Like prayers to read, to know a good lad. Prayer for the healing of love until the life of the skin. Yak do not force the camp

To the main women's heads, as our ancestors respected, there is a spiritual turmoil about the birth nest, about all the yogis. Cholovik near the field pratsyuvav, about material well-being, boasting. And the squad was at home. Ale won no less fussed over the reign. Even with the warmth of her wound, she inspired strength to all of them, who, after having crossed the outer world, obtained a hedgehog for the family. Axis on what a prayer for a person was called. The axis of some principles is out of the way. How to read the words, how to read them, now? Let's get smart.

Modern realities and old traditions. Conflict?

Nina women try to find out that such a prayer for a person is less than once, if you spend a person. Called me to the Almighty to come with bіdami and problems. Us tse zdaetsya natural. Who else is there to cheat, if not the Heavenly Father? Adzhe zovsim didn’t care so much earlier. Sob the Lord helped you, follow the commandments of yoga, do not hate the borg. And now what is going on? The beautiful women have completely destroyed the world of human problems. Work, mining, finance - everything has become the sphere of their interests. They write to them that they will get a lot of pennies. Mustache yourself to grow. And about those who need to be forgotten by the soul. Let's keep busy. And as soon as the family begins to fall apart, prayers for the family, for the person, are whispered at once. No, to put such food on: “But why do I give a squad, why don’t you get it?”. It dawned on me, in the heat of the day, people can’t go anywhere. Youmu is calm and calm. Need to find out more? Prayer for a person, as if it’s not only about her in case of problems, I create the very calm of the soul.

When everything is bad

Before the mothers of their daughters, who had been seen before, they taught so. hang on in the head buti. Rise to the wind, guess, correct the pracice of the blessed one - with the help of words, lie down - do not forget about them.

Now it is recommended to write them with your own hand on a clean piece of paper and place it in the bedroom. Let the prayer for the person be instructed fast. And the masters are getting paid garniy slіv we will need embroidery (with beads and threads), and embellish the impersonal in other ways. So you can frame that prayer on the wall. Let me remind you that in the madness and baganin about the bindings of the soul, there is no trace.

Prayer of a friend for a person

“Jesus Christ, son of God, Presodevo Mary, intercessor! From the heavens on our river, you marvel at the sight. To help us at work, at work, at the hardships of the earth. Married in the name of the Lord, to live one by one, like the Holy Angels, be in order with happiness and bіdі, help everyone with that creak! A man from a retinue, don’t let them get angry, don’t slander with words of lail. God! Thanks to Your grace, we breathe in, We call with the angelic voice, Helping the Blessing of Mary, we enjoy. Grant us calmness and light for ever and ever, so that there were no words for us, smart, evil, dark spells, brooding swarms! Let the children appear in their birth, they look at the faces of the Lord. Grant us a long life, so that you don’t forget the housekeeper! Defendant in the form of black shadows, in the form of promises, overlays with rice, in the form of ailments and addictions, in the form of filthy right signs! Do not go straight to the demons, nor the fiery hell, nor the sparkle of heaven! Vryatuy and save! Amen!

If the person is happy

That prayer, which was induced higher, must not be forgotten from the day of the wedding. Vaughn will not allow the sacred uzi to rozirvati, shlyub ruynuvati. And if it has become famously already, then another text is required. An old-fashioned word-yansk prayer for turning a person. Axis text її: “O All-God! I turn to you, like to the Forefather of the whole heavenly and earthly, the whole world! I will give glory to you! Please, lie and fix my share! Direct me and the squad on the truthful path! Sob zіyshovsya vin new, shob bolo kohannya. So that the family does not fall apart! For a part of a happy new year, my bula! Let me pray, like a skele, be my man! Let your fidelity show up a lot! Let life stand firmly on its feet! Hai to you, All-God, with a soul! Turn, please, my share! I love the person with my soul! Amen! Read these words every day for a sweater. Stand in such a way that the promises of the first obov'yazkovo fell into disguise for you. Speak the words, and take a rich person to the hands, like a wine made by himself, or a photograph. Do not forget that love is required in the words of the prayer, and not the image. Then turn your beloved.

The second option for turning back to the soul

Slovian prayers are even stronger. Only not a skin woman їkh vikoristovuvatime. Its nuances are a bit zaboboni. For those who are weaker to Orthodox texts, such a prayer is recommended. If a person turns around, then forget, becoming affectionate and lower again, go to the monastery. There, put a magpie for a kohan. Read yoga chenzi, ask for health. And put a candle of the Mother of God yourself, she will submit to her, the intercessor. Tell us what is in your soul. Maybe, imagine that you have lost your pardon, and you yourself have given your own behavior. Nasamkinets, read the prayers "Our Father" and the Matrona of Moscow - patrons of family ties. Bring the icon of the holy old woman home from that parish where they prayed. Before her, go all forty days, until the chances will be for your blessed prayer. And there, with God's help, everything will be rewarded!

Prayers for the love of a person are a strong and careless way to gain the respect of a kohanoi people. At the sight of dark love spells, prayers do not make a negative influx and do not give shkodi to you or your loved ones, and your kohana people will also be safe.

Prayers for the love of a person are not so strong, like love spells from zastosuvannyam blood, or as if they are carried out on the zvintar, but all the same, they wield their strength. One reading will not be enough;

Your kohany is more likely to be unreasonable inhalations. If you can show him the cause of your inclination, you will irrevocably suffocate. You know your happiness and the kohana of a person will never deprive you of one.

Prayer is strong

In the distance, stosunki are clapping bugats. Through such a negative report, the girls themselves are afraid of vibudovuvati them again. However, if you pray to the saints, then all fears step by step. After believing through prayer, the woman will not hesitate to start new romantic dreams.. Moreover, there will be tі, yaki, as it seems, for all life.

  • Sacred words move in the soul. Forget about stereotypes, skepticism, you can only make a fool of yourself. The saints will feel the prayer, as if there will be more.
  • Be honest, like at the bajans, so in your thoughts. The Lord will help you, but your heart is not guilty of evil thoughts.
  • Bazhano vivchiti text of the skin prayer. You cannot speak in your own words, but the effect will be less.

Wise and understand the simple, and the result will not get in the way.

Pray next to the great holy, if the Protection of the Mother of God is coming. It is not possible to work in other times of fate. And yet, at the same time, prayer has the maximum power.

“Oh, Omnipotent Lord, I know that it is great my happiness to lie in the fact that I loved You with all my soul and with all my heart, so that I victorious over Your holy will.

Do it yourself, my God, with my soul and remind my heart: I want to live up to You alone, for you are the Creator and my God.

Save me in the form of pride and self-love: reason, modesty and sensibility do not embellish me. Holiness is good for You and gives birth to vices, give me water to perfection and bless my work.

Since Thy law punishes people to live with an honest friend, then bring me to the Holy Father, to the call consecrated by Thee, not to wait for my desire, but to see Thy recognition, for Thou Himself said: It is not good for people to be alone, I, having done your wife . at the helper, having blessed their growth, it multiplies to inhabit the earth.

Feel my humble prayer from the depths of the girl’s heart Tobe, which is prayed for: give me an honest and pious man, so that in love with him and goodness glorify You, the merciful God: the Father and the Sin and the Holy Spirit, all the time and forever and ever. Amen."

How to get to Mikoli the Wonderworker?

It is necessary to know that the prayer to the Holy Pleaser will not help everyone. Mykola is vigilant, if they rage against the evil spirit until the next. In addition, if your main meta is the same time with a specific person, then the Miracle Worker is even more far away from you.

In addition, the result of the girl is not reached, as if they were lucky to bring a lad with this, who was worthy. To this, whisper a prayer only with a pure heart. . Until then, you can have a good faith in wonder.

As you can see, you are not yet ready for the right stosunkiv, next to buddy from the prohanny. Is the bajan wider? Go to the temple and pray at the holy icon. In addition, you can work at home vіvtar. The first hour, so as not to get in trouble, read the prayer behind the arkush to paperu. However, after that, there is no trace after all.

