Why Tyutchev can be called a poet of his own. Why F.I. Tyutchev is called a hanger-on of the theory of "pure art"? Philosophy and lyric as a way to understand the buttya

Choose only ONE of the suggested topics of creations (2.1–2.4). In the form of letters, enter the number of the person you have chosen, and then write the twir in the obyaza not less than 200 words (for example, if the work is less than 150 words, then the wine is estimated at 0 points).

Rely on the author's position (grant the author's idea in the work of the lyrics), formulate your point of view. Argument your te-zi-si, spiraling on literary creations (it is necessary to analyze at least two verses in the work of lyricists). Victory theo-re-tі-ko-lі-te-ra-tour-nі understand for analysis of pro-s-ve-de-nya. Think over the composition with-chi-no-nya. Tvіr write clearly and pars-bor-chi-vo, dorimuyuchis norms of the movie.


Comments to co-chi-no-ni-yam.

2.1. What is the peculiarity of Pugachov's auto-ru and the main character in the novel "Ka-pі-tan-ska daughter"?

Its-image-zіє pro-ra-for Pugachov in visti vizna-de-la-єtsya ideas-but-nature-noї pro-ble-ma-tі-koyu. Not so-tsі-al-not osvo-god-de-nya on-ro-yes, but pro-ble-ma of morals-no-go, et-nі-che-sky vi-bo-ra in-te -re-su-є av-to-ra. Resurrection and love in-tri-ha - a good reason for Push-ki-na, to put a hero-ro-їv in front of the vi-bo-rum.

For Push-ki-na-pre-da-tel-stvo - start pre-da-tel-stvo in the general-che-lo-ve-che-mix-le (Shvab-rin - pid-lec pro-brehav I wave, having written a denunciation of Grinov’s ro-di-te-lyam, at the hour of the duel, injuring Gri-ne-va, vo-pol-for-vavsya yogo weakly weak-bo-stu). Push-kіn by setting yourself up for-da-chu, create not a portrait of a pre-step-no-ka, but put together a personality in mutually-and-mo-from-but-she-ni-yah with others -mi personal-no-stya-mi.

Pugachov plays the role of a sound cho-lo-ve-ka. Push-ki-na-vin doesn’t just punish, but mi-lu-et. Vіn vsta-pa-є z people not only in co-tsі-al-ni, but y purely che-lo-ve-che-skі vіd-no-shennya, some-rі pro-tsі -ru-yut yoga on your choice. Only at that moment about-on-ru-zhi-va-є-sya on-one-hundred-I-cha che-lo-ve-che-ska specialty. The hero will not be reconciled for us, as if he were one folding. Tse pro-dik-to-va-lo Push-ki-nu-so-boudinok ta-ko-go rich-go-grand-no-go, warehouse-no-go, for-pu-tan-no-go, pro-ti-vo-re-chi-vo-go hero, yak Pugachov. Push-kin creates such a char-ter, sob virishiti heads-well, for-yes-choo - for-ka-zat ha-rak-ter, pre-odo-le-va-yu-shiy z-word-well ogre -nі-chen-nіst, rose-ri-va-u-shiy co-tsі-al-ni frames of human-ve-che-sky vіd-but-she-n, someone -ri build-yat- Xia, from the point of view of Push-ki-na, on the gu-man-no-stі, mi-lo-ser-dії. Only in the poses of the words-of-them-no-she-ni-yah of roses-cree-va-yut-sya the best people-lo-ve-che-sky-quality, in a sense Push-kin asserts-out-of-words-n_ values ​​of a person-lo-ve-che-speciality.

2.2. Why F.I. Tyutchev on-zi-va-yut in tsomu-ro-man-ti-com? (On the butt no less than two verses for your choice.)

Po-e-tі-che-sky light Tyut-che-va - light ro-man-tі-ka and fi-lo-so-fa. Do not marvel at those who yogo vіrshi povnі pro speeches, write nibi on spiritual evil, the stench as a whole represents surprisingly vi-tel-but har-mo-nіch-well si-ste-mu. The paradox here is just ka-zhu-sya-sya. Har-mo-n_ya zі-zda-є-sya strictly, all o-ga-nі-zu-yu-yushchy thought av-to-ra, someone-paradise-rya-to-chi-va- є chaos of the environment. Yaka OK car-ty-into the world, pre-stav-lena in a way?

