The first blow at the bіytsі. How do you behave in a street fight? Individual beat

Let's take a look at the truth in vіchі, rozmіr may mean, but far from everything that is needed. To inspire you and less than your opponent, you can be smarter, smarter and smarter for the new one. Take advantage of everything. The manifestation of the mind is richly important for the power of creation.

On the vіdmіnu vіd zіtknennya z іvnostronnym adversary, bіytsі z greater opponent vynikayutsya pevnі folded. Stepping stones will help you to win in the fight or take it if you want to be alive and not born!

  • In a fighter against an opposing opponent, you are guilty of correctly defeating your zone of reach. It costs to be close to that distance. It is your fault to recognize, if it is better to drink for the distance of the enemy, and if you get close to him. Take away the greed from your small radius of reach, neutralize your power, which changes the distance. Do not know the yoga zone of reach.
  • Keep your eyes on the enemy. As if you are trying to beat the kidok, work hard, the docks of the wines are not outperforming you.
  • In practical self-defense, like Bruce Lee's hardened, start the line of defense with a side kick in the knee. It is even more effective through the equally static and unstable position of the knee, before that, a kick with a foot can have the largest attack zone. A kick in the knee does not mean the great range of the kick, and it is one of the most accessible and most diverse body parts. Ale, you need to increase the strength of the blow, so that the mother is able to kill a strong shkodi.
  • Sem Langford, boxing champion at the important vase on the cob of the 20th century, popularizing the phrase "Kill the head, hit the head." Yogo size is less than 170 cm, ale vin wins in the ring mayzhe dermal big opponent. In a warrior with a tall opponent, undersized warriors are guilty of making blows on the coat, shards, looking at the difference in growth, are more pleasant for them. A blow to the head can be followed by a hard direct blow or an uppercut to the area of ​​the sony plexus or a nirok.
  • The initial sparring with a bigger and taller superman will serve as a great practice for the development of that understanding of craftsmanship and technique.
  • Rely mainly on kicking (especially as your larger opponent has victorious only fists), to the one who put his legs behind his hands. Tse dopomozhe to compensate for the lack of reach. Hit with a fist you can zastosovuvat in close combat or at an average distance.
  • There is nothing filthy about living with a permanently educated biyka. The firmness "Zavbachlivist - the best part of valor" means, є є speeches, about how to instill a good person will not be said: it is not a drive for self-satisfaction, but only one way to a favorable result of the strike.
  • The upper blow with the back hand is beaten in a circular motion to the beast down to the head of the enemy. It’s also a spritny counterattack technique that defeats the method of defeating the “blind zone” of a larger opponent.
  • Always keep in mind that the dimensions are correct. A great adversary can kill more hits with the strength of his blows. Ale, the obviousness of the strategy and the softness are so important. There is an old boxing saying: "A great boxer must always outdo a good little boxer." Dorimuyuchis tsgogo rule, yakscho less for your adversary, then guilty but not as good as wine, but richer. Yakshto wine more for you, you are guilty of being sensible. The head mental victory is inspiring to those who turn yoga in mastery and can improve the technique of combat. Presentation equal the level of mastery is not enough, the shards may be overwhelmed.
  • Shout. A thick, high and unstoppable cry does not only rouse the enemy, but become a signal for passers-by, as they can help you.
  • Sonyachne gossip is a life important center of the body. Apercut, directing gossip from sleepyheads, you can call out pain or bring death. Through those that the blow is directed from the bottom uphill, the temple of the sensitivity of the internal organs to the pain leads to the most severe shock. When clogged in the brain, there is a pain signal, which calls for partial paralysis, quickening of the breath and unbearable suffering.
  • Muay thai Thai boxers practice ruynіvny blow gomіlka. The best way to master this technique is training with a punching bag.


  • The method of burying is effective in a battle with one enemy, alemonium in a battle with a kilkom attacking. You are guilty of understanding, if you can victorious with this technique, and if not varto.
  • Vykoristovyte whether it be an object like a zasіb zahist (for example, a pen, a dance or a stone), but in any case not with the method of driving. Your task is to kill that enemy of the enemy (as long as you don’t threaten death).
  • Do not turn off the flow as one shorter options Especially since you have insufficient knowledge and training, sob mother on the right with a great adversary. If you can’t see a new one, tick faster.
  • Meta tsiєї statti - give an explanation of how it is required to behave when zіtknennі z aggressively imposed elements. Vaughn does not call out to violence, but rather teaches the fundamentals of self-defense science in mortally unsafe situations. Showing your mind, you can win over a wide mind in the most sensible sense of the article. Tsya storіnka to revenge the worst scenario.
  • I want to learn the basics of combat arts and self-defense. It’s better to defend yourself, vikoristovuyuchi scientific pidkhid, lower mindlessly stray into the strike.
  • Tsya article will be coris for the fight, whether it be some dimensions. Always know the one who is greater and greater for you, and more likely, we will prepare for such a closeness with a proper rank.

