In some cases, the stimulation of ovulation is inhibited. Methods of stimulation of ovulation in the buttock minds. Methodology of the procedure

The method of extracorporeal flooding has long passed from the world of fantasy to modern reality. Adzhe bezlich cholovikiv i zhіnok could z yogo help zdіysniti dream of becoming fathers.

All stages of such vagity, in fact, are the same as in case of natural flooding. However, there is one difference between them: YBC creates optimal minds for a successful conception. One of these minds created piecemeal is stimulation before YBC. The stimulators of reproduction specialists may be able to take as much as possible the number of mature viable eggs, which will increase the chances of developing pregnancy in razi.

New to work on ovulation induction in ECD

Before carrying out the EKZ procedure, the doctor is guilty of arraignment, which was caused by the woman's infertility, acknowledging the low laboratory analyzes and equipment performance. Until the most "women's" reasons, vagility does not occur due to hormonal disturbances, as they appear on the endometrium and functioning of the ovaries.

In order to use all the factors that change the conception, stimulation is prescribed for ECD. That's what hormone therapy is called. Її zavdannya polygaє in the total suppression of natural hormones: they are replaced by pieces. This stage is even more important, even if it’s zavdyaki youmu, the ovaries work not only for the right, but for the potent regime.

For the skin woman, a specific system of treatment is chosen, as it is called a protocol. The cob of stimulation is fixed according to the protocol, taking medication and dosing.

Most often, the cob of a piece “attack” with hormones is prescribed for 3-5 doba of the menstrual cycle. Under the splash hormonal benefits the ovaries in the forced mode are repaired, so that before the proper term of ovulation, they create a sprinkling of dominant follicles (in the natural mode, only one such follicle, a maximum of two, is ripened). The whole process of follicular maturation is clearly observed for additional ultrasound diagnostics, in order to fix “X-day” every hour.

If the dominants mature to the required levels, a puncture of the follicles is carried out: the reproductologist takes care of them for the help of the aspirating needle. The more you will be, the more chances you have for successful conception.

They are filled with spermatozoa in the sample, and they deprive them of “ripening” in the life-giving medium in the minds of the laboratory. After 3 or 5 days (fallow according to the indication), reproductive specialists select a sprat of embryos, which, according to the opinion of geneticists, are the strongest and most vital. "Happy" are transferred to the woman's uterus.

Superovulation Stimulation Protocols

In the arsenal of reproductologists, there are a few types of protocols, like vicorous for stimulation of the ovaries. The protocol is prescribed by the doctor on the basis of the manifestations of pathological symptoms in the reproductive health of the woman, her age, sensitivity to medical problems, scalability to allergies and other individual characteristics.

We have already guessed that all the protocols, the result of which is superovulation, are based on total or partial blocking of the natural hormonal background. We are going to talk about timchasov "decrease" of natural luteinizing (LH) and follicle-stimulating (FSH) hormone. This change is based on the synthesizing hormone-analogues, the dosing of which is selected individually.

In order to check the effectiveness of the preparations that are victorious, they are regularly carried out ultrasound follow-up. According to the established norms, the hour of stimulation of the ovaries in the endometrium may increase by 1 mm, and the follicles - by 2 mm daily. As ultrasound diagnostics fixes the indications significantly lower, the methods of stimulation of the ovaries can be reviewed in an individual order, changing the dosage of the drug and stopping it with a change.

The skin protocol may have a whole number of cilia, regulation of the number of hormonal changes. Thus, IVF with minimal stimulation can be used to select the maximum number of oocytes, in order to support their cryopreservation. On the right, in the fact that a similar scheme of coping with the development of follicles, ale, galmues growth of endometrium. Therefore, the transfer of embryos is carried out without delay in other cycles that are friendly for these purposes.

Read details about the difference.

How many days to try stimulation in ECD

Timchasovy period is designated as a doctor, when you become healthy women. Therefore, stimulation of ovulation in ECD is different in the skin patient.

So, a short protocol, lasting one month, transmitting ovarian stimulation for a duration of 10 dB. And for women who have been diagnosed with endometriosis, cystic changes on the ovaries, myoma, hormonal treatment is shown for 30-40 days, which is carried out for a long time protocol. In some depressions, super-stimulation of the ovaries is shown, which can reach torpor.

The validity of the protocol and the intensity of the intake of hormonal benefits without intermediary lie down in the state of health, in view of the reproductive characteristics of the woman.

When stimulated, clear visions may appear. It’s not necessary to sneer: ring out to tell about good growth endometrium. Be wary of the varto, as if it were Sverbіzh, bіl, a sharp unacceptable smell, as if the color of the vision of greens. All these symptoms can talk about inflammation, as you immediately know it is unbearable.

Preparations for stimulation

Stimulation of superovulation can only be done with the help of synthetic hormonal benefits, recognition, and dosing of such suvoro individually.

The selection of medicinal preparations is subject to change prior to the stage to be carried out.

  1. Stimulation of the ovaries. The head component of the preparations is follicle-stimulating hormone.
  2. Zaplodnennya eggs. Faces stimulate the shell of the follicle until bursting, regulating the release of eggs in the required hour. The main "diyovoy special" of such contributors is chorionic gonadotropin.
  3. Attachment of the embryo to the emptying of the uterus. Here, the preparations help "record the results" in the empty uterus. Progesterone, being the basis of all these antibiotics, increases the chances of successful embryo implantation and further successful development.

Let's look at the most important faces, with which women stick together at the stage of ovulation stimulation.


Radkisna stimulation of superovulation to do without any drug. Vіn allows you to increase the quantity, and then and again to take the level of LH and FSH. As before, stimulation with these hormones was not carried out, the hypophyseal functioning is reduced once the drug is consumed by the blood.

The average duration of stimulation with "Orgalutran" is 5 days.


More stench faces that lie before gonadotropic diseases, stink shards regulate the production of LH and FSH. For additional help, the maturation of a number of follicles, activation of the synthesis of state speeches is carried out.

Zastosovuyt for stimulation of natural ovulation in the EBC protocols.


Reproductologists call the stimulation of "Gonal" "important artillery". The drug, which is produced by an Italian company, vicorist for the exaltation of human and female infertility. We will show miraculous results there, de іnshі medical care appeared powerless.

The choice of follicles will require a strict control of the growth of follicles on ultrasound: if only follicles reach 17 mm, it may be difficult.


Clostilbegit vicorist in different stimulation protocols. However, most of the recognition of this is true in the "light" protocol, if after stimulation the maximum number of eggs for cryopreservation is "selected".

The transplantation is carried out at the onset cycle, scaling, regardless of the impact on the right follicle maturation, it reduces the growth of the endometrium, so as not to allow the successful attachment of the embryo to the empty uterus.


The medicinal product, which blocks the natural hormones of ovulation, cannot be blown with their piece analogues in a sufficient quantity. Through the war, ovulation is “trimmed”.

To fix the current ovulation with ECD is needed in two types of depressions:

  • It is necessary to superovulate;
  • If necessary, regulate the menstrual cycle in such a way as to give the follicles a chance to be more vigilant.

Drug agonists

Agony (tobto analogues) of gonadotropin-releasing hormone - ce Diferelin, Decapeptil, Lyukrin-depot and others. Dani likarskie zasobi work without intermediary over the “usunennym” functioning of the pituitary gland, creating the optimal mind for growth great number follicles.

