What names are suitable for Paul to send. Tlumachenny name: Pavlo. When Pavlo was born

Name meaning

Pavlo is a volodar of a super-smart nature, who, if he goes out of his mind with a wild mind, can draw them into a devil's adventure, and help them to get out of a twisted camp.

Kindness, chuynist and broadness of this person may be found among his own people, wanting to cross the norms of morality and morality for the benefit of his own wines.

Zagalo calm, gruntovny, conservative and few closures in his own Pavlo - the specialty of a non-abyak and a cicava, in a new way it’s a mystery, you want to guess.

Characteristics of the name Pavlo

Zimovy Pavlo - A cheerful and warm man. Vіn mає impersonal talents, yakі іz satisfaction demonstrating otochuyachim. While there are no traces of Marnoslavism in the new, proud of hisism, it’s just fitting for you to bestow laughter and joy on people (want and solemn respect is also to bring you additional “bonuses” at the sight of their acquaintances and love). But all the same, if necessary, wintering Pavlo the merry and balakusha transforms into a serious business man which can easily be written as a task.

Spring Pavlo sensitive and soft, win close to the heart, take someone else's grief, with which you can work all kinds of fallow, to help people in її bіdі. Vіdkritiy і chesny, to that people often go to hell to try to solve those other problems. May Pavlo and beautiful oratorical skills, zavdyaky as a successful lawyer or politician. Just don’t forget about yourself in tests to help others.

Summer Pavlo diplomatic, respectful and calm. It is not authoritative for Yomu to praise an unimportant decision dictated by emotions. At their children's vines, they are left with a healthy mind. This man is like a woman, even if he is nice, gallant and courteous. It is not surprising that the summer Pavlo has a reputation of being a companion and a ladies' man, but he is the head of honest women and he does not pretend to be false, and he does not claim to become an ideal sim'yanin.

Osinny Pavlo the sound of planning your future, moreover, the wines are trying to work all kinds of fallow fields, so that nothing will start up long-range plans. Youmu is far away romantic, even if the sound is really marvellous in speech. Tolerance and virility of that person help you competently vibuduvat kar'єru and know happiness family life, well, mind you, that this team of mothers has a calm and vr_vnovozheny character.

Kamin - a talisman

The stone of Paul is venerated by the rubin, which symbolizes power, success, kindness and greatness.

Ancient people appreciated that this stone helps to do evil spells, fight with fear, gain strength, normalize sleep, improve appetite and raise mood.

In Europe, the ruby ​​is distinguished by goodness, strength, honor, gentry, beauty and grandeur.

In a similar tradition, this stone symbolizes life energy, kohannya, as well as the strength of that health.

In Russia, the rubin was valued as a stone, which relieves fears and gives honesty to their ruler.

Facts! The ruby ​​adds love to women (the energy of the building stone is not only to ignite the fire of love, but also to lighten the half-light), just as we give people self-confidence and masculinity.

Important! You can’t wear a ruby ​​with a ruby ​​forever, you take away the shards of wine from your sack rich energy. Cream of that, tsey expensive stone It is not recommended to be worn by zhorst and despotic people, the shards of the wines will strengthen the negative vibes.




The planets that help Paul are Mercury and Pluto (you can read about them in the article "Elements, planets and numbers in the life of people").



Creature - a symbol

Creatures, yakі opіkuyutsya Pavel, tse krasnopyrka і vzhe.


This freshwater fish symbolizes strength, gentry, purity and success in all undertakings.

Likewise, a red fox can indulge in a predilection, only such that it does not go over the edge.

Already it symbolizes preoccupation, strife, impudence, deceit and cunning (and it does not matter to those who are more importantly serpents speak of wisdom and kindred).


Pavel's totems - aster, gorobina and fox pea.


In ancient Greece, the aster symbolized a wider kohanna, which is not afraid of everyday change.

In China, this flower is celebrated with beauty, all beauty lies in elegance, femininity, enchantment and obov'yazkovo modesty.

In Russia, the aster was slowly considered a symbol of confusion, the reason for which is the impossibility of ascending to heaven. Tse ticket of hope, which was not destined to be taken.


Gorobina, which symbolizes wisdom, has always been crowned with a special posh in Russia: it was thought that the very growth with brown fruits for health was created to bring joy to the house and recognize all things. To that rubat the gorobin was suvoro harrowed.

In addition, gorobin were attributed to magical power zavdyaki yakim can bulo neutralize magic that be-any negative injection.

At the same time, the gorobina was respected as a symbol of self-reliance and resilience (not only that, it is important for bushes of the gorobina to grow on the same tree, but also the berries of the її sprout more than after severe frosts).

In Russian poetry, a bright-red gorobina was sleeping like a hard-working woman, whose life has spent the sense, to that in it there is no place for mutual coercion. At one time, in folklore, the gorobina added happiness, good luck, the world is that family happiness.

Fox Pea

Lіschina (or forest mountain) protects from evil forces, promotes roaming vigor and gives life energy.

Our forefathers believed that by slicing the fruits of the forest pea, you can know wisdom, discover the unknown and strengthen your intuition. Fox gore is a symbol of justice, reconciliation and poetic inspiration.

Tsіkavy fact! Virobi z tsogo sacred tree it is impossible to bestow upon unknown and unfamiliar people, the shards of the forest are good at picking up ailments and curses from their own, after which they pass it on to their new sergeant.

If you want to get the world from your budinok, happy that luck, then you can make a simple amulet, for which it’s enough to string peas on a red thread, after which you are so self-confidently we’ll be able to hang at the budinok.


Aluminum - metal, which is described by Paul and symbolizes order, stability, calmness in looks, arrogance and unsightliness.

nice day

It's time for rock

Pokhodzhennya named after Pavlo

Translation of the name

From the Latin movie named after Pavlo, it is translated as "malyuk", "small", "small".

History of the name

Im'ya Pavlo sounds like the Latin yak "Paulus" - it used to be the name of children who were born later for all in their homeland.

It is impossible not to say about those who in Latin families were most often given sons by their father, to those who were given the prefix "paulus" before the son's name, which in translation means "small".

On the territory of Russia, the name of Pavlo came from Byzantium, just like this swedish popularization and the expansion of St. Peter and Pavlo, shanovani words.

Forms (analogues) name

The most widely used forms of the name Pavlo: Pavlik, Pasha, Pava, Pavlusha, Pavlunya, Panya, Pashenka, Pashka, Pavlukha, Palya, Pakha, Pashechka, Pavlo, Pavel, Pavka, and also Pashuta, Pavlusya, Pavlyuk and Pashok.

Mystery named after Pavlo

Patrons of the name

  • Youth Pavlo the Byzantine.
  • Martyr Pavlo of Caesarea (chi Palestine).
  • Rev. Pavlo Komelsky (abo Obnorsky).
  • Patriarch and Hieromartyr Paul I of Constantinople.
  • Martyr Pavlo Korinfsky.
  • Rev. Pavlo the Corinthian.
  • Bishop-confessor Pavlo Neokesariysky.
  • Martyr Pavlo Lampsatsky.
  • Patriarch Pavlo Novy (Constantinople).
  • Rev. Pavlo of Latrisky.
  • Bishop-confessor Pavlo Nikeisky.
  • Apostle Pavlo Pershoverkhovny.
  • Rev. Pavlo the Rumorous (Sacred).
  • Rev. Pavlo Preprostiy.
  • Bishop-confessor Pavlo Prusiadsky.
  • Hegumen and Hieromartyr Pavlo of Sinai.
  • Martyr Paul of Ptolemais.
  • Samіtnik Pavlo Fіveisky (or Egyptian).
  • Martyr Pavlo.
  • Martyr Pavlo the African.
  • Venerable Martyr Pavlo.
  • Martyr Pavlo of Russia.
  • Martyr Pavlo Vilensky.
  • Venerable Martyr Pavlo Garejiysky.
  • Martyr Pavlo Kayumsky.
  • Metropolitan Pavlo Tobolsky.
  • Rev. Pavlo Xiropotamsky.
  • Martyr Pavlo of Damascus.
  • Venerable Martyr Pavlo Zografsky.

Angel Day (name day)

Sіchen: 5th, 6th, 17th, 23rd, 27th, 28th and 30th.

Lyuty: 2nd, 6th, 16th, 26th and 29th.

Berezen: 1st, 3rd, 17th, 20th, 23rd, 29th and 30th.

Kviten: 9, 19 and 29 numbers.

