An element of the structure of specialness is experience. Understanding the peculiarities of psychology. Psychological structure of the specialty. Folding rozumіnnya people as special

In psychological science, the category of person, individual, specialty, individuality are included in the basic categories. The stench is not always psychological, but it is carried out by all the superstitious sciences. To this, I provide information about the specifics of these categories of psychology: all psychic phenomena are formed and developed in activity and cohesion, but the stench lies not in these processes, but in their subject — community individual, special.

The problem of singularity appears and is self-sustaining. The most important theoretical task is to show ob'ektivnі pіdstav tіh psikhologichnyh pogostvennosti, yakі characterize people as an individual, as an individuality as a specialty. A person is born into the world already a person.

concept peopleє the widest. Tse adopted a classic scientifically recognized name for a special kind of living being - "reasonable people", or homo sapiens. Everything is comprehensible: natural, biochemical, social, medical and other.

Individual- a category that indicates belonging to the human race. For whom the whole understanding is manifested by the tribal belonging of a person, tobto. whether a person is an individual. Cerebration of loneliness (on the view of a person) and inconsistency (on the view of specialness).

The individual accentuates on human beings biologically, and excludes the social warehouses, the power of the human race. A person is a people of a specific individual, but, having become a special person, he does not cease to be an individual at once.

Features- A person who develops in partnership and enters into cooperation with other people for help.

Tse people as a member of the society, the result of molding, the development of that socialization. But what is said means that specialness is only less social, less biological characteristics. In psychology, special social and biological features are based on unity. It is only possible to understand that such specialness is possible only through the formation of real suspіlnyh zv'yazkіv and vіdnosin, to which a person enters. It is not for nothing that S. L. Rubinshtein said that psychology is special. In the same hour, the category "person" and "specialty" are not synonymous. Remain socially oriented people, as they become special, for the mind that develops in society (for example, in the presence of “wild children”), in interaction with other people (for example, in the presence of severely ill people). Be it a normal person, there are a few special manifestations, depending on the fact that a part of the succession of wines is projected at a given moment: family, work, education, friendship. At that very hour, the specialty is whole and united, systemic and organized.

In psychology, there may be more space and more, more sophisticated interpretations of lucid specialties, if you see those chi іnshi yakosі, yakі nibito act as its invisible attributes. Here, the special person is promoted even more than that, for example, who is independent, distinguished, high-profile. Similar criteria are, as a rule, subjective and important evidence.

The specifics of the suspіlnyh minds of life and the way of the activity of the people signify the peculiarities of this individual sign of authority. All people may sing psychіchnі risi, look, zvichaї pochuttya, in our skin є vіdminnostі vіznavalіnіy sphere sobistnostі, yakі y signify our individuality.

- The whole model, the system of powers and powers, as if it characterizes psychological peculiarities of special features (people, individuals).

Mustache psychіchnі processes zdіysnyuyutsya yakіys sobistostі, but not all act like її vіdminnі authorities. Some of us have a skin similar to all people, some of us have less than deyaks, some of us are not like anyone else.

In psychology, there are impersonal models of the psychological structure of special features, which can be seen from different theories about the psyche of an individual, from different parameters and tasks. Our helper mi vikoristovuєmo model psihologicheskoї struktury osobennosti, z rahuvanniy poєdnannya dvoh schemes, razroblenoї on the back of Z. L. Rubinshtein, and K. Do. Platonov.

One of the problems of developing special features and understanding of the psychological structure. In the other half of the last century, in the psychology of the state, there was a manifestation of specialness as the epicenter of the individual and the social. More and more psychic psychologists shied away to the idea that the very specialness is a vuzol of suspility, and it means that the nature of specialness is concrete-historical; singularity - the world of individual activity, self-expression, self-actualization, self-denial, creativity; singularity is the subject of history, which is based on social integrity. The main determinant of the formation of specialty in virtuous psychology is activity. Action is always subjective. Umovuy її zdіysnennya and її the main product є lyudina, as a rule, as a whole, it is definitely brought to the necessary world. Yogo svіdom_st is framed by the structure of self-activity, direct satisfaction of needs. Those that people take away as a result of practice, can be used in front of them in their manifestations. The submission contains those that determine the structure of yoga specialness.

Psychological structure of the special є tsіlіsnu sistemnu osvіtu, sukupnіst socially significant powers, yakostіy, pozitsіy, vіdnosin, algoritіvіv і і vchinkіv lyudiny, scho folded zhiznіtєvo i vyznachayut її її її її povedіnka і іyalnіst.

Psychological structure of specialty to establish її psychic power (direction, character, temperament, health), life dosvіd, characteristic mental status, individual peculiarities of mental processes, self-confidence too. The structure of special features is formed step by step in the process of development and the product of this development, the effect of the entire life path of a person. The function of such an enlightenment can only be done with the help of the mutual modality of special authorities, which are components of the structure of special

In contemporary psychology, look at the internal differences (Table 4).

Table 4

The structure of the special representation of the state psychologists

Features Structure Components

S.L. Rubinstein


Knowledge, vminnya, beginners

Individually-typological features

V.M. M'yasischev


Riven rose

Dynamics of neuropsychic reactivity (temperament)


Statement and tendencies of special

A.G. Kovalyov




The system is right

B.G. Ananiev

Singing complex of correlative powers of an individual

Dynamics of psychophysiological functions and structure of organic needs

Status and social functions-roles

Behavior motivation and value orientation

Structure and dynamics of visual

O.M. Leontiev

According to the author's opinion, the structure of special features is evidently the configuration of the main ones in the middle of itself, archiving, motivational lines. The inner lines of the main motivational lines establish the infamous "psychological" profile of the specialty.

Mustache allows O.M. Leontiev saw three main parameters of specialness:

    the breadth of the connections of people with light (for the help of yoga


    steps of ієrarchіzovanostі tsikh zv'yazkіv, transformation

included in the hierarchy of sensory-creating motives (motive-purposes)

    zagalnu structure tsikh zv'yazkіv, more precisely motives

The process of becoming special for O.M. Leontiev, the process of "the formation of a communication system of special meanings"

The most visible is the dynamic functional psychological structure of K.K. Platonov (Fig. 3). The yoga concept is useful in practical application (for example, when the characteristics of the osib are folded, they are selected in the law enforcement agencies).

Substructure elements



that social

Perekonannya, svetoglyad, special meanings, interests

Social riven (biologically practical daily)

Substructure of straightness

Social and biological rіven (social more, lower biological)

Knowledge, vminnya, novice, zvichki

Substructure of social security

Biosocial rіven (biological more, lower social)

Peculiarities of cognition processes (remembrance, respect, etc.)

Substructure of features of mental processes

Biological riven (socially practical daily)

Swiftness of the course of nervous processes, balance of the processes of awakening, galvanization of the skin; states, vіkovі power

Substructure of biopsychic authorities

Rice. 3. Hierarchical structure of specialty (K.K. Platonov)

Straightening. Figure individuals who enter to the substructure do not slander innate inclinations, but individuately break the group's suspіlnu svіdomіst. This substructure is formed by a path of vihovannia and includes reconciliation, light-gazing, exercise, interests, ideals, bazhannya. In these forms of directness, special features appear blue, and moral features, and different needs. If one of the components of directness dominates and may have a significant value, then it will win the supporting role. The dominance of directness signifies the entire mental activity of specialness.

The substructure of the directness of the specificity is closely related to the legality, especially in the part that determines the setting of the subject to the completion of the rules of law (moral principles, central orientation, svetoglyad). The development of the directness of the individual’s specialness allows one to distinguish his social look, the way of thinking, the conduct of motives, the rіven yogo moral development and rich in what to predict yogo behavior and chicanery.