On the kohannya of a specific person

If you want a specific person to fall in love with you, then in which direction you need to turn to the Most Holy Theotokos. Great Mother to love her children, she is ready to help the skin. Do not forget to try a lot of simple rules:

  1. Your prohanni obov'yazkovo may have a wide namіrіv. Some people think what they need, but it’s really not like that.
  2. Don't try to overcome the trouble with prayer. First of all, you still don’t see anything. In a different way, you will grow more less yourself. Inflict the Wrath of the Lord on yourself - why do you need it?

"Blessed Mary,

Mother of our God Jesus Christ,

I beg you, look into my soul,

Find me kokhanoy,

Bring yoga to me

The one who is also fooling around,

The squad of my soul,

The one I love

Whoever loves me until the end of our days,

You, who know the suffering of that secret woman,

I ask humbly in the name of our God.


Ісnuє also strong zmova. You need a small stone. Take one of the roads when you go home. Bring yoga to the apartment and wash it with cold water 7 times. Then put a small fireplace on the stove and heat yoga. Take yogo, see out of the house, and walk about this kilo. Find a tree at a gathering, stand up to a new disguise and say this prayer:

“I got up, the Servant of God (Vlasne im'ya), went out of my booth through the door and through the gate. I went straight to the slope, went to the old and wise, nadіyny and mystic tree. I laid down the white root of my little stone with my charms, firm and clean. While I lie under a tree, I don’t know selfishness in my life, don’t burn me in grief. And through the tyzhden, I’ll eat my destined one, I’ll do it with love, as if I didn’t weep for me with a graceful swan, but now I’ll be deprived of it and my soul will be glad to remind me of all future life. My mіtsne and stronger word, no one can change it. Amen."

Fill a stone with a tree and break home without looking around.
Іsnuyut and dozens of other tricks, which do not require any manipulations. For example, it’s enough to take an arkush paper and write it on a new messenger to the Lord. Ask someone in your own words about those that you want to know the lad's hut. The note is left on the dvіkonnі. Tremite її there until the bazhannya zdіysnyatsya.

Almighty will help you to know love, so you pray with wide faith.

For some kind of help they turn to Mother Matronushtsi

For the old hours, if the holy bula was alive, the prayers went up to her steadily, the flow led the way to Matinka, unstoppable. Vaughn gave soulful exaltation, gave advice, she helped people with her prayers. With her prophecies, she helped the rich to vanish the death of that nebezpeka, vryatuvala in the sickness of the bodily and spiritual.

Today is the day before the holy old lady Mother Matronas are tormented by zowsimi different hells different ways One should just pray її, others see її grave, thirds – turn to її relics. She has the power to widely believe a lot of people in the whole world, before her they turn to the deepest scum:

How to read prayers for love to Matron

Like your bringing the death to Matinka - a prayer for a kokhan, a prohannya for a zamіzhzhya, varto vrakhovuvaty deyaki rules for reading prayers. It’s necessary to read it yourself so that the stench will be effective, and your kohannya mіtsnim and dovgim.

  • You can watch and read prayers until the holy prayers at any hour, finish it, but the month may be more than a break.
  • In order to read a prayer, it is necessary to entrust it to the images of Matrony, and it is not necessary to go to the church. Look at the kokhannya, that zamіzhzhya can be vikonati and at home, in front of the icon of the saint.
  • Prayer to Matinka is a kind of spiritual amulet against the miscreants of that grief. Tsej amulet will be children and in that fall, as if you called the saint for help when there was a discord with a man or a cohanim, then it is necessary to rage before her.
  • So that the spirits rose, so that the prayer before it turned into a talisman for your vodnosin, you need to believe in the power of the great Mother Matrony.

Prayers to Matronushka about kokhannya and for the winter

With this prayer, the girls turn to the same time, if they try to joke about a mutual swindle, stink to ask “let me find judgments for me”, “let me sleep cleanly for me”, “let a man love wine me.” Significantly, so that the prayer has risen, there may be more generous, but almost pure and sinless.

“I turn with blessings to you, Blessed Staritsa Matrona Moskovskaya. You heal the sick and delight the sinful souls. Help me to know love for each other in the person of a servant of God (it is necessary to remember the name of a kokhan). I promise you that I will become a faithful retinue for him and I will not harm a healthy people. Let your will be done. Amen."

Often, they turn to the saint and in order to let the kokhan go in, to repay a little something new. Most often, let a person let the girls die, if they suffocated at the friend. In such a time, the stench of the mind is wise, that a friendly person is more likely to be allowed in, but they can’t root out their own heart almost independently.

Prayers to Matinka Matrona about the yaknaishvidshe zamіzhzhya yakshcho not to go zamіzh for a long time

The most popular prohannya, with such girls they turn to saints - to know not just a kohan, but better to win a new zamіzh. As a young person with skin fate, she spends more and more hope on a happy love, for her it can’t be anything effective, lower to the holy with these words:

  1. Option 1
    “Mother Matrono! I bless you wonderfully, help me to get safely abroad. I pray for the swedish slub for the next two months. Mother Matrona! Pray to God for me, a sinner, help me.
  2. Option 2
    “Matronushka, help me to rule the special life. Pray to God for me. Dyakuyu! In the name of the Father and Sin of the Holy Spirit. Amen."
    So that the prayers were fulfilled, the girl is guilty of believing in God, fasting three dobi before prayer.

Father, we have told you about those, how small the power of the holy Matronushka is, and why її prayers of mute amulet for all suffocation, amulet against prey, grief that suffering. Remember that Matrona was a deeply believing and honest person, she is ready to help out only with such, like herself, a fair and pure soul, quiet, who prays.


Dear Lord, bless my special life clearly and help me to know the right love, which I will require. I got tired of selfishness, got tired of mental pain, connected with failures in a special life, got tired of stosunkiv, like bringing me pain that mentally borosno. I WANT A RIGHT, HAPPY, REPRESENTED LOVE FOR YOU, LORD….

Reward me, Lord, with that happy love in return for You. Let all the misfortunes and pains GO FORWARD for the sake of Christ. Let's go with those uncommon stosunki. I so want that holy love for each other. Be kind, Lord, help me to know such love and help me to accept. Such a distant Toby. Amen.

Dear Lord God! I beg you, help me to be with a kohanoy people, I ask me dearly, fill you up, my heart and soul before me. Only on you, Lord, my hope is that faith, I turn before you. Help us to be two people, let me rest in peace in the eyes of my soul and in the sight of my heart. I support and believe in those that we will double and become one with him, and become one for one. In the name of the Father and Sin and the holy spirit of the Nine and all the time for ever and ever! Amen.


O God, occupy our hearts with Your Spirit of Love, so that we thought and repaired from Your will, so that we could love You in our brothers and sisters - with all our hearts. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.


This prayer can help the girls, or the women, to know family happiness. She is not directed at a specific person, but instead of creating a fundamentally change the life of a person, bringing love to her, happiness is peace of mind.

Oh, All-good Lord, I know that my happiness is great to lie in

so that I loved you with all my soul and with all my heart

and that I victorious over all holy Thy will.

Do it yourself, O my God, with my soul and remind my heart:

I want to live up to You alone, for you are the Creator and my God.

Save me from pride and self-love:

intelligence, modesty and coloring let me embellish me.

Holiness is contrary to You and gives rise to vices,

give me a polyuvannya for practice and bless my practice.

For your law punishes people to live with an honest love,

then bring me, Holy Father, to the ringing hallowed by You,

not in order to reach my bazhannu, but for the vikonanny recognition of Yours,

Bo You Himself saying: Good people be alone,

i, having created a squad for you in a help,

having blessed their growth, multiply and inhabit the earth.

Feel my humble prayer from the depths of the girl’s heart to You, who is trying:

give me an honest and pious man,

so that we, in love with him, glorified you,

merciful God: Father and Sin and Holy Spirit,

ninі i povyakchas i for vіki vіkіv.



The prayers of the holy blessed Moscow matron for more than a hundred years have been cherished with love by the Orthodox, for their purity and effectiveness. So many people go to the help of the great Holy One with prohanny about family well-being, health, in order to make it successful (which is blamed on the difficulties of the conception of a child). Likewise, the prayer of the Matrona of Moscow about the kokhannya is often victorious. She helps to bring into life the one who prays for love and family goodwill, allows you to bring harmony into the house.
that calm.

