Good bath for nig. Hydromassage baths for nig. Rating of the best baths for nіg

Updated: 05.12.2019

By stretching our life, our legs will recognize strong ambitions. We walk a lot, hurry up, wear a pick-up and it’s not handy. It is not surprising that the supper at the feet appears tom and bil. Take the pressure off, relax more with hydromassage for the help of a special bath. For whom neobov'yazkovo see beauty salon. Today you can buy a bath for nig in stores and enjoy the procedure of a booth. Koshtuє such an attachment is inexpensive, but the effect is naughty. To find out if the baths of the buyers are better, read our article.

Baths for nig

There are a lot of biologically active points on the feet of a person, which can be massaged positively on the internal organs. Under the hour of hydromassage, m'yazi and zv'yazki relax. Tse spryaє lowering in the tomi, changes in swelling and pain in the legs.

How to take a bath every day for twenty quills, you will always feel lightness at your feet. This procedure can be done at home, but for the sake of efficiency, nothing can be done to professional massage.


If you regularly vicorate baths for nigs, you can speed up the appearance of colds and illnesses. nervous system, migraines. Masazh nіg after the working day, building to give relaxation, calm. Also, hydromassage should be evaluated by those who suffer from sleeplessness. It will be especially dear to people who lead a low-rise way of life, or, on the contrary, spend the whole day on their feet.

Problematic swamps will be helped by infrachervone viprominuvannya. After a victorious bath, the skin of the feet will be smooth and soft. After the procedure, you can take up to a pedicure. The cuticle will become soft, and it doesn’t matter if you see it.


Vikoristannya hydromassage may have a low contraindication. Before them one can see trophic virazki kіntsіvok, slackness to thrombophlebitis, high temperature, pіznі stages of varicose veins, sickness of the cardiovascular system, supra-mundane bloating.

They know very well that they spent only the first hour in the bathroom, and then they simply put them to fall with a saw on the police. Deyakі povpci vpevnіnі, scho pristry marno, do not vartuє their pennies and only borrow the road space for saving.

Rating of the best baths for nіg

Rating #1 #2 #3
Efficient cleansing and relaxation
Yakіst sbirannya
Ease of vikoristannya

Vitek VT-1389 - richly functional massage bath for feet. Koristuvach can choose from several types of massage: vibro, hydro, acupuncture and bulbous massage.

3 different nozzles are added to the bath: a roller, a kilimok and a nozzle that wraps. It is possible to improve the bottom, which will bring even more satisfaction during the procedure.

The bath improves self-feeling, improves the tone of the whole organism. Mechanical carving, 24 points of carving.

Exhaustion - 143 W. The color is white and blue, take trochs (2 kg).

Є 3 modes: hydromassage + heating + bulbs, heating + massage + infrachervone viprominuvannya, heating + massage + bulbs + hydromassage + infrachervone viprominuvannya.

  • can vikoristovuvati without water for dry foot massage;
  • on the days of the bath - massage hairpins;
  • compactness;
  • victoriousness.
  • galasliva;
  • during the day, run water in hydromassage mode;
  • non-handed rotting of the massage head (in the middle).

A bath of German virobnits. Indicated for procedures that relax, but not for toning.

It is equipped with 16 built-in magnets, which determine the function of magnetotherapy. This procedure promotes the energy supply of cells.

Magnetic therapy has a contraindication, so before taking a bath, it is necessary to consult a doctor. You can also have a hydromassage at the bath.

Three modes of operation: water, bulbs and vibro. Massage roller can be seen.

Attachment of equipment with a spray water spray. For a greater health-improving effect, we recommend adding arnica, rosemary and sea strength to the water to reduce bleeding.

To do this, take a bath with thyme and lavender. Keeping an eye on the outhouse is not important.

To finish simply rinse the bath under running water with a soft cleansing aid (for example, with otstom). Then it is necessary to increase the vortex regime without water in order to dry the dimar.

  • high brightness;
  • german virobnitstvo;
  • durability and ease of operation;
  • temperature adjustment on one level;
  • good relax;
  • magnetotherapy;
  • stimulates blood flow.
  • Nezruchno raztashuvannya massage roller.

This model has a high functionality. Іnfrachervoniy pіdіgrіv priyає poshchenniyu krovoobіgu, razslablennyu.

acupuncture bottom, electronic keruvannya. You can have a pedicure at the bath.

