The protection of nature means to love the fatherland a reminder. “To protect the nature means to protect the Batkivshchyna. The protection of nature means the protection of the fatherland

At Rest of the Rocks newspaper articles, lines of new sites on the bloggers’ houses hard become dovkilla... Ale talk about environmental problems Today is not enough, it is important to give the population, especially to the growing generation, apply their cherries.

What fate do we want to take part in the International Lighting Project "Spring is coming!" all. To get to the marvelous world of birds, we are far away to wonder people, as they are engaged in ornithology professionally and for these purposes, to the Union for the Protection of Birds of Russia. Наша дружба з цими людьми розпочалася 9 травня 2009 року, з листа координатора міжнародних масових акцій з вивчення та охорони птахів Нижегородського відділення СОПР, кандидата педагогічних наук, викладача екології Нижегородського державного педагогічного університету, доцента кафедри екології та екологічної освіти Кисельової Надії Юріївни, яка у своєму of the electronic sheet requested the scouts of the Brigantine corral to take part in the International lighting Internet project “Spring is coming!” (Information about the scouting camp and the e-mail address є on the website of the All-Russian Internet project "Springalive Childhood") I took part in this action with the whole school! Usikh added: i detlakhіv, i vchitelіv, i batkіv! І navit malyukiv and їх vihovatelі z nursery d. І axis result: Russia is the champion!

Bashkortostan near the first chotiri rocky was the basis for the project, having become covered with a “white flame” on the map of Russia. The first axis is already six years old, our republic is the beginning of a small rural school, in which 150 cotton and girls are trained, occupying leadership positions.

Participation in the action does not require special training, training, singing skills; it is necessary for the first breeding with birds (Lastivkoy, Swift, Zozuley or Lelekoy), please refer to the site. Buried bazhannyam “spring the spring”, like to bring birds from our region, ditlahi call to ask the fathers to bring them from the forests (zozulya does not often come to the village!). In order to indulge the black swift, to be brought to the place of Tuimazi and the settlement of Subkhankulovo, more stench is less likely to settle at the richly topped boudinkas. The lads of the present spring often come to visit grandmothers and children, for you know, under the old grandmother's barn there is a swallow's nest, and in their new buds the stench has not yet caught up with settling.

A person, who once lifted her gaze to the sky, looked at her beautiful beauty, not in the sky. "Bird flu" - this is how our "nurіvtsі" hotly call their zakholennya by birds, because they can’t help but give respect to the quiet ones, who are roaring with their wings in a swift field, who will bewitch the whole neighborhood with a cheerful trill, but royally majesticly protect the forests. on the mirror-like surface of Kandri-Kul Lake.

Being the intercessor of the director of the educational work, taking part in nature conservation campaigns and projects of the Union for the Protection of Birds of Russia, I worked with colleagues from lower schools in the region. 28 жовтня 2010 року виступала з доповіддю «Участь в еколого-освітніх Інтернет-проектах та масових акціях СОПР як фактор соціалізації особистості дитини» на Республіканському семінарі-нараді керівників установ додаткової освіти дітей щодо реалізації заходів Республіканської цільової програми «Розвиток системи додаткової освіти дітей у Республіці Bashkortostan.

On September 14, 2011, at the Institute for the Development of Education at the Republican Seminar “Saving the Earth”, it was announced that forms of supplementary education will be carried out in our school and in the region for the formation of environmental culture and professional education. The teachers of chemistry, biology and geography (having passed a seminar at the department of methods of teaching these subjects) really appreciated the ability to improve their work in the gallery of ecological vihovannia. With a lot of money, they managed to organize the fate of their students at the International Days of Watching Birds and the project “Spring is coming!”

Under the framework of Roku, bury the superfluous middle in Russian Federation and in the Republic of Bashkortostan about the provision of work and teaching staff in the gallery of ecological education of children and older population, it was possible to expand at the conference of practitioners of the MAUK "Inter-settlement Central Library" of the municipal district Tuymazinsky district and the Administration of Education "Ecology without cordons", what happened on March 26, 2013.
13 Akhodors 2013 Rock Minіtystvo Outstand Bashkortostan Tu Tu Tu Rosvitka Out of the Republic of Belarus conducted a respondent science-practical conference "Ekologa school at the svytli vimog FGOS", de Vistupe Bulo Pinovnya about Vikhovnya Vikhovna Vikhovna Vikhovnya Vikhovna Vikhovnya Vikhovnya Vikhovnya of Dovsnya Radiytniy Radiychnya Slovynia Vikhovnya Vikhovnya Vikhovnya of Dovkhnnya Radiyatnnya of Vikhovnya Vikhovnya Dovsnya.

Dosvіd organizatsii za ekologicheskogo osviti in Tuymazinsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan, the robot of the supporting-methodical maidanchik of federal significance "Gromadyansko-patriotic development in ekologichnіchnіchnі osvіt", created by the Department of ekologicheskoi osvіta rational environmental protection NDPU im. Kozmy Minina on the basis of MBOU ZOSh in the village of Nurkєєvo, repeatedly became the subject of discussion at the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Environmental Education for Steel Development: Theory and Pedagogical Reality” (N-Novgorod. 2009, 2011, 2013 r.r.).

