Characteristics of the pagorba marsu on the valley. Signs that roztashuvannya lower mound of Mars

The hump of Mars otrimav its name in the name of the Roman god of war. In palmistry, it is important that you can signify with a humpback that you are a fighter in a person. Fakhіvtsі pіslya detailed analysis all the lines, the signs can be said, how strong the will is in people to win, how to move forward, how much wine is ready to make it difficult.

Characteristics of the lower hillock of Mars

The lower hump of Mars is most clearly visible, as if to press the thumb to the bottom. Vіn є m'yasistim humpback. In palmistry, the hillock is called "Mars positive", "Mars active". On this hump, the fahivtsy can sing, chi є in people are so strong, like a spirit, inner strength, how aggressive they are.

  • Harmoniously, the lower Mars hump speaks about the courage of a person, speaks about good physical strength and internal self-control. A person with such a hump knows how to direct his energy in the right direction, she will quickly take decisions, bear the responsibility for them. People with such traits are quickly inspired to follow a visibly physical, moral work. This practicality allows you to reach your goals. In special partnerships, a person pragmatically takes a leading position, it is seriously put before the choice of a partner, depending on such self-discipline, as if he is ready himself. Looking at the lower hump of Mars, you can remember that some wines have a reddish eye - you can tell about the powerful people zhorstokistnost, rudeness, as they can suffer from pain.
  • It’s strong to say a hump that a person needs to go to extremes. With the new one, everything can be good, or even worse, there will be no middle ground. Such people are inspired by self-destruction; don't blame the criticism of the otochyuchih, navіt akshcho won constructive. Lyudina, as if she had attached herself to the image, was sent to the Zhorstok pomst, she did not forgive the image. Such people could hardly get away; at times, I will program them, they can be aggressive, zhorstok.
  • The rise of the depraved hillock of Mars and the same behind the rise of the hillock of Venus are evidence of hypersexuality. Such people put sexual satisfaction first. You can't save your fidelity to your partner, they will constantly try to find out about light calls.
  • The nasty expressions of Mars' hump characterize a person who is weak, like the sound of a collapse behind the current, nothing to live for the richness of life. Such people are strongly afraid of any kind of violence, the stench is fearful. With such a character, it is important for people to praise folded, wise decisions. Weakness becomes the cause of prolonged depression.

Conquest of the lower hillock of Mars

  • The lower hump of the mars can grow closer to the center of the valley. Seems like a person is constantly joking around, good-natured, reckless.
  • Roztashuvannya pagorba at the bottom of the valley - a sign of the fallow land of people in the mind of the mindless. Yogo vchinki require a commendation; without constant encouragement, you will become passive, helpless.
  • The roztashuvannya of the active hump to the mars was a sign of the vale of the arrogance, the richness of the people. Such people are fighters for their day, the stench does not stumble at all, pushing the bands on the way to the mark.

Signs on the hill

  • Cross on the active mountain of Mars is a symbol of a strong, but folding character. In some moods, a person cannot control his emotions; if the stinks are overwhelmed, they can show aggression, zhorstokist.
  • Zirka on the hump of Mars - a symbol of control over internal aggression. People, who knew how important it is to control their emotions, grab the high plantations at the law enforcement agencies; know to call on the military right, power sports. The robot to bring satisfaction can be called with the other half, having secured a happy hat.
  • As if on the lower hillock of Mars one can see the grati, then the person cannot scoff with his anger. Uncontrolled attacks of aggression to mischievous and people. In order to neutralize the boundary between character, a person can turn to work, tied to great physical activity, frequent crossings.
  • Square on the lower hillock of Mars - a comforting sign, protecting people from the legacy of an untrue risk.
  • Presence on the hill borozen- A symbol of the management of internal anger, aggression.
  • obris trikutnik on the mound - a symbol of the talent of a person at the military right. Such people are brilliant strategists, they can borrow stone plantings from military spheres of activity.

Characteristics of the great pommel of Mars

The great hump of Mars indicates the negative character of the character, how people get away. Pagorb otrimav the name "passive" chi "negative". Behind yoga roztashuvannyam, symbols, rozmirami can be seen, how much a person has seen, how she copes with negative manifestations of character. Tsej pagorb can tell about the internal potential.

Rostashovanie mound under the hump of Mercury, between them to pass the line of the heart. Outline the lower part of the border between the Moon's hillock.

  • Harmoniously rozvineny pagorb to speak about masculinity, cold-bloodedness, vitrivality, firm character. Such people have strong moral principles, such that the stench does not irritate everything. At love notes like people do not joke about compromises, stench does not show weaknesses.
  • Shchlny, red hump of Mars - indicative of internal aggression, zhorstokіst by age to overwhelming. People can suffer when they show brutal sarcasm, you know. Such people always maintain their thoughts, make them seem like they have a pardon. The stench called to prove their rightness by force.
  • The hump of Mars on the valley can be supermundanely resentful - it is necessary to speak about expressiveness, rudeness. Super girls with such people, ring out, end with zhorstok beats. Such people are mostly choleric; in the face of yaskravih spalahіv their anger they suffer uneasily. In special vodnosins, the stench manifests itself like a hairdresser, jealous. Sometimes it is possible to reach constant control and welding, biyok.
  • In palmistry, the hump of Mars, which is weakly expressed and may have a soft form, speaks about the powerful people's internal self-control. People with such a hunchback can react passionately to criticism. If the bottom of the human being is soft, then the character will be like that. And here you can drink wine and spit out otochyuchih, they can start manipulating.
  • As if the humpback flared up on the hands of the day, then the people do not see courage at the decision. Such people, with all their might, are unique in their victorious tasks, in a passive life position. Many people suffer from professional, special dissatisfaction, but they don’t do anything for their work.

Usunennya of the upper hump of Mars

  • If the mound of misfortune is at the bik pagorba of Mіsyatsya, a person can be called uninitiated, without a will. Bring the sound of patience from the side of the otochyuchih, richly anyone who respects yoga is simply rubbish. As much as a person wants, you can speed up the world with your inner potential, spitting on people. Yogo's quiet, ale-confused voice is easily reachable to the opponent's bazhanykh. Such people can be manipulators.
  • Placement at the bik pagorba of Mercury is a sign of the presence of a strong patron. Such a person is within reach of all goals set; The great role in this play is not only a careless robot, but a happy mood, good luck.
  • Roztashuvannya upper hump mars practically in the center of the valley - a sign of aggression and fearlessness. Such people often unfairly risk their lives. Look at them for sure.

Signs on the upper hillock of Mars

The meaning of the skin mark on the upper Martian hillock can be interpreted:

  • Cross symbolizes enemies, injuries that make life easier for people. A negative symbol can be neutralized by the person herself, having learned to handle emotions.
  • Zirka- The symbol of internal vpertosti. Such people think only one thing: their own thought, like a stink and propaguvatimut otochyuchim. Overworldly emotion to lead to numerical conflicts. Such people fall for deadly sounds.
  • Presentation square on the humpback stream of overworld aggression. Like a person herself, learn to control anger, conflict, there are no problems with discomfort.
  • Trikutnik on pagorbi - a symbol of cold-bloodedness. Such people can be skeptical with little more than their minds, overlying their emotions. Often this building is built in non-transferable surroundings. People with such a symbol can develop a successful military career, politics. The inner vibrancy privablyu otochyuyuchih.
  • Presentation Grati on the upper hillock of Mars - a sign of emotional unstriking. Such people can show leadership, fighting figures.
  • Batkivshchyna on the hump of Mars to speak about the inner visor, tolerance.

