Oge decryption. Why is there a difference between Oge and Ege. ODE grading system - item grading

The hour of graduation drinking has already begun. Scholita, after that, how to ring the last call and before it, how to celebrate graduation, students of the 9th and 11th grades add up to sleep.

ODE - what is it like, and how are scientists preparing for such a difficult period of life - about our article.

What is ODE - transcript

What is ODE? Tsya abbreviation is deciphered as the Main Sovereign Isp. Absolutely all the graduates of the ninth class, regardless of whether the graduate continues to be promoted to rank, are given the right to goitre.

How to build ODE

Graduates are obliged to put away some items. Russian language and mathematics are obov'azkovymi, and two more subjects are learned by myself.

1 last term for the choice of objects for the building. Schoolchildren with limited health abilities may have the right not to store supplementary subjects.

In order to build an ode, the graduate is given the opportunity to choose dod. items. The choice of the school administration should be entered in the official registry, where the results are formed. On their basis, a number of packets from the orders will be sent to you.

Schoolchildren write to sleep at their schools, with their teachers in the role of examiners. Having written іspit, uchyâєєєєєєєєєєєєєє chekat on the results, yakі goloshuyuschisya protyazhnya.

What to build at class 9

Obov'yazykovymi subjects for building at the 9th grade є mathematics and Russian language. If the student does not plan to enter up to the 10th grade, then two subjects will be enough for you.

Still, if a graduate student wants to continue his studies at grades 10 and 11, he needs to take not only mathematics in Russian, but also two additional subjects for his choice.

The easiest items for the ODE building

The easiest subject for the task of humanistic directing is the science of science. Yogo give over half of the graduates.

This subject is the simplest for understanding that memory. The science of social science is straightened out of life, so part of the information can be taken from life evidence.

The technical one is directly the lightest, in the mind of graduates, informatics and ICT. Її, yak i sspіlstvoznavstvo, zdayut more uchnіv.

Informatics is simple one-manality of its tasks. But none of them say that it is necessary to know the school base. Navpaki, її need to be sensible and vicious, and at the same time from it you can see a lot of options.

How many balls you need to score for the ODE building

The leather object may have its own passing balls. From the Russian passing minimum to become 15 points, and mathematicians to score 8.

How important is it to get such a kіlkіst? About ce better to sleep the graduates themselves.

ODE grading system - item grading

Per Russian language in case of otrimanny 0 to 14 points, the mark "2" is put. Vіd 15 to 24 - score "3". View 25 to 33 - score "4". Vіd 34 to 39 put the sign "5".

Per mathematics when otrimanny vіd 0 to 7 points put sign "2". Vіd 8 to 14 points - mark "3". Type 15 to 21 - badge "4". From 22 to 32 graduates will receive a mark of "5".

per physics The following scale was adopted: for visibility from 0 to 9 points, a score of “2” is assigned. Vіd 10 to 19 points - mark "3". Vіd 20 to 30 - score "4". For the presence of more than 30 points, the graduate will receive the badge "5".

Typing on biology less than 13 points, the graduate takes "2". From 13 to 25 - go score "3". For the presence of 26 - 36 points, the graduate takes the badge "4". As a graduate, typing over 36, minus "5".

per geography To pass the threshold, then score more than 11 points. To remove “4”, you need to take 20 to 26 points. To take the badge, you need to score more than 26 points.

Passing minimum for Informatics and ICT- 5 points. To remove "4" you need to dial 12 to 17. For "5" you need 17 points.

To be insured up to grade 10, it is necessary to score 31 points in Russian language, 19 points in mathematics, 24 points in geography, 15 points in computer science and ICT, 30 points in physics, and 33 points in biology.

What does ODE look like ED?

The two ways of reverifying knowledge are similar. Іstotna raznitsya pogaє in two aspects:

  1. The first one is how knowledge is re-verified. ODE learners build at their schools. And the examination committee is the teachers of the school. For writing ЄDІ uchnіv ask to іnshih shkіl place, de observers will be іnshі readers. The work of graduates is reviewed by an independent committee, as if organizing a district committee of education.
  2. Other authority - ce admission to sleep. In class 9, everyone is allowed to sleep, who does not have two items that are given. In class 11, admission to sleep is like a positive assessment, and th, from recent fir, pidbag tver. Learn to write yoga on the cob of the chest. It is assessed for five criteria, for the skin of which you can score five points as much as possible. The evaluation criterion is the validity of the written work on the topic. Thus, the evidence of argumentation is brought up to the criteria, moreover, one of the arguments may be taken from literary sources.

