What a sight of the island on the line of life. What does the point on the line of life mean on the left or right hand. How to decipher the line of life in detail

The line of life zgіdno z palmistry - tse potik life energy. Like there is, people are alive, they are developing. If there are problems with it, then the normal life interruption is destroyed and people are brought to life, to succumb, to stick.

Life - tse low podium, problems. Virishyuchi one problem, people go to іnshoy. Zavdyaki tsyomu vin develops, otrimu novichku, change її priynyattya. To come out, that life forms and changes the mind of a person, її svetoglyad.

Dovzhina line of life

A lot of people, starting to read palmistry, to believe in the myth that the life line of life is poured into the trivality of the life of a person. That is why people vvazhayut that a short line of life means a short life, a long line of life should be given to people, like a long life. We call it wrong.

On a short line of life, the life of a person can stretch for 50 years, and on a long line of life, the life period of a total of 35 years. Vinicate nutrition. Why in some lines of life is long, and in others it is short? Vidpovid tse pitanya clumsy.

The long line of life does not signify the trivality of a person's life. Vaughn povyazani z almost hour chi subjective priynyatti podіy zhitti people. A short line of life shows that in a person, it is almost a little guilty for an hour. Such people, as a rule, rottenly relax, often get awake. Stink badly planning your hour.

Comrade's line of life

Wide line of life. Broad lines on the valleys sound indicate the necessity of processes, calmness and evenness of energy overflow, for yak stinks they give. Vіd tsego to deposit and podії, pov'yazanі z prozhennâm ієї energії.

A wide line of life indicates those who are living in a normal mode, they are less active. Everything is going according to the plan, go forward. Therefore, it seems like they are important, heady under the life of a person, the stink does not greatly change the wild life of life.

Vuzka line of life. Vuzki lines on the valley to speak about the strimkіst, shvidkіst podіy development, the flow of life energy. The vuzka line of life shows that the life of a person develops in an accelerated regime. Particularly, as a back to back, we bachimo a wide line of life, and then we won’t go over to the high line. Sound the defects and such lines to interrupt the quickenings of the flow of life energy, to that the person will endure warmly, emotionally react to them.

Surface line of life. Head characteristic surface lines - tse lack of energy and її rozsіyuvannya. The price is worthy of the line of life. The superficial line of life points to those who are lacking in life energy, so a person can be sloppy, weak and instill ailment in this period. Life is not going well, like a vin hotiv bi. A lot of energy goes to the undesirable blue, you get a rose.

Deep line of life. Glybokі liniї to speak about akіst, povnotu and navіt about transcendental energy. The deep line of life points to the great potential, the fullness, the richness of life energy. The sound of this period is characterized, for us, by good health, fragility, active rank life. Podії chi defects pa linії do not greatly contribute to the interruption of life energy. Zavdyaky somu people do not feel great discomfort with the appearance of new important approaches in yoga life.

Defects on the line of life

The defect of the line of life is the tse podia, which is observed in the life of a person. The shape, size, specificity of the defect when interpreting gives information about the psychophysical state of the first hour of the change at this subdivision. The date line allows you to set the date, hour, if the trip was done. As if you are choking on palmistry, in the first black, you are guilty of learning how to interpret whether or not there are defects on the line of life.

Defects on the lines, otherwise the head and important under the life of a person, destroy even such a weak interruption of life energy. That is why, as a rule, a person can get out of reality and fall into a stupor. Depending on the nature of the person and її specific behavior, the consequences can be different.

Exploring the line of life

Zzvichay іz tsim defect pov'yazanі rich mіfіv. Look out for them, it’s a filthy sign, which may always talk about death, lethally insecure. It's really not like that. Rozriv on the line of life is a true negative sign. Tse means that the normal interruption of vital energy has abruptly interrupted. Nastav zriv, the flow of life energy now does not flow normally through a pipe, but a channel. Vin non-control.

Rozryv on the line of life zavzhdi may have the effect of failure. Tse mozhe buti like an unfortunate fluctuation, svіlnennya s work, death close people and etc. Such a defect in the line of life often develops in women, as they were heavily stale in a person and in their life there was a lack of separation. For them, tse means failure. However, in order to unambiguously determine what happened to the life of a person, it is necessary to clarify the defect by analyzing other lines. For whom it is necessary to conduct a date line and look at them for a period of time, if there is a gap on the line of life.

There are fluctuations, if the line of life breaks and two її vіdgaluzhennya diverge to the side. When tsimu є small line, yak zadnuє їх. Tsya sign helps to negatively affect the line of life. Zvichay tse means that there is no negative podia, as a person has become in life, she has beaten її z kolії for some hour. Lyudina didn’t need to go through stress for a long time, or in a shock situation. Another help sign is the presence of a square on the line of life.

A square on the line of life is a chicken, as a stream of life energy. Wanting to go was unstoppable for a person, there is a small reserve, a plan for exit from the situation.

Rozriv іz rekrittyam

Finish the cicava sign, which is easy to interpret. Rozriv s overlapping lines of life can be both positive and negative. If you have any kind of temperament, then you carry in yourself the nature of incompetence and difficulty. Ale, people who are troubled by difficulties, you can get a life of good fortune, or you can throw up your hands.

Itself rose from overlaps on the line of life of tyings from these two vipads. Sound smoothly to reveal, as if it were the very sign of the two powers of this defect. For which it is necessary to carry out an analysis of other lines, as well as a future analysis of the next lines.

Island on the line of life

Island on the line of life - the whole period of upliftment, stagnation. We are afraid that the normal interruption of life energy will be disrupted. As the speed of the stream is great, then the island is majorne, the sign of the life of the people. The negative value will increase. At a glance, if we have a wide line or a superficial one, the island changes little the speed of the flow, then it’s clear that we don’t carry a strong vanity.

Most of the islands on the line of life indicate weakness, sickness, stagnant life energy. At a glance Qigong is the disease of the physical body.

Square on the line of life

The square has more vipadkіv may have a protective function. To that, the line is afraid of another defect, it will smooth it out. If we can expect a square on the line of life and there are no other defects here, then the square no longer carries a positive function. Tse already overworld. Therefore, it is logical to take into account that this function is now surrounded. Under the exchanges, the social framework begins to sound. You can also study at a university, a likarnya, an army, a military school, a military school, a monastery, etc. Clarify and specify the meanings to help interpret other lines.

Crosses and little stars on the line of life

Crosses and little stars are the main characteristic for all lines. The price is worthy of the line of life. And here the stench characterizes the official official. In our life, energy enters into the energy of the people that are opposite. Vіd tsgogo blame problems. That's why stars, crosses on the line of life are negative signs. Zovnіshnі chinniki zavazhayut normal rhythm of life. People, enemies, etc. can act under the external factors. Zirka, ring out, there is more negative meaning.

Krapka on the line of life

Krapki play a lesser role for the head lines on the hands. It is due to the fact that points on other rows of lines do not have a great informational pressure. Krapka - tse depression on the line. Such a point can be taken away, as if pressed onto a line with a bag handle. The specks are similar to the islands, but there may be more negative significance.

Krapki on the line of life - open it in the channels, like the flow of life energy. Yakshcho reveal that through qi open life, energy flows like a jet and falls from the heights, if it is correct alignment. Krapki on the line of life - these unfortunate fluctuations, as a rule, are associated with health. Sound - tse fall from height, zі shvidk_styu thinly. In other words, everything that is tied up from the ground. The biggest negative sign is a black dot. In this mood, we can say maybe about 90% of the omnipresence of the unfortunate mood in the life of a person.

Another negative sign is a dot in the end of the line of life, or the end of the line of life. Mayzhe 99% of such depressions mean infrequent depressions, resuscitation just.

Sister's line of life

One of the most attractive signs is the visibility of the line of life of the other line, as I will instruct from it. At the palmistry, start to speak to that person who is accompanying the people with a guardian angel. Most of the time, a person will always have a supply of life energy. Tse pov'yazano z tim, scho entrusted іz zavzhdi є htos, who can give you support, guardianship, intercession.

Cіkavo, scho sister's line of life can mean like a person in a physical world, in reality, just like a person's luck. You can stay behind for the help of people of greater strength.

Rice, inspiration in the line of life

Figure є pereskodoyu for the normal course of energy, like a flow along the line. What are the lines of life and blame. Let's take a look at them.

For whether or not there are pictures on the line of life, you can show them straight away, thinking through your fingers. It is important to note that the line (directly) passes through some kind of hillock area, the picture may be positive or negative.

Sound the little pictures to make one of the two straight ahead. Tse straight to the hump of Jupiter and straight to the hump of Saturn. Therefore, the significance of rice for these two vipadkіv is clear.

Straight rice on the hump of Saturn. Saturn may be negative in to this particular type. Risochka, directed to the hump of Saturn, pointing to spend, watch, problem. Rice symbolizes someone else's life energy, as if it knows somewhere. Tse can but waste loved ones, separation, waste of a patron, waste of money. Those who know the runes, sing along that this little picture is similar to the Nautiz rune. Tsya rune consume. To this we call the line - the line of consumption.

Directly on the hump of Jupiter. Jupiter may be positively significant in times. The little picture, which can go straight to Jupiter's hump, indicates the coming, the top, the top of the problem. To the main life energy, someone else's life energy is added, as it supplements it to help the main course of life energy. Most of these lines mean the arrival of an apartment, the purchase of a house or a car.

Straight to other hillocks. In times, if we cannot point directly to the two descriptions of the pagorbi, then the little pictures are interpreted in a standard way. And then the stink of the chi chi vlivu from the side of other people. The leather risochka symbolizes the song of the people. Vzaєmini іz it can create problems.

Vypadki traplyayutsya, if there are defects on the rice itself. Since the risi themselves mean people, then defects and them give power to these people. Most often, there is a flutter, if there is an island on the rice. For more vipadkiv, this configuration means a close person, like an ailment. Ale tse zavzhd so. Therefore, you can talk more about the imovirnіst such a podії in the life of a person.

Infusion lines

Instructions from the line of life can be buti іnshі drіbnі іnії. Qi lines are called inflow lines. The line can go in parallel with the line of life, here you get closer to it, and here you move away from it. In some vipadkah, you can go after her, or just go overboard. Skin such a line means an external factor, as a rule, human. Tse people, how to pour into the life of people. Tse can be patrons, partners, close people.

At the places, the line is getting closer to the line of life, the people are getting stronger. Obviously, the line of the line of life, the line of the line of inflow, are moving in it, symbolize the period of life, if the inflow of the old official changes.

Peretin with the line of life means a strong relationship, as it can be positive or negative. It is necessary to clarify a specific type with other signs, for example, interpretations of other lines.

It is also obvious that there is a fall, if the line is inflowing with the line of life. Partnership, club, friendship - these are the main meanings of such signs. For most vipadkivs, such a sign on the shoulders of women means friendship.

"Comets", lines of difficulty. Below the hillock of Jupiter is the inner hillock of Mars. The deyakі chiromanti call yoga the "evil" hump of Mars. Tse z tim, scho from the humpback can go lines, yak_ tread the line of life. Qi lines in palmistry are called lines of difficulties. This interpretation is richly significant. Such lines can symbolize important hours, waste, failures. At the main flow of life energy, the energy of Mars is brought in, as it negatively pours into it.

