Vіsi, folded for the glorification of the Scandinavian gods. Prayers to one Prayer to one god of vikings

Hang with the beast before God

In runic magic, when animals are before God, it is customary to move the heights - skaldic animals. The obov'yazkova form of hanging is eight verses. The hangers were okremi, they formed drapes (praiseful songs with spices) and flocks (less honorable, without sprinkling, butt splatter). Skaldic poetry is famous for its strict form, odious zmіst and folding brightly embellish my type of kennings (poetic paraphrases, for example, warrior - maple of battle, woman - pine tree, draw ringing earrings, crow - seagull of wounds). The cream of the skaldic's overexploited poetry is characterized by folding syntactic constructions and cunning rozmіrom (sound drottkvet). Іsnuyet already written vіsi. But you can guess the weight yourself, which is also valued by the Gods.
Apply the hang dedicated to the Gods and heroes:
Vladika Valgali, keeper of the runes of the dark
I dedicate to you I hang mine,
I beg you for the runes of sacred runes!
Oh, the greatest ruler of Valhalla!
Before you, we will! Spill out the light!
And touch us with your true knowledge!
Vorogiv blind, what evil steps weave,
With your shvidky list, pierce through the infidels,
Let me take a good cup on your honor!
Glory to Great Odin!

About Freya, Goddess,
Have Sessrumnir panuє!
Njord's daughter is Oda's squad.
Z vanіv ti, divo,
Lanzyug doors to wear.
Mati Khnoss and Gersimi,
I sister Frey!
Volodarka died!
At your chariot
You mchish, behind the wind, hurry up.
Thor himself is your thief!
And the intestines - vіznitsi,
I, well, no
More beautiful to you Sir!

Oh Thor! Ace to thunder, bliskavok, battle!
Narodzheny Yird vіd Vsebatka!
Ty is the watchman of heaven, that shield of peace.
You - the one who fights to the end!

Oh Hel! You know your soul,
3 is quiet, who hasn't eaten to Asgard.
You save, the law does not ruin.
Your light is not light, but mirrored shadow.
You live in the midst of darkness and fog,
Helheim is a stronghold here.
There is no nonsense, no evil-deceit here.
Calm and death, temryava tsily river.
Daughter of Loki, I call to you,
Be nice and go
How not to remember, I don’t know.
Others, not me, take it!!

Oh Sunno! Give the sun!
Change your zigry!
Light, enemies blindly,
Dzherelo joy of days!
You collapse, like a stake,
I'm going to go back, and I'll wake up,
Month is eternal, my friend!
Be with us, Fire of the sky! .. "

Loki the great, mocking clown,
Ty is the leveler of the sinless with the sinner,
Becoming the twin of the Supreme Ace,
The messenger of the gods that rest of the year.
Change yourself, change the light,
Scrap the madness of people sp'yanyuesh.
Wise brazier, come to the rescue of me -
Turn your approach to the gates.
Cunningly entangle their souls with a cunning net -
Mіy virok quietly zmusi hearing.
Wicked heat we play with them -
It's hellish that it's bulo їх raєm.
On them the beasts of their palyuche look
Hai let me turn my virok!

Oath of the Valley of Tyr:
Blisk sokiri, it's time for Thor,
severity of tingu, tila Imir,
tree of light, tursu grave,
the meaning of the dream of Balder, velvi movement,
Hroft death, Loft dihannya.
Ravens do not feel the pain,
the jacks grew up, the valkyries will not be,
Harm barking loudly, the battle is coming,
death to the living, death to the dead.
Rooney was poached with tears to Hroft,
glory to the king, glory to the squad,
ash became ready for battle,
runes Tyr Mjollnir glorified!

Vіsi Valkyrіy:
Songs of vovkiv and horns of gurkotinnya,
lanok chain mail dzvіn rіzhe oko,
tіnі valkyrіy i їх zіthannya,
remembrance of gods and jotun voice.
Windy wind and crows scream,
vіra zlodіїv i girkot dolі,
faces of heroes in gostri vіdbliski,
Gilda! We just learned kohati.
Moss grows on a forgotten booth,
we went on a distant trip,
drops of blood on the snow, which I covered,
if we knew the word love.
Truth, faith, oath, torment
yotuniv, asiv, brothers, you,
rot on the boards of ancient dragonflies,
Gilda! Love is my pity.
Suvori temple of the forgotten goddess,
hosts became div fighting,
we didn’t forget anyone,
Gilda! No longer love us others!
Girl's tabir and white hands,
Oki, laniti, chari kohannya,
vlasi valkyrie and tіnі їkh khistki,
Gilda! Take the berserker's oath on blood!
(Author Tialdr Valisson)

Earendel, Aurvandil-hero, seer Groa:
Hello Earendel [= Aurvandil],
Yaskravy angel, above Midgard
tribute to people, and virne
brightly sunny, shining above the stars,
watch the hour yourself
you illuminate.
(Author Tialdr Valisson)

Axis vladik naschadok,
three princes killed.
The land of youmu is sub-dominated.
Do not praise feats
Adalstein at the battles.
I swear oh generous
king, we don't know
who would look up to you.
Right up to the countryside
Adalstein Volodye.
(translation by A. Korsun)

Vіsa Hel and let's lay down:
Lead the valley of Lund,
from the field of dead hordes
stone to sleep with eyelids
at the vaults of the proud temple.
Sholom do not die at motlohu.
Write down the power to save.
The temple is taken from the granite
the glory of the past months.
(Author Egil Skallagrimsson)

Віса Інґві (Іngvaru):
I'm coming, vіdvazhny,
to Ingvaru, which is gold
inspire warriors,
with him I joked zustrіchі.
You, who give hoops,
know what you can
young skaldic
equal me skald?
Dove maisterny warrior
Egil Balakuchy
for praise in the city
three sea shells
and kachine egg -
the gift of quarters to the last,
Yegil for joy,
generously adding wine.
(translation by A. Korsun)

Visa Idun:
Oh, Beautiful Guardian of Eternal Youth and Immortality,
Forever fluttering that lower young Idunn!
Kohan's daughter Ivaldi and Virna the companion of Braga
I grant you my visu, O Idunn!
Your bottom fingers have the most power
The power of eternal youth, health, beauty
You, O Beautiful, Gods of Asgard, what do you protect
Grant me youth with your warmth!
Let my body become the body of a young girl
If you please me, I’m sick and dumb
The charm of youth is my body
Give me your beautiful eyes close to me!

Vіsa Frigg s prohannyam about the nation of children:
(Vlasny Tvir)
O Wise Frigg, Loved by One Squad,
Mati Baldra, Kheda, Hermoda dbailiva
Don't look at my crap, Volodar Valhalla!
Before you, I'm savage, don't make fun

I ask you to breathe strength into qi runi
Your blessing, Naimudrisa Mati!
Give me the opportunity to know motherhood
What a beautiful loving mother!

About the Top of the Wild Poluvannya, About Frigg,
You know in shares, give me joy!
Grant me the opportunity of the people of the child
With all my heart from Love, I ask you!

Visa Freyru:
(Vlasny Tvir)
O Wise Freyr, Ti Vanov Sin,
Brother of the lower and beautiful Freya
You bring happiness and happiness,
At my house, I am making doors!

Volodiesh and Light, that the Sun bestows upon us,
Oh, Іnґvі, you are the one who revives the heart
Sin of the good Njord, child of the wise Skadi
Feel my visu, Who lives in Asgard!

Please, Dobry Freire, look at my heart
New style has warmth, what does your Name give
Grant me your light and your grace
In the name of Light, Harmony, Goodness and the World!

One, warrior Ratea Batka!

Give, scho mercilessly smashing the enemy,
Misce, to us, bіlya your fire!
Kus kabanini and z braga rіg
Give us, Vladiko, do not be with us suvorii!
Mi - less than a pishchinka in front of your wind -
One force in battle, standing up,
From the undead evil, the monsters of evil.
Praise you and words and deeds
The top squads of your helpers.


Wolfgang! After reading your PRAYER ONE. I was worthy for a zmіst, that mud idea. However, the rim will still require some grinding.
You can try to sing this verse, and the same rhythm and melody will show you how to improve it.
Sure, don't read you. I am a prose writer, but sometimes I write for the soul of the verse. Rarely do I show them to the people.
And for the review of my rozpovіd SUPERBOMB TO OURS eri to you - such a!!!
I recently read about castles in Scotland being melted down to the warehouse, but I didn’t manage to insert it into the SMUPERBOMB, as it was written on the 7th volume, but at the same time I wanted to show it on the site.

Dyakuyu for kind respect. But, in my opinion, Rome itself is polished even more beautifully. I ask you to tell me what you need to do with insufficient polishing from the point of view of the same Rimi - I will be your friend)))

Can you replace "Batko" with "Creator"? The "Creator-Palats" is more effectively renown, wanting to be the God-Creator (the world, people, etc.) One-Wotan has never really got into it. Yogo titles - Alfater-Alfedr (All-father), "Valfater" - Batko, Vibirayuchy (the most brilliant of the dead heroes in his afterlife, military leader) and so on. Nordic mythology does not know a specific god-creator. Light from the body of the right giant Imir having created a specific god, all the gods (asi) created it. At the same hour, from the sweat of Imir, the first man and woman (themselves) were born.

It sounds better that way.
Zagalom vіrshah zavzhdy richly intuitive. You can't always "behave harmony with algebra".
I can try more...
Well, I told bi that your rows are ok. Only propositions are foldable, not readable in one zіtkhannі. It should be clear what you are singing and then you will become clear, de need to "grind", de parse the phrase, know simple and different synonyms.
I am sending you just for the example of what I am talking about, my "remake" of this verse. Vіn distant view of perfection, but it is easier to read:

Let us see you at your heavenly palace!

The place is hotter than the fire!

Stand by one force in battle!

Do not fill your mercy with them!

Axis of correction by you option:

One, warrior Ratay Old Man!
Let us see you at your heavenly palace!
Give us a double-destroyed enemy,
The place is hotter than the fire!

Let us skushtuvati napoї ta naїdeki,
We are less than a squeak in front of your wind.
All of us fighting not for wealth,
Stand by one force in battle!