Traven: 10, 16 and 31 numbers.

Worm: 1st, 4th, 10th, 14th, 16th, 21st and 23rd.

Lipnya: 4th, 9th, 11th, 12th, 14th, 20th and 29th.

Serpen: 10, 12 and 30 numbers.

Veresen: 3rd, 5th, 10th, 12th, 17th and 23rd.

Zhovten: 7th, 8th, 16th, 17th, 21st and 23rd.

Leaf fall: 2nd, 4th, 11th, 16th, 19th and 20th.

Breast: 5th, 8th, 11th, 20th, 26th, 28th and 29th.

The legend about im'ya Pavlo

Christians honor the holy Apostle Paul, who is rightfully respected by one of the most important followers of Christ's Church.

Saint Paul the Jew, whose right is the Jewish name Saul, the right of the Roman hulk. Vіn started at Tarsi and Rusalim, getting ready to plant a rabin. Saul buv is not only familiar with pagan culture, ale and mav the glory of the zealot of the Pharisees' retellings, so that he acted as a persecutor of the faith of Christ. So, to you, it was officially given that he allowed the Christians to follow the posture of Palestine, and to Damascus, on the path of which the Lord hung Saul with light, in the sight of which she was blinded. Jesus spoke to him. It is marvelous that Saul's companions also heard the voice of Christ, even though they did not see the light.

Arriving in Damascus, the blinded Saul recognized the faith of Christ, and at the hour of the baptism he saw the light, which made him a zealous preacher of Christianity.

The hatred and hatred of the people, as if they were overwhelmed by the beasts of Saul before Christ, embarrassed the preacher to flow to Jerusalem (in the same place, he didn’t just come to the bulk of the believers, but he got to know the apostles).

St. Pavlo richly mandruva, schob to convey to the greater number of people the word of God. Vіn buv in Antioch, Athens, Ephesus, in Cyprus and the Philippines, in Іkonії, Lystra, as well as Dervії, Thessalonica and Virі, de priyav pobudovі christian communities.

At Jerusalem, the Apostle Pavlo was arrested at 59 roci, and after two roki vlasniy bazhannyam like a Roman hulk buv vіdpravleny to Rome, de mav stand before the court of Caesar. Distance to Rome, youmu was only far away until the 62nd year, having spent the shards of wine at the ship's accident.

Little is known about the distant share of the Apostle Paul. According to one version, yoga was spent following the decree of Nero in 64 rotations. However, in the second version, for some reason, after the court approval, it was called, after which I again increased the price of Skhid.

The Apostle Paul wrote 14 systematized Christian epistles, which are inspired by the naming self-confidence and penetratingness.

Vіdomі people

Famous artists on im'ya Pavlo:

  • Pavel Priluchny;
  • Pavlo Chukhrai;
  • Pavlo Kadochnikov;
  • Pavlo Molchanov;
  • Pavlo Luspekaev.

Pavlo Volya - Russian TV presenter and participant in the TV project Comedy Club.

Pavlo Durov - Russian entrepreneur, who is one of the creators of social media "VKontakte".

Emperor Pavlo I - Son of Catherine the Great, driven in the hour of the palace coup.

Pavlo Bazhov - Radyansky writer and kazkar.

Pavlo Nakhimov - Radyansky naval commander and admiral.

Pavlo Dry - Radyansky aircraft designer.

Pavlo Florensky - Russian scholar, religious philosopher and theologian.

Pavlo Tretyakov - Russian entrepreneur and philanthropist who fell asleep at the Tretyakov Gallery.

Pavlo Kogan - Russian conductor.

Pavlo Bure - Vіdomy Russian hockey player, who played for the club "CSKA".

Pavlo Globa - Russian astrologer and seer.

Pavlo Lungin - Russian director.

Pavlo Popovich - Radyansky pilot-cosmonaut.

The meaning of the name Pavlo

For kids

Little Pasha is kind, eagle-eyed, chuyny, and very affectionate to his family. Vіn іz zadovolennyam helping fathers, as well as young brothers and sisters. It is not for nothing that yoga is often called a little man, even though all yoga is comprehended and logical.

The company's one-liners are active, comradely and energetic, but you can't call him a desert. Navpaki, vіn obov'yazkovo to encourage your friends in vіd vyvіvok, yakі mаy mаy mаtnіnіnіnі nasledki. And the axis of fun and safety come in handy, to develop your imagination, you will always sing.

Often, Paul's arrogance, politeness, and prudence of Pavel take a line that does not seem to show activity: like and be-yak, another child won’t be surprised by a special practice, but if Pasha wants to do it right, then get better.

Whose boy cannot be called a sit-down, who does not respect you well, especially if you are hoarding the object of yoga. It is important that Pavlik is able to synthesize information, and to make the process of learning easy and accessible. Achieve success in learning to respect modesty and filthiness, with such guilt you can fight.

Pavlo is good-natured, generous and chuyny, it is easy to talk to him, which helps him to make friends. From this lad, start a cicavo, even if the blame is not beyond fate, and to that, you can encourage Rozmov on a matter of fact.

For podlitka

Pavlo, who has grown up, is a harmonious nature, calm and kind. Vin practical and modest, good-natured and chuyny, chim and call people to himself. It is important that this young man is able to speak widely, and that, unfortunately, is rarely spoken among modern youth, as they think exclusively about themselves and their own interests.

For consumption, Pasha will help you not only with good joy, but with the right (you are close to know that you can swear on the new one and in the mustache).

Ale! You can bring the newly-married Paul with you, and then a right rebel is thrown into the new, which reacts sharply to any injustice that comes across. The impulsiveness and agility of this young man can stir up a new vindictive and vengeful person, especially if he will be spared by a friendly or batkivska pіdtrimka.

It is necessary to say that in his youth Pavlo attached great respect to the creation of his individual image, which would not be similar to another. Vіn pragne do not do well on otochuyuchih good vrazhennya, and for whom the new one has all the inclinations - tact, empathy, charisma and vіdmіnne pochutya humor. And the axis of magic to overcome yoga has no sense, Pasha respects the oskolki for himself as an ideal person, as if he had built himself.

For a person

Irrespective of those who cannot be called a grown-up Pavel a volodar of a light character, it is easy to communicate with him, even if he is balanced, accommodating, intellectually reluctant and diplomatic. Until then, you won’t be able to topple everything in warmth, which is important when making good contact with people. Z'yasuvannya stosunkіv that bringing one's thoughts do not get any person, who has the will to spend the hour more rationally, but to help themselves, whoever needs it rightly.

Human foolishness, impudence, that hisism is the sound of a generous Paul, who always does justice and generously. And yet, this person has his own shortcomings, among them molts, transcendent vimility and suspicion.

The grown-up Pavel cannot be called a prominent specialty - on the other hand, he is especially not seen among the restless. Not only that, transcendental respect, to which guilt is so broken in youth, in a grown-up life it can be brought to the point where the guilt closes.

It’s important to pay the blows of the prince of his name, even after giving wine - a perfectionist, for whom everything is important, for which wine is taken, work is ideal. But all the same, Pavlo belongs to the same category of people, as if he can stand against all life's negativity.

Description of the name Pavlo


Pavlo is fair and moral, even though he can rebel against the norms of morality, as if he were declaring a solid benefit. With this friend, do not cheer for the everyday furnishing.


Pavel's health is to finish the mitzne, as if he were chasing his immunity behind the camp.

Ale! This disruption of the exchange of speech can cause problems associated with the work of the herbal tract, and lead to obesity.


Pavlo - nature is chutteva that chuina. Vіn gallant and vvіchlivy to the representatives of the beautiful state, like trying to win the respect of the calm, arrogant and vrіvnovazhenny man.

Love in the life of Paul takes a great place, for that which will require affection, tenderness, and pikluvannya. I will respect that shukatima, I will give that woman a woman, as I can melt her heart with kindness.

It is important for Pavel that the woman learned yoga and did not try to reshape it in her own way, even if in the skin of the new stoks of the wines she whispers not a girl-embellishment, but a girl-team, so that you can share joy and grief with him. For such an image, I myself will become a romantic kohanim, a biased kokhan, and a strange man.

The evil heat can be played with merriment and praised by Pavel, and his trustfulness, which the cunning woman can speed up.


Pavlo wants and respects your own head with this, but always listen to the thought of your squad, as you really pick it up, make friends with it, first, better, in a different way, don’t start for kokhanny, that you don’t care about creating a happy homeland .

