Changed head line. The line of the head on the hands. Where to know the line of reason

The line of the head is viewed by palmists from two sides. First of all, you will show for the inner camp of the people - її the memory of that rozumovі zdіbnostі. In a different way, the line of the head on the ruts is shown without a middle for the head brain itself and nervous system. In addition, on the line of the head, other organs are often projected, for which there may be no meaning and interpretation. Robity like a visnovka, spiraling less on the line of the head - without a head.

We are cut in front of us by a straight line and a curved line of the head. Direct line showing on a straight line more logical thought, And it is bent - on the harn awake and the idea is more based on the feelings of that vir. One of the most important aspects when looking at the lines of the head is є її color and depth - how clear and glibsha the line is, how much the person is building the virishity of the life of the day.

Great respect is attached to the cob and the completion of the line. So, for example, the line of the head starts at once from the line of life, what to say about those fathers from childhood pawning our new beginnings and zdіbnosti. Traditionally, the completion of the line of the head is tied with the humpback of the month, which brings out the roar of non-standard and creative thought.

When analyzing the lines of the head, it is impossible to do without an assessment of the signs that are pointed at the її way. Traditionally, cross, sichuch, specks and stars, rose, islands, cola - are entered by negative signs. At that hour, as a matter of fact, the lines are talking about the potential to enter the new rіven development.

When analyzing the line, due respect is given to the dynamics of changes. To marvel, as if she were leading her own hands on your other hand. So they give respect to another row of valleys, to be timid, so that they can fight, like a vicarist people of those victories, which is given to their kind of people.

Don’t forget that the line of the head also shows the psyche of the person for the good. Be it not correct rotting lines, її ending on non-powerful hillocks - pointing to possible problems with the psyche in general.

Hour along the line of the head

The hour of the line of the head is easy to finish. For which you need to lower straight lines in the middle of the base of the fingers and project them onto the very line of the head.

So if you lower the vertical line from the middle of the base of the ostentatious finger, then you take off the top of about 20 rocks, that very vertical is lowered from the middle of the ring finger, showing the top of the ring finger to 60 rocks (divine little evil.)

Varto signify that an hour on the line of the head flows in the offending sides, and the signs on it are often repeated.
The different lines and the winds point to the strengthening of mental vigor, and the axis is expanded to weaken the rosy vigor, speaking about those that the rosy vigor does not vicorate in the whole period.

If on the left hand (for shulg navpak) the feats of data from the people are shown, then on the right it is shown those how the feasibility and feats are realized.

Variants of the line of reason

1. The line of the head is not connected with the line of life. This is a good sign, like talking about a well-built person, like in the world listening to the thoughts of others and making a decision herself. They become independent early, develop better for others.

2. Line of head and heart to go together. Vkazuє great inflow of fathers. Call for a long time to live at the Batkivsky hut. Listen to someone else's thoughts. First I think, and then I shy away. Protective.

3. The line of the head is bent. The logic of that standard is not for you. Good luck with the creative right. Alive and overactive. Go with your own path through the greatness.

4. In case of trivial splintering, they become overwhelmed. Do not like novelty, innovation. Celebrate light without embellishment, such as vin. Good mental capacity, memory. Breathe fast, start to understand those who want to see them.

5. The line of the head is tied with the line of life on the back. Protectiveness for everyone. They listen to themselves and sing the vibir, calling everything for and against. Old men do not make a great splash.

6. The line of the head is far from the line of life. Self-reliance from childhood. It's early to leave home. Rush, pressure and boom are often present. Don't listen to anyone, save yourself.

7. The line of the head ends on the hump of the moon. It is overactive, yak vikoristovuetsya everywhere. Often hovering in the dark and oversprayed. For good aspects - great creative potential. In the presence of filthy people, they flicker at their own and live at their fantasies.

8. The line of the head ends on the hillock of Mars. Rіdkіsne roztashuvannya linії. Vkazuє on a logical person, zdatny otrimuvati z ugo zisk. Often speak about the material goodness of the Vlasnik. Attract to yourself pennies and unsafe situations.

Change and expand on the line of the head

1. Drawing on the line of the head - vish_dny. This rozriv is often duplicated on the line, which means a cardinal change in a person's gaze, if the spiritual strength for a person becomes more important, lower physical.

2. Drawing on the line of the head - low. So it goes without saying about the turning point of life, if the physical and life interests come to the fore, and the spiritual development rises.

3. Drawing on the line of the head. Rozryv on the line of the head indicates a physical injury, tied from the head brain. When you wonder, chi є doublyuchiy rozry chi sign of the line of life.

4. Underline of the head. The dublyuyucha line shows on the miraculous rozumovі zdіbnosti and the wide horizons of the sackcloth. You can also talk about the underworld of life. The sergeant of the underline of the head can be taken as an office practitioner, and at night work in a bar.

Vivchayuchi tsі signs, due respect to the next line of life, even if you develop these two lines, you can unsafely cause physical health.

Signs on the line of the head

1. There is a cross on the line of the head. Talk about the possibility of injuries tied to the head. When the signs of the life line improve, the number of injuries increases.

2. On the line of the head of the island. Talk about sumnіvi people, її nerishuchіst. For an hour of yoga, problems with work and implementation.

3. On the line of the head of the star. A sign to talk about a serious head injury - often injured chi kula. It is possible to judge about it only by lifting the whole hand.

4. On the line of the head is a tricot. Talk about success in science and education. At the period of dії sign be-like science practices that robots will be mothers of success.

5. On the line of the head is a square. A badge of a zakhist. Protects from blows. Negative signs (zіrka, khrest, rosriv) laid square, do not bear the burden of life.

6. On the line of the head of the colo. A filthy sign that points to the problems of health. Talk about often filthy zir Vlasnik.

The line of the mind on the hands begins with the order from the rice of life, to pass the center of the valley to the її rib. She shows intellectual inclinations, the way of thinking and talent. She can’t say, wise її vlasnik chi nі. Aje wisdom and knowledge are filled with fates. The line to talk about zdіbnosti until the beginning, make a decision, analyze and seriously evaluate reality.

Starry look

A line of roses and a dark head - the same and the same, it shows how the makings of a mortgage in people, how it thinks and goes to the cherry of quiet chi іnshih zavdan. If it is correct to decipher, you can help in choosing a profession, I will show you the best method of learning. Better look at the rice right hand to the fact that there seems to be a sense of humor, like people create for themselves. Lyva shows less natural inclinations.

We are assessed before old look lines of reason. For її dovzhina, width and depth, give the main characteristic of specialness. Axis like there can look at the valley and what does it mean:

  • Long line of reason. Such people are able to kindly and scrupulously analyze everything that they stick to, think big. In life, reach for success, secure your family, the stench of those diligent viconists, wise kerivniki.
  • Directly that reading of smug is characteristic of purposeful and feisty particularity. Such decisions are accepted by people in a proper way, resolutely calling all pluses and minuses. The stench is pedantic like a robot, and at home on the right, often a hypertrophied predilection for order. Reveal the stink practically every day.
  • A short line of reason, so as not to reach the middle of the valley. Vlasnik її practical, wine does not like marnuvati hour, swears more vikonati to the robot. It is not uncommon to think in stereotypes, to follow the established rules and traditions. Live less than right, rarely dream that she worries about the past pardon, love stability.
  • The head of the head of the middle rose (ends opposite the hump of Apollo). To have a harmonious nature, which has a balanced bazhanya and ability, the building has been blamed to a firm assessment of the bottom.
  • Broad lines. Such people have a better process of improvement, it is more important to remember new information, it will take them more than an hour to praise the decision. It doesn’t mean that the sack of a broad line of reason is bad, it’s just that you think it’s better, lower reshta. Yogo vysnovki become even more correct, the solution is important, and the embroidered material is remembered for a long time.
  • Vuzka risochka domineering people, like accepting haste and not making a decision, thinking and forgetting quickly, but not for a long time.
  • Ledve pomіtna, not a big woman. It is important for such people to learn, they often stink of pardons, especially when vikonan works, as accuracy is required.
  • Urivchast rice lie down for volitional and independent people. The stinks are more active, they can’t sit on the job, they often rise in price, change the work, and start working.

It’s even more important, when assessing the old-fashioned look of the line of the head, to give respect to the kut nachila. The more steeply you go down, the more the person's imagination is blamed. The underline of the mind on the valley is a sign of genius. Such people are lordly, charismatic, builders, and builders of great wealth. Sometimes a parallel line means the appearance of a wise mentor in life.

Cob and end

Depending on the fact that the line of reason begins and ends, it is rich in what to lay a person’s propensity to life, self-reliance, success, to take a decision correctly. So may be the meaning of the lovnіshnіy look of the wife at the end.