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If you couldn’t extinguish the conflict on the back, they hit you, and you survived the first attack, lashing out on the beat to the end. Don’t worry about pity on the side of the attacker, it’s not a fact that you will come out suddenly, it’s not a fact that the police will show up in order. Fight like the last time in life. In order to survive, you don’t need folding, the technique of martial arts a la Steven Segal has been shaped by fate. You need the simplest and the simplest hit hard. Axis so.

First blow: right straight

Vіn same kross in boxing terminology. If you are right-handed, then the right hand in you is strongest - with it and korist. The fist is pressed to the crack right-handed, the elbow is crooked ribs, the right leg is behind. Stirring with your right foot, twisting the toe of your right leg (the foot is nіbi vgvinchuєtsya in the ground), at once you give forward firmly and shoulder and sharply throw your fist at the lower slit to the attacker. Yakomoga is stronger and smarter. Biy with tassels of the expressive and middle fingers. And wonder if youma didn’t put it in the cholo - you see it, or you raise your fist. Already seen? That's an offensive blow.

Another blow: leviy scourge

Win or hook. Why angry? Because you are right-handed, then left hand you are closer to your opponent - and a whiplash at the “beard” of wines, singly, do not commemorate. Throw the arm of the body from the left to the right leg, twist the toe of the left leg in the middle, turn to the right, throwing forward a single design “stiff-shoulder-elbow-fist”. The shoulder is raised (protecting the crack), the elbow is bent at 90 degrees. Vertical fist ("beer kukhol"). Biy at the base of the crack. The first axis is already the simplest shock combination: right straight - left side. Abo navpak, back to back, potim straight. For a complete set of street fights, I lost the ability to kick with my feet.

Third blow: kick in the groin

Podliy blow. Not good. Right people don’t fuck like that ... What other fools are you fooled by? In any kind of sport (well, let’s say vale-tudo), strikes are not allowed, and few people can defend them in them. Biy the lower third of the gomіlka from the bottom uphill, pulling the sock on himself. It’s time to look back - you will trample on the pier. To get close - to run into a gomilka or a knee. Having consumed - beat the animal with a fist-hammer in the potilice. Without spending - beat your favorite combination: right straight - left on the side. Vіn hid his head with his hands - kicked him in the groin. Putting your hands down - pratsyuy at the head. And so far it’s not a fall.

Judge: Maxim Shramkov, instructor of the club "Self-defense 100%"

Nasampered, all the essences are divided into individual and group. About the first will be reported below. In a first way, the fight "vіch-na-vіch" folding team, that whatever the enemy has, its pluses and minuses. A professional fighter can name them at once and at a great number, you have enough to assess the situation in a flash. And remember, not to be fooled, for all the standards of hand-to-hand combat, you are not guilty of more than 10 seconds (in the super-dumts, stockpiles of American fighters) - for the whole hour the enemy is guilty of knocking down.

And now, to show yourselves, that you nevertheless got entangled in a beat and are already on the edge. Yakscho її nіyak not niknuti - beat the first, tse dazzle the opponent and give you the opportunity to defeat the bіy or bring it to the end with a possible result.

Elementary combat technique guilty to know everything without blame:

1) Correct stance. The legs of the three are bent in the knees, one is standing in front of the other, the body of the body is ¾ moved to the front. Hands (hands) troch lower for the eyelids; the one in front is parallel to the toelub. The spine is straight, the head is lightly heeled. It’s even more important, so that the whole body is relaxed, but be it some kind of m'yaz is guilty, but we cook until a sharp drop. You don’t need to stand on the mission, it’s better to move to the be-a-kind bik, prote without straying under the feet of a clear support.

2) Dihannya maybe two kinds. Abo equal and calm, necessary infliction of hard and accurate blows, or more often and more often, like in a dog. The other type (important for non-professionals) is needed so that the blows come out sharper and faster, and also, so that you don’t beat your breath if they beat you, for example, if you were hit in the stomach, then the consequences will be richer lighter and renewed borrow from a kіlka once less than an hour.

3) Another important factor bіl. Here there are only one attachments, and even more important moment - it is not necessary to unify the pain - it is necessary to go to the new one. More precisely, in that bik, where it is straightened out її diyu. I’ll give you a simple butt - if you pull on your ear, you’ll pull at the back, more for everything, you feel even more discomfort, and the axis will still go there, where you pull - you’ll pass and you might come out of the camp. The same: as if a brutal blow is before you, you will walk in that beak, where you will be straightened out.

