Iphone 6 keeps charging for a long time. How true is the battery of the sixth iPhone? Disclaimer of non-essential Spotlight elements

iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus, insanely, two wonderful smartphones, but stink is not insane. Deyakі koristuvachі iPhone 6s podomlyayut about those that the battery charge is drained too fast and today we want to tell you some ways to deal with this problem.

On the 9th of spring, San Francisco had a large-scale entry of the Apple company, dedication to the release of new products. Among them, there were also two flagship smartphones - iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus, which came to replace top smartphone models in the company.

Offended by smartphones, they bring absolutely new functions and possibilities to the coristuvachi. The list of innovations includes displays with advanced 3D Touch technology, new cameras, upgraded A9 processor, improved and improved Touch ID scanner and improved design and body materials. Having offended smartphones, they took away the reception of advice, both from experts in the market, and from the first coristuvachs. At every day they were assigned a low hour of autonomous work. In other times, there are no everyday problems with the battery.

Skargi on the temple to save the battery charge in the iPhone can be almost constant and sound. Everything is on the right in the fact that we win a smartphone in a different way. It’s easy to say how much you can save your smartphone, but if you are one of the quiet ones who knows how to save money on iPhone 6s, then today we will try to help you.

Already through the profits after the start of sales of the new iPhone 6s in the merezhi, the first reports and scargs for an hour of autonomous robots will be added. We were not happy, but the situation is similar to the new skin model of the iPhone and the release of the skin software update.

The problem with the battery charge of the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus is more than one of the problems that can close up when buying a smartphone from the first day after the release. Prote ce is one of the quietest problems, you can solve it independently, without going to the service centers, the Apple support service is too thin.

How to improve your iPhone 6s low hour on a single battery charge

In this article, we want to tell you, how to fix some problems with the battery and reconsider that you are ready for such unacceptable surprises.

These fixes and fixes for the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus, as they work on any version of iOS 9. In addition, the instructions are given to those who have already managed to install the iOS 9.0.1 update service on their smartphones.

Apple is about to release more iOS updates and the stink itself is most likely to be the reason for lowering the battery life of the iPhone. To that end, we recommend that you read this article from the beginning to the end, so that you are prepared for such problems at any time.

Respect that iOS has been given the opportunity to ask for improvements. A row of searches can be found at the top of the screen of the Nalashtuvannya program. It seems that you cannot know whether there is any item or parameter, the meanings of this article, you can easily guess the joke.

Check out a coin of days

If only you have installed iOS 9.0.1, or if there is another update, we recommend that you take a couple of days and continue to get your smartphone in normal mode. It often happens that batteries and new software will take an hour to start working well and get back into a normal working rhythm. Keep this in mind when you install an iOS update.

Change to power saving mode

As we have not yet celebrated this new mode, which appeared on the iPhone with the release of iOS 9, we recommend that you try yoga on your smartphone and find out about yoga.

The power saving mode allows you to save up to 10 to 20% of your iPhone 6s battery charge while continuing to recover. The best in this mode are those that are set automatically, work automatically, and turn on with the push of a single button. Activate this mode and your phone has been living in good health or a year in a critical situation.

As soon as the battery charge drops to 10-20%, you will automatically turn off the power saving mode. You can also turn it on manually at any time by going to the iPhone 6s menu: Settings > Battery > Power Saving Mode.

Vykoristyte Avіromode in areas of weak signal fencing

As you know in the world, the style of the treadmill is not familiar and the signal is weak, your iPhone 6s or iPhone 6s Plus starts more actively to listen to the signal and it’s more often, less loudly. This will recharge your battery faster.

In order to save the increased charge in such weathers, you can turn on the stilnikov data at the same time, or interrupt all the days by turning on the emergency mode.

To turn off the style data, you need to go to Settings > Style link > to turn off the style data at the top menu item. Even though it does not give the desired effect, turn on the Airplane mode, the adjustments at the top part of the Settings menu.

