Instant drizzle. Blog of brown joys

GOST R 54845-2011

Group H31



Technical mind

Baker's dried yeast Specifications

GKS 07.100.30
OKP 91 8253

Entry date 2013-01-01


The goals and principles of standardization in Russian Federation established by the Federal Law on December 27, 2002. N 184-FZ "On technical regulation", and the rules for setting national standards in the Russian Federation - GOST R 1.0-2004 "Standardization in the Russian Federation. Basic provisions"

Vіdomostі about the standard

1 RESOLVED by the state scientific establishment "All-Russian Scientific and Advanced Institute of Kharkiv Biotechnology" of the Russian State Academy of Sciences (DNU "VNDIPBT" of the Russian State Academy)

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for standardization of TC 176 "Alcohol, dry and liquor products"

3 APPROVALS AND INTRODUCTIONS TO DII By order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of December 13, 2011. N 1392-st


Information about changes to this standard is published in the "National Standards" informational indicator, which is widely seen, and the text of changes and amendments is published in the "National Standards" informational indicators. At the time of revision (replacement) or the reference to the standard, it will be published by the six-monthly informational indicator "National Standards". Vidpovidna іnformatsija, podomlennya that texts rozіshchuyutsya also in the іnformatіyіyіyіyniyіyіyіyіnіyіyіnіyіyіnіyі koristuvannya - іnformаtsiyііnііyіnіyіyіnіyіyіnіyіyіnіyі system іѕ аlіѕt koristuvannya - on the official website оf the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology in the Internet

1 Stuffing area

1 Stuffing area

This standard is expanded on bakery dried yeast (hereinafter - dried yeast), which is a biomass of technically pure culture of dry yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

Dried dried yeast and the first grade are recognized for whiskey production in industrial production of bakery and confectionery production, as well as for their home cooking.

Product safety features were noted at 4.1.4, 4.1.5.

2 Regulatory provisions

At this standard, there is no normative force on the following standards:

GOST R 12.1.019-2009 System of safety standards for work. Electrical safety. Zagalni vimogi that nomenclature vidіv zakhistu

GOST R 51301-99 Food products and syrovine. Inverse voltammetric method for the detection of toxic elements (cadmium, lead, midi and zinc)

GOST R 51574-2000 The strength of kitchen grub. Technical mind

GOST R 51766-2001 Sirovina and food products. Atomic absorption method for the appointment of mish'yaku

GOST R 51962-2002 Food products and syrovine. Inversion-voltammetric method for determining the mass concentration of mish'yaku

GOST R 52189-2003 Wheat boar. Deep technical mind

GOST R 52465-2005 Oliya Sonyashnikova. Technical mind

GOST R 52814-2007 Food products. Method for detection of bacteria of the genus Salmonella

GOST R 52815-2007 Food products. Methods for detecting and identifying the number of coagulase-positive staphylococci and Staphylococcus aureus

GOST R 52816-2007 Food products. Methods for the detection and determination of the number of bacteria of the group of intestinal coli (coliform bacteria)

GOST R 53228-2008 Non-automatic wagons. Part 1. Metrological and technical assistance. Viprobuvannya

GOST R 53361-2009 Paper bears and combined materials. Deep technical mind

GOST R 54731-2011 Dry bakery pressings. Technical mind

GOST 12.1.004-91 System of safety standards for work. Fire safety. Zagalni vimogi

GOST 12.1.005-88 System of safety standards for work. Outdoor sanitary and hygienic service until the opening of the working area

GOST 1341-97 Roslin parchment. Technical mind

GOST 1760-86 Pidparchment. Technical mind

GOST 1770-74 (ІСО 1042-83, ІСО 4788-80) Peace laboratory vials. Cylinders, beakers, flasks, test tubes. Deep technical mind

GOST 5981-2011 Metal cans for canning

GOST 6825-91 Luminescent tube lamps for luminous lighting

GOST 7247-2006 Paper and combined materials based on paper for packing on automatic machines food products, industrial products and non-food products. Deep technical mind

GOST 7933-89 Cardboard for fresh containers. Deep technical mind

GOST 8273-75 Obgortkovy paper. Technical mind

GOST 9147-80 Laboratory porcelain glassware. Technical mind

GOST 10131-93 Boxes from the village and the villages of materials for the production of food galuzes of industry, the agricultural state and sirnikiv. Technical mind

GOST 10354-82 Polyethylene lining. Technical mind

GOST 13358-84 Wooden boxes for preserves. Technical mind

GOST 13511-2006 Boxes made of corrugated cardboard for grub products, sirniks, tyutyun types and miyuchih benefits. Technical mind

GOST 14192-96 Marking of vantage

GOST 15846-2002 Products, which are sent to the regions of the Kraynoi Pivnochi and are close to them. Packing, marking, transportation and saving

GOST 17065-94 Cardboard winding drums. Technical mind

GOST 24597-81 Packages of packaged items. Main parameters of expansion

GOST 25336-82 Laboratory glassware and glassware. Tipi, main parameters of expansion