The set includes two nozzles with pumice stone, 2 rollers for foot massage, 2 brushes. The attachment automatically fades after 30 minutes after being upgraded.

6 modes of operation: combinations, ozonation, infrared heat, massage with the help of a water jet, jacuzzi and vibration massage. The maximum power consumption is 140 watts.

White color with blue.

  • 3 nozzles for massage;
  • pristry pіdіgіvaє water and podtrimuє temperature on one level;
  • 6 modes;
  • remote control;
  • display;
  • water is poured out with one push of a button.
  • vapour;
  • takes a lot of time.

This innovative spa bath for women is equipped with a color therapy mode and a massager that wraps around. Maє two programs, scho tryvayut 15 strands - relaxation and tone.

The effect of the first option is to bleed the nozzles for reflexology. The color of the lightening in the relaxation mode is black and green.

Tonization is also available for additional special attachments. In this regime, there is an orange and a red color.

Offended feet can be massaged at the bath at once. Attachment vikonu 5 types of massage.

  • on the day I will attach є massagers, which are wrapped;
  • nozzles yakіsnі, effektivnі;
  • function of holcoreflexotherapy;
  • stylish ergonomic design;
  • color therapy;
  • zruchnіst exploitation;
  • it is easy to keep an eye on the butt;
  • vykonu pedicure feet;
  • bulbs;
  • pіdіgіv;
  • nozzle made of natural pumice for peeling;
  • at the body there is a special vіdsіk for picking up nozzles.


  • the attachment not only improves the temperature of the water, but also improves the temperature of the water;
  • at the bottom of the bath, roztashovani nozzles-rollers;
  • important is not rich (2.2 kg);
  • the base is not forged;
  • quiet;
  • reliability of exploitation and observation;
  • low price;
  • cap for zahistu vіd brizok;
  • receiving a good-looking look.
    • No regulation of massage intensity


    To determine exactly what kind of hot tub is right for you, consult with specialists. For whom you want to go to the beauty salon or massage. In the same place, you can review some of the outbuildings on the vlasnym dosvid. Please check the model number without any modes, remote control remote care, automatic podigrivom drive and progumovannym nizhkami, yakі zabezpechuyut stіykіst konstruktsії.

    An important factor in promoting a good physical self-confidence is turbot about legs.

    Feeding is more relevant for both the woman and the human half of the people, even a fast paced rhythm. daily life zmushu prikoryuvatisya and quiet, th іnshih. People hurry up, add significant help to the solution of various problems, and a lot of girls go through life beautifully - on high jumps.

    It’s such a sight, obviously, hostile. But what if the little ones are stunned, if in the evening they sound the handy room chapels? Wtom. Nagromajen. Cho messed up. I often post.

    Zasib for home relaxation

    Efficient annex for the recovery of the day's turbulent forces, as well as a reception procedure for relaxation and miraculous zasib - hydromassage baths. The melancholy and ill will of such outbuildings has long ceased to be a good food, even if it is a lot of virobniki in order to put your product on the competitive market as much as possible. positive capacities. Such extensions are attached to the name, to that which is familiar to the modern design style. The stench is good at victoria and does not lose any special knowledge. This functionality is available to those who do not love or do not know how to deal with technology. Enough to dial the driver and turn on the attachment at the fence. I, obviously, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the instructions, if only to understand all the possibilities of miracle technology.

    The melancholy and the Skoda of which are actively discussed by the supporters of this product, are recognized for good health talk. This is a good help for the little ones who are tired, and the miraculous ability is not only acceptable, but also improve self-esteem, increase strength, restore health.

    Vlastuvannya hydromassage bathtubs

    What is a hydromassage plastic container of singing form, equipped with:

    • an attachment for heating and controlling the maintenance of a comfortable temperature;
    • with a pump;
    • aerator, the function of which is the power of the wind;
    • nozzles, roztashovanimi on the days of the bath and zdiisnyuyut water supply.

    Deyakі hydromassage baths, melancholy and shkoda of such people, who care about their health, are equipped with additional nozzles, which expand the range of their abilities.

    An important factor is the tightness of the bath. The greater the її indicator, the more quickly the necessary temperature of the water heater. The lid of the bathtub is supposed to protect the view of the brizok, so that after the procedure it was not possible to take care of the cleaning.

