All books about: “Following the White Sheep…. All books about: “Following the White Sheep… Bila Hmara Mikola Kozlov

Lianna vіdguki write not an artist, but try varto :)

The theme of inversions was right for me. I read a copy of the foreign series, one in the original (because, not in the image it says, prote, the Russian forums are shifted, look around later).

The axis and history of Cheri attracted me, only a little, but I read the instructions and marveled at the book trailer.

What do I value most in books? The integrity of history, the presence of cardboard heroes, the receiving warehouse, the number of pardons.
Tsіlіsnіst є. Heroes are more charismatic, not cardboard, with their brightly colored rice and little stars. It is acceptable to read, the eye does not fall on pardons. I, on the vіdmіnu vіd mene, Lіdіya vmіє robiti chic descriptions :) And there is also a great plus for the fact that rozpoіd ide in the form of a third individual, robbing us with posterigachs not only look at Sheri, but also other characters.
Before the speech, let's go around the love line and the detective line, which made me glad.

Warning, the text will have a couple of spoilers!

The history of the little white she-wolf has dragged on from the first sides.
Even more pleasing to the specialty is that characteristic growth.
As if on the cob of the novel I’m naїvnu girlishly, to marvel at the world and my kokhan through the erysipelas eyepieces and wide flattened eyes, then until the middle of the book, Sheri is brought to grow up. Vaughn is not a bad empty woman, as if she thinks only to herself. Vaughn is not Mary Sue, for whom everything in life is easy and simple. Vaughn is a wonderful woman, even if it's a turnaround. She has her own life of negativity, experience, confusion. Vaughn do not dissemble. In a word, Sheri is a normal woman. Why won't you be brave, why should you squeeze yourself, giving a chance to this.
The life of history was the most worthy of me: so often, through incomprehensible deafness, we spend a precious hour and look at the cohans.

With Mark at Sheriya's, the blues did not stack up at once. So, the she-wolf hated her couple with all her soul. So, she got sick and flowed in, driven by fear. Zvichayna psihologichna zahisna reaction, the girl closed her emotions that almost like a castle, so as not to god's will.
Ale! Mark is not a bastard, not a brainless alpha, not a master of evil. Vіn do not ґvaltuє and do not malign the heroine. Vin is a normal man, strong in the world, strong in the world. And he’s also stubborn, who gets his own way.

I want to say that the transition from hatred to kohanny goes smoothly, there are no moments, I want to yell: "Cheri, open your eyes, love!".

A welcome bonus to the novel is a bariste description of motherhood, some problems and attachments, folds and sums.

About shortcomings: є kіlka slips. Ale stink at all є, don’t cheat.

Junius Prince Oleksandr Oleksandrovich Menshikov, the son of the disgraced Naisvitlіsh prince, who died near Berezov, becoming a witness to the death of the unknown white of the Cathedral of Peter and Paul. And then youmu had a terrible primara. Vіn prophesied the coming of the kingdom of Temryavi and the emergence of St. Petersburg. The prince, having tried the vkti ogiously real for the new, pitiless primari, and leaving Pivnichna Palmyra. Ale de b vіn not blukav, de b not hovavsya on the teren of Russia, - everything was hopeless. The prince was called to enter into single combat with the "shadows" and z'yasuvati, who and now to call yoga from the mind, sho ...

Talisman Bіloї Vovchitsі Irina Melnikova

Sent leaves with threats to the merchant Nikodim Kretov, fired his barge, robbed the consignment and revolted at the factory in the taiga Tesinsk - everyone talks about those who the brothers of the Kretovs even want to cook. Aje pidozra once falls on the young, Mikhail Kretov, - when the steamboat "Amur" was fired, the warehouses at the factory were full of yogo. Ale at Michael's is the hall of alibi. The first agent of the Russian police Oleksiy Polyakov, who arrived at Tesinsk under the eye of a senior engineer, can confirm alibi When the storehouse of wines was fired at the booth, a merchant was bought at once from my teacher and yogo niece.

Sheep and whale Volodymyr Leshchenko

The galactic warfare is small, the ancient magic and the cunning taemna intrigue are growing at once, and the cosmic corsair remaining among the All-World people will take away the most powerful fenced armor and will lose the faceless nameless zbіgіv, schob zstrіli. Vіn is a dishonorable face, who dedicates his life to the zahist of innocent people and won - who had all the cream of love, that freedom and sacrificed everything that was in her freedom and love. Voni - a beglyanka, who bore the sign of the White Vovchitsa, and vin - like a cat, who guarded human houses and the planet ...