The intake of drugs is prescribed for 6-7 days after the onset of ovulation. As a rule, 4-5 injections are enough for a successful stage.


In ECD, ovarian stimulation "Menopur" shows high results.

The medicinal product, the main component of which is the human menopausal gonadotropin, is prescribed for stimulating follicular growth, shrinking the mucous membrane of the uterus, as well as active estrogen production. The drug, taken from the cleared section of women, albeit through menopause, often wins in combination with the ways to prevent CHL.

Preparation HGL

Injections of HGL are indicated for residual preparation of "ripening" follicles before puncture. Іn'єktsiyu to enter for two dobі before transferring the fence of ready-made eggs. HGL preparations are administered once, if the injection does not require hormonal control.

CHL drugs can be named differently, fallow from a virobnik company. Most often you can use the name "Pregnil".

How to work independently

A lot of patients to shy away from themselves in'єktsії themselves'. Physicians do not recount, that the woman may have received the introduction of internal injections, otherwise she has a special outbuilding. It allows you to use not a syringe from a needle, but a pen-injector.

The medicine, rolyachi is recognized, to designate, how to administer drugs and inject internally, and how to administer them internally. This nuance is described in the instructions. Independently, according to the method of introduction, there are a few important rules of their choice:

  • Inject roar at one and the same hour;
  • Lіkarskiy zasіb to introduce duzhe povіlno;
  • At the time of the pass іn'єktsії it's negligent to contact the doctor, so that you can tell a little further;
  • Don't change it, don't change it on your own!

Do not forget that before the injection, it is necessary to seriously remove your hands and disinfect the injection site.

How to behave under the hour of stimulation

Eco-stimulation is an important period, during the hour of any woman experiencing a whole gamut of emotions: from a radical hope to a deep roar from fear, which does not see anything. At this last hour, it’s more important to support loved ones, a stable psychological state, a rich one-time calm walks in the fresh air healthy eating. Diet for shudnennya and super-worldly physical pressure will be overwhelmed in the past, and the optimistic mood - become relevant today.

Vtim, the diet is still necessary, but not “thin”, but special. It is important to save a lot of protein (low-fat meat, syrah, eggs) and products from the plant stem, to vegetables and fruits. With this, beat less creaturely fats and more tall ones. Bilkova їzha is necessary for the prevention of hyperstimulation of the ovaries. And the cellular tissue and the growing fat are suitable for comfortable etching, which is very important at this stage. However, if you have gastritis or other problems with the intestinal tract, check your diet with a gastroenterologist. It’s better for everything, to please you, replace orphaned vegetables, and baked or baked fruits.

More important principles:

  • Get rid of infectious and catarrhal diseases, so as not to allow an overworld attack on the immune system: I have an important mission.
  • Vіdmovtesya vіd kavi i napoїv, scho to avenge caffeine: stench can get into the hormonal background and change the concept.
  • Avoid hot baths, do not go to the sauna.
  • Vіdmovtesya vіd cigarettes, passive smoking and vіd alcohol in any doses.
  • Unique to the reception of any preparations, we will be quiet, acknowledging the reproductologist. All other preparations (for example, if you have a chronic illness, if you need to take medications) - it’s more likely to have an extreme mood than for the weather with a reproductologist.

Possibly folded

Stimulation of ovulation before EKZ is given more than hormonal drugs. Trival "attack" of synthetic hormones can lead not only to the worsening of the infamous state of the patient, but also to the unacceptable complication.

Hyperstimulation of the ovaries

Bagatoplіdna vagіtnіst

Pozamatkova vagіtnіst

Viniknennya - slightly complicated. Tim is not less than that strong pain, weakness and confusion, negainally consult a doctor: it is possible, attached to the borders of the uterine empty.

And in the heat of the EKO, as a way of yogo zdіisnyuє dosvіdcheny reproductologist, - let it be folded, but even more effective exuberance with good chances for pregnancy and the people of healthy children.

How does the process of ovulation stimulation work?

Why and how is ovulation stimulation needed?

A lot of pathologies - chromosomal, endocrinological, gynecological and others - accompany the day of ovulation. As a result, a woman, who in another case can be completely healthy, appears to be an unworthy charm. To solve the problem, the stimulation of ovulation, as it affects the administration of a hormonal drug, the dose and method of administration of such an effective drug help.

The essence of the method

Stimulation of ovulation is a method that is used to treat female infertility caused by impaired ovulation. The reasons for the injection into the woman's ovaries are analogues of these hormones, which normally vibrate in the woman's body. You can win the same antagonisms. The effectiveness of the stimulation method is 60-75%.

The metastasis of hormones is a piece of stimulating the maturation of eggs, as it is said that stinks are formed in the ovaries, their structure is not broken, only the stinks do not ripen to the end. In case of damage to the ovaries, which are developing, do not stop the stimulation.

The fact that this method will be effective for those who are more likely to fall into:

  • reasons for the presence of ovulation;
  • vіku zhіnki;
  • type of drug;
  • the presence of other factors in her or a person, yakі podtrimuyut bezplodnіst.

Indication before the procedure

Stimulation of ovulation is carried out in such cases:

  1. Hormonal dysfunction, as it is impossible to vilify in another way.
  2. Nezdatnіst zavagіtnіti stretching the fate of a regular statuary life, due to the presence of revealed pathology in a woman and a person.
  3. How to prepare for the method of piece filling - EKZ and ІKSІ.
  4. Low chi, navpaki, high body mass index of a woman.
  5. Polycystic ovaries.

What kind of analysis is needed for the building?

Preparation before stimulation

Before the recognition of the preparations, the friends are guilty, but they are rela- tively cleared. The stink to give shelter to the appointment:

  • antibodies to VIL;
  • treponemia antigens (RW);
  • markers of hepatitis B and C;
  • study the methods of detection: trichomoniasis, candidiasis (thrush), PLR-study of smears for the genome of mycoplasma, gardnerella, ureaplasma.

Okremo woman to pass:

  • smears from the cervical canal and pichvi on the level of cleanliness and atypical cells;
  • Ultrasound of the small pelvis;
  • Ultrasound of milk worms;
  • designation of antibodies to the TORCH-complex of microbes (red, toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus, chlamydia);
  • a look at the therapist, the ECG and other analyzes of how obvious severe illnesses are, which can be contraindicated up to winemaking;
  • designation of throughput fallopian tubes for the help of one of these methods: laparoscopy, radiological follow-up uterus and tubes with contrast, ultrasound with contrast;
  • a few times rіven in the blood of women's blood hormones, prolactin, thyroid hormones, testosterone; when changing the equal, a correction is carried out;
  • folіkulometry be carried out, yak for the cob stimulation of ovulation can show one of the following results:
  1. no development of follicles in the ovaries;
  2. follicles develop, growing at the growth rate, which do not reach the necessary growth, ovulation is not possible;
  3. the dominant follicle develops, swells, does not reach the required size, ovulation does not occur;
  4. the dominant follicle grows to the necessary expansion, but it grows, so there is no ovulation.

Before the stimulation of ovulation, the person analyzes the sperm, after 3-5 days of coitus.