Cob line

Options on the cob can be dekilka:

  • The line of reason and the line of life start at once, go back to a small space. Before you is the specialty of self-control, so that you can take a viable decision, guided by reason, and not by emotions.
  • Zlittya or z'ednannya two lines on a distance of 2 cm and more. Such a person is impulsive, she is often driven by instinct. An important place in yoga life is occupied by the fathers, the wine is permanently abandoned at the native house, and the pizno becomes independent. Quite often people are closed, careless and protective.
  • The line of the mind on the right hand is tied to the boundary of life on the smaller distance, lower on the left. The strong grip of the fathers in the childishness, in the distance of which it swelled with the fates and became independent. As if the back of the head was broken, the formation was already collapsible.
  • A line of reason to go out of the misery of life. Vlasnik of such a little one lies in the face of someone else's thoughts, lack of independence, drativity, aggression and conflict.
  • The ear of the line is okremy, but the gap between them is small. Vlasnik hands vpevneniy at his own, maє a clear life position. In order to turn yoga into chomus, it is necessary to bring some arguments. At the same time, this little bunny has a mind, there are no stereotypes, volitional wines, wine-loving, great successes in life.
  • Standing between the cob of two risks is great. Such a roztashuvannya of power in temperamental and independent people. Go ahead, put your bazhannya before the day, make decisions impulsively, cherishing emotions. They don’t call someone else’s thought, rational arguments don’t bring on them.
  • An ear on the hump of Jupiter means what is in front of you good people which is easy to know spilnu mova from usima. To love and love Yogo, to that, great success is achieved.

End of line

The end of the line of reason on the valleys of the river is even more different. It can also characterize people both positively and negatively, transferring their share. Axis main options:

  • The line is longer than the longest, to pass through the entire valley, resting on the ends at the rib. Such people are most concerned about their own difficult work. The stench dream of a great success, but far from being able to reach yoga.
  • Ends on the hillock Mіsyatsya. Dolonya hisistiv, like to love the praise of that flattery. The stench respects people's strength, intelligence, dosit active, call for less on the power of interest that bajannya.
  • On the hillock of Mercury. Vlasnik of such a line of the head may have a filthy character, he is jealous, quarrelsome, we must love us to force our thoughts, we need increased respect for our own person.
  • Razdvoєna gіlka on kіntsi. As the fork is small and short, її sergeant is calm and in vrіvnovazheny, venerated by the respect of the relative status. A great split or a fork characterizes the fun of that original person, the surprise and the draw. Vіn love privertati respect, navchannya yoma is given even easily.
  • Razgaluzhennya on kіntsі to tell about spontaneous and non-transferring people, like always spodіvayutsya on a happy mood. It is impossible to perpetrate, like stench in your other situation, їhnі dії zavzhdi neprobacheni. The lines that are roaming often appear on the hands of artistic natures.
  • I will re-divide the line of reason. The sign of a two-singular person. Vіn wear the mask of the “good Samaritan”, for which he is hovering, which may be of particular interest.
  • Like rice ends with a trident, її Volodar has a wide range of creative vibes, garna іntuїtsіya.

Whether it’s over, look at the right and left hands. People change their lives in protracted ways, they look good on their shoulders. Zlіva we can infuse rice, pledged by nature, zlіva is the result of a special growth of the fall. Best of all, the little ones got away. Todі їhnіy vylasnik povnіstyu realіzuє their natural inclinations.

The meaning of maє roztashuvannya line of mind. If you know a high one, it means that the sergeant-major doesn’t call for a big thought, you’re proud, you don’t know if you’re wrong and pardon, you don’t vibachaetsya. Central roztashuvannya - a sign of specialty for pochuttyam obov'yazka, vіddany and vіrny. Like the line of the head of the day, it means that she was angry and ran out of the boundary of the heart, such a hand is called mavpo.

Vigini ta vіdgaluzhennya

For rich people on the line of reason, there are virgins of chi sickness. Sometimes, in the main smuga, small needles enter to the third part of the valley. In palmistry, signs give special respect.


A fluffy husband is a sign of a warm family, who is alive for the sake of his children and onukiv that reports all the efforts to secure financially relatives and loved ones. The deciphering of that meaning of other virgins lies in the fact that there is a stench in some part of the gulka. Axis of description of the number of applications:

  • Vigin was the hump of Jupiter. The hand lies with a talented, but even more impervious and domineering people. Win to love, schobi youma cheered, often praised. Such people often do not have happiness at the kohanna, the stench can make friends and separate from time to time.
  • Vigin at the bik hillock of Saturn. The hand of people is mystical. The stench is impulsive, impatient, they show off their own almost for show, they are often whimsical.
  • Rice wiginaetsya straight up to the sleepy hump. People with such a little one are active and active, love to be at the center of respect, live in the present day.
  • Vigin at a straight line to the hump of Mercury. Vlasnik firmly assesses the current light, adapts well to the situation and turns. Communication, but with people will keep the distance. May I have firm moral principles, three-point idealist, may I push my life energy.
  • One sickness of the valley is typical for people who think about success. The stinks love to impose their thoughts, to talk, but at the same time, they are ready to help everyone absolutely without grumbling.


Crimia viginiv, in the line of the mind can enter small bugs. The stench is right at the side of the ribs, in view of which it is possible to lay down their interpretation in palmistry. Axis yakі vіdgaluzhennya on rutsі buvayut:

  • The line of the mind is tinted with a straight line. Tse means that її Volodar shove, stubborn, love less than himself. Vіn closures, something important, you often know the failures in life, as if you are painfully worried.
  • The ridge stretches up to the hump of Jupiter. Such people called to bring the rozpochat right to the end. Stinks will forcefully be stosunki, often unhappy in a special life.
  • Vіdgaluzhennya to the hillock of Saturn. The hand of a pragmatist, which firmly stands on the ground with its feet. If you do not achieve success for someone else's account, if necessary, always act.
  • Vіdgaluzhennya at the bіk drowsy mound. Such people are smart, diyal, and dope, often reach success in the creative sphere. It’s a pity, to love dreams, that one is often overwhelmed by important things.
  • The little tree stretches up to the hillock of Mercury. A sign of a workaholic, which always puts the robot in the first place. Vіn vykonavchiy, іnіtіativnyy and nadіyny svіvrobіtnik, аlе nіkchemny sim'yanin.
  • The risochka is straightened down, at the beak of the monthly hump. Such people are straightforward, ambitious and ambitious. The stench generates cicadas and original ideas, as they always help life. To reach the goal, go ahead, not calling on anyone's interests.
  • Uphill to the line of the heart, small windmills enter. Your relative is trying to earn a lot of pennies in order to secure his family. As if the needles are straight down, be careful. See in front of you that unbeneficial specialty, I will protect you, I will often be aggressive.
  • Dekіlka g_lok straight up the hill. This kind of peretin is more typical for people, which in no way vibachayutsya.

Look at the valley, don’t forget to look at it live, or at the photo, for which you need a great deal. It is not uncommon to stray with other lines, as if to overthrow the head of the mind. To decipher їx may dosvіdcheny fahivets.

Draw the signs on the line

At palmistry great value add signs on the valley. The stench can be ahead of the serious illnesses of unhappiness, feel bad luck at the kohanni chi robots. The axis of the main signs on the line of the mind and their decoding:

  • An island on the line of reason. A sign of a pracially-loving person, as if deeply penetrating the essence of speeches. Also, this sign can be in advance about work and family problems. Like an island looking like a fish, Yogo Vlasnik suffers from a headache or love to drink.
  • Lance islands are jutting on the hands of lazy mercenaries, as they easily fall into alcohol, drugs, and lead a wasteful way of life.
  • The cross on the line of reason can be interpreted as a fallow in the position. Rice on the back of your head is a happy life, in the middle - ailments and injuries, in the rest of the third, under the ring finger - a quick death. So may the meaning of the interplay of the cross with the star, with other little signs and signs.
  • Trikutnik. The hand is typical for talented people with a developed intuition. Good stench, bezvіdmovni, love praise, through which self-criticism is reduced.
  • Line from the star. The sign is not more friendly, it is ahead of a serious injury to an emotional shock. Zirka in the end of the line of reason often appears on the hands of self-pliers.
  • Dots on the line of the mind, like they may get angry. Characteristic for people ardent and aggressive. Rodimka zamіst krapki to talk about happiness.
  • Grati is a sign of a more sensible, ale, upright person, as they often change their sympathies and antipathies.
  • Rozriv to talk about stress in the past future. Often talk about sharp changes in life, turn the beat around. To lay a lot, de interrupt the line. As if having opened it on the cob itself, a person may have a chance to recover after stress, or perhaps a new path. Having grown at the end, I can again beat yoga with a stake, until the end of my life I will be deprived of bad luck.

Line of the Head (Uma)

Line of the Head (another name Line of Rosum) vvazhaetsya at the palmistry we will change the light. The life of a people is swidkoplinne, like a car, which is the road to the great swidkost at night. And if the light of the headlights (for our kind of rosy vibes) is good, and the Line of Rozum is straight and clear, then the waters of the wet life run far, and for any circumstances, you will suddenly grow up and grow up, at the new day you will praise the right decision.

As you see, the Line of Mind, take your cob between the great and eye-catching finger, in the greater fluctuations it starts from one point at once with the Line of Life, and it is guilty of the same time to leave it and go on your way, the mountain of Mars lies through the way.The line is guilty to go through all the battles of life and difficult, no matter what it is, it is guilty to be left behind strong and whole and reach its goal.

Dovzhina Line Head, її form, color and directly show us from one side the storehouse of the mind of a person, yogo willpower, show how to live life, mentality and the strength of rozum's concentration, on what a person is good.

From the other side, you can improve the physical state of the organ, even if the mind cannot function correctly, as there may be physical deficiencies - all kinds of injuries or congenital vadi.

Yak and other lines, show us this line positive vigor - such as honesty, dopitlivist, creative vibrancy, purposefulness, bright mind, strong will.So i negative: greed, clouding the mind, cunning, pride, wickedness.