In 2013, the organizers and participants of the All-Russian scientific-practical conference with international participation “Bird care in Russia: problems and prospects”, consecrated on the 20th anniversary of the Union for the Protection of Birds in Russia (Moscow), highly appreciated the participation of our school students in The Ministry of Ecology and Nature Protection of Russia awarded me with the Badge of Honor. Fatefully earlier, the Republican Fund for the Protection of Wild Beasts "for the great contribution to the right to protect the creaturely world of the Republic of Bashkortostan" called me.

All -awareness I can get a sinking zy spvpracey iz the Union of Hunts Phthi Phthi Tahni on the "Ptashini" on the right: in 2011, I became a grinding competition of landlays in the framework of the prihic national project "Outstanding", and a native of the honors of the science of science Federation, Honorary Diploma of the Administration of the Municipal District of the Tuymazinsky District of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Department of Education.

“We are the masters of our nature, and there is a dream for us with the great treasures of life. Moreover, they need to bury their belongings, they need to be exclaimed and shown. For ribs, clean water is needed - we protect our waters. In forests, steppes, mountains, various valuable creatures - our foxes, steppes, burn. Ribi - water, birds - repeat, zviru - forest, steppe, burn. And people need Batkivshchyna. And to protect the nature means to protect the Batkivshchyna”. qi miracle words lie to a right patriot native land M. M. Prishvin. The team of our school works on it, so that the skin is not just knowing these words, but adopting them and practicing them.

Dosvіd work of the school in the gallery molding the bulk of the people and patriotism through the environmental education of my own ideas onI All-Russian conference "Spiritual and moral education of Gromadyanin and the patriot of Russia for the minds of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard". Expert joy of the All-Russian Competition of the Automobile Project, the program of the spiritual-Moral Vikhovannya Datey Tu youth “Gromyanin I Patrіot Rosіїi-2015” MBOU Zosh d. Nurkєvo Tuimazinsky district of the Bashkortostan of the Patriota of Rosya, I reinvented the Medal “Ta Patriy” laureate of the competition in the nomination "Teacher - Wihovatel - Teacher of GROMADYANIN I PATRIOT OF RUSSIA".

F. Sitdikova. Teacher.

"To protect nature means to protect one's Batkivshchyna."

Bondar Nelya Antonivna

Teacher of geography MKOU "ZOSh named after I.O. Prishkolnik with. Waldheim"

Slave. Tel. No. 71-2-25 Nelia-elena @mailru

Molding of a v_dpo_dalny setting to nature.

Tasks: 1. Learn the rules of behavior in nature;

2. Embrace love to the native nature;

3. Get to know the natural territories of the Jewish Autonomous Republic, which are especially protected.

Ownership: Plates with ecological signs, chips, music: "Sounds of nature", presentation.

It's the end of a great year.

1. Organizational moment.

Teacher: - Hello, friends! Hello, nature!

May a million lives live on the planet Earth, and yet people think little about those that all the riches of the earth are not eternal, that the stench will demand a zahist and a big reason. (slide 1)

Nature is cebudinok, we live with yakom,

Foxes make noise in the new, rivers flow and squelch.

Under the blue sky, under the golden sun,

I want to live in that booth forever.

Nature - ce budinok under snow and wood.

Have a frost and bake the vlastovaniya wines for glory.

Take care of all the houses, in which we live,

I have the right to the whole peaceful booth. (A.Kuklin)

Everything that leaves us, we are guilty of learning to love and take care of. І tsіy metі is dedicated to our today's zustrіch.

The scale of the influx of the gospodar's promiscuity on nature in our hour has become such that at the same time it is necessary to reclaim nature as a ruin, an influx of civilization, and also, to protect it. Protection of nature - not only a special system of entry, directing to the destruction of the environment natural resources. In the words of the Russian writer Prishvin: "Protect the nature - then, protect the Batkivshchyna." You bachite, what a close interrelationship between understanding the nature of that Batkivshchina.(slide 2)

Teacher: the theme of the class year: "To protect nature means to protect the Batkivshchyna."

Now we can see the main principles of nature conservation:

2. Remembrances about the essentials of nature in mutual relations.

Reader: The priority place in the system of entry into nature protection is to be given to natural territories that are protected.

Teacher: What does the territory mean, what is especially protected?

D: ...

Reader: Protective natural territory - land plots of land, depopulation of natural complexes and objects, which may be of special nature protection, scientific, aesthetic significance, the stench of the government activity, a special protection regime has been established.(Slide 3)

Teacher: You already know the territories that are being protected.

D: Reserves, reserves, national parks.

In 1916, on the 11th September in the history of the Russian state, the first Barguzinsky reserve was founded. At the present time in Russia there are already 102 national natural reserves, 42 national parks and 68 sanctuaries, including on the territory of our region, where we live with you. (slide 4)

There is a system of natural territories in the Jewish Autonomous Region, which are especially protected, including the state reserve "Bastak", the reserves of regional significance "Shukhi-Poktoy" and "Ulduri", "Churki", "Crane", Dichun" 25 monuments of nature.