Social proof. Tsya substructure on the basis of knowledge, beginners, smart, stars special certificate a way of learning, but also with a memory infusion, and biologically, and genetically inculcating the mindfulness of special powers (for example, building up to a quick memory, physical data, which lie at the basis of the adoption of ruhovyh novichok just). Qi substructure is sometimes called individual culture, or preparation, or rather, shortly called dosvid.

Through the substructure of the dosvіdu, the peculiarity is most manifested in one's own development, in the choice of different forms of activity, in the achieved results. On the one hand, the success of volodinnya knowledge and richness in what are the inclinations and strengths of a person, on the other hand, a great role in the advent of knowledge and decrease in play the directness of specialness and її motives.

Individual features of mental processes. The substructure is given according to the individual features of other mental processes, or mental functions: memory, perception, feelings, thoughts, emotions, feelings, will, which are formed in the process of social life. Learning psychic processes and other forms of fermentation of intelligence at once from acquired human knowledge and rich knowledge of what is meant by such a folding integrative enlightenment of specialness, like intelligence, which positively correlates with rozumovim development. The process of molding and the development of individual features of mental processes is being developed in a right way.

Biopsychic power. Therefore, the substructure of the general typological power of specialness, її states, age peculiarities and pathological changes, as a significant world to lie in the physiological and morphological features of the brain, is biologically framed. The activity of the substructure is determined by the strength of nerve processes, and it is based on the psychophysiological, and sometimes on the neuropsychological, right up to the molecular, equal. The molding process of this substructure is followed by a training path.

The different patterns and power of specialness, which are included in all names of substructures, establish the two most significant substructures: character and vitality, which are conceived as central integrative qualities of specialness (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. The structure of the special (K.K. Platonov)

Character, but the style of a person's behavior in the social environment is more synthetically illuminating, and the same form of spiritual life is manifested. Although the character does not express special features in general, the prote represents a collapsible system of dominance, directness and will, intellectual and emotional qualities, typological features that are manifested in temperament. In the system, the character can also be called the conductors of authority, which are placed in front of us morally and willfully, warehouses and basis.

Zdіbnosti ensure success in activities, stench mutually and mutually and mutually one by one. As a rule, one of the zdіbnosti dominate, іnshі їm podkoryayutsya. Podlegla zdatnіst poslyuє osnovnu, provіdnu zdatnіst.

All these structures are closely related to each other and appear in the sight of a single whole, which manifests such a more integrative understanding, like specialness. Not only the skin has its own substructures, which can be seen as a whole, in its own line, it has its own substructure, but the skin of rice has its own structure.

Having gained practical knowledge about the structure of specialty, the lawyer discovers an unestimated psychological "instrument" of analysis in terms of people, necessary for the correct choice of methods and approaches in combination with different categories of people and ways of self-development.

PECULIARITIES - 1) individual as a subject of social benefits and social activity; 2) the formation of inclusion in the suspіlnі vіdnosinі the systemic vibrancy of the individual, which is formed in the сpіlnіy activity and sіlkuvannі. Special feature - the inclusion of a systemic inclusion in the suspension of water is an individual, which is formed in the joint activity and connection. Speciality - the subject of the recognition of that active transformation of the material world, the support of that oneself (Leontiev).

Special features, for Leontief, two people are born:

The first people to lie down to the pre-school age and are marked by the installation of the first ієrarchіchnyh vіdnosin motives, the first ordering of the uninterrupted sponukán social norms. “Vuzli” of speciality are tied up in interpersonal bottles and then become elements of the internal structure of speciality.

Other nationalities begin to be special in the transitional period and appear at the appearance of the right to recognize their motives, as well as to carry out active work in their order and re-order.

Leontiev saw a sprinkling of special powers:

1. richness of zv'yazkіv іndivіda zі svіtom; 2. steps of organization of activities, their motives. So, a high rіven ієrarchіzatsії motivії іyavlyаєєєєєє ї ії ії ії ії ії ії ії ії ії ії people hіbіrіyaє up to the head yom motive-meti, named by Leonty's life method. 3. hot type of budіvlі speciality. According to Leontiev, the structure of specialness has become a configuration of the main, in sobі ієrarchіzovannyh motivational lines. Motivational sphere of specialty, continued by Leontiev, head of the rich top. “Internal spontaneity of the main motivational lines in the totality of activities of a person makes it possible to have a wild “psychological profile of specialness”.

L.I. Bozhovich saw two main criteria for specialness that was formed.

The first criterion: a person can be considered special, as if in її motives there is a hierarchy in one song sense, and in itself, as if she were given a lot of power without intermediary promptness for the sake of something else. In such moods it seems that the subject is building up to mediated behavior. At whom it is conveyed that the motives, which are given without delay, are socially significant. The stench of social zі svogo pohodzhennya і zmіstu, tobto. assignments for the suspіlstі, vikhovanі for the people.

Another necessary criterion of specialness is the building up to the level of ceremonial work by vlasnoy behavior. Ce kerіvnitstvo skladє osvіdomlenih motives-goals and principles. According to the first criterion, the other is considered by him, which conveys the same subordination of motives. The behavior (the first criterion) can be simply mediated on its own basis and spontaneously formed a hierarchy of motives, and inspire “spontaneous morality”: a person can not be seen, what he himself її zmusilo in a singing rank, but rise up morally. Otzhe, even if the other sign is so self-conscious about the influence of the mediated behavior, it is supported by the witness of the mediation. It conveys the presence of self-confidence as a special instance of specialness. That is the main way of the development of specialness - the development of yoga motives. A person becomes the specialty of this world, such a system of yoga motives appears to be formed by the powers of the soul. “The peculiarity of this is significant,” writes Rubinshtein, “what is more in the individual fracture is presented in the wild.”

One of the problems of developing specialness is the complexity of seeing one single person to analyze the structure of specialness. There are three main types of approaches to this issue:

1. ototozhnennya structure of the specialty of the structure of the physical object, tobto. element analysis. The structure of the specialty is accepted as a recruitment of officials from the figure of the specialty. As an element, the characteristic of special features is considered.

2. blocky pіdhіd: substructures of temperament, motivation, temperament, and past knowledge are revealed. Doslіdzhuєtsya character zv'yazku mizh blocks.

Z. as a system-creating clerk, those who are more dynamically illuminate the specialties are considered. such an illumination, in such a concentrated manner, all the power of special features, as a whole: installation, for Uznadze; need, for Maslow; dominating setting, according to Myasishchev. In this way, in foreign psychology, specialty is perceived as a formal category, it can be possible to have a powerful structure, in domestic psychology, specialty is accepted as a characteristic characteristic of that structurally, it can be represented (more artfully nourishing psychology). Psychologists see the same characteristics of specialness in connection with the sim of modern vicissitudes (Bratus, Asmolov, D.A. Leontiev, A.V. Petrovsky)

B.G. Ananiev L-t - tse specific chol, uzyaty in the system of yogo stable social comprehension of psychol har-k, kit manifests itself in suspіlny vyazkah i vіdnosinakh, signify yogo moral chicanery and may have an important meaning of yoma itself and env. L-t - qualitatively new enlightenment, which is formed for the benefit of the life of the people in the community (wine to enter the system of mutual relations and processes, in a sharp way, the social quality is especially high). Therefore, if you turn on the system of community links, speak to the quality of the subject - the bearer of information, the whale is formed and develops in the process of activities. Therefore, we are talking about the L-ty of the newly born, although the figures of the individual are manifested at the early stages of ontogeny at least clearly, at the lower stages of the century. L-t shdo pіznіy product of suspіlno-historical and ontogenetic development of chol (Rubinshtein).