Line of the Head, curvature of the line

Fallow in a straight line Head to the singing hillock, take it out and always be cherished for life by these traits, as if attached to this hillock.

Otzhe, yakscho the line is straight, of a good color and peretina the whole valley, reaching to the mound of Mars, she will show us a bright mind, protection, obachnist, a person with a strong will, as if the line is too old, you will get more greed, and with a strongly developed mound of Mars, you will be pragne present and cold-blooded.

The line of the head can also shift the bottom, as if it were attracted to the singing humpbacks of the fingers - it’s not enough to talk about the person, that the idea of ​​​​the new one will be, or it will be straightened into the singing sphere of activity, marveling at the finger of the hump until you won’t bend and be victorious, like that us a hump.

Yakshcho line hang up to the hump of Apollo (ring finger), then a person is realizable to himself in the art, like before Mercury (little finger) then in trade.

Line Golovi, straight lines

Ale, in fallow land, according to the type of hand and the turned world, it shows the final straightening of the right in the spheres of activity.

If you take spiritual light into account, then replace the pardon for a merchant, we take away a person with an oratorical gift, which can round up people for itself, which can change the power itself. In such a time, the first phalanx of the finger can be dominating.

Line, Yaka May go straight to the Mіsyatsya hillock tell us about creative people, artistic nature, even if there is a garna of the Line of the Sun on the hands, you can boldly affirm what a person realizes for himself at the sight of art.To that, the quality of the mound is so: restless yava, romanticism, and with the overworld development of the mound and god-villa, the mind of the individual will be constantly roared.

With such a result, the lines can also be present unfriendly signs, which can radically change the power of the line.

Yakshcho є star in kіntsi linії – why talk about chaos and Goddess of intellectual ideas?Completion of the Line Head on the Moon at the sight of a fork, you will talk about a person with a sublime vine, like everything is overpowered fast, and creating action. But it’s also worth talking about great creative achievements, talents before writing, journalism.

Line Golovi, sick people, death

Short Line Head, as if it will end under the finger of Saturn, then it’s less likely to reach the middle of the hand, first for everything, to speak not a smart person, weak, and more for everything with a lack of reason.

How did the ancient palmistry stagger, a sign of a short life and a quick death.

But I think that you shouldn’t be embarrassed, having developed such a line in yourself, so that, as practice shows, the lines on a good hand can grow and grow.

Tsіlkovito other meaning maє such a short line on kіnci from the star or with penzlik- this is a clear symbol of death, which is a fatal sign, especially on the active right hand (at the right hand). The only difference is that at sirtsі, podiya matime character raptovostі, and for the obviousness penzlicks, human brain will be step by step Until the next paralysis sets in, the result of a fatal one in any kind of depression, the dots signify a head ailment.

If you hear the head line from looking like a lancer, it means that a person can’t pick up his thoughts and ideas in one direction and send them to need a channel, Imu don’t get the accuracy and the brilliance.

Make it necessary to pay respect to the old sight of the line like other lines. It will be a good sign, like the Line of the Head does not look like others, comradeship or color, and so long ago, everything can look harmonious. global maps hands, and as if by raptom mi bachimo the line is commemoratively thinner for іnshi, then the visnovok will ask for itself.

Yakshcho line try to get away it means that the thoughts of a person and vchinka will be viable, and tse means dishonesty, zrada, and yakshcho 100% correct sign of a bullshit.

If the line is supported by another line (Line Sister), at the thought of more chiromancers, then happy future and recession.

A line, for example, like a tail nibi is brought to the line of the heart - tell us about a cunning person, like a guilty plan, if you don’t let it go, you’re right and for the sake of reaching your goals, be ready to be-yak_ vchinki.

Line of the Head, end of the line

Line of the Head okremo vіd zhittєvoї And it’s great to stand between them, signifying a person with a light mind, you’ll always say it on the back of your head, or smash it, and then just think, lightness, fantasticness of the mind and ambition will always prevail over the mind, especially as good as the rise of Jupiter’s hillock.

You can’t trust such people with secrets, you can’t save the stink, so it’s the very line to talk about present jealousy, possible anger and instill falsehood.

Such is the line of only a little cobweb between themselves with dribbling buds, as if they mingle among themselves, creating nibi grati, showing a person to be bad and primhliva, as if she could create problems herself.

If the line of the mind is divided, then it is necessary to separate in different sides - it is not necessary to talk about the different arrogant specialty building a bigger scale and marveling at life from different sides. I chim shirsha sama fork, tim more vaga mother of the power of power.

Various variants of such a sign can be heard among people of theatrical activity, among writers, and also among professional liars, wondering already at the nature of the hand, and in any case, the head of the Line of the Mind.

Line, broken on both hands, in the very same place, it is vvazhaetsya with a fatal sign, especially as it has risen to be known under the finger of Dol - tse threaten himself (Rock) Saturn.

Such a sign was interpreted by palmists like death, and for the obviousness of the runic signs, it becomes clear that a person has karma, but there is a theme, how to look at it in the future.

People with a straight line of the head are distant people. Such a person, for example, buying an apartment, so that you can find a satisfied camp, find out and become turbulent like a court, and for some money you can sell it, and if the houses don’t fall apart in ten years, how many meters to the nearest store will cost you Tse will be virishalni nutritious purchases.

Head line, vish_dna line

Yakshcho Line Golovi deputy of the one who starts to go his own way fold up and rise uphill to the Line of the Heart, the very fact is already to say that the exercises turn out of the box, which, in principle, can be alert, and become an object of sawing respect.

Naygolovnіshe and first, the whole person is more fallow and subservient to his feelings - this is a negative sign.

Such a person, to satisfy his predilections, is built on various obscene things. The voice of the mind will not be a little before emotions and passions, as if they muffle yoga, and play a significant role, as it is necessary for the satisfaction of the pet to inspire evil, then such a specialness is to be made.

Yakshcho Line Head shifting The line of the Heart rises higher, it hangs even stronger for the sake of such individuals who are ready to reach fanaticism, make sacrifices and not harm themselves and their health, reach the set goals.

If there was any kind of depression, there was no hand to any type, and a line did not straighten any finger in the beak - we may be on the right with a tyrannically lashed human being, and with additional negative qualities, a human being hit hit.

Line of the head, needles on the line, ailments of the head

Line of Heart, vydkidaє gіlka to the Line of the Head, let us tell you that the mind has learned everything, and according to the life of a person, cherishing the mind.In such a time, for example, making friends, people have a priority on the visibility of the link, but almost stand on a different plan.

Short and rіzhuchі headline vіdrіzki іnіy, like nіbі go nіbіdmо znіdki, іѕ going tо thе flow οf energy аnԁ turn thаt thаt іѕ nοt sickness tο thе head, tο recognize thе stressful situation іn life.

If it’s significant for its strength, and a stump that tangles the line, the tovshchina of the line of the head, then the problem will be serious, something like a disease, or a head injury, and behind the line after the line, you can judge about the legacy.

Even though the hair is thin and unfathomable peretina, it means that there is a lot of mental anxiety, or else stress.

Line of the head, children on the line

If there are islands on the line, and there is no sign of physical damage, you can tell about the fall of robotic intelligence in the real hour. spadkov's ailment, otherwise, as a rule, you will be in the aftermath of great stress.

Most of all, at the thought of an important number of chiromancers, these signs are a little relief to the mind of a mentally ill person.

In such a case, the island on the line is guilty of being seen with a red color, but for such a visnovka, you need to bring additions on the line or in the movie.

Sloping or falling lines of small roamings of the young, witness about the rozcharovanist and dissatisfied nature, as if forced to fight for ideas, and succeed without a fight. Such people are not inspired in themselves, your hands ring out even more softly to talk about nights, stink forever calling everything to a filthy lot.Tse svіdomo samoprogramuyuchi itself in the misfortunes of the day, such people do not varto spodіvatisya at skrutnu khvilin.

Line Head, open lines

Line of the Head, May you open up, A prophet of his own safety, so how to go out having opened the flow of vital energy, and the system of self-saving in such situations gives a zbіy. The traces of the podia can be traced along the Line of Saturn, but it seems that the podia was marked on the life of that car'er of the subject.

Rozrivi buy different types and carry information in combination with other different characters.

Zvichayny rozryv as shown in the butt, there will be no compensation for the gaps, which is an extremely unacceptable fact.

Perecritium shaving, may ryatyuchu hoch trohi situation, supplementing the line, for whatever hoch i not povnoy miroy, but energy passes, as nіbi seal and replace the defect.

Ryatuyuchim situation and zahisnym sign vvozhdzhennia square, what to take revenge on one's own, by such a rank of faults including fatalities and giving hope to get out of the situation with minimal expenses. The chiromantic thinks that the square will burn with a zahist.

Head line, rune sign

Overlay lines one on one, talk about the emotional shock. Ale, in okremih vipadkakh obіtsyat і positive effect vіd podіy, naslіdnâ linіnії zvіnії zvіd, not zvіdnі, scho mozhe їїї її її ї ї ї ї ї її ї ї ї її ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї її ї ї ї їїї ї ї їїї їїї їїї їїїї ї її їїї, or, let's say, osyayannya.

But in such a time, the line is guilty of rebuking more for its torn cob, which would be a logical explanation for such a development.

