The humanization of the enlightenment of the transmission is given the respect of the special. Humanization to illumine broadcasting. List of victorious literature

Test “Science. "Osvita"
A1. The sphere of human activity, the function of which is the vibration and the theoretical systematization of objective data about activity, is called:
science 3) enlightenment
philosophy 4) suspіlna svіdomіst
A2. Humanization enlightening broadcasters:

A3. What do you think?
A. Historically, the science of vinyl is known from religion, enlightenment, and mysticism
B. The development of science is one of the most important factors in the development of material development, social benefits, and spiritual life

A4. Humanitarianization of broadcasting:
strengthening the respect of the suspіlstva until the vindication of the suspіlny disciplines
creation of a unified lighting system for different regions
strengthening the respect of the welfare to the special, її psychology, interests, zapіv
the supply of footwear and language objects for the education of religion
A5. Internationalization of broadcasting education:
strengthening the respect of the suspіlstva until the vindication of the suspіlny disciplines
creation of a unified lighting system for different regions
strengthening the respect of the welfare to the special, її psychology, interests, zapіv
the supply of footwear and language objects for the education of religion
A6. Yake judgment є vіrnim?
A. The peculiarity of scientific knowledge is fielded in its theoretical character
B. Scientific knowledge is based on the authority of the past
1) true only A 3) true offense of judgment
2) true only B 4) wrongful judgment
A7. Which is directly irrelevant to the development of enlightenment:
politicization 3) humanitarization
humanization 4) internationalization
A8. Under the hour of conducting lessons and victors, individual tasks, a lot of respect, adding to the development of the creative abilities of the students, creating a psychologically comfortable environment in the class. Which directly at the development of enlightenment of wines is realized:

A9. Yake judgment є vіrnim?
A. Science knowledge must have a practical character
B. Science knowledge begins only if the sequence of facts establishes a regularity
1) true only A 3) true offense of judgment
2) true only B 4) wrongful judgment
A10. Under the hour of compiling a new initial plan for students of the 1st year of a professional lyceum, the course "Light Art Culture" was launched. Which one directly at the development of enlightenment implements the innovation?
humanization 3) internationalization
humanitarization 4) politicization
A11. Yake judgment є vіrnim?
A. Science is not the uninterrupted productive force of society
B. The problems that blamed the development of technology for an hour became the subject of scientific research. This is how new scientific disciplines appeared (for example, thermodynamics)
1) true only A 3) true offense of judgment
2) true only B 4) wrongful judgment
A12. For the needs of the countries of the EU, a European school of business was created, її filії rebuy at Paris, Oxford, Berlin, Madrid. Representatives of the various lands of Europe are trained in it.
Is there a trend in the development of education?
1) humanization 3) internationalization
2) humanitarization 4) autonomy
A13. Yake judgment є vіrnim?
A. Science is the purpose of artistic images
B. Science is the mind of the understanding
1) true only A 3) true offense of judgment
2) true only B 4) wrongful judgment

A14. The students of the State Technical University had the opportunity to get a diploma of the European degree. About the implementation of which one can go directly to the development of enlightenment?
humanization 3) nationalization
humanitarization 4) internationalization
A15. Yake judgment є vіrnim?
A. Non-intermediate goals of science - a description, explanation and transfer of phenomena of activity
B. The language of science is naturally recognized by the language of other forms of culture, science with greater clarity and perfection
1) true only A 3) true offense of judgment
2) true only B 4) wrongful judgment
A16. Yake judgment є vіrnim?
A. Science is one of the blinds of the political sphere of society
B. Science has a complex impact
Vіє on a sustainable life, especially intensively sticking to the technical and economic development and management of a sustainable
1) true only A 3) true offense of judgment
2) true only B 4) wrongful judgment
A17. Yake judgment є vіrnim?
B. Humanization of illuminating the creation of a single illuminating space for different lands
1) true only A 3) true offense of judgment
2) true only B 4) wrongful judgment
A18. Features of scientific knowledge:
their theoretical character
practical victoria
їх smіst in books
A19. The kind of activity of people, which is a directive for the acquisition of new knowledge about nature, the support of that people, is called:
education 3) socialization
science 4) learning
A20. Specialty of scientific knowledge
their theoretical character
practical victoria
stink at the books
A21 Veterinary zoologists observe the behavior of Himalayan witches in captivity. How is the function of science illustrated by this butt?
A22 Senior seismologists earth measles near the settlement of N., they got ahead of the misters' bagmen about the possibility of the earthworker. What function of science is illustrated by this butt?
A23 The observation of that rozpovsyudzhennya of non-viable, resistant to ailments, and swiftly growing species of domestic birds reflects the function of science:
A24 The students of the State Technical University were able to get a European degree diploma. About the implementation of which one can go directly to the development of enlightenment?
A25 For the needs of the countries of the EU, a European school of business was created, її filії are rebuying from Paris, Oxford, Berlin, Madrid. Representatives of the various lands of Europe are trained in it. Is there a trend in the development of education?
A26 How can we confirm judgment?
A) The science of thought in artistic images
B) The science of understanding is in understanding
Correct only A
Right, less B
Offended judgment virnі
Offended judgment is wrong
A27 The creation of that practical application of frost-resistant, shriveled varieties of grapes illustrating the function of science:
I'm creative
A28 At the beginning of the composing of a new initial plan for students of the 1st year of the college, the elective course "Light Art Culture" was introduced. Which one directly at the development of enlightenment implements the innovation?
A29 How can we confirm judgment?
A) Science is not an uninterrupted productive force of society
B) The problems that blamed the development of technology for an hour became the subject of scientific research. This is how new scientific disciplines appeared (for example, thermodynamics)
1) Correct is less than A
2) Correctly less B
3) Offended judgment vernі
4) Offended by the judgment of the wrong
political orientation of specialty
educated to national and light culture
transmission of knowledge, decrease, navichok
socialization of specialty
A31 Which is straight forward - irrelevant for modern lighting7
A32 The essence of predictive science is that
know and explain light
transfer the traces of the change of the current world
improve social devices
create additional resources for the economy
wide crowding of computers electronic applications training
zbіlshennya obyagu zmіstu osvіti for rahunok humanitarian disciplines
I will become stronger
the creation of a system of uninterrupted lighting
A34 Humanization of broadcasting
strengthening the respect of the suspіlstva until the vindication of the suspіlny disciplines
creation of a unified lighting system for different regions
strengthening the respect of the welfare to the special, її psychology, interests, zapіv
the supply of footwear and language objects for the education of religion
A35 For scientific knowledge, it is not binding
review of objective laws
the presence of the conceptual apparatus
experiment as a method of searching for the truth
logicality of the theory
A36 The sphere of human activity, the function of which is the development of that theoretical systematization of objective data about activity, is called
the science
Suspіlna svіdomіst

Test “Science. "Osvita"

A1. The sphere of human activity, the function of which is the vibration and the theoretical systematization of objective data about activity, is called:

    science 3) enlightenment

    philosophy 4) suspіlna svіdomіst

A2. Humanization enlightening broadcasters:

A3. What do you think?

A. Historically, the science of vinyl is known from religion, enlightenment, and mysticism

B. The development of science is one of the most important factors in the development of material development, social benefits, and spiritual life

A4. Humanitarianization of broadcasting:

    strengthening the respect of the suspіlstva until the vindication of the suspіlny disciplines

    creation of a unified lighting system for different regions

    strengthening the respect of the welfare to the special, її psychology, interests, zapіv

    the supply of footwear and language objects for the education of religion

A5. Internationalization of broadcasting education:

    strengthening the respect of the suspіlstva until the vindication of the suspіlny disciplines

    creation of a unified lighting system for different regions

    strengthening the respect of the welfare to the special, її psychology, interests, zapіv

    the supply of footwear and language objects for the education of religion

A6. Yake judgment є vіrnim?

A. The peculiarity of scientific knowledge is fielded in its theoretical character

B. Scientific knowledge is based on the authority of the past

1) true only A 3) true offense of judgment

2) true only B 4) wrongful judgment

A7. Which is directly irrelevant to the development of enlightenment:

    politicization 3) humanitarization

    humanization 4) internationalization

A8. Under the hour of conducting lessons and victors, individual tasks, a lot of respect, adding to the development of the creative abilities of the students, creating a psychologically comfortable environment in the class. Which directly at the development of enlightenment of wines is realized:

A9. Yake judgment є vіrnim?