Andriy Bily Valeriy Dyomin

The book of Doctor of Philosophical Sciences V. N. Dyomin (1942–2006) is dedicated to one of the landmark articles of the Sribny century – Andriy Bily (1880–1934). The original sings, prose writer, critic, memoirist, vin uvishov up to the cohort of prominent children in Russian culture and literature of the XX century. Andriy Biliy left a memorable trace in the history of the feudal philosophy as a propagandist of the cosmic skygazer, a theorist of symbolism and a lover of the anthroposophical phenomenon. Yogo life was full of dramatic collisions. Yomu had a chance to try the heartfelt worship of that tsіlespryamovane tskuvannya, ...

Bila puma R.D. Lawrence

A white puma came to sleep on a low-lying hill. Under it, in a narrow gorge, two raptors with towels are jumping. Khyzhak lashes after them with an implacable glance. I know you. Tsі dvoє drove yogo matіr that sister and now v_dstezhuyut yogo himself. Ale vin do not want to be zdobichchu: vin will become a philanthropist, and two legs - yogo victims.

Leaders of the great armies V. Cherkasov-Georgievskiy

A new book by V. Cherkasov-Georgievsky is a kind of portrait gallery of generals who enchanted the White Rukh near the rock hromada war in Russia. If they were greeted as the enemies of the working people, the guardians of freedom. The deyakі of them, in fact, gained a lot of fame for winning those katіv, but more of the generals of the White Guards of history were true. Until the end, saving the fidelity of Russia, the stench in their own way slandered the viscons of their shoes before the Fatherland. About the tragic share of these people, who have lost their trace in the history of our Batkivshchyna, and the book is being published.

Great Followers Hammond Innes

"Navkolo svіtu" is not the first time to know its readers from the works of the famous English writer Hammond Innes. In 1977, a popular magazine published his novel "Biliy Pivden", then the supplement "Shukach" wiyshov another yogo novel - "The collapse of "Meri Diar"", in due time on the sides of "Navkolo Svitu" appeared "A Chance for Winning" and "Levove lake" ". At the list before the editorial office, Hemmond Innes respected: “So it happened that you were introduced to me by the radyansky readers, if I had sixty-five years. "A chance to win" for your magazine by becoming a gift ...

Bila Goddess Robert

Book by Robert Graves (1895–1985) – poet, novelist, folklorist, translator, author historical novels and monographs from mythology - to the legacy of ancient religions and myths, let's pass through a rich poetic fantasy. Fakhіvtsі can not fit with Graves' methods and visnovkas, but you can't help but admire the enchantment of this marvelous creation, which creates a single image of the mother goddess, which lies at the basis of all mythologies. "The Goddess is a beautiful string Zhіnka with a bulging nose, deathly blaming disguises, chervonimi.

I come vovchitsya Irina Shevchenko

In the hour of great hardship, if you do not lose hope, and there will be no other intercessors, the shepherd came. І to tremble with a quiet heart, that they beat the strength of її. And be afraid of the enemies, and beat with a flicker, for the fire and steel will go ahead, and for a day you will stand behind your back ... I respect my shoes in front, that another book is meaningfully shaken up in the first place. There will be less heat and more summaries, and sometimes gloomy episodes. After the epilogue to "The Daughter of the Zberigach" I think it's quite logical, but if you don't get ready for this, then don't try to read what is written.

Bila Khmara Mikola Kozlov

BELA Khmara Poeziya Kozlov Mykola Ivanovich Kozlov Mykola Ivanovich, was born on 05/13/1953 in the city of Bogoroditsk, Tulsk region, de sac until now. After graduating from secondary school, having served in the civil division. Radianskaya Army near metro station Ivano-Frankivsk in Ukraine. Then we worked at the undertakings at our native place. From 1982 to 2002, he worked at the settlement of the next, senior second, head of the next department at the Bogoroditsky RVS of the UVS of the Tulsk region.

White cruiser Iar Elterrus

Obov'yazok over a mustache - you know the leather, who gave the oath of service to the Batkivshchyna. Ale scho, like ty raptov leaning against a distant future? What, as if the greatest viability has fallen on you, until you are not ready? What to do? How to fix? And yet, the Batkivshchyna and in the future will be overrun by the Batkivshchyna! And then, the next step is to take the oath. The captain of the Chervonoy Army Oleksiy Korshunov, never minding those, from the trench in 1943 moved aboard the White Cruiser, the flagship of the fleet of the Russian Empire. Iskin of the White Cruiser, having recognized Yogo as his captain. Ale to the one whom he recognized as a captain, ...