It has been brought to light that people, who can grow on the Line of Rozuma, dream of fantastic dreams, that they do not always come to our world, deeds for the manifestation of great defects in the lines and their roses - they learn a lot, and basically start cultivating the sciences.

So the very next signifies that such people have runic signs on their hands, like they glue or subdue the tricks of the Line of the Mind. Such a rotting of the runes on the line (green sign) indicates a person, like a pracial karma, we can add signs on the fingers, or rather, on the nail phalanxes of the fingers, as if they are constantly changing the connection with the divine.

The line that passes through the valley of the troch below the line of the Heart is called the line of the Head (Fig. 212).

The line is important.
Numerical number of experiments showed that it indicates the totality of the rozum faculties of a human being: the kind of mentality, the power of rozum concentration, the possibility of self-control.

Ascertaining the importance of growing up, then, if we guess, I mean the role of playing the mind in our lot.
No matter how beautiful the soul of a person would be, there’s no way it’s possible to do it right without a warm mentality.

The mind cannot function in the necessary order, as the brain can be physical vadi.
The first person does not have the mental capacity to concentrate on the song in life.

Reason is the power, as it gives us the ability to change our natural map of life, gives us the strength to change the quality of our type and the factor that most affects the lives of other people.

Rіd rіd rіzmu, іkіm аnіnієnіє єkt, rich in why є such, іііnієіn іn є: improve or pogirshuє yogo egosti, dobudovuє аbo ruynuє strіnіє mіstsya in yogo characterі і dіє vіdpovіdno yogo weaknesses.

In such a rank, the line of the Head of the vimage of the veil, so that it was possible to accurately indicate the possibility of the mind and the inter-yogo inter.

The organ, called the brain, is the center, from which the life force emerges, which penetrates the skin tissue and flows through the nervous system.

Vin is a miraculous indicator of illness, especially nerves.
The human brain is closed in the cranium and the flooring is lower and sensitive, so it’s not safe to physically follow yoga.

It is impossible to accurately establish in the structure of the brain of a genius, chance or malice.

Shards of the brain are so diligently stealing, it is impossible to learn in detail and recognize, de know good and evil in the new.

Ale dolonya priyaє tsmu vvchennyu, shards of the line Head vіdbivaєє vіdbіvaєє vіshnya robot rozum.
Also, on this day, we can actively win the line of the Golovya for the selection of these other information.

Tse shorter, lower checks, if the brain gives us information about the robot.

All the facts, which have been divided among others, are confirmed by numerical results and reverifications.

And to that, I am unrepentantly asserting that the line of the Head characterizes the whole sum of evils, the power mentality of the subject.
So the line vibrates the physical state of the head.

The first lower line of the line of the Head, you are guilty of signifying the misfortune, the situation is possible, if the situation is out of the blue.

However, oskіlki roznі є by force, scho dіє without intermediary on the camp of usіh lines, the line Golovi is rarely on hand.

It often happens that the bottom line is overturned by just one line, and yet you perish in conjectures, which is the whole line of the Head, which is the whole line of the Heart.

In 99% of vipadkіv such a self-made line is the line of the Head, but not the line of the Heart.
In your mind, you need to pay respect to the line of the Head.
The line of the Head is not guilty of continuing so far, like the line of the Heart, but still it is overwhelmed by a similar rank, indicating a strong intellect of a person, which can be estimated by the character and depth of the line.

< 2 >

As the line of the Head is short (Fig. 213), it is about a person with a “near-minded” mind.

Such a line must be resolutely viciated, oskolki out, it is possible, to mark the life of the subject, as it may end at the point, de line The head is pinned.

< 6 >

The cross at the end of the short line of the head indicates the interruption of the energetic flow, which will lead to death, but not so unstoppably, as if for the obviousness of the star.

Cross on short lines Head at once from a cross like a short line of Life (Fig. 217) may be as important as the situation, de change of crosses - stars.
The order of these signs is also necessary to respect the type of the subject, the color of the lines.

As the type of the subject is Jupiterian (shy to apoplexy), Saturnian (shy to paralysis), Martian (too much blood in the head), the above-described signs become more serious, especially as the color of the lines is red or brightly expressive.

On the short line of the Head, which is accompanied by signs on the lines of Life, Mercury, Heart on the hillocks, it is necessary to pay respect.

< 7 >

If the line of the Head, with a normal line of the Heart, passes straight through the whole valley (Fig. 218), then the subject of disturbances is the balance between the mind and the senses.

You can be sure that you will be stingy in your manifestations of guilt and appreciate all the speeches of the world with the look of a healthy mind.
It seems to be more in line with material interests, it is practical for everything, it is more important for a specific result, it is more beautiful, to quiet the eye and to the heart.

As if with a long and straight line, Head on the bottom of the day, the line of the Heart, the person is cold, and also ruthless, stingy, stingy.
It is necessary to pay respect to the depths and the character of the good lines.

If the line of the Head is straight and long, and also deep, then the relevant characteristics are strengthened.
Black lines to strengthen the aggressiveness of the subject, and Zhovta to increase stinginess and zhorstokіst.

Like the line Golovi dovga, ale thin for іnshі lines, then the head of the subject is pracyuvatime in constant pressure.

Otzhe, whether it be zayve zusilla mozhe mozhe vitrimati.

As the line is short, the vuzka and the top, it means that the person is unlikely to have a strong intellect.
A short and thin line Heads in combination with deeply and well formed lower lines represent to us a person who is easily succumbing to someone else's infusion, with a weak intellect, with the presence of a leader's qualities.

In this order, in order from the second line, it is necessary to secure the її rozmіr and spіvvіdnoshennia with the other lines.
It is also necessary to look at the hurtful valleys.

Like on the right hand line Head down, lower on the left, to tell about the subject's knowledge, directing to the development of the intellect.

It is a different situation to talk about a different situation, but it is also possible that it is an indication of the fact of early death.
At this moment, follow the line of Life at once, such as all other signs that indicate health or may be until a new age.

Looking around at the insults of the valleys, and looking at the difference between them, you take away the possibility of changing the intelligence and looking at the people from the whole low food.

Weaving the line of the head, it is necessary to determine the value of the line.

In order to make such a visnovok, you need not only to pay attention to the defects of the lines, broken by cuts, dots, islands and other similar signs, but also to the sound or the thinning of the line, but also to the soundness of the line with other lines.

If there is a defect on the line of the Head, it can indicate damage to the sphere of the mind, if it can come as a result of illness or be a bad character.

To determine the cause of the defect, always look at the line of Life at about the same hour as the defect on it.

Be-yaké resurrection on the line of Life, confirm the thought that a defect is the cause of ailment.
It is also necessary to protect and nails, the ribbedness of some of them is instructive for the great nerve tension, which is the legacy of intensive work of the brain.

As an addendum to defects on the line, head and reveal ribs and lamki nigt, it means that your binding is ahead of the subject, who is guilty of such swidkistyu stained his life energy, .

Such a visnovok is a matima dodatkove confirmation, that your client belongs to the Saturnian, Mercurial or monthly type.

The color of the crown and especially the line are superimportant for the correct vysnovkіv.

Too white color threatens the subject's imperfections and weakens the work of his brain.
From the other side, the supra-mundane black line is indicative of excess blood, which, at its side, is poured into the robot's brain.

Such colors speak about the abnormal functional work of the brain.

White vkazuє on schilnіstі to weakness and lack of vital forces, chervoniy - on the inevitability of fever and apoplexy.

Remain more immovable for the obviousness of crosses, stars, dots and deep lines.

First of all, if you want to make a vysnovok according to a defect on the line of the Head, respectfully look at the lines of Life and Mercury, you can see it right up to the vkazіvok, pointing more, besides, finish the nails, the color of the line and all the same spіvvіdnesіt subject type.

Analysis of the hands allow you to determine what is the cause of defects in head ailment, or else.

< 8 >

Give respect to the cob of the line of the Head.

At the top of the line, the head starts in the line of Life, to the point where it is taken to its cob (mal. 219), and then we will look into it and go independently; sometimes the period of the first sleepy tie is insignificant, unless it is necessary to finish the trials (Fig. 220).

The sooner you see the line of the Head with the line of Life, the earlier you see the development of a person.

Why is the line of Golovi more connected with the line of Life, then there are fewer complaints in one's own subject, after which one's life is more dependent on the sake of others.
Dzhe rіdko іnіya Golovi buvaє pov'azana z іnієyu Life dovshe vіku 20 rokіv; rich lines early age rely less on themselves.

When you reach the cob of the line of the head, give respect to the kut, appeasement of the line of the head with the line of life.
If you are more hospitable (Fig. 220), if you are a sensitive person, if it’s easier for you to feel bad, and if you show small signs on the pads of the first phalanges of your fingers, then the person may be even more sensitive.

Such people can ruin everything, but don’t worry about other people, their life will often be unhappy, through hatred of knowing them.
Do not forget about the price of the subject and give respect to the fingertips.

A person with hospitable kuprik fingers and a hospitable kut suffers through marriage in himself, fearfulness, swearing at his life, scurrying on someone else and sensible rozcharuvannya, if you use support.

Tovsti fingers of square or spade-like shape are indicative not for increased sensitivity, but for prudence and caution.

< 9 >

One line of the head to finish a long time does not fill the line of Life (Fig. 221), rushing out of it in one course.

And here the intellectual activity of a person shows up to suck pizno.
It’s like she’s gone so long, that she’s swinging a stupid kut along the line to the line of Life (mal. 222), then, a person is soulless to the point of znevagi.