    When you come to the hot tub, you need to protect a number of details: the buttons on the control panel are to be turned in such a way that you don’t have to cheat at them. Therefore, it is recommended to choose a model, for which the buttons can be moved by foot or remotely.


    The main function, like a whirlpool bathtub for nigs, is tse, which vibrates with a path inflow of rotting on the day I will add special thorns. Some models are equipped with an acupuncture surface, for additional massage, they work on biologically active points, which are on the feet.

    Masazh can be used like bulbs, rubbed, and water streaks. Obidvі procedures bring neimovіrne satisfaction. Once again, with the power of shtovhuyuchis at the tows of the water, creating strained vibrations, as if they penetrate deeply at the fabric. This kind of activity activates a rush of blood and normalizes the exchange of speech. Having poured in shots of water, which are served under a singing vice, there is a positive effect, not only for the soaking of the legs, but also for the body.

    Added capacity

    A hydromassage bathtub for people, ideas about the possibility of such a bath, come with such a brown outhouse rich in comfort, and can also be equipped with magnets. The field created by them is indicated for carrying out procedures for mucosal and subglobular pains, as well as for the recovery of the whole organism. In some models, there are infra-red lamps, the vibrancy of which is pleasantly felt on the shoulders, and also increases the elasticity and improves the blood flow. Such hydro-massage baths, the melancholy of such a shkoda as an important topic in the nutrition of healthy people, can be treated like filling with water, so without it: the result in both vipadkah will be positive.

    The hydromassage procedure is recommended to be done while sitting. In a first step, a pose is given to allow maximum relaxation and satisfaction with the relaxation of the procedure. In another way, such extensions are not covered by great vaga, to stand up in them.

    melancholy that Skoda

    What is the blue hydromassage nig? Given a procedure that is gaining more and more popularity to be carried out in the home minds:

    • help you see what you have accumulated;
    • znimaє swollen;
    • normalization of blood circulation in tissues;
    • boosting immunity;
    • improve the health of the whole organism;
    • see the sights;
    • novlyuє fabrics and cells;
    • speed up the exhilaration of cold manifestations;
    • relieves headache;
    • change the bіl in the swamps;
    • relaxes m'yazi and zv'yazki;
    • relieve spasms;
    • charge energy;
    • improve mood.

    Average dryness hydromassage nіg to become 15-20 hvilin. Narazi whole vystachaє on otrimannya maximum cost for wet organism. After the completion of the procedure, those who have recovered should be wiped dry with a towel and covered with a life-giving cream.

    Hydromassage bath: a burden for the body

    Kinsky chestnut is effective in cases of frequent bloating. It is sometimes recommended to add water to the water at times of increased drinking. Chamomile will be brown for a sensitive skin. Zastosuvannya essential oils transform the healing procedure into a reception session of aromatherapy. Before speech, many models of hot tubs are equipped with containers for cosmetic products, Scho for spozhivachіv є duzhe zruchnym factor.

    Contrast for legs

    For the advice of lovers of hydromassage, increase the body tone and improve blood flow, add contrast For this procedure, a couple of baths are needed. It is necessary to remind one of them with hot water, the other with cold water. Legs alternately zanuryuvaty one leg, then a friend. After the procedure, if carried out no more than 2 times a day, it is necessary to wipe it dry with a towel.

    Hydromassage does not only help you, but it may also cause medical indications.

    Actively victorious in reflexology, pouring into the points, which are recognized for the functionality of the life of important organs.

    Contraindications for home hydromassage

    Gidromasazhna Van for NIG, the core of that shkoda as a loving Temoy Bagatookh households, is available from the gesture not by the viburnum we will hunt the snakes of his healthy. Fungal infections, malignant injuries, manifestations of allergies, wounds on the legs, swelling - factors, for which the next step is to massage. With great care, it is recommended to vicorate this procedure in case of vaginess, as well as damage to blood circulation. In case of varicose veins, pain in the swollen areas, circulatory diabetes, consult a doctor.

    Behind the guards of being calm, start to control your self-consciousness after taking a bath. When the procedure is damaged, it is necessary to apply.