Beli Rabin Warren Murphy

Near the heart of Black Africa, there are traces of two girls, who secretly appeared, from the richest families of America. More slavery? Nationalism, violence, theft... The virtuosity and gentry of the great African tribe that has fallen... Remo Williams and Chiun, reviving the legend of Budinka Sinanju, join the fight against the mysterious forces of ancient tribal evil, contemporary racism and vicious violence.

Slides on the water Marianna Alfiorova

Roman Vorobyov is a recessionary chaklun. We passed over to you with a water thread, which gives power over the water element. This gift is great power, and more terrible than damnation. Chaklunska namisto not only gives strength, but you can kill your sergeant. A sprig of fates has passed, and no one can compare in strength with the king of the Waters. Roman becomes the most important chaklun of Temnogorsk, the ruler of the valleys. Ale, as soon as a pidlet comes to yogo booth, which one you want to know, who has driven in yogo dad. And the life of the Sorcerer is changing ... Love and hatred, zazdrіst that zrada ...

Bela shark Andriy Martyanov

The creation of the great Galactic Empire, kerovan by people, was written ahead of time in the XXIII century, just like it divided the human race on two different evolutionary branches. However, nothing could be allowed, that after the Catastrophe and the destruction of the Earth, people continue to carry out name experiments on their civilization. The heroes of A. Martyanov's new cycle "Will the Shark" should enter into the battle of the secret organization, which has seized total power over the planet Mercury, where the axis is already needed above the hundredfold names and lakayuchi under.

Vіn bіg krіz lis, clearly oginayuchi tree і calmly peresribuyuchi through yari. Dihannya is equal, the heart beats calmly. Ale, the next step is not to be blamed. Stribok, and half a day to pass poz. Zovsіm close, mayzhe over the turntables of trees, the moon deafening roar of the dragon, and a new fiery whistle is launched into the wake of ducks. In the rest of the moment, nіbi trembling and crowed with an unsafe opponent, the lad goes sharply to the side, ale, a bunch of dark hair, zipped into a tail, start to burn. Evil flashing with black eyes, the wines start to sing and fearlessly unfurl to the faces until the next, setting up between themselves and the dragon, which opened the pasture, the water wall, as if for a moment it boils under the devil's stream of fire. Hot spots unacceptably scorched the appearance of the young man. Unpleasedly, the lips blew, the lad began to weave a spell at the blow, like a raptom, the dragon sharply stopped attacking and sank heavily to the ground.

Nargone, what are you doing? - Zdivuvavsya lad, lowering his hands and ruining the structure of diligently intertwined energies.

Vibach, Kire, let's go, that's all for today, we'll continue tomorrow. Call Argon to you.

Yunak, rozumіyuchi, scho training happened to be able to see, pissed less dissatisfied and climbed on the dragon, like he was getting smart, straightening the wing and presenting it. If Kir was hand-rolled on the lizard's neck, Nargon waved his wings and snarled. I circled a trifle over the green valley, flew over the bridle of a crested river and landed at the entrance to Dragon Mountain.

Are you calling me? - having slept Kir, incompetently entering the majestic light cave.

So. You are missing something in the library;

The lad at the sign of his nefarious is more likely to roll his eyes and stole his head:

Who needs it?

Don't you dare say that! Argon blushed. - I ordered your fathers to look at you!

There is nothing for them to goiter. You don’t know anymore, - the youth with a roar in his voice.

I know it's hard for you. Ale then buv yogo vibir. If you understand, dad. You are too young.

Am I young?! Me over two years! Not all people live to see this century! - shouting angrily Kir and straightening up to the exit with a sing-song crock.

Kirione, your Teacher is checking on you, - Argon progremiv vzdogin.

The lad, without turning around, slyly laughed and stormed out of the oven.

The dragon languidly saw the smoke and thought: "Unbearable cotton! Who is he like that? From the father, who always contradicted me? Abo in matir, how did the library send my hour to me? Well, and a family!"

I begly shosili, not a drop not harming myself. The breath was beating, the whole body was in pain, the beat was bleeding. Ale, you can’t squirm. Forward. Just ahead! Don't wrap around, don't think about what's left behind me. Adzhe one nevirny ruh me varty life. I was beagle, but the chase was annoying. Ni. I’ve been checking for this moment for a long time, I’ve gone for this long time, I’ve given a lot of strength to fall at once. I'm fighting. I'm beaten to death.

