Accept mm. How to start to deal with zmіshanim combat arts

The popularity of zmishanih fights today is literally going wild. This fact does not speak for itself, but even in any other kind of sport you know such an organic development of wrestling and shock technique, strength and vibrancy, speed and reaction? To that MMA-training for bagatiohs became the most important hour spent, the specifics and peculiarities of which we can look at as much as possible in this article.

Global principles to take MMA

In the first place, it means that MMA training for fighters of this kind can be directly influenced, in fact, by the maximum focus on those specific aims, like an athlete in the midst of his fight. To this special respect, varto should not be more than trivialized and stubborn runs, like, crim, like wild vitrivality, in fact, do not give anything, so to special rights and trainings, the main vector of which will be the improvement of the skills of fighting for the tasks of straight lines.

So, it seems simpler, the preparation can be, for its structure, similar to the battle itself . Dosvіdchenі trainers vouch for this fact, looking in detail at the skin aspect of training. Therefore, the training of MMA fighters is the most complicated process, a kind of goiter like an athlete, so the second mentor should be extremely respectful, analyze all your actions.

Functional warehouse

MMA in its basis transfers the improvement of the swedish and power performances of the fight, the increase in vibrancy, the thorough technical skills of the blows and the fight. At the link with the cim, assuring that the duel will take place in different styles, you will have the right to direct them to those who fight in the moment easily to continue given interval pull for an hour, shtovhati your opponent, bend over, sit down, vistribuvati, buti yoga and more. Do not forget about those who often finish off the opponent after pacifying the static position. Zagalom now varto signify zasobi and methods of training.

Work with vlasnoy vaga

It's not a secret for anyone that, be it MMA training, the body is transferred in the obov'yazkovy order. Here it’s not like I’m going to “walk the bike again”, and at the same time I’ll finish the sounded higher concept of the duel. For this reason, I give special respect to the vigilantes, squats, vipads, podtyaguvannya, and the practice of “wedding walk”. The ideal option is to combine all of these components into a single system and to overcome them both with pauses and without them. Similar trainings are ideal, as it is planned to train MMA fights at home minds. Headaches of such adventures - they don’t need the presence of special sports equipment, and also take a day-to-day binding before the month of the event.

Classics of the genre

The functional rіven of the battle will invariably come to the norm, as if vikonuvatime is right under the name "thrust of sanchat". Іz tsim obladannyam zdіysnyuyut advancing rights:

Thrust in the sleigh from the slips;

The pull of tight sleighs is ahead of them;

Moving sanchat for an hour running with my back forward.

As soon as you get it right and beat them in series of thirty seconds, then you can develop vibrancy in a good way. Vibukhov's strength is built up by a path of victories of short approaches for a few seconds and breaks between them at the repetition of hvilin. It is necessary to apply approximately 4-10 approaches to the skin right.

Medball to help you

Train at home, you can zastosovuvat and so possess, like a medicine ball. MMA training, as to be held at home walls, transferring all equipment to the weight of 6 to 10 kg. The main rights with him are:

Kidok from breasts;

Kidki from behind the head;

Kidok ubik іz twisted body;

Kidok with one hand;

Bazhano create a complex of various kinds of kidkivs, which can be stretched with two or three strands of strands to reach the intensive regimen. It goes without saying that interrupting for a reunion can also be rebuffed.

Barbell - virny helper

The strength training of the MMA fight is transferred to one more invisible component - to the robot with arms, including a barbell. Naturally, that the fight of the mixfight is not about the language of the mother of the great m'yazov mass, but all the same, the strength and the mentality of the m'yaziv grow for the rahunok of the victorious "zalіza". One of the most wide-ranging options for the complex poking around in the viconan offensive lands:

The thrust of the mill;

Standing chest press;

Taken on the chest;

Craving for sickness;

The skin has the right to loosen 5-6 times from a break for 1 whilin. After a few hours of regular training, you can slowly add up, but, as practice shows, 50 kg will be given even to a well-trained athlete of an important category, we should respect that more carefully, so as not to take away injuries.


