Doping scandal in important athletics. Doping at cf. Yak at once you can fix everything

One of the key Olympic sports has hit the highest doping crisis in its history. For three months after re-checking the doping tests of the Olympiads in Beijing and London, 41 participants of Igor were found to have taken drugs, including 7 champions and 20 prize-winners.

Without a doubt, important athletics is going through the hardest times of its history. Such a grandiose review of the medal bags of the Olympiad does not know any kind of sport. So, the bula was global "revision of history" in cycling (zokrema, on the "Tour de France"), bula in athletics. And so, in the next few years, reanalysis of 11 sets of 15, as soon as possible for the reanalysis of Beijing-2008 samples, could not bring up the worst nightmare. Tse already is not just "koriguvannya for the sake of justice." This is a terrible blow to the prestige of the sport. Possibly deadly.

Sum arithmetic

You can always talk about the validity of new methods of investigation, but the results of repeated revisions are publicly accepted and officially recognized by the International Federation of Important Athletics, which means that the unprecedented medal round is becoming a reality. І it is possible, but there is no boundary - reanalysis is trivaє. At the moment, information about the 25th doping victim for the remaining three months of the participant of Igor-2008 and the 21st Olympian of 2012 rock, who got caught, has been publicized. Five athletes appear on the "black lists" at both Olympiads, the Illya Ilyin zokrema from Kazakhstan, which will now be consolation of two champion titles. Among the victims of the anti-doping life of the whole year - 7 Olympic champions and 20 prize-winners in the sum of two Igor.

Russia, as a result of a nightmare, wasted 8 Olympic rewards (nine Russians consumed a total of nine Russians in a meat grinder). 35 out of 41 "suffered" athletes represent the edge of the massive SRSR, and all the stinks plus three representatives of Turkey are associated with anabolic addicts. All ce vkrai suspected and clearly indicated on the purpose of directing "polyuvannya". For example, for the bags of Beijing-2008, less than 6 "post-traditional" winners out of 19 have not yet been shot. As a result of the reanalysis, the disqualification threatens not only the choice of Russia, but also the teams of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, and also Turkey and China (the Chinese have problems with hormonal easier). Why do the international start of the weightlifters play after the cleansing?


It is possible to please - dishonest athletes, high and through rich rocks, spyman and now incur a well-deserved punishment. The science to learn not to try to break the anti-doping rules is farther away - it's a move, the fee is non-refundable. However, I’m trying to keep up with my optimism not to go out. First, it is obvious that the new method of re-verification of samples (for unofficial information, yogo vinayshov, the unforgettable ex-head of the Moscow Anti-Doping Laboratory Grigory Rodchenkov) has exposed only a single layer of doping scams to clean water. No one can see the head on the vіdsіkannya that the command, like not to lie down to the post-tradyan school, were crystal clear. It's just that the method required for modern pharmacology has not yet been known, and the boundary terms for reanalysis from Beijing-2008 have already been leaked. Otzhe, the truth about our other choices is no longer known.

In a different way, god with a win over the medals through the last years after the completion of the zmagan zmushu think about those that the latest methods of war with doping become no less a problem for the sport, lower doping. Not only that, all possible rights of athletes have been violated (for example, for lack of private life that presumption of innocence). So now the right of the bollyvalniks to the clarity and inviolability of the bags has been trampled. If in the next hour the rest of the food will not be regulated, then it will remain the basis of the sport's best achievements. It is impossible to live through the hard times and at the same time remember that some of the participants and the evildoers of those names will soon be resurrected in sports history.

Thirdly, it is obvious that the importance of athletics is underestimated and that the international federation is virulently raising the problem of nutrition about the Olympic prospects of this sport. Doping scandals and massive re-evaluation of the results in hindsight obviously do not silence the IOC. So, in the first year of the year, this kind of sport, which will always be included in the program of Igor since 1920, can be taken to the back of the board. Why is weightlifting alive without the Olympics? Surely so. Live like a brother powerlifting However, without Igor, there will be a different kind of sport, with a different motivation and, possibly, with other athletes.