Vіdgaluzhennya to the line of life

  • Lines on the hillocks of Mars can look up to the line of life - it is a symbol of life's difficulties, losses, failures.
  • Watching the line of life, like going to the hillock itself, showing on the operational delivery, like being present in life.
  • The lines that enter the humpback can be perpendicular to the line of life - they symbolize the inner strength, the onslaught, which helps people to collapse to the set goals.
  • Parallel lines point to the inner biased nature. Often people prihovyat tse, no one suspects that impulsiveness, activity, as hovaetsya in the middle.

The characteristic of the hump of Mars is rich in nuances, with which the inhabitant can easily grow independently. To complete the picture, one should turn to the palmist, or zazdalegіd vivchit vodpovidnu literature. Forward, post-visnovki, founded on more than one fact, can be pardoned.

Always be important as a fighter, to that a person reaches a place under the sun. Vіd tsogo deposit success in kar'єri, statu sіm'ї, and іnоdі d special happiness. Significantly, how can such a person be possible along the hillock of Mars, what kind of names in honor of the god of war. I will show you that a person is alive in important minds, that you can make life difficult, to achieve victory.

On the valley is not one hillock of Mars, but two: the great one. Maliy is in order with the thumb, white of the base. Veliky - on the protractile part of the valley. Yoga between the lines of Rozum and the line of the Heart are christened.

Maliy or lower hump

The lower hump of Mars (malium) stands for such vigor, like strength and strength. Judging by the new and about the aggressiveness of the ruler of the valley. It’s not easy to know on the hands of yoga: I entrusted it with a jumper of the thumb and looked like a small, fleshy mound. So that the hump was more clearly visible, requiring the thumb to stick to the shoulder.


Palmistry is richly told about the sack of the hand behind the rosemary of that hillock on the hand.

Pagorb is not great and not small (normal size)

Before you is a brave person, as if in control of himself, if necessary, he also shows physical activity. Vіn koristuєtsya vsіma timi yaskosty, yоgo dіljaє mound of Mars, іt vіn courageous, napoleglivy, maє great strength of spirit. However, you must be forgiven, but in important situations do not lose self-control. Vіn it is easy to find the most convenient task and go through this path, which is untravelable to the new one, to bring what the building is on the rich, and in front of you.

What the fuck, I won’t be in other roles. Until then, choose your own partner, you will be yourself, that person will be active. Often it is a sign of a strong temperament, the vlasnik of the valley needs a boil of passions. Yogo emotions are always fried. To that team, who alive entrusted to him, will be brought to scandals in public, or to the shocking witnesses at the kohanna.

Surprise to the color of the valley. If there is a place of a red color, and on a dotik it is a little harder, then a person has a zhorst character, wine can easily be rude with otochyuchiy.

Great Hillock of Mars

The ruler of such a valley is strong and energetic, who does not know what is so pivtoni. Vіn take vіd life everything, schilny to the extreme. Often a person is a self-destructive person, as if they cannot calmly accept criticism, they always become angry, angry, as if something were not good about her.

Also, palmistry underlines that the great hillock of Mars on the valley shows that this person is a commotion with a vibukhov character. Vіn can be sarcastic and zhorstokim, go ahead, but not rizikuvati. You can be cruel and stop violence.

On the hands, one can clearly see not only the great hillocks of Mars, but also the great hillock of Venus. Tsya people can be hypersexual, like choosing polygamous girls and sex without feeling love.

Small hillock of Mars

The Vlasnik of the valley is surprised by a quiet character, he is bored in himself, inert, he does not know what kind of passion or anger. Palmistry is ahead, that this person is fearful, afraid of pain and psychological discomfort. That is why it is necessary to show firmness and self-reliance. Those problems, which are blamed on the life of a skin person, you can’t do it, through which depression can be blamed on her. Also vin to tell about the body's weakness.


Palmistry respects for the important roztashuvannya pagorba on the valley. Vіn zmіschuєtsya at that chi іnshiy bik.

  • The hump of Mars is close to the center of the valley. This person has an unstriking temperament, she is more like a warrior and gravitates towards a risk. You will be happy less then, if you have difficulties, as if you will feel unsafe, tk. even if you can change your strength.
  • Vin destroying the valleys to the bottom. Vіn is merciful, steadfast, but to you, you will always need kohannya, and vіn pragne respect. How much of a life is marriage to you, it’s unfortunate and passive.
  • Get closer to the edge of the valley. Before you is a brave person with the character of a fight. Vіn merciful and active, fight until you can overcome, no matter what you may have done.


Palmistry is aware that the signs, like they are distinguished on the Lower Hills of Mars, may be of great importance that they inject into the lot of people.

  • Cross. The vlasnik of the valley has a foldable, unassuming character. Until then, wine is stubborn. You love to chat, often go out of yourself for an hour of skirmishes, you can inspire a spy on emotions.
  • Zirka. A star on the hump of Mars means that people need to control their aggression. If you are guilty of a voroguvate, then you can spend it before the court and play right. Also, the ruler of the valley of palmistry for the sake of picking up a risky profession (military, sportsman, policeman), the stars of yakіy vin to promote their social status, as if they were attached to their right. So, for whomever, in the distance, a love union with a colleague is possible.

Grati on the hump of Mars - the man is not striman; trikutnik - in front of you is a strategist

  • Grati. If there is a sign on the hand (div. pershu the picture in the photo), then there is an unstriking person in front of you, as you can’t cope with your anger and drama. One-of-a-kind wines can’t get in on their own. Tsya anger zavdaє shkodi souls of people and vіdshtovkhuє vіd neї relatives. It is necessary for that vlasnik of the valley to follow himself, to learn to behave properly. Corisno give such a robot, de energy, which has accumulated, could know the exit. In the minds of the people, this person is also headstrong, not giving the partner a chance to encourage her.
  • Trikutnik. Yakscho here є trikutnik (div. photo higher), a man of natural strategist, he has talent for a gallus of military tactics. Vіn love zmagatsya. Until then, the new garne has an intuition that it is logical to think about the critical moments of life.
  • Through the line of life pass the letter "L". On the lower hillock there is a red sign - the letter "L" - to pass through the line of Life. I show you that the ruler of the valley has not been getting along with the members of his homeland for a long time. Having become angry, vin victorious and brute physical strength, the head of the kalіtsva.

  • Square. The square shows that wines are often risky, and that risk of falsehoods, however, these thoughtless ones do not have any serious consequences.
  • Borozni. Vlasnik of the valley is able to control his feelings and direct his energy to where it is necessary.

Draw to the line of Life

As if in the hillock of Mars, there are pictures to the line of Life, as if to overthrow it, then the whole line is difficult, as if it’s bad luck, spend it.

As on the line of Life there are little pictures, which are called comets, and there is a tail of straightening on the hump, then people in life have a chance to survive the operation chi medically vtruchannya. All tsі risi are called defects of the line of Life.

If these lines do not cross the line of Life, but are perpendicular to it, then this person is already biased and emotional. Vіn can richly reach the winds of your onslaught. If you draw parallel lines of Life, then the nature in a person is biased, it doesn’t show the opposite. Thoughts that seem to be even more impulsive and active, you can’t succumb to anything.

Great chi upper pagorb

The negative powers of the god Mars are directed through the upper hillock of Mars or, as they call it, the Great Hillock. Vіn vіdpovіdaє for vitrivality, enthusiasm, energy of people. On the hands to know yoga is not easy: vіn raztashovaniya under the hump of Mercury. Two qi pagorbi vіdokremlyuє one vіd one line of the Heart. Under it there is a mound of Misyatsya.


Like a vapadku z Nizhniy pagorbom, chiromancy to marvel at the expansion of the Upper, to that tse vplyvayut on the character of a person that її future.