Miserable - maybe one of the most important components of success in battle, even if you are a better fighter, then you can’t win about it. Therefore, for the development of a tight groove at the cob phase, a blow is like a kick, so a sprint is beaten with a hand.

The training of MMA fighters is always going to the big for a short distance. Moreover, it is possible to be rich by a straight, straight road, uphill, uphill gatherings. Good have proven themselves in the team. Before the vicons, it is right to respectfully and kindly rozіm'yati your body, so that you can protect yourself as much as possible from injury and guarantee stepwise improvement in the result.

Work on percussion equipment

Correctly delivering a blow is the guarantee of a successful end to the battle. Ale, in order to get the wins right, it is necessary to regularly use single options and combinations.

With whom it is necessary to give respect not only to attacks, but to defense and counterattacks.

In domestic minds, the most common variant in the practice of hitting would be the so-called “beat of the tinder”. This kind of training transfers strikes in repetition, the main tasks of such mastering the technical elements of an attack and zahist without getting help from a real partner. Practice in such a rank, be afraid to think it over different options tekhnіchnyh dіy, yakі vіn we spend in a real duel. All movements should be overcome with maximum speed and vibe, for which reason the speed of strikes in battle is real, as well as the maneuverability of the athlete himself. With this, while conducting rounds of a similar fight with a virtual superman, you can beat tight - small dumbbells and other tight ones. Їx zastosuvannya allows you to reach the bazhany effect for a little bit more.

At the same time, it is often important to finish the blows at the end of the day at a reasonable pace. For this reason, you can quickly reveal obvious flaws in technology, determine the level of your stamina, understand the causes of imbalance, master new tricks. In addition, the “fight of the ten” allows you to choose a strategy for the upcoming duel, as the athlete plans to compete in an amateur or professional tournament.

It is also important to give respect to the correct breath, shards in addition, how easy it is to fight unimpressedly, to lay down the result of the duel, yogo is healthy and self-confident.

Warm-up m'yazivі stretching of suglobiv(Suglobova gymnastics) is more important in martial arts and to learn more is necessary. Rozminayuchi m'yazi mi їх rozіvaєmo and pobobіgaєmo injuries, and stretching the suglobіv dopomagaє us to become ruhlivіshim i niknuti injuries navit yakshcho vy for all the rules already guilty buli її otrimati і without stretching and without a doubt її otrimali.

Below are video lessons on warming up and stretching all parts of the body.

One good man listening to the famous video podcast, dedicated to the techniques of classical karate. The first explanatory podcast can be seen technique and tactics of a direct kick- herbal geri (front kick).

The main pardons, a sprinkling of options for attacks, as well as street sports zastosuvannya were examined. Representatives of all percussion martial arts can zastosovuvat the Danish blow, de actively kick with their feet.

Lower you sing, you will feel it right and beat faster herbal herbs+ Vіtannya vіd author.

We reportedly looked at the reception, the hour has come to pick up the best defenders and counter to that reception.

Below you are the most modern, most revolutionary way of defending the respect of the spirit. Appropriate only for wrestling in clothes (kimono, gі, sambivka)

Today we thoroughly reviewed one of the most popular pain medications. important liktya vin same armbar. The importance of the spirit is present and actively victorious in all types of wrestling such as:,. Armbar occupies a special position in mixed martial arts ah, vіdsotok overcame the most painful reception of the most common in all organizations.

Below we will look at the main variations and elements pain receptionist important liktya. Usi video, comments and explanations important liktya RUSSIAN MOVA. We chose for you short material from which painful reception on video.

Today, you will become a yoga student as your coach for special physical training of fighters in mixed martial arts. Tsі Omsk lads represent one of the highest scores zmіshanih martial arts in Russia is constantly striving and victorious at the same time training for MMA.

Below you can see three videos dedicated to CrossFit Oleksandr Shlemenok, Oleksandr Sarnavskiyі Andriyem Koreshkov in my fatherland in Omsk

Axis i is done! The fourth quarter of the year was officially announced. The battle, as if it was clear, will be in Japan on December 31, 2011, the fate and the main competition of the tournament. We have already published everything, so that the reader can notify about the enemy Fyodor Omelyanenko.