Let's take a look at the other defect, which is seen on the line of life. We have already discussed that points on the line of life may have a negative meaning. Sound, tse folding hours, problems z zdorov'yam. As we bachimo not just a point, but also a small line, or small lines, like entering a point, we may be on the right with a comet. This is the name of the speck with “hairs”, needles that come out of it. Such illumination is similar to a comet. In palmistry, like astrology, comets may have a negative meaning. The "hairs" of a comet are called a tail. Sound the tail may go straight to the inner hump of Mars. Comets talk about surgery, medical intervention. Imovirnistst of this value is greater than 99%, so we consider the value may be more reliable.

These are the main defects, yakі you can see on the line of life. Specific defects like a stake, pentagrams too thin. we can't see. Takі osvіti dosit rіdkіsnі. Most often, pentagrams are the fruit of the fantasies of the ruler of such a valley. Qi pentagrams є overlays of several other row lines, as well as the head line. That stench є zvichaynimi risochki. Under these risks, one simply walks.

Looking down into the line of life

Falls are guarded, if in the line of life there are going to be galleys, they can be straightened down, so even to the hillock of M_syatsya. It can be said that in the main flow of energy, another flow is being recreated, which is going to be killed. Tse gassing that change of life energy. It means that life has such a thing that changes the life energy. The interpretation of such ideas has not been unequivocally determined. But the statistics show that 80% of the depressions in the life line down, in the base of the valley, є ailment, medical damage, and 70% of the depressions in the hills Mіsyatsa є global moving, as well as long trips.

End of the line of life

The line of life begins between the hillocks of Jupiter and Mars. You can end it like in the middle of the valley, so in the base of the valley. For the first time, we can right out of a short line of life. Qiu has already been discussed. To that, we can look at the vapadok of a long line of life and that will be the end of it.

The line of life can be rounded in the mother's city and go to the hillock of Venus. So it can end up between the hillocks of Venus and Moon. It’s also a fluke, if you won’t go to the Mіsyatsya hillock at your end. It is necessary to look at three points and give them an interpretation.

The end of the line of life on the mountain of the moon. In classical practices, that palmistry is important, which is a sign of a distant move from the other half of life. I believe the world is right. True, the rulers of such a line of life may have a lot of changes in life. The stench often perebuvayut at trips. This does not include the trip across the ocean for thousands of kilometers.

The end of the line of life in the middle of the base of the valley on the hillock of Venus. If the line of life ends in the middle between the hillocks of Venus and the Moon, then in the life of such a person there are also frequent trips. Ale їх is less rich, lower at the first drop. The cost is to change life.

Finished on the Venus Hillock. If the line of life ends on the hillock of Venus, you can say that it’s important for you to adapt and simply not like perezzhdzhati, mandruvati. Even rarely wines move from one place to another.

Date that hour on the line of life

The line of life is the main line on the valley, and, later, we can learn to work on the date of our forward. There is no single method. Є zagalnі change your mind that respect. Possibly, in the future, with a detailed analysis, stating the impersonal facts, it will be possible to create a single method, but so far it has not been created. To that we are pleased with tim, scho є, і tim, scho pratsyuє.

Rules for the appointment of an hour on the line of life:

1. The hour of the line of life is read down to the beast. The period of childhood, youth is under the hump of Jupiter, the period of life from the 21st year to 40-45 years under the hump of Saturn, part of the line of life, which is lost, symbolizes the period of life after the 50th year. Tse zagalne interpretation. Vaughn is zastosovna, if the line of life is not sharp and steep to the base of the valley. For gentle lines of life, and also quiet, so that the sharp vigin can be broken to the base of the valley, this interpretation is specified.

2. Short lines of life, which end in the middle of the valley, are not interpreted for additional interpretation, induced by rule 1.

3. Okremі dіlyanki іnії zhittya moyut vlasny scale. Until the end of the line of life, the smaller fragment of the line of life for the old one symbolizes a longer period, lower on the cob. In the future, more people will live past, and not today's future. To that approach, closer to a frail age, they seem to be an insignificant world.

4. On the line of life, signs appear, as if they changed the life of people. These cardinal changes. The stench fills up their trail for a trival hour. Tilki after the fainting, rethinking of the stench can come from life through the rocks.

5. If it is correct and successful to date the date for the line of life, then all life can be divided into periods of 2 years, as if it were to be seen on the line at the sight of the other peasants. It is not possible to give details and split the periods for smaller intervals. The least periods will be points on the line of life for each one. With a great pardon, it is firm, that under a microscope, or simply under a magnifying glass, you can detail the numbers of a dilyanka. Tse not so.

6. To do it neatly and carry out the date of the line of life on straight-cut valleys, especially those of their masters creative people. Below we will look at one algorithm that allows you to successfully complete data in the most successful way.

Algorithm that allows you to mentally designate an hour on the line of life

The line of life is guilty of being well-turned, not mother of a sharp fist down to the base of the valley, and also not be too short.

1. Mentally we know the cordon between the hump of Jupiter and the hump of Saturn. A vertical line is drawn through this cordon, like a passing line of life. Tsya vertical line can be parallel to the fingers and doloni. With such a line we make the period of life of a person from 1 to 17-24 years of life. The scale is taken on this line of life.

2. It is our responsibility to know the defect on this dealership, as it is faulty there. Interpret the defect, after which the Volodar should clarify if it has become a defect.

Let's look at an example. We patted the rose on the line of life. We told the Vlasnik of the Valley that the podia had become, how small the effect of the insufficiency was, through which the normal rhythm of life was broken (we can obviously look at other lines in parallel, in order to concretize, how the podia has injected into the thought of that emotion). For the help of the line of reason, that line of life was marked by us, that my podia did not strongly stick into the mind and did not stick into the emotional sphere. Admittedly, the Volodar of the valley told us that at 14 rokiv the stench moved to another place, by the will of the fathers. Now we know that the period from the cob of life to this defect becomes 14 years. If so, we can divide it proportionally to periods, which can be made up to 2 years. So, up to 22 years, we mark the line of life, the vicarious scale.

3. Another period of life falls from 22 to 40-45 years. On this scale there is already a smaller scale. It is necessary to complete the date of this interim. We know the cordon between the hump of Saturn and the hump of Sontsya, after which we draw a line through it, as if we were moving the line of life. Tsya vertical line is due but parallel to the first vertical line.

4. Let's look at the bottom of the valley, which is closer to the hillock Mіsyatsya. We see a tree, which starts from the foundations of the valley and goes to the line of the heart. Tsej vіdrіzok pass along the edge of the valley. We know on the new point, which is the middle of the th wedge. Similarly, it is carried out from the lower edge of the valley to the base of the valley to the cob of the line of life. On this dilyantsi we also know the middle. Now, through the middle of these two vіdrіzkіv, a horizontal line is drawn, like a moving line of life.

5. We may have two lines. One of us is vertical, as if it were beginning between the humpbacks of Saturn and the Sun. Insha is horizontal. One of these two lines pass through a point on the line of life, as it can be seen up to 40-45 years of life of a person. In some valleys, the lines pass through one point, in other valleys they are close, and in other valleys, one way or the other is far away. Our task is to attack in the offensive: to designate, as the same of two lines, to designate this lot. Therefore, we choose that line, as we redraw the line of life closer to the top of the valley. If so, there is a defect on the line of life, which is known between 20-22 fates of a person's life and a change in the line of the line. Obviously, it’s better to know the defect, which is closer to the 20-22nd anniversary of the life of a person, shards, it’s possible, we have a young person in front of us. Tsey defect is guilty of being put up to the last person. Interpreting the defect of the crown, we ask you to specify the date of submission, in order to confirm this defect. Tim, by ourselves, we recognize that hour after 22 years of life until 40-45 years. It is permissible, Volodar Doloni, naming the date of 30 years. At the result, we notice a gap in the hour on the bottom at 22 years to the bottom (in our butt, it became at 30 years). The scale is chosen for the duration, so we can split a fragment of the life line from 22 to 30 years for a period of 2 years. Because of this mi, vikoristovuyuchi tsey scale, we signify an hour on the line of life, which shows the peretina of one line from two lines, yakі mi otrimali. If this line breaks the line of life up to 40 years, then we can continue to break the line of life up to 40 years, vicorous scale, until we reach the signs of 40 years.

6. Since we have appointed a badge at 40 rokiv, we are guilty of lying, that for a moment people become dull. Therefore, by protracting to decide the line of life, the scale is constantly changing. There is no single method here. It is more possible to indicate that up to 50 years we can win the scale, the appointments for a plot on the line of life from 22 to 40 years of life, but with hiatuses. Ring out, you need to change the scale. Here it is safe that the lesser dilyanka of the line of life now symbolizes the great hour of life.

7. Dіlyanku life, scho lost, vіd 50 rokіv i more interpret more smoothly.

It can be said that by singing the world we have learned to date the line of life. As it was appointed, the date is the most convenient procedure, like palmistry. People, who have a good instinct, can name exactly the date of two defects on the line and progress the line of life without putting power on the line. But still, people are more psychics. It is not necessary for him to put two, three meals to the vlasnik of the valley, so that the algorithm will be bogged down. Without knowing the exact dates of two or three entries on the line of life, we can transfer others.

The line of life on the hands of one of the most headless, you can say a lot more about the people. Tse is not a sign of dovgolittya, sooner a rozpovida, like a way of life. The drawing is clearly visible in all people, maybe mothers are rich, deep. Sometimes there may be a difference or a split in the provinces. Buvay, that rice is marked with signs, it is necessary to respectfully examine and interpret them. So smuga can be changed by protracting life.

Main characteristics of the line of life

What does the line of life on the hands mean? It’s rich who cares that the line of life can say how much life has been lost to people. Really, it's not like that. Vaughn to speak about the peculiarities of the life path, but not for a long time. Characterize our energetics, right to the point. You can say with a sly about the infusions, how to give the closest relatives or friends. You can recognize how the line of life looks on the hands of the video and photo.

Oskіlki linіya zhіttya na sіy rutsі іtka, її її її not important navіt for pochatkіvtsіv. Wanting to hear from chiromancers, interpretations differ. If you follow the next step, respect for the following parameters:

  • Where to know the cob of the line of life
  • De itself line of life is ripped
  • Yaka she has a dozhina in the cob and the middle
  • Smuha is clearly seen on the valley
  • Chi is not rozgaluzhuetsya out for example
  • Chi є at the line of life vіdgaluzhennya, scho to go uphill and down
  • You can see the signs on the hands, you can see them on the heads
  • Chi you can know the rise on the line of life
  • Like out of vzaєmodіє z іnshimi risks.

Skin s tsikh sign with butts can tell a lot about people. For example, a short little picture testifies to weak energy. Explore the lines of life on the hands ahead of ailments. You can build a dream, who will have that chi іnsha podіya. The line of life on the hands of a little child is straight and smooth. Among the long-lived people, it is marked with furrows and wedges. It reflects the passage of a human way.

It is even more important to know with what hand to marvel at the line of life, to gain respect on the hurtful valleys. Lіva to talk about our karma, podії, christened share. The rights of the valley are shown by active people, as if they are pouring into their lives. In shulg, the meaning changes. To that, palmistry talks about the line of life, as if about rotting on the active and passive hands, and not on the left and right valleys.