If in this way the tips of the fingers will be square or shovel-like, and the fingers of that palm will be thick and red, then the person will be weakly sympathetic in intellectual speech.
And here the presence on the valley is less than three main lines, reflecting the elementary slowness of the intellect and low spontaneity.

Such people will be protective, unique, unoriginal, like they can’t be curt, rude, tactless.

< 10 >

If the line of the Head is clearly made in the line of Life (Fig. 223), you will show too much self-confidence in people.

Such a person is original, she is not bound by the thoughts of other people, she can lie only in her own mind, plan well and look after her healthy mind, independent and courageous at the sight of her eyes; otzhe, such a sign is kind, as if standing between lines is not too wide.

Zvіdsi, chim shirsha vіdstan, tim more zrostaє self-perception of a person, and also all positive vibes swell their extreme step.
Lyudina becomes reckless and not even a safe guardian.

With the above described behaviors, give respect to the tips of the fingers, which will give additional information about the strength of the character.
So, the final fingers and the openness of the wide one between the line of the Golovi and the line of Life show the pragnennya to idealism; shovel-like - with great energy that originality, which will give an abundance of new ideas, but in such a way people do not feed other people's joys, you can bring them to heavy pardons.

The square fingertips are the most safe in this way, the shards of power and the health of the mind are a streaming factor.
Give respect and on your fingers.
As the fingers are short, it means that the quickness of the adoption of decisions in the future with self-sufficiency easily leads to impulsive, hasty and unsafe whiskers.

And if the fingers are smooth, then the impulsiveness of the richly developed growth.
The knots on the fingers stream the impulses of the people.
The line of the Head, vodokremlena in the line of Life, always pointing to the subject with a clearly expressed individuality.

Walk between the lines pointing to the steps of self-confidence and individualism.
If a subject with such a sign starts to be guilty of protecting himself with a special guardianship, it is necessary for the shards to call everyone, so that they can cross the self-confidence of that unsafe boundary, if that arrogance turns into impudence.

Podіl linіy can instruct and on sensitive people, but tse sensibility of a different kind.
After numerous investigations and attempts to find out the reasons for such a situation, I’m diyshov vysnovka, that everything is driven through pride, the shards are so people are superbly self-indulgent and reconvinced in their abilities, ale, from their side, none .

< 11 >

The other line of the Head, crossing the line of Life, starts from the Lower Mars (Fig. 224).

Such people are smart to the point of coliving, they can rozpochat whether it’s right with enthusiasm, or with a year’s time, change their setting to a new one.
Such a person is a “chameleon”, who constantly changes his thoughts and does not think in one way, three times.

Vіn energy in their looks, rob categorical frills, protest against changing them and start new ideas with a lot of energy.
Such people rarely reach success;

The stench is always aggressive, the shards of the line The head starts to Lower Mars, and often suffer from inaccuracies, which are blamed on super girls and others.
The inconsistency of witness and schilnist before welding - the trash of the day, the shards to rob them are manifested by inconsistencies and spontaneous.

Like the color of the valley and the line of the red, it will strengthen the inhospitability of the sign, the yellow color will show on the people, the behavior will be unbearable for the lonely.
The lesser the intelligence of each person, the less chance the person has to fix these problems.

However, with a good first phalanx of the thumb, a long other phalanx of the thumb, as well as a narrow, long and oar-like first phalanx of the thumb, the subject can still be repaired effectively against the strong unstable tendencies.

< 12 >

The spadix of the line of the head may lie on the hump of Jupiter (Fig. 225).

Such a place to speak about the miraculous vigor of the leader, about the people, as if subtly watching people, and most of them grow up.
Such people are self-singing, and the cob of the line Golovi itself indicates a strong intellect.

Many of them are miracle diplomats, masterfully look out for others, smart, miracles that reach success in life.
Always give respect to the type of such a subject: if you show powerful rudeness in yoga, then replace strength with tact and diplomacy, you will be a leader, and if people show strength in yoga.

As if the valley is thinned, everything that zabazazha is robed, and people do not understand it.

The Line of the Head can start from the base of Jupiter's hump (Fig. 226), or it can rise to the finger of Jupiter, like in Fig. 225.
For these options, the assessment of the line is carried out in the fallow land in a particular cob on the hump.

< 13 >

Buvay, that the line of the Head is less powerful than the power to reach the hump of Jupiter (Fig. 227).

Whose ambition is to build a person to the bazhannya, but we bring that famous ruler.
As if the valley is clearly pointing to the intellect, the ambitions of the people are directed to the recognition of their intellect.

The hand of an artistic warehouse seems to be in the hands of the bajannya of the subject to get glory from the sphere of mysticism.
With material resources, the subject is able to earn more than a penny.
Zagalom, you can call it, that from the above-described sign, people will always be able to occupy the upper social margin of society.

< 14 >

Step forward, which requires respect, then walk the line along the valley.

The more straight to go through the line of the Head along the valley, the more people are cut in their ideas, and the main ones are healthy mind and practicality (Fig. 228).
Such a line shows that a person does not change his intentions and, be it as if it were a sound spit on her, not to cope with a strong spit.

Vіn go to all practical points of view, she accepts only those that he himself has chosen.
Some wines can drink on a compromise, but without changing their thoughts.
It’s worth bringing it to the point that the person becomes indifferent, over “inelastic”, dogmatic, to change.

The sharpening of such people is small, shards of stench are smeared to comb under their comb.
Everything about them is in order for a healthy mind, but what is smarter is not ideal for them.

< 15 >

If the line of the head under the hump of Saturn significantly bends (Fig. 229), moreover, if the course is seriously changed, the nature of this subject is strongly affected by the Saturnian influx.

Often, if you can not clearly identify the type of client, regardless of all efforts, the Golovi line will help and help you.
What is stronger than vigins at the bek of Saturn, when you are brighter, show the Saturnian virtues.
It is necessary to pay respect to the character of the valley from this sign.

As if in it the mental light prevails, then your client is more able to achieve that achievement, which is characteristic of Saturnian; the importance of the middle world to tell us about the lover of tinkering with the earth, to be engaged in some other kind of activity in the hall of the rural state; The versatility of the lower world leads to the earning of pennies.

< 16 >

The Line of the Head, which goes up to Apollo (Fig. 230), points to those that the mind of a person will rise in price with a labyrinth, created by Apollonian features.

The greatness of the upper world is more important than it shows the suffocation of the subject by the mystic; seeing the middle world suffocate a person to reconcile love to beauty from earning a penny; under the dominance of the lower world, I will show my love to the point of art.

< 17 >

If the line of the Head rises near the beak of Mercury, it muffles with the influx of people of Mercury's yakost (Fig. 231).

In tsimu vipadku for panuvannya spiritual light people of power have become thinner mіts ekspresії, the power of perekonannya that oratorical gift.
Seeing specific talents will help you identify fingertips.
As the greatest expression of the middle world, the mind of such a person is straight to scientific achievements.

3 such people to go good doctors, readers are lawyers.
The lower world endows a person with the talent to earn pennies.
Throw away the finger of Mercury with whom, which will tell you how successful the activity of the subject will be in the sphere of business.

< 18 >

Yakshcho line Golovi maє squishy character on the cob to its end (Fig. 232), tse svіdchennya those who have no good ideas.

The number of variations of this line is great, but, continuing to this line, you can mark out the skin mental inspiration that tendencies that outweigh the new one.
Zagalny vysnovok shdo shaggy line like this: the marriage of mental zusil in be-yakіy galuzі, the timidity of the mark and, like the last, the constant colivannya.

Such people are like guardians and not safe lawyers, to the fact that they are called insecure.
The inconsistency of lines is blamed through the inconsistency of ideas.

< 19 >

At other times, the head is strongly sprung up the hill, so, at the place of the virgin, it is close to the line of the Heart (Fig. 233).

In this case, the heart plays an important role, the head is lower.
Yakshcho poserіgaєtsya v_dhilennya liniї Head from the very cob at the bіk liniї Heart and so three to the end, it means that people all their life should be put on the heart.

If such a conclusion is made later, then similar priorities in the character of the subject appear later.
If the thought is not significant, then the second thought will be insignificant.
Do not forget to lie like that, like a line glibsha and strong: like a line of the Heart, then it’s a little bit rough, and the mind - let’s give the form to their manifestations; as well as the line of the Head, then the mind is worthy of itself, which often leads to mental exhaustion, the shards of wine cannot follow the dictates of the heart.

< 20 >

In other words, you can draw the line of the Head, which moves down (Fig. 234).

I have a direct line Golovi to talk about jealousy, or a camp close to jealousy.
Otzhe, be it like a vіdhilennya linії uphill chi down - the result of viskhіdnih chi nizhіdnih forces.
Therefore, if the line of the Head moves downwards, we admit that the subject's intellectual rhyme is decreasing at this hour.

Shards of a straight line Head to a practical warehouse of reason, be it as if you were going down to say about the access to the norms of the city, which is indicated along the line.
Pagorb Mіsyatsya, who is found in the base of the valley, which gives you the strength to show, maє strength, building viklikati vіdhilennya linії Golovi to it.

I looked around the valleys of rich spirits and people, like small psychic phenomena, and diyshov vysnovka, that the period in which the stink is repaired by tsikavitis tsimi nutrition, can be attributed to the breathed lines of the Head.