While everyone is hushed up by the official voices and thinking about Fedor such an opponent, we present you a video training Satoshi Ішії like an MMA fighter.

Below you know rich video training Satoshi Іshії.

At the devil's time, we present to you the vlasnik of the black belt according to Roy Dean that yoga video training. Video lessons for everyone who wants to test for a blue belt in bjj at yoga academy. Today you are presented with pain on your feet, as it is necessary to take a stand in the essence for the removal of the blue belt.

We have already shown you і, which є is a bigger modern trick. And at the same time, marvel at the simple pains, take them to your feet.

We continue to add lessons from Roy Dean, yakі lead you to blue belt. It is necessary for you to know yourself for passing certification and obtaining a blue belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu. Roy Dean, before speech, black belt, but already yelling doviru.

Today's video lesson will present different ways to turn the superman over by changing the . Qi coup sche mayut name "svіpi". For practitioners bjj it is more important to know tsi svіpi, more camp zahist (guard) much wider than this sport. Zavdyaki svіpam can be transferred or turn the opponent into a more viable attack position for you.

Today Volodar is a black belt and a coach at the Russian Academy of Sciences Roy Dean show you a sprat of different kidkivs and beat the enemy to the ground. It is necessary to know the data of the throws and to zastosovuvat in practice to all those who want to be tested for blue belt on brazilian jiu-jitsu.

Zmіshanі combat art(eng. Mixed Martial Arts, MMA) - tse povnokontaktnі sports martial arts (often incorrectly called "fights without rules"). The main features of the mixed martial arts in winter are a specific combination of percussion and wrestling techniques and tricks, both in the ground and in the field, as it ensures the possibility of participation in the battles of athletes in a wide range.

Irrespective of those who have a deep spiritual warehouse and a significant risk of injury during training in MMA, not everyone is suitable, with the right training, they can become a help in improving the physical form, the truth of joy, and then help you career. If you want to try it and want to try it, then, as a minimum, you are guilty of understanding what suits you, and as a maximum - what you deserve to know.


    Analyze those that you want to reach the heart of MMA. Do you want to fight in the closet in the ring? Do you want to wrestle or go to the next contact? Would you like to train well and learn the basic fighting principles? Do you want to over-importantly zastosovuvati zakhoplennya or go into a new contact? Irrespective of those who you can change your decision in the future, first start to train importantly to think about the end of the meta, shards to recognize that you will decide between your possibilities. What is so important: what is your current memory in the galleys of military arts? The skin from distance-guided martial arts forms the basis for taking up MMA:

    Talk to people who train in MMA. You can be encouraged, if you know, how many people are training with something else like MMA. These people can be a good source of information about different schools and training methods. Actions of the school can be even more serious and fighters train in them, like taking part in fights on an amateur abo professional equal, also yak іnshі - stress less. Ask those who know why they want one pidkhid, and not another, so that you can form a good idea like yours.

    Wrap up to a few scull or borrow. You can sit and marvel at the employment of athletes at the most famous schools. To give special respect to the methods of training and mutual cooperation between fighters. If you like those who you bachite, ask the coach for a class, you can come to a trial lesson, as a rule, it is cost-free or even cheaper. For a coach, it is important to evaluate your skills and from the very beginning place you in the top group of newbies, and you need to learn a lot of things.

    • Find a school that suits you, with people that suits you. You will become close friends with them and you will sweat at once. Don't be afraid to go somewhere else, as the school didn't suit you.
    • Find out what you work in the classroom. Tse duzhe important! Navit on the first job is the ability of the fact that you will earn an injury. Are you prepared to what morally and financially? Think about it and take it to heart that you can also be hurt, so you take away the injury. Ask all you can about employment and about those, like the school will ensure the training of newcomers without injuries too soon.
  1. Take the order. It will be necessary for you to fight like a robe, so it’s better to order.