4) For greater efficiency, it is necessary to know, and how to beat correctly. It is possible to work with a fist with a rub of the palm. When you strike, you are guilty, put all your strength into the palm and the trochs will pile on the body, pushing the additional load. The fist is thrown straight up, parallel to the whole hand. Great finger on the fist is guilty of spreading at the very bottom of the side of the wrist, beaten with the phalanges of the expressive and middle fingers closest to the penzle.

Another little moment, necessary for victory. Don’t varto just hit it randomly - be cunning. The main points, in a similar way, are: eyes, nose, slits, throat, sleepy plexus, nirk, liver, groin, kuprik, knee cups, ankles. If the enemy is richer than you for your physical form, then it is universal for today, not more than welcome, but effective reception: suffocation of the inguinal region - the stronger you squeeze, it will be easier for you to manipulate the victim.

Wishing you all the best and be careful walking in dark wires... Good luck!

The beats in the greater vipadkiv start from the verbal superechki, the claims and the mutual image. This is how the situation develops, if you see that the beaters don’t get lost - beat the first, don’t check for the time being to hit you.

When you check the docks, the enemy’s stock of vocabulary is not needed, it’s necessary to beat it, then, if your superman doesn’t check it yet.

If you don’t dare to relax and if you are ready to heal in the face of your blow, then you can try yoga. For example, to say ... "There's a menti to go back" ... turn your head back to marvel ... to swear that there is no one there ... turn your head back more often ... the axis at this moment needs to sharpen yoga with your fist, and I’ll do it more beautifully .... Try to strike a blow from a position that is convenient for you. Hit the bazhano sharply, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bpіdborіddy, as if you were going to eat on that beat and end it, and your falsehood of a kіlka hvilin would be a dream. You will have plenty of time to finish off or drink.

Slits are already at ease in the place of a human being, it is easy to slander, and with a weak blow, a person breaks into a knockout on a sprat of whilin. Zagal virubati boar can inspire tenditna maiden. The same video clips sang repeatedly, like when people get into a crevice, they sip to the ground, like they were killed. And here it’s no longer important how much you care and how much you squeeze in the lying press, you miss it - that’s all, Nadobranich, turn off the light)) Before the speech on the politic, the blow can be effective, as it seems the result is in disguise, but here you don’t overdo it - you can beat it. You can read a report about different places.

I had a cicava situation with my friend Mikola, who is a programmer, thin, frail, weighty. 70 kinds of strength at once from winter chereviks. We sat as if with him at the cafe, discussed all sorts of things about robots, about women, etc. On the contrary, we were sitting and drinking a man kg. Without a doubt, well, good health, I was healthy for a short time. I told Kolyan about my devil's cock, well, we were spitting, laughing, and Kolyan looked at that peasant for an hour ... Thinking in a rush that Kolya was laughing at him, he obviously didn’t deserve it ... Win was brought across the table. ..if you have a smile in front of your face ... that one goes and seems - "Let's go, let's talk idiots, let's talk"

Well, all the pipets to Kolyan, I think to myself ... they have different categories of different categories ... but Kolya is not long thinking ... "Well, let's go, let's go" ... Kolya gets up and goes at once with a grunt to the exit, I'm going after them ... Come to the door to leave ... Kolyan opens the door and robs a gentleman's gesture, letting the tall man forward, the tall man passes and begins to descend from a small drabinka ... . .. Everything ... happy end ... shaffa flops into the asphalt, and zavmiraє! We turn around a little, take away the speech, give the waiter for tea, and step over the 140 kg carcass that was lying, let's go to another cafe)))

Tsya іstorіya vkotre podtverdzhuє, scho need to be beaten first! I'm less than pershy! It’s scary to think about what would happen with Kolyan yakbi stench in the stalk and start fighting, so we’ll move on and on, everything according to the clock!)) Good, everything went well and the coming evening passed without success and good ... From i take boo! Zagal rob visnovki))

kabok 10-05-2005 14:25

I can not hit the first! Until then, I practice in pivsili only lightly showing blows. If I don’t want to miss a painful physical or moral blow, then I don’t remember who I am. What work? How to zmusiti hit yourself first? In situations, if I threaten people close to me, the reaction is entirely adequate, I can beat and attack! Can anyone suggest?

Einheriy 10-05-2005 16:36

There is only one way - to overpower yourself once and hit the first one, and not just the first hit, but the first to show aggression. It’s better to choose for someone who is a threatening looking gopnik (it’s more fearful, and then my conscience didn’t torment me).

I don't run any other way especially.