It is necessary to say that Pasha rarely swears at separation, so that it feels like a cold between friends, that’s the difference.

Shlyub for Pavel is a quiet and calm island, on which everything is stable, there is no storm of predilections.

Family Vіdnosiny

Pavlo quiveringly, with the warmth of that love, is placed before his homeland. Vіn zavzhda help the retinue of that children, wanting to rob it in such a way that they don’t suddenly suspect yogo of being guilty of a pidkabluchnik. If you don’t mind, if the squad itself took on all the household trouble.

Pavel's team can be not only a sensible woman, but a beautiful kohanka, otherwise it is possible that a person is satisfied with his sexual bazhan "on the side" (although the team does not know about his harm). You can't beat your other half for the sake of it.

Irrespective of closeness, Pasha loves to go to visit and accept friends, even in his life and there are so few savory spirits that they allow you to take care of them on a daily basis.

And more: Pavel's retinue will have to stock up on patience, even if the person is resourceful, smart and irritable.


Pavlo is a sensitive man, generous that lower kohanets, who is ready to do everything for his kokhan wife. In the nourishment of an intimate life, wines give a lot of respect to dribnitsy: romantic atmosphere, comfort, lightness. And it’s completely natural, even for Paul sex is a world of peace, for whom everything can be ideal.

For Pavel, who in young people knows how to endure a boisterous sexual life, it’s important that the partner understood this banter without swearing words and went to their hearts. And the axis of the rude body of the salt does not calm the hairdresser of his name.

Rozum (intellect)

Pavlo is a hero of great memory, rich in intelligence, but all the same, the mind of that person is somewhat passive (you can immediately correctly assess the situation, but if you don’t go to a decisive action, you can promise success of the planned undertaking).


For Pavel, there is nothing impossible, even if he is arrogant, vidpovidalny, honest and just. The only one who can cross you into the reach of the set goal is the natural line, with which it is necessary to fight.

Calm, hopeful, that good-natured Pavlo can know himself zastosuvannya in any sphere. Colleagues sympathize with the warm-hearted person, who, at the same time, needs to put his shoulder on his shoulder. The authorities will appreciate the talent of this person, his arrogance and work ethic, everything is perfect.

Z Pavel was a good journalist, a good mathematician of science, a talented teacher and a prime banker. To the soul of your profession, which transfers the possibility of an additional income, even the pennies themselves increase the mass of opportunities, both for work (especially for work in the hands of the authorities), and for a full-time work.


If Pavlo is able to mend his line, then he will be a good businessman. For those who are a pure conscience of ambition, you will rightly be in such a position that your income will go to everything you need, but not more (expensive cars, exotic tours and gold adorn not with objects of yoga).


Pavel's smut is a mystic. Vin reads exoteric literature, cackling to all the unknown and unreasonable. In addition, Pasha is a lover of raising prices, moreover, having acquired a family, he does not forget about his hobby.

Type of character


Calm and vrіvnovazheny zvnі Pavlo lives on even richer inner life, oskolki may see. Vіn zdatny for sacrifice, but in hope for those who, until now, should be supplied like that.

Vlasnik of his name, all his emotions are tormented by masquerading for delicacy and empathy, for those who are afraid of being stunned and disappointed.

Pavlo does not like to quarrel and join in philosophical discussions, it’s easier to join, let emotions take the mountain over the mind. And the axis of a productive dialogue in a comfortable environment is like this. Zagalom Pasha is a man who is ready to compromise.


Paul has a well-described intuition, which helps him to come to his senses in public.

Horoscope named after Pavlo

Pavlo - Aries

This person has a super-temperamental character, who has to fight with himself every day. So, from one side, the wines are heavy to the sovereignty of independence, and from the other side, the glory of that ignominious knowledge collapses.

If Pavlo-Aries cannot know spiritual jealousy, then he cannot reach either one or the other. Help Pavel in reaching goals, you can be smart, a strange and patient woman, you are ready to forget about your high ambitions for the sake of the ambitious ideas of Paul-Aries.

Pavlo - Taurus

The head of Pavel-Taurus's rice is not vapid. Vіn ґruntovnyy, poignant and scrupulous (something transcendental), to that adventurous and risky enterprise should be bypassed. Before accepting, whether there is any decision in the future, I think, calling all the pluses and minuses. The confidence of Paul-Taurus is also manifested in women and women: they doubt the correctness of the broken choice and their readiness to be serious women.

Pavlo - Twins

Visionary, ambitious and principled, Pavlo-Bliznyuki copes with the anger of a pihat and cold person, who puts himself better for others. Yogo criticism, straightforwardness and irony can hurt those who feel sicker. hello for such negative traits Pavli-Bliznyuky has a quarrelsome and quarrelsome nature, like a real love, affection, tenderness and a rose, like you can give him a truly loving woman.

Pavlo - Cancer

Suspicious, mistrustful, wary and mistrustful Pavlo-Rak succumbs to the sight of lonely, shards do not believe in the width of people. Irrespective of those who require understanding, caresses and warmth, Pavlo-Rak is absolutely not ready to respond to those who try to lend a helping hand to him. Bring the isolation of a person to selfishness and depression. Until then, it’s easy for you to be able to see the opposite statue.

Pavlo - Leo

The authoritarian and impulsive Pavlo-Lev behind the feigned baiduzhistyu and fearlessness how inconsistency and fearfulness. Nedbalism and rozv'aznist, with some faults splinter with people, less wise, only wiser Pavlo-Lev is too pizno. With women, this person is biased and rude at the same time, just as if he had shown tenderness of guilt, he was taken for a negligent weakness. It is not easy to live with such a tyrant.

Pavlo - Diva

Vivacious, serious, and intellectually, Pavlo-Virgo's explanations are critically placed before people. Vіn is powerful and to himself, and to otochuyuchih, to be with him, be it like a vіdshennya - it's not an easy task. For this person, everything can be ideal and strictly planned, starting with a working schedule and ending with the order of family life. Getting along with such a pedant is far from a skin woman.

Pavlo - Terezi

Vitonchenie, mannered and abbreviated Pavlo-Terezi even befits women. Especially roztashovuyt to a new such vibrancy like timidity and rubbishness: whether it be rudeness, whether it be gluzuvannya to injure one kindly and strange heart. The conscience of the wife of Pavlo-Terezi bent and ruined, through which she is very worried. And darma, even from that sorom's irritating and timid person, a miracle person, who cherishes his homeland, will come out.

Pavlo - Scorpio

Courageous, but at the same time, secretive and indefatigable, Pavlo-Scorpio is clearly sensible in public, the will of the Trimatis was given to them. Vіn not only to sip all the nedolіki people, ale and obov'yazkovo on them at the first drop when you ate. And the axis of one’s own wads is absolutely not mentioned by the person, by which a few unkind people make money. A woman for Pavel-Scorpion is another way to assert oneself and no more.

Pavlo - Sagittarius

Fair, ambitious, ale of closures, Pavlo-Strelets is reluctant to converge with people, with whom, for the sake of evil and untruth, he is not guilty of building. You do not have the power to idealize people, so you do not try to reshape them. In his wife's wife, she appreciates the same femininity. Sim'ya for the new one is a good copy of work, like bringing happiness. Pavlo-Strelets is not a building for hell and bad.

Pavlo - Capricorn

Calm, good-natured and kind, Pavlo-Kozerig did not hesitate to stay at the center of respect. Navpaki, vin is completely satisfied with the role of posterigach. With women, he is fearful and unruly, he often does not dare to talk about his feelings, which can lead to the fact that yoga will be undivided. Ale, yakscho to Paul-Capricorn to go to seek reciprocity, in the camp the ideal person, Which in no way hurt.

Pavlo - Aquarius

Self-confidence, arrogance and ambition are attached to Pavel-Vodoliy, leadership qualities that help him in all spheres of life. Vіn not be afraid of difficulties, that without zayvih power take on the best things, and always bring your work to the end. To instill in women with women wines to love folded, to that one robs proud and impregnable partners, for the hand of which the heart of which happens to fight.

Pavlo - Ribi

The summation of the name of Paul with women's names

Pavlo and Olga

Vlasniki of these names love one alone, but most of all their life is not all at once for the creation of their motherland.

And the fault of the whole wall is unreasonable, as it stands between Olga and Pavel in the aftermath of their problems.

Pavlo ta Ganna

Tse partner union, for whom Anna and Pavlo think and act the same way, shards have a similar temperament. All work and family meals stink in full, their life has no room for secrets.