In a new co-vidpovidі z for-to-on-mi ro-man-tiz-ma won't build on pro-ti-in-on-false-no-ties, someone -Ri Tyut- chev on-pov-nya-є his own, especially-bim so-der-zha-nі-єm. So, ro-man-ti-che-ske de-le-nya in the world of re-al-niy and the world of fan-ta-zіy, mriy at Tyut-che-va with-ob-re-ta-є іnshe vo- square. For a poet, light re-al-niy, Kos-mos, is only a small part of Chaos, without-kinech-nosti, something-to-paradise li-bіl i mo-gi-la che-lo-ve-che-stva:

Heavenly star, embraced by the glory of the star,

Ta-іn-stven-but to marvel from the depths,

I mi plivemo, pi-la-yu-schoyu without a bottom

On the other side of the environment.

Nich at-yes-є all speeches їх re-al-not zі-der-zha-nya, won uni-sho-zha-et pre-gra-di mizh Kos-mo-som і Ha-o-som, і che -lo-very zalishaetsya-sya-sya vіch-on-vіch іz All-len-noy.

Tyut-chev whispers harmony in pri-ro-dі, and even in niy is guilty of buti in-flat-on beauty-ta and cі-le-co-ob-raz-nіst. Vіn go-vo-rit about on-thing souls and rose-mu in pri-ro-dі:

Not the ones you think, na-ro-yes:

Not a slі-pok, not a soulless face, -

He has a soul, he has freedom,

She has a kohannya, she has a language...

2.3. Why do you call the comedy D.I. Fonvizina "Not-to-grow"?

The dictionary gives two visa-days to the word "Un-growth". Pershe - "this is a young dvі-rya-nin, who has not reached the com-pletion-shen-no-le-tya and has not entered the public service." Another - "silly-by-va-tiy yunak-not-to-uch-ka." Resentment of the appointment is suitable for the description of the main character Mit-ro-fa-nush-ki. Prote vin is the main hero of the comedy. The conflict between two groups of nobles: Sta-ro-du-ma, Prav-dі-na, Mi-lo -on, from one hundred-ro-no, and Pro-hundred-to-wih, Sko-ti-nі-na - from іnshoy. Skin s tsikh groups vi-ra-zha-є raznі іn-te-re-si i tsіli: the first group-pa represented-be-le-on pro-gres-siv-ni-mi, honor-ni-mi i pro -sve-shchen-ni-mi people-d-mi, friend - not-ve-same-stven-ni-mi sa-mo-du-ra-mi and des-po-ta-Mi. In this order, the conflict of the comedy "Not-up-to-growth" for-mu-li-ru-є-sya like zіtk-but-vі-nya re-do-to-go, pro-ra-zo-van-but th nobility with a scythe world of sa-mo-du-riv-kre-post-nі-kiv.

2.4. Yakі risi of the folk ha-rak-te-ra instilling the image of Matryona? (For A.I. Solzhenitsyn's speech "Matryon's door".)

Rozpovіd "Mat-re-nіn dvіr" starts-on-et-sya from what is in-west-in-va-tel, a lot of so-so-vet-sky-klyuch-chen-ny Іg-na-tych, voz -vra-scha-є-sya to Russia from the steppes of Kazah-sta-on and in-se-la-є-sya to the Mat-re-ni. Vіd yogo guise is conducted narration-in-va.