L-ti structure:

Zdіbnosti- Individual-but-psychic person-ty chol, kit vyslovlyuyut yogo readiness to volodinnya determined by the types of activities and yogo successful implementation. Ways- high rіven razvitka zagalnyh that spetsіalnyh znan, mіn іt navichok scho scho suspіshne vykonannya chol raznyh vidіv ty. (watch food 32)

Temperament- dynamic nature of mental activity, manifested in the general mental activity, motor sphere, in the emotional state of the child. Temper-t- characteristic for tsgogo chol set of psychic individuals, scho z emotsіy zbudlivistyu, tobto. shvidkіstyu viniknennya pochutіv, from one side, and by the power of їх - from the other (Teplov).

Character- Sukupnіst-t іndivіd-х psihіch sv-v, scho folded in activities and manifested in the typical for this person ways of activities and different forms of behavior. (watch food 29)

Volovі quality- special personal sv-va, yakі vplyvayut pragnennya chols to reach the target. Will- ce svіdome regulation of your own behavior and activities, manifested in the mind to pay the middle and ovnіshnі difficulties pіd hour of zdіysnennya tіlespryamuvaniâ tіlespryamuvanih protsesіv i vchinkіv. (watch food 33)

Emotions and motivation (direction)- experience that sponukannya before the action. Emotions- mental processes that occur in the form of experience and reflect the special significance and assessment of external and internal situations for the life of people. (watch food 34) motive- Tse sponukannya before the activity, scho s the satisfaction of the subject's needs. Motivation The most widely understood, lower motive. Psychology has 2 meanings of this concept: 1) designate a system of factors that influence behavior (consume, motives, goals, intentions); 2) the character of the process, the whale stimulates and supports the activity of people at a certain level. Straightening- a combination of strong motives that orient the activities of L-ty and visually independent in the context of the preparation situation. Direction - tse installations that have become saints of L-ti and yaki in such forms, like pulling, bazhannya, pragnennya, interest, schilnist, ideal, thought, perekonannya. Moreover, the basis of all forms of directness of L-ty lies in the motives of activity. (watch food 38)

All the tricks of psychologists - L-t lie down to the social level of the organization of the people. O.M. Leontiev - L-t - tse psychol osvіtu especial type, which is born in the life of the chol in society. The supremacy of various activities creates the basis of L-ty, the molding of the whale is in the process of socialization (onogenesis).

Molding and development L-ti - L-ma not be people, L-ma flock. Integrative concepts (ciliary perspective of L-ty) - Ege's theory. Erikson: dotrimuvavsya epigenetic principle: people have their own personal development in the form of a people, the rest of their days go through genetically intelligent stages. I have seen 8 life-threatening psychological crises that come to the skin:

1. Crisis of doviri - distrust (1 river of life);

2. Autonomy - sum and rubbish (2-3);

3. Appearance of initsiativnosti - feel guilty (3-6);

4. Practicality - to the complex of incompetence (7-12);

5. Special self-determination - individual sir_st and conformity (12-18);

6. Intimacy and communication - special psychological isolation (20);

7. Turbine about the new generation of generations - “bewildered at home” (30-60);

8. Satisfaction with the life we ​​live - rozpach (60).

The formation of L-ty - a change in the stages of the skin from the whale, there is a qualitative transformation in the middle of the world of people and a radical change in the environment with people. New specialties of rice are blamed on the basis of the frontal development. The two extreme lines of a special development are normal and abnormal.

In mental disorders, the development of L-ty is seen in the process of socialization and development. Socialization- the process of gaining social awareness. M.B. regulated (tsilespryatvovana) - the process of vihovannya - unregulated (spontaneous). The process of socialization and social adaptation needs to know its Ind-t. The process of socialization develops steadily and does not attach itself to a mature person. The main thing is to lie in mature L-ty in the form of consumption until self-development, self-actualization (humanistic psychol). Bozhovich - criteria for a formed L-t: 1. Chol vvazhatimutsya L-tyu, as yogo motives are based on hierarchy, as if the building is responsible for the power without intermediary sponukannya (ability to mediate behavior); 2. a way to svіdomogo kerіvnitstva vlasnym povedіnkoy (with urakhuvannya usvіdomlenih motives-goals and principles). Etapi molding L-ty according to Leontiev: 1) pre-school age - the establishment of the first ієrarchical motives of motives (the order of the uninterrupted sponukan of social norms, to form the formation of social significant motives); 2) pіdlіtkovy vіk - the emergence of a pragnennya that way to ascertain one's motives, as well as carrying out active work from їх pіdіtkovіnnyа and repіdіrаkuvannya (self-sufficiency, self-certainty, self-sufficiency). In the process of growing up a lot of conductive motives of behavior, the floorings become characteristic of the people, which are transformed on the rice of your personality (motivation to reach the motivation of the unique failure, the motive of power, the motive of giving help to other people, the aggressive motives of advancing behavior, the motive of affinity ).

To the psychic of St. you, personalities are given the most important personalities, who will ensure a certain number and quality of the activity and behavior of the people (direction - motivation, temper, method, character, R ).

Current statements about special features and psychological structure. The most theoretically and empirically grounded model of the structure of special features is presented to us today by the model of B.S. Bratusya (1988). B.S. Brothers see such equal structures of specialness: 1) very special chi special-meaning rіven, “highly respected” for the choice of meaning orientations, signifying the global recognition of one’s life, stosunkiv to other people and to oneself; 2) Individual executive rings of real realization, in the yak of orihontazi, to the specific dialsti-Tsey Riene of the Sobe Druki Rice, Species I Yakystyniy, Psychoty, characterized by the Funny Danimi, regime.

Equal structures of specialness, seen by B.S. Bratus, are well suited to the introduction of A.G. Asmolov (1984) to differentiate in specialness the plan of the difference - the plan of the meanings of the women, which characterize the specialness of the special side, the side of the vanguard, direct motives, life and etc. - and the plan of development, which is to be such a structure, as well as the strength and character of the character, the special features of the manifestation of the special activity. Show the meaning of the plan A.G. Asmolov podіlyaє on expressive and instrumental. Psychophysiological rіven, a kind of bi-functional special structures, A.G. Asmolov can not bring up to the very special, and її rethinks.

Taking as a basis the main general logic of the approaches of A.G.As-molov and B.S. Tsey nedolіk polygaє y undifferentiated manifested about the current, specifically human rіven structural organіzаtsії special. It seems to us that here it is necessary to see not one, but at least two different equals, the difference between them will be fundamentally different due to their nature of structure and mechanism. Therefore, it is important for us to see three equal structural organization of specificity (div. Leontiev D.A., 1993): 1) the level of nuclear mechanisms of specificity, as they establish a psychological skeleton or a frame, for which reason everything else is built; 2) the meaning of rіven - a sign of specialness from the world, taken from the їhnої zmіstovnoї side, that, in fact, those that are meant to be understood by the “inner world of a person”; 3) expressive-instrumental rіven - structures that characterize the types for the special form or the way of the outer development, interchange with the light, and the outer shell. (Psychophysiological rіven - rіven of bodily and cerebral mechanisms - mi, for A.G. Asmolov, zarahuvat up to rethinking of specialness, but not to warehouse parts of its structure).