A. Science knowledge must have a practical character

B. Science knowledge begins only if the sequence of facts establishes a regularity

1) true only A 3) true offense of judgment

2) true only B 4) wrongful judgment

A10. Under the hour of compiling a new initial plan for students of the 1st year of a professional lyceum, the course "Light Art Culture" was launched. Which one directly at the development of enlightenment implements the innovation?

    humanization 3) internationalization

    humanitarization 4) politicization

A11. Yake judgment є vіrnim?

A. Science is not the uninterrupted productive force of society

B. Problems that blamed the development of technology for an hour became the subject of scientific research. This is how new scientific disciplines appeared (for example, thermodynamics)

1) true only A 3) true offense of judgment

2) true only B 4) wrongful judgment

A12. For the needs of the countries of the EU, a European school of business was created, її filії rebuy at Paris, Oxford, Berlin, Madrid. Representatives of the various lands of Europe are trained in it.

Is there a trend in the development of education?

1) humanization 3) internationalization

2) humanitarization 4) autonomy

A13. Yake judgment є vіrnim?

A. Science is the purpose of artistic images

B. Science is the mind of the understanding

1) true only A 3) true offense of judgment

2) true only B 4) wrongful judgment

A14. The students of the State Technical University had the opportunity to get a diploma of the European degree. About the implementation of which one can go directly to the development of enlightenment?

    humanization 3) nationalization

    humanitarization 4) internationalization

A15. Yake judgment є vіrnim?

A. Non-intermediate goals of science - a description, explanation and transfer of phenomena of activity

B. The language of science is naturally recognized by the language of other forms of culture, science with greater clarity and perfection

1) true only A 3) true offense of judgment

2) true only B 4) wrongful judgment

A16. Yake judgment є vіrnim?

A. Science is one of the blinds of the political sphere of society

B. Science has a complex impact on the life support, especially intensively sticking to the technical and economic development and management of the support

1) true only A 3) true offense of judgment

2) true only B 4) wrongful judgment

A17. Yake judgment є vіrnim?


B. Humanization of illuminating the creation of a single illuminating space for different lands

1) true only A 3) true offense of judgment

2) true only B 4) wrongful judgment

A18. Features of scientific knowledge:

    their theoretical character

    practical victoria


    їх smіst in books

A19. The kind of activity of people, which is a directive for the acquisition of new knowledge about nature, the support of that people, is called:

    education 3) socialization

    science 4) learning

A20. Specialty of scientific knowledge

    their theoretical character

    practical victoria


    stink at the books

A21 Veterinary zoologists observe the behavior of Himalayan witches in captivity. How is the function of science illustrated by this butt?





A22 Senior seismologists, having planted a camp of earth measles near the settlement of N., got ahead of the local residents about the possibility of an earthworm. What function of science is illustrated by this butt?





A23 The observation of that rozpovsyudzhennya of non-viable, resistant to ailments, and swiftly growing species of domestic birds reflects the function of science:





A24 The students of the State Technical University were able to get a European degree diploma. About the implementation of which one can go directly to the development of enlightenment?





A25 For the needs of the countries of the EU, a European school of business was created, її filії are rebuying from Paris, Oxford, Berlin, Madrid. Representatives of the various lands of Europe are trained in it. Is there a trend in the development of education?





A26 How can we confirm judgment?

A) The science of thought in artistic images

B) The science of understanding is in understanding

    Correct only A

    Right, less B

    Offended judgment virnі

    Offended judgment is wrong

A27 The creation of that practical application of frost-resistant, shriveled varieties of grapes illustrating the function of science:



    I'm creative


A28 At the beginning of the composing of a new initial plan for students of the 1st year of the college, the elective course “Light Artistic Culture” was introduced. Which one directly at the development of enlightenment implements the innovation?





A29 How can we confirm judgment?

A) Science is not an uninterrupted productive force of society

B) The problems that blamed the development of technology for an hour became the subject of scientific research. This is how new scientific disciplines appeared (for example, thermodynamics)

1) Correct is less than A

2) Correctly less B

3) Offended judgment vernі

4) Offended by the judgment of the wrong


    political orientation of specialty

    educated to national and light culture

    transmission of knowledge, decrease, navichok

    socialization of specialty

A31 Which is straight forward - irrelevant for modern lighting7





A32 The essence of predictive science is that

    know and explain light

    transfer the traces of the change of the current world

    improve social devices

    create additional resources for the economy


    widespread use of computers and electronic equipment for learning

    zbіlshennya obyagu zmіstu osvіti for rahunok humanitarian disciplines

    I will become stronger

    the creation of a system of uninterrupted lighting

A34 Humanization of broadcasting

    strengthening the respect of the suspіlstva until the vindication of the suspіlny disciplines

    creation of a unified lighting system for different regions

    strengthening the respect of the welfare to the special, її psychology, interests, zapіv

    the supply of footwear and language objects for the education of religion

A35 For scientific knowledge, it is not binding

    review of objective laws

    the presence of the conceptual apparatus

    experiment as a method of searching for the truth

    logicality of the theory

A36 The sphere of human activity, the function of which is the development of that theoretical systematization of objective data about activity, is called

    the science



    Suspіlna svіdomіst


People as self-improvement, as a criterion for evaluating the social process, a humanistic ideal of transformation, which are experienced in the country. Progressive progress to the ideal is connected with the humanization of the life of society, at the center of the plans and turbot of what may be, there are people with their needs, interests, needs. Therefore, the humanization of enlightenment is accepted as the most important social and pedagogical principle, which inspires current sustainable trends and encourages the functioning of the lighting system.

Humanization is a key element of the new pedagogical thought, which solidifies the polysubjective reality of the initial process. The main difference in enlightenment in this group is the development of special features. І tse means changing the task, how to stand in front of the teacher. Even before you could pass on knowledge to the teachings, then humanization hangs out even more task - to adopt in every possible way the development of a child. Humanization will require a change of input in the "teacher-student" system - the installation of communication links. A similar reorientation is caused by a change in the methods and receptions of the teacher.

Humanization of the enlightenment of the transfer of the unity of the deep cultural, socially moral and professional development of specialty. The Danish social and pedagogical principle leads to a revision of goals, change and technology of education.

The key concept of humanistic philosophy of enlightenment is “humanism”. The test of derivation of yoga sense shows what it means to understand. These changes allow us to understand the various aspects of this problem, even if it is difficult to call out the difficulties associated with the appointment of a specific change of the very concept of "humanism".

This is how “humanism” is understood in ten meanings:

· The name of the epoch of Resurrection in various cultural movements, ideological currents, direct suspense thoughts;

· The name of the gallery of theoretical knowledge, yak vіddaє prevagu humanitarian sciences;

· Characteristics of the Marxist svetoglyad, proletarian ideology, socialist way of life;

· Designation of moral features of specialness - humanness, kindness and honor;

· Appointment of the most important factor of the universal development of specialty;

· Viraz of a special position to the people as the highest value of life;

· The name of the practical activity, directed at the reach of the deep human ideals, that іn.

A similar situation is guarded by the understanding of "humanism", as often is distinguished from the concepts of "humanism".

Humanism, as an ideologically valuable complex, includes all the other values, cultivated by people on the long and super-smart way of their development, and took away the name of the sacred people; philanthropy, freedom and justice, human specialty, pracity, equivalence and brotherhood, collectivism and internationalism and other.

Humanism most often stands as an understanding of the philosophical and ideological, as the name of the philosophical system, and to this end, the competencies of the philosophical sciences are punished. Humanity is seen more often like psychological understanding, which has one of the most important characteristics of directness of speciality.

A humanistic svetoglyad as a system of looking, perekonan, ideals will be around the center - people. As humanism is the system of singing light, the person himself appears as a system-creating official, the core of a humanistic light-gazer. I have a task to avenge as an assessment of the world, and the assessment of my place is for the most necessary activity. Later, the humanistic light-gazer still knows his own manifestation of a different attitude to a human being, to supremacy, to spiritual values, to fidelity, that, in fact, to the whole world as a whole.

In the psychological dictionary, the concept of "humanity" is christened "a system of attitudes of special social objects (people, group, the truth is alive), as it is represented by the experiences of the spontaneity and the spontaneity ... is realized by the interplay of that activity in the aspects of conviviality, spontaneity, help". (Psychology: dictionary / Ed., .-M, 1990.-p. 21.).