1 study. (slide 5) 1997 The state natural reserve "Bastak" was declared to be the main task of preserving the unique natural complexes of the Amur Region, de representation of the ecosystem of cedar forests, which are rarely left unoccupied. Zagalna territory "Bastaku" - 91771 ha.

Relief "Bastak" to finish the cicavia - one half of the area is occupied by the river, and the other - burn. In this way, without respect for the apparently small areas of the territory, introduced to the reserve, two natural zones can be found here, in one of them the polar forest grows, and in the other - the subtropical one.

Roslinnist here is over the top variegated. Having trained to the Tsyoy commandant, I can be prompted to vіdraza in TROOKh Tyv List: Yakshcho Zytnochi on Pіvnochi, then the spocke to itch Yalina Yalitsy, Chikovi Stovburi proudly brighten up the Suvori Pivniy. . . Then - near the middle part - cedar and broad-leaved thickets, and closer to the forest cordon grow oak, birch and linden.

There are several rivers and sprats of their tributary. Kirga, Ikura, Bastak, Great Sorennak. Here, near the swampy lands, a five-meter low lakes prostyaglasya.

The flora and fauna of the reserve linger here with the Himalayan vedmedy, zubbr, sable, nirka, wild boar, elk, roe deer, rice, wolf... For most of these creatures, it’s not enough to get caught. From the rare species of savts, entered to the Chervonoy Book of the Russian Federation, the black crane, the Amur borsuk, the Ikonnikova and others linger in the reserve. Have 2003 r. The reserve "Bastak" was transferred to another territory, which is especially protected - the reserve "Zabilovsky".

Reserve "Bastak" works on 4 main directions: ornithology, breeding of other plants, floristry, geobotany.

2 students

(slide 6) It is important for the protection of myslivsko-industrial creatures created reserves: "Shukhi-Poktoy", "Ulduri", "Churki", yakі є outlying or isolated ridges with beautiful diverse landscapes. On the pіvdnі oblast, at the transitional vіd hіr to the rіvnіnі zone bіl Pompіїvskogo ridge, there is a reserve "Zhuravliniy". Promises are guarded by a new one, rare sightings of animals and birds, as well as the middle of their living. Near the top part of the Maliy Khingan Ridge there is a forest reserve "Dichun". Vіn poklikaniy take care of the unoccupied cedar foxes of the region.

Veducha. The past fate in Russia has left numerous forests, including those on the territories of reserves and zakazniks. Natural fires rarely trap due to natural causes. More important is the blame for the blame of the people.

1 study.(Slide 8) In the rest of the years, the number of inhabitants of Russia, as they check for years with impatience, has significantly decreased. And the traditional description of the letter is like “warm and sleepy”, richly replacing it with the characteristic “speck and smoke”. And for such pessimism, there is a pretense: strong and trivaly forests, after all, "safely" not only saved the villages of that village, but also great places, spread for tens of kilometers into the fire.

(Slide 9) Forest fire - tse elemental, not widened fire on forest areas.

Pro Nearby people can be recognized for such indirect signs, such as: the strong smell of Garou; foggy dim; restlessness of birds and creatures, their migration in one beak; night flight of birds, loud cries; no grave; brightly engraved on the low low gloom.

2 studies.(slide 10) wild nature The most widespread cause of fox fires were bliskavki. A high tree, which blew up in the form of "heavenly fire", could become the cause of a large-scale fire, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich allows bachiti yoga from space. At to the current world only about 8% of the forest fires fall on the bliskavts, even as the greater part of the spalahs are provoked by people. Moreover, people are full of guilt for nature and "fire" at the fox in different ways.

"Human factor": bagattya, cigarette not extinguished, abandoned dances, smittya in foxes, sparks from exhaust pipes of vehicles, dryness, hmiz and hmiz, fell. It’s not possible to understand, but there are people who are fully aware of foxes. The reasons can be different: for us to burn the old grass, to hooliganism and mischief.

3 studies. Vzagali, іnоdі pozhіzhі nebіbnі priroі. The stinks allow the foxes to change, transforming the dense netr into young and light gaes. However, at the same time, in the world, zokrem, in our country, it happens in a little more time, less necessary than nature. In this rank, foxes simply do not get caught up. The middle of the square grew larger, which makes it easier for the animals and birds to walk, like it sounds to go from the burnt house into the dry forest. Other creatures and young individuals often do not reach vryatuvatisya, and great old animals and birds whisper to a new place for a lot of dozens of kilometers from the fire. The sight of other animals, amphibians and birds is always marked on people who live nearby, shards of coma come in the old place much more quickly, lower animals and birds that eat them.