From the undead evil, the monsters of Hell
Let's fix it - our city,
The top squads of your helpers,
Do not fill your mercy with them!

As I now understand, you were given the uncanny polished not rhymes, as you wrote, but in some places the rhythm and vocabulary of the verse. In principle, the same can be said about the remaining row of the first chotirivirsh in the variant you have chosen (it is shorter, the lower remaining row is for all advancing chotirivirsh, although, obviously, not fatally). "Feasts" and "drinks" - less specifically, lower charіvna boar - never end up in the banquet hall Valgali meat of the miracle boar Hryumnir, and as a whole specific miracle honey (braga), and not just a kind of drink (the miracle character of that honey-braga ) is added to the "Eddi" tim, that Odin himself does not eat anything, but only (kushtuє) drink honey (braga) - Met. Aje the underworld kingdom - Hell, Hel - is not "Inferno" in the yogo Christian mind, inhabited by the souls of sinners and demons-bisami. other bright aces to see the battle with velets, thurses, trolls, Muspel's sins - the army of the god Vognyu Surt, Fenrir Vovk and other dark forces, the gods' enemies, as if they do not linger at the kingdom of Hel (there is no need to let yourself get lost) calling from the current English name of the Christian hell - Hell or German Hoelle).

І rasprava z tsim undead (before Hel not a hundred days) - we call not a city for ingers, but їhnє kіtsev recognition, the rest of the battle before the already residual, secondary death, together with Odin and aces, that and us svіtobudova. The cities for them are the possibility after the first death in an earthly battle with earthly people, but we will embrace the Valkyries for Odin’s statement, reap them for Valgala, and the stench from the wound will be with each other until the evening, the docks will not die until the evening, suddenly, but then, resurrect again , be up to the morning їsti boar, drink braga-honey, love the Valkyries - until new battle. And if Ragnarok comes and the forces of Temryavi attack Valhalla, the eingers in essence will perish with them, all at once with gods, people, velets, dwarfs and with the mustache of the world.

Bachite, like a mustache is complicated. Prote "sanding" by you option tezh tsіlkom may have the right to іsnuvannya. I dedicate yoga to you and publish it)))

Mutually, the noble Oleksandr))) Until the speech, I forgot to tell you the alteration moment at the events "Kus Kabanini", "for the sake of Rig" - the alteration of Rome (Stabreim) played in the Nordic (and vzagalі in the old-timer) scaldish ride in honor of the dream the creation, dedicated to Odin, like, like Suttung, the order from Braga, the god of skalds - the broad meaning of the word, poets (ale tse so. before the word). Before I speak, I can recommend to you a good (although far from the only) modern skald Evgen Bobolovich - in performances on Prose.ru, and Poetry.ru. All the best)))

Religious reading: prayer before the battle to help our readers.

Prayer for Vitchizna

Prayer for the Orthodox people

Prayer for Russia and її vіysko

Prayer for the attachment of brothers, sedition and negativity of internal

Prayer of repentance, yaku was read at the churches of Russia during the days of turmoil

Prayers to the holy warriors

St. Martyr John the Warrior

St. George of Victory

Holy Blessed Princes of Russia, Passion-Bearers Boris and Glib

Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky

Prayers before the battle

persha prayer

Holy Mother of God, save us!

Holy Archangel Michael, strike us!

Holy Guardian Angel, do not step in front of me!

Mustache saints, pray to God for us!

Prayer of a friend of St. Martyr Theodore Stratilates

The third prayer of St. Archangel God Archangel Michael

Prayers for the hour of battle

Top prophets

Feel to the rest of the earth:

And if you can, you will be able to:

And if you please the people, then the Lord will despise:

І word, if you say, it will not be in you:

Well, your fear is not vile, lower zbentezhimosya:

Lord our God, Who is sanctified, and He will be our fear:

And if I fall for the New, I will be at the consecration:

I will rely on New, and I will be saved by him:

Tse I and children, what will God give me:

People who walk near the darkness, bachachi are very bright:

Those who live at the edge of that blue mortal, lightly fall on you;

Yak Otrocha was born to us, Sinu, and it will be given to us:

Yogo w cob buv on ramі Yogo:

I do not know the world of Yogo between:

For God is with us. I am called Yogo im'ya great joy Angel:

God of mitzny, Volodar, the beginning of the world:

Father of the future century:

Glory to the Father and Sin and the Holy Spirit.

God is with us, think, tongues, and repent:

God is with us, think, tongues, and repent:

Prayers before the fight

Quiet prayers before the battle were rich in which they announced the result of the battle. To finish, for example, the blessing of Archbishop Spyridon Oleksandr of Nevsky, the gate of the Church of St. Sophia in advance of the battle of the river Neva, for example, the blessing of the feats of the most famous commander A. U. Suvorov on the battlefield. Nini clouding of the word “bіy” has come to a trohi Іnshiy zmіst, but yogo straightening is all the same fixed, even more understandable stretching, chi this is the pied hour of the military days, chi is the section of sambo chi karate. In all these moods, prayers before the battle will be helped, most of all, we hope for your respect.

The text of the prayers should be rewritten on a clean arch paper and saved in a prominent place until it is completely remembered.

Lord our God Almighty and Almighty, I call to you!

Be merciful to me and guard me against the enemy,

Defy my will and let masculinity fight to the last

To the glory of Your purest name and in the name of Your will!

Like a good Ty and light for ages and ages, amen.

O Almighty Savior, be kind to me,

Feel my prayer! Bless me with my spirit and masculinity

To heal my enemies, do not let me harm my will and strength!

I believe in your pretentiousness, even more glorious and purer is your name!

Hai now come Thy will, Lord, to everything! Amen.

You don’t need any oratorical fluctuations, repeating the words of the Duma’s words and pishov rіzati all pіdryad. I don’t think that God wanted to be yogo im’ya guessed when driving in, otherwise

hammered into im'ya Yogo!

The prayer of the tsikava needs to be remembered without fail, whoever knows can become in good fortune.

Copies are allowed only from designated sources NAMEDNE.RU © 2012 – 2017

All information is placed in a conscious manner and does not call to action!

Prayers of an Orthodox Warrior

My Savior! You laid down Your soul for us to save us; Having punished us, respect our souls for our friends and for our neighbors. I am gladly going to vikonate Thy holy will and lay down my life for the Tsar and Batkivshchyna. Give me a fortress and courage on the hem of our enemies, and grant me to die with firm faith and the hope of an eternal blessed life in Your Kingdom.

Prayer against adversaries

Lord, our God, the obedience of Moses, stretching out his hands to Thee, and the people of the Israelites slandering Amalek, the anger of Josus Nun at the laika that punishes the sun: Thy ninth, Vladiko Lord, sense us, why pray to Thee. Send, Lord, Thy invisible right-bearer, Thy servant intercede in us, and by judging You put your soul on the battlefield for the faith, the Tsar and the Fatherland, forgive the sins of them, and on the day of the righteous remembrance of Yours, see the imperishable: as is Your Strength, everything is acceptable to you, we put hope on you, and we give glory to you, to the Father and Sin and the Holy Spirit, and forever and ever. Amen.

Holy Blessed Prince Oleksandr Nevsky

Shvidky pomіchnik usіh, who diligently come to you, and our warm before the Lord to the Representative, holy blessed, Grand Duke Oleksandrі!

Benefit graciously upon us, unworthy, rich with lawless indecent creatures, until the shrine of your relics ( or to your holy icon) you, who rush to you and call from the depths of your heart to you. You are a zealot and protector of the Orthodox faith in your life: and with us, with your warmth before God, confirm with prayers that are not hilarious. You have a great burden on you, you diligently pass your service: and help us with your help, be someone, in which there are exclamations, instruct.

You, having crossed the regiments of adversaries, looked between the Russian vіdgnav Ty: and on us all, who are taking up arms, throw off the visible and invisible enemies. You, having left the crown of the earthly kingdom, having formed You a lifeless life, and reigning righteously as a crown of imperishable crowns in Heaven: listen to us, we humbly pray to you, life is quiet and trouble-free, and your unhappiness until the Eternal Kingdom.

Standing with us with the saints of the Throne of God, praying for all Orthodox Christians, let the Lord God save them His grace in the world, health, longevity and prosperity to everyone who found the lita, praise and bless God in the Trinity of the Holy Glorious, Father and Sin and of the Holy Spirit, ever and ever, forever and ever. Amen.

also read before the battle

Prayer to the Cross of the Lord

Great Martyr George the Victorious

Holy, glorious and all-praiseful Great Martyr George! People are worshiping in your temple and in front of your holy icon, we pray to you, in the presence of our intercessor, pray with us and for us, blessed in the sight of your well-organized God, let us graciously feel us, who to ask Yogo's blessing, and do not deprive all of ours to salvation life will require prohannya, and grant our country a victory on the opposite side; And yet, crouching, we pray to you, holy perseverance: sing the grace given to you in the huskies of the Orthodox army, blast the forces of the foes, sho rise up, don’t let them be ashamed and disgraced, and their praises don’t collapse, and don’t lead, as we may help, to the Divine that situation to those who exist, show your intercession more powerfully. Pray the Lord God, all creation of the Creator, spare us from eternal torment, let us glorify the Father, and Sin, and the Holy Spirit, and your intercession is known to you, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ, our God! Receive us, Thy servants of the undeserved, jealous of prayers, repenting us of our sins, remembering all our enemies, who hate and deceive us, and do not see them at their right, but for Your great mercy, the beasts of the wrong are right 'I am that pious, but in їzhu, having wielded the evil and do good. All of us and Thy Holy Church, Thy omnipotent fortress, in the presence of any gold of the situation, mercifully deign. Our Fatherland is like an atheist and the rule of their freedom, and your faithful servant, who in mourning in trouble day and night shouts to You, feel the cry of rich pain, rich merciful God, and see the exile of the living. Give peace and silence, love and affirmation and reconciliation to Your people, having purchased Thee with Your honest blood. Ale and those who stepped into the sight of Thee and Thee, do not wake up the phenomena, so that the one who lives in them will perish, and all of them be saved and come into the rose of truth, that in the right mindfulness and in unceasing love glorify Your honorable name, tolerant, gentle Lord, in vіki stіlі. Amen.

