Methods of learning to read and read Russian language at the pochatkovy school. Improving reading skills in post-school schools Methods of learning to read in post-school

To help children become readers, the process of learning to read is laid implementation of upcoming tasks:

  • Formation of a stable bajan to read literature (motivational background of reading activity).
  • Thoroughly in learning how to read: creativity, correctness, flexibility, variety (the technical basis for the reading process).
  • The formation of the building up to the total (adequate and universal) acceptance of the text (the reverse side of the reading: a non-intermediate emotional note, which faints the mind, reflecting on the text, the author's idea of ​​​​that power setting before what is written).
  • Mastering different methods of creative interpretation of an artistic text.
  • Navchannya practical ways of rewriting the text: the designation of the head and the other row, the significance of the supporting words, the heading and the in.
  • to show in the text the words that vislovlyuvannya, the meaning of which is unreasonable, that it is necessary to ascertain the need for z'yasuvanni їkhny zmіstu;
  • coristuvatisya wines and shkіlniy tlumachny vocabulary;
  • signify the emotional nature of the text;
  • see the supporting (the most important understanding of the read) words;
  • to determine the motives of the behavior of the heroes in the way of choosing the right ones from low demands;
  • usvіdomlyuvati authorske that vlasne setting to characters;
  • formulate the topic of the text;
  • know the head thought formulated in the text;
  • reading from roles;
  • vmіti vykoristovuvaty such intonation vibrancy, like a logical voice, the strength of that emotional zabarvlennya voice, tempo-rhythm, logical and psychological pauses;
  • write down the report characterization of the characters and yoga in return, relying on the text;
  • vmiti retell report, privately, vibirkovo, creatively (in the case of another person and for a changed plan);
  • illustrating graphic and verbal, captivating by means of verbal painting is no less than a plot fragment of the text

About deakі priyomi navchannya navchkam reading in post school.

How to show dosvid, how to read learning, how to read richly. The process of reading improves the operational memory and the stability of respect. Vіd tsikh dvoh pokaznіkіv іn іt's chergo to lie rozum's practice. It is impossible to read a voice for a long time, because it is irrational to read the voice as it is necessary to take away information. When reading "about oneself" the speed of reading is richly grown. With all the experience of that practice, they agree on the thoughts that the majority of scholars as a whole is available to read 120 words per piece. Then post food: how to get on the right side? How to teach a child to learn and read correctly, to formulate the beginning of work with different types of texts, to determine the level of understanding of what has been read? How to bring learning to understand the text? How to create a lesson in reading that the very process of reading is a joy for students? Chantly, the skin is a reader, having thought of sim nutrition, and the skin is trying to solve the problem of a thorough reading.

We know that the reading habit has been formed, including, at least, two main components:

  • reading technique (correctly, that shvidka sprinyattya and voicing words);
  • understanding the text.

It is good to see that the insulting components are closely related to each other. With tsyumu at the first stages, the formation of the beginning of reading great value rely on yoga techniques, on the next - illuminating the text.

The novice read with the help of the method proponated by Zaykoy, Zaytsev, with some tricks, she played the help book “Help” by the author Dzhazhali. It developed its own system of work with children for an hour of reading lessons. What is the technique?

  • Price cards for skin babies.
  • Take a reading.
  1. Reading rows in a row.

It is written to be read right-handed in such a way that the skin word, starting from the rest, is pronounced in letters in reverse order. Tsya is right to develop the construction of a severe literal analysis of the skin word. For example: ball rush.

  1. Chergov reading sliv normally and navpaki.

The first word is read like a dream; another - right-handed; tret - yak zavzhd; fourth - right-handed in bulk, etc.

  1. Reading less than the other half of the words.

Tsya has the right to bring up to a change in the broader pardons, if the ear of the word is read correctly, and the end of yoga is either guessed, or read with creations. For example: -nya, -lko, -roy.

  1. Reading "noisy words"

Tsya rightly fix in the memory of the child and visually form the letter that їх today.

  1. Reading rows with a covered upper half.
  2. Addition of words to pseudo-words.

20-30 cards are given: one of them is written words, others are pseudo-words, that is. stupidity of letters. Fold the cards with words to one group, and pseudo-words to another.

Tsya is right to develop the building quickly to see the sensation of what has been read.

  1. Reading an inverted text.
  2. Reading propositions from the bottom of the hill.
  3. "Gra in hovanki".
  1. "Reveal the word."

The teacher at the start reads the wrong word, the children revise the reading and read the word with corrections. This kind of reading is a privilege for children, because they may be able to correct the reader himself, who raises his authority and gives confidence in his own strength.

  1. "Reading after the announcer".

An announcer can be your teacher, and learn what you read well.

  1. "Reading in chorus".

Here, on equal practice, we have learned: as if it were easy to read, so it is correct to read.

The work behind the cards includes the individual work of the skin child in the reading lessons. This work is even more effective in the alphabetical period, if children start to read less. The card is folded from a set of words, but in the process of learning the words are folded, and the creation of a skin card is also folded.

For example: card number 1. Theme of the lesson: “Letter m and sound [m].

Read fast and clear words at the stovpchiks. Promote clearly!


  • read the words that begin with the letter m;
  • read the words, de letter m for example words;
  • read the words, de sound [m] is moving softly;
  • read the words, de sound [m] is moving firmly;
  • read the words;
  • read the words that add up from 2 letters, from 3 letters, from 4 letters;
  • turn the card over, remembering the words.

Card number 2. Theme of the lesson: "Letters with and sound [s]".


  • read the words, know the unknown words;
  • read the words that begin with the letter c;
  • read the words, de letter z for example words, in the middle;
  • read the words, de sound [s] is moving softly;
  • read the words, de sound [c] is moving firmly;
  • read the words that are formed from 1 move, from 2 warehouses, from 3 warehouses;
  • read the words that mean creatures, growths, parts of an individual;
  • read the words with good luck;
  • read the words, de all the sounds of m'yaki;
  • write down the words with an unvoiced voice.

Card number 3. Theme of the lesson: "Letter sh and sound [w]."


  • read the words, know the unknown words;
  • read the words that begin with the letter sh;
  • read the words, de letter sh in the middle of the word;
  • read the words that mean creatures, growths, names, nicknames, professions;
  • read the words in the changing-motley form;
  • read the words in the plural alone;
  • find the same root words;
  • read the words that mean the subject;
  • write down the words іz poednannyam shi.

Card number 4

robot nettle gazebo jar
lads anniversary swamps wood
toys discount tickets scarga
barbed vusatiy zukerki right
vedmedі Dyakuyu Boridka goat
cow mystery Balakanina go down
chamomile barlig hairpin strіchka
cabbage lamb newspaper lizhnitsa
plate velvet carnation astronaut
cheerful white creature ships
kachenyata bіluga sleepy svetlofor
shirt beret blizzard vmovlyannya
  • read the words that start with the letter b, etc.
  • know the words that mean spiritualized objects, inanimate objects;
  • know the words, de -chk-, on the guys with a voice in the middle of the word;
  • find an applicator;
  • find the words in the changing-motley form;
  • find the words in the multitude, in one;
  • know the word, as if you could be a name and a word;
  • know the words that mean creatures, growths, names, coma, professions;
  • find the words with the suffix -ushk-
  • know the words with an unvoiced voice in the root, as you can twist;
  • know vocabulary words;
  • put together a word combination + name;
  • find the words, de voices make two sounds;
  • write in two stovpchik words with unvoiced voices dokorinno: 1 stovpchik - they are reversed, 2 - dictionary words.

Correct shodo rozvitku navichok reading

  1. "Recover from those letters".

Vіdoma gra, in yakіy kіlka people are named after words, which originate from one letter, for example, “M”. Tsya gra zbagachuє ta popovnyuє child's stock of vocabulary.

  1. “Yaky? Yaka? Yaki?