Cob line

How to marvel at the line of life? Palmistry recommends rozpochinati vorozhinnya z vznachennya of that, de on rutsi line of life is begun. This vіdrіzok characterizes the appearance of a person with sim'єyu and otochyuchimi. Take the start of the gіlka between the great and impressive fingers. There the line of the head begins, or the mind. It’s rich to lay down in order to clean up two smuga chi ni. Otzhe, іsnuє kіlka variantіv cob:

  • Dotik line at the pochatkovy point and rozbіzhnist under the hospitable kut. You will be happy, special and suspile interests will change at the harmony.
  • Sticking with rice to the mind at the start and entering under a stupid kut. Difficulties are checked on you, often change between successes and failures, as if you think only about yourself.
  • The skin characteristic begins and comes out independently. He characterizes a person who is marnoslav and hisistic, as if to put the interests of power in the first place, not being able to listen to other people's joys.
  • The line of life is made with a head of a head, and it is to pass at once on a tribal walk. You have been lying for a long time in the wake of the fathers of that їhnyoї thought. Than on the big wind you will come, then at the elder vіtsi Volodar vale you will be able to drink at the outer world from home. Such people of the city come to the rescue of friends and relatives, be it a whimper, you can always swear on them.
  • The great toe starts. Such people live closed, fearful, unsettled in themselves.
  • The cob is near the vkazіvny finger. A sign of an ambitious, energetic and ambitious person.

It’s too rich to lie in deciphering, in order to marvel at the line of life. If it’s passive, then a person can have a chance to change things in his character. If the needles on both valleys are the same, it means that the Volodar of their fuel is behind the flow, too little to report, to change their share and continue success. Poor line of life on right hand- a sign of a share, changed to a higher bek by powerful zusils.

Viktor Sukhorukov. Line of life / Culture TV channel

Marina Politseymako. Line of life / Culture TV channel

Michael Kazinik. Line of life / Culture TV channel

Tetyana Mikhalkov. Line of life / Culture TV channel


Dovzhina and mud

Depth and long life line on your hand - these are even more important characteristics. Stop talking about energy potential, spiritual harmony, and health. It is impossible to say what the line of life means without knowing the depth of life. Establish such clouding of these parameters:

  • Dovga, that glibok is straight, trochs of red behind the color. The person has a miracle of health, wines of strengths, self-compassions.
  • Dovga, but it’s not necessary to read the line of life, rozmit the end. Vlasnik spovneniy ideas, ambitions, aspirations, maє rich inner light, but not zavzhda vistachai forces for the implementation of plans.
  • Vigin ta zsuv line of life before thumb- Energy b'є over the edge.
  • May a strong wind at the center of the valley, then let's go down. Vlasnik takoy doloni vmіє dolat be-yaki difficult.
  • The long lines of life do not stick, but they are deep. Lyudina quickly spalahu chimos novim, all the same, indefatigably indulges in her ideas of interest, you don’t get tolerant. If the chick has shortened with rock, it means that the widow’s keeper has squandered his reserve of strength, and the threat of rapt death hangs over him.
  • Short, thin, that weakling, roaring like a prick. This is a sign of poor health, a lack of strength, and insufficiency.
  • What does the winding line of life mean? It is not easy for such people to get along, their way is folding, the share is low, there can be problems with the organs of poisoning.
  • Urivchasta and tonka, the day of the big-less dovga sucilna dilyanka, the rice is going to finish soon. If there is more than one rise on the line of life, then a person goes through ailments all his life, that's why.
  • The day of the line of life is a vinyatkovy drop, which shows a nervous, restless share, and some mental illness.

Like the line of life of that її little ones on the left hand of the older, lower on the right, it means that Volodar knows his strength to change his share. If the picture is opposite, the person lost her share with her deeds. With such terrible signs, it’s best not to guess for yourself, but to turn around according to the rose’s explanation, so that the chiromancy could inform you with the correct clouding and carry out, if possible, a correction.

Dodatkovі risochki that razdvoennya

May the meaning is not only, as if looking at the line of life on the valley, it is read on the way. Often її supplement other little ones. Vіdgaluzhennya that risochki raznі on the line of life can tell us a lot about what. The stench often warns about ailments, as if they were following their sackmaster. Otzhe, the axis of the main vіdgaluzhennya, scho to go uphill:

  • Prodovzhennya at the bik of the monthly hump. Slid beware of beats, injuries.
  • Hillock of Venery. Better for everything, someone from friends will have a disease.
  • At the beak of the hump of Jupiter. Such a speech about the life of success, in the distance career, glory, but everything will be more short-hour and quick-witted, as if you are not a charm.
  • Mount of Saturn. Blame problems in sіm'ї and on robots, if possible ailments and nerve sight.
  • Sleepy hump. It’s a good sign, people are lucky, they’ll manage pennies, they’ll be happy and calm in their souls for a long time.
  • At the beak hump of Mercury. Vіdgaluzhennya can be considered, like a family, it means special happiness and commercial success.
  • The hump of Mars. Vіdrostki, scho to go straight with whom, say parts are more expensive.

If the lines go down the line of life on the valley, the stench is often interpreted as a negative infusion filthy features otherwise the stagnation of older relatives is too strong.

Crimea, from the line of life on the valley can go other branches, like the one parallel. Most of all, good signs. Three abo chotiri tribni strokes mean a lot of friends, always ready to come to the rescue. The underline of life, chi potryyna, is a sign of the presence of a charge of vlivovoy speciality, a mentor and a patron. It is not uncommon for people to cope with such a boundary at the same time and with a car'eroy, and with family shoes. A similar line of life is on the hands of women who are strong and successful. For people, won can mean great achievements at once in two professions.

Rice and vіdgaluzhennya still become incomprehensible, and sometimes the stench intertwine among themselves. To that life to read according to the palm correctly can only be informed by palmistry. It is better for the Pochatkivtsy to turn to them, as if the stench is not in the air correct decryption sign.

The split and split

It seems that life is written on a dolon. Tse rich in what is true, it is necessary to learn how to read the signs. Palmistry cares what else important information bear razdvoennya that razgaluzhennya.

  • Razgaluzhennya on kіlka risks in the area of ​​the Veneri pagorba. The peculiarity of such a little one is bright, energetic, but even more impertinent. In old age, I went to the troubles of health.
  • Splitting for example. Like a fork of a reading, then її vlasnik saves energy until the end of days. If the little forks are rosemary, old age will be sick.

Exploring the lines of life is an unfriendly sign. Vin is often ahead of a deadly threat, but with an injury or illness. A person with such a sign on their hands can have serious problems on a robot or in a sim. How to accumulate life far away you can read from that, stars and how to changeover line life is far away. Axis of kіlka options:

  • Rice continues and matures more after it grows. Vlasnik zmіg zrozumіti and virіshiti problem, becoming strong.
  • Rozryv on the line of life, leaving a weak border on the hands. Such a flow shows serious problems with health and mentality after stress.
  • The back of the head was torn, then the curve straightened to the center of the valley. Vlasnika checks for a burst of activity, Nova robot, cіkavі vіdkrittya, angry kar'єrnimi gatherings.
  • Reversal of the misplaced thumb. People with such a life live long and calmly, on their own, or in their native country.
  • The line of life is cut off sharply. Such a sign is shown to the insecure, you can witness about death, which I threaten.

It is important to marvel at what you have opened on both hands, or less on one. As a fault on the left, it means problems associated with a child's injury, important growth. Developed on the right side of the valley to tell about the difficulties in maturity. Even though the same needles are on the active and passive hands, it means that the person is going through the share, the filthy share is unlikely to go away. At some kind of vipadkas, it’s a good sign.

Signs on the line of life

Signs of the line of life are important signs. Ponperedzhayut about problems chi navpaki, pozbavlyayut їх. Riznі drіbnі little babies do not zavzhda vdaєtsya zabachit and correctly decipher. Therefore, we especially respect for their readings. Below we give basic information about the signs on the line of life, we will know you from their descriptions.


One or two risks on the life line characterize the transition on the road. It will be important to podolat yoga, it will pour in a far share. Such a change can become an emotional psychological trauma, serious illness, injury. If you draw numerically, then the line of life in palmistry may be significant, furnish or people will strongly spit on the її Volodar.


What is the line of life with a lancet? The sign can mean the lowliness of a person. Vіn іsnuіє ryvkami, periods of belligerent vilality swear by apathy. Yakravo turns lansy on all gіltsi buvaє in ailments with maniacal-depressive syndrome.


Crossing the needles with a cross is an unfriendly sign. Vin can mean injury, death of a loved one, sickness. If the line of life can be opened after the cross, then on the vlasnik there will be a serious test. It is necessary to respectfully marvel, as if the dark one has gone far, so that it does not change the other filthy sign.


Thick grating on the dilyantsі lines of life, it seems, that її volodar є more superficial special, vede without purpose іsnuvannya. Crossed rice can be less on the cob. Then there is a chance that a person will come to his senses, with the fates of seriousness. If you spend money on everything, the result will be cumulative. As the line of life on the left hand is marked with grata, it means there is a chance to correct the situation by reporting zusil. If the mark is on the left, and on the right, the sense of life will be richer.


Chotiriokhkutnik chi square is a very friendly sign. Vіn zdatny vіdvesti threat, save energy at the vіdpovіdalny moment, serve as a cross of negative signs. It is not uncommon to recommend using a rhombus to describe unfriendly marks, in order to eliminate the influx. The deyakі chiromanti interpret the square on the line of life as a prison sentence.

Krapki or specks

Krapki on the line of life are gloomy, like rubbish negativity or insignificant problems of health. Like a dark or black chicken, it appears on the back of the rice, it means that you are stuck in a child with difficulties. Obov'yazkovo needs to marvel at the change of smuga after the point. It’s like she’s weak, to instill bad incompetence, it’s nasty in the camp. If there are no changes on the line of life, otherwise it becomes clear and deep, it means that you are trying to be hart.


A comet or a star to talk about those who are difficult to check for people. Often it can be a trauma, an emotional sight. As if the line of life is clinging with a star, the threat of death hangs over you. Buvay, scho zvіkom zіrka becomes less clear or zvіm znikaє. This is the reason for joy, the nebezpeka has passed.


Dribnі transverse furrows mean that a person is often nervous, embarrassed. Such are the pictures of the powerful in drib'yazkovym people. Glybokі, іnоdі bіlі furrows, yakі nibі htos creased with a knife, can be regarded as a sign of hypocrisy.

Trikutnik chi trident

The sign of a tricutnik, which is sometimes called a trident, to talk about diplomacy and tact. If the line of life can be on your own trikutnik, it means that you are already a sensible person, as if you can give joy and accept vivazhenі decision. As a whole, one can judge the character only after that, how to recognize everything about the yoga line of life.


What is the sight of my island on the line of life? The mark is small, rounded, or oval, which breaks the smuga. The sign is unfriendly, meaning sickness, depression, like a long time to chain a person to a bed. A small island on the line of life can mean an operation, a woman’s hard canopy. A series of islands, riba chi vіsіmka - a sign of nasty health. Interrupted by an island of rice - death due to severe illness.