    Massage baths for the feet and legs are a miracle treat for the day after a folding day and physical adventures. For the help of a bath, you can take a break, put the skin in order, clean the blood and remove the m'azovі zatiskachi. The models of functionality, number of additional options, sizes and prices are divided.

    Hydro-massage baths for massage of the nіg є єmnіstyu, vykonanoyu z mіtsnogo plasticity. At the same time, rollers for mechanical massage are installed, but they begin to crumble when switched on with the frequency set by the mode.

    Refresh baths for nіg on:

    • contrast. Vikoristovuyut hot that cold water, scho lead to a reduction in blood circulation, zmіtsnennya іmunіtetu;
    • Tonic. Aromatic oil is used in such devices. For additional vibrations, that bulbous swells up on the blood-bearing and lymphatic judges, the tone of the m'yaziv rises;
    • Purifying. Under the hour of the procedure, it is necessary to clean the skins from the cornified particles for the help of special shields;
    • Likuvalny. Apparatus mayut іnfrachervony mode of work and k_lka modes of hydromassage.

    Regardless of the type of equipment, they follow a single principle. Vibration massage is carried out by whirlpools of water. Deyakі models mayut embossed bottom and additional gum rollers. Your movement manages the health effect on the whole organism. Іnfrachervone viprominyuvannya expands judges, improves blood flow and swells.

    Jacuzzi mode, which is present in most models, knows that, tones up and improves the shape of the skin.

    Indications and contraindications

    Attachments for massage are considered to look after the skin of the skin, preventing the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and the improvement of the immune system. The procedure, vikonana in home minds, does not compromise on the effectiveness of professional massage and may have its own indications and contraindications.

    • Parts of a cold;
    • Illness of the nervous system;
    • Migraines, headaches, confusion;
    • sleeplessness;
    • Illness of ships;
    • Filthy camp shkiri nig;
    • Illness of suglobiv;
    • Revtom.

    Vikoristovuvati the bath is fenced, as follows:

    • Є supra-world swelling;
    • Illness of the heart was diagnosed in the chronic stage, crisis;
    • Presence varicose veins pіznіh stages;
    • Thrombophlebitis was diagnosed.

    As the temperature of the body is elevated, it is not recommended to conduct massage sessions for them. So varto utrimatisya in the course of the sessions for the improvement of the month after the slopes.

    What do you pay attention to when buying

    Vikoristannya hydromassage baths - not only a procedure for taking a bath, but also a session of physiotherapy. Choosing a model, follow the respect for a few important moments:

    • Number of regimes. Raznomanіtnіst allows vikoristovuvaty apparatus for raznogo opratsyuvannya;
    • Possibility of carrying out dry massage. This function allows you to conduct sessions without a driver;
    • Possibility of adding oil, herbs, salts to the water;
    • Stability. The device is to blame for the mother’s progumovanie nіzhka and not kovzati on the surface of the pіdlogi;
    • The tightness of the evil opening;
    • Special nozzles. Yakshcho the kit includes different nozzles plus;
    • Rosemary. The main advantage of a home massager is compactness, more often than not, the advantage of a light and small model;
    • The trade mark is that country virobnik. Vіd cyogo deposit yakіst goods that line yogo ekspluatacії.

    Krіm tsgogo, varto turn respect for the sprat of brown options:

    • Vibration massage. The presence of this regimen strengthens the massage effect, increasing the strength of vibration and the influx of water flows on the foot;
    • Pidhriv vodi. Mode vіdpovіdaє per pіdtrimku pіd hour session water temperature at a given level;
    • Magnet. Introducing magnets to improve blood flow and lymph in vessels, activate the process of moving home from interstitial space, reduce pressure;
    • Timer and remote. Zruchne keruvannya - smut at the massager for women, it is allowed to switch between modes, choose the intensity of the work and set the trivality of the session.

    When buying, do not forget about the warranty. Do not choose models with a warranty term of less than 6 months. Most budget-class devices have a guarantee for a river, and expensive ones - 2-3 years.

    A look at the best massage machines

    Top best budget

    The price for a budget line of massage therapists for women varies from 1200 to 3200 rubles.

    Beurer FB14 Average varity 1900 rubles. The bath is equipped with hydromassage and vibromassage modes, pіdіgrivu vody. May change modes and allow you to beat olives, salts, and herbs. Until the nedolіkіv vіdnosit nezruchnіst konstruktsії and folded pіd hour mittya.

