In the case of recessive ailments, you can get sick. Genetic disease that is transmitted from downfalls. Medico-genetic obstezhennya. These symptoms may indicate the genetic nature of the illness

Spadkovі zahvoryuvannya vіdnosyatsya to the category of ailment, scho vyyavlyayutsya vyyavlyayutsya vyyavlyayutsya stable changes in the process of transmission of genetic information by human state clitinami.

Zagalni pontya about spadkovі ill

The main reason for the appearance of indicated pathologies is gene mutations. Irrespective of those who often experience insignificant changes in the chromosomal apparatus, the stench is quickly stung, or it leads to a plethora of quieter features of the body for the coming generations of people. Ale, sorry, deyakі change є dosit suttvimi, for example, change or increase in the number of chromosomes in clitins, after which serious anomalies are blamed.

More mutations are due to the influx of negative factors of dovkill, such as ionizing radiation, toxic speech, and detrimental drug preparations. Tim is not less, in a number of vipadkіv establish the cause of the change, which vinicles do not seem possible, it is passed on to him that the stench is a vipadkovy rank, for example, in the process of filling the ovules or the cob podіl of germ cells.

Methods of treating recessive illnesses

Ignoring all the reach of modern medicine, the exuberance of spontaneous illnesses transfers the most important symptomatic therapy, and it does not lead to a full recovery of the ailment, but rather directs it to a lower stage of manifestation of symptoms.

The most common vicorist methods are:

  • dietary therapy is an important stage in the process of relief from negative consequences in a number of ailments. For example, in case of phenylketonuria, the diet should include products that are worthy of phenylalanine, including milk, fish and meat. In case of food poisoning, the self-consciously ill is signifi- cantly lost, moreover, there is a risk of lowering the level of intellect right up to the development of severe idiocy. That is why doctors are attacking pretrial diets and blame the advance about those who are not threatening with the development of unsafe heritage;
  • additional supplementation of coenzymes, vitamin zocrema;
  • ensuring the proper elimination of toxins from the body, which accumulate in the aftermath of the damage to the exchange of speech. Thus, in case of Wilson-Konovalov's ailment, to neutralize midi, the patient is guilty of taking d-penicylamine, and to prevent epidemiological accumulation of saliva in case of genoglobinopathy, desferal is prescribed;
  • the intake of speeches, the production of which in the body is blocked in case of illness (for example, cytidilic acid in cases of orotoaciduria);
  • recognition of daily hormones in hypophyseal nanism and other similar states;
  • blocking the supra-world activity of enzymes for the help of inhibitors;
  • transplantation of tissues, organs and cells from normal genetic information.

In addition, one can know about those possibilities of modern medical science in the investigation of chromosomal anomalies, having become aware of the achievements of gene therapy. It is directly based on the transfer of genetic material into the human body for the mind and delivery of the gene in the so-called clitin-target for the help of other methods.

Show before confession

The exhilaration of the recessionary ailments is less likely to occur once the disease has been accurately established. At any time before the recognition of therapeutic approaches, a number of low analyzes should be carried out, in order to establish, if hormones and other speech are viroblyayutsya in the body above the world, and if they are in an insufficient quantity, in order to choose the most effective dosing of drugs.

In the process of taking medications, control over the patient's state is permanently established and, if necessary, make changes to the overflow of treatment.

As a rule, medical care such patients should be taken for a long time, or for a long period of time (for example, until the period of completion of the body growth process), and dietary recommendations should be taken slowly and steadily.


In case of a course of therapy, it is possible to protect against individual contraindications before congestion, and if necessary, replace one drug with another.

In times of praise, the decision about the transplantation of organs or tissues in case of deykih recessive ailments should be taken until the risk of blame for the negative consequences after the surgical intervention.

How often do we feel: “The woman gave me an allergy, she coughed all the way to the chkhal” or “What do you think you want to be in a new father without drying out. Poor recession ... "Is it true that more so-called terrible ailments are transmitted from recessions? Why are people afraid of people, like your aunt is schizophrenic? Why are such innate ailments and how can one live with them? Let's take it apart!