O blessed mother Matrono, the soul is in heaven before the Throne of God, but the body is resting on the earth, and by the grace of grace, they draw miracles. Take a look at your merciful eye on none, sinners, in sorrows, ailments and sinful times of your days, what to endure, in silence, vіdchaydushni, zcili our ills are fierce, God see us for our sins, let us Jesus Christ test our sins , lawless that sinful fall, imі mi vіd youth
ours to the present day and the year of sin, that with your prayers, having obtained grace and great mercy, glorified in the Trinity of the One God, the Father, and Sin, and the Holy Spirit, and forever and ever. Amen


It is necessary, when the prayer is voiced, to lay down your right hand on the heart and say:

Before You, Lord, I stand, and before You I can only open my heart, and You know everything, about what I will ask, because my heart is empty without earthly love, and kindness and ask me to give me a shvidky way to that one, who is embracing the building. With light, we renew all my life and open your heart to mine for the wonderful anger of our shares and the well-being of a sleeping soul. Amen


Quite often, with the year, it seems to fade away and the woman begins to feel cold in hundreds of women from a man. There are many ways to solve such problems.

  • Tse i psikhologiya vіdnosin, i harmonizatsiya іntimnogo zhittya. Ale є th way, vіdі vzhe vzhe vzhe already rich hundreds of rоіv і came to us from the depths of vikіv.
  • Tse prayer for kokhannya cholovika. For zastosuvannya tsієї prayer is necessary, sob i vy, і your person was baptized.
  • It is necessary to read before the icon of the saint for your names, as if they gave you an hour of damnation. It is read twelve times with earthly bows.

On the sea, on the ocean, on the islands on Buyan, there is a white-flammable stone, white, like the chest of a squad, named after the stone Alatir, Alatir, no one knows. I will rise, the servant of God (my name), I will be blessed with a cross, wash myself with spring water from a stringed leaf, from merchant guests, from priests, from dyakiv, from young peasants, from red girls, young young women, from large breasts. Z-pіd of that stone of Alatir I will cast out the power for a love spell and I will send that power to my dear, servant of God (name of the kokhany), in all the swamps and sips, in all brushes and sips,
in the mustache they lived and drank, in the eyes are clear, the cheeks are ruddy, at the chest of yoga, the heart is jealous, in the womb, in the black liver, in the violent head, in the hands of the strong, in the legs of the swede, the blood is hot. Sob Iogo's blood boiled and hissed, my heart fluttered when I thought about me, I would have caught more light. Sob the servant of God (im'ya kokhanoy) sumuvav, sumuvav, not calm at night, shukav among people in the day, not a moment to live, buti, years of the year, hvilini live without me, servant of God (his own). A taut-steep would rise from the sea abyss, from the sea
grass-ants, it would rise to grief through the blue mountains, from dark psiv, part of the sea, get up, get up, confusion-dryness, addiction nevgasima, love nevgamovna, throw on, throw on the servant of God (Im'ya Kokhanoy), strike yogo, like a robber sacrifice, hospitality with a knife, no doctor, no sorcerer, no black chaklun, they didn’t kick my ailment, they didn’t take my yogo’s breasts, so the servant of God (Im’ya Kokhanoy) sumuva, sumuva for me, God’s servant (his own) i), like a mother for a child, a mother for a lamb, a mother for a horse. I freeze the love spell of far away
three with locks, three with keys. My word is mіtsne and lipke, like a combustible stone Alatir. Amen.

After reading (as a rule at the early dawn), it is necessary to read the prayer “Our Father” 9 times in the evening of the same day, then follow the next three days and drink to the church. Prayer can be victorious only to renew the love of your rightful person.


This is the strongest way to lure love to the life of a person. Buvay, scho in life do not add up stosunki, people suffer from self-sufficiency and pragne to know with all their hearts Bazhan kokhannya, sіm'yu and peace of mind. I will help you in this situation prayer for love.

Before You, I groan, I pray, Lord, I ask,

Praying For Help, I Know That You Feel Everything, About What I Ask,

Probach for those that I sin, zbivayuchi in the roof about stone feet,

Send me Shvidki Dorogi, Bo Ti Knows, I'm Shukai,

As you know, those whom I want to press down with love

I Grow All Life With Love, Buti For New Yogo And Blood

І At Tezh Chas - Life of All. I pray for your help,

I got lost in this world and I cannot know that

Who is Shukazh Half of His Middle Impersonal People,

I pray for your help, in you alone my hope,

Send the One Me, Whose Heart is Thirsty Embraced,

Take care of my Soul, I will be Holy Love Granted to Me,

For the only Tobі I'm running for Help and Vіdrad.

I ask Kokhannya, Kokhannya of the Earth, Heart of Evil and Judgment,

I pray for Mercy, that Suprovodzhuvatime Our Earthly Way,

I ask for the Annihilation of Our Souls For the Nabuttya of Bliss

І At the Light of Heaven Thoroughness Blessing


Tse already old is that divine prayer. She helps to bring calm and order into the world, to freshen up a little, what has gone out, to bring blue among friends.

By the union of love, Thy apostles have joined, Christ, and us, Thy faithful servants before Thee, have sung silently, do Thy commandments and love alone unfeignedly create, with the prayers of the Mother of God, the One Cholovіkolyubche.


O holy and all-blessed mother Xenia!

Under the cover of the All-Vishish vein, led and strengthened by the Mother of God,

hunger and spragu, cold and scorching, shame and persecution,

the gift of clairvoyance and miracle-working in the sight of God took away

and rest under the cover of the Almighty.

Holy Church, like a winter color, glorify you.

Maybutne at the place of your burial, in front of your saint,

God is alive, who is with us, we pray to you:

accept our prohannya and bring them to the throne of the merciful Heavenly Father,

more courage to the New Maesh, ask those who are clinging to you for eternal salvation,

do good for the good and our generous blessing, in the face of all the battles and sorrows of salvation.

Presented by your holy prayers before our All-Merciful Savior for us,

bad and sinners.

Help, holy blessed mother Xenia,

it is impossible to illuminate with the light of holy baptism and seal the gift of the Holy Spirit with a seal,

youths and maidens in faith, honesty, God-fearing vihovat and success in vchenni їm bestow;

sickness and sickness,

with the family kohannya and the year of the year,

we will honor the dark feat of kind deeds and honor the fencing,

shepherd at the blessing of the Holy Spirit, affirm,

save the people and our country in the world and without turbos,

about condoning the time before death by partaking of the Holy Mysteries of Christ.

You are our hope and hope, the swede feels and save,

we ask you to

And with you we glorify the Father and the Sin and the Holy Spirit, Nine and all the time, and for ever and ever.



I call on all heavenly powers,
begging to blame the heart,
clear your head from the sick ones!
I beg you!
In the morning I will dry the tears of the tears of my soul!

Oh my God! For my foolishness, for my ignorance,
through disobedience to You, I took away the flour!
In kotre!
Please, Old Man, cleanse my heart from filth!
Cleanse my thoughts!
Lift me up, I've got a bad road!
So, I'm a prodigal daughter, I went down the road, I was ruined!
I rushed into the unknown, bachachi light and cheerfulness,
Ale tse bula was less of an illusion of my knowledge.
Darkening buv my mind with creatures' bazhannami!
At Pragnenni to Paradise, I fell into Hell,
Not remembering that the road to Heaven is full of thorns,
At Peklo - licorice infusions and quilts!

Oh, I don’t want to curse, but my soul curses those days,
If I repeat the licorice for me,
If the merry-go-round blinded her eyes
I lifted up the hill!
Oh, sweet euphoria, how high you lift us,
And with such a force you throw us on a stone skel, baked by the sun,
Breaking our hearts into tricks,
Primushuyuchi us dovgі days blakati empty
Under the merciless light!

Oh, I don't want to suffer a kohannya! Oh my God!
Why did you kill me!
No, no you! Tse me!
Vibach, what a cry of the soul is ringing to You!
You need to call yourself at your bіdah!
I did not stand before the quiet kohati,
Do not look for guarantees for a better guess!

Oh my Guardian Angel! Oh my God!
Virgin Mary, all Saints,
Treat me nicely!
Lead me to the righteous path!
Treat me that my heart,
Do not let youm virvatis
I lean in the hands of the one
Who can't love like this
Yak me!


