Folklore motifs in "The Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyovich, the young oprichnik and the inveterate merchant Kalashnikov" by M. Yu. Lermontov. Projecting lessons from "Songs about Tsar Ivan Vasilyovich, a young oprichnik and an inveterate merchant Kalashnikov" (Program of G.I. Bilenkog

Updating the riches of the century among all peoples by overcoming the folklore type of poetic creativity. Yogo characteristic rice- Usnіst, traditsіynіst, bezkonsrednya narodnіst, variantіst, poddnannya words with artistic elements of other types of art, collective creation and wideness.

After a century, this tradition began to grow everywhere, even though it was natural in the first place (so, for example, it was impossible to revive the collective creation of folklore creation). Sing-romance

With majestic satisfaction, they created stylizations and created folklore, shards of the theme itself, the style of creation was even closer to their eyes. Of course, they had a chance to look at historical topics, because create folk poetic creativity practically indistinctly connected with history, in order to show it to others.

Poema M.Yu. Lermontov "Song about ... the merchant Kalashnikov" - one in the XIX century. in the distance stylization of folklore at the flooring of a massive epic form, before that, at the verses, close to the song style of folk art.

Already the name itself is “Pistni…” (“Pisnya

About Tsar Ivan Vasilovich, a young oprichnik and an inveterate merchant Kalashnikov”) we commemorate folklore specialties - this is how the authorities called the authorities in the works of folk art. Before that, the heroes are rehabilitated according to their social status, and not according to their creative role.

From the first rows, we commemorate the common people of my creation. You can guess, if you want to, it’s like it’s supposed to be: “Oh, ty goy ...", - similar speeches are characteristic of folk bilin, opovidey. It was all for the traditional habits of Old Russia.

The commonness of the Poemi is manifested in the promotion, style, and vocabulary. So, for example, in “Pisnі…” there are characteristically embodied words-synonyms, which are written with a hyphen: walk-make noise. Repetition was a favorite reception of admonitions, and for my part and in another case - stubborn tautologies: in Lermontov there are such phrases, like “freedom is free”, “hot jittery”.

The first butt (“will is free”), to speech, yet another butt of a weary epithet, to which one can add “death is fierce”, “young squad”, “good fellow”, “falcon eyes”, “licorice wine overseas”, “ thought mіtsna” and a lot of other ones, at the same time with inversion (destruction of the accepted order of words at the speech, if the appointed may stand in front of the original).

Do not sit on the sky red sun,

Do not have mercy on him dark blue:

Then sit at a meal by the golden crown,

Sit Grіzny tsar Ivan Vasilovich.

With this urivka, one can use a sense and inversion, and a tired epithet, and such a trick, like a syntactic repetition (and with it, parallelism, direct and negative).

This is how the death of Kiribeevich is described - like the death of the traditional “good fellow”:

Falling down on the cold snow,

On the cold snow, nibi pine,

Nibi pine, in orphan fox,

Pіd resinous pіd korіn pidrubana.

The stench gives rise to its own heaviness, reading (or hearing) is conveyed as if it were old fashioned, which will help the old words, such as "promіzh", "against", "playing".

From the other side, in “Pisn…” there is no revelation of the inner world of the characters, the stench appears to be no call, the eye of a third-party poster, who can know their experience, that and the intoxication of the images.

Tim is not smaller; For example, Kalashnikov

... combat mittens are pulled,

Can straighten your shoulders,

That curly beard stroked.

Lermontov was able to create a reconciliation and a realistic image of old Russia, with its representatives, their characters, their characters. For which it was necessary for the author to introduce signs of the real hour into the description. I will describe the cream sane looking(clothes, armor, harness of horses) heroes, we can recognize how, for example, Kalashnikov before the battle - bows to the tsar in the belt of the move, which was an unknown part of the tradition. Partly її bula and in front of the bіy boast and like.

We have a present real historical character - Ivan the Terrible. Ale, at the hour of the creation of yoga, folklore priyomi were widely victorious. So, Lermontov follows the characteristic image of the tsar in the folk tales, such as he remembered the people. He sings on Ivan Vasilyovich with such rice, as if he were singing: the tsar will save the dead Kiribevich, not knowing what the subject of this zіtkhan zamіzhnya; vіn obіtsyaє podbaty pro sim'yu strachenogo Kalashnikov i zdіysniti yogo strata with honors. On the other hand, in honor, they look like it’s not like a sign, then if it’s just unreasonable - well, it’s like Kalashnikov, who’s tossed for the fluff, batchiti of a discharged kat?

Tim is no less, the image of Ivan the Terrible by Lermontov, these figures, on the basis of vins having lifted their respect, are rooted in the sight of many images of the tsar. The only similarity can be known only from the rulers of Pushkin's work, who wants to be “people on the throne”.

On the analysis of the sing “A song about ... the merchant Kalashnikov” one can say that Lermontov was far away from stylizing his own tvir and folklore; let’s say that we don’t put ourselves as a metaphor for copying, reflecting the people’s language - we just naturally speak my mind. Until then, the presence of roses is real historical facts and characters in order from the folklore basis create the self-sufficiency of this creation.

M.Yu. Lermontov "Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyovich, a young guardsman and an inveterate merchant Kalashnikov"
From the literature of the 19th century

At the lesson, the twirl prolunaet, which appeared on the back of the press without the signature of the author. Bєlinsky in the same time, signifying the emergence of a new talent in Russian poetry: “We don’t know the author of this song, but we’re not afraid to spend sacks in lies, saying that our literature is gaining strength and self-talk.” Read about “The Songs about Tsar Ivan Vasilovich, the Young Oprichnik and the Inveterate Merchant Kalashnikov” and the author M. Yu. Lermontov.

Topic: From the literature of the 19th century

Lesson:“A song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyovich, a young guardsman and an inveterate merchant Kalashnikov”

Rice. 1. M.Yu. Lermontov. Self portrait ()

On September 28, 1838, a little bit about those who Pushkin (Fig. 2) was shooting with Dantes roamed through St. Petersburg. Otrimav Pushkin mortally wounded. And at the same time, the capital expanded without a signature under the name "Death of a poet."

Rice. 2. A. S. Pushkin ()

Having died, he sings! - nevilnik of honor, -

Fell, my prayers,

With lead at the breasts, take revenge with sprago,

Pokhilivshis proud head! ..