A drug *

Khadzhimurat AKAEV


Oleksandr Ivanov







Nizami Pashayev


Sardar Khasanov


Intigam ZAIRIV


Boyanka Kostova








Anastasia NOVIKOVA








Volodymyr SEDOV




Almas Utishov










Nataliya DAVIDOV


Julia Kalina



Oleksandr DUDOGLO


Christina YOVU





Sibel Simsek

Liu Chunhong

CHEN Sisya

* De - dehydrochloromethyltestosterone, Ox - oxandrolone, St - stanozol, Ta - tamoxifen, Dr - drostanolone, GHRP-2 - hormone

Russia is the flagship of no less important athletics: we have the most doping in every sport.

9 federations of important athletics, including the Russian one, were stricken for one year from international competitions. The reason is that the doping tests of the 2008 and 2012 Olympics were revised again. The analyzes of our weightlifters, as well as athletes from the CIS countries, as well as China and Turkey, turned out to be positive.

For Olympic sports this species is an important vapadok. How can you take such drugs today without doping?

Qi clearings turbulate the whole world. Illya Ilyin from Kazakhstan, having set a world record for juniors - 216 kg, but in the samples taken at the Games in Beijing and London, he was known to have broken speech. Post nutrition: what is the record performance? Who brought - buv vіn tоdі “brudnim” chi nі? It was created by the commission, as we can see, that work with your categories. Minyati, start everything from scratch? For the logic of speeches, so it is required.

Russia is one of the most famous countries in this kind of sport, but not less than for a few wins. Among all other federations we have ourselves great number wreck - 10.

We don’t have any great achievements in research, there aren’t any strong laboratories, everyone works hard, - coach of the SRSR Victor Dorokhin, having earned his merits. - Smart Petka, having taken the drug, having thrown it 10 days before the championship - if I got caught, I’ll throw it for 15. Doping will ensure the result, it’s better to take yoga regularly. Preparations do not spriyat pіdёm vagi, and give mozhlivіst rich exercise. All the fences cost a penny, and those, if they can, they can replace these percentages, if they want by 60-70, they can cost inexplicable pennies. To get ready for the championship of the world at once, pay 100 thousand just like spitting. Need less pivmillion.

On the defense of weightlifters, on the authority of representatives of athletics, so massively, like the past fate, officials do not hang out.

We have already been destroyed, as if discrediting our federation and ker_vniki in our country ... How is it ruined? It doesn’t matter, yak, - Maksim Agapitov shaves off the rose.

Might be about Oleksiy Lovchev. Having won the world championship in the USA and started to win the championship of the world in the United States for the first time in June, the Ministry of Sports, first of all, reviewed the result of the doping test, which showed positive tests for ipamorelin. The price of the drug is 355 rubles in the pharmacy, the proteo anti-doping review in Russia before the emergency, Lovchev's volatility could not.

The upcoming championship of the world will be held in the USA without the strongest participating countries. For the IOC, which already put nutrition about the importance of athletics from the programs of the Olympic Games, it’s not so much a waste, as a relief.

The material is published in the journal "Spivrozmovnik" No. 39-2017 under the heading "Secrets of the vulture".

Kazakh sportsmen drank a lot and found bodysuits, according to the Khabar 24 correspondent.

At the same time, all the best in the past and for 2 years, the domestic athletes did not have any positive doping tests at international competitions.

At the same time, we don’t know everything about history, as it became a fate for our weightlifters. Qiu resonant theme was often discussed among various ZMIs. Ale yak tse zazvichay i buvaє, she talked practically zabuli. And the axis to find a body Kazakhstani athlete that lover of millions of Illya Ilyin and does not immediately attract emotions.

I'm all aware of myself. The people who make my medals, I know them in disguise. Seems like it didn't get any easier. That stinks to know who I am, how we fought and how I won. And for me it was more painful and unacceptable, and not only for me, but for these people, they hurt me for me, they worried. Right chi wrong - dosi nutrition for me. How did they start so it seems that for 10 years they took the medal. How can I say - right? Sure enough, right nonetheless.

The Federation of Important Athletics will be pleased with these words. Per Rest of the Rocks they have done a great job in helping them directly and immediately implement the anti-doping program.

We respect that the practice is absolutely fair, regardless of those that our athletes have had to turn medals. The truth is guilty of triumph, and the skin medal is guilty of knowing your hero, let him go through the sprat of fate.