Even though the vision is not significant, the subject will report to the masses for the implementation of their ideas directly, and if not, the fuse will go out, and the wine will turn to a great practical idea.

As if to be inspired on the whole length of the line (Fig. 235), the person will literally be born between the ideas of practicality and bazhannyam to throw at the manifestations of the world, ale, shards of the line of the head turn on the path of the straight line, the practicality of the mountain.

If the line can move downwards under the singing paunch (Fig. 234), the intensity of the paunch should soften the subject to the singing way of thinking.
The belonging of a person to one of the three worlds is shown to you, what kind of a bіk tsikh yakost vkliche mental reorientation.

The result of such a reorientation can be determined by the nature of the line before, at the hour of the day after the departure.

< 21 >

If the character of the line is such that the line is well-formed, transforming into a thin one, and then the shape of a lancet is formed (Fig. 236), then the result of the subject’s rozumovyh indhilenniya will be the release of life energy.

Vіk nastannya podії can be assigned to the line.

< 22 >

If the line of the head is thin on its cob, and then during the period of life it will fill up the shape of a lancelet and end with a star (Fig. 237), then the person in his intellectual affairs will fail his and so the “lower” mind, which will end up as a result.

The result will be either madness, or death, residual whiskers you can work after looking around the line of life, nigtiv and so on.
There are only two possible combinations of the indistinguishable.

I navіv їх, shchob vyznachit zagalny method of mirkuvan in such vipadki.
The cob of the line Head to talk about її potenciyne posibility, head line through the valley - about the change of intellectual activity, which is due to the prolongation of life, the end - about the pіdbags of activity.

A small dozhina line is a sign either of low intelligence, or of early death, or of Bogeville (increasing the meaning of the short line of the Head is interpreted by the rank only for the obviousness of the additional signs).

< 23 >

If the line is too short and rises to Saturn (Fig. 238), it means that people have a Saturnian mindset, and ailments, which are characteristic of Saturn, will cause early death.

Shards we can see the line of the Head, then we can see the sickness, like the heads are sticking around like a physical organ.
Paralysis is one of the illnesses that shove Saturn, - perhaps, it will be the cause of the above-described sign of early death.

Nails with grooves, bent back, or lamki, yellow color, thin line of Life, islands, lances, and other defects will help you to remake your vysnovki.
The old palmists spoke about the short line of Golovya, who was going to Saturn, as if about an unstoppable death.

Submit for such a visnovka may be obvious.

< 24 >

As the line of the head goes far to the hump of Saturn (Fig. 239), your attitude is only due to stature.

Having shown a star, a cross, a dot on such a line, you can be singing: death is not guaranteed (Fig. 240).
If the line ends with a penzlika (Fig. 241), then, at a glance in the face of an unstoppable death, it’s spelled out with a dot, a cross or a star, on a person’s check step by step, fading, weakening the intellect and, zreshtoyu, paralysis.

Dosvidcheni palmistry to speak about the severity of the nasledkіv, called by Saturn.

< 25 >

If the line of the Head turns at the beak of Apollo (Fig. 242), the person is rebuffed by the charm of Apollonian ideas.

The most important aspect of these ideas in people is to be given to you after the recognition of yoga belonging to one of the three worlds.
Ale, as if it wasn’t there, remember that the line of the Golovya, that the line of one of the humpbacks is a sign of no less strong intellectual vibrancy.

< 26 >

Like the line of the Head rises uphill and goes down with the line of the Heart (Fig. 243), the subject falls again under the power of the sensible, but not a healthy eye.

Deyakі palmistry interpret this sign as schilnіst up to illegal behavior.
We don't call it that.
Emotions, it seems, bazhannya can still drown out the voice of reason in such a person, and a person can inflict malice in response to the call of his addictions.

Vіn will not obov'yazkovo become a villain, even though the new one will have sinful sins.
However, in order to follow such a course of the Head line, you will reveal the great pommel of Venus, the full and red line of the Heart, short nails, the versatility of Mars and just as much as a handful, then a person can not only drink on evil for the sake of the satisfaction of his bazhan, alebivstvo.

< 27 >

As the line of the Head twists from the hillock of Apollo (Fig. 244), shifting at its own line of the Heart, then, more for everything, it vikliche the aggravation of the heart activity, and bring problems to the robotic brain, which, perhaps, will end in apoplexy.

Like a dotted line of hurtful lines of chervony and deep ones, that strengthen the seriousness of the sign.
Appearing at this point of sight (Fig. 245) indicates that a serious illness is not safe.
As soon as an island appears on the line of the Head (Fig. 246), the robot’s brain is gradually weakened by strong attacks of a headache, which results in a weakening of the rosum activity and a mistake-resht will cause the brain to become inflamed.

< 28 >

The Line of the Head, which rises to Mercury (Fig. 247), speaks of a strong influx on the subject of the yakos of Mercury.

In the aftermath of this, even though the side of the Mercurial traits was accentuated, the man’s mother’s talent was “to earn a penny.”
Tse bajannya will be strong, so that a person will maintain his health, and bring it be a sacrifice for this future.

Like robots, such people are right tyrants, they will stink of their bells and whistles, crying for their minimum wages.
The stench loves to haggle, to win a kіlka pension.
Everything given to you has its own price.

If you draw such a line on your hands, try to determine the type of the subject.
As if in a new greater lesser manifestation of Saturnian qualities, then such a sukupnіst vysnazhivat yoga life energy.
If you are a Mercurian, then such a person with an honest and dishonorable path will reach his pennies.

Bending or twisting the finger of Mercury in such a subject only marks your visnovok, and the presence of the line of the Heart on such a hand will tell you that you should not sing in front of him.

Having shown a similar line on a good hand, you can grow whiskers that a person simply loves pennies.
Likewise, in order of the line, you will reveal the impersonal other vertical lines on the hillock of Mercury (Fig. 248), which is indicative of special advances in medicine.

If you see a doctor in front of you, that you can earn a penny, and if you show the long third phalanx of the finger of Mercury, then you have a successful businessman in front of you.

< 29 >

The Line of the Head, which rises high on Mercury, is a warning about the threat to the health of the people (Fig. 249).

It is not worth talking about the tendency to change zhovchnosti, shlunkovyh zahvoryuvan, nervousness, scho lead to partial confusion, but still not lead to serious consequences.

As if the line ends with a star (Fig. 250), people threaten death.

The line that goes to the upper hillock of Mars (Fig. 251) speaks about the priority of a practical healthy mind.

Even if the upper Mars is good, then a person may be agile: if necessary, stand up for himself, cold-blooded, good-natured, warlike for the spirit.
If the hump of Mars is not balanced out of hand, then the mentality of the subject suffers on the songs of the imperfection: it is easy to grow cold, not built for a long time to strengthen the strength of the support, not to sing in oneself.

But even though the intellect suffers with some shortcomings, the practicality of the people does not know any special changes.

< 30 >

On the trunks of the Golovya line, I got sick at the bik pagorba Mіsyatsya (Fig. 252).

Such people are skhilnі to mrіylivostі, grіy vyavі so suffer vіd vіdsutnostі practicality.
Widely wide, the great unreasonable line of the head is up to the month, the essence of what it means is that such a line is interpreted as a sign of insanity.

There is nothing far from the truth, but such a firmness.
Those that a person can be remorseful, do not yet mean that she is crazy.
Nothing is known even to the point of visnovka about those people who are so impractical, like the line of the Head is good, deep, correctly molded, not shoddy.

Only the line Golovi, scho go to Mіsyatsa and May, the zayviy is frail and trivial, it is your anxiety that is to blame.
Other combinations with such a line that the character of the line itself can modify її, but blatant rule so that a person with such a line is not only known in the realm of logic, but I can see it.

Tse own rice of writers, orators, linguists.

< 31 >

Most happy people of these professions I showed the lower line of the Head; in deyakah, it went so far that the stench, like the writers, mali the gift of creation and poetry (Fig. 253).

Line Golovi, in order to reach the hillock Mіsyatsya, can be long, so in these depressions it is impossible to talk about the lack of intelligence, it is possible, as if the decision of the elements of the hand does not confirm the intellect's guilt.

In some moods, the head line is falling together with other unfriendly signs - a clear indication of intellectual chaos at the head.

< 33 >

As the line descends to the Mіsyatsya hillock and ends with a cross (Fig. 256), it indicates a crossing, which vinikla in the intellectual activity.

Island (Fig. 257) chi dot (Fig. 258) such a line signal about the lack of spiritual discord.
Rozmir specks chi ostrivtsya podkazhe, naskіlki tse seriously.

< 36 >

Like a line Head the first business of your way, go and then go down (Fig. 261), it can be interpreted as dominating the practical views of the other half of life.

Forever change looking at the point change the direction of the line straight.
Such a strong change in the course of the line is not the greatest short version, richly beautifying the thinned arc, which smoothly descends into the beak of the M_syatsya pagorba, such a line is not more than negative nasledkіv.

< 37 >

Sometimes the line of the head splits into kints (Fig. 262), which indicates the richness of the person, which allows you to evaluate the object from different sides.

I have such a sign on the hands of theatrical performers, who have achieved success, and quiet, who has reached success by another path through the academy to the public.

How to stand between the tails of the fork on the end of the line. The head is small, it is necessary to interpret simply as rich-sidedness.