Assessment of ovarian reserve

In addition, as if it were a friend, and the doctor smashed the whiskers about those who perishkodzhat conceive nothing not guilty, and the stench does not suffer from such an illness, in case of which there is a chance of causing an ill child, an emergency reserve is assigned. This term means rozrahunkova ovarian ovaries in women with ovulation stimulation: what is the procedure for the maturation of a large number of eggs, chi no. For additional assessment of the ovarian reserve, the following are indicated:

  • chi maє sens itself stimulation of ovulation;
  • what may be the intensity of the procedure;
  • select the optimal stimulation protocol;
  • preparatory and їх doses for a female woman are selected.

This test is especially important for women older than 35 years old and quiet, who suffer from undiagnosed etiology.

How to test ovarian reserve

The doctor selects one of the following methods for the appointment of the indicator:

  1. On the 2nd-3rd day of the cycle, the blood levels show the following hormones: follicle-stimulating (FSH), luteinizing (LH), estradiol. The increase in their concentration is more than normal in the whole period to talk about those who will be affected by stimulation.
  2. After the appointment of FSH on the 3rd day of the cycle from 5 to 9 days, the woman is prescribed "Klostilbegit" at a dose of 100 mg per doba. On the 10th day, blood is again given for FSH ribs: it is important to talk about those who are not ready for stimulation.
  3. The test is based on stimulation with drugs that work the same way, like speech, that vibrates in the hypothalamus - gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH). With this, the woman is prescribed rіven estradiol in the blood, then we will not take the injection with a test dose of this drug, after which the same hormonal metabolite is again prescribed. About those that are predicted to be affected by stimulation, to note the increase in the concentration of estradiol.


Methodology of the procedure

The very stimulation of ovulation is beneficial in the case of hormonal preparations, which are chosen individually and are prescribed for a special scheme (it is called a protocol). The hospitalization of the patient should not be carried out. The control of the effectiveness of the procedure depends on the data of ultrasonic folliculometry.

Preparations for stimulation

Є kіlka of the main groups of hormonal preparations, with the help of which ovulation stimulation is carried out.

Clomiphene (clostilbegit, clomid)

This is a drug that causes stimulation of the production of gonadotropic hormones. Vin specifically binds with receptors of the hypothalamus and hypophysis, triggering the synthesis of state hormones in these diseases; in large doses galmuє їhnyu secretion. May have antiestrogenic effect; does not stimulate the production of human hormones and progestogens. May stagnate with dysfunctional uterine bleeding.

It is not possible to recognize it 5-6 times in all life, so that wines can be brought to an early expiration of the ovaries, to early menopause. Do not zastosovuetsya "Klomifen" also in case of problems with the growth of the endometrium. The drug is contraindicated in case of inflammatory processes of the reproductive organs, in case of nirk and hepatic insufficiency, insufficiency of the hypophysis. It is also impossible to stagnate in that depression, if the insufficiency of the ovaries is accompanied by an increased secretion of prolactin.

"Clomifene citrate" is prescribed from 5 to 9 days of the cycle. To lay down a dose of one, depending on the fact that I would have a ovaries in the doctor after having tested for ultrasound:

  • with polycystic or multicystic ovaries, the additional dose should be 50 mg;
  • with normal life, you can take 50-100 mg per doba;
  • as ultrasound describes the ovaries as "exhausted", the back needs stimulation with estrogen, then zastosovat "Klomifen" 100 mg per doba.

"Klostilbegit" is not assigned by itself. Yogo zastosuvannya enter before such a protocol:

  1. the correct dose is fixed until the moment when the follicles do not reach the size of 18-25 mm due to ultrasound;
  2. administer the introduction of "Clomifene", inject chorionic gonadotropin in case of infection, which is to blame for the withdrawal of eggs;
  3. the whole other phase of the cycle, the woman takes progesterone preparations (“Progestogel”; “Utrozhestan”);
  4. From 5 to 21 days, estrogen preparations are prescribed ("Divіgel", "Estrozhel", "Proginova").

Menopausal gonadotropin

Tse hormone, which is viroblyayutsya by the pituitary gland. Withdrawal of wines from the section of women in menopausal periods; to contain FSH and LH approximately in equal amounts. Yogo task - regulation of phase changes in the cycle in a non-vagic woman. It stimulates the growth of follicles, increases blood levels of estrogen. Under yoga, there is a proliferation of endometrium. To stimulate the release of eggs, 1-2 dobi before the end of the introduction of "Menopur" ("Pergonal", "Humegon"), the preparation of chorionic gonadotropin is injected.

The effectiveness of the drug can be judged on the basis of ultrasound of the ovaries and the level of estrogen in the blood. The dose is selected individually: start at 75 mg per doba, progressively increase it, the levels of estrogen in the blood are not increased or the follicles are not mature enough. After that, the dose is withdrawn without change.

The drug "Menopur" zastosovuєtsya:

  1. in times, as the stimulation with "Klostilbegyt" is not effective;
  2. that ovulation is not possible through hypothalamic-pituitary damage;
  3. As a result, ovulation is stimulated by complexes of additional reproductive technologies.

The drug is contraindicated for:

  • anomalies in the development of reproductive organs;
  • unclear bleeding from the uterus;
  • plump diseases of the reproductive system;
  • tufts of the hypophysis or hypothalamus;
  • plumes, yakі viroblyayut cholovіchі stateevі hormones;
  • hypersensitivity to the drug.

Recombinant follicle-stimulating hormone

Tse synthesizing for the help of genetic engineering technologies a hormone similar to the production of natural FSH. Commercial names - "Gonal-F", "Puregon".

It is an effective drug for women who may suppress the secretion of the body's gonadotropic hormones, may exert more pressure, fight against the sechoic gonadotropins, diyu. Stop wine:

  • with polycystic ovarian syndrome, if therapy with Clomiphene was not effective;
  • akshcho in the blood significantly reduced FSH and LH;
  • as hyperstimulation with additional reproductive technologies.

Contraindications to "Gonal" are the same, as well as to "Menopur".

Chorionic gonadotropin

This is an analogue of the “hormone of vagity”, which is less likely to be observed during this period. Vіn necessary maturation of eggs, ensuring adequate ovulation. Zastosovuєtsya at the scheme with "Menopur", "Gonal" or "Clomifene".

As "Horagon" ("Pregnil", "Profazi") is co-administered with "Menopur" or "Clomifene", a side effect of this drug may develop - ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. Possibility to navit їhnіy rozriv.

Gonadotropin-releasing factor agonist

The use of these preparations is directly suppressed by a sharp increase in the level of the luteinizing hormone, which in normal conditions leads to ovulation. As a result, the follicles ripen more quickly. Drugs "Diferelin", "Leuprorelin", "Buserelin" are included in the EKZ program, together with one of the indicated drugs.

Qi preparations vikoristovuyutsya like a look at ultrashort courses, so it happened. Luteinizing hormone rises on the cob for a short time, due to lack of estrogen.

The use of GnRH agonists causes a large number of side effects:

  • dryness at pihvu;
  • drinkability;
  • head bіl;
  • mood swings, especially depression;
  • surf.

Gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonists

The stench negligently ignites the production of state hormones by the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus, (especially LH) without any cob development. Stimulation of ovulation in times of stasis of these hormones was lesser: zastosovuetsya either one-time, or three times the introduction.