Prayer of repentance, read in the churches of Russia in the days of turmoil

Lord, God, the Almighty, look at us, sinful and unworthy of Your children, who sinned before You, rotted Your goodness, called Your righteous anger on us, who fell into the depths of sin. You see, O Lord, our German and sorrows of the soul, you see the corruption of our minds and our hearts, evil faiths, the access to Your commandments, the multiplicity of family nebuds, roses and church brothers, You see our sorrows and sorrows, in the face of ailments, smoothness, drowned , inflamed and intermediary huskies that are seen. Ale, Merciful and Loving to people, Lord, navmi, guide and have mercy on us unworthy. Correct our sinful life, take care of our brothers and nebuduvannya, take the rotting, the western roses, giving peace to our country and prosperity, I will let go of heavy troubles and misfortune. All-holy Vladiko, enlighten our minds with the light of the Gospel of the Gospel, indulge our hearts with the warmth of Your grace and direct me to the order of Your commandments, let us be glorified in us all-holy and glorious of Your name, Father and Sin and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God "Derzhavna"

Oh, Intercessor to the world, Mother of Vsepet! With fear, faith and love, I fall down before your honorable icon of the Sovereign, we earnestly pray to you: do not reveal the appearance of your sight, that they come to you, good, merciful Mother of the Light, Sina of Yours and our God, the most beautiful Lord Jesus Christ, do not take care in the light of our country, let us establish our state in prosperity, and allow us to see the likes of others, let us celebrate our Holy Orthodox Church, and inviolability will reach in the face of infidelity, splitting and heresies. Do not help mothers, hіba Tobі, Most Pure Divo. You are the all-powerful intercessor of Christians before God, the righteous anger of Yogo will help. Forgive all with faith Tobі quiet, scho to pray in the fall of sinners, in the slander of evil people, in the sight of gladness, sorrow and ailment, grant us the spirit of contrition, humility of heart, purity of thought, the correction of sinful life and the redemption of our sins; so, let us, as a tribute to your majesty, be worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven, and there, with us, the saints will be glorified more and more beautiful in the Trinity of the glorious God, the Father and the Sin and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer for the unbelievers, persecutors and despisers of truth (in our hour, we are ahead for fellow pagans)

Lord, beast before Thee and the hearts of our enemies, as if it is not possible for the bitter ones to turn up, then put a cross of evil and protect them from Your chosen ones. Amen.

Prayers of an Orthodox Warrior

Most of the faithful soldiers' mothers, officer squads and people close to us are sewn into clothes for sins and their cohanim, who go to war, notes with the text of the nineteenth Psalm: “Live at the help of Cherry. » I had a lot of warriors, as they themselves knew and repeated to remind them of their fenced-off sleep, as in the past, so now, to talk about the batchen in their eyes, like the coolies in battle they literally circled them, changing the trajectory of the field.

One veteran Vytchiznyanoi war, giving in 1995 a rotation of interviews with correspondents on television, rozpovіd, at some terrible reworkings of wines, having visited and like travels to Berlin without a hodgepodge. If Yogo was asked about the reason for such a fantastic inconsistency, they showed him a note with Psalm 90, sewn into his tunic by a faithful mother. With whom, he himself was so unrepentant, even though it was amazing. Eternal memory of yoga mother! I say to God, that this holy tradition is not forgotten by us. Zavdyaks їy and this year rich lads turned back alive from Afghanistan and Chechnya.

Not everyone respects themselves as believers. There are not so many people to lead the church way of life. However, we know few such people, as if we would have reciprocated God for ourselves. Often we do not suspect that faith and hope in God will help save deep in the heart and only check their hour. For those who do, this year is coming at a period of difficult times, and testing, if we understand, that our powerful forces we don’t stand up, if we are turned on, we know, if our human weakness is exposed, and it seems that fierce enemies have risen against us. It’s not for nothing that it seems: “You don’t go into the trenches of the unwitting.”

The army of today is no less than a suvor school of life, in which a person's character is transformed into a mentality. In our zhorsty hour military service is associated with special care, in rich vipads, death marvels at soldiers in disguise. To that warrior, whether of some rank, the most necessary faith in God, that prayer is feasible. Then, in critical situations, God will share with us our natural human German, fear, bіl, and become the basis of masculinity, wisdom, unshakable will and spirit. In the very same time, the foundation was overcome by the fearlessness of the Russian army.

Calling to the Lord from our depths, I see that we are mortally insecure, we ask Yogo, in fact, be to us and God that Friend. І Vіn nіkoli nіdmovlyає tim who to ask. You can pray zavzhdy and skrіz, be it a mist, be it an hour for any furnishing.

І if everything is bad, and if sorrows are twisted with your head. You can pray on your own, if you feel free to think with thoughts, and in the midst of people - near the road, in the barracks, on the trains, pray to yourself. You can pray with your own words and church prayers. For this short prayer for all aspects of life:

Lord have mercy! Lord, help me!

Lord Jesus Christ, Sin of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.

The prayer brought here is called "Jesus's" or "reasonable prayer", to the one that sounds like it is read in the mind, to oneself, in the memory of repetition. On the march, at the chat room, at the hour of the combat operation, ask with all your heart to help the sight of God, repeating this prayer without interruption in your mind.

Oh our God! Give us strength in this day and forever serve You and the Fatherland.

God! Vryatuy, save, have mercy on us, in the autumn in the darkness of the night wars and all of Russia, and fence your cross with your cross of divining powers, and the righteous lowered our sleep.

Before going to sleep mark yourself with a cross and say short prayer Honest Cross:

Protect me, O Lord, with the power of Your Honest and Animal Cross and save me from all evil.

* In the prayers of the Church Slavonic mine, the sound “e” does not get used, the sound “e” is creaked, as it is necessary.

Getting down to be-yakoy cope, including before prayer, it is necessary to lay a banner on the cross - to cross. But if it is impossible to add up for any number of reasons, it is enough to repeat to yourself: At Name of the Father, and Sin, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. And then read these prayers:

Difficulties and nebezpekah

Read Psalm 90 of the Church Slavonic my

Alive at the help of Vishny, at the dahu of the God of Heaven to settle. Speech of the Lord: My intercessor is my christening, my God, and I hope for New. Bo Toy to deign to you in the form of a net of tricks, and in the form of a rebellious word, pleshma of His osyaє to you, and under the wings of Yogo I hoped: I will bring you the truth of Yogo. Do not be afraid of the fear of the night, of the arrows that fly by the day, of the speech in the darkness of the past, of the screeching, and of the afternoon. Fall in front of your country thousand, and dark right-handed you, you can’t get close to you, by the side of your eyes you marvel, and you wail at sinners.

Bo Ti, Lord, my hope, Cherry poklov your back. Evil does not come before you, and the wound does not get close to your body, for by His angel I will command about you, save you on all your paths. On your hands to overwhelm you, if you don’t hit your foot on a stone, you will step on the asp and the basilisk, and cross the left of that snake. How I hope on Me, and will I will: I will cover it, for I know My name. Call to Me, and I will pray for Yogo: with him in mourning, I will pray for Yogo, and I will glorify Yogo, for the rest of the day I will succumb to Yogo, and I will show My salvation to Yogo.

Schodenny prayer of the defender of Vitchizni

Lord, Vladiko, having vouchsafed me the worthless and sinful service of my Batkivshchyna, to tie the bindings of the defender of the Motherland! I am rooting with my strength, heart and spirit to Your holy will. I pray to Thee, O Lord of the people, so that my hand and that arm were straightened to the right to the right, and so that I would not become a biased sinner, a sign of evil that untruth.

All sent by You to accept with patience and lagnistyu, for I am a German and weak people, who carry the cross of service among the like before me, but you can only remember our iniquity, instill the gift of wisdom and humility, and, most, the greatest gift of your love . I beg you to set me right in the last hour of this service, in all trials, hardships and insecurities, which will fall to my lot. Grant me to safely pass їх, and we will, and we will be healthy to turn home. For you to lay down mercy and salvation, and to you I send glory, to the Father and Sin and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Who Yak God Means Him Yogo. The great prince, the leader of the host of the Lord, the Archangel calls him the Holy Letter.

Tse Archangel Mikhailo. Himself guilty of fighting war with the devil, if he stood up against God. I stood in the sky war. Mikhailo and Yogo's angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and Yogo's angels fought against them, but they did not stand up, and there was no place for them in heaven. First of all, the great dragon, the ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan (Announcement 12, 7-9) was knocked down.

From that hour, Archangel Michael did not get tired of waging war against the devil and all lawlessness among people, against vice and godlessness, for the glory of the Creator, for the salvation of the human race, for the Church of that child. Therefore, on the icons of the wines, sound like a warlike look: with a list or a sword at the hands, with a dragon, a spirit of malice, knocked down under his feet.

Perekaz saves the memory of amazing miracles holy Archangel. From ancient hours of glorification of wines in Russia. More than once, the guardian of the Russian Land, having blown a figure Holy Mother of God with the heavenly Archangel Michael, in whose honor a lot of temples were built. I this year, like and earlier, we pray for the cob of skin day and after the end of yoga: holy Archangel of God Michael, protect us from all evil and help us well.

Holy Archangel Michael

The holy and great Archangel of God Michael, inconsequential and more important Trinity first in the Angels to the primate, the human race of the tutor and guardian, mourn with the army of the head of the proud day-keeper in heaven and disgrace the fault of malice and accessibility of yoga on earth! We come to you with faith and we pray to you with love, be an unbreakable shield and take it firmly Holy Church and our Orthodox vicinity, protecting them with your glittering sword against your visible and invisible enemies.

Be a guardian angel, a wise giver of joy and a helper to them in power. Be the leader and companion of our Christ-loving army, dominating him with glory and victories over adversaries, let us know the mustache of support for us, for God and the holy angels of Yogo are with us. Well, about the Archangel of God, I’ll help you with your intercession and us, to glorify this year’s holy names of yours: thank you, you’re rich, for we don’t want to perish in our iniquities, but turn to the Lord and live our lives good.

Osya our mind with the light of God, that the blame is on your bliskavitsky choli, let it be possible to understand that the will of God about us is good and perfected, and to know everything, what to tell us to do and what to disrespect and deprive. Celebrate the grace of the Lord’s weak will and our German will, so that it has been established in the law of the Lord, we will no longer be influenced by earthly favors and the lusts of the flesh, which we groan, for the likeness of stupid children, the soon-dying beauty of the world, as if for the sake of the abyss.