The foxes burn their ears, or else they degrade the value of the tree and detrimentally inject it into the renewal of resources. Allowing the soil of the dewy slope, the stench will lead to a serious and long-term deterioration of the water intake pools, reduce the recreational and scientific value of landscapes. At the same time, wild creatures suffer, to die, living houses and other houses burn, people die.
4 studies. The legends of people suffer us in front of us, in which there are a large number of obscene particles. Therefore, people suffer more from weakened respiratory organs. However, whether a doctor can confirm that following the experience, later on, it is possible to distinguish healthy people on fluorography. With sour shkidli speech, they also spend it at the roofs, calling out to the wild intoxication of the body, which is manifested most often by headaches and that in itself. Ale spicy smoke is consumed in the body in other ways: we do not breathe in yoga, but we remove it with a skin, take it with our eyes.

Well, often, in the event of a rupture, you can hide the mask, but more often, you can protect yourself from Dima, if you don’t have an air-conditioned place, you can open up to an unclaimed region.

To reduce the toxic dim components of dimu and garou, it is necessary to eat fruits and drink natural juices (for example, fresh), as well as antioxidants.

5 study. Take care to fight the fires Bagattya is the best extinguisher, clearly flooding with water, otherwise digging up the hole with a shovel. It is not the fault of the redemption of the bagattya to dim, or to see the heat, which can kindle dry grass. And near the peat bogs, the pits simply do not need to be spat. Fox is not a place for nedopalkіv and other inputs. Choosing to go to the fresh air, it’s better for the Kurtsev to take a little bit of kishenka with you, or else you can take it all away with you. As such, there is no such capacity, to attach special respect to the extinguishing of misfortunes.

Best zasib fight against the forest fire - that respect of the skin. Do not spit out the bagattya, clean up after yourself with those others - these are awkward and natural, come in, as if to help save the fire.

You can also help and extinguish. As if passing by, or passing by, the forests rose, You pumped the rich, which smoldering, or it’s not great, to put out the yogo self-tightening. For whom you can beat a fire extinguisher (like you are in a car), water (singingly, you crammed something to drink), it will also be effective to fill the half-light with green juicy yalina gilka or trample it with your feet. About the great pozhezhu negoly inform in the emergency service by telephone, without being led by him, who knows everything in a melodious way.


Oh, Lord! ... It's so scary,
If you burn, shake the fox.
If you bachish, why don’t you know the order
Still, there are no miracles...

If there is a root, the tree will burn.
And the stump is smoldering for you - do not extinguish ...
If rozum - forces to deprive
І So need to hurry up.

And half a mind - scorch your hands ...
І palyuchi - do not spare the denunciation ...
And make their way all the way... Far...
І zmushuє zavmirati hearts ...

Dim, clog the breath,
I cry with smart eyes...
Oh, Lord!... I pray, ease the suffering!
I roll in helpless tears ...

Everything has passed! Vryatovano to the fox!
Vitrachenyh - zovsіm not a shkoda of forces!
Vstig zagіn priїhati MNS-a
And to us - from the wide heart of the dyakuvav!

Boys!... People!... Just - People!...
I bless you! Ni! ... I - I will swear in a row!
Take care of Mother Nature at Povika!
Do not destroy with your own hand...

Reader: Everything that leaves us, we are guilty of learning to love and take care of.

And now we'll have a competition. "People that nature"

Take the fate of two teams "Flora"і "Fauna", and also lookers - killers. For the correct skin, the team will take the tokens, and for example, the winning team will be appointed.

First competition "E ecological dates are sacred. The skin team will take cards with saints and may write dates, if they are holy.

Atthorium competition "Green Pharmacy" (slide 12)

Choose from the herbarium in the skin team on two medicinal plants, how to grow in our menstruation and research about their impact on the human body.




    Air swamp

Third competition "Red Book"(slide 14)

In 1963, a list of rare and known species of wild creatures and the growth of the world appeared, which was called "Chervona Book of Facts". This is a book of anxiety, a book - a warning, with the names of those creatures and growths, there are very few of them on Earth.

In our country, the first red book appeared in 1982. Chervona book JAO - 1994.

At the same time, the skin team is given the task of choosing from the cards that rose or

the creature, about the yak itymetsya.

    Japanese crane (slide 15)

    Korean cedar (slide 16)

    Faraway turtle (slide 17)

    Rolling tangerine (slide 18)

    Osprey (slide 19)

    Lotus Komarov (slide 20)

1. Grows in stagnant and well-flowing waters. Qiu Roslin is still called “The Flower of the Gods.

2. "The king is a tree." The tree of the family of ruts is great. Stovbur is covered with soft, oxamite-like bark. The wood is light, mіtsna, does not rot, it is well polished, maє red little ones. It is not possible to destroy furniture, from measles - traffic jams, farba for farbuvannya fabrics have a bright - yellow color, and zastosovuetsya in medicine. Did you know?

3. This relic creature on the vіdmіnu svoїh relatives swidko-swidko swims and rich with dry land. Through yogo, the fighting spirit of yogo was depicted on the swords of Japanese samurai.

4. The name of the won was taken away for its own scolding. In China, її is respected as a symbol of friendship fidelity. This is one of the most beautiful birds on earth.