Also, humanism is the essence of specialness, which is the continuum of moral and psychological powers of specialness, as it reflects the recognition and sympathy of the establishment to a person as the greatest value.


2.1. Basic provisions

Based on the number of psychological and pedagogical achievements, we can formulate the laws of humanization of education.

1. Enlightenment as a process of becoming psychic authorities and the function of intelligence in the interplay of a growing person with a grown-up and social middle ground. Psychological manifestations, signifying, blame the process on the interplay of people with the world. vvazhav, scho child not to stand in front of the navkolishnіm world vіch-na-vіch. The first order to the light is always transmitted through the vision of other people, the reason for the inclusions in the connection (spіlnu diyalnіst, movlennєve that rozumovе splkuvannya).

2. Among the humanistic tendencies of functioning and the development of the system of illumination can be called the main one - orientation to the development of the personality. The more harmonious will be the spiritually cultural, social and moral and professional development of the specialty, the more the free and creative status of the person.

3. The enlightenment to the satisfaction of special needs, as it is, apparently, is focused on the “zone of the nearest development”, that is, on the mental functions, as already matured in a child and ready to a distant development.

4. Today is the real possibility of giving people an insight into not only basic professional knowledge, but also deep human culture, on the basis of a possible development of all sides of specialty, the appearance of sub'jective needs and objective minds, poised to create talent bases illumine. The development of particularity in harmony from the deep human culture to fall in line with the development of the basic humanitarian culture. Tsієyu regularity of delusions of culturological pіdkhіd to the choice of zmіstu osvіti. For whom the self-improvement of the specialty of light culture is the swift line of humanitarization of light.

5. The culturological principle of promoting the status of the humanities disciplines, their inspiration, the improvement in the form of primitive generality and schematism, the manifestation of their spirituality sacred human values. The shape of the cultural and historical traditions of the people, their unity from the deep human culture - the most important mind designing new initial plans and programs.

6. Culture realizes its function of development of specialness only in that moment, as it activates, pushing a person to activity. The more different and more productive the activity, which is more significant, the more effective it is the human spirit and professional culture.

7. The process of intimate, socio-moral and professional development of special features becomes optimal in character, if the student is the subject of training. Tsya zakonomirnіst obumovlyuє єdnіst prіlіzаtsії dіyalі і sposobisty pіdkhoіv

Osobistіsniy pіdhіd conveys, like teachers, and learners to be placed as a skin person as an independent value, but not because of the achievement of one's own goal.

8. The principle of a dialogical approach is to transfer the position of the teacher and the position of the student in a special-equal right, in the position of people, like spivpractsyuyut. Such a transformation is due to the change of roles and functions of the participants in the pedagogical process. The teacher does not develop, not teach, but activates, stimulates exercise, forms motives for learning self-development, develops activity, creates minds for self-movement.

9. Self-development of the specialty to lie in the light of the creative directness of the lighting process. Tsya regularity to become the basis for the principle of an individually creative approach. Vіn transfer without intermediary motivation of the initial and other types of activity, organization of self-destruction to the end result. Tse give the opportunity to learn and consider the joy of knowing your growth and development, in reaching your goals. The main recognition of the individual-creative approach is used by the minds for self-realization of specialness, and the development of their creative abilities.

10. The humanization of the enlightenment of the significant world is connected with the implementation of the principle of professional and ethical mutuality. The readiness of the participants in the pedagogical process to accept the vins of the turbot and other communities will inevitably be a step in the formation of a humanistic life. This principle is based on such a level of internal diversity of specialness, if a person does not fit in the right way, like in the pedagogical process. The specialty itself can create and furnish, viroblyat its strategy, svіdomo that systematically improve itself.

On this day, if there are no changes in the social and economic life of the country, if everyone thinks about the ways of reinvention of the suspension of vihovannia, we blame the need for new leaders to stand in front of us. One of them is the one that stands before the suspense zagal: the transition from the command-bureaucratic to the democratic organization of life. Innovations in society can show their appearance, for us in front of children. Stosovno osvіti tse means humanizatsiyu (transferring the strength of humanness, povagu to human goodness; philanthropy among the learned and vihovanni) - orientation to the child, її consume, ability and psychological specialness.

What is necessary for a mother to take care of a child? Why do I have the ability to and psychological features and for them it is my fault to protect us? Chi, maybe, be a systematic pedagogical injection of a child varto zovsіm skasuvati, rely on the natural spirit of yoga development?

Keep in mind the development of the mental development and the social center, which instills the peculiarities of the human race, which can conquer a child.

Psychic development is being developed in the process of human culture-experts of practice, mine, works of science and art, etc., otherwise it cannot be done. Ale ditina's culture is not independent, but with the help of grown-ups, in conjunction with isolated people. Vihovannya that navchannya - the most important forms of such splkuvannya, in which it is carried out systematically and systematically.

Henceforth, the nourishment of the need for a systematic pedagogical approach to the child is completely unequivocal: it is necessary, the shards serve as one of the main ways in the transfer of the child's social welfare, human culture. The posture of such a transfer of mental development is immobile. And on the right, like, with some paths, in some forms, the infusion of zdіysnyuєtsya, schob to focus on the child, to protect the interests and the ability to be the most effective at the same time.

Later, in order to gain a true humanistic character, not in words, but in deeds, vihovennia can be developed mainly through the organization and care of childish types of activity and care best mind in developments in these types of activity, psychological qualities, specific age and may be imminently significant, - we are in front of figurative forms of recognition of the world and social emotions.

The real process of psychic development includes a richer number of psychic powers and strengths, as it is necessary to protect when prompted and motivated. Golovnya is a development of a skin child in its own special way, in which wild patterns appear in an individual form. І as the appearance of age-old features of psychological development is the basis for the development of a global strategy to help reveal that appearance of individual features.

2.2. "My pedagogical credo"

The humanization of supremacy has destroyed the nourishment of the teacher's authority. Proximity to authority and authoritarianism, like one-root words and able to understand, problematized the idea of ​​a teacher's authority, presented new ethical criteria. Individuality, as the basis of learning and learning, turns the teacher and school of self-learning.

“Learn that uchn, we are ahead of spivrobitniki,” wrote. So democratization and humanization in enlightenment led the way to the development of initiative and self-reliance of the teacher and the teacher.

The complexity of the lighting process in those who are wines, takes a significant place in life, does not give an intelligible, visible, concrete result once completed. The result of enlightenment is further behavior, deeds, way of life. Therefore, the influx of the pedagogical infusion of any kind of illuminating mortgage is impossible to control without intermediary.

Kozhen, who chooses the profession of a teacher, take on himself the responsibility for the quiet, whom we blame and repent, at one time blame for himself, his professional training, your right to be a teacher, teacher, tutor

First, you should objectively evaluate your power, know your strengths and weaknesses, which are important for this profession (especially self-regulation, self-assessment, show emotions, communicative, didactic vitality, etc.).

In a different way, the teacher is to blame for the mother culture of intellectual activity (mindfulness, remembrance, remembrance, manifestation, respect), the culture of behavior, the formation of pedagogical intelligence of the mind. The teacher is an eye-opener, which is known, and most often not seen, inheriting the scholars, taking over those who rob the readers.

Thirdly, obov'yazkovoy rethinking and the basis of a successful activity of a teacher is povaga, knowing that understanding of one's own learning as "another". Learners can be a sensible teacher and accept them independently depending on what systems of values ​​are used, models of behavior and assessments; It also conveys knowledge of psychological mechanisms and patterns of behavior and communication.

Fourthly, the teacher is the organizer of the initial activities of the students, their speeches and at the same time acts as a partner and a person who makes it easier for pedagogical communication, to be a “facilitator”, for K. Rogers. The goal of developing organizational, communicative abilities is the ability to manage the process of acquiring knowledge by scientists, including in the active form of initial interaction, stimulating cognitive activity of yoga. The development of such professional skills is conveyed as a deep psychological and pedagogical knowledge, and also a progressive, systematic professional training.

In this rank, the professional quality of a teacher is due to the offensive postulates-commandments of psychological and pedagogical activity:

Revere the person in the study, the specialty (which is the concretization of the golden rule of old - standing up to others like that, as if you wanted to be, so they were set up before you);

Constantly look for the possibility of self-development and self-development (because it seems that the one who does not learn by himself, cannot develop relish to the vchennya, “reasonable appetite” in others);

Pass on learning knowledge in such a way that you want to master it in no time, be ready to master it in different situations and in your own self-enlightenment.