The soul of the poet did not win

Shame drib'yazkovih image,

Povstav vin against thoughts of light

One, like before... and driven in!

Driven in! .. What a ride now,

Empty praises uncommon choir

I zhalyugidny babble true?

Dolі v_dbuvsya virok!

Chi do not see the first so viciously persecuted

Yogo vіlniy, merciful gift

I for rozvagi rozdmuhuvali

Was it hot?

What? Have fun... wine torment

The rest can not be blamed for a moment:

Zgas, like a light, miracle genius,

Zіv'yav urocleansing vіnok.

Yogo hitting cold-blooded

Navіv strike ... there is no order:

An empty heart beats evenly,

The pistol did not flinch at the hand.

And what a miracle? .. From afar,

Podіbniy up to hundreds vtіkaіv,

For fishing happiness that chiniv

Zanedbany to us from the will of fate.


The earth is a stranger to mova and sounds;

Not a moment to spare the wine of our glory,

Do not instantly comprehend tsієї mitі krivaviy,

On scho I lifted my hand!

І vіn murders - і taking by the grave,

Like that spivak, nevіdomy, ale mily,

Vidobutok jealous deaf,

Sleeping him with such miraculous power,

Enemies, like vin, ruthless hand.

Navіscho of peaceful nіg and simple-hearted friendship

Entering the wine at tse light zadrіsny and suffocating

For the heart of the free and half-lunatic passions?

Navіscho vіn hand giving the riveters worthless,

Now, having believed in my words and caresses,

Vіn, having touched people from youthful fates?

Mikhailo Yuriyovich Lermontov(1814-1841) (Fig. 1) - sings, successor of A. S. Pushkin. He sings with such a tragic share, persecution with proud baubles, to stand white on the throne of the omnipotent monarch, not dare not to obey yoga, to punish him.

Lermontov lived longer short life Ale having sung on his own faceless miraculous verses, we sing, dramatic creations. I created the good of our literature.

Rice. 3. Mikhailo Lermontov ()

The childhood of little Michel (lit. 3) was obscured by the death of his mother, the father and grandmother were welded together, for the grandmother’s wife, the son was separated from the father. Even in the childhood, the child's unimaginable vibes appeared. Mikhailo Yuriyovich Chudovo Volodya Kilkom foreign language malyuvav, writing verses.

For 14 years, I started at the Noble boarding house at the Moscow University. To finish the consecration, M. Yu. Lermontov enters the School of Guards Ensigns, and writes richly at the rocky wines. The verse “The Death of a Poet” is announced, and it was sent to the Caucasus. From the strength of the wines, it turns already as a poet, who is residually famous, with his own style and that he has his own place in literature.

In 1838-1840, the fates are created, as if to become the gold treasury of our Russian literature. I am again sending the axis to the Caucasus through a duel with the French envoy, and the same messages are seen by the rest. 1841 Roku sings at a duel in the Caucasus.

The thought about the omnipotence and injustice of the tsar was expressed by Lermontov in the work “A Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyovich, a young guardsman and an inveterate merchant Kalashnikov”.

Reading Tvіr, we feel at the distant XV century, in those hours, when Tsar Ivan IV ruled, for his zhorstokіt suvorіst, he was nicknamed the Terrible. Returning to the distant past of Russia, Lermontov knows his rightful behavior, and at the same time he has the legacy of self-ownership.

Characters of the characters are revealed in the openings and dialogues.

Reading and analysisІ parts

Rice. 4. Guslyar-narrators ()

Rozpovіd to lead the harpist (Fig. 4), yakі nibi zbirayutsya potishit boyar and boyar.

“Oh, ty, goy ti, Tsar Ivan Vasilovich!

We wrote our song about you,

About your beloved oprichnik

І for a smart merchant, for Kalashnikov;

We folded її in the old way,

We were sleeping

I lamented and punished.

The Orthodox people were hushed by her,

And the boyar Matviy Romodanovsky

We are given a glass of honey beer,

And the boyar yogo was white-faced

Brought to us on a silver dish

The towel is new, sewn with shovels.

We were often visited for three days. Three nights

Everyone heard, not heard enough.

Do not sit on the sky red sun,

Do not have mercy on him dark blue:

Then sit at a meal by the golden crown,

Sit grіzny tsar Ivan Vasilovich.

Behind yoga stand stewards,

Against all the boyars and princes,

I feast the king for the glory of God,

In your satisfaction and fun.

Smile, the tsar having punished you

Wines of licorice overseas

Natsiditi at your gilded kivsh

I bring yoga to the guardsmen.

And everyone drank, they praised the king.

Only one of them, the guardsmen,

Fight hard, wild fellow,

the golden ladle has no wetness;

Lowering the dark eyes at the ground.

Lowering his head on his broad chest -

And in the breasts of Yogo there was a mitzna thought "

It is possible, we ask ourselves: what is the reason for the confusion of the guardsman?

Only one does not wonder, does not have mercy,

Curl up with a swarthy veil.

In holy Russia, our mother,

Do not know, do not know such beauty:

Walking smoothly - nibi lebidka,

To marvel licorice - like a dove,

Promote the word - the nightingale sings,

Burning cheeks її blush

Like a dawn in the heavens of God;

Mow Rusyavі, golden,

At the line of a brightly braided,

On the shoulders run, call,

They kiss with their breasts.

With this, a merchant was born,

Nicknamed Olena Dmitrivna.

I am addicted to the oprichnik of hoaxes.

“You can’t fill a hot heart with wine,

Duma black - do not frequent!

What will I preach to you the king?

“I said smiling Ivan Vasilovich:

“Well, my faithful servant! I am your bіdі,

I will try to help your grief.

Axis take the ring ti my yakhontovy

Take usisto perlinne.

Persh for your tyamuschoy worship

I sent a gift of expensive

You are your Oleny Dmitrievna:

If you fall in love - holy fun,

Do not fall in love - do not rot"

Chi is not inspired by the harp oprichnik in masculinity, courage, courage. Vin is ready to die in a foreign land, lay down his head in a mortal battle with enemies. But sometimes the hero is praised beyond the world.