The third criterion for evaluation is the composition of the work and the presence of logic in the text.

The fourth is the yak_st of a written movement. The student is guilty of clearly and clearly expressing his thoughts, victorious and different grammatical constructions.

The fifth criterion is literacy. If five pardons are allowed, then 0 points are awarded for this item. If points 1 and 2 are given 0 points, then the answer is not verified and the graduate wins a "nezalіk".

What will be, if not to send ODE

If the student did not fit in with sleep, and having taken off an unsatisfactory assessment of the main subjects, he was given the opportunity to re-adjust the test reserve days.

And if a friend of a graduate does not gain the necessary points, then the deputy of the certificate of wine will take away the finalization about the education. The reprinting of these subjects can be less than offensive fate.

How good to build an ode at the 9th grade

For successful preparation to the ODE, you can turn to the tutors for help. For zovsіm not a cheap fee, the teaching is purposefully prepared for the delivery of a singing subject.

Still, after all, the learner has become prepared for the future experiences on his own, so that I can continue to take some joys:

  1. It is necessary to designate, as a form of memorization may be a graduate. Possibly visual, however, to summarize the material more, to see the information with all markers, to divide it into blocks. To learn more, the auditory form of memorization is cleared up, to read more and to voice the read information.
  2. More than a day, add one hour or two to prepare, and sit over the assistants for a whole day.
  3. For preparation, it is necessary to organize self-discipline. It’s more important to start getting ready for a drink for a drink. Since a student cannot organize his work on his own, the fathers need to help them to control the training.


Once again about those that are such ODE. The abbreviation is translated as the main state sovereignty and it means the form of re-verification of knowledge of the 9th class.

Natomist ЄDI, the titles of the united state. іspitom, revise the knowledge of the graduates of the 11th grade and show them the way for the health of higher enlightenment.

Today it is difficult to know even one school, which would otherwise not have been pushed forward by the reformation of the lighting gallery. Having called trochs to such terms, like GIA and EDDI, I already had a chance to call the new OGE and GVE. Prote change of abbreviations of clarity to the essence of tsikh did not finish understanding.

I sleep at the 9th grade - GIA, ODE chi GBE, why is it different?

What is ODE?

Nasamped, ODE and GVE є parts of the whole system (State pіdsоmkovої attestatsії) zgіdno s Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation on December 25, 2013 and be held at the 9th graduation class. Tobto DIA, as prescribed by law, can be taken in two forms - GWEі ODE:

1) ODE is carried out with KIM standards (control materials) for all those who study in the middle of the world initial mortgages the krai and osіb, yakі mayut іnozemne clumsiness, without hulkiness, bіzhentsіv, migrants, yakі independently mastered all the necessary obhіdny obshіtnої program and may have admission to the DPA.

2) GVE zdіysnyuєtsya for the help of writing and sleep - texts, topics, zavdannya, tickets, tests - for all uchnіv spetsialnyh sredneosvіtnіh installations of the closed type, among those who carry punishment at the sight of free will, that people with good health I.

As far as the appointments themselves, then the decoding of the ODE is in the offensive - "The main state sovereignty". Vіdpovіdno, GVE - tse "Stately released іspit". The stench is the language of language for all students, if they finish the 9th grade, and they add up to the tasks of two language subjects (mathematics and Russian language) and two disciplines to choose from.

What is GWE?

This format of a single state sleep is formed by the ninth-graders and the eleventh-graders, who may be obezhennya behind the camp of their health, or they are trained in special mortgages of the closed type. Reshta well, if you do not have problems with your health, pass the GIA at the OGE for standard tests (KIM).

However, the same fate of management is already transmitting changes in the system of governments. For example, DIA (ODE) 2015, the date should not be known earlier than 25 May from all obov'yazykovyh subjects and not earlier than 20 April from other. All information about the ODE will be published by ZMI and on the official websites of the lighting management bodies until 1 April.

Change in DIA 2015 (ODE)

In ODE 2015, change your mind and the most famous certificate of maturity. Now, for yoga, it is necessary to add up no less than a couple of drinks (two shoes and two vibrators) with a rating no lower than “pretty good”. Until then, the mathematics of that Russian language, like before, are immutable until the end. Other academic subjects are individually selected for dermatological studies and make up a mix of twelve disciplines, including ODE s English language Key words: physics, chemistry, computer science, geography, modern science, literature, history, biology, German, Spanish and french movie. As far as the DIA procedure is concerned, the structure of the materials used and the quality of the experience itself will remain unchanged.