Tsі postulates є concretization of the main idea of ​​the thesis: less specialness is specificity, less character forms character. The teacher can be Special, all professional characteristics.

In order for the development process to be successful, painless for the child, it can be created a certain atmosphere, so called "humanistic space" (). In such a space, the teacher occupies the same space, playing one of the leading roles. Vikoristovuyuchi WORD, CARE AND WARNING (diagnosis), the teacher creates a mind, so the child showed herself. In order to help the child, you can use the basic rule - "Rule 7U":

- "incredibility" - knowledge of one's rights and the rights of a child, building a defense of yoga. The teacher is the guarantor of the rights of children;

- "success" - taking on the right, the teacher can give a positive result, so be inspired, that it will give strength to children that you;

- “distinctiveness” - you need to develop insecurities in yourself, children do not like “pies with nothing”;

- “reconciliation” - set fire to the hearts of the children, change them with respect;

- "importance" - a necessary mutual respect; respect the thought of children, respect yours. Vihovannya without povat - suffocation;

- "vrіvnovazhenіst" - in the classroom we need to cook to the fullest, not unobtrusive, but analyze and practice;

- “smiling” - it is impossible to live at school without a sense of humor. Smile - tse i assessment, i laudation, i pіdbadorennya.


Pragnennya to live in a state of sleep, be stolen by it, to assert yourself at the center of power in everything. To that, as a teacher you want, so that the children are kind, it is necessary to work everything, so that the vikhovants want to be like that, so that the stench knows satisfaction with good, moral vchinka.

Also, the teacher may have other goals for the future, more goals for the life of vikhovantsiv. Even for the boys, the idea is not vindicated due to special features, and those who seem to be a reader of love, are accepted in a different way, lower those who seem to be unimportant and a stranger to them. New ideas in the mouth of the rest become hateful.

To that varto it is more often to get up in the place of children, to understand: what to cackle, what to quiet, what to turn on, what to depict. Aje vikhovny process is attached from that to that moment, until the child does not understand why they blamed her so; the docks of the wines can’t wait for him, as they blamed him; until the guilt of bitterness, which was so unfairly inflicted on him.

Everything has an objective basis for the unity of the vihovantsia, that necessary mind viniknennya in all (albeit not all zastosovuvanoї!) Pedagogy spivrobitnitstva, as if ambushed humanizatsii and democratization vіdnosin zі svoіhovantsyami.

For the completion of all pedagogical tasks, there are two steps. One is imperative, if the teacher himself violates the task, zmushyuyuchi their vikhovantsiv rob those who need this future. The second one is humane, so that if the facilitator of the prague did not get the children to the top of pedagogical heads, that he would help them with her, to rob them with his helpers at the vihovanni, learn from that he himself.

The most important thing, as it is necessary to grow a child in the period of school education, is more like a wetness, faith in oneself, faith in those that she knows, she can.

I can only reach him with goodness, for only goodness breeds goodness. So zapovіv miraculous teacher - our co-worker.

Children are dzherelo nathnennya, and my obov'yazok, like a teacher, give them childishness, save yoga, be his friend.

“From people to three years - your child is your god, from three to ten years - your slave, from ten years - your friend is a child” (old Chinese wisdom).


1. Amonashvili tsili: A guide for the teacher. - M: Prosvitnitstvo, 1987.

2. Preschool education No. 8.-M., 1990

3. Winter psychology. - M: Logos, 1999

4. Classic kerivnik No. 4.-M., 2001

5. Pіdlasiy Pedagogіka.

6. Sweet Pedagogy.

7. Nightingale for all. - M: Child literature, 1989

Branch of the Ufa State Aviation Technical University near Ishimbai metro station

Control robot from discipline

Psychology and Pedagogy

Topic: Problems of humanization and humanitarization to be explored in modern Russia


Student group ATPZ-210

I.K. Timerbaev.


professor, Ph.D. n.

G.H. Valiev


I. Entry

III. The final part

I. Entry

Today, the role of specialty is being promoted, the processes of humanization are being activated as a guarantor of this foundation in the minds of the crisis of industrial civilization, which is influencing the formation of priority directives and valuable professions. However, in Russia, the dossi maє mіsce sharp podіl і navіt otstavlennâ humanitarian and tehnіchnіnі spheres of activity, mission and enlightenment. The system of illumination of Russia is divided into two weakly mutually compatible parts: humanitarian and technical.

At Denmark, the Humanizyu, the process of the storage of minds for the self -realization, the self -awareness of the specialty student, the storage at the university of human spheres, the formulars of the TsIn, the actual orientation, community activity.

Humanitarianization of enlightenment, especially technical, extending the translation of humanistic disciplines, burying the integration of their own light for the sake of systemic knowledge. Offending these processes are the same, supplementing one and the same and can be seen in mutual connection.

Speaking about the humanization and humanitarization of your professional education, we are guilty of mothers at the university, that the technical education in the XXI century about the language and language can help to improve the quality of new engineering (project) activity dovkillam, Suspіlstvo, people, tobto. the activity of fakhivtsya can be but humanist. The solution to the problem of humanitarization study in technical universities can be traced to such directives:

expansion of the nomenclature of disciplines of the humanist profile;

ensuring the interpenetration of humanistic knowledge and non-humanitarian disciplines (natural sciences and technical), as well as humanistic knowledge includes the sciences about people, the sciences about society, the sciences about the interaction between people and society, the prediction of human processes and the development of people;

interdisciplinarity of education;

navchannya rozvyazannya scientific and technical problems in the inter-technical and humanitarian spheres;

student security technical university other humanitarian and social and economic specialties;

strengthening the preparation of fahivtsiv in legal, modern, environmental and ergonomic galuzahs;

creation at the University of Humanities;

molding students in a light-looking position, the basis of which is the fallacy of social, economic and scientific and technical progress in the light of the special, moral qualities of a person, її creative zdіbnosti;

special-oriented training.

humanization humanization spiritual enlightenment

II. Main part. Dehumanization of spiritual culture

In no way is it true that the weakening of our school by the stretching of rich fates has led to a sharp decrease in the level of foreign culture and the vihovannosti of graduates of schools and, hence, the suspense of a drunkard. In the century of the scientific and technological revolution, it is practical for people to beat the program school skills with screaming illiteracy and daily gusto.

On the cob of the third thousand philosophers, sociologists, ecologists, educators, the Daedal would speak more about the need for the transition of humanity to a new stage of its development. In the culture of technogenic supremacy, the cult of mass settlement, variegated roses, prosperity, an increase in the tendency of people's proliferation, awakening, and the growth of biotic and its centric cobs, which ruin the balance of prekill, grow unbearably global dynamics spiritual evolution Individuals are more and more transformed into a structural mechanism of highly direct functioning, which ensures life and self-expression of the so-called social "elite". In fact, there is a dehumanization of spiritual culture, its use of everyday meanings and functions, connected with greater values, straightening to spiritual life, to the ideals of non-sense, altruism, benevolence, etc. Similar is the situation to the point where especially actuality is becoming nurtured, what kind of human being, what will be the values ​​and ideals, what further path will there be between the social and natural environment? Nutrients know their own way in the concepts of possible variants of the future civilization. The lighting system is working on them, and such negative trends are growing in them, as they are introducing subjects into the primary and secondary process, formally putting them up to enlightenment activity, and strengthening the school life of those others.

At the same time, about those dynamics and folding processes, as in society and spiritual culture, it is inevitable to lead to the fact that the role of the sovereign lighting system in the life of the suspіlstva will become stronger rіk y rіk.

At to the current world the very system of enlightening the broad meaning of the word building is to lay the foundation for success in all spheres of life, to accept the solution of the global problems of modernity, to expand the cultural interaction of the country and peoples. For singing minds, the very enlightenment was called to accept the molding of fundamentally new ideas of thought, necessary for the further evolution of mankind. However, its creative potential of enlightenment is not in the capacity to be realized, but it is limited by the attitudes and dogmas of the technogenic society, which ignore the spiritual needs and values ​​of the individual.