  • Tsei pagorb of regrets. The new gentry and firm character, tobto vitrival, daring, masculine, building but cold-blooded, as a threat to insecurity and self-control. As a humpback of good christening, then a fearless person, like to love rizikuvati, is vіdvana. Vіn nіkoli do not move in the direction of someone without a fight, nіbi vіn indifferent, zavzhdite time your own way. The team of wines cannot be allowed to manipulate, not to wait for a compromise.
  • As a hillock is high and narrow, of a red color, then it is an aggressive and zhorstok people, as if it does not care for the restless and graceful to sarcasm. Vіnіkoli do not step aside, to the one who is already stuck, let go of his hands.
  • Magnificent pommel. If the rosemary of the Upper Hillock of Mars is hostile with its rosemaries, then the vlasnik of the valley of Suvory is both aggressive, sharp and hot. Such people create conflicts and often show their bitterness in them. So the stench is over jealous of that stick, for temperament - choleric.
  • A small and soft pagorb. This person is not enough rіshuchа and stіyka. If the surface of the hump is smooth, then the ruler of the valley has good control over himself. Yakshto on a new richly furrowed, vin dosit angry and flamboyant.
  • There is no squalor. The vlasnik has a marriage of courage and self-control. Vіn unikaє vіdpovіdalnostі and chooses a passive way of life. It is important for you to achieve your goals, that vikonannya bazhan.


  • The mound of Mars is close to the Mіsyatsya hillock. There is a lot of crying, that this person is overly soft-spoken without willpower. Alece is not fearfulness, but garniy self-control and tolerance. Vіn endowments with majestic strength, and you can reach the bazhany without raising your voice.
  • Close to the hillock of Mercury. The Vlasnik of the valley was spared, to the one who has a majestic mіts, to the one who has a bodyless patron. You will forever be inspired to go through life, and reaching the great heights is not less than a windfall for your yakost, and through the postyne spring.
  • Closer to the center of the valley. If on the rutsi tsey the hump is roztashovuetsya in such a rank, then the person is fearless, yak often go to the non-transferring vchinki. Win is aggressive.


Follow the respect for the signs on this miserable valley.

  • Cross. At the vlasnik of the valley, there are taemni foes, or there is a poshkodzhennya on the body. If you can get out of the situation, a sign can appear.
  • Zirka. In front of you is a person with a quarrelsome character, angry and jealous. For such a character there will be inaccuracies. Like a star is known on a firm and great path, palmistry is ahead, so you don’t varto zv’yazuvatisya іz doubtful companies, drink alcohol and drink it.
  • Square. A friendly sign, which helps to streak fiercely and illogically, caused by emotions. Vin protects the body from the ears and the soul from the enemies.
  • Trikutnik. Bestowing cold-bloodedness, helping to firmly think in a troubled moment. Such a person to crush the glittering career of a military man, tk. nadіyny i stіyky. Otherwise, organize rallies of that party.
  • Grati. This human being has an emotional nature, it is unstriking.
  • Borozni. It’s also a friendly sign: a man’s husband, to win over, to become a leader of that fighter.
  • Mother on the hillock of Mars. The person is tolerant.

Linear side: 8 (the head of the book has 16 sides) [accessible reading lines: 11 sides]

Yakshcho pagorb supra-mundanely guilty, tse mozhe, from one side, sing, from the other - to support the main yogos. Such a pagorb is about strong pulling to satisfaction, risik, extravagance, fame, self-esteem, pulling up to pennies, skhilnist to flattering and praise to your address. Such a person, with her good intentions in past lives, deserved the bestowal of the Greater strengths from her natural talents and strengths. Ale, in my life of wine, having consumed a lot of bazhan and addictions and forgetting about my rightful recognition at the service of God. That is why the vlasniks of the supermundanely laid hump are shilny to illusions and lose a little reality, as well as the stench of a shove, it is unimportant to be put up to otochyuyuschie and ruin life with their actions and burden karma.

Normally the hump of Apollo can perebuvat at the harmonic zealousness to roam with other humps and see their development like other humps. People with such a hump create inner harmony, rose creative vibes and appreciate beautifully. Creativity can manifest itself in absolutely all spheres of life. Such people have already developed an intuition, which helps them to easily make a decision.

Cі osobystosti raznobіchno razvinenі and zdatnі adapt in any situation. The stench is kind, gracious and accepting of the splurge, and it’s also easy to get confused with them.

Weak development of the Apollo's hump to tell about those special marriages of the main qualities of Apollo, and to itself: the creative cob, the building of understanding and the more beautiful, the clarity of the chosen path for one’s life realization. However, these nedolіki can be well disguised, as a person may have a well-placed practical streak.

The appearance of the hillock of Apollo, or a depression in the yoga world, characterizes such a person as a callous materialist and a prose writer, like someone else's ideals in a rosy mind, beauty and beauty. Such people do not think of artistic vigor and aspiration to the beautiful, and it is also not uncommon for the sight of Apollo's hump to speak of zhorstokіst, callousness and heartlessness. When you need to reach popularity and become popular in life, you can save up and can be compensated by bragging rights and help to cope with hostility.

Pahorb of Mercury to be found on the base of the finger of Mercury and between the hump of Apollo, and on the bottom it is crowned with the line of the Heart.

The bones of the hump of Mercury fight for their interpretations of the bones of the finger of Mercury and, in the complex, they give for the comradeship and well-being of people before community activityі science robot. Pagorb also signifies diplomatic, organizational and commercial vibes. According to the development of this hillock, one can judge about the problem areas of people and about their complexes. The harmonious development of the hillock of Mercury endows its volunteer with the necessary talents, as if for the help of other hillocks they know their own needs.

The main capacities of the pagorba: comradeship, commercialism and organizational zdibnosti, mutually exclusive, diplomacy, intelligence, individuality, protection and practicality. positive signs on the pagorbі є: zirka, square, tricutnik, trident, especially Indian signs and sprats of vertical lines. Before negative signs one can see: cross, colo, grati, island and sprat of horizontal lines.

For a distant look, showing a strong development of the hillock of Mercury, a small 1.67 is presented; normal - baby 1.67-1, and weak - baby 1.67-2.

A strong development of the pagorba of Mercury show good communication and oratorical skills. Such people are taman krasnomovstvo, diplomacy, tact, guiltiness, cleverness, competently and easily express their thoughts and obruntovuvat their vchinki. The hump of Mercury, like a finger, tied with commerce, business and communicative features. Therefore, with a strong development of the hump and the old finger of Mercury, especially as the hump is not disturbed and known in its own place, it is possible to create a visnovo about those who have all the necessary for running a business and talent for verbal communication. Responsibility to speak about the Swedish and hospitable rozum, some kind of building commemorate the least nuances of razmovi, and also to speak about the interest in the sciences. Such a person can be changed and often can join a super girl for the sake of interest. As if in the hands of a guilty torment there is a long life and a straight line of the Head, then it’s worth talking about yogo schilnist to the scientific mind and building to analyze and systematize the details. You will be dominated by delicacy, and, relying on the strength of your mind, the business of building wines on the rizicovanny vchinki. Tse people with an innovative mindset, yakі can know in zvichaynіsіnkih speeches schos nezvichayne, prihovany vіd eyes, and more than that - build your own opinion. They have the gift of guilt, which is manifested in any sphere of their activity. At any time in the world of real and material speeches, it will be quieter, lower in the world of abstract ideas.