Wraith 10-05-2005 18:06

Shlyakhіv rich - but all the stinks are connected with the reworking of your mental warehouse.
Ale Einher showed a simple and effective way.
On the right, in something that feels like it doesn’t let the first hit you - it’s like that, like it’s nature of fear. Samy shortest way podolat fear - tse robite those who are scared. In the future, it will be important, maybe you will know better. The other one is not easy. The third one is easier. The fourth particular problem is not a problem. On the third ten, you’ll start to take away your satisfaction

kabok 10-05-2005 18:17

the fear is overwhelming, but I'm afraid of getting hurt, or in the butt of someone. Є negative report. So beat them all so that you don’t see the fear of overcoming it, if you want the technique of the devil to work, you are afraid until you pass the fear!

Nooki 10-05-2005 18:50

I’ve got such a bullshit on the back of my head ... who cares, but I’ve just got into it, just turned on introspection and turned on introspection that other bullshit, I’ve been streaming it for me ... I’ve turned my head short and turned on my spinal brain!
True, we sweat, sighing at the sight of the stoop... but then we sweat!

Mr_Twister 11-05-2005 12:13

quote: the truth is, we’ll gasp in the face of a sloppy ...

I got a haircut at the Chentsi?

web 11-05-2005 01:28

hmm ... I was knocked out at one of the first trainings. menі chi 5 chi 6 roki bulo, the same problem. the coach was put in a pair with 10-year-old cotton guys and even without hitting the first one. then stink for you, more hands dovshі. Lyuley all one otrimuvav, ale zrozumіv, scho treba treba vіrazu.
Great bula people, my first coach.

kabok 11-05-2005 01:41

in training, the same trick, counterattack and forward, ale in pivsili, even in the soul.

kabok 11-05-2005 01:46

And on the street I’m afraid of the term, until I see it, then we’ll rarely, if I guess, ring out, I’ll come in myself if I think, like to whom.

Q 11-05-2005 10:04

quote: Originally posted by Nooki:
just mittevo including introspection and other bullshit like I was streaming


P.S. sorry for the small offtopic, after all

pad 11-05-2005 10:40

I have a similar problem, but I can’t hit it on the back, and then I just swell and b’yu, whoever I can get my hands on, until I either soak them all, or I won’t fall.

Q 11-05-2005 11:20

IMHO, the food is that there were no extremes - that, there was an adequate assessment of reality and, at the same hour, there was a lot of stinginess (at thoughts, ruhs, what else is going on there ...), , adequate diyam, IMO ...

web 11-05-2005 16:39

quote: Originally posted by kabok:
And on the street I’m afraid of the term, until I see it, then we’ll rarely, if I guess, ring out, I’ll come in myself if I think, like to whom.

I know that you have serious psycho-problems and my good pleasure to you - look for specialists. because such behavior is unacceptable.

kabok 11-05-2005 23:12

Well, in principle, I myself am a psychologist. So this camp is called an effect. The program of behavior in singing situations is genetically laid down. It is recommended to unique these situations, otherwise, when developing a situation that provokes an effect, think about the consequences and in every soul, moreover, we have a greater moral vengeance and success in the fight against the effect. So, tse vid me
Tim more mozhlivist otrimati ... Lyuley.

clinic 11-05-2005 23:57

it means that you need to practice on zustrіch - tse folded, lower bit first, but for people of a singing psychotype, it’s more preferable.

kabok 12-05-2005 12:25

not understanding a trifle. Do sensi work on zustrich?

Nooki 12-05-2005 04:44

So if you see what you want to pile on, for the reaction of the reaction you win the initiative ... and then the cowbasish is good enough to die!

clinic 12-05-2005 12:42

so, being very vigilant, so that you don’t get lost in battle, you react with a blow to whatever rush is on your side. bagzhano with croque (which allows the distance).
and the axis of the choice of reaction is out of all differences, the technique of the blow (dії) is directed to the zustrіch. yakscho well napratsovano - dієsh on automatic.

Nooki 12-05-2005 20:18

The axis itself doesn’t lag behind the same thing, but it’s REQUIRED! When naїzdі gopotity tsya vpevnenіst z'yavlyaєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєє only after the first blow z їhn's side ... it's too much pizno!

Butch 13-05-2005 22:08

Most often in the hall there is a need for cowbass, so you don’t think - beat chi don’t beat ... Rose, pa-animash, discussion ...
Chi do not understand me your problems. You can’t beat, who don’t threaten you? What about yoga beat? Can't you hit the first one less than the one who threatens you? Learn to let it go, and those who got it on the trainings would be better to talk about those who just beat you a little (which is easy to fix, not going beyond the scope of the training process).

kabok 17-05-2005 12:26

How do I threaten close friends that and zagalі komus, then beat and
let it go ... But if on the right it’s worth it especially for me, then it’s not enough to hit first. And they beat, really, not in training, enough. Place take bulo, Ekibastuz.

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