In this rank, ODE and GVE - tse, in fact, two names of one infamous process of folding graduation drinks, the use of which is only used in insignificant positions.

Z 2014 Roku Vyprekhovniks of the Girls, classes of the Rosiysk Shkil in the oven order, passing the sovereign of PIDSUMKOV ATESTASIA (DIA) at the format of the main sovereign іspita - Open, so often di -nasye to those in the offices of the same 'yatyklassniki' in the word "isp" vikoristan in alone, the whole test - chotiri: obov'yazkovі for all mathematics and Russian and two subjects for selection.

What is the difference between ODE and GIA

DIA - the main control of the knowledge of graduates over the basic state programs of the middle (grade 11) or the main (grade 9) global education, which is carried out to check the level of qualification of mastering the primary programs of federal standards.

ODE - is the main of the three forms of DIA conducted for graduates of the 9th grade. In fact, it is an analogue of the EDI for the 11th grade students. The abbreviation ODE is deciphered as “the main state sovereignty”, so that it is obov'yazkovym for all students of the ninth grade. At the boundaries of the attestation, there is a re-verification of the knowledge of schoolchildren, taking away the entire hour of schooling at the secondary school, starting from the fifth grade.

Additive form GIA-9

GIA in class 9 can also be passed in the format:

  • GVE (sovereign graduation test), which is carried out as a sleep or a letter of testing from zastosuvannyam vouchers, texts, various assignments for ninth-class students, as it was written:
    • in vipravnih installations of a closed type;
    • beyond the borders of the Russian Federation;
    • on the territory of Krimu in 2014-2018,

that is for students with the opportunity to improve health.

  • in a special form, established by the regional authorities of the Vikonavchoi government - in such a way, DPA 9 is carried out for those who, within the framework of the global lighting program, have developed the national literature of the language and form for the sub-bag attestation and sleeps with the native language of the letter and/or literature.

How to pass ODE

Usіspiti DIA 9 will be held in schools for a single distribution, folded by the Ministry of Education, and will begin no earlier than 25 May (the deadline for the pre-stroke period, which will start on April 20). Promіzhok between obov'yazykovymi іspitami not be less than two days.

ODE begins on the 10th wound, but come to the PPE (point of the examination) is required until the 9th. Participants are given sets of KIM (control materials for testing - blanks from assignments). Let's follow the instructions for explaining the general procedure for testing the rules for formalizing the work.

In addition, as all examinations fill in the registration fields and the organizers revise the correctness of the entries, the hour of the cob and the completion of the writing is deafened - it is fixed on the information stand, or simply on the doshtsi. Tilki after all, proceed to work.

Trivality ODE

Subject Trivality to sleep
standard for participants with disabilities
Physics 3 years (180 hours) 4 years 30 hours
Literature 3 years 55 quilin (235 quilin) 5 years 25 hours
Russian language
Informatics and ICT 2 years 30 quilin (150 quilin) 4 years old
Chemistry (with laboratory work) 2 years 20 quilin (140 quilin) 3 years 50 hours
Geography 2 years (120 quilin) 3 years 30 hours
Chemistry (without laboratory work)
Foreign movies (crime distribution "Speaker")
Foreign language, "Speaker" 15 whilin 45 hwilin

Trivality GVE

Suspіlstvoznavstvo 3 years 30 quilin (210 quilin) 5:00
Literature 3 years (180 hours) 4 years 30 hours
Physics 2 years 30 quilin (150 quilin) 4 years old
foreign movies
Informatics and ICT
Maths 3 years 55 quilin (235 quilin) 5 years 25 hours
Russian language

On ODE in Russian, you can use spelling dictionaries, on mathematics - with formulas (materials can be found in KIM), and the axis of calculators is fenced. For vikonannya zavdan s literature is allowed to read up to according to the texts artistic creations.

It takes no more than 10 days to recheck the examination papers. The results in the first points are then translated into a 5-point system.

Admission to sleep

Vіdpovіdі be entered to a special form, which looks like this:

Zaovnyuvati yogo treba, inscribing the correct digits and words - everything should be deposited in the same way as the task itself was formulated.