Congenital ailments

With them, a person comes into the world. Sometimes the stench declares itself at once, from the first days of life, sometimes they pass through rich rocks. Some of the born ailments are called microbes. Congenital syphilis, SNID, tuberculosis causally infect their children with sickness. Others are blamed through shkіdlivy vpliv on the pіd pіd hour of vacancy. For example, broken nervous system in a newborn with a drunken conception or a zhovtyanitsa, the liver was damaged in case of Rhesus-conflict mother and child.

Every once in a while, the reasons for it won’t come out: the fathers are healthy, don’t drink, don’t smoke, and the little one has a bad heart. Otherwise, a woman suffers from Down syndrome (due to a mental defect and a specific Mongolian kinship) or congenital: in the fetus, right after conception, the chromosomes were divided incorrectly.

Congenital ailments are not transmitted by the recessions. Navit as if “broken” like a chromosome - not a lonely fall and children of an ill person will not subside. Ale, zrozumilo, SNIDom in the case of a sick person can not be infected.

What is lying to you

Obov'yazok batkiv tell about your children. A month before the birth, we drink, smoke, enjoy all our chronic sores, including sexually transmissive ones, and take vitamins. The mother of the yakomog took care of getting up early on the appearance and seeing all the words of the doctor.

Spadkov's ailments

How to be attached to genes and to pass at once from fathers to children. However, taking away the "illness of the gene" does not mean falling ill. For the manifestation of a recessionary ailment, it is necessary to have a bet of dozens of defective genes, and it is rare to mow down such a fatal streak. It is better to say that we do not fall into ailment, but rather RIZIK Ill.

It’s clear that bloody diabetes most often declines straight: from grandmother to mother and son. And schizophrenia along the diagonal: from the tittle to the nephew. Even severe ailments are rarely trapped, shards of these genetic defects, though albeit summarily, perish persh, lower offspring.

Yak vryatuvatisya

In the most specific order: if a child has diabetes, you don’t like a child with semolina porridge, buns and chocolates; let's eat healthy hedgehog: meat, vegetables, fruits, cereals, bread, she goes in for sports, which allows you to reduce blood sugar levels. Your dear little sister, that sister of yours, does not come out of the psychiatric hospital for months? Then don't let your girl in nursery garden, do not ask for a nanny, move you at home, nurture without peace, take care of your psyche, that you didn’t notice, in the form of separation injuries.

Boldly go for joy to the doctor-geneticist, and you can imagine that you are turbulent, and it’s also a great skill to pass it on to children.

"Pridbani" ailments

For the development of stench, it will be necessary to add a number of factors: a weak mass in the body and a harmful infusion of the middle. If a person lives in friendly minds, then nothing is ill. And just like a little way of life, one gains an unhealthy character, right there “sick” sickness. For example, for the development of a sluice, it is not enough to add specific bacteria, it is necessary to get stuck in chronic stress, to call oneself in all mortal sins, as a result of death and infestation. And then the strength of the body decreases, the robot of the weak people of the grass tract is left to break down, the bacteria take hold of their black on the right and pierce the wall in the wall of the slug.

In addition, the number of illnesses and bronchial asthma, and rosen sclerosis, hypertensive illness, and spondylosis of the ridge are more important. All stinks are not contagious and are not transmitted directly from fathers to children. Ale weak months, we often decline at the same time due to the status and character. For example, people who are punctual, anxious, thin, and taller than the average are more often ill on Viraz's ailment; and zhovchnokam'yanі zapalnі, not high, high and flint.

What is lying to you

Vivchivshi ailments relatives and marveling at the mirror "Who do I look like?" we don’t create special problems of living in such a way that we don’t accept everything that mom and dad suffered. Read books about healthy image life, take care to fight effectively with stress, and don’t forget to save your great theoretical knowledge in practice!

Why blame the swindler

Some people call ailments “congenital”, which reflects one single fact about them. But to talk about nabuti ailments like about “distant from the fathers”, looming on the uvazi: “You are similar to them, you live like a stink and you yourself are ill.” If the medicine is rozmirkovuє about "genetically ill", the wine may be on the verge, that the disease is due to damage to the genes, and nothing more. In order not to get lost, drink the doctor sternly, what a sense of wine you put into that other term.