Tsya rightly develops the imagery of the mind, spruce up the richness of the child's mind. The teacher calls the name of a woman, a man, or a middle-class one, and a child picks up the word epithet. For example: "grass". Zelena - soft - high, etc.

  1. "Guess the letter".

The teacher rather chooses the letter and teaches to learn to know її. It is allowed to name words that are composed of no less than five letters. On the skin, the word vchitel vіdpovіdaє "є" chi "ni" is stale because of the fact that the letter is intended in the named word.

For example, the letter "T" was conceived. Fragment of a possible dialogue:


Bazhano, so that the children knew the given letter, chanting the least of the options.

  1. "Five sliv".

Children zazdalegid rob like a word. Then we take 5 words from the gravel, which we start according to the skin letters, which we establish leave the word. For example, they chose the words "troyanda". Five words can be like this:

  • radio, record, cancer, rocket, wound;
  • mountain, autumn, vikno, vіdmіtka, father;
  • winter, lanka, snake, zir, castle;
  • pharmacy, alley, army, aistra, arch.
  1. "Fox".

Children are too late to rob the letter, from which the words begin. Gra polagaє in that, schob for a singing hour to write a “drabinka” of words, which are based on the letters of the letter. The first word can be two-term, the other - triliteral, etc.

For example:

  • Berry

The role of children is right in the intellectual development of the child is already great.

  1. "Reading-turn".

Choose a proposition in 1.5-2 rows. Read the first word, then read it again. Shvidko repeat the first word, read to a friend, repeat the first two-thirds, etc. For example: "At one ..."; "At one villager..."; “One villager has…” and so on. Such a right to allow a child to go from reading in warehouses to reading in words and understanding is meaningfully shorter than the text.

  1. "Vchimosya guess the words."

Ask the children to guess the most different names for one whilin. Children sing a name and put a stick on paper. After one hvilini, the words are lifted.

For example:

  • //////

Those same right, but vikoristovuyuchi dislova.

  1. "The Folding of Propositions".

Come up with a series of words that are composed of two names and words.

For example:

  • Koshenya drink milk.
  • Write on paper with a pen.
  • The car is on the way.
  1. "Let's fantasize."

Take one word, for example, "button". According to your needs, suggest options, de and why you can stop the object.

For example:

  • (Teacher: for attaching paper to the board.
  • (Learn: hold a colo; put it on the table, etc.)
  1. "Snizhny com".

Let's take it as a name. For example, the word "kit". We add the word "arkush" - learn to repeat: "kit", "arkush". One more word is spoken: "pear", and the learner guesses: "whale", "arkush", "pear" and so on.

  1. "Guess the words."

Inspire a series of words and guess what the fourth word will be.

For example: olevets-papir; kreyda-... (doshka).

  • flower-hammer; screw-...
  • budinok-dah; book-…
  • bird-egg; roslin-...
  • square-cube; Colo-…
  • kinder-better; povіlno-…
  • fire-burning; water-…
  • grain-comora; pennies-…
  • human child; dog-…
  • no day; winter-…

For a thorough reading beginner, it’s even better to win a lesson for an hour of reading a modern warm-up. Under the hour of the warm-up, turn on the right to correctly produce sounds, to practice diction, to develop the voice apparatus (we move quietly, loudly, whispers), the pace of the movement (we move quickly, calmly, correctly). The flexibility of the warm-up to lay down in the vіd vіku and the readiness of the children. In class 1, the warm-up includes reading a trained sound with voices: bі-be-ba-ba-bu-bi, rі-re-ra-ru-ri, reading every 2-3 vocals with vowels / st-a, oh, u , i, i, e, e; str-a, o, y, s, i, e, e-reading of words, to avenge the sound of training; reading words, which are composed of one movie; reading short texts with a training sound, reading fast food.

All the tasks are vibrating on the lesson of the first hour of articulation gymnastics, as they do not take a lot of time and strength. It will be carried out on the cob of the lesson and for example the lesson as a physical culture pause for 5-7 minutes. With whom great respect is given to robots over the pace of movement, the setting of the voice is dumb.

Take a new warm-up.

  1. Reading whispers and rightly:
  • So, so, so, blow the water.
  • To-to-to-on a tree nest.
  • Di-di-di-mi sang berries.
  • Doo-doo-doo-z mama I'm going home.
  • Ta-ta-ta-cleanliness in our class.
  • Tu-tu-tu-guided beauty itself.
  • Yat-yat-yat-pirati stand straight.
  • Yut-yut-yut-doube we love calmness.
  • Lo-lo-lo-it's warm on the streets.
  • Lu-lu-lu-chair to stand at the couch.
  • Ol-ol-ol-mi bought sil.
  1. Reading quietly and peacefully:
  • arch-artsya
  • arta-arda
  • arla-archa
  • arsa-arzha
  1. Reading aloud and singing:
  • gar-par-heat
  • door-zvir-hrobak

Vikoristannya іgor on sound-tracking, for example:

On the bird's podvir'ї.

Our kachechka from the wound ... Quack, quack, quack!
Our geese were betting... Ha, ha, ha!
Our chickens at the window ... Ko, ko, ko!
And yak Petya the pivnik
Early-early vranci
We fall asleep ... Ku-ka-ke-ku!

A good effect for robots over articulation is right to bring with skomov, riddles, lichilka, syllables, play with the words: “Read the word”, “The warehouse is ruined”, “Guess what letter was missed”, “Chicken with curly hair”. Axis for example, how games are played.

Gras "Hen with Kurchats". The work begins by reading the verse behind the table.

Viyshla chicken walk,
Fresh grass crackle,
And behind her are curly-small lads.
- Zip, zip, zip! Syudi! Syudi!
I knew the letter for you!
The arrival of fun Ah, the children read ... (on).
Coming of zaderikuvaty Oh, read the children ... (ale).
Coming stubborn U, children read it ... (well).
Arrived arrogant E, read the children ... (not).

Then, according to these tables, a work will be carried out to promote promotion: come up with names for the Kurchats, write stories about them.

Gra "Duplo".

The axis is an oak, and in a new hollow,
De settled the letter O,
The letter qia is voiced.
Ale friendly voice,
Zholud "Spruce" fell into the hollow,
We read it at once ... (lo).
Zholud "En" having fallen at the hollow,
We read it at once ... (ale).

In order to promote the technique and consistency of reading, there is a non-traditional method of learning to read - the method of dynamic reading. Dynamic reading, if it is not letters that are read, add up words, but whole groups of words, blocks: reading is less than clear.

To start the work on the short readings is necessary for the development of a healthy memory, respect.

What is the so-called "photography": different pictures, cards, objects. Learn how to remember in one second everything that is shown in the picture so that you can take a picture. For example, an illustration to a fairy tale is shown. The children are guilty in a second to remember everything that is depicted on it, so to say, as the kazka is called. Before showing the picture, it is necessary to get ahead of the children, who should be respectfully marveled at the stench. Then we hope the team: “Get ready! Respect! Photographing!”

The 1st class is given the following tasks:

  • Find "take a picture" of the letter: a, o, c, y, c.
  • Find the zayvi warehouse: bo, ale, ro, mi, ko, lo.
  • Find out the word:

It’s even better to develop the field of a clear sky (or “field of dawn”) of the table. The tables are prepared by the children themselves. A skin card has a card, a fold of letters is written in a skin cell. The axis of action is from them.

Table number 1.

Table number 2.

BUT Before W Pro T P W D І
At R I L E H W F E

Right to win at the position standing and sitting. Learn to read thoughts, showing olive letters. The robot with the table has a memo.

  • Yaknaishvidshe name all the letters in order, showing them olive.
  • Try to remember the roztashuvannya of two or three advancing letters one by one.
  • Remember: look at the center of the table and work on the outside.

Fold the rosette with a pyramid, in the base, as a stand between letters 45 mm, 50 mm; Then, if the children are already fixing the warehouse, it will be bigger: 55 mm, 60 mm, etc. Systematic work with such tables gives the possibility to expand in the children in the big world, which is so necessary for the development of the field.