A wound on the line of life or a scar to talk about those who with your own hands made the transition from an unfriendly bik. A mark means an hour, if a pardon is terrible to eat. It is possible to correct the situation, as if to make a small wound square. Then the scar can heal itself. How to allow optimistic wonder at the future. If a child’s hand is wounded, scars are rarely covered, it’s not varto to lie.

Yak razrahuvati v_k along the line of life

As if the palmistry of the line of life on the hands does not help to find out about the heart, but calculate the hour. For whom it is necessary to designate a century on the line of life. Whether it be a sign or a mark, which is consumed by that chi іnshiy promizhok, will be like a singing rock chi rock. For most people, the line of life is well seen on the hands and the decoding is not very good.

How to win the line of life? Іsnuє kіlka ways. Palmistry adopted the middle age of 75 years. Depending on this principle, the life of smuga is divided into 15 parts. The cob vіdrіzok is found at the date of the people's birth. The skin part, which should be included before the schedule, must be completed five times. The pidrakunok is not too thorough, you can show it only approximately, like a person living his skin five times.

Another method is to transfer the number of points, which gives 35 points. For this view, draw the center of the middle finger down the vertical line. At the mist, de won to cross the line of life and get angry with it, put the sign "35 rokiv". As soon as the age is up to the mark, then the youth of the person will be more rich and active, at the same time it will become richly puffed up. If she is short - success and success come at the mature fate.

Behind this method, you can designate an hour of trouble, about which signs are ahead of your life line. Pochatkovy vіdrіzok, up to 35 rokiv, divided into 5 parts, dermal vіdіdaє seven rokіv. Kіntsevy need to be divided into 3 parts, approximately 9-10 years each. Whether any of the methods is insufficiently accurate, the date is calculated only approximately.

The line of life on the valley is the most popular way of divination. Vaughn is more than once guessing at folk tales, retellings, literature, cinema, for TVC. Navit director Roman Viktyuk having created a performance under such a name. It’s not necessary to seriously accept all the promises, to try to win the share of that trivality of life along the lines. Aje deyakі people navіt namagayutsya homelyuvati chi put a needle on your hands. Try to find out power of strength, by will and diligence you can correct the most unfriendly of us. The smug of your life will change from black to white.

Islands signal about the flow of energy, and roztashovuyuchis on the line of life, can show problems on the line of health. Island of the first third of the line of life often accompanied by congenital disease of the ridge. Such islands are streaked in people with scoliosis and spinal cords. This sign can mean a back injury.

Island on the very cob of the line of life to speak about the nevminnya zoserejuvatisya, powerful young people. People from such an island often do not like to learn at school, but rather learn to interrupt their studies. Vin is also associated with adopted children, with people who are not inspired by their journey. The island by itself is a visual representation of the duality of roots. Like a person, if you try to analyze your hands, if you are an island of this type, you will have to deal with him all at once in a different way.

Lantsyuzhki. Like a line of life, lansy on the cob, then a part of the sackcloth blew a little childish ailments. The line of life, which takes the form of a lancelet mayzhe on the whole life, looks like an emotional specialty.

Healthy such people often suffer from the fact that they are constantly resting at the camp of an emotional storm. If you follow such a line, predict in a caring way that the calm will bring more richness in the result. Do not buy anything of the terminology needed, which could be important for the preservation of health and peace of mind.

Krapki. A deep dot on the cob of the line of life can mean a distant eyelid in a child. Flip the meaning, putting the direct supply. In the course of time, you will learn to clearly recognize this sign. A speck of deep and good memory is seen in the middle. As in the same area, there is a deep point, painted in a black color, so, there is no vein under it, often indicating that a person has suffered pneumonia. Be-yakі іnshi points vzdovzh іnії zhittya signify small problems zі zdorov'yam. Having sipped them, ask the person about the illnesses she has endured, with only those dots, which, in your opinion, can be seen until the past. You can definitely confirm the number of people's opinions, but you take away the corny information.

Estimation of watch parameters along the line gives only an approximate result. I want, with a respectful look, you can visually accurately reveal the most significant times of the hour, you can’t forget about those hours exact date subії — the process is more intuitive, less scientific. Approximately it is possible to designate a river by smashing a long life span for a period.

The hour is psychologically understandable for that sensi that the skin of us reacts to something else, and we structure our life that susilla is evident to the extent that we accept it. That is why I have fixed a reference point for the “chronological scale” on the bottom. I signify її best for the line of life.

Mitka 35-rich . With a pointed finger, draw down the visible line of the air in the middle of the middle finger (Saturn's finger) to the point of the line with the line of life. Tsya point vіdpovidaє vіkom 35 rokіv.

Some people have a segment of the line of life, roztashovaniya more than tsієї znachka, which would be behind the lower one, for others - on the other side. Most of the other segment points to that part of life, as it plays an important role in the development of people and the realization of their talents. In certain vipads, the point 35-rіchchya falls in the middle of the line of life. Tse means, the first and the other half of the life of the development of a person is equally significant.

Having made a badge, go back to the upper half of the line and divide your thoughts into 5 parts. Skin from these parts is shriveled 7 years. Cut the lower half of the line into 3 parts.

The first third is lower for the sign of the 35th anniversary, the fates of life are from 36 to 50 years, the other third is from 50 to 70, and the third is after 70 years.

Appointment of timchasovyh vіh at rosemovі . Under the hour, move with the person that agreed sign on the її line of life, and you can match these signs with specific podias that were taken at the song hour - so it will be easier for you to judge about the rozpodіl hour along the line, crusty with pointed instructions. Tsі vіhi - miraculous vіdpravnі points for destined to fate. But only practice will help you to perfect your skills and learn how to restore dates along the way.

Rozpodіl podіy according to the chronological scale it is better to read for the line of life, and then the palmistry also sings for the line of the heart and mind. However, the straight lines of these lines are somewhat different, so it is doubtful that you can break them into splits in a simple way. It can be said that the mind and heart do not know the hour, but everything is fixed on the line of life: genetic features, rhythms and cycles of the body.

In this rank, give different signs, as if you will try to put them behind the marks on the lines of the heart and mind, more accurately clarify, staring from the line of life. Your vysnovki will be confirmed or asked for with different marks on it.

Smugi, who change the line of life on be-yakіy її dilyantsі, vkazuyut on problems, yakі dratuyut people that move forward. Such dribbling lines that cross over can be formed as a result of being introduced into the life of other people, internal discord or other people.

In order to understand their outer meaning, discuss them with people.

Khresti can roztashovuvatsya order from the line of life, or directly on it. If the stench is spread right on the line of life, then it means seriously, or else I’m not going to be safe, I’ll tie it to the health of well-to-do people. Such crosses appear after injuries and unfortunate upheavals or great misfortunes. Prote stinks and other meanings: you can cross over to the less born mind. Skladnoshchi can talk like the past, so even today - you can tell, having talked with a person.

As problems can be blamed in the future, it means that the blame is put on the ground, the people are put to life that її zvichok. Have a vipadku, discussing to help you designate the meaning of the signs and give a special joy.

Khresti to be white line of life , but do not stick with her. On the cob of the stink line, it means that if a person was a child, she lived through it, or she had financial difficulties.

Andriivsky cross . The cross at the lower part of the line of life, which takes place at the same time and її, and the line of the share, is called Andriivsky. Vin means the potentiality of saving a life, either symbolic or real. Possibly, the person soared someone out of the river, vomited for an hour later, or as if she showed herself in a dramatic situation. But more importantly, less extreme podії, oskolki zustrichaєtsya on the hands of doctors, nurses, medical technicians and pharmacists.

Expand the lines . Be-yaky rozriv lines show on interruptions to the flow. The traces of this development can be clouded over in a fallow way, which is traced. The line of the letter I will expand may be stronger. As if it were so, and as soon as you fall down on a period already lived by a person, feed him, as if seriously changing, you had a life. If the segments of the line in the region of expansion go parallel to the distance, then the transition is smooth.

The need for dialogue . It’s better for everything, you’ve already realized that a session of palmistry is worth a dialogue between you and that person who marvels at your hands. So that all the ancient signs will be vigilant, as well as the deacons of the key drawings, you will need to understand your interpretation of the people, their life and those who are falling apart in a straight line. It is possible to reach such individual fogs, only setting the needs of food at the need of the moment. And such an interpretation in the whole future, obviously, richly accurate, lower in that mood, as you will tell customers about the meaning of the rubbish pictures that come to your mind - I’m sorry, stink in food. The current system of education of specialty and the current test of understanding of our people have not yet been successful without gnuchkost, as it allows to protect all individual features and developments. Therefore, it will be more reasonable to enter into categorical formulas for the sake of the most profoundly lucid picture, yak, at one’s side, helping to vitlumachiti small signs visibly to life way that special furnishings of people.

I have lost all the sights of sights on the line of life, and the skin of them may have its own special meaning.

A square that crosses the line of life , to serve as a happy lanka or as a "collection" for the flow of energy that is being interrupted. Vіn pom'yakshuє be-yakі zmіni at the camp of health, places of living and ways of life. Traditionally, a square on the line of life, vvazhavshis a symbol of prison yaznennya - yet another version of the "strength" of the square!

Skhіdnі gіlki on the line of life, they show bursts of ambition and exercise to a shorter life.

Skhіdnі gіlki , ring out at the lower part of the line, talk about the weakening, the fall of life forces. It is possible to grow crumbs of any kind of inspiration, especially as the lines appear on the bottom at the early stages of life. Diet, garnish, eating, and other supplements help to “cleanse” the lines and restore the lack of energy.

The line that goes parallel to the line of life to serve for the supplementary defense of the body. It is often called the “antibody line”, pulling on the additional physical strength and high resistance to ailments.

Completion of the line of life with a fork pointing to a decrease in life to the end of life, but not suttevish, lower mi zvikli bachiti. The prong of the fork, straightening at the bik pagorba Mіsyatsya, to talk about the cost of increasing the price of the new horizons. Tse bajannya dominive people protyazhyushchy life.

For the sake of looking at your future, find out, what will be through the river, two chi 10 years blamed on the skin of us, be it a person and in whom you can help the fortune-teller by hand - the line of life will give you the best power. At the mines, you can help palmistry with roses and explanations - like lines, humps and symbols on the valley will show you to your future. Like symbols can indicate the trivality of life, like signs can be ahead of the unacceptability, what is being worn, otherwise it’s possible to show health at the mitzne, and we’ll talk more about it and more.

The science of palmistry can reveal the veil of the future

The line of life is the most important symbol, which reflects an even tighter energy flow, there is a presence in a person on the skin of the hand and from the improvement of this idea, the interpretation of its meaning. It begins in the very middle of the expanse, starting from the great and impressive finger, making an arc, bending the basis of the Venus hillock, which rises, and descends without a middle to the wrist. Itself for її positions, dozhina can recognize those, how many lives a person has lived, and also like herself. She shows in her own warehouses, like inner energy and inner strength, food and safety, the creative potential of a person.

Yake meaning carry the line of life

On the hands of the palmistry, they respect the happy very same line, between, as you can clearly see and go without interruption and zvivin. Wanting to be on the presence of those chi іnshi signs or born with the flames, they are torn apart - tse show on the songs of the podії or the shifts that blame the life of the people.