Svіt, which otochuє Mat-re-nu, head-ro-i-nu rose-story, povniy nonsense, well-hundred-to-stі, pre-da-tel -stva, almost. However, she could stand up in the midst of evil like a kind, uncorrupted man, ready to help anyone, and not forgetting anything. Condemned-yes-e-may by all the world (“... and not-a-clean-sto-raft-on-the-won bula; I didn’t chase after the house; I didn’t take care; I -Ro-sen-ka don’t hold it-la-la, vi-karm-li-vat for some reason don’t love-bi-la, i, bad, in-mo-ga-la to strangers bіs-plat-but ... ”), Mat-re-on life is not for the laws of this world, but in the first place. Vaughn live righteously. The right thing is Mat-re-no in what to inspire with such іz-well-ry-u-th, drіbnih-them, not-rarely uni-zh-yu-yuchih vi-pi-ta -Nі -yah, it’s overflowing with ter-pі-my, vіd-ziv-chi-voї, spo-sob-noї for the sake of someone else’s luck. At tsomu y vіd-kri-va-et-sya holiness Mat-re-ni Vasi-lion-ny - in not-with-i-tii one-cha-nya and anger around-zha-yu-she-go the world, in the preservation of the pro-st_ of the human-lo-ve-che-spirituality.

Vminnya to live in harmony with the usual world in the light of-whether-cha-є ge-ro-i-nu in other people. Vіd-no-she-nya Mat-re-no s okrug-y-u-schi-mi people to-sti-ga-yut tra-gі-che-skogo "no-no-ma- nіya ": holy water in the church vkra-whether, mountain-nі-tsu for life rose-whether and followed the" junk" osu-di-li - lived not like a mustache.

“Insert God in your souls - the axis of de causes of all bids,” - vvazha Sol-zhe-ni-tsin. And Mat-rena "with God" lived. Mat-re-na - the right-bearer of the epoch "sutsіl-noї kol-lek-ty-vі-za-tsії". For the one whose type of right-of-way-no-ka didn’t-re-live in Russia, all on-de-yes on the spiritual vi-zh-bath on-ro-yes, according to Sol- same-ni-qi-well.

Pure art - do it about the kohannya, about nature, about the art. In general, lyric. And the main themes of Tyutchev and Feta were also the axis of those poems. The phenomena of nature in Fet are described in a report, they are concrete, lower than others. At the top, Fet describes them as traditional birds, took away the most symbolic zabarvlennya, like an eagle, a nightingale, a swan, a lark, and such as a harrier, a sich, a blackberry, a sandpiper, a lapwing, a swift and other, and skin birds, it is shown their originality. Fet of the one who succumbs to those who, without yoga, help no one to succumb.

Tyutchev introduces new figurative worlds in poetry. The scale of Tyutchev's poetic associations is hostile. The best buttya of the split human soul is expressed in yoga love lyric.

Signs of pure art:

The verses do not care about the plot: the lyrical miniatures convey not thoughts and feelings, but the poet's flying spirit. Art can be connected with life. The poet is not guilty of intervening at the right of the poor world. Tse poetry for the chosen ones.

The axis was such a boulevard, that F Tyutchev and A. Fet - sing pure art.

Pure art - do it about the kohannya, about nature, about the art. In general, lyric. And the main themes of Tyutchev and Feta were also the axis of those poems. The phenomena of nature in Fet are described in a report, they are concrete, lower than others. At the top, Fet describes them as traditional birds, took away the most symbolic zabarvlennya, like an eagle, a nightingale, a swan, a lark, and such as a harrier, a sich, a blackberry, a sandpiper, a lapwing, a swift and other, and skin birds, it is shown their originality. Fet of the one who succumbs to those who, without yoga, help no one to succumb.
Tyutchev introduces new figurative worlds in poetry. The scale of Tyutchev's poetic associations is hostile. The best buttya of the split human soul is expressed in yoga love lyric.
Signs pure art:
The verses do not care about the plot: the lyrical miniatures convey not thoughts and feelings, but the poet's flying spirit.
Art can be connected with life. The poet is not guilty of intervening at the right of the poor world. Tse poetry for the chosen ones.
The axis was such a boulevard, that F Tyutchev and A. Fet - sing pure art.