On ruhomіy and gnuchkіy rutsі strongly rozvineny pommel of Mercury to witness about life serenity, practical intelligence and social activity. Such a person is more kindly aware of the distant, watchful, able to speak beautifully and, as a rule, superficially rickety. Chi vdavatimetsya vin to reach their goals to cunning and deceit - the chain of culture and vihovannia. Chim rude pagorb of Mercury's expressions on the hands, with less tact and diplomacy, Yogo Vlasnik will be raised.

Nadmirniy rozvitka of the hillock of Mercury to speak about the strong materialistic nature and vminnya to take away material goods, be it in any way possible for him. Great zdіbnostі and talents before commercial operations can turn into schilnіstі to shahraystva, slyness and impudence. So the epidemiological development of the humpback speaks of warmness, the inevitable whisper of the vigoda and the cunning people. The motto of such people is to say: "Meta real pennies."

Normally the rise of the hump of Mercury I am guilty of interrupting the harmonic zealousness, to roam with other humps and to be seen by my development. Vіn vkazuє on skhilnіst to commerce, sciences and give people the necessary communicative ability, but stinks will be rozvinenі on the same level and in the middle of the norm. The rulers of such a hump are endowed born by intellect and remember to express your thoughts clearly and clearly; You will feel good in a competitive environment, but you won’t specially enter into conflicts with a super girl in order to bring someone to someone.

Weakly vindicated or the flat pagorb of Mercury to tell about the weakness of the building to the point of splintering, the impracticality of life and the low need for self-realization and self-enlightenment. Such people are not capable of scientific and commercial activity, and also of work related to research and analysis.

The flat hump of Mercury can mean that people dream about success and future grandiose plans, but do not do anything to put them into practice. And if there is a hole in the middle of the hillock, then it is a sign of falsehood and schiness to deceit and intrigue.

Pagorb Veneri- The largest among the valleys of the hillocks. Vіn roztashovaniya bіla bases of the great finger, being the yogo third suglob, fringes the line of Life and in the majority of people occupies 1/3 of the length. The ideal hump of Venus is to blame for being smooth and springy on the dotik, but more than other humps and mother erysipelas.

Vіn vіdpovіdaє for zdatnіst people to express their feelings and emotions, show the steps of his їzmu chi, navpaki, altruism, and also show the building of love, that vіdchuvati predilectі and chuttya. This is the main indicator of vitality, health, physical activity. According to the hump of Venus, the steps of vitality, sensitivity and sexual activity are distinguished.

The main capacities of the pagorba: life energy, vibrancy, passion, love, building up to the birth of children, sensitivity and passion for various pleasures. Positive signs on the pommel of Venus є: especially Indian signs, a square, trikutnik and zirka, and before the negative ones one can see: colo, grati, cross and line Rahu.

A stronger development of the Veneri pagorba shows a 1.68 litter; normal - baby 1.68-1, and weak - baby 1.68-2.

Pagorb Veneri is respected very sorry like some offending parts, upper and lower, however, for their size. Such a development of the hump speaks of a strong expression of Venus's strength and, in general, indicates a good, kind character and life of a person. The master of such a hump is able to enjoy life with all sorts of pleasures, and for the sake of physical pleasure, not to fixate on them, but try to control and trim within the framework. Such people are capable of experiencing, always ready to help and save themselves to the point of self-sacrifice. Active, most often lead a sports way of life, and sometimes they can go about their money, sometimes exercising control over them.

People with a strongly displaced hump begin to marry with a partner not only on the basis of co-ownership, but on friendship, because the smell of stinking with a new comrade and a brother is reasonable. For them, it’s more important, like a trust in warehouses, so it’s mutual self-giving. In this case, people are more passionate, energetic and need a strong need for a kohanna. Women with such a hunchback especially demand compliments and respect, they always want to be respected and check on the assessment of their person from the side of the otochyuyuchih.

As in the area of ​​​​the Venus pagorba, one can see more, or the upper part is differently christened, as it is beastly at the beck of the fingers, it indicates the importance of sensitive love in all manifestations: compassion, humanity, good will, tenderness, delicacy of children, delicacy of children First of all, since the lower part is more open, then we can talk about the nature of the biased, sexual and noble. Equally separated parts of Venus's hillock characterize the emotional, kind, biased, mindful of sciences and value everything beautiful. Such people are endowed with natural grace, beauty and expansiveness. The stench subtly listens to music and trusts only their own thoughts.

Overworldly repentance of the pommel of Venus talk about energy, passion, sensitivity and sexual advancement. The area of ​​sensibility, physical closeness and sexual intercourse in the Volodar of the overworldly planted hillock will be the highest priority in life. Such a person is rarely worthy of being faithful to his partner, who, no doubt, can be recognized on the occasion family vіdnosin. Vіn always ready to love, oskolki tse for the new most important in life, ale dovgostrokovі stosunki without zrad - tse, better for everything, vinyatok іz rules. A number of these transcendental revelations of Venus's pagorb speak of vitality, energy and witness about high vitality and great energy.

As it happens in such a way that the furnishings do not allow satisfying their feelings and physical needs, then people feel dissatisfied with life in a scorched way, knowing if there are any reasons for being true. Even more often they can drown out their dissatisfaction with additional alcohol in other ways.

It's okay to apologize for the hump of Venus It is a hump of medium size, not very puffy and flat, which is evidence of the health of the life energy of the people. Vkazuє on zhittєlyubnіst, zdatnіst kokhati and buti kokhanim. Good formations of the hump of Venus to break the line of Life more clearly and to witness about high opirnist ailment and good health. Such special features are like comrades, kind, organized and often the soul of the company. Tse people of the word, yakі nіkoli do not put on the first place their feelings, emotions, and smut - passions, willfully develop and budvavat harmonious stosunki only with their partner. This is how the people of the city are, like they give themselves a lot of love on the right, after which they often become carnivores.

In practice, palmists have noted that the size of the hump of Venus is unsettled and lies in the form of a special energy industry. Dosit often traplyatsya so that love experiences significantly increase the hump of Venus, reminiscent of yoga energy. First of all, there is a period of stagnation in the kohanna and hundreds of years, and also the self-sufficiency of the building changes yoga, sometimes even more strongly.

How the hump of Venus is not seen weak and flat, then you should tell about hisististic and baiting people, as if you would be cold when you show your feelings and emotions. People with such a hunchback cannot express their feelings and emotions, or they do not respect them for the sake of their zeal. Talking to them, it’s important to understand that the stench is contagious and how to experience those who stink for their nature are closed and do not like to see their emotions. Somehow people don't want to drink at a hundred years, love those kohannas, and even then they often become inveterate bachelors until the end of their lives.

As the line of Life crosses the slope of Venus, even though it is smaller, then the negative characteristics will increase. Such people are sick, they may even have a weak energy, through which it is easy for them to achieve high goals in life. Hundreds of booths, comfort, that lull, the stench is so baiduzhi, that can be indecent rulers; unique great companies and publicity. A flat and unrepentant pagorb adds to people's materiality, zavdyaks like wines can be swindled for everyone's benefit and richly put on the line for the sake of reaching their goals.

Pagorb of Upper Marsu roztashovuєtsya between the line of the Heart and the Head, trochs below the hump of Mercury, and sometimes, at short lines Heads can be between without a middle with the hump of Mіsyatsya.

Upper Mars characterizes the defender and shows the style of response to the social development. Vіn also signifies the inner strength and stamina of a person and talk about those who are as strong as you can mobilize like yourself, so you can bolster your inner aspirations from the right way. Vіn pov'yazany z such rice character, like virility and self-control. The hump can be springy, but not supermundane, otherwise wine will be a sign of the hardness of a person. Also, the hump of the Upper Mars is an indicator of the victories in the sphere of sports.