Qi preparations at once from "Gonalom-F" allow the follicles to increase more rapidly, lower in other situations; with this, the dose of "Gonal" may be changed. In addition, a smaller number of follicles are stimulated, and matured embryos may increase their vigor. Preparations are vicorated in the YBC programs.

How to conduct stimulation

Stimulation of ovulation is carried out according to one of the expanded protocols, that is, according to a regulated method, as a description of the dose, method and validity of skin administration from inclusions to the standard preparations. The stimulation protocol is selected according to the requirements:

  1. the results of the assessment of the reserve of ovaries;
  2. vaga women;
  3. results of previous procedures that stimulate ovulation.

Contraindication before ovulation stimulation

Global contraindication before stimulation

Do not stimulate ovulation with:

  • pathological processes that may change the conception and/or normal excess of vaginess: swollen disease of the female reproductive organs, a great spike process in the fallopian tubes;
  • visible effect during the procedure of stimulation, which is carried out up to 6 or more times.

Vіdnosnym contraindications є vіk older than 35 years. Tse pov'yazano z tim, scho razі znachno podvischuyutsya chances narodzhennya ill child.

Possibility of facilitating stimulation

In the meantime, all preparations for ovulation stimulation can lead to the development of the syndrome of hyperstimulated ovaries, which begins to appear after the introduction of chorionic gonadotropin. Tse manifests itself:

  • the appearance of great cysts of the ovaries;
  • accumulated rіdini in the cherevnіy, pleural empties;
  • decreased arterial pressure;
  • lowering the equal of the final section;
  • blockage of blood vessels.

A side effect of ovulation stimulation can also be an allergic reaction and a rich vaginess.

In this way, to stimulate ovulation, one of the basic preparations (Menopur, Gonal, or Clostilbegit) is prescribed, which is chosen by the doctor on the basis of the hormonal background of the woman, the woman, the ovarian reserve. Agony or gonadotropin-releasing antagonists are prescribed additionally (others are more effective). Dodatkovo mozhut zastosovuvatisya faces, scho revenge progesterone or estrogen. After a few days after the stoppage of these preparations, one-time chorionic gonadotropin is administered, after which either IVF is carried out, or the woman is recommended to reconsider statutory acts.

It is possible to conceive, if in the middle of the menstrual cycle the egg is ripening. Even if ovulation is disrupted, it will be necessary to use primus stimulation.

The procedure helped a lot of couples conceive a baby. It is directed to the growth of the dominant follicle and is treated by medication and alternative methods.

When and who may need ovulation stimulation

Indicated before the procedure, anovulation is important - the presence of mature female patients. Pathology is caused by endocrine disorders (low AMH, FSH and other hormones), follicular reserve of the ovaries, poor hypothalamic-pituitary system.

With PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), the ovarian tunic is thickened and avenged by the impersonal cysts. Through the follicles, that ovulation does not occur. Need induction by hormonal preparations.

The procedure is carried out for couples, in which the vaginess does not increase anymore for regular unprotected sex. As a friend for over 35 years, the gynecologist prescribes induction for the first time after unsuccessful attempts at conception.

In times of early ovulation, the ovum does not reach suspicion. Conceived with such a ruined impossibility. At the stage of pregnancy planning, hormonal rejuvenation is carried out;

The procedure is often vikonuetsya one hour with a piece of іnseminatsієyu or EKZ. Їx to be afraid, schob the chance of success in case of endometriosis and polycystic ovary.

Contraindication for ovulation stimulation is human infertility. When the morphology of the state cells according to Kruger is not correct, the procedure does not lead to a bad result.

What is the speed of induction? Most often - none. The doctor explains the cause of the pathology, then we use the etiological officials.

Stimulation is not safe, as the woman fell ill with obstruction of the fallopian tubes. Tse to bring to post-mortem vagity. It is necessary to prepare for this on the back: perform a laparoscopy, so that you can use the spike process.

How can ovulation be stimulated - overridden methods

Successful induction of the ovulatory phase is covered for 6 monthly cycles. For an hour to break a break in jubilation. The woman undergoes an expansion of the obstezhennia, in order to reveal the cause of the pathology.

It is important to take care of the problems of health. For rich people, training is needed. The decals of the likuvannya drag on the river and the dove.

Having diagnosed the cause of infertility, the doctor prescribes individual conservative therapy and changes the primary diet from the way of life. How many times to conduct induction, appoint a specialist.

Method 1. Medication pidhid

Choose the drug may be the right drug. Vіn prescribes additional dosing and signifies medicinal interaction.

The correct scheme of litigation gives a stable result. The patient has a problem with pregnancy.

Table: "List of drugs that stimulate ovulation":

Naming the drug Likuvalna diya When assigned (day cycle) Dosing Trivality to receive
Clostilbegit Activation of the production of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones For 5–9 doba 1 tablet per day 5 days
Femara (Letrozole) Non-steroidal aromatase inhibitor may have an anti-estrogen effect. Increases FSH production, stimulates ovulation. 3 days 2.5 mg per day 5 days
Dydrogesterone (Dufaston) Spray on the secretion phase of the thin endometrium. Decreases the amount of estrogen in the body. In the other half of the menstrual cycle 1 tablet per day Not less than 18 dB
Gonadotropins (Gonal-F or Puregol) Repair follicle-stimulating activity. Restore FSH deficiency, ensure normal growth and maturation of follicles. For 2-3 days Pidshkirny chi vnutrishnyom'yazovy prick. The additional dose of the drug is determined individually 7 days, but no more than 6 courses
HCG (Pregnil) May luteinize power On day 7 5000-10000 MO 1 time
Dexamethasone Fight against epidural hyperandrogenism On day 5 0.125-0.5 g 5 days
Clomifene Strengthen the production of LH, FSH, prolactin 3 5 days 50 mg 5 days

Method 2. Folk methods

Methods of non-traditional medicine are widely promoted by women for the dosing of eggs. The stench is effective, as the main cause of the pathology is suddenly stumbled.

Efirnі olії - tse natural stimulator of the maturation of eggs. Vykorist warehouse tea trojand, basil, cypress, lavender, sandalwood and anise.

At the advice of women, yakі zavagіtnіl for the help of alternative methods of likuvannya, recipes of herbal infusions are trapped. For the induction of the ovulatory phase, grow like this.

Nastya Shavliy

Post 1 tbsp. l. herbs in a thermos, then put 1 bottle of okrop. Use a stretcher in a hermetically sealed container.

Start drinking from the 5th day of the menstrual cycle and continue close to 10-14 deb. Take 1 tbsp. l. from the wound, in obid that before going to bed. The recommended course for the receptionist is 3-4 months or until conception. To enhance the effect, add up to 1 tbsp. l. kvіtіv lipi. The stench is full of speeches, similar to female hormones.

Shavliya with a hog queen

Women positively comment on the combination of herbs. Її the recipe is simple.

Brew Shavliya. Vidvar stasis in the first half of the menstrual cycle 4 times per doba. At this hour, the egg is ripening. In the other half of the cycle, brew a hog uterus. Grass at its warehouse to avenge progesterone. Vіn pіdtrimuvatime vagіtnіst. You can win the rose at once from the grass of the red shield.