GOST 26927-86 Sirovina and food products. Mercury extraction methods

GOST 26930-86 Sirovina and food products. The Mish'yaku Method

GOST 26932-86 Sirovina and food products. Methods for the elimination of lead

GOST 26933-86 Sirovina and food products. Cadmium recovery method

GOST 28498-90 Thermometry glass rіdinnі. Zagalni vimogi. Methods of testing

GOST 30178-96 Sirovina and food products. Atomic absorption method for the identification of toxic elements

GOST 30538-97 Food products. Methodology for the detection of toxic elements by the atomic emission method

Admiratyka - under the Corredian Tsim Standard Associate Profit Standard Rylann in the INformation Systems Zagalny Coristanni - on the offensive website of the federal agency of the metrologian in the Merezhniye, the native of the National Standard "National Standards". in the form of information indicators that appear to be published in a streaming rotation. If the standard is enforced (changed), then when the standard is corrected, it is replaced by the replaced (changed) standard. If the standard of the call is stated without replacement, then the position, in which the message is given to the new one, is stagnant in the part that does not start the message.

3 Terms and definition

In this standard, the following terms are established with the following definitions:

3.1 drіzhdzhі bakery: Biomass of unicellular microorganism of the Saccharomyces family, species cerevisiae, which, as a rule, multiply by brunking and vicarious like a biological fluff test.

3.2 dried bread bakery dried: Drіzhdzhі, obsessed by the way of the spring water biomass of baker's drіzhdzhiv.

4 Technical support

4.1 Characteristics

4.1.1 Dried yeast must be dried according to the standard and to be prepared for the technological instruction with additional standards, established by the normative legal acts of the Russian Federation *.


4.1.2 For organoleptic indications, dried yeasts are responsible for vimog, listed in Table 1.

Table 1

display name


Starry look

Form of vermicelli, granules, crushed grains, shmatochkiv, powder or groats

Light yellow or light brown

Powerful to dried yeasts, without foreign smells: rotten, moldy, etc.

Power to dried yeast

4.1.3 For physical and chemical indications of dried yeast, it is necessary to confirm the vimog, indicated in table 2.

Table 2

display name

The value of the indicator for the variety


Mass fraction of water, %, no more

Lifting strength of drіzhdzhіv at the day of the increase (pіdyom tista up to 70 mm), min, no more

Note - When saving the drizzle in a dry place at a temperature not higher than 15 ° С, the drought force will change by 5% compared to the drought damping force on the day of the day of vibration.


* Until the introduction of all regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation - regulatory documents federal bodies Vikonavchoi Vladi.

4.1.5 For microbiological indications, yeasts are not guilty of peresvischuvat norms established by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation *.


* Prior to the introduction of the relevant regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation - regulatory documents of the federal authorities of the vikonavchoi government.

4.2 Wimogi to Sirovini

4.2.1 Dryings of yeast are made from bakery pressings of yeast according to GOST R 54731.

4.2.2 For the removal of dried yeasts from vicory, use emulsifiers and improve the quality, allowed until stasis at the food industry.

4.3 Marking

4.3.1 Boxes, bags, jars from dried yeast are marked in a different way from the following:

- product name;

- trademark;

- sort;

- method of zastosuvannya (div. Addendum A);

- give a vote;

- The term of appurtenance;

4.3.2 Marking of boxes, paper bears is carried out by gluing a paper tag or behind an additional stamp. Apply a manipulative sign on the skin of a jar or a bear: "Take care of the water".

4.3.3 Transport non-marking - according to GOST 14192 from designations:

- product name;

- the name of that locality of the vygotovlyuvach [(legal address, including the country, that, if the legal address is found, the address (s) of the organization in the Russian Federation, the confirmation of the candidate for accepting claims in the Russian Federation,

- sort;

- batch numbers and give a guess;

- The term of appurtenance;

- net weight (when combined with the weight fraction of water drіzhdzhіv 8% and 10% fallow in variety);

- Appointment to the standard.

4.4 Packaging

4.4.1 Dried yeasts are prepared in bulk or packaging.

Dried yeast of high quality gatunkka is prepared only in packaging and can be packed hermetically.

4.4.2 Dried dried fruits are packed: net weight 100-2000 g - in tin cans according to GOST 5981; net weight 10-50, 250, 500, 1000 and 2000 g - bags of polymeric and combined materials according to GOST R 52903 for packing food products and other packaging materials that ensure savings during transportation; net weight 25-50 g - in packs of brand A paper according to GOST 7247, brand A cardboard and type "chrome-swirl" according to GOST 7933.

4.4.3 Packages with a net weight of 250-2000 g, cans, packs are packed in wooden boxes according to GOST 13358, cardboard - according to GOST 13511 GOST 17065. Packing unit weight can be 10-15 kg.