At the last world championship that took place in Ashgabat, Denis Ulanov was awarded the bronze medal of the 2016 Olympic Games. After two rocks. It turned out that the Romanian bronze medalist Gabriel Sinkrayan failed a doping test and was disqualified. Axis of only prize money, 75 thousand dollars, awarded for bronze Denis, unfortunately, is not taken away. The “Law on physical culture and sport” does not include such a norm.

Illya Ilyin, 4-time world champion in important athletics:

Not only did we suffer. There is also a sprat of singing lands. At the same time, we feel everything, we gain shape, we think how to go further. I think we know the correct scheme, the way to win the gold medal again. Because we have a history, knowledge, good fahivtsі, kerіvnitstvo. We picked up at once and thought, how to fix everything correctly.

Before speaking, there are three main stages in the establishment of an anti-doping program. The first transfer of the basis for conducting anti-doping activities. On the other hand, it will be explained to athletes and coaches that only in the minds of pure sport can achieve meaningful results in a fair way.

Aldiyar Nuralinov, vice director of the Federation of Important Athletics:

І the third component of the dressings directly with the control of anti-doping. Here we are talking about the obov'yazkove rozslіduvannya all kinds of doping on the domestic and international level. Also, the federation has recognized the policy, it is clear that at all international events our athletes are expected to pass doping control.

Since the beginning of 2016, there have been no annual reports of positive doping tests among athletes at international competitions. Let's hope that they won't be hurt. In front - Tokyo Olympics. I need to think, there is a lot of work on our weightlifters, so that we can create more, leading positions.

MOSCOW, May 17 - R-Sport, Oleg Bogatov. The federal federal federal athletics (IWF) praised the Rishnnya about the discovyphykatsia on Chotiri for the rockes for the Obivne Antidopingovich of the champion of the champion of the Rock Rociean Olecheya Lovchev, the athlete to skip Olimpіyski Igry 2016 in Rozniye, on the Yagniki, on Yagniki, on Yagniki, on Yagniki, on Yagniki, on Yagniki Rozhegi, on Yagniki Rozniy, on Yagniki Rozhegi, on Yagniki, on Yagniki.

Lovchev at the deciduous world championship in Houston (USA) having set two light records and a win in the other category over 105 kg. IWF in infants temporally sucked the athlete in connection with the suspicions of doping treatment - ipamorelin. The Federation of Important Athletics of Russia (FTAR) later introduced the rules before the IWF to apply for a laboratory package of documents, a test sample In that recognition of an independent hearing. At the second meeting, the head of the federation, Sergiy Sirtsov, told R-Sport that the decision of the IWF about Lovchev's disqualification for chotiri rocky was withdrawn.

Solutions to the call for food

Triom - 16 years of disqualification from the sum, quota for meals

Three more Russian weightlifters, as it became known in the second women, took away three terms of disqualification for doping treatment in the United States for the 2015 light championship. Olga Zubova was punished with a disqualification for high rock, Olga Afanasiev and Oleksiy Kosov - for hot rock. Zubova won the third place at Kh'yuston in the second category up to 75 kg, Afanas'eva became the fourth in the up to 69 kg, Kosov took the third place in the up to 94 kg, winning a small gold medal from Rivka.

"We don't have a solution for three athletes: Oleksiy Kosova, Olga Afanas'eva and Olga Zubova. The Federation of Important Athletics of Russia took back Olga Zubova's official statement about the adoption of a sports car" - naming Sirtsov.

Such a large-scale (chotiri athletes) disqualification can lead to the decision of the IWF about the speedy quota of the selected Russia for participation in the Olympic Games-2016. The Russians, for the bags of world championships in 2014 and 2015, got the maximum number of Olympic licenses: six for people and two for women.

"The selection of Russia can be spared by the IWF one quota for participation in the Olympic Games, won at the world championship in the United States - through the disqualification of athletes," Maxim Agapitov, vice president of the FTA, told R-Sport. savage number disqualifications. The International Federation of Important Athletics is subject to the rules when it comes to size (they violated the anti-doping rules of athletes) and the chances of spending quotas. It is possible, IWF to praise the decision for a long month - to lay everything in the IWF".