Naprikintsy 1858 r. Turgenev wrote to Fet: “... they don’t talk about Tyutchev: whoever doesn’t understand it, they themselves bring it up that they don’t understand poetry.” To restore respect for the accuracy of wording: Tyutchev's requirement is not just to know, it is necessary for the poetry of yoga obviously(Which, vtіm, vіdnositsya before the mystic vzagalі).

You have known Tyutchev's work for a long time. You, obviously, know this miracle verse: “I love a thunderstorm on the cob of grass ...” (“Spring thunderstorm”), “There is more snow in the fields ...” (“Spring-nya drive”), “Winter is not without reason to be angry. ..”, “In the Enchanting Winter...”, “In the autumn of the first...” and other works of the great poet.

Tyutchev is only 4 years younger than Pushkin, but in our sprinyatti and in the spriynyatti of the yogis of the vines, he is brought not to Pushkin’s doby, but to the late hour.

The release came to Tyutchev without a hitch. Long years of proving in the diplomatic service abroad (near the Nimechchyna), which took part in the successful and literary life of Russia. Prior to that, he hadn’t taken any pride in himself as a professional poet, hadn’t shooed literary glory and hadn’t shown any kind of attention in the publication of his verses.

Lishé in 1836. Pushkin got to know Pushkin with the words of Tyutchev, choked on them and slandered at his journal “Suchasnik” “Virshi, nadіslanі z Nіmechchini” under the signature “F. T.".

Previously, the meaning of Tyutchev's poetry was revealed by Nekrasov's article "Russian other rows of poetry" (1850). Regardless of the name of the article, Nekrasov boldly sees Tyutchev "to the Russian first-rate poetic talents." Dekilka fates therefore Dobrolyubov at the article “Dark Kingdom” having designated that Tyutchev, on the vіdmіnu vіd Feta, is available “and speculative bias, and suvora energy, and deep thought, which is excited not only by natural phenomena, but by moral nourishment, the interests of a successful life. ". True, Tyutchev is not unique in posing problems of the social plan. To finish the yogo “Cry of people, about tears of people ...” (1850), “Send, Lord, your breath ...” (1850). Particularly famous among them is the verse "Tsі bіdnі villages ..." (1855). In the new one one senses the poet's grief, the viklikan for the people's grief, zlidniv, suffering. Unsurprisingly, it was highly appreciated by Taras Shevchenko, who wrote to his student that he read it “with pleasure”.

Dosi is often quoted in Tyutchev's little verse, although there is no unity in the darkness of yoga sensation:

You can’t understand Russia with a rozum, don’t kill it with a yardstick. You can become especially special - You can only believe in Russia.

However, social issues for Tyutchev are still not typical. Vіn uvіyshov in the history of Russian poetry as a miracle master of philosophical, landscape, love lyrics.

In principle, the range of lyrical verses is serene, the shards of all the manifestations of life - and natural, and supple - can evoke those other experiences of a person. In the nineteenth century the genres were gradually erased from the lyric, although the okre genres continued to develop: elegy, ballad. At the same time, lyricists began to see differences in themes and at the link with z cim talk about political, philosophical, love, landscape, etc. Wtim, and such a principle is not exact, because in the very same work one can combine different motives . Whether the classification is smart and approximate. And yet, if we talk about Tyutchev, we first see philosophical motives in yoga lyric poetry, philosophical understanding of people and the world. Strain and deeply ponder over the mysteries of buttya, the eternal mysteries of life and death, over the spirituality of people and nature - not only those but the spheres of yoga poetry, but the main ambush, the pathos of all Tyutchev's lyric, which defines the wholeness of the whole.

Tyutchev was a romantic and a creative method, and a light perception. It is evident that the poet's permutation is profound in that neither the spiritual life of a human being, nor the secret places of light-budding can be opened for the help of a rational, scientific, logical thought. That is why Tyutchev gradually protects the romantically sensible nature from the quiet, who roam rozumously with him only "loads of foreign, alien forces":

Don't stink and don't smell it. To live in this world, like in birds. For them, the sun, the nobility, do not die, and the life is silent in the sea winds.