In the 2nd-3rd grades, for an hour of reading about the works of the middle line, the words are divided, as it is necessary to read from the board and as for independent work over the text of the collapsible spriynyattya. In this order, in one kind of work, two tasks are vibrated: the expansion of the field of a clear bachennya and the forward reading of important words, so that we can increase the text, more understand it. For example, in Kazakh for the 3rd class G.Kh. Andersen "Five from one pod" is suitable for such a robotically important word, as it is read by the eyes of the beast to the bottom with a constant fixation of the middle line:

Moreover, the words pіdbadyoriv, ​​scho rozpusvsya good fit for the development of the apparatus of articulation, and the word vіdchuli for pronunciation of the orthoepically correct vimovi.

For a beginner to read words, which include warehouses of such structures as SG, SSG, SSSG (S-year, G-vowels), the following tables are included in the work:

Conducted and taka right:

Nest Reading native tales, written in a pyramid, based on a letter, as it signifies a voiced sound, on the voice of a word:

The text, which is in the zone of a clear sky, is more clearly perceived. Ale bіchne zіr zabіgaє ahead, getting ready for a clear battle I will step on a part of the text. Having grasped with a glance the contours of the attacking word, with the sense of what was read, the learner can guess, as we will attack. Tse transfer of an offensive word (in a learned reader) or letters, style (in a chat) is called anticipation, or we will interpret it as a guess. The development of anticipation can be taken in the following way:

  1. 2-3 syllables are written on the dosh. It is necessary to finish them.
  • Good hour-___________ ____________.
  • Finished on the right - ____________ _________.
  1. Parts of the appendices were recorded by two stovpchiki. Learn to shoot among yourself with arrows so that the stinks come one to one for the zmist.
  1. Read the riddle, substituting the daily words.

Marvel at the booths to stand,
To the edge of the water ___________.
Whose house has a baggy
Mustache in ____________.

  1. For the forward reading at the stage of preparation to independent adoption, the text is taught to children not a word, but a word written in a quasi-list.
  • ____ ___ ro___ ____ before (frost)
  • forest____ n___ ___ ___ th (forester).
  1. It is even more appropriate for children to read the text with missing letters, missing words.

Є simple trick - reading with a bookmark. The bookmark collapses not in a row, but in a row, zakryvayuchi vzhe reading warehouse zlіva vіd of what is being read. For example, at the hour of the lesson, the literacy lesson reads the text "Kit".

Mikiti has perches. In Anton Okuni.
And the whale is right here!

The bookmark closes the read, the next warehouse is read and the bookmark is closed with the left hand at the straight line indicated by the arrow. Do not include the swidkoplennu regression, speed up the reading, but help to understand the text. Tim is no less, he wins with this trick for the okrem, as they can’t get regression on their own.

In order to podolat repeat that reach of the full zor spriynyattya, it is necessary to respectfully read the text and choose the words that are important for understanding that reading. Before independent reading, the words are written on the doshtsi, children read, then they know the word in the text and read it in words. Special respect is given here to weak scholars, the stink shards are the strongest to regression. The following proposition helps children:

  • Step by step words.


  • Articulation reading (without voice), reading whispers correctly, vocally correctly, vocally quickly.
  • Reading words written in equal-sized font.
  • Rozpodіl slіv on the warehouse with vertical and horizontal lines.

Work on the text for an hour of reading lessons, vikoristovuyutsya so right: reading "moon", reading "canon", reading "sprint", reading "rozvіdka", reading with a flute of words. Reading the "moon" (at the first stage of learning to read): one word after proposition, you begin to read learning, which you read well, and weakly read the next word. Target: the strong one feels resonant, and the weak one is inspired by himself, even if he has already sensed the word. At a later stage, reading strong and weak change roles. Target: a strong student sees all the strength of a different reading, and a weak one is deprived of an hour of reading an offensive word. Vіn I am re-inspired by myself.

Reading "canon": one student begins to read one paragraph of the text, the next one reads the same paragraph at once from the first one, and then scribbles in three or three words (like when reading the canon). Target: trimati singing tempo of reading, namagatisya read virazno without pardons.

Reading sprint: small texts to the text of a small number of students begin to read at once - for free. Crimean speed of reading, їm next stezhity for versatility, bezpomilkovistyu.

Reading with a handful of words is based on the fact that you learn at the maximum speed, respecting the words to the text to yourself, at once you are guilty of understanding it, and after completing the number of words, name the number and the number of words, put before the readings. Meta: zavantazhit vuha uchnіv with a third-party robot - rakhunka slіv. And here the children are allowed to be able to read the text of the thought. The stench gets used to reading less than an ochima. When tsimu koristuyutsya memo'yatkoy:

  • It is hard to squeeze the lips of that teeth.
  • Read less eyes.
  • Read yaknaishvidshe, vvazhayte words to the text about yourself.
  • Reply to the text.

All qi can be carried out from the unknown text, then the text is read aloud, and there is a great work on the virtuosity, the retelling of the skinny.

Vikonannya skin s tsikh right borrow 5-7 khvilin. The value of these is right for you, after the first independent knowledge of the text, the children should read them at the ear in a different way, imbued with a crusty anticipation.

How to use the same method on the skin urotsi vikoristovuvaty:

  • reading after the speaker;
  • couples reading;
  • reading at an accelerated pace;
  • dzizhke reading;
  • p'yatikhvininki;
  • samozamir swidkosti reading,

This is the best foundation for a perfect reading technique.

Reading as meta education

Metoyu navchannya chitannya as an independent type of movno ї diyalnostі є shaping in uchnіv omіn otrimuvatіyu і іnformatsiyu z text і obsyazі, kaki nebhіdny vіrіshennya konkretії komunіkativії tasks. Tse peredbachaє vovolodinnya singing types of reading and receptions of rozumіnnya іnformatsiї, scho to be hidden in the text. Academician L. V. Shcherba by means of the ear) can buti sense, to be understood by different categories is quiet, who hears it himself, as if thinking of a promoter.

important to know

From the molding of a conscious sprinyattya pov'yazanі so basic vminnya that underlie the reading:

  • to predict the change of information about the structure of that change;
  • designate a topic, a main idea;
  • divide the text into the meaning of shmatki;
  • vіdokremlyuvat smut like other row;
  • evaluate the text;
  • interpret text.

Learning to read at the pochatkovy school

rozpodіl їх on the meaning of the group. The process of learning to read begins with the formation of the beginning of reading, tobto. technical side of reading.

Dumka fahіvtsya

S. F. Shatilov automated sound-speech-auditory communication of real phenomena with their meanings .

In this order, the beginners of reading secure the building:

  • establish grapheme-phonemic identities;
  • to establish the distinction between the graphic rank of the word and the yogo auditory-speech-motor rank;
  • correctly articulate to design singles to be read;
  • spіvvіdnosti lexical image of the word, wording zі to their meanings;
  • spіvvіdnosti the grammatical form of the word, the wording with its meanings.

The characteristic rice of the cob stage is the beginning and those that the process of roaming is seen at the same time as the process of sprinyattya, otherwise it seems, rozuminnya is roused to the process of spriynyattya. Such a process of insufficiency in the automation of reading skills, after which the learners concentrate their attention on the established communication between the graphic rank of the reading unit and the її auditory-speech-motor rank, the meaning of the meaning of the latter is taken to another plane. The automation of the technical skills of an informed reader allows him to earn respect on the other side of the written text. The head of the organization, in such a rank, has a connection between the graphic rank and the yogo, we will understand the meanings.

Otzhe, the beginning of reading is the basis for ensuring the understanding of the information laid down in the written notice.

The development of the technical side of reading is due to the low difficulty of the linguistic and psychological nature, as well as the specifics of perceptual and semantic processing of information in the process of reading, as well as the peculiarities of the language that you learn.

