to respect tsіl'ovі settings, mayut self-discipline and self-control;

    the goals of business are reached by the shortest path at the sight of a penny desire and the ability of an individual development;

    for friendly advice spivrobitniki not be afraid of evidence.

The active position of the supporters promotes their own motivation, which pulls for itself a plethora of results from practice.

Wimogi to corporate support for Shtopp:

    pragnennya that building to bear special viability;


    wikoristannya rights control.

The advantage of the corporate style is the adoption of additional decisions, the high motivation of spivrobitnikiv and the promotion of the kerivnik. In addition, the development of practitioners is being promoted. Nedolik - corporate management style can help to praise the decision.

Managing the delegate method again

Such management is a technical trick, if competencies and performance for work are transferred, as a matter of course, to supporters, they accept and implement solutions. Delegation can be directed to the sphere of activity of business. However, the next step is to delegate the typical managerial functions of the ceramics, as well as the task of far-reaching heritage. In the process of delegation of renewal, the importance of the stone worker is increased, the initiative of the workers is encouraged, the labor motivation and readiness to carry the work are strengthened. In addition, the practitioners may be given permission to take a decision on the authority of the authorities.

In order to successfully manage delegations, you need to:

    delegated to the practitioners;

    delegation of competencies to practitioners;

    delegating to practitioners the responsibility for work;

    turning off the possibility of delegating re-importance of transmissions from one spokesman to others;

    the establishment of the order of regulation of vinyatkovyh fluctuations;

    the inclusion of the possibility of vtruchannya kerivnik for the correct dіy svіvrobіtnik;

    obov'yazkov_st vtruchannya kerivnik at times pardons and otrimannya results, regulated in a special order;

    accepted by a kerіvnik v_dpov_dalnostі z ker_vnitstva;

    creation of an advanced information system.

The transfer of orders may be indicative of the zdіbnosti spіvrobіtnikіv, be more importantly the same, completing the form. Delegation of competences and responsibilities for diligent responsibilities, one by one for obligatory.

Benefits of managing the delegation method:

    rozvantazhennya pottery;

    the possibility of a swedish praise of literate decisions; Competences and performance of tasks are transferred to specialists;

    promoting the development of high-level initiatives, labor motivation among workers.

Shortcomings in managing the delegation method:

    kerіvnik delegate naskіlki can be less tsіkavih zavdan;

    can be hardened ієrarchіchі vіdnosinі;

    strong orientation to the leader, but not to the spivrobitnikov;

    installation of ієrarchіchіchі vіdnosin "horizontally".

Why is it not enough for the core workers to delegate the reinstatement?

1. Poboyuvannya, what did they lack competently to convict the handover (to give pardons).
2. Lack of good competence.
3. Poboyuvannya of the one who was supposed to quickly gain high competence.
4. Be afraid to spend your value and the blessings of your companionship.
5. Poboyuvannya spend the power of authority and status.
6. Fear of the fact that the clerk himself will spend control over the diet.
7. Fear of risky.
8. Nebazhannya voddavati the robot, like a kerivnik himself is good luck.
9. Nevminnya to consult with those who helped them.
10. Lack of time for consulting and managing them.

Why are you not prepared to give evidence?

1. Lack of self-confidence.
2. Deficit of information.
3. Fear of possible criticism.
4. Insufficient positive feedback on the success of the commission.
5. Lack of motivation of the speaker.
6. The atmosphere of the work place is negative.

How to delegate?

1. Resolutely choose a task, how to make a delegation.
2. Resolutely choose a person to whom to delegate.
3. Delegate more importantly "residual results" deputy exact methods vikonannya zavdannya.
4. We are preparing buti before pardons are allowed and it is necessary to process them.
5. Give sufficient re-importance until the appointment is over.
6. Inform others what is delegated to that one.
7. Delegate step by step and make it easier to delegate tasks.

Zastosuvannya tієї chi іnshої style, and navіt yogo results lie down in the rich chinnikіv. Tse usampered povne volodinnya one of the styles of kerivnitstva, schilnіst kolektiv to priynyattya hour imposed on your beast style of management that kerіvnitstva. When mastering the science of management, it is important to forgive pardons. An analysis of the activity of the kerіvnіkіv of different equals and different businesses, allowing fakhіvtsy to show the most parts of pardon, which are allowed by managers. The ten main pardons in the management of personnel at the enterprise can be formulated in such a rank;

1. Exercise all by yourself.
2. Skill to give the right the opportunity to go their own way.
3. Preemption against opposing practitioners.
4. Caught, schematically chi doctrinaire installations.
5. Zayva spriyyatlivist to іnshoy, zokrema critical, thoughts.
6. Self-satisfaction or intelligence.
7. Reluctance to the propositions of spivrobitniks.
8. It is obvious that the person of the spivrobitnik is incapacitated, for example, the permissibility of criticism for others.
9. There is a clear lack of confidence in the spivrobitniks.
10. Insufficient sequence in children.

І navpaki, dosvіd prosvіtayuchih pіdpriєmstva showing that cherіvniki tsikh pіdpriєmstva significantly greater world:

1. value knowledge;
2. stand up to people like equals;
3. wine is consumed fairly;
4. show pardons objectively;
5. hopeful and loyal;
6. listen to thoughts, like in your own;
7. value progress;
8. build the authority of the experts;
9. allowance for lead;
10. endure criticism;
11. buildings to change, lower heads of low-success enterprises.