Pour the ingredient 200 ml of water and cook on the right heat. If you want to boil, give it 5 chills on the stove. Pour on the smallest of years. Yak only pass an hour, process the differences. Drink 30 ml before meals. Start living the zilla in the first doby cycle. Trivality will take 21 days.


The product has a large amount of vitamin E. Rechovin actively contributes to the work of the ovaries.

To prepare vodvar, you need 20 g of fresh pelyustok. Put the boil in a water bath. After 20 hvilin, bring the fire out of the fire and pour on the least of the year. The course of likuvannya becomes 1-2 months. If a person has problems from our homeland, he should be given food from red pelyustok. Women are preparing a bill for more erysipelas.


Let it brew 1 tbsp. l. herbs in 300 ml of water in a closed container. Let's bring the zasib to a boil and then proceed. Take pіvsklyanki vranci that in the evening.

Tea with mother

Prepare 1 tsp. herbs and pour її 1 bottle of dill. Take a drink every day for tea.

Lіkuvannya p'yavkami widely zastosovuєtsya in warehouse complex therapy of polycystosis and multifollicular ovaries. The procedure helps to start the recovery process in the body, stimulates the exchange of speech and improves microcirculation in the small pelvis.

Method 3. Vitamin therapy

In domestic minds, the future mother can turn ovulation with vitamins. Such treatments include vicarious folic acid, tocopherol, vitamin A and ascorbic acid.

Doctors recommend to use products made from high brown speech. Try to add watermelon, carrots, spinach, midnight, dates, roslinna oliya, fresh juices, watermelon and sesame. Completely turn off alcohol.

Take speeches according to the following scheme:

  1. Vitamin B: continue the luteal phase, provoke the growth of endometrium and oocyte maturation. Drink from the 5th day of the menstrual cycle for one month.
  2. Vitamin E: stimulates the maturation of the zhovt body, stimulates the ovulatory phase, promotes the production of progesterone. Take from 15 decibels per cob of sixty-sixth views.
  3. Vitamin A: spryaє maturation of follicles and regulation of the volume of cervical rіdin. Assign half of the cycle to Persian.
  4. Vitamin C: restore the hormonal background and change the development of genetic abnormalities in the fetus Drink after ovulation for 25-30 days of the cycle.

Doctors prescribe Inofert to women without children. Especially for the pasuvatime of patients after 35 years. The drug induces ovulation and delays the development of genetic age in children.

The jubilation is performed in parallel with the medicinal and non-traditional way of induction. Nezabarom z'yavlyaetsya new months. Vitamin therapy is three times less than 3 months.

Possibly the last words

Women who have known the induction of ovulation, in a different way, think about it. Some do not consider the changes of the year, others are afraid of being put down.

With pathologically enlarged ovaries, the following symptoms may appear:

  • bloating;
  • migraine;
  • nervousness;
  • strength of drinkability and surf of speck;
  • bіl at dilyantsі appendages;
  • the week of the month.

Navit as pathogenic officials have sunk, the problem of health may be gone. Chi does not include effects for the body.

The most unsafe become:

  • rich vagity;
  • rupture of the ovaries;
  • pathological canopies;
  • death of the fetus in the middle of the womb;
  • mimovilne reversal of pregnancy in the early term;
  • syndrome of hyperstimulation of the ovaries due to the development of fibrinogen, D-dimer;
  • pozamatkova vagіtnіst.

To get rid of unsavory feelings, do not try to stimulate ovulation on your own. Accurately read all the doctor's notes.

Peculiarities of stimulation for EKZ

Extracorporeal flooding is carried out, if the conception by the natural path does not last long. Variety of reproductive technology to harvest the temple - about 100 thousand rubles.

The zaplіdnennya is carried out by the body posture maybe mami. In order for the procedure to be successful, a significant amount of oocytes is needed. Not all eggs and appendages were taken for filling. Not all embryos that have grown up go for implantation in the uterus. The axis of which hormonal therapy can be chosen especially relatively.

The drug changes the menstrual cycle, so you can choose women's blood cells in the middle period. Fahіvets prignіchuє utvorennya vlasnyh gormonіv. Under an hour of a short deadline for the protocol, the statutory system should be transferred to the regulation of the drug regimen.

On the 3rd-5th day of the menstrual cycle, fahivets induces the production of eggs by large doses of hormones (Menopur, Metipred). Women should perform ultrasound diagnostics to assess the result of therapy. The more often the procedures are carried out, the smaller the stock of oocytes becomes.

If the dominant follicle matures, the patient will take the drug HGL. The main type of extracorporeal flooding is called the provocation of superovulation. Tse majestic stress for female organism. Through dobu, the doctor is guilty of taking oocytes.

In the video clip, the fahivets report about the stimulation of ovulation in ECD:

Doctors say that after the procedure, the follicles ripen overnight. Come out 2 and more eggs, ready to fry. Tse can bring before the conception of twins.


In total 20-30 years ago, the day of ovulation in a woman meant the inability to conceive a child. The current riven of medicine allows us to carry out successful therapy for anyone. Sim'ya know healthy children without traces of the mother's body.

The ovulatory phase can be stimulated by medication and alternative methods. The procedure is carried out under the suvorim control of the doctor. Jubilation is not worse than the last one.

It is obvious that the woman is not guilty of strong emotional and physical impulses. It is necessary to take care of turning off stress from everyday life.

The daily regimen of a woman for stimulating the ovaries also needs to be clearly planned. It is necessary to competently achieve the balance of practice and repair in everyday life. It is necessary to relax more and relax, especially after a working day. In addition, it’s also good to calm yourself down psychologically, worry less and prepare the body for future pregnancy not only on the physical, but also on the mental level.

Diet under the hour of stimulation of the ovaries

Eating with ovulation stimulation may also be special. The head recommendation, insanely, opines that a woman can be motivated to switch on and off in her diet.

Diet when stimulating ovulation is prescribed protein. Moreover, this is the same medical recommendation. A protein diet with ovulation stimulation is the best way to improve your health and growth.

  1. I don't care about those protein diet can become an overriding disease in the hyperovulation syndrome for a woman, meat should be taken care of. What is it about uvazi under the vislov? It is important to keep the triggers. The problem with chicken meat lies in the fact that for the growth of the vagina, it is often "pumped" with various kinds of hormones and stimulants. For a woman, how ovulation stimulation is supposed to, tse, mildly seemingly, cannot be called brown;
  2. It is necessary to turn on the mushrooms for eating, regardless of those that stink with the same kind of protein. Mushrooms are easily processed by the body;
  3. Products for stimulating ovulation may be represented by fish and seafood. You can add meat, turkey and rabbit meat to the meal diet. So the eggs are good to go;
  4. It is necessary to try to grow a warehouse diet of dairy products;
  5. In this period of life, there is also a particularly high demand for potassium and calcium, and they are other living things and vitamins. It is recommended to plant dried fruits, rodzinki, dried apricots and prunes as the head rank. The greens at the sight of the crop and the parsley also bring measles.

In what way do women, navpak, varto act during the period of stimulation of the ovaries?