Above us, ask us for the spirit of true repentance, unfeigned turmoil for God and sorrow for our sins, let us reshtu the days of our timely belly, not in a suitable way, I will be addicted to our work, but in the smoothed out evil, we will crush our guilt heart, feats of purity and holy right of mercy.

If the hour of the end of ours is approaching and freedom from the bonds of a deceitful body, do not leave us, the Archangel of God, without protection against the spirits in the wickedness of the heavenly places, the great blocking of the souls of the people descended from the mountain: so, we protect you, without precedent, ale, reach Nema, sadness Ale, life is unseen, and it was worthy to bless the most blessed face of the all-good Lord and our Lord, falling with tears at Yogo’s foot, in joy that viguknemo viguknemo: glory to Thee, our daring Spokutev, for the comfort of Thy love, send Thy Angels to serve our salvation. Amen.

Prayer to the Holy Blessed Grand Duke Oleksandr Nevskiy, Schema Alexis

Shvidky pomіchnik usіh diligently come to you and our warm before the Lord Representative, holy noble grand duke Oleksandrі! Look graciously at us, unworthy, wealthy, lawless, indecent, you created yourself, to the shrine of your relics (otherwise: up to your icon, which they cling to and from the depths of their hearts call up to you: you are a zealot in your life and a defender of the Orthodox faith, and with your warm prayers to God, confirm us with them.

You are diligently passing the service on you, and you can help us with your help, be someone, in which there are calls, instruct. You, having overcome the regiments of adversaries, in the midst of the Russian ones they have driven them, and throw down on us all the visible and invisible enemies who are taking up arms.

Thee, having left the crown of the earthly kingdom, having made thee a lifeless life and righteously crowned with imperishable crowns in heaven, you reign, cry out to us, we humbly pray to you, life is quiet and trouble-free and until the Eternal Kingdom of the course is not good.

Standing with the holy throne of God, praying for all Orthodox Christians, let the Lord God save them His grace in light, health, longevity and every well-being in recent years, praise and bless God, in the Trinity of the Holy Glorious, Father and Sin i of the Holy Spirit, nі i povyakchas і for ever and ever. Amen.

It is rare for a saint to be accompanied before the official glorification of the floor by a wide popular chanting and such impersonal miracles, like (hoch and taєmno) right from the moment of martyrdom, he accompanied the rest of the Russian emperor to that homeland. In 1917, our righteous Tsar did not want to fight for power, fearing to become the cause of new bloodshed on the Russian land, already already tormented by that strife. Ale, in the sight of your people, and mayzhe vzіma vіddaniya, vіn not zrіkavsya nіkoli. Now the Russian Orthodox people can have two Mikola the Wonderworker: the order of St. Mikola the Other for our skin has become Tsar Mikola the Other. The Holy Tsar's Martyrs were glorified at the Bishops' Council of the Russian Orthodox Church in 2000.

Prayer to the Holy Great Martyr and Passion-Bearer of Tsar Mikoli

Oh, holy passion-bearer Tsar-martyr Mykola, His anointed Lord, having chosen thee, who is merciful and has the right to judge your people, and the guardian of the kingdom of the Orthodox buti: Tsar’s service and about the souls pikluvannya with the fear of God repairing Thee. Viprobuuchi you, like gold in the crucible, the Lord let the sorrows of the girka, O God, the richly suffering Job, and after the throne of the royal deliverance and send a martyr's death.

All this lagidna is patient, like a right servant of Christ, blessed with heights of glory to the throne of all the Tsar, together with the holy martyrs: the holy Empress Oleksandra, the holy Tsarevich Oleksii, the holy princesses Olga, Tatiana, Mary Via and Anastasia Ale, mayuchi great courage before Christ the Tsar, Yogo for the sake of and suffered, pray for them, let the Lord let the sin of the people, if you didn’t bury yours, the king and anointed of God, let the Lord allow the suffering country of Russia to be a godless one, for the sins of God allow, and put the throne of Orthodox kings, but give us forgiveness and forgiveness and instruct us in all honesty, so that you gain humility, lagidnist and love, like the same martyrs, let us be vouchsafed to the Kingdom of Heaven, with you and all the saints of the new glorify the Father and Sin and of the Holy Spirit, ever and ever and for ever and ever. Amen.

Admiral, naval commander, diplomat, strategist, politician, kind Feodor Feodorovich Ushakov (1745-1817) - patron of the Russian fleet. For all his brilliance in his military career, Ushakov did not recognize any shock. To that came yoga truly ascetic and highly spiritual life: he is alive in the world like a black man, his ships were called floating monasteries, all stinks were named after saints and Christian saints.

Ushakov's head-dressing before the battle to the sailors was bulo; "Brothers! Read psalms 26, 50, 90, and you will not be taken, not a sack, not a shablya. In 1804, the captains wrote a memorandum about their service to the Russian fleet, in a way summing up their activity: the human being did not waste and fill the lives of our servants, the enemy did not get away. For the rest of his days, the admiral lived in peace and ended his life, as if following a true Christian and faithful son of the Holy Church.

Prayer to the holy righteous Theodore, Admiral of the Russian Fleet, Irresistible

Come, righteous warriors Theodori, from the mountain villages to the quiet, which rush to you, and listen to my prayer: bless the Lord God, grant us all, that before our salvation we ask for the New with your holy intercession. You are great; You, having overcome the impersonal adversaries, throw down all the visible and invisible enemies who are taking up arms against us. Ask the All-Merciful God: Do not let the fearful country of Russia be set free by the fierce atheist and the power of them, and do not put the throne of Orthodox kings.

Pray to the Lord God to grant a miraculous and unbreakable peace, and fruitful lands, a shrine to the shepherd, truth and strength to the law, wisdom and valor to be unstoppable as a commander, a court to the mayor, to your Russian fleet and to our entire army, the blessing of faith in that Batkivshchina, and the unhealthy of Christ . Take care of our Russian country and the holy donkey in the sight of the fortune-telling stings, let in word and deed be glorified in them the all-holy name of the Father, and Sin, and the Holy Spirit, nin, and forever, and for ever and ever. Amen.

Holy Blessed Alexander Nevsky, read by him before the Battle of Nevsky

God of praise and righteousness! Great God and Mitzny! God of peace, having created the sky and the earth and placing between languages ​​*, and live with instructions, not stepping into other people's parts, and giving His slave Nadiya, calmly Your Word, who is not afraid of a small flock of quiet, which to drive in the body; mercy, for the sake of Thy unviolent mercy, sending Thy Only-begotten Son to save that salvation of the human race.

I nіnі, Vladiko preschedriy, smell the words of the barbarian who proudly boasts of the rose of Your Holy Church, and save the faith of the Orthodox, and shed the blood of the Christian, look down from heaven and see and see the grapes of Yours; take a shield and a shield and stand to help me, don’t let our enemies show: where is God? For our God, and we put hope on You, and to You we exalt glory, to the Father and Sin and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

* Movi - (Church Slavonic language) people.

Holy Prince Dimitry Donskoy, read by him before the Kulikiv battle

O great name of the Most Holy and Life-Giving Trinity! Holy Mother of God, help us against the enemy, with the prayers of Your saint, Reverend Abbot Sergius, save our souls!

Let God resurrection and Yogo's horns will flow, and let them tick in front of Yogo's face that hates Yogo. As we know, let us know, for the Tanya will face the fire, so let the sinners perish in the face of God, and the righteous let them have fun. Lord, blessed God, hasten us the God of our salvation. The wondrous God of His saints, the God of Israel, He will give strength and power to His people. Amen.

The work of St. Blessed Prince Andriy Bogolyubsky

Lord, look at my illness and bless my humility, and my evil turmoil,

and my sorrow, that none of them possess me! So, spodіvayuchis, I suffer for all tsikh. Dyakuyu Tya,

Lord, having subjugated my soul, and in Your Kingdom create a servant for me! And now, Lord, if you shed my blood, accept me to the face of Thy holy martyrs. Amen.

At the pierced overcoat of the Russian soldier of the Great Vitchiznyana Oleksandr Zaytsev, who, having died in 1944, was found to have left in his earthly life, a farewell leaf.

Not to relatives and friends it is brutally out, but to the Almighty God, in Whom, having sacredly believed our warrior at his dying hour.

Listen, God. For once in life

Without you, I didn’t say, but today

I want to hit You.

You know, they told me from childish fates,

What is there for you. I, fool, believed.

I never looked at your creations.

I axis today at night I marveled

From the crater that the grenade hit,

Dawns on the sky, what was above me.

I am sensible with rapt, merciful with the light of Bud,

Yakim zhorstoky can be a hoax.

I don't know, God, give me your hand,

But I will say to You, and You will understand me:

Chi is not wonderful, scho among the stingy hell

I raptom blew light, and I recognized You?

And there is nothing for me to say,

Axis only, that I am radium, that I recognized You.

Opivnochі mi recognized in the attack,

Alemen is not afraid: You marvel at us.

Signal. Well, what? I'm crazy about virushati.

I was good with you. I also want to say

What, as you know, the battle will be evil,

I, maybe, at night I will knock on You.

І axis, hoch dosi Tobi I am not a friend,

Will you allow me to go away if I come?

Ale, it's okay, I'm crying. God, you bachish

From me became those who I saw through.

Farewell, my God, I'm going.

I'm unlikely to turn around here.

How wonderful, but now I'm not afraid of death.

Party of the intestinal tract and RUSSIAN IDEOLOGY

Poetry competition "Russian Golgotha", organized by the site "Literary and Historical Club Rusich" and the dedication to the centenary of the Russian Catastrophe is completed, pіdbito pіdbito.

The release of sin and the manifestation of Christian love and forgiveness. Archbishop Averky (Taushev)

Theologian, spiritual writer

Z ARCHIVE. The mayor of Yakutsk decided to take pork from the school menu for the benefit of Muslims



Zvernennya Novokuznetsk Batkіv, archpriest. Valeriya and Prot. Victor to the Priesthood and the laity! VIDEO

"Lipneva speka" (opovid. Part of persha). Dmitro Yudkin.