5. In the rich people of the world, these birds are sacred. Among the Egyptians, they call її the bird of the sun, in Japan, they respect it as a symbol of health, longevity and happiness, the Japanese called the birds "people in the fir'ї", called the bird "the grand pan.

6. A rare species of a bird of prey. The top is dark, the bottom is white with a dark transverse smog on the chest. In the Jewish Autonomous Region nests in the forest zone on the banks of rivers, lakes with clear water. Vlashtovu nests on tall trees with a broken or withered top, ce obov'yazkova umova for nesting. Listed to the Red Book of the Russian Federation and JAO.

Fourth competition "Environmental signs"

Skin commands can be seen in 5 characters. The participants, according to their will, can name the rules of behavior for the fox, according to the signs:

    Don't tear the tickets.

    You can't destroy ants.

    Don't break the tree branches and chagarniks.

    Chi do not poshkodzhuy bark of trees.

    You cannot take eggs from nests.

    Do not breed bagattya at the fox.

    Chi do not beat the mushrooms, navit not їstіvnі.

    It is not possible to dig up nori and turbuvati animals.

    In the fox, in nature, the scream and noise are protected.

    Vіdpochivayuchi in the woods, do not deprive yourself of smіttya!

Fifth competition. Sending orders.

Reader: Boys, and who knows about you, those orders about nature, about setting up before her. Let's keep going.

Leleka na dahu - // Peace at home.

The earth wants and is good, // ale y itself їsti to ask.

Life is given // in good spirits.

Good on the right // praise yourself.

Bagato drive // ​​rich grass.

Roslin - / / Embellishment of the earth.

Rich fox // do not destroy, little fox // take care, no fox // plant.

Feed the birds in return, // stink to pay you good luck.

Chi is not needed by the nightingale//gold of the clitin, but by the yoma // the earthly chick.

They cut bushes - // goodbye birds.

Slapping a shpak // Spring bіlya ganka.

Spark the carcass // until the fire, see you go // before the blow.

Gaї ta lisi - // beauty of the native land.

The share of nature // the share of the Batkivshchyna.

Pouch of the high school year.

Reader: Take care of nature - on the right is a skin person. And I'm guessing, lads, that the skin of you is boldly put up to her.

Reflection. The silhouette of a tree hangs from a paper, on which children stick the leaves of a singing color:

Zeleny - you love nature, you know and follow the rules of behavior for foxes, you want our planet to be a blooming garden.

Zhovtiy - you don’t complain about what you see in the natural world, what you see with roslins and creatures.

Chervoniy - as if to nature, you put yourself not boldly, not economically, but hisistically, you take a butt from unlit people, like mindlessly ruining nature.

Homework. Leaflet (reserved zone without fire)


1. Lyudina is the master of nature.

2. Save and save the wealth of the Batkivshchyna:

A) a threat to the growing and creaturely world;

b) ecological situation.

3. Setting up to nature is one of the manifestations of human culture.

Take care of the earth, water,

Navit little bilinochka lyublyachi.

Protect all animals in the middle of nature,

Drive in less zvirіv seredinі yourself!

Є. Yevtushenko

Batkivshchina that nature is understandable, yakі neviddіlnі one vіd one. It is symbolic that these words have one root. The rich of us understand the Batkivshchyna po'yazani with a budinka, with relatives, with a river, de childishness has passed. Mother's hands, toys, fairy tales, streets, grass, foxes, gloom in the sky and a lot of other things - our first statement about the Batkivshchyna, about the folded majestic world. We are the rulers of everything living, beautiful, which embellishes our life. Ale, yakscho my lords, then we can be thugs, because we can’t be more free, not paying for good with good.

Our Batkivshchyna is great and rich. Irreplaceable riches, but the stench is not inexcusable. You need to take care of it. The time has come for us people to fight for the protection of nature and the resurrection of that which has been ruined. The growing world of our country is diverse, the ale ninth growth is succumbing to the influx of various shoddy clerks. As a result of this, there is a threat to the life of Roslyn. Vcheni cheered, that today on the planet we know one kind of creatures and scum for one kind of roslin. Thoughtlessly cut down poplars, a majestic bouquet of flowers brought from the forest - everything is the result of a blow to natural reserves, as if not without borders.

The skin of us cannot but be disturbed by the fact that the ecological situation has deteriorated sharply with the remaining fates. And although we don’t know everything, not all subtle environmental crises have been sorted out, Bachimo, vіdchuvaєmo that vіdchuvaєmo: the bіda has come.

At the same time often talk and write about the facts of the evil debauchery of dovkill, the deteriorating environmental situation in industrial centers. I especially need to become confused by the water. A number of food products are not safe for our health. Gazi, yakі vykidayat in the atmosphere of industrial enterprises and transport, yelling different illnesses of people and the death of roslyn.

Setting up to nature is one of the manifestations of culture, the twisting of people. Kozhen is guilty of dbati about the nature of that dovkіllya. People, that nature is tied one by one. Reasonable is the fate of a human being in the life of nature, as corny as a human being, and nature. We are guilty of remembrance that rivers and rich foxes are clean, animals and birds, kindred soil, that pure water is no less necessary for us, like living in the XXI century.

