Fіpі solution oge z geography. Demonstration options for geography. Change in demo versions of ODE from geography

FIPI EDI, ODE 2020 and 2019 free download


The only sovereign іspit (ЄДІ)- centrally conducted in Russia and sleeps in the middle initial mortgages- schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, the form of conducting DPA for educational programs of secondary education. Serve at the same time as a graduation exam from schools and an entrance exam to universities. At the beginning of the hour of holding a sleep in all the territory of Russia, the same type of work will be carried out, and the same methods for assessing the quality of the vikonanny. As soon as I sleep, all the participants see evidence of EDI results(sometimes they are called certificates in some places), where you can remove the balls from subjects. Since 2009, EDI is the only form of graduation examinations at school and the main form of entrance examinations to universities, with the possibility of re-folding EDI at the onset of fate. .

The main sovereign іspit (ODE)- Tse obov'yazkovy іspit after graduating from the 9th grade of a secondary school in Russia, an analogue of ЄDI for 11th grades. Serve for the control of knowledge, learning for 9 years, as well as for admission to lay the middle professional education (colleges and technical schools). One of three forms of DIA.

DIA - Derzhavna Podsumkova attestation is a form of state control (estimation) mastered by graduates of 9 (10) and 11 (12) classes of the main foreign lighting programs of the main foreign and middle foreign education is up to the federal state lighting standard of medium foreign education.
Sovereign summation attestation of graduates of 9 (10) classes is carried out in the form of a single sovereign degree, as well as in the form of state graduation degree.
The State Pidsumkova attestation of graduates of 9 (10) classes is carried out in the form of the main state examination (ODE) with the selection of control materials, which are the complexes of the standardized form; for other categories of osib - in the form of letters and vowels with variant texts, themes, zavdan, vouchers (sovereign graduation іspit), vykonannya of which allows you to establish the level of mastery of the federal state standard of the main foreign language.



Documents have been submitted that signify the structure and the collection of control materials for the single sovereignty:
- codifiers of the elements of change and sufficiency until the preparation of graduates of the ceremonial lighting installations for the conduct of a single sovereign event;
- specifics of control materials for a single state experience;
- Demonstration options for control materials of the single sovereign state.

Zavantage EDI 2020(Demovir qi, specifications, codifiers)
Statement about changes in KIM EDI 2020 (144.1 Kb)
ENGLISH MOVA audio (24.8 Mb)
German MOVA audio (24.3 Mb)
FRENCH MOVA audio (8.3 Mb)
SPANISH MOVA audio (26 Mb)
CHINESE MOVA audio (16.1 Mb)
Rules for filling in the forms in the ЄDI u 2020 (2.4 Mb)
Russian language (3.3 Mb)
PHYSICS (3.6 Mb)
BIOLOGY (5.2 Mb)
HISTORY (6.6 Mb)

Zavantage EDI 2019(Demo versions, specifications, codifiers):
Statement about changes in KIM EDI 2019 (271.1 Kb)
BIOLOGY (2.9 Mb)
HISTORY (4.8 Mb)
Russian language (1.9 Mb)
PHYSICS (2.2 Mb)


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Documents have been submitted that signify the change of control materials for the main sovereignty (ODE):
- codifiers of the elements of change that could be up to the level of training of students, as they mastered the main education programs of the main education;
- specifics of control materials for the conduct of the main sovereign education from the educational subjects of academics, as they have mastered the main educational lighting programs of the main educational education;
- Demonstration options for control materials for the main state education in the field of education, as they mastered the main education programs for the main education in the field of education.

Zavantage ODE 2020(demos, specifications, codifiers)

ODE 2018. Geography. Typical test tasks .

M.: 2018. - 176 p.

The authors of the task - learned that methodology, how to take an uninterrupted fate in the development of control vimiruvalnyh materials ODE. A helper to revenge 14 options for typical test tasks of the Main Sovereign Sleep 2018. The appointment of a helper is to train practical learners during the preparatory period for the Main State Sleep 2018 in the 9th grade of geography. The collection included a report on the selection and review of all the tasks of one of the options, and the opinion on all test options was given. Instructed for re-verification and evaluation of robotic scientists. A selection of appointments for teachers and methodologists, who prepare students for the Basic state education, as well as for self-training and self-control of students of the 9th grade of the main school.