Radian's system of illumination - in order of Japanese, American, French, English, German: skin behind its own - lay down to the strongest lighting systems of the world. Tse does not mean that in it, as in all rehabilitated, there were no shortcomings. The main one of them: there was a bula (and is abandoned) overwhelmed by the barracks-repressive. Barracks - that means, succesfully went one comb, for one program - from the first child prodigy to the rest of the double. Repressive - that means, trained under the fear of slandering the public "dvіyki", vikliku to the school of the fathers and other humiliations. To which one can add the epithet "convict", to that the number of lessons learned goes off scale for ten, and the marriage anniversary on the shoes of the schoolchildren at home - chi is no more, less than a year in the production. I want the consequences - truly catastrophic, through a complex set of reasons, everything is left without change. Zvichayno, such a camp gives birth to the middle of teachers, fathers and teachers of the movement of protest - for the time being, it is still spontaneous. One of the manifestations of such a disruption is leaving school, skipping lessons, and sabotaging homework. Otherwise - the formation that starts, the ideology of humanization enlightenment. For all three aspects. Today, just like yesterday, the school program is entirely directed to the entrance to Vishu. Moreover, from all subjects to a row. I understood, tse riches are not vlashtovu. Therefore, the idea of ​​differentiation of education is popularized - supplementing a single basic program "put in" for gifted schoolchildren, a series of correctional programs that are more aware of learning less about this and other subject of special education. It turns out that all programs are equal in order, and nutrition is less in that, having chosen a schoolboy from them, it is adequate to the plans of further education and more work. It is a lowly public opinion - today it is so morally unacceptable, as if it were a public slut in a class. Ale, how to testify to the knowledge, learning without evaluation of taking away knowledge is pure fiction. What can replace the anachronistic belittling of the specificity of the students? There are propositions about the transition of the current school to the university system, for the replacement of grades with tests, for the replacement of public assessments with the confidence of the teacher of that school. The food on the floor is more folding, which means less social and pedagogical experiment. And the flooring is not necessary, so you need to proceed to the yogo cherry of the yakomoga swidshe. In fact, the 80-year-old schoolboy's first year - tse, zrozumіlo, loudly. Therefore, it is necessary for the zhorstkі legislators to come in for її obmezhennya (including homework) 24-40 years different classes schools. Ale would have been pardoned to rewrite the reshta for 40 years at the column "nothing to be broken". Discussed is the idea of ​​transferring this year to the subsystem of supplementary education - to interschool and school clubs for interests, but it is possible to get more knowledge, mind, learn to learn not "for a sign", but "for an interest". If you want to study the humanitarization of enlightenment, then under it, sing out to increase the number of years in the school programs in the humanities subjects for the account of the natural and scientific cycle, which has risen above the world, especially mathematics. You can come to these teachers, as if to put the food on a wider scale: work in schools, emphasis on science (and natural, and supple), and in all other forms of suppleness, supremacy. Mayuchi on uvazi could be more high culture schoolboy - і science, і svіtoglyadn, і artistic, і ethic, і legal, і political, і - not left black - religious. Zvichayno, it is necessary to go beyond the lesson - vzagali for the period of the working day of the schoolboy, be it її trivality. At the link of the tsim hour, nareshti, go from slіv to prіvіdzhennі pogosvіsnogo "shkolotsentrizma", navityat stosuєstsya and cob, and middle, and higher schools. It is impossible to forget that this and іnsha - only three of nine equal order subsystems, without which modern minds can not enlighten effectively. They rely on the education system of education of the fathers, global preschool education, global secondary professional education, promotion of qualifications and retraining of personnel, self-education of grown-ups and supplementary education. I tse - not seeming already about the computerization of enlightenment, what has begun, like a new kind of information system "teacher-teacher".

Spiritual development of the special Russian system of illumination

The current situation in the world, which is characterized by, zokrema, viniknenniya and superimposed aggravated global problems, showing that if humanity continues to care about the principles of calmness and "panuvannya" over nature, technocratic strategy and short-term pragmatism, then history is nearing completion.

The current situation in our country is no less characterized by political instability, the transition to market economy and so on, but also a deep light-seeing crisis. For example, take more than the collection of Russian literature from schools, because the situation in education is not respected. Putin with the widow A Solzhenitsya. We are experiencing, figuratively seemingly, the "epoch of homelessness": a person feels zanedbanoy in a baiduzhi before her and stupid world. Before the Russian suspіlstvo, which dvichi recognized in the 20th century the "disintegration of the call of the hours," the problem of the sense of life arose for all intents and purposes. Our society will require the introduction of the connection of hours, the development of new cultures, ways of solving the problem of complacency.

Vishcha school nіdkhodit vіd іdeologіzovannogo navchannya, domineering totalitarian political system, in view of the state's monopoly on lighting, usvіdomlyuє negative consequences of the technocratic approach to illuminating, are guided by the zhorst rules of the fence, which galvanize the initiative, to attract the creativity of the sub'єktіv illuminating. Today, young people are coming to school, molding them into the minds of a radical change in the political and economic system, strimkoy social differentiation, and the destruction of numerous moral guidelines.

Appointed factors (the number of їх is easy to increase) to speak, in essence, about one thing: the support of the pragmatic economic efficiency, technical achievements, panuvannya over nature, the advancement of equal savings. unforgivably little respect for the person himself. Necessary humanization of the whole life and, over the rest of the black, the system of illumination.

The uneasiness of the vastness of the vastness of this situation is connected with the processes of reforming the Russian system of education, which is being destroyed, and far from all reforms are oriented towards the vector of spiritual development of specialness. At the bottom, the idea came up to resist the trends of dehumanization and development, whole models and technologies in education, approaching the people, to the world of culture. For example, special-orientation, culture-like, culture-creating, culture-creating models in science (A.G. Asmolov, A.P. Valitska, Yu.V. Senko et al.). These positions are similar to those of the other world in the lighting doctrine of our state, in the Federal component of the state lighting standards of the pochatkovo, zagalnoy, main zagalnoy and middle (newly) zagalnyy otveti. They have an emphasis on "shifting a positive emotional-valuable attitude to a superfluous world, ecological and spiritual and moral culture, patriotic feelings; take part in creative activities in nature and suppleness, save and improve your health." In this order, in fact, there is a need for the process of enlightenment to be spawned by the other world with the processes of spiritual development of specialness, the theory and practice, which is far from unambiguously presented in scientifically-recent and methodical literature.

Under the spiritual vihovanniy we understand the process, and the result of the formation of a valuable setting of learning to life with the improvement of the opening of new deep creative beginnings, the creative potential is overestimated in all types of activity, the method of such, zreshtoyu, becomes the affirmation of goodness, goodness, beauty, humanism). Similar diyalnist in vtіlyuє vishchі zrazki spirituality people, її directing to the sacramental good, to the perfection of his life on the paths of morality, serving people, unity of strength to the mind, the soul of that heart is thin.

The role of humanization in contemporary education. Laws of humanization of enlightenment

The Russian industry is going through a turning point in its development. Vono is characterized by a reassessment of values, criticism and subordination of that which inspires a distant move forward. With the greatest humanist mark of the social development, the establishment of the people as the greatest value of the buttya is becoming.

People as self-improvement, as a criterion for evaluating the social process, a humanistic ideal of transformation, which are experienced in the country. Progressive progress to the ideal is connected with the humanization of the life of society, at the center of the plans and turbot of what may be, there are people with their needs, interests, needs. Therefore, the humanization of enlightenment is accepted as the most important social and pedagogical principle, which inspires current sustainable trends and encourages the functioning of the lighting system.

Important aspect of the modernization of the Council of Vitchynoye, can be entered by the tendent, namili (I in the TII Chi Forms Pilzdini Dochas, in the science-dizystita, is the fact that the Glitherase is brought by the realization. These concepts are widely represented in the public literature, dovidniks, dictionaries, they were known to school assistants (for example, in the head books "Suspіlstvoznavstvo", "People that Suspіlstvo"). Therefore, it is important to omit the terminological subtext of the subject and activity, so as to often lead to the adoption of meaning accents in the pedagogical process and the significance of the other names directly in the thorough votchiznyanoi education. So, the Latin word " homoin Russian dictionaries it is translated as "people". Pohіdnі vіd neї terms humanusі humanitasto be inspired for an hour like words-synonyms for the same understanding of "humanity", although you can see different meanings in contexts. The term " humanus(humanism) in the hours of the epoch of Renaissance, to be seen as a light-gazer to anthropocentrism, to be thought of as a center of light-budding. , vіlny development of the individual, yogo natural inclinations and zdіbnosti. " human being" is close to the meaning of the concept of "specialty", the good of which becomes the main criterion for assessing the viability of social institutions.

A similar interest to the specialness of a person, their inner world, interests, aspirations, self-realization to know their own advantages in the humanization of education, in their special-oriented technologies.