Pavlo and Olena

This couple does not know a bit what is lower, turbo, respect, non-turbo and sensibility. It is entirely logical that your family life is happy and prosperous in all aspects.
Olena - meaning of the name, adventure, characteristics, horoscope

Pavlo and Julia

Yuliya is impulsive not to like to accumulate negative emotions; With whom, Pavlo is ready to give in to Yuliya for the mind, that she will go to compromise.

Pavlo and Anastasia

In this optimistic couple, they can accept life in such a way that it is, with us, joys and blessings. Pavlo and Nastya set up bedrooms and fall down to them, no matter what.

Pavlo and Tetyana

Sincerity, rozuminnya, mutual trust and, obviously, love - the axis of those foundations, on which the union of Pavel and Tetyani is built. This spiritual closeness of the building is vitrimati be-yakі vyprobuvannya, including zadrіst and slanderous otochyuyuchih.

Pavlo and Katerina

Whose union is based on friendship, which doesn’t mean, that between Paul and that Katerina there is no swearing. It's just that they feel deep and rude, they don't have any predilection for the carelessness of youth.

Pavlo and Natalia

Tsі dvє shirі v vyavlennі svoїkh chuvtіv. Between them, there is no mystery of that incomprehension, that Pasha and Natasha may have a chance for those who create not only a little, but a bright tandem, which is alive with great interests.

Pavlo ta Marina

Pavlo for Marini is an ideal person, who is a support, hope, best friend, and a beautiful kokhan. To that Marina to rob everything that seems to lie, to become for him an ideal woman for all senses.

Pavlo and Maria

Yaskrava, that biased couple of Pavel and Mary often calls out to the lonely, for they cannot understand what this union is about, for whom the scandals do not pass without welding for a day, for sure, they will always end in reconciliation.

Pavlo and Svitlana

For Svitlana, Pavlo is a valuable partner, who is by no means known.

Pavlo, like Svitlana, do the right thing with this, in which case you can forget about all the life of unacceptability, which are waiting for us on the skin.

Pavlo and Christina

Rozvazhlivі, gruuntovnі and rozvazhlivі Pavlo and Khristina vіdmіnno go one to one for the character and emotional overtones. The result of such similarity is a long life and a happy family life.

Pavlo and Victoria

Romantic Victoria is able to know pidkhid to the practical Pavel, who transforms with strange curiosity into an imaginative philosopher, ready to give his kohanom the All-world.

Pavlo and Xenia

The unique tandem of Xenia and Pavel will often be in contrasts, even though insults may be absolutely different characters. For a year, partners call to the point that, in order to get away from welding, they have to close their eyes on a fraction of one another.

Pavlo and Yana

Mіzh Pavel and Yana panuyut warmly, in some kind of passions, which absolutely do not bother them, the shards of the outposts of family happiness stink in other categories - for example, in doviri, rosemary, kindness.

Pavlo and Alina

These two often weld, but their union confirms the fact that resentment can and wants to go on deeds, without such family life would have known collapse. Tse that vipadok, if it’s important to live at once, and it’s simply impossible to change your mind.

Pavlo and Evgenia

Pavlo that Eugenia miraculously complements one of one, between them panuє right harmony, so the differences in their stosunkas are very rare, that and ti blame it on the ground of other problems.

Pavlo ta Dar'ya

The modest and indefatigable Pavlo to get his soul mate from Dar'ya, to him he reports the maximum effort in order to win his trust in that heart. Darina simply cannot but reciprocate.

Pavlo and Irina

Practical, feisty, but with the will of Pavlo and Irina, she will be happy in her family, in which practicality and rationalism judge with ease and innocence of buttya.

Pavlo and Olesya

Olesya can’t keep the tongue behind his teeth, so let those who think what they think, don’t worry about the legacy. Pavel has no power to instigate impulsive attacks. Your union is capable, but for whom both should be patient.

Pavlo and Polina

The emotionality of Polina and the thoughtfulness of Paul allow this union to become not only happy, but also bright. Until then, two miraculously fit one to one at the same time intimately.

Pavlo and Alona

This is a super-friendly union, with such an energetic Olen you can play Paul's freedom. Only patience and care to save the hats can build the union, in which it is not uncommon to weld and misunderstandings.

Pavlo and Oleksandra

So understandable, as mutually intelligible, not knowing this emotional couple, Oleksandra cannot be active in this way with her turbulent emotions, for such a life - tse ruh. Pavlo does not catch up with the rhythm of his life, which he will lead to separation.

Pavlo and Nadia

Nadiya is the leader for the dacha, it’s up to him to destroy all kinds of fallow land, to take power to his own hands. Pavlo is not against such speeches;

I'm like the Latin word "paulus", which means "small".

Pavlo is a good and wonderful child. Vіn z great bazhanny help the mother to see the young brother and sister. Do not destroy the fence of grown-ups and perekonuvatim your friends do not overstep the bounds of what is permitted. In the last century, Pavel’s building up to spіvperezhivannya, svіvchutya more and more. People can trust you with their secret places. Pavlo is shy to philosophize and often chooses a profession according to his calm character. Colleagues in robotics appreciate Pavlo’s practicality, nadіynіst and zdatnіst whether it’s possible to come to the aid of comrades. Sweep your work in such a way that you don’t need to swear, you don’t need to fuss. Pavlo is constantly accelerating the possibility of earning additional pennies, but only if it does not vimagatime because of the destruction of a calm way of life. There is nothing bright and visible in the character of Pavel; Vіn not zdatny vіdchuvati pristrasnі that burhlivі pochuttya. I hope to help the squad at home, I attach great respect to the care of children. It is important to receive guests at your place as soon as possible, instead of visiting yourself. P'є Pavlo in the world, at the table do not show strong emotions.

Suitable for the blue: Vira, Dina, Katerina, Elizabeth, Zinaida, Maya, Seraphim, Sophia, Elvira.

Suitable men: Angelina, Daria, Natalia, Nina, Tetyana, Julia.

Red color.
Basic figures: will - intellect - activity - morality.
Type: people who wear the name of Pavlo, in one hand trim the dynamite, and in the other fuse, scarlet and whilini, who excite the mitt's reaction, seem to be: "Uvaga! Do not work anything rude." The stinks of the alarm clocks - stinks themselves to live their own lives, interests, navit kokhannya.
Psychic: only people with specific goals, that’s why, so you’ll always be able to create goals. Tolerant and able to check on the results of their work.
Will: a strong will allows them to become miraculous practitioners, it’s true, it’s only strong once, if the stink is in a burning mood.
Zbudlivist: supervichy zbudlivist to rob these people as rebels. It is impossible to say that the stench has an easy character.
Swiftness of reaction: react sharply, even if it’s slow. Buvayut vengeance, long lasting, then lagodzhuyut stosunki, but never forgive the image.
Activity: the stench is even more indulgent, but they show activity from some delays. Don’t hurry up, rather give them an idea that the skin can live according to its own rhythm.
Intuition is already strong. Їhnya dopitlivіst between zіkavіstyu.
Intellect: such people have a deep, but sometimes inert mind. To love and can cope with affection, to feel wonderfully like humor. Take them like they stink.
Receptiveness: strange, but at one time they can be bitter. It’s important to endure bad luck.
Morality: tsim people know that the stench may have the right to zdijsnyuvat vchinki, not zvazhayuchi on the mind of the otochyuchy. The stench of the stench of camaraderie is repulsed, the stink of the building of love, but they are smitten by the strength of others to confess their feelings. Strikes are experienced very importantly, especially moral failures. Do everything to perfection, and you can bring it to a catastrophe.
Health: as long as they stink with enthusiasm, they will feel healthy, but if they fall into pessimism, everything will collapse. Weak muscles - vestibular apparatus and hearing.
Sexuality: they often look like people, they think less about the spiritual, they are possessed by the demon of sensitivity, they have to muffle the moral chi of the religious world. It is even more important to writhe their tverezy pіdkhіd to the sphere of human life.
Field of activity: to love classical sciences, wanting to splurge on language. From them there are distinguished administrators and lawyers. To squawk with everything that is connected with oratory, so often become practitioners of radio and television.
Communication: at the interface of intelligence. To love my family and children.
Dodatkovo: Pavlov’s squads are guilty of angelic patience, to blame their accustomed respect.