    Another good model with an average price of 1700 rubles is Supra FMS-101. May have the option of driving, protected by a special cover from the breeze. The kit includes massage rollers that are used. Apparatus vikoristovuє pіd hour of robotic pukhirtsevy and vibratsiyny way of massaging the feet. There is a strong noise up to the waters.

    Polaris PMB 0805 is also popular. The price of the device is close to 2000 rubles. The hydromassage bathtub is equipped with infrared lamps, built into the bottom, and automatic water heating. There are three modes of operation:

    • Vibration with infrared processing;
    • Puhirtsevy massage with infrachervonim pidgriv;
    • Vibration massage with black water and infrared treatment.

    Attach a cover that protects the view of the breeze. From a short period of koristuvachi, the noise of the massage roller is unhandled.

    The Scarlett SC-FM20101 model boasts great functionality. The average price is 2000 rubles. Complete with replacement massage nozzles and mechanical rollers. Standard massage modes - bulbous and vibrating. The additional plus of the model is the infrachervoniy pіdіgrіv and the handy keruvannya.

    Top expensive models

    Prices for a richly functional massage outbuilding can cost 20,000 rubles, or you can buy a good model of a neobov'yazkovo stained glass window and a lot of money.

    Behind the bags of the past fate, the leading massage attachment for women is Beurer, model FB50. I will build an average varity - about 7500 rubles. The device is used in three standard modes with water, as well as in the mode of dry foot massage. The complete set is supplemented by change nozzles, an electronic display, a timer and the function of automatic heating of water (up to 50 ° C) every hour of the session. 3 additional options - budding magnets and infrared lamps.

    Another model, yak otrimala bagato good reviews- Medisana FS 885 Comfort. Warehouse I will add storage close to 6500 rubles. This apparatus is suitable for people with large (up to 46) leg sizes. Equipped with an auto-heating water heater (up to 48 ° C), a timer and a breeze blower. The kit has rollers for massaging the inner part of the foot and for the mechanical support of the foot. The device can be used for dry massage procedures. Nedoliki - no vibrating and bulbous massage regimen.

    A larger budget option is HoMedics FS-250-EU. You can get a device for 5000 rubles. Resetting the autopilot on the days of the bath allows you to adjust the set temperature during the entire massage session. Also, the bottom can be covered by acupuncture for greater relaxation and effective treatment. From the dermal side it is ruffled in pairs of rollers. The device operates in three standard modes. It can be used both for massage with oils and oils, and for dry massage. From the additional advantages, it is significant that magnets and infrared lamps are used.

    Good vidkuki may also be a hydromassage bath VES DH 75L with an average price of close to 8000 rubles. The standard package includes 3 nozzles: brushes, massage rollers, what do you know, and pumice stone. The device works like a vibrating and bulbous massage, equipment with a jacuzzi function and a pedicure. Maє zahist vіd brizok and zruchny electronic display.

    Ideally lower price and quality

    A good and practical massager is AEG MSS 5562. The price for a new one in stores is on average 3500-4000 rubles. The splash on the feet appears for the help of bulbous and vibratory massaging. Attachment can be used for mechanical dry roller massage. From the additional advantages - infrachervone automatically boosts the drive, puts in gum rollers and that cover, which will help the spraying of the drive for an hour of work. The bottom of the bath can be covered with acupuncture.

    The Ves DH50L model (the price is close to 4000 rubles) can also be reduced in price and quality. The top of the bath is covered with acupressure ledges, which create an additive infusion on the reflexogenic areas of the feet. There are three standard operating modes: vibrating, bulbous and massage rollers. The automatic piping of the water allows you to trim the temperature at a given level. The complete set with a bathtub has a pumice stone, a pair of nozzles for peeling, a brush.

    A popular device for hydromassage procedures Bosch PMF 2232. characteristic of rice- good tightness and three massage regimens: turbomassage for additional bulbs and vibrations. The standard package includes such accessories as a massager, a pumice stone and a brush. The device can automatically control the system, protect it from a breeze and autopilot drive.

    Hydromassage baths are a practical and practical replacement for spa treatments at home.