“- That hand was not born, enchanted

Nі in the boyar family, Nі in the merchant;

Argamak my steppe fun to walk;

How to burn shablya gostra;

And on holy day your grace

We don't dress up any more.

Like I'll sit on a dashing horse

Ride for the Moscow River,

I pull up with a sash with shovkov,

I'll break my oxamite hat on the barrel,

Trimmed with black sable "

Chi told the whole truth to the king?

“Having fooled you your crafty slave,

Without telling you the truth,

Do not tell you, what a beauty

At the church of God it's turned over."

Vіn prihovav truth, fearing litigation. Against the family podvalin, against the norms of powerlessness, the tsar himself must inspire. Є yakіs mezhі ta її vlada.

"Axis frowning king black eyebrows

І nav_v on the new eye of the saw,

Nemov's hawk looking from the heights of heaven

On a young blue-gray dove,

She did not raise her eyes, a young fighter.

- The king's axis hitting the ground with a tip,

І oak pіdloga on pіvchvertі

Vіn zalіzny having broken through the edge.

She didn’t flinch and then a young fighter.

- Axis having washed the tsar’s word of grіzne, -

And otamivsya then good fellow.

“Hey ty, our faithful servant, Kiribevich,

Chi ti thought zataїv godlessness?

What glory to our zadris?

Has your service been honest?

If the month is gone, the stars will be glad,

What is brighter for them to walk in heaven;

And the yak is hovering in the dark,

That strimgolov falls to the ground...

It's obscene to you, Kiribeevich,

abhor the royal joy; -

And from the Skuratov family,

І s_m'єyu ty reprimands Malyutina!

At this trick, the thought about the anger of the king on the guardsman Kiribeevich is revealed. The king speaks about those who can have fun in the order of the king less faithful to his servants. And at the same hour I threaten the wine that the falling star is an unfaithful servant. The mood of the king is given at the development. Kiribevich's dissatisfaction gradually grows.

Reading and analysisІІ parts

What is the misfortune for this merchant Kalashnikov?

That bad day asked youmu:

Walk around bari bagati,

Yogo's shop is not to be visited.

What did we smell from the mouth of Deer Dmitrivna? As in the first part, we were sensible to the guardsman, then after the reconciliation of the squad, we marveled at the guardsman Kiribevich already with our eyes, as if we were guilty of dishonor. Feels like Kiribievitch hisstical, unreasonable.

Rice. 5. Illustration ()

How dare you praise the Kalashnikovs? (Fig. 5)

“I see the same on the guardsman,

I am beaten to death, to the rest of my strength;

And po'є vіn me - go out

For the holy truth-mother.

Don't worry, love brothers!"

Vіn harrow sim'yu.

"Breaking my own honesty

Evil oprichnik tsarist Kiribeevich.

Brothers razumіyut, I take Kalashnikov on myself. Vіn is ready to lay down his head, and stink is ready to pіdtrimati yogo, to make sacrifices to the good life.

Later, under the cloak of seduction and frowniness, in Kalashnikov, there are drawings of kindness and humanity. Ale, the year has come and, not zamislyuyuchis, not on the whine, not stumbling, let the wine of life and weave your shoes.

Reading and analysisІІІ parts

Will prepare for the battle between Kalashnikov and Kiribeevich.

“They cordoned off the place at 25 fathoms,

For myslivskogo fight, single "

Here, a duel of honor against dishonor, truth against untruth, human goodness against swavilles is played.

Kiribevich, viyshovshi, bow to the king. Vіn not prichovuє, scho want more potishit yogo. And Kalashnikov bows to the tsar, to the Kremlin and to the entire Russian land, to the entire Russian people.

The axis of the row, which describes the internal mill of Kiribevich:

“Zblid in the guise of an autumn snow;

Yogo's beaten eyes clouded,

Frost passed between strong shoulders,

On open lips, the word died away ... "

Vіn zdivovaniya, vіn razguleniy.

What were the rules of fisticuffs against? The stench was hacked to drive in the enemy, to drive in the people. So, mausoleum of the tsar, if Kalashnikov’s stratum? The merchant had no other way out, how to drive in an opponent and turn his face into a court of honor. Vіn not prihovuvav, scho not zhartuvatim, scho zbiraetsya take revenge. Vіn is not just to take revenge, but to speak out against svaville. Kalashnikov was later stricken without trial and investigation. What did the tsar say about you?

Rice. 6. Illustration ()

"Good for you, child,

Fight the zavyaty, son of a merchant,

Scho vіdpovіd trimav according to conscience.

To the young squad that orphan yours

From my treasures, I'll regret

I will command your brothers the next day

Throughout the whole Russian kingdom wide

Trade endlessly, endlessly,

And you yourself go, child,

On the high forehead,

Lay down your wild head.

I order sokiru to sharpen-nagostrite,

I order Katya to dress up, dress up,

At the great call, I will punish you to ring,

Sob knew all the people of Moscow,

Why are you not depriving my mercy ... "

And who are the people supporting? Who do you sympathize with?

“Shove yoga for Moscow-river

On a clean field between three roads,

Mizh Tulskaya, Ryazanskaya, Volodymyrskaya

I mound of orphan land piled up here,

I put a maple cross here.

That walk makes noise in the wind

Above yoga's nameless grave;

I pass poz people are kind, -

Pass old people - to cross,

Come on, well done - sit down,

Mina maiden - to grieve,

And to pass the harpist - they fall asleep a song "

Bilinni rice

  1. Bilinne zvernennya (“Oh, ty, goy єsi”).
  2. Victory of Historism - princes, boyars, oprichnik.
  3. There is a large number of epithets characteristic of folklore. the dawn of the red, the gloom of blue, the crown of gold.
  4. Bulin symbolism - chervona dawn (in folklore, she felt the bidu).
  5. Metaphors, inversions and isolation.


“A song about Tsar Ivan Vasilovich, a young guardsman and an inveterate merchant Kalashnikov” is a science for people who give power and might, the right to control the share of other people.

Irakli Andronikov, M.Yu. Lermontov wrote:

“While Lermontov had gone back to the era of Grozny, Tver sounded deeply modern. Well, in a duel with the tsar's "oprichnik", Pushkin died, like a viishov for a duel, to protect the honor of the squad that his noble name. I’m afraid to think about food about the share of that gift of human specialty.