Zgіdno zdimi, representing the All-World Organization for the Protection of Health, close to 6% of children are born with different developments, genetically smart. This show is a sign of vrahovuє and tі pathology, yakі are manifested not immediately, but in the world the growth of malyukov. At to the current world spadkovykh zahvoryuvan with skin rock zbіshuєtsya, scho attaches respect and turbuє fahivtsіv ushogo svіtu.

Varying the role of genetic factors, falling ill people can be divided into three groups:

1. Illness, the development of some kind of brainwashed, less than the presence of a mutated gene
Such pathologies are transmitted from generation to generation. Before them, one can see six-fingered, short-eyed, m'yazovu dystrophy.

2. Ill with genetic schilnistyu
For their development, an influx of additional external factors is necessary. For example, a natural component in a warehouse product can cause a serious allergic reaction, and traumatic brain injury can cause epilepsy.

3. Illness, which is caused by the influx of infectious agents or injuries, but not the connection with genetic mutations established by fahivtsy
At to this particular type spadkovist still play the same role. For example, in some families, children often suffer from a cold, and in others, when they come into close contact with infectious diseases, they become healthy. Doslidniki vvazhayut, scho spadkovі osoblisti і organіzmu so zumovlyuyut raznomanіtya vidіv і vаdіvі forms brіgіu raznyh zahvoryuvan.

Causes of recessive ailments

The main reason for any recessive illness is a mutation, so that the genotype is permanently changed. Mutations of the decaying material of human beings, their division into sprat types:

Gene mutationsє Structural changes of DNA cells - macromolecules, which ensure the preservation, transfer and implementation of the genetic program for the development of the human body. Such changes become unsafe in times, if they are brought to the establishment of whites with non-powerful characteristics. Apparently, proteins are the basis of all tissues and organs of the human body. A lot of genetic diseases develop as a result of mutations. For example, cystic fibrosis, hypothyroidism, hemophilia and others.

Genomic and chromosomal mutations- Tse yakіsnі and kіlkіsnі change of chromosomes - structural elements of clitin nuclei, which ensure the transfer of decay information from generation to generation. If transformations occur only in their lives, then the damage to the basic functions of the body and the behavior of a person can appear not on the floor of expressions. If the number of chromosomes changes, then more important diseases develop.

Mutations of state chi somatic(why not take the fate of the statutory reproduction) clitin. In the first type, already at the stage of flooding, the development of genetically educated growth is already growing, and in the other, the deacons of the tissues of the body become healthy.

Fahіvtsі see the number of low factors, yakі can cause mutations in the decaying material, and farther away the people of the child with genetic recovery. Before them lie like this:

Sporidneniya svyazok between father and mother of the future baby
There is a risk that the fathers will be the bearers of genes with identical ears, growing up. Similar conditions include chances for a healthy phenotype.

Vіk future fathers
Over the course of time, daedals appear in state clitins more than genetic ears, even if they are insignificant. In the wake of this crisis, the population of children with a recessionary anomaly increases.

Belonging to father and mother to singing ethnic group
For example, representatives of Ashkenazi Jews often suffer from Gaucher's ailment, and the Mediterranean peoples and times - Wilson's ailment.

Having poured into the body of one of the fathers of the prominence strong poisonous bruising speech or a medicinal disease.

Unhealthy way of life
The structure of the chromosomes is shy to the point of influx of ovnіshnіh chinnіkіv protyazh horny life of a human being. Shkіdlivі zvichki, filthy eating, serious stress and many other reasons building leads to "breakdowns" genes.

Yakshcho, planning pregnancy, you can turn off the genetic disease of the future baby, obv'yazkovo go through obstezhennia. Having grown the yakomog earlier, the fathers will take away the additional chance to give their child a healthy garni.