Linguistic problems to lie down due to the features of the developed foreign movie and the sound of inconsistency between grapheme-phonemic links, like calling voices between spelling and phonetic systems of foreign language. As a butt, you can bring the rozbіzhnіst vymo and odnієї th tієї zh lіteri y raznyh literal received.

The inconsistency of the calls can call out intermittent and internal interference. So, when reading the teachings, it is necessary to make it difficult, tying up from the christening of certain letters, as if they convey different sounds in the native language that is being twisted: x, t, p, p> y with the need to differentiate similar to the baptized letters of the alphabet, for example bі d.

In your hell psychological problems viklikanі:

  • in the mind of the students to complete the memory of the auditory-speech-motor images, like in the young schoolchildren for the hour of learning to read my native language;
  • inconsistency and situational motives;
  • small field of dawn;
  • insufficient development of mental processes (remembrance, respect, etc.). So, great significance for reading can be an operational memory, which helps to spread the morning through a small interval of an hour of quiet parts of speech (abo syntagm), like in the case of a remote їх єдннані lead to razuminnya;
  • untrue regressive ruhs of the eyes.

The minimum loneliness for reading is a word, like

and allow learning to discover the technique of reading - voicing the graphic image of the word - according to the rules of reading, or by way of memorizing the very image of the word that spivvіdnoshennia yogo zі znachenyam.

In vchisznyanіy methods, different methods of teaching come to the end of the problem of learning to read at the cob stage and vicorist methods of teaching, the following criteria are put in the basis of the subdivision of them:

  • 1) a moving loneliness is laid the foundation for the navchannya (letter, sound, whole word, speech, text);
  • 2) type of conducting activity of scientists (analysis, synthesis).

The combination of these criteria allows us to consider the following classification of training methods:

  • 1) analytical: sound, sound-letter method, warehouse;
  • 2) synthetic: the method of tsilih words, the method of tsilih speech;
  • 3) analytical-synthetic (zmishan).

Let's look at it like an example of a different method of teaching the reading of words, organized according to the singing rule of reading.

First way includes the reading of the words behind the title (behind the title card) with the variations of the sound-letter analysis, which allows the students to independently introduce the rule of reading. The initial card includes the key word with vision in a new one for the additional color of the letter, or the letter received, which is twisted, and the picture that illustrates the key word, the sound form of such a bula was acquired in advance. In this manner, the sleep of the future forms the beginning of reading on the familiar lexical material. After reading the words following the teacher (announcer) or independently following the sound-letter analysis, which can be followed by different alphabets. For example, the reader remembers the word and asks, how many sounds in this word, then show (write) the key word to ask to speak the number of letters from the number of sounds. Let's send for the help of a different alphabet of letters, which give sounds, are placed at empty centers. In the process of ciєї, robots learn independently with the help of a teacher to develop the rule of reading letters.

They gave the learners to start reading the same type of words, how to break the rule, how to twist. With the help of independent reading, the students will listen to the reading of the light reading, and then the reading will follow the announcer. Vіdomi vіtchiznіnі vchenі-methodist G. V. Rogova, I. N. Vereshchagina, N. V. Yazikova especially slander that it is my fault to read it myself, and not imitate the announcer's promotion 1 .

Another way transferring the reading of words, organized according to the rule of reading, represented by sound, letter and key word. At the first stage, the reader in the form of a game will know the learner from the rule of reading. Let's put it like an example of a variant for proving the rules of reading.

  • Today, our friends with you have broken into the valley of letters. There was a skin voice letter garnoy voucher, and the skin is vociferous - with a vіzerunkom, vikladenim s expensive stone. Raptom Mickey remembering that if two tickets are opened near the stone in the shape of the letter S, the stone transforms into a bjilka and begins to dzizhchati ... Z-Z-Z.
  • On the galyavin of the lake, there are unspoilt lives. Stink marvelous, that the word is written on the skin. All words, like letters, are already similar - they have the same sound [ai]. Tsey sound you know for two letters - ow or oi - on the cob chi in the middle of a word. Circle the letters and read: [аї]. Read the whole word now.

Tsіkavim is a way of learning about the rules of reading, presentations from the helper of "English through the situation", in an accessible form, students learn about the rules of reading. For example: “Boys, you remembered what all the letters to say, the letters e. Vaughan, alete, the letter is the commander. Commander to speak, but after the letter “i”, start stitching. Slidkuє, schob the letter “G correctly called her name”.

  • Find out how many times the word is trapping.
  • Sudoku. Find the missing word in the skin row, write yoga and then read the words horizontally, vertically and diagonally.
  • Fold the letter, the image for the little one, read the word that yogo.
  • Inserting the missing letter i, read the word.
  • Check the box if you hear the sound of the word.
  • Mickey read the words at once. Repeat after him and tell me in what order they were said.
  • "Take the chamomile." Choose the pellets, in which the letter_

it is read like a sound_, and take the chamomile as a clear cut. Read the words written on the pellets.

Mіkkі z Mіnnі vyrishili posmagatisya i zgadat ya poss

more words, for some, the letter_reads like a sound_.

Read the words, like guessing Mickey. green color) and Mіnі (seen in red color). Who won?

Find the words in the row, spiraling on the seen word, circle it and read it.

“Photo-eye”: marvel at the words in the stovpchik and vyznach, chi є in the new zayve word. Read the words.

Vicoristannya іgor pіd h navchannya tehnіchnіchnі ї storі promo.

Let's put it like a butt of a kіlka іgor, yakі successfully can be vikoristanі for shaping the beginning of reading.

"Monster Gluton". Read the words and the commandments of the comrade.

Comment. Prepare a set of cards with words and phrases. Learn how to draw a card with the word chi proposition and read yoga. If the word (proposition) is read correctly, stink yogo in an empty middle, if the word or speech is read incorrectly, then turn yogo into a pile of cards. The winner is the one who is the first to fill in the empty middles.

  • Cube. The skin from the student throws a cube and takes from the box the number of cards. If you learn to read the word correctly, leave the card with you, if you get a pardon, then the card turns into a box. When one of the learners guess the rule of reading (you can read the word in unison). The one who has more cards with words wins.
  • Bourn, Bam, chipe et chance. To organize a meeting, it is necessary to prepare cards with the words of that card, on which the following words are instructed: “BOUM”, “BAM”, “CH1PE”, “CHANCE”. Learn how to draw cards and read words. If the word is read correctly, the learner leaves the card in itself, if the word is read incorrectly, then the card turns around the box. If you learn to draw a card with the word “VAM”, then turn it to the box and skip it, if you learn to draw a card with the word “BOUM”, then turn two cards to the box with the words, if you learn to draw a card with the word “CH1PE”, then take take a card with a word in a different language, and, nareshti, so learn to draw a card with the word “CHANCE”, vin її keep it in yourself in order to replace the cards “BOUM” and “VAM” with it, and mother right to win an additional card . The one with the most cards wins.
  • 2. Tasks for the expansion of the vertical and horizontal fields of the gap and the improvement of the speed of reading. The data of the zavdannya are allowed to increase the number of elements (letter in the word, slіv in the speech) and can take the form of a rectangle, drawn vertically, or the shape of a rhombus.

On equal words:

  • Circle the letters au/eau and read the words.
  • On the way of our mandrіvniki there was a small shift. Help them to go down with the descents of the yaknaishvidshe.
  • Read the words to the beast down, focusing your eyes on the straight line.


Topic. Literary reading as the primary subject at the Pochatkov school

1. Meta, task, principles of reading.

2. Science plant methods of reading.

3. Historical and critical review of reading methods.

4. Characteristics of the program and initial materials from reading.

5. Beginning reading and especially yogo forming.


    Literary reading / Educational programs for foreign students initial mortgages with my Russian teachings. 1-4 class. - K .: Vidavnichy dіm "Osvita", 2012; Programs for the middle school of education, grades 1-4. - K., 2006 ("Explanatory note").