Lovchev ishov to gold OI

Rigert is aware that Lovchev at the 2016 Olympic Games could bring the national team a medal of the highest honor. "The disqualification of Oleksiy Lovchev to allow the selection of Russia's potential gold medal at the Olympic Games," Rigert said. It's all right, it's clear."

Assessing Lovchev's chances to turn around in sports with the recent result of looking at the CAS, Rigert called the alternative term "not fatal, but rather painful." "I don’t want to kill Oleksiy himself, just work hard. It’s too much to lie down in order to keep him alive, even if you need to live. In my memory it was, if the lads on the chotiri rocks went to the so-called admission, and then turned to the graveyard. Ale, it’s really important, "-

In the past, the fates of an important athletic woman were already trampling lots of scandals But at the same time, the situation, without embellishment, is close to disaster. Since 2008, our weightlifters have given over 20 positive tests. Andriy Ribakov, Anastasia Novikova, Marina Shkermankova, Irina Kulesha spent the Olympic honors... None of the national selections will result in a disqualification (sanctions imposed on the entire federation) and you cannot take part in international campaigns. Moreover, according to the new rules of the International Important Athletic Team, after the end of the disqualification at the Olympics in Tokyo, only two athletes can compete, as they represent Belarus. Such punishment for sorting out positive doping tests. An offensive skin puncture can bring down our bar with the usual traditions and the achievements of past fates in such a way, vibratisya from which it will be very easy.

photo by Vitaliy brewer.

The International Important and Athletic Union has got it right. Permanent problems with doping (in some categories for subbags of re-verification of the results in the Olympic mountains of the city, the athletes took away the five years of that month!) They forced the IOC to blame the weightlifters with an ultimatum: either fight the infection for you, or alone in Toki who to stand by the devil. The IWF Crocs didn't get any checks on the Olympic program of the IWF. Speaking of the mob of the offices of the offices, “Yakshcho in the Qualifice Promіkoy hour of the clock of 1 leaf fall 2018, 30 kvіniks of the 2020th athletes, be the Country of the Country Three I will be Vikriyv, the zakoneniy drugs, the regional bouti is possible for the district, and the member federation - awarded.

It’s a pity, we don’t have to do everything on purpose. Axis and zovsim recently a list of weightlifters who got caught, popovniv Cup of the country with new names. NADA inspectors determined the presence of sampled preparations in samples from three weightlifters. Close the guise with your hands and try it out, that everything is safe, don’t go out anymore. It is necessary to breathe.

At the grass, the President, having signed the Decree “On the Prevention of Doping in Sports,” it just became clear that it was defended against the fenced speeches and methods like athletes, as well as sportsmen and their staff, and other people.

I am discussing the document of the project criminal liability for doping. Chi will be in the new legislation less than vіdmіnu until zasosuvannya zastosuvannyh preparatіv chi terms can be taken for the building of a positive test, until you figure it out. But in any case, the athletics of the ninth looked like one of the first candidates for those to lean on the view of law enforcement agencies. І 20 with a lot of positive samples, the future can easily turn into not terms of disqualification, but (let's not say, it's possible, and wise) a criminal term.

The head coach of the chosen one, Viktor Shershukov, insists that there is nothing nasty about the appearance of three new punctures. More than that, at the Tsi situation, to be in the pluses, rummaging, the Termin, the length of the Yako discovifice, can be wrapped in the ethnic people for all the federal federal, abandoned, doughs with the barbells, and the flocks, and the violoruki, lovyki, lovy, lovy, lovy, Swilorusі, Swilorusi. where the cleansing of important athletics in the filthy. With so many coaches from the number of radian hours, which made more radian hours, call out to look at the situation a little more. For example, guess what all three athletes who spent the first hour of the Cup - Oleksandriya Mirenkovyy, Alina Shchepanova and Artyom Danilchik - at least 18 years old. What are all the stinks - vikhovantsi Mogilev UOR. First of all, that the same brigade of trainers carried the same training. The names of Anatoly Lobachov, Valentin Korotkin and Oleksandr Goncharov appeared in the press first. Shortly after, he rightly respected that the remaining fates worked out of the national women's choice, and in the same place at the "mogilivsky" brigade of the village of Sergiy Vishnyak. Ale, the picture is all the same vimalovuєtsya arc of a cicava. To the last head coaches of the national teams Viktor Shershukov and Valentina Korotkina, I guess, cherubov Oleksandr Goncharov. In his own time, he accepted the command following the entry of Anatoly Lobachov. Like it or not, but all twenty out of too many disqualifications, like they pushed the Belarusian important athletics to the brink of failure, so how else can you show up with the names of fahivtsiv, who figure in the new doping scandal.