Format: pdf

Rozmir: 28 MB

Watch, download:drive.google

Entry 4
Option 1 5
Option 2 15
Option 3 25
Option 4 35
Option 5 45
Option 6 54
Option 7 62
Option 71
Option 9 80
Option 10 89
Option 11 98
Option 12 108
Option 13 117
Option14 126
Option from the selection of the date 136
Vidpovidi 149
Option 1 149
Option 2 151
Option 3 153
Option 4 155
Option 5 157
Option 6 159
Option 7 161
Option 8 164
Option 9 166
Option 10 168
Option 11 170
Option 12 171
Option 13 173
Option 14 174

This helper of appointments in order to give a statement about the structure of the work of the ODE from geography, to know about different types of tasks, so that they can learn to sleep, work out with them. On all orders, a confirmation was given.
2 years (120 minutes) are added to the exam papers in geography. Examination of the ODE robot in geography is folded for 30 days of a different level of folding.
In the skin version of the examination work, the tasks are included, as if they are reviewing all the main divisions in the course in school geography of grades 5-9, the best way is to study the materials of the course "Geography of Russia".
First of all, it is recommended to repeat the design of the previous material.
In the examination work, there is a lot of work, yak it will require zastosuvannya knowledge: reverify cleverly analyze geographic information, spivvіdnosti knowledge of that vminnya from different courses in school geography with life proof; in situations close to real life. Therefore, when preparing to sleep, there was no need to separate the repetitions of the material laid down by the assistants. When preparing for sleep, it is impossible not to add a part of the hour of repetition of geographical nomenclature - the position on the map of the most important geographical objects.
When vikonannі training zavdan obov'yazkovo koristuetsya maps of school atlases, to show good, like cards in them є і with vikonannі such types of task stink can be vikoristani.
At the time of writing, it is allowed to write geographic atlases for 7th, 8th and 9th grades, lines and unprogrammed calculators.

ODE from geography is one of the experiences that graduates of the 9th class put on their choice. This subject is not included in the category of popular, it has its own peculiarities. Sound, what discipline to rob those who plan to learn from the 10th grade of a higher profile. Why is it important to study geography for schoolchildren? Geography overpowers the presence of specific features, which cannot be reduced to simple disciplines. Shchoroku schoolchildren, yakі took away their subject, slander on the bottom of folding: work from tasks, vykonannya task for the installation of evidence, for knowledge of the map. How not to repeat their pardons.

  • Work with a card
    Poor knowledge of cards is a typical problem for most schoolchildren. For the knowledge of the peculiarities of the distribution of geographic objects, you can visconat richly zavdan. Obov'yazkovo saw the hour of the wedding of the card.
  • How to revise the task?
    Geographical tasks may have their own specifics, but they need some basic knowledge of mathematics - let's think, proportions. Vivchit formulas, yakі dopomozhut vykonuvat different tasks for the algorithm.
  • Incorrect requests for food
    Obov'yazkovo read the nutrition to the end! Through lack of respect, examiners often lose the essence of nutrition, obviously, they give wrong and wrong.
  • Low level of terminological literacy
    Geography is one of the disciplines, as it is possible to understand the majestic kіlkіstyu, terms, designation, stench can be either geographically or in relation to other sciences. It is necessary to remember the terms for those who do not understand the word of the task can re-baptize the possibility of a successful solution.

Before the structure of sleep, there is a task of different levels of folding: basic, advanced and high. First part - tse primary tests, if it is necessary to choose the required option, in case of inconsistency. In order to successfully pass this part, it is necessary to respectfully repeat the theory for the rock of learning. The head of the high eve, the cherishing of the head, the fire of the fire

objectivity at rozpodіlі zavdan on "lungs" and "folding" - the basic rіven for bagatioh less "reception", lower high.

On the basis of those vartos, will I especially respect the hour of preparation?

The most important topics for schoolchildren are the following: economic regionalization of Russia, especially the development of industry and the economic development of regions. The economics of the country and the physical, political geography of Russia are recommended to add more strength to that hour, the shards of these dominate the test plants.

In preparation for the subject, smut is systematic and regular training for a given plan. Repeat all the materials, starting from that “Earth is like a planet”. Give respect to the hydrosphere, lithosphere, atmosphere and biosphere, natural resources, work with a map, features of continents and oceans.

"Virish Ode of Geography" - online tests of disciplines that will help you improve your knowledge and train to master the knowledge of a different level of folding, to master your knowledge in practice.