    Assistants: Popova T.D., Lapshina I.M. Literary reading: Uch. for grade 2 - K., 2012; Popova T.D., Lapshina I.M. Literary reading: Uch. for 3 cells. - K., 2013; Gudzik I.F. Reading book: Uch. for 3 cells. Part 1., 2. - K., 2003; Gudzik I.F. Reading book: Navch. for 4 cells. Part 1., 2. - K., 2004.

    Sovereign standard of postal education. Literary reading // Poch.shk. - 2011. - No. 7.

    Lviv M.R., Ramzaeva T.G., Svitlovska N.M. - M., 1987.

    Lviv M.R., Goretskiy V.G., Sosnovska O.V. Methodology of Russian cladding in cob classes. - M., 2002.

    Koval G.P., Ivanova L.I., Surzhik T.B. Reading technique. - Ternopil, 2008.

    Methodology for teaching reading / way of life. T.P. Salnikov. - M., 2001.

    Yemets O.O., Kovalenko O.M., Kochengina M.V. How to help a young schoolboy read. - Kharkiv, 2011.

    Purpose, task, principles of reading.

Zahalnovіdoma role artistic literature in vihovannya child. Vaughn with the richest dzherel of knowledge of life and the instrument of injection on all sides of human specialty. Significance of reading lessons I believe in the fact that the complex is lighting up on them and developing projects. Implementation of these tasks for the first hour of the lesson in reading, however, the education of the students with the singing complex of knowledge and understanding, the formation of stench special features, necessary people. In case of learning, the knowledge that is formed by them is the responsibility of being convinced by the schoolchildren themselves as necessary in life.

Literary reading - a comprehensive distribution of the Russian language teaching, which ensures the complete literary education and the formation of the reading technique.

Literary reading is a guiding idea and a shearing light of literary enlightenment.

Meta tutorial- знайомство з літературою та дитячою книгою, забезпечення загального та літературного розвитку, вдосконалення навички читання, формування способів та прийомів роботи над текстом та книгою, необхідної культури комунікації, реалізації творчих здібностей, що гарантують можливість здійснення самостійної кваліфікованої читацької діяльності при переході до вивчення системного курсу literature in the middle classes.


- Improving the technique of reading uchnіv in a voice and movchki (to yourself); vminnya independently read the unknown, accessible behind the light and form, create (independently before reading), understand the logical and figurative light of the text; remember to feel, react strangely to the artistic merit of creation;

– purposeful directing of the development of current and intellectual minds in order to do one more hour of work with the text;

Vihovannya culture and reading, expanding the reader's horizons of learning, shaping individual reading interests, stable bazhannya to read the available century literature;

The formation of cob knowledge and the reduction of the literary character; knowledge about the features of the book and other kinds of other products; about the authors of the most popular children's books;

Expansion, destruction of knowledge about the current world; shaping the light-eyed child, active life position

The systematic course of literary reading is based on a different fate. The program will give you a handful of jobs with a child's book to keep busy readings.

The specifics of the course are taught in a comprehensive training, which will deepen the beginnings of reading, mastering the acquisition of meaning and artistic and aesthetic understanding of the book and self-knowledge of the light of books on the basis of the formation of reading minds.

The system of moral and aesthetic manifestations, perhaps, is determined by the selection of literary works, the topics of reading, and methods of work.

The culture of modern communication and the development of free creative activities are formed in specially developed initial situations.

The number of childish reading behind the rockies is presented concentrically with the improvement of the availability of topics, genres, author's diversity of types of literature, the nature of literature - domestic and foreign, created by Russian language or translation.

The initial material for the skin class is composed of books of various age-old straightness:

Do good knowledge to children from preschool education. The stench is recognized for a detailed study, mastering the methods of working with the text (the knowledge of the mind allows you to earn respect for the practice of singing minds without the emotionally-shaped spriynyattya shkody creativity).

Create, recognized by the young school age, to become the main source of literary reading. Here the first plan speaks emotionally and figuratively, mastering the change for the improvement of the formation of reading minds.

Create, the education of such people is passed on to the middle school. The stench is introduced for cognizant reading, which allows you to individualize learning and improve your reading experience (for reading)

Zmіst navchannya, while reading practically did not recognize the change. Behind the genre-species features, the initial material of representations in various aspects. Whom is given a system of subsequent mastering of genres from class to class: fairy tales, epic, verse (1st class); attachments, lichilki, riddles, fairy tales about creatures, literary fairy tales (grade 2); pobutova kazka, playful folklore, poetry, lyric creation (grade 3); coliska of poetry, charіvna kazka, draw, slovnikovі statti (grade 4)

The program consists of 5 parts:

1. Colo reading.

2. Beginner reading.

3. The main works of that book, literary scholar propaedeutics.

4. Movna is that creative activity.

5. Hygiene reading

Modern system for reading the transmission of non-administrative the transition of all learning to independent activity from the book. At zv'azku z tsim navchannya chitannya vengeance important razdil - better reading, by the method of shaping the knowledge of children's books among young schoolchildren, the choice of interest in books, the knowledge that vminnya їkh svіdomo collect and comprehend to read. Becoming the type of correct independent reading activity can be cherished by the reader.

Type of correct independent reading activityti- tse є is formed in the reader's building to purposeful comprehension, that mastering of books before reading, in the world of reading that after reading for the choice of їх in addition to what is appropriate and necessary, what is not; what is it, what is boring, what you want, but you still can’t, and what you don’t want, you want, you can, etc. Reading under supervision and control from the side of the reader can be brought to independent childish reading, tobto. reading to an individual, without indirect third-party assistance, until a child is combined with the available light of books, in the process of such a child and acknowledging the choice of a book and reading it according to all the rules.

The organization of the initial material for the lessons of grade-by-grade reading transfers the priority of singing directions:

Preparatory stage of reading - fairy tales and explanation. Another river of education is a scientific and artistic fairy tale, create about nature.

The third river of navchannya - povisti, literary tale. The fourth river of education is a historical book, come in handy, dear, poetry.

Thorough reading skills based systematically on the materials of folklore and works of children's literature, based on the idea of ​​the authors of the directions for the development of the movement of their novice, for the development of the movement and the artistic features of the text. The process of improving the beginning of reading is attributed to the zastosuvannya methods and methods, directing to the formation of the beginning of reading: vocabulary robot, vibrkove reading, setting the initial task before reading, goal-directed re-reading, reading for roles in persons, zastosuvannya "combined reader" skinny.

Formation of practical methods of mastering the text and literary phenomena in the process of reading and analyzing works, as if they were examples from the tasks of constructive and artistic features. Step by step, a short commentary is introduced, which clarifies the statement about the fact that the phenomenon is being shown, and may be explanatory or instructive in nature.

Literary studies propaedeutics be cognizant in nature. Analytical vminnya are based on literary studies and as a guideline for practical activities. Elements of terminology are introduced and mastered practically equal to the division, setting, selection. For example, a vision of Rimi, a text written. Razrіznennya elementіv kazkovogo opіdannya v protsesі reading to creation: beginning, repeat, ending. Razrіznennya pіd hour reading koromovki and riddles too thin.

Literary reading and literary conversationє the main organizational form of work. Reading, analysis of creativity, familiarity with the book are accompanied by comments on the received information about the hour of the creation of the book, the history of the life of the writer, his literary honing, about the sub-history of culture, how it is related to books, writers, and creations. The robots will be based on a variety of reading, culture of mutual understanding of an informed reader with their own spe- cialists and of all methods of developing the work of that book, accessible to young schoolchildren.

The complex of methods, which ensure the effective mastering of learning programs, includes the entire arsenal of methods, accumulations of natural methodical science: the emotional-conceptual method, the method of explanatory reading, literary reading, reading-view and creative reading. The last task that is reasonable is determined equally by the nature of the training of the students, the specifics of the initial material of the books and works, the conceived lesson, the creative approach of the teacher to the implementation of the program.

The practical implementation of the training program is directly related to the educational component of the young schoolchild's reading training - the formation of the reading habit, the shards of this rіven give the opportunity to develop self-sufficient reading and song character.