Sorry for your programs

Well, it’s always easier to call Apple and its engineers, but it’s often the case that those programs are the cause of problems with the battery, so you installed and victorious most actively.

As you mentioned the speed of the battery charge, please take a look at the statistics of the most recent programs. As if some of them are victorious in a few times more often than not, or if it is running on your unlocked screen, the greater the lower third of the whole hour of the smart phone, then, more for everything, it is itself the cause of the problem. Even if you are not convinced of this, you can always re-verify for additional tests.

You can check the list of programs that most often win and use the most energy, you can at a special iPhone distribution, listed at the address Settings > Battery.

In this menu, you can use programs that have spent the most energy of your smartphone. The statistics are shown for the rest of the 24th year and in the last year it was appointed, which itself called out such a great charge. A new option in iOS 9 will show which menu will show you if the programs themselves were most actively victorious and exhaled energy.

If you note in the statistics if there are any inaccuracies or anomalies, we recommend that you check the appearance of updating specific addenda and obov'yazykovo insert them. Abo zovsіm reinstall the add-ons, yakі є the cause of the problem.

Even though these little ones did not help and a specific program, as before, continues to put the battery more actively for others, then you can contact the retailers and tell them about your problem. If you have a higher opinion, we recommend that you remove the program again and find an alternative in the App Store.

Background Refreshing

Although you didn’t include the background update of data from add-ons, most of them continue to search on the Internet and get new data on the same day, if the smartphone is blocked and lies in the gut. Of course, the activity of a smartphone in a cell is similar to the cause of a low battery discharge. To that end, we recommend that you either turn on the background update for any or all programs.

Navigate to the menu Settings > General > Update content and disable programs that do not update language information in the background as well. If you happen to be, as if only you were watching the program of the offensive time, it will automatically grab all the necessary information, but if it’s not working, it’s often in the background. For this menu, you can change the update in some or all programs. Warto respect that the inclusion of background updates in social programs and instant messengers does not in any way contribute to the need for support and support, but with which it is significant to speed up the charge of the battery.

Disclaimer of current geolocation services

Geolocation services will pass an hour of smartphone work at a divine pace. You often win Google Maps or Maze, you know better than anything.

In order to recognize, like programs and smut - how to win geolocation, you can enter Settings > Privacy and know the Geolocation Services menu there. In this menu, you can turn on geolocation in full, but we recommend that you review the list of addenda and recognition listed here, how to win geolocation from them, as and if.

With them, you can turn on access to the city of opportunity, often with the help of programs, as well as programs that make the visibility of geolocation permanently.

Enable push notification

So just like geolocation and background updates to content, push notifications from your iPhone 6s, drain the battery charge, and overpower you with notifications about the incoming mail, calendar, go to games, etc. Wait a minute, deyakі from them zovsіm not obov'yazkovі. For that very reason, we also recommend that you revise their victories in nalashtuvannyah.

You can send push notifications using the address Settings > Notifications. Entering the skin program from the hovered list, you can specify which notifications you need, and which you can skip.

Adjustment of the Retina display

The display of your iPhone 6s may also be incorrectly drained of battery power, as a result of which it is not properly repaired. Offended by new smartphones with sensors that can scan in the middle it automatically adjusts the brightness of the display.

By itself, auto-sharpness can be a core function, but sometimes it can be brought up to a standard battery level of a smartphone. You can also independently adjust the brightness of the display by turning off the automatic mode. Tse allow to save the mass of additional energy.

Zavdyaks to the features of the iOS interface can be easily done. Everything you need - open the menu, as if called by a swipe from the bottom edge of the display. In this menu, which is called the Control Center, you can manually adjust the brightness of the display by shifting the slider.

Restart iPhone 6s

As if your iPhone didn’t fizzle out for a long time and didn’t overcharge, try reloading yoga. For the past iPhone models, it's just a pleasure to do it often.

Skidannya all nalashtuvan

You have tried everything in front of you, but you still know that the hour of your smartphone’s work is unsatisfactory, the time has come to move on to more serious calls in order to save the battery charge of your iPhone 6s.