You can tell about the health of people, for example, a short chi dovga shows the trivality of life, the same way the growth of the hump of Venus shows yogo life and energy strength. Roztashovana on the left hand, you carry with you the information about the share, those who want to live. Ale, if it’s ripped on the right, it’s not like those, like a person can use their potential and baptism in real life.

Symbolic designation of the share on the hands

Peculiarities of the interpretation of the designation in the current character - everything is presented in the next table. Dovzhina implicitly points out the following features:

  1. Vіdsutnіst takoї vkazuє on the constant experience and stressful situations.
  2. It’s like a fuzzy thing - it’s like a minimum of a person’s life potential, necessary for the realization of all the planned energy.
  3. And the axis of the laman - the life of those chi іnshої people goes through the constant struggle and at the same time її suprovodzhuvatimut negruntovanі vtrati.
  4. As if the rest of the divergence, tse show the insecurity of the people, that її vitratu life energy on the unneeded yoma do it. So varto look over your priorities.
  5. The short line of one's own life is indicative of the weak will of the people, the shards of wine are easily succumbing to someone else's infusion, assigned by a weak immune system.
  6. Under the guidance of intercession, those who, with a human being, are an invisible zahisnik, such an angel of your own - protect yourself.
  7. It’s clear, that it’s clear that I’m going to the valley, indicating a happy and long life.
  8. The long time of rice on the valley directly points to the human immunity and the full bowl of internal forces and life energy.

What does it mean that a person has two lines of life on his hands

Two lines on the hands are rarely jangled by the science of palmistry

Navit medical statistics can be in your own disorder, if you inspire hopelessly ill patients, on the palms of them there is such a moving symbol, they put on clothes, got up from wheelchairs.

And the axis of її chervonuvaty vіdtinok vkazuє those, scho people may be chimal magnanimity, koristuetsya at the opposite status with a well-deserved success. Keep your head on the alert, even if the assholes don’t sleep and can strike from the back.

Detailed decoding of the line of life

In order to analyze your future in a new world - when deciphering the varto symbol, take such basic moments and factors to respect.

  1. Nasampered, її roztashuvannya. It seems like it’s supposed to be put on the hand of a finger that shows off the energy and ambition of a person. Closer to the thumb - a person lives in permanent fear through his weakness and lack of independence. Lyagae evenly between fingers - be it a problem and the task will be people under strength.
  2. The visibility of the painting. Short and small lines of life to go down, show that you spend that beat. Just stop walking without a middle uphill - the skin on the right will be successful, obіtsya radіsnі podії. As a matter of fact, the fork and the fork are in the base - it shows inconsistency and love until the permanent changes.
  3. Parallel. How to entrust from the line of life, which is similar to the tovshchina, another line - such a person will stay far away family life. Thin lines point to the support of the native, or even the spitting and mighty people.
  4. It is important to take that dovzhina to respect. It’s rich who cares, what did they do to them, they lived longer, її vlasnik, although we don’t call it like that. A person with a short line of share may have a weak immunity, weak to the side, and all the Volodarians long ago - Mitzne healthy and that great vitremka. Ale, otrimavshi in his asset pіdtrimku rіdnі, not bude listen to the influx of third-party osіb - yogo life will be continued and will live longer than the term introduced to you.
  5. Give respect and to explore what to go on all the long lines - show on the future unacceptability, important life conditions. Ale, it’s better to hang out with less than your right hand, but expand on the line of the valley, as you go along the left valley - you spend inacceptability, as you have become at the past, as you have deprived yourself of the ticket to the human psyche.

At the same time, decipher the lines on the hands - you can learn a lot about your future

Obov'yazkovo take to the respect of the little one, what to go after the opening.

  1. As if it has weakened - tse obіtsyaє in the future, the deterioration of the global health, the waste of internal life energy.
  2. Yakshcho became a chitkish - change, filthy good things sent you to reproach.
  3. The line has approached the center of the valley - without any intermediary showing on the porter's door the growth of that new sphere for the realization of their ideas and the field of activity.
  4. As if it is approaching the base of the thumb - it without a trace points to the well-being of people's calmness, that peace.

About what to say the signs on the hands

Okrіm linіy on the hands of the present and іnshі symbols and signs

Fallen in the sight of the sign itself, yogo roztashuvannya line of the share may be richly told about the future of people.

  • Rice shows a strong shock.
  • Rozriv vkazuє on schilnіst to partial ailments, and as if the lines on the hands are superimposed one on one - tse obіtsyaє sharply in the life of change.
  • Cross pointing at the financial life of people are difficult and difficult in all spheres of life.
  • The lancer points out to a small person, as if he were only working for the mood, or for the bugs.
  • The square seems to be in the distance, that successfully completed pink rights, intercession that will help burn.
  • On apathy, that vidsutnist should be pointed out.
  • As a matter of order, there is a sisterly line - there will be an improvement in health, the implementation of all plans.
  • Zirka vishchaє unfortunate for a human being, like a throw yoga into a shock camp.
  • The presence of tsatok indicates a weak immune system and a permanent weakness to sickness.
  • The island points to weak energy and lack of life in people's energy.
  • The struggles point to post-yni stress and that experience.
  • The tricoutnik symbolizes high rose zdibnosti, giftedness, and even if the stench is stashed on the left hand, and if the stink is stashed on the right hand, it promises a great fall that wins.

How to virahuvati the trivality of life by hand

By hand you can signify the triviality of life

For the calculation of the trivality of life - take the line, as if crossing it to the right of the palm of your hand. In a skin person, there are different parameters of the outline - take up to respect the length of the self-line, the width of the shoulder, and in the average 1 r_k of life, it is 1-1.5 mm.

When carrying out a rozrahunka, take a point across the axis of the straight line, which runs on the hands, with a pointing finger on the line, which symbolizes life, and it is clear from one’s own calculation of 10 fates of life. Let's go step by step to break the line for a 10-point period.

You can go even further, more precise, and even more foldable to the method of spreading the frivolity of life. On the cob, draw a vertical line from the base of the finger that is pointed on the hand and draw it to the base of the thumb. After that, draw a horizontal line from the outer side of the rib of the valley, de the finish line of the Head and to the outer side of the big toe. So the very foundations of the great finger of the hand of the lily are tinted.

From the point of the cross line, draw a straight line to the outer side of the little finger - so, as a result, remove the line from the line of life equal to 35 years, and from the line of the heart 30. So, crossing over the very line of life is 65 years of life, as if crossing over the line, which symbolizes the share - this is the end of 20 fates.

Video: Line of life about you revealing a lot of things

Video: Don't panic, as if you've beaten an unfriendly sign on your hands

Video: 10 facts, how you can find out about a person by the valley

1 > Line of life - the whole line, which, according to our theory, is to pass an energy flow, which starts its own path through the finger of Jupiter.

This line starts under a pointed finger, at its own pace Lower Mars and Venus and, as a rule, may be completed under the hump of Venus on the basis of the valley (Fig. 304).
Line of life characterize the state of a healthy person with a protracted life, yoga and physical strength.

From these reasons, there are rich details of the life of a person, and, moreover, confirmation or explanation of the signs found in other parts of the valley.
Won show pidyomi and fall down in life, and navіt camp to the body under the hour of maximum rozkvіtu.

In rich moods, one guesses the moment of completion of life's path and often inflicts illness on another reason that took the completion of life.
For our hypothesis line of life є map of the human way, і bagatorichna practical robot tse confirm.

Dolіdzhuyuchi line of Life You can know different її variations.
Sometimes, at first glance, you’ll be told that it’s out of the day.
Surprised by the respect, you can show different options.

However, I'm bachiv of the valley with the day line of life and zrobiv wisnovok, that people, yakі do not think lines of life , posterіgaєtsya minimal physical strength and vitality.

The stench is mainly important for the rahunok of nerve energy.
Such people suffer from nerve collapse, they are guilty of taking care of their strength, sleeping well and avoiding stressful situations.
Visibility lines of life so it can be seen as a warning about those that the life of the subject hangs on the hair, and death is that guest, on which one can be counted as a life.

However, the old great finger and garna line of the Head can neutralize negative value badly molded lines of life .
It’s impossible for anyone to say that death will come from day to day, shards, perhaps, there is enough strength to wrench a person from the hands of death.

The situation is richly shorter, as if there is a weak line on the lap of your client, which means building up to support for the balance of physical forces, and not just nerve energy.

< 2 >

You can blame and such a situation, it is important to revise line of Life in the line of the Share (Fig. 306) or in the form of a strong line that accompanies line of Life from the side of the pommel of Veneri (Fig. 307).

At the first vipadus (Fig. 306) line of life the one that is closer to Veneri's hillock; you can also talk about those that the Share line sorts out some of the functions lines of life at the interval її vidsutnostі.

In Fig. 307, the outer line is the line of Life, and the inner line supports the strength.
Yak zagalne rule remember that line of life can smoothly otochuvat Venus' hump.

< 3 >

Line of life You can mother an ear under the hump of Jupiter (Fig. 308) or start from the hump of Jupiter (Fig. 309).

In the rest of my life, life is full of ambitions, exalted to wealth, glory, success.
Such a subject is not to be missed with people.
As a person of Saturnian warehouse, її ambitions will be whole in the gallery of occultism, physics, chemistry, medicine, the rural state, guild service; the concrete sphere of yoga manifested the fallow in the sp_v_dnoshnennia of the phalanges of Saturn's finger.

The Apollonian type will be successful and glorify like an artist, like a businessman in the arts and like the one who can’t show off his world; all tsі show zalezhatimut vіd perevazhannya one of the three svіtіv.

The Mercurian type needs to be approved as an orator, or as a successful businessman.
All varieties have the cob lines of life on Jupiter give people pride.
Duzhe rarely line of life negarazd is being repaired, as indicated in Fig. 308; having drunk on another combination, it is necessary to explain the reasons, grounding on the bones of the upper parts of the valley.

< 4 >

Walking along the valley, line of life change a little.

The main principle of change - if the line moves in its course and becomes closer to the thumb, then the hump of Venus itself changes (Fig. 310).
And here the subject becomes cold, unsympathetic, less sexually active.

I will give you a sign to give you additional help, if you want to know about the correctness of the school.
There is less Venus’ hump, there is less mother of children in the people, but it doesn’t indicate sterility, as the old palm trees have understood.

Such a change of line does not help the trivality of life, shards indicate a lack of health, energy, consume it to life.
If the line suffocates a greater part of the valley (Fig. 311), it expands the hump of Venus.

Such a person will be hot, full of bazhan, cordiality, passion, generosity.
Vіn turn to the sympathy and respect of the otochyuchih.
Such people make friends early, and these couples, as a rule, are more productive.
Zagalne rule take: chim dowshe life line, tim longer life of the subject, scho is shorter, tim is shorter than yogo life way.

Dosvid, however, shows that it is not respectful to those who are arrogantly ruled even more correctly, but if you take yoga as absolute truth, you can bring them to pardons, and you need to call them to the minimum.

My report of the dead vales confirms that the signs of death show the signs of death to the best of their hands, and the vales also chirped, de line of life miraculously trival and after death.