Tse urivok іz vіrsha "Not the ones you think, nature ...". True, Tyutchev's nature is not evil, not soulless disguise: it collapses, goes wild, live. But life is її foldable and super-friendly. There, at the taєmnichіy deep, always boasting like a dark element, like a sings call chaos and daylessness. And all the visible world, which is created by the human organs, is less than the birth of the primordial and faceless abyss.

Philosophical light of Tyutchev is basically tragic, to the fact that wine, man, cannot help but be convinced of the thirst for life, and swidkoplinnist, inspire the vivacity of one’s heart, the inevitability of extinction, death. “Tyutchevskaya people” (it is risky to make such a turn instead of the standard “lyrical hero”, because the one, in the name of which the description is being conducted, - and Tyutchev and not Tyutchev) to that and turn to nature, scho usvіdomlyuє shvidkoplnіnіst svogo іsnuvannya, and the life of nature is more stіyka, lower than yоgo vlasne life. A thought about eternity, the immutability of nature and crying, the tlіnіnіst zhіtta zhitta people vyznaє zmіst і tonality rich virshiv Tyutcheva ("Above the vineyard meadows ...", "At the sky gloomy ..." and іn).

Knowing mayzhe zabobonny zhah vіd zіtknennya z nothing chaos, like a building to rot the foundation of a person, sings about life in її beautiful, life-radius dennih forms. From zakholennyam, with a great emotional undertaking, pass on the guilt of everything, manifest the elemental forces of nature. Thunderstorms, storms, spring awakenings of watering, rishtuvans especially catch. Nature in New Ocholove Chena. At whom did Tyutchev’s reconciliation in the integrity of the world, in the unity of man and nature (“Everything is in me, and I am in the mustache ...”) come in. For the poet, specialization is not just a poetic device, but becomes a structure-creating factor, which is one of the main principles of understanding that image of life.

Tyutchev's poetry is often seen on roses. Darkness shines brightly, pivden - pivnochi, day - nights, winter - summer and spring. Alece is not mechanically protected. Tyutchev takes light from yoga unity. The axis of why the wines so often turn to the transitional camps, why go about the time of fate or the hour to finish (“Spring”, “Evening day, nothing is close ...”, “Winter is not without reason to be angry ...”). Dialectically sprynyattya actionality nada yogo verses true philosophical depth.

And all the same, the tragic perception of light, the thought about Germanity, primarity, disharmony and instilling the prejudice of the visible world did not in any way deprive me of it. Seeing self-sufficiency, it’s extraordinarily excruciating to know that we’ll be out of such a state and see the impossibility of this one. The same traditional romantic conflict poetі NATO reach a new high voltage. In order to save your human individuality, your inner world, your soul in the “natovpu”, unbearable to the point of speech, not to the point of reason, sings for better drinking in the “spiritual depths”, in your own dark thoughts, yak vzagali it is impossible to speak with words. So vinikaє vіrsh "Silentium!" (“Movchannya!”) in the famous line: “The thought is hung up and nonsense.” One more row from the same verse: “For the sake of understanding you” - signifies the tragic nature of Tyutchev's love lyrics, because there is no possibility of understanding one by one, there is no harmony in special waters, there is no equanimity in kohanna. Here, for Tyutchev, the theme of a zhorstokoy share, rock and life in nature, and in history, and in kohanna sound like this.

With the stretch of his creative life, Tyutchev wrote small lyrical verses, sang about them without revisiting twenty rows. In order to fit in such a stylistic form the significant problems of a philosophical and psycho-logical nature, art work: funny metaphorical epithets, isolation, interruption of the rhythm, etc. A number of vipadkіv yogіvіrshі budovanі as savage to man or nature, like urivok from besіd. To whom it is necessary to feed or call intonation, which is already due to the low pitches in the cob rows. Material from the site

The words of L. Tolstoy, which lie before Fetu (“lyrical sound”), can still be brought to Tyutchev by a greater world. None of the Russian poets sings such a lack of harmony that yells out of this reconciliation in the dialectical unity of man and nature: “Like the ocean embraces the sack of the earth, Earthly life is surrounded by dreams” (1830). Nekrasov, having respected that from the reading of this verse "you see a fleeting thrill." Tyutchev, like nothing of the 19th century, was truly cosmic images. A person in yoga poetry is honed with a stinging bait. Nobody, krіm Tyutchev, did not dare to compare the glare with the demons of the deaf-mute demons (“The sky is so gloomy at night ...”, 1865).