At the same time, it should be noted that specialism can be highly "illuminated", be well understood on the basis of natural science, history, ethics, aesthetics, politics, law, and at the same time, it is not less than to solidify anti-humanism, extreme hisism, evil, lack of culture, aggression in life. Self-assertion and self-realization of similar specialness are considered for the sake of others, more humane and tolerant. In this way it is important to trust the fact that the child enters the system of enlightenment, even though the deeds of knowledge, reconciliation, ideals, tsіnіsnі orientiru. Therefore, it is important for the enlightenment to know what kind of equal culture that other specialty has reached; what she is doing to her life; what is right and what is not accepted; yakі vlasne human yakosі vzhe razkryla that yakі sche to be rozkriti at tsіlespryamovanomu navchalno-vyhovnym process. A similar position invariably conveys a stronger respect for the problems of ethical and aesthetic vihovannia, enlightenment to the active lightening process of children, as a way to encourage mental and physiological development, disabled children, incomplete evils and others. Not without reason, in the ancient tradition, it was understood that " humanitas(humanity) as a reference task, embedded in the culture of activity, in the state of singing aesthetic and ethical completeness of the cultural development of the individual. A similar camp was shown with greater manifestations of human qualities in that piece of the middle, as if the person herself created with her thoughts, words, and fillings. From a glance, the principle of meaning, I could understand "humanism" and "humanitarianism".

Humanism - tse animal to the potential of the best special features people: spirituality, altruism, creative activity, good will, self-alignment, vminnya virishuvat folded practical tasks and others. Vіn formє vrazhenu vіrazhenu Іndivіdіualіnіnії zagаl harmonіno rozvinenoї spiritualizoї svoobistostі.

Humanism most often stands as an understanding of the philosophical and ideological, as the name of the philosophical system, and to this end, the competencies of the philosophical sciences are punished. Humanity is often seen as a psychological understanding, which has one of the most important characteristics of directness of specialness.

A humanistic svetoglyad as a system of looking, perekonan, ideals will be around the center - people. As humanism is the system of singing light, the person himself appears as a system-creating official, the core of a humanistic light-gazer. I have a task to avenge as an assessment of the world, and the assessment of my place is for the most necessary activity. Later, the humanistic light-gazer still knows his own manifestation of a different attitude to a human being, to supremacy, to spiritual values, to fidelity, that, in fact, to the whole world as a whole.

In the psychological dictionary, the concept of "humanity" is defined as "enlightened by moral norms and values, the system of installations of specialness on social objects (people, group, life is alive), aspects of spryannya, spіvuchastі, dopomogi ". (Psychology: dictionary / Under the editorship of A.V. Petrovsky, M.G. Yaroshevsky. M, 1990. - P.21.).

Also, humanism is the essence of specialness, which is the continuum of moral and psychological powers of specialness, as it reflects the recognition and sympathy of the establishment to a person as the greatest value. Based on the number of psychological and pedagogical achievements, we can formulate the laws of humanization of education.

Enlightenment as a process of becoming psychic authorities and functions of intelligence in mutually growing people with mature and social middle ground. Psychological manifestations, blaming S.L. Rubinshtein is blamed on the process of interdependence of people with light. O.M. Leontiev vvazhav, that the child should not stand in front of such a superfluous world all the time. The first order to the light is always transmitted through the vision of other people, the reason for the inclusions in the connection (spіlnu diyalnіst, movlennєve that rozumovе splkuvannya).

Among the humanistic tendencies of functioning, the development of the lighting system can be called the main one - orientation towards the development of specialty. The more harmonious will be the spiritually cultural, social and moral and professional development of the specialty, the more the free and creative status of the person.

Illuminated by special needs, as if it were, zgіdno z L.S. Vigotsky, is oriented to the "zone of the nearest development", that is, to mental functions, as they have already matured in a child and are ready for a further development.

Today, it is real to give people a chance to acquire not only basic professional knowledge, but also deep human culture, on the basis of a possible development of all sides of specialty, the appearance of sub'active needs and objective minds, which inspire the basis of personnel materials. The development of particularity in harmony from the deep human culture to fall in line with the development of the basic humanitarian culture. Tsієyu regularity of delusions of culturological pіdkhіd to the choice of zmіstu osvіti. For whom the self-improvement of the specialty of light culture is the swift line of humanitarization of light.

The culturological principle emphasizes the promotion of the status of the humanities disciplines, their renewal, the change in the form of primitive generality and schematism, the manifestation of their spirituality and primordial human values. The shape of the cultural and historical traditions of the people, their unity from the deep human culture - the most important mind designing new initial plans and programs.

Culture realizes its function of development of specificity only in that moment, as it activates, pushing a person to activity. The more different and more productive the activity, which is more significant, the more effective it is the human spirit and professional culture.

The process of vulgar, socio-moral and professional development of special features becomes optimal in character, if the student is the subject of training. Tsya zakonomirnіst obumovlyuє єdnіst prіlіzаtsії dіyalі і sposobisty pіdkhoіv

Osobistіsniy pіdhіd conveys, like teachers, and learners to be placed as a skin person as an independent value, but not because of the achievement of one's own goal.

The principle of a dialogical approach is to transfer the position of the teacher and the position of the student in a special-equal right, in the position of people, like spivpractsyuyut. Such a transformation is due to the change of roles and functions of the participants in the pedagogical process. The teacher does not develop, not teach, but activates, stimulates exercise, forms motives for learning self-development, develops activity, creates minds for self-movement.

The self-development of the specialty lies in the light of the creative directness of the lighting process. Tsya regularity to become the basis for the principle of an individually creative approach. Vіn transfer without intermediary motivation of the initial and other types of activity, organization of self-destruction to the end result. Tse give the opportunity to learn and consider the joy of knowing your growth and development, in reaching your goals. The main recognition of the individual-creative approach is used by the minds for self-realization of specialness, and the development of their creative abilities.

The humanization of the enlightenment of the meaningful world is connected with the implementation of the principle of professional and ethical mutuality. The readiness of the participants in the pedagogical process to accept the vins of the turbot and other communities will inevitably be a step in the formation of a humanistic life. This principle is based on such a level of internal diversity of specialness, if a person does not fit in the right way, like in the pedagogical process. The specialty itself can create and furnish, viroblyat its strategy, svіdomo that systematically improve itself.

On this day, if there are no changes in the social and economic life of the country, if everyone thinks about the ways of reinvention of the suspension of vihovannia, we blame the need for new leaders to stand in front of us. One of them is the one that stands before the suspense zagal: the transition from the command-bureaucratic to the democratic organization of life. Innovations in society can show their appearance, for us in front of children. Stoovno osvіti tse means humanizatsiyu (transferring the strength of humanness, povagu to human goodness; philanthropy among the learned and vihovanni) - orientation to the child, need, opportunity and psychological specialness.

What is necessary for a mother to take care of a child? Why do yoga capabilities and psychological specialties lie, and for them it is my fault to protect us? Chi, maybe, be a systematic pedagogical injection of a child varto zovsіm skasuvati, rely on the natural spirit of yoga development?

The core of the mental development is the social medium, which inculcates the peculiarities of the human race, which can conquer a child.

Psychic development is observed in the process of human culture - the experts of practice, mine, the creations of science and art, too. otherwise, it might be possible. Ale ditina's culture is not independent, but with the help of grown-ups, in conjunction with isolated people. Vihovannya that navchannya - the most important forms of such splkuvannya, in which it is carried out systematically and systematically.

Henceforth, the nourishment of the need for a systematic pedagogical approach to the child is completely unequivocal: it is necessary, the shards serve as one of the main ways in the transfer of the child's social welfare, human culture. The posture of such a transfer of mental development is immobile. And on the right, like, with some paths, in some forms, the infusion of zdіysnyuєtsya, schob to focus on the child, to protect the interests and the ability to be the most effective at the same time.

Later, in order to develop a true humanist character, it’s not so in words, but in the right, the development can be important through the organization and care of the childish types of activity and the care of the best minds in the development of these types of activity, the psychological qualities, the specific images of us forms of recognition of the world and social emotions.

The real process of psychic development includes a richer number of psychic powers and strengths, as it is necessary to protect when prompted and motivated. Golovnya is a development of a skin child in its own special way, in which wild patterns appear in an individual form. And as the appearance of age-old features of psychological development, the basis for the development of a global strategy, it will require the manifestation of that protection of individual features.