The main capacities of the pagorba: the spirit of struggle, courage, temperament, masculinity, napoleglivstvo, neutomnist that napoleglivistvo. Positive signs on the hump є: tricutnik, square, trident and vertical lines. Up to negative signs one can see: grati, colo, cross, lines Rahu and horizontal lines. Zirka tsomu pagorbi є even a super-significant sign can be seen only in the complex from the bottom, shards are similar to positive and negative characteristics.

A stronger development of the Upper Mars pommel shows a small 1.69; normal - baby 1.69-1, and weak - baby 1.69-2.

Strongly sorry for the hump of the Upper Mars you can see it clearly on the valley and hard on the dotik. Give yoga support to the Vlasnik at all initiatives. With good forgiveness thumb and strong vkazіvnomu, as well as with strongly rozvinennyh pagorba tsikh fingers, a person will have a great life potential to achieve goals and a wild potential for the development of willpower. Such people are masculine and cold-blooded, and in times of unsafe conditions they show courage, self-control, vibrancy, showcase and other images of a firm and strong character. Good resurrection and the hilltop of Upper Mars, dominating on the valley, secures to its master marvelous fearlessness and pulls up to the risk. Such people are morally strong. The stench does not step into the struggle and go through life only in their own wet way, by no means allow themselves to be scolded, trying to take the role of leader for the first time. Also, stench can often enter into super-chicks, but with whom to know the world and cherish the spirit of a healthy super-nativity. You can't overestimate your ability.

In addition, like a man, and a woman with a strongly displaced hump, there is a great need for family clothes, and the stench will require the wearing of family shoes. Good resurrection and the hilltop of Upper Mars, dominating on the valley, secures to its master marvelous fearlessness and pulls up to the risk. For such people, the most important emotional experiences arise in the face of satisfaction of the needs of the underdog. They are characterized by good taste, almost unsafe, stench, love risik and almost sports passion. At the link with the cym stink to practice the basic choice of professions or hobbies, related to extreme sports, for example, haircuts with a parachute, skelelasinnya, or active species sports, like, for example, boxing, wrestling and so on. negative side like a partner in a slubu, so і on otochuyuchih, і can succumb to aggression in relation to them.

Nadmirno pogorb Upper Marsu signifies aggressiveness, schilnist to sharpness in splintering, є a sign of severe zhorstoku lyudin. Such people themselves often provoke super-chicks and conflicts, and sometimes strikes out of stagnant forces. On the right side of love, there are sticks and jealous to the point of impossibility, and in times of disobedience of a partner, they can let go of their hands. The motto of life is “come, poach, win”, and the methods of achieving the goal of achieving the goal of proving the rightness are not important for such people.

It's okay to apologize for the hump of the Upper Marsu I give yoga to the Vlasnik in the world of the rozvinenі likeness of the above-described highly vindictive humpback. Enthusiasm, stamina, courage, self-control and schilnist to superechok and struggle will be expressed in the world and demonstrated by people only in extreme situations. People who may be able to work normally may be able to build up to adherence and loyalty to the choice of sphere of activity. At the same time, the numbers of worries and dribbling strokes on this hillside testify about the defensive reaction in the sight of ardor and anger, as they will be a sign of the sack of the hand on the life of a change of mind against the sickness.

Slabka chi povna vіdsutnіst pagorba Upper Marsu- a sign of non-staunch courage and self-control. Such people try in every way to escape and to give priority to the passive reason to the active and long-term ones. To the very same, a lot of their goals are left unattainable, and the bajannya is unsatisfied. As such a pile of roztasovaniya on soft and gnuchkіy rutsі, then її vlasnik already easily pomikat, imposing someone else's thought on him and vikoristovuyuchi її in obnoxious purposes. A flat and soft hump can show delusions of grandeur in one's weakness of character, as if the sack of the hand is trying to compensate for anger with spankings.

Pagorb of Lower Marsu (Rahu) to be found at the upper part of the hillock of Venus, the beast surrounded by the hillock of Jupiter and the line of Life, and below - the hillock of Venus.

Lower Mars to talk about the aggressiveness of the lord and show the potential for self-realization, so that with such an onslaught and purposefulness a person achieves his mission under the sun. Mars is the main life force, as it is directed towards the realization of that realization of the bazhan for the help of the will of that goal. Tsey pagorb is also associated with busy people in their own plans and achieving goals. The hump of the Lower Mars shows the building against problems, and also tells about the behavior in difficult situations. Tsey pagorb is one of the best indicators of the stubbornness of a person, for which activity and passivity, physical and mental strength, courage and fearfulness can be attributed. It is necessary to give special respect to the papillary visor on that hillock, the shards of the wines of the building to strengthen this positive quality.

The main capacities of the pagorba: strength of mind, courage, steadfastness, arrogance, courage, courage, methodicalness, eagerness to hardiness, masculinity and zdatnist reach of the set goals. Positive signs on the new one are important: tricout, square, trident and vertical lines. Up to negative signs one can see: grati, colo, cross, lines Rahu and horizontal lines. Zirka on the hump, like in the front slope with the hump of the Upper Mars, it is even a super-clear sign and can only be seen in the complex of all the valleys, the shards will go in oneself, both positive and negative characteristics.

A stronger development of the pagorba of the Lower Mars shows a small 1.70; normal - baby 1.70-1, and weak - baby 1.70-2.

Strongly sorry for the hump of Lower Marsu signifies the energy and strength of a person, as it is not a good thing to bachiti pivtoniv. Tse nature, which is made up of extreme nights, that it is not possible to take from life everything that is possible. The rulers of such a hump are rіshuchі and methodical, self-sufficient in their decisions and look at various criticisms. You can add more to them for the help of kindness, love, tact, or vikoristovuyuuchi prikolnistnost. The stronger the pressure on them, the stronger will be the reaction of the defenders. The hump of the Lower Mars, which dominates the valley, speaks about the vibukhov nature of the overstretched stalker, zhorsty and ruthless, who goes ahead to his goal. Such people often do not recognize the possibility of their defeat, and in stressful situations they are weak to the point of violence and zhorstokost.

If the path of the Lower Mars is strongly displaced on the hands of the firm and strongly displaced path of Venus, then such a combination will destroy a person who is hypersexual and not weak to monogamous, but will overcome sex without love in all manifestations.

If you offended Mars’s pathos kindly and harmoniously, then you indicate a generous person, I’m ready to stand up for myself, as well as for my friends. Vіn maє maє majestnu vitrivalіstі і zavzhdi spovnenie forces. The good roar of Mars is a very friendly sign on the hands of athletes, the shards of stench endow with purposefulness, strength, arrogance and aggression, which are so necessary for victory. Well, if there is a strong rupture of the upper Mars hump, and the lower Mars ridge is flat and weakly excused, then we should not talk about a serious energy imbalance. Weakness of character is replaced by rudeness, divination and attacks of anger.

Supermundanely repentant and firm pagorb of the Lower Mars talk about a strong and firm character, unprepossessing peculiarity with a possible aggressiveness and zhorstokistyu in terms of growing up to otochyuchy people, especially as a hump may have a reddish tinge.

The degree of hardness of the hump is directly tied to equal hardness, goodness and strength of character. Vaughn allows you to accurately determine whether you will be special in your position, whether or not, on the other hand, step in and change your mind behind the singing conditions. The overworld development of both hillocks of Mars shows a person, who is already foldable, so that he is easy-going and zavzhd to be sure to go ahead. In dealing with such people, you need to be afraid of showing their zhorstokost and ardor. Most of the time, all the stinks of the stench come under the influx of emotions. The stench is great, they love to bark and show their point of view.