I ask the great Lord to feel me and give me a new path, far away, so that the great Lord’s infusion will help me to be satiated by the Light and my self-worth, an unclean spirit of viklikana, has passed. Three fences with a river partition in order not to ruin my happiness, and three times, by the forces of the Lord, I will come to the valley of a new solution, and by a miracle, I will be with the only one who is needed by me in the world and the paths of our true love are born. Amen.
(Pray lies.)


Marvel at the gloom and say: I ask the Lord by a miracle to give my feelings and thoughts to the darkness of heaven so that my exercise will take over, and my heart seems to be on my way to zustrіch s for whom I suffer. With words and feelings, I call on the power of the Lord to shed the wood from the gloom on my beloved (im'ya) so that the water, touching to the new one, gave him a feast and a way, a feast wielded by me and the way to me. І droplets of the heavenly heart of Yogo to revive, and the soul of Yogo receive the call of my soul. I know that the Lord felt me ​​and such Yoma for help. Amen.


Light a candle, take a bottle of water in your right hand, and an image in your left hand
people. Strongly try to change this setting before yourself, and say, looming over the image above the water:

With pure heavenly power, I want to add miraculous water, and I ask the Lord to support my travesty, for do not reproach me, but Lyubov, because my heart is not calm without the one whose image is in my hands, without (im'ya) and take the water of my travesty And to melt the ice at the heart (im'ya) and with the Light of the Lord to revive his spiritual soul and the call of my heart to set fire at the wind and the joy of knowing wellness of wine, if the water closes with the body of yoga, more love will be pure. Amen.

Try to make the person stumble into the water. At the extreme tip, you can sprinkle the image.


Put a flask with water after a lighted candle and say:

I ask the Lord to give water the simple power of the infusion of Heaven on the earthly path. Lead the essence of the good, accept my travesty, to the Lord, beastly, the western way of the people, whose image is in my thoughts, with my dear life and bring (im'ya) by a miracle of Heaven to the zustrіch zі me. My thoughts, prayers and savagery bring yogo to me, and I bachitim the one who needs me fast, and the darkness will grow, and the sleepy light of the axis of life, if bachitima (im'ya) and a little promo yogo, and our hands will stick together, sob already do not part ways. I will know a new share of the winds to help the Lord. Amen.

The water was poured by three trees with equal parts, calling out to the Lord to help.


Put your hand on your heart and say:

Before You, Lord, I stand, and before You I can only open my heart, and You know everything, about what I will ask, because my heart is empty without earthly love, and kindness and ask me to give me a shvidky way to that one, who is embracing the building. With light, we renew all my life and open your heart to mine for the wonderful anger of our shares and the well-being of a sleeping soul. Amen.

Prayer of Christ and the Most Holy Theotokos for love and family well-being

Separation with a close and dear person is always experienced by us like a shock. Because of the devil, such a time, a prayer about the turning of the Kokhan people is important, directed to the turning to our Savior - Jesus Christ and the Most Holy Theotokos.

Christ is the "Light of the world", through which we know God's love and salvation. For this very reason, the prayer “Our Father” and the “Jesus Prayer” are respected by some of the most powerful. Calling on Christ is necessary in any situation, especially if it is important to overcome fear, anger, anxiety, rozcharuvannya that aggression, associated with the exit of a close person.

“The Lord my God, you are my defender, I hope in you, Mother of God, the Most Holy Theotokos and Holy Saints. I offer my prayer to you, I ask you to help me with a twisted quilt, with my beloved servant of God (Im'ya Kokhanoy). Feel the prayer of my sin, do not deprive me of my shit without the respect of the servant of God (your name). Lord, Mother of God, that Holy saints, I ask you to turn the kohan (Im'ya kokhan), turn the heart of yogo to me. Amen (3 times).

The Virgin Mary (Bogomatir) is the Queen of Heaven, until such a time they roam, believing in the hvilini, roaring that hopelessness. Shards of Mary are in the church like the Mother of God, prayers before her have miraculous power. The women go to the Blessed Virgin with the prohannyam about a happy zamіzhzhya, the people of children, and also, if there is misfortune in this.

Prayer for the turn of the Holy Mother of God

“Mother of God, the Most Holy Theotokos and Holy Satisfiers, You are my only hope, I am afraid of my love (im'ya), to protect the mind and turn to me, the servant of God (im'ya). I offer blessings to you, to unite us in one unit before the Lord and people. Amen."

After reading the prayer, it is necessary to cross the cross and drink the consecrated water.

Prayer to the saints Peter and Fevronia

In case of sick separation, a prayer helps to turn the kohan man to the holy saints Peter and Fevronia, as they are respected by the patrons of the family hearth.

Petro and Fevronia of Murom - all holy saints of God, who reigned in Murom in the XIV century, as they became the most beautiful butt of friendship fidelity. The stinks ruled in the world and happily for a long time and happily, doing mercy on earth with faith and prayer in the heart, and through the great blessing of God they died in one day and in one year. Kozhen believer, having bowed to the relics of these saints, buried on the territory of the cathedral church of Rizdva Holy Mother of God, to know peace in the heart and generous healing.

Prayer to Peter and Fevronia should be read by those who respect the saints with signs of Christian love and vіddanostі. The saints help men of sim'ї, protect hats from evil forces and chaklunstvo, want us to love.

“Oh, great miracle workers, saints, saints of God, Prince Petro and Princess Fevronia! I turn before you, I pray to you out of hope. Convey a prayer about me, sinner, to the very Lord God. And sleep with the goodness of Yogo: faith, that is right, hope, that good, love is not hypocritical! To help my heart with cohanim, the servant of God (Im'ya), buti at once. Amen! (3 times)".

Yaka prayer is the strongest

A rich woman, suffering from selfishness, inquires to herself: “What is the strongest prayer on the turn of a kokhan?” The correct answer would be the words: "That prayer, which goes in the heart." In this rank, it doesn’t matter to whom you pray, it’s important, as you yourself work. Jesus said, “If you ask in My name, then I will do it” (Ivan 14:14).

  • How do you know that prayer is honored? Vernoy sign є vіdchuttya peace of mind, that peace of mind, that grace to the world.
  • Tse does not mean that after reading the prayers of the kokhan, a person knocks at the door of your booth.
  • Varto just believe in miraculous power prayer words and bow down to the will of the almighty God.

Aje the beast to the saints and to the Lord - do not wave the enchanting wand, after which all the bajans are rising. Tse humility, the recognition of one's sinful nature, the purification of the soul, after which life is spawned by a new zmist. Sob the kohana the person turned, next, persh for everything, practice over the hundreds, remember to forgive and act, even if the right kokhannya “do not fool your own”.

Prayer to Mykola the Wonderworker on the turn of the Kohanoi people

In a folding situation, if a person has deprived you of a kokhan, a prayer to mykola miracle worker on the turn of a kokhan will help. They go to the great saint with prayerful prohanny in different life situations: for sickness, brotherhood, in sorrow, bidah and spiritual ailments.

  1. Archbishop of the World of Likiysky Mykola the Wonderworker - the great Pleasure of God, who became famous for his compassion and mercy to the neighbor, the impersonality of good rights, true righteousness.
  2. Tse one of the most recent saints.
  3. Nicknamed "Divotvorets" of wines, having taken off the signs of miracles, we will create for life and after death.
  4. Christians take away the confirmation of the miraculous power of this saint after the voice of the prayer words. The day of Mikoli the Wonderworker is celebrated on the 19th of chest.

Prayer for the turning of the kohanoi people to the holy face of Mykoli the Wonderworker can be seen at the walls Orthodox church or at home (bazhano beat the icon of the saint).

“With the heart of love we are weary, I turn to you, Miracle Worker Mikolo. Do not be angry with me for the sin of the bastard, but the share of your slaves (call your name and the name of the fucked-up man) forever. I was surprised to see mutual love and see the vices of the Bisivska. Ask the Lord God for a blessing and call us a man and a squad. Let your will be done. Amen."

A miraculous prayer to the Lord for the order of the psuvannya

One of the strongest is a prayer to the Lord about the turn of a kohan people, as it is necessary to move broadly, in a wide heart, to believe in those that God does not deprive of a folding situation and obov'yazkovo kazhe out of it.