Tse mozhe lead to reconciliation in inaccuracy showing the line of Life, so as not to be understood at the core of nutrition.
The fact that line of life vіdpovіdaє for energy and natural healthy subject.
And let me remember that the signs of death can be present on other main lines, they can show vertical lines, as well as individual signs.

Reappraisal lines of life lead to the wrong tlumachs and expand the filthy fame about palmistry.
Whirling valleys are quiet, who died from illness, an unfortunate fall, violence, I knew signs on my hands that would confirm death.

Conservation of respect for your food may help you to get pardons.
Having shown a strong, good and long-term line, we can, with the upliftment of the growth of visnovok, that the body is healthier to help people in their life path until old age.

Dolіdzhuyuchi line of Life, it is necessary to protect the hurtful valleys, the rocks are strong and that deep line of life on the left valley you can change into a lancet, which is made up of other lines, on the right.

In this way, the changes in the organism of people will be fermented line of life on the right hand.
Well, on the right side of the dolon line, lower on the left, next to say about the strength of life energy; It is a different picture to talk about short life energy.

The character of the line is the most important, and even the most important thing is that we know about the physical strength, health and energy of your client.
It is more important for strong lines to lie with phlegmatic people, shards of stink live for the wind of m'yazovoi energy, and not nerves.

It means that the most lines belong to the least sensitive types, their palms are characterized by the minimum number of lines.
The life of such people is calm, the little ones call out to them for anxiety, and the stench does not suffer from the filth of health.

They are also characterized by great physical strength.

< 5 >

If the line is wide, superficial, or in the form of a lance (Fig. 312), then such a subject cannot be drawn for the obviousness of the elastic shoulder line of Life. People from deep line of life better dolayut hvilyuvannya and save a calm at the critical moment.

The stench may have such perekonanist in their own strength, that they can inspire others.
Stinks of energy in everything: on the right, robots and viri.
Glibok life line, as we have already changed our minds, talking about a person is strong and energetic with a long life, but all the same, more lines become thinner to the end.

Energy, strength, health, fuse - the sum of the essences of the deep line of Life, which inevitably imposes a win on all types of people.
The Jupiterians have a greater grace to a fair-haired, pitty, cheerful.
It’s like the third phalanx of Jupiter, and the color of the valley and the line of red, these people, imovirno, it’s important to come.

Yogo zahvoryuvannya matimut only one dzherelo - supermundane, but the stock of yogo healthy is boundless, and you can live long in the quiet.
Such people are free in the face of ailments and may be less weak to the point of apoplexy.

The same kind of danger threatens the strong Martian type, especially with the red color of the hands and ruddy hair.
A deep line to rob the Apollonian type of strong and mіtsnim, on the basis of which one's life path is lighter.

The Venusian type takes away solid support from the manifestation of its qualities.
Keep in mind that glibka line of life - if your health is good, that energy is great, and if necessary, add different combinations with the material you are given.

Vuzka that thin line is a sign of less energy, strength, resistance to illness in the body.
The presence of a thin line does not mean that the subject of ailments is a weak health, it’s just that the building of the building to repair ailments is weaker, lower in a person with a deep line.

Have a good temperament lines of life may spіvvіdnositsya with other lines.
Yakscho line of life deep, and even thin, a person will endure intolerance with minimal nerve vision.

Yakscho, navpak, line of life thin, and the reshta is well-formed, then a person in life should be re-followed by a post-transition.
The person will be afraid of inaccuracies that are approaching, instinctively growing pressure on health, and the critical camp will become its own fear.

Roblyachi zagalnennya along the thin line of Life, we can say that she shows a lack of health, physical strength and vibrancy.
People with such a line cannot work for the limits of their strength.
In Jupiterian and Martian types, there is a thin line of changing steps of superworldliness, dominating them.

At this moment, the stench cannot be driven by force, building a shovhnut ahead of them.
Also, such subjects may be less threatened by an apoplexy stroke, but there is a risk of nervous illness.
The Apollonian type of life on lowered clothes, just like the Venusian one, will not be more turbulent to the satisfaction of your physical baggage.

Wide is that top line of life vkazu on povnu vіdsutnіst zhittєvoї energy.
And here it is like building a support for the body to ailments, and other things that characterize the deep line of Life.

Such people are easy victims for various inaccuracies, their body is weak and stinging and is a fertile ground for bacteria.
Such people do not have a reserve of vitality and self-sufficiency.

They have a weak body, like a lack of energy.
The stench will convince the whole tyagar zusil, if it happens to zastosovuvat physical strength.
Among them, there are a lot of chronic skarzhniks and it is quiet, who in no way feel good.

If people are already stale, then they stink at their friends, relatives and inspire quiet, who simply marvel at them.
They don't often reach success, because they don't have the strength to compete.
Such a line is an indication of a rise in nervousness, and a person is alive in every way for a ray of nervous energy.

Subjects with such a line will need an easy job, as they do not feel great strength.
Such a line on a weak valley points to an overarching line.
For the obviousness of such a line in Jupiter, you will not be able to force yourself to push yourself to your satisfaction superciliously, and the Martian type will become too weak to fight.

Venusian suffering through marriage of physical and sexual energy.
Such people rarely have children.
Іsnuє impersonal options tsієї linії: deyakі more wide and on top, іnshі less approaching to the next camp.

Estimate the intensity of the development of the line for the equal її spreading frequency.
Look at the hurtful valleys.
Yakscho line of life on the left hand it is good, but on the right hand it is wide and superficial, it is not enough to talk about the act of weakening the body with a flicker.

This is a picture of a reversal, a sign of poor health.
Reverse the proportions of the lines.
I'm more than alone line of life that surface is wide, and other lines are well formed, then, that part in the body of a person, for which life line, you cannot completely defeat your functions.

The subject is suffering in the face of misfortune, sickness and fire can lose heart in the face of misfortune.
In order from such a line, look around the hump of Saturn.
If you give people a lot of Saturnian traits, then you will have more pronounced expressions of melancholy, gloomy camp to the spirit, unfortunate viraz of disguise.

Such people commit self-destruction more often, less often.
As the lower third of the hump of the Moon on the woman's valley shows women's weaknesses, the subject will be even more weak before ruining.
Having shown such a line, determine the type of the subject and look for any problems in health.

Everyday people with such a sign did not make friends;
Sometimes, it’s true, people try to be strong and ready to spend their lives watching a person and enjoying yoga, but there are few such vipadkіv.

Fathers are the most reliable support for such subjects.

< 6 >

The line of Life, which is a drabinka (Fig. 313), may also be a double line, like a wide, overhead line.

The health of such people is not good enough to know your own strength in the form of the line.
Lyudina is not just weak, but strong to the point of constant recurrence of the disease with Daedalus with greater strength.
If line of life it is composed of impersonal other lines, which closely adjoin one to one (Fig. 314), demonstrating the movement of the nerves, greater sensitivity and deep weakness to the body.

All these lines change the energy of the skin type, their strength, sway them with less energy, lower sound.
Keep track of any obvious health defects, for any increase in the visibility of such a line.

Those who weaken the subject's organism and know their own wit at the filthy lines of Life are one of the ailments, the power of the singing type of specialness.
Line of life like a lance (Fig. 315) - a sign of the great transitions of the normal transition of life.

Healthy people with such a line are weak, steadily sicker to the point of repeating ailments.
The lancet on the line became drier to the body, which gives a wide surface line.

< 7 >

The nature of the line of life, which we have seen more, is the upbringing of the sacred rules.

Zastosuvannya cich outrageous characteristics it is necessary to carry out individually skin lines.
Zavdyaki tsyomu method you can vyznachiti on the line of the period of illness and age, if it happens.
The reasons for the appearance of defects in the line can be as constitutional deficiencies in the body, and ailments, as a result of the constitution.

Mayzhe at the skin lines of life an ear of cob, tying with the first fates of life, representations in a look of a lancer or a help of a lower rank (Fig. 316).
as a rule, the whole period of covering with childish ailments.

As if the line is not stable, it takes a significant gap on the cob, the child will finish the trival hour to fight with ailments, which will threaten his body.
After such a period, the line becomes deep and well-formed and continues in a similar rank until the end, then the subject, as soon as the period of childish ailments ends, mother is healthy and saves yoga until the end.

As if the line after a child's weakness of the body will be thin to the end, a person will never know his health.
So the cloudiness is saved, as if the line after the fate of the child's inconsistency will be in the sight of a lansy, wide, superficial, or poshkodzhennogo іnshim rank.

In the life of a skin person, there are the best moments for an organism, if you know a weak organism, you know the periods of pidyoma.
This is due to the uneven nature of the line to the singing division.
Take a look at the line in fig.317.

The interpretation of the line is as follows: part of the illness in childhood up to 12 years, health is stabilized until the end of the period, although the subject will not be affected by a particular illness, in 30 years the health will be weakened, like a trifecta; Let's see healthy people build floorings, so you can talk about her as a strong, energetic specialty.

This period will be completed before 50 years, after which it will be revealed more fully the extinction of yoga of life forces.
The number of possible combinations, similar to thієї, which is described above, is not indicated.
However, vikoristovuyuchi global rules according to the method, we will describe 100% in Fig. 317, you can correctly decipher the line.

< 8 >

Like on a great stretch, you will reveal thin, thinned lines that will change line of Life (Fig. 318), there will be evidence of unrecognizable inability in the life of the subject as a result of nerve overload.

Such a person is slender to the point of non-trivial illnesses, which lead to depression.
As the cross-sections are thin, the disease is not serious, but it brings a lot of anxiety.
Like the stench of red wine, the sickness was caused by the heat.

According to the depth of these lines, you can evaluate the seriousness of illness, as if ending on a hillock, these lines give the key to the nature of their journey.
When the disease appears, you can signify the line.
Like a line, what is changing line of Life, I go to Saturn, and I have a grace (Fig. 319), we can say that the disease is associated with the characteristics of Saturn.

You can clarify yoga by looking at the nails and the color of the hands.

< 9 >

Like a line, what is changing line of Life going to the point, I’ll explore the islands on the line of the Heart under the hump of Apollo (mal. 320), I’ll be sick from the heart, you can evaluate the traces of it by the nature of the end of the line of the Heart and the line of Life.

Nails of that color of hands will be your true helpers.
As if the transverse line is straight to the wispy line of Mercury (Fig. 321), it is ill, ymovirno, it will be a zhovtyanitsa, which is accompanied by a zhovchny heat.
The age of illness of the people is marked by the line of Life.

Even though the line may have ended in its own place, here it was on the Upper Mars (Fig. 322), then the clearly pronounced Martian type will have evidence of inacceptability, circulatory system but with the throat and bronchi.

To confirm the rest of the camp, the form of nails or islands on the line of Mercury.

< 10 >

The line that crosses line of Life, how to get to the gate or cross on the Upper Mars (Fig. 323), to get ahead of the difficulties that are blamed on the system of internal organs, suggesting the possibility of intestinal inflammation.

Likewise, the sichna line goes up to the middle part of the Mіsyatsya hillock (Fig. 324), especially as it is covered with gout, rheumatism is turbulent to the subject.
Tse povnistyu podtverzhitsya, as you will show at the same line with the island, which goes to Saturn (Fig. 325).

Such a sublime sign is already supposedly practiced in that fall, so you don’t show a cross or a gate on the hillock of M_syatsya.