List of references

  1. Korovina V.Ya. Didactic materials from literature. Grade 7 - 2008.
  2. Tishchenko O.O. Homework in literature for the 7th grade (up to the assistant V.Ya. Korovina). - 2012.
  3. Kuteinikova N.Y. Literature lessons in grade 7. - 2009.
  4. Korovina V.Ya. Assistant from literature. Grade 7 Part 1. - 2012.
  5. Korovina V.Ya. Assistant from literature. Grade 7 Part 2. - 2009.
  6. Ladigin M.B., Zaitseva O.M. Reader-reader from literature. Grade 7 - 2012.
  7. Kurdyumova T.F. Reader-reader from literature. Grade 7 Part 1. - 2011.
  8. Phonochrestomathy from literature for the 7th grade before Korovin's assistant.
  1. FEB: Glossary of literary terms ().
  2. Dictionaries. Literary terms and understanding ().
  3. Tlumachny vocabulary of Russian ().
  4. M.Yu. Lermontov. Biography. Creativity().
  5. Reading "Songs about the merchant Kalashnikov" by actor Zolotukhin ().


  1. Guess what is bilina. To learn from the work of Lermontov the figure of a bilinear image.
  2. Choose quotes that characterize Ivan the Terrible, merchant Kalashnikov, guardsman.
  3. How can you explain the decision of Ivan the Terrible? What do you say to Kalashnikov?
  4. How do you know why this TV was blocked by censorship?