Sexuality named after Pavlo

Pavlo to follow for his zovnistyu, to be smartly dressed, to have a new manner of manners, - in a word, to you to enchant women. Vіn generous and lagіdny kohanets, lower and biased. Pavlo whispering to myself a woman, but in a new miraculous intuition, and vіn vіdchuvaє, like a woman can see yoga.

Vіn put love high, but nіyaka nіyaka nіyaka nіypalkіsha love will not yoma in the backyard on the way to the kar'єri. For the achievement of the bazhan’s mark of the wines of the building, it is necessary to look at one’s own mind, to inspire it to threaten one’s self-sufficiency.

Pavlo is jealous, but he doesn’t show his feelings, he feels guilty about himself. The infidelity of the squad does not forgive, having learned about the danger, mercilessly breaks the ties.

At the house they have a squad - but only at the house.

In his youth, Pavlo led a raging sexual life, trying to bring himself to his sexual abilities. At the new one, bad luck is trapping, the authorities are wealthy people, and yet there is a tragedy. Pavlo is shy to the level of neurosis. Vіn vrazlivy and in intimate closeness to you it's important, so that the woman understood his bazhannja, went to him nazustrich, and did not blame him with sexual behavior.

Pavlo is kind-hearted, to love human warmth, in the new one, it is more aesthetically pleasing, vin nada great value the situation, in which there is yoga zustrich from a woman: quiet music, soft light, beds at the vase on the table. Pavel is a stranger rude carnal nasolodi, wines of the lower and lagniy.

For a new physical proximity is important and in love, won't necessary mental harmonious family vіdnosin. It’s like yogo, it’s almost as if you’ll die before the squad, you’ll start to shukati your own wife - “for the soul.”

"Winter" Pavlo, groaning, becoming impulsive, non-streaming. Vіn eloquent, but yogo romani rarely bring you satisfaction. Pavlo makes friends with each other, yoga hats from love often at the same time become a hat from a rose.

With what names is it best to be friends, to decide whom to love Paul by name? Culture has a broader idea about the summation of the vibrations of names. Especially the summation of the human and female names calls for the greatest interest. Instead, names collide one by one, and not people exchange energy that they experience at the same time, happiness, anger, develop together.

What is my name

Im'ya tse sound, zmist, association. That is information and vibration. Energetic hvilya that іnformatsiyny seredok in the collective unseen.

All obsyag іnformatsiї z kakim lyudina ototozhnyuє i yaky then put pressure on the unseen character of the person.

Vibration-information code of the name of the name as a single detail in the electric lantern (unknown programs and structure). As soon as the detail is framed correctly, the whole scheme becomes tighter, more polished.

The organism already conducts not 1 kW of energy, but 5 kW or 10 kW is permissible. If it is wrong, then the exhaustion of the whole organism is reduced to 0.5 kW, and the speed of development, reaching the goals is obviously improved.

With the right approach to nourishment, I imbue a person with the strength of that support, becoming a personal mantra. Ale im'ya not to talk about the whole electromagnetic device, about me as a whole.

Im'ya that share

Chi do not im'ya sign a share. Im'ya koriguє in "+" or "-" Danish type of national character. І chi share easier (polypshyuchi character) chi nі. Therefore, for different people, the same names themselves - to shy away.

My name is the same instrument, which is poured on me. Aje me is called tsim im'yam. I will honor myself with names. І etc.

Por_vnyuvati porivnyanne, but chi not liters with volts. The summation of the interdependence of character structures (date and place of birth, dosvіd past lives, crystallization of yakos). I don't set the character, I create the structure for the character of my spy for a unique program. That is the food for them and the sum of the food chains from the different flats.

By indicating the number of the name

Behind the number of the booth it is impossible to tell who is alive in the new one. Different people hang around there. Also, for the number, the name is hovayutsya
dozens of names and millions of different people. On which basis can you draw a boundary and a high-precision level? Adzhe navit people of the people in one day and a year to find different characters and shares. I have been repeatedly confirmed.

And then let’s instill in you, as if you were careful, as if you could bear the same name, it’s necessary to know that one of them will make your skin color with your own color. The person is a rich collection of evils, and it is impossible to say that you will be a person who only knows his name. A person can signify an infusion, but for a new name, it’s just a good point for analyzing a folding structure of characteristics and auras, and not the final area of ​​analysis.

Pavlo that confusion with women's names. There are a lot of people, but few names. True less.

It is even easier to give a deep, abstract description, a kind of mistimation of the entire potential of problems and insights. Yak in the horoscope of the newspapers. It is more folded to give a real assessment of the summation of people of a certain type, equanimity, such a summity.

Pavlo and BE-YAKE zhіnoche im'ya- it’s possible, it’s possible, it’s vinikne, in a different way for you and in an hour, it will change and it will be different. It’s possible to change your life quickly, otherwise you don’t get stuck.

Pavlo and Adelina (noble)
Pavlo and Olena (sleepy)
Pavlo and Alina (alien)
Pavlo ta Alla (selfish)
Pavlo and Anastasia (resurrected)
Pavlo ta Angelina (angel)
Pavlo and Angela (angelic)
Pavlo ta Ganna (grace)
Pavlo ta Valentina (healthy)
Pavlo and Valeria (strong)
Pavlo and Veronica (what to bring victory)
Pavlo ta Victoria (victory)
Pavlo and Galina (calm)
Pavlo ta Darina (wife)
Pavlo ta Diana (divine)
Pavlo and Evgenia (gentry)
Pavlo and Katerina (immaculate)
Pavlo ta Olena (defeated)
Pavlo and Elizaveta (shane of God)
Pavlo ta Zhanna (gift of God)
Pavlo ta Inna (a grumpy sweat)
Pavlo ta Irina (svіt)
Pavlo that Khristina (baptized)
Pavlo and Xenia (alien)
Pavlo ta Larisa (seagull)
Pavlo and Lilia (quote)
Pavlo ta Lyubov (love)
Pavlo that Lyudmila (dear to people)
Pavlo ta Margarita (perlina)
Pavlo ta Marina (marine)
Pavlo and Maria (girka)
Pavlo ta Nadiya (nadiya)
Pavlo and Nastya (resurrected)
Pavlo and Natalia (Ridna)
Pavlo ta Nina (ruler)
Pavlo and Oksana (living room)
Pavlo and Olesya (husband)
Pavlo and Olga (holy)
Pavlo ta Polina (provisnitsa)
Pavlo and Svitlana (light)
Pavlo ta Tetyana (principal)
Pavlo and Yuliya (fluffy)
Pavlo ta Yana (goddess of the sun)

It’s even easier to disguise the interpretation of “wisdom” whether there are any names under a more blatant interpretation - it’s possible, it’s possible, it’s vinikne, in a different way for you, and in an hour it will change and it will be different. It’s possible to change your life quickly, otherwise you don’t get stuck. (div. Barnum effect)

Chi is not a person for a name, but a name for a person. Talk to people

People feel sympathy not for the sound of a name. And no matter how comfortable you are, all at once. What kind of exchange of energies, capacities, and spirits occurs between you? What you can do one in one.

Marvel at how many different people with the same names. Likewise, similar people with different names are called.

The summation of names is a magnificent pardon, as if I erased all the inner light of a person, I will correct nature. І to reduce to a simple number the numbers of one authority, without devouring the essence of the people. І those, which effect may be on a specific person and in a certain order, the influence of the name on the character.

De zarito real madness

The summation of people needs to be shukat at the linkage of constructs of characters, auras. And if we believe on the surface and want to call hundreds of people to a melodic digital expression of names, then we don’t think that in people it’s the same name. Yak pov'yazane im'ya that character tsієї people.

Sumіsnіst іmen tse theater of pardon shadows. What a misunderstanding and introduce into the understanding of the essence of the interaction of people with incorrect scenarios of the interaction of special tools for self-regulation (names).

How to pervert people into confusion for names?

So just like the sum of partners in the world of socks. Anyone will have a healthy eye and more, even more scarves, we pick them up for ourselves, comfort and stability. And not to the one that loving and unknown people named us after, not knowing the traces of that name’s contribution to the share of that character.

In order to really evaluate the summation of people, it is necessary to unify the superficial data, taken from the “numbers of the name”, and to begin to work out the interplay behind the characters of the auras.

Mystery of reality

It is necessary to start looking at the food chain from the side of the individual design of people.