< 11 >

The line that crosses line of Life, which descends to the very bottom of the poshkodzhennogo or gorchaty hump Mіsyatsya, poov'yazuє zahvoryuvannya subject with nirks, sich mіkhur or zhіnochi ailments (Fig. 326).

The white color, the m'yaka or the mlyava dolon confirm such a diagnosis.
Zirka on the line of Mercury, especially at the point, it will overlap with the line of the Head, confirm the rest of what was said at the front proposition (Fig. 327).

Yakshcho line of life I will be safe for all the signs described above, a person’s mother has defects and health, of a similar type.
Chronic illness in a person with a strong line of life turn out in fierce attacks, and not in a trivial period of weakness.

Line of life thin, looking lansy or wide and superficial showing the body's potential to fight against obvious shortcomings in health.
The number of blue lines in such a time grows.

Character lines of life after such transitions, tell you about the straightening of life processes in the body.
Like a transverse line, transverse line of Life, go to the island, point, cross, or I’ll open it on the line of the Head, and line of life if the island is wide and wide, on top (Fig. 328), then a person who has congenital ailments, suffers from severe headaches, as if to ease one’s tenditne of health and lose one’s chances of gaining strength, which one has.

Damage to the work of the brain due to ailments is caused by an islander on the line of the Head.

< 12 >

Any other transverse line that crosses line of Life, starts from the side of the line inflow on the Venus pagorba (Fig. 329).

In these vipadkahs, praise is connected with a splash on a person and inflicts illness.
This is especially true, as if the line was inflowing, deep and strong.
Like a sichna line going to a narrow chotirikutnik, formed by the lines of Golovita and Sertsya (Fig. 330), a sign of asthma;

Chotirikutnik, which sounds, indicates a tendency to fall ill on her.

It is transverse to the line going straight to the line of Mercury at the sight of a flail (Fig. 331), which is a sign that the cause of the disease is a slug, about which the line of Mercury is damaged.

If for some reason the line of Health is covered with islands (Fig. 332), then the difficulties that people blame will be tied to the throat and legs.

< 13 >

Islands on lines of life to speak about the splitting of the energetic flow (mal. 333), then, about the weakening of life forces.

Ostrіvets is a sign of a period of weakened duty.
As the island is already small and only one (Fig. 334), it is an indication of the sickness of a person in the period, and your task, looking at the hillocks, and winding the lines of the Head, Heart, Mercury and other signs, signify the nature of this disease.

< 14 >

The line of Life, which is made up of a series of islands (Fig. 335), is close behind the zmist to the line like a Lanciu.

As the first island is small, the more the world protrudes through the line, then the disease of the people is progressing.
With a reverse picture, the interpretation is more correct.
Since the majority of the islands are larger, lower, let’s say, the sign of the dot, then the blatant interpretation is due to the chronic overrun of illness, and not to the hostile attacks.

In the first place, when interpreting islands, there is a severely weakened organism, and only in another - serious inadmissibility.
Your task is to explain the reason for the trip of the island.
On the rich valleys line of life vkrita with islands, and the valley itself is heavily damaged.

It’s worth mentioning about the nervous vibrancy, which by itself calls out the name of the islands.
Having seen the island, start a search on the valley of signs that indicate defects in the health of people; It is best for you to know the cause of yoga.

Sometimes, having wobbled the islands on the line of Life, you will show with this impersonal other lines, that you will change the line of the Head (Fig. 336), as if in this way, we did not see any other signs in the distance, but the cause of weakness will be severe headaches; glybokі posіchenі liniї vkazhat on seroznі porushennya diyalnostі mozku.

What is the order with the island on lines of life If the island of the line of the Head appears (Fig. 337), then the head will become the cause of the filthy functioning of the body.

< 15 >

As a substitute for the islands, you will draw points on the line of the Head (Fig. 338), then the reason for the appearance of the island lines of life there will be a head fever, especially if the specks will be red or crimson behind the color.

If the points will be found on the line of the Heart, then the appearance of the island on lines of life (Fig. 339) will be the result of a heart attack.
Nigti that color of hands is guilty confirm your vysnovki.

If the islands appear on the line of the Heart (Fig. 340), then the heart weakness will be directly connected with the appearance of the island on the line of Life.

< 16 >

Seen on the valley islands lines of life and the flimsy line of Mercury, you can boldly affirm that the cause of ailment will be increased zhovchnostі in the body (Fig. 341).

As the line of Mercury is presented on the valley near a flake (Fig. 342), then the presence of the island on lines of life I will give you a base for admission, which was the result of dyspepsia, a disorder of the slut.

Grati, crosses, cross-sections and other defects, revealed on one of the hump, will help you to establish the cause of the illness.
Yakscho before the appearance of the island on lines of life є point (Fig. 343), a sharp attack like a disease vykliche problem z zdorov'yam.

Shukayte the nature of illness on the river valley.

< 17 >

Sometimes it is possible to use subvintage signs.

So, you can make the island on the line of Life, which is worth the early fates, at once, or three times later, you can settle the island on the line of the Head, which indicates problems with your head; troch pіznіshe on lines of life maybe another island will appear, as an addition to everything, you will reveal the islands on the line of the Heart, or the wrinkled line of Mercury, or the hills (Fig. 344).

I’ll give you a reminder that there will be two periods of weakened health in the life of a person: the first is due to difficulties in the functioning of the brain, the other is explained in the activity of the heart system.

An island on the line of Life, a connection with a line covered with islands and going to Saturn, as well as a line that goes in the middle part of the Mіsyatsya hillock, allows you to establish gout and rheumatism as the cause of your trip (Fig. 345).

Islands on the line of Life, tying the line with grates on the hill of Saturn, as well as points on the line of the Head under Saturn, ribs, lamki nigti - all this allows you to show a person's strength to the point of paralysis (Fig. 346).

< 18 >

An island on the line of Life, with a point of red or crimson color on Jupiter with red lines of life that thin line of the head is indicated for difficulties in health, associated with apoplexy.

Such a firmness is gaining more and more significance, like on the Upper Mars є Grati or cross (Fig. 347).
The island is on the line of Life, the connection with the line, which goes to the gate to Saturn, and also the swaying line of Mercury is obvious - the axis of the factor, which indicates the presence of the subject of life and the burning of the sun (Fig. 348).

The yellow color confirms it, and the cross-sections that cut the line of the Head, otherwise the small islands reveal the fact of headaches, exclaiming zhovchnistyu.
All the islands have lines of life to allow you to repair defects and health in the form of inaccuracies related to finances and rights.

The sickness is traced along the line of Life, and financial nutrition - along the lines of Apollo and Saturn.
The filthy of health can be poured into the diet, but the rest of the day will not follow the line of Life.

Even more often island on lines of life z'yavlyaєtsya at women's vіkom vіd 42 to 46 years.
Vіn vkazuє on change in your life, and yogo rosemіr - on the trivality of change.
For it would not have been revealed the island on the vale of women, for the change of life (Fig. 349).

The nature of the line after the island shows you the result of such changes.
As if behind the island there is a deep line, the weakening of the body is connected only with the period of the appearance of the island.
If the line is thin, wide, or superficial, or if it looks like a lance, then the subject will never be able to turn the same strength, energy.

< 19 >

Yakscho with the island on lines of life pov'yazanі grati on the lower part of Mіsyatsya (Fig. 350), women's ailments will be an additional perestroy.

As you look down to the present day, the results described above, your obligatory will please people in obligatory order in the next hour.
The absolute accuracy of what you conveyed is guaranteed by the combination of signs, and by itself: the visibility of the line that leads the island to lines of life with gates on the Moon, as well as a star on the line of Mercury at the crossroads of the Golovit line near it (Fig. 351).

Changes can be not only at the sight of the island, but also to be seen in other ears lines of life in the middle period.
Even though the line is deep and strong in this period, it becomes thin (Fig. 352), the changes are less deplorable.

< 20 >

Yakscho line of life transform on a wide surface (Fig. 353), then change in the body to seriously loosen yoga.

The results of such a change seem to be an excess of the line.
The excess at the look of a wide, superficial line, or the line at the look of the lansy, suggests that people do not dare to turn their cobs of strength.
Traces of this period are often seen in other parts of the valley: pinpoints and cuts on the line of the head, inflamed intestines, and gynecological pathology in women.

Take a look at the sights on the pagorbs.
The consequences may appear in the destabilization of cardiac activity, which will be shown by islands, broken by dots on the line of the Heart in the middle period.

Let the island appear on lines of life you will be a signal to ask a joke to cause yoga trip.
Don't hurry, look around the valley to see if it's possible.
Krapki on lines of life - Ridkіsnіst (Fig. 354).

This is a sign of raptov's ailment and an unfortunate mood.
Їx value can change depending on the importance of growing up to majestic diroks, like ruining the line.
The stench is full of all colors, and it is important to lie in the world of that color.

More points are the most non-shkidlivy.
A search for the reasons for this appeared next news, keruyuchis method, vykladenim more.
Red dots point to hot tendencies.
If there are specks of dark-red color or crimson color, the stench moves important notes, so, like typhoid fever, typhus typhus, or similar to them.

In all vipadkah їhnє znachennya in advance about special podії in the life of a person.
The stench sounds like islanders, lancers and other defects, showing for such a schedule that a person can’t turn his own strength in any way.

A dot on the line of Life, which calls out to the appearance of the island, abo lansy, is connected by a transverse line with a dot, a cross or a star on the line of the Head (Fig. 355), will show on the zhorstok attack the head fever, which heals the sub allow you to be dressed.

< 21 >

Krapka on the line of Life, connected with the line from Upper Mars and the line of Mercury, on the island (Fig. 356), to talk about ailment, tied to the bronchi or other throat ailments.

How do you view points on lines of life go one line to the hump of Jupiter, and if you reach the upper part of the Moon, then, obviously, it will cause inflammation of the intestines (Fig. 357).
The point of the line of Life, connected by the line with the island, the point of the cross under Apollo (Fig. 358), to tell about the problems of the heart.

< 22 >

A point on the line of Life, connected by a line with a point, a cross or a cross on the wrinkled line of Mercury (Fig. 359), ahead of the possibility of Zhovchnoy fever.

Krapka on the line of Mercury to talk about a rapt attack, and a sloppy line - about chronic zhovchnist.
Krapka on lines of life for the presence of transverse lines, lattice, ridge, or a badly molded star on the middle part of the Moon indicates the presence of gout (Fig. 360).

The interpretation is based on the line that goes to the point on Saturn.
A point on the line of Life, crossed with grates, cross-sections, a cross, or a badly molded star on the lower part of the Month (Fig. 361), pointing to the dysfunction of the nirok chi of the sich mikhura.

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If you reveal the point of the line of Life, joining the line with the cross on Saturn (Fig. 362), it will be an unfortunate fall.

Rozrivi on lines of life (Fig.363) are interpreted fallow in terms of the thickness of the head line.
Explore, which are on deep and strong lines, less serious, lower ones, which are applied on a wide and superficial line.

I've been able to grow on the deep and strong lines of Life, if the unfriendly expanse has still been added and a good line has been formed.
Be-yaky rasriv svіdchit about reshkodi in the activity of the organism, the reason for such ailments and unfortunate falls.