We recommend that we try the vikonati skidannya of all lashings before us. For which, go to Settings > Basic > Drop > Drop All Settings. This function may depend on the password you entered, as well as the settings on your smartphone.

The very procedure of dropping can take a little bit of credit and at once it will interrupt all meetings, forget Wi-Fi passwords and erase data transmission. The files that are saved from your smartphone do not matter.

Downgraded software version

Even if the previous one didn’t work, then try to turn your smartphone to the front version of the firmware. Varto respect that it is not possible and not for all kinds of vices.

For example, for the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus, the minimum possible firmware version is iOS 9.0. Also, it's possible to find the firmware version, only if you already installed iOS 9.0.1.

iPhone 6s refurbishment

One of the extreme approaches to solve problems with a redundant battery charge, updating the factory firmware and externally deleting information from the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus. In order to viconate such a procedure, perform the following:

  1. Create a backup copy of your smartphone in iTunes and iCloud.
  2. Turn off Find My iPhone at Settings > iCloud > Find My iPhone > Find My iPhone.
  3. Connect the smartphone with a cable to the computer and press the button Connect to the iTunes program.
  4. Get the tips and your smartphone will be updated to the factory setting.
  5. After completing the procedure, press the button Restore from backup to restore all your special information and files.

Return to the Support Service

It is possible to go to an Apple-authorized service center to have your appliance diagnosed by professionals without giving the necessary result.

Did you know a friend's pardon? View text and type Ctrl+Enter

At the presentation of the iPhone 6S, the representatives of Appel, as usual, did not say the same word about the battery capacity of the phone model. Ale be some kind of potential ruler of the new model of the "apple phone" to say power, how much to charge your attachments.

However, at the entrance, a video was shown with a picture of the rear part of the battery. For a while, it was reported that the indicator of the battery capacity of the new model of the gadget changed little in line with the iPhone 6.

Why did the builder degrade the characteristics of such an important element in the attachment of the “fresh” version of the device? And how to properly charge your smartphone, so that you can improve the efficiency of your smartphone without recharging and read the term "life" of the battery in this article.

More recently, mobile extensions were equipped with nickel batteries, the tension of which was quite strong. And with the advent of smartphones, which are capable of new functions and capabilities, there is a need to maintain other vitality – increased tightness and durability.

Keep a close eye on the nickel batteries, as they may have good characteristics for good operation, but the stench is discharged very quickly. Attachments that work on their basis will require frequent charging, which is already unhandy for any kind of koristuvach. Of course, such batteries have a “memory effect” - power, which leads to a short battery life for an hour and a half.

For obvious reasons, batteries in mobile gadgets were replaced with lithium ion elements. The stench is polymeric, lighter and smaller.

The pluses of such batteries lie at the offensive:

  • More than three years of service is equal to batteries with nickel (the middle term of service is up to 5 years).
  • Low self-discharge value.
  • There is no stink to the effect of memory.
  • Small wag.
  • Advancing the value of energy density.
  • Easier that zrugovuvannya.
  • Cheapness.

And yet, such batteries served the iPhone’s master’s term, it is necessary to know the rules of competent management with these elements and dorimuvatisya їх. These are the rules, like:

1 Once a month (at least) I will recharge the battery. The whole rule is to keep all lithium-ion elements. 2 When buying a new mobile gadget, you need to charge the battery at 100%, and then charge the battery at least 2 times, maybe 4 times a year.

Why is the next check so long? After an hour of charging lithium-ion batteries, a slow process starts, in the course of which the battery is recharged by 80. After that, a weak strum is started - until the full charge. Under the hour of the appointed process, it is not possible to charge an iPhone (please, do not work more than that, only for extreme needs), so the optimal hour for charging is at night.

iPhone 6S battery capacity

Just like the second iPhone, the battery was 1810 mAh, then the 6S models are already 1715 mAh, that is. 95 units less (or 5%).