The first sing, like Lermontov, having dared to publish, “A song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyovich, a young guardsman and inveterate merchant Kalashnikov” appeared. Poema є stylization of Russian folklore in the great epic form. For the genre artistic originality she appeared as one in her family and did not take away the continuation of the creativity of the author, nor in other poets. “Pisnі...” didn’t have a roll call and Lermontov’s previous creations. The truth in the poem “Boyarin Orsha” the author touches on the same topic, but the peculiarity of “Pisnі ...” in tsomu, that this topic is presented here in a different way, I want to go about the dishonor of this. . _
The theme of dishonor was even more characteristic of Lermontov's work of that period, but it was necessary to say that he was roaming the image of dishonor. The image of the nobleman, having taken satisfaction in a duel, regardless of the result, the duel is equal. “Disgracefulness, like a virishennya of the situation, was transferred by vbivstvo, self-destruction, or divinely, that in any kind of dishonesty is irrevocable, and you can’t get rid of honorifics in the suspense of honor.” So writing Lermontov himself.
At the verse “The Death of a Poet” Lermontov unsurprisingly actively encourages the right to take care of the “infidel of honor”. The legacy of the poet's creativity B.M. In such a time, you may be on a walk with you, who cares that by sending a letter to the establishment, Pushkin could have been the very death of Pushkin, having stolen his honor, that honor of this.
Smashing the wines, slandering me
I'm honest, I'm blameless ... -
it seems Olena Dmitrivna cholov_kovі about Kiribєєvich. I want to start my own rozpovid, having fallen at the foot of my man, Stepan Paramonovich, to ask for forgiveness, not for forgiveness, because I don’t know why, but for intercession.
Don't give me your fiery squad
Angry swindlers at the outside!
In this rank, the steward of the oprichnik Kiribezhevich, the merchant Kalashnikov is the first for everything to victoriously deceive Deer Dmitrivna and act as the protector of this family. Olena Dmitrivna, turning to a man, guessing her relatives, dead and alive, leading, there is no one else to ask for help, like from her native homeland. Here, Lermontov accurately portrayed the middle class of the Russian people, although such a situation did not lose relevance even at one hour. Adzhe Pushkin tezh having protected the honor of his family, and not just a special officer.
Another one genre feature sing the name of the author to reduce the romantic halo of the images of the main characters. Lermontov nadaєm realistic drawings, Christian ideals of the Russian people without intermediary vіdbivayutsya in the psychology of the main heroes of the sing. So, the “crafty slave” Ki-Ribєєvich fooled the king, not telling you that “...beautiful woman In the church of God was turned over For our Christian law.” Tsim vin breaks the unbreakable law, god-wishing like a kohannya. On the back, the guardsman asked the king to let him in “... at the steppe of the Volzka, to lay down a wild little head there,” but he also became a victim of his own deceit. The tsar is shunning the yoma of koshtovnosti, for the help of such Kiribevich, he tries to calm down Olena Dmitrivna. Ivan the Terrible himself shtovhaє his love for dishonest vchinok.
Like a queen, I take you
Become all you zazdrit
Don't let me die a sinful death,
Rest me, embrace me
I want one time to say goodbye...
So ask your kohannya Kiribevich. Yogo claims are not without bounds, - wines, like before Mtsir, ready to be satisfied with a lot of happiness. The oprichnik is still a Christian, he is afraid of dying a sinful death, because he would lay his hands on himself. Ale, at the same time, a typical Lermontov's hero, even vin dіє, not calling on those who all see in the eyes of "evil suєdok".
I pestiv vіn me, tsіluvav me;
On my cheeks and now burn
We live half-mines are pouring
Kisses of yoga cursed -
with the apology of Olena Dmitrivna. His own hero is charged with a fee, which is paid not only by Kalashnikov and "the power of providence", but by the power of the conscience of Kiribevich himself. Vіn cannot but accept a mortal combat. Ale at once manifests to himself with a new help "basurman's son." If he hit the merchant Kalashnikov, then bending the cross with the holy relics of Kiev, which hung on the chests of Stepan Paramonovich. The blow was so strong that Kalashnikov took all the strength to stand.
In case of guilt, one does not act like a romantic hero, do not fight for a share and do not resist it, but simply protect the honor of oneself. On the right side of the right, protege z look of a decent law of guilt to administer lynching and ready to praise the stratum for it. Stepan Paramonovich takes upon himself a share of wickedness, which could not have been in a romantic poem, de hero would have to overcome such a share of death and become a martyr, about whom we will write songs later.
The originality of the genre is more similar to that, “there are realistic conflicts “Kiribeyevich - Kalashnikov's family”, “Kalashnikov - Ivan the Terrible”, the poet has a romantic conflict. This is the conflict of a good person and the NATO, which he accepted from to this particular type form of historical social psychology. Stepan Paramonovich can't tell the tsar that, having driven in "reluctantly", not only through his honesty and directness. Those who killed the guilt “by free will”, can be seen by everyone. The very snake from the homeland is the flame of ganbi. The moral independence of Kalashnikov, those who are guilty of specialty, and not the “crafty slave”, are in part the cause of this tragic death. The special dignity of the new one is inextricably linked with the people's moral bases. To that, without respect for the “shameful punishment” and for those who were honored not for the Christian rite (not for the zvintar), the merchant left the memory of the people for himself. Passers-by lifted yoga without a grave,
... old people - to cross
Come on, well done - sit down,
Come on girl - squint,
And to pass the harpist - they fall asleep a song.
Major, just a song chord, the poem will end.
Henceforth, the idea of ​​sing, on the basis of the classical canons, is not exhausted by the representations of the “heroic” present and the heroic past, a century of non-transverse people. Far from all heroes are meritorious for speech and praise. Thus, the merchant Kalashnikov, the keeper of the people's moral bastards, appears morally superior to the tsar himself.
Lermontov's Grozny zovsіm not through ignorance pidshtovhuє Kiri-bєєvich to violence and stratify Kalashnikov. Yogo's character has a shrill cynicism. Stepan Paramonovich's words "I've driven him in with my free will, And for what about what - I won't tell you, I'll only say to God alone ..." The king begins to frown with heat: ”, - and pererakhovu all future blessings to our relatives, depriving us of the death cycle, and having washed ourselves, calling the children of Kalashnikov orphans.
To the young squad that orphan yours
From my treasures, I'll take it.
Obіtsyayuchi merchant urochist punishment, the tsar is truly powerful “to know the condemned”. Vіn vimovlyaє vіdverto significant words:
I order sokiru to sharpen-nagostrite,
I order Katya to dress up, dress up,
At the great call, I will punish you to ring,
Sob knew all the people of Moscow,
Why are you not depriving my mercy.
"Song..." with the signification of the process of Lermontov's artistic evolution. In view of the lyrical tension of the style, of the author’s “I”, in the form of direct and critical lyrical formulas, in view of the genre, the author moves on to the creation of psychological images and plots. head hero as if I were translating tragic feelings, if there is nothing else to be seen. So on that wicked day, a young merchant sits at the counter, laying out commodities, "
With my caress I entice the guests,
That bad day asked youmu:
Walk around bari bagati,
Yogo's shop is not to be visited.
We sing between hot podias її vinikaє marvelous image of Old Russia and the capital of Moscow:
Above Great Moscow, golden-domed,
Over the wall of the Kremlin's white stone
Because of the distant forests, because of the blue gir,
On the tesovih pokrіvelka roaringly,
Hmari siri rozganyayuchi,
The dawn of the red rose rises;
Rose the golden coachmen,
Swept in by snowy parts,
Yak beauty, marvel at the mirror,
Have a clear sky to marvel, laugh.
The richness of historical details that will take an hour to reflect on Lermontov's reason. It’s not enough to describe the clothes, the stuffing, the defence, but also the form of the behavior of the main heroes, let’s say, before the battle. Individual characteristics are added to the deep, historically educated characteristics. So, Kiribєєvich, walking on the beat, "... bowing to the tsar in the belt of the movka," sweat vin "in the open ... walking, Above the filthy fighters pіdsmіyuє". Well, Kalashnikov, viyshovshi against the guardsman, “Leaning down when the tsar’s grizn, According to the white Kremlin, and to the holy churches, and to all the Russian people.”
We sing so artistically, like victorious traditional epithets (“wine of licorice, overseas”, “eyes of falcons”), streaks, syntactic repetitions, parallelisms, inversions, direct translation (“Do not sit on the sky red sun, Do not have mercy on him blue: Then sit at the meal by the golden crown Sit the wicked tsar Ivan Vasilovich”). All tsі priyomi maisterno create Russian folklore and poetic style. Inspire the soul of Russian literature syntactic constructionіz with the union “i”:
Yak tomorrow will be a fist fight
On the Moscow River for the Tsar himself,
And I will see the guardsman.
The “song” is stylized, the emotional tension is mixed, the dynamism of the plot is grafted with deaks of historical silliness and the sense of inconsistency. So, for example, Kiribeevich describes the tsarist beauty of Deer Dmitrivna and praises "mowing Rusyavі, golden", like a bachiti not a moment, oskolki foreign women hovali their hair and hustka.
Paying respect to one more peculiarity of “Song...” - its polyphony. The song is sung by a sprig of harpists, but in one place the voice of a single author breaks through, which speaks about Olena Dmitrivna: “Everything trembled, my dove ...”
To the visual invisibility, I’m ready, I’m ready to repeat the repeated cry before the battle. "Three voices called out - Joden fights and does not destroy." It does not mean that Stepan Paramonovich overslept like Onegin before the duel. Tightening the spirits in the field strengthens the tension of the atmosphere, before that, the folklore principle of perseverance is reinforced. This principle can be seen in the composition of creation: in “Pisnі...” there are three divisions, three spices.
The finale of "Songs ..." is for the tradition of "glory" to the boyar, boyar and the whole Christian people.
"A song about Tsar Ivan Vasilovich, a young oprichnik and inveterate merchant Kalashnikov" is a unique piece of work by Lermontov and all Russian literature. Vono is rightfully considered a masterpiece of Russian national classics.

At the heading, take the names of the main characters in the song sequence and, in the middle, the hour of the hour is marked. A song about them was written and sung by the harpists - folk singers. Tse їkhnіmi ochima mi pobachili podії long past storіch.

The historical basis for "The Song about the Merchant Kalashnikov" by Lermontov, was better for everything, taking from the "History of the Russian State" by M. Karamzin. Possibly, I knew folklore songs about Ivan the Terrible.

“A song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyovich, a young guardsman and an inveterate merchant Kalashnikov”, an analysis that we have carried out, transfer the chitacha to the 16th century, the hour of the reign of Ivan the Terrible, who was often cruel and ruthless to his people. To strangle the possible disobedience, Ivan the Terrible created a special military oprichnina.