The style of business management is the most important official in management for entrepreneurship. Correctly assigning and successfully stoking the style allows you to successfully win the potential of all entrepreneurial entrepreneurs. Himself in Rest of the Rocks Many firms attach such significant respect to their food.

The effectiveness of the work of the company is rich in why lie in the internal organization adopted by the system of mutual synergy and clarity of the language of communication. Usі qі faktori vyznaє kerіvnik i yogo style of personnel management

According to the style of personnel management, the nature of the interaction between the clerk and the supporters, the ways of arranging the improvement, the viability of the team. One and the same entrepreneur at various stages of business development can go through the establishment of different styles of management.

Irrespective of those that rich small companies may have less than a handful of people, the adoption of a variety of styles and adaptability to their own business. Ale effective personnel management - not only communication with the helpers. It’s all the more smart to correctly cut the shoes, not to call the whole work on a handful of people through a banal lack of hands. For a small business, since there is no opportunity to take on a great staff, it is a simple decision to transfer part of the functions to outsourcing. For example, it’s better to hand over the vedenniy oblіku and zvіtnosti to professional accountants and pay less for real nadanі services.

Basic styles of personnel management

In economic theories and assistants to management, it is described to achieve a large number of management styles for personnel. The main ones are authoritarian, democratic, liberal, businesslike. The skin system may have its own advantages and disadvantages. Let's look at how the styles and methods of personnel management are being formed and changed, depending on the goals and stages of business development.

Liberal chi family style of personnel management.

Whose style will be behind the principle: one team - one family. How does it work in practice? Mayzhe skin businessman-starters, organizing his first business, picking up a team of partners from a close number of people - relatives, friends, many classmates or colleagues.

At the first stage, such a company united in a dream business will have a common idea in life, earn a penny, and stand up to the conditions and competitors. There are no oskіlki dosvіdu administración and kerіvnіtstva at the pіdpriієmtsya, vin vprovadzhuє in the administration of the only available knowledge of that method - pobudova command on the minds of the equality of voices, equal to the hour of that zusil. Basic principles of family style of personnel management:

  • calm friendly style mutually, the team is one family, all friends;
  • the atmosphere of the company is homely, friendly;
  • corporate culture - family values, comfort and calm for the skin;
  • ker_vnik - comrade, may have a small priority (seeing a salary).

Such an atmosphere in the company is three times up to the achievement of the first serious results and the acquisition of a solid income. With the development of business, the tasks are getting better, the number of projects is increasing, the first inacceptability is being repaired - see the terms, non-conforming obov'yazkiv, problems on the outside and the internal level. By virtue of this, there is a primordial buttress principle: the surplus is divisible for everyone, we are one team, and the inaccuracies and the hits are the problems of the sergeant and the kerivnik.

Podsumok - svіlnennya druzіv і relіvіv, nіr fahіvtsіv, vykoristannya іnshої management system.



Manner of splintering of ceramic

Friendship, dovircha

Transparency of special vіdnosin, command interaction

Accept the decision

zagalne skhvalennya

Shared idea

Family corporate culture, team spirit

Intermediate professional, high psychological

Initiative of spivrobitnikiv

Low chi middle (no stimulus)

Bringing the solution of ceramics

The form is a mess

The butt of the successful implementation of the system is a lot of Japanese companies. Ale on vіdmіnu vіd vіd pochatkіvtsiv companies, they have іsnuє ієєrarkhіya:

  • kerivnik, vlasnik - father, who pisses about the company and that supporter;
  • the staff of the associations with overt interests;
  • improvisation of practitioners is allowed;
  • the basis is trust and commitment to tomorrow, objective assessment and collective performance.

Visnovok: most vipadki have a family style of personnel management practiced in quiet vipadki, if the company has been formed long ago, links can be established and that position on the market.

Authoritarian style of personnel management

Tsey style is an absolute extension to the family system of management. The position of adherence to the authoritarian style of personnel management will be based on the principle of hard discipline and unrestricted obedience to the orders of the boss. An authoritarian system is characterized by:

  • zhorstkoy ієrarchієyu;
  • focus on results;
  • clear rozpodil obov'yazkіv;
  • strangled initiatives of spivrobitnikiv.

The main idea, which is common, with an authoritarian style of personnel management, is to achieve maximum results, to reach high performances, to overtake competitors. Prior to the system's overreach, the achievement of goals is set before the shortcomings - an important psychological climate among the team, the core of all the functions of the manager of the engineer, the staffing level is great.


goal, result

Manner of splintering of ceramic



Accept the decision


Shared idea

The presence of a sleepy enemy (competitor)

Personnel Qualification Riven

Not high through the great slope, go the most talented

Initiative of spivrobitnikiv

Low, do not want

Bringing the solution of ceramics

At the form of orders, commands

Visnovok: the authoritarian style of personnel management is true and gives good results in crisis situations and in unstable minds, if the main method is to improve the difficulty and the necessary speed to achieve results.

Business style of personnel management

One of the most effective management styles that most American companies have. For a businessman who has already won the two front systems, who understands the shortcomings of a more vertical management system, a businesslike style of personnel management is the next stage. For the purpose of the management system, the first plan is to take into account the professionalism of the skin specialist and the overall exercise to take profits.

Basic rice:

  • focus on success and otrimannya vigodi;
  • assessment of the effectiveness of the skin practitioner;
  • career growth is proportional to professionalism and initiative of the spivrobitnik;
  • The salary payment varies depending on the efficiency and cost of spivrobitniks (deposit depending on special results).

Before the priorities of the business style of personnel management, there is an increase in the contribution of the skin specialist and a significant increase in profits for the account of a clear system of interaction and the pursuit of special results. Nedolik - shvidke vigoryannia, workaholism.