    Technique for beauty and health is not good for anyone who does not have a lot of free time to watch salons, but if you want your mother to look at your feet. When choosing a model, the varto depends on the purpose of the choice, the necessary functions, as well as the practicality and reliability of the device. A lot of attachments can change nozzles, as well as the possibility of connecting batteries. This option allows you to spin the bathtub without electricity, or on a fresh air. Schodennі sessions will help to improve the blood flow, for this reason, you will get swollen and swell the whole organism.

    After a busy day, trivial sedentary work or intensive walking, little ones, that weary, necessary repairs, turbota and watchfulness. Specially designed for this hydro-massage bath, they will help you to get in your head, increase the swelling, reduce blood circulation, and look at your skin at once. Massage baths can be taken at home, the stench is affordable, portable and handy for regular monitoring of the legs.

    Efficiency of a regular whirlpool tub:

    • reduced consumption of drinkability;
    • znyatya nabryakiv;
    • removal of salts and slags;
    • reduction of blood circulation;
    • prevention of varicose veins;
    • I will become shkiri;
    • relaxing effect;
    • preparation before the pedicure procedure

    I’ll use a sprig of the one I see for massage, which are worried about their main effect:

    1. With jubilant action. Massage is carried out with the help of special rollers, which such a bath has. In addition, the whole equipment of the kilkom is equipped with massage modes, which give a different kind of jubilant and relaxing infusion. Suitable for arthritis and varicose veins.
    2. With contrast effect. In outbuildings of this type, there is an alternate supply of warm and cold water, which gives a good effect on the judge, improves the blood flow, and removes the bumps. A contrast bath is not only suitable for curing the body, but also for reversing varicose veins.
    3. With a tonic effect. Know the voltage, that's why, improve self-feeling. Sound like this baths transfer additional herbal extracts, aromatic additives and ethereal oils. Vykoristovuyutsya for hygienic and cosmetic purposes for the help of additive attachments, getting ready for a pedicure. Nozzles are abrasive platforms, brushes and nail files.

    How to swell with a hydromassage bath?

    Hydromassage bathtub - ce attachments, which are used in measurements, wines with heat-resistant plastic and equipment of impersonal functions and additional options for massage, luxuriant and watching procedures. The principle of work and fitting is simple - the bottom of the bathtub can be swollen for foot massage, nozzles are placed there, which wrap when the attachment is turned on. On the partition in the center of the bath there are buttons for the control system, as well as ports for nozzles and additional cosmetic tools. For additional buttons, you can set the combination mode, which will be the first time you see a massage, or choose one of the programs.

    See nozzles

    Nozzles - tse spetsіalnі znіmnі pristroї for nadannya likuvalnyh і cosmetic diy. A lot of different nozzles expand the functionality of the attachment.

    1. Nozzles-rollers. Mayut cylindrical shape with bulges. Such rollers need to be rolled with your feet, for which massage is carried out.
    2. Kulkovi. Vikonanі in the form of a round drum with a textured surface, while wrapping softly pour in.
    3. Pumice nozzle. On top of the nozzle of vikonan from pumice, її recognition - the removal of shkir, which has deadened and coarsened.
    4. Shield. Assigned for cosmetic observation, may help to improve and improve the effect.
    5. Sponge. Nozzles of this type are necessary for regular inspection of the skin of the feet.

    Main operating modes

    1. Hydromassage or, in other words, massage for additional water jets. Tse - the main program of the bath.
    2. Vibration massage. The effect of the jacuzzi and the additional vibration to the body of the bath. The texture of the bottom of the container creates an additional massage effect.
    3. Dry massage. May be on uvazі procedure, yak vykonuєtsya without giving water.

    Krіm main programs, massagers are equipped with additional elements:

    1. Display showing data about water temperature, current program, faults.
    2. Remote control panel for switching modes;
    3. Timer, what to tune;
    4. Іnfrachervoniy viprominuvach, necessary polypshenya krovoobіgu;
    5. Ozonizer that disinfects water;
    6. Magnet, for the relief of heaviness in the legs and the improvement of blood circulation.

    Better inexpensive and budget baths

    The most affordable, simple massagers, equipped with the main, most necessary functions.

    Atlanta ATH-6411

    Inexpensive bathtub with jacuzzi effect, equipped with three massage programs. I will add acupuncture to the bottom and special smoky bulbs to provide additional massage and prepare feet for a pedicure. The compressor is blown by high pressure, mechanical control. The kit comes with 7 attachments, which are used. Medium varity - 1497 rubles.