Our understanding of the expressive-instrumental level does not in principle differ from that understanding, like A.G. we are considered, entrusted with the peculiarities of the character and vibrancy, and navit roles, included by the person in his repertoire. The meanings of the rіven my rozumієmo are also similar in rank - like a layer of smyslovih structures, in some crystallization of concrete signs of the people with light, and they regulate their life. This rіven will be examined in detail at the coming branches. On this level of truth, there is a “variability of meaning orientations”, but there is only one other kind - the variety of meaning orientations in the process of the real life of a person, the realization of the world.

For the critical process of changing the meanings of the orientation of the way of the free choice of direct faults of the reflexive sensory technology, the nuclear mechanisms of specialness - the mechanisms of the greater equal. Number of nuclear mechanisms – freedom and viability. Difficult to understand their shrill speeches, which in particularity we know the sing structure, which can be called "freedom", chi "vydpovidalnist", chi "choice". Not elements of the substructure of special features, like, say, zdіbnosti, consumption, roles of vodnosini. Do it yourself, form її іsnuvannya ta samozdіysnennya, yakі not toil your zmіsta. In the process of becoming, that molding of special stinks occupy (or not occupy) the central place in the windows of people with light, become (or not become) a shear of life and life, and resemble (or not resemble) a golden light, which is supposed to be a sense of itself. Reminiscent of the stench of the stench of meaning, with their own blackness, they signify the line development of the meaning sphere, create those power fields, which form.

Special structureє nabіr nezmіnnih and stable dominion, as manifested by individuals in the most manipulative situations. Psychology has adopted a division of power into three classes: draw character, vibrancy and motives. In the skin structure, shortcomings in temperament are manifested, which are compensated by the main advantages of the nature of the skin individual. The specialty is a person, yak nabula singing a set of social features. Up to special qualities, they can’t get psychological, how to characterize the nature of specialness, as well as yogo setting to people.

Today's psychology characterizes the specialty, as a social and psychological enlightenment, formed as a result of life in society. Vidpovіdno, before the populace, in the skin individual vіdsutnі special features. The skin of a person is individual, there are few special powers that are present only in her.

The formation of specialness is a direct process of socialization of a person, directing him to master the supple daily life, which is only seen as a singing environment for the life of a skin person. Especially clearly see two different structures of specialty - social and psychological. Let's look at the skin of their report.

Psychological special structure.

Psychological special structure includes temperament, willpower, vitality, character, emotions, social attitudes, motivation. Psychology characterizes specialty as follows:

  • Intellectuality - obmezhenistvo.
  • Razvazhlivist, staunchness, strimanity - schilnist to the point, vanity.
  • Softness - callousness, cynicism.
  • Dobrozichlivist, gnuchkist, accommodating - rigidity, revenge, tyranny.
  • Realism is autism.
  • Goodwill, orderliness - inconsistency, dishonesty.
  • Vevnenіst - nevvnenіst.
  • Tact - non-tact.
  • Cheerfulness - confusion.
  • Comrade - non-comrade.
  • Self-sufficiency - conformity.
  • Variety of interests - variety of interests.
  • Seriousness - windiness.
  • Aggressiveness is kindness.
  • Optimism - pessimism.
  • Generosity - stinginess.
  • Self-indulgence is innocence.
  • The maturity of the mind is inconsistency, illogicality.
  • Calm (self-motivated) - neuroticism (nervousness).
  • Kindness, hatred, tolerance - swaville, egoism.
  • Kindheartedness, softness - evilness, callousness.
  • Willpower - lack of will.
  • Consistency, discipline to the mind - inconsistency, dispersal.
  • Growing up is infantilism.
  • Vіdkritіst (kontaktnіst) - closedness (self-sufficiency).
  • Enchantment - enchantment.
  • Activity - passivity.
  • Expressiveness - streaming.
  • Sensitivity - coldness.
  • Honesty - deceit.
  • Badorist - cheerfulness.
  • Smilivist - fearfulness.
  • Independence - independence.

Self-actualized specialty is characterized by building good orientation to the truth and actively accepting it; bezperednistyu and spontaneity in vchinkah and virazі good feelings that thought; accept myself and otochuyuchih to them reference person; the development of vitality is too thin.

Social special structure.

Conducting social follow-up special structure, I happened to get stuck with a number of theoretical shifts, which are important to induce the concept of specialness. The main element here is specialness, as they look like social identity. sociological special structure consists of subjective and objective
powers of the individual, as manifested by that function in the process of life. Tse mozhe buti yak vzaєmodіya s otochyuchimi, and independent activity. In sociology, it is extremely important that the moment of transition is assigned to that transformation that occurs in the structure of specialness.

course work

The concept of singularity. Її structure and development.

2.1. Vіtchiznyany pіdhіd……………………………………………..13

2.2. Foreign theories.……………………………………………..18



Relevance. The special development of a person is seen as a stretch of a mustache life. The peculiarity is one of the quiet phenomena, although it is rare to be confused by two different authors. Mustaches of special features, however, are summed up by two opposite glances of the development. From the look of some, skin specificity is formed and develops gradually to the point of congenital inevitability, and social sharpening in this case plays an even insignificant role.
Representatives of the other point of view show the innate internal developments and special features, while taking into account that specialness is a chain product that will be formed in the course of social awareness.

The problem of molding specificity is an inexorable problem, significant and foldable, which is a huge field of study. The very same signifies the scientific relevance of the researched topics.

Object - structure that manifested special features, like a psychological and pedagogical phenomenon

Subject - molding specialty

Meta robots: structure and manifestation of special features - follow up, analyze, vivchity


1. check the statement about the specialty

2. analyze the structure of special

3. see the officials molding the special

Theoretical basis for the writing of the work served as practical fahivtsiv z psikhologii specialty, such as Gippenreiter Yu.B., Jung K.G. , Freud Z, Platonov K.K. , Myasishchev V.M. that in.

Follow-up methods. System analysis of scientific and theoretical dzherel, later analysis danih, zagalnennya socially-psychological doslіdzhen.

Robotic structure: This work is composed of an entry, three divisions, revisions, a list of literature and an addendum.

Speciality - a specific person who is a representative of a singing society, a singing social group, who is engaged in a singing kind of activity, who considers his position to the point of giving him individual psychological characteristics. Speciality - a system of socially significant qualities of an individual, the world of embracing him with social values ​​and building the realization of these values.

Lyudina, as a specialty from a glance of psychology, is characterized by:

self-knowledge, which develops, is the basis for the formation of rozum activity, self-sufficiency, specialness in її judgments and actions and orientation, we are forward to know ourselves, make ourselves better and look for the sense of life;

aktivnistyu - pragnennyam to stay for interrealizovannyh opportunities, for interrole rozryadzhen, expand the sphere of activity;

the manifestation of the I-image - the system of manifestation of a person about himself is more real, self-improved, self-ideal, like a safe unity and the sameness of his specialness and appear in self-assessments, more self-revealing, equal domogan, etc .;

straightening - has become a system of motives: needs, interests, ideals, reconciliation;

zdіbnosti, dominion and power that yaknosti, scho ensure the success of vikonannya singing activity;

character, which is the succession of a person’s strong individual powers, which is the mind of typical ways of behavior and emotional response.

Particularity is most often recognized as a person in the totality of її social, swollen qualities. Tse means that such special features of a person should not lie down to the special, as genotypically or physiologically educated, in no way lie in the life of a slave. At the understanding of "specialty" sound include such power, as if it were more less stable and tell about the individuality of the person, which is significant for the people of vchinki.

Speciality - the whole person, taken in the system of such її psychological characteristics, like socially intelligent, manifested in nature's connections and connections, which are stable, signify the moral inclinations of a person, which may be the most important for her, the very same outstanding.