Diagnosis of genetic disorders

Modern medicine is capable of revealing the manifestation of a recessive disease at the stage of fetal development and with a great ability to convey the possibility of genetic damage during the planning of pregnancy. See a few diagnostic methods:

1. Biochemical analysis of peripheral blood and other biological mothers
Vin allows revealing a group of genetically educated ills, connected with damaged exchange processes.
2. Cytogenetic analysis
Danish method of foundations on the analysis of the internal structure and mutual rearrangement of chromosomes in the middle cell. Its perfect analogue is molecular cytogenetic analysis, which makes it possible to detect the smallest changes in the most important elements of the clitin nucleus.
3. Syndromic analysis
The transmission of the vision is a low sign of a common variant, power to a specific genetic disease. Tse zdіysnyuєtsya by the method of a retal look at the patient and for the help of using special computerized programs.
4. Ultrasound follow-up fetus
Shows signs of chromosomal ailments.
5. Molecular genetic analysis
Indicates insignificant changes in the structure of DNA. Allows diagnosing monogenic disease and mutations.

It is important at the same time to indicate the severity of the morbidity of the ills in the future baby. Tse allow to live in the early stages of the development of the fetus and the later stages of transferring the possibility for minimization of unfavorable nasledkiv.

Methods of treating recessive illnesses

Until recently, genetic diseases practically did not rejoice over those who were considered unpromising. There was an irreversible development and the presence of a positive result after an hour of medical and surgical intervention. Prote fakhіvtsі suttivo poked out at the search for new effective ways to treat spontaneous pathologies.

Today, three main methods can be named:

1. Symptomatic method
Directions for the development of sick symptoms and improvement in the progress of illness. Prior to this method, it is possible to add the use of analgesics for pain symptoms, the use of nootropic drugs for dementia.

2. Pathogenetic therapy
Transmission of defects caused by mutation of the gene. For example, it does not vibrate the protein, which component is individually introduced into the body.

3. Etiological method
Reasons for genetic correction: seeing a random DNA seedling, cloning that far away with a sleight-of-hand method.

Today's medicine is successfully rejoicing in dozens of recessive ailments, but it is still impossible to talk about achieving absolute results. Fakhіvtsі recommend to carry out diagnostics at the same time and in times of need to live in order to reduce the possible genetic damage to your future child.

The new middle ground was by no means permanent. In the past, she was not completely healthy. Prote the main principle of the observation of the current period of the history of mankind in the past. In the rest of the hour, the changes in the middle became so quick, and the range of changes expanded so much that the problem of growing heritage became intractable.

The negative impact of the medium on the decline of a person can be manifested in two forms:

    factors of the middle can “wake up” the mimic or zmusity “lock” the working gene,

    officials of the middle can cause mutations, tobto. change the human genotype.

Today, the mutation rate in human populations is 5%, and the list of debilitating illnesses includes about 2000 illnesses. It is obvious that people are led by new creations, caused by mutations of somatic cells. An increase in the number of mutations causes an increase in natural wikis. The current day of pregnancy is up to 15% of fetuses.

One of the most important tasks of today is the task of creating a service for monitoring the gene pool of a person, as a number of mutations and mutations were registered. Regardless of the simplicity of the task, in reality, the solution sticks with a number of difficulties. The head problem is related to the majestic genetic diversity of people. Magnificent is the number of genetic changes in the norm.

Medical genetics is involved in the phenotypic manifestation of the phenotypic manifestation of the norm in the genotype of a person, at the borders of which methods of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of ailments are developed.

Methods of prevention of spadkovyh ailments.

Prevention of spadkovyh ailments can be carried out by dekilcom methods.

A) Chi can be carried out come in, direct to weakening of di mutagenic factors: change in dosage, reduction in the number of mutagens in too much middle ground, in front of the mutagenic powers of vaccines and vaccines

B) Promising direct є search for antimutagenic sour speeches . Antimutagenics are measures that neutralize the mutagen itself before the reaction with the DNA molecule, or remove the damage from the DNA molecule, which is eliminated by mutagens. For this reason, I zastosovuyt cysteine, after the introduction of such an organism, the mice appear to be able to tolerate a lethal dose of radiation. Antimutagenic power may be low in vitamins.

C) To serve the purposes of prevention of recessive ailments genetic counseling. In case of this, close motherlands (inbreeding) are outperformed, shards in case of which there is a sharp increase in the growth of the population of children homozygous for an abnormal recessive gene. Heterozygous noses of recessive diseases are shown. A doctor-geneticist is not a legal person, he cannot be fenced or allowed to consult mothers of children. Yogo meta - help sim'ї realistically assess the level of insecurity.