Yakshko є pripuschennya, scho stosunki zruynovanі in the wake of the infusion of black forces (magic), may the prayer to Jesus Christ on the order of the psuvannya.

Lord Jesus Christ! Огороди нас святими Твоїми ангелами і молитвами Всепречисті володарки наші Богородиці і приснодіви Марії, силою Чесного і Животворящего Хреста, святого архістратига Божого Михаїла та інших небесних сил безтілесних, святого пророка і Предтечі хрестителя Господнього Іоанна Богослужіння Лікійських Чудотворця, святителя Микити Новгородського, преподобного Сергія та Никона , Abbess of Radonez, St. Seraphim of Sarov the Wonderworker, Holy Martyrs Viri, Nadia, Love and Mother Sophia, Saints and Righteous Fathers of God Joachim and Annie, and all of us saints to the servant of God (im'ya). Zvіlni yogo in the presence of a heap of fortune-tellers, in the presence of all evil, chaklunstva, enchantment and crafty people, let the stench not be able to zavdat yoma of evil evil. Lord, with the light of Your light, save it for the early, for the day, for the evening, for the dream that comes, and by the power of Your grace, you have entered the door and seen all the evil godlessness that lives at the instigation of the devil. Whoever thought and timid, turn evil back to hell, for Yours is the Kingdom and Strength, and the Glory of the Father, and Sin, and the Holy Spirit! Amen.

A truly believing person will never go to the heights and magical rites, to turn the kohana of a person, shards of this grave sin. Only a prayer with pure promises and blessings of goodness to a close person can get into the situation without unsafe consequences.

Prayer to the Holy Martyrs Gury, Samon and Aviv

At hvilini, I see that self-sufficiency, when I see that there is no way out, if I spend mutually intellect with a person, I may have prayed to turn a man’s kohan to a thousand saints at once. For example, you can read a prayer for the protection of that poryatunok to sіm'ї Gurіy, Samon and Avіva - the Christian holy martyrs, companions, who lived on the example of III - honor. centurion in Edes and humbly accepted martyrdom for Christ.

After the death of these saints, numerical miracles were performed on the believers, as if they called for help. The names of the martyrs Guriy, Samon and Aviva are conjured in prayers by women, as if they recognize hatred, the persecution of that unjust staging of their own people before them.

Oh, glorious martyrs Guriya, Samon and Aviva! Before you, like swedish commemorators and warm prayer-books, we, unworthy Germans, come, diligently praying: do not care about us, we have fallen into lawlessness and sin every day and every year; set on the road the right to go astray, heal the suffering and mournful; greet us with an immaculate and rich life; And as ancient, so and none of the patrons of friends stay, in love that one-mindedness is stverzhuyuche and in the presence of evil and difficult situations ryativno. Defend, o richly pompous companions, all Orthodox Christians in the face of misfortunes, evil people and demonic steps; I will defend in the face of an unfortunate death, blessed by the All-good Lord, give great and rich mercy to us, His humble servant, to give. Bring God with unclean lips to call out the name of our Creator, if you don’t see it, holy martyrs, you will intercede for us; Why do we come to you and your intercession before the Lord, we ask for us. So spare us from the famine, the flood, the fire, the sword, the invasion of foreign, international huskies, deadly virazki and any soul-destroying situation. Oh, passion-bearers of Christ, grant us with your prayers all the goodness and korisna, that pious life of Timchas passed and the death of a hellish death, we were honored with the warm intercession of yours with the saints of the righteous God of Judgment, and glorify Him innocently with the Father. Amen.

Prayer of the Matrona of Moscow for the prohanny about the turn of the kokhan

As if you need a strong prayer in a right way, so that you turn around and turn for help to Matronushtsa. At our hour, the holy Matrona Moskovska smells absolutely skin, who gets to her with various problems and prohannyami. About the number of miracles, which appear after the reading of the prayers of these holy saints, rozpovidat rich believers.

Blessed old woman Matrona became famous for her righteous life and the blessing of the Lord. Before her death, Navit said: “Everyone, everyone, come before me and tell me that you are alive ...”. Prayer, voiced by the saint, will be honored obov'yazkovo. Most of the time before Matronushtsa, they talk about zamіzhzhya, turning a person into a family, a happy family life.

“Matusya Matronushko, offer the Lord a miraculous prayer for me, the servant of God (Im'ya) and my kohan, the servant of God (Im'ya). Cleanse thought yoga vіd filthy infusion, help me guess about love before me, wake up our souls anew. Help him to believe in my feelings and be happy with me. Amen."

Different prayers for the change of faith and love

Often women ask who to pray for the turn of a rotten man? Nasampered, holy saints, Jesus Christ that Mother of God as well as the Guardian Angel.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel can be read today, tomorrow evening. With whom, it is important that a person clearly understands the presence of such a guard in his life and trusts him wholeheartedly. Prayer to the Guardian Angel іsnuє impersonal. It is possible to win different variations regardless of the complexity of the life situation. One of the most effective is the prayer to the Angel of Protection for harmony among the stosunki.

I will save me, oh my Angel Okhoronets, do not guess the pardons of my youth and my many sins. I will put my hope on you; you are my fortress, my backyard. Save me from the sinner's net and from the steps of an evil spirit. This is my patron, give me at Christening. I am a thief, who will wake me up, enlighten my mind, who wander in darkness, beasts before me, your holy appearance, and I will shed tears and prayers before you. Extend your voice to me, O holy my Angel, I am ready to hear you; commanded - I am chasing your command; show me the way - and I will follow you. The numbers of lawlessness increased without number, but pray for me, holy keeper of my life, breathe me alive with your love and show the Lord the tears of my sorrow: do not disdain the tears of my sacrifice. Amen.

In case of some life troubles, among those with a ruined family, prayer to the Holy Trinity will help. The meaning of this prayer is in the prohanni about the cleansing of iniquity (grihiv) through the ringing to the skin Trinity okremo: God the Father, the Son of the Savior and the Holy Spirit.

Holy Trinity, have mercy on us; Lord, cleanse our sins; Vladiko, our lawless probach; Holy One, see our weaknesses, for the sake of Your name.

Prayers to the Apostle Ivan the Theologian

A lot of Christians go on with prayerful prohanny until the Apostle Ivan the Theologian. A prayer for love and family happiness, voiced to that saint, to help a woman turn a kohan man and know peace and peace in her soul.

John the Theologian became one of the beloved disciples of Christ and remained faithful to his Teacher until the end, preaching the Word of God and teaching the pagans. Having perebuvav all his life at the most perfect post, his main preaching was the words: “To love one alone.” To that very name of John the Theologian, those who require love and support are called out.

About the great and all-praiseful Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian, the confidant of Christ, our warm intercessor and gentle commemorant of the mourners! Begged the Lord God to grant us the forgiveness of all our sins, as if we had sinned in our youth, in our whole life, by deed, in a word, by a gift and by all our feelings. For example, help our souls to help us, sinners, to be spared from the lost ones and eternal torment, and to your merciful presence we glorify the Father and the Sin and the Holy Spirit, and forever and ever. Amen.

The Bible clearly says: “It is not good for a man to be alone” (But. 2:18). The Lord wants us to live happily with our friends, saving the faithfulness of the cohan people by stretching our life.

  • Understandably, people who suffered for the sake of that unfortunate girl, it’s important to survive mental anguish, that stink will require God help me and have the right to ask the Lord for the holy ability to show that mercy coryne of life kohanna has that goodness.
  • Those who believe are commanded to kohati alone. Vtrata kokhanoy cholovіka, yogo zrada chi vіdkhіd іz sіm'ї - tse serious blow for be-like a woman.
  • With such strong faces, you will become hopeful for God, expressing your feelings of that experience through prayer. Shira, bright prayer for the turn of the kokhan, as if I’m going straight from the heart, I’m going to help you!

It is necessary to read a prayer from the heart, giving sensation to the skin word. Zvichayne, mekhanіchne vymovlennya slіv will not give good results. It is important to lie that it is impossible to read the words of a prayer, as if there is anger in the soul, that image is unforgiven, and also hatred for a close person. A positive mood is the most important storage situation that is favorable to the result of the situation. It is necessary to confess to the Lord and obov'yazkovo to believe that God will feel you and help you to live like a life task.