Creativity zavdannya on kshtalt written creation, as in the first and third parts of the ODE from Russian,

vykonuyutsya on the form number 2:

There is nothing supernatural and non-separable in the ODE. Food in the exam KIM will be stored in a similar way, as if propagating the Institute of Pedagogical Training for training and preparation, so you can fill your hand and clear the gaps in knowledge. An hour for more is enough: demos are published with open access for rіk to іspitu - u serpni.

Terms, months and procedure for filing an application for participation in the DPA

Apply for the fate of DIA-9 are submitted up to 1 month(Inclusive).

Applications are submitted:

Firstly, as they mastered the mainstream lighting program of the main global education, in organizations, as they may receive state accreditation for a major lighting program, - in the organization for the education;

Навчальними, які освоїли освітні програми основної загальної освіти у формі сімейної освіти, або які навчалися за освітньою програмою основної загальної освіти, що не має державної акредитації, – в організації, які здійснюють освітню діяльність за освітньою програмою основної загальної освіти, що має державну акредитацію, in such a school, pass a sovereign pіdsumkovu attestation by an external student.

If the 1st date of the one who is being trained is entitled to change the change of appointments in the application, as well as the form of that line DIA-9, only for obvious important reasons, documented. . For this person, it is necessary to submit an application to the state examination committee no later than two days before the start of the final examination.

Prestrokovy period

Participants of the GIA-9, who do not think it is possible for good reasons, documented, to pass the GIA in basic terms, can pass the GIA in pre-stroke period, and not earlier than 20 April

Predatkovy period

Participants DIA-9, if they did not pass the sub-bag attestation, or they took unsatisfactory results, they hope to have the right to pass the GIA-9 with the most important primary subjects in the additional period, and not earlier than 01 April.

Form documents for participation in DIA-9:

Submit for a remote examination, change or annul the results

Submit for a distant trial and a distant annulment of the results

Participants of DPA-9, whose results were canceled for violation of the order of the DPA, can re-pass the DPA at the pre-admission period, but not earlier than the 01st of the spring of the stream period.

Rules and procedures for conducting ODE

Zagalni vіdomostі

The mastering of the basic education programs of the main international education is completed with the obov'yazykovoy state sub-bag certification (further - DIA) of Russian language and mathematics and two subjects on the choice of academics.

Sleep on a choice are given from such subjects: literature, physics, chemistry, biology, geography, history, social science, foreign languages(English, German, French and Spanish movie), informatics and information and communication technologies (ICT), as well as native to my country among the peoples Russian Federation That Litheaturi people of Rosiyskoi federal mobs of the number of people are federal federal (for quiet, hut, to be behind the obstacle signs of the mainly obsolete, they knitted mowers of the same vibratye for the Prikhneta for the Prikhneta Ta (AM)

At the same time, the organization of lighting activities for the lighting programs of the main global lighting is based on the differentiation of the cost of improving the lighting needs and interests of the students, as they ensure the destruction of the education of children primary subjects, предметних областей відповідної освітньої програми (профільне навчання), організація індивідуального відбору при прийомі або переведенні в державні та муніципальні освітні організації для здобуття середньої загальної освіти з поглибленим вивченням окремих навчальних предметів або для профільного навчання допускається у випадках і в порядку, передбачених законодавством суб' єkta Russian Federation.

At the same time, the authority of the vikonavchoi government of the subject of the Russian Federation, which is the sovereign state administration in the field of education, has the right to see regional regulatory legal acts that regulate the procedure for admission to the profile class. Appointed normative legal acts can transfer, in addition, the results of the DPA from the primary subjects to the primary subjects of the same profile. The illuminating organization does not have the right to independently establish its power.

DIA is carried out in the forms - the main sovereign іspitu (dali - ODE) and the sovereign graduation іstu (dali - GVE).

ODE- the whole form of state sub-bag certification for the lighting programs of the main global education. Under the hour of the ODE, control materials of a standardized form are selected.

GWE- the form of the DPA in the form of written and written letters and voicings of texts, themes, orders, quotations.

ODE members

Before DIA, academics are allowed, so as not to be academically obscured, the primary plan or an individual primary plan (which can be used in the beginning of the initial plan for the IX grade is not lower than the last one) is allowed. Participants of ODE є:

Scientific Authority of Organizasy, the number of Inozemni Gromyani, individuals without enormousness, the number of SPIVVITCHRISHIKS FOR CORDON, BIZHENTSY TO VIMUSENSI, YAKI have mastered the main softening of the field, full-time, and in-and-time forms, and such the programs of the main indoor lighting in the form of family education or self-lighting are allowed in the streaming roci to the ODE.