Prote on the official resource of Appel is confirmed that the indicators of the productivity of both gadgets are on the same line. These are the characteristics, like:

  • Move in 3G – an hour of work until 14th.
  • Surfing on the Internet - the period of iPhone work - until the age of 10 (via mobile Internet 3-4 G).
  • HD video review - up to 11th year.
  • Listening to musical compositions - until the age of 50.

It has been said that the saving of a large amount of autonomy was achieved with a smaller battery capacity, in spite of the greater number of modern electronic elements, such as the A9 chip and the M9 processor. Some of the truthful comments about the characteristics of the iPhone 6S battery - objective assessments can only give the real value of the "apple" phone model.

Why is the iPhone 6S battery smaller?

The reason for such a sacrificial decision of the virobnik was that they wanted to introduce 3D Touch technology in the gadget of the new model, which recognizes the force of pressing, as well as the Taptic Engine vibration motor. I understood that with the same dimensions, that car of the apparatus also changed.

All the same, all points to those that the device of the new model will need to be charged more often, lower in front. Ale, the information on the Appel resource on the Internet is quite useful: the indicators of autonomy in both the simple six and the 6S model are absolutely identical.

How did the retailers get away to reach whom? Everything has become possible to implement a fully integrated A9 processor with a 64-bit architecture, as well as other modernized components with improved efficiency, but with less “non-aggression”. That's why Apple could release new mobile gadgets with a smaller battery capacity, but with a high level of autonomy - no less than the lower versions of the devices.

Respectfully, such an overrun of retailers is far from being among all the victims of hoarding. I want to know a lot of koristuvachіv in a new phone, krіm osgogo іnshoy, zbіlshey period of work in one charge cycle.

Speaking of which, the battery of the iPhone 6S Plus has also been changed to 160 units. Ale, with whom, in the past version of the smartphone model S plus, for the show of autonomy, everything itself has lost.

iPhone 6S Charging Rules

So that the battery of your iPhone has served you as long as possible, having saved its operational power, it is necessary to remember and follow the advancing rules:

1 Do not bring the attachment to re-discharge to 0%. Rather often charge the battery to 50%. 2 As soon as the battery is charged up to 100%, it is not necessary to leave the gadget plugged in before charging, but immediately turn it on. 3 Once per month, it is necessary to recharge the battery at zero, with the upcoming charging. 4 It is necessary to keep warm, so that the body of the device does not overheat.

To improve the performance of the iPhone without additional charging, you can also optimize the settings, which are based on the included options and programs, which saves a lot of energy. Sound the programs, as a service for designating geolocation, updating software, music social media and others. Also rich in energy support bluetooth and wi-fi, as it is not necessary to turn it on without need. Well, you can say about the back of the device.

How to continue life with an iPhone 6S battery

Every day, you are actively fighting with your iPhone, vouching for the acidic and long-term robotic battery, you will become more careful with your device, protecting it from temperature changes, water and saw. So obov'yazkovoyu umovoy zberezhennya high authorities of exploitation of the battery will be povna shomіsyachna discharge.

Krіm tsgogo, pіd hour zagryadzhannja sіd vyymati gadget іz zahisnogo holster, shards, perebuvayuchi in such minds, the device can overheat. So, for an hour of the procedure, you need to take the device out of the case.

The iPhone and other mobile and computer devices such as Apple are constantly being released with high quality and rich functionality, for which they are valued by millions of chanuvals all over the world. However, to build such a way that technology often breaks through inaccurate reasons to coristuvacha with it. The reason for iPhone breakdowns is often very banal, the factory hatch rarely traps. To that security and a pre-government robotic device - may I lay it in the hands of the vlasnik himself.

On the 26th of spring of the first day of Russian sales, I bought a new 64 GB iPhone 6. For 2 tyzhnі z'yasuvalos impersonal moments of vikoristannya apparatus, yakі I did not manage to remember that in the great textual look. At this note, I will share the knowledge of the operation of the new smartphone, I will give you special respect at this moment.