SUCH A THOUGHT. "Shkidlivy spitting on the mind of the site of A. Zdobichin "Moscow the Third Rome"

Life - Chalice, povna Love,
Way of Bezodni - One road,
She called us - people, with a share of the Earth,
Heavenly Father - One - our God - Glory to the Family!
Through You, until the Almighty blessing, we bring it to me,
Let's take the cup of life, pouring love into the life of the world...
Lead us forward, Odin, borg my vikonaemo!
I the Cup of life, and everyone takes their share, like a priceless gift,
Directed to the right path: Father Vsevishnіy, Almighty *, First!

Almighty * (one value) - Spirit, scho tremaє


Through You, until the All-Vishish blessing, we bring it - a cicave turnover, more so among the Scandinavians, Odin was called the All-Father, Father of Gods, God of Gods - so Odin is a higher, and not a happy lanka with the All-Vishish. And in the words - buli Rіd naivish, then Svarog, vіn the same Stribog. Remove axle. I will ask for a visit.

Radiy, why did Vseslav drop in!

You yourself don’t think so :) (and you can’t but), in some one in others (yaksho brothers are known globally), even Rid human One and in the new one God the Father and the Goddess Mother ...

Absolute Deity (Great Cholovіche + Great Zhіnoche COB) = ALL, RID - tobto. the ear of everything and everything ..., obviously even God One is not the Absolute Deity, but it can be called Rod - like the Father - that having given the ear to the human race and not only, Batko Bogiv - God of Gods - the greater God - 1 (One)
SVA - Spirit
SVA (RO (F) ECHI) - Spirit of the People Fire / Spirit of the People Fire / Spirit of the People Fire /
God ZVAR OG - God the Creative Spirit Fiery - ... through God Odin, Rooney - God One, calling one more God Perun ...

And the axis of you and the twist of the medal:
2nd world - Niflheim and Muspelheim - cold and fire stick together - brittle ice tane and fall into the river Ginungagap - the first chrіmtours Іmir comes out of the river. If in the sleep of the eyes of the dream, the z-pіd of the left hand came the mélіkan i veletnya, and one of the yogo and the other at once gave birth to his son. This is how the Veletniv tribe went.
May at once with him, by the will of Surt, who is near Muspelheim, the cow Audumla is born. Vaughn began to yearn for Imir.
all at once she licked the stone covered with brittle frost and licked the salty surface of the first people.
Yogo was called Buri - father. Yogo sin Bor was friends on Bestl, the daughter of Beltorn, they gave birth to three blues - Odin, Vili and Ve. Three brothers were gods and created heaven and earth.
so what is the axle.
not varto stray vikings from knights, wanting the words to sound similar, but the meaning may be different.

"at once, she licked the stone covered with brittle frost and licked it from the salty surface of the first person."

) Legends are more figurative)
A schodo vikingiv hmm. who knows the point of view...
With respect,

=)), then, maybe, until you plant a knight and a viking at the squadron’s table, you won’t bring anything. Such a cicava point of dawn: it’s all right, but I don’t know why, but I’m leaning on my hehehe.

Odin is the supreme god, the words have Rid, which vikonuє zovsіm іnshі funkії.
in words, mythology is more peaceful, in Scandinavians it is sucily crooked (the straightening of Torah and Perun)
The skin god at the Scandinavian pantheon has his own palace. At the words'yan-nі
Directly the functions of the gods: among the words - peaceful, directed at the peaceful pobut, among the Scandinavians - warriors, straightened at the military right, so it is the same as the place in the pantheon of divisions so that the gods, who stand for the military right, are on the front missions.
the words of the Yan gods have two gates: Chornobog and Morana, who creates the Serpent.
among the Scandinavian ones: i yotuni, khrіmtursi, trolls, i Fenrіr Vovk z Jormungandom, Loki and Naglfar glimmerings, Surt veleten.
the Scandinavian gods were constantly disdained among people and veletniv, drinking in marvelous situations, words'yansky = -nі.
words have no trickster Loki (which is natural, there is no analogue of the same)
in words, the Pantheon of deities is five times less, lower among the Scandinavians, then the light of unclean spirits is impersonal.
in short, you can still resurrect until usra ** i.

In a better way, like a Vikonan robot
2, we are talking about different aspects
Naytsіkavіshe (well, for whom it is special) -
like it’s true...
With respect,

Well, that's what I'm saying, it's true, it's different for everyone. hehehe. axis so.
and also ... today in the evening - tomorrow in the evening a new rozpovіd week. I ask the guest.

Persh down to the booth

see, you all come in

there are no enemies.

um skoðask skyli,

um skyggnast skyli,

því at óvíst er at vita

sitja a fleti fyrir.

Prayer to God Odin (Fire) / Vіrshi.

One road, Connected us - people, with a share of the Earth,

Do you know de vin?

who wants bi shvidshe

bіlya fire vіdіgrіtisya.

Gest er inn cominn,

hvar skal sitja sja?

sá erá bröndum skal

sins of freista frama.

to the one who is out of the way,

whose knees died down;

þeims inn er kominn

ok a kne kalinn.

þeim er hefr um fjall farit.

that listen to the guest.

þeim er til verðar kemr,

þerru ok þjóðlaðar,

ef ser geta matti

orðs ok endrþögu.

who has gone far, -

at home all you see;

marvel at the unspoken,

to sit among the wise.

þeim er víða ratar;

dælt er heima hvat;

at augabragði verðr

sá er ekki kann

ok með snotrum sitr.

Rozum before people

no need to brag -

attach yogo varto;

do not threaten your grief,

more mute on earth

lower wisdom of life.

At hyggjandi sinni

skyli-t maðr hræsinn vera,

heldr gætinn at geði;

þá er horskr ok þögull

kemr heimisgarða til,

sjaldan verðr víti vörum,

því at ubrigðra vin

fær maðr aldregi

en mannvit mikit.

and stare

er til verðar kemr

þunnu hljóði þegir,

en augum skoðar;

svá nysisk fróðra hverr fyrir.

praise and affection;

at the breasts of others.

lof ok liknstafi;

ódælla er við þat,

er maðr eiga skal

annars brjostum i.

[email protected]: This is the main prayer of Odin the Elder.

What is the main prayer to one of the other pivnіchnym pagan gods?

Yegor Punkrat Uchen (141), closed 4 years ago. Best opinion. Nothing.

Who are the Vikings?

Few people want to say anything about the great, wild and mighty warriors-vikings, whose culture and religion served as a miraculous reservoir for inspiration of writers, artists and screenwriters. The Vikings did not know fear, they worshiped their gods, in honor of them they hooted richly lands. The warriors of the Scandinavian Pivostrov were known to the inhabitants of Western Europe like the Normans, and the very name of them is used by the people in today's hand-me-downs of history. The Normans themselves were better off calling themselves Vikings, although on the very pіvostrov lived at the same time a flock of ancient Scandinavian peoples: Goths, Germans, Swedes and others. unions, and the very powers of the stench zumili zahopit such territories as France, England, Scotland, Ireland and a small island of the Mediterranean.

Religion of the Scandinavians

One of the leading conspiring officials was the religion of the Normans. All Scandinavian tribes had the same gods themselves, the same religions themselves, and to inculcate the same traditions and rituals. The paganism of vikings was a collapsible polytheistic system, which was founded on the worship of the gods, the spirits of nature and the elements, as well as the ancestors and impersonal mythical identities - valkyries, gnomes, giants, etc.

The Scandinavian gods zgіdno z vіruvannyami, buli podіbnі to people, small their families and belonged to one of the two main clans: vans and ases. The goddesses of the valley of the norni were christened by the caste of the gods, as they were small in their order as people, and other gods. Zgіdno with old orders, asi and vani for a long time cursed among themselves, but through the sprat, the stench still came to a compromise and laid the light, after which they ruled the people in full and with such mythical istots.

Rіd asіv bіv bolshe, nizh vanіv, to that yomu lay more part of the Norman gods. The Asi-gods lingered in Asgard, a fortified place, as if it had been awakened at the hour of the long war with the Vans. Sim'ya asіv is respected by the deities of order, and that skin inhabitant of Asgard was given the same place - a palace, near which stood the palace of the other god of the family.

In Asgard, the cream of the halls was also roztashovuvaetsya Valhalla - world, who knew his calm after death good warriors, who perished with honor in battle. The stench fell there for the help of the Valkyries - the warrior maidens, as they guard for the skin battle, they take souls of the dead from the battlefield. The Valkyries also lived in Asgardia as gods-asi. Among the gods-asiv naishanovanishimi (and widely known) are the same gods, yak:

  • Odin is the god of warriors, the sky and the king of the dead, the supreme god of all asivs;
  • Thor is the son of Odin, the king of thunder;
  • Tyr is the deity of war;
  • Frigg - the goddess of the whore, that patroness of the prodovzhennya kind;
  • Jord is the patroness of the earth;
  • Idun - patroness of eternal youth;
  • Balder is the god of wisdom and that spring;
  • Var - the keeper of human oaths, the patron saint of truth;
  • Bragi is the patron of poets;
  • Snotra - like Balder, was the goddess of wisdom, as well as eminence and decency.

The place of residence of the Vanir family is called Vanaheim. That was the full extent of the place of Asgard. All the deities of the vanivs lived at Vanaheim - the oldest gods of nature and kinship, but after the battle with the aces, the deity of the deity from the other family was admitted to the place of the vanivs. Vіdpovіdno to Scandinavian paganism, the place was roztashovane on the birch of the sea in the bosom of nature. On the new boulder of the bezlich spring blooming gardens, the skin bushes bloomed all season and brought great juice fruits. Among the most famous among the Norman gods-vans were:

  • Ren - goddess of nature, patron of storms;
  • Freya - the goddess of kohannya and kinship;
  • Freyr - the god of generosity and lita;
  • Aegir - patron of the sea;
  • Upl - the patron saint of kinship, the sky and the sea;
  • Guplveig - Chaklunk goddess.