    Curl until the first lesson. Better for everything, you are a little nervous and, imovirno, you will be on your toes, showing grief to the bajans, what you can do, but there is no need for it! Do not be nervous about the drive of the one that you look nasty at the time; all of them were newbies. Try to join the work and just get it right.

    • Relax. The greatest pardon, how to shy newcomers, from the one who de stinks can relax. Do not think that you will achieve miraculous results on the very first day, otherwise you will need to learn someone to help the pain reliever, to show you that you will need the skills. As if you are "trying hard", everything that you can reach - you will be very tired, and you can cause injuries to yourself or someone else.
  2. Focus on the right breath. If you didn’t fight before, didn’t take part in hand-to-hand sparring, or didn’t box, then you, being more for everything, are not ready to try it, like if it happened to you hand-to-hand. Better for everything, you are not ready to the point that you want to fall on your chest, goofing up. The key is to work long and calm in the breath. Whoever forgets the breath, indulges himself with sourness, which is necessary for the body and m'yazam for work. Find a good instructor who can explain to you how crazy you are and tell you about the reaction earlier why are you stuck with them. Ask quiet instructors, so that they don’t tell newcomers.

    Listen to everything, especially to the most important details. The main part of what you learn is rooted in technology. If you don't learn advanced techniques from the very beginning, you will always have problems with your fighting skills. MMA training often makes small changes to what you already know about hand-to-hand combat, you need to be critical for training, the details in MMA and details can mean absolutely everything. Even a lot of people are respected, that it is not necessary for them to work for their respect. After some hour, people fall at the sight and sound to go, because there is nothing that stinks to slacken, not working.

    • Learn MMA jargon. From the very beginning you will feel the impersonal words and phrases that you will need to acquire. It would be a bad idea to take and read a bunch of books on MMA or read about it on the Internet, to find out about the meaning of all terms, abbreviations, wigukivs and fighting phrases.
  3. І stop, but more important: learn, tap, if necessary. In MMA, "tap" means "hello". For learning to know your boundaries, it is a sign of strength, but not weakness. Pratsyyuyuchi beyond the borders of their abilities, you will not hesitate to take the injury and you can not continue to train in MMA. If you feel like hurting, or you see that it’s not hard to get sick, knock! You don't pray for others. Bagato priyomіv MMA vymagayut less than a small rush, schob bіl pretended to be a serious injury. Forever, there will be, perhaps, more or less than you, who can injure you. Stifle your pride and remember that your final meta is a lesson. In the meantime, your strength, dosvid and mastery in MMA will grow significantly; ale the docks didn’t happen, put on the first plan self-preservation in training.

  • To marvel at the most battles, but don’t think that you can find out everything about sports, just watching him on TV. You can take into account the garne of statements about those, how everything works, and even more practice that practice is to break the battle out of you. So the article itself is recognized as nothing more than to suffocate you; you can figure out what MMA is right for you and not for you, only if you come to the training and try it yourself.
  • Always remember: take care of yourself that is quiet, with kim you train. If you are injured, then your partners will also suffer, and at the same time. Coming to an empty hall, because everyone got injured on homecomings - not cool.


  • At the singing moment, you take away the injury. Possibly, there will be a sting of the chin, an eye, or maybe a more serious one. Get ready and always get excited.
  • Tse sport, which develops superbly quickly, and the business grows with it quickly. Іsnuє impersonal shkіl, yakі vіdkrilis for the sake of schobi robit on tsmu sport pennies. And as a result of this, the yak_st shkіl is more different. Reverse the instructor's data, feed the people. You pay for training, and you pay pennies to the one who deserves it. All the same, you trust these people with your safety.
  • Do not sign any contracts at any time. Schools, proponuyuchi contracts, do not care that those who stink teach, and those, like the stink of shy, utrimuvatim uchnіv. In some schools, I can tell you that we are given a contract, that we don’t want you to leave the school as a result of impulsive disappointment. In fact, not all adjuncts to this type of activity, and those who, as a rule, make the right decision. And for the bazhannya the stench can turn around. Schools need contracts in order to earn pennies, those interests of the student are not to be lost here.
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