Housing and ergonomics

After 2 days of the iPhone 6, having not spent annihilation in my privablity - I'm not talking about how she was shabby (they didn't show up), but in the spryyatti sane looking. Looks good, especially the front panel, zavdyaki beautifully rounded edges. All my knowledge, like a smart phone in their hands, kindly commented on the foldedness of that sable look.

However, under the hour of operation, an unacceptable moment appeared, due to the fact that the iPhone 6 should not lie at the hands. Through its phenomenal lightness and thinness, "shitka" one wants to pick up anew and anew. However, if you put the phone up to your ear when you are moving, or just trim it with one hand on the right side of the body, then you will notice discomfort - roundness of the body to give yourself a nobility and the phone strives to droop.

The Reachability mode is not a panacea, even in order to activate it, you have to go down with your finger to the Home button, switch on it, and only do the necessary work. Is it possible, varto, just change the active area of ​​the screen until the iPhone 5/c/s is allowed?

So after a day after the purchase, I bought a bumper, so that the rajah will tell you. In the first place, the phone will lie in your hands more deeply, in a different way you solve the problem with the camera, what you speak, well, in a third way, protect it from the sound of sounds. What a bumper chi chohol kupuvati - on the right is a special officer, but I raja take an accessory made of good materials: aluminum (like I have), shkiri chi I want to use acid plastic.


There are no everyday problems with the 4.7-inch screen. Basically, you can practically hold your iPhone 6 with one hand. However, the situation, if you need to change the attachment or win a friend's hand, get ready.

Vzagali, tsya characteristic slyly cherubate with one hand vmagaє more detailed engraving. At all different levels, someone can comfortably use the iPhone 6 Plus or Galaxy Note 4, and whoever has the best iPhone 4/S and earlier models, and you need a compact screen. Chi is coming to the appointment of “manually wielding with one hand” overflowing the apparatus - feed it.

The blocking button, which is located on the right side, is taken in such a way that it won’t be there forever. I’ve got a woman eating yakraz pid thumb blocking/unblocking can be done without problems. Call until you're short.

What matters is the quality of the picture, then on the iPhone 6 it is out of the question. Obov'yazkovo write yourself down on a piece of paper: for more new pleasure in design, buy only Space Gray version. So the screen and the front panel of the black color will be taken as angry, without any noticeable frames. In silver and golden vehicles, such a cordon is clearly visible, and that visible sensor of lightness does not give the beast any color.

Speed ​​and stability of work

iPhone 6 works fast and may be stable, but the problems that are being fixed are related to the iOS 8 itself. There are still all sorts of unacceptable bugs, but Apple is already working on updates to iOS 8.1, as it can eliminate more problems.

Touch ID doesn't work the way you want it to. Apple started to actively talk about those that put your finger on and unlock the screen - it's more convenient and easier, lower password entry or slide-to-unlock. But often the scanner does not read information correctly and does not give access to the home screen. This is also the case when the finger is unblocked when it is unblocked, but especially often when the grip is non-standard, if you try to unblock the screen “upside down”. Zgaduyuchi iPhone 5s, vpevneniy, that the problem here is more for the soft character, I know that iOS 8.1 is still checked.

One of the biggest bugs in iOS 8 on the iPhone 6 is Spotlight's multi-icon mode, which is one-on-one.

All programs work quickly, but there is an absolute minority of them at once adapted to a new screen layout. To be precise, let's look at my first working style - 19 third-party programs, for iPhone 6 adapted more than 6: Pocket, Wunderlist, Flipboard, Telegram, Swarm, Tweetbot. Such programs that are often tweeted like Mailbox, Reeder, the official client of VKontakte, Instagram or CoinKeeper have not yet been adapted.

Ale peeking at the “Update” tab in the App Store, practically 2 days later I’ve been updated and adapted to the new distribution of building additions. That’s why only a few checks are left, I’m guessing, only the next few months are on the right.


Iz tsim everything is better. There are no missing megapixels, as it could be shown by insufficient detail and accuracy of the picture, I don’t mind. Aperture 2.2 allows the work of bad pictures to be lit in the filthy minds of illumination, moreover, the same aperture value can be used and the front camera, so that selfies come out as a requirement.