  1. Type of products that provoke bloating. Here you can see fresh vegetables and fruits, especially grapes, juices and soda. In addition, products, which are rich in carbohydrates, are also responsible for the cost of cory. All potatoes, malt and bread;
  2. It is necessary to change the amount of salt, shards in the body of a woman during this period, water is not to blame;
  3. With the method of polypshennya etching, you can rozpochati with the reception of cellular tissue, as you can buy from any pharmacist.

It is also important to remember that a woman is trying to be like a child due to the presence of evidence in the body of a chronic illness, it is necessary to be taken in such a planned meal for at least two days before the start of the stimulation procedure.

Dieti, as if calling to lower the vag, so they will be zavdavat shkodi at the same time. On the right, in the fact that stinks are present between the body's intake of carbohydrates, protein and fat in a normal amount.

So do not varto surround yourself with a saved home. In the process of stimulating the ovaries and carrying out the puncture, the amount of water that you drink, you need to increase up to two - three liters per day. In some cases, the syndrome of hyperstimulation of the ovaries, the amount of fluid that enters the body, it is possible to bring up to five liters per day.

If you want to eat something, you should also consult with a doctor, which will stimulate the stimulation of the ovaries in a particular woman. Tse dopomozhe niknuti skladnen in the course of the procedure, as well as remember the result. Depending on the individual characteristics of the woman, the doctor can give additional help.

Diet with ovulation stimulation: features of eating

A great role is played by the diet and the diet of the woman, who did not turn on the "bad food", as well as alcohol, it is impossible to achieve good results when taking the most expensive drugs.

The elevated emotional (extremely, positive) atmosphere can be injected in a colossal rank, the shards of the woman’s psycho-emotional state are directly influenced by the vibration of hormones, as well as by them by the organic target.

Returning to the knowledge of fahіvtsya, you can learn more about such aspects as a way of life with ovarian stimulation, diet for ovarian stimulation, products for ovulation stimulation. Knowing all of you, you can easily figure out the approximate daily routine.

It’s obvious, shkidliva їzha, about how richly it is said on television, and it is described on the Internet - the enemy of the mustache people. For example, the introduction of a large amount of high-calorie and fatty foods can lead to a set of body fat, which, in its own right, will appear on endocrine health, both in men and women. Impersonal illness, as it can become more than wrong eating habits, obov'yazkovo vplyat for a period of time if ovarian stimulation is used to plan vagity, it is recommended that you turn to a dietologist as soon as possible because of the obvious disruption of eating behavior.

It is indicated for a protein diet with ovulation stimulation.

Bilkova їzha maє on uvazі promotion of growing in їzhu meat of different varieties. M'yaso may be of pungent quality, to that the implantation of not fresh or infected meat has not yet brought crusty to anyone, but pathologies, which can be blamed on the implantation of such m'yas and, therefore, a critical rank on the result.

Let’s take a closer look at a few key moments, as a way to win the force of being a woman:

  • M'yaso can buti "clean", without any chemicals.
  • It is necessary to turn on the mushrooms for eating, regardless of those that stink with the same kind of protein. Mushrooms are easily processed by the body, have a highly allergenic structure, and also practically do not carry an adequate vitamin intake, so you can’t forget about it.
  • Fish, eggplant, bathe at the overturned bowls. You can add meat, turkeys and rabbit meat to the meal diet, just like that, bazhano, at the trusted ones, as they are engaged in domestic breeding of creatures and birds. More balanced and brown ones are quail eggs.
  • Introduction of dairy products. For the obviousness of the sale, it’s better to win the goat’s milk for the sale. Store-bought milk will also not be an overcooked product, because. the nature of that technology of milk preparation was not zavzhdi zrozumila that thoroughly.
  • products that contain potassium and other minerals. Such a product, like bananas, is also rich in potassium. You can live it in a diet, but only in a small amount (2-3 pieces per day), but there is a negative side to the promotion of the product.

Vіdmovitysya varto vіd:

  • Type of products that provoke bloating.
  • Sil is not an obov'yazkovy product of the diet, but rather a miraculous pіdsilyuvachem relish. We all love to eat savory, but, a great pity, most of the time "savory" is equated to "shkidly". Also, surround the products so that the big amount of salt (salt, smoked, cowbasnі virobi and so far).
  • Include highly allergenic food products, carcinogenic. Before them, you can bring products, for whatever reason (improper harvesting, processing of soil) can avenge nitrates, pesticides, salts of important metals.

Diet during the procedure of stimulation of the ovaries before IVF:

Also, it’s a good idea: a protein diet with ovulation stimulation, the exclusion of mushrooms and mushroom products from the diet, the introduction of turkey meat and rabbit meat, ribeye, salt reduction, correction of eating behavior. Dotrimuyuchis usіh tsikh, it would be possible, simple rules. you will help your body with more of the same group of drugs. Nadan melancholy in the form of a simple one proper eating- Unappreciated. Eating while stimulating ovulation is an important aspect in the life of a woman, which is to be changed once and for all.

So the very often suffers from the overdose of vitamins in the body, and so the dietary regime itself changes, which is not the same side. It's unbelievable how the woman's body reacts to such changes. For example, metabolism can change, which is due to the natural production of hormones.

For example, a lot of love for a rankovy pіdbadjorlivy drink can be replaced by a drink with chicory or a number of cereals.

Another important aspect, which is necessary to take care of is not to beat the diet, as if you were to lose weight. Really, at the moment, if a woman is ready for herself to vaccinate - not herself away hour for weight loss. Girls are especially important, as they stimulate the stimulation of the ovaries. Intrinsic fat really does not only give a cosmetic effect. Vіn, vrakhovuychi its structure, taking part in rich metabolic processes, yakі, with their own hands, can get involved in the procedure of stimulation of the ovaries, as well as on the residual effect.

In truth, taking it, women, like men and women, rarely think about the fussiness, and just about the shakiness of other products. Do not take it to the point of respect, what to bring those fruits and vegetables, as they are taken in by the "highest" children in quiet and other situations, they can be naughty.

When preparing to choose a diet, which will be your favorite as usual when stimulating the ovaries, be happy to be victorious, which is more or less shkidli these other types of products. For example, vindicate the power of seasonal vegetables, fruits, and yagid. Find out who stinks can help you so that you will live them today.

If you are assigned to the residual list of products, which you have designated as optimal, for the sake of fixing it in the table, or the excellent list with the spread by the hour, and also by the days of the day, if you are productive in the same quantity, it will be lived.

You can give the last option to your doctor, which you can evaluate its value, and also suggest, if you are a type of product, you can turn it off for other reasons, and also those that are not included in the proponated diet.

It is even more important to get enough calories to save on food, as well as the balance of carbohydrates, fats and proteins that are ingested in the body. It is also important to remember about the need for a sufficient amount of vitamins and microelements.

Crimea dotrimannya grub diet, importantly dotrimuvatisya zagalnopriynyatyh rules: vіdmova vіd vіvvannya alcohol and kurinnya.

Do not carry alcohol with you brown authorities. It has a great impact on the body, especially on the liver, as it is one of the centers of metabolism in the human body.

Vidmova kurinnya is so important, oskolki in kurinny shows changes in the endocrine activity of organs, including the vibration of female state hormones.

The unhappiness of a woman becomes a great tragedy for a family bet. A woman literally replays her thoughts about a baby, every thought about her physical inadequacy. It's a pity that today's absence is becoming one of the most widespread problems of friendly couples.