Result, gain, development

Manner of splintering of ceramic

Dilova spіvpratsya without harsh framework

transparency business sphere, closeness of special mutual

Accept the decision

Odnosibne chi collegiate behind the furnishings

Shared idea

Professionalism, vigoda

Riven qualification

high professional riven, low psychological contact

Initiative of spivrobitnikiv

High, enthusiasm will make you want

Bringing the solution of ceramics

The form business etiquette, dialogue

Visnovok: this system is effective for companies that have already started, actively grow and develop, expanding into new market segments.

Democratic style of personnel management

For a democratic management system, the clerk acts as a coordinator of business processes, directly, delegating goiter and soft control. Companies come to this style, as they have already reached a high level of profitability, which attaches great respect to new businesses in the field of business, technology and manufacturing. The main characteristic of this style is collegial methods of care by staff:

  • high step dovіri mіzh kerіvnik and pіdleglimi;
  • decisions are taken from the process of open discussion;
  • comfortable atmosphere, low staffing;
  • support of new ideas, initiatives of practitioners.

The main uniting idea of ​​democratic style is the value of the result, and the methods of achieving it. Before the break, one can see the ideal environment for professionals, the possibility of introducing new creative ideas. Minuses - the necessity of processes, swayed by trivial discussions and the search for the most important decisions.


The result is the method of yoga achievement

Manner of splintering of ceramic

Vidkrita, available, friendly in the world

Visibility and transparency of the processes

Accept the decision

Collegiate praise of the decision, part of the outrageous gathering, for the sake of

Shared idea

Only plant the development of the company

Riven qualification

High qualifications of specialists in professional and psychological spheres

Initiative of spivrobitnikiv

High and eager for initiative

Bringing the solution of ceramics

Visnovok: the democratic style of personnel management is suitable for companies, the activity of such things is connected with modern technologies and achievements, and the dedication to creativity is created by creative people.

Choose the style of personnel management to lay rich chinnikiv, the head rank - in the face of impudent tasks and problems. At different stages of development, one company and one kerіvnik can zastosovuvat different systems. Depending on the goals and methods of their reach, care can be used to change the system of care for the company.

For small business news, we launched a special channel in Telegram and groups

Have you ever noticed that your robot will be consistent with the singing stereotype? The most important characteristics, which appear in the behavior of the day, know their own expression in the "working style" that we bazhany.

The decals are unacknowledged diemo to the stereotype. Blame it on us that we "ruhae" the tasks of the style, that we cannot choose another way to reach the goal. Robotic styles are often called "drivers" In one case, people can use two or three working styles, but most of the time, the behavior of expressions has one working style. Awareness of the powerful working style, with powerful strengths and weaknesses, helps us to establish our own behavior with the behavior of our opponent and open up new possibilities for ourselves for effective interaction. According to the author's idea of ​​that retailer of the theory of Julie Hay (Hay J. TA for Trainers. McGraw-Hill, 1992), there are five working styles that show their strengths and weaknesses. Navigable short characteristics skin style.

People with this style do a good job of working, as it is necessary to learn the style of terms, to learn a lot of work in a short hour. The stench is felt on the heights, how to cope with the shortest terms, and experience the peak of energy at the station of stress and tension of forces. The head їhnoy vanagoy є kіlkіst vykonanї roboti.

However, they add little respect for preparation, for the obviousness of a free hour, they can put an ear of work "for later", the docks won't become a term, and only then proceed to її vikonannya, after which they can allow pardons. Zvіdsi - wasting an hour with їхної corrective action, and with the permission of the robot, you can be beaten at the hour. The prosperity of fast thinking can lead to intolerance of these people hundred and fifty of the most important colleagues - often stink too fast to speak quickly, interrupt others and wind up propositions for them, scho to produce unreasonable and marny superechok. Schillo planning your schedule of zustres, the stench of zmusheni hurry up with one zustre for another, an hour earlier going with one zadniyuchis on the offensive.

"Be perfect (be better)"

People with this style are all the same for "hurrying up". The stench is clearly pronounced the pragnennya "buti will be thorough": the robots have pardons every day, everything can be smashed the best. Your organization is growing, the stinks of the stench will be marveling in the future, planning the work and shaping the strategy of dealing with potential difficulties. It's important to catch the znenatska; work in them is planned and efficient. You can swear on them, if the robot needs vikonati carefully. Accuracy, respect for details, reflexivity of a robot are its strengths. It’s a pity, folded blame, if the robot is guilty of buti vikonana strictly in line, shards, pragnuchi to see the final product, stinks for a long time and relatively whispering pardons, so that you can constantly make changes. The stench can give the clients a lot of information too late and make them go crazy. The stench resolutely picks up the words that are used, often vikoristovuyuchi old phrases, little-known words and technical terms, which can be unintelligible to the speaker.

"Rejoice others"

People with this style sound good team members. The stench of the harmonies of harmony, garnering intuition and respect to the feelings of other people. Їhnє zavdannya - to be good to people, to bring them along, if you don’t ask about them. The stench wonders what is necessary for people, and they try to please their bazhanya. Entrusting such people with such a style of good practice, shards of the stink of the building show patience and wisdom. The stench is respectful to the point of pochuttіv otochuyuchih and can zgurtuvat team tim, scho thought of the skin її member will be accepted to respect. Showing a wider interest and turbot to other people, the stench can instantly calm the people, as if they are going through a folding task. It's a pity, stinks are sometimes labeled as transcendentally "good"! Pragnuchchi save good vidnosiny, stench can be subdued in the face of the vlasnoy thoughts and allow others to implement calmly pardoning ideas, not seeming true, so as not to depict another person. And then they suffer, if people are angry at them for those who did not get ahead of the stench about the failure.