Slo-mo at 240 frames per second looks much cooler than those in the iPhone 5s. Sound video is in good quality and with an indestructible sound.

Robot hour

In the first days of the last hour of the autonomous work of the iPhone 6, I didn’t like it, I didn’t practically have any charge in the iPhone 5, which lasted 5 years of active work and asked for charging twice a day.

I don’t know what happened later - the optimized add-ons gave such an effect, the battery itself “burned out”, but now the iPhone 6 is working today. Sound, I’ll take yoga from charging about 9-9:30 am and I’ll reload the wines for my model selection (post, social media, internet, music, photo) only until 10 pm. It appeared that I could not carry with me charger attachment in the course of the day, you can’t help but be quiet.

Over 12 years of work on the same charge - an important result

Obviously, everyone wins in their own way phone, so my positive opinion cannot be expanded absolutely for everyone. So, the iPhone is already fast in games (Asphalt Overdrive will run for 2-2.5 years with a new charge, with Real Racing 3, Modern Combat 5 or Infinity Blade, the situation will be at least not better). And yet, as practice shows, the very work of the robot with the help, social media, the Internet and music in the widest way of using the iPhone among people. That's why here you have a better surprise for everything.

Get the 64 GB version

Recently, I visited M.Video and found out that the iPhone 5s for 64 GB costs 35 thousand rubles, while the iPhone 6 for 64 GB costs only 2 thousand rubles more expensive - 37 thousand. For some reason, a unique situation has developed through those that Apple changed the model range from 16-32-64 GB to 16-64-128 GB. The very purchase of the 64-gigabyte version will be the best investment pennies.

Wait, in today's realities, if we have tons of photos, we install hundreds of programs and games, 16 GB is not enough. With 64 GB, I don’t worry about the drive of what varto can see the download photos or programs, even more than 40 GB (!) of memory. Believe me, this "calm" waste your pennies.

What else?

As long as you have a power supply for the iPhone 6, I'm happy to comment on them. It would be miraculous to feel the knowledge of other Vlasniks of the “shitka”, so that they could equalize their hostility with yours and paint a bigger picture.

generation iPhone 6і iPhone 6 Plus in the plan for the hour of work in 2014, the work did not break the dead center, I suspected the problem with the autonomy of the front Apple smartphones, if with a lot of pressures and a poor full-fledged PZ, the stench is unlikely to have seen the last working day and until the evening. The owners of old models have to go to the tricky ones when installing iOS 11, or they need to work with veteran models.

The autonomy of the iPhone 6 line does not show bad results, as the battery is not already in the best model in a good state, or it was replaced with a new one. You can determine the number of wine pairings for the instructions for the Apple iOS device, as well as knowing how to charge iPhone 6 and how to increase the iPhone 6 Plus partner regularly and as a result of expert assessments, about which we can tell you about all the details below.

How many charge "iPhone 6" and "iPhone 6 Plus" for regular instructions?

Apple is demonstrating signs of autonomy, which are vitiated in laboratory minds. Marketers tell about the reduction in the course of the presentation and show it at a glance like the previous generations.

Autonomy Apple iPhone 6

Autonomy Apple iPhone 6 Plus

What are the iPhone 6 Plus and iPhone 6 battery specifications?

Battery size "iPhone 6" and "6 plus" significantly differ in connection with the possibility of accommodating a smaller battery in a model with a larger case.

  • Apple iPhone 6 - invisible, lithium polymer, 1810 mAh (6.9 Wh);
  • Apple iPhone 6 Plus - invisible, lithium polymer, 2915 mAh (11.1 Wh).

Official iPhone 6 battery hour test:

  • for the recovery mode - 10 days (250 years);
  • listening to music - 50 years;
  • HD-video on the closed screen - 11 years;
  • Wi-Fi with enabled play - 11 years;
  • Internet surfing in 3G/4G networks - 10 years;
  • roaming mode in 3G networks - 14 years.