The problem of humanitarization of education

Humanitarianism for us includes the recruitment of primordial cultural humanist knowledge and disciplines, calling for the formation of the subject's identity, which transfers the animal to greater ideals, primal cultural valuable ambushes, shaped by culture. For the first person, the divine (special) aspect prevails, while for the other - the illuminating (disciplinary) aspect, which is a bi-knowledgeable foundation for the formation of human specialty. In the teaching process, one aspect of the fever of the Humanist (people), having accused the Humanitarizati, is to obsolete, Yakov, they are ambiguously rosucema, and the yaki -navigy of the bugatolized and the most and the pririyahi is a focus of the people. soil

It is accepted that the word "humanitarianism" appeared earlier in the phrase "humanitarian sciences" and was introduced by the Latin Cicero. The term "humanitarianization" is no longer victorious in a number of meanings: like "illumination", "illumination", "illumination", it is clear to understand what is meant not only by the intellectual reach of a person, but also by the presence of a new honesty, necessary in the mind.

The basis of an hour of an hour, the antiquities of the Antiquity to the Vidrodzhennya got flooded "sir of Vil Misteztv": gramatics, rhetoric, dilalex, geometry, arithmetic, astronomers, muzika, yaki, and the lean is the leatherette integrity. The total integrity and social directivity of such enlightenment worked in a humane-humane way for their sutti. A humanist was an ancient mathematician, an average doctor, an alchemist and an astrologer, an engineer and a black man. In a number of pedagogical theories of European countries, the term "humanitarian", obviously, was victorious, if it was about enlightenment people - molded yoga after the image and likeness of a great ideal (mostly divine).

In the modern pedagogical theory, they see a low income, as they show different aspects of the humanitarization of education. Classification is advocated at the extreme positions in the understanding of the processes that are involved in pedagogy, in the methodology of the development of natural disciplines.

Heaped up by the greatness of humankind, the stock of humanitary knowledge in the daily enlightenment is only minuscule in doses. Understandably, the elements of human science are given in history, literature, biology, geography, instilled in physics and chemistry, but there is very little systematic knowledge about people and in schools. Even worse are those who, in their knowledge, appear in a disorganized and more importantly inanimate look. A living person with a soul vipala from the light of global enlightenment, and at the same time from it that spiritual foundation, on which a humanistic svetoglyader can be, process self-development of specialness, find, humanitarian enlightenment on various subjects.

Turn on the people at the light of day early enough to happen. As Alexander Blok said, "we need the whole soul, the whole life, the whole person."

In the period of the establishment of technogenic civilization, the opposition of two cultures (humanitarian and natural) reached its apogee, dividing not only the integrity of the spiritual culture of the soul, but also the inner world of the people into two dissociative expanses. Vinikla life is a necessity for creating a cultural dialogue, which was marked on the tendencies of humanitarization of education.

The first step to the completion of the process of humanitarization is naked on great potential subjects of the social and humanitarian cycle Humanitarianization in this meaning, first for everything, the increase in the part of the humanist knowledge of the global trainees of any specialist, the increase in the number of trainees of the specialists in the gallery of the humanities. Stosovno to spiritual lighting school- це збільшення культурологічного та соціально-гуманітарного компонентів в освітньому процесі, посилення уваги до вивчення суспільних дисциплін, таких як економічна теорія, соціологія, політологія, історія, інтегративний курс "Суспільствознавство" ("Людина і суспільство"), констатація їхньої пріоритетності у формуванні світогляду young.

The last step to the problem of humanitarization of connections from the process of establishing interdisciplinary links. Indeed, today, be it a serious problem, it cannot be solved on the basis of the paradigm of science alone. An important warehouse, whether there is any follow-up or an interdisciplinary character. In whom you can recognize another pidhіd, representatives of such a pіdkreslyuyut natural link of all primary disciplines in the context of an interdisciplinary dialogue, their daily unity - it is possible to create a vision of specialness, which will help form a solid light-gazer (L.G. Burlakov, G.I. Gavrina, V.R. Ilchenko, V.G. Rozumovsky, O.A. Yavorukta in.) .). Representatives of this approach slander on the integration of high school subjects of mathematics, natural cycle into a single subject - natural science, on the implementation of intersubject links with social and humanitarian disciplines.

The aggravation of all natural school subjects can be even more unsafe tendencies and consequences in terms of reducing the diversity and quality of knowledge of students of natural and mathematical disciplines. In addition, - active development of interdisciplinary links in different disciplines. In times of otrimanі knowledge (їх zmіst) have a clearly different and richer-sided character, so the stench is formed by the elements, the power of the summіzhny and organically mutually related sciences. So, N.V. Nalivaiko and V.I. Parshikov rozumіyut humanitarnіtnіst (illumination of a person) "like the sum of singing knowledge and death, possessed by a person, and styles of knowledge (krema knowledge about the person herself), humanitarnіst - tse steps of a person's practical self-significance in culture" . In this plan, humanitarization can be enlightened like a clerk, which expands in all kinds of activities - education, knowledge (self-knowledge), gro, intelligence, practice.

Humanitarianization was called to change the nature of all types of primary activity (and activity in the beginning), to remind them of new values. This is the transfer of the organization of the initial process on the basis of other logic, which focuses on the manifestation and realization of the undifferentiated integrity, the development of the spiritual and moral and spiritual and practical qualities of a person who knows that she transforms the world.

In this rank, the humanitarization of enlightenment is a collapsible, rich-faceted process, which conveys:

promotion of the role of global humanitarian components in all contributions to global your school disciplines;

inclusion in natural education of environmental components, problems and methods of social and humanitarian nature;

strengthening of cultural-creative directivity of social-humanitarian and anthropological disciplines, especially significant valuable priorities; - Organization of educational activity on the basis of the ideas of the wholeness of light, exercising to the harmony of nature, prosperity, people and culture;

the system of entries, contributions to the priority development of the spiritual cultural components in the light-gazing of the people, the formation of the spiritual and moral foundations of specialness is overestimated in all spheres of the community.

Zreshtoyu, humanitarization transferring the formation of a whole culture of the subject of primary activity, the aspects of which are:

.culture of primary duty;

2.culture of splintering;

.ethical culture;

.aesthetic culture;

.culture of mental activity;

.ecological culture;

.culture of the body, which ensures the beneficial functioning of organs and the organism as a whole.

These aspects of culture are related to spiritual and moral, anthropological, valeological, sociological and environmental knowledge, as they are constantly victorious in practical activity. The spiritual and moral aspect forms the potential for harmony of specialness, suspense, as well as a sign of specialness and suspense. In this and other forms of wines, they are avenged in all subjects (which are the humane potential of successful direct modern knowledge), due to the choice of a special complex methodology for developing and realizing the creative harmonic qualities of the subject at all stages of development.

From the appointed positions of the zavdannya, placed before the consecration of a new thousand, they allow to reveal the humanitarization of the consecration as a phenomenon, in which the ways of the optimization of global global processes, as in nature, support, scientific knowledge, are found.

III. The final part

In this way, in the light aspect, one can speak about special, humane-humanistic developments before the end of different disciplines. Такий гуманітарно-гуманістичний підхід являє собою особливу світоглядну та методологічну позицію, яка передбачає створення психолого-педагогічних умов, що дозволяють за допомогою предмета, що вивчається, розкрити в учні його власне людський потенціал і визначити шляхи самореалізації в системі соціальних зв'язків і відносин.

Such a pidkhid allows us to look at the humanization and humanitarization of the Russian enlightenment in the daily unity, showing their role in the global system of spiritual vihovannia. To this spryaє: the formation of a humanist idea as an incorporation of the unity of the logical-discursive, figurative, emotionally-charged, motivational components in the integrity of the people, which reflect the natural and natural and social and cultural rivna; zmіtsnennya foundations of the whole sky-gazer and the whole picture of the world; strengthening the axiological directness of knowledge of these problems of people, society, world civilization; leading up to deep turns of ethno-national tradition, which synthesizes different and equal knowledge (everyday, mythological, religious-confessional, scientific, etc.); revealing the spiritual potential of specificity, shaping the strategy of directness to the most ideals, which have little space in all spiritual traditions of the people; benevolence, the practice of humanness and perekonanіst at the correctness of the chosen path; the development of self-rendering specialty, building independent molding of ideals, goals and ways of their implementation; vihovannya high volovyh yakosty, strength of good will at the top of the main life problems.