The periodization of education was inspired by the improvement of the principle of concentrism. For the skin period, a system of reduction was prescribed, which confirms the originality of reading skills, and itself:

At the Pidogotovsky periode of Technika, the Chitannya nulli rivnya to Vyannya, he was voted by the pace of 40, for Khvivin at the stipel wirewear, the Combage of OSCIB + CS (warehouses + tsіlim in words) that reading-gazeing (grade 1);

in the main period of the formation of reading aloud in full words with a tempo of 40 to 60 words per whilin with an overrated pace of reading, thoughts over the tempo of reading aloud indicate the possibility of independent mastering of the text on the slate level (1-2 grades);

the pace of reading 60-90 words per whilin out loud and mastering a productive way of reading about yourself gives you the opportunity to discover more and more of the rotten understanding of the text and the choice of books is similar to situational reading similitudes, to increase self-reading of old books without participation;

in the final period, the formation of the pace of reading 80-110 words per whiling voice and mastering the systemic productive way of reading about oneself give the opportunity to move on to a buried comprehension of the text and purposeful independent choice and reading books for the tasks and interests (3-4 grades).

The transition from one stage to another is determined by the software to improve the fact that the process of becoming knowledge, reduce that newcomer may be a rickety character. Reading beginners develop a special-orientation character and lie down directly in the form of a book sharpening, culture-creating medium in school and at home

2. Science plant methods for learning to read

The modern method of organizing class reading is based on theoretical principles, developed by such sciences as literary studies, psychology, and pedagogy. For the correct organization of reading, it is necessary for the reader to understand the specifics of the artistic creation, the psychological basis for the process of reading the various stages of learning, especially the acceptance and assimilation of the text by young schoolchildren.

Literary scholarsfoundation analysis of artistic creation Books of reading are presented as artistic creations of various genres, and popular science articles. Objective zmіst be-such a creation is reality. In artistic creations, life is represented by images. It is a figurative form that reflects the activity and essence of the artistic creation as a scientific one. In this sensible rank, it is possible to understand “there is no more vitality in the appearance of the individual”, tobto. the image is characterized by two conductors of rice: narrowness and individuality. At the center of the artistic creation, people are most often found in all the folding and in the presence of the blessing of nature.

For literary creation, order z objective lensyum, zavzhdi maє misce that subjective assessment by the author Podіy, faktіv, human stosunkіv toshcho. Tsya subjective assessment is also transmitted through the image. Himself a witness of life situations, in some of them there is a diyova persona, її vchinki, stosunki with otochyuchiy people that nature, carry the author's assessment.

Introduced a higher provision about the figurative form in artistic TV, About the transfer of the objective and the subjective in a specific material, there can be great theoretical and practical significance for the methodology. First, in the course of the analysis of the artistic creation, the teacher of the central place will reveal the motives of the behavior of the author's character and the author's attitude to the image. In a different way the artistic creation is described under the song of the historical period, and not the life of people in the sun, the posture is often open. That is why it is more correct to read the text, more correctly to understand the motives of the behavior of the children's behavior, a reliable assessment of the facts and the possibility of understanding the historical approach to the image of the work. Hundreds of cob classes, from one side, the need for a short knowledge of the uchniv s h, what happened in the work, z іnshoy - the development in the schoolchildren of the appraisal approach to the vchinkіv dіyovih osіb z urakhuvannya timchasovogo and social officials. Thirdly, well know the young schoolchildren from the life of a writer, with his glances, shards at the artistic creation, the author is not able to convey his vision to depicting life facts, suspіlny yavisch, specific representatives of the suspіlstva.

The divine significance of the creation, the strength for the reader are due to its ideological direction and artistic merit. Therefore, when analyzing an artistic creation, it is important to read the schoolchildren's shukati tsyu ideinu directiveness spіvvіdnoshnіnі for- I'll forgive you. The form of a literary creation is the only way of depicting a writer of action. Vіn vіdbiraє povіscha ії dіysnosti і vіdpovіdno up to ії іdeї rozpoіdaє pro zhittya, vikoristovuyuuchi figurative form. So the form that zmіst enter into mutuality. This interaction permeates all components of creation, including imagery, composition, plot, imaginative works. To that i for analysis of virob- diya at the complex, one can see specific images, images, artistic images. The method of analysis of artistic creation in the cob classes cannot but be lied to psychological features sprynyattya children of the young school age. Psychologists recognize the creation as a recognition act, and in order to recognize creation, the creation includes an emotional-aesthetic component. When cultivating the psychological characteristics of spriynyatta and assessment by young schoolchildren of literary heroes, it was installed two types of appointments to literary heroes: 1) emotions, which are formed on the basis of a specific operation with figurative expressions; 2) intellectually-assessed, in which a scientist has a moral understanding less on a par with elementary analysis. Assessing the realities of creation, learners operate with those moral concepts that have that special knowledge. The number of estimating morals to understand among young schoolchildren is obscured. Most often they are called such moral virtues, like courage, honesty, pracity, kindness. Significant difficulties in characterizing the heroes of children are distinguished by the shards of the Volodymyr in the same terminology. In connection with this stink, it is better to write a description of a specific manifestation of strength, and not just a secondary term. The head of the teacher believes in the fact that, when analyzing the work, gradually introduce words into the language of the children, which characterize the moral, intellectual, emotional qualities of the children's feelings.

Psychologists see dekilka equal to the text.

Pedagogically dotsilna organization of reading activity with the strengthening of age-old peculiarities creates the basis for vindication and influx of reading new special authorities, the foundation of reading independence.

Reading independence- tse special power, as it is characterized by the motives of the reader, as they spur him to turn to books, and the system of knowledge, decrease and navikiv, allow him to realize his spondukannya. An objective indicator of the fact that the reader's self-reliance has been formed, should be taken into account the need for the building to read books from an informed choice.

Krіm zaznachenih zagalnyh idiosyncrasies of a child's reading, vіdomі іnshі characteristics, po'yazanі z vіkovoї gradation. So, for the students of the young school age in connection with the special intensity of the process of becoming special, it is characteristic to read the differentiation of interest to the books of the sing smist and obsyagu - from rock to rock, from class to class. At 6-7 years, the situational interest prevails. At this hour, children, however, add verses, tales, and explanations. At 8-9 years of age, books about nature are especially hoarded. The teacher, as a qualification, the reader is not guilty of not taking care of the “growing sickness” to respect. At 6-7 years - a whole block of memory, which is often accepted by a ceramics worker for recognition of that fullness of acceptance. At 8-9 years, the readers do not get angry in a single process of understanding that emotion of spontaneity. At 9-10 years, there is a need to re-evaluate the children's prehistoric literature (encyclopedias, gloomy dictionaries, too), which pull the superficial "omniscience" behind them.

The method of learning to read, based on literary and psychological principles, determines the order of the work of reading and the development of speech in the cob classes.

I can know the individual pidkhіd to a child with a skin-creamy type. Fathers do not care for such skills and knowledge, pardons are often granted to this, organizing the process of starting reading on their own, without prior preparation or consultation. From my bagatarical knowledge of work in the younger classes, I want to show on the main problems, how to blame, how not to know, how to correctly teach a child to read in warehouses.

Golovna pardon, yak is easy to correct, - tse letter reading. Batki vvazhayut, that the very letters are the main unit of reading, that they attach the child to the back of the head to name the letters, and then we learn to unite them in the whole word. It’s even harder, so when you practice using the new names of the letters (“eat”, “ne” thinly), or do not correct the little one, if you win “mi”, “pi”, naming sounds with a voice.

Such a pidkhid is fundamentally wrong: with such a learning, the child does not master the mechanism of the sound-letter anger of the mov, he learns to read only on the basis of memorization and rehearsal of verbal formulas (like “ate” and “a” - will be “la”), but it means galmuє shvidkіst reading, the child often wanders the warehouse and pardons are allowed.