Concrete facts, that there are unfortunate changes, are important.
But if it comes out of the fact that the valley characterizes the garne of health, then having risen to witness about an unfortunate depression.
Ailments on such valleys are to blame, be it in some other way.

At the top of the valley, de є beautiful line of life that the vlasniks of such a garne of health, rose with the year, confirmed the facts of unfortunate vipadkіv.
Numerical examples bring it to fruition, especially if the order of the rozryvljaetsya poshkodzhennya humpbacked lines and individual signs.

Small gaps, as if in a row, are inspired by additional lines (Fig. 364), which are more serious, lower islands and points.

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Explore widely, which are not recognized (Fig. 365) as a clear threat to life.

The tendencies of the line of growth of the vagina after the development (Fig. 366) are even more serious.
What is the strongest development and vigin of the line, this is the least opportunity for rehabilitation.
If the line is covered with a series of small openings (Fig. 367), then the traces will be even more similar to them, as they described the line like a Lanciu.

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As soon as the skin line becomes thinner (Fig. 368), the subject is weaker due to skin ailments and the ability to support changes.

Such a line serves as a sign of poor health, and a sign of an attack of illness.
Wanting on the line you do not show hostile attacks (Fig. 368), people are suffering from chronic ailments with small intervals.

As the line is thin on the cob, and after the skin growth becomes deeper (Fig. 369), we can say that after the first fates of life, the dynamics of the development will be pinned and the person will overcome his difficulties.

The interpretation of the dermal opening is carried out according to this very method, which was stagnant earlier.
With the method of denoting later, the development of respect for the character of the line follows the new one.
As soon as the line is opened, the island is established (Fig. 370), the ailment, as shown by the opening, to weaken the body timchasovo, is signified by the island's expansion.

It is also possible to transform a line into a lancet (Fig. 371).

With such a sign, a person has little chance of being dressed outside.
Yakshko є rozriv vіkom 50 roіv (Fig. 372), it should be interpreted in such a way that life line, vitonchuyuchis at your own pace, bring the people to the exhaustion of the body's strength, after which the ailment will become, on the way of the rise.

As soon as the line is expanded step by step, it becomes strong, people give in to turn a lot of strength.
Rozrivi on lines of life can be neutralized, often intersect with the ends of the line, parallel lines, square or be it in some other way.

Splitting lines of life (Fig. 373) cut off part of the energy flow line to the main channel.

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Sometimes the line just subsides, and then we can watch two lines that go right together (Fig. 374).

In times, it is not easy to weaken the body, and the person is wasting his life strength.
Sometimes the splitting is thin and similar to hairs (Fig. 375), which does not change the size of the head line.

Ring out the stench, like a dragon of wild fish beating a great fish, accompany the main line and talk about too much strength.
If thin lines-hairs rise from the head line (Fig. 376), it is necessary to tell about the deep underbelly in the life of the subject.

Vіn spovneniya ambitions, pride and bajannya reach success.
The period of appointments by these lines, to tell about the fates of the greatest rozkvity.
The human being's mother is highly practical and it is better to dispose of her intellect and strength.

Under the hour of this period of guilt, I am guilty of working the most important part of the work in my life.

< 27 >

The hour will come when the lines will not rise, but go down (Fig. 377).

This hour does not look like such a pidyom, as if with viskhidnyh lines.
The point, if the vishіdnі іnії znikayut i z'yavlyayutsya linії scho go down (Fig. 378), - Turning point in the life of the people.
This point is the peak of your victories, the period of the greatest expansion of strength, if it is more important for you to reach it.

I have seen a lot of such signs, the meaning of which was confirmed by the lives of rich people.
On some valleys, such a sign appeared earlier, on others - later, but in any case, the peak of human strength, which skin nature gives.

Sometimes there, de є viskhіdna line, the island is settled (Fig. 379).
Tse show that the weakened health of the people so vysnazhivayut forces of people, scho even now no way to become colossal.
If the turning point is about 50 years, then there is a natural change in the physical forces given to people by nature.

< 28 >

If vishіdnі іnії chi one line rises to Jupiter (Fig. 380), it is the result of dії majestic ambitions, like shtovhayut їkh Volodar fight for victory; directly yogo ambitions you can signify that the phalanx of fingers is more important.

The line, viskhidna to Saturn (Fig. 381), is a symbol of the majestic bajans of the subject to reach success in the region, to rule Saturn.
Holy yogo bazhan vy anew, you can still name for the pan_vnoy phalanx of fingers.
Like a line going to Apollo (Fig. 382), it should be noted that the subject is able to realize that area of ​​Apollo to himself with superior phalanges.

30 >

For a high score lines of life respectfully vrakhovuvat the end of the line, as if you were saying to the end of life.

Vivchayuchi change the line at all її stages, we know about the strength of a person, become healthy at a different hour, periods of weakness, ailments.
If we look back at the end of the line, then we can give a bag to the one who knew about the line.

Line of life you can end up on different valleys at different places.
If the line is deep and strong, it can end up so strong, like a bula: the line simply serrates, not interrupted by a special sign (Fig. 386).

At this point, you can talk about those that a person will be left strong until the very end, її death will not be obscured by sickly ailments.
For such an ending, it is necessary to reconsider the line of the Head, the line of the Heart and the type of the subject.

If the subject can be zarahuvat to the Jupiterian or Martian type, then death is hired.

Yakscho on lines of life there are no common signs, but in the line of the Head there is a deep cross, a cross, a dot of chi and a star, beyond the time scale the lines of Life run with the hour, the very signs of the line of the Head indicate death (Fig. 387).

Raptove ending lines of life pointing death to shvidka, and ushkodzhennya on the line Head will be the cause.
The sign at the transverse line, cross, flecks or stars on the line of the Heart (Fig. 388) is also ahead of rapt death through heart failure.

Unacknowledged information lines of life - An indication not of chronic illness, which feeds the body, but of a rapt attack, which is seen on the shoulders with a speck, a cross, a transverse or a star, and sometimes in a form of a rose.
lines of life on be-yakoy from the hump of the valley is a point.

In this rank, as you already guessed, the end of the line is not to talk about life itself.
Shukayte poshkodzhennya on the other lines of the humpbacks.
Yakscho line of life ends unsuccessfully, and a point is visible on Jupiter (Fig. 390), then the cause of this will be apoplexy, as a point on Saturn - paralysis, and as a star, a cross-point on the line Golovi under Saturn, your visnovok will be the most true in death (Fig. 391).

So are the ways of interpreting the fault of zastosovuvatsya and hundred of others.
If line of life raptovo znikaє, zavzhdya all the same imovіrnіst that she can show up and continue her way.

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If the line ends with a penzlik (Fig. 398), then the rise of vitality will inevitably lead to death.

Such penzliks often ring out after 60 - 65 years.
At the rocks, the stench indicates in nature the extinction of life's forces.
Like a penzlik, they appear on the line in advance, people threaten death in advance.

The life of rich palmistry of penzlik is characterized as “vigilance in old age”.
It's not true.
I am rich in the hands of people, rich.
Sometimes the line goes normally to the singing vіku, and then we change ours directly at the bik pagorba.

If a defect in health does not show up in this moment, it means that the quality of the hump is strongly influenced by the life of the subject.

Unsuccessful ending lines of life to talk about the presence of crippling ailments.

Yakshcho transverse line breaks hіd lines of life (Fig. 401), which also points to an unsustainable death.
Zastosuvannya descriptions of more methods for further investigation will help to reveal the reason.
For whom you need to look at the hurtful valleys.

Yakshcho on the left hand side lines of life good and strong, but in the right poshkodzheniya, otzhe, schos vtruchayetsya in the natural way of life.
Tse mozhe buti nabuta shkіdliva zvichka or as a serious ailment.

Your obov'yazok - determine the reason and tell the client about the hemorrhages, which, if possible, should be embarrassed by the sound of filthy sounds, that's how it is, and save death.
If the line ends with a dot (Fig. 402), then the person will die from a strong attack, the nature of which can be determined in a great way.

If the line ends with a star (Fig. 403), the death of a person will be unstoppable.
In practice, you are stuck with an impersonal combination of signs that need to be sorted out line of Life, but you already know at once how to deal with them, and you can correctly evaluate them.

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Christi, scho came to lines of life (Fig. 404), you will find signs on the lines of Saturn and Apollo that can be seen until this hour.

Khresti often point to an unfortunate fall, if not to a disease.
Zirka on lines of life - a threat to life (Fig. 405), which was repeatedly confirmed by unstoppable deaths.
The type of a person is very important when such signs are revealed.

Thin line, what to enter lines of life and with a star that will end (Fig. 406), - a not safe sign that threatens with an unstoppable death.
The color of the line can be painted as a confirmation of the weakness and strength of the body.

The white color changes the strength of the deep line.
The rosy will be the most pleasant color for the line of Life, the everyday shortcomings of the supernatural - a normal balance.
The red color of the deep line overthrows the brilliance.

Lyudina is shy to the feverish ailments, hot in her manifestations, she has a too great appetite.
Like a star, a cross, a dot, or a crossbar, they appear on the line, turned into an intense red color, people endure even a zhorstok attack under the hour of their appearance.

Such a combination is the most unsafe for life.

All the signs that indicate the fuse or the burning, may have serious traces on the red line of Life.
Line of life The yellow color shows us the presence of a person with chronic zhovnosti, and defects of any type, which manifested themselves under the spit of zhovnost, give a tight fit.

In such a situation, special respect should be given to the humpbacks of Saturn and Mercury;
Yellow color lines of life vkazuє on dratіvliva, nervous, skhilnu to depression people.

With such a color, a person can manifest the filthy qualities of the Mercurian or Saturnian types, such as cheating or cheating, and as the extreme forms of significant wickedness, the person will be an evil insincerity, which will take away the badness of vibivstva.

Blakitny vіdtinok lines of life povyazaniya with filthy blood circulation, and later, іz heart failure, so at once from the poshkogennoy that filthy zabarvlenoy line Heart will be instructed on її polennya.

Like for such a color on lines of life there will be stars present, then this is an indication of the unstoppable death from a heart attack.
Everything has been said so that the color of the line is carried by the equal world and to the thin, and to the deep line of Life.

Truth, the presence of a bright-red color in thin lines of life it is supernaturally unsafe, because the strength of the body is not so great, so that you can see the energy, the way you show the color.
The yellow color of the thin line is to speak about a small, dribbling person, who quarrels with scrupulousness.

Subject with subtle line of life cold, sore, constantly dissatisfied, unhappy.
The stench suffers through lack of energy, and it is impossible to rely on them.
The erysipelas color weakens the negative characteristics of a wide, superficial line and a line in a look of a lansy.

We give you more energy and less depression.
The red color enhances the quality of these lines, ale wines, ring out, at a different rare sight.
If you still show yoga, do not think that I am a threat, that for such lines you need maximum strength.

Wide, superficial, lance-like lines, zabarvleny in a yellow color, indicate nervousness, inertness, snarl in a conducive form.
Opanuvannya zagalnyh principles will give you the key to indistinguishable combinations lines of life with other lines and hillocks.

First try, you can not be far away, but it’s not guilty to cool your bazhannya and open your hands.

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