Packages with a net weight of 10-50 g are packed in wooden boxes according to GOST 10131, with paper wrappers according to GOST 8273, cardboard boxes according to GOST 13511, paper bags according to GOST R 53361 GOST 103 Packing unit weight 1-15 kg.

4.4.4 Dried yeasts, approved for industrial whiskey, are packed with paper three-chotirish balls of brand PM according to GOST R 53361 with an insert of polyethylene pliers according to GOST 10354, cardboard-winding drums according to GOST 17065, a bear GOST R 53361, plywood and boxes GOST 10131 and wooden board boxes GOST 13358, lined in the middle with parchment GOST 1341 or under parchment GOST 1760. In addition, it is allowed to vikorate cardboard boxes according to GOST 13511 with an insert from polyethylene lining according to GOST 10354. Weight of packing unit may be 10-20 kg.

4.4.5 Packing of drіzhdzhіv, which is sent to the regions of Kraynoi Pivnochі and pririvnyanі to neї mіstsevosti, - according to GOST 15846.

5 Wimogi Bezpeki

When vikonannі vіmіryuvan it is necessary to increase the safety technology during robotics with electrical control according to GOST R 12.1.019, until the rework of the working zone - according to GOST 12.1.005, until the fire safety - according to GOST 12.1.004.

6 Admission Rules

6.1 Dried yeast is accepted in batches.

6.2 The Party is respected whether there is a quantity of dried dried fruits, packed at the same time, spun by one picker after one normative document at the same time, which is accompanied by shipping documentation, which ensures the safety of the products.

6.3 For the control of organoleptic and physical and chemical characteristics of yeasts packed in a bear, in the batch, select the total number of samples according to Table 3; packed at the can - according to table 4; packed in bags (packs) - according to table 5.

Table 3

Volume of batch of bears, pcs.

Volume of a selection of bears, pcs.

Table 4

Volume of batch of cans, pcs.

Volume of cans, pcs.

Table 5

Volume of batches of bags (pack), pcs.

Volume of packages, pcs.

6.4 In case of unsatisfactory results of testing dried yeasts, they were selected according to table 3-5, even if after one of the indications, the samples were taken and repeated testing was carried out.

The results of repeated trials are repeated for the whole game.

6.5 The order and frequency of control of microbiological indications, toxic elements and radionuclides establishes the virus in the control program.

7 Methods and control

7.1 Selection of samples

To conduct an analysis in the skin packing unit of the vibrator of two different places, point samples are taken. The weight of the dot sample is due, but not less than 15 g. Weight of combined probi maє buti is not less than 60 g.

The joint sample is divided into equal parts. One part is recognized for analysis, the rest is placed at damn the jar from a well-fitted lid and take it to the brewing plant in a dry application with a two-time stretch at a temperature not higher than 15 ° C and, in case of faulty differences, take it to an accredited testing laboratory.

7.2 Appointment sane looking ta colori

The method is based on the visual designation of a seductive look, the color of dried dredges with pink daylight or with light fluorescent lamps type LD zgidno s GOST 6825.

7.3 Appreciation of the smell and relish of the yeast is organoleptic at a temperature of 20 °C.

7.4 Determination of the mass fraction of water (arbitrage method)

7.4.1 Handling, additional possession, glassware, reagents, materials

Wires according to GOST R 53228 of a high class of accuracy, with the highest limit of 200 g, the price of a conversion line is 0.1 mg and the limit of error, which is allowed in operation is ± 0.5 mg.

The dryer cabinet is laboratory electric with a temperature controller, which ensures the safe adjustment of the temperature in the working zone of drying 105 °C and the temperature stabilization of ±1 °C.

Porcelain mortar and mother according to GOST 9147.

Putty knife.

Desiccator s GOST 25336.

Glass flasks for zvazhuvannya (buxie) according to GOST 25336 or metal buxies.

7.4.2 Preparation before analysis

Prepared metal or glass bottles are placed near the shaf, heated in front to a temperature of (105 ± 2) ° C, dried and brought to a lean mass.

7.4.3 Conducted analysis

A part of the combined sample (not less than 10 g) is taken from the uterus, then two analyzes of samples of 2 g each are taken from the skin and are estimated to be no more than 0.01 g in advance of the preparation of metal or bottles.

Drying is carried out near the drying cabinet at a temperature of (105±2) °C. The first call is carried out after 4 years after the cob of drying, the next - through the skin year until reaching the post-mass.

Constantly respect the mass, as the difference between the two last ranks does not exceed 0.01 g.

7.4.4 Processing results

Calculate the mass fraction of vologi% according to the formula

de - mass of analyzed samples from bottles before drying, g;

Mass of analyzed samples from bottles after drying, g;

- Masa buksi, b.

Calculation is carried out by recording the result up to the first decimal place.

For the residual result of the analysis, we take the arithmetic mean of the two parallel values, rounded to the first decimal place, so that the mind accepts: the absolute value of the difference between the results of the two values, taken away in the minds of repetition at 95%, not exceeding between 0,5 repetition.