Whose working style of bandages from the exercises put all their strength into the victorious task, so people with such a style are enthusiastic about everything. The peak of the energy of the stench is felt, if it is necessary to develop new things, and it is appropriate for them, that you can appreciate that victoriousness of all possibilities. All aspects of the task will be thoroughly analyzed. People appreciate such a pidkhіd that buildings are destroyed from the right out of the dead center. Kerіvniki are especially valued by such spіvrobіtnikіv those who are often taken voluntarily before the vikonannya of new orders.

However, people with this style often do not have patience with reaching the final result, because the general interest and enthusiasm fades back to the end of the task. Respect to the supra-mundanely great number of aspects in complicating their work and keep up the terms її vikonannya, and still more part of the work is already vikonan, stink continues to think about those, how to do the job in a different way, first wait for the team, the work is completed.

"Be Strong"

People with this style save calm from stressful and stressful situations, stench is good for crisis moments. Such people suffocate, if it is necessary to show a vitriolka that staunchness. The stench is strongly roiled, almost like a bandage, and the stench shows the zazyatistnost to inspire the vicons of the unacceptable task and hand. The very stink of folding situations, thinking logically and taking reasonable decisions, then falling into a panic. Zavdyaks of innocence and zdatnosti virishuvati be-like work food, such people are invariably respected by the most important and ingenious supporters of the organization.

My problem lies in the fact that it is important for them to recognize their weaknesses, and if it happens, the stench of skillful qualifications is like weakness. It’s easier to overwhelm yourself with a robot, then ask your colleagues for help. The stinks can take their troubles, "zahovavshi" the robot, and with the new order on the working table, hundreds of working documents can accumulate in the drawer of that table. Colleagues can feel calmly through the day they show emotions. It is especially manifested if more people are stressed. It’s important to understand, stink shards are able to show their feelings.

Diagnostics of the "working style" and її zastosuvannya in practice

Pointing more characteristics are clearly manifested in behavior, which allows you to accurately diagnose the importance of that style in a particular person.

An analysis of these behavioral features is practical in our company during the recruitment of staff, at the robotic Center for assessment and development, during the business games, individual consultations and coaching. Analyzing the behavior of applicants for specific positions in the town during the interview with them, we revealed the same tendencies, showing the working style in the field of professional activity of the candidates.

So, it turned out that practitioners of economic specialties are more often richer, equal to other fahivtsy, show the style "Be thorough." The most characteristic for service providers is the style "Please others". The style "Try" is typical for practitioners from the gallery of PR and marketing. The engineers of the big world are told to show behavior in the style "Be strong" - "do it hard, be-scho", and the fahіvtsіv in the gallery of human resources often express the style "Hurry up".

If you talk about the analysis of organizations and companies, then most of the time they will only need one working style, so you know what kind of people you stink and ask for a job. For example, bureaucratic organizations are adhering to the "Be thorough" style, like, vtim, and law firms, where accuracy and scrupulousness are necessary. The Svidkіy dopomozi that MNS need calmness and courage in order to help people in a critical situation ("Be strong").

Advantages of knowing your style

How can you winknow your working style? First of all, next, take on the strengths of the working style, which you show the advantage, without taking any of the weak sides to the point of respect. Knowing the weak sides of your working style allows you to understand how you organize your working hour. You can, in a superior manner, adjust the planning of the working day and your behavior.

As you have the characteristic Robotic style "Hurry up", you plan to plan enough for an hour to complete the task, especially at the stage of preparation, as you are especially able to be short. Sometimes it is necessary to support the robot, especially if it is necessary, so that other people get to "convert" the information. It is necessary to learn how to listen to the speaker, not interrupting Yogo, but sometimes repetitively, to perekonatisya, so that you correctly understood Yogo. It is also important to learn how to ask people about their needs, and not to use your power to allow someone else.

As you are a "perfectionist" (Working style "Be perfect"), you need to relax more often and accept those that you yourself are not perfect. Pardons are an important part of the process of training. "Dosvid is a synom of pardons of the important." You are guilty of understanding, that it is important to understand the terms of the victorious work and bachiti kіntsev met.

If you sounded constantly "rejoice" the restless (Job style "Rejoice others"), then do not allow yourself to be seduced by inappropriate requests and unimportant prohanni, you are guilty of reading firmly to say "no" - often, in order to save sensible cordoni, you need only a firm voice , legends in vvіchlivіy formі.

As you constantly "try and try" while working (Working style "Try"), then you need to control your feelings at the stages of completing the project. Sometimes you just need to fix yourself up and continue your work, no matter how much interest you have to keep busy.


Management in the most demanding areas of life of people the most important functions. Particularly relevant market economy. For the correct management of people, the leader of the organization is responsible for choosing the right style of behavior. Yogo and lie down to be seen at the vіdnosinakh z podleglimi, leading them to the appointed mark. In other words, for the normal functioning of the enterprise, the presence of another style of management is necessary. Tse i serve head characteristic the effectiveness of the manager's work in a foreign country It is impossible to overestimate the role of the management style of the manager. Even in the case of a new successful company, the dynamics of its development, the motivation of spivrobitniki, it puts itself up to its own obov'yazkiv, mutually in a team and richly іnshoy.