Methods for diagnosing recessive diseases.

a) Method of mass (what you ask) diagnostics .

The Danish method vikoristovuyut 100% of newborns with the method of revealing galactosemia, sickle cell anemia, phenylketonuria.

B) Ultrasonic defrosting.

In 70 years at the 1st International Genetic Congress, an idea was voiced about the introduction of pre-malignant diagnostics of recessive ailments into medical practice. Today the method of ultrasonic obstezhennia is the most victorious. The main thing is that it’s more important in terms of mass density and the possibility of showing respiration at 18 - 23 tyzhnі vaginostі, if the plaid is self-sufficiently non-living.

in) Amniocentesis.

On the term of vagity of 15-17 days, pierce the fruit michur with a syringe and see a small amount of fruit rind, in the yakіy є zlushenі klitini the epidermis of the fetus. Qi cells 2 - 4 days grow in culture on special life-giving mediums. Then, for the help of biochemical analysis and the chromosome set, it is possible to detect close to 100 genes and almost all chromosomal and genomic abnormalities. The method of amniocentesis is successfully victorious in Japan. Here, it is obov'yazkovo and without cost to cover the women of the age of 35 years, and also the women, as already may have children with respite from the norm. Amniocentesis is obviously a laborious and expensive procedure, but the economy was improved, because the cost of analysis for 900 women is cheap, lower cost of hospitalization of one sick person with recessive anomalies.

G) cytogenetic method.

Blood streaks of people circulate from the method of designation of anomalies of the chromosomal apparatus. It is especially important when the disease is diagnosed in heterozygotes.

D) Biochemical way.

Grounded on genetic control of protein synthesis. Registration of different types of proteins allows to estimate the frequency of mutations.

Methods of treatment of recessive ailments.

a) Dietotherapy.

Polyagay at the correct diet, as if to change the severity of the manifestation of ailment. For example, with galactosemia, pathological changes occur through those that do not have the enzyme, which decompose galactose. Galactose accumulates in cells, calling out to the liver and brain. Treating the disease is carried out by prescribing a diet, yak including galactose in the products. A genetic defect can be saved and transmitted to bastards, but more often, show illness in a person, like a vicarious diet, daily.

B ) Introducing a deficient factor into the body.

In case of hemophilia, it is necessary to carry out injections of protein, which will improve the condition of the patient. In different forms of cerebrodiabetes, the body does not vibrate insulin, which regulates carbohydrate metabolism. And then administer insulin to the body.

in) surgical methods.

Deyakі spadkovі zahvoryuvannya suprovodzhuyutsya anatomical respiration in the norm. And here the surgical removal of organs of chi and yogo parts, correction, transplantation are victorious. For example, in case of polyposis, the rectum is seen, the native of the heart is operated on.

G) Gene therapy- Usunennya genetic pardons. For any somatic cell, the organism includes a single normal gene. The cei gene due to the reproduction of clitin to replace the pathological gene. Gene therapy through ancestral cells is being developed by some creatures. The normal gene is found in egg cells with an abnormal gene. The egg is implanted in the body of the female. From the oviposition, an organism develops with a normal genotype. Gene therapy is planned until it becomes more stagnant in quiet moods, if the illness threatens life, it does not inspire joy in other ways.

Behind the sides of a school tutor.

Acts of nourishment for Eugenism.

The idea of ​​piece-by-piece beautification of people is not new. Ale, less than 1880 Viniklo understand "Evgenism". Cousin of Charles Darwin, F. Galton, got the word out. Vіn vyznav єvgenіku as a science about the abundance of offspring, yak do not intermingle with the nourishment of intelligent crossbreeding, but, especially in the case of human beings, are engaged in all sorts of infusions, as if building give the most gifted races the maximum chance of winning over the less gifted races.

The term "evgenism" itself resembles a Greek word, which means a person of a noble family, a noble march, a noble race.

Galton unquestionably recognized the important role of the middle ground in the development of the individual, but at the end of the day he realized that the “race” is more important than the middle ground, tobto. blamed on what we today call a genetic factor.