7.5 Determining the mass fraction of water in an accelerated way

The method of assigning the value of the mass fraction of the water of dried yeast in an accelerated way from the installation of electronic devices in the analyzers of moisture, the thermogravimetric method - the determination of the value of the mass of the speech at the cob mill and after the complete drying of the vicarious plant

Technical characteristics:

range of vimiruvannya mass fraction of water, %

between the absolute instrumental error of the analyzer, %

range of values

vіd ±0.2 to ±1.0;

temperature setting range at the drying chamber

vіd 50 °С to 140 °С discreteness 1 °С;

between allowed values ​​of the absolute value of the cost of the extension, g

deviation of setting and maintenance of temperatures of operating modes, °C, not more

range of weights for analysis, g

hour of heating and setting the operating mode, min, no more

lowered tension, W, no more

It is allowed to zastosuvannya zabіv vіmіryuvanі with similar metrological characteristics, not hіrshimi for vishchevkazanі.

The appointment of the mass part of the Vologda is viable until the accomplice of vikonannya vimiryuvan on the opposite analyzer of Vologda.

After a repeated display on a digital indicator, the value of the mass fraction of the water sample of the remaining samples in the samples will be displayed.

7.6 Determination of power

7.6.1 Handling, additional possession, glassware, reagents, materials

Vagi in accordance with GOST R 53228 with the limit of the greatest error, which is allowed, a one-time charge is not more than ± 0.15 mg.
GOST R 52189 85 - elevation.

Note - Permissible variation of any of the designations of the dimensions of the form ± 1 mm.

7.6.2 Preparation before analysis

Take 2.5 g of dried dried yeast with a loss of no more than 0.01 g, transfer to a small porcelian cup. Then add 30 cm of drinking water, heated in front to a temperature of 43 ° C, and place a thermostat at a temperature of 35 ° C for 30 minutes. Add 15 g of wheat boar to the sum, stir until the breasts are formed. Okremo 130 cm of drinking water is mixed with 4 g of kitchen salt.

At a thermostat with a temperature of 35 ° C for 2 years, put qiu sumish (dried yeast, water, wheaten). At the same time, in the same thermostat, place the preparations of kitchen salt, 265 g of wheat boar, a large porcelain cup, metal form, smeared with olive oil.

7.6.3 Conducted analysis

After 2 years, transfer the sum from a small porcelain cup with the help of cooked salt to a large porcelain cup, after which add 265 g of wheat boar. Quietly intensively hush for 5 minutes, fixing hour by second. The dough is given the shape of a long loaf after the expansion of the form and transferred to a metal form, covered with olive.

On the long side of the form, hang a transverse metal crossbar, so as to enter the form by 1.5 cm. Transfer the thermostat to the form, in which the temperature is raised (35 ± 2) ° С.

7.6.4 Processing results

The lifting power of dried drizzle is characterized by an hour at the quills from the moment the dough is added to the shape of the dough dotik yogo to the lower edge of the metal crossbar, tobto. pіyom test up to 70 mm.

7.7 Designation instead of toxic elements:

mercury - according to GOST 26927;

8.1 Dried yeasts are transported by general modes of transport in critical transport conditions, subject to the rules for the transportation of goods, which are to be carried out by public modes of transport.

8.2 Transportation by rail transport is carried out in containers, drums, boxes or packages according to GOST 24597 and paper bears of the PM brand according to GOST R 53361.

8.3 Drіbnimi consignments of dried yeast transport by zaliznitsi, packed in wooden plank containers according to GOST 10131.

8.4 Packages of dried yeast are taken from the warehouse, as long as they can be dry, clean, ventilated, with a temperature in the middle of the warehouse not more than 15 °C.

It is not allowed to save dried yeasts with brittle speeches and products that smell hot.

8.5 The term of the admissibility of dried yeasts is established by the virobnik.

A.1 First method

Up to 10 g of dried dried yeast add a glass of warm water (temperature not more than 43 ° C) and put it in a warm place for 30 minutes. If the dried yeast rises well, add boroshn flasks, a tablespoon of zucru, thoroughly mix and let stand for 2 years at a temperature of 35 ° C, then stir, adding 0.5 dm3 of warm water per 1 kg of boroshn.

At the time of the increase in the number of boroshna, the vitrata of dried yeasts is increased.

A.2 Another way

Before implantation, dry yeasts are activated by pouring them with warm water or milk at a temperature of 38 ° C - 40 ° C. Vitrimuyut 10-15 min. Dosage - 10 g of dried yeast per 1 kg of borosh.


Drinking water. Hygiene is important for the quality of the water of the centralized systems of the drinking water supply. Yakosti control

Methodical instructions on how to identify mercury in food products

Electronic text document
preparations ZAT "Code" and zvіreny for:
official appearance
M: Standartinform, 2013

The term "instant" is similar to English word instant, which means not gay.