Appreciate understanding

What does the word "kerivnik" mean? Tse the one who leads by the hand. The skin organization may have a man, as if he were watching for the sight of the usual flies on the enterprise. This kind of virtuousness of transmission is staggered by the representatives of spivrobitniks. In tsomu, the essence of the robot and skin kerivnik is considered.

To the end of the main tasks of the manager of Forsaken Lanka є reaching the goals of the company. Tsyu robot kerіvnik vykonuє without the help of their supporters. And yogo’s manner of behavior is absolutely perfect for the team, it can motivate to the point of work. Tse i є style keruvannya kerivnik. What is the root of whose understanding?

The word "style" can be a big deal. Spopchatka was the name of the sheared, the appointments for writing on a wax doshtsi. More recently, the word "style" began to get used to something else. Vono began to show the character of the handwriting. What can be said about the style of management of the stone worker. Vіn є svoєridnym handwriting from the dіyah manager of Vishchoy Lanka.

Styles of ceramics under the management team can be different. Ale, in general, the stink of lying down in the form of leadership and administrative qualities of a person, as if he were going to live in the settlement. At the process labor activity it is necessary to form an individual type of stoneware, according to the handwriting. Tse allow me to talk about those who cannot know two of the same bosses with the same style. Such a phenomenon is individual, shards are marked by the specific characteristics of a particular person, which determines the particularity of the work with the staff.


It’s important that that person is happy, like a shoranka from satisfaction, she’s blaming a job. І tse bezporeddno lie down from the yogo chief, owing to him, like a ker_vnik vikoristovuє style of management, from yogo vіdnosin іz pіdleglimi. Respect for the nutritional theory of management has been attached even at the dawn of its creation, so maybe a hundred years ago. Zgіdno with the understandings hanging by her, already at that hour the number of low styles of the work of the manager of the kerivnik was based. The last thing before them began to arrive and others. U zvyazku z tsim current theory management considers the presence of rich styles of ceramics. Let's describe the deeds of them in a report.


At the heart of this style of ceramics lies the fate of those who made decisions from the bottom between them. The name of the type of robotic manager from Vishcho Lanka came to us from the Latin language. New demos means "rule to the people". The democratic style of managing a kerivnik today is highly respected. Vykhodyachi z danih conducted doslіdzhen, vіn 1.5-2 times more effective, lower all other ways of arranging the boss with their own benefits.

If the kerіvnik vikoristovuє democratic style of management, then vin rely on the initiative of the team. At any given time, the active participation of all the spivrobitniks in the process of negotiating the goals to face the company is equal.

For the democratic style of ceramics, there is mutual agreement between the ceramics and the supporters. If so, the collective blames a little mutually intelligible trust. However, varto means that the manager of a foreign country should listen to the thought of spivrobitnik in a company of quiet chi and other food, but not to someone who himself can’t understand. The democratic style of the manager of the kerіvnik should be noted that such a boss can see: every time the problems are discussed, new ideas are brought to light. The stench is unfailingly allowed to speed up the process of reaching the mark and to promote the work.

Having chosen a democratic one for himself, it means that we will not impose wines on our will. Yak vіn dіyatme with whom? Such a kerіvnik volіє vykoristovuvaty methods and stimulivannya that perekonannya. It’s only a matter of time until sanctions are imposed, if all other ways can be exhausted.

The democratic style of managing a kerivnik is the most friendly at a glance psychological injection. Such a boss shows a wide interest in spіvrobіtnikіv and gives them good-natured respect, vrakhovuyuchi їхні consumption. Such a blueprint positively contributes to the results of the work team, to the activity and initiative of fahivtsiv. People blame the joy of their work. Vlashtovuє їхі camp with the team. The grouping of spivrobitnikiv and sympathetic psychological minds give a positive impact on the physical and moral health of people.

Obviously, the styles of management and the quality of the kerivnik are understandable, closely related to each other. So, for the democratic nature of the intercourse with the subordinates, the head is to blame for the high authority of the spivrobitniks. Also, you need a mother of miraculous organizational, intellectual and psychological and communicative zdіbnosti. Otherwise, the implementation of this style will become ineffective. The democratic type of architecture can be two different. Let's take a look at their report.

Doradchy style

In spite of this, most of the problems that stand before the team, are hovering at the time of their infamous discussion. Kerіvnik, like vikoristovuє in his dialnosti daring style, often swear by the supporters, without showing off at the same time. Vіn do not shift to svіvrobіtnіv vіdpovіdalіnіst іn іn nіdіkі, yakі mіstse mіstse саn result accepted decision.

The chiefs of the preparatory type of ceramics widely vicorist bilaterally with their support. They trust practitioners. Understandably, the most important decision is praised only by the clerk, but with whom the fahivtsy are entitled to the independence of the decision of specific tasks.

Style, scho take the fate

This is yet another type of democratic type of ceramics. The main idea is to get the spivrobitniks from taking the right decisions, and to control them. And here the kerіvnik trusts his own support. Moreover, the combination of s-similarity of them can be characterized as open. The boss conducts himself less than on the equal footing of one of the members of the team. With whom, be-yakoy svіvrobіtnik given the right to freely express his thoughts from different meals without fear of further negative reactions. For the failures of the robots, they are sometimes divided between the kerivnik and the supporters. This style allows you to create an effective system of motivation for practice. It gives you the opportunity to successfully reach goals to face the undertaking.

liberal style

This type of ceramics is called more vilny. Adzhe vin conveys grace to indulgence, tolerance and non-violence. The liberal style of management is characterized by complete freedom of decision of practitioners. With which kerivnik I take a minimal part in which process. Vіn samosuvaєtsya vіd vіd poladenіh nіgo funktsіy z vіdlіtіv і control over іyаlnіstyu pіdlіglіh.