Our task is to preserve the wealth of nature for the future. Of a calm, thoughtless staging to nature, we can’t let through the future patches. Kozhen is guilty of thinking about those who can only vryatuvat nature only once, if we can see the simple truth: if you care for the superfluous middle, we yourself will do it badly.

Mikhailo Mikhailovich Prishvin about the protection of nature, saying this: "Protect nature - then, protect the Batkivshchyna." Tse is more correct. Batkivshchyna is the place of the people of the people. Vaughn is closely connected with natural phenomena, with the people's dovkіllya. Rivers, foxes, lakes, trees, stakes - all of them otchou people from the very childhood. The very same part of the Batkivshchyna for the people. Ridni mіstsya with different stitches, paths, rivers and trees are forever forgotten in the memory of people. And if the fault is set before the manifestation of nature, then the fault should be valued and protect the power of the Batkivshchyna. It is impossible without the zahistu of nature shutter garne to their own Batkivshchyna and understand mutually. Only people, like they can bachit the beauty of the navkolishny middle ground, protect their Fatherland from the enemy.

To those defenders of the Batkivshchyna they consecrated their works of rich Russian writers and sings. Heroes, as if at the cost of a wet life, fought for the foundations of Vitchizni, sounded, spoke positively about nature, stenched її, respected and stole.

So, Natasha Rostova in the epic novel “War and Peace” by Leo Tolstoy was close to nature as a child. Vaughn recognized her closeness to her. Whether it was a manifestation of nature, it was deeply felt in the soul of the main heroine. Vaughn was generously adored at night in Otradnoye, with a wide heart she spoke about her walks in the forest. The heroine, building up the beauty of nature, could not leave her Batkivshchyna at an important hour for her. Natasha Rostova is not mischievous, how they can transport speeches and її sim'ya. Look out for those wounded soldiers, there were a lot of people among them. The simplest Russian people have long valued nature and protected it in every possible way. The closeness of Natalka to a simple peasant is manifested in the building of protection as a native place from nature, so is Batkivshchyna in a rage.

Sergiy Oleksandrovich Yesenin, having shown more in his verses, like machines, they replace the strong one with the mustache of the yogic creature's light. At the verse “I am the rest of the village sings”, this tragic mood strikes its peak. Batkivshchyna S. A. Yesenina - nasampered, nature. Vіn always speaking for її savings. He sings proti, that "on the stitch of the blackite field, soon we will see a flooded guest." For the new one, it’s important “the grain of the sun, the dawn of shedding”, which, unfortunately for the author, will soon take the “black harvest”. The writer gloomily assesses the situation of the future, if nature appears for people on another plane.

In such a rank, the defender of the Batkivshchyna is closely tied from a protective nature, as an invisible part of our skin. Nature, like the Fatherland, otchuє people like її people.

Maria Nadina
Summary of the after-school lesson in post school"To protect nature means to protect the Batkivshchyna"



Nadina M. I., lecturer cob classes

MAOU - "ZOSH №17" m. Almetyevsk

Tsіlі: read children love that protect nature; tell about the wealth of lіsu ta yogo significant in the life of a person; expand the sight of children, develop language, memory; swipe love up nature, before Batkivshchyna to creatures.

Settlement: little ones about nature, Chervona book to Tatarstan, children's books about nature, wirobi s natural material , cones, autumn leaves.

Submission plan.

Teacher. Today we will talk about the fox - our green friend.

There is no land of people, whose life was so chi іnakshe pov'yazanі with a fox, with the life of a tree. Take a look at your rooms: furniture, furniture, windows, wooden doors. From the village, books, zoshiti, special oils, tar, turpentine and a lot more were crushed. Over 10,000 virobs are made from the villages to the craftsmanship of our country. Without a tree, today's life is simply unthinkable.

Hello, fox, dense fox, All with dew, like with srible?

Another fairy tale and miracles! Who is hiding in your wilderness?

You are making noise to the leaves. What kind of animal? What kind of bird?

At night dark, stormy? All vіdkriy, not utai:

What are you whispering at dawn, You bachish, my own?

Miraculous writer and great amateur nature M. Prishvin writing: "We are our Lords nature and out for us the comora sun with the great belongings of life. Ribі water, birds - povіtrya, animals - foxes, steppes, burns, and people are needed Vitchizna. І to protect nature means to protect the Batkivshchyna».

In our country, the power is already richly divided bury the navkolishny middle: planted new foxes, organized nature reserves, saved in the event of a total demise of richly seen creatures of Lyudin with a rich crop of goiter nature, lіs.


If the heart is restless,

When you can't keep up with yourself.

Stay with the fox on the sleepy halyavin,

I know everything, as if by hand.

We love the forest, be it time for fate,

Mi chuyemo river povіlnu language.

Everything is called - nature.

Let's take care of it!

Teacher. And now guess the riddle. What can a person not live without?