The most powerful prayer for the turn of a kohan man

Turning to God on a mutual basis, a man and a woman

Before the Lord, believers turn with various swindlers. If you walk with diligence, faith and in the sight of a wide heart, then the All-Vishish obov'yazkovo will feel and help. However, the Lord gives us less of those that we really need at this moment, and even though we don’t give bad things to other people.

  1. Even more often before the Lord, women turn to the kohannya of a particular person.
  2. Nezamіzhnі that yunі dіvchata and zhіnki vykoristovuyut prohalny words in nadії vіdshukati kokhannya ta zdobuti happiness be kokhanoy with a concrete cholovіkom chi lad.
  3. Remember that the words must be moved with the heart, believing in the object of your kohanny. Just like that, a person can take your life like a person.

Prayer is strong for a man's kohannya

Through the prayer period, the intercession of the believer with the Saints, or God, is brought to light. Remember that the magical sight of that divine help is not the same. The whole speech. For additional prayers, we call on the Lord and ask for help. And the magical rite will bewitch us, I will need a human being, almost unwillingly.

Also, designate a varto, that magical rites will always increase your prices, as you will need to pay (maybe, not at once). Alewi tell about her.

How can one make contact with Heaven?

The best images and prayers for the coming of love:

Before victorious prayers, I should understand that at any given time it is not possible to settle down in peace and contentment alone. It is necessary to understand that the kohannya is ce tezh vіdpovіdalnіst. To that we will forever be vindicated for our family.

Prayer for the kokhannya cannot hurt anyone and always respected the innocent. But when you read it, it’s necessary to think less about the width and feel like a good person. It is impossible to ask another time for a friend of a well-meaning young man.

Prayer attaching respect to the Lord

Prayer words do not bewitch necessary people. You can’t pay for a shokhvilinna diya. Understand that as soon as you read your order, it will not rush to you. But even though people are created one for one - the stench will always be attracted. The stench will be together. Heaven їх pіdshtovhnut. If the result will not be - it means that the half of the heart is not healthy and it is necessary to give away your kohannya.

Signs from Heaven will be ob'yazkovymi. You see, if God has given you his help, and you can win with dignity for the people you love and for yourself. Ale varto looks like an independent vision of whether there are any signs. Stink come along, if you need it.

Your prayer for the kokhan remembers not only you, but also your betrothed and those people who will make you feel lost.
Kokhannya is a city for skin people. But it’s necessary to improve the back of the hand, so that you deserve it. Follow yourselves, grow spiritually and believe in the Lord. Roll up to the new and yama youma.

The strongest prayer for a man’s kohannya sounds like this:

“Oh, holy is the family, the holy martyrs of Christ Natalia and Adrian, blessed are the friends of those suffering. Feel me, God's servant (im'ya), to pray to you with pain and tears, give a merciful body and soul to God's servant (im'ya) and God's servant (im'ya man), and ask our Almighty, do not have mercy on us And send us your sacred mercy, let us not perish in our terrible sins. Holy Martyrs Natalia and Adrian, accept, bless, the voice of my prohanny, and spare me in the face of harm, gladness, sake, separation, pile, likes and likes, in the face of rapt death, and in the face of sadness, badness and ailment. Amin"
Hai protect you Lord!

Marvel at the video, in which you recognize the prayer of the Mother of God for the man’s kohanny:


Reading this text to a love spell and the good things of your strength, your cohanie will greatly suffocate you and nothing and no one can make your cohanna, so that you have been appointed to your love feelings and singing, so that you don’t fall in love with a cohan but a person, I cast a prayer, I cast a spell at home sitting in a lizhku before going to bed and vranci until they got up and this old Slavic love spell.

Prayer for love and swidka zamіzhzhya without a bar, it’s almost like a kohan lad or a person until you feel love for love, you can read the text of a strong prayer for a love spell and on your own person, almost like someone they have reached you, otherwise you suspect a strong love spell in the name of strength zamіzhzhya give the necessary help. The axis of the text of a love spell in the home minds of a prayer is necessary to read independently:

On the sea, on the ocean, on the islands on Buyan, there is a white-flammable stone,

Bil, like the chest of a squad, I stone Alatir, Alatir, no one knows.

I will rise, the servant of God (my bright), I will be blessed with a cross,

With spring water, flow from a stringed leaf, from trading guests,

Z popіv, z dyakіv, z young men,

From red girls, young young women, from large breasts.

Z-pіd of that stone of Alatir I vypushu power for a love spell

I will send that mighty power to my dear, servant of God

In all the snow and sap, in all the brushes and sips, in all they lived and drank,

Clear eyes, rosy cheeks, yoga in the chest, jealous heart, in the womb,

At the black liver, in the wild head, in the hands of the strong, at the foot of the swede, the blood is hot.

Sob my blood boiled and hissed, my heart fluttered when I thought about me,

As if I caught more light.

Sob the servant of God (im'yarok kokhanoy) sumuva, sumuva,

I’m not calm at night, shukav among people in the day, I couldn’t live, buti,

Years of the year, hvilini live without me, servant of God (your own).

A taut-steep would rise from the sea abyss, from sea grass-ants,

The grief would rise through the blue mountains, from the dark psiv, part of the bay,

Get up, get up, confusion-dryness, addiction nevgasima,

Lyubov nevgamovna, throw yourself, throw yourself on the servant of God

Strike Yogo, like a robber of a victim, with a knife,

No healer, no sorcerer, no black chaklun against the ailment of yoga did not kick,

They didn’t see my breasts, so that the servant of God (Im’yarok of a kokhan) sumuva,

Grieving for me, God's servant (your name is bright),

Like a mother for a child, a mother for a lamb, a mare for a foal.

I lock the love spell at a distance of three with locks, at a distance of three with keys.

My word is mіtsne and lipke, like a combustible stone Alatir.


Practice has shown that after reading a prayer for a love spell of a kohan, a person is bewitched in such a way that the lad, with a year of magic, showed his feelings and became a mistress of the skin day.

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Prayer for the sake of the other half helps people, who are tired of non-serious faces, to know the right way. The reason for the appearance of a mutually wide sense can be those that a person cannot understand either himself or the one who entrusted. Prayer for zustrіch іz kokhanim will help you not only to get close to your soul, but also to get along with yourselves.

Without a good kohanna of life, you can become a stupid bachelor. Someone jokes to a friend half a trivaly hour, and if you know the axis, everything starts to collapse. Often people get carried away by selfishness. At such moments, the stench itself is ready for anything, to turn the kohan or to see your other half. The stench can go to hell, snakes, love spells and inspire magic.

Turning to the Lord on a zustrіch from a kohanoy people

Prohannya about the help of Heaven about zustrich from the other half is one of the most powerful ways to pour into the human lot. At the sight of love spells, snakes, like zombies, indulge the will of the people and respect adequate behavior, prayers do not suffocate the filthy spit.

There will be no sin in the reading. Tsim Wi do not forcibly bind anyone to yourself. I’ll spit on the swede zustrich іz kohanim, You pour in more than your share, but not for the share of other people.

Wash, you are guilty of vikonati before the prohanny:

  • Vіdmovtesya vіd vykoristannya prohannya to the saints and the Lord, even though I'm the least doubtful in that Heaven will help the bazhan.
  • Your readiness to serious withdrawals. Sometimes not varto kvapiti hour.
  • Speak to the Almighty for those who are in your life, and for which Vin feels you.

Sob the Lord sent love:

“Oh, the All-good Lord, I know that my happiness is great to lie in the fact that I loved You with all my soul and with all my heart, and that I victorious over Your holy will. Do it Yourself, O my God, with my soul and remind my heart: I want to serve You alone, for You are the Creator and my God. Save me in the form of pride and self-love: reason, modesty and sensibility do not embellish me. Holiness is contrary to You and gives rise to vices, give me a hint of pracity and bless my practice. Since Your Law punishes people to live with an honest love, then bring me, Holy Father, to the calling, consecrated by You, not for the sake of my bazhan, but for the recognition of Yours, for You Himself said: It’s not good for people to be alone, having done to my team as a helper, having blessed their growth, to multiply and inhabit the earth. Feel my humble prayer from the depths of the girl’s heart to You, who is trying; give me an honest and pious man, so that in love with him and in evil we glorify you, the merciful God: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now for ever and ever. Amen."