    Atlanta ATH-6411


    • vibration massage function;
    • vidsik for additional accessories;
    • garna of the quality of materials of construction;
    • longevity;
    • arrogance.


    • not revealed.

    Scarlett SC-FM20101

    Nadiya ta mіtsna bathtub from a popular company, with a high level of safety. The hand-shaped construction respects the ergonomic design, it is equipped with humic feet to change the forging. The management of the attachments is simple, the bottom of the bathtub may be massaged. Dodatkovі modes of massage vibrate and rub with bulbs, and the mode of infrared heat improves health. The massager is well suited for regular relaxing procedures and cosmetic care for the skin. The kit includes nozzles (shield, bag, pumice stone). Average price - 1880 rubles.

    Scarlett SC-FM20101


    • the bottom of the bath is equipped with massage rollers;
    • change nozzles in the kit;
    • 3 programs.


    • over a short lace cord.

    That light hydro-massage bath with mechanical massage is good, which improves the circulation of blood, effectively squeezing that pressure from the m'yaziv. At the annex there is a vibrating and bulbous massage. The bathtub is equipped with a vbudovannym mode of temperature control, in the design there is a burial chamber for manual water heating. Average price - 1920 rubles.


    • acupuncture bottom;
    • znimny visor, which protects the view of the breeze;
    • dodatkovy massage roller.


    • Under the hour of work, I see noise.

    Polaris PMB 0805

    This model provides three modes of massage - vibrating, with infrared heat and bulbous (jacuzzi mode). The design is equipped with an additional massage roller, as well as with a visor for spraying the water. Management of the bathroom is mechanical. Middle vartist to become 1940 rubles.

    Polaris PMB 0805


    • three budding massage programs;
    • pіdіgrіv i pіdtrimannya water temperature;
    • embossed bottom;
    • suitable for great expansion legs.


    • vіdsutnya vіdmіka admissible vіvnya vіdnya;
    • non-hand rotashuvannya central massage roller;
    • high rіven noise pіd hour of work.

    A richly functional hydromassage bath, which has three massage programs - the ultimate hydromassage, bulbous and combinations. May I have introduced the function of maintaining and maintaining the optimum temperature of the water. In addition, the facility is equipped with an infrachervonim viprominuvache for carrying out luxurious waterless procedures. Medium varity - 1960 rubles.


    • vіdpovidnіst tsіni i akostі;
    • superstructure;
    • ease and simplicity in management.


    • there is no possibility of switching modes.

    Rating of yak_snih bathtubs with mechanical controls

    Such bathtubs exude high arrogance, as well as simple controls.

    Inexpensive and simple model popular brand, which exudes nadіynіstyu and yakіstyu. There are three kinds of massage - bulbous, vibrating and combinations. Є the water bottom heating function has been set. The average price is 2799 rubles.


    • the possibility of massage without a driver for the help of the vibrating elements of the bottom;
    • dovgovіchnіst that naіynіst priladu.


    • high level of noise.

    The massage bath is complete with electric pumice, which does not only help to relieve stress, but also improves health. Attachment may add to the function of heating, water level indicator, and also the ability to change the massager’s skill. The kit also comes with a manual massager for the body, chotir and change nozzles, and electropumice for removing rough parts of the skin. Medium varity - 3400 rubles.


    • efficiency;
    • temperature boost function;
    • dry massage mode;
    • Vir effect for foot massage.


    • low density of the material of construction.

    Yakіsny prilad nemetskogo vyrobnitstv appointments for cosmetic watch over the legs. Krіm vbudovanih basic modes of bulbous and vibratory massage attachments equipped with a motorized pedicure center with three nozzles, brush, pumice stone and massage rollers. The high sides of the structure are afraid of breezes. Medium varity - 3900 rubles.


    • rich functionality;
    • elegant design;
    • hardness of stagnation;
    • effective relaxation.


    • low tension (65 W);
    • neruchno raztashuvannya nozzles.

    Vikonana in white and golden design, bathtub provides spa massage and color therapy. Є two vbudovanі programs - spramovavana on razslablennya that tonіzuyucha, z vikoristannym spetsіlnyh baits and pіdsvіchuvannya, scho farbuє water in black and orange colors. The design of the bath allows you to massage both at the same time. The kit includes a pumice nozzle for peeling. Average price - 11 399 rubles.