Tyutchev, who accepts when he “sings for the poor” and is valued only by a narrow stake of chanuvals, gaining wide popularity in our days. Vіn sche greater world, lower Fet, vpluv not only on distant development Russian poetry, and on the development of psychological pro-zy. So, Tyutchev's love lyrics signified the appearance of folding intimate feelings in the heroes of Dostoevsky and L. Tolstoy.

"One cannot live without it," L. Tolstoy said about Tyutchev. How can you clarify, comment on such a bold statement?

Tyutchev's poetic world, rightly respects the current report of I. V. Kozlik, based on the joke of real human values. Vіn proynyati prravzhnіm humanіzm, scho scho in the new one will be known for the uniqueness of the skin okremoї sobistostі z shirim spіvperezhivannâ shares of the entire human race. He sings, setting the very problems of the sympathy of People, Humanity, Nature, the All-World, without understanding what impossible harmonies the souls of people are and how they feel especially warmly at our hour.

Chi did not know those who were joking? Speed ​​up with a joke

On this side of the material behind the topics:

  • poetic individuality of Tyutchev
  • poetic world of f.i tyutchev
  • Tyutchev's creativity to linger until the era
  • enchantress winter
  • Tyutchev's poetic world

Tyutchev was quite natural. Fedir Ivanovich, however, becoming one of the first in poetry, who in a new way began to understand the problems of buttya in his creativity.

In the Russian culture of the 1820s, the fates of the future began to develop interest in philosophy. At the same time, the wines, having become widened on the wide stakes of the suspense, wandered between the tight clusters. Although rich in why this interest is explained by the surroundings of the history of Russia, our country, at the same time, opinated as a whole at the mainstream of the cultural processes of Europe, which were running at that hour.

Popularity of philosophical poetry in Russian literature

The end of the 18th - the ear of the 19th century. - the period of reconciliation, which made a great splash on the share of the European civilization of the German classical philosophy. In Russia in the 1820s, poetry began to take shape, which for a year took away the name of the philosophical. For her, characteristic is not just an interest in the deep human, buttєvih problems, which was always important for literature and which was marked, for example, the life of Pushkin's lyrics. Viniklo pragnennya to implement for the help of the word scientific and philosophical ideas, and sometimes specific philosophical systems.

Why is Tyutchev important as a poet-philosopher?

The food supply is not so complicated. In Russian culture, for Tyutchev, the reputation of a poet-philosopher was fixed, oskilki yoma, it is possible, more beautifully, less to whom, far away from his creativity, lyrical experience of singing philosophical ideas. For example, 1820-1830 years, Tyutchev wrote a rich collection of poems dedicated to these experiences. Philosophical lyrics (top, list of ideas below) were written most importantly at the same time. Do it like this, like:

  • "Bachenya".
  • "Summer Evening".
  • "Sleepless".
  • "Cicero".
  • "Mal'aria".
  • "Silentium!" and others.

And later, starting from the 1840s, I wrote more of my most recent verses about the kohanny. However, it is unlikely that a strictly thematic classification of yoga lyric poetry is possible, oskіlki all traditional, "vіchnі" those who are ahead of nature and love, sing a philosophical zmіsta from this poet.

Fyodor Ivanovich's appointment to Schelling's philosophy

It is documented and well-documented that Tyutchev was sympathetically placed before talking with him especially in Nimechchina (a photo of this German philosopher is presented above). The essence of її believed that the material light of nature and the inner light of a person are similar one to one, all closely connected with the light of Bud. Schelling, having looked at nature as a living organism, a creative unseen-spiritual cob, a system of "potentials" (visual steps), which is characterized by polarity, as well as a dynamic unity of dimensions. For its essence, the wedding was poetic and vtishnym, firm, that our world is known. For those who knew, before that, the priority was given to the art, as it acted as a form of enlightened world for the help of intuition.