Instantaneous yeast is a remarkably new product (the cob of industrial production 1972), which is used in case of deep and dry windy yeast cells in particular minds. The moisture content of instantaneous drіzhdzhіv to become 35-55%. The moisture content of dry active yeasts sounds rebuying at the boundaries of 6-9%. The volume of commodity pressing of drіzhdzhіv is up to 70 and navіt 68%.

Occasional drіzhdzhі are let out at the look of dribbling vermicelli of light-beige color. A characteristic dry odor in instantaneous dry yeasts is less peaceful, lower in dry active ones.

100 g of instant yeast contains 49 g of proteins, 6 g of fat and 40 g of carbohydrates. Energy value the product to become 410 kcal, and 100 g of pressed yeasts have an average of 12.5 g of protein, 2.5 g of fat and 8.5 g of carbohydrates. The energy value of pressed yeast is about 107 kcal and 100 g of dried yeast contains about 43 g of protein, 6 g of fat and 40 g of carbohydrates. The energy value of the product becomes 386 kcal.

Instantaneous drіzhdzhі mayut high rise strength.

Instantaneous drіzhdzhі can be zastosovuvati in double and safe technologies for the preparation of dough.

Keep in mind that dry, instantaneous drizzle is not to be blamed for contact with cold or crying water. Under the influx of cold water, the activity decreases sharply.

The head nedolіk іnstantnykh drіzhdzhіv - svydka vtrata aktіvіv іn razі vіshennya іlіsnostі packing. It is recommended to unpack the packaging of instant drіzhdzhіv to vicorate for a period of 24-48 years. More savings can be less in the refrigerator in a closed container.

instantaneous drіzhdzhі - tse naisvіzhіshі drіzhdzhi, both fresh drizzle there is no yeasty aroma, only the aroma of freshness. Pressed yeasts begin to die and smell (dead) like yeasts, like a pack is unpacked and, with imperfect minds, it is saved, and every hour more and more smells of yeasts, licorice and with a deaky sourness, and a strong yeasty aroma of dry, active, dried yeasts drіzhdzhіv is literally covered with a pick of dead drіzhdzhovy klitins. In this sense, the most neutral smells are taken into account immediately, on the other hand - pressed fresh (at the time of packaging at the factory), and smell - active dry yeast.

Instant drіzhdzhі in chervonіy pachtsі are recognized for swedish types of tіsta - from 10 to 60 hv brodinnya after zamіsu tista.

The range of viroblenyh nin_instantnyh drіzhdzhіv is wide. Different brands are instantly adapted to different recipes and technologies for the production of bakery products.

From recent feasts, such a product, like dry yeast, has appeared on the shelves of rich food stores. A rich gift of mistrust is placed before them and vvazhayut that the stench is not good for drinking fresh wine. And for nothing, the shards of dry drizzle are still alive, the stench just “fell asleep”. For whom they hung far behind.

Start your mother at home with a sprinkling of bags of dry yeast, so that you can victorious be-such a mit. At the same time, dry drіzhdzhіv є deakі osoblії, about yakі it is necessary to know in order to properly beat them in culinary.

For your comforts dry yeast, obviously, maybe vdvіchі is weaker than fresh. Vykoristovuyuchi їх pіd h vіpіkannya, sіd vrakhovuvat tsyu osoblivіst, schob properly rasrahuvat proportions.

Until then, you can’t always beat the dry yeast for the brewing of the beetroots. Zokrema, go about the great Easter. Dry yeasts are not cold three times a day, as the recipe dictates, their strength is simply exhausted. As it turned out that you don’t have any other dredges, you will need to spend a lot of money and knead it in a small amount.
These are the varieties of dry yeasts:

  • Active dry yeast

Zovni guess beads and small bags.
First of all, zastosovuvat tsі drіzhdzhі, їх it is necessary to introduce them from the "sleep mode". To take the necessary result, active dry yeast bred in warm licorice water, milky milk. Pukhirtsі, pіna or “hat”, that they have settled down, svіdchat, that the drіzhdzhі are ready to the meanest victoria. Drіzhdzhі povinnі znahoditsya in rіdіnі up to its full rozchinennja, іnakshe іstо, scho forfeited, іsto may not rise again. Shards of grains of yeast do not grow independently, and so they become overgrown with grains and do not die.

  • Instant drizzle

It is not necessary to activate before the victories. Such yeast, with other ingredients, just add it to the dough. And the vipіchka will be ready more quickly.

However, one cannot forget about those who, like a pack of dry yeasts, were released two or more days ago, turning their activity back and forth. On the right, in the one who has a pack, who is standing at the kitchen shafts, drinking a vologer, to that, they dry it.

It is best to save a pack of large packaging at the freezer. In order to collect the same amount of yeast for a drink, you happen to win a package from the freezer, but you won’t be able to get a bag for the product in an hour, the shards of yeast will be at the anabiosis station.

Dry yeast, yakі let out different virobniks, it is necessary to vikoristovuvat at different spіvvіdnoshnі.