You can talk about those types of kerіvnikіv and styles of management that can make a close connection with each other. Thus, a liberal position in the collective allows one to be a person who is insufficiently competent and unskilled in her service station. Such a building workman's work and rіshuchі kroki is only after otrimannya vkazіvok of the superior boss. Vіn vіljako uhilyаєєєєі vіd vіdpovіdalnostі іn otrimanny nedovіlnyh іsultіvі. Virishennya important meal of the company, de pratsyuє podіbny kerіvnik, often pass without yoga participation. In order to consolidate his authority, the liberal is less likely to pay his undeserved prizes and other different benefits.

De mozhe buti obrany such a straight line from us basic styles management of the bakery? I organization of work, and the level of discipline in the company may be the greatest. So it is possible, for example, in partnerships with lawyers and writers, all lawyers are engaged in creative activities.

The liberal style of management can be seen subtly from a glance of psychology. Everything is stale because of the way the fakhivtsy build up all the kerіvnitstvo. The positive result of the similar style is taken away there, the collective is composed of highly qualified, disciplined, highly qualified specialists, building independent workers I create a robot. It is also possible to successfully create similar certitude for the presence of a company of knowledgeable assistants.

Іsnuyut and taki kolektiv, de pіdlіglі command their boss. Win maє glory they just " garnoy people". Ale, we can’t continue like this for a long time. In times of guilt, be it a conflict situation, dissatisfied spivrobitniki stop squirming. It is not necessary to blame the style of confusion, which leads to a decrease in labor discipline, to the development of conflicts and other negative phenomena. But in such situations, the kerivnik simply self-assers himself in the right of business. The most important thing to you is the preservation of good vidnosin with your help.

Authoritarian style

Under it, the master type of ceramics is understood. Vіn ґruntuєtsya on pragnennі zatverdzhennya chief svogo vplyu. The author of the authoritarian style of management gives the company's supporters only a minimal amount of information. For this reason, we do not trust our own people. Such a kerіvnik pragno will be afraid of talented people and strong pracіvnikіv. The best of times is respected by the one who understands the mind of the building. A similar style of ceramics gives rise to an atmosphere of intrigue and tiles at the enterprise. With whom, the independence of the practitioners is left with the least. Mustaches made it possible to practice virishity at the ceramics. Even if you can’t let anything go, as the authorities react to that other situation.

A follower of the authoritarian style of management is simply not permissive. People don't dare to talk about bad news. As a result, such a leader is alive in a state of deep conviction, so that everything happened to him the same way, like wine and letting go. Spivrobitniks do not put a power supply and do not intervene, inspire in quiet situations, if they receive a pardon from the decision taken by the sergeant. The result of the activity of such a manager of a foreign country is the strangulation of the initiatives of those who care about their work.

For the authoritarian style of architecture, all power is concentrated in the hands of one person. Only the wines of the building monotonously virishuvate all nutrition, signify the diyalness of the good ones and do not give them the opportunity to praise independent decisions. Spivrobitniki at such a time beat only those who are punished. To this very fact, all information for them is reduced to a minimum. The follower of the authoritarian style of managing the team is hard to control the activity of his subordinates. Such a leader can have enough power in his hands to impose his will on the practitioners.

In the eyes of such a scribbler, he is a man, a person who knows how to work to work and is unique by his ability. This is the reason for the fasting primus spivrobitnik, control over him is punishable. The mood of that emotion is not accepted in such a time to respect. Kerivnik may be far away from his team. In this case, the autocrat specifically appeals to the lowest level of the needs of his subordinates, respecting which of them is the most important.

To look at a similar style of ceramics from a glance of psychology, wine is the most unacceptable. Aje kerivnik at such a time does not take the practitioner as special. At spіvrobіtnіkіv, the creatives will always respect, through which the stench will become passive. People are blamed for dissatisfaction with the work and the high-powered camp of the team. The psychological climate for undertakings is also unacceptable. The team is often blamed for intrigues and bastards. Podіbne zbіbіshuє stresove navantazhennya on people, shkіdli for their moral and physical health.

Zastosuvannya authoritarian style is no more effective than singing furnishings. For example, in the minds of combatants, for overarching situations, in the army and in the collective, in which the name of one member is transferred to the lowest level. The authoritarian style of ceramics may have its own variations. Let's take a look at their report.

Aggressive style

Kerivnik, who, having taken on a similar type of personnel management, is aware that people of this stupidity and laziness are due to their nature. Otzhe, the stench is trying not to pratsyuvati. At zv'yazku z tsim, a similar ker_vnik vvazhє for his own obov'yazok to muffle spіvrobіtnikіv vikonuvat their obov'yazki. Vin does not allow his own fate and softness.

What can mean the fact if a person has chosen the most aggressive among the current management styles? The peculiarity of the stoneworker in different ways may have special characteristics. Such a person is rude. Vіn intermezhuє contact іz pіdleglimi, trimming їх on vіdstanі. When confronted by spivrobitnikami, such a boss often raises his voice, depicts people and actively gestures.

Aggressive-compliant style

A similar type of ceramics is characterized by its vibrancy. Such a boss shows aggression by appointment to his spivrobitnikov and at the same time the obedience and pliability of any greater governing body.