Image Day and Night

Tyutchev's philosophical lyric to avenge deeply and motives, like a symbolic character and turn the reader without interruption to comprehend the problems of the butt. More importantly, for example, imagine the Day and the Night. Like and be-like right symbols, they can only be vitlumachiti approximately. - tse verses, among such a stand of light and dark, it is not possible to understand how the struggle of good against evil. To walk in nіy, shvidshe, about reason, logical, rational, under the control of the human mind and will (the ear of the day in people and in life) - and not bugged, taєmnichimu, as if it will show people from the cosmic ear and be known by our own will.

"Old Chaos"

Terrible and watery hours of the night light for the lyrical hero of Tyutchev, the shards of the people are afraid of breaking up in the new world, appearing. About tse, zokrema, there is a verse "About what you see, night wind ...". New "ancient Chaos" is known not only by the posture of a human being, but by the new one himself. In the world of Fyodor Ivanovich, we are "very much loved": Chaos in the sphere almost becomes "violent blindness of addictions", and people cannot rule over them.

Similarity of the human soul to the All-world

The philosophical lyrics of Tyutchev do not intersect with the above descriptions. So, for example, the work of "Silentium!" sings like the soul of a person to the All-world, the world. The middle of the skin of us has its own stars and its own sky. Fedir Ivanovich, when describing the spiritual All-world, is covered with images and farbs, characteristic of the yogo philosophical "evil" world. These are the philosophical motifs in Tyutchev's lyric, like standing night and day, light and darkness, dawning sky and the most beloved mites of the transition - evening, wound, death. However, the verse "Silentium!" these images are visibly present in the text. The stench is less likely to shine here at yoga clay. A long-time lance of associations, yak growing out of the context of all Tyutchev's lyrics (like a modern verse, so stupid) gravitate for a single word, sparingly picking. Already written so create, like "Sleepless", "Bachennya", "Summer evening", "Still noisy merry day ..." and that іn. And more to look, to look at the image at the verse "The rest of love", in the same way, Like in "Silentium!", The human soul will be likened to the All-world, the world.

Nature and people, insanely, start to be written in poetry, including folklore (reception, accompaniment, how nature sounds like people. However, Tyutchev’s philosophical lyrics are vinyatok, they often go wrong.

Philosophy and lyric as a way to understand the buttya

Philosophical understandings of the lyricism waste their terminological significance. We have described the meaning of Fyodor Ivanovich's symbols of the Night of the Day in the most expansive way, but we can clarify the situation, as if looking at Tyutchev's verses. The philosophical lyrics of this flooring are ambiguous, but the designation of these symbols can change. Tse lie in the context. If the word “philosophy” has the same meaning as a system, if it’s the most important terminological significance to understand that non-superficiality of the world, then Tyutchev’s verse is a philosophical lyric, in which you create something that can be mutually vicious.

Vzaimoviklyuchny zmist vіrshiv Tyutchev

For example, in the verse "Not those that you think, nature" speaks of those that nature has a soul, love, freedom, its language. And in the work of "Nature - the Sphinx" Tyutchev zamislyuєtsya about those who, perhaps, no riddles in her, and instead of destroying people with her mysticism.

Philosophy is the boundary of life and rozumovy dosvidu, and the lyrics evoke only a mittve emotional experience, including the experience of a philosophical idea. Obviously, Tyutchev was always occupied with the problems of buttya, the prote did not bring them to life, but at different moments of the poet's life. Itself through those that the lyric is an individual experience, for the new one it was possible to reshape Schelling's system in its own way (yak, in general, it was optimistic), give it a tragic tone.

Otzhe, we have opened a theme in the main rices, what to call us (for sure, only a whole plan). Philosophical lyrics of Tyutchev are ready to get to know her better and discover for yourself new details and artistic images.

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