The expanse of special features can fold the structure and the impersonal vimiriv. Tі podії zvnіshny svіtu, yakі included osobistіstі, і tі vіdnosinі, yakі іnї vіdnіyuyuyutsya z ob'єktami zvnіshny svіtu, utavlyuyut zvnіshnіy expanse sobіstіstі. Appearing about the world and about yourself, experiencing different experiences, setting yourself up to yourself, self-control and self-regulation, living the life of the plan - all to become the inner world of specialness. Social expanse, up to which specialness is included, is presented to the inner world. On the other side, in activity, in activity, in intercourse, the inner life of specialness is otherwise manifested.

The way of life of a person, which is included in the incomprehensible unity of the songs of the historical mind, the material foundations of її іsnuvannya and diyalnіst, is straightened on їх zmіnu, zomovlyuє psychic image of specialness, like, at one’s hand, imposes on sbіtya sbіt

Instructing the understanding of "speciality" in science, the terms "person", "individuality", "individuality" are often victorious. Let's look at their vіdminnostі.

Lyudina Yak species - the representer of the fingers of the singing byologic appearance (appearance of life), and the fraudsters of the soil of the specific specifics of the Fiziology that psychologic rosvita, the buildings, the buildings of the Mesysty, and say that. .

Individual- a person as a whole and unique representative of the family with his psycho-physiological powers, who act as a change of mind and development of special and individuality.

In understanding people, as an individual, there are two main signs:

1) lyudina is a true representative of other living things, a product of a phylum of ontogenetic development, with specific species characteristics;

2) an okremy representative of human sleepiness, who goes beyond the natural (biological) coexistence of social life, as a victorist expert, signs and through them, control the power of behavior and mental processes.

Individuality- originality of the psyche and specialness of the individual, її originality. Shows in the boundaries of temperament and character, emotional and volitional spheres, interests, needs and special features of a person.

Якщо поняття індивіда включає загальні якості homo sapiens - представника людського роду як біологічного виду, то поняття особистості пов'язане з поняттям індивідуальності - з творчим заломленням в індивіді загальносоціальних якостей з неповторною системою відносин конкретної людини до світу, з його індивідуальними здібностями соціальної взаємодії.

The peculiarity is characterized by equal recognition of one's own stature and yogo stability.

The specialty has its own position, and the building is up to its vіdnosin. It is worth laying aside the development of the creative abilities of a person, її zdіbnosti, knowledge and wisdom, її emotional-volovyh and intellectual qualities.

A person is not a nation of ready-made creatures, interests, and character. The values ​​of power are formed for the life of a person, but on a singing natural basis.

Spadkov's basis of the human body (genotype) determines its anatomical and physiological features, the main features nervous system, dynamics of nerve processes

In the biological organization of the human being, in the nature of nature, the possibility of the future mental development is laid. Ale, human beings become less human than zavdyaks of social recession - zavdyaks have mastered the knowledge of the previous generations, rooted in knowledge, traditions, objects of material and spiritual culture, in the system of supple waters.

Becoming a person as a specialty is less likely to happen in specific suspіlnyh minds. Sustainability also determines the models of people's behavior, and the criteria for evaluating their behavior.

Those who at first glance seem to be the natural features of a person (for example, drawings in character), in fact, they are fixed in the specialty of the suspile able to behave.

With the help of a powerful force, the development of specialness and internal protrusion between the supple wiser needs, which are constantly growing, and the possibilities of their satisfaction. The development of specificity is the constant expansion of possibilities and the formation of new needs.

Розрізняються особи соціалізовані - адаптовані до умов свого соціального буття, десоціалізовані - девіантні, що відхиляються від основних соціальних вимог (крайні форми цього відхилення - маргінальність) та психічно аномальні особистості (психопати, невротики, особи із затримками психічного розвитку та з особистісними акцентуаціями - "слабкими mistsami" "In mental self-regulation).

You can see a number of peculiarities of social specialty, as if you are resting at the borders of mental norms.

The order of social attachment was blamed on the specialness of my special autonomy, the firmness of one's own individuality. In critical situations, such specialism takes care of its life strategy, it is deprived of being comfortable to its positions and valuable orientations (the integrity of specialness). Possibly psychic vision in extreme situations outperforms the system of psychological protection (rationalization, vindication, reassessment of values ​​and others.).

The specialty of the norm is rebuying at the station of its uninterrupted development, self-development and self-realization, constantly opening up new horizons to one’s human path, seeing the “joy of tomorrow”, and increasing the possibility of actualizing one’s own vibes. In important minds, it is tolerant, good enough for adequate action.

Mentally vrіvnovazheny іndіvіd establish good-natured stosunki zіnshimi people, vyyavlyає chuynіstі to їх needs and Іnteresіv.

Inspire your life plans with a stable specialty to get out of real possibilities, uniquely dependent on home. Discriminated specialty Volodya to the highest respect for justice, conscience and honor. Vaughn is rіshucha and stubbornly at attainable objectively significant goals, but s rigidna - building up to the correction of one's behavior. On the folding side of life, it is possible to react with tactful lability without mental breakdowns. With the help of your luck, that failure will respect yourself, and do not furnish the outside. In folded minds of life, it’s good to take vіdpovіdalnіst on yourself and drink on the truth risk. In order of emotional stability, you will gradually save emotional reactivity, high sensitivity to the beautiful and present. Mayuchi rozvinene almost self-indulgence, it’s good to marvel at yourself from the side, not spared a little humor and philosophical skepticism.

The freedom of one’s self-confidence allows one to be independent in the presence of prevalent temporal social minds, the dictate of power, not to exercise self-control in the minds of social destabilization and totalitarian repressions. The core of specialness is connected with the її higher mental quality - spirituality. Spirituality - the most manifest manifestation of the essence of a person, її inner pretense to the human, moral binding, subordination of a person to the greater zmіst її buttya. Spirituality of specialness is a supremacy, an unquenchable need for a steady vision of all the lowland, an unselfconscious tribute to the ideals.

The autonomy of the specialty is the purpose of re-confidence in the absence of bad days, mitteva prestige and pseudo-social activity.

"Structure is a combination of stable links between an impersonal component of an object, which ensures its integrity and self-identity. Statement about the structure conveys a view of the object as a system ...". (Glossary of practical psychologist)

Let's take a look at the structure of special features. To her sound include zdіbnostі, temperament, character, willpower, emotions, motivation, social attitudes. Zdіbnostі rozumіyutsya as іndivіdіvіdually stіykі pіykі vіlnostі people, scho vznachayut yоgo svіhi іn varіznyh types іаlnostі. Temperament includes qualities, such as people's reactions to other people and social conditions. The character of revenge is the quality that marks the innards of the people of other people. Volovі askosі shove a sprinkling of special special powers, like pouring in the people's exercises to the reach of the set goal. Emotions and motivation - tse, obviously, experience and spontaneity to the point of activity, and social attitudes - reconciliation and visibility of people

The basis of the individual to become її psychological structure.

Psychological structure of specialty - є tsіlіsne sistemne osvіtu, sukupnіnі socially significant yakostey, yakostey, pozitsiy, vіdnosin, algorithmіv protsesіv i vchinkіv people, shaping zhitttєvo i priznachalnyj її behavior and activity.

In modern psychology, I have a little glance at the internal special features of everyday life. The most visible is the dynamic functional psychological structure of K.K. Platonov (addendum No. 1).

Straightening. Figure individuals who enter to the substructure do not slander innate inclinations, but individuately break the group's suspіlnu svіdomіst. This substructure is formed by a path of vihovannia and includes reconciliation, light-gazing, exercise, interests, ideals, bazhannya. In these forms of directness, special features appear blue, and moral features, and different needs.