Hisistic style

Kerivnik, who has adopted such a type of personnel management, knows that only wines know and understand everything. To the very same, a similar chief puts the wines of obov'yazki with a single-axis vision of nutrition for the activity of the team and virobnitstva. Such a kerіvnik cannot endure the list of his podleglih and chilny to the latest vysnovkіv, yakі zavzhd є vіrnimi.

kind-hearted style

Authoritarianism lies at the basis of this type of speech between kerivnik and podleglimi. However, the chief still gives his supporters the opportunity to take part in the adoption of such decisions, interfacing with their scope of duty. The results of the work and the team at once from the system of punishment, which occupy a dominant position, are evaluated by deaky desires.

At the end

The individual style of managing a kerivnik can be different. With all of this, it is simply impossible to see with a clean look. Here, the mother may be less than the overestimation of certain characteristics.

For that very reason short style It is not easy to give letters. The manager of a foreign country needs to know more about the classification and the ability to assess the skin category of personnel management in the fallacy of the situation and the visibility of a particular task. At tsomu, vlasne, and I swear the art of the right stone worker.

The process of encouraging the team needs to be seen in two aspects. The first one is connected with the mobilization of the united forces on the highest goals that stand in front of the team, and the other one - with the creation of the spirit of the team, the development of almost "mi". This was the key to shaping the main steps to encourage the team.

Pobudov’s team is a creation, victoria, and a development of the mechanism of collective activity, singing philosophy, and a commanding style of collective work, which lure the talent and energy of people at the reach of both global and special goals.

How can practitioners become a team? Blame the problem of personnel assessment criteria. The traditional approach to the recruitment of personnel is not rich: work experience, qualifications, work experience. A number of them can be seen as the main and supplementary qualities of practitioners, important for collective activity.

Basic Yakosti:

  • vіdpovіdalnіst;
  • yakіsne vikonannya roboti;
  • exercise spіvpratsi;
  • dovira;
  • interest in novelties and building up to the promotion of the new;
  • neatness;
  • ability to accept criticism;
  • building up to risky;
  • willingness to compromise; communication.

Additional capacity:

  • knowledge and professional knowledge;
  • vminnya spіvіsnuvati and pratsyuvati among the collective;
  • performance for the whole group;
  • image;
  • zdatnіst shchos push, "pierce";
  • organizational talent.

Features of quality, significant for collective work

These facts were revealed in the course of a number of "round tables" and "brain attacks" with the ceremonies of various collectives. Tsі yakostі one hour є vymogami to spіvrobіtnikіv yak to the members of the team. Criteria for assessing personnel can be distinguished as for the selection of new specialists, so self-assessment and the correction of abilities in already working groups that have set themselves a wild meta - virobiti the style of collective work.

The process of encouraging the team needs to be seen in two aspects. The first one is connected with the mobilization of the united forces to stand before the collective of the head, and the other one is for the creation of the spirit of the collective, the development of a sense of “mi”, tobto. with support of a special cob and respect for people. Such a subdivision is the key to shaping the main approaches to inspire the team, and then we call it a dichotomy and encourage the team.

Orientation to the vision of the leader of the organization (voice to the vision of the work group):

  1. Group assessment of the task
  2. Planning and making a decision
  3. reach consensus
  4. Organization and terms

Orientation to the support of special features (voice on the robot with the staff):

  1. Fate is included
  2. Pidtrimka, zahochennya
  3. Learning about collectivity
  4. Collective work style

Let's look at the warehouses of the dichotomous connection.

Pobudova to the team with an emphasis on the achievement of tasks

1. Group assessment of the task. The team will require that the metaphor put before it is understood and respected for the significance of all members. The problem lies in the fact that the skin practitioner has a clear idea of ​​what to stand in front of the team, taking part in their analysis and quest for implementation. Sociological research allowed us to establish, for example, that maybe 40% of the staff of the state servicemen work on tasks, formulated inaccurately, unreasonably.

2. Planning and making a decision- tse vybіr that generation zmіstovnoї іdeї vykonannya zavdannya. The study of the skin practitioner in the process of making a decision and researching and evaluating the emerging alternatives to reach the final goal. So that the search would be successful, the clerk should give the team universal information about any problems; create an atmosphere of free discussion and discussion of whether there are any ideas or how to solve problems with a further detailed analysis; set the number of viability criteria for the selection of the optimal solution; choose the solution wisely until the minds are restored.

What do you need to get the team to make a decision? Sort of problems simple solution, standard and vіdomі z front dosvіdu. At the same time, new problems are often blamed on the life of collectives, which are different situations, if a creative mind is needed, the axis is also necessary for the education of all staff in the development of ideas and the adoption of basic solutions.

3. Reach for consensus(please) how to make a decision, organizing and terminating a task is the most important element of collective activity. Consensus is characterized by the participation of all members of the team, the optimal choice of available resources, creative solutions to conflicts and achievements for praised solutions.

In order to reach consensus, it is necessary for a sergeant to reach a consensus, first, not to think about what you can win, but to program, like a discussion, to go into a deaf corner. Natom_st needs to be shukati іnsh, a more acceptable alternative for everyone. In another way, you can eliminate the conflict for the help of such visits, like voting, average thoughts, throwing coins, or laying down the favors. Thirdly, do not allow super-cooks, do not stop discussing people for an hour, but “exclude” ideas. Do not allow any of your own, or any statements, as a negative impact on the collective work.

4. Organization. One of the minds of the improvement of the organizational unity optimization of the number of the team. Most of the contributors converge on the Duma, that they can revisit 10-12 people. On the right, in the fact that the masses, having shown such qualities to the team, like friendship, honesty, honesty, mutual support, it is practically impossible in too great groups.