In humans, as a bioenergetic construction, the form and cost of such a thing is framed by impersonal factors such as:

Hour, date of that city of people– tse injection of astrology
Accumulation dosvіd- tse vpliv karmi tsyogo and past lives
Riven crystallization– development of the chakra system of channels

It is possible to show that a person is a folding, spacious, geometric figure, like a puzzle of a unique shape. This figure is wrong in terms of symmetry and geometry - edges, surfaces, consistency, gaps vary in the middle of the figure. Apparently, energy flows differently through different houses. Fallow in the purity of that stage of crystallization of the delyanok, the strum can flow well, it is difficult or it will swell-cork. As a result, in general, such an individual design conducts energy with a singing swidkistyu and a singing yakistyu.

The leader of the people, with a glance of evolution, polagaє at the thorough transformation of their design. With the method of passing the figure of divine energy without any difficulties, that support. Such a meta is unknown for the obviousness of the serious “shortness and unevenness” of the figures in the same pattern, conceived by the divine non-repeated form.

For this task, it is necessary to "finish", to strengthen the part of the figure, or to tidy up, clean it. It is possible to develop self-development in various ways: practices, meditation, prayers, austerities, reading and comprehending necessary literature, lithotherapy, medicine, neuro-linguistic programming, self-analysis, self-discipline, work with the maistrom, zastosuvannya of weak tools for those summaries. . In this context, there is a variety of summaries.

In the context of our metaphor, the description of the construction of a person, confusion manifests itself when two people are known in one space, whose constructions fit and stick as much as possible one to one, neither fit one to one rich puzzles. So one or a few of the faces of one design maximally or ideally complements a part of the other design, compensating for other people's failures with their bulges, or smoothing out other people's bulges with their failures.

equal summancy. Mutuality and variety of summaries

Sumіsnіst can be on different equals:

On a sensitive level- There is joy, enthusiasm, inspiration.
physically- for example, it appears in sex
On the mental level– turn on the smart channel

Є rіznі rіvnі spoluchuvannosti, scho vіrіznyayutsya for yakіstyu koristyu.

Sense may be two and one-directed, may be mutually guided in equal, greater or lesser worlds, may be shoddy. All lay in the form of individual designs.

Complementary- Ideal success for the mind of equal merit. Zagalom people feel more harmonious at once, lower skin is fine for itself. Yaks "zatikannya" dirok one of one.

Generation of one and a few yakos, I will become (automatic) - when 2 people are known, the field of one of one will automatically generate the singing capacity or I will become.

Anti-success- Skoda of both designs right up to the bottom. Interaction of constructions is ruining, suppressing the development. The solution for this situation is to rise up, distance yourself from each other physically and get attuned. Buvay, for the love of feelings of chi z obov'yazku sіm'ї, and navіt roboti, nurture the need for interbreeding people. In such a mood, it is necessary to turn to good fahіvtsіv from the selection of amulets, right (in terms of Castanedi - magical pasіv, in yogіch terms - assan, crіy), mandalas, stones and other additional zvnіshnіh objects, yakі zgladzhuvali. But all the same, it’s better to live together, as it didn’t work out smoothly.

One-sided summation- Only one person can see mutuality. Separate:
zі shkoda one z bet - іnshmu vzaєmodіya shkіdly.
without shkodi for anyone else - another person is not ugly, a waste of time in terms of energy growth.
For the first (and ideally, in both types) the solution is to wake up - to open up and not to sing more.

Group happiness- Up for 3 and more osib.

Karmic happiness- Zv'yazok for vіddachi borg, scho narodzhuє she delivers "radist" and bring to the light camp.

Vіdkrittya channel- If in one person the open channel is open, then with the interaction with it, the other total, through the rest of the same, energy flows, and the channel itself is open. One without shkodi sobi inflates the other.

Operation of pits- If in one case that rose-like quality is worked out, then wine can be stamped on something else, and in the rest, the process of oprating that same aspect, which was not previously recognized, will be started.

I names do not last until the next hundred years.

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Let's analyze your name - find out right away the meaning of the name of a child's share! Write to WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber +7926 697 00 47

Neurosemiotics of the name
Yours, Leonard Boyard
Switch to the value of life

Named after Pavlo's Latin adventure, and in translation it means small. On the right, in those distant hours in Latin symbols and fathers, and blues they called the same, and there was no swindler, they began to add the prefix “Paulus” to the name of the child.

The widest expansion in Russia came after the expansion of Christianity, the beginning of one of the most famous and most famous of the apostles - Paul. Canonization of Russian saints, zavdyaks like foreigners church names stopped accepting as foreigners, adopted the one that already in the 15-17th century named after Pavlo became more widespread among all social beliefs of the population. From that hour and until today, he has not lost any of his popularity. In various variations (Paolo, Pablo, Paulus, etc.), Pavlo is one of the most widespread names in the Christian world.

Few good people who wear the name of Pavlo have left their mark in the history of Russia and the world. Among them are kazkar Pavlo Bazhov, Admiral Pavlo Nakhimov, founder of the Tretyakov Gallery, philanthropist Pavlo Tretyakov, Russian hockey player Pavlo Bure, director Pavlo Lungin, Radyansk aircraft designer Pavlo Sukhiy and many others.

Name day and patron saints

Apostle Paul is respected among Christians who have become saints. The head of yoga was called Saul - the very same pіd tsim іm'yam vіn taking the fate of the next Christians. Once, on the way to Damascus, he was blinded by bright light, and Saul felt the gentle voice of the Lord. In the sight of the divine light, Saul became blind, and even more kayattya and faith in Christ turned yoma zir, after which he became a zealous preacher of Christianity.

Saint Pavlo richly mandruva, scho convey to the people the words of God. He created numerous Christian communities in Asia Minor and in the Balkan Pivostrov, in Cyprus and in the Philippines. Thus, 14 Christian epistles were written to him, namingly spontaneous and penetrating. Qi of the message to become a significant part of the New Testament.

At the order of Emperor Nero, in the 64th rotation of Paul, the head was beheaded, and the church was called up at the place of his death.

All the rulers of the name of Pavlo can celebrate the holy day of the birthday once on the river, which is celebrated with the date of the people's day, otherwise the coming day will be after her. By the end of time, the days of saints on the name of Pavlo are celebrated over 40 times.

Characteristics of the name

Nature generously endowed Pavel with an eccentric character, which for an hour fights people and calls out unreasonably, but Pavlo is such a kind of nature, and it is unlikely to change. Vіn zoseredzheny yоbі, dumka otochuyuchih yogo little hvilyuє. A person has a rich inner light, a garna is awake, an intuition is unleashed. Yogo intellect is richer than the average, prote, rozum yogo trohi is passive.

Tsya people rarely create thoughtless vchinki, put the sound of a mustache under sumniv and analyze. Before the set point, the wines will collapse, perhaps, and rightly, but singsongly. In addition, the character of Pavel is dominated by tolerance, he has the ability to check and guard. Everything that Pavlo takes on has a mercantile interest. A person diligently attracts his own intriguing interests.

Not marveling at not a simple character, Pavlo is kind and chuyny, which attracts people. Ale not varto reveal your soul to you - Pavlo zovsіm not able to save other people's secrets, sometimes love to pop and boast. Among the resting wines are not especially seen, Yogo can not be called a fighter for justice. Be it a different situation, a person tries to know a compromise, don’t fight for a gift.

Pavlo is a perfectionist for the vdacha - everything for which wine is taken can be ideal. Ale wine to endure the blows of the share, to understand well in public, not to like to fight and to enter into conflicts. Before unknown people wines are put with distrust, Pavlo got suspicious and mistrustful. Often zahoplyuetsya non-traditional and occult sciences, believe in the mystic that share.

Don’t sound rich on the bottom of Paul’s life, live it evenly and calmly, not seeing the enemy. A constant analysis of one's own vchinkiv and mirkuvannya about high matters - such is the meaning of the name of Pavlo.


Little Pavlik is already attached to his own, hearing and not shy. W early century the child rejoices in calmness and arrogance, which sometimes go over to the right or molt. At school, the lad learns well only from quiet subjects, like you and me. It’s important for a new one to go to the lessons, the shards to sit in the wine also don’t get angry.

Pavlik rarely shows aggression and disobedience to the old-timer Vitz, he is good with his peers and his teachers. To the leadership of the wine is not pragmatic, to the glory, ring out the baiduzhi.

For a young man, his father’s friendliness is more important for him, so that Pavlo does not lock himself in himself and does not pretend to be an embittered, vengeful person. Vіn lyudin "closed", zozeredzhena on vlasnіy svoobistostі, through scho distance mіzh pіdlіtkom i vkolishnіm svіtom can unremembered zbіshuvatisya with the skin day. The fathers should be wise, that no intelligence, no theoretical knowledge, no sports can replace the mentality, the “interpenetration” skills, without any kind of life, become important.