Buildings on a larger scale look at the feeding of the broader openings of the lines of the Golovya line (Fig. 263).
Having returned respect to those who are better than formations, you can build up visnovkas about the importance of the spiritually quiet and other qualities.

This is a miracle sign on the garniy ruci.
The underline of the head gives the subject the ability to marvel at those and other speeches from different positions, which lead to the sound of introducing into Oman the oman.
Vіn do not make a big gap, because often I myself do not know why I should tell the truth or fantasize.

The new one has such a lively mind that he will change his guilt for himself, to tell the truth, even though it is far from being the case.
With people who are constantly lying, I always knew the fork on the line of the Head.
Sometimes people lie because of the pride of Marnoslavism, and others - because of the malice of the sly namir.

Everything costs less than professional liars, but not lovers of telling a story.

If one of the ends of the fork goes straight to the upper Mars, and the other one ends up like this on the Month (Fig. 264), then the subject is “subverted” by the subject, see the sight on the Moon’s mountain, be so strong that you will be overwhelmed and tell a lie at that very hour, if the truth is needed.

Vіn may be so all-season awake, which is the result of this post-creation of activity.

If the “fork” ends with a star, a cross, or a dot (Fig. 265), then it can be said with renewed vigor that it’s boundless to bring you to Godville - in a first way, through the superworld, in a friend, through the ailment, on the way the star is shown, cross, dot.

In two of the above-described vipads, as if the hump of M_syatsya was covered with a grate, or it was severely wounded, the slightness to restlessness through the power of manifestation is obvious.

< 38 >

Sometimes the line of the Head is sharpening, which is divided into three directions, one of them goes to Mercury, otherwise - to Mars, the third - to Moon (Fig. 266).

This is a miraculous sign that indicates the great diversity of rozumovyh zdіbnosti, priosovnіst.
In my mind, three endings mean a marriage in one person: a businessman (Mercury), a fight (Upper Mars), a dreamer (Moon).

Such a combination spryaє in the distance car'єri, but only in that moment, as if on the hands there are no clearly pronounced signs of nights or other defects.

< 39 >

In lonely slopes, you can make a line of the Head, which bends like a cybul and ends on the Venery hill (Fig. 267).

This is the place of the line to speak about the special significance of the Venusian ideas of the people.
Like a line of dovg, it is deep and clear, it points to a high level of intelligence.
Dehto is aware that this is a sign of spiritual discord, but it’s not so; remember that the little ones blame the little ones under the infusion of Venus.

The character of the line of the Head shows the strength of that intelligence, as well as building up to the concentration of thought.
A deep and well-formed line is to speak about the significance of the power of the mind, good self-control, integrity, excellent memory, mental health and that yoga mentality.

A good and clear line is an energy channel, thoughts pass through it smoothly and smoothly, so a person is not strong enough to a streak-like chaotic thought.
Gliboka and the correct line of the head show the person to be calm, to the striman, as if they don’t waste their heads, don’t give in to primhams, they’re worthy, in the meantime, express their thoughts and vikonati accept her decision.

The long line of the head often appears ripped or poshkodzhenoyu, the prote does not apply rozumovyh zdіbnosti, but to talk about those who in certain situations of thought of a person will be neurotic and chaotic.

Dovzhina line Golovi points to the power of thought, and the depth of that clarity - to yoga clarity.
Vlasniki of a deep, kindly christened line can not so quickly make a visnovka, then they call everything and resolutely dim.

Having come once before any decision, the stench will concentrate all thoughts at the new one and report all the forces of that knowledge, taken away from the hour.
The stench is cold-blooded at the moment of insecurity, it’s better to take control of itself, it’s not easy for them to abandon their place.

A strong thumb gives you firmness and innocence.
The old great finger indicates the will, which sounds are manifested, the deep and clear line of the Head shows the steps of volitional self-control.

Spive the line with the other lines on the bottom, as well as with the expansion of the bottom itself.
Gliboka and yasnіsha por_vnyano z іnshimi lines Golovi to talk about the person of the intellectual warehouse, which can confirm the first phalanges of the first finger.

The deep line of the head tells us about the miracle of a physically healthy brain.
Such a line is rarely accompanied by a headache and other illnesses that shake heads.
Only if the line is short, red color, or on it and other defects, the person suffers from insecurity, confusion, untiredness, in extreme depressions - apoplexy and bogeville.

The ability of such a result to grow, as your client is a Jupiterian, especially as the third phalanx of the fingers on the new side.
A person with a strong and deep line The head can endure significantly more mental stress, a lower person with a weak, defective line.

Vіn less to fall in vіd іnshih, nadіynіshiy.
On the bagats of the valleys, you will draw a thin line of the Head.
Such a thin line shows that your client does not have a great reserve of life forces.
Vіn can be prudent, like a line to do more, or suffer through marriage energy.

You can mother impersonal beautiful ideas, but it will be easy to implement them in life, shards be-yak, great intellectual susilla will exalt your strength.
Such a person cannot keep his mind on one subject for a long time.

Mayuchi low self-control, the subject gives vent to his feelings, attitudes; low appetite and lazy nights can be the invisible qualities of such a person.
The main characteristics of such a line are: intellectual inertness, marriage of bazhannya and zdatnosti diyati z zusillyami, vіdsutnіst hardness and aggression, zdatnostі kontsentruvatisya.

Such people rely on intuition, uniquely rosy zusil.
It is not safe to change people from such lines, stink shards can not be seen.
Well, I’m starting to show respect for the spivvіdshennya of such a line with other lines and the expansion of the valley.

As the lines of the hand and the palm are more accentuated against the thin line of the Head, then the subject cannot change the head.
It is impossible to allow everyday stress, sleeplessness, drugs, stimulants and other supernatural things.

You need to think about the slug and remember about the repair, so that any kind of active activity can call out to a new disorder of the brain.

< 40 >

On the palms of people with a thin line of the Head, as if you recognize strong mental strengths, you will reveal the power, delineate the glibsha (Fig. 268).

Thin lines, on which they are still buried, point to a vice, such a sensible person in the cycle; As a result of such a pressure, paralysis and nerve discord melt away.

The hour of such shifts can be determined along the line.

< 41 >

Stars, crosses, flecks (Fig. 269) on a thin line Heads point to the danger that threatens the subject's intellect.

Joyful lines point to unsafe moments in life.
Even if the stench is small and often rotting on the line of the Head (Fig. 270), then it’s not enough to talk about headaches, even though the thin line of the Head is obvious, the stench is deep (Fig. 271), then people will not get away with cerebral fever, nerve vision or paralysis.

In all vipadkah look at the hurtful valleys.
Like the line of the Head is deep on the left hand and on the top on the right hand, the person is endowed with great natural strength to the mind, but weakened, and then, not attached to the great rozum zusils.

Such people rarely turn their attention to the guard, the shards of the natural forces of the mind do not allow them to calmly reconcile with the waste of life energy, which is indicated on the right hand.
The opposite picture (a thin line on the left valley, a deep line on the right) indicates a positive process that allows people to endure additional adventurousness.

I respect that a weak mentality can be strengthened by the path of sustainable development.
All changes from good to nasty, from weak to strong can be accurately judged, vicariously hurting the palms.

< 42 >

The wide top line of the Head (Fig. 272) is not a sign of a strong mentality.

The brain of such people is weak to the point of ailment and progressive deterioration.
Such people are undesirable, unpretentious, quarrel, suffer in the midst of humility and poise.
The stench can have a good intellect, like a line of dovga, but the stench is weak in intellectual zusilly.

The broad and superficial line points to the lack of strength and intensity of the romatic processes, the arrogance at the reach of the mark.
However, if such a person has a long thumb, you can cope with the opposite effect, otherwise there will be more than a radiant glow.

You are also not vistachatim to self-control, to infuse wealth on others, to concentrate your thoughts, it will be typical for him filthy memory.
Such a person is smart to the point of someone else's infusion, you can't fix the opir spokusam.

You molt to go into thought, it’s enough to think about something else.
A wide and overhead line on both hands is a sign that a person is deprived of such a life.
Having noted the signs of a shortening of the line on the right hand, you can, with perfection, ascertain that it is the subject of intellectual inertness.

Although a wide and superficial line is visible on the left hand and split into small pieces on the right hand, a person can be characterized as weak in spirit and weak to strong colivans.
Be-yakіy people beautiful line Head can vryatuvaty in the most situations, navіt yakscho svіdchit about nedolіkі naybazhanіshih yakos - you can compensate for them with a strong intellect.

Wide is that surface line of the Head to loosen whether it is other positive vibes and to increase the result of the people's susil.
It will change the meaning of the roses of the humpbacks.
Therefore, the Jupiterian ambitions, the Martian energy will change greatly and show other signs of weakness to weaken after the intellectual nights of the subject.

< 43 >

On the rich bottoms of the line of the Head in the first years of the life of the superficial, then we become brighter and more intelligent (Fig. 273).

Vik, for whom such changes are made, indicating for the period of life, if a person becomes strong in his own manifestations and begins to think independently.
This sign can often be seen in the hands of women, as if they were born in childhood, and as if they never had to do anything themselves, but having scrambled as if with their own powerful resources, they fought the battle for their foundation.

Їhnya linіya Golovi become glibshoy, clear and straight, shards they have are a ruse for the development of their forces.

< 44 >

The line of the head of a looking lansy (Fig. 274) is a bad sign.