Drіzhdzhі, yakі vygotovіnіnі na Zahodі, mаyut more activity, yakscho parіvnyuvat z vіtchiznâniami. Therefore, you are preparing a strain, a vicarious vodka recipe, kindly open it up, you need some drizzle.

At the same hour, if you were quick to rush with dry dredges, then it is necessary to put them twice as much less, lower, you would take the same old ones, but fresh ones.

Dry bakery drіzhdzhі- tse biological fluffing dough, which is sold in looking small granules gray color from a specific dry smell. Bakery yeasts are vicarious when making bakery breads from wheat and wheat bog, as well as confectionery products. The addition of dry yeast at the dryer allows you to take away the health and drink the wine. Dried with microorganisms - microscopic unicellular fungi from the class of saccharomycetes.

On vіdmіnu vіd rіdіh іd sovanovyh drіzhdzhіv termіn pridelnostі dry drіzhdzhіv up to 2 rokіv, yakshko sberіgat їkh і x і x і x і і і іѕtії іїї. The trivial term for dry bread-bakery yeast is more suitable for home-brewed victoria, less rare and pressed, which is more important for vicarious production.

In this hour, yeast is one of the most important ingredients in the technology of making bread. Aje same zavdyaki drіzhdzham bread nabuvaє porous structure and become pishnim, so, like mi yogo love.

Warehouse for dry bakery yeasts:

Dry yeasts are unicellular fungi that are found in the middle of their eating. The portion of water in dry baker's drizzles becomes more than 9%. The storage of drіzhdzhіv can be changed in terms of staleness according to the method of their preparation. Ale in the wild looking dry bakery drіzhdzhі vengeance like mineral speech, and vitamins.

Among the mineral resources present in dry yeasts, it is possible to include such elements as phosphorus and potassium, in smaller quantities in dry yeasts, there are calcium, sodium, magnesium, salt, and in small bones - other microelements.

Vitamin storehouse of dry baker's yeast contains vitamins of group B (B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12), vitamins C, PP, K and choline.

The chemical warehouse of dry drizzle can be changed from time to time at the process of saving and depositing minds dovkilla- water level, dim sleepy changes, temperature.

The calorie content of dry active baker's yeast should be left in its original form and become close to 385 Kcal per 100 g of the product.

Technology for the production of bakery yeasts:

The technological scheme for the production of baker's yeast consists of 5 main stages: preparation of the revitalizing medium, growing of the yeast, seeing the final product, packing of the pressed yeast, drying and packing of the dried yeast. When preparing bakery drіzhdzhіv follow GOST 171-81 - Drіzhdzhі khlіbobakers'kyi presses. Technical Umovi” and GOST 28483-90 – “Dryzhdzhi bakery dried. Technician mind."

The report on the technology of production of baker's yeast looks like this:

  1. Preparing a revitalizing medium for bakery drizzles. At this stage of the research, the composition of fodder molasses, a by-product of cucreous fermentation, which is a dark color syrup, the titles of molasses, as well as the composition of phosphorus and nitrogen salts, are taken. Rozchin melyasi go to the dobovy vіdbіrnik, then call on teresa and the necessary її obliga sprаmovuєєє єmnіst, de rozchin razblyаєєєєє water.
    After that, the diluted chalk is taken out of the mechanical houses for additional clarifiers, special cleaning devices. Further, the chalk was cleaned and consumed in the dry-growing aparati.
    Alternately, phosphorus-containing and nitrogen-containing salts are diluted with water and already in a well-placed vicarious look like a booster for drіzhdzhіv, yak to go drіzhzhoroslinnі aparati with okremi channels.
  2. Viroshchuvannya khlibopakarsky drіzhdzhiv. At the plant, in about three tanks, yeast uterine yeast is grown like a yeast of pure culture, which eliminates a minimum of third-party microorganism. Tsі matkovі drіzhdzhі nadalі vykoristovuyut yak zasіvniy material for the possession of commodity drіzhdzhіv.
    Yeasts of pure culture are added at yeast-growing equipment with a variety of purified molasses, and stinks are supplemented with a variety of phosphorus and nitrogen salts. In such minds, zasіvnі drіzhdzhі begin to grow quickly, to bring commodity drіzhdzhіv to the point of obsession.
  3. Seeing baker's drizzles. At this stage, the production of commercial bakery yeast is cremated in the medium of reproduction, washed with cold water at special tanks and thickened on special separators until the yeast milk is taken away, as it was sent to special samples.
    The separators are water-creamed with 80% freshness, and the extra water is cleaned for additional special vacuum filters or filter-presses, as a result of which the yeast milk is re-formed on the yeast-like structure, yaking the shape of the layers of different tissue. Dali yak_s plasti go to the forming-packing machine for squeezing out the pressing of baker's drіzhdzhіv, and yakіs at the drying unit for otrimanna of dried baker's drіzhdzhіv.
  4. Packing of pressed baker's yeasts. At this stage, dry layers are placed on a forming-packing machine, which cuts a large dry layer on small shmatki and packs them into a wrapping paper. At this stage, it is ready to press the bread-baker's drіzhdzhі, and then to deliver it to the warehouse.
  5. Drying and packaging of dried bakery yeasts. At this stage of the technological scheme, the pressing of the dry layers is carried into the drying unit, which details and hangs the dry. Take away dry baker's driers, which form the shape of granules, pack them in airtight bags and bags. So, we take dried bakery drizzles from the pickers, deliver them to warehouses, and then sell them at the endpoints.