Nich smoothly descended, zanuryuyuchi lis at povny haze. І tse bulo me on melancholy. I miraculously danced at the darkness and could collapse far away so self-indulgently, as if in the day, at the sight of my followers, as if they were oriented only on the dark vuzki of the underground. Nothing for me and save. Nich, my companion, my mother. And sister-moon show me the way. Way to freedom...

Part 1. Vovchitsya

I was born in Azmir, near the underground place - in the yaznitsa, as the people call it the place of Admonitions. See no way out. Zvіdti can not enter. And for a skin test before the leak, the disobedient punish you in public, hanging like a batog on the head square.

Guards. Perhaps, the most terrible word, as it can sound here. Soulless creatures, creatures, created by greater races, protect us, brothers, who are called slave laborers in the mines. The stench does not know no mercy, no speech. The stench is only tying up your shoes: follow the order and punish. Faceless. So we call them for their stingy callousness, daily nіs і mouth. And only two eyes, first of all, burn, burn on a flat face, like you can’t hang out your emotions.

My mother, being vagit by me, having leaned against this place, called mine on my daughter's affection. Aje is not here for anyone. I don’t care, as if you’ve eaten here. Without showing the vanity, she died if I had two fates. Euron took up my vihovannia, who became my mentor and friend, who replaced me as a matir, the father of all whom I could call my mother.

Euron taught me everything he knew. I diligently learned everything that was connected with the ancient world, including geography, history, racial identity, and mathematics. different movies. If I grew up a little, and I grew up with this fate, I began to know combat art. We trained at night, sweating in the air, hovayuchis in the guards and in the air. On tiptoes, I fought with a sword or a juice, practiced different techniques and adopted them. Euron mercilessly cursed me, not giving me peace or concessions. Win showing that I can be strong. I tried to prove the truth of yoga.

The mentor did not tell about my mother and dad, the only thing I knew about her, tse those that she was a turn-over-blood. Sheep was a beastly hypostasis. I was declining this gift. About the fifteenth, I jumped up. On that day, Euron swore an oath to me that I would not tell anyone about my gift, and that no one would know about my vivacity, that I would grow up with skin rock. After that, our occupations began to include the control of my strength. I learned to control myself in my life, I’ll often change over for my bazhanny, and I didn’t know in any way, start a little like a fork, but think like a person.

From my childhood, I often came to my beloved place, the only place, the stars could bless the sky. A small klaptik of a black canvas, which is so enticing, so pulling to itself, freedom, freedom. This is a round tunnel, which is high uphill with absolutely smooth and slimy walls, it is simply impossible to get behind it. And for the example of the ryativny light, trigolov psi was casually chatted. The stench didn’t deprive you of the chance, and, even though it’s like a diva, you still lower the wall, psy don’t let it rise to the surface, wind it on the coat.

The tunnel rose up above the small cave, into the yak Euron I was thrown over and the whole world opened the beast, which I virue, into the driven into the cage. Here I could get angry, grumble and let out all the emotions that tear my soul. Ale, at that very hour, I took care of myself, not letting the shepherds obscure my human mind.

At sixteen, I made my first taste of the leak, for which I was horribly whipped on the back with a batog. I ventured to crawl up the tunnel up the hill, chirping with my fingertips for the ice of my step. Ale, I stared, so I didn’t zoom in to proclaim the tenth part. My mentor was angry and vicious, screaming at me, calling me a bad, naive and self-indulgent girl. Ale tіlki bolstered my namіr, only rozcharuval my interest. That buv wiklik, which I could not ignore. Because of whom I trained with great indulgence, with great bajans I virvatisya from whose hell.

About the eighteenth century, I realized that my strength was growing together with me. I learned that I can do more, lower just to go over to the sheep. But I could not understand that I myself do not give me peace. Day after day, I came to the tunnel, and, marveling at the black sky, I showed how I was pretending to be a bird and I was flying away, flooding the damned place.

Junius Prince Oleksandr Oleksandrovich Menshikov, the son of the disgraced Naisvitlіsh prince, who died near Berezov, becoming a witness to the death of the unknown white of the Cathedral of Peter and Paul. And then youmu had a terrible primara. Vіn prophesied the coming of the kingdom of Temryavi and the emergence of St. Petersburg. The prince, having tried the vkti ogiously real for the new, pitiless primari, and leaving Pivnichna Palmyra. Ale de b vіn not blukav, de b not hovavsya on the teren of Russia, - everything was hopeless. The prince was called to enter into single combat with the "shadows" and z'yasuvati, who and now to call yoga from the mind, sho ...