    • function of heating the water and maintaining the temperature;
    • low noise level;
    • receiving design;
    • five nozzles in the kit.


    • vіdsutnya angry water;
    • high varity.

    Rating of the best outbuildings with an electronic type of keruvannya

    All of them are premium class, which are distinguished by high accuracy of stitching, wide functionality, a large number of additional accessories and, as a result, high quality.

    HoMedics FB-350-EU

    Inexpensive universal premium-class bathtub, with a handy shape, containing about 20 liters. lead, zavdyaki what suits women and men. The design of the massager is foldable, which increases mobility. Medium varity - 3790 rubles.

    HoMedics FB-350-EU


    • gel support for nig;
    • mіtsniy silіkonovo-plastic case;
    • availability.


    • More than one robotic mode.

    HoMedics FS-250-EU

    A foldable bathtub for hydromassage, which exudes simplicity and portability. It is equipped with a special massage bottom, on the sides of which there are additional padded rollers for massage. May I introduce the Anti-collapse blocking system, as well as the program of magnetic therapy. The design will be attached to the vikonan with silicone, equipped with a special opening for pouring water. Medium varity - 4990 rubles.

    HoMedics FS-250-EU


    • three robotic modes;
    • waterless massage program;
    • autopilot system;
    • two pumice nozzles in the kit;
    • receiving design.


    • see the noise at the hour of work;
    • don't be afraid of the brizok.

    Hydromassage bathtub with a push-button control system, equipped with a display and a timer that allows you to set the hour of the procedure. I will build a construction of a vikonan made of micaceous plastic, maє acupuncture bottom. It provides two types of massage - pukhirtsevy (jacuzzi) and vibration massage, so you can go with roller massage. Average price: 6450 rubles.


    • high tension (390 W);
    • infrared lamp with bactericidal effect;
    • additional high-quality pedicure tips in the kit.


    • easy watch over the outhouse.
    • water was not transferred.

    This is a compact and richly functional attachment of a German company that ensures standard massage, as well as dry with aromatic oils. Equipped with 8 infrared lamps, electronic temperature control function, timer, for adjusting the hour of the procedure and display. Average price - 7200 rubles.


    • the bottom is equipped with additional rollers;
    • autopilot function;
    • accessories for pedicure


    • high price;
    • vіdsutnіst zlivu vodi.

    Spa massager, who can have a large number of functions, which allows not only preparing feet for a pedicure, but also knowing that, normalizing arterial vice and speed up metabolism. Model zdіysnyuє chotiri program massage and dodatkovy, point. The kit includes sim nozzles and a DC remote control. In addition, add a timer and a display. Mid-range - 19,900 rubles.


    • stiffness at zastosuvanni;
    • noiselessness;
    • wide functionality;
    • ozone water sterilization system was installed.


    • attachment is not enough ergonomic.

    How to choose the right hydromassage bath?

    A trace of memory, which is attached to it, regardless of all its prevails, and the mass of core functions, may have its own contraindications. Therefore, before the appointment of a masseur, a consultation of a physiotherapist or a physiotherapist-beautician is necessary. Choosing a hydromassage bath varto protect the main criteria:

    1. Vbudovanie modes and programs. The larger the number, the wider the functionality I will build and, as a result, the efficiency and the melancholy of the congestion.
    2. Selection of herbs and other varieties. Only the deacons of the massager can give a design for this.
    3. Zahisny goat. Necessary for zabіgannya rozbrizkuvannya drive that safe and comfortable vikoristannya pristroy.
    4. Gummed bottoms. You will need for zahistu vіd forging and vipadkovy inverting fit.
    5. Replaceable nozzles. Yakіsnі nozzles of raznomanіtnyh forms to supplement the main set of programs and allow robotic cosmetic inspection.
    6. I'll build a rosemary and a vaga. The dimensions of the attachment are not due to problems when choosing a place for storage.
    7. Vіds_k for merezhego cord. Yogo manifestness to add the necessary clarity.
    8. Opening up for the evil of the water.
    9. Brand-maker, popularity of the brand, number of positive feedback from buyers.

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