As can be seen from their technological scheme, bakery yeasts grow from microscopic unicellular fungi in the class of micromycetes, growing in the life-giving medium, which is a purification of the chaffing of chaff with the addition of phosphorus and nitrogen salts. The reason for the fact that for the preparation of baker's drіzhdzhіv vykoristovuetsya available ingredients and їhnya technological scheme of vinobnitstva is simple, the stench is cheaply done and sold in most grocery stores. Variety of dry baker's yeast is about 40 rubles per 100 g of the product.

Why is it possible to replace the dry yeasts in the form of pressing and in some proportionality of them:

As can be seen from the technological scheme of preparing baker's yeast, all the dry yeast's content in the pressing is due to the fact that at the remaining stage of the yeast pressing, the yeast is additionally dried and dried, as a result of which the dry yeast comes out.

Zavdyaki vysushuvannya dry baker's yeast can be saved up to 2 years in dry and cold places. The term for saving the pressing of baker's drizzles is to become 12 decibels in the refrigerator or up to 3 months in the freezer, but if they are frozen, they will be warmed up. At room temperature, the yeast is pressed with a stretch of doby.

The cream of the trivial term saves dry baker's yeast over pressing it, it is possible to protect the husk of dry yeast granules, so as to avenge glutathione, which will loosen the gluten of borosna, which can be browned with vikoristan borosna with strong gluten.

Fresh pressed yeast can be replaced with dry baker's yeast in the proportion: 1 g of dry baker's yeast in the amount of 3 g of pressing. For example, 100 g of pressed yeast is equivalent to about 33 g of dry baker's yeast.

Add skilks of dry yeast to flour:

The number of drafts, which is included in the dough, is the recipe for the recipe, so for the selection of the baker's bread, in that case, in the way it was conceived by the author, it is necessary to vicorate the same proportions, as indicated in the recipe. But if the recipe for some reason is to close a part of the yeast, then in the wild, the norm is to add 1 g of dry yeast in 100 g of wheat boar.

If the recipe has a portion of fresh pressed yeasts, and you have less dry ones, then you need to add dry ones 3 times less, lower pressed. For example, as the recipe says 30 grams of live pressed yeast, then instead of them you can add 10 grams of dry baker's yeast to achieve the same result.

See dry baker's yeast:

There are two main types of dry bakery yeasts:

Between the types of dry drіzhdzhіv є suttєvі vіdmіnnostі, yakі vychayut sposіb їх zastosuvannya.

  1. Dry active yeasts are granules, protected by the hulls of watery yeast cells, as a result of their drying. At the warehouse of the hulls of yeast granules, glutathione is located, which helps to loosen the gluten of the boar, which leads to a reduction in the power of the test. This effect is brown only for dough on boroshni with minced gluten, in the other case, glutathione can only be used with white wine.
    Before freezing, dry active yeast should be soaked in water, but during this growth it should not be stirred, so as not to damage the clitin membrane. Divide dry active yeast in proportion: add 5 parts of water to 1 part of yeast. Water temperatures may be close to 35 degrees Celsius. The hour for the production of dry baker's drizzles is about 15 hours. For supplementary activation of various yeasts, add trohi tsukra and boroshna. If the drіzhdzhi is fresh, then when the stench is soaked, they make a pinna hat, if it’s not, then the drіzhdzhi have lost their authority, and so not to zip the bell better than a new one.
    On the packaging of dry active yeasts, as a rule, there are instructions for how to describe them. If it won’t, then it’s better to follow it.
  2. Dry swedish-spreading instantaneous yeasts are dry granules, created on the basis of new cultures of yeasts from sucrose modern drying methods and emulsifiers. Vіdmіnna singularity stosuvanya of dry instantaneous drіzhdzhіv polyagaє in that it is not necessary to rotting them in front, but you can add it to the dough on the cob zamіsu, the shards of stink are even more quickly dispersed.
    The Danish type of dry yeast can improve microbiological purity, lower active dry yeast, and is more suitable for homemade brew.

Bark of dry baker's yeast:

The melancholy of dry baker's yeasts lies in the fact that the stink is to take revenge on the great number of vitamins of group B, which are necessary for the human body for normal work. nervous system, functioning of memory, zdijsnennya speech exchange and energy exchange. Vitamin C, which enters the warehouse of dry yeasts in the body for the replacement of bone and healthy tissues, improves the immune system and kills infection.