Prayer words on zustrіch іz cholovіkom obov'yazkovo go from a wide heart. If you believe in those who see everything, then you will be bound by God's grace! You will know each other and make a mitzna of this. Aje is less likely to think, help people to reach peace.

Do not forget also about those who need to turn to the Lord not only with scum, but with scumbags. And remember that if you know a kohan people, do not forget about God.

Everything is in your hands!

And in your video, you recognize a prayer about Xenia's kohanna:

. “Father love Sin and show Yom all that he does” (Jv. 5:20). Abo reverse order: “Sin can not fix anything by Himself, for Himself, so as not to taunt the Father, what to do: for what you do Bіn, then I Sin do the same” (Іv. 5:19).

Strong is the Christian prayer of the squad for the kohan man to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

O our good shepherd and God-wise mentor, Saint Christ Nicholas! Feel us sinners, to pray to you and call out to help your shvidka stand; a bach of us Germans, zvіdusіl catching, all the blessings of the mind, in the face of the faint-heartedness of the darkness; feast, pleaser of God, do not deprive us of the sinful full of buti, let us not be our adversary for the sake of our adversaries and we will not die in our evil deeds. Pray for us, unworthy of our Creator and Vladik, to whom you check with bodiless faces: merciful to us, create our God in the present life and in the future, do not let us do our deeds and through the impurity of our hearts, but for your kindness, let us . We call on you for help, and we fall down to your most holy image, help us: please us, saint of Christ, look at us, and shove the whil of passions and beat those who rise up on us, so for the sake of your holy prayers not a lot of misfortune and we will not be mired in the abyss of sinfulness and in the chamber of our passions. Moth, Saint Christ Nicholas, Christ our God, let us give us a peaceful life and freedom from sin, and save our souls and great mercy, forever and ever.

The sameness of life and thinking is manifested in words, like wines seem to hearers: “Words, like I say to you, I say not to Myself; Batko, who is staying in Meni, repair things” (Ivan 14:10).

The very same zmushuє Іsus on the prohannya of one of his apostles, Pilip, vіdpovisti, scho the Father in the form of Sin does not reconcile anything, the pavement is a close link between them. “For a while I am with you, and you do not know Me, Pilipe? who bachiv Me, bachiv the Father; How do you say: show us the Father? Don't you believe that I am in the Father, and the Father is in Men? (Ivan 14:9-10).

This unity of the Father and Sin, as an enemy of Jewish hearing, is sealed with their mutual love, full and uninterrupted mutuality: “Father to love Sin and give everything to Yogo” (Ivan 3:35). If the soul grieve, there are traces of church besties about a person prayers of the squad for the person Saint Tikhon, Bishop of Voronez, Wonderworker of Zadonsk.

Є 100% the best way to get the right code in your own life, that stosunki in sіm'ї! Diya strong amulet they have already misunderstood a lot of women and people on their own. With the help of yoga, you will not only know your soul mate, but you can clean up the welding and the negative from your family, for which it is necessary ...

Khritstan's miraculous prayer of the squad for a man to St. Tikhon of Zadonsk in the form of fire

Oh, all-praise saint and saint of Christ, our father Tikhon! Angels lived on earth, like a good angel appeared and glorified in your wondrous. It is true in the mind of the soul and according to the will, for you, merciful our helper and prayer book, by your untrue murmurings and grace, we clearly bestow on you the sight of the Lord, in fact, accept our salvation. Accept well, blessed saint of Christ, and at this hour our impenetrable prayer: with your spade against the tight-fitting us marnotratstva and zabobony, inaccuracy and evil of people. Try, as soon as an intercessor for us, God-receiving your troubles of the grace of the Lord, do not send Your great and rich mercy on us, sinful and unworthy slaves of Yours, do not exalt Your grace of the unfortunate fold and the scabs of the broken souls and the bodies of our crushed let us not allow either eternal torment and the fire of hell: let’s let our true people give peace and quiet to the lower city, health and salvation and help in good goodness, that way, the angels and peace of life, having lived piety and purity, let us be honored glorify with the saints and sanctify the all-holy name of the Father and Sin and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Religious reading: good prayer for a person to help our readers.

The strength of the prayer of the squad for the person is incomparably greater, the strength of the prayer of the yoga mother is lower.


Holy Glorious and All-Praiseful Apostle of Christ Simon, having been vouchsafed to receive in your mind at Cana of Galilee our Lord Jesus Christ and Yogo the Most Pure Matir, Our Lady of the Theotokos, and an eyewitness to the glorious miracle of Christ, manifested on your brother, lead the transformation! We pray to you with faith and love: the goodness of Christ the Lord, turn our souls into sin-loving ones with God-loving ones; Protect us and take care of us with your prayers in the wake of the devilish and fallen sinners, and ask us for help for the hour of our fearlessness; do not stumble about the stone, calm down, but unskillfully destroying the ryativny path of the commandments of Christ, the docks are reachable to the quiet blessed cloisters of paradise, children of the ninth settle and have fun. Їy, apostle of Savior! Do not embarrass us, mіtsno on the quiet, who hopes, but be your helper and patron in all our life and help us piously and God-pleasing life for the timing of the hour, good and peaceful Christian death and good fortune to be honored at the Last Judgment of Christ; hai vanished the lost ones and the reign of the fierce world-keeper, the Kingdom of Heaven is falling and glorified more beautifully by the Father and the Sin and the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever. Amen


Prayer for the Forty Holy Martyrs of Sebaste

(About a long-term acquaintance in the distance VIEW TO THE HOUSE OF A PERSON)

Oh, saints, glory to the passion-bearers of Christ, chotirides, in the city of Sevastia, for the sake of Christ, they suffered for their husbands, go through fire and water, like friends of Christ, at the tranquility of the Kingdom of Heaven in the past, may the great vіdvaga to the Most Holy Trinity weeping about hvto shanuє your and with faith and love call you. To ask the All-Generous God for forgiveness of our sins and our lives corrected, she lived one to one in repentance and unfeigned love, with the help of the Terrible Judgment of Christ and your stand by the right of the Righteous Judgment. Їy, the priests of God, wake us up against our enemies, visible and invisible, and with the blessing of your saints prayers, we will spare all the fights, evil and misfortunes until the last day of our life and so gloriously Great and Highly wise Im'ya Omnipotent Trinity, Father From the Spirit, ninі i povyakchas і for ever and ever. Amen. Amen

Troparion, voice 3

Prayer for a man to the martyrs and companions Gury, Samon and Aviva


Oh, glorious martyrs Guriya, Samon and Aviva! Before you, like Swedish commemorators and warm prayers, we, Germans and unworthy come, diligently praying: do not care about us, we have fallen into lawlessness and every day and every year; set on the road the right to go astray, heal the suffering and mournful; greet us with an immaculate and rich life; And as ancient as it is, so also to waken the patrons of friendship, in love and one-mindedness, they are firm and in spite of evil and difficult situations ryativno. Defend, o richly pompous companions, all Orthodox Christians in the face of misfortunes, evil people and demonic steps; having defended me in the sight of an unfortunate death, blessed by the All-good Lord, grant great and rich mercy to us, His humble servant, to give. Bring God with unclean lips to call out the name of our Creator, if you don’t see it, holy martyrs, you will intercede for us; Why do we come to you and your intercession before the Lord, we ask for us. So spare us from the famine, the flood, the fire, the sword, the invasion of foreign, international huskies, deadly virazki and any soul-destroying situation. Oh, passion-bearers of Christ, grant us with your prayers all the goodness and korisna, that pious life of Timchas passed and the death of a hellish death, we were honored with the warm intercession of yours with the saints of the righteous God of Judgment, and glorify Him innocently with the Father. Amen.