"Pіsnya..." is tied to a specific hour. The royal and merchant's pobut, pictures of the life of Moscow - mark the era. Ale stinks are shown without details, sometimes side by side. For example, Kiribєєvich, turn down the respect of Olenya Dmitrievna, proudly reminding her that she is not “the killer of the fox”, but from the “glorious homeland of Malyutino”. And there she “sneered ... more than colossally”, for who didn’t know the name of Ivan the Terrible’s chief guardsman Malyuti Skuratov, who knew his zhorstokistyu?

Not the epoch and life of Ivan the Terrible as a sovereign person at the center of the poet's respect. Yogo tsіkavlyat character dobi. Tsar Ivan Vasilovich, oprichnik Kiribєєvich, merchant Kalashnikov - all the stinks of different things, and all the stinks of the tree of one tree that grew on the ground Russian history XVI Art.

The image of Kiribєєvich in "The Song about the Merchant Kalashnikov"

At the center, sing a conflict between the merchant Kalashnikov and the guardsman Kiribevich. The conflict is tragic. None of the heroes of the building yogo podolat. Why is there a conflict? Vidpovid - in the characters of the era. On the back, the author introduces Kiribevich. Yogo im'ya, better for everything, the Tatar campaign (Kiribey) and point out to those who are a stranger in the country, de serve. Kalashnikov called Kiribelevich "basurman's son", a foreign Orthodox faith.

Tsar Ivan Vasilovich called Kiribevich - "our faithful servant." That one himself wins himself in such a way: “Do not reproach the wicked slave,” - ask for the king’s guilt. Kiribeevich “slave”, but with an enviable camp, about the tsar and not failing to tell you: “Why is your brocade captan not worn? / Chi did not rumple the sable hat? And Ivan Vasilyovich concludes with irony: “Why did you beat you in a fistfight ... son of a merchant?” At the tsar’s quarters, as if they demanded help, it is good to look at the conscience of standing: the guardsmen are merchant blues.

The harpists show Kiribjevich at the “Song about the Merchant Kalashnikov” as a good fellow, who is painted by the same barves, who are the heroic heroes of the tales. Vіn "zavyazy fighter, violent fellow." The new one has “black eyes”, “strong hands”. And also in Kiribєєvych “horse legeny”, “saddle of a cherkaska warrior”, “branded brocade” are all traditional signs of a good young man. And among them there is not a single important detail - the beautiful “do not marvel at the new”, “do not have mercy”. The tsar is ready to help his faithful servant and pronounce “pearl ... yakhont”, “namisto pearl”, to give the “beautiful”. Tsі gifts can also talk about the special camp of Kiribєєvich for the king.

Ale chi honest before Tsar Kiribevich? Vidpovid is known among the songs of the guslars. Stink at everything from the side and that bachat and far away. You know what vin, even “slave”, ale “cunning”, tobto cunning and approach. And in the song it was directly said that he had fooled the king:

Without telling you the truth,

Do not tell you, what a beauty

At the church of God, it is turned,

Perevinchana with a young merchant

For our Christian law.

"Perevіnchana" means that the hat of Olenya Dmitrivna and Kalashnikova is consecrated by God. Clarification "behind the law of our Christian" to confirm that faith in women is the same as that of the whole people.

Why didn't Kiribeevich tell the tsar about such an important fact? It is possible for one who, without respecting yoga, is important for himself, but perhaps having a mind, that the pan of breaking the law will not be like it. Ale, yak bi was not there, Kiribєєvich at the "Pisnі about the merchant Kalashnikov" showing znevagu to Christian norms. And Ivan Vasilyovich's song is representative of his defense, although in truth Ivan IV the Terrible is not like that. Ale was a stranger to the people svavіllya, vіn yogo suing and in the kings wanting to protect order.

Kiribevich at the “Song about the Merchant Kalashnikov” was raving about his love affairs. Vіn znevazhaє "vіrnu squad" and yogo punishment is fair in the eyes of the people.

But why did the song describe his death with such pity? We can feel the intonation of sadness in the mournful overwhelmed yogo who feels that ruhiv: “having stunned”, “huffed”, “falling”, “falling on cold snow, on cold snow”.

Inversion, repetition, attached antithesis ("cold snow" - hot blood) and povnyannya - "nіbi pine" - it's almost silly. Song shkoduє about Kiribijovich, more at the "bogatyr" battle, having died "zavzyaty" well done. And in a moment you will fight in the battle and get smart, if you are smart, what will you be for the fight. Ale did not smirk, to the one who had the power of honor to show up dearly for the royal mercy.

The image of Kalashnikov in "The Song about the Merchant Kalashnikov"

Pokarav Kiribevich Kalashnikov. Merchant - a simple person, who was given an armchair by his nickname, like to resemble the word "kalach" - a broadening of the type of Russian bread. Zayattya Kalashnikov tezh zvichayne, vіn the merchant shanovny - sound yogo on іm'ya that on batkovі Stepan Paramonovich. Life at Kalashnikov’s is blessed and blessed by God. Ale, everything fell into a new place in a single minute - you know a person (stranger!), who, having broken his mouth, created hundreds of years, - "having destroyed our honesty with him."

Shards of the Kalashnikovs are the head of this family, to you and protect your honor: “I will fight to the death ... for the holy truth-matinka,” - virishu vin. Respectfully, the truth is in the new “holy”, because it’s out of the sight of God and nobody else, to instill the guardsman of the worst king, I have no right to destroy.

Before the battle, Kalashnikov said what Yogo has the truth. Vín is used in the form of protivation: "I" and "Ti". Moreover, "I" is stated directly. "Ti" is on the run.

« I was born as an honest father.- And you?

« I live zgіdno іz the law of the Lord". - And you?

« I don’t slander someone else’s squad". - And you?

The merchant Kalashnikov is a man, a father, a guardian of his house, an ale wine and a Christian, “a wide midny cross hangs on his chest.”

The song is painted by Kalashnikov as a guide keeper-mesnik. Vіn "good fellow", "young merchant, fighter of the zavyat", "eyes of the falcon", "mighty shoulders". Postiyni epithets directly indicate the dispute between Kalashnikov and the bogatyrs of the Cossacks. Guess what the guardsman Kiribeevich is like them in his strength and power. Do not start and not all virisha is a physical force. At Kalashnikov in battle, like in life, the blow of the bov at the blow. So I sing again, even if it’s sideways, I call the blame for the tragedy. Kalashnikov victorious over his mission - he defended the honor of his name, and the law, which signifies the life of all true Christians.