Like ancient Scandinavian chronicles, the two main places of the gods (Asgard and Vanaheim) sprung up 7 more lights:

  1. Alvheim - world of elves (light of alves);
  2. Jotunheim - world of veletniv;
  3. Midgard - world of people;
  4. Muspelheim - the world of fire-flying winds;
  5. Niblheim - the world of crying bells;
  6. Svartalfaheim - world of gnomes;
  7. Helheim - light of the dead, de rule the goddess in the world and the rebirth of Hel.

Viruvannya that rites: creation of the world, sacrifice that end of the world

Zgidno zі Scandinavian vіruvannyami, all the world of people and supernatural іstot were created by the three gods-ancestors: Trill (who created the slaves), Karl (who created the diggers) and Jarl (great warriors). The worship of the gods among the Normans was accompanied by impersonal rites and rituals, which also often included sacrifices. As described in ancient legends, many of the Scandinavian gods were in love with sacred creatures, they were sacrificed most often. Fruits, vegetables and grain were sacrificed to the gods of kindred and elements, and the gods of war were sacrificed to the patrons of war.

The sacrifices were made in Uppsala, the then capital of the Scandinavian peoples (today it is the administrative-territorial unit of Sweden). Specially for sacrificial rites in Uppsala, a temple was built, covered with gilding, around which the priests grew. On their own heads, the priests called the body for sacrifice before him, as a gift to the dogs.

Like other great peoples of that religion, the Scandinavians had their own statement about the end of the world. Vin was called Ragnarok. Zgidno with a legend, death of more people and gods, all іsnuyuchi sviti will be zruynovani and all through the day Odin from the grave of the ancient seer Velvi. How to witness a prophecy, before the end of this world, the gods and people will forget to adopt moral norms, so to oppose each other, tse led to the final battle between good and evil, but you won’t be able to, it’s better to burn the fire with the rest of the fire. However, after the end of the day, hope will be lost: among the quiet, who lived, there will be a sprinkling of gods, supernatural istots and two people, like and guilty, they will create a new world.

How did they turn to Odin?

Creator in the midst: Wednesday is Wotan's day!

What is true - Rich, I save Yaku

Until the fatal day, if I am called to the grave ... "

The whale is a sacred creature, but people are not sacred creatures!

Onsdag (Dan. Norwegian Swed.)

and the axis of the Nimtsiv and the Icelanders - Wednesday became simply “the middle of the day”

Carl Larson. "Sacrifice at the day of the winter solstice

in Uppsala. 1914

Scandinavian paganism in the Icelandic sagas.

There is a lot of oman in Scandinavian paganism, one of them is considered to be the supreme deity and head of the pantheon of Odin for all Scandinavians of the Age of Vikings, and the shanuvannya of yoga was on the first place for the skin. Such a thought itself was put into eddichnu poetry, like the skaldi were saved, but it’s not possible to disperse with the tributes of the old gerels, such as the chronicles of that saga. It is obvious that the solitary crimson was the foundation of the spitting point of the dawn, as it gave predominance to the cult of Thor as the first among the gods. The work of Adam of Bremensky “Dії archbishops of the Hamburg Church” gives a description of the famous temple in Uppsala, they say that the most powerful god was moving into the new Thor, whose idol stood at the center, and the idols of Odin and Freyr were placed from the sides in the new.

Image of the god Thor with the hammer Mjollnir

in the hands of the Christian fonts in Sweden. XI century.

Behind the tales of the "Saga about the people from the Sandy Shore", Thor's shanubalists did not believe in the dichotomy "Valhalla - Hel", if they died in battle, they rise and go to heaven to the gods, and the reshta breaks into the underground abode of the dead. Look at them souls after death live on the clan Holy Mountain. Himself to the Holy Mountain to his relatives, and not to Hel, after death, consume Thorstein, who drowned on the fishermen.

“Hrolv was a great hevding and is alive in a big way; Vіn stezhiv on the island behind the temple of Thor and yogo a great friend; That's why Yogo was called Thorolf. That’s right, a great, strong and prominent man, with a bushy beard; This Yogo was called the Bearded Man from Mostra. Vin was the most famous person on the island.

Image of Thor with Mjollnir on the runic

stones from Altuna, Uppland

(Uppland), Sweden. 1161 r.

“Having settled at the Head Yard, Hrafnkel became a worker of rich sacrifices and called for a great temple. From the gods Hrafnkel especially shook Freyr and gave him half of everything that was the most important. Hrafnkel, having occupied the whole valley and began to distribute land to other people, but, panuvati over them, voicing his own fates. That yogi was called Godi Freyr.

Contemporary reconstruction of an ancient Norwegian temple. Jerelo:

The Sazi about Sturlaug the Industrious Ingolfsson describes B'yarmaland's "great temple" as follows:

(Quoted from the book: Svanidze A. A. Vikings. People of the Saga. M., 2014. Stor. 321-322).

*) The term "God's feet" is currently active

vikoristovuetsya skhidnoslov'yansky pagans.

As far as I could understand, the mystical sense of the runes began to be attributed already in the 19th century with the light hand of the occultist Guido von List.

And so the only ones in the Sigdrivi's speeches

I often drink, if the classic runes of the futhark are taken for amulets and so on.

Rob tattoo and etc.

I have always respected the Futhark in a rudely seemingly alphabetic way.

Prayer of God to Odin

Way of Bezodni - One road,

She called us - people, with a share of the Earth,

Heavenly Father - One - our God - Glory to the Family!

Through You, until the Almighty blessing, we bring it to me,

Let's take the cup of life, pouring love into the life of the world...

Lead us forward, Odin, borg my vikonaemo!

I the Cup of life, and everyone takes their share, like a priceless gift,

Directed to the right path: Father Vsevishnіy, Almighty *, First!

Certificate of publication No. 108121402530

SVA (RO (F) ECHI) - Spirit of the People Fire / Spirit of the People Fire / Spirit of the People Fire /

God ZVAR OG - God the Creative Spirit Fiery -. through God Odin, Rooney - God One, naming one more God Perun. http://www.stihi.ru/2009/08/22/3541

2nd world - Niflheim and Muspelheim - cold and fire stick together - brittle ice tane and fall into the river Ginungagap - the first chrіmtours Іmir comes out of the river. If in the sleep of the eyes of the dream, the z-pіd of the left hand came the mélіkan i veletnya, and one of the yogo and the other at once gave birth to his son. This is how the Veletniv tribe went.

May at once with him, by the will of Surt, who is near Muspelheim, the cow Audumla is born. Vaughn began to yearn for Imir.

all at once she licked the stone covered with brittle frost and licked the salty surface of the first people.

Yogo was called Buri - father. Yogo sin Bor was friends on Bestl, the daughter of Beltorn, they gave birth to three blues - Odin, Vili and Ve. Three brothers were gods and created heaven and earth.

not varto stray vikings from knights, wanting the words to sound similar, but the meaning may be different.

A schodo vikingiv hmm. who knows the point of view.

among the words, the mythology is more peaceful, among the Scandinavians - the sucile is crooked (the directness of Torah and Perun)

The skin god at the Scandinavian pantheon has his own palace. At the words'yan-nі

Directly the functions of the gods: the words are peaceful, the peaceful pobut is straightened, the Scandinavians are warriors, it is directed to the right of the Viysk, like the place in the pantheon of divisions, the gods are on the right of the front to the right.

the words of the Yan gods have two gates: Chornobog and Morana, like the Snake is created.

among the Scandinavian ones: i yotuni, khrіmtursi, trolls, i Fenrіr Vovk z Jormungandom, Loki and Naglfar glimmerings, Surt veleten.

the Scandinavian gods were constantly disdained among people and veletniv, drinking in marvelous situations, words'yansky = -nі.

words have no trickster Loki (which is natural, there is no analogue of the same)

in words, the Pantheon of deities is five times less, lower among the Scandinavians, then the light of unclean spirits is impersonal.

in short, you can still resurrect until usra ** i.

2, we are talking about different aspects

Naytsіkavіshe (well, for whom zvichayno yak) -

like it’s true. (І vіdpovіdno intіlennya.)

but also. today in the evening - tomorrow in the evening a new rozpovid week. I ask the guest.

Prayers (selection)

Not to us, Lord, not to us, but all to the glory of Your name!

Motto of the Knights Templar

The idea of ​​this book was born a long time ago. Everything in it appeared at different times and in different people. Vaughn took it herself.

The idea of ​​this book is impossible to spread. It’s just that all of us have our own starry sky, the dermal one has its own “upper place” - the Acropolis, the dermal one has its own Rizdvyana Zirka.

You can’t teach anyone to pray, there are no “correct” prayers, special words, singing standards. Ale, re-reading the skin of a row of this book, you sing, that all of them are completely similar and united in your needs, move with God, with yourself, with your dreams ...


Gibran H. Gibran. “The same priestess said: Tell us about the Prayer…”

Then the priestess said: Tell us about the Prayer. I vіn vіdpovіv like this: Pray if you need grief, but you could also pray in the days of your joys and in the days of prosperity.

But what is a prayer, if it is not a continuation of your Self, why do you live in the heavenly expanse? And it becomes better for you, if you wiggle your dark hair into the whole expanse, you will be welcome to weave there and the sweatshirt of your heart.

And if your soul calls you to prayer, you can no longer read, it is your duty to wake you up again and again, your docks will not pass from the eyes. If you pray, you climb up the hill, so that you will spy on those who can pray at the same time and whom you would not snipe without prayer.

Therefore, let your visit to that invisible temple be less for burying that joy of grazing. To that, as you have gone to the temple, if you ask, you do not take it away. And if you have gone too far in order to humble yourself, they won’t pick you up.

And remember that you have gone to the temple, to pray for the well-being of others, you will not be felt. It is sufficient that you enter as far as that invisible temple.

I cannot give you the words of your prayers. God does not hear your words, but silently falls, if Vin Himself puts them in your mouth. I cannot teach you the prayers of your seas, and lisiv, and gir. Aleve, children of quiet gіr, and foxes, and seas, you yourself will know the prayer at your heart.

And if you just listen in the quiet of the night, you will feel how the stench seems instantly: “Our God, having created our wings, I, your will is punishing us. Tse your bazhannya zichit with us. Because of your wakefulness, our nights, as if to lie with you, are transformed into days, yours.

We can’t ask you for anything, because you know our needs, the first stinks in us are smelt: You, having thought out our need for us, and, giving us more to ourselves, give us everything that we need.