We cannot live without a leaf. All of us dihaєmo turn sour, Or, to be more precise, let me tell you, in which the sour is to be avenged. For the production of leather, we inhale 700 - 900 cubic meters of sour. And even more sour is necessary for a passenger car. For 1000 km of driving, the winds are sour, the skies would get people on the river.

Fox is our wealth.

Fox is the green of our land. There, de lіs - zavzhd clean again.

The fox is a house for animals and birds.

Fox is our friend. Zatrimuyuchi vologu, vіn help people to grow in birth.

Fox - tse komora, who generously shows his dari: peas, berries, mushrooms.

From early spring to late autumn in the forests, in the field, and inspire the growth of faces on the chicken road, and in the great number. Only they need to be known and greeted with them. Even in ancient times, our people were covered with herbs for exaltation, whether they were ailments.

Today we will talk about the expansion of the growth.

Uchen. born convalia on a grassy day,

Take care of yoga.

I give up, yogo back,

Vіn ring softly.

І tsey zvіn feeling the meadow,

I birds, and flowers of dovkol.

Teacher. With ailments of the heart, drops of convalescence help. Kviti yogo to go to the preparation of streaks, yakі vzhivay yak zasib, scho calm down stronger heart beat. And also kvіti konvalії vikoristovuyut for the preparation of perfumes, cologne, sweetheart.

Wear a kulbaba zhovty sundress.

Pedroste, dress up in a white coat,

Write, look.

Vіn commemorate, golden, aging and becoming gray,

I, like only a few posiviv, at once from the wind of flight.

Teacher. Root tsієї roslini zbudzhuє appetite. Yogo wants to eat creatures.

Uchen. And if you become cold,

Heal the cough, raise the fever,

Podsun your own kitchen, in which you save,

Slightly hot winter wind.

Know the children of native chamomile,

Like white stars of the middle of the porridge,

The bouquet is full of pellusts.

Teacher. Okrim herbs and medicinal trees. For example, birch. For the old clock about the birch spoke: “Koshtuє tree, green in color anytime: the first - we are ill in health, the friend - light in the dark and warm in the cold, the third - we are old, and the fourth - we will heal the dzherelo).

Bagatovik dosvid folk medicine, doslіdzhennya vchenih confirm that birch is one of the rare trees, wood, bark, sіk і leaves, such as to avenge the values ​​of medicinal speech.

And the birch is a symbol Batkivshchyna. Russia and birch! The two understandings are inseparable.

Uchen. I can't imagine Russia without a birch

So bright in a wordy way,

What, maybe, at the capital

View of the birch, all Russia is narodzhena.

Teacher. Crimea of ​​likarsky roslin є brittle roslin. Let's take a look at the deeds. (Leaflets with brittle roslins are looked at).

Boys, who knows what the Chervona book is like nature?

representatives nature, brought to the end of the book, bury the need is especially strong. (Information about the deacons of growth and creatures, entered to the Chervonoy book) .

1. Asian River beaver: the largest rodent of our fauna and non-overturning lіsorub. Bobrov's cleverness from old, long ago is already dearly valued.

2. White Witch: a lot of polar ice born tramp.

3. Amur tiger: the largest tiger and the largest tiger, which I turn over for the size of the left.

4. Blue whale: the largest among their brothers and among all creatures that, if anything, inhabit our land.

5. Daurian crane: five species of cranes out of seven were recorded before the Red Book.

1. Strill: (Sleep grass) bagatorichna roslina. Sleep grass to that, if you marvel at the jacks, that have arisen, you are given, the stench is to sleep.

2. Latatta bile: bagatorichna herbal roslina of the latattya family. One of ourselves beautiful roslins middle smog. At the same time, the lattya zestrichesya all the more and more. Take care of this ticket.

3. Konvaliya travneva: bagatorichna herbaceous roslina zavvisheki 15 - 20 centimeters. Translation Latin: konvalіya - lily lady, kvіtucha in grass.

4. European bathing suit: she is good in foxes, and not in bouquets, what to say.

5. White sprout: small roslina. A slip ticket is made up of six pure white pellets. About proliski vіrsh:

Looking through the window

The tempo is unclear,

Little rozvіdnik,

Messages, hanging.

Only a few quiet roslins and creatures, which need help, and so don’t take them protection, stink back.

Teacher. Do you know any riddles about foxes and yogo meshkantsiv?

How do you know fox, animal

Name them shvidshe!

What a girl. The pine has a hollow

Chi is not a shvachka, not a mastrin. At the hollow - warm,

Nothing she herself, And who is in the hollow

And she's in the balls tsiliy rik. (Yalina) Do you live near the heat? (Bilka)

I'm from krihti - barrels of viliz,

Korinnya let go and virіs

I became high and mighty,

I'm not afraid of neither thunderstorms nor gloom.

I love pigs and squirrels,

Nothing, plaid my creid. (Oak)

And you know that an oak lives 400 - 500 years, and sometimes up to two thousand years. Oaks often grow as many haєm. Who can say, what is the name of such a guy? (Oakwood.)

Let's take a look at the tree, what is it like there?