If a woman ovulates every day, or it happens very rarely, ovulation stimulation occurs. The starters of ovulation stimulation for a thousand women become mothers.

Medical indications for stimulating ovulation are blamed on depression, if for a long period of time, if you cross the river, with regular unprotected sex, you should not try to conceive with a natural path. For couples who have spent more than 35 years, this period is reduced to six months.

It is important for the result of the stimulation to be carried out by ultrasound control of the development of the follicle, otherwise this procedure is not correct. Without a hint to stimulate ovulation when human infertility.

The procedure carried out due to the presence of obstruction of the fallopian tubes can lead to post-uterine vaginess. Therefore, stimulation of ovulation may be recognized only after laparoscopy.

Preparations for stimulating ovulation

Let's figure out how to properly stimulate ovulation and how to use it for this method. Before the recognition of stimulation, make friends directly on the medical obstezhennia. Success is possible with the most competent protocol of the procedure laid down by the doctor.

Tobto accept likіv, the building of analyzіv, carried out obstezhen according to their own schedule, to improve the vіku and individual idiosyncrasies of friends. It is also a drug of vrakhovu, as if it would be vikoristano ovum: for EKZ, IKSI, or for filling in a natural way.

In the classical regimen, clostilbegit is started from days 5 to 9 of the menstrual cycle. In case of additional stimulation of ovulation due to congestion of puregon, clostilbegit is prescribed from 3 to 7 days.

The period of admission is accompanied by ultrasound monitoring of the process of follicle maturation. When reaching 17-18 mm, the woman takes Pregnil and starts ovulating in 24-36 years. According to the statistics, about 15% of couples are concerned about ovulation stimulation after the first test. Vіdіgає the role is also trivalіst that reason bezpіddya, vіk zhіnki.

Stimulation by folk methods

A rich woman is better to use the "natural" option of stimulation - the use of medicinal herbs. They take a hog uterus, leafing a red shield and a shawl for stimulating ovulation, which are freely sold in a skin pharmacy. For maturation of eggs, take 3-4 days a day, 1 st. spoons on one bottle of sprinkles with the infusion of shavlії in the first half of the new cycle.

Drink the pineapple of the uterus, rich in progesterone, start from the other half of the cycle. A small amount of progesterone causes the occlusion of eggs to penetrate into the empty wall of the uterus and out of the hymen. In order for the stimulation of ovulation to be the most effective, it is necessary to correctly calculate and calculate the possibility of conception to be rich in life.

I’ll take a troyand’s pellets to the vіdvar – it’s not only acceptable, it’s savory, scarlet and bright. Dorimuyuyuschisya folk methods, a person and a woman with such a romantic drink before going to bed, 1 teaspoon of obov'yazkovo can conceive a child

Such a phenomenon is explained in the presence of trojans of vitamin E, which gives a friendly infusion on the possibility of conception. Moreover, the women cook from the pellets of white and erysipelas trojans, and the men - red and dark erysipelas. To prepare the vіdvar, 1 tbsp is enough. spoons of pelyustok for 200 ml of dill with a step-up vitrimka stretching 15 strands in a water bath.

It is positively characterized by the intake of mummies in a complex with juices: oblipikhov, quince, carrots. Take the next lie and in the evening. The proportion of mixing is 1:20.

Stimulation of ovulation with vitamins

The need for micronutrients and vitamins in the future mother can provide proper and rational eating. It is our fault for the woman to provide the body with folic acid, because it is not enough in the body to become the cause of intrauterine pathology development. For replenishment of the body with another obov'azkovym element - potassium iodide should be added to the iodine strength.

How to conduct stimulation correctly in order to get rid of unacceptable traces? Hormonal preparations and spriyat maturation in the ovaries of the woman full-fledged eggs. Dosage and prescription of drugs for ovulation stimulation are provided individually and directly for the formation of pre-filled eggs.

The choice of the method of ovulation initiation depends on the cause of ovulation. If the reason for the presence of ovulation was not accurately established on the cob, it is unlikely that stimulation will give a positive result.

With the diagnosis of daily ovulation, it is not possible to take the schedule as a basis basal temperature single cycle. It is necessary to be careful with the cycles of caution. Otherwise, a sign of exuberance can lead to a future majestic shkoda to a healthy body. More often, analyzes for hormones will be carried out for a few times, in order to sing-songly change the presence of the problem of chi and presence in your body.

With the introduction of norms of thyroid hormones, human hormones and prolactin, it is not varto to start ovulation stimulation. The next step is to bring them back to normal, so that the stench does not override ovulation. Possibly, for the restoration of the norm of hormones, ovulation is also observed.

Ultrasound monitoring

Reasons for a non-single ultrasound scan. For the presence of an "ideal" 28-day cycle, the first ultrasound is performed on the 8-10th day after the completion of the remaining menstruation. Do not hesitate to conduct an ultrasound scan on the skin for two or three days. Tsya periodicity is determined by the camp of the uterus and ovaries. Apply ultrasound when the fact of ovulation is established, which was observed, or with the onset of menstruation.

Before the cob of stimulation, however, with any preparations, the results of the spermogram of a person may be on the hands, as evidence of aptitude to natural conception. Stimulation obov'yazkovo is to be strictly controlled by the doctor. Permanent ultrasound monitoring allows to analyze the body's response to the stimulation process and the development of follicles! It is only in this way that one can judge those who grow follicles and that the ovulation process takes place.

How to stimulate ovulation: the main stages

As a stimulation of the call of clostilbegit, then the 5th day begins with yoga and ends on the 9th. If you choose to stimulate menogon or puregon, it starts from the 2nd day of the cycle and ends here in 10, exact date vyznaє likar, vykhodyachi іz guarding the process of stimulation.

Date on the cob and the thrive of the stimulation procedure to lie down in the ovary and uterus of the patient and be treated without delay by the doctor, which is good, in the skin condition individually. The first ultrasound, carried out in a few days after the beginning of the stimulation procedure, is followed in two or three days.

Caution is carried out until the follicles reach 20-25 mm. To prevent the regression of follicles and to exclude the possibility of follicular cysts at this stage, an injection of HGL is prescribed. The dose prescribed by the doctor helps to "start" the process of ovulation.

Ovulation begins in 24–36 years after the recognized injection of CHL for a pleasant interruption of the process. After confirmation of this ultrasound obstezhennya, injections of progesterone are prescribed, or in the morning for additional support of the yellow body of the ovaries. According to the observations of patients, ovulation stimulation with clostilbegit is most often carried out before conception.

Healthy human factor, the doctor prescribes specific terms and the frequency of state acts and the insemination period of stimulation. If the spermogram is good, then after the injection of HGL, the activity may be successful, or a day later, until the end of ovulation and the elimination of the stomach.

If the accumulation of clostilbegit does not induce ovulation or the growth of follicles, then it is recommended that after the third recent course, look at the methods of treatment and conduct additional obstezhennya.

important: Clostilbegit is not recommended to be taken more than 6 times. Drug abuse can cause ovarian failure and become the cause of "early menopause". And ce to put a threat further away, try bezplydya s vikoristannyam vlasnyh eggs.

For such a result, you will be satisfied with EKO with donor eggs. As a drug with a clearly pronounced antiestrogenic effect, the use of clostilbegit in case of problems with the growth of the endometrium is not more likely to be indicated.