Ale wine, and breaking the law, if the fist beat, who is in power for the rest, having turned into the arena. Vіn zamislyuvav svіy bіy yak "stop". For this they punished - also death. What happened to him that the "God's Law" does not transfer the annual blame, neither for his detractors, nor for his followers.

The image of Ivan Vasilyovich at the "Pisnі about the merchant Kalashnikov"

Tsar Ivan Vasilovich is on the verge. For what right? For the right to protect Orthodox laws: "Like having promoted the Orthodox tsar." Tobto, it is said, that the fault is not less than the king - a sovereign person, but the one who serves God. Vіn yogo namіsnik of the earth. That's why it's "Ivan Vasilovich", not "Ivan the Terrible". I king recognized the supremacy of God over himself. Vin accepts the words of Kalashnikov: “I will only say to God alone,” why he drove Kiribevich. Acting with the Kalashnikovs in justice, which gave the names of the rightful Ivan the Terrible, the tsar in the middle, through the blessings of this Kalashnikov, he knew that he was right.

How about people? Did they forget Kalashnikov? Remembered. To that very same “Song ...” will end not with a hero’s stratum, but with bows to the yogi “grave” “pass the old man - cross over”, “pass the good fellow - take a look”.

The main features of "Songs for the Merchant Kalashnikov"

Why did Mikhailo Yuriyovich call him “I’m singing ...”? The name is assigned a form, in the history of Tsar Ivan Vasilyovich, guardsman Kiribevich, that merchant Kalashnikov was heard to the ears. And yet, as if they were falling asleep, and її they sing and spread light, which means that she has already gone into the memory of the people, has become a spiritual bann.

Main special features of "Songs about the merchant Kalashnikov" offensive:

  • genre: poema;
  • history as one of the dzherel "Pisnі ...";
  • proximity to the genre of folklore historical songs;
  • standing: oprichnina - merchants;
  • plot intrigue;
  • the presence of a hero - a historical person:
  • the presence of the foreshadowing of the heroes;
  • viklad in the name of the guslyariv, which expresses the people's look;
  • approval of eternal moral values ​​to the people;
  • creation of a strong national character;
  • theme of honor;
  • tragic ending.

Mikhailo Yuriyovich Lermontov


Poema "Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyovich,

young oprichnik and inveterate merchant Kalashnikov" (1837)

Composition and plot




"State fellow", I live for the law of God: “And I was born as an honest father, / I am alive, living by the law of the Lord…”.

Like a Russian hero, ready to fight in a fierce, even battle. For him, honor and "holy truth-mother" are dear to life. Kalashnikovs do not lie about lying about their lives. Tse tsіnuє Ivan Vasilovich. Having killed the oprichnik, the merchant fearlessly says: "I've beaten Yogo with my free will." Win doesn't explain the reasons, he doesn't want to slander the squad. Saying goodbye to brothers, Kalashnikov thinks about his family:

"Bend in front of me Alona Dmitrivna,

Zamovte їy less embarrassed,

Don’t tell my children about me.”

And after death, good people do not forget your grave:

"Come on old man- cross,

Pass well done- pose;

Mine girl- mourn

And pass the harp- sleep a song."



« Fight hard, wild fellow". Vіn building love, prote live not for moral and spiritual laws. Kiribevich to lie down to the Skuratov family. Name of Malyuti Skuratov, Ivan the Terrible's brother-in-arms, has gone down in history;

Oprichniki - close to the king, who scrambled

only youmu. The stench was irritated with zhorstokistyu and without carnage without repair.

Tsar Ivan


Sublime image. Tsar of the hour and zhorstoky, self-willed tyrant, and dbailivy emperor-father.

Ivan the Terrible gives his oprichnik a "ring

Yakhontovy" and "Namisto Perlove", tell a story about Kalashnikov's family:

“Young squad that orphan yours

from my treasures, I'll regret

I will command your brothers the next day

throughout the wide Russian kingdom

Trade without a trace, without a break."

Ale live the tsar for his own laws, do not finish the word (“ Who will beat anyone, he will reward the king;

/ And who will be beaten, God will forgive him"). Vin allows his guardsmen to beshketuvat, and he is punished in a fair fight to fight publicly

Poem's conflict

Folklore elements at the Poem


good fellow, sira land, the field is clean



“To walk smoothly - nibi lebidka;

To marvel at licorice - like a dove;

Promote the word - the nightingale sings ... "



"Don't sit on the red sun in the sky,

Do not have mercy on him dark blue:

Then sit at a meal by the golden crown,

Sit Grizny Tsar Ivan Vasilyovich "


“The axis of the king hitting the ground with a club,

І oak pіdloga on pіvchvertі

Vіn zalіznim breaking through the edge ... "


“The dawn of the red rose rises;

Rose the golden coachmen,

Swept in by snowy parts,

Yak beauty, marvel at the mirror,

Have a clear sky to marvel, laugh


yours, kiss, honestly dad

on the - hci, -yuchi

roaring, roaring, feasting


sharpen-nagostriti, dress up-dress up,




“Pane ti ours, Ivan Vasilovich!”,

"Sir, my, Stepan Paramonovich ..."

“The horses of the legend sent me down,

Cooled down the brocade dress ... »

Cob of a row with "І", "Ai", "So", "Gay"

“Hey ty, our faithful servant, Kiribevich…”,

"Ay, lads, sleep - just be a harp!"



“My eyes are a slut’s wicked,

My brushes are siri boards of women ... "


“At this, a merchant was born ...”

Grab it

“At the church of God, it’s turned,

Perevіnchana with a young merchant"


"Three voiced calls were called..."

The axis of the move is offended to disperse, -

Bogatyrsky bey starts.

Waving todi Kiribevich

I hit the first merchant Kalashnikov,

I hit yoga in the middle of the breasts -

The youthful breasts crackled,

On the breasts of yoga a wide hanging midny cross

With holy relics from Kiev, -

І hunched cross and pressed into the chest;

Like the dew of a new blood dripped;

Stepan Paramonovich thought:

"Why sue, those will wake up;

I will stand for the truth until the end!