Stepan Mikhov.

The first head coach of the Belarusian national team, Stepan Mikhov, can’t believe it and declares: before the current catastrophe, the importance of athletics has long gone.

For some time now, the national team has been left behind, for a great flurry, without proper control. Naskіlki menі vіdomo, і doctors, і coaches allowed themselves, let's say, damage could. I had a feeling that head managers it would be better to issue bonuses. And most importantly, no one has ever been punished for those that our team, as a result, was disqualified and spent all the Olympic quotas and rewards.

- Earliersuchnot bool?

Until the 1990s, our salaries were double the lowest, the coaches in the UORs paid the lowest. Some medals were brought regularly. They promised zbіshiti, but zreshtoy so they practiced on enthusiasm. From that generation of coaches, no one has been left alive. Today, the coaches earn solid salaries, and the medals were taken away from the results by over 20 positive doping tests. Bezkarnіst narodzhuє permissiveness and bring to the point that we zreshtoj and took away. Aje we have strong athletes. Gennadiy Oleshchuk in his hour without the daily pigulos of light beat records.

- Adzhe Oleshchuk was disqualified for doping, and suddenly - dope.

They disqualified, but guess what if - 2003 had a rotation! Guess who at that hour stood for kerma command? (Oleksandr Goncharov. - Approx. Aut.) At the chosen Oleshchuk, I was still with me, on the cob of the 1990s, I was bachiv, like wine was getting ready, and at that hour everything was clean. But then the team got a new coaching warehouse, the lads chased for a penny ... I got caught in a bad way. The result of the year will be shown in a moment and without anything, but the fireworks will be needed. Oleshchuk, as you remember, on the platform, spin a somersault after coming in the distance.

Maybe it’s not so bad with us, like at the recent European Junior Championship in Albania, our athletes won a big prize for the city ...

All the medals are the result of the selection of only one person - Mikhail Rabikovsky from Bobruisk. In his own time, having prepared Andriy Aryamnov and won, he won, at the Olympiad in Rio Darya Naumova. If you want to assess the prospects of young varto buds, the results of the rechecking of samples can be announced for the first time. And we are in such a situation at the same time, that for two years, even if we want to eat one of our athletes, Belarus can save even the last two Olympic quotas, even if two athletes at the Games are a disaster for us.

Okrim Belarus, under sanctions, they change all the choices at once. You don’t know why seriously change the check for all the world’s important athletics?

Already at once, athletes from France were trying to win, they didn’t claim to get a five. With the same results at the world championship in 1996, and, for example, the top one, in Anaheim, then in some categories the champions of 22 years ago to the United States would not have spent a lot of time at the sixth. The results in our world for the nights grew strongly, and I realized, for the rahunok I was like a "stern". Wanting to tell us constantly that for that hour everything that was possible was implanted.

Before speech, in Belarus, doping is not a smut famously important athletics. In my time, I spent 18 years working at the Institute of Physical Culture, I regularly go to the BDUFK and at the same time. Important athletics were combined with weightlifting and powerlifting, but we could go up to weightlifters, which we need to get richer. At the result of 12 points in the group, more than one important athlete may appear, train the children at the result, they start kettlebell lifters, as if they don’t know the subtleties, they joke “bypass the paths”. Even though important athletics have small strong traditions, great champions: Kurlovich, Shariy, Taranenko... With so many top athletes in the kshtalt Vitaliy Derbenev, Hanni Batyushko and Gennady Oleshchuk, vvazhay, no one is left to pass on to their youth. Oleshchuk - at Bobruisk at the police station. Batiushko is a Methodist at Pinsk. Novikova - at the passport office. Derbenev, really, "ruined" for some other reason. The new leader had weakness - gambling. Having taken off the lad for the first time, he had kindly pributki, zbuduvav apartment, and everything to the penny went "to the gaming machine." Possibly, at some stage, and not against training, but, knowing your particularity, Derbenev was simply not asked. In my memory, there are less famous sportsmen Andriy Ribakov train and the prize-winner of the world championship Gennady Shchekalo worked at BNTU. Hocha Schekalo managed to ride long-distance water in Europe. The reason is simple: we do not have a system that would help many athletes to get into the structure after the completion of the career. Leather twists as much as possible. Oleksiy Krushevich, from Vitebsk, sells meat on the market. Htos in the business succumbed, I want such singles.