Nі mushrooms friendly, nizh tsі - Who to sit on the mіtsnіy nizhtsі

Does the brown leaf have a path? Know that the children have grown up.

A hat of grass stood up - On the stumps, the fox grows,

Nema under a hat of a head. (Mushroom) Like a gusset on the nose. (open)

You, obviously, know that we will surround natural mushrooms with broom mushrooms. Who can name them? (Children are overwhelmed. Pictures from the images of mushrooms are looked at.)

Coniferous budinochok of warehouses

Vіn without windows, without doors,

Tіlki vy about every fluctuation,

Come on fast.

Whose house has needles

Without a window and without a gate

All masters are heroes,

Samy "small" people.


Far away is my knock

You can feel it for a long time. I am the enemy of worms,

And trees are a friend. (Woodpecker.)

Influence of rich їх buvaє,

And the fee is dying. Shoot, jizhchat over the vuh,

What do they sound like? (flies)

Neposida scribbler

Dovetail bird,

The bird is talking,

She's a bastard herself. (Magpie.)

(Pictures look up). From the usual sights that appear in the life of the birds, the most striking are their transitions that the girls appear on the river. When the autumn time is approaching, a lot of birds gather in the forest and watch near the warm edge. In the coming spring, the stench turns on Batkivshchyna. And so r_k y r_k, from generation to generation.

You know the bagmen well.

Uchen. Field, river and grass,

Burn, look at that leaf,

Birds, animals and foxes,

Grim, fog and dew,

to that all

We can't live without water

Without roslin, that creature,

Without garnih gir high,

Without leaves, watering that river

Man can't live.

Teacher. So let's save

Our earthly natural booth!

Sob the river and the strings didn’t kalamutnіl,

Ribi had fun and the birds would sleep,

The greenery in the sun would bryatovala,

The nobility did not respect the skin rule.

Teacher. Name the rules of conduct nature.

· no way zavday shkodi nature;

· Do not drive in animals and birds;

· Do not eat budinochkiv creatures and their children;

Don't eat bird eggs

do not destroy the tree (Don't lamai, don't try to write, don't take sik);

Give help to the Roslins and creatures that they ate in bіdu:

· P_dgodovuvat zvіr_v and ptah_v vzimku;

take a gift in the world nature;

· Don't make noise on the propellers, don't lap the creatures;

· don't spit the big bagatya PAM'YATAI! One tree can burn a million sirniks, and one sirnik can burn a million trees. Be careful with fire at the fox.

Priceless Russian fox beauty

Green is the gold of our foxes.

Wealth of forests bury, guard,

Respectful, pilny, green patrol.

Tree, grass, flower and bird

Don't forget to be greedy

Like there will be stinks of stench,

On the planet we will be deprived of ourselves.

Teacher. - Now let's play.

1. Designate "What are the bumps?"

Children come to the table, where the cones of spring trees are laid out (For 5 - 6 pieces of skin type): pine, yalini, modrini.

2. Which tree should have twigs? Tell me about the new one. The sprats of small trees are seen.

3. "Recognize from the description".

1. Tse i bur'yan, i lіkarska roslina. Russian name look like an old Russian word "koprina"- Shovk. Three stems are used to cut fiber for fabric warping. Kazakhs "Wild swans" About to go. Tsya Roslin can bleed and saturate our body with vitamins. (Kropiva).

2. Komaha, sho litaє, maє "tigrin" zabarvlennya - yellow and black smugi. To bring majestic melancholy to people - to turn honey, it's too thin. bud. Picking up nectar from the flowers, they sip the roslin. (Bjola).

4. "Give me food advice".

1. The tree is a symbol of our Batkivshchyna. (Birch).

2. Who changes a girl's fur coat for a river? (Hare, fox, squirrel).

3. What kind of berry is red, black, white? (Currant) .

4. Which bird lays its egg in other people's nests? (Zozulya).

5. The fruit of which tree is savory when it looks frozen? (gorobini).

6. How does a tree suffer the most from the fault of a person? (Spruce. Іz - for new traditions).

7. How can the animal speak? (Kazhan).

5. "So chi ni".

1. Lastivki and swifts eat clods. (So).

2. Lyarishka is a domestic creature. (Hi).

3. Zozuly has a male. (So).

4. Migratory birds will nest on the pivden. (Hi).

5. Nirks on the trees open up immediately after the fall of the leaves. (Hi).

6. The number 28 is less for the fierce. (Hi).

7. Birch, wasp and poplar - leaves of a tree. (So)

Our trees are not only foul in the woods, they stink everywhere: y schools, bіlya your booth. Like stinks are great and beautiful! Ale yak hurts more bachiti, if lads climb with their heads.

Mabut, it used to be like that you saw on the trees.

And you didn’t wonder what hurts more, even if your hands are like your hands, but you often feel more sick. It hurts no less for yours, the stench can’t scream more than the pain. So let's not take away the pain.

buglers roar,

Calling lads,

Zeleny, tinisty

We virostimo garden.

We are rich, lads,

Let the skin out of us

Hoch bush for the garden

Plant at once.

Let it be better and prettier

Itself, like spring,


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