The substructure of the directness of the specificity is closely related to the legality, especially in the part that determines the setting of the subject to the completion of the rules of law (moral principles, central orientation, svetoglyad). The development of the directness of the individual’s specialness allows one to distinguish his social look, the way of thinking, the conduct of motives, the rіven yogo moral development and rich in what to predict yogo behavior and chicanery.

Social proof. This substructure is based on knowledge, first-timers, smart, names, built on the basis of a special education path, but also with a memorable influx and biologically, and to instill genetically educated powers of specialness (for example, building to a Swedish memory, fundamentally the adoption of rukhovy navichok and the like).

Individual features of mental processes. Tsya pіdstruktura poєdnuіє іndivіdualіnі osobennosti okremіh psychіchіchі protsesіv, chi psychіchіchnyh funktsіy: memory, vodchuttіv, priynyattya, smylennya, emotsiy, pochuttіv, volі, scho form in the process of social life. Psychic learning processes and other forms of fermentation of intelligence at once from acquired human knowledge and rich knowledge of why one considers such a folding integrative enlightenment of specialty, like intelligence, which is positively correlated with rozumovym development. The process of molding and the development of individual features of mental processes is being developed in a right way.

Biopsychic power. This is biologically framed by the substructure according to the typological power of special features, її states, age peculiarities and pathological changes, as a significant world to lie in the physiological morphological features of the brain. The process of molding the substructure of the substructure is followed by a path of training.

The differences in figure and power of specialness, which are included in all names of substructures, establish the two most important substructures: character and vitality, which are conceived as central integrative qualities of specialness.

All these substructures are closely related to each other and appear in the form of a single whole, which manifests such a more integrative understanding, like specialness.

2.1. Vіtchiznyany pіdhіd.

The problem of the structure of special psychology is more confused, less understood by "speciality". From the bottom of our hearts, we are talking about the report from the glances of the state psychologists. To complete a report analysis of the psychological structure of the specialty is given by B.G. Ananiev, who especially sees in his work A.G. I will become a problem today ".

A.G. Kovalyov represents a special feature as a synthesis of folding structures, such as:

Temperament (structure of natural powers);

Straightforwardness (system of needs, interests and ideals);

Health (a system of intellectual, volitional and emotional powers).

Всі ці структури виникають із взаємозв'язку психічних властивостей особистості, що характеризують "стійкий, постійний рівень активності, що забезпечує найкраще пристосування індивіда до недіючим подразникам внаслідок найбільшої адекватності їх відображення. У процесі діяльності властивості певним чином пов'язуються один з одним відповідно до вимог activity." [cit. according to 1, p.74] In addition, vvvazha, scho "the structure of the mental life of specialness" is established by the way of spivvіdnoshennia of mental processes, mental states and mental powers of specialness.

On the face of it, V. N. Myasishchev dotrimuvavsya dvuplanovoi budovi and functioning of the psyche - potential and procedural. Before the potential wines, one can see such peculiarities of special features: intelligence, talent, character, vitality; to processes - activity, thoughtful experience, moreover, their functioning is dialectical unity, in which "potential can be judged from its implementation in the process, the process itself is internally determined by the nature of the potential" [cit. according to 2, p.106]. Відповідно до його концепції, єдність особистості характеризується спрямованістю (домінуючими відносинами до тих чи інших об'єктів), психічним рівнем розвитку, динамікою реакцій особистості (темперамент) та структурою особистості, до якої належать "...пропорційність, гармонійність, цілісність особистості, її breadth and depth, її functional profile, that is the spіvvіdnoshenna raznіh pіvіnіh pіznіh pіznіh pіznіh pravnostі psychіkі і аbо thаt іѕ more importantly called the character of speciality. Thus, in the words of B.G. that integrity, that is a more private characteristic of specialness, integrative specialness, which induces motivation, signs and tendencies of specialness."

In addition, K.K. Platonov demonstrates its own integration in the structure of special features. Vіdpovіdno to low criteria vіn vіdіlyaє dynamic functional psyhologichnu structure osobennosti, scho develops z chotirioh pіdstruktury:

Socially intelligent features that are shaped by a path of twisting (straightness, moral integrity);

Biologically intelligent features (temperament, state and age features, pathological organic changes, inclinations, instincts, simple needs);

Special dosvіd, nabutiy zokrema and navchannya way (obsyag that yakіst nayavnyh znan, umіn, navichok and zvichok);

Individual features of various mental processes, chi mental functions, as forms of fermentation (as the most lie in biologically intelligent features).

In addition, "there are two more overlays on them of the substructure - the character and zdibnost". Moreover, K.K. Platonov calls the functional structure “because it’s not like a whole, so the warehouse elements are seen as mental functions. like a physiological canvas..." . In addition, the wine calls the structure psychological, because "there is a psychological power of specialness, although it is connected with the social roles of specialness."

Проводячи свої дослідження, Б.Г.Ананьєв вважає за доцільне не протиставляти, а "порівнювати різні погляди за ступенем інтеграції особистісних властивостей у структурі особистості, тому що суперечливі погляди відображають об'єктивну складність взаємопереходів між інтегрованістю та диференційованістю явищ розвитку особистості."

One of the most important moments in B.G. private social and psychophysiological power;

It is noteworthy that in the larger early book "A person is a subject of knowledge", which was published in 1968. (and the very fate of the people of socionics is vvazhaetsya rock), B.G. From impersonal social roles, attitudes, tsіnіsnyh orientations, only deeds enter into the structure of specialness. At the same time, up to the qiєї structures can increase the power of the individual, opportunistically mediate the social power of the specialty, and even themselves can be brought to the biological characteristics of the body (for example, sluggishness or inertness of the nervous system). , Metabolism type (seen and endorsed by me - A.T.) and in) ... "[quoted from 3, p.92-93].

Here it is impossible not to guess the point of A.N. , as they are realized by knowledge and thoughts. " I DALI: "The structure of the specialty is the SOCHENSISHICS of the Soblovniye Motivaniychi Linіy ... The structure of the specialty is not to be called before the buggage of Zv'yazkiv, the LISTISHITS, to the steps; to give rise to the struggle between them."

The work of A.A. Malyshev can be called as the best research, the structure of special features is considered (Appendix No. 1).

In addition, it is necessary to recognize the presence in all variants of the analysis of structures of such a concept as "character", which stands out (in a narrow sense) as "a collection of strong powers of an individual, in which ways of behavior and ways of emotional response are expressed." Moreover, "draw the character of those who are like a die person, and draw special features - those for the sake of which there is no diє.

Looking at the information about the spіvvіdnoshenie character and specialness, Yu.B. .. , appears as a whole added to the character as an individual power.

B. G. Ananiev, in his work, added a lot of respect, just like the history of nourishing A.F. For him, "... you can see the special features and the genesis of the character creation appeared in categories of the same order." That. the character is presented as "a system of powers of specialness, її subjective connections to suspіlstva, to other people, activity, to oneself, which are gradually realized in suspіlnіy behavior, fixed in the way of life." Therefore, such status and social functions-roles, behavioral motivation and value orientations are all the characteristics of specialness, which signify a light-gazer, life directing, suspile behavior, main trends in development. In case of "structural integration, the difference is the very nature of specialness."

The ideas of A.F. Lazursky are analyzed and Yu.B. " Vaughn, analyzing the different typologies of characters, to talk about the importance of the leader - the prosthesis, why, like the power of the character, adopt the molding of the singing powers of specialness, signifying: singing rice to the nature of the molding process is special.

3.2. Foreign theories.

Having looked at the problem of "speciality" and "structure" in foreign psychology, the richness of the palette also had a richness ... a short glance less than the most beautiful representatives, tsikavih without the middle of our success.