The idea of ​​expanding the population of people with additional biological methods in May the great past. Historians knew a similar type of mirroring from Plato. Prote Galton was original, having developed the completed theory. Do something with the main dzherelom, to what a trace it is when analyzing what is happening today. Zgidno z Galton, founded by him eugenics merited the status of science. Under the singing dawn, evgenizm is right to take revenge on its own scientific, victorious deeds theory and results in biology, anthropology, demography, psychology and other fields. It is obvious, however, that the basis of Eugeneism is social and political. The theory is not enough for a practical kіntsev method to save the most “gifted races”, to increase the number of the elite of the nation.

Under the influx of bad luck, like spitting yoga in Cambridge, Galton respectfully zatsіkavivsya impending problem: like the trip of the most gifted people. Vіn having written robots, for which, for the help of statistics, they suggested to confirm the hypothesis, I proved to you by special reconsiderations that the most gifted individuals often become close relatives of people who are also gifted. The principle of carrying out investigations at Galton is simple: vin vivchav populations of people who belong to social elite (courts, children, women). Vіn demonstrating to reach a significant number of their close relatives, as if they were prominent gamers. The divisions were carried out methodically with the adjustment of the various degree of sporidity. Correlations established in such a rank were clearly unstable and obmezheniya. In fact, the interpretation of these statistical data on the merit of the thesis about biological decline was by no means obvious. But Galton himself, having leaned to the English elite, it is psychologically possible for him to easily allow the decline of genius.

In the history of biology, the role of Galton is underestimated. Biologists did not take Galton as a fahivtsya: biological interests in the new order were in line with greater global interests. And yet, 10 years before Weismann, he formulated the two main provisions of his theory. Galton, having shown an interest in genetics and attributing an important role to social phenomena to recession.

The stagnation of eugenics in the realm of science in certain periods seems to be a good thing, but in the end, eugenics is spared the scientific foundation. The project of a plethora of okremi races, the most gifted, spurs us forward on ideological and political motives. The fact that genetics can provide eugenicists with such arguments, absolutely does not bring the truth, nor the ethical legitimacy of this project. The concept of "rasi" in Galton's interpretation is more drawn out. For us, it can be confirmed by a broader statement about the race: yellow, white, black. Vikoristovu vіn understand “race” and gnuchkishe: the race is established whether it is a homogeneous population, in such songs the signs are steadily transmitted from the recessions. Such an idea is already spirna. Criteria of "good race" by themselves to finish the brewing parts, but the main ones among them are such qualities as intelligence, energy, physical strength and health.

At 1873r. Galton published the article "About the reduction of recession". In my wines, I explain that the most important ob'yazkom of mankind is a good fate in the wild process of natural selection. According to Dalton's thought, people are guilty of methodically and swiftly rob those that nature robs blindly and properly, and itself: to accept the survival of the found and to encourage and interrupt the creation of the unworthy. A lot of political diyachivs were listened to in such a way. Contradictory figures were cited: between 1899 and 1912. 236 vasectomies were performed in the United States in the state of India in India. The same state in 1907. having voted for the law that transfers the sterilization of recessionary degenerates, then California itself has imposed this on 28 staffs. At 1935. blatant number sterilization operations reached 21539. Not all evgenistskie came in so rude, even though they were based on the very philosophy of selection of the most gifted people. I deserve respect for the fact that the people of science, as if they were proud of the great popularity, without hesitation, urged you to come in. Laureate Nobel Prize Frenchman Karel in 1935. having published his work “Because there is no human being at home”, how little success there was. In this book, the author explained that, looking at the weakening of the natural selection, it is necessary to recognize the “biological recessionary aristocracy”. Graceful about the navigation of the civilized National, the Zberezhany Marny I Shkіdlivikh, the Vin Radiv Stallevati specially for the health of the Evtanazyi Zloshinziv.

In this rank, understanding "evgenism" ohoplyuy raznomanitny show action, but all raznomanittya can be reduced to two forms: evgenizm warrior (svіdomy) and єvgenіzm "m'aky" (unsvіdomy). The first one is the most unsafe. Tse wine gave rise to the gas chambers of the Nazis. Ale would have been pardoned by another neshkіdlivaya. Imu also has a powerful ambiguity: come in deyak, pov'yazani z manifestations of that early recessionary ailments, є germinal form of eugenism.