Official iPhone 6 Plus Battery Hour Test:

  • in the recovery mode - 16 days (384 years);
  • listening to music - 80 years;
  • HD-video on the closed screen - 14 years old;
  • Wi-Fi with enabled play - 12 years;
  • Internet surfing in 3G/4G networks - 12 years;
  • roaming mode in 3G networks - 24 years.

Independent test of iPhone 6 for autonomy according to experts GSMArena

Independent test of iPhone 6 Plus for autonomy at GSMArena

Increased expansion of the screen "Plus"-version negatively signifies the process of Internet surfing and rich in what to lie in the optimization of software security, iOS and zagalnykh nalashtuvan apparatus. Zvernіt on tse respect, if you look at the hour of the work "iPhone 6 Plus".

iPhone 6 and 6 Plus rating for autonomy at PhoneArena

Experts from the reputable PhoneArena brand also test a universal laboratory test for autonomy behind an additional web script that imitates core activity, and displays a clear screen for 200 threads. The results show the minimum value, as long as you can actively interact with your smartphone without charging.

How robust is the Apple iPhone 6 and 6 Plus?

You have found out how to charge iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus in different modes and you can charge your phone. Hover results absolutely rіznih dzherel, including from independent tests in the form of revisions and authoritative records. If your device is less efficient, hurry up with upcoming recommendations.

On the 26th of spring of the first day of Russian sales, I bought a new 64 GB iPhone 6. For 2 tyzhnі z'yasuvalos impersonal moments of vikoristannya apparatus, yakі I did not manage to remember that in the great textual look. At this note, I will share the knowledge of the operation of the new smartphone, I will give you special respect at this moment.

Housing and ergonomics

After 2 days of iPhone 6, having not spent annihilation in my splendidness - I'm not talking about how she was shabby (yak, she didn't show up), but in a splendid look. Looks good, especially the front panel, zavdyaki beautifully rounded edges. All my knowledge, like a smart phone in their hands, kindly commented on the foldedness of that sable look.

However, under the hour of operation, an unacceptable moment appeared, due to the fact that the iPhone 6 should not lie at the hands. Through its phenomenal lightness and thinness, "shitka" one wants to pick up anew and anew. However, if you put the phone up to your ear when you are moving, or just trim it with one hand on the right side of the body, then you will notice discomfort - roundness of the body to give yourself a nobility and the phone strives to droop.

The Reachability mode is not a panacea, even in order to activate it, you have to go down with your finger to the Home button, switch on it, and only do the necessary work. Is it possible, varto, just change the active area of ​​the screen until the iPhone 5/c/s is allowed?

So after a day after the purchase, I bought a bumper, so that the rajah will tell you. In the first place, the phone will lie in your hands more deeply, in a different way you solve the problem with the camera, what you speak, well, in a third way, protect it from the sound of sounds. What a bumper chi chohol kupuvati - on the right is a special officer, but I raja take an accessory made of good materials: aluminum (like I have), shkiri chi I want to use acid plastic.


There are no everyday problems with the 4.7-inch screen. Basically, you can practically hold your iPhone 6 with one hand. However, the situation, if you need to change the attachment or win a friend's hand, get ready.

Vzagali, tsya characteristic slyly cherubate with one hand vmagaє more detailed engraving. At all different levels, someone can comfortably use the iPhone 6 Plus or Galaxy Note 4, and whoever has the best iPhone 4/S and earlier models, and you need a compact screen. Chi is coming to the appointment of “manually wielding with one hand” overflowing the apparatus - feed it.

The blocking button, which is located on the right side, is taken in such a way that it won’t be there forever. I don’t have a big finger, so blocking/unblocking can be done without problems. Call until you're short.

What matters is the quality of the picture, then on the iPhone 6 it is out of the question. Obov'yazkovo write yourself down on a piece of paper: for more new pleasure in design, buy only Space Gray version. So the screen and the front panel of the black color will be taken as angry, without any noticeable frames. In silver and golden vehicles, such a cordon is clearly visible, and that visible sensor of lightness does not give the beast any color.