Vіdpovіdі ta sіshennia – Demo version ODE 2018 GEOGRAPHY project

1) Brazil. Amazon lowland (Amazonia) near the basin of the Amazon river.
The Greatest Land (more than 5 million sq. km)

2) Estonia
From Belarus only land
Mongolia has no instructions to the seas
And Japan is an island power

3) Transbaikal

Already at the same time, atmospheric pressure is being installed here. Winter in the mid-girsk gorges is not so cold and dry, when it falls it is not rich, and the droughtiness of the sony syava is greater here, lower near Yalta and Kislovodsk. Navit weak winds at the same time are rare.

4) Republic of Pivnichna Ossetia - Alania

So like Kaliningrad and Arkhangelsk region, Chuvaska republic of roztashovani on imminent places. And the Republic of Pivnichna Ossetia - Alania for its geographical location be known in the gіrskіy oblastі.

5) Kemerovo region, because there is a coal pool there.

6) Wrangel Island, because there is a reserve "Wrangel Island" (you can look at the atlas)

7) Rostov region (look at the map), rocks in other places

9) MP = Im.-Em => 482-186 = 296

10) The center of the cyclone on the map is indicated by the letter H (low pressure). Blagovishchensk is located near the region of the cyclone.

11) Blagovishchensk (marvel at the map) Poruch from a warm atmospheric front.


13) For the month - spring 2011 in the Republic of Bashkortostan, 41,708 births were born, and 41,401 people died.

Because the creation of the population includes people and death.

14) Mont Blanc.

Look at the atlas.

Suggestion: Mont Blanc

15) Solution:

Chile is located near the contact zone of lithospheric plates.
Here you see the closure of two lithospheric plates

17) Marvel at the map. Lipetsk has 508,585, Novosibirsk has 1.511 million, Pskov has 205,062.

18) It is known that the church was dzherelo, vimiryuemo stand with a line, take away the number multiplied by 100.

Validity: 400; 410; 420; 430; 440

19) Dzherelo to know more vezhі => pіvnіchnіshe.

Suggestion: Z; Pivnich; at the pivnіchny

20) Solution:

It is best to choose a dealership 2. You must know the name of the landowner.
schili the order of the highway, handily bring the apple to the place

21) 4, so it starts from the heights, like about a hundred more, fills the urns, ends on the heights about 108.

22) Looking at the map of the Vologda Oblast local science. Known in the European PivnochіVіdpovіd: 1

23) Solution:

We need to know about the presence of forest resources in the region.
Apply good advice
Tse vyrobnitstvo spramovane on forest resources, with which the Vologda region is provided.
Near the Vologda region there is a lot of wood, necessary for the production of timber

24) 3) Trans-Baikal Territory

2) Sverdlovsk region

1) Republic of Karelia

25) A) We kindly ask you on the shores of Lake Teletskoye - gіrskoї pearls with unique beauty!

Vidpovid-3, because Teletsko lake roztashovane in Altai.

B) We kindly ask you to the Valdaisky National Park - the "pearl" of the middle smog of Russia! Have mercy on the beauty of Lake Ilmen!

Vidpovid-4, because National park Valdai roztashovaniy near the Novgorod region.

26) With a horizontal strike, I strike at the bottom of the most recent breed, and at the top of the youngest.

27) On the climatogram, the temperature change line on the graph shows the temperature increase to the cherry, which indicates the pivnichnu pivkul. The equal amount of fall is characteristic of the Black Sea coast (B).

28) The data of coordinates show that from Sortavala to Ufi we are collapsing on a direct exit. At whom the whole amplitude is directly increased. Amplitude - the difference between the highest and lowest values. With a mathematical calculation, minus by minus gives a plus:

16.4 − (−9.8) = 16, 4 + 9.8 = 26.2 Sortuvala

17 + 11.9 = 28.9 Vologda

19 + 11.6 = 30.6 Balakhna

19.5 + 15 = 34.5 Ufa

Virniy Visnovok At Sergius.

29) Kut fallinnya promenіv fall in latitude, where the settlement is located. For Pivnіchnoi pіvkulі (and go about it), which is more pіvnіchnіshe, the lesser kut falls. Let's put the settlements per month from the most populous to the most populous:

1. Sortuvala
2. Vologda
3. Balakhna
4. Ufa

Vidpovidno, vіdpovіd - 1. - Sortuvala.

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