- Fighters, for example, often help one to one to dominate life. Do weightlifters have no such brotherhood?

We have a clan clan, grouping - skin for itself. Whoever appears under the rule is the one in the kings. Vadim Striltsiv near Mogilov 15 years of training on the high school lava. Yearned yoga, invested. And now they are going to Vitebsk. They lured away, they see the apartment: there the hall is needed by “their own”. And before the coaches, like yogo 15 years, they prepared, Streltsov now don’t go to the gym - the axis of you is a hundred.

Echo Mіkhova and Oleksandr Stolyarov. The first head of the Belarusian important athletic union is the last of the kerіvniks, who himself lifted the bar over his head (the first one in the country he got 250 kilos!), the one who is in the Belarusian important athletics calls himself that he respects: “Those who only got better ".

History, as discussed today among heavy athletics, is already a long time ago. And the essence of її is in wrestling coaches of a large generation among themselves. In the skin area you can know a person who is tied up in this struggle in the other world. The result is all one to drown, and the result suffers.

- You'll wait for 20 positive samples from an important athlete in 2008 to look like a disaster ...

Tse i є disaster. Until then, the girls have reached, wanting me, knowing the cuisine of important athletics, to fight against their fate in magic. Don’t tell me, even if you stink all the same, you took anabolics, but you’re spitting on female organism, you can, I guess, do not tell. But best of all, I have provoked the ninth story with a singing world. For an hour, my work is on the planting of the head belarusian federation only one puncture ... And then, rozumіyuchi, scho "neutral" coaches, as if they were far away pardoned, may not be left, I trusted the young fakhіvtsyu Oleksandr Goncharov. I thought: a smart, literate lad can inspire the robot in a new way. Vvazhav, scho vin already cremated in the grave of the "booth". It turned out that I had mercy, and step by step “chemists” began to show more daedals in the choice. The coaches called so to practice and to turn all of them into their own faith.

- Can weightlifters do without chemo?

Tse seriously ill: marveling at the chemistry of my own hour, I also zishtovhnuvsya іz tієyu theme. At a lot of speeches, they marveled earlier, otherwise, a lot was allowed. And I know for sure: preparations for important athletes will stop and will stop. Deyakі - allowed, deyakі - no more. But literate specialists can always work in such a way that they don’t know anything. Well, at some stage, ours have spent be-yak oberezhnist. Vіdchuli permissiveness. As a result, I am left with less shkoduvat, that I provoked an avalanche of disqualifications and scandals.

- How can you fix everything at once?

I know. That and rich who, I think, will guess. But the problem is that until recently everything was in power. Possibly, htos rozumіv, scho sooner chi pіzno mi in the current situation, but with whom all the propositions went down on galm. Medals, everyone is happy. Also, with the lowest sanctions, the International Union, perhaps, having given us a service. Those who trapilos - not a tragedy. Ale, it’s possible, now our federation will collapse and begin to put things right.

Nine sanctions hit, to the point of speech, no less than the Belarusian team. Krіm us, on the river from the international platform, there were more choices. We've got їх and skorochennya olympic quotas. The reaction was different. In Bulgaria, for example, national federation asked the bolіvalnikіv to chip in a penny to pay off the fine from the International Union. 250 thousand dollars can be paid up to 18 rubles, otherwise the team, as in one year of 2015, made 11 positive doping tests, to spend the right to participate in international equal. When Bulgarians Stepan Mikhov is called one of the leading doping nightmares on the world's important athletic platform.