Speed ​​and stability of work

iPhone 6 works fast and may be stable, but the problems that are being fixed are related to the iOS 8 itself. There are still all sorts of unacceptable bugs, but Apple is already working on updates to iOS 8.1, as it can eliminate more problems.

Touch ID doesn't work the way you want it to. Apple started to actively talk about those that put your finger on and unlock the screen - it's more convenient and easier, lower password entry or slide-to-unlock. But often the scanner does not read information correctly and does not give access to the home screen. This is also the case when the finger is unblocked when it is unblocked, but especially often when the grip is non-standard, if you try to unblock the screen “upside down”. Zgaduyuchi iPhone 5s, vpevneniy, that the problem here is more for the soft character, I know that iOS 8.1 is still checked.

One of the biggest bugs in iOS 8 on the iPhone 6 is Spotlight's multi-icon mode, which is one-on-one.

All programs work quickly, but there is an absolute minority of them at once adapted to a new screen layout. To be precise, let's look at my first working style - 19 third-party programs, for iPhone 6 adapted more than 6: Pocket, Wunderlist, Flipboard, Telegram, Swarm, Tweetbot. Such programs that are often tweeted like Mailbox, Reeder, the official client of VKontakte, Instagram or CoinKeeper have not yet been adapted.

Ale peeking at the “Update” tab in the App Store, practically 2 days later I’ve been updated and adapted to the new distribution of building additions. That’s why only a few checks are left, I’m guessing, only the next few months are on the right.


Iz tsim everything is better. There are no missing megapixels, as it could be shown by insufficient detail and accuracy of the picture, I don’t mind. Aperture 2.2 allows the work of bad pictures to be lit in the filthy minds of illumination, moreover, the same aperture value can be used and the front camera, so that selfies come out as a requirement.

Slo-mo at 240 frames per second looks much cooler than those in the iPhone 5s. Zvichayne video znimaєtsya at high vigor and with incorruptible sound.

Robot hour

In the first days of the last hour of the autonomous work of the iPhone 6, I didn’t like it, I didn’t practically have any charge in the iPhone 5, which lasted 5 years of active work and asked for charging twice a day.

I don’t know what happened later - the optimized add-ons gave such an effect, the battery itself “burned out”, but now the iPhone 6 is working today. Sound, I’ll take yoga from charging about 9-9:30 am and I’ll reload the wines for my model selection (post, social media, internet, music, photo) only until 10 pm. It turned out that I could not carry a charger with me during the day, which I couldn’t help but rejoice.

Over 12 years of work on the same charge - an important result

Obviously, everyone wins in their own way phone, so my positive opinion cannot be expanded absolutely for everyone. So, the iPhone is already fast in games (Asphalt Overdrive will run for 2-2.5 years with a new charge, with Real Racing 3, Modern Combat 5 or Infinity Blade, the situation will be at least not better). And yet, as practice shows, the very work of the robot with the help, social media, the Internet and music in the widest way of using the iPhone among people. That's why here you have a better surprise for everything.

Get the 64 GB version

Recently, I visited M.Video and found out that the iPhone 5s for 64 GB costs 35 thousand rubles, while the iPhone 6 for 64 GB costs only 2 thousand rubles more expensive - 37 thousand. For some reason, a unique situation has developed through those that Apple changed the model range from 16-32-64 GB to 16-64-128 GB. The very purchase of the 64-gigabyte version will be the best investment pennies.

Wait, in today's realities, if we have tons of photos, we install hundreds of programs and games, 16 GB is not enough. With 64 GB, I don’t worry about the drive of what varto can see the download photos or programs, even more than 40 GB (!) of memory. Believe me, this "calm" waste your pennies.

What else?

As long as you have a power supply for the iPhone 6, I'm happy to comment on them. It would be miraculous to feel the knowledge of other Vlasniks of the “shitka”, so that they could equalize their hostility with yours and paint a bigger picture.

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