Vykhodyachi from the liquor deposited, you can sprobit vysnovok about those that humanization and humanitarization enlightenment allow for greater respect to the problem of the spiritual formation of specialty, like wild rіvnem attained culture and її spiritual component, from the succession of life of significant zdobutkіv, which inspire and express the best human qualities.

List of victorious literature

1. A.V. Petrovsky, M.G. Yaroshevsky Psychology: dictionary, M, 1990.

A.V. Petrovsky, M.G. Yaroshevsky Psychology, M, Academy, 2002.

Modern science technologies. I.B. Shitikova M, RAIE No. 1 2007.

New sovereign standards of school education, M, 2004.

S.V. Khomuttsov Spirituality and spiritual traditions, Barnaul, 2004.

Philosophy of enlightenment S.V. Khomuttsov, Novosibirsk, SB RAS No. 6 2007.



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The principle of humanization needs to be clarified

Suggestion: 1 ,

165 .

Humanization enlighten broadcasting

Suggestion: 1 ,

166 .

How do you learn the knowledge that is learned from the school?

Suggestion: 3 ,

167 .

How does one view religion as a phenomenon of culture?

Suggestion: 2 ,

168 .

Write down the word that is missing from the next phrase:

"Establish science, morality, religion, philosophy, mysticism, science, establish cultures, religious organizations, the viability of people's activity is stunned ... the sphere of life of the suspіlstva."

Suggestion: _______________.

Suggestion: spiritual,

169 .

Write in the missing word: “__________________________________ name the collection of ideas, vchinkiv, as they bring the dignity and value of human specialty.”

Suggestion: humanismhumanism,

170 .

Find out from the list below the creation of folk culture and circle the numbers that indicate the stench.

Suggestion: 134 ,

171 .

To establish a distinction between social facts and forms of culture: to the skin position, given in the first column, to take the relative position from the other column.



TV series premiere


folklore group competition


holy day of Ivan Kupala

scandal over the participation of pop stars

revisiting a best-selling detective

172 .

Find out from the list below ZMI and circle the numbers that indicate the stench.

The circled numbers are written in ascending order.

Reference: _______________________________________________

Suggestion: 124 ,

173 .

Set the duty cycle characteristic rice that sphere of culture:
to the skin position of the first step, take the second position of the other.



credibility exercise




a sense of reality

Write down the selected letters in the table, and then the sequence of letters that came out, transfer them to the form of letters (without spaces and other symbols).

Suggestion: 1122

174 .

Set the difference between the sign of culture, how the wines are characterized: to the skin position, given in the first column, choose the position of the other column.



logical proof


aesthetically mastering the world

pouring into the emotions of people

complex description of the object

Write down the selected letters in the table, and then the sequence of letters that came out, transfer them to the form of letters (without spaces and other symbols).

175 .

Reference: _______________________________________________.

Suggestion: illumination

176 .

Write down the word missing from the diagram:

Reference: _______________________________________________

Suggestion: religion,

177 .

What word is missing from the diagram?



Testimonial: _________________________.

Suggestion: national

178 .

Below is a list of terms. Usi stink, krіm one, pov'yazanі z ponyattyam "morality".

Social norm; right; good and evil; spirituality; sanctions.

Know and tell the term, in connection with other understandings.

Reference: _______________________________________________

Suggestion: right

179 .


An analysis of the main susceptibility problems revealed by the graduates on the subject of the spiritual culture of the society, we understand “culture” quite well. It is overturned by the directors of different types. One of the most complex intellectual operations is the difference in the number of meanings of a given understanding, choosing the most important one. Let's go back to the butt:

The concept of "culture" in a broad sense includes

1) Suspіlstvo yak tіle

2) all material spiritual world

3) nature, yak recognized the infusion of people

4) everything created by mankind

The analysis of this task is to promptly induce the logic of the subsequent examination of the dermal variant of the disease. You can be a little quiet, as if at first glance you look like a pardoner. It is obvious that nature, which people have learned to infuse, cannot be included in the sphere of culture. Above the world in terms of understanding “culture” speaks and judges “all material and spiritual world”, shards of material world order and include nature with the help. The first thought is closest to the correct one. Analyzing yoga, pay attention to those who understand “suspension” more than understand “culture”, the shards are obsessively collapsing between people in different spheres of life.

Looking at the meaning of the concept of "culture", once again we emphasize respect for different yoga meanings. Guess what in to a higher valueunder "culture" ring out the sum total of the areas of creative activity, that is, what else is connected with the world of science; like a chosen image, like a bi art, religion, science, enlightenment. Can you understand the other understanding culture»: historically delusional is the development of prosperity in both material and spiritual life. In a wide meaning culture can be used, for example, as a universal setting of a person to the light, through the way a person touches, creating the world to herself; universal way of creative self-realization of people; everything that has been created by human supremacy for the improvement of history; the collection of forms and results of human activity, which have become fixed in the practice of the past and are transmitted from generation to generation for the help of singing sign systems, as well as the way of teaching and inheritance. The remaining two appointments are practically identical for a change.

The topic “Form and Diversity of Culture”, as a rule, does not come up in serious difficulties that are being examined. You can see two direct examinations of knowledge and understanding on this topic: 1) rechecking the knowledge of specific signs to understand “mass culture”, “elitist culture”, “folk culture” and how to differentiate them in specific situations; 2) the manifestation of the level of formation of the mind, connected with the operation of knowledge about the manifestation, production of various forms of culture. Qi are directly quizzed by hundreds of examining heads of different types.

The next element of zmіstu is “Mastership, yogo forms the main ones directly”. Let's guess, what is in the windows of the art, to bring the closest to reality (like, for example, artistic photography), the author's "beautiful" always appears, especially the setting to the navkolishny light. Vlasne, the creative process of the art is a virase of the author's acceptance of the world in artistic images.

Let's move on to the analysis of the element "Science". Okremі її aspects are considered at the section "Knowledge", but there the emphasis is on the specifics of scientific knowledge and yogo results and features of social and humanitarian knowledge. In the “Culture and Spiritual Life” section, we are called to socially significant functions of science, and the specificity is equal to the other galuzy of culture.

The loneliness of the zmіstu comes, which is being changed, - "Illumination and self-illumination." In the center of respect - social functions lighting systems, basic planting and development current system education, organization of the education system in the Russian Federation. Guess what lighting system it is accepted to understand the adequacy of the lighting programs and standards, measure lighting installations that body of management of lighting, as well as a set of principles on which it will function. The lighting system of the Russian Federation has the following lighting stages:

- preschool education,

- Zagalna osvita, Yake, at his own hand, consists of three steps:

Pochatkova zagalna osvіta (grades 1-4)

Main indoor lighting (grades 5-9);

Middle (povna) central education (10-11, 10-12 class);

- professional education, in which the following are seen:

Pochatkov professional education;

Middle professional education;

Vishcha professional illumination;

Pslyavuzivska professional education.

At the same time, ohoplyuyuyu skin from rehabilitated illuminating patches, di system supplementary education(Different groups, sections, courses, etc.).

Let's move on to the zmіstovnoї odinіtsі "Religion as a phenomenon of culture". I especially respect the brutality of the presence of a number of criteria in the typology of religions. One of them is based on the number of deities in the pantheon: religions are based on polytheistic(wealthy) that monotheistic(monotheism).

Another typology conveying visions of upcoming types of religions:

    tribal(archaic, “early forms of religion”), to which lie totemism, animism, fetishism, housekeeping, quackery, shamanism, archaic agricultural cults, cults of human spliffs;

    national-state religions, to form the basis of the religious life of other nations (for example, Hinduism, Judaism and in);

    holy religions(Buddhism, Christianity, Islam), which are characterized by a majestic number of followers in the whole world, cosmopolitanism (the stench goes beyond the interethnic groups, wears a “clothing” character), egalitarianism (propagating the equivalence of all people before God), active missionary activity.

Another important loneliness zmіstu, scho revіryaєєє, in the division "Spiritual life of the soul" є "Moral of that її category". By the objects of re-verification, sound, є zmist understand "morality", it is necessary to defy morality with other types of social norms.

Emphasizes respect for the lower suttivih positions. M oral- this is the phenomenon of human reconciliation, one of the types of social norms, the method of which is the assertion of self-worth, specialness, equanimity of all people in their pragnenni to a good happy life. The specificity of moral standards EDI Perelik of the initial assistance from training to its development for the participation of financial assistance to the development of 2010

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