Gibran H. Gibran

Gibran Khalil Gibran (1883-1931) - Lebanese and American philosopher, artist, poet. Yogo is considered the greatest Arabic writer of the 20th century. The book "Prophet", which glorified yoga, was translated by 100 words to the world and skin її chitachev, like a bi culture that did not lie down, rozpovida about the most headless - about pragnennya to the Spirit.

Prayer of the priest of Amon. “My heart is grieving for the ability to beat you…”

My heart is grieving for the ability to beat you, About the Lord of the Perseus trees, If they decorate your neck with vines of flowers! You give life without food, sleep without food.

Oh, how to radiate your name: It’s like a savor of life, like a garment for the naked, Like the aroma of a fluffy white under the hour of summer speck, Like a sack of wind for the one who has been at the yaznitsa.

How wonderful to follow you, Amone, Vladiko! The one who jokes about your greatness! Live fear, save joy in the hearts of people! Prayer of the priest of Amon.

XVIII dynasty

Gospel in Matthew. “If you pray, don’t be like a hypocrite…”

And if you pray, don't be like a hypocrite who loves at the synagogues and at the corners of the streets, praying incessantly, so that you can show yourself in front of people. Correct, I tell you that the stench is already taking away their city.

Well, if you pray, go to your room, and, having repaired your doors, pray to your Batkov, that you sweat; and your Batko, what to taєmne bachel, I’ll tell you clearly.

But pray, do not speak arrogantly, like pagans; for the stink to think that in richness they will be felt; do not imitate them; for your Father knows what you require before you go to New.

Gospel in Matthew

Prayer of the Optina elders. “Lord, give me peace of mind to understand everything…”

Lord, give me with peace of mind to learn everything that the day brings, that it comes.

Give me more to follow the will of Your holy.

Skin year of this day in the old days, and support me.

If I didn’t take away the stars of the protracted day, teach me to accept them with a calm soul, that firm reconciliation, that Your will is holy for all.

At all words and right of mine, care with my thoughts and feelings. Do not let me forget that everything is sent by You.

Teach me directly and prudently work with the skin member of my motherland, do not benevolent and do not embarrass anyone.

Lord, give me the strength to endure the day that is coming, and all under the stretch of the day.

Follow my will and teach me to pray, to believe, to be supportive, to endure, to forgive and love.

Prayer of the Optina Elders

Optina pustel - widely visited Russian monastery Orthodox Church. Raztoshovaniya not far from the town of Kozelsk Kaluzka region. The elders of Optina Pustela became the spiritual mentors of prominent Russian writers and thinkers.

Ojibwe prayer. “Oh Great Spirit, whose voice I can smell in the winds…”

Oh, Great Spirit, whose voice I feel in the winds and whose breath gives life to the skin, Feel me. so, so that my eyes would always saturate the red and purple sunset of the sun.

Zrob so that my hands respect everything created by you. I make my ear hospitable, so that I can instantly hear your voice. Make me wiser, so that I can instantly understand those whom you taught my people to the skin leaf and the skin stone.

I ask for wisdom and strength Not in order to overcome my brothers, but in order to overcome my worst enemy - myself. Zrob me forever, we are preparing positions in front of you with clean hands and a straight look.

So, if life is extinguished, as the sun is dying, My spirit could come to you without a litter. Ojibwe prayer

The Ojibwe are the Indian people of the Algonquian modern family, who live today in the United States and Canada.

Ojibwe is the “elder brother” or “protectionists of the faith” in the union of the Indian tribes, which has been in existence since the 18th century, known as the “Rada of the Three Fires”.

Prayer of one of the Indian leaders for the beginning of the day. “I am creating, I ask you today to help me be modest…”

Creator, I ask you today to help me be modest. Let me spend the day listening. Help me not to boast and not balak. Help me today not to rob the one who needs respect for the praise of the otochyuchy.

I only testify before You, about the Great Spirit. You will tell me what you need to know. Let me learn the lessons of my elders. Let me read the children with the butt. Allow me today, so that my words do not diverge on the right.

Prayer of one of the Indian leaders (before the 17th century) at the beginning of the day

Prayer of Socrates. "The love of Pan and other gods ..."

Loving Pan and all other gods, Yaki live here! Give me inner beauty! Let me look like that, like I am.

Let wisdom be my only lane, And my mind Let it be so that I can carry yoga with me. Prayer of Socrates

Socrates (bl. 469–399 BC)

) is the greatest ancient Greek philosopher, who has taken into account that wisdom is laid over deep knowledge, and following the daimon - the inner voice, the voice of the soul, the conscience. Vіn not imposing the truth, but helping the teachings to know it themselves from the powerful soul.

Prayer of Pharaoh Ramesses II. Who are you, oh my father Amon?..

Who else, oh my father Amon? Chi forgetting his son's father? Obviously, the fate of the one who checks on you is unfortunate, to resist your will; but blessed to the one who knows you, for your right to come out of the heart, full of love.

I call to you, O my father Amon! Take care of me among the wealthy people, nedomikh me; all peoples unite against me, and I am alone; there is no one with me. A lot of my warriors changed me, none of my leaders marvel at me; and if I call їх, no one hears my call.

Ale, I’m singing, that Amon means more to me, lower a million warriors, lower hundreds of thousands of warriors and ten thousand brothers and blues, so that the stench will be taken together. Pratsya bagatioh people bezgluzd; Amon panues them.

Prayer of Pharaoh Ramesses II

Ramesses II the Great (bl. 1279–1212 BC) – one of the greatest pharaohs Ancient Egypt, for some reason, the country has reached an unbelievable rise.


Creator of the All-Sveta, the God of the All-Vish, Love dzherelo Forces that Life! Feel the people of your land and bless our holy land! For those who have given us One, God alone knows the truth of Life For us, Vin is a bright Ideal.

Vin - Virniy, Chesny, Wise Warrior! Win showing us a clear Way! The God of Warriors and the God of Heroes Reveal the Essence of Life for us! Under the ker_vnitstvom of Yogo Force Mi, the Earth-Mother is transformable!

I swear, our Creator, Vaughn to embellish Your crown! Almighty, we ask you, I call for Odin, we pray We pray: Show mercy

І Help Bring one!

Hail, Odin!

Glory to the Great One, Live, prosper! Protect the Earth-planet! Strong, Mighty, You are the Father of all of us, I help You God the Creator! One, the Great, Glory to the centuries! Reveal Your will In our right! Glory, glory, Odin, the Great! Hail, God of Warriors, Protector of the Earth! Eternal glory to your children! Eternal glory of Life, Kokhannya! Great God One! Planet Zahist! Glory, Mighty, At the top and right! You have our Joy! You have our strength! І our prayer For glorious help! Hail, Great, Mighty Vladiko! One who brings the Earth Life Light! To expand the Warriors of Your swede, The wind to fill up Vitrilo overcame! Thank God! Glory to Odin! Strength is for the Warriors! Happiness - Batkivshchyna! Glory! Glory! Great One! Defender of the Earth, Batazhok Voiniv! Your children - We are going to battle!

Call of the Great God Odin
to Russia

Mighty God, Great One! Please, come here! See the territory and see right and live! Let the Earth and people be Under the cover of Your shield! Let the triumph of justice Vidteper, all the time and forever! Let the Spirit of Russia be born! Stop it, Old Man! Your wages will be, Come on the unclean rush! We cry and glorify Your Power! Get ready Your crown! Mi - virna Your Druzhina! Bless, shine, our Father-God!

The oath is dedicated to the Great God Odin

I swear, joining Your Host, Remagat all scum and evil spirits! I swear to Virnim and Serve! Dihannyam Zhittya cherish! I swear to stand in front of the enemy with a sword, a knife with a knife! And if you lose your shield, the Enemy will still be beaten! As long as you're alive, don't pass the enemy! Zagin - vin for me pide! I will cleanse with blood, I will stretch! For Life, my blood is faces! I swear, Russia is open! Wake up our holy people! I swear to serve One! For a Happy Planet of life!


I am Your Warrior, the Great One! I'll tell you at the gathering... See me! Mountains in me! Reveal yourself through me! I serve You, Kokhannya and Life! And let us help the All-Vishnish!

Peace and calm planet...

Rank prayer

Great One, our God is Wise! I pray to you today's lie .... Presvitly Odin, I'm right! On a clear Way, I’ve set up, Sob I krokuvav easily and mercifully I work a moment of Good Dilo, Sob knowing your Appointment, Your vikonav Doruchennya, Crossing everything, I’ve done a vikonati zumіv (Everything has suddenly been grasped)! Please bless me!

Celebrate my Spirit at this Day!..

Denna prayer

Feel me, Great One! Have manifested the Spirit, Bless me for a feat, With which I will do my Life. Give me Zrіnnya, sob everything, Give Rozum, sob touch, Give me a Rumor, sob feel the truth,

Give the Spirit Strength, stand still!


Dyakuyu, Great One, For the Dilo of the day, For the Power, Knowing that Dosvid, For Your Spirit, which I have gained before me. Zustricha nіch that zіrok syayvo. The earth is going to repair.

The All-Vishish future will be the Light of Budivly with His straining Hand. Your Spirit will descend to the Earth, and the Batkivshchyna will grow stronger, and the first warriors will become stronger. Give peace and light to the Earth, Burn all evil spirits with Light.

Let me help you, let Tobi

Almighty God with whom.

Requested to the booth

Mighty God, Great One! I ask you, see me in my Dim! Bless me for a feat

And put the naviki into the new!

Before the meal

My God! Great Light One! I am your Warrior! I serve the Batkivshchyna! I pray for light indulgence: Please, send Blessings and slay me with light Strength, Sob I resurrected the body to Life, Sob Joy, I can inject into me and my Will was smitten. Sob mi buli zavzhdi z Peremogoyu!

І Ty zі me її have a bite!

After the meal

Dyakuyu Earth-Mother For those that I can accept the gift, I give life to the body to drink,

I call one to serve!

About help

Great God, our Light One! I pray for Glorious Justice! Pishli Uspіh i Uspіkh, Schob was not in Dilah, there was no change. Give me wisdom, that Strength, Important, Do well. More needs kmіtlivіst, and with it - lightness and rіshuchіst. Just a few more intuitions, to choose the right positions. More patience, accuracy, good luck, chuynist, adequacy.