Before carrying out the juicy procedures and diagnostics, there were changes in the presence of acute ignition processes, as well as contraindications, the shards carry the risk of the appearance of an aggravated state of the patient.

In the middle of the menstrual cycle in the ovary of a healthy woman, the follicle of the egg is removed from the empty stomach. When damaged natural process ovulation stimulation is carried out with the help of special medical devices - ovulation inducers. The most commonly used drugs for stimulating ovulation are Clostylbegit.

Stimulation of ovulation by the gonal and menopur to stimulate the endocrine insufficiency of the pituitary gland with hormones and control the process of maturation of the follicle and the onset of ovulation in the body of the woman. Vypuskayutsya as an injection, injections of stimulation of ovulation are prescribed internally and administered subcutaneously. The scheme of stimulation of ovulation is formed depending on the established type of ovulation disorder and the period for which the disorder is indicated.

Ultrasound monitoring during this period allows the growth of several follicles at once. A skin glance is accompanied by a small number of follicles, which grow, mimic their diameter and designate the comrade of the mucous uterus.

If the diameter of the leading follicle reaches no less than 17 millimeters, Pregnil enters into action, which calls out the egg cells from the follicle. It is necessary to carry out intrauterine insemination with the sperm of a human donor, or to carry out a state act.

A positive effect is given by the stimulation of ovulation by the gonal, confirming this, the women, who have successfully occupied and not barred the celebration of the head podia in their lives.

Stimulation of ovulation may be carried out with the following medical conditions:

  • Syphilis;
  • Hepatitis B and C;
  • Ultrasound of milk worms;
  • smear (female);
  • A smear for oncocytology (female); Test for the detection of chlamydia, candida, trichomonas, ureaplasma, gardnerella, mycoplasma;
  • Passage of the fallopian tubes;

Obov'yazkova umova - visnovok doctor-therapist about the building of a woman before wine-making

Doslіdzhuєtsya blood for the presence of antibodies, and also, and immunity to rubella. The passage of the fallopian tubes is one of the most important minds of the present vagity, the occlusion itself occurs here.

To assess the throughput, a few methods are used:

  • Laparoscopy;
  • Metrosalpingography;
  • Transvaginal hydrolaparoscopy.

The evaluation method is selected by the doctor on the basis of actual indications. In case of inflammation or injury of the mucous membrane of the uterus, intrauterine spiral perform hysteroscopy of the empty uterus.

Day of ovulation can be caused by:

  1. Poor hormonal imbalance, the cause of which may be caused by the adoption of anti-parasitic diseases. The organism needs an hour for the complete renewal of its functions. At the same time, you can drink a sprig of months.
  2. Intensive sports, illness, stress and other, physical and serious psychological challenges.
  3. Overworld thinness and appearance of fatty tissues.
  4. Clinical causes, such as polycystic ovaries and impaired functions of the hypophysis.

Stimulation of ovulation is one of the most wide-ranging methods for successful pregnancy. Prior to the beginning of the procedure, anterior obstruction of the ovaries for the detection of possible contraindications before stimulation

As a result, further studies may indicate an early estrogen therapy, or it may require an ovulation stimulation scheme and dosing, which is necessary for the creation of optimal minds and the elimination of a successful test.

With multifollicular ovaries, ovulation stimulation can lead to rich vagility. We appreciate that a sprat of larger follicles is established in the ovaries at once. Ovaries with non-specific follicles can be tested for ultrasound and other periods of the cycle.

The development of follicles can be delayed when taking hormonal contraceptives, when breastfeeding, in older women, with severe weight loss, obesity, damaged thyroid glands and other endocrine diseases. Vagity with such ovaries is generally summative and it is normal for the presence of other disorders.

Active patients with multifollicular ovaries are distinguished from the understanding of polycystic ovaries. However, the main feature of multifollicular ovaries in the form of polycystic diseases is the normal condition of the ovary.

The number of follicles does not exceed 7-8, the diameter is 4-10 mm, and the amount of LH and FSH, insulin, testosterone in the blood is at the norm. Thus, the diagnosis of multifollicular ovaries cannot be attributed to illness. Shvidshe, chain camp, which is not the cause of the absence, disruption of the monthly menstrual cycle and in.

With polycystic ovaries, testosterone and insulin increase. The volume of the ovaries is larger, the capsule of the ovary is enlarged. Stimulation of ovulation in polycystic disease includes hormonal therapy, as it reduces the level of human hormones. Already for the first few months after the recognition of the drug, there was a poor result. Prior to preparations that stimulate ovulation, apply clomiphene citrate and metformin.

The problem of bezplodnostі - the central problem of a friendly bet. In half of the depressions, the cause is in a person without a child. Axis why obstezhennya assign both friends. To obstezhennya people conduct a spermogram, yak spend 3-5 days after death.

Stimulation of ovulation in ECD

ECO (Extracorporeal Flooding) took place before 1978 in England. Zastosovuyt method for bezplyddi, caused by problems of the fallopian tubes, ovulation, spermatozoa quality. EKZ zastosovuyut for the conception of children by women in 45 years.

The method of transferring the eggs to the body of a woman with the advance placement of the embryo into the uterus. Obviously, the price of IVF for the method of ovulation stimulation is the highest in comparison with other methods.

The main indications for stosuvannya EKZ - defects and or lack of fallopian tubes. Extracorporeal flooding is recommended in case of insufficient quantity or high number of spermatozoa in the human homeland.

In the period between 19 and 23 days of the menstrual cycle, a drug is administered to prepare the woman's body for hormonal stimulation. Further stimulation of follicles under constant ultrasound control is carried out. When the follicles reach the necessary expansion, the puncture and ovum break on the flood. The embryo after a few days is transferred to the uterus, and after two days a test for vaginess is carried out.

For minimization of possible risks, before juicing by the EKZ method, an all-round obstezhennia is carried out.

The main risks of the EKZ procedure:

  • allergic reactions;
  • ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome;
  • pozamatkova vagіtnіst.

The drug Clostilbegit is prescribed to stimulate ovulation in women and men for the treatment of oligospermia. Who stimulates ovulation with clostilbegin to confirm that the drug will increase the increase in hormone levels in the hypophysis and hypothalamus, after which the female ovaries stabilize and the maturation of follicles stabilizes.

Stimulation of ovulation at home

At home, you can experiment with aromatherapy with vicarious oils from herbs anise, cypress, basil, shawlia to stimulate ovulation. When bathing, add 3-5 drops of oliy erysipelas and lavender at the bath to normalize the hormonal background. Such stimulation of ovulation over time will be less vitrate, less expensive than pills that stimulate ovulation.

Stimulation of ovulation is invariably due to be carried out under the qualified control of the doctor and grounded exclusively on medical indications. The results of non-written stimulation of ovulation can be super-folding. Incorrect dose of preparations, lack of obstezhennyam can cause wrong damage to the woman's body.

Incorrectly conducted stimulation may result in rupture of the ovary or lead to an early discharge. In household minds, include in the diet foods that stimulate ovulation: grains, quail eggs, dairy products, vegetables and fruits, fresh (linen, sesame, harbuzov). You can read the reports of women who have gone through ovulation stimulation on the numerical forums.

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