Angry wine, getting ready,

Climbing with strength

I hit my hater

Right in the lion, I’ll hide from my mustache shoulder.

I young oprichnik, having caught the troch,

zahitavsya, falling dead;

Falling down on the cold snow,

On the cold snow, nibi pine,

Nebi pine at the orphan fox

Pіd resinous pіd root pіdrubana,

I, having pumped those, Tsar Ivan Vasilovich

Angry with anger, stomping on the ground

I frowning black eyebrows;

Zvelіv vіn shopit bathers bathed

I bring Yogo before your disguise.

As the Orthodox Tsar said:

"Tell me in truth, according to my conscience,

I hate my will and I don’t want to

You drove my faithful servant,

Maybe the shortest fight of Kiribevich?

"I will tell you, Orthodox Tsar:

I drove yoga with my free will,

And for what, about what - I won’t tell you,

I will say only to God alone.

Punish me to be strachuvat - and on the chopping block there is no

I will win my head;

Not too many small children,

Do not flood the young widow

So my two brothers to their mercy ... "

IN 1. The duel of Kiribezhevich and Kalashnikov is the key to the plot. Which term denotes the moment of the greatest stress di?

IN 2. With the traditions of such a folklore genre, was it depicted as a duel as a battle of heroes?

At 3. What is the name of the form of interplay between characters, based on the exchange of replicas of that vikoristan in this fragment?

AT 4. What kind of image-creating-virazny zasіb, scho є similar to one other phenomenon (for example, “like dew ... dripping blood”, “falling down on cold snow ... nibi pine”) vikoristovuvav the author?

AT 5. How is the repetition of the same-root words in the word received or in the same speech called (for example, “being angered by anger”, “free will”)?

About 6. How is it called stylistic device, What is added in the repetition of the cob elements in the sum rows (for example, “I hit the merchant Kalashnikov in the front, / I hit him in the middle of the breasts”)?

Z 1. Why did the Kalashnikovs, knowing that the killing of Kiribevich was navmis to them, the tsar's reason?

C2. In some creations of Russian literature of the 19th century, the theme of the defense of honor is one of the most important ones;


A) What caused the duel between Kiribevich and Kalashnikov?

B) Why the death of an ear of wine in front of Kalashnikov Kiribjevich is described in the mind of speeches and inspires pity. To the oprichnik?

C) Why did the tsar’s “mercy” know about the yak, asking Ivan Vasilyovich Kalashnikov?


A) In some works of Russian literature, the authors turn to folklore images, motifs, artistic techniques, and what is the likeness and distinction of the vikoristan?

B) In some works of Russian literature, the system of characters includes the right historical features, and why do they manifest themselves in the proportion of the greatest heroes of creation?

B 1. Climax

At 2. Bilina

3. Dialogue

At 4. Porivnyannia

B 5. Tautology

O 6. Anaphora

Over Great Moscow, golden-headed,
Over the wall of the Kremlin's white stone
Because of the distant forests, because of the blue gir,
On the tesovih pokrіvelka roaringly,
Hmari siri rozganyayuchi,
The dawn of the red rose rises;
Rose the golden coachmen,
Swept in by snowy parts,
Yak beauty, marvel at the mirror,
Have a clear sky to marvel, laugh.

Yak converged, climbed
Zavzaty fighters of Moscow
To the Moscow River, to the fist fight,
Roam for the holy, roam.
I arrived the king from the retinue,
With boyars and guardsmen,
I zveliv unstretched the silver lancet,
We clean with gold at the kіltsy soldered.
They sharpened the mass at twenty-five fathoms,
For mislivskogo fight, single.
I punished Tsar Ivan Vasilovich
Cry click with a ringing voice:
"Oh, de vzhe vy, good fellows?"
You help the king of our father!
Come out in a wide colo;
Who will beat anyone, he will reward the king;
And whoever is beaten, God forgive him!

І to go out zavzyaty Kiribєєvich,
The king bows in the belt of the movchka,
Throwing off your mighty shoulders an oxamite coat,
Pіdpershis y bіk with your right hand,
Correcting the red hat,
Checking the opponent's fault on himself...
Three voices called out -
Joden fight and not destroy,
It’s better to stand alone than one to send one.

Oprichnik walks in the open,
Above the filthy fighters p_dsm_yuє:
"Reconciled, maybe, thought!"
So i buti, I confess, for the holy,
I will let the living in repentance,
I’ll only help our tsar, father.”

Raptom natovp prolunav in obidva sides.
Stepan Paramonovich come out,
Young merchant, zavyazy boєts,
For the prize of the Kalashnikovs.
Leaning before the tsar’s grim,
By the white Kremlin and holy churches,
And then to all the Russian people,
The eyes of the falcons burn,
It is respectful to marvel at the oprichnik.
Against the new wine,
Combat mittens are pulled,
Might straighten your shoulders

That curly head stroked.

(“A song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyovich, a young guardsman and an inveterate merchant Kalashnikov”)

IN 1. What kind of Russian tsar, known to the guards of the oprichnina, does he sing at the “Song about ... the merchant Kalashnikov”?

IN 2. Designate the genre of "Pisn_ about... Merchant Kalashnikov"?

At 3. Yaky artistic technique, foundations on the crowd of natural phenomena, vikoristovuє the author in the description of the "dawn of the red"?

AT 4. What term is used to mean a lot of artistic vibrancy, which is a stable figurative designation, characteristic of the works of conventional folk art (“golden coachmen”, “clear skies”, “good young men”, “powerful shoulders”, “big fighters”)?

AT 5. How are the words called, how do the heroes live in their promo: “come on”, “mabut”, “I’m sorry” then?

Navіscho ty, red dawn, did you get lost?
Did you play joy on yaku?

About 7. A song about ... the merchant Kalashnikov" was written without rhyme. How is this type of verse called?

Z 1. Why is it possible for the fist fight of Kiribevich and Kalashnikov to separate the struggle between the permissiveness of the "sovereign" law and the moral "private" people?

C2. In some works of Russian poets and writers of the 19th century. heroes allow conflict situation duel?

B 1. Ivan the Terrible

3. Separation

B 4. Constant epithet

B 5. Space

O 6. Rhetorical nutrition

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