- With them, a lot of teams tried to spivpratsyuvati, and all - with the same result. Aje in Bulgaria is next to a gymnasium with a laboratory. There are five chemists-professors there. The preparations were spread out and once behind the wall on the athletes and tested.

About the influx of Bulgarian methods on light sports to speak, before speech, and head judiciary board Federation of Important Athletics of Azerbaijan Vakhid Nazarov, who earlier won the national election of the country. The reason for the last disqualification of selected wines is called spivpration with Bulgarian athletes and fakes, as they brought doping methods. I state that in the present country it is impossible to change the situation without renewing the team of experts for the preparation of fahivtsiv and a radical review of the approaches to work with athletes. Before the speech, in Azerbaijan, the Nazarovs, even today, the weight-and-lifting school is broken up again, there are serious problems with the reserve, and the weather is determined by the requests from the Bulgarian legionaries.

Seriously set about putting things in order in Kazakhstan. There, the IWF sanctions tried to "raptom" to guess that all the positive tests, that they brought up to spend six gold, one silver and one bronze Olympic medals, trapilis for an hour kerіvnitstva team one ієї th ієї zh people - ninі vzhe kolishny head coach Oleksiy Nі.

Inspire the Russians, as in the trend of the rest of the years, called the imposition of sanctions on the important athletics political engagements, the new Olympic cycle was called with the new head coach of the selection, Oleg Pisarevsky. I, to the point, the President of the Federation of Important Athletics of Russia Maxim Agapitov perekonany, scho live come in, you can help get rid of the quick quota. The rest of the decisions about teams and federations that were included in the "black list" will be praised in the lime. An hour for the correction of pardons є.


At the Belarusian important athletic union, before the situation that has developed, they approach seriously, but they don’t take off their shoulders. Surprisingly, the permutations of the selections became even more after the first “grafts from the past”, general secretary Sergiy Samusev explains how they are going to correct the situation:

Sergei Samusev.

Our heavy athletics has a good working situation at the same time. We will survive the obvious exchanges. Moreover, with grudge for the team, you can do it well. Athletes are getting ready and already in the fall, we hope, we can win awards at the world championships and Olympic licenses. From 20 years ago we can take part in international tournaments in full.

- If you want to get one positive test, you can re-cross and ninish spodіvannya.

We don't call it that. In the period that begins with 1 leaf fall and three times 18 months, before the Olympics, more than three positive tests are not to blame. First of all, this period has not yet opened up. Otherwise, we do not predict such a situation. Our athletes are clean, ready to perform and take doping tests.

- Why did the robots and the team change their approach to get new punctures?

All athletes and coaches are aware of the inadmissibility of taking boron drugs. We are aware of the talks, inform the athletes about possible traces. But, unfortunately, today there are a lot of dietary supplements, fenced speeches can be taken away from the faces of colds. The nuances are rich, but we can understand how to correct the current situation.

- The Federation of Important Athletics of Russia does not deprive linden of its hopes of expanding the Olympic quota...

Literally the day before, at the same time, from the head of the Belarusian important athletic team, Yuri Senko, they turned from the Ugrian region, de zustrіchalis from the head of the International Federation of Important Athletics Tamas Ayan. We discussed and could change the quota. More than that, fight for this cause we can hit the cob of Igor, but it’s important to understand that the decision about the speedy representation of our selections at the Olympiad was praised by the IWF Vision Committee, and changes can also be praised only by the Wicon Committee. We felt our arguments, and Ayan argued that at the meetings in Turkmenistan to destroy the food expansion of the quota. We are planning to unite susilla with the federations, as they also fell under the sanctions of the IWF. Possibly, they also know your arguments for skating the accepted decision.

- Why will there be changes at the warehouse of the national selection?

Let's get home: those who bulo have passed. We live in the future, we have already changed. The head coach and the senior coach of the women's team were sent to the post office. The warehouse of athletes in the rest of the years is also practically new. We have a young promising team. What's more, the low-freezing of two Olympic quotas significantly increased the motivation and competition among the electors.

Outwardly, the distortion of the text and photographs is fenced off. Chastkov's quotation is allowed for the obviousness of hyperpositiveness.

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