God is one! To you I will assign the Right, Make me less sensible and merciful, So that I will be able to practise, Shvidko, easily reach your own. It went quickly, Send me a positive mood. My tribute to You is done For Your respect and patience. Please, send me the result, you will give radium to Jacob Ti.

Shchob bov on the greed of the earth,

І Yogo bless.

On the road

Climbing off the Path-Road, I bow low to God: Lightness on my back Path I entrusted to me! Sob from the Power of me to Live,

Properly Serve One...

I'm in good health
(human prayer)

My God, Great Light One! I pray about my Nature, About the body, given to the people of the people, - Save this kind of decay. Bestow Yogo with health, Rational thought, pure blood.

I pray, send a blessing, Celebrate my becoming, my hearing and sir. Sob I became a strong person, Sob I took everything clearly, Sob I saved my activity and showed efficiency.

To live productively for a moment, to be a warrior, to serve the earth!

Prayer for health

I beg you, Great One! Feel my quiet modest stogin. Send me more health, Love and Beauty ... Moreover, I don’t bless about self-flowering, I don’t ask for pennies, I don’t want everything, Ale without health is moth and gunpowder.

Most important for Health, And with it Life, Beauty, Luck, Happiness, Bloodliness, Enchantment, Purity... my ... My ailment, її Cause, By nature, introduce dissonance.

Such a vague picture - Pathological alliance My One! Be good to me!

Prayer for a friend half

Great God! Wise One! I serve Thee, the country, nature, Sacred of my obov'yazok vikonu I in the Life of the Law in vtіlyu. I will demand the Power, the Great, the Sword for what I forge, To be more effective in action and win in any battle.

I will demand Strength, my Odin! Who in the body closes the Spirit, Who brings, enlivens and trims the ear. I pray for a woman, Velika, Ridna, I will only sound to me, With Love in my heart, with a clear face, I enchanting cycle ...

I beg you, Father, feel the prayer, Show me Your grace, Give the woman the basis of Life, To become a human being!

Prayer for a friend half

One Great! Oh my dear! I respect yoga and I love it! Help the right brown you, Send good luck, save the negativity. Sob having done it to yourself and it’s good, and it’s good, Sob everything turned out as if it were smooth and smoothly.

Honor, nobility let them prosper, Manhood, the will not to know between. Let's smile, we'll laugh, we'll win, We'll be smart, we'll be healthy ... I love me more ...

Let me serve You wine and honestly, and Suvoro Let me be straight and easy way.

Prayer for family

Great God, our Wise One! Father of people, that all Nature! I pray, bless us with the harmony of the creak! For our union to be healthy, mіtsnim, For children to grow up with healthy children. Sob we loved one alone - Cholovik-Warrior and Druzhina-Girlfriend ...

Bless our reciprocity, Sob at the house there was a new Chalice, Sob the lady grew up Take us under Your Crilo. So that together we went through negarazdi and garrisoned with the scoundrels. So that the mind does not deprive us, Be with us, Holy Ideal.

Let our spirituality grow, To rush forward in the right way, Serve the Native Earth with goodness, and be like You. Hai will be with the World of Happiness, Well, in this world - Zlagoda!

About the continuation of Rod

Mighty God, Great One! I serve You, Love, Nature! I beg you, bless! We continued to the Joy of Life Reid!.. Let the War-children go to Reality! Bring harmony, happiness with you! Thy Rati come to life on Earth - Serve forever (correctly)

Dear my Toby!

On a safe slope

I pray to God Odin and my Earth-Mother Help me to give birth to me War I in Life to accept a child!

Prayer for children

One-Batko! I pray for children! I give you my share to your hands! Their will, Svіtliy, was sent to them. Standing firmly on the Divine Path I reveal the Spiritual Essence in them! Give them valor, Smіlivіst i Nobility, Joy, Luck, and indulge in all indulgence.

With your light, Great, burn, All forgiveness, I bless you, stray. Let them become people of stench The words of that Honor and People will be in the home. Let Nobility and Povaga Virno accompany them at the dressing.

Bless them for the feat of that Life!

At the army of Yours, accept them to serve!

Warrior's Oath
Great God One

Vladitsі Peremog, Vatazka Warriors I take an oath to protect my Batkivshchyna, to protect the Earth from the enemies of that misfortune, to protect the World from shkіdlivih misfortunes. Great God One, receive from your Rat. I swear to Thy Will in myself to obey. Worthy and honest to go to battle, There is no undead in the boundaries of the Earth. At the battle, valiantly protect Life.

Enemy without mercy. And if I fall in that battle, I ask, God-Father, accept my Soul. To re-enter at the borders of the Earth, Under the ensign of God at the battle to go. Let the abomination throw itself, do not bachit їy mercy. Pay more grim for every malt. Peremoga - awards for goodness and courage.

Buti the Warrior of God is great on the right.

One. Zvernennya to Scandinavian gods

Turning to the gods is one of the ancient ways of magical work. This is one of the greatest equals of magic, which is accessible only to priests, as they dedicated all their lives to the service of this force. Dari brought ta wonderful people at the temples, at the temples, stalking to the tops of the valley. But they reached a greater effect, if the animals and gifts were made by priests, witches, shamans, sorcerers.

Turning to the gods is a powerful ritual. Ale, having turned back from the prohanny, having taken off the baganas, forget about everything - so don’t see.

So that the magic worked, turn to the gods, it is necessary to interact with them steadily, it is necessary to take the wines of the bindings and win them over.

In order to turn up to the deity in the future, it is necessary to learn more about the new one, about the gift, as it is necessary for him to give. The first ritual sings not є prohannyam - tse familiarity.

One is a warrior, that sage sings

God is Alone, almighty, but first for all, being the supreme warrior. Vіn rushing into the thick of the battle, having pierced with an enchanting list and sword. On the head there is one buv of gilding with horned sholom. Vіn dressing a magical belt with a majestic buckle over the arms, which increased his strength tenfold. At all battles, Odin was accompanied by two fierce wolves and valkyries.

One is not just a warrior - he is a wise man. While everyone is banqueting, waving their feats, they are resting in thoughts. To look at the fountain of wisdom, which protects Mіmir, One sacrifices one of his eyes.

Tsey feat to rob Yogo one-eyed, even wiser, shards of wine mastered by knowledge that is inaccessible to others.

And so that the power of the runes will be touched by the whole world, One to sacrifice himself to himself, sagging, being nailed with a wet list until Stovbur is clear nine days. One beer only braga and honey, nothing more than їv.

One is famous for krasnomovstvo, speaking sing verses, shards already love poetry. Wine is more appropriate for women. I don’t care about those that Frigga’s yogo squad is the goddess of loving ties, you will gradually suffocate in other goddesses. And I create uneasy stosunki for her.

At the largest hall of Asgard Odin spend an hour in the year of dozville, as the bula was induced by itself for the new.

Today two black crows - Dumka and Memory silently fly over the Earth. And for an hour of days, they descend on the shoulders of the master and tell him about everything that they bachili.

So Odin loves to spend an hour, not less in thought, but on the road. At this moment, the horse Sleipnir was saddled, delivering yoga to some far-off place. Sometimes one changed his sight, or changed his clothes, so that he would perish among people, so that he could give lessons of modesty to the gods. Bose Odin will have the talents of a warrior, that sage poet.

Ritual "Give Odin"

On this day, Odina will sing from the magic of runes - signs, like they hung on trees, fences, stones. Behind the help of magic, strength wiggles, laid at the runes. І tse dopomogaє pobachiti maybutnє, zdіysniti bazhannya. For the help of the runes, you can create an anonymous program for the defense of the reach of meti. Ale Odin is not happy to learn runi team, who is not blessed with knowledge.

To carry out the ritual "Give Odin" you need the songs of knowledge.

  • the main element of Odin is Povіtrya, and the additional element is Water;
  • color - violet, blue;
  • numbers - 3 and 9;
  • creatures - kіn, vovk, raven, snake, eagle;
  • magical armor - kіltse, write-off, club;
  • The goals of the beast are wisdom, accessibility, scaffolding, damnation, invisibility, exuberance.

Rooney, who victorious this rite: Dagaz, Eyvaz, Gebo, Odal, Vunyo, Ansuz.

Darunki to Odin: honey, mead, beer and alcoholic drinks.

Objects: at the sight of the sword, chi was written off.

The main stages of the rite: purification, consecration, preparation, exhortation, mourning, completion, redemption.

Purification - purification of space for the ritual, all objects are taken. Need a fire (candle), water (a bowl of water). Tse protilezhnosti, for the help of which you can recognize all the lower daily life, having ensured the neutrality and purity of the place, the rite is deviated. Enclose enough with a candle, trimming the place over the water for the ritual.

Consecration - it is necessary to close the space for yourself for additional application to the symbol of Thor's hammer with the words: Hammer on the pivnochi (come in, etc.)! Bless the world! ".

Preparation - start at the consecrated mission. It is necessary to form a small inner ring. For whom, put the symbol of God in the center of the stake, which will show the set mark, and the symbol of the elements will be placed for the rest of the stake. At Odіn - tse povіtrya, for example, arable land, and water, for example, a bowl of water. You can't forget about gifts. Offer One - beer dark or light, honey.

Calling - requesting to the stake of the forces of the first element, the gods and those forces, as if the magician's bajan was victorious. Tsya deya make a magical ring of energy.

Zvernennya - zvernennya to Odin with explanations of the reasons, yakі zmusili tse zrobiti and the result, which I wanted to reach and guarded if I gave Odin like a payment for additional help.

Vershennya - the main part of the rite, in which you are going to pevna diya. You can also apply runes or your bedroom. A fee is paid, offering Odin with the order of the force to vikonate the will of the magician, bound for the sake of the god Odin.

Redemption - savagery with gratitude for respect, I will help to the strength. Then let us let you in, asking for a look at the month of the rite. Zakhist is known and it’s not guilty in the place to tell a story about a thorough deed.

Returning to the gods that vminnya it is correct to bring a gift for a gift as an important aspect in robots with runic magic. Let's be more specific about this, adding respect to the skin deity.

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