So, for example, look at the prominent American psychologist G. Murphy, a representative of the biosocial approach, analyzed in detail by V. N. Myasishchev.

To the biological storage individuals of G.Murphy, carry:

Physiological scalability, which is blamed on recessive and embryonic susceptibility;

Canalization of energy as a process, zavdyaky as a motive for concentration of energy to know the way to discharge from behavior;

Mentally-reflex signals, like links between the inner minds of tissues and specific forms of behavior;

Known for promising newcomers as a product of two forward components.

To social warehouse wines, you can add some special features:

Signaling system that "zooms" the behavior;

Attributions and fences, which spriyat molding special features;

Reward that punishment;

The norms of this service, how to organize the processes of recognition and recognition.

Theoretically, Z. Freud, the whole human psyche is divided into svіdome, before svіdome and unsvіdome. In this case, the structure of specialness is formed from three systems - "Vono" (Id), "I" (Ego) and "Ponad I" (Super-Ego).

Dicked out K.G. Yungi Prokadwati Grafi Model Model: Vidilayuchi Chotiri Psykhihi - DVI RATARIONALNI (Mislennya I PO POSITYA) IIRRATSIONALNI (VIDCHUTTY TO INTOSIA) In addition, C. G. Jung recounted the fact that the specialty is invariably determined by the high knowledge, navchannyam that plethora of the navkolishny middle. with a special sketch ... we will present from the very people "and that" dovkіlla zovsіm does not give special ability to become her, but only reveals those that have already been laid down in it [speciality]" [quoted from 20, p. 615] K. G. Jung stverdzhuvav, that the structure of the psychic is completely decayed, that it appears unfamiliarly like different archetypes. . The archetype cannot be accepted for additional integration, so it is by itself through the guidance of acceptance of yoga svіdomіst. The archetype is filled with a drain for sewerage of psychic energies, for the whole hour of life, and with it it is always necessary for the mother on the right. [cit. on 16, p.120] To the main archetypes, K.G. Jung introduced Him, Person, Shadow, Anima (Animus) and Self.

And at the end of a glance - a piece of tales about the theory of E.Bern, which means that from the skin of a person a simple set of behavioral schemes is connected with the singing camp of yoga awareness. Otzhe - can be the basis of his ranks.

"... The repertoire of our lives was divided into the following categories: 1) become Him, similar to the images of fathers; 2) become Him, autonomously directed at an objective assessment of reality; 3) become Him, still live from the moment of their fixation in the early Informally manifested tsikh stanіv He is called the Old Man, Doroslim and Child.

Shards of the special features of a person develop in life, for pedagogy it is important to understand the meaning of the essence of the concept of "development".

The development of specialty is one of the main categories in psychology and pedagogy. Psychology explains the law of the development of the psyche, pedagogy will be the theory of how it is purposefully directed by the development of a person. Science has a formula: people become people, become special. Henceforth, special qualities are acquired in the process of development.

The development of special features is understood as a process of small and small changes under the influence of external and internal factors. The development of the vede changes the features of specialness, until the emergence of new powers; psychologists call them newborns. Change of individuals from vіku to vіku protіkaє in such direct lines:

Physiological development (skeletal-myazov and other systems of the body),

Psychic development (processes of respite, thoughts and feelings),

Social development (the formation of moral feelings, the acquisition of social roles, etc.).

Rosvitok vіdbuvaєtsya:

1. The unity of the biological and social in people.

2. Dialectically (transition of a few changes in the transformation of physical, mental and spiritual characteristics of specialty), development even unevenly (the skin organ develops at its own pace), intensively in children and youth, then we improve.

Іsnuyut optimal terms for the formation of other types of mental activity. Such optimal periods are called sensitive (Leontiev, Vigotsky). The reason - nerіvnomіrnіst maturation of the brain and the nervous system. (Vіk vіd 6 to 12 years - the best for the development of a new beginning to solve problems. foreign language- 3-6 years, reading - from 2 to 5 years, swimming - until the age, learning - 1-2 years > teachers in 1-2 classes.)

Plasticity of the nervous system: weak functions can be compensated by strong ones (weak memory - high organization of cognitive activity).

1. for help, the victory of protirich (between the needs and the possibilities of their satisfaction, the possibilities of the child and the help of the suspіlstva, between the goals, as if to put in front of you, that with the minds of their reach is meager).

2. through activity (grass, practice, training)

Superechki in science speaks of nutrition, which collapses with the development of specialty, under the influx of such officials it leaks out. An analysis of the chinniks in the development of ancient stories. Let's try to find out about food: why do different people reach a different level of development? What does the development of specialty bring in?

Officials who inject the development of special

Development of determinations by internal and external minds. The middle swells and vihovannia are brought to the level of the zvnіshnіh factors of the development, the natural strength and pull, as well as all the sukupnіst sensibilities of that experience of the people, as if blamed on the spleen of the zvnіshnіh zvіvіv (the middle of that vihovannya), to the factors of the internal. The development of that special molding is the result of the interplay of these two factors.

From a biologically oriented point of view, the development is accepted as a development of the genetic programs of the body, as a slow-programmed ripening of natural forces. Later, the initial official of the development of the inclinations - the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the organism, the decline in the appearance of the ancestors. A variant of this position is a look at the individual development (ontogenesis) as at the repetition of all stages, as a person has passed through the process of his historical evolution (phylogeny): in ontogenesis, phylogenesis is repeated in a sly manner. Vіdpovіdno to Z.Freud, the basis of the development of a person also lies in the biological process, showing in various forms of libido - a statuary pull.

A lot of psychologists, biologists affirm that the development of a child is determined by innate instincts, special genes of knowledge, and by the wearers of progressive decaying traits. It gave rise to the 20th century on the cob about diagnosing the authorities of specialty and the practice of testing children in post school, Rozpodil їх for the results of tests on the group, as accredited to study for different programs, it is possible to the best, given by nature. However, science cannot provide clear evidence for those who are the most biologically depressed people.

Sociologically oriented, they directly look at the middle, as if from the beginning, the rosette. The middle is everything to become sharp people. Vcheni see the activities of a group of median factors (A.V. Mudrik). Space, world, climate, supremacy, state lie before macrofactors; mesofactory - okremi social groups the people of that institution, the school, the acquisition of mass information; microfactory - sіm'ya, one-year-olds. The development of that molding of a person under the influence of all the median factors in sociology is usually called socialization. For teachers, as it was said, it is close to understanding the development of social significance.

Russian science understands the problem of spіvvіdshennya vplivu raznyh chinnikіv in the development of specialty in this way. Biologically, the decline of the individual's special features is less likely to create a ground for the development of special features. The stench develops under the influx of the middle of living and living (one of the institutes of socialization). When the people are healthy, people may have the same inclinations, ability. And it’s less social decline, then living in a dovkіllya that vihovannya ensures a safe development. Vihovannya vigidno vіdіznyаієєє vіd sredovishchnymi faktorіv tim, scho kerirovany process, yakі reglyuє, creat navmisne mind for the development of that adaptation. It’s worth it to learn yourself as a part of a whole pedagogical process: you know how to develop yourself.

Whose main law is the development of special features, formulated by L.S. Vigotsky, meaning that the mental functions of a child, social learners, ethical norms, and self-confidence are formed out of joint activity and interplay. Vihovannya among us chinnikov in socialization is accepted as the most significant in the development of the specialty of the very directness and organization.