About Paul's health, one can say this: he is in good health, while everything is good in him. As soon as they become unacceptable, and you fall into depression, everything is destroyed. To that you should follow the uniqueness of the rozum overvoltage, follow the regime of the day, that eating.

Likewise, Pavlo is shy to the point of being obese, shy to the point of state neurosis, and a broken speech exchange.


Pavlo rejoices with sensitivity, from the new sound the lower that prejudiced cohanets comes out. With women, you are affectionate, love to give gifts and look beautifully, do not skimp on compliments. Whose man has a miracle intuition, and he knows how to rob women, so as not to encourage him.

Whether it’s a bad luck in a sex life for Pavel, it’s a real tragedy, for him it’s only suitable for a stranger, a tactful and a woman’s partner, because Pavlo doesn’t take any rudeness and violence. He himself, according to his age to the wife, is a gallant and courteous man.

Shlyub that sіm'ya, madness

Make friends with Paul sooner than 30 years - the better the future of the coats, the more chances we have to be far away. If Pavlo makes friends with the rozrakhunk, then the whole union will be mіtsnim permanently.

Pavlo is a faithful, but a jealous person, for some kind of family it means even richer. Vіn as a whole, you can see the leadership of the squad, helping the world with the possibilities of dominion, and taking care of the children from the satisfaction. To love to receive guests, but to live in the world. Try to secure material well-being with her, and go to a new place.

Physical closeness, that harmony with the retinue is not less important for that person, lower spiritual - without it, I love sayings, Pavlo’s shards pide sob “quietly” on the boots.

The greatest in the distance is a dream of opportunity with women on the name of Vira, Katerina, Elizaveta, Sofia, Maria, Svitlana and Irina. Uniquely follow the blue sky with Tetyana, Yuliya, Natalia, Darya and Oksana.

Business and Career

Pavlo can reach richly in life, like a zoom to improve the natural line and passivity. He has good oratory skills, he loves to philosophize and mirror, to inflict on people when he is hurt, it’s wonderful for him to have such a profession, like a television announcer and radio, vikladach, psychologist, lawyer, administrator and actor. All the more so in that vipadku, like Pavlo to love pratsyuvati with people.

Pavel also adds everything that is tied up with a penny - you can become a financier, bank clerk, accountant. From a new perspective, a good programmer, engineer, budіvelnik chi lіkar. People are crying out for classical sciences, history, movies, religious activities.

Sound Pavlo for a long time joking about his place in life, and he doesn’t quarrel with such important achievements. The essence of ambition is to rob one of the middle businessmen, and the axis of the right lung can make money, causing unacceptability. Pavlo love pennies, and that can become an easy gain in the hands of shakhraivs, like a swedish income for dubious services.

Talismans for Pavel

  • The ruling planet is Pluto and Mercury.
  • Protector of the zodiac - Diva and Gemini. Pavel recommends naming boys, people under the signs of the zodiac - then the share will be the best before them.
  • In the distance it's time for rock - autumn, in the distance the day of tyzhnya - Wednesday.
  • Happy colors - red, orange, purple.
  • The totem creature is already a red fox. Vzhe is a symbol of falsehood, cunning and secrecy. Chervonopirka - this passion, success and success in all initiatives.
  • Roslin's totem is an aster and a gorobina. In Russia, the aistra has always been respected as a symbol of confusion and unfortunate hopes. Gorobina symbolizes wisdom, self-worth and steadfastness. For a long time in Russia, it was important to chop a gorobina with a filthy mark, to that one it brought joy to the house and protected yoga from evil charms.
  • Stone-talisman - red ruby. Tsej kamіє wrestle zі fear, naє vivaciousness and innocence in oneself, podnіmaє moods. In Russia, the ruby ​​plant a special chance, that people believed that they could alleviate fears and heal ailments.


Aries- energetic, self-singing and even a hard-nosed person, who rarely goes to compromise. Vіn zovsіm not vmіє progravati, i tse yogo the main thing is the misfortune of one hour. Ale, who has known him for a long time, it is miraculous to know that in the character of Paul the Aries there is one more rice - vulnerability, as if he were relatively attracted. Vin always looks like a warrior and collapses only forward, like a tank, but not through those who are guilty of natural wars, but rather to the one who wants to look strong. It's easy to get to finances, it's easy to get a penny from someone else's money. Ale vin to be able to practice and earn, so the Borg pit will not threaten you. It’s easy to live with a slave with Pavel the Aries, we’ll gradually turn the stosunki into a mity. Vіn stіyno vіdstoyuvаtіme your independence and demonstrating leadership vigor, try to take more control of your team and children. The obranci of Paul the Aries is a trace of memory that in the soul there is a great child, as a rule of praise and affection.

Taurus- the person is already sloppy in words and on the right, but within the reach of the set mark. Vіn neimovіrno scrupulous, accurate and pedantic, scho аnd drаtuє otochuyuchih. You can be patient with him, but you can’t provoke him - the wrath of wine is terrible, but the image is by no means forgiving. Pavlo-Taurus can be rather sensible, creative, hopeful and not afraid of any work, including physical work. Vіnіkoli will not be a poor person, to the one who may always be able to reach a high level of kindness. Moreover, to work in the wine with all the help of honest practice, without getting lost in the daily sumnivnі swindle. Love union with Pavel-Avny rejoices in mіtsnіstyu and dovgolttyam, shards for the vіdachey vіn odnolyub. We can be jealous, sometimes we are overly critical and stingy. And yet, even though his squad was endowed with chuynist, patience, and the brand, joking at the man of the right defender, then Pavlo-Taurus - tse those that are required.

Twins- a sassy, ​​cautious and respectful person, more sympathetic and irritable to everything you want. A lot of nervous energy comes out of a new place, you can’t move calmly and calmly, and it’s far from skin-like to interrupt it. Ale, for his nature, Pavlo-Bliznyuki is kind-hearted; The duality of one's nature is often seen in the absence of turbotness and neobov'yazykost, so one cannot bow to the word of any person. At the soul of wine is an actor, who is not able to cope with the enemy in public, not far from being praised by that flatterer, and the axis of criticism of wine is even more important. Even more often Pavlo-Bliznyuk led a life without a trace that is easier, that is why the material situation is extremely unstable. Until then, the wine is a great marnotrate, which loves to put a pill in your eyes. With great ease, you can change the style of clothes, place of residence, work, women, look at your own decision and politics. A slave can be unrepentant, but not jealous and not powerful at a friend. The financial security of this family and the solution of the butt problems of the squad will happen to take on itself, so Pavlo-Bliznyuk will not become a homemaker and a smart family member Pavlo-Bliznyuk.

Crayfish- suspected, wary, distrustful person. Vіn duzhe strife and strife, be it careless, you can take it to your address. Yogo image is easy to virahuvati - Pavlo-cancer starts to flash in his own and ceases to react to otochyuyuchih. As for the most serious problems and non-harmful faults, absolutely bezporadny, those who suffer from serious inaccuracies, then the faults concentrate and do it bit by bit. Pavlo-Rak already love pennies, for the new one, stability, protection, and loyalty to tomorrow are even more important. Wine is practical, up to a pittance to be put more dbaily, but not greedy. It is important to put wines seriously, to you, stability is important in everything, and in the windows. Sim'ya for Pavel-Rak - tse yogo fortetsya, yak vin usima with the forces to build up the mind. At the union of wines of his mystic, women's pointers, that command does not know.

a lion- the specialty is authoritarian and neuro-innovative, but privable. W positive rice His character can be called natural kindness, gentry, kindness and generosity. There is no falsehood and meanness in the new one, but he does not respect yoga majesty and marnoslavism. Pavlo-Leo doesn’t like to be greedy, forge the glory of heights, if you want to be the first in everything. You should also love pennies, moreover, easy pennies, so you can earn them by gambling or an unfair way. Pragnennya to an easy and trouble-free life can bring a person to a Borgo pit, but even though Pavlo-Lev’s specialty is purposeful and not broken, success to the new one comes even more quickly. For the preservation of harmony and equalness in this, all wisdom and patience lie on the shoulders of friends, and the person is taught to control everything and dictate. The role of a woman in the life of Paul the Lion is to wait for her to support her own man, and to become a supporter of her own line.