Normal development of the pagorba of Lower Marsu to tell about a physically separated and risky person, as a way to keep a cold head in a crisis situation. When it is wide, firm and hump, which is rounded, talk about soft-heartedness, breadth and vminnya spivchuvat. The normal development of this humpback is necessary to support the global potential for the development of specialty.

Weakly sorry pagorb of Lower Marsu to talk about a quiet, inert, self-absorbed person, who rarely feels so strong, like an addiction to anger. These people are more fearful, afraid of physical pain and psychological stress. Through their passivity, the stinks are inspired by whatever rights, as if emotional firmness and independent acceptance of important decisions emerge from them. Even more often, such people do not have enough strength and in the meantime to deal with zvichaynі zhittєve problems, so the stench is stronger to depression and psychological zrivіv. It is easy for us to assert ourselves in life and to break through in life. They are much more flexible to the side, and they can be easily manipulated by other people.

And now let's look at the Vedic pidkhіd to the tsy dolonevy hump. On the vіdmіnu vіd interpreting zahіdnykhіromantіvі, vіdіchіnі vistаі on the valleys of the present there is only one hillock of Mars, one hundred and fifty of our view is the Upper hillock of Mars. Behind the Lower Hump of Mars, the hidden chiromancers scribbled the name of Rahu. For Rahu ta Ketu, according to the Hindu manifestations, name the Head and Tail of the Dragon. Rahu in Hindu mythology is depicted as a dragon without a body on top of a chariot, led by eight black feats. Ketu is depicted at the headless torso, with the body of a ribi, which holds the ensign of self-glorification in the hands. So, as it is more intelligible for the understanding of the planet, on which I will often consult in the distant descriptions of the signs of the planet, and in order to understand all the profound sensation of the infusion of these planets into people, I will bring a legend, described in the Puranas, in order to understand why The planet's qi are considered negative and ruin the life of that part of the people for an hour.

Zgidno with an old legend, napіvbogi (dіvi) and demons (asura) were the synonyms of the sage Kash'yapi from different squads. The gods drank a little wealth of spiritual knowledge, and the demons - material wealth and physical strength, but the stinks were more enchanted by the world in the satisfaction of their feelings and material wealth. Sometimes the demons did great austerities and took away the blessings of the Lord Brahmi or the Lord Shivi, after whom they started the war with their star brothers-drink gods and took them out of the abode of paradise. The drunk gods appeared weak and wanted to know amrita (nectar of immortality), so that they could become immortal, ale amrita bula in the depths of the Ocean of Milk and її only the smell of the ocean could be reached. The gods demanded the help of the demons, and the demons were also hung up on the health of immortality. The stinks were lucky to take the fate of this pleasing mind, as they also take away a part of the elixir of immortality. An ocean of dawnings, and amrita zdobuta. Ale after that, among the gods, that demons vikla superechka at її rozpodіli. The demons wanted to enchant the nectar of immortality, not having shared with the gods, and to establish their power with the All-Sveet. Then, having felt the blessings of the gods, the Supreme Lord Vishnu filled the form of the beautiful maiden Mohini Murti and began to distribute amrita. The demon Rahu respected that Vishnu is deceiving the demons, distributing to them the liquor instead of amriti, and giving the nectar of immortality to the gods.

The demons were so enchanted by the beauty of the beautiful maiden Mokhin, that they drank liquor without stopping to think. Rahu virishiv fool Vishnu, taking on the look of a god and drinking amrita. The Sun and the Moon, who sat on the armchair, revealed the overstretched Rahu, if the ice nectar hit his throat. The stench spoke about the names of the gods and Vishnu. Lord Vishnu mittevo saw the head of the demon behind the help of his fiery disk and threw it into the sky; the head began to scream about justice and help, and the coat, falling to the ground and starting to roll, screechingly burn, ruining the tree, shaking the islands so that the stench smashed one against one. The decapitated tulub (Ketu) tezh caught up to take away his part of amriti and became immortal. Zreshtoy Rahu and Ketu, as if they had achieved immortality, were placed in a planetary orbit under the hood of 180 degrees one to one, so that the stench could not get in. The shards of the Sun that Moon were two luminaries, like they revealed a disguised demon, Rahu that yogo protylezhnist, looking like Ketu, became the gates of the Sun that Moon. Tsya fortune-telling trivaє y dosi, and if the Sun and the Moon did not come close to Raha and Keta, you try to shove them. Ale, the shards of Rahu have only a head, the Sun of that Moon hangs through yoga shii, and the shards of Ketu do not have a head, the stench also goes from yogo body through yoga shii. Ale, through those that all the planets have drunk the nectar of immortality, the struggle continues to see the drowsy and monthly glooms.

In this rank, Rahu without Ketu does not know, the stench cannot be poured one by one into a person. Rahu, by its nature, is a rebel and a ruiner, even more charismatic specialty, which can be stealthy and cunning. Having poured Ketu into a person, they don’t want to be so clearly ill, the proteo is even stronger and bring relief to life, apparently without a way out. As an example, it is possible to bring about such a situation: p'yana separation - tse diya Rahu, as if waving in a ruinous physical influx on a person, clouding my mind for additional alcohol, and the result and consequences of this selection - tse even Ketu, as if unfriendly bring even more serious physical and psychological problems.

Having learned this old legend, you can understand how the signs of Rahu and Ketu are practiced at the complex. If you want to interpret the pagorba of Rahu/Lower Mars, it doesn’t change fundamentally, but the signs that appear on the new one are the signs of our Karma and, in their own way, the signs of intelligence. In practice, it is often said that the line of Rahu, as it originates from the hillock of Rahu / Lower Mars and cuts through the line of Life, to talk about the payment of lonely karmic borg, caused by physical injuries, disability, and death. At the link with zim, the signs of Rahu and Ketu will be seen in the context of the topic, demi will be clearly seen, as they look like the signs, on what they inject, as they change their interpretation when changing the roztashuvannya and the head of the head - about those, how to disappear into the veil and heritage of Rahu . that Ketu.

Pagorb Mіsyatsya roztashovuєtsya on the opposite view of the Venus hillock, the edge of the valley and the surroundings of the beast line Head abo with the hump of Upper Mars, and on the side - with the hump of Neptune and Ketu.

Pagorb Mіsyatsya is a showman of the stage of revealing, intuition and pіdsvіdomogo spriynyattya life. The stronger the torment of the hump, the stronger the yogo, the master of grace to mysticism, fantasies and dreams. Tsey pagorb is also a show of romance, sentimentality and emotion. With a good development of this humpback, a person is pragmatic of everything taєmnichigo and unknown and I want to take the fate of everyone. However, with the supra-mundane development of the hump, and with negative signs on a new fantasy, such sensitivity can negatively affect the life of specialness. The unfriendly inflow of the Moon is recognized for the blіdіstyu and vagueness of the lines on the hillock, as well as for the step of the laziness of the hump.

The science of palmistry determines the character of a person from the valley. It is possible to resurrect a fighter, strong and ready to deal with difficulties, behind the hump of Mars. This sign is not without reason named after the god of war. Tі yakosti, about yakі rozpovіst hump of Mars on the valley, є important at the reach of the set mark. Behind the signs, lines and symbols, ruffled on the hillocks, they signify the warrior spirit and the exercise to victory in life-like environments.

Raztashuvannya that meaning

The hump of Mars is clearly visible on the path of representations in two types:

  • small - white base of the thumb;
  • great - under the humpback of Mercury (wine is known under the little finger).

The small hump of Mars in palmistry is called the lower chi positive. You can see it better, if you press your finger to the base of the shoulder. Such a hump characterizes a vіdvazhnu, volyovo specialty. You can control your emotions and often have a warm mood. The great hump of Mars with its dimensions signifies negative qualities: impulsiveness and warlikeness.