Korist drіzhdzhіv polagaє in shvidky inspired to the body after automi, stress, boosting immunity

Ale does not mean that it is necessary to immediately start dry baker's yeast for the corrosive organism, but, in nature, to develop healthy and safe products to avenge vitamins. On the right, in the fact that yeasts are fungi that multiply microorganism, to live in them only after thermal processing and only in small kіlkostakh, oskolki їх dovostrokovy infusion on the body is not yet fully implanted.

Skoda dry baker's drizzle:

Є thoughts, that bakery drіzhdzhі shkіdlіvі for human organism, shards may accumulate power in the organism, replace corisne microflora, sour vitamins and minerals, which one finds, eliminate disease. We don’t really call it that way, to inspire those who baker’s yeast come to us in the body after thermal processing, looking dead.

Dozens of different fungi linger in the human body without the introduction of healthy yeast bread, including unsafe ones, which can be activated at the moment of weakening of the body. And while the person is healthy, її ії ії ії ії ії ії ії іnіtеt іѕ nοt allowed dіzhdzhаm, yаkі drank іn organіzm, zavdati shkodi.

In order to escape shkodi, the next step is to protect the products, to avenge the yeast, we are sick and people with individual intolerance to the yeast. In this case, dry baker's yeast can be unsafe for the body. In other situations, with the death of the bakery, there will be no harm to the body.

It's hard to take away the mild vipіchka without zastosuvannya drіzhdzhіv. That and now, as people have long come up with victorious simple and effective way to raise and fluff it up - to add to the new drizzle. Yaki itself vikoristovuvati - here already, as it seems, the taste of that color.

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Fresh pressings These drizzles are small briquettes of a gray-brown color, which can cover approximately 70% of the water. Before vikoristannyam fresh drіzhdzhі rozchinyayut by warm water. You can save some of them in the refrigerator and up to 3 months - in the freezer. Most freshly pressed yeast vicarious for the preparation of dough, as it will require repeated aging. As a rule, bread, croissants, pasques are baked from such a cake.

Dry Dry yeast can be of two types (assigned on the packaging) - dry-dry and active dry. Shvidkorozchinnі drіzhdzhі є drіbnіshimi granules. It’s not necessary to soak it - to finish it off once in a sweat on a boar. It’s more convenient for stoking in bread, don’t vibrate the sound of yeast again. Dry active yeast must be soaked in warm water or milk with added zucru. The stench can be used as a substitute for swedish-spreading yeasts, only the quantity indicated in the recipe, you need to add a quarter. Most often, the most dry active yeasts are found in vicorist: simple, swishy, ​​hygienically.

Thermophilic? A few years ago, among scientists and technologists, a super-training about Skoda so-called thermophilic drijzhivs began, for the help of which, on an industrial scale, the whole bread is spun. "Thermophilic" - means "loving warmth". No such droughts in the process of wandering help the dough to rise, but through the stamina to high temperatures they do not fall apart, but are left behind in the bread at the unmistakable sight. Who knows what processes trigger microorganism (and yeast) in our tissues?

Some vcheni stverdzhuyut, scho thermophilic drіzhdzhі, sucking up to the body, disrupting the natural microflora, blocking the defense mechanisms and calling out different ailments. Other fahivtsі vvazhayut that the cause of mass illnesses in the total decrease in immunity due to environmental problems and the wrong way of life. Truth, as usual, here in the middle.

The production of yeast bread is not easy for craftsmanship, shards will require an hour and a harsh technology. Therefore, in our hour of technological progress, natural wanderings are replaced by piece reactions and ingredients that speed up the process of boiling. Thus, the myth about the shkoda of yeast bread appeared, although, for example, for our nation, the production of vipichka without yeast (like lavash, matsi toshcho) is historically unconventional and unpowerful.

Instant! If you are not able to trust any of the brewers, you can prepare dry yeast leaven at home (on rodzinka, beer, hops). Alezedovgo is unprofitable. More succulently victorious with the current instantaneous drіzhdzhі. Dry instantaneous drizzle (the stench itself is indicated on the packaging) may have a stable quality - it will retain activity for two years. This stench is breathed in by freshly pressed drizzles: in the rest, until the end of the term, the saving power is changing, that stench is stronger, the oscills will avenge the vologer.

I’ll be honored by those who instantly drizhdzhi do not give a special relish and flavor to the aroma of wandering, inspire like a victorist to make a great quantity of drizhdzhiv. Pressed yeast to smell like "dead" yeast, if the pack is unpacked: the stench will immediately start working together with microorganisms again. Coils of dry yeasts are covered with a ball of dead yeast cells, which, when opened, are also given a pungent smell. Therefore, boldly vikoristovyte for vypіchki іnstantinі drіzhdzhі, but remember: zastosovuvat їх sіd for that kind of tista, like instructions on the packaging, and work exactly for the instructions.

Tse і zrozumіlo: zovsіm razna structure is necessary for vypіkannya loaf of homemade bread and, let's say, the basis for pizza.

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