To teach a child to “learn” such an algorithm, it will take at least 4-6 months for retraining. Navit if you can explain and show the children that it is not necessary to promote similar formulas, but immediately name the whole warehouse, the little one will continue to work as early as “in the mind” and only then will the combination that came out.

Another problem - weak phonemic hearing. Batki vzagalі not skhilnі pridіlyat respect vikoristannya different phonemic rights. To that child, only in school begin to know the understanding of the sound, to learn to see yoga in the current sweat, to recognize yoga in the word. Aje same stіyka association “litera = sound” is the basis of angry reading and literate spelling. Particularly serious problems are blamed when the letters “i”, “i”, “u”, “e”, “e”, as well as the signs “b”, “b”, and even if they are implanted, are less likely to be used to signify, as if they mean stench (or subtract) from a specific position.

Don’t forget it, too, that often dads reach the result for a rahunok arrogance and the appearance of post-event vimog to the child oskolki not volodyut a wide range of didactic іgor ta right. Therefore, a preschooler can quickly spend his interest before reading and accepting the process as a tedious “obov'yazkovka”.

In order to avoid all the descriptions of pardons, and to correctly teach the child to read, it is recommended that the fathers speed up with our recommendations, pointing below.

Methodically ambush reading for warehouses

The teacher described a few ways to teach a child to read. The most effective method of reading in warehouses is the most important, which is used on the sound-letter approach. When you put it together with the main "zeglins", from which the word is formed. Let's look at it, like teaching a child to read in warehouses at home minds.

Later, it is necessary to know the child with the basic vocal sounds and letters, which stinks are used for: "a", "o", "u". Leather letters need to be added for 2-3 lessons. Algorithm for the development of tsikh and offensive letters of offensives.

Stage №1 Motivation

It is necessary to start the activity from the game moment, which makes the child's interest more interesting before it starts. You can show him a toy or a frame from a cartoon, give him a listen to a little song. Your task is to turn the kid's respect to a specific subject. For example:

  • treat a child with an orange;
  • give a look at the cartoon about the whistleblower;
  • show pitching and let її swim in the bowl.

After similar activities, feed the baby (what is wine, why is it grave, etc.), and then ask him to repeat the name of the object again.

Stage number 2. Acquaintance with sound

Dali need to see the first sound of the word. For whom, say the word and stretch out the first sound, pronounce it louder and clearer than the others. Prompt the child to repeat you. Vin is guilty of naming the first sound of the word feeling.

Now it is necessary to play with this sound:

  • move with different strength to the voice (quieter - voiced);
  • oversleep;
  • speak with a different intonation.

It is important to pay attention to the articulation of the sound. To discuss obov'yazkovo with a child, yak to come out of the sound, in which position the lips, teeth and tongue are known. For whom, preach to you to watch over you and marvel at yourself in the mirror. At the beginning of the hour of the production of voice sounds, it is recommended to show the little one a demonstration picture.

Games for the development of phonetic hearing

If you play with a child already a little sound of obov'yazkovo play with her in the game "Guess the sound" - for the position of the organs of articulation of wines, you are to guess which sound you choose to play.

After such words, propagate the children to the right for the development of phonetic hearing:

  • Name the words, which can also begin from the necessary sound.
  • "Catch the sound" - the grown-up is guilty of vimovlyat different words, And the little one repeats them and feels like a sound in a new direction - splashing in the valley.
  • “Filled a house” - create a cardboard template of a house with 3-4 ends and invite children to place pictures with objects in them, naming them based on the required sound.
  • "Say the word" - you name a part of the word, and the child is obliged to say it again, adding a sound to the cob (for example) of the word.

Respect! It is not necessary for one job to win more than 2 rights.

Stage number 3. Familiarity with the letter

Now it's time to draw the letter. For whom you can ask the child to know the middle of the cubes, or I will need a picture on the alphabet (for example, an orange). If you explain, the shards of the named object start with the sound [a], then instruct them to write a letter, as this sound signifies.


  • Myakishi cubes "Abetka in pictures" at the store.
  • Developing wooden toys Blocks ABC.
  • Cubes "Abetka", 12 pcs.

Instruct the little one to respectfully look at the letter, to name some parts of it (sticks, ovals, hacks). Discuss with him at once what the letter looks like. It is recommended to use special pictures, in which the letter is depicted as a real object. As a matter of fact, you can make such pictures on your own, without interruption, during a busy hour. Children will be more likely to guard for the transformation of letters.

It is also necessary to ask the little one to write a letter. You can work in different ways:

  • paint a creid on the doshtsi;
  • write with your finger on the pussy;
  • pouring from plasticine;
  • viklasti Gudzikami;
  • twist z taganini and so on.

So it is right for children to allow them to remember the letter better.

Stage number 4. Warehouse storage

If the baby sings the first three voice sounds, the skin sound (after knowing the letter) immediately turns on to the warehouse of warehouses. Golovne explain it this way, so that the child understands the very mechanism of bringing two sounds into a single warehouse. The grown-up one is guilty of showing two letters and saying what to say at once to them at once, without a dent, she podil.

For additional effect, you can add a visualization:

  • put two cubes in hand;
  • write letters on the details of the designer and at the same time;
  • put letters in one room, etc.

Having shown the child's warehouse, the grown-up is guilty of clearly and lingeringly remembrance yoga, and then ask the child to repeat. Give the following words to explain that in order to move the warehouse “ma”, it is necessary to close the mouth for the sound [m] and open the mouth and round the lips for the sound [a]. It is recommended to demonstrate this process for a few times, teaching children to work for themselves.

As practice shows, such reports of explanation and training are less necessary for the first 1-2 days to take from warehouse reading. As only a child of understanding and understanding, the principle of creating sounds in a warehouse, will be able to work with ease in any combinations.

Krіm navchannya chitannya direct folds (voice + voicing) it is necessary to pronounce you to read inverted (voice + vowel) and fold (2-3 vowel + voice) fold. The technique is similar: demonstrate an eye, analyze the articulation and vikonati exercise right.

Read by warehouses

A technique is presented, how to teach a child to read in warehouses, to go to take a booth with a baby from 5 years. After 2-3 days, you can take a child on your own, marveling at the writing of letters, naming a warehouse. You don’t need to hurry up, however, you can’t move the warehouse after the end of 30 - 60 seconds, you need to tell me, help you fold the style. It is necessary to work in a good-natured manner, without embarrassment and docor.

If the child is in stock first, put “ma”, “mu”, when the time has come to show what you have done together, you can take the whole word. Explain more briefly about the choice of storage cubes (you can buy a special set or build them yourself) or with the details of the designer. Golovna, show me how to read the words next to name warehouses and then unite them. Obov'yazkovo sleep with a child, like the word has come and what it means.

Nadalі, if you don’t need a lot of time to spend more time on explaining all the descriptions of the basic reading in warehouses, the main part to occupy can be assigned exercise rights. Readers-practitioners affirm that there is no other way to learn to read well, let's go around fast reading. The more often and more the child reads, the more often the new one comes out. And for that, it’s necessary to keep a constant interest in the new one to take up reading. For whom it is recommended to play different didactic games.


  • Speech therapy right.
  • Vіd gri - before reading. Didactic right.

Didactic games for learning to read

Gra "Sonechko"

On the little one, a little sun is depicted with prominchiks. At the center there are letters that are twisted, and at the ends there are prominences in other letters. When passing through the center, it is necessary to name the warehouse by the prompt, which is to go out. You can collapse and have a straight line.

Such a gra is called "Watch". At the center of the arrow there is the main letter, and on the dial of the reshta. Move the arrow, name the warehouse, which is viishov.

Gra "Let's walk the path"

Choose a picture with a short winding path. On it, place mugs with overwrought warehouses. The child takes the chip and begins to move forward, calling on the path of the warehouse. You can rule the command group - whoever passes swidshe and does not have mercy.

Gras with dice

For cubes with warehouses, you can choose an impersonal order:

  • read all put on a cube;
  • vibrati cubes to put together a word;
  • replace (add) to the folded word one warehouse, so that a new word will appear;
  • pick up a warehouse to the picture, which is the first in the name of the pictured object.