Orthodox prayer for a person

Prayer for a person before the holy apostle Simon the Zealot

Prayer for the person of St. Basil the Great

O passion-bearers of Christ, in the city of Sevastium, they suffered husbands, before you, as our prayers diligently we ask and ask: to ask the All-Generous God for forgiveness of our sins and life of our rectification, that in repentant and unfeigned love lived one to one, here is your intercession of the right hand of the Righteous Let's judge. Їy, pleasers of God, be to us, servants of God (names), protect us from our visible and invisible enemies, and with the blessing of your saints prayers, we will spare all the bіd, dashing and misfortunes to rest of the day our life, and so gloriously great and shanovane of the name of the Almighty Trinity, the Father and Sin and the Holy Spirit, and forever and ever. Amen.

great picture

All the best in the world

PRAYER FOR A PERSON - This is an even harder prayer, be it a woman, like to love with your heart!

Lord, my heavenly Father, I ask you to help my man to know and win this confession.

Let's win the satisfaction, conquering your work! Let yoga be respected and valued by people

Give him optimism, Lord, grant the energy that strength, so that you will work with joy for the benefit of yourself to all prosperity.

Help him for the sake of success and attainment.

Let the leather yogo krok and zіtkhannya be straightening out the nazustrich Tobi, Lord!

Bless Yogo on Yogo Way! Help him to gain confidence and open the door of the future before him! Defend Yogo, Lord, in the sight of the evil enemies and the unkind ones!

Prayer for a person

Prayer for a person, sent beloved retinue, maє great power. Such a beast to the Greatest Forces is a support of the kohan, even if it is new, as a rule, to lay good-for-nothing and the spirit of tomorrow. A good retinue should not be more than an overpowering teel, but also support a person on a psychological level. Wider prayer words, which are spoken in the light of a broad heart, will be respected obov'yazkovo. Prayer for a person is a blessing native people in the face of life's negativity and in the face of enemies, as well as to minimize the negative consequences of black life's smog.

How to offer Orthodox prayers of the squad for a person

Pravoslavs have a lot of prayers for a person. Ale next to understand that the stench cannot rise to the occasion. Ale, with whom you have been sent to God, help me to help you in the most important moments of life. Prayer for a person is not recognized in order to be able to control a person, no matter how direct he is on the right path. A woman who prays, she relies on the mercy of God and reassures her that she will trust her man and is ready to be with him in joy and in grief.

You can pray for the person in your own words. Golovne, so the text, which we are moving, we will expand and come out of the depths of the soul. Remember that a skin prayer for a person should be started after his cleansing. It is impossible to start praying if the soul is filled with negativity. On that day, if you plan to offer a prayer for a person, the lie needs to speak to God for those who are starting a new day and hope for those who will be successful.

Prayer will only be effective if you are in harmony with yourself. At the soul may panuvati calm and there may be spovne with love to a close person. It is necessary to pray for a person in absolute self. Prayer may be performed at a special ministry, where icons have been installed. Baghano work at the evening hour when the church candle is lit. It’s necessary to talk about those, so that nothing and no one has urged you to pray.

Strong is the prayer for the sick person, and about the yoga of health

It's even more important if you're sick close people. Having dressed the man more, the squad may pray obov'yazkovo. Tse obov'yazkovo speed up the dressing and zmіtsnit zdorov'ya. Prayer for health, like a squad, maє majestic strength. You can turn up to the Greater Forces like at the temple, so at home. Prayer for a healthy mother has greater strength, like a person of baptism. Ale, madly, you can pray for a sick, unbaptized person.

Prayer is strong sound like this:

To see a healthy person, it is necessary to pray for the Most Holy Theotokos. Such a prayer can be offered at the temple before the icon of the Mother of God. When you don’t forget to put a candle in the church for a healthy person. If you don’t have the opportunity to go to the temple, then you can pray at home, but it’s better to shy away before the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos.

The words of the prayer sound like this:

Prayer to Mykola the Wonderworker for a dead person

Pray for the deceased person, it is required obov'yazkovo. I need to work for a day stretching 40 days after the death of a person, even at the same time, this period is marked by a further spiritual share. The prayer of the squad in this period can be primordial, where to spend a dead person, in Hell or Paradise.

Pray for the newly appointed person, we ask the Lord for mercy until the dead person, we ask you to forgive all the sins committed for life and change the penalty, as you can close the entrance to Paradise. Ale does not mean that after 40 days you did not pray again. If so, you can help the camp of the soul of the dead. I immediately read a prayer for the deceased person to give new opportunities for the new one to reach Heaven.

Pray for the salvation of the soul of a dead man - the holy bindings of the squad. It is necessary to remember that just praying, you can help and deliver good, on the basis of the soul of the deceased. Even more often, the prayer of Mykola the Wonderworker for the deceased person is victorious.

Prayer for the unbearable person

Prayer can help heal a person in the form of drinking, to instill even wine in an unbelievable person.

Ale, with whom, the woman is obliged to pray, dorimuyuchis singing rules:

  • The head mental success is your faith. She herself will be handed over for the help of prayer words to people, as they suffer from alcoholism. Your faith will help you to stand in front of difficulties, with some kind of bondage you will be able to shut up, having been inspired by drinking. Only your faith will help you to stand before the spocuses.
  • We pray for prayers. For whom it is necessary to repent of our sins. Prayer will be strong, so you will go through the ritual of purification at the temple, having come to your senses and taking communion.

Praying for a non-viruyuchy person, like a p'є, with the method of relieving yoga from alcoholism is possible in home minds.

Roblyachi tsgogo, it is necessary to remember about the attack:

  • Offer prayers, straightened out at the order in the form of drinking, it is necessary during the period of the fall month;
  • Under the hour of Great Lent, at the days of the great church holy days, that week of prayer is not read in the form of drinking;
  • The text of the prayer should be reminded to the nobility to allow them to pray for anything, without being tempted, but also, put great strength into the prayer of the animal;
  • It is important to remember that one cannot pray out of simple interest. For such an approach, prayer against drinking can help the situation, so that people drink more and more;
  • Bazhano don’t tell anyone about those who pray for a method to help get rid of the drinking people.

Pray to help people fight alcohol, you can go to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. At this moment, a prayer is offered on its own in front of the icon of the Saint with lit church candles.

The prayer text should sound like this:

To help people who want to drink alcohol, they often turn to St. Matrona of Moscow. This rite is inspired by its own peculiarities. Beforehand, it is necessary to bring 9 church candles at the temple and collect some holy water. It is also necessary to buy an image of the Blessed Matrona of Moscow, the Savior, St. Nicholas the Pleasant. In the okremіy kіmnati it is necessary to install prepared icons and three candles in front of the skin kindle. It is necessary to put an order to put a container, I will fill it with holy water.

From the bottom of the hand, the prayer “Our Father” is trichi in the house. At whom the need for a kіlka is once upon a time to see the goddamn banners for themselves. Then we read a prayer-turning to the Holy Matrona of Moscow.

Won sound like this:

Prayer for peace with a man - the people of a homeless kohan

Even more important are prayers:

  • To the Holy Mother of God;
  • To the Archangel Varahіїla, who is the heavenly protector of this;
  • To Xenia of Petersburg;
  • Before the Apostle John the Theologian.

Saints Peter and Fevronya can be seen before the patrons of the family fire. The stinks lived happily in the kohanna and the good old days sleeping life, and the stench died one day.

Prayer to allow awakening mutual love, feel free to let it go:

  • Successfully overcome difficulties, pov'yazanі z unreasonable;
  • Zmіtsniti family ultrasound on a trust basis;
  • Reinvent the harmonies.

Prayer, straightened out in the manner of the sim's, is allowed to see the wrongness of that pardon, it will spare the pride. With the help of prayer, you can correct the situation in such a situation, if separation is inevitable.

Before the icon of the Holy Mother of God there is such a strong prayer:

Such a prayer awakens a boundless roar in the souls of all household members. If you openly believe and periodically offer this prayer before the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, then you can induce harmonies, like standing up under some kind of hellish threat.

Prayer for a person

Even though the life of a woman developed, but nevertheless it was evolutionary, її place in the house, and the main turbota - tse sim'ya. Viyshovshi zamіzh, zhіnka, without having caught up, take away the bonus of the first "child" - her own man. Aje the same as a squad to lie down, chi will be a successful person, like a wine of clothing, like a yogo healthy, mood, good luck. The territory of the woman is the middle, the people are the call. That's why the weather at the booth is to lie down all the time with the squad.

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