Description of the meaning of the lower mound of Mars

Individuals who have some kind of good reason for the lower positive hump of Mars on the valley, building the reach of what was planned. The stench vmіyut rozpodіlyati forces - do not spend time that energy marno.

Such people know how to get out of any situation, without zastosovuyuchi fenced methods. on the human hands the hump is clearly visible. Vіn firm and clearly chіtko christened. Like such a hillock on women's hands, then Volodarka is self-singing and eccentric. Ring out, in the hands of a woman, the vins of vinification are weak.

Characteristics of rice people lie in the rotting of the lower hump of Mars on the valley:

  • approaches to the middle of the valley - risky specialty, lover of good sights;
  • occupies the lower part of the valley - the person is half-dead, checks for complacency in the form of shocking, weakness of character does not allow to make an important decision;
  • zahoplyuє the edge of the valley - zavzyatіst osobistosі, bazhannya fight residually, squarely furnishing.

The stages of the development of the positive mound of Mars characterize the struggle for specific life conditions:

  1. It is more correct to develop, with clear contours, to talk about strength, physical strength. Such an individual has self-control. Vaughn competently rozpodіlyaє forces and zavzhdi vіdpovіdaє for their own actions. The leader, who does not allow himself to be scolded. Pratsezdatnіst such people outweigh all the factors and ostentatious. Like the lower hillock of the farbows of the red color, Yogo Volodar is rough and hardy.
  2. A clear manifestation of the lower hump of Mars signifies people without extremes, like on the right, so on the bottom. Everything is divided: what is good, what is bad. The stench is not able to progravat, to be afraid and not to like criticism - to bring close people from the side.
  3. Alone, rosemary with the hump of Venus. Tse showing hypersexuality. People enter at a light link, shy away from the unfamiliar vchinki. For them, sexual satisfaction in the first place and only later can be true, kohannya that vіdpovіdalnіst.
  4. It is nasty to show a hillock in a weak-character person. Vіn not able to praise the decision, not carrying the evidence. For such a peculiarity, zvichaynist stress and depression.

Signs and symbols of the lower pagorba

In case of darkness, it is important to protect all the signs and symbols on the mound, to the fact that the stench helps to signify the peculiarity:

  • chresti - vperta, shilna before welding and chvar cholovik, mozhlivі injuries due to uncontrolled emotions;
  • grati - the life of the people of the field near the post-yny fight for the place under the sun;
  • zіrka - can characterize the military, which is the reach of glory and honor for the hour of battles;
  • colo - a bad sign, which means trouble in the face of your aggression;
  • trikutnik - a sign of an individual, strong in spirit, which comes out of any situations, which takes care of all practice and engagement: a great strategist, an exact mathematician, a kind of understanding of psychology, a great sense of intelligence and reaction;
  • the square is a sign of guarding, it is possible to guard against enemies, aggressive and evil people.

Characteristics of the great mound of Mars

The great hump of Mars is good for good and impulsive people. The main ones are viraz anger, conflict, vpertosti. The area of ​​accommodation itself is small, sticking to the Venus hillock.

When the sign is clouded, it is necessary to set apart the two pillars - Mars and Venus - the key to understanding the meaning of the great mound of Mars. Yogo internal potential and stages of development will tell about the character:

  1. Harmonious development is an indicator of firmness of character, masculinity, impossibility to show weakness, stability of moral principles.
  2. A strong expression is a sign of rudeness, zhorstokostі and aggressiveness. Mozhlivy showing sadistic nahiliv. Tse people who cannot hear and understand others.
  3. A weak development characterizes a person, as he can control emotions. The area of ​​the hump is soft, but the character is supple and soft.
  4. The presence of the great hump signifies a person with inert, life-like looks, as if he did not have a good thought, nudguy in the form of negligence. Yakostі, z yakimi povyazyut great pagorb, such a person appears at the highest sight.

Signs and symbols of the great pagorba

A skin sign or a symbol to make its own meaning in the characteristics of an individual:

  • the cross is a symbol of traumas, vorogіv, nevminnya cherubate emotions;
  • zіrka - vpertist, nevminnya a little others, imposing one's own thoughts, conflict, the possibility of infusion of shkidlivy zvichok;
  • square - strong aggression, inability to control anger, the presence of problems in the eyes with otochyuchimi;
  • trikutnik - strimanity, vminnya cherubate emotions, lead the situation and get the best of your choice;
  • grati - like a fight without rules, leadership and ardor;
  • birthmarks - tolerance, skritnist, strimanist.

Palmistry is a science that twists and turns the signs on the palm. The hump of Mars on the hands may be richly signified. It is better to know the presence of symbols in the character of willfulness.

Pagorbi, ruffled on the surface of the valley, may have the same characteristics as the planets: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.

Palmistry, like astrology, often becomes a victim of schematic and superficial clouding. Whilst weeping in the hands of a person, do not try to correct a new enemy and strike him with quicker interpretations. Try to respectfully and inconspicuously reach the top of the right and left sides, similarly, as if you are turning the natal chart.

Pagorb sontsya, or the pagorb of Apollo. Tsey pagorb roztashovaniya bіla bases of the ring finger. Vin gives information about the will of the people and speaks about the characteristics, the power of the Son and the sign of Leo, as if they don’t know about creative vibes, generosity, self-expression, show emotions and take control of the situation.

A flat and little-memorable hump: modesty, innocence in oneself, the strength of will and the marriage of courage, baiduzhist to satisfaction.

The wide and bulging pommel of Apollo: self-respect, life-love and self-satisfaction, the grace of living not for the bones, pride and Marnoslavism.

Pagorb of Apollo on the Rutsi

A wide, albeit not more than a swollen hump: an adoptive character, good will, generosity, creativity and high life tone.

The hump of the troch of displacement is right-handed to the hump of Mercury: the will of a person to serve її reason; comradeship, establishment of contacts, building up to commercial activities.

The hump of three displacements is a livoruch to the hump of Saturn: ambition, ambition and independence of independence, good success, reaching out to the reports of the susillis; specialness is strong, which one declares to oneself in a mature age, firm perekonannya, self-discipline, shyness to uncompromisingness and intransigence.

Pagorb Mіsyatsya

Pagorb Mіsyatsya lacerations at the right lower part of the left palm and at the left lower part of the right palm. Vіn svіdchit pro risi character, yakі z vozro astrologії vіslіvі Mіsyatsyu, tbto such yakostіv, like sensitivity, spontaneity, softness, good-naturedness, lower. Pagorb Mіsyatsya on the right valley to talk about the emotional dosvid of the past, the same way as the hump, rotting on the left hand, demonstrating deep attachment, hvilyuyuchi people problems, її taєmnі thoughts and taєmnі pochuttya.

The flat and little-mem- bered hillock M_syatsya on the right hand: the baiduzh_ chi nebzhannya reveal the lower, softness, reconcile with their weaknesses. On the left hand: slightly humiliated, hard and cold character, unpretentiousness manifests gnuchkіst and good-naturedness.

The wide and bulging pagorb of Moon on the right hand: sensitiveness is sharpened, the need for tenderness and tenderness її reveal, softness and kindness, gnuchkіst, broadness, respect to the pointy.

Pagorb moon on the hands

On the left hand: increased sensitivity, the need for intelligence, additional support and encouragement, shyness to go into unprimed trivoziness, neurodevelopment, pretentious character, infantile reactions.

Not too wide, but bulging, that firm hump on the right hand: natkhnennya, in some vipadkahs - creatively awake, the intuition is roused chi as much as possible; left hand: a person may have a rich inner world, but is smart enough to go into self-deception, roar and fatalistic moods.