Talisman Bіloї Vovchitsі Irina Melnikova

Sent leaves with threats to the merchant Nikodim Kretov, fired his barge, robbed the consignment and revolted at the factory in the taiga Tesinsk - everyone talks about those who the brothers of the Kretovs even want to cook. Aje pidozra once falls on the young, Mikhail Kretov, - when the steamboat "Amur" was fired, the warehouses at the factory were full of yogo. Ale at Michael's is the hall of alibi. The first agent of the Russian police Oleksiy Polyakov, who arrived at Tesinsk under the eye of a senior engineer, can confirm alibi When the storehouse of wines was fired at the booth, a merchant was bought at once from my teacher and yogo niece.

Sheep and whale Volodymyr Leshchenko

The galactic warfare is small, the ancient magic and the cunning taemna intrigue are growing at once, and the cosmic corsair remaining among the All-World people will take away the most powerful fenced armor and will lose the faceless nameless zbіgіv, schob zstrіli. Vіn is a dishonorable face, who dedicates his life to the zahist of innocent people and won - who had all the cream of love, that freedom and sacrificed everything that was in her freedom and love. Voni - a beglyanka, who bore the sign of the White Vovchitsa, and vin - like a cat, who guarded human houses and the planet ...

5 names - 1 Max Fry

This book has a selection of texts from five authors, whose names are already in the respected reader's anthologies and collections of evidence compiled by Max Fray. And for an unimportant reader, the names, perhaps, are unknown. Tse prikre nepozuminnya slid correct negainoly. Read Well.

Great book of toasts I. Serov

What is toast? This unique genre of verbal creativity, which, while collecting parables, an anecdote, and sometimes even a pamphlet, allows the author (wine toastmaster) not only to raise his own setting to the point of being a person, but of a suspudial phenomenon, but of shining. It's not a secret that all of us are more talented and more awkwardly impromptu just and accurately say those who are viruzed (especially after the other, why not?). Ale buvaє so that you didn’t have a language, you’re inspired to sleep, don’t hang out like a thing, so it poured ...

Bila Goddess Robert

The book of Robert Graves (1895–1985) - poet, novelist, folklorist, translator, author of historical novels and monographs on mythology - is a continuation of ancient religions and myths, passed through a rich poetic fantasy. Fakhіvtsі can not fit with Graves' methods and visnovkas, but you can't help but admire the enchantment of this marvelous creation, which creates a single image of the mother goddess, which lies at the basis of all mythologies. "The Goddess is a beautiful string Zhіnka with a bulging nose, deathly blaming disguises, chervonimi.

I come vovchitsya Irina Shevchenko

In the hour of great hardship, if you do not lose hope, and there will be no other intercessors, the shepherd came. І to tremble with a quiet heart, that they beat the strength of її. And be afraid of the enemies, and beat with a flicker, for the fire and steel will go ahead, and for a day you will stand behind your back ... I respect my shoes in front, that another book is meaningfully shaken up in the first place. There will be less heat and more summaries, and sometimes gloomy episodes. After the epilogue to "The Daughter of the Zberigach" I think it's quite logical, but if you don't get ready for this, then don't try to read what is written.

Andriy Bily Valeriy Dyomin

The book of Doctor of Philosophical Sciences V. N. Dyomin (1942–2006) is dedicated to one of the landmark articles of the Sribny century – Andriy Bily (1880–1934). The original sings, prose writer, critic, memoirist, vin uvishov up to the cohort of prominent children in Russian culture and literature of the XX century. Andriy Biliy left a memorable trace in the history of the feudal philosophy as a propagandist of the cosmic skygazer, a theorist of symbolism and a lover of the anthroposophical phenomenon. Yogo life was full of dramatic collisions. Yomu had a chance to try the heartfelt worship of that tsіlespryamovane tskuvannya, ...

Bila puma R.D. Lawrence

A white puma came to sleep on a low-lying hill. Under it, in a narrow gorge, two raptors with towels are jumping. Khyzhak lashes after them with an implacable glance. I know you. Tsі dvoє drove yogo matіr that sister and now v_dstezhuyut yogo himself. Ale vin do not want to be zdobichchu: vin will become a philanthropist, and two legs - yogo victims.