The energy that passes along the line of the Head, rises and creates a mass transition.
And here people don’t seem to be concentrating on the edge.
Colivannya, timidity, sensitivity and inconsistency - like a cost, like a wine can.

You cannot rely on the obitsyanki of such people; the stench doesn't want to destroy obitsyanki, but to shy away.
They have a filthy memory, a marriage to a healthy mind, they are re-examined head and other inaccuracies, tied to a robotic brain.

The stench can zdіysnyuvati like a robot three hours.
As the line of the Heart is strong on the valley, sensitivity allows your practical outlook on life.
With a weak thumb It is important for them to plan whether there are any day or night.

For such people, no matter how unsafe the stress, the shards can lead them out of a normal state.
Tse vіdbuvaєtsya at zv'yazku s tim, scho they have no strength to deal with the problems that they blame.
The stench is shy to illusions, hallucinations, to believe in a chimera, irrational, and as with which line the Head falls on the Month, then people are taman over the waking, shyness to madness, Bogeville.

Lyudin, in such a line of the Head it is similar to a lancelet, next to recommend a robot, as it is not associated with intellectual activity.
You need a mother to work with your robot, the shards themselves cannot manage their forces effectively.

The appearance of a lancer is less likely to be a difference between lines, between the above-described tendencies in the behavior of a person with a singing interlude.

A little further change in the depths and kindly cut through the line to bring the building of a person to an active rozum activity (Fig. 275).

It is not often that you strike such a sharp contrast on the valley, the shards sound, go from one station to the next, step by step: the lancet changes with a thin line, so that we don’t get enough deep water (Fig. 276).

For residual vision, when the lines of the Head are visible, look at the offending dolons at the look of the lansy.
Great significance is assigned to the intellect, the color of the line of the Head.
White color The line appears as a result of a filthy bleeding of the head, and also, to talk about low practice.

Such a color scheme is typical for wide, superficial, lance-like lines, which strengthen their unfriendly qualities.
The erysipelas color speaks about the strength of the robotic brain, the red color shows a growing intensity.

On top of that wide line, the chervonim zabarvlyuetsya in that fluctuation, like a person is shy to a spasm of the brain.
Such people can introduce rich people into the oman, but they are hardly quiet, who knows the right reason.

The yellow color of the superficial wide line makes a person drastically, nervous, weak to depression, asking for pardons from other people's children.
With a brightly pronounced yellow color in a human character, there will be such a quality, like a silliness, in this combination a person may not have a weak head, but a low interest.

Blakytny vydtinok liniy po'yazaniy іz ukіlnenuyu krovіlnієyu krovі, scho mozhe nasledіk sertsії insufficiency cause rozumovoї dialynosti.
The white color is not typical for the deep and well-formed line of the Head; however, when pressed on it, it is still not red, but is filled with white, which means coldness is added to a good robotic head.

The master of such an intellect is smart enough to see through all the undertones, cold-blooded, stingy, joking about the heights in the assessment of otochyuchih.
The white color of the line is to talk about those who such a person calls out little sympathy, respect for others.

Vin can easily become a ruler and a tyrant, both at home and in business.

If they call the line of life the most important, then on another honorable place - the line of reason. Її another name - the line of the head. To know її on the valley is simple: it starts with a great finger.

Always be right-handed to tell fortunes, but you can marvel at the left hand. The left hand is the fallowing quality of the people, those that were given to me as a people. Right-handed signify already rozvinenі yakosti. The photo is good to see, de won to pass.

Guessing sound on the right hand

Starry look

Do not start the line of the head to tell about the mind of the one to whom you are guessing. Reasonable people do not grow up, but flock. The long line of the mind on the bottom is no longer supported, which is miraculously able to analyze, you can delve into all the details. Also, the science of “chiromancy” affirms that the short-haired people tend to think conservatively, stink of stereotypes and traditions. Well, whose line of the head stretches along all the valleys, there may be a greater gnuchka that broader thought.

A short show that a person is practical, that she tries to do her job better, not to love an hour. The middle line, which extended to the ring finger. It is practical to pass the long line of the head at the entire valley. These are penetrating people, like a gift of transference.

Width, depth, heal

  • The line of reason is wide - the one who is guessing, thinks not too fast. It will take him an hour to debunk the situation, to analyze it, and only a little bit of wine can be worked out. This is not a sign of stupidity, just over the cherries of serious tasks, you can think for an hour.
  • The line of the rose is a vuzka - it will be easy for you to think that fast. I don’t forget it means that the solution will be praised correctly.
  • The deep line of the head on the shoulder shows that it is special because of the great rozumovim potential, it is the match of the gargantuan intellect.
  • If the line of the mind is commemorated by the ice, it is overstuffed on top, then the rozum energy is not so rich. Yogo robot is not associated with fainting, it is easy for him to win over intellectual activity, to go dormant for a long time. Particularly alert is the vuzka that is superficial. Todi people are able to have mercy and often work for mercy. It is necessary to give respect and to cheat.
  • If the line of the mind is ripped right on the valley, then before you is a practical person without notice. Then you will stand firmly on your feet and live less than today. Such a person loves to control the situation, praises the decision herself, if she doesn’t trust anyone blindly. The straight line of the head on the hips is a practical line.
  • Important and kut nahilu: chim vin is bigger, tim bagatsha awake at the sack of his hands. If the line of the mind is stashed low, then you can’t accept such action as it is. Bagata waking up to give the ability to be creative. Vin love all garne.
  • The underline of the mind is even rarer to talk about a strong intellect, a genius. Tsі people zavzhd mayut majestic power over іnshimi and can grow rich. The underline of the head is miraculous.


Palmistry gives respect to those, as the line of the head ends. Tse vplivaє i character, i behavior.

Letter fork

As if on the rut, the line splits into kints (two small ones), called the “pimennitska fork”. This is a good sign: in front of you is a man with a rich vein. He has a lot of original and original ideas, like wines successfully inspire life. Name it wisely that such people become good writers, but you will become an artist in good fortune, and accept.

Vaughn rounds to the fingers

If the line of the head ends at the bik fingers, then in front of you is a person, like to love pennies and may majestic material drink. This is a sign of a person who is obsessed with pennies: a girl, like a shukatim is less than a possible person, or an entrepreneur, who wants to become a billionaire.

The line will end on the mountain Mіsyatsya

In front of you is a cautious person, like a comrade, with a lively mind. Tse artistic nature, creative people

Straight, sho shift your hand

Tse means that in front of you is a person with a cold mind. Such people are more quiet in any society, so that they can make some arguments in superechtsi, overcome all debates, analyze well. Tse authoritarian and uncompromising specialism


Palmistry attaches great importance to that її cob, and to itself її a camp by extension to the line of life.

The lines of the mind and life are sticking on the cob

If the stench can be a burning cob, it means that a person behaves rationally, she has a rational mind, it can be important to react to a situation, to induce a conflict, to be self-controlled. However, if you take a big gap (more than 2 cm), then the mind is left with instincts. Such a person cannot act spontaneously, she is guarded all the time, cares, unsung in herself, careless and closed. In life, people lie like fathers, behave like children, become self-reliant.

If the line of the head comes out of the line of life, then in front of you is a non-self-sufficient person with an aggressive character. Vin is often irritating, grumpy.

The lines of the mind and life begin well

As the line of reason and the line of life begin okremo, it means that we are enthralled in ourselves by a person with independent thoughts, so that we can perekonat in superechtsi, it is necessary to bring facts, prove. The people are already inside, ready to pragnate the set mark, which didn’t bother him. Gnuchka's mind, self-reliance, freedom, open-mindedness, dependability, optimism - all positive qualities are in the same person.

As the line of reason and life begins and ends with a significant age, it means that a person is not independent, she is more than a husband and is ready to take a decision. New rational proofs are often not shirked, emotions are such a blessing in the first place. Until then, the wines are drastically, temperamentally, ready to get into the driveway.

Signs on the line

Palmistry gives respect and signs. Give them respect on the right valley.

If on the valley you can clearly see the sight to the eye-catching finger, it means that the person is impressed, you can invest in significant material and social achievements. As if it were a blast to the little finger, then it’s more difficult to risky commercial operations. However, this line is clear, it indicates the talent for success.

If someone else clearly sees it, it is necessary to tell about the change of the light-gazer of a person. Sometimes a sign of head injury. Also, on the physical ear of the head, it shows the cross chi speck. About the possibility of ushkodzhennya head to speak and star. A clear sign, a deep star - a wound can be fatal.

The cross (on the line of the mind), as they said, is an unfriendly sign, which means injury. Ale next vivchiti, where the cross is to be known. So, like a cross of rotting on the back, tse promise happiness. Like a cross you can look at in the middle - it’s a sign of misfortune, that heavy ailment, wounded. As if the cross was under the ring finger, then the witness of near death. Prote to look at the cross is necessary at once with other signs of the hand.

The island (a sign on the line of the mind) means that for a person you check the period of searches and doubts, for which period there may be problems on the job or in life. The island also contributes to health: such people are very important to concentrate, they suffer from a headache.

Like an island of rotting on the back, you can operate the throat of chi vuha. One of the islands to talk about the possibility of depression, problems with the psyche. As the island is not alone, but its sprat, then nerve ailments are checked for people. Іnodi ostriv is a symbol of the Rozum's translation. The island is not a good sign.

The tricutnik on the line of the head is a sign of success in science. Tse duzhe good sign.

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