Diva- the person is feisty and serious, endowed with an analytical warehouse of reason. Vіn vіdpovidalna, nadіyna and strong people, for which honor and goodness are not empty words. Vin is firm in his decisions, but look at the principle that does not change the stretch of a mustache life. Pavlo-Virgo is a clear-cut materialist and pragmatist, but from the romantic in the new day, he is familiar. Yogo can be called a right symbol of financial stability, oskolki pennies from a new one are forever, moreover, they are earned with a fair way. In order to make better acquaintances, especially with “necessary” people, not to love the empty Balakan, nonsense and injustice. The friends of Pavel-Divy do not forget that a man is jealous and a sergeant, but he himself will not give a drive for jealousy. Tsya people give great importance to moral principles and traditional family values. Like a woman can live without romance, that surprise, zumіє reconcile with the coldness of a person, whose slut of sayings is happy.

Terezi- cheerful, friendly person with great manners. Vіn mає pochutya tact, rarely go out of oneself, to be put up with frequent optimism. If you know how to get along, enter into trust with people, rarely go into conflicts and try to find a compromise. Before all the changes in one’s life, one should be thoughtful, always doubt everything, make decisions by force. We try to be unique, whether it be evidence, it will require prompting and joy. To the pennies of Pavlo-Terezi, one can come up with ease, slender to the point of spending money, succumb to nothing in one’s own mind. The head meta in family life for that person is warm, sincere atmosphere, everyday scandals and weldings. The doors of this booth will always be made for friends, by extension to the squad of wines, you will also be more loyal. It’s almost inevitable that Pavel-Vesiv’s “levoruch” is practical, but you can save yourself in secret from your other half.

Scorpio- the person is secretive, cautious and unruly. You don’t want to drink your own short-lived wines, but from someone else’s, you’ll notice it even more quickly, and for the consumption of obov’yazkovo on them. Some vins become overly zhorstok and pragmatic; It is not in yoga rules to tell about oneself, to share one's own problems and obscenities. Ale Pavlo-Scorpio, like no one is quarrelsome and sensitive, he will most certainly require love and encouragement. The financial plan of the wines sounds successful, the stones have enormous practicality, superbly reasonable and practical. At this time, I will always take a position, and do not hesitate to discuss it. Vin is a terrible jealous man, and also a great amateur of tying stosunki and turning them into mitsnist. A non-skinned woman can get along with a man, so the life of Pavel-Scorpio sounds like a sprat of lovers.

Strilec- a friendly and comradely person, a kind of pіdkupovuє his chirіstyu and charisma. Vіn pіdpriєmliviy, active, happy in business, spovnenie positive setting before life. Pavlo-Strelets is not vindictive, honest, but for an hour do not be tactful, love to tell the truth to the vіchі. The generosity of this person practically does not know the cordon, the wine is not able to collect pennies. Learn how to make a good living, make a good living “in the form of paycheck to paycheck” so that the financial plan has no turbos. Pavlo-Strelets is placed negatively before the sky, the shards are the most valuable in the world to cherish their freedom. Yogo squad can be easy on the pidyom, at the whole distributing the interests of the person, allow you to periodically spend an hour behind the house that sіm'єyu. Todі Pavlo-Striletz save fidelity, become a wonderful man and father.

Capricorn- the nature is calm and benevolent, as if not pragne buti in the center of respect. Vіn zavzhdi strimanii, troch frown, serious and innocuous. Natural self-control allows people to live under the control of their feelings, but in the soul of wines, a sensitive and soft person, who is not a stranger to romance. The life positions of people are based on rationalism, practicality, cold-bloodedness and clarity. Pavlo-Kozerig is one of the quiet people, who can always secure financial stability for his homeland, which would not be necessary for you. Vіn richly pratsyuє, but the head of life will be sіm'ya. Family values ​​for a human being are not an empty sound, she is already tied to all her relatives, especially to her fathers. Pavlo-Capricorn is stingy in showing emotions, to which the squads can not get a little romance from the windows, then orderliness, viability and seriousness do not succumb to doubt.

Aquarius- a person is self-sufficient and uncompromising, a leader and a fighter for a dacha. Vіn kommunіkabelnyy that comradely, but in the soul is the same, in the new one there are no right friends. You live by your own rules, and do not care for the need to bring someone to change your mind. It is a sensitive nature to rob Paul-Aquarius with a sensitive and imaginative person, and remember the image of wine and experience it for a long time. A man of the building on a non-transferring vchinki, you can sharply change your life again. Material values ​​do not appear on the list of priorities of Pavel-Vodoliy, he is unlikely to become a wealthy person. For success in business, you do not have a businesslike grip, cynicism and practicality. The basis of family well-being for any person is not kohanna, but friendship. It is even more important for you to be thoughtful in the squad of one mind, which in turn shows your interest. Zhіntsi already importantly learn to accept your person like this, like wine, shards and scandals, and welding can’t change it - if Pavlo-Vodoliy’s boat is deprived of such a person, like buve to new.

Ribi- a kind and quarrelsome person, not a leader, and do not fight against life. Ale vin the lover of the lot, you often unknowingly to be happy at the wealthy initiatives. Vіn may have a lot of ambitious plans, but for their implementation Pavlo-Ribi can not turn a finger, looking for gifts in the form of a share. Vіn shvidko dratuєtsya it appears, but it's also shvidko vіdhodit, forgetting all the filth. Tse is a sincere person, as if to be put up to people, start pragmatically to help. Pavlo-Ribi is unable to plan, especially his own. Also, you can’t save money, think about tomorrow, and invest pennies. Like a squad you need a delicate woman, kindness and dosit wise, to direct the talents and vitality of your person to need a channel. So їy varto nalashtuvatisya to the role of the head of the family, oskolki cholovіk іz radіstyu shifts to her all financial and other problems.

Pokhodzhennya named after Pavlo

From Latin tse im'ya is translated as "malium". So I took the Apostle Pavlo with me, in order to writhe my humility before God.

Briefly about im'ya Pavlo Basic figures: calm, good-naturedness, gentleness, warmth, modesty.

The nature of the name Pavlo

The literal translation of this name is in full accordance with its character. Pavel zovsіm consolation of pride, kindness and kindness to people. Ale does not mean that the wine is weak, just the sorcerer of his name, he can be happy in life, accept those who give a share. Paul's is practically impossible to be drawn into the welding, the wine does not appear as if it were an image. Tse zatyaty optimist, which zavzhdi believe in better. Instruct from him, be it, to inspire the most terrible grief, let's not be so greedy.

Pavlo sound weave for the flow. You can’t fight for your goals, not to those who don’t have a line, they just don’t get motivated. "I'm so kind," such a person thinks, and as a result, he uses his ability one by one. Pavlo lie down like thoughts of otochyuchy, to that, until deep old age, he can be left with "mother's blues" or become a henpecked.

Im'ya Pavlo in Love and Sim'ї

Oskіlki Pavlo є to finish with a passive person, it is often necessary to take fathers or close relatives for his special life. The stench will cheer for you on the basis of your choice, and the wines will most likely be fine with their choice. Yakshcho the image will be more spritnoy, lower wines, we can be far away. Pavlo himself jokes with the woman about the replacement of her mother. If you want wine, that she was dbaylivoy and mature, lower wine himself.

In the wake of Pavel, there is no need to check on the role of a health worker in family. Then take on a part of the woman’s work, cooking, tidying up, and possibly even the care of children. Pavlo is outrageously lower with his retinue, full of compliments, not able to supersede. In the intimate life of the wine, he is also affectionate, wanting to marry the fire.

Characteristics of the name of Paul in the car'er

Pavel pidide whether it’s a monotonous robot, it doesn’t require special respect for it. You can achieve the greatest success of wines, as if to improve on your creative talents, even if you have a relish of disgrace. From Pavel, the moment to be viyti is an artist, illustrator, freelance journalist.

Horoscope named after Pavlo: how to choose a name for a boy

Tse im'ya vіdpovidaє Teresa, Taurus with Chiron and Aquarius with Venus.

The meaning of the name Pavlo

Katerina, Elizabeth, Vira, Dina, Zinaida, Maya, Sofia, Ella became an obedient couple. It is hardly possible to know happiness with Nina, Natalia, Darya.

Outwardly, they are synonyms: Pavlo, Paul, Pauls, Pablo.

Change, affectionate im'ya: Pasha, Pavlusha, Pavlik, Pavlukha, Paul.

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