Organization of application for participation in DPA

To participate in the ODE, students need up to 1 birch (inclusive) of the deadline to submit an application with the transfer of the selected primary subjects that year for the processing of personal data (obov'yazkova umova) to the organization.

An application for participation in the ODE is submitted to the registration office, designated by the OIV and published on the official website of the OIV until 31 December of the current date.

The application is appointed to be filed by scientists especially on the basis of the document, which certifies their person, or by their fathers (legal representatives) on the basis of the document, stating their person, or by the affirmative persons on the basis of the document, which is established in the customs order

The layout of the interviews and the necessary information about the order of the ODE are published on the official website Federal Service in the field of science (obrnadzor.gov.ru) and OIV of the subject of the Russian Federation.

On the 1st day of the current fate, learners may have the right to change (additional) changes in the appointments of the applicant’s patients only for the presence of important reasons for them (illnesses of other conditions, confirmed by documents). In which case, students must submit an application before DEC for the designated change of primary subjects, with which wines they plan to pass the DIA, that reason for changing the previously declared change. An application is required to be submitted no later than a month before the start of drinking.

Specifically, the decision about the chances and the unimportance of the cause of change (additional) by the participants of the ODE, the transfer of the main items assigned to the applications, was made up to the competence of the DEC of the subjects of the Russian Federation, as it is accepted by the skin participant of the ODE OK.

Children with disabilities and those with disabilities, as they learn from the limits of health, for the right to pass the DIA at the ODE form.

When submitting an application, students with reduced health abilities should submit a copy of the recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission, and children with disabilities and those who are being trained, - the original, or certified in the prescribed manner sovereign establishment medical and social expertise.

Conducting ODE

On the day of sleep, a participant of the ODE arrives at the point of sleep (PPE) no less than 45 minutes before the first cob.

A member of the ODE to enter before the PPE is only for the presence in a new document, which zasvіdchuє yogo person, that for the presence of the yogo in the lists, I rozpodіlu from the PPE. If there is no document in the participant that certifies the person, that person confirms the supporting type of the illuminating organization, which is the fault of the admissions to the DPA.

At the day I sleep, the participant of the OGE is guilty of his mother with his own gel, or a capillary pen made of ink in a black color.

On іspitі z rosіyskoї ї movi odee participant is allowed to koristuvatis spelling dictionary, seen by the organizers in the auditorium, the Dictionaries are hoped to be enlightened by the organization of education, such as organizations of the PES, which are organized by the organizations, the students of which are folded in the PES. Koristuvannya with special spelling dictionaries by the participants of the ODE has been fenced.

During the experience of mathematics, a participant in the ODE is allowed to use a line with her mother. Dovіdkovі materials, scho to avenge the main formulas of the course of mathematics in the study of basic education programs (hereinafter - dovіdkovі materials), the participant of the ODE will take away at once from the examination materials. Koristuvannya with special advanced materials by the participants of the ODE was fenced.

During the study of chemistry, the participant of the ODE is allowed to use an unprogrammed calculator with her mother. The periodic system of chemical elements by D.I. Mendelev, the table of variability of salts, acids and bases in water and the electrochemical series of voltages of metals, the necessary laboratory possession of the ODE participant is taken at once from the examination materials.

During the study of physics, a participant in the ODE is allowed to use an unprogrammed calculator with her mother. The necessary laboratory equipment is taken away by the participant of the ODE at once from the examination materials.

On the basis of geography, the participant of the ODE is allowed to use his mother with an unprogrammed calculator and a line. Geographical atlases for 7th, 8th and 9th grades are based on the organization of the PPE, or on the basis of the organizations of the PPE, or on the basis of the organizations, the students of which are put together by the PPE. Koristuvannya with special geographic atlases by the participants of the ODE was fenced.

On the experience of biology, the participant of the ODE is allowed to use the mother with a line, an olive and an unprogrammed calculator.

On the basis of literature, the participant of the ODE is allowed to compose texts of artistic creations and selections of lyrics.

At the day of sleep, the participant of the ODE is protected by his mother with his own communication, electronic calculation equipment, photo, audio and video equipment, supporting materials, letter notes and other information saving and transmission.