You can just give a child a box of such cubes, and the way to cook with them can be done by yourself.

Warehouse table

Create an interactive table of warehouses. Vaughn is prepared for the principle of the tables of Pythagoras. Rows in the table need to be added to the world of new letters. Tasks for work with a table can be:

  • know the indicated letter and read all the words with it;
  • know the names of the warehouse in the table;
  • show in the tables the names of the warehouse and add the word from them;
  • paint prominchiki between warehouses, so that the word comes out.

It will be necessary to create one more table later, so that it can be stored in warehouses.

As a result of the post-exercise training right, the naming of warehouses will be brought to automatism, and in the light of this, the speed of reading will significantly increase. However, the fathers should remember that this is not a single criterion, which is important for reading. The next thing is to give respect to the development of such characteristics of reading, as an understanding and variety, to go about.

Be-like a mother of a preschooler, to inspire even more to your fate, you are already surprised to other methods of learning to read. Indeed, the deacons of them allow to reach the result in the young age. What are the good early methods, as well as how they have minuses, read our article.

Sound (phonetic) method

This is the system of learning to read, as we were taught at school. Won go out of the alphabetical principle. In the basis of її - learning of vim letters and sounds (phonetics), and if the child accumulates enough knowledge, he will go backwards to warehouses, which are settled in the form of angry sounds, and then to the full words.

Plus the method

  • This method should be called up for learning to read in schools, that child will never be relearned.
  • The fathers are good at understanding this principle of learning, the oscalls themselves learned this way.
  • The method develops a child's phonemic ear, which allows you to slightly see sounds in words, which helps them to understand the correct speech.
  • Speech therapists recommend the very method of learning to read, shards of wine and helping children to get rid of language defects.
  • You can read a child using the sound method for any handy mischief, you can rightfully read it on the streets. The little one, out of satisfaction, plays at the verbal games and at home, and at the dacha, and in the afternoon, and in the old days in the clinic.
minus the method
  • This method is not suitable for the early development of children, if they want to, so that the little ones learn how to read quickly before five or six years. Oskіlki navchannya chitannya in such a way - to complete the trivial process, which will help the development of the child, to start doing this method too early - just stupidly.
  • Sound the head of a child who does not understand what has been read, the shards of all yogo zusill will be directed to those who read and understand the words. The understanding of what has been read is brought to the attention of others.

The method of learning from Zaitsev's cubes

This method of transferring the beginning of reading from the organization of warehouses. Warehouse - the whole pair of suitable and voiced, or from suitable hard or soft sign, or one letter. Zaitsev's reading in cubes began to look like a cheerful, crumbly and groggy gris into cubes.

Plus the method

  • A child in a playful form remembers the warehouse, poednannya letters. Vіn do not zupinyaєtsya and quickly master the reading and logic of language.
  • On Zaitsev's cubes there are letters, as if in principle it is possible for Russian language. So, for example, yoga systems have no chi ZhI. That child will be smitten and insured for all life in the form of bad pardons (for example, if you don’t write a giraffe or a tire incorrectly).
  • Zaitsev's cubes allow you to teach a child to read at least from a single language. Ale navit p'yatirichnym it's not good to start. The system is not tied to the singing age.
  • If a child does not catch up with the pace of today's school programs, then Zaitsev's system can become a kind of "Swedish aid". The author himself states that, for example, it’s better to read something more for a kilka.
  • Busy does not take a lot of time, the stench is carried out like a bi mizh business.
  • Zaitsev's cubes are poured into rich organic sensations. The stench develops a musical ear, almost like a rhythm, a musical memory, a fine motor skills of the hands, which by itself in a strong rank injects a development of the intellect. Zavdyaki raznobarvnym cubes in children develop expanse and color sprynyattya
minus the method
  • Children, who have learned to read “for Zaitsev”, often “forge” the endings that are impossible to sort out at the warehouse of the word (even if the stench called for diliti yogo, it’s all right and wrong).
  • Children should be relearned already in the first class, if the phonemic analysis of the word begins to pass. A child can pardon at a sound parsing.
  • On the cubes, there is no sounding of ZhI or SHI, then there is no voice of the voice E (BE, BE, GE then. Bud.). It means that the child is calling until the next day, until it is possible to move. Tim, for an hour, in Russian language there are no words, for some the letter E is written after the voice (crim "ser", "mer", "per", "ude", "plein air").
  • Help Zaitsev to kill expensively. But the fathers themselves are responsible for making cubes from pieces of wood and cardboard blanks, and there are 52 cubes in total. With this stink of undoubted, the little ones can easily be crushed and gnawed.

Learn about Doman cards

This method is to teach children to recognize words as one, not breaking them in warehouses. For whom the whole method is not to enter neither the name of the letter, nor the sounds. Children's kіlka razіv per day are shown the same number of cards from clear promotions of words. At the result of the child, she will read the word immediately, and it will be too early to read it.

Pluses of the technique

  • Possibility of learning to read mayzhe among the people. Everything will be learned for the new thunder, I can greet my mother, find out about this new cicava.
  • The baby develops a phenomenal memory. Vіn is easy to remember and analyze the great amount of information.
Minuses of the methodology
  • Laboriousness of the process. The fathers will have the opportunity to abuse the majestic number of cards with words, and then we will know the hour to show their child more.
  • Children, yakі have learned to use this method, then we will find difficulties in the school program. They often blame problems with literacy and word parsing.
  • Often the little ones read the words on home posters without any problems, could not read the word, even if it was written differently.

Methodology of Mary Montessori

Behind the Montessori system, little ones learn to write letters, for additional inserts and contour frames, and then we only learn letters. The didactic material is composed of letters made from short paper and pasted on cardboard plates. Mala name the sound (repeat after the grown-ups), and then trace the outline of the letter with your finger. Dali children learn to put together words, phrases, texts.

Pluses of the technique

  • The Montessori system has no tedious right and tedious lessons. All navchannya - tse gra. Tsikava, with brightly colored toys. And the little one with us - and reading, and writing, and budding newbies - learn to growl.
  • Children, who have learned to read by the Montessori method, already begin to read smoothly, without any words in stock.
  • A child immediately gets used to reading independently and thinking.
  • Right that igri develop analytical thoughts, logic.
  • A lot of montesor-materials do not only start reading, but develop fine motor skills - an important element of the global development of intelligence (for example, to spy games with a short alphabet).
Minuses of the methodology
  • It’s important to keep busy in the home minds, the shards will take a huge amount of time to prepare to take that expensive materials.
  • The bulk of the materials and the help: you happen to buy or build a lot of frames, cards, little books and other elements of the primary medium.
  • The technique is covered by the group nursery and not at home.
  • Mom in this system plays the role of a poster, but not a teacher.

Methodology of Olga Soboleva

Tsei method of prompting on the "biohemispheric" robotic brain. Vivchayuchi new letter, the child knows it through the familiar image of the character. The main meta method is not to learn to read, but to learn to love to read. All the busyness was at the form of a gris, so the beginning of reading is unremarkable and hoarsely. The methodology has 3 streams of information: for visuals, audials and kinesthetics. Mechanical memorization is reduced to a minimum, the associative memorization technique is stagnant.

Pluses of the technique

  • As a result of this method of reading, children change the number of pardons, and the language becomes more fluent and barvy, the vocabulary stock expands, interest in creativity becomes more active, and fear of the need for a written language of thought arises.
  • Rules, laws, the right to win, instead of zhartoma and mimovoli. The child learns to concentrate and relax, the shards are appropriate for the assimilation of new information.
  • The methodology is better developed visually, fantasy, think logically, develop memory and respect.
  • You can start reading mayzhe among the people.
  • Suitable for children from different channels for receiving information.
There is no sound system for the fathers, as it is necessary, so that everything was clear and consistent. More suitable for "creative" children.
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