Vіdminnіst єvgenіzmu vіd sіtsial'nogo darvinіzmu.

Adherents of social Darwinism propagate nevtruchannya. The stench vvazhayut, scho zmagannya mizh people korisne and zavdyaki fight for іsnuvannya will be secure the survival of the smallest individuals, it is enough not to overcome the process of selection, which proceeds spontaneously.

If Eugeneism is worth it, then it’s better for the police: it’s better to install an authoritarian system, build a “scientific way” of good individuals and good geniuses that the nation needs. Here it is easy to slouch with a frail flat: to start from the installation of genetic identity maps, to increase the number of re-verifications for the installation of attachment to the gateway, to cut the channels to lead to vicious elements, and then to draw the line of the final act, for example, euthanasia-economically. Nazi evgenizm mav supra-science obґruntuvannya. Hitler, in order to make the cult of the “pure race” true, ambiguously refers to the biology of reproduction and the theory of evolution.

What does it mean to be a eugenicist today?

During Galton's hours, the camp changed a lot. The fates of the foundation of Nazism were brought to the point where Eugenism in terms of ideological and social had a chance to enter. But the great successes of biology and genetic engineering have made it possible to blame neoevgenism. The great innovations were the technology of methods, they allow to bring out the "bad" geniuses, tobto. geniuses, vidpovіdalnі for ill. Genetic defects can be detected at different stages. In some places they feast on people, like mothers of children, in others - women. If there is a serious anomaly in the fetus, then it may be possible to order an abortion. Showing serious genetic pardons in newborns, after an early rejoicing, you can restore the used function. In such a manner, a new situation is vinikla: it is now possible to plan a grandiose long-term operation for a major cleansing of the human gene pool. Tse destroying the numerical supply as a technical, ethical order. Nasampered, de zupinity when vibrating genes? The ideal of a zhorstok genetic selection is the backbone of the biological plan6, can such a selection be brought to the destruction of the human gene pool? Mriya evgenistiv - vikoristovuvati vіdbіr genіv similar to vіdbora in the creation. But even the tvarinniks themselves are small, I can perekonatisya, that the systematic choice can be beaten more than the singing boundary: with overstretched abundance of variety, the life of others is superficially reduced. In this hour, there are two main trends that stand one against one. One tabir to become hoarders of zhorst zahodіv. Look at what genetic engineering has given to the hands of the people of the world, so that you can win for the benefit of the people. For example, the winner of the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine Lederberg is a cloning of human genes as an effective way of creating prominent people. In another camp, there are those who help to bare the bogeyman of human genetics. In the United States, a number of private initiatives have already been organized for the selection and conservation of sperm of Nobel Prize winners. In such a rank, as if honoring distinguished persons, you can easily grow the world of children with a path of pieced flooding, as if you can show prominent talents. In fact, nothing allows us to confirm that such a project is scientifically grounded.

The goal is low to tell the facts about those that today, at the same time, are the different reasons that celebrate Sunday evgenism.

Tyuye P. "Calm Evgenism."

At the book. "Genetics and recession". M.: Svit, 1987.

A new express test, which can be clinically tested at the same time, which can be tested indoors in friend couples mayzhe 600 genetic mutations that I threaten the development of important ailments in their offspring. Ale y vin is not a panacea.

Of people vzagali don't worry about genetic defects, you just don't get in the world- which fully understood, like mothers on the verge of majesty, the number of genes and the folding of their structure. It would have been given, all the faults of the cause of the suffering of the impersonal recessionary illnesses. However, the most important population of the planet has no ailment. This is explained by the fact that in the genome of the skin man, the genius is represented by two copies, so called alleles- one is like a father, the other is like a mother, - i defective copies are recessive, do not show themselves, shards are neutralized by healthy dominant copies. Less in a situation, if both the father and the mother have a defect in one and the same gene, and the child has a decline in the skin of the father herself recessive allele which gene, to show yourself an ailment. There are over a thousand such systemic ailments from an autosomal recessive type of decline today. Nayvіdomisha from them - cystic fibrosis or cystic fibrosis However, the greater importance of covering the flooring is more important, rarely, if you don’t know the names of such, as a rule, they don’t, write