The participant of the ODE goes to the information stand (or is sent by the organizer), places the lists of distributions for the audiences, and determines the audience, where the wines are distributed to the audience. The organizers will welcome the participants of the ODE at the accommodation in the auditoriums, in which they pass the time.

На вході до ППЕ співробітники, які здійснюють охорону правопорядку, та (або) співробітники органів внутрішніх справ (поліції) спільно з організаторами перевіряють наявність зазначених документів у учнів, встановлюють відповідність їхньої особи поданим документам, перевіряють наявність зазначених осіб у списках розподілу на даний ППЕ.

At the entrance to the auditorium, the participant of the ODE will learn from a specially seen in the auditorium the special speech, the crime of which is allowed for speaking in speech.

The participant of the ODE borrows a working space in the auditorium vidpovidno before the held rozpodіlu. The change of the working place is fenced.

Until the beginning of sleep, the participant of the ODE will be instructed, that hearing information about the procedure for conducting the exam, the rules for completing the examination work, the validity of the sleep, the procedure for filing appeals about violations of the established procedure for conducting the ODE, and about the bad weather with the points given, about the failures of the last hour, and the tax that area of ​​knowledge of the results of the ODE. The organizers inform the students about the fact that the entries on KIM for the ODE, texts, themes, orders, receipts for the GBE and the blacks are not processed and are not revised.

The organizer in the auditorium provides the participants with ODE examination materials (KIM, forms for recording testimonies, black marks, permission to select final materials, laboratory supplies (for consumption)). The participant of the ODE checks the completeness and accuracy of the other examination materials. As a participant of the ODE, you show the school or the lack of completeness of the examination materials, you are sent to the organizer for the selection of a new set of examination materials.

At the request of the organizer, the ODE participant fills in the registration fields of the forms. The organizers check the correctness of filling in the registration fields of the examination work by the students. After that (upon completion of the completion of the registration fields of the examination work by all scientists), the organizer will announce the ear of sleep, and fix the hour of the ear on the doshtsi (stand), then the participant of the ODE proceeds until the end of the examination work.

Even though the form for acknowledgment to the zavdannya with the open letter of resignation did not get a month, the participant of the ODE asks the organizer for a supplementary form. The additional form is seen by the participant of the ODE for understanding the completion of the main form from both sides. If so, the number of the supplementary form, the organizer assigns to the front form of the requisition for the order with the open requisition. A participant in the ODET can, with victorious work, win blacks and wear badges in KIM.

For an hour I will sleep on the work table of a participant in the ODE, the crime of examination materials, maybe more:

· A pen;

· A document certifying a person;

· Koshti, allowed for voicing on the _spit_ z deyakyh subjects;

· Liki and eating (if necessary);

· Special technical assistance (for students with disabilities, children with disabilities, disabled people).

Other speeches of academics are left out of a specially seen audience in the area for special speeches of academics.

Under an hour of sleep, the participants of the ODE do not think of the right to speak one with one, to freely exchange the audience with that PPE. The participant of the ODE is allowed to go out for an hour of sleep from the audience with the permission of the organizer, the PPE moves - at the escort of one of the organizers. When leaving the audience, the participant of the ODE fills in the examination materials and blacks on the work table. Blame from audiences and PPE examination materials or photographs taken.

Participants of the ODE, yakі admitted disruption to the order of the conduction of the DIA, are seen from sleep. For which organizer of the public would like to request an approved representative of the DEC, who will write an act of resignation from sleep and

violated the procedure for conducting DIA, s PPE. The appointments of the act of the same day are sent before DEC for the form and the hour of processing the examination work. As the fact that the participant of the ODE violated the order of the exam is confirmed, the DEC makes a decision about the annulment of the results of the participant of the ODE from a special primary subject.

If a member of the ODE outside the camp is healthy, or for other objective reasons, you cannot complete the examination work, then you can deprive the audience of wine. At such a time, the organizers should ask a medical practitioner and an approved representative of the DEC, who will draw up an act on completion of the trial for objective reasons. The participant of the ODE was given, for the bazhanny, it is possible to add up the reserve days from the object, before the spread.

For 30 minutes and 5 minutes before the end of the night, the organizers inform the participants of the ODE about the closing of the end of the day and tell them about the need to transfer the dates from the blacks to the arches (blanks).

After the end of the test, the organizers will voice the end of the test and take the examination materials.

Participants of the ODE, yakі completed vykonannya ekzamenatsiynoy ї work before the announcement about the end of the test, may have the right to build її organizers and withdraw PPE.

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