Also, the development of special features is a process, which is determined by internal and external factors. Vіdbuvaєtsya vіn:

First, fallow in the light of the inner world of specialness, її inner spontaneous, powerful and subjective needs, interests and motives,

In a different way, fallow in the minds of the few minds of dovkіllya and the conditions of life.

A person develops continuously from a nation to death, passing through a series of successively changing stages: childhood, childhood, youth, maturity, old age. All the stinks impose their own wit on your way of life and behavior.

There is a development of the peculiarity of quiet changes, like in the inner world, in the system of the outer sounds and in the outside. In the process of development of specialty, її consumption and interests, goals of installation, incentives and motives, habits and zvichki, knowledge and mind, knowledge and practice, social and moral integrity are changing, the sphere of that mind and її life is changing. This other world is being transformed into self-confidence and self-confidence. Everything is to be brought up to change the structure of the specialty, as if it were building up like a new money.

From the middle of the 20th century, another look at the development of specialism is actively developing. Humanistic psychology (A. Maslow and others) affirms that the formation of specialty is not less than the world's due to the activity of the person herself. Activity is understood as a skin exercise to self-actualization, recognition of oneself that greater sense of reason, to self-realization, often in spite of too much middle ground, which nіvelyuє, prinіchuє _indivіduality. A. Maslow, K. Rogers and others. vvazhayut, scho help people, uchnevi school in order to wake up yoga exercise self-actualization, yakі, how stink to think, the beginning of yomu power. On such a lucid specialty, that її development of the rest of the decade will be the vineyard concepts in the lands, and in our lands. In the most traditional for the science of science terms, such a position means that the activity of the student himself, his will, perekonannya, activity from self-development and self-improvement is brought to the internal factors of the development of specialness. Tsі vnutr_shnі chinniki, vlasne, nabі vlastіvostі sobistostі, parti її struktury, vіdvuyutsya vіd vіvіvannya nasampered. Ale, in the course of life, the children themselves become a dzherel, a destructive power of yoga growth. It is often explained that, under the influx of the quiet of the highest and middle minds themselves, learn to grow in life. Tse to put food about the importance of self-studying and yogo connection with vihovannyam. Pedagogical understanding of yoga is like this: learning is calling self-learning, and the better, the better.

The development of particularity can be progressive and regressive. Progressive development of bandages from її to the full, rising to a higher scree. Whom to adopt the growth of knowledge and vmin, advanced qualifications, enlightenment and culture, promotion of needs and interests, expansion of the sphere of life, simplification of the forms of viability toshchoo.

Regressive development, on the other hand, manifests itself in the degradation of the individual as special. Here, on the basis of "sounding" needs and interests, it is necessary to spend a lot of skills on an individual, know that knowledge, reduce the level of your qualifications and culture, and forgiveness of forms of duty, too. Life expanse of specialty and її inner light can, in such a manner, how to expand, expand one's boundaries, and so beat them. You can not commemorate this zbіdnennya, but you can survive like famously.

The process of development of special features is deeply individual. In different people, the veins flow differently. In some swids, in others more povіlnish. To lie in the social and psychological features of the specialty, the social position, the valuable orientations, the specific historical minds of the butt. Perebіg specialty imposes its seal on specific living conditions. Friendly minds to accept the interruption of this process, and various life changes, the bands tumble yoga. For development, a person can be provided with both material goods and spiritual life. So, no other full-scale development is possible.

The parameters of the development are the child’s health, the values, having reached such wines for the help of the grown-ups, the fund for the development, the fund for “I can” and “I want” (there is a harmony of competence and activity at the point of their transition). The task of the teacher is to create a mind, what to sprout the rosette, that put it on the cross:

1. fear, which gives rise to innocence in oneself, a complex of innocence, the result of which is aggression;

2. unfair calls, humiliation;

3. nervous tension, stress;

4. self-sufficiency;

5. total failure.

Stimulates the process of development of emotional stability, the joy of buttya, the guarantee of safety, the attainment of the rights of the child not in words, but in fact the priority of an optimistic look at the child. The role of a grown-up is positive - the role of a helper-facilitator - to help children grow up (in Russia there are 10% of such children).

L.S. Vigotsky (1896-1934) saw two equal developments in children:

· Riven of the current development: reflects the peculiarities of the child's mental functions that have developed on this day;

· The zone of the closest development: it shows the possibilities of significantly greater reach of children in the minds of spivpracis with grown-ups.

Equal development

L.S. Vigotsky obgruntuvav zakonіrnіst, zagіdno zgіdno z zіlі zіdno zіdno zіlі that methodi vyhovannya vyvanny vіdpovidat not only equal to the development, already reached by the child, but also "the zone of the nearest development".

Vihovannya, that I go ahead of the development of the hill - you know, but in a straight line - no. Therefore, the task of development is to create the zone of the closest development, as soon as you move into the zone of the actual development, to accept the development of the organism, the individuality and specialness of the child. The child is not simply rearranged from gatherings to gatherings, the child takes an active life position. Vihovannia plays a vital role in the development of specialty, it invests in the internal stimulation of activity in robots in itself, then in self-development.

The development of special features includes the development of various її parties. Tse and physical, and intellectual, and political, and legal, and moral, and environmental, and aesthetic development. Moreover, the development of different sides її vіdbuvaєtsya with unequal swidkіstyu, unevenly. Some sides of the її protyazh chi іnshih іstorichnyh periods may develop more rapidly, others better.

p align="justify"> Inter-science analysis of the problem of the development of specificity to guide pedagogy to the onset of methodological developments. p align="justify"> Pedagogical process should be considered as the main factor in the formation of special features, leading to the development of a new paradigm in education, updating all components of the pedagogical process. Such a paradigm took away from science the name of special-oriented enlightenment. The development of such a look seems to be the same as for scientists, so for teachers-practitioners, it is based on the most significant approaches: systemic, special, operational, technological.


Lyudina is the essence of diyalna. Having joined the system of suspіlnyh vіdnosinі and vidozmіnyuyusі in the procesі іyalnostі, lyudina nabuvaє svoobistі yakostі і є є є є є є і є є іktom.

On the vіdmіnu vіd іndivіda, sobіstіstіє not є tsіlіsnіst, sobіvlena genotype: sobіstії do not narodzhuyuutsya, sоbіstіstі become. A singing injection into the development of that molding of specialness nadaє the process of the formation of the social "I".

Instead of the process of becoming a social "I" - tse vzaєmodіya іz sоbіbnimi. The purpose of this process is the search for your social mission in the household. The result of this is a mature speciality. Head timchasovymi points form specialty є: awareness of your "I" that comprehension of your "I". On what ends the beginning of socialization and the formation of specialness.

The formation of a social "I" is only possible as a process of mastering thoughts important people for a person, then through the understanding of others, a child, to come to the formation of his social “I” (Ch. Kuli described the process earlier). On the social and psychological level, the formation of the social "I" is seen through the internalization of cultural norms that social values. The process of transformation ovnishnіh norms have internal rules of conduct.

The peculiarity of the form is so blue, there are none, and it never happened, and in principle it cannot be found in nature, but itself - suspile. It expands through the collection of suspіlnyh vіdnosin.

I will specialize a person in the camp, if the social official of his activity is more thoroughly preserved, then її bіk, suspіlstvo is straightened out. Therefore, the foundation of the specialty is the suppleness of the blue, or even less so, which are realized in the activity.

Ascertaining yourself as a specialty, appointing your place in the conscience of that life way(share), people become individual, know the dignity and freedom, as if they allow it to be trifled with, be it some other specialty, see the middle of the others.

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Supplement No. 1. Hierarchical structure of specialty (K.K. Platonov)

Addendum No. 2 - Psychological structure of the specialty (for Malishev A.A.)

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