An important mental encouragement to the team is clear coordination of mutual relations between practitioners, as if conveying a system of norms for collective activity:

  1. Kozhen vvazha zavdannya, like standing in front of the team, priority.
  2. Kozhen pragne buti іnformovaniya yaknaische.
  3. The skin vikoristovuetsya on the working place is optimal, it is learned and controlled.
  4. Kozhen regularly takes part in planning meetings, conversations with groups.
  5. Kozhen vdchuvaє osobistu vіdpovіdalnіst sієmu working mіsci.
  6. Leather v_dverty i chesny.
  7. Kozhen immediately reminds about the revealed shortfalls as a product of the team.
  8. Leather dorimuetsya umovlenih termіnіv vykonannya robo.
  9. Skin rozumіє that dotrimuєtsya (pіdtrimuє) organizing unity of the team.
  10. The team doesn't accept daily appointments.

Another one of the mind's collective activities is the ability of the group to make the most of the hospitality, conflict management and self-regulation. The management of that self-regulation is due not to the knowledge of the will of one (Kerivnik), but to the succession of knowledge of the will of all. The process of management here is acting as a new quality - like a diyalnisne management, power to the skin member of the team. It is necessary for us to deal with the division of roles and the change in the system of coordination among the team.

Pobudova to the team with an emphasis on support for new people

1. Fate is included. Pobudov’s team is rich in what tim is responsible for, the skin of the people is included to the team’s activities. Zvіdsi zavdannya kerіvnik - give the opportunity to skin practitioners with special needs to take part in the life of the team. For this ker_vnik is guilty of creating an environment for self-determination of roles between people, depending on their qualifications, specializations, dosvіdu that time.

2. Pidtrimka, zahochennya to assist the skin member of the team in achieving the specialty of the path of recognition and assessment of success. The knowledge is given to the people that it is necessary to work. Rating - tse indicator of the effectiveness of yoga practice.

Conducted sociological studies show that neither one nor the other factor is victorious. For example, 70% of the examiners said that in the case of rozmovyh z erіvnitstvom the food for recognition of the work and success of the workers was never discussed, 60% - that the food for the efficiency of their special work was not considered by the authorities.

As you are a kerіvnik, try to show the recognition of the activity of your followers:

    navіt yakscho you are not completely satisfied;

    navit in case of otrimanny chastkovyh chi nepovnyh results;

    navit with otrimannyh zvichaynyh, and not just vinjatkovo good results.

The form of public assessment of practitioners is attestation, which should be carried out for 3-5 years. The main tasks of certification are, on the one hand, otrimannya іnformatsії, scho allows you to evaluate the worker for the pіdsіvkami work and її potential, from the other - informing people about how yogo activity is assessed by kerіvnitstvom.

Protest attestation is carried out rarely, and it is necessary to evaluate the work of the practitioner, to correct yoga susilla for an hour. For whom the victorious rozmovyutsya mіzh kerіvnik and pіdleglim. The stench is carried out more importantly from specific meals: assignment of the head, yoga re-verification, conflict situation manifestation of the problem. The skin of these situations can be used to assess and develop the potential of a specialist.

3. Learning about collectivity merit for special respect in the context of encouraging the team. The main initial process for the development of the mechanism of collectiveness is a working process, and as a teacher, a kerivnik, who is guilty of all the bachiti and the most important rank of response, vihodyachi from the norms adopted by the collective. In addition, discussions, discussions, conversations, general analysis (without harsh criticism) of collective work - all the same, we can serve to consolidate the new rules and norms of behavior.

4. Style of collective work. In friendly, practical teams, a special style of work is being created. Yogo characterize:

    vіdkritіst that honesty y splkuvanni one with one;

    zdatnіst constructively criticize and listen to criticism;

    zdatnіst go to the camp of other colleagues, chi empathy;

    bazhannya changes itself visibly to the point of being viroblen by a group of rules;

    recognition and acceptance of the propositions of how to improve the work;

    willingness to compromise.

The activity of the team is humming:

Kerіvnik, a kind of virishiv to form a team, followed vicorist of different styles in the fallow in the situation, and the style of kerіvnitstva is guilty of following the global norms and international standards, yak buli viroblenі kolektiv. But in the future, be a successful leader, you will be the one whose style manifests itself as a turbota about choice, about the task of the team, so (not less than the world) a tendency to support victories, a turbota about the consumption of people.


A constant search for the optimal formation of the collective and the special, the whole and the private, the supple and the individual lie at the basis of the formation of any collective.

Entertaining to the prisoners of a crawler, the core is guilty of the diviner, the seduced people, to come in the coolers of the Kolektiv, the rod no stir yak ovkovnnya (htos kimos control), Skilki Yak Socialnism, and the mechanism of self -organism is self -defended. that self-ordering. It is connected with tse scho, that the collectivity was not the posture of the collective, but in the middle of it, among the people, the yoga of the warehouse.

Pobudov's team - the whole process, which consists of low changes, like stages are not clearly separated. Moreover, it is not the pose that stinks, but in the middle of the process of management that self-regulation. Otherwise, it seems that the change of the rules of the grey is due at the hour of the grey itself, and the team - not schos, given to the beast, but a bag, to some extent the paths of transformations, assessments, corrections and new transformations, which are often accompanied by a blast of a kerіvnik, a private worker. perekonannya.

Oleksandr Gaponenko, Doctor of Economics, Professor,
Head of the Department of General and Special Management of the Russian Academy of State Service under the President of the Russian Federation.

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