Amavrotic idiocy - ailment is not vilikovna

A typical example of such exotic disease you can serve amavrotic juvenile idiocy, there neuronal waxy lipofuscinosis, there stock-Spielmeier-Vogt ailment, there Batten-Mayo disease, there Otman's ailment. Stephen F. Kingsmore, prominent American physician-pediatrist, fahivets at galusian recessive ailments and director of the Center for Genomics and Bioinformatics at the Children's Hospital in Kansas City, tells about one of his patients - 10-Christian Benson (Benson) : "The illness was diagnosed with her in the birch of 2008, and this year only 8 years. її fathers influence whom, but they themselves told me that it’s not possible for them to remember anything of what її there to enter.

Stephen Kingsmore knows that the forecast is unfortunate: the physical and mental health of the unfortunate girl will continue to decline, and she will hardly live to be 18 years old. The fathers of the child understand not a little about those who suffer from the same genetic defect, While the veins did not show up in their daughter, because the dominant skin of them had a healthy copy of that gene, she took the mountain, and Kristiana declined both as a mother, and as a father recessive defective allele. It is still impossible to propagate such an ailing medicine for the time being.

One Fund - Two Meti

"Father Kristiani is looking for one of the biotechnological companies, - like Stephen Kingsmore. - The tragedy of my daughter spurred yoga to active activities. After falling asleep, the charitable fund and gaining a few pennies, revisiting with this two goals: first, you know, I want to way of jubilation of that particular disease, on which Christian is suffering, and in another way, overcome all ailments with an autosomal recessive type of recession.

Tsya friend met and urged the father of a desperately ill girl to turn back to Stephen Kingsmore. Chapter beneficial fund having put before him the task: to develop an express test, which would allow bi-friend couples to find out about the presence of unsafe mutations in their genome, which threaten the development of important recessive diseases in their offspring. In principle, test for deeds from such illnesses - for example, cystic fibrosis- now it’s clear that you don’t want to go at the same time for the sake of it, now it’s far away to tell Stephen Kingsmore and his colleagues: їх test "clean" the genome of 600 ailments on may, moreover, a few drops of blood are enough for this analysis.

"We tried our test on 104 patients, - like Stephen Kingsmore. - About most of them, it was known that there are unsafe mutations in their genome, but it was important for us to reconsider, that our test is effectively functioning. , the reliability of the test was 99.98 vіdsotka".

The test breaks old problems and creates new ones

In the middle of which rock, an offensive is planned, which means a wider stage of testing. Imovirno, in the new brother, the fate of the Berlin University Clinic Charit & 覡. In this rank, not far from the day, if the unique express test will reach the regular clinical practice. And the TSE is absolutely new situations - I for Patziyntiv, I for the Medication, - input Peter Propping (Peter Propping), professor of the genetics of the Bonnic University: "Yakshcho Offendes are characterized by the snakes of the nod. become 25 vіdsotkіv.

Vykhodyachi z tsgogo, stink can be done like this: otherwise you’ll start thinking about us to have children; but risky - spodіvayuchis, scho їm to spare; or to increase prenatal (up to є dopologovu) diagnosis of how the fetus was diagnosed with the disease and in the case of an unacceptable result to interrupt the pregnancy; otherwise, nareshti, call on piece filling with pre-implantation diagnostics, which allows the introduction of defective embryos and the acquisition of healthy offspring”.

In other words, express test, Broken down by Stephen Kingsmore, to place a friendly bet in front of an even more difficult choice. And besides, this test, even if it is possible to identify more than 600 ailments, will itself give rise to new problems. "Acts from these recessive illnesses are full of rejoicing, and that is not the fault of being a drive for anxiety," Professor Propping explains. Clinics and pharmaceutical concerns will seek help from those that the new test allows simply to kill such ailments."

So che іnakshe, kozhnіy podruzhnіy couple to lay virіshuvati, carry out such a test іnі. The prote is more respectful, respecting Stephen Kingsmore, but in spite of the stench, they turned obov'yazkovo for consultation to fahivtsya.

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