Like the hillock of the Month of Raztoshovaniya close to the hillock of Venery on the right rutsi: re-importance of sensibility, self-confidence, sentimental romanticism, broadness, and in deyaky moods naїvnіst; left hand: overextended sensitivity, lack of fading in the kohanna, faintness, innocence.

Pagorb The month of rotting close to the wrist on the right hand: vlasnitsky feel, jealousy, passion, greed, bounty for whatever the price, save the nabute, prihilnist to material goods. So roztashuvannya pagorba on the left hand - the building of change, interest in everything cryptic, self-knowledge of that psychology.

Under the little finger, the pommel of Mercury is rolled. Vіn nadaє іnformatsiyu pro risi, yakі zgіdno z astrologієyu vіvі merkurіyu, tо talk аbоut such yakоstі, yak іntelekt, vіdkrite stavlennâ zvnіshny svіtu, comradeship, vіnnya vіnnya vіnnyаvіvаt contacts, critical warehouse rіzno.

The flat and little memory of Mercury's pilgrimage: more and more understanding, unrelenting acceptance of other people's thoughts, marriage with a sense of humor and voluptuousness, unpretentiousness to look at speech from the side, shyness to obtrusive ideas.

Pahorb of Mercury on the hands

A wide and bulging paurb: a belligerent, shrill, lively and critical mind that exudes subtlety, guiltiness and originality; schilnist to intellectual splintering and rozum’s right, schilnist to provocative chi spirnyh mirkuvan, uїdlivist.

A wide, albeit slightly bulging hump: a wide svetoglyad, vrіvnovazheny character, beautiful zdіbnostі to the beginning of that commercial activity, rozvinene almost humor.

Like the path of Mercury, I often bury the path of the Son: a brilliant intellect, a strong character, the ability to grow a career and reach success in the right circles, as Mercury is described (connections with the community, literature, journalism, pedagogy, then); in some ways, make smart predictions, make diagnoses, solve complex problems, develop new concepts.

On the valley floor of the Venus pommel, they were ripped under the thumb of the hand. We give information about rice, as a guide to the astrology of the authorities of Venus, about everything connected with emotions, feelings, love notes, sensitivity, enchantment.

The flat and little memory of the hump of Venus: strimanity in the senses, fear of showing one's emotions, strife, sensibility, and too much ingenuity, which can be brought to rozcharuvannya. Wide and swollen pagorb: generosity, natural and unbiased display of sensibility, broad amiableness, accepting and kindly character, tolerance, health and calm loving attitude.

Pagorb of Veneri on the Rutsi

The wide, hard hump of Venus is rounded in shape: zagostreny, strasnі, vlasnitsky pochutya, impulsiveness and inexhaustible bazhannya, in deykih vipadki - sexual inconsistency.

That wide bulge, but no more than a firm hump: emotional and infuriating nature, slenderness to order, soft and weak character; sometimes a person becomes a victim of his feelings of inexhaustible exercise of satisfaction.

A wide, but no more than a swollen pagob: rіznomanіnіtnі і іnlіvі pochuttya, inconsistency і nevirnіst, in love stosunki people do not think about future.

Hump ​​of Mars

Tse subviny pommel. On the surface of the valleys of the veins of rotting in two different places. The skin part of this hump allows you to reveal different views, as if you were allowed to add one to one. The hump of Mars gives information about rice, as a guide to the astrology of the authorities of this planet, about such vimness, like a fiery character, self-singing, rіshuchіst thinly.

Maliy i great pagorbi of Mars

The lower hillock of Mars, tied with physical strength, roaming between the hillock of Jupiter and the hillock of Venus, the same as the upper hillock of Mars, speaking about psychic energy, is between the hillock of Mercury and the hillock of M_syatsya.

Flat and low-pitched humpback: lagidny chi fearful character, people are unique in risky situations and risky situations.

Wide and puffy hump of Mars: energetic, and in some cases, choleric temperament; a person may be harn ovnіshnіst, but you can behave rudely chi zhorstoko.

An even firmer hump: indestructible rіshuchіst, effektivnіst іdіyah, skhilnіst rіzіku sensible.

The lower hillock of Mars on the hands

The rampage of expansions is close to the rampart of Jupiter: an obsessive character, a willingness to mobilize all one's abilities, a tendency to unwisely expend one's energy and not to squander one's strength.

The hillock of rotting is close to the hillock of Venus: a biased character, emotionality is elevated, the behavior of people is felt almost.

Flat and little memory pommel: marriage of life forces, defensive position, shyness to go to the vіdchau, bajannya capitulate, take self-confidence and succumb to life’s trials.

Wide and bulging pagob: rich potential of psychic energy, vitality and strength that inspire them, firmness and courage in the fight.

A more solid pagorb: psychic energy, which gives a magnetic infusion, rich ability, shyness to overestimate and use your strength for nothing.

Upper hillock of Mars on the hands

The rampart of roaming is close to the rampart of Mercury: the psychic energy of a human being is in order of reason, that one is vindicated by an intellect, dope, wide svetoglyad, nonconformism, original ideas and vision.

The hump of Mars is close to the hump of Mіsyatsya: a friendly psyche, a gift of transference, a magical intuition, an inborn gift of sensing moods, helping others to understand oneself, adding to the surroundings.

Tsey pagorb roztashovaniya under a pointed finger. Vіn nadaє іnformatsiyu about risi, yakі vіdpovіdno to astrology ії powerіvі Jupiter, thаt іt іѕ about such vibrancy, like life, love, natural self-expression of people and universal development of її specialness.

Flat and little memory pagorb: tench, willingness to follow the current and negligence to report zayvih zusil, permissiveness or its centrism, non-strimanity.

Jupiter's wide and bulging hillock: epicurean character, expansiveness, generosity, which is between money spending, subdued ambitions for the needs of material well-being.

The hump of Jupiter on the hands

A wide, but no more than a swollen pommel: an ambitious character, a bazhannya, whether it be a way to satisfy one's needs, paradoxically undermining his centrism with naїvnistyu.

A wide hump from a solid center: hot power and expansiveness, inexhaustible ambition, pragnennya to come to the fore and achieve success with true generosity.

Not even a wide pagorb: lack of life and generosity, lack of sight to sight.

The hump of roaming in uninterrupted proximity to the hump of Saturn or sticks with it: the ambition of the commoner with the right courage, self-control, peace, honesty, smartness to know the favor, readiness to enter into a partner’s favor is caused.

Tsey pagorb raztashovaniya under the middle finger, between the pagorbs of Jupiter and the Son. Vіn nadaє іnformatsiyu pro risi, yakі zgіdno z astrologієyu vlastivі Saturn, iї pro stanovlennja svoobistostі lyudini, pro її vminnya zareditsіtsya, samopodladannya і td.

The flat and little memory of the hump of Saturn: a practice of order and organization, an osiliy way of life, a gracefulness to one’s own voice, a strict, pessimistic, but at the same time a serious and firm character.

Wide and bulging pagob: zhorst chi suvory character, hard reconciliation, uncompromisingness, inability to put up with human weaknesses and disorganization, self-discipline, self-control, cold-bloodedness.

Pagorb of Saturn on the hands

A wide, albeit slightly swollen hump: lack of agility, intransigence, ungrounded suvori moral perekonannya, schematic appearance, rejection of change.

The hump of Saturn of displacement at the hump of Jupiter: prudence, thoughtfulness, strong character, link from reality, smart dates korisna porada, Great rozum, knowledge of life, dosvіd.

Pagorb of displacement at the bik pagorba of Sontsya: ambitiousness is promoted, willpower is unstoppable, self-confidence.

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