Leaders of the great armies V. Cherkasov-Georgievskiy

The new book by V. Cherkasov-Georgievsky is a kind of portrait gallery of the generals, who stunned the Great Rukh at the fate of the Gromadyansky war in Russia. If they were greeted as the enemies of the working people, the guardians of freedom. The deyakі of them, in fact, gained a lot of fame for winning those katіv, but more of the generals of the White Guards of history were true. Until the end, saving the fidelity of Russia, the stench in their own way slandered the viscons of their shoes before the Fatherland. About the tragic share of these people, who have lost their trace in the history of our Batkivshchyna, and the book is being published.

Great Followers Hammond Innes

"Navkolo svіtu" is not the first time to know its readers from the works of the famous English writer Hammond Innes. In 1977, a popular magazine published his novel "Biliy Pivden", then the supplement "Shukach" wiyshov another yogo novel - "The collapse of "Meri Diar"", in due time on the sides of "Navkolo Svitu" appeared "A Chance for Winning" and "Levove lake" ". At the list before the editorial office, Hemmond Innes respected: “So it happened that you were introduced to me by the radyansky readers, if I had sixty-five years. "A chance to win" for your magazine by becoming a gift ...

Bila Khmara Mikola Kozlov

BELA Khmara Poeziya Kozlov Mykola Ivanovich Kozlov Mykola Ivanovich, was born on 05/13/1953 in the city of Bogoroditsk, Tulsk region, de sac until now. After graduating from secondary school, he served in the military division of the Radyansk Army in the city of Ivano-Frankivsk in Ukraine. Then we worked at the undertakings at our native place. From 1982 to 2002, he worked at the settlement of the next, senior second, head of the next department at the Bogoroditsky RVS of the UVS of the Tulsk region.

Kіltse Bily Vovk Andriy Gelasimov

Andriy Gelasimov wrote the whole book for his three children, if they were still small and wanted to listen to hoary stories before going to bed. The novel “Kіltse Bіlogo Vovk” was written in such a way that the skin was divided – it is ideal for the world and the story for reading a child on nothing. You have a chance for a whole month not to know the problems with it, how to call your son chi donka - just read it one by one a shovechor! Until then, the literature is still good, written with a senseless style and love for children. Versatile…

White cruiser Iar Elterrus

Obov'yazok over a mustache - you know the leather, who gave the oath of service to the Batkivshchyna. Ale scho, like ty raptov leaning against a distant future? What, as if the greatest viability has fallen on you, until you are not ready? What to do? How to fix? And yet, the Batkivshchyna and in the future will be overrun by the Batkivshchyna! And then, the next step is to take the oath. The captain of the Chervonoy Army Oleksiy Korshunov, never minding those, from the trench in 1943 moved aboard the White Cruiser, the flagship of the fleet of the Russian Empire. Iskin of the White Cruiser, having recognized Yogo as his captain. Ale to the one whom he recognized as a captain, ...

Beli Rabin Warren Murphy

Near the heart of Black Africa, there are traces of two girls, who secretly appeared, from the richest families of America. More slavery? Nationalism, violence, theft... The virtuosity and gentry of the great African tribe that has fallen... Remo Williams and Chiun, reviving the legend of Budinka Sinanju, join the fight against the mysterious forces of ancient tribal evil, contemporary racism and vicious violence.

Slides on the water Marianna Alfiorova

Roman Vorobyov is a recessionary chaklun. We passed over to you with a water thread, which gives power over the water element. This gift is great power, and more terrible than damnation. Chaklunska namisto not only gives strength, but you can kill your sergeant. A sprig of fates has passed, and no one can compare in strength with the king of the Waters. Roman becomes the most important chaklun of Temnogorsk, the ruler of the valleys. Ale, as soon as a pidlet comes to yogo booth, which one you want to know, who has driven in yogo dad. And the life of the Sorcerer is changing ... Love and hatred, zazdrіst that zrada ...

Bela shark Andriy Martyanov

The creation of the great Galactic Empire, kerovan by people, was written ahead of time in the XXIII century, just like it divided the human race on two different evolutionary branches. However, nothing could be allowed, that after the Catastrophe and the destruction of the Earth, people continue to carry out name experiments on their civilization. The heroes of A. Martyanov's new cycle "Will the Shark" should enter into the battle of the secret organization, which has seized total power over the planet Mercury, where the axis